#with his smirking sailor knot tying ass
boricuacherry-blog · 3 months
That's crazy that Iowa has not released the full investigative file on Johnny Gosh. It's been how many years since he went missing?? Saying it's still an open case could be bec they don't want more info getting out [that's the only way the full file would be made public].
Everything should be made public atp IMO about a case like Johnny Gosch.
I think that's the same thing going on with JonBenet's dad. He keeps going on hobo tours and doing talks about JonBenet bec he wants the case to remain open ...bec then the full file won't be released.
All signs point to JonBenet Ramsey's father knowing how she died. And even if he didn't, at the very least, he heavily obstructed justice in finding out who did.
Let's be fr...no one broke in that house. And how did John automatically know his daughter's still warm body was laying in that room down in the basement? Why did he and Patsy move? Why did they keep stonewalling police? Also, Patsy wrote that ransom note. It's wild that he's out here smirking about how he can't find the killer, and ppl believe him. I believe there was a pattern of abuse taking place before JonBenet's death, based on her doctor visits. They can absolve him of all the wrongdoing they want, shit, they can absolve deez nuts..it doesn't change the facts of the case.
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goldengoddess · 3 years
it looks better on you - nikolai lantsov
pairing: nikolai lantsov x reader 
request: Hiii! I recently discovered your blog and I love everything you write, your Nikolai content deserves so much love (as does everything else)!But speaking of that cheeky bastard, would you be up for writing headcannons or in a style you’re comfortable with about Nikolai (Strumhond in this case) where reader is new to the job and packs light and forgets a coat, but Tamar tricks them into wearing Strumhond’s coat (being oblivious that it’s his) and Strumhond makes a sarcastic comment but in the end is fine with it? Don’t worry about if you’re busy - it just came to mind! ❤️
a/n: thank you sweet thing! i love my baby nikolai,,, this is so cute by the way i love the concept so much 
warnings: cursing, suggestive comments
you could not have been so stupid. 
it was your first week on this job. you were new to the crew of this ship, and you had done everything right up until that point. you wanted to make the best impression possible. strumhond’s crew was legendary. there wasn’t a single sailor on the seas that didn’t know his name.
and you, of all people, had been lucky enough to be chosen to help his crew. if you proved yourself, you hoped, you could get an actual permanent job with the crew. 
but of course that wasn’t going to happen, because you were going to freeze your ass off before you even got the chance to do anything useful.
your inability to think ahead had caused you to forget to bring a warm coat. most days at sea were warm, sometimes too warm, with the sun hitting your face and body at every angle.
but there were days like this one where the winds were too rough and the air to cold, and every part of your body felt like it could fall off due to frost bite.
you searched the deck of the ship around you, hoping to find a spare coat, but mostly to make sure that the captain of the ship didn’t see you freezing in the corner.
you’d seen him a couple of times in the last couple of days. usually giving an order or messing around with the closest of his friends on the ship.
he was cute, you couldn’t deny it. at a distance there was nothing wrong. but closer up it was easier to see that there were parts of his face that seemed.. wrong. you’d been around long enough to know a tailored face when you saw one.
you tried not to linger on the reasonings for his tailored face, it wasn’t your business and it didn’t change his ability to lead a crew. despite that, you couldn’t help but imagine what he looked like for real. he had this royal presence to him.
even though he was a pirate, sorry, a privateer, he knew how to hold command. how to get people to listen when they didn’t want to. to make deals and compromises whenever a fight broke out. to leave both sides satisfied. he was like a prince at sea.
okay so maybe the prince had caught your attention more than you wanted to admit.
but it was hard not to be interested in him when every time he made eye contact with you it felt so intense that your knees felt weak.
the sudden gust of cold air snapped your thoughts back to the reality of your situation. your arms were wrapped around your body, as if this position could make the light jacket you had on suddenly sufficient against the cold.
you saw tamar walk onto the deck from below deck. she turned and saw you huddled near the wall. you gave her a sheepish and embarrassed grin. tamar had been the first person to speak to you and though you’d only known her a couple of days, you knew she was the kind of person one trusted.
she walked over to you with an amused smile. you could practically feel the teasing retort that was about to come out of her mouth.
“you look a little warm y/n, you sure you don’t want to take off your jacket.” she sarcastically said, her grin growing on her face.
you rolled your eyes and let out an annoyed huff, “if i die from hypothermia i’m going to make sure to haunt you.”
she let out a throaty laugh. “good, i happen to like your company. you can help me scare the shit out of tolya. he could use a ghost visit.”
the two of you shared a laugh and then you looked at her with slightly sweet puppy eyes. “tamar, please please tell me you have a coat. i stupidly forgot to pack one, trying to keep my bag light.”
she nodded her head at you, “yeah i’ve noticed.” she thought for a moment and then her face broke out into a mischievous smirk. “well i don’t have a coat to lend you but i know someone who has a spare.”
you nodded your head rapidly with enthusiasm. “saints, yes. i won’t get any work done today without a coat.”
she smirked at you and some part of your brain was telling you that her smirk had something hidden behind it. an extra plan. the look of many of the criminals you’d met during your time in ketterdam.
she linked her arm through yours and pulled you towards one end of the ship where a long brown coat was laid on top of the helm of the ship.
you looked at her sceptically, “who’s coat is this?”
she shrugged, grabbing the coat and easing it onto you. “think of it as a community jacket. we all like to share.”
you grinned and let yourself slip into the warmth of the cloth. you shuffled around a little and grabbed onto the ends of the sleeves since the coat was on the bigger side.
“i like it”
tamar smirked and motioned for you to spin, “it suits you. like it was made for you to use it.”
you narrowed your eyes and her words but before you could say anything she was walking back below deck.
the rest of the day went by without a hitch. the cold stopped bothering you and completing your daily task were actually easier. the coat smelled of the sea, the feeling of the sun, and an oddly familiar cologne that you couldn’t quite place.
it was too late before you realized how badly you’d fucked up.
you were on the right end of the ship, tying knots as the sunset around you. tamar was sat on a box talking while you worked quietly.
“nice coat y/n. i didn’t know we were at that level in our relationship just yet.” you heard a voice say from a couple feet away.
your head jerked upwards at the voice and you met the eyes of the one and only strumhond. he wore a smirk on his beautiful face and he was leaning against one of the beams of the ship.
you looked down at the coat you were wearing and had grown fond of throughout the day and your eyes went wide. you snapped your head to the girl sitting next to you, only to find her laughing silently into her hands. you threw her the most menacing glance you could manage before turning your attention back to your captain.
you got up and started wiggling out of the coat, “i am so so sorry. i was freezing and i under packed and i knew i wouldn’t get any work done today if i was cold so i asked tamar and she gave me this one and i never would have borrowed it had i known that-”
you paused your rambling and the sound of strumhond’s laugh. he took a couple steps forward so that he was closer to you and tamar.
“y/n, sweetheart, it’s really okay. we wouldn’t want you to freeze now would we tamar?” he shifted his attention to the girl next to you, throwing a teasing threat.
she hopped off the boxes she was sitting on and began walking away. “nope.” she said, popping the ‘p’, “we wouldn’t want that.” and then she was gone, leaving you and the privateer alone.
you gave him a small, embarrassed, smile. “i really am sorry. i wouldn’t have taken it.”
you finished taking it off and tried handing it back to him. he grabbed it and opened it up, an invitation to step in.
you looked at him curiously. “what are you doing?”
he nodded his head, motioning for you to step into the coat. “just use it. it’s cold. plus.” he paused and slipped the coat onto you, popping the collar. “it suits you.”
you blushed and turned to face him, suddenly aware of the closeness between the two of you.
he looked you up and down. “yeah,” he said in a breath, “it looks better on you.”
your breath hitched and your blush grew down onto your neck.
he leaned forward, his mouth closer to your ear.
“but it would look better on my floor.” he teased before walking away.
oh fuck.
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