#with higher doses for longer periods of time
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#mine#ts4#sims 4#the sims 4#simblr#sims#ofmd#stede#ofmd sims#my therapist suggested doing a regular dose of ativan (1 mg every 4 hours)#for at least the next two weeks#maybe even the entire month of march#and i was reluctant at first because u kno#worries abt dependency and whatnot#but ive done this before!#with higher doses for longer periods of time#and it rly helped and it was fine#i had a rly calm day yesterday and i wanna keep that vibe going overthe weekend#so anyway i'm glad i feel like i have “permission” to use my anxiety meds when i need them#and i know im a Grown Up and should be able to do that on my own but#i have a rly hard time justifying that im anxious enough to myself#i feel like i should save it for when i RLY need it#and my therapist was like uhhh it sounds like u DO rly need it rn????#and i was like yeah.... maybe.....#and she said drew how is ur prescription written?#and i was like........ up to 8mg a day#and she was like TAKE UR DAMN MEDICINE 😂#so. i am!!!!#also gonna hit the dispensary this morning because i have not been in a WHILE and i need some supplies 😂#anyway hello!!
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Comfort the Pain Away [p.p]
summary : Your period was never a pleasant week to deal with. You were grateful to Peter, always happily being by your side more than usual wherever it came. He made sure to think of everything when he came over after a patrol. Your evenings together often consisted of being cuddled up together watching TV and just talking.
pairings : TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
warnings : Mentions of cramps (if I missed anything let me know!)
word count : 700
AO3 (x)
a/n : Day eleven of Comfortember is here! The prompt was ‘comfort show/movie’. As a science nerd I think The Big Band Theory is an easy go-to show. It may not be my number one comfort show, but it is definitely in the top ten for me.
You groaned as another intense cramp racked through you. Readjusting your heating pad, sinking deeper under your blankets with a sigh as the heat slowly eased your pain. Pulling the blanket higher around you, you wait for Peter to stop by. It was only the first day of your period, but you wanted the comfort your boyfriend brought. Knowing his patrol just started, you turn on the TV to distract you from the steady ache in your abdomen. Not wanting something you’d have to pay much attention to, you put on The Big Bang Theory. It was a funny, surprisingly scientifically accurate, easy to watch show. Honestly, you were surprised that Peter hadn’t seen it before the two of you got together.
As the episodes went by, your heating pad had quickly stopped being hot and your cramps had picked up in intensity. Not knowing how else to help them be less intense, you tried to find a position that was comfortable to lay in. You’d curled yourself around a pillow, and tried to figure out how much longer until you could take more Pamprin. You heard the window to your bedroom open as Peter tripped on his way into the room. You laughed at Peter’s clumsy nature before quickly groaning at the wave of pain it caused.
Peter got up from where he was sprawled on the ground before pulling his mask off, “Hi bug, how’re you doing?”
“This sucks,” you groan.
“I’m sorry,” Peter works on removing his suit. “What can I do to help?”
“Would you mind reheating this? Then we can cuddle.”
Peter tied his sleep pants and began pulling a shirt over his head, “I’d be happy to. Do you want a bottle of water too? When was the last time you took medicine?”
“Please, and I can take another dose in like thirty minutes.”
Peter bent over to kiss you before stepping out of the room. You smiled, curious how you found such a caring boyfriend. You heard the fridge open then close as you watched the TV. Peter’s footsteps echoed through the apartment as he walked back to your shared room. Peter returned with the bottle of water and freshly warmed heating pad. Handing you the heat pad, Peter walked around the bed to lay beside you.
He pulled you into his side as he laid atop the covers. He rolled you over slightly to press his chest against your back, reaching a hand around you to hold your heat pad in place.
“What time is it?” You asked, having lost track of time waiting for him to get home.
“It’s a little past nine,” Peter checked his phone.
“You’re home early.”
“My phone notified me that your period started today.”
You felt Peter shrug at your shocked reaction. “I downloaded the same app you use to track it. I don’t like when you’re in pain, so I like to know when you’re on your period. That way I can make sure to be home sooner in case you need me.”
“That’s sweet,” you teared up. “Sorry, I don’t know why that’s making me emotional.”
“Technically, it’s due to a higher level of hormones. The heightened level of estrogen can make someone more persuaded by their emotional state.”
“Babe,” you laugh, “you’re doing the thing again.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t–”
“No! It’s cute, I love it. I just also love that you have no idea when you’re doing it.”
Peter buried his head against your shoulder. You felt his arm tighten around you.
“What season are we on now?” Peter tried to change the subject.
“It’s the one where Amy and Sheldon become official, and Howard becomes an astronaut,” you explain.
Peter hums in acknowledgement. You take a deep breath, enjoying the simple evening together. You could never get enough of Peter’s attention, loving when he just held you. The two of you settled in for the night, watching TV until you fell asleep. The discomfort and pain of your period ebbed away. The last thing you were aware of before falling into a peaceful sleep was Peter kissing your temple and telling you he loved you.
Author’s Note : Reblogs are appreciated, likes are welcome, and if you want to read more of my fics then maybe follow.
©heyitsme1040 If you find this post on any platform under a username different than heyitsme1040 it is not their work.
#fanfiction#fanfiction writer#fanfic blog#comfortember 2023#comfortember#tasm!peter parker#tasm fluff#tasm peter#tasm fanfiction#tasm spiderman#peter parker x you#tasm peter x reader#peter 3#peter parker#comfort fic#peter parker fluff
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J.4.4 What is the “economic structural crisis”?
There is an ongoing structural crisis in the global capitalist economy. Compared to the post-war “Golden Age” of 1950 to 1973, the period from 1974 has seen a continual worsening in economic performance in the West and for Japan. For example, growth is lower, unemployment is far higher, labour productivity lower as is investment. Average rates of unemployment in the major industrialised countries have risen sharply since 1973, especially after 1979. Unemployment “in the advanced capitalist countries … increased by 56 per cent between 1973 and 1980 (from an average 3.4 per cent to 5.3 per cent of the labour force) and by another 50 per cent since then (from 5.3 per cent of the labour force in 1980 to 8.0 per cent in 1994).” Job insecurity has increased with, for example, the USA, having the worse job insecurity since the depression of the 1930s. [Takis Fotopoulos, Towards and Inclusive Democracy, p. 35 and p. 141] In addition, the world economy have become far less stable with regular financial crises sweeping the world of de-regulated capitalism every few years or so.
This crisis is not confined to the economy. It extends into the ecological and the social, with the quality of life and well-being decreasing as GDP grows (as we noted in section C.10, economic factors cannot, and do not, indicate human happiness). However, here we discuss economic factors. This does not imply that the social and ecological crises are unimportant or are reducible to the economy. Far from it. We concentrate on the economic factor simply because this is the factor usually stressed by the establishment and it is useful to indicate the divergence of reality and hype we are currently being subjected to.
Ironically enough, as Marxist Robert Brenner points out, “as the neo-classical medicine has been administered in even stronger doses, the economy has performed steadily less well. The 1970s were worse than the 1960s, the 1980s worse than the 1970s, and the 1990s have been worse than the 1980s.” [“The Economics of Global Turbulence”, New Left Review, no. 229, p. 236] This is ironic because during the crisis of Keynesianism in the 1970s the right argued that too much equality and democracy harmed the economy, and so us all worse-of in the long run (due to lower growth, sluggish investment and so on). However, after decades of pro-capitalist governments, rising inequality, increased freedom for capital and its owners and managers, the weakening of trade unions and so on, economic growth has become worse!
If we look at the USA in the 1990s (usually presented as an economy that “got it right”) we find that the “cyclical upturn of the 1990s has, in terms of the main macro-economic indicators of growth — output, investment, productivity, and real compensation — has been even less dynamic than its relatively weak predecessors of the 1980s and the 1970s (not to mention those of the 1950s and 1960s).” [Brenner, Op. Cit., p. 5] Of course, the economy is presented as a success — inequality is growing, the rich are getting richer and wealth is concentrating into fewer and fewer hands and so for the rich and finance capital, it can be considered a “Golden Age” and so is presented as such by the media. As economist Paul Krugman summarises, in America while the bulk of the population are working longer and harder to make ends meet “the really big gains went to the really, really rich.” In fact, “only the top 1 percent has done better since the 1970s than it did in the generation after World War II. Once you get way up the scale, however, the gains have been spectacular — the top tenth of a percent saw its income rise fivefold, and the top .01 percent of American is seven times richer than they were in 1973.” Significantly, the top 0.1% of Americans, a class with a minimum income of about $1.3 million and an average of about $3.5 million, receives more than 7 percent of all income — up from just 2.2 percent in 1979.” [The Conscience of a Liberal, p. 129 and p. 259]
So it is for this reason that it may be wrong to term this slow rot a “crisis” as it is hardly one for the ruling elite as their share in social wealth, power and income has steadily increased over this period. However, for the majority it is undoubtedly a crisis (the term “silent depression” has been accurately used to describe this). Unsurprisingly, when the chickens came home to roost under the Bush Junta and the elite faced economic collapse, the state bailed them out.
The only countries which saw substantial and dynamic growth after 1973 where those which used state intervention to violate the eternal “laws” of neo-classical economics, namely the South East Asian countries (in this they followed the example of Japan which had used state intervention to grow at massive rates after the war). Of course, before the economic crisis of 1997, capitalist ideologues argued that these countries were classic examples of “free market” economies. Right-wing icon F.A von Hayek asserted that “South Korea and other newcomers” had “discovered the benefits of free markets.” [1980s Unemployment and the Unions, p. 113] In 1995, the Heritage Foundation (a right-wing think-tank) released its index of economic freedom. Four of the top seven countries were Asian, including Japan and Taiwan. All the Asian countries struggling just a few years later qualified as “free.” Yet, as mentioned in section C.10.1, such claims were manifestly false: “it was not laissez-faire policies that induced their spectacular growth. As a number of studies have shown, the expansion of the Asian Tigers was based on massive state intervention that boosted their export sectors, by public policies involving not only heavy protectionism but even deliberate distortion of market prices to stimulate investment and trade.” [Fotopoulos, Op. Cit., p. 115] Moreover, for a long period these countries also banned unions and protest, but then for the right “free markets” always seem compatible with lack of freedom for workers to organise.
Needless to say, after the crisis of the late 1990s, the free-marketeers discovered the statism that had always been there and danced happily on the grave of what used to be called “the Asian miracle”. It was perverse to see the supporters of “free-market” capitalism concluding that history was rendering its verdict on the Asian model of capitalism while placing into the Memory Hole the awkward fact that until the crisis they themselves had taken great pains to deny that such a model existed! Such hypocrisy is not only truly sickening, it also undermines their own case for the wonders of “the market.” For until the crisis appeared, the world’s investors — which is to say “the market” — saw nothing but golden opportunities ahead for these “free” economies. They showed their faith by shoving billions into Asian equity markets, while foreign banks contentedly handed out billions in loans. If Asia’s problems were systemic and the result of these countries’ statist policies, then investors’ failure to recognise this earlier is a blow against the market, not for it.
So, as can be seen, the global economy has been marked by an increasing stagnation, the slowing down of growth, weak (and jobless) recoveries, speculative bubbles driving what growth there is and increasing financial instability producing regular and deepening crisis. This is despite (or, more likely, because of) the free market reforms imposed and the deregulation of finance capital (we say “because of” simply because neo-classical economics argue that pro-market reforms would increase growth and improve the economy, but as we noted in section C.1 such economics has little basis in reality and so their recommendations are hardly going to produce positive results). Of course as the ruling class have been doing well this underlying slowdown has been ignored and obviously claims of crisis are only raised when economic distress reach the elite.
Crisis (particularly financial crisis) has become increasingly visible, reflecting the underlying weakness of the global economy (rising inequality, lack of investment in producing real goods in favour of speculation in finance, etc.). This underlying weakness has been hidden by the speculator performance of the world’s stock markets, which, ironically enough, has helped create that weakness to begin with! As one expert on Wall Street argues, “Bond markets … hate economic strength … Stocks generally behave badly just as the real economy is at its strongest … Stocks thrive on a cool economy, and wither in a hot one.” In other words, real economic weakness is reflected in financial strength. Unsurprisingly, then, ”[w]hat might be called the rentier share of the corporate surplus — dividends plus interest as a percentage of pre-tax profits and interest — has risen sharply, from 20–30% in the 1950s to 60% in the 1990s.” [Doug Henwood, Wall Street, p. 124 and p. 73]
This helps explain the stagnation which has afflicted the economies of the west. The rich have been placing more of their ever-expanding wealth in stocks, allowing this market to rise in the face of general economic torpor. Rather than being used for investment, surplus is being funnelled into the finance market (retained earnings in the US have decreased as interest and dividend payments have increased [Brenner, Op. Cit., p. 210]). However, such markets do concentrate wealth very successfully even if “the US financial system performs dismally at its advertised task, that of efficiently directing society’s savings towards their optimal investment pursuits. The system is stupefyingly expensive, gives terrible signals for the allocation of capital, and has surprisingly little to do with real investment.” [Henwood, Op. Cit., p. 3] As most investment comes from internal funds, the rise in the rentiers share of the surplus has meant less investment and so the stagnation of the economy. The weakening economy has increased financial strength, which in turn leads to a weakening in the real economy. A vicious circle, and one reflected in the slowing of economic growth over the last 30 years.
The increasing dominance of finance capital has, in effect, created a market for government policies. As finance capital has become increasingly global in nature governments must secure, protect and expand the field of profit-making for financial capital and transnational corporations, otherwise they will be punished by dis-investment by global markets (i.e. finance capital). These policies have been at the expense of the underlying economy in general, and of the working class in particular:
“Rentier power was directed at labour, both organised and unorganised ranks of wage earners, because it regarded rising wages as a principal threat to the stable order. For obvious reasons, this goal was never stated very clearly, but financial markets understood the centrality of the struggle: protecting the value of their capital required the suppression of labour incomes.” [William Greider, One World, Ready or Not, p. 302]
For example, “the practical effect of finance capital’s hegemony was to lock the advanced economies and their governments in a malignant spiral, restricting them to bad choices. Like bondholders in general, the new governing consensus explicitly assumed that faster economic growth was dangerous — threatening to the stable financial order — so nations were effectively blocked from measures that might reduce permanent unemployment or ameliorate the decline in wages … The reality of slow growth, in turn, drove the governments into their deepening indebtedness, since the disappointing growth inevitably undermined tax revenues while it expanded the public welfare costs. The rentier regime repeatedly instructed governments to reform their spending priorities — that is, withdraw benefits from dependent citizens.” [Greider, Op. Cit., pp. 297–8]
Of course, industrial capital also hates labour, so there is a basis of an alliance between the two sides of capital, even if they do disagree over the specifics of the economic policies implemented. Given that a key aspect of the neo-liberal reforms was the transformation of the labour market from a post-war sellers’ market to a nineteenth century buyers’ market with its related effects on workplace discipline, wage claims and proneness to strike, industrial capital could not but be happy even if its members quibbled over details. Doug Henwood correctly argues that “Liberals and populists often search for potential allies among industrialists, reasoning that even if financial interests suffer in a boom, firms that trade in real, rather than fictitious, products would thrive when growth is strong. In general, industrialists are less sympathetic to these arguments. Employers in any industry like slack in the labour market; it makes for a pliant workforce, one unlikely to make demands or resist speedups.” In addition, “many non-financial corporations have heavy financial interests.” [Op. Cit., p. 123 and p. 135]
Thus the general stagnation afflicting much of the world, a stagnation which regularly develop into open crisis as the needs of finance undermine the real economy which, ultimately, it is dependent upon. The contradiction between short term profits and long term survival inherent in capitalism strikes again.
Crisis, as we have noted above, has appeared in areas previously considered as strong economies and it has been spreading. An important aspect of this crisis is the tendency for productive capacity to outstrip effective demand, which arises in large part from the imbalance between capitalists’ need for a high rate of profit and their simultaneous need to ensure that workers have enough wealth and income so that they can keep buying the products on which those profits depend. Inequality has been increasing particularly in neo-liberal countries like the UK and USA, which means that the economy faces as realisation crisis (see section C.7), a crisis which was avoided in the short-term by deepening debt for working people (debt levels more than doubled between the 1950s to the 1990s, from 25% to over 60%). In 2007, the chickens came hole to roost with a global credit crunch much worse than the previous finance crises of the neo-liberal era.
Over-investment has been magnified due to the East-Asian Tigers and China which, thanks to their intervention in the market (and repressive regimes against labour), ensured they were a more profitable place to invest than elsewhere. Capital flooded into the area, ensuring a relative over-investment was inevitable. As we argued in section C.7.2, crisis is possible simply due to the lack of information provided by the price mechanism — economic agents can react in such a way that the collective result of individually rational decisions is irrational. Thus the desire to reap profits in the Tiger economies resulted in a squeeze in profits as the aggregate investment decisions resulted in over-investment, and so over-production and falling profits.
In effect, the South East Asian economies suffered from the “fallacy of composition.” When you are the first Asian export-driven economy, you are competing with high-cost Western producers and so your cheap workers, low taxes and lax environmental laws allow you to under-cut your competitors and make profits. However, as more tigers joined into the market, they end up competing against each other and so their profit margins would decrease towards their actual cost price rather than that of Western firms. With the decrease in profits, the capital that flowed into the region flowed back out, thus creating a crisis (and proving, incidentally, that free markets are destabilising and do not secure the best of all possible outcomes). Thus, the rentier regime, after weakening the Western economies, helped destabilise the Eastern ones too.
So, in the short-run, many large corporations and financial companies solved their profit problems by expanding production into “underdeveloped” countries so as to take advantage of the cheap labour there (and the state repression which ensured that cheapness) along with weaker environmental laws and lower taxes. Yet gradually they are running out of third-world populations to exploit. For the very process of “development” stimulated by the presence of Transnational Corporations in third-world nations increases competition and so, potentially, over-investment and, even more importantly, produces resistance in the form of unions, rebellions and so on, which tend to exert a downward pressure on the level of exploitation and profits.
This process reflects, in many ways, the rise of finance capital in the 1970s. In the 1950s and 1960s, existing industrialised nations experienced increased competition from Japan and Germany. As these nations re-industrialised, they placed increased pressure on the USA and other nations, reducing the global “degree of monopoly” and forcing them to compete with lower cost producers. In addition, full employment produced increasing resistance on the shop floor and in society as a whole (see section C.7.1), squeezing profits even more. Thus a combination of class struggle and global over-capacity resulted in the 1970s crisis. With the inability of the real economy, especially the manufacturing sector, to provide an adequate return, capital shifted into finance. In effect, it ran away from the success of working people asserting their rights at the point of production and elsewhere. This, combined with increased international competition, ensured the rise of finance capital which in return ensured the current stagnationist tendencies in the economy (tendencies made worse by the rise of the Asian Tiger economies in the 1980s).
From the contradictions between finance capital and the real economy, between capitalists’ need for profit and human needs, between over-capacity and demand, and others, there has emerged what appears to be a long-term trend toward permanent stagnation of the capitalist economy with what growth spurts which do exist being fuelled by speculative bubbles as well as its benefits being monopolised by the few (so refuting the notion of “trickle down��� economics). This trend has been apparent for several decades, as evidenced by the continuous upward adjustment of the rate of unemployment officially considered to be “normal” or “acceptable” during those decades, and by other symptoms as well such as falling growth, lower rates of profit and so on.
This stagnation has became even more obvious by the development of deep crisis in many countries at the end of the 2000s. This caused central banks to intervene in order to try and revive the real economies that have suffered under their rentier inspired policies since the 1970s. Such action may just ensure continued stagnation and reflated bubbles rather than a real-up turn. One thing is true, however, and that is the working class will pay the price of any “solution” — unless they organise and get rid of capitalism and the state. Ultimately, capitalism need profits to survive and such profits came from the fact that workers do not have economic liberty. Thus any “solution” within a capitalist framework means the increased oppression and exploitation of working class people.
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Heyyyyy >:333
I'm working on a part two of the VSAU selfship fic I wrote ages ago and had like three-ish questions. Feel free to answer what you can::
So, according to the docs, Solstice/Xisuma has void pocket dimensions as his ability. How does this come into play during his hero work?
What does the average fight against Worlock/Mumbo look like?
How would low doses of skulk affect a person, whether it be briefly or longer periods of time? I know it has a mind of its own, so would it simply be a case of taking longer to wear them down to control or just make them sick?
right okokok
1 - He mostly uses his pocket dimension as hammerspace to store weapons and tools, swapping his weapons to keep villains he's fighting on their toes, also for the fun cartoon logic of pulling smth big out of a small space for the bit
2 - Fighting Worlock? Expect a lot of explosions. Worlock fights using end crystals that he manufactures. He's modified himself to had a higher blast resistance. A standing next to the end crystal hit? will kill someone not heavily armoured. but being around the explosion hurts but its more of a force/magic explosion rather than a fire explosion, knocks you back n shit
3 - Yeah smaller doses of skulk would just take longer to grow/control, and in the beginning the symptoms would just make it seem like they're ill or smth. Tho taking longer means there is a bigger window to get them help before there's too much skulk to cure
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Chrissy Reifschneider had just left rehab to treat her heroin addiction in 2017 when she started taking tianeptine, popularly dubbed “gas station heroin." The 41-year-old from Alabama was struggling with low energy, so a family member who worked at a gas station recommended she try the pills.
Within days, Reifschneider was hooked, and three dark years cruised by. Now four years clean, Reifschneider reflects on the deception that contributed to her tianeptine addiction and the overwhelming shame that followed. It's a trend that addiction medicine experts say shines a sobering light on the ongoing mental health crisis that's driving people to "easy" solutions amid widespread healthcare accessibility issues in the U.S.
“I thought well, I'm not sticking a needle in my arm, so I literally convinced myself that I wasn’t a drug addict until I realized I didn't recognize who I was anymore,” Reifschneider said. “It's crazy to think that these gas station pills just controlled me. I was ashamed because I'd rather people know I was shooting up heroin than actually spending all this time and money on over-the-counter (drugs).”
Tianeptine is prescribed as an antidepressant in some European, Asian and Latin American countries, but it’s not approved for any medical use in the U.S. Still, companies are marketing and selling tianeptine products as dietary supplements typically in pill and powder form, claiming it can improve brain function and treat depression, anxiety, pain and even opioid use disorder.
Tianeptine has been banned in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio and Tennessee.
Reifschneider used to take five pills every four hours, which she said gave her enough of a “warm, fuzzy buzz” without making her feel clammy or nauseous, similar to the effects of doing too much heroin, she said. The brand she purchased recommends two capsules daily “or as needed,” and advises against exceeding three capsules in a 24-hour period.
She started to lose her hair and lots of weight; had auditory hallucinations; developed paranoia surrounding electronics, at times using 10 cellphones at once; and began to convince herself that she was “better off dead.” Reifschneider would even chat with gas station employees about how dangerous the pills were: “I was silently crying out for help.”
After several unsuccessful stays in rehab, Reifschneider quit “cold turkey” and entered a withdrawal state for the next six months, which she said felt similar to but lasted longer than her withdrawal from heroin and fentanyl. Today, she continues to “feel like a 15-year-old in my brain,” alluding to her debilitating memory problems. “It’s one of my more shameful things,” she said.
Poison control cases involving tianeptine have increased nationwide, from 11 total cases between 2000 and 2013 to 151 cases in 2020, the FDA says. Many poison control calls often involve severe withdrawal symptoms, such as agitation, vomiting and diarrhea, because people typically consume higher doses than those prescribed in other countries, according to a 2018 CDC report.
Dr. Holly Geyer, an internal medicine physician specializing in addiction medicine with the Mayo Clinic, said fear of withdrawal and the depression that follows can contribute to addiction to a variety of substances.
“These often aren't people who are chasing a high. They're just trying to feel normal, and if there's a drug out there that helps them curb that appetite, they're probably going to take it until it as a solution becomes the problem,” Geyer said. “These people are trapped biologically, mentally and spiritually. It's a horrible situation to be in, and I can tell you tianeptine does not let them out of it.”
Shame and stigma prevail among addiction recovery circles
Since Reifschneider joined social media to share her tianeptine experience, neighbors and friends have confided in her with their own struggles with the supplement. “It was a very dark secret we all kept in our recovery circle because it was so shameful,” she said. “We all felt better about ourselves because we weren’t doing the worst of the worst.”
Aaron Weiner, an addiction psychologist, says that mentality is “completely reasonable” considering the stigma and “traditionalism” that still weighs on drug use in general. “There’s a very intense mental health burden in this country right now,” he said.
Tianeptine is marketed as a supplement, but it’s really an opioid receptor agonist. That means it binds to the same receptors in the brain that heroin, fentanyl and other opioids do, causing similar euphoric and addictive effects by hijacking the body’s dopamine system. So when people use tianeptine amid their recovery journey to cope with withdrawal or other lingering effects, judgment frequently follows.
“In a lot of recovery circles, the goal is complete abstinence from all intoxicating substances,” Weiner said. “In this scenario, some people may assume they’re substituting one drug for another, and say they’re not really sober.”
Similar judgment occurs among those taking FDA-approved medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), including methadone, buprenorphine and naltrexone — some of which are opioids themselves. Mounting evidence shows that they reduce opioid cravings and withdrawal symptoms, and block their euphoric effects, Weiner said, but don’t make people “high” or cause withdrawal when dosed properly.
Although MOUD use has grown by more than 100% over the last decade, nearly 90% of people living with opioid use disorder are not receiving these medications, according to a 2022 study published in the International Journal of Drug Policy. Experts say stigma is partly to blame.
“One of the greatest problems we have in this country is that of stigma; we label people, then throw them out with their diagnoses,” Geyer said. “So when many of them turn to MOUD, they experience equal amounts of stigma and are led to think that no one could yell at them or be offended if they use supplements like tianeptine that they think are safer.”
"It kills me to know this is still out there"
Reifschneider said she visited a doctor who specializes in addiction medicine two times for help to detox from tianeptine, but neither attempt was successful.
“The doctor had no idea what these pills were, but he wanted to help me because he could see my desperation,” Reifschneider said. “I was terrified to come off of them alone, so I didn’t know what to do.”
She ultimately detoxed herself, but this lack of awareness and access to proper treatment, Geyer said, is what deters people away from evidence-based treatment and attracts them to the illicit market.
Data show that nearly 50% of counties in the U.S., don’t have MOUD medication providers and 32% don’t have any specialty substance abuse treatment programs at all.
“There's not a whole lot of attention paid to tianeptine because it’s one of many drugs that you could find at gas stations these days that are not technically outlawed but certainly not beneficial,” Geyer said. “The big name drugs out there like fentanyl is where the money has historically been in this industry, so that's where most treatment approaches have focused.”
After years of rehab, Reifschneider said she wants to lay low and just live a normal life, but knowing that tianeptine is still being sold on gas station shelves weighs on her.
“I'm honestly grateful that there's been more awareness, but it kills me to know this is still out there,” she said.
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did you read the CNBC article "Egg prices rose 60% in 2022. One farm griup claims it's a 'collusive scheme' by suppliers"? Given how knowledgeable you are about your own birds, I'm interested to hear your thoughts! I particularly found it weird in the inflation numbers comparison where eggs went up by 59.9% in December while the "poultry" category only went up by 12.2%. Doesn't that seem counter-intuitive since it takes much longer to raise meat vs eggs even with the flu? I'm not trying to grill you at all I just like your blog and would like to see your thoughts on it :)
I have no idea why you think eggs take a shorter time, but meat birds are ready for butcher at 6-8 weeks old, and egg birds are a minimum of like 4 months, if not 6-10 depending on breed.
Don't listen to people (general) on farm groups. I'm in several, and day in and day out I see some real hot takes on stuff and a lot of people who either don't know what they're doing or are doing stuff that's like, actively harmful. The people that know what they're talking about burn out trying to argue with the people that are Very Convinced that they're right as they say the most wrong things. I'm locked in combat to the death in one group over the people there using the phrase "fertile but not fertilized" to describe an infertile/unfertilized egg. There's literally no such thing as "fertile but unfertilized." An egg is infertile or fertile, or it's unfertilized or fertilized. But by golly you cannot convince them this is the case, even directing them to google to check for themselves. I've seen med recs for overdoses and underdoses. I had one lady tell me she poured some injectable meds under her bird's wing, and flat out refuse to give more via injection or buy the pour-on version because didn't "want to overdose him." MA'AM you didn't DOSE him!!! What you did was the equivalent of pouring cough syrup on your hand. I chased my own tail for WEEKS with a lady that INSISTED 12 accidental fires in a single year, across all the farms in the US (you know, the 2.5 million farms in the US), meant that there was a government conspiracy to cause a food shortage, and that's why she kept chickens. You might be able to find A Person on those groups that knows anything correct, but the groups at large are often not great for anything other than sharing cute pics and finding homes for excess birds.
Now don't get me wrong, if a company CAN charge a little more for something and get away with it, they're probably gonna try, and I'm sure that some of that is involved, in some places more heavily than others. But also we lost almost 58 MILLION chickens, a lot of them egg layers, to HPAI last year, from around march to june (like, for reference, the US has about 300 million egg-type production birds, across ages). There's also a higher cost in fuel, and likely an unwillingness to hire people who have standards about how they're treated factoring in. Given the processing/shipping/distribution time and the requirements (including the cost of materials, testing, cleaning, disposal etc) of sanitizing land and having to let it sit for a period before being able to resume production, that lag and then sept-dec 2022 zone was exactly where I expected the price rise to happen, and at least from what I've seen, it's already coming back down (from $6 to $4 around me anyway) as those lost facilities have reached laying ages. I expect it will keep going down, provided HPAI doesn't devastate the industry again this year.
If you want a visual representation of what the fuck happened last year, here's from the USDA:
So no, I don't think it's weird and also I don't think it's a conspiracy. Shit just happens sometimes, and instead of taking the hit to their profit, they took it out of egg prices because they had an excuse to raise them to cover costs and possibly make extra while people were tolerant. That's not really a conspiracy in my book, it's just capitalizing on a thing that happened. you know. like capitalists.
#chickens#animal death for ts#anon asks#asks#hpai#eggs#wank for ts#collusion gives them a lot of credit where I really don't think it's due#they're just being shitty morals capitalists#we had this same rigamarole the year corn prices rocketed#and it was because fields all got slogged by way too much rain#huge amounts of harvest were spoiled#rotted away from the overwater#it wasn't a conspiracy then either#doesn't mean it's not shitty#and doesn't mean it's RIGHT#but they didn't get together and go#let's all agree to raise the price for fun and profit#it's just a bad thing happened and cost money#and a lot of people along the way decided they could exploit it individually#because there was an obvious cause consumers could reason about#also before anyone else sends asks about this#I'm not getting into this in WIP Wednesday#today is writing day
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Medical ramblings under the cut,
So I was talking to my doctor that treats my adhd and deals with the dosage of my adderall and whatnot, and last month I said I felt like it wasn’t working as well and she asked if I wanted to try a higher dosage and I said I wanted to wait another month to see if it was just a blip due to work or whatever
Well I was chatting with her during our recent appointment and I was like no I think my dose is fine, I ended up starting my period a few days later. I laughed and then she started asking questions about my pms symptoms
I’m like yeah I get really anxious over everything, really tired, bad leg cramps and Charlie horses, cravings, mood swings, lots of near crying or sobbing or whatever, and I do this thing where I think everyone hates me, I can’t handle any sort of criticism without feeling terrible, you know the normal stuff and it goes away when my period is done (the tiredness lasts a bit longer but that’s probably due to my blood thinners and having a period)
And she goes, this is one of those things much like your adhd in the past where you think something is normal and ignore it when it is certainly not the normal experience.
So long story short apparently I have something called pmdd or premenstrual dysmorphic disorder, and there’s a high comorbidity with adhd
She prescribed a low dose of Prozac (she had a different one she wanted to prescribe but apparently it doesn’t mix well with blood thinners) to take the week to 10 days before my period as well as the heavier flow days
Now the only problem is I’m super irregular and sometimes I get the pms (or I guess pmdd) symptoms and then they go away with no period. So we’re going to track as best we can, she said there’s a possibility that my body is doing the same hormonal phase as normal but then skipping the period part and moving to the next phase but she isn’t a gyno lol
Anyway she said birth control pills could help or even copper iud but can’t take bc pills due to the hormones and the iud while I technically could have it without being at risk for a blood clot, my hematologist said it was a bad idea in case it ruptured because of internal bleeding woooo
All of this to say I took my adderall this morning and mid afternoon like I normally do, and decided to try the Prozac after work because it said possible drowsiness and let me just say yep, I’m barely awake feels like I took a Benadryl, so it is a night time only pill for sure.
My kid just fell asleep so now I can crash.
Ngl being a girl sucks ass sometimes lol, if we could just skip the shitty hormone drops and raises that would be nice
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"Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle and Causes of Hair Loss"
The hair growth cycle involves three distinct phases:
Catagen. The transition (catagen) phase signals the end of active growth. It can last several weeks.
Anagen. The growth (anagen) stage is when new hair fibers actively form within the hair follicles. What you might not know is that this process can last several years. TL;DR: Hair growth definitely doesn’t happen overnight.
Telogen. The resting period (or telogen phase) is when hair follicles become dormant. At any given time, up to 15 percent of the hairs on your body (including facial hair, arm hair and even chest hair) are in the telogen phase. This stage can last up to a year.
Shedding hair every day is normal — up to 200 strands, give or take. Shedding more than this might indicate an underlying hitch in the hair growth cycle.
External and Environmental Causes of Hair Loss
Many factors can disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to increased shedding such as:
Poor nutrition
Medication reactions
Constantly wearing hats
Tight hairstyles (ex man bun)
As for the case of male pattern baldness, hormones and genetics are at play.
Let’s start with how hormonal treatments can disrupt your T-levels.
Hormonal Causes of Hair Loss
There is a link between low testosterone levels and issues such as a lower sex drive and poor sexual wellness.
Low-T is a factor and can be caused by conditions like diabetes, autoimmune disease, and thyroid disease.
The following can also cause a temporary dip in testosterone levels:
Poor nutrition
Certain medications
Testerone Hormone Treatment (often called HRT or TRT) comes with potential side effects, and in some people, it may trigger hair loss.
High testerone causes hair loss, so more T isn't better. Stay with your doctor's instructions. Don't mess around with your dose.
Genetics influence how sensitive your hair follicles are to circulating dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a byproduct of testosterone and one of the most potent androgens (male sex hormones).
Testosterone and DHT are interlinked, and when T levels rise, DHT levels typically rise as well.
Researchers noted in a 2017 study that was done in Germany, which backs up previous research suggesting that developing bald spots from male pattern baldness might have more to do with sensitivity to testerone than the level itself.
Testerone converts a small amount of what is in your body into DHT by way of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which is found in small amounts in the body.
Secondary sex characteristics: any physical characteristic developing at puberty that is not directly involved in reproduction.
Why do we have DHT?
In young males, the body needs DHT to ensure the healthy development of the genitals and prostate. Ftm trans people obviously do not have testicles or a prostate. We focus on secondary sex characteristics like voice, muscle mass, and body hair.
As an adult? DHT doesn’t really have a large job to do anymore. Therefore, it can cause problems, like hair loss. In fact, researchers have found more DHT in balding scalps compared to non-balding ones. But not every guy’s hair follicles are ultra-sensitive to this sex hormone.
The more testosterone, the higher the levels of DHT in your body. That’s not necessarily a death sentence for your hair, but it is a fact.
DHT can attach to receptors in the scalp and gradually shrink hair follicles until they can no longer produce hair — a process known as follicular miniaturization.
If you have a genetic predisposition to DHT sensitivity, too much of it can cause hair loss.
While TRT doesn’t directly cause hair loss, increased Testosterone can lead to androgenic alopecia if the patient has a genetic sensitivity to the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
Androgenic alopecia is also known as male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness. Is the most common cause of hair loss in men and women.
Diagnosing Your Androgenic Alopecia
The first step to avoiding hair loss on HRT is to identify whether you have a genetic sensitivity to DHT. If you don’t, then it’s unlikely that HRT (and a resulting increase in DHT levels) will trigger hair loss.
Male-pattern baldness most often occurs in an M-shaped pattern starting at the forehead. It may also manifest as a slowly growing bald spot on the top/crown of the head. If you notice either of these patterns in your hair, then it’s possible you have male-patterned baldness.
Because androgenic alopecia is a genetic condition, you can also look at your family line for any signs of hair loss, as well. A common myth is that hair loss is inherited from the mother’s side, but in actuality, both parents can pass down the genes that lead to androgenic alopecia. This condition is polygenic, meaning it comes from multiple genes rather than just one.
It’s useful to work with a knowledgeable provider when diagnosing androgenic alopecia. Defy Medical offers consultations to discuss this topic in detail.
DHT Blood Testing
If you’re experiencing hair loss but aren’t sure it’s androgenic alopecia, or if you don’t have any symptoms but still want to check, you can order a DHT blood test. This test measures your DHT levels to determine whether your levels are elevated. Elevated DHT levels along with hair loss often indicate androgenic alopecia.
How to Avoid Hair Loss on (T)HRT
If you do have androgenic alopecia, there are several treatment options to slow and minimize hair loss.
It’s important to catch hair thinning and hair loss as quickly as possible, so you can preserve hair follicles. It’s much more effective to slow hair loss than to grow hair back after it’s gone.
#transgender#trans ftm#hair loss on t#t and hair loss#ftm transition#ftm educational blog#ftm education blog#trangender#transitioning#hair loss and testosterone#long article#sources listed
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I remember reading about your issues with prozac (or some other ssri medication?) i wonder if the horrible feelings you experienced slowly went away and if you took chance and tried another med (or maybe you still are on some?) where you stand on the topic of psychiatric meds overall?
Oh wow it's weird seeing someone reference something I posted about 4 years ago. Yeah, I was on prozac and basically went insane. The period is kind of a blur for me, I think I started taking it in late June and stopped early September. I started feeling like somewhat of a human being again in like... January? Maybe february? It definitely took a lot longer than just the 4 weeks after which it was meant to be out of my system.
I honestly feel like I never 100% recovered from it. I've talked to my cousin about it since, he was also on prozac and he said he permanently lost his ability to feel emotions the way he used to. He goes through things that should make him sad, realizes it should make him sad, but it just doesn't hit him. I don't feel quite the same way but it's similar. I'm just disconnected from myself. Things don't really feel like they're happening to me. I feel like I'm floating through life in a body that's not mine, I'm not quite a person, etc.
I genuinely believe that prozac nearly killed me and I will never, ever try another SSRI. "Try it all and see what sticks" protocol can go fuck itself. But my anxiety got to unbearable severity earlier this year, which did get me to try 2 new medications.
I was prescribed lorazepam for emergencies and still have 90% of it sitting in my closet. Don't understand how people get hooked on benzos, it helped me fall asleep but without actually calming me or my body down in any way and getting a full night's sleep while you're wired the whole time is a distinctly unpleasant experience. When I was able to get an appointment with a psychiatrist he gave me the standard recommendation of either trying another SSRI or moving on to an SNRI (same list of side effects, generally prescribed less often because the risk of side effects is higher, no studies on how likely you are to experience them if you've previously had a bad reaction to an SSRI). I did a bunch of my own research and he agreed to let me try buspirone instead on the condition that I would move on to an SNRI if that didn't work (which I did not stick to lmao). Buspirone gave me super vivid nightmares, and brain zaps when I first started which was pretty unpleasant. My dose got upped to 20mg which made me so exhausted I literally couldn't function. My limbs felt 4x heavier than usual, I had a hard time keeping my eyes open. I remember one of the first days I was on 20mg I was in the city for an appointment and walking around hoping the side effects would pass enough for me to safely make it home. I got a ton of dirty looks because I looked like I was stumbling around drunk, at 1pm. My dose got reduced back to 10mg which was fine, felt like it was only reducing my anxiety a little but it was bearable enough and I didn't have any side effects anymore. Started getting hives so I had to stop taking it, my anxiety didn't go up when I stopped so I think it was just placebo at that point and now I'm not on anything. I'm not remotely anti medication but my experience up until this point has been so bad that I really just don't want to risk completely destroying my mental health and potentially losing my life to "giving it another shot".
Anyway the tiredness from buspirone fucked with my eyesight so I got my eyes tested and spent like €250 on glasses literally a week before I stopped taking it. I can't see shit with them on and I can see perfectly fine without them now. 0/10.
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Anyone else on T and Finasteride having shitty side effects because they lowkey counteract each other?
I fucking hate talking about this but also the stress and anxiety are eating me alive even though I’m talking to a doctor in like 30 minutes.
Basically I’ve been on T for 6ish years at this point. Got one period after I started and then never again. Until a few fucking days ago. I’ve been on 1 mg of Finasteride for about a month and half and I dropped my T dose from .3 ml to .2 ml around the same time frame due to concerns about my hair.
I was warned this could happen but I’ve seen my bloodwork, my levels were pretty high, higher than when it first stopped so I figured I was in the safe zone at least for longer than a month.
So, has this happened to anyone else? And what did you do about it?
Like did raising your T dose work, did anyone go lower than 1 mg of Finasteride? Is that even effective? Did y’all just go off it cause this isn’t worth it?
I’m also using some topicals and seeing a local dermatologist who thinks some of my hair loss is an immune response to Covid because it did really speed up after I got it. idk man I hate this, if any of y’all have similar experiences at all please let me know
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So TW medical bitterness, cancer, hysterectomy, abnormal periods, mental health, past abuse. I just want to encourage others with my story, I guess.
Since 2018, I knew something was wrong with my uterus, but I figured I was just young and didn't know stuff yet. I developed late emotionally/physically, like not even getting anything near a stereotypical period until I was 22, even though I'd been spotting since 12.
I started bleeding a lot and never really stopped, even with a fist-sized blood clot that nearly made me pass out. But I got on birth control for the anemia and they said it would reset my reproductive system.
Which for a lot of people it does! Not so for me.
Fast forward to 2020, and I'm in the hospital for a pulmonary embolism that was caused by the very same birth control that kept me from bleeding to death. I asked to get a hysterectomy because something ain't right.
They told me that I being was dramatic and swapped me to progesterone-only birth control. I didn't stop asking though.
Fast forward again to 2022, last November, and I got on antidepressants for the first time. Honestly, it's amazing no longer having a maelstrom of ADHD, anxiety (thanks hospital stay), and depression in my head where I feel lost.
But then I started bleeding again. The antidepressants overrode my birth control. So I quickly switched to another antidepressant and got into the gynecologist who put me on a progesterone booster.
They did an ultrasound and get this, in the 3 days I bled, my body made 19 mm of uterine lining. 19! A month later when I went back to see how much had been dissolved by the higher dose of meds (as is supposed to happen), I was only down to 16 mm of lining!
Obviously, it's not working and I produce far more than should be possible. NO SHIT.
Anyway, so March of this year, I had a D&C surgery. They scrape out my uterus and send all the contents to the lab for testing.
The only thing I cried about was that I no longer have to fight to get the hysterectomy because it's now seen as a lifesaving operation instead of "convenience".
I'm the one driving this meat suit and I told them there was something wrong for YEARS.
So, in 8 days (April 27th, 2023, since I don't know when this will get shared), I get a hysterectomy and my life back. All the risks of birth control, the weight gain, so much will be gone and I can lower doses on my other meds.
Yes, I'm fat and they can blame as much as they want on that fact, but now that the causes of my overeating are finally getting fixed, I'm losing said weight and I will finally be free.
I'm a subset of asexual with sexual abuse trauma, so while I know the big choice I'm losing, I would rather be alive and foster kids when I'm older than have kids/a relationship and be the emotional/verbal abuser that my parents were because it's so internalized that I haven't dug it out yet.
Never stop asking. Never let them sweep you off to the side. Make your doctor rule out everything until they finally do what you want.
I'm bitter, I admit it. I'm bitter against my mom for not diagnosing me with my ADHD and getting me medicated as a child. My first adderall was my 30th birthday, because I snuck behind her back for it. I don't give a shit about the stigma of mental health, I want to be free. I want to be me.
Find the good doctors out there and hang onto them. Dig your feet in and stand up. AFAB are more than the uteruses we are born with. Fat people are more than just our fat. We are people worth getting real genuine help by the medical field. We need more people to learn how people of different races are built differently too.
I now can't even take HRT (to stave off menopause) because I've had both embolism and cancer.
I admit, I wasn't strong enough to fight against my family for the help I needed, and I'm not sure if it was because I was a coward or just not mature enough. But I'm a human being.
I'm going to win and be happy, even if it takes me fighting for the rest of my life to be seen as worthwhile. I'm so tired, but I won't fall. I can't.
Hi Audra,
I'm so sorry that you struggled to get a proper diagnosis and treatment, but I'm glad that you could get the help you needed. Your experiences highlight the importance of advocating for ourselves and persistently seeking the help and treatment we deserve.
The bitterness you feel towards your mom and the healthcare system is valid. It's natural to have complex emotions when reflecting on the past and the support that could have made a significant difference in your life. But the focus now is on your well-being and reclaiming your life.
Please know that you are more than the conditions you've faced. You are a human being deserving of compassion, understanding, and comprehensive healthcare. It's essential to take care of yourself mentally and physically as you continue your healing journey.
I hope I could help. Please feel free to reach out if you need anything.
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Engineers develop a better way to deliver long-lasting drugs
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/engineers-develop-a-better-way-to-deliver-long-lasting-drugs/
Engineers develop a better way to deliver long-lasting drugs
MIT engineers have devised a new way to deliver certain drugs in higher doses with less pain, by injecting them as a suspension of tiny crystals. Once under the skin, the crystals assemble into a drug “depot” that could last for months or years, eliminating the need for frequent drug injections.
This approach could prove useful for delivering long-lasting contraceptives or other drugs that need to be given for extended periods of time. Because the drugs are dispersed in a suspension before injection, they can be administered through a narrow needle that is easier for patients to tolerate.
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“We showed that we can have very controlled, sustained delivery, likely for multiple months and even years through a small needle,” says Giovanni Traverso, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at MIT, a gastroenterologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), an associate member of the Broad Institute, and the senior author of the study.
The lead authors of the paper, which appears today in Nature Chemical Engineering, are former MIT and BWH postdoc Vivian Feig, who is now an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Stanford University; MIT graduate student Sanghyun Park; and Pier Rivano, a former visiting research scholar in Traverso’s lab.
Easier injections
This project began as part of an effort funded by the Gates Foundation to expand contraceptive options, particularly in developing nations.
“The overarching goal is to give women access to a lot of different formats for contraception that are easy to administer, compatible with being used in the developing world, and have a range of different timeframes of durations of action,” Feig says. “In our particular project, we were interested in trying to combine the benefits of long-acting implants with the ease of self-administrable injectables.”
There are marketed injectable suspensions available in the United States and other countries, but these drugs are dispersed throughout the tissue after injection, so they only work for about three months. Other injectable products have been developed that can form longer-lasting depots under the skin, but these typically require the addition of precipitating polymers that can make up 23 to 98 percent of the solution by weight, which can make the drug more difficult to inject.
The MIT and BWH team wanted to create a formulation that could be injected through a small-gauge needle and last for at least six months and up to two years. They began working with a contraceptive drug called levonorgestrel, a hydrophobic molecule that can form crystals. The team discovered that suspending these crystals in a particular organic solvent caused the crystals to assemble into a highly compact implant after injection. Because this depot could form without needing large amounts of polymer, the drug formulation could still be easily injected through a narrow-gauge needle.
The solvent, benzyl benzoate, is biocompatible and has been previously used as an additive to injectable drugs. The team found that the solvent’s poor ability to mix with biological fluids is what allows the solid drug crystals to self-assemble into a depot under the skin after injection.
“The solvent is critical because it allows you to inject the fluid through a small needle, but once in place, the crystals self-assemble into a drug depot,” Traverso says.
By altering the density of the depot, the researchers can tune the rate at which the drug molecules are released into the body. In this study, the researchers showed they could change the density by adding small amounts of a polymer such as polycaprolactone, a biodegradable polyester.
“By incorporating a very small amount of polymers — less than 1.6 percent by weight — we can modulate the drug release rate, extending its duration while maintaining injectability. This demonstrates the tunability of our system, which can be engineered to accommodate a broader range of contraceptive needs as well as tailored dosing regimens for other therapeutic applications,” Park says.
Stable drug depots
The researchers tested their approach by injecting the drug solution subcutaneously in rats and showed that the drug depots could remain stable and release drug gradually for three months. After the three-month study ended, about 85 percent of the drug remained in the depots, suggesting that they could continue releasing the drugs for a much longer period of time.
“We anticipate that the depots could last for more than a year, based on our post-analysis of preclinical data. Follow-up studies are underway to further validate their efficacy beyond this initial proof-of-concept,” Park says.
Once the drug depots form, they are compact enough to be retrievable, allowing for surgical removal if treatment needs to be halted before the drug is fully released.
This approach could also lend itself to delivering drugs to treat neuropsychiatric conditions as well as HIV and tuberculosis, the researchers say. They are now moving toward assessing its translation to humans by conducting advanced preclinical studies to evaluate self-assembly in a more clinically relevant skin environment. “This is a very simple system in that it’s basically a solvent, the drug, and then you can add a little bit of bioresorbable polymer. Now we’re considering which indications do we go after: Is it contraception? Is it others? These are some of the things that we’re starting to look into as part of the next steps toward translation to humans,” Traverso says.
The research was funded, in part, by the Gates Foundation, the Karl van Tassel Career Development Professorship, the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering, a Schmidt Science Fellows postdoctoral fellowship, the Rhodes Trust, a Takeda Fellowship, a Warren M. Rohsenow Fellowship, and a Kwangjeong Educational Foundation Fellowship.
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Kamagra Polo : A Stronger Dose for Severe Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that affects millions of men worldwide, often leading to frustration, stress, and a diminished quality of life. While ED is common, the severity can vary, and some men may find that standard treatments, such as lower doses of medications like Viagra, aren’t effective enough for their needs. This is where Kamagra Polo comes in—a stronger alternative for those with more severe cases of Erectile issues . In this article, we will explore Kamagra Polo, how it works, who should consider using it, and the potential side effects.
What is Kamagra Polo?
Kamagra Polo is a chewable form of sildenafil citrate, the active ingredient in Viagra. It is specifically designed to treat erectile dysfunction by improving blood flow to the penis, thus helping men achieve and maintain an erection during sexual activity. The difference between Kamagra Polo and other sildenafil products lies in its higher dosage and its chewable form. This makes it easier to consume and offers faster results compared to traditional tablets.
Unlike regular Kamagra tablets or Viagra, which are taken in pill form and require a glass of water to swallow, Kamagra Polo comes as a chewable tablet. This chewable formulation makes it a more convenient option for those who might have difficulty swallowing pills. The chewable form also leads to faster absorption, allowing the medication to work more quickly.
How Kamagra Polo Works
Sildenafil citrate, the active ingredient in Kamagra Polo, works by increasing the flow of blood to the penis, which is essential for achieving an erection. It does this by inhibiting the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), which normally causes the blood vessels in the penis to constrict. When this enzyme is blocked, the blood vessels relax, and more blood can flow to the penis, making it easier to achieve an erection in response to sexual stimulation.
Kamagra Polo has a stronger dose than regular Kamagra tablets or Viagra, which makes it particularly effective for men with more severe forms of ED. It may provide results when other medications haven’t worked or when a stronger dose is required to address the intensity of the symptoms.
Why Kamagra Polo is Considered a Stronger Dose
One of the key advantages of Sildenafil is its higher dosage of sildenafil citrate. Men with severe erectile dysfunction often need a stronger dose for optimal results, and Kamagra Polo offers just that. With a higher concentration of sildenafil, it has the potential to deliver more potent effects. This makes it a suitable choice for men who have previously struggled with milder doses or other forms of treatment.
Kamagra Polo's higher strength can also provide longer-lasting effects compared to lower doses, helping men maintain their erections for a longer period of time. This makes it an ideal option for individuals who need more support to enjoy a satisfying sexual experience.
Benefits of Kamagra Polo
Kamagra Polo offers several benefits, particularly for those with severe erectile dysfunction:
Faster Action: Because it is chewable, Kamagra Polo is absorbed into the bloodstream faster than traditional tablets. This means it can start working more quickly, typically within 30-60 minutes.
Convenience: The chewable format makes it easier to take than a traditional pill, especially for people who may have difficulty swallowing tablets.
Longer-lasting Effects: The stronger dose may provide longer-lasting results, which can lead to a more fulfilling sexual experience.
Discreetness: Kamagra Polo is discreet and easy to carry, making it a convenient option for men on the go.
Who Should Consider Kamagra Polo?
Kamagra Polo is typically recommended for men who have severe erectile dysfunction and have not responded to lower doses of ED medications. If you’ve tried standard Viagra or Kamagra tablets with little to no success, Kamagra Polo might be the right solution. However, before using any ED treatment, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it is suitable for your specific needs and medical condition.
It is particularly useful for men who need a stronger dose of sildenafil to address their ED symptoms effectively. Kamagra Polo can also be beneficial for those looking for a faster onset of action or who prefer the chewable form of medication.
Potential Side Effects of Kamagra Polo
Like all medications, Kamagra Polo can cause side effects, although not everyone will experience them. Common side effects include:
These side effects are usually mild and temporary, but they can be bothersome. In rare cases, more serious side effects can occur, such as:
Vision problems (e.g., blurred vision or sensitivity to light)
Chest pain
Difficulty breathing
Prolonged erections (lasting more than four hours)
If any of these serious side effects occur, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately. It’s important to note that Kamagra Polo should not be used by individuals who are on medications containing nitrates or those with certain heart conditions. Always consult with your doctor before starting treatment with Kamagra Polo.
How to Use Kamagra Polo Safely
The recommended dose of Kamagra Polo is typically one tablet, taken approximately 30 minutes to an hour before sexual activity. The tablet should be chewed and not swallowed whole. It’s important to avoid taking more than one tablet within a 24-hour period, as higher doses can increase the risk of side effects.
For best results, avoid drinking alcohol or consuming high-fat meals before taking Kamagra Polo, as they can interfere with the medication’s effectiveness.
Kamagra Polo vs. Other ED Treatments
Kamagra Polo is just one of several treatments available for erectile dysfunction. Compared to traditional Viagra, Kamagra Polo offers a stronger dose and a faster onset of action due to its chewable form. When compared to Cialis, which has a longer duration of action, Kamagra Polo may provide quicker results but with a shorter overall duration.
Kamagra Polo offers an effective solution for men struggling with severe erectile dysfunction. With its stronger dose of sildenafil citrate, faster absorption, and convenient chewable form, it provides a powerful option for those who need a more potent treatment. However, like all medications, it should be used under the guidance of a healthcare provider to ensure safety and effectiveness. If you’re struggling with ED and other treatments haven’t worked, Kamagra Polo may be the answer you’ve been looking for.
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The journey to Mars will subject astronauts to extended periods of exposure to radiation during their months-long travel through space. While NASA’s Artemis 1 mission lasted only a matter of weeks, it provided valuable radiation exposure data that scientists can use to predict the radiation risks for future Mars crews. The measurements not only validated existing radiation prediction models but also revealed unexpected insights about the effectiveness of radiation shielding strategies too. Space radiation poses one of the most significant health risks for astronauts travelling beyond Earth’s magnetic field. Unlike the radiation from medical X-rays or nuclear sources on Earth, space radiation includes high-energy galactic cosmic rays and solar particle events that can penetrate traditional shielding materials. When these particles collide with human tissue, they can damage DNA, increase cancer risk and weaken the immune system. The effects are cumulative too, with longer missions like a journey to Mars significantly increasing exposure and health risks. Artist’s illustration of ultra-high energy cosmic rays The International Space Station crews receive radiation doses similar to nuclear power plant workers due to a little protection from Earth’s magnetosphere, but astronauts traveling to Mars would face much higher exposure levels during their multi-month journey. NASA estimates that a mission to Mars could expose astronauts to radiation levels that exceed current career exposure limits, making effective radiation shielding one of the key challenges for deep space exploration. A full-disk view of Mars, courtesy of VMC. Credit: ESA A paper recently published by a team led by Tony C Slaba from the Langley Research Centre at NASA, they use computer models and data from on-board detectors to assess the health risk to long term space flight. The data is taken from the International Space Station (ISS,) the Orion Spacecraft, the BioSentinel CubeSat and from receivers on the surface of Mars. Collectively this data enables a full mission profile to be modelled for a Martian journey. The data was captured during the time period of the Artemis-1 mission, just under one month in duration. NASA’s Orion spacecraft will carry astronauts further into space than ever before using a module based on Europe’s Automated Transfer Vehicles (ATV). Credit: NASA Space radiation comes in two primary forms that pose risks to astronauts and spacecraft. Solar Particle Events occur during solar storms, releasing intense bursts of energetic particles from the Sun, while Galactic Cosmic Rays represent a constant stream of highly penetrating radiation from deep space. The findings enabled the team to assess current models for accuracy. They found that predictions match actual measurements to within 10-25% for the International Space Station, 4% for deep space conditions, and 10% for the Martian surface. This level of precision gives confidence in the existing models and in planning radiation protection for future missions. They also found that, having assessed traditional shielding approaches, that they are largely ineffective against Galactic Cosmic Rays. In some cases, excessive shielding or inappropriate material choices can even amplify radiation exposure through secondary particle production. This occurs when the ‘original radiation’ creates a cascade of new particles on impact that can be more dangerous than the original radiation! They found that radiation levels vary substantially depending on location and the specific shielding configurations used! Quite the headache for engineers! Radiation exposure is one of the greatest challenges in human space exploration. The study shows that our models for assessing radiation risk are reliable and that the ability to accurately assess those risks is crucial for protecting astronauts from serious health consequences. Having a good understanding of the risk directly influences how spacecraft are engineered, and plays a key role in mission planning for trips beyond Earth orbit. More work is needed now in the design of radiation protection systems if our space travellers are to be better protected from the long term risks posed by radiation. Source : Validated space radiation exposure predictions from earth to mars during Artemis-I The post We Know How Much Radiation Astronauts Will Receive, But We Don’t Know How to Prevent it appeared first on Universe Today.
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Unlocking the Power of Premium Cannabis: Benefits You Can’t Ignore 🌿🔓
In today’s dynamic cannabis market, the emphasis is on quality, safety, and reliability. Premium cannabis products distinguish themselves with exceptional effects, delightful flavors, and unmatched value. Whether you use cannabis recreationally or for therapeutic purposes, knowing what sets high-quality products apart empowers you to make better choices.
1. Elevated Safety and Purity Standards 🛡️🔬
Top-tier cannabis products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they’re safe and free of harmful substances.
Certified lab testing: Screened for contaminants like mold, pesticides, and other impurities. 🧪✅
Organic cultivation: Grown without the use of harmful chemicals or additives. 🌱❌
Health-focused consumption: Provides a safer and more enjoyable experience with minimal health risks. 🌿💚
2. Exceptional Taste and Aroma 🍃🌺
High-quality cannabis is carefully cultivated to deliver rich, natural flavors and enticing aromas.
Diverse terpene profiles: Present a range of flavors, from earthy undertones to fruity notes. 🍓🌳
Guaranteed freshness: Retains its original taste and scent for a longer period. 🕒🍃
Consistent flavor: Offers a dependable and pleasant experience every time. ✅🌸
3. Better Medicinal Benefits 💊🌿
For those seeking cannabis for therapeutic reasons, premium products ensure more effective outcomes.
Accurate cannabinoid content: Helps in targeting specific conditions like pain, anxiety, or sleep disorders. 📋💤
Strain-specific benefits: Offers tailored relief through carefully selected strains. 🧠🩺
Maximum bioavailability: Enhances the absorption of cannabinoids for better results. 🌿✨
4. Sustainable and Ethical Practices 🌍♻️
Many high-quality cannabis brands prioritize sustainability in their growing and manufacturing processes.
Eco-friendly farming: Focused on organic practices and water conservation. 🌱💧
Ethical operations: Ensures fair labor and humane business practices. 🤝✨
Recyclable packaging: Reduces environmental impact. 📦♻️
5. Diverse Product Options 🛍️🌟
High-quality cannabis is available in a variety of forms to cater to different preferences.
Flower: Fresh and aromatic buds for traditional use. 🌸🔥
Edibles: Precise doses in delicious formats like gummies or chocolates. 🍪🍫
Concentrates: Potent extracts for seasoned users. 💧🔥
Topicals: Balms and lotions for localized, non-psychoactive relief. 🧴🛡️
6. Consistent and Reliable Effects 🎯🔄
Premium cannabis is cultivated under controlled conditions to ensure consistency.
Controlled potency: Delivers predictable effects every time. 📊✅
Reliable dosing: Helps users manage intake for desired results. 🧘🌿
No surprises: Removes uncertainty, offering a trustworthy experience. 🎯👌
7. Improved Value for Money 💰🌟
While premium cannabis may have a higher price point, the value it delivers is undeniable.
Higher potency: Requires less product for the desired effect. 🔥👌
Longer-lasting freshness: Stays effective for an extended period. You can also navigate this site to know more about the cannabis deleivery.⏳💎
Elevated experience: A premium journey worth every penny. 🌿✨
8. Transparent Branding and Education 📚🔍
Trusted cannabis companies emphasize transparency and customer education.
Detailed labeling: Provides information on THC/CBD levels, terpenes, and usage instructions. 📦📋
Educational content: Blogs, videos, and guides to enhance user knowledge. 📘💡
Responsive support: Reliable customer service for all your questions. 📞✨
High-quality cannabis products offer unmatched benefits, including superior safety, consistent effects, and environmental sustainability. 🌿✨ By choosing premium options, you invest in a safer, more enjoyable, and ultimately rewarding cannabis experience.
Opt for trusted brands, explore diverse products, and unlock the full potential of what cannabis has to offer. 🌱💎
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