#with the introduction of nice plush couches. we shall see.
orcelito · 7 months
O yea. Busy day. Less miserable than yesterday tho tbh, mostly bc of the company. Moving stuff was tiring, but I got to spend time with ppl, so it was nice actually
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Tally is excited about the new furniture
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Family Meeting
“Will you take me to my house?” she asked the elf. the letter Esme sent her still in her hand.
“Yes miss, please take my hand.” it offered its hand and she took it, the uncomfortable feeling of side-apparitition not helping her nerves. When they materialized outside her door, she turned to the elf wth a questioning look. “This is the closest I may take young Miss Oli, I have never seen your lovely home from the inside" the elf bowed as it spoke.
“Ca-Can you stay for a moment? Help me... uhh, explain?”
“I shall assist Miss Oli in what she needs.” it nodded.
Olimpia took a deep breath, entering her home and finding it empty. “Uh..mum? Dad?” she called, only a tiny comfort coming to her from all of the decor of her home, she did miss it...
"Olimpia is that you!?” Aurora Travers’ voice echoed as she came down their ornate staircase, clinging to her robe as she neared the girl. “ Why are you out of school!? Why do you have one of the Malfoy elves with you!? Is everything alright?” the woman brushed her girl’s hair from her face, looking her over for any marks before pulling her into a tight hug.
Oli opened her mouth and then closed it before trying again “I thought this would be faster than an owl...” she looked down at the elf, as if it was missing its cue
“The Lord and Lady wish to formally be introduced to your daughter, Madam” she elf squeaked, unsure of what it could actually say without speaking out of turn.
“That’s--what? Elrick! Have you received an owl from Lucius?” Oli’s mum called upstairs to her husband, the man appeared soon after, his voice exhasperated.
“Woman, I tell you everything, if I received something from anyone you’d know before I do--Olimpia!?” he stopped and shook his head. He neared her and scrutinized the girl’s face, his wand at his side “What did I call you when you were small?” he asked harshly, searching through her face.
“Pia..why?” Oli’s confusion was a welcome break from her nerves. But her mother interrupted before she got an answer. Though her dad’s suspicion became replaced with worry.
“Look darling, the Malfoys are sending for a formal introduction of Olimpia, their elf’s brought her here”
The tall man folded his arms over his chest, scenarios he did not want to dwell on flooding his mind “Okay... start talking child, is there a reason this is so short-notice? Why wouldn’y you tell us you had started seeing Phoebus? Hes such a nice boy..”
“I--well...” Oli stuttered
“That’s so strange, why wouldn’t they tell us? Oli shouldn’t be pulled out of school for--”
“No!” She cut her mother off, “Not-It’s not Phoebus...” she managed to mumble as she looked at the floor.
“Oh..” Elrick shared a look with his wife before speaking again “Olimpia, have a seat.”
The three of them made their way to the nearest collection of plush, precisely positioned couches. The elf took that as his cue to bow and bid them farewell, disappearing with a pop that barely registered in Oli’s ear..the roar of her pulse was deafening. She did her best to take deep breaths, too much was happening right now, she felt like she may pass out...
“Sweetheart... why didn’t--I mean, you’ve never even mentioned--” her mother hesitated, unsure of how to even start this conversation.
“I’m sorry mum, it’s..it’s really hard to--it’s not easy for me...” Oli’s face felt like it was burning.
“We know, but this is one of those things we need to know, that way we’re not..taken off guard.” Her father said, the heel of his palm pressing circles into his eye. He too was trying to take calming breaths, though they were quite different from her’s.
“I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me...” her voice broke, covering her face with her hands
Elrick looked at his wife, this was entirely out of his realm. The woman took her daughter’s hand “We only need you to do well in school, find a good match, and give us grandchildren, Can you still do that?” Aurora simply said, and the smallest sliver of hope broke through inside of Oli.
“I mean, the Malfoys are requesting a meeting, but they didn’t send an owl...” Elrick interrupted, trying to work through this out loud, “Let’s back up. What exactly happened Olimpia?” he man asked, begging or any of this to make sense.
“Well Esme.. she sent me a letter just saying she finally told them, and that I need to meet them, I said I need to talk to you two first, so I told her I’ll be there tomorrow evening...” Oli shrugged “I don’t know if she said who you are”
“Should we send them a letter?” Aurora sighed “It’s fine, tomorrow evening should just about give us enough time... "
“Right. So that makes sense. What doesn’t is that you’re with the wrong Malfoy”
“No! This is insane! We’ve been in the dark for Merlin knows how long, We could’ve done something about this!” 
“Elrick stop it right now! This is not about that anymo--”
“Aurora! Phoebus was right there! We were talking about approaching the Malfoys abou--!”
“You what!?” She felt something come over her--maybe it was Esme’s influence, she didn’t know, but that well and truly pissed her off. Oli spoke louder than she had this whole conversation, making both of her parents’ head snap to look at her in slight disbelief, she swore she saw a hint of reluctant pride in her father’s eye.  “Why? You told me you’d let me choose! Mum literally just said! Yes, I should’ve told you, I’m sorry, I know how in the old ways you are, do you not think that’d be hard for me to try telling you--hey mum, hey dad, I’m sorry, I know you’re expecting me to get with Phoebus, or Theodore, even Flint--whatever. But I’ve found that I love girls, I can’t help it, and I fell in love with Esme, and yes she’s a girl and that;s not what you want, but at least she’s probably the best match out of all of the girls in my house, and I love her. She’s wonderful and perfect and I didn’t mean to but I now I can’t live without her” she took a deep breath, her brain catching up to her mouth “I’m sorry...” she instantly wished she could eat her words, not feeling like she may be sick.
There was silence for a moment, while Oli looked between her parents in mild panic, and her parents looked at each other.
Elrick was conflicted. While he was pissed off that his daughter were to speak to him this way, it was likely the first time he saw any sort of backbone in her, and he couldn’t help feeling just a little proud of her for standing up for herself. Aurora’s mind was racing for something to say, this was certainly not something she’d ever think she needed to talk about.
“Well shit, like that, I suppose.” He finally grumbled. “Ultimately, the Malfoys have now requested to formally meet you, and it’s not like we can refuse whatever it is that they want...”
“Olimpia..” Aurora cut in, “I think your father and I will come with you. We need to know what exactly they want with you. They are our friends but we’ve never discussed...well, anything like this...” she shook her head, sighing nervously. 
“Um... so...”  Oli started, still confused “Are you...okay?” 
Her father let out a humorless laugh, his hands going into the air before letting them drop. “I’m not sure what you expect me to say. I’m going to have to bloody be aren’t I, you’re my only heir and the Malfoys are trying to see if you’re a match into their family.” he shrugged, rubbing his face with his hand... just to think, he thought he was just going to have a nice night with his wife today... 
Oli looked at her mother, who looked like she was trying to read an invisible book. “I think this is a bit of a shock isn’t it...it’s going to take some time. I’m sure it took you time to...to come to this conclusion, right?” she asked
“Okay, that makes sense...I’m sorry..” she lowered her head, 
“Okay, that’s enough now. no more sorry--you’ve reached your sorry quota.” Elrick stood, taking his daughter’s hand to pull her upward, embracing her for a lingering moment before holding her at arm’s length, sighing as he shook his head “Oh my child...” he simply said before letting her go. 
Oli hugged him back, taking a deep breath as she felt herself relax into his hold, a small smile in her lips as he looked at her. Her father was never an emotional man, so she welcomed any affection she got from him. 
Aurora watched and breathed a sigh of relief, she knew this was difficult--it was difficult for herself. when Elrick let their daughter go, she took her hand, “Okay, it’s getting late, get some rest, and we’ll start to prepare for this meeting tomorrow.” 
the three of them made their way upstairs, Oli felt like a huge weight was lifted and replaced with another one. She had no clue what was awaiting her tomorrow. While she did know the Malfoys, it was an entirely different beast meeting with them as...their daughter’s suitor, she supposed--or would Esme be the one taking that role? Merlin this was going to be so stupid and difficult... But Esme was worth it. She was worth everything. 
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summeryoongki · 6 years
Bite [2]
Chapter 2
“What do you mean ‘freak out’? Why would I freak out!? Jazmin, tell me what’s going on!”
The panic in my voice was doubled by the echoing walls and I’m sure anyone behind the many doors lining the hall could hear me.
“[Y/N], calm down. It’s okay, shh.”
She held my hand and tried to comfort me in a soothing voice. The scene reminded me of how a child tries to call to a cat in a comforting tone right before they capture it. I was the cat in this situation. Before Jazmin could continue, a door to my right opened and out stepped a very pretty girl with dark hair and monolid eyes. Something about the way she stared straight into my eyes without any shame both terrified and entranced me and I found that I wasn’t breathing. She spoke and it felt like her voice was warm honey seeping into my skin and making my limbs heavy and languid.
“Hello [Y/N], you’re here to donate your blood for people who can’t survive without it, for Vampyres.”
As her last words left her mouth, her face split into a calculating smile, showing her teeth as she did so as her canines dropped down and elongated into sharp, white points.
“Stop screaming.” Said the pretty girl with fangs.
I hadn’t realized that the annoying shrieking sound that reverberated against the high walls were coming from me until I stopped, obeying her command.
My lungs filled with air once, twice, three times as I tried to process what I had just witnessed.
“Stay calm, no one is going to hurt you.”
I took one last deep lungful of air before releasing it slowly with an obedient “okay.”
“My name is Seulgi and I am a Vampyre. Vampyres exist. None of the Vampyres here will harm you. If you agree, today you will be donating your blood to some thirsty people who greatly appreciate your sacrifice and we will also generously compensate you for it. Okay?”
My voice sounded foreign and strange but I could feel it coming from my own throat. The dazed feeling I had been under lessened once Seulgi turned to Jazmin and nodded her head at my friend who turned to me with a sorry expression on her pretty face. The panic and fear I had felt just a second earlier had smoothed out and I was left with confusion and apprehension.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you this before, we all are put under a compulsion to not tell anyone their secret. I was scared at first too, but when I saw Jin, he assured me that he wouldn’t hurt me and that he’d be as gentle as I wanted. Plus, I really couldn’t resist him, I mean, he’s beautiful and charming and tall and his smile is just… Anyways, they’re just like us, not like we are shown in movies and stuff, except they, you know, drink blood to survive. And they pay you! Don’t you really need the money, or else you’ll have to drop out and get a full time job?”
I nodded my head and swallowed, her words still swimming in my head. Drink blood?Vampyres? Compulsion?
“[Y/N], do you trust me?”
I stared deep into her brown eyes, suddenly unsure of my answer, until I remembered how we had vowed to always protect and trust each other when were just kids.
“We’ll always look out for each other, okay?”
“Do you trust me?” she repeated. I knew my answer.
Her face lit up in a smile of recognition for our phrase and she took my hand in hers.
“Always. Okay, Seulgi, I think we’re ready.”
Seulgi spent the next 20 minutes explaining the contract and process to me so I fully understood my options before I signed a binding contract with their company which I found out is named HemCorp. The name made sense since their business was blood. I opted for the one time donation process for now, which she told me could be changed later, if I decided I wanted to sign the year contract. It was all very business-like and professional, which eased my anxiety a little.
“I’ve paired you with two of our clients, Taehyung and Jungkook. They will only take half a pint each, which is collectively the same amount you would donate to the Red Cross. They are both very nice, sweet guys, if you have any concerns or boundaries just let them know and they will totally respect you. Many people experience a Blood Bond between themselves and the Donee, so don’t be surprised if that happens. Oh and one more thing, you can’t tell anyone about the donation process or what we are, okay? Okay. Now that you’ve signed the liability waiver, the confidentiality agreement and the contract, I’ll take you down to meet the boys.”
Jazmin and I followed Seulgi down the chandeliered hallway and to a waiting room with another door where she punched in a security code. A high pitched chime sounded and a tiny green dot lit up and the door unlocked, allowing Seulgi to open it and let us through. As she led us through the maze of halls and rooms, I caught glimpses of people, men and women. It was easy to tell who the Vampyre were and who weren’t. They were the ones who were beyond beautiful, the ones whom you couldn’t help stare at as if their beauty put you in a drugged trance. 
I noticed a muscular blonde boy talking animatedly to another boy who was taller and had a light pink cast to his own blonde hair. I heard the tall one say the others name as we passed.
“.. I can’t hang out today Jackson, but I should be free on Sunday…”
I looked in the doors that were open, curious as to what they held, peeking one room with a fiery haired boy laying down on a couch, hands behind his head and one knee propped up. He winked when he noticed my eyes were on him and I sped up, passing his room.
“I put Tae and Kookie in the room next to Jazmin and Jin. I thought it might make you feel more relaxed if you knew your friend was on the other side.”
“Thank you. That does help, actually.” I exhaled with relief.
Just then the door on the left opened and a tall boy with soft brown hair and a handsome face stepped out and embraced Jazmin with such warmth and gentleness, that I couldn’t help but smile for her. She melted into his embrace and I knew this must be Jin.
“Hello, you must be [Y/N], it’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Jin.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you too.” I said, smiling as I shook his outstretched hand.
“Okay! Introductions are over, now we can go in. Have fun!”
Jazmin was clearly eager to be alone with Jin and I laughed at her rushed attitude as she dragged him into the room and closed the door. Seulgi opened the door on the right and flipped the light switch, illuminating the room as we stepped inside. A large bed rested against one wall while a couch and a table sat against the opposite. The furniture had a dark stain finish and the linens on the bed were mostly in a dark red color, and large black planters held exotic tropical plants I couldn't name. A large, furry, white rug paired with the dim lighting gave the room a warm, cozy, sensual feel. It looked like a very expensive hotel suite.
“The boys will be here in a second. The rooms are soundproof for privacy so if you need anything just press this button next to the door and someone will come. I’ll see you in a little bit.”
She left with a genuine smile on her face and I was finally alone, standing in the middle of the room, unsure of what I should do with myself. I moved over to the bed and sat on the soft, plush comforter, but immediately stood up. The bed seemed too casual and sensual. I decided to sit on the couch instead and stiffly awaited the two Vampyre that I would be ‘feeding’ tonight. The clock on the wall ticked slowly, mocking my nerves with every second.
Suddenly, the door clicked open and in walked two very handsome boys, both slightly taller than me. One had warm, golden skin, dark brown hair with honeyed highlights and had thick lashes that framed his dark irises. He wore a loose sweater and black leather pant with boots, just like me. The other looked slightly younger and he had shiny black hair, lighter skin, big innocent eyes, and pink lips. His clothes were more casual, a long black t-shirt, fitted ripped jeans and tan Timberlands. The one with the lighter hair made his way over to me and I stood up to greet him respectfully. He slowly circled me, drinking me in with his eyes before speaking.
“You’re very pretty… Hi, I’m Taehyung, this is Jungkook.”
His voice was deep and soothing, but also had a lightness to it as if he was always laughing. I liked the way it caressed me and it made me want to smile and laugh too. Instead of shaking my outstretched hand, he grabbed me, wrapping his arms around my frame in a warm hug that took me by surprise, but I hesitantly returned it. Jungkook simply walked up to me, shy smile on his face that showed his cute bunny teeth, and gave me a quick bow and a greeting.
“It’s nice to meet you [Y/N]. Seulgi told us this is your first time. Do you have any questions?” asked Taehyung, genuine concern in his voice.
“NO SEX…I – um- I mean, let’s just keep it professional.” Taehyung smiled and laughed while Jungkook blushed and avoided eye contact with me.
“Okay, whatever you want. You might not be saying that in a few minutes, but, let’s get started shall we?!” Tae moved onto the bed and sat on his knees, patting the covers in-between his legs, indicating for me so sit in front of him.
“Sit with your back against me and Jungkookie will be in front of you while I’m at your neck. It’ll be easier that way.”
I moved onto the bed and sat rigidly between his knees, tense from the awkwardness of it all. Tae grabbed my waist with his large hands and quickly pulled me back, situating me even closer to him, my back flush with his chest and I could feel my cheeks heat with blood at his contact.
“Just relax [Y/N]…” his voice went even deeper than before and it had a honey smoothness to it, just like Seulgi’s had when I first met her. My body relaxed into his and the heady sweetness of his voice flowed into me, soothing my mind and my muscles.
“Good girl.” He purred into my neck. His rumbling voice stroked a small flame into existence inside of me and my body suddenly became deliciously warm. Jungkook made his way over, the bed dipping under his weight as he crawled next to me and straddled one of my legs, reaching for my hand.
“Thank you. We really appreciate this.”
I was surprised by how smooth and manly his voice was despite how young and cute he looked and I smiled at the sincerity I heard within it.
“Y-You’re welcome. I’m glad to help…”
My voice felt weak and broke a little at the start. I was painfully aware of Tae behind me and the way Jungkook was stroking my hand and wrist in slow, tickling motions that made my heart race and my body shiver with anticipation.
I was told the experience was unlike any other, being bitten by one of the Vampyre; slightly painful but mostly pleasurable. I was told it was almost like a drug, a high, where everything could be felt and every sense heightened. It was part of the allure that drew humans to the Vampyre and had them continuously returning for more, an evolutionary advantage that ensured the survival of their species. Even now, that built-in sensor in my head for danger was buzzing, but I ignored that warning, instead reveling in the transic bliss that the two boys seemed to inject me with, with just a touch or a growl of their voice.
“I’ll go first, [Y/N], so we don’t overwhelm you. It’ll sting at first, but soon it will change.” said Tae right next to my ear.
I nodded to let him know I heard and understood because at the moment, I didn’t think my voice would be anything other than a pathetic whisper. His slightly cold fingertips lightly brushed the hair away from the side of my neck and I automatically tilted my head, giving him more room to work with. My heart beat hard and steady inside my chest and my breathing became shallow and fast paced, but he didn’t bite down on my flesh just yet. Instead, his hand teased my cardigan until it slipped past my bare shoulders and fell down my arms, pooling around me and the bed. Jungkook helped me slip out of the soft material, pulling one arm out at a time. I shivered as cool air pricked goose bumps into my skin, one by one.
“You have beautiful skin…”
Tae’s voice trailed and he tapped his fingers up my arms and over my shoulders, squeezing and rubbing a small massage into my muscles before taking my face in his large hands and sharply tilting it in a dominant motion. He laid his warm lips against the smooth patch of skin beneath my ear and I braced myself, expecting to feel a sharp piercing sensation but I was teased yet again, by him gently kissing and sucking small discolored clouds into my flesh. An electric tingle coursed through my body and I feebly moaned as my nipples hardened and strained against the tight corset. A deep chuckle rumbled through Teahyung’s chest and I snapped my eyes open, suddenly aware of the lewd reaction I was having. My cheeks grew hot from embarrassment and even hotter from the hungry, lustful expression on Jungkook’s face as he watched the older boy torture me. His eyes were cloudy and hooded and his mouth hung open slightly as he breathed deeply. But the most interesting thing was the pink tinge that stained the skin around and in the whites of his eyes, even his previously dark brown iris’s now held a burgundy richness to them. Blood Lust.
“Are you ready?” Tae’s whispered question tickled across my skin.
I hesitated for a second, moving my hands to tightly grip his thighs as he awaited my permission.
All at once, he snaked an arm around my waist and held my head steady with the other as his teeth scraped and then punctured through my skin and into the carotid artery on the right side of my neck.
At first, the pain is sharp and white hot as one would imagine, but almost immediately it slowly began to morph into a brand new level of pleasure that I had never experienced before. It’s like listening to a beautiful song, or eating a decadent piece of chocolate cake. It feels like when your crush touches you or smiles at you for the first time, and also like the first day of spring after a cold winter. It’s riveting and all-encompassing and completely overwhelming.My breathing became hard and loud as he slowly drew the warm blood from me, drinking me into his body, and I understand why someone would form a Blood Bond with a Vampyre. In the moment of feeding, you share such an intimate act with them. They give you so much pleasure and a heightened sense of awareness that most people couldn’t even imagine, but you also literally become one as your life source nourishes them from the inside out. It’s beautiful, it is addicting.
My skin burns and tingles, I can feel every tiny air current in the room and I can hear my own heart racing, I smell the woodsy and musky scents of each boy, as well as the shampoo that lingers in their hair, I can smell my own arousal that has begun to pool at my core. Small trickles of warm liquid fall down my neck every so often, only to be licked up by Taehyung’s heavenly tongue. Each time his wet, pointed muscles flicks over my sensitive neck, I whimper and squeeze my thighs together, trying to lessen the pressure building inside as much as I can, to no avail. At some point my hand gets lost in his soft hair, tugging sharply as each new wave of euphoria envelops me, and he groans deeply into my neck which only amplifies my arousal.
I am aware of the growing erection pressed against my lower back that twitches every time I pull his hair, but I’m not opposed to it anymore, at this point I would welcome any relief that he could give me. All too soon, Tae stops sucking at the small punctures in my neck and somehow seals them so that I am no longer bleeding freely. His fingers tilt my head to his and I see him lick the last traces of my blood from his lips before he moves in to connect our mouths in a kiss, stopping just before they touch, respectfully waiting for me to decide if I am ready. I don’t hesitate and hungrily press my lips against his.
The kiss is hot and rough, and he almost immediately slips his tongue against mine and the slight taste of metal and salt fills my mouth. We are ravenous with lust, Jungkook forgotten until he impatiently grunts in disapproval.
“Not yet, Taehyung. I’m thirsty.” I can hear the strain in his cracked voice as he tries to control his Blood Lust.
Tae reluctantly pulls away from me and I’m devastated that his tongue is no longer tied with mine, but I concede to Jungkook without hesitation as well. I offer the unmarked side of my neck, but he just gently pushes me back until Tae is cradling my upper body in his lap, a fluffy pillow placed under my head to keep me comfortable.
“I don’t usually go for the neck, I prefer the femoral.”
I rack my brain, trying to remember where the femoral artery is. Jungkook scoots down the bed and removes my shoes and socks faster than I can see, his hands a blur, and then peels off my leather pants to reveal my simple black lace underwear. I try to cross my legs over myself in an attempt to be modest but Jungkook is so strong, too strong, and I can’t fight him when he roughly pulls my knees apart and pins my legs down. His eyes bore into mine while he slowly trails kisses up my left leg, sucking and licking knots of want into my stomach with each star burst that appears on my skin. The sight of it is so erotic and sexy and predatory, I become a panting, moaning mess underneath him. By now his irises are completely blood red and faint black veins appear under the thin, pink skin around his eyes. As he makes his way further up, he stops at the inner part of my upper thigh and moves my leg so it lays flat against the bed and he has clear access to my smooth, soft flesh.
“The scent of your arousal is almost too good to avoid, I’m not sure what I’m hungrier for at the moment…”
But clearly, my blood was more important since he chose to bite down harshly on my inner thigh, close enough to my core to make me whine and whimper in disappointment. Jungkook’s fangs are slightly longer and thicker than Taehyungs are, and they inflict more pain as he clamps down and sucks hard, but that pain fades just as it did before, replaced by an indescribable bliss.
“Fuck…Fuck…” I moan. Tae must find something in my weak voice to be concerned about.
“Are you okay, Love? Do you need a break?”
His hands cradle my face and I peer up at him with watery eyes as he looks down upon me, his bangs falling into his eyes and he looks so beautiful like that, so sexy that it hurts.
“I – I – I need you. I feel like I’m… going to explode…” I pant out, in a strained voice.
Tae smiles and his tongue teases at his lips before he speaks again.
“What do you need from me [Y/N]?”
He knows what I need, I can see it in the hot glint in his eyes as he drinks in my wrecked state, flushed and disheveled below him.
“I – I need you to fuck me, please…” I beg.
The smirk on his lips falters slightly and I notice his eyes shut as pleasure runs up his spine.
“Shit, you sounds so good when you beg. Jungkook, I think it’s time to stop now.” He orders.
But Jungkook has already stopped. Just as Tae speaks, he rips off my underwear and tosses the scraps of lace to the ground and runs a finger lightly across my slick folds and I cry out at how sensitive I am, gripping the bed sheets with one hand and Taehyung with the other.
“You little -!”
Jungkook cuts the older boy off by gripping my hips and yanking me down the bed until my bottom is at the edge and my legs are hanging around his shoulder as he kneels on the ground in front of my wet mound.
“I’ll be that you taste just as good here.” Jungkook purrs.
“I’m sure she does.” Taehyung agrees.
I prop myself up on my elbows, eager to see his red lips and tongue touch me where I ached the most. He eyes me one last time before his face disappears and he dips his tongue into my throbbing opening, shallow fucking me with his mouth, his tongue gliding in and out easily, aided with my natural lubricant.
I throw my head back and my voice reverberates against the walls, and I’m glad they are supposedly soundproof.
“Oh fu—mm, shit…” I don’t know which words to use so I just let them all fall from my lips as his tongue slides up and circles my swollen clit, my legs twitching with every tingle that his tongue elicits.
Taehyung circles to the side of me and pops open the front closures of my corset, freeing my breasts from their confines. He has already taken off his sweater and his hair is ruffled and messy from pulling it over his head and his large erection is easily visible as it strains against the shiny leather of his pants.
I eagerly slide my hands down his smooth stomach and grasp at the bulge, sighing at how rock hard he is. Grabbing onto the edge of his pants, I pull him closer to me on the bed and fumble with the button as Jungkook continues to swirl his tongue right on the tip of my bundle of nerves. Just as I peel down his pants and underwear enough to grip Tae’s dick, Jungkook inserts his middle finger into my swollen core and pumps it back and forth, forcing me to tighten my hold on Tae and cry out.
“Jungkook-ah! That feels so good, don’t stop.”
He grunts in acknowledgement and continues to massage my inner walls. I fall to my back and began working my hand over Tae’s thick shaft, using my thumb to circle the head and smear the oozing pre-cum that beaded at the tip. His eyes close and he bites his lip, moaning as I increase my speed and pressure.
“You’re so good with your hands, I want to see what you can do with your mouth. Open wide for me, Love.”
I do as he says and part my lips, as the tip presses against them, licking the head before letting him enter completely. I bob my head slowly at first, hollowing my cheeks and sucking harshly while swirling my tongue on his sensitive tip, but he soon takes control and cradles me head as he thrusts inside my warm cavern. Jungkook adds another finger and curls them up, stroking me while quickly flicking his pointed tongue just over the top of my clit. High pitched whines vibrate over Tae’s cock and he bucks into my mouth harshly, making me choke slightly.
“I’m sorry, Love. You feel so fucking good on my cock. Can you deep throat me? Can you try that for me?”
I nod slightly and hum on him, loving the way his voice is dirty yet caring, and he slowly moves deeper into my mouth, letting me adjust my throat to the invasion. My gag reflex barely triggers so he moves faster, both hands now gripping my hair and thumbs stroking my face, wiping away the occasional tear that forms in the corner of my eyes. I’m glad he’s in control because I can barely focus from the pleasure that is building up inside of me from Jungkook’s skillful hands and mouth.
“You taste so sweet [Y/N], I want you to come in my mouth.”
My eyes flutter at Jungkook’s dirty words and they bring me even closer to my orgasm. I glance at him momentarily as he returns his mouth to me and I can see one arm is moving furiously but it is not touching me. The thought of him stroking himself while he eats me out is too much and I release Tae to scream as my orgasm overtakes me and I flow right into his mouth like he wanted.
“Jungkook! I’m coming!”
Desperate whimpers echo through the room as my body shudders and quakes, a tingling sensation radiating from my clit throughout my body. My hands shoot to Jungkook’s head and I grip his soft hair, holding on as my climax comes to an end. Jungkook rises from his knees, all his clothes still on except his jeans are unbuttoned and his long, erect cock is out, flat against his stomach. His lips and chin are glossy from my wetness as he beckons Taehyung over to him.
“Hyung, come taste how delicious she is.”
He holds out his still wet fingers and Tae immediately grabs his hand and sucks off my cum, moaning around Jungkook’s digits. He continues to taste while staring into Jungkook’s hooded eyes, the sensuality of his actions increasing with every second that passes. Finally, he lets the other boys fingers slide out of his mouth.
“He’s right, you do taste amazing. I think I want some more.”
Taehyung presses his body into Kookie’s and connects their mouths in an open kiss, tongues sliding against each other and erections brushing together. He licks off all my cum from Jungkook’s face and then grabs the hem of his shirt and swiftly pulls it over his head. All I can do is sit in the bed and watch, completely in awe and aroused by the eroticism of them making out in front of me. Jungkook is more muscularly defined than Taehyung, his abs popping out slightly from his tight stomach. His strong arms grip Tae’s hips as they deepen their kiss, moans slipping from the both of them. My core begins to throb again and a whimper escapes me; I want to join in too.
“I think we are being rude to [Y/N], hyung.”
Jungkook breaks away first and moves toward me, kicking off his shoes and socks along the way.
“That was really sexy, I’ll have to see you guys together more often.” I say, properly speaking for the first time.
“Any time, Love. I think I like you. We’ll have to request you exclusively from now on.” said Taehyung.
Excitement burned at the back of my mind and down my neck at the mention of a next time, yet we weren’t even finished with ‘this time’. Jungkook pushes down his pants, throws them to the floor, and then grabs his leaking cock, stroking it slowly and coating himself in his pre-cum.
“Lie down.” He commands. I obey immediately. The difference between the cute, shy boy and the dominant sex god in front of me is exhilarating.
“Spread your legs for me. I’ll try to go easy on you. For now.”
The silent promise that he would be rough made my walls contract and a shiver ran up my spine. I wanted to see how dominant and rough he could be, so instead of completely opening my legs wide, I open just a little, teasing him with a glance at my sex.
“I said- “ he gripped each knee and slammed them apart, a dark look in his eyes and his fangs extended slightly with agitation. “ -spread your legs.”
“Don’t be a bad girl, now. Or I’ll have to punish you.” At the word ‘punish’, he forced into me without any warning and my back arched from the pleasure and pain.
“AH! Fuck me! Yes!”
His hips drew back and snapped back into me and I moaned loudly again, writhing as I gripped the sheets underneath me.
“Do you like it when I punish you?”
His voice came out as a deep, dangerous growl and oozed sex. He thrusted hard into me again, his hands holding my legs above me for support so that my knees were close to my head.
“Yes! Jungkook, go harder.” I begged.
My face felt hot and sweaty and every part of me ached to be touched, ravished. My hair had fallen from the pins that were holding it up and became a mess around my face, pieces sticking to my forehead and cheeks. I reached up, my abs burning from the strain, and grabbed his hips, both to help support me and to pull him further inside. Jungkook’s hand fell from my legs and landed on the bed on both sides of me and he met me halfway, lips meeting in a hard, open mouthed kiss. His cock thrusted into me slowly but filled me up completely each time, loud slaps sounding in the air when his skin smacked into mine. His tongue tasted sweet and spicy, like cinnamon candy, and my stomach twisted with pleasure when he wrapped it around mine and sucked erotically. High pitched sounds escapes my mouth and I spoke in a breathy voice.
“Mmm, Jungkook, fuck me faster.”
He hissed out a string of curses and pushed me down into the bed, hands at my waist, holding me down as he sped up his rhythm. One hand traveled up my torso until he reached one peaked nipple and began to pinch and twist at my sensitive pink nub. It felt so good to have one nipple stimulated that I began to rub and pinch my other, but Tae slapped my hand away and flicked his wet tongue out and licked it instead.
“Let me play with you, Love.” He moaned around my nipple and began to suck and swirl his muscle around the top, occasionally nibbling on it and gaining a lewd noise from me.
“Tae, that feels good. Don’t stop. Ah! Faster Jungkook, faster…”
My orgasm built up in my lower stomach as they both overstimulate me. Taehyung is pushed out of the way as Jungkook bends down and slips his arms underneath me. I can feel his hot, ragged breath on my neck and I can hear him pant as his hips rock into me at a blinding pace. I find his mouth and our kiss is sloppy and wet, and I explore, tongue sliding over tongue and fang. As soon as I scrape the tip over his sharp point, he jerks his head away, careful not to draw any more blood. He kisses down my cheek and along my jaw, trailing down to the sensitive spot where Taehyung left two bite marks, and sucks harshly at the wound. I try to move slightly away but his hand wraps around my throat and applies just enough pressure to stop me, slightly cutting off my airway in the process, but I like it. His lips find the crook between my neck and shoulder and I sigh in ecstasy.
“Bite me. Please.”
He groans at my request and I can tell he is just as close to release as me because his breathing is faster and higher and his movements become frantic and uneven.
“I – I can’t. I’ve already… taken too much.” 
His voice is gruff and ragged as he denies me, although his teeth are nibbling at my skin as though he really wants too. I wrap my hands tightly around his neck and back and press his face into my neck as hard as I can.
“Fucking. Bite me!”
I clench my walls around him and my nails scrape down his back and I know I’ve broken skin. His head rears back and I see his fangs drop down completely and his eyes roll back behind his eyelids. With a guttural growl, his head whips down and that searing hot pain-pleasure fills me up in all the places that my orgasm could not reach, lighting me up like a bulb.
“I’m – I’m gonna – I’m gonna cum!”
My climax exploded in me like a bomb and I contract and release fast around his cock and drive him over the edge with me, his grunts and moans like music to my ears. Jungkook squeezes his eyes closed and his jaw has gone slack, his chin stained with my red blood. The sight should terrify me or make me sick to my stomach but it doesn’t.
“Fuck! You feel so good, [Y/N]!”
His seed shoots into me, hot and sticky. His thrusts slow drastically but they do not stop as he milks every last drop of pleasure from himself. A warmness spreads through my chest and mixes with the ravenous lust within me.
“I can’t take it anymore, seeing you two like this. I need you too [Y/N].” croaked Taehyung, his hand pumping furiously around his erection as he watches Jungkook slide in and out of me.
Jungkook flips us so that he is laying underneath me and I slide off of him, my body twitching as his tip glides over my sensitive spot again. Even though his turn is over, his hands and eyes never leave me as Tae takes over.
“Let’s pick up where we left off shall we?”
He turns our bodies so Jungkook has a full side view of us as he touches his lips to mine. My arms wrap around his form and pull him closer to me until our fronts are touching and Taehyung grips my back, his mouth sucking its way down my neck and collar bone until he reaches my nipples. I arch my back into his mouth and sigh as his tongue licks over my sensitive buds and occasionally bites down so that I make a sharp whimpering sound.
“I want to hear you, I want you to be so loud that I can still hear your screams tomorrow, okay?”
“Yes, Taehyung.”
“Good girl.”
He continues to kiss down my torso, licking inside of my belly button and I giggle at the slight tickle. I feel Taehyung smile against my navel as he presses a kiss to it before nibbling at my hips bones. My head tilts back at the sudden pleasure that churns in my lower stomach and I emit a low moan and shiver as I tangle my hands in his hair one more time. Hand hands grip my hips and the sharp points of his nails cut into my soft skin. I hiss at the sudden sting but it doesn’t hurt too much so I’m not worried. Tae’s wicked tongue catches the tiny drops of blood that bead at the incision, and he sucks dark purple and blue swirls over them. Sweet kisses trail back up to my mouth and he is licking at my upper lip, while his strong hands grip and knead my butt. A sudden, harsh slap to my left cheek makes me jump and squeal in surprise and he invades my mouth with his, tongue running over my own muscle as he groans and slaps the same cheek again. My skin burns and pricks where his hand print resides but he continues to slap my ass and tease my mouth until I am grinding my hips against his erection and panting with need.
My hand travels south to wrap around his cock and I tease the head with my entrance, running it up and down my slit and dipping it just inside me until Taehyung can’t take it anymore.
“Fuck!” He bites my lip and scrapes his teeth over the surface.
“Turn around and bend over, [Y/N]. Give Jungkook a kiss.”
His voice deepens and he flips me over onto Jungkook and pushes his hand up my back so that I am straddling the boy with my face over his and my ass in the air. We intertwine our hands and exchange light kisses as Tae teases his cock just past my entrance over and over again and it feels so good but I want more, so I push back on him until he slides in further.
“Oh Tae!”
My mouth opens in gasp as he fills me to the brim and rocks his hips against mine, swirling into me and stretching me to fit him.
My upper body drops onto Jungkook and I rest my face in his neck, softly biting on his skin and mewling from Taehyung’s slow, torturous pace inside me. Suddenly, Jungkook’s hand is at my clitoris, matching Tae’s pace and I would’ve collapsed if I wasn’t being held up from behind by my hips. A slight cry floats from me and I kiss Jungkook’s face, his damp hair filtering through my fingers as I smooth it away from his forehead and lay a kiss down right in the middle. I falter and my body shakes as his fingertips grazes faster around my clit and I repeatedly whisper out strangled versions of his name. Just as I am beginning to crumble, Tae drives into me fast and hard, assaulting that spot within me until I’m spilling profanities. He slaps down on my butt so hard that I scream out and growl as he rubs away the sharp burn.
I’m surprised by myself; I have never been this vocal or intense before, but then again, all the sex I’ve ever had could never compare to the amount of mind numbing pleasure that these two boys were giving me.
Taehyung bends over my back and I can feel his words against my ear as he whispers and bites at the lobe.
“Do I feel good inside of you, Love?”
I close my eyes at that word. Somehow, I have grown fond of that word, Love, even though pet names have never interested me. Hearing him croon “Love” to me in that voice; it makes me weak.
“Yes, Teahung, Yes! I love – it so much!”
I startle momentarily, my eyes snapping open at what I had wanted to say instead. You. I love you. Where had that come from? I had caught myself just in time but my pause went unnoticed it seemed. His mouth sucked on the back of my neck, a new erogenous zone I didn’t know I had, and I felt myself bubble up dangerously high to another breathtaking orgasm.
“Fuck! You’re so tight, I can’t hold back anymore [Y/N]”
His pace reaches a speed and strength I have never felt before and Jungkook Increases his pace as well until I am twitching and shaking in between these beautiful Vampyres.
“I’m gonna cum, Tae!”
“Cum for me, Love. Cum with me.” he pants out, his hips erratic and forceful against mine.
 My eyes flutter open and closed and I gaze at Jungkook’s eyes in between my lashes. They are clouded and churning as they bore into mine, full of heat, both warm and scalding at the same time. His free hand reaches up and cups my cheek, thumb smoothing over my lips. He catches my lips in an open mouth kiss and our tongue glide against each other.
That warmth from before grows and expands in my chest, making it hard to breathe and I am falling over the edge into the abyss. One more thrust and one more stroke and I burst and pulse around Tae and he is soon to follow, my high pitched screams melting with his low moans and grunts. I faintly feel him slip out of me, my walls still throbbing, and fall to the bed. Exhaustion overcomes me and I collapse, out of breath, upon Jungkook who strokes my hair and shifts me so I am comfortably laying in between both of the boys. I am hot and sweaty and weak, all my left over energy being spent on thinking about sleep. I feel as if I am being pulled into a darkness and it is difficult to open my eyes but Jungkook insists that I must.
“[Y/N], you can’t sleep yet. Here, drink.”
Something warm, wet, and fleshy presses against my lips but I can only groan out in protest.
“Please” he begs. “You have to, we took too much blood, you’re too weak right now.”
Something in the way his voice is desperate and almost afraid makes me cease my struggle. He presses the object to my lips again and I part my lips as much as I can and a sickly sweet liquid fills my mouth. I try to fight but Tae holds my head fast and the thick, warm liquid running down my throat.
“Shhh, Love. It’s alright…”
His honey voice and Kook’s stroking hand quiet the muffled sounds I am making and my body relaxes into their forms as I drink in what I’m sure is their own blood.
“Okay, I think that’s enough.” Taehyung suggests, and the wrist leaves my mouth.
Soft, caring hands wipe my face and pull the thick fluffy, red covers over our bodies and I am so comfortable and happy that I smile as I drift off. My heavy, slow breathing must fool them into thinking I have completely fallen asleep because they begin to converse in hushed tones.
 “We took too much from her, Jungkook. We lost control. We can’t do that again.” Taehyungs voice vibrates soothingly against my back and his arms are around my waist, cradling me against him.
“I know. I haven’t lost control like that since…. I was turned.” his words were broken and filled with unspoken memories that seemed to haunt him.
“I was scared there for a second, hyung. I thought it happened again. –“ Jungkook’s fingers brushed away the sleepy tears that had bubbled up and ran from my eyes, a weird habit that I had always had.
“- she reminds me of her so much. She even cries in her sleep…” he whispered the last part, almost to himself it seemed.
“Did you bond with her?” asked Taehyung.
“Yes.” Said Jungkook. “Did you?”
There was a long moment of silence and I nearly succumbed to the comfortable darkness when Taehyung finally spoke again.
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