#with ikemen sparkles pfft
archiveikemen · 1 year
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 4 — Premium
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(Like this…?)
While my eyes were closed, something was placed in my hands and a fresh smell filled my nose.
— You can open your eyes now, Kate.
When I opened my eyes, I saw a bouquet of fresh pink modern roses in my arms.
The moment I became aware of it, the scent of flowers smelled stronger and sweeter.
Kate: This is…
Liam: This is for you. Thanks for sparing me your time tonight, Kate.
Kate: You didn't have to. I should be the one giving you a gift for that performance…
Liam: These flowers are to thank you for watching me. So…
Liam: If you don't accept them, they won't have an owner.
(He has a point. In that case…)
Kate: Thank you so much, Liam. I’ll be sure to cherish them well, so that they’ll keep blooming for a long time.
Kate: If I display them by my room’s window, they’ll definitely bring a smile to my face tomorrow morning.
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Liam: If flowers can make you smile every morning, then I’ll give you however many flowers you want!
Liam: — Anyway, can I have your feedback? Take it as if I’m asking you to praise me.
There wasn't a hint of Mercutio’s character as shrugged his shoulders.
Kate: It was magical and so captivating. It was as if the character was brought to life and standing before me.
Kate: Your performance moved my heart, and… I was reminded of my dream that I’ve been hiding deep in my heart.
Liam: … A dream?
Kate: Um, it’s nothing great…
Liam: Why? Tell me about it. I want to know everything about you.
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His tone was soft, but there was a sincere look in his rose coloured eyes.
Kate: I want to help others to not be afraid of what tomorrow will bring them,... by writing a story.
It was the first time I told anyone about that dream.
Liam didn't laugh when I told him what my dream was, he only nodded with a tender expression on his face.
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Liam: “Help others to not be afraid of tomorrow”, hm. I like it. … Yup, that sounds good.
Liam: I’m sure working as a fairytale writer will be a useful experience to help you fulfil that dream.
Liam: … Hey, Kate.
Liam, who was standing on stage, crouched down to look me in the eyes.
Liam: What do you think about observing only me for the next one month and writing about me in your report?
Kate: Write about you…?
Liam: That's right. Not about Crown, but about me as a person. It's because the finest stories are the ones with the best main character.
Liam: I’m confident that I can satisfy and charm you. I’ll shine even brighter just for you.
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Liam: If you do that, one month will fly past before you know it, and you can return to your original life.
Liam: And as long as you're by my side, I can protect you. Isn't that the best idea?
(That’s a very attractive offer, and it sounds way too good for me.)
Kate: But wouldn't you gain nothing from that?
Liam: Eh? I do. I get to be the closest person to you, a step or two ahead from the other guys in Crown.
Liam: Ahaha just imagining it already sounds great!
Kate: …!
I couldn't help but smile at his straightforward response.
(... Oh, I see.)
(I want to be like Liam. Sparkling and shining brightly, and touching people’s hearts.)
I didn’t think that would ever happen, though.
(Someday I’ll be just like Liam — and then I’ll become someone who can give to others.)
Kate: Well then, thank you, Liam.
Liam: No problem.
Kate: I’ll definitely pay you back for the ticket. I want to pay for the nice things I receive.
Liam: …
Liam: Pfft ahahaha! You’re so funny, Kate.
Kate: Huh? I’m being serious—
Liam chuckled and held his hand out to me.
Liam: Want to come onto the stage? Come on, take my hand.
Upon being urged by him, I took his hand and he held me by my waist as he pulled me up onto the stage.
When I stood on the stage, I was blinded by the spotlight shining directly onto me.
Kate: I can’t believe you always have to stand under such a bright light… you're amazing.
Liam: I’m not amazing yet. I’ll work even harder to charm you. Perhaps I can play the role of Romeo next time.
Liam got down on one knee and held my hand in a practised gesture…
Liam: “I’m no sailor, but even if you were on the furthest shore… I’d risk going out to sea, just for a treasure like you” // Original script: “I am no pilot. Yet, wert thou as far as that vast shore washed with the farthest sea, I would adventure for such merchandise.”
He kissed the back of my hand with his smiling, rosy lips.
The feeling of Liam’s moist lips on my skin was so bewitching, and it made me suddenly very aware that he was a man.
(... This feels like I’ve been gently nibbled by a cat precious to me.)
Liam: Your face is bright red, Kate. Cute~
Kate: I-It’s not…
Liam: Oh, really? Then let’s leave it at that. For now…
Liam’s innocent smile was so radiant as he basked in the spotlight.
(... I no longer fear facing my tomorrows. Liam has made me smile so many times now.)
Liam: Kate, wait for me at the entrance. I’ll be right with you after I change my clothes.
Liam parted ways with Kate and went to the wings of the stage.
At that very moment — it started raining in his heart.
ℹ️ this is a metaphor, referring to a sorrowful feeling.
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Liam: … Ugh.
No matter how hard he tried to brush it off, the rain never stopped. Slowly, the voice of “someone” echoed in his head.
[Liam's POV]...
… Hey, Liam. Why are you trying so hard to get on friendly terms with Kate?
(... I just want to be useful to Kate.)
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You’re doing this for Kate? Haha, you fool. You’re only being nice to her for your own sake, aren’t you?
(... Ggh.)
You just don’t want to be hated, you don't want to be hated, don't want to be hated, that's all it is!
Liam: … I know that. That's why… I have to keep at it.
— In hopes that I won't make another grave mistake and destroy everything with my own hands.
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crimson-airin · 4 years
🖊 For Ryochi!!
Random fact!
Ryochi tend to speak out differently than what she thinks in her head! This is because Ryochi have a habit of playing male roles. She never notice that she just throw flirty gentleman words or play a prince charming roles to someone even if all she want to say is a simple "hi!"
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katsura018 · 4 years
Short MiyuSawa Fic (1/2) Ver 2
“Sawamura!”  Kanemaru shouted.
Giggles and loud laughter were surrounding the flushed second year. As much as his classmates were finding the scenario hilarious, they were also consoling the poor guy and calming him down.
Damn it! This is definitely not okay! Why do I have to be one of those guys! I was paying attention to homeroom damn it!  He recalls the day the mascots were chosen for the school’s festival. Since Sawamura and Furuya were barely paying any attention they were immediately selected by the entire class, they needed another one so why not one more from the baseball team. 
The mascots’ main job was to run around school and play a game with random people, helping them win food coupons for their cosplay café.
To make sure they were noticeable, appealing, and cute enough, as it was the café’s theme, Kanemaru, the always serious one with a face that could scare innocent first years was now wearing a girl’s sailor uniform.
He was blushing from ear to ear as he kept trying to pull down his skirt, thinking it was too short and how embarrassing it was for hits manly thighs to be seen by everyone. It was a well done Zettai ryoiki, his classmates had done their best to make him moe.
Kanemaru amidst his inner breakdown mumbling how he’d need to run around the school in such an outfit had one hope.
If those two looks worse than me then I might survive.
He had called Sawamura earlier but the other was still getting ready behind a makeshift dressing room made with curtains the class had borrowed.
“Kanemaru, you done already?” Furuya peeks out of his own dressing room.
“GAH!” He turns his head and sees Furuya’s face, he had makeup on and as expected of an Ikemen, he looked good in it, rather than an Ikemen he had transformed into a beautiful innocent looking lady.
Daaaaaaaaaamn it! Kanemaru curses Ikemen-Furuya.
“Furuya! You’re done!” A voice calls out from inside the dressing room Furuya was in, a female classmate helping him put on the costume.
“Ah… then…” Furuya opened the curtains, revealing the light blue fluffy dress decorated in frills. His costume theme was a princess. He also had long black extensions reaching all the way down his hips.
“OOOOOOHHHH!” A completely different reaction compared to Kanemaru’s reveal.
The giggling and comforting classmates that cornered Kanemaru were right now encircling Furuya-hime with praises and phones, taking pictures of him. Posting about the popular ace’s daily life had become a fun past time for the class.
Kanemaru after looking half-dead for a few seconds, lit up a light bulb in his head.
Sawamura! There’s still Sawamura! There’s no way he’d-
“Oh! Furuya’s so pretty! As expected of an Ikemen!” Sawamura appears pulling the curtain away and walking toward Kanemaru.
His theme was Neko-maid. He was cute.
“OOOOOOOOH!!!!” Another round of cheers with a mix of shock as well.
Brown cat ears and pigtail extensions were placed on each side his head, he already had cat like eyes so the applied makeup was minimum, their classmate that had applied had a very proud and satisfied face.
The maid outfit was black and long, so it didn’t reveal skin unlike Kanemaru’s, long sleeves and a long dress reaching above his ankles covered by a pure white frilly apron held by a nearly tied ribbon from behind. The ribbon also had a cat tail attached to it.
So.. so cute…It totally suits him, was this dude always his cute? His eyes are sparkling and what’s with that sweet smile? Kanemaru thought as he stared at Sawamura.
“But… BWAHAHAHAHHA” Sawamura pointed to Kanemaru. “What’s with that face Kanemaru! Smile! Smile a bit more!” Sawamura just had to be Sawamura.
If only he’d keep his freaking mouth shut! Kanemaru scolded his inner self.
“So then…” Sawamura started. “Jan ken pon!”
“NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!” Kanemaru screamed, almost everyone in the hallway jolted.
“Okay! I’ll be going to the first years, Furuya to the second years, and Kanemaru will be inviting the Third years!” The three had decided to use Janken to choose who will be going where.
“I beg you Sawamura!” Kanemaru grabbed Sawamura by the shoulders, eyes nearly in tears. “You’re closer to the Third years! You go! You’re way better suited to do it” he begged.
“No! You agreed with Janken too and lost!” Sawamura shakes off Kanemaru’s hands off of him.
“Then, I’m going to the first years then. Furuya! Don’t forget we have to help with the café after an hour okay?” Sawamura turns to Furuya.
“Mhm” The taller one nods. “Ugh, I’ll definitely need to pick you up…” The shorter one grimaces.
“SAWAMURAAAAAAA!!!!!!” Kanemaru continues to wail but Sawamura had already started jogging away.
“DAMN IT!” Kanemaru curses. “RIGHT! Furuya-“
Furuya was also already walking away.
“Let’s see… it’s a 15-minute walk to the nearest store.” Kuramochi was reading through a list of stuff needed to be bought.
“If you run, maybe you can make it in less than that?” Miyuki was next to him.
“That’d mean I’d be going alone!”
“That’s true! Hehe”
The two were declared errand boys by their class. Miyuki was absent minded that made him clumsy and useless, so he was chosen. Kuramochi was there to make sure Miyuki would make it on time and wouldn’t wander around. The two were already getting along well enough to leave the errands to them. 
Plus, their class was doing a play and since they were both in the baseball team, they didn’t have time to be practicing in roles with too much lines to memorize. After the errands they’d be wearing either a tree or rock costume or working behind the scenes.
“Ah? Isn’t that Zono?” Miyuki notices. They were in the hallway on their way down the stairs.
“JAN KEN PON!” Zono screams.
“And that’s another lost, sorry Zono-senpai” Kanemaru was doing well after being laughed at a lot by his classmates. He was surprised Maezono hadn’t teased him as much as the others.
Maybe he can relate somehow… Kanemaru kept the thought to himself.
“Here, another candy.” He hands the consolation prize again.
“Damn it.” Zono accepts angrily, he had four tries. “One more!”
I’m gonna run out of candy…
“Hey! I want to try to! What would you do if Kanemaru runs out of consolation prizes?” Kuramochi interrupts. “That’s quite the look by the way Kanemaru.”
“Ugh!” Kanemaru jolts realizing quickly whose voice that was.
“Bwaha- must be tough! Well… it’s not like we third years don’t understand.” Miyuki smirks behind Kuramochi.
“Miyuki-senpai! Kuramochi-senpai! Ah... this... uuugh” Kanemaru starts to blush again. “…ugh! Let’s just get this done with! You get a coupon for our class’s café if you win, if not you get candy.”
“Got it!” Kuramochi was first.
“By the way, the coupon is random too.” Kanemaru makes a fist.
“Jan Ken Pon!”
“AHH!” Zono screams.
“Yosh! Wins on the first try!” Kuramochi smirks at Maezono.
“Woah, my first winner.” Kanemaru opens the neck pouch he had been wearing. It had little pieces of folded paper. “Please pick one!”
“Oh! Free pudding with a Neko dance.” Kuramochi reads the one he got. “Neko dance?”
“Pfft” Kanemaru giggles. “That’s… one of the maids will do a little dance for you when serving the pudding!”
“I see…”
“Right, my turn!” Miyuki next. He lost five times.
“So? Sawamura and Furuya are in your class too right? Are they wearing something like that too?” Kuramochi asks, Miyuki flinches.
“Ah, yes… Furuya’s in the second-year classes while Sawamura’s in the first year classes. If you walk around the school, you might be able to see them!”
“Heeeh~” Kuramochi takes a peek at Miyuki’s face. “Let’s get going then.”
“Ah, Kanemaru let me take a picture of you.” Zono asks.
On the second years classes, a particular duo was attracting attention making the crowd pause or walk slowly when they see them.
“Free omurice with a heart.” Haruichi had already one on the first try against Furuya.
“Congratulations.” Furuya calmly praises. “Then… I’ll go search for the others.” “Ah, Furuya, you can’t just approach people you know… there are visitors and others too.” Haruichi reminds.
“Mhm” The taller one nods.
“Ah there they are!” Kuramochi spots them easily.
“What a sight.” Miyuki acknowledges. “You guys a couple or something?”
“Hm?” Both of their heads turn to the Senpais.
Furuya with his princess themed costume was gorgeous, standing next to him was the adorable Haruichi wearing a striking vampire costume. The costumes were both very formal that made them seem like they were out of fairy tale book, adding in their looks, they made everyone’s head turn.
“Ah Miyuki-senpai, Kuramochi-senpai, hello.” Furuya greets. “What are you doing here?”
“What’s with you, asking like that. Well, we’re errand boys now so we’re on our way to the nearest store.” Kuramochi answers.
“Ah… I thought you were another one of the third years who lost to Kanemaru and wanted to challenge me.”
“Was it Zono? It was Zono wasn’t it?” Miyuki commented. “Well, if it’s allowed, let me try again.”
Kuramochi won a free yakisoba with Neko heart.
Miyuki lost five times.
“You suck at this. What are you even good at besides baseball?”
“Shut up!” Miyuki attacks. “What’s with you always winning anyway?”
“AHAHAHAHAHA! It’s my win again!” Sawamura brags. “Okay, here a treat.” The candy was accepted by a shy first year who nods with a blush on his face. “…thank you, Senpai.”
“Ah, me next!”
“I’d like to try too.”
“Can I try again?”
First years and visitors had been lining up and crowding around Sawamura the moment he patrolled around the hallway. The job was perfect for him, a loud voice, his first challenger made him appear approachable in an instant despite being a senpai.
“Is that Sawamura-senpai?” Seto notices.
“It should be, you can tell quickly from the voice.” Yui joins in. The two had run into each other while looking around the festival, it was their free time. They both wore regular uniforms as they only worked behind the scenes.
“He sure is loud anywhere, but I can’t really see him thanks to the crowd.”
“He’s properly surrounded, isn’t he?”
“I wonder if he’ll notice us.”
“If Yuki was here maybe he would, he’s tall and also easy to spot.”
The two were merely watching from the distance. “Ah! It’s Yuki!” Yui notices, Yuki was on the other side of the crowd from the two other first years. From the left, it was him standing, a crowd of visitors and first years with Sawamura in the middle, then Yui and Seto. He was stuck.
“Looks like he’s trying to get here…” Seto notices from his face.
“Well… he must be trying to get back to our classroom…” Which was in the direction behind Yui and Seto.
“He can just go around and-“
“Oh! Young Master’s little brother!” Sawamura finally comes into view as he approached Yuki. “Though he’s bigger than his big brother! AHAHA”
“Ah- Neko Maid?“ Seto starts.
“It suits him.”
“Yeah… it surprisingly suits him.”
“Ah, the crowd is dispersing a bit, I think we can get closer.” Yui starts walking.
“Mhm, you can go ahead. I’ll be right back.”
“Okay, then..” Yui heads to where Yuki and Sawamura where while Seto heads to another classroom.
“AHAHA! One more chance! This is the last one!” Sawamura announces after winning against Yuki for two times. “JAN KEN PON!”
“Yosh! It’s my win!” Sawamura cheers. “Just how much do you suck at this?!”
Yuki receives another candy.
“Sawamura-senpai, Yuki wasn’t really asking for another round of Janken though…” Yui reminds again.
“Huh? The prizes are amazing though! Yosh! JAN KEN PON!” Sawamura sudden attack on Yui.
“EH? I’m not ready-“ Yui stutters. “Ah… it’s my win.”
“How amazing Yui-shounen! Okay, you get to try your luck again with this!” He hands over the neck pouch.
“Yes… ah free Katsudon set meal! Is this okay? To give a prize like this?”
Normally, it’d be free pudding? “THAT’S!!! That’s a special prize! There’s only three of those in there! YOSH!” Sawamura and the other two were given three of those in their pouches and whenever someone won it, they had to-
“YOSH! Neko dance time! As much as I’m embarrassed about it! A job is a job!” 
And so second year Sawamura Eijun started to twirl with his hands imitating the paw of a cat while singing nyan nyan nyan in the cutest way possible.
After it was done. “THAT WAS MORE EMBARRASSING THAN I THOUGHT!” His face was flushed.
No way I would be able to do that if it was with the Third years. Goodbye my oh so cool Senpai reputation!
“Ah.. thank you for your hard work senpai haha” Yui was an understanding good boy. “Hm?”
Yuki had been staring at the set coupon Yui won. *GROWWWWL*
“Ah, do you want it?” Yui hands it over. “You can have it.” Yui was a very understanding good boy.
As the three fooled around there were now a new set of eyes eagerly watching.
Is this why he took over my shift?
The wolf boy had been called out by Seto to see what was going on, luckily Seto had some friends in his class and asked to take over Okumura’s shift for him as a waiter.
Why do I have to see this?
Seto probably wanted for them to get closer.
This has nothing to do with baseball. Maybe he’d be more comfortable with me as his catcher if we become close outside of baseball too? Was he not comfortable with me from the start? Was there any implication he didn’t want me to catch for him? Is it because I’m not as Miyuki-senpai?
No, is it because he’s not as comfortable with me compared to how he is with Miyuki-senpai? Is that part of what art he was talking about before? This has nothing to do with baseball. I have work to do and Seto is working for my sake. Was I making him uncomfortable somehow? Wouldn’t it be trouble if he suddenly closes his heart on me in a game? Isn’t that unprofessional? -
After a long and silent debate in his head, he headed back to his classroom.
He noticed me…
“That serious face is stuck on you no matter what occasion! No way I couldn’t notice you.” Sawamura walked with high spirits toward the first year. “You also had a weird aura around you earlier…”
“I was thinking about something…” Okumura, with Sawamura now in front of him, was eyeing him from up to down.
“You getting ready for war?” Sawamura commented.
He should really learn to listen.
“Ah, the outfit?” Sawamura looked down to his attire. “HOW IS IT! I’ve been told it looks good on me! Surprisingly!” He did a twirl for the first year with his black long dress fluttering in the air.
What am I supposed to say?
“Ahaha, Sawamura-senpai actually did a twirl. He’s working hard, isn’t he?” Yui praised.
“Ah, it doesn’t look bad.” Okumura added.
“Is that a complement or an insult?” Sawamura points to Okumura. “I don’t know!”
“Refrain from pointing at me, please.”
Around the same time Sawamura started talking to Okumura.
“Mhm? Is that…” Kuramochi noticed.
“Mhm?” Miyuki halted.
“You can’t really see him but you can tell just by the voice.”
“Haha! I guess so!” Miyuki snickered. “Let’s have a quick look- Ah!”
“Oy! We don’t have time! We have errands. Did you forget?” Kuramochi stops him.
“Eh? Just a minute or so is fine, right?”
“We wasted too much time with you losing Janken against the others! Don’t tell me you’re planning on losing five time against Sawamura too?” Kuramochi reminded. “Just how much do you want a free pudding?”
“Huh? That’s not what I-“ Miyuki started.
“Errands? That’s not good of you Miyuki-kun, are you that excited to see what cosplay Sawamura is wearing?”
“Yah! Long time no see.” Kominato Ryo greeted, behind him were other alumnus, Yuki Tatsuya, Isashiki Jun, Masuko Toru, and Takigawa Chris. To be continued...
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muwi-translates · 6 years
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Ikemen Series x Catiss (Part 2)
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
The Queen of Kitties: “Only if try to please me will you be able to return to your original form and return home! Hahahaha!”
In order to go home, they can only think of a way to try and please the Queen of Kitties. However, whether the easily explosive three cats of the Haaaass group actually earnestly think of a way to entertain her or raze the ground with violence is hard to say.
Lancelot Kitty: Let’s draw up a strategy and finish this mission quickly meow. I certainly don’t have time to unhurriedly play around with her meow.  「The documents on my desk... please let me go home (weary).」
Kenshin Kitty: No need for it to be so troublesome meow. Just hit her directly to determine the winner. Besides, I know I will win meow.  「This Queen of Kitties seems weak (pfft). The neighbouring Nobunaga, come out! I shall be your opponent meow!」
Jonah Kitty: Fighting? This method is not graceful. For my sake, I will think up an even perfect plan. 「Don’t worry, my little Luka, your big brother will quickly finish this and return home to be with you ♡ 」
The three busy cats of the Purr Purr group who want to go home, will they use the advantage of their youthfulness or will they find another method?
Ieyasu Kitty: As long as we can quickly finish this once and for all... it doesn’t matter what I have to do meow... (irritated). 「The food here doesn’t have any hot peppers in it, I’m not used to eating it meow...」
Loki Kitty: Then let’s just throw a tantrum and act cute meow! This is my specialty! Just follow me meow (waving hands)!  「Even though life here is pretty comfortable, without Alice or Harr it’s a bit lonely meow.」
Yukimura Kitty: This... is too humiliating meow, I don’t wanna do this meow! (his hands unconsciously follow and sway)  「I’m... not used to being in this strange place meow. (Sees a rolling sparkling coin in the distant, eyes light up).」
The three handsome cats of the Nyan Nyan group appear to be quite comfortable in the kitty world. After all, Mitsunari and Ray love playing with cats so much, this side might as well be heaven.
Mitsunari Kitty: According to previous analysis and understanding, the majority of cats find the charm of cardboard boxes irresistable meow. 「There’s cats on the left, and cats on the right, addressing each other will cause some complications meow... (scratch head)」
Ray Kitty: Like cat toys and things like that, it should be very popular meow! 「The size of this place is several times bigger than the cat’s headquarters meow! (shining eyes)」
Nobunaga Kitty: They all sound very interesting meow (starts playing with a cardboard box).  「Hm? Why is there a box here meow? (wriggles in)」
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