#with the dynamics i was already imagining for her and solas every new bit of information just makes it even more hilarious
hyperbali · 7 days
If anyone happens to have a good reference for the written backgrounds for Rook, please send them my way?
Because Dejana's going to be lying her ass off but I need to know how she's lying her ass off
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whatissleepeven · 4 years
I -
I can't stop thinking about it -
About what, you ask?
An Obey Me! and Fate/Grand Order crossover
(Warning: Long post ahead!)
Either the bois get summoned to Chaldea or they're able to summon Servants themselves
(...I'm leaning towards the first)
The tomfoolery! The shenanigans!
Imagine: Humanity's Last Master (aka you) ends up summoning them as they trek through Rome with Mash and the Servants they already summoned
They set up the summoning circle, but one minor mistake is made and the summoning glow looks a bit darker than usual and BOOM
"S-...Senpai...is this normal?"
You have no idea what's normal or not, I mean you're time travelling to save your people for fucks sake -
"Servant of the Rider Class. My True Name is Lucifer. Do not expect me to cater to your every whim."
...Wait he's a what now??
They were not supposed to have this whole "Class" thing designated to them (it's not how demonic summoning works he swears), and yet they do for some reason
(You can tell I had fun thinking of their Classes)
The introductions are...cold, to say the least
"Saber Class Servant, and none other than The Great Mammon, Avatar of Greed! I got better things to be doing, so don't go calling me whenever ya want, got it?!"
"Lancer Class...Leviathan. I have an mmorpg raid coming up, so I can't stick around."
"Berserker Class. My name is Satan. What? Are you surprised that I seem calm for a Berserker? It's quite alright; I get that reaction often enough. A word of advice: Be careful what you wish for."
"My name is Asmodeus, but you can call me Asmo darling! I'm a Caster, which is good. I can't mess up the work done on my nails and hair!"
"Hm...Oh? Sorry, I was thinking about lunch. Servant Class: Ruler. I'm Beelzebub, but most people call me Beel. Do you have any snacks on you?"
"Servant Class: Avenger. My name is Belphegor, but I doubt you'll be alive long enough to remember that. I won't do your dirty work for you, human."
You are just...done at that point. You are literally carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and their attitudes are not helping
"Yeah, yeah, here's the gist: there's a war going on and we're trying to save the planet. The future's been incinerated, and it's our job to fix what went wrong. I don't have time for your uncooperation; get on board."
(Mash is worried for your mental health)
It takes some time, but they do manage to open up to you
The main catalyst for this is when they heard you talking to Robin Hood, who was summoned in France
"Say, Master...I gotta ask: Why are you doing this?"
You pause what you're doing, shooting him an incredulous look. "You mean saving the world?" You ask in return.
He shrugs, tilting his head forward in a slight nod. "Yeah. There's other people who could do this, aren't there?"
"There isn't." The brothers hear you say firmly. Beel almost went in because he wanted a snack, but the others held him back; the conversation had peaked their interest, and they wanted to hear what you had to say.
"Robin..." Your voice comes out strained, as if you were barely holding yourself together. "I watched innocent people die in front of me. Good people. The world outside is gone. I can't even go see my family, because they're dead. I'm not expecting you to understand, but it hurts so bad that somedays I don't feel like getting up. If I die, it's all over; humanity's done. I'll never be able to see my family's smiles again, I'll never be able to hear their laughter; I'll...I'll never be able to go back home.
"So, instead of asking why I'm doing this, you should be asking "How far are you willing to go?" instead."
Robin is silent for a while. Mammon shifts on his feet. The Green Archer finally speaks, somber but curious tone filling the air. "And? What's the verdict, Master?"
Your voice has a tone of finality to it that shoots them back to the past, back towards the Celestial War. It's final, but it's tired. "Whatever it takes."
(And, so, the brothers come to understand and even sympathize with your situation a little bit. You had to fight for the sake of others without rest, you were a leader, you were a savior, but most of all...you were alone. And something about that didn't sit right with them.)
They would fit in perfectly with Chaldea's dynamics, actually
Mammon has a gold sword he lovingly calls Goldie (yes it changes into his beloved credit card)
His Noble Phantasm is literally him raising his sword and mountains of Grimm burying his opponents from the sky as he cackles out:
"Don't worry, I'll take all that money off ya hands!"
Or, in a proud declaration:
"My sword is my love, and my love is my sin. I'll take all that you have on ya! STULTUS IN AVARITA!!"
(Translates (from Google) to "Greed of the Fool")
(It also gives you an increased drop rate in materials)
Leviathan's weapon is his trident
He's surprised that he wasn't summoned as a Rider, once he got used to the "Class" thing (which was fairly quick, he's seen an anime like this before). I mean, he has a giant snake named Henry 1.0 and Lothan that he would've loved to fight side by side with
He usually doesn't fight, but he proves to be invaluable in Okeanos since he has knowledge on war strategies at sea
His Noble Phantasm is a bit strange, but endearing (sad). He rushes forward with his trident glowing, saying either:
"I can't get the latest Ruri-chan merch because you blew up the world...I won't forgive you. I can't forgive you!"
Or, in a somber tone:
"Even though it's fun, a gamer's life becomes stifling if you keep playing by yourself. I hope you're watching, (Y/N)! EX SOLA INVIDIA!!"
(Translates (from Google) to "Envy of the Lonely")
(Chance of Death increases with Overcharge, and it hits a single enemy)
Satan? Even though he's a Berserker, he behaves more like a Caster (initially)
He's holding a book that shoots out beams of pure energy at his opponents
His Noble Phantasm is...more violent
"Ah, so you've decided to call upon my Noble Phantasm...don't blame me if it's too much for you."
Or, he begins in a deathly calm voice:
"I am me; that's all I need to be. I know this, so why...? Why does this happen? TELL ME! "
He discards his books altogether, grabbing a single enemy with his bare hands and ripping them to shreds.
Asmo’s skill is charming his enemy, which confuses most people since you’d think it’d be his Noble Phantasm
Instead, it boosts his allies’ attacks and NP by 30%
“Don’t get too hurt out there~!”
Beel’s Noble Phantasm heals all allies and increases their attack
“We can’t fight on an empty stomach.”
(Once he hits his last Ascension, your party gets the added bonus of him attacking a single enemy with a lance. All other Ascensions has him using his fists for attacks.)
Belphie’s Noble Phantasm is almost as violent as Satan’s, and yes...he chokes out a single enemy out (rip MC)
“HA! You think I’d work with the likes of you, a lowly human? Get out of my sight.”
It’s Instant Death, unless Evasion or Invincibility is activated
Lucifer’s pride is a bit wounded. He’s a Rider, of all things??
(...He eventually gets used to it though)
His Noble Phantasm is him literally mounting Cerberus and raising his spear towards the heavens, looking as radiant as the days before the Fall
“It seems drastic times call for drastic measures. Cerberus, I trust you to handle things here.”
And Cerberus runs forth, either chomping the enemy in two or breathing fire at them and turning them into ash. (It hits everyone)
Satan and Jekyll hang out a lot because, well...they’re a lot alike
Mammon can and will do stupid shit with the Cu Squad and you cannot change my mind
One time he teamed up with Cascu to steal the other Cu’s spears (Mammon wanted to sell them on Akuzon), and well...half of Chaldea is still in repair to this day
Merlin of all Servants is the one to look after Belphie and Beel
They usually hang out in the garden Robin tends to, Asterios occasionally joining them while bringing both food and Euryale
Asmo frequently visits Medea, dragging Medusa into their group
(Dantes grows fond of Beel overtime, I mean Beel is just so pure there’s no way you couldn’t like him)
Lucifer and EMIYA butt heads at first, but they end up becoming friends despite that
Lucifer admires EMIYA’s skill to keep up with Servants who have a black hole for a stomach, and EMIYA admires Lucifer’s skill to round up his brothers effortlessly when the need to arises (or so he thinks, because he does not know about the Hate Lucifer Club which is run by Satan and Belphie).
Levi and Fran have a pure kind of friendship that must be protected at all costs
He shows her new animes and games, and even though she’s confused most of the time she never fails to listen to his ramblings, nodding whenit was appropriate
BONUS: Undateables (+ Luke)!
Solomon’s situation is...peculiar.
He’s not a Servant, but he behaves like one??
(He’s actually a mage that helps you on your journey to save humanity)
Unlike Da Vinci, he’s able to accompany you to the Singularities (free of charge, too!)
Once he sees the other Solomon, all he says is “I see...interesting.”
(Ngl he probably figured out everything by the time you all went to Okeanos)
Asmo also drags him into his group (consisting of Medea and Medusa), offering to paint his nails as they talk about anything and everything
Simeon is a Lancer and you can’t change my mind
He’s more of a buffer for your team, like Asmo. His skills are primarily healing, and his NP saps the health of an opponent while healing someone other than himself with that health (he cannot heal himself)
He gets along great with Karna!! The two are so nice and kind that it hurts to look at them both for too long
Solomon tells him about the gossip Asmo has on the other Servants. He always listens with an amused look on his face.
Luke is a smol Caster, but he will not hesitate to break your kneecaps
He, too, is a buffer for your team
“I’ll defend you from those demons, (Y/N)!”
His Noble Phantasm heals all allies, restoring their health by 20%
He bakes with Fsn Cu at night, having Proto Cu and Robin Hood try out his sweets. Beel is there 10/10 times, eating any failures or rejects
Diavolo is Ruler Class because he is literally the Ruler of Hell
Surprisingly (to you, at first), he’s the one who always asks to accompany you. He’s very open and considerate, wanting to help wherever and whenever he can
“The Human Realm is essential if we are to establish harmony between the three Realms. Without it there...angels and demons would fight each other for eternity.”
He tells you about his ideas for an exchange program and you offer him input
His Noble Phantasm is applying Invincibility to two allies for 3 turns after dealing heavy damage to a single enemy (cannot apply Invincibility to himself)
He likes to talk with Caster Gil and Archer Gil about their past, going to Ko Gil on occasion. He helps look after the child Servants, and he can often be found reading bedtime stories to them
(Everyone was scared of him at first once they found out who he was, so he usually held off revealing his True Identity)
Barbatos, at first glance, seems like an Archer...but in reality is an Assassin
His Noble Phantasm, depending on the enemy selected, can revive a fallen ally and add them to the Sub Team
(This is only if the enemy that killed the ally is selected)
This stuns him for 3 turns no matter what
He likes to chat with the Tamamo that helps EMIYA in the kitchen. How the two are communicating without issues is up to anyone’s guess
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edda-grenade · 4 years
yes hullo i'd like to hear more about feral verse it sounds G R E A T
@lesquatrechevrons replied to your photoset  “when you’ve just awoken from millennia of slumber and trying to figure…”
I am Delighted by this (as per usual, that art, her glee his ‘oh fuck but also cute but also no’ also she’s so Strok.  gold a++++) and I’d love to know more! Take this as a formal and kind request to see how you see All The Evens play out in this universe, plz *chinhands with starry eyes*                   
the basic conceit of feral verse is, as mentioned, that a) solas wakes up like 16 years earlier than in canon, and b) saar’s family wasn’t attacked by an arvaarad troop when she was 17-ish, so she’s still with them by the time she’s 21
and then she finds this strange forest sprite of an elf who is capital W Weird but also A MAGE HOLY SHIT YES TEACH ME
(fun fact, solas goes from WHAT NO ABSOLUTELY NOT to ASK ME ANYTHING in the span of like 3 days. saar’s persistent. and, lbr, he’s drowning on his own)
so these are the big inciting incident changes, and everything else basically flows from there. solas gets progressively pulled into saar’s life despite his best efforts, her vashoth community, the dalish clans with whom they trade and on occasion travel with, mercenaries and surface dwarves and the list goes on. and, like the world and its people do in canon during da:i, it gets under his skin
he teaches her magic and she teaches him whatever random shit he for some reason doesn��t know. it’s very much a give and take, with him being knowledgable about magic, spirits, the fade, and her being knowledgable about this new world that he’s only seen through fragmentary memories (yeah, ngl this verse is also fueled in part by me being grossed out by how often solavellan gets written into a creepy teacher/student dynamic all like, ohhh hahren, ohh da’len BUT I DIGRESS)
far more importantly, saar keeps a running list in her head, ‘reasons solas is most likely not an elf but a sprit/elf hybrid, demon/elf hybrid, some kind of abyssal creature taken physical form, abyssal creature Forced into physical form, escaped blood magic experiment, etc.’ to the point where when she eventually Does find out who & what he really is it’s almost a letdown?
solas: i am fen’harel, ancient not-god of rebellionsaar: fuck, really? my bet was on escaped tevene blood magic experiment, now i owe my mom a new knifesolas: …………excuse me, what
there’s still a looot of stuff where i’m working out the details of how and when but the trajectory then is that saar eventually finds out basically everything the inq also knows by the end of trespasser, MEANWHILE solas goes through his usual crisis re: His Duty but the point is. the point is. eventually, they end up on the same page: the veil needs to come down—but slowly.
bit by bit they want to let magic bleed back into the world to some day end up in a future that isn’t arlathan restored exactly as it was, but a better version of it, with magic and spirits but without the godkings and the slavery and all the terrible shit solas tried to seal away the first time
that’s the plan, anyway.
and they set out to make that happen, scraping at the veil, finding places where spirits get twisted into demons and, idk, cleansing them or smth, this part is still very vague in my head (though i’m def gonna incorporate that live-action thing with the mask of fen’harel somehow)
and then, one day, they figure out where solas’s fucking focus is. the orb.
EXCEPT they’re not the only ones after it—corypheus gets his hands on it, meanwhile the mage-templar war is happening and it’s all a big fucking mess and they barely manage to track him to the conclave to try and get it back before he does something terrible and we all know how that goes
the conclave goes up in flames, the breach appears, saar wakes up with the anchor in her hand. and then, when cassandra takes her to the temple and they meet varric and cullen and solas, solas introduces himself
and saar is like WAIT WHAT.
and she gets him alone at the first opportunity to be like, why the fuck are we pretending we don’t know each other??
and he admits that he panicked, maybe, a little bit, in the aftermath of the explosion? but the thing is: they’re both mages, neither of them human, which already puts them at a disadvantage. second, cass & co think saar murdered the divine, she’s the one with the mark and solas is the only one who seems to know anything about the mark, if it was known they came here as a unit it’d make them look GUILTY AS ALL HELL
also, like. technically. they are planning to bring the veil down. just not all at once
tl;dr: da:i happens, but saar and solas are in cahoots and have to pretend they didn’t know each other beforehand, cue shenanigans (& PINING, pls, these two fuckers trying to pretend they’re not in love? hilarious)
and like, obviously this set-up changes A Lot of the character dynamics, i’m working on that, but also pls imagine every fucking instance of solas dropping Hints and Clues bc he can’t fucking help himself and meanwhile saar knows and has to maintain pokerface
vivienne: solas has basically no history and i find that just a tad suspicious, don’t you agree?saar, knowing full well why his backstory is paper-thin and wouldn’t hold up to proper scrutiny for a second: UHHHHHHhave you considered maybe he really is just a feral little forest man, they don’t tend to feature prominently in. like. history.solas, later that day: ‘feral little forest man’, REALLYsaar: you ate a raw rabbit once with your bare handssolas: vhenan, we shared that rabbit
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