#with her luscious black hair and big deep orange eyes
xjade-lotusx · 3 months
Can we all agree that Assad Zaman has pretty hands?
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sneezingvampire · 1 year
Dreaming of Sleeping Beauty – Chapter 1
📚 Dive into the Neon-lit Labyrinth of Memories! 🌃✨
In a world where memories are more precious than gold, join Salome, a brave memory dealer haunted by her past. It's the first fiction project I'm sharing on the internet. I'm super nervous but also incredibly excited 😱
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The room sparkled under the amber sunset, bathing her in an orange glow, like a radiant, ethereal being was rising. Her luscious cascading curls of chocolate brown hair were tamed and pulled back in a careless yet noble updo. Her soft inviting lips glimmered in a gentle pink like the petals of a rose and her prominent high cheekbones were defined, gracing her delicate unembellished dark skin with a gentle structure.
Despite her bath in the abyss of her own dreams, she had lost nothing of her elegance and I had the overwhelming desire to keep her this way forever, entranced by the ravishing beauty before me.
I stood in the doorway. A quiet, hallowed atmosphere lingered in the air. I didn't want to disturb the fragility of the ambience around me. Her room seemed to be a holy sanctuary that had been cleansed of time and all its pressures, where everyone who entered could remain suspended in a state of stillness.
She lay on the cold metal table, which was attached to a massive, sinister-looking machine. It was a long cylindrical chamber that seemed to swallow any light, the blackness within coasted an eerie, endless void. White sheets were carefully draped over her fragile frame, ready for when she was shifted into the chamber. All around her body were wires, blindly intertwining and snaking to the various monitors that emitted a soft humming and blinked in hypnotic patterns.
I stepped into the room, my gaze locked on her. She slowly opened her eyes, still glimmering in the fading sunlight. Her eyes seemed to be looking right through me. I felt a calming warmth begin to spread through my chest as we both held onto each other and at the same time a cold shiver ran down my spine, causing my neck to tense.
She seemed as innocent and as pure as the snow falling outside the window. The fluffy flakes slid past the window, turning the canyon of houses below us into a sea of tiny clouds. Only the large garishly illuminated billboards on the walls of the skyscrapers around us reminded me where we were. The sunset on the large screen just outside the window had almost reached its end, revealing that it promoted a new body modification. I watched as it descended, like a curtain coming down over a stage, leaving behind nothing but memories. 
"Salome?" her soft voice brought me out of my trance.
It made me step forward, compelled me to move toward her. I could hear it in my mind, shouting at me to go to her, that she needed my help. The closer I got, the more I could feel it. The pull of her beauty, the pull of her purity. It was almost like she was in need of my protection, like I was supposed to be the one to save her from whatever darkness had befallen her, to speak with her in this rare waking phase.
I sat on the edge of the table, reaching out for her hand, letting my fingers intertwine with hers. Her skin was cold and soft against mine, but I could feel a heat slowly radiating from my palm, slowly but surely bringing life back into her body. "I'm here, my love. I'm not going anywhere. You're not alone." A single tear escaped and ran down my cheek.
She looked up at me with her big brown eyes, glassy from her own tears trailing down her face. She glanced at me as if she somehow knew what I was feeling. As if she could see straight into my soul and see the deep despair I felt. I saw the pain and resignation in her eyes, knowing that her fate had already been sealed long ago.
I could feel the warmth emanating from her body. I couldn't help but reach out my hand to touch her face. Her skin was warm, velvety soft like satin and more fragile than ever. Light reflected in the wet rivers on her cheeks, and a small smile evolved at the corner of her lips that made my heart swell with love.
"What's wrong?" I asked softly, not wanting to break the spell around us.
She shook her head slowly. "Nothing," she said softly. "I'm... , I'm scared." There was a sense of sadness in her voice.
My heart ached at hearing this and I wanted nothing more than to take away all of her fear. I gently cupped her cheeks in my hands and drew her close until our faces were mere inches apart.
"You don't need to be scared," I whispered against her lips before pressing a gentle kiss on them. Our mouths locked together, our breaths mingling as I tasted the sweetness of her tongue. She smiled against my lips and slowly drew away, leaving me breathless and lightheaded, and I felt my chest tighten as her soft fingers entwined with mine. A look of sheer bliss appeared on her face. "I'm so grateful you're here," she said quietly, her face still lingering close to mine.
I felt a profound joy in my chest, knowing that I had been able to make her feel safe and protected. I could feel an immense love radiating from my heart as it opened up for her like a flower blooming for the first time. Holding onto each other's hands tightly, we just sat there in silence with our gaze locked on each other, each of us feeling the same warmth and comfort that comes with finding someone you truly care about.
"I'm here," I murmured before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "And I promise that no matter what happens, I will always be here," I lied.
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springsfordays · 4 years
Le Princess Isabella
Hello, Hello!! So I wrote an au fic and my very first one for Phineas and Ferb. I’ve had this idea for an au for a while so I finally wrote the first couple of chapters.
I’m posting the first chapter here and let me say it’s very boring dnndndjdkn. But I wanted to post it anyways. For future chapters I’ll probably just link it. Here’s the synopsis:
In a faraway place laid the noble land of the Tri-City State Empire where in the capitol of the nation, Danville, the castle of the royals resides. Among the rulers is the heir to the throne, Princess Isabella Garcia-Shapiro ward of King Monogram, wishes to escape her life of strict rules and the pressures of royalty for adventures beyond the horizon of her castle. What the princess does not know is that the journey she craves would come a lot sooner then she expects and in the worst way possible.
Read on AO3 if you want though! Hope you enjoy!!
In a distant land far away from the rest of the world in the oceans laid an Island called Danvillious. There the kingdom known as the Tri-City State Empire was thriving. The inhabitants lived a peaceful way of life with seemingly no worries of a threat to their daily lifestyles. Those who lived in land, or the low country, were farmers, weavers, town folk who took care of the vast rivers and waterfalls that flowed through valleys. The people who lived along the costs were fishermen, sailors who surfed the large waves that were as crystal clear as the sky was blue. Then there were those who lived in the cities. They were mechanics, inventors, scholars and..
"A bunch of snobs! Ptooe" a young boy spat onto the ground scowling at the passer bys that walked around him. He very much despised the city folk for their "high way of life" and despised them even more since the only way they get to have that high life is because he does all the dirty work for them.
"ugh, Buford just because you come from the low country doesn't mean everything said about city life is true." A younger boy walking beside Buford pushed up his glasses as his brows furrowed in annoyance. Buford grunted holding up a pointed finger at the other boy "I could'a told you that much 'Jeet. It's always said that the city is the prettiest place to be but all I've seen is grime, garbage, and a lot of fake perfume. Plus how would you know anything? Oh wait! Maybe you would seeing how you're some high and mighty academy student!" Baljeet rolled his eyes "I'm a professor's apprentice Buford but you're a cleaner. Garbage is your whole lively hood."
As the two boys walked they came upon a small brick building right between two large apartment complexes. A sign hung loosely from the top to above the door reading "Flynn-Fletcher Antiques and Mechanics". Buford spoke in a low voice as he opened the door for the both of them, "I didn't always have to rely on garbage y'know. I helped farm the ingredients used to make the food the people here throw away without finishing."
Baljeet turned to him "I get that you miss the country side but you are here now. Try to make the best of it. Like, I bet you weren't able to go flying in a custom plane made by the Flynn-Fletcher boys on your farm right?" He smiled pointing towards the back of the shop. Buford shrugged "Yeah I guess. You and the other two are alright I guess."
With that the two walked through the- in Buford's words- creepy shop full of knickknacks and old relics from over time on the Island. Srnnnnk. At the counter a teenage girl had her feet over the register and the newspaper over her face snoring deeply. The boys walked up and stared at her for a moment. Baljeet whispered in disgust after a particularly deep snore, "Eek she sounds like a broken radiator." Buford sighed a wistfully "Yeah.. A broken radiator with pretty ginger hair.."
"Uhh I mean.. Uh"
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Buford smashed the bell placed on the counter repeatedly startling awake the sleeping teenager sending her knocking back over. "Gah! What the hell??" She said moving her head back and forth. Baljeet cleared his throat getting her attention. "Oh it's you two. What do you want?" She said rubbing her eyes irritably. "Hello Candace we were looking for Phineas and Ferb, do you know where they are?"
Candace put her head in her hand, "UGH Where do you think they are? Being annoying as usual." Baljeet and Buford glanced at one another then back at Candace. "Aren't you going to try and 'bust' them for making so racket?" Baljeet asked in confusion. "Why bother? Mom and Dad are visiting the capital today on a 'special antique assignment'. No point" The boys shrugged and entered the back of the shop where the Flynn-Fletcher boys, Phineas and Ferb, worked welding a metal sheet onto whatever contraption they were working on now. The two covered in oil stains and dirt all over their blue overalls looked up from where they were working over to their two friends.
Phineas lifted his mask smiling widely, "Hey fellas! You're just on time! Come look what we've added to the wings." He walked towards the other side of the custom small plane to point out the paint job. On the wings the paint a fiery shape along the edges in bright red and orange colors. "Oooooo" the other two boys said seeing the paint. "Right? It was Ferb's idea he thought it needed a more badass look to it." Ferb walked over joining the huddle around the wings. "Well Ferb always has an eye for that sort of thing." Baljeet stated running a hand over the design. Ferb held up a pair of finger guns at him clicking his mouth.
"Yup. Now all we need is to finish the welding which should be done soon. Y'all could wait right over there so the sparks don't get you." Phineas said pulling his mask back over and beginning to weld again along with Ferb. Buford and Baljeet went to the corner of the room where a pile of old magazines, Newspapers and torn books were, Baljeet picked a book and began to read. Buford not one liking to read scrummaged through the papers. "I want to look at the funnies!" He continued shuffling until a single photo fell out gliding to the floor. Huh? Buford leaned over picking up and turning over the picture. On it he saw an adorably beautiful young girl no older than him staring somewhat thoughtfully back at him. The girl was dressed in all white, in huge contrast to her features, and sported gold and red medals and large white coat hung loosely on her shoulders.
"What the? Who is this?" Buford showed the picture to Baljeet. He corrected his glasses analyzing the picture. "Oh! That's Princess Isabella!" Buford's eyes went wide, "Wait! That's THE Princess Isabella?! Ward of the King?!" Baljeet nodded "Yup! That's her, I forget that not many pictures of her actually exist so most people don't even know what she looks like." Baljeet grabbed the photo scanning it some more with a curious look, "Which begs the question how a rarity such as this is in these newspaper clippings. Hey Phineas! Ferb! How'd you guys get this??" He shouted over the welding noises gaining their attention. "Huh? Oh! That picture! Be careful with it!" Phineas dashed over yanking the picture from Baljeet's hand. "Whoof! Possessive much?" Phineas blushed "Sorry It's just it’s the only picture we have of her." He said twiddling his fingers. Ferb walked over "Our folks got it from their last trip to the capital." Phineas continued for him "Yeah Mom and Dad sold the photographer a clock and when dad saw the pictures he knew he had to buy it. Y'know since she apparently isn't allowed outside the castle walls."
"Wow you're dad scored big time! I bet you could sell it for a ton of money!" Buford said excitedly. Phineas furrowed his eyebrows holding the picture away from everyone. "It's not for sale Buf!" Buford held his hands up "Damn okay! What's your attachment to this thing anyway?" Phineas face nearly went as red as his hair. "Well, I just like looking at it that's all. I don't want give it away." Baljeet giggled, "I don't blame you! She's very pretty."
Phineas sighed holding the picture up and staring longingly at the girl on it. "Yeah. What’s not pretty about her?" He moved around the room with the picture in hand, "That long luscious raven black hair. The olive toned skin. Those large deep brown eyes and that cute smile she has.. Besides the things I've invented she's the only girl I've ever loved." Phineas ran a hand over the photo. Buford groaned in disgust, "Oh my God, you're in love with a picture?? What is wrong with you man. I bet she ain't all hugs and kisses in real life. She's royalty, she's probably a brat!"
Phineas stared at Buford with narrowed eyes "Well you don't know that do you? Leave me to my crush on this photo alright?" Ferb and Baljeet looked at one another and covered their laughs. Buford rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah. Whatever can we get this bad boy into the sky now and leave the princess talk here?" The other boys nodded in agreement and all went to start rolling the plane out to of the back of the shop. Phineas lingered behind staring at the picture once more. The girl's eyes somehow burned through the stilled image. He smiled Simply beautiful aren't you? He carefully folded the photo and stuffed it securely into his front overall pocket and ran up to join the others.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Blue & Yellow
aleatory (n.) - relying on chance or an uncontrolled element in the details of life or in the creation of art (from these wonderful prompts)
Many thanks to @scribbles97​ for the read through and support :D
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Paint splattered in a rainbow of reds. The force behind the brush, the hand, the elbow and arm came down hard, flicking the blood-like liquid onto the laid-out canvas on the studio floor.
Wet, luscious, stains of pigment, turning blank white to vivid emotion.
The air screamed as Thunderbird Two tore into a turn midair that almost…almost defied the laws of physics.
“Gordon, now!”
Virgil’s harsh yell skipped across comms to his brother deep in the belly of the plane where his hand flicked a manual release.
Outside in the howling storm a lone grapple threw itself into swirling grey.
Not Payne’s Grey, not the subtle blue of a stormy midnight.
No, this was a sickly grey. A destructive grey. A grey that could reach out and strangle you when you weren’t looking.
It dripped. Single spots landing amongst the red slashes.
Until anger splattered it hard.
“Virgil talk to me! Did it work?”
“Negative.” The word was dragged across his lips. Virgil tugged on the yoke, fighting with his ‘bird. She wanted out, but he needed her to be here.
He had to be here.
“Discard and reset.”
“Do we have time?”
“Just do it!”
An explosion at a high-altitude military platform while they were attempting to evacuate the crew caught both One and Two into its unexpected blast range. One went down, crippled, her starboard scorched and wing buckled. Two faired better, but for a few moments there, Virgil had thought the worst.
He managed to keep her aloft and give chase to his plummeting brother, but half her systems were fried, including the firing mechanism for the grapple launchers. Fortunately, his targeting system was intact, but in order to activate a launcher, Gordon had run downstairs and fire it manually.
Two wailed as he forced her to dive once again, engines working against the forces of Mother Nature herself.
It the most appropriate. Not for its colour, but its lack of it. It shone in his studio lighting, mesmerising as a glob on the end of the fat wide brush in his hand. He could almost find beauty in it.
If it wasn’t sucking his soul dry.
It dripped lonely spots.
Black on red.
Black on grey.
Black on empty white.
He just stared and let it happen.
Their last chance was so sudden there was no time for thought.
A flash of lightning, a flicker of display and Thunderbird One fell past them once again.
Virgil spun his ‘bird into striking distance, his targeting sensors lit up the dash.
His younger brother didn’t reply, but the grapple fired.
Thunderbird Two shook in the wind.
Almost impossible.
God, please!
His readouts suddenly flashed green in confirmation of a strong connection.
Two shook again, her whole flight stability shuddering.
“Gordon, get up here!”
And then the grapple line snapped tight.
He held the tube in his hand.
It was the correct blue. Cerulean. The blue of skies. The blue of International Rescue. The blue of his uniform. The blue of hope.
He held it and his fingers tightened.
Thunderbird Two tipped sideways and fell.
Virgil yelled as he fought the yoke. “Goddamnit!” His fist pounded switches and VTOL roared out of sequence, her rockets firing erratically in a desperate attempt to right herself against both the storm and the sudden weight of her sister.
“C’mon!” It was one hell of a fight. He’d obviously done something to piss off Mother Nature recently because she wasn’t giving an inch. Wind and rain battered at Two’s fuselage, tossing her about, and in her weakened state, she was struggling.
But ever so slowly, she righted herself and began gaining height.
Her airframe whined.
“You can do it. C’mon, Number Two.” He bit his lip clean through.
It was slow. Ever so slow, but Thunderbird Two crawled up and out of the hurricane, reaching into the whites of swirling cloud.
Into the blue.
It swelled over his fingers, the tube popping open and bleeding through his grip.
A hand touched his and took the tube away.
A rag appeared and gently wiped the paint from his skin.
So soft. So caring.
The rag was put aside and blue, blue eyes dipped to peer into his. “Virgil?”
That sky so far above that hurricane swirled in his brother’s irises.
Virgil opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
“Scott! Do you read me?! Status?”
The commline creaked with static, but his heart started beating again when he finally heard his eldest brother’s voice.
“I read you…-ird Two. Thanks for the -ave. No flight -bility, but no injur-y. S-me fancy flying there, Virg-“
Virgil let out a laugh in relief. Thank god. “Gordon! Scott’s okay!”
The only answer was the drone of Two engines.
His big brother’s shirt was blue.
Long arms wrapped around him and drew him in.
Harsh breath against blue fabric.
“It wasn’t your fault, Virgil.”
“Wasn’t your fault.”
He couldn’t put her on autopilot. She was barely flying as it was.
“Gordon?! Answer me!”
His little brother didn’t.
Panic swelled into his throat.
“Scott, I have no response from Gordon.”
He brought their little convoy to a halt, keeping her in a fragile hover far above the clouds.
He didn’t need to ask. Scott was there in minutes.
And Gordon was found.
Virgil let the comfort last a few more seconds before gently removing himself from his brother’s embrace and turning back to his palette.
It glared at him.
He reached over and picked up the tube. Cadmium Yellow. The most vibrant yellow available.
The cap was tight and it bruised his fingers as he unscrewed it. Squirted onto his palette, the paint was as luscious as the red before it.
A fresh brush and he dipped hairs into that glossy shine. He lifted the palette up in one hand and knelt down in front of the canvas…almost reverently.
The acrylic already on the canvas was drying, all except for the thickest spots of paint.
His brush drew a line, bright…ever so bright yellow amongst the depression of the grey, the spots of all consuming black and the anger and pain of the red.
He drew a line.
Then another.
The cadmium took the red and made it orange, the grey disappeared under its opaque pigment and the black bled green.
His hand moved faster, paint slapped onto the canvas, catching the few flecks of blue that had been splashed.
A moment and he grabbed that mangled tube from the bench where his brother had left it. It was tacky, damp, and it messed up his fingers.
But it was sky blue. The blue of his brother’s eyes and the blue of their uniforms.
The blue of hope.
Combined with the yellow of sunshine, of his brother, Gordon.
It made green.
Beautiful, beautiful green.
The canvas transformed under his fingers. Where red and black tragedy had splattered a sun now rose over green fields, scattering the grey sky.
It was awkward, irregular and messy. Unpredictable, but beautiful.
Much like his little brother.
Scott crouched down beside him. “He’s going to be alright, Virgil.”
Yellow paint stained his fingers, along with the blue and the secondary green. “I know.” A staggered, indrawn breath and he turned to his big brother. “I can’t do this without him, Scott. Any more than I can do it without you.” Ever so quiet. “Blue and yellow make green.”
A hand gentle on his shoulder. “He is going to be okay!”
Yes, Gordon was going to be okay, but a broken collar bone, broken leg, and so much bruising, how many injuries was his little brother expected to bear in his life? Those moments of desperately trying to catch One, the sudden wrench to port. Gordon had been unsecured and thrown about like a rag doll. He was lucky he hadn’t been killed.
And Virgil hadn’t given it a single thought.
Too focussed.
Too determined.
“I should have realised. I should have…known.”
How could he not have known?
“And what could you have done differently if you did?” His brother’s voice was worried frustration itself. “You did what you had to do.”
Injure one brother to save another. “I…” He closed his mouth.
A hand landed on his shoulder. “You did your best. You saved me. We saved Gordon. It is what we do.” A pause. “You need to forgive yourself.”
He didn’t know if that was possible.
Paint dripped.
And the colours blurred in his vision
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theotherbloodfart · 5 years
A Forest Frolic
This one shot is for @sewer-clown-hype
My repeat jams for this were Smocking Gun by Jay Kill and I Against I by Massive Attack
@ithoughtiwasan-alien it's a Penny
Her eyes shine out into leaf smattered moon rays. She knows he is here. Can feel his presence as surely as she can feel the sway and call of her own heart beat. A sound she knows he will capitalize on.
Her breathe steams out into the night air in soft billowing puffs. Silent. But she knows he will see them. Almost wants him to see them. Is ready for the tension to snap. He’d said she could not hide.
And maybe she doesn’t even WANT to hide.
A slithering hiss rustles the undergrowth to her right. Her sharp vision pierces into the thick foliage which comprises most of the woodland around her home. She sees nothing. Crouching low, claws extending softly and needle sharp, she creeps forward, tilting her head to listen intently. She reaches a long clawed hand upward as a feathery leaf upon a branch brushes against her cheek, tickling her skin, brushing it away.
And hears dark laughter inside her own mind.
“I can see you beastie. Cant hide from me! No you can’t!” His words melt into snickers. She feels her alertness melt into ire.
“Alright, asshole. Let’s dance.” She leaps out of her cover gracefully, landing smooth and level straight, feet together, arms spread wide at her sides, palms out, claws extended.
And she sees him. But only for a moment. He’s in a very low squat, craggy branches nearly obscuring his form. His ochre eyes shine out in the darkness. The moonlight accentuates his high set cheekbones and highlights the dark lines cutting up thru his eyes. His face is skeletal in this light. Beastly. She pounces.
But he is waiting.
She glides down, stabbing her claws forward. He is expecting this, yet still doesn’t manage to jerk backwards quite fast enough to avoid a rapid slash to his cheek. His arm snaps forward, his elegant long gloved fingers wrapping around her neck, squeezing it mercilessly, before slamming her down into the damp rotten leaves on the ground. She hears raspy chuckles as he rubs her nose into the leafy detritus.
“Eat it.” He’s cackling. Her vision grows fuzzy from rage. Shove her face into the dirt???
Her arm reaches up, digging her claws into the soft tissue under his jaw, yanking down. Pressing her other hand into the damp soil she shoves her upper body up. A satisfying crunch grinds out as his nose breaks upon his own hand grasping her neck.
The snarl he rasps out tickles her finger tips, which are embedded in the floor of his mouth, her claws pinning his fluttering tongue to his palette. His fingers grasp the hair at her scalp as he stands, twisting his body to throw her away from himself. She feels her claws scrape and hook into his jawbone. Feels this break as well. Then watches the dark trees spin around her as her body twists thru the air.
With a huff she straightens her body, bloody claws reaching out to catch a thick branch, using the momentum to spin around and land softly upon her feet.
He’s already advancing upon her, a dark shape with glowing eyes. She can hear cracking wet sounds as his jaw knits itself together and his nose begins to heal. He’s pissed. His gibbering snarls croak and then change pitch, getting deeper. His body writhes to a stop before her, his face splitting into an obscene toothy grin. His chest jerks forward as his spine lengthens. His arms flop forward, his claws sliding into the soil as he leans forward and puts nearly all of his weight onto his fingertips. His eyes meet hers as, one at a time, his legs extend and lengthen with dry snapping sounds.
“Time to grow up.” Raspy demonic cackles as his lower jaw, still not completely healed, snaps forward, extending from his face obscenely as his face bubbles forward more slowly to follow suit. He’s already nearly 3 times her size. Still in a jerking, morphing four legged crouch, he extends a clawed hand, stepping towards her.
Shit. She backs away blindly, her posture defensive. Tripping over an exposed root and falling onto her back. Fuck. Scrambling to her feet. Pennywise arches his creaking back like a kitten and massive pops are heard as his spine crunches another 3 feet longer. Shitfuck. She is gonna have to either react or be bite sized.
She freezes. Waiting. A plan forming haphazardly inside her mind. Pennywise continues to bubble forward, dipping and swaying as different body parts increase in size. He’s still on all fours. As if he’s too lop sided to stand. Or simply too entertained by the expression on her face to stand and have tree branches impeding his view of it.
“C'mon junior.” Sammy brings her fists up to her chest, extending her forefingers and wagging them. Motioning him to come. “C’mon that’s a good boy.”
Foam sprays from his jagged teeth as he snarls irritably. “Beastie has a smart mouth.” His eyes are luminous above her. Her neck cranes higher as he slowly approaches, his body smooth and fully formed.
“At least one of us is smart.” She quips. He roars and leaps.
She leaps as well, her body morphing and changing much more rapidly and smoothly than his had. Warm tingles ripple down her skin as her pelt feathers out of her pores. A wonderful stretching feeling flows thru her muscles as her own body stretches and morphs to that of her wolf. And that luscious feeling one has as their back is cracked by a chiropractor. This is the only way she can describe the feeling of her own size increase. At least…… if she’d ever been to one she supposes and barks a laugh. All in a few moments as she flies up to meet him. Paw to claw. Blow for blow.
They meet midair. Clashing in a violent embrace of jingling bells and rippling fur. Metallic snapping sounds ring out as tooth and fang collide. Pennywise’s sharp buck teeth lay Sammy's gums open and the taste of blood fills her mouth. Sammy yanks her face back only to wrap her jaws around his face, biting down. The moonlight sparkles off sprays of his black blood as it floats away in large droplets. She feels sharp pains in her chest as his claws dig between her ribs then agony as a claw pierces one of her lungs. She releases his face to howl in pain.
Bushes quiver and shake as her large voice pours out. She is nearly as large as a bus now and he is even larger, so there is no clearance as branches rip and scrape her eyes, making each pained cry that much more unbearable. Pennywise does not release her. He tanks her closer still, nuzzling his torn and bloody face into the soft black fur underneath her tufted ear. “Such a big beautiful beastie.” His gasping deep snarling voice hisses before he rips her ear off with his teeth. The shredding feeling makes her howls morph into massive yelps.
Now she wraps her own forelegs around him, claws scraping at the spine on his costume as she jerks her hind legs up off the ground, bringing her hind paws up between them to press on his chest. The unexpected shift of weight and balance makes him fall forwards upon her. As his weight lands upon her she releases with her forelegs and pushes off with her hind legs. This sends him in a backwards flip away from her. His body snaps thru a small tree before his fall is broken by another larger tree. The sound of air whooshing from him brings a wicked joy to her.
He sits up, his panting broken by snarls, to lay his ochre gaze upon her. His silver suit is dirty and torn with bits of leaves and bark stuck in places.
“You dance so beautifully! Yes you do!” His bloody maw splits into an unnaturally wide smile. She can see that their teeth snapping together has knocked out one of his buck teeth. Her body rocks with beastly laughter. He looks like a damn eldritch inbred like this. Giant ass gap in the middle of his grin. She snarls with the hilarity, tossing her own blood soaked muzzle, pressing her tongue against the ridges on her pallet so that her laughter comes out as a massive “THTHTHTHTH”. A wolfine interpretation of a gap toothed lisp.
Pennywise's smile withers and dies, replaced by a look of demonic disgust. Baring his jagged teeth in a lipless snarl, blood bubbles and floats away as another tooth pops thru to replace the lost one. He lifts himself to a crouch. She knows he will spring. Her lupine muscles tense and bunch, rippling under her pelt. She is swift. She will teach this clown the meaning of speed.
And spring he does, looming forward, limbs splayed wide. She waits till the very last moment. Till he is nearly upon her. She knows he thinks she shall embrace him again. Instead she leaps forward and very low, swinging her muzzle up to rip off an orange puff from his costume, the silk from his trousers tickling the tender flesh of her nose as it clears him. Barely. He lands heavily behind her, the impact reverberating a deep sound in the ever growing clearing they were making.
Fleet of foot, she whirls, the pads on her paws soundless, and springs upon his back, the puff still clutched in her teeth. He huffs as his own face is now shoved into the mud. She leaps back and freezes. He rolls over, spluttering and spitting soil. He is not expecting her to still be directly at his feet. His eyes are closed and packed with inky dark mud. As soon as his mouth is empty, Sammy pounces on his chest, cramming the orange puff into his maw. Then springs clear of his flailing claws, leaving wolfish laughter to tickle his ears. Doing that NEVER got old.
Then she gave speed a new definition, racing her eldritch lover’s ability to set himself to rights. The wind carded thru her pelt, feeling lovely and cool on her skin. The moonlight reflecting off the foliage around her making the forest sparkle. Stopping in a meadow, she cocks her head, her nearly healed ear pricked. Listening.
And she is not disappointed. She can hear him cursing and advancing. Mocking him, she lifts her muzzle and pours her wolf song into the treetops of the barrens. Before the sound dies away, she teleports herself to her silent living room, neatly and comfortably sliding back into her fawn colored human skin as she does so.
Tossing her curls over her shoulder, she laughs, leaning against the cool surface of a wall, gazing out a window. All is silent here. All is awash in the blue grey of the moonlight.
“Gotcha.” She snickers.
Then gasps as silk gloved hands snatch her wrists and swing her body, using the momentum to throw her over the end of the couch in her living room. The arm of it digging painfully into her abdomen. She snarls as she feels his large body cover hers, his hands trapping hers. His lips brush her ear as he growls.
“Mmmmmmm GOTCHA!”
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sandranelsonuk · 5 years
581 Sensory Words to Take Your Writing from Bland to Brilliant
It’s almost too easy.
By using sensory words to evoke sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell; smart and attractive writers just like you are able to make their words burst to life in their readers’ minds.
In this post, you’ll learn:
The science behind sensory details (e.g. why sensory words are so persuasive);
The definition of sensory words (plus examples);
How answering five simple questions will help you write descriptive words that pack your content with sensory language;
500+ sensory words you can incorporate into your own writing (right now).
Let’s dive in.
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The Colossal Power of Sensory Details
Remember the final scene in Field of Dreams when Ray Kinsella has a catch with his dad?
You can smell the grass on the field.
You can hear the sound of the baseball hitting their gloves.
And you can feel Ray’s years of guilt melting away as he closes his eyes, smiles, and tosses the ball back to his dad.
(Be honest. You’re crying right now, aren’t you?)
Field of Dreams made you feel like you were in Ray’s shoes, on his field, playing catch with dad.
The scene creates such a vivid experience for many viewers that whenever they think of playing catch, this scene will come up alongside their own childhood memories.
Here’s why:
When you paint a strong scene in your audience’s mind, you make it easier for them to pull it back up from their memory. You’ve essentially bookmarked it for them so they can easily find it when something — a sight, a smell, a sound — reminds them of it.
That’s the power of content that incorporates sensory details.
And this power isn’t limited to cinema classics capable of making grown men cry. For centuries, literary giants have been packing their prose with powerful words that evoke the senses:
“Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war; That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men, groaning for burial” — William Shakespeare (circa 1599)
In addition to The Bard, authors like Maya Angelou, Edgar Allan Poe, and Charles Dickens excel at sensory language. So do literally every famous poet you learned about in school.
And that begs the obvious question…
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Why are Sensory Details so Effective?
Short answer:
Our brains handle sensory words differently than ordinary words.
In a 2011 study published in The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, experts found that our brains process “tangible” (i.e. sensory) words faster than other words.
And in a study published for Brain and Language in 2012, psychologists found that a certain part of our brain is “activated” when we read sensory words.
In other words:
So, we know why sensory details are powerful. And we know writers have been tapping into their power for a long, long time.
Now let’s define them and go over a few examples:
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What are Sensory Words?
Sensory words are descriptive words — using imagery, they describe how we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell the world around us.
Let’s break each one down:
#1. Sight Sensory Words
Words related to vision describe the appearance of something (its color, size, shape, and so on).
Examples of visual words:
Her golden hair looked disheveled thanks to the gust of wind.
He was a towering presence.
I ordered a large orange juice, but the waiter brought me a teeny-tiny glass the size of a thimble.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Sight Sensory Words.
Angular Azure Billowy Black Bleary Bloated Blonde Blue Blurred Blushing Branching Bright Brilliant Broad Brown Brunette Bulbous Bulky Camouflaged Chubby Circular Colorful Colorless Colossal Contoured Cosmic Craggy Crimson Crinkled Crooked Crowded Crystalline Curved Dark Dazzling Deep Dim Dingy Disheveled Distinct Drab Dreary Dull Dusty Elegant Enchanting Engaging Enormous Faded Fancy Fat Filthy Flashy Flat Flickering Foggy Forked Freckled Fuzzy Gargantuan Gaudy Gigantic Ginormous Glamorous Gleaming Glimpse Glistening Glitter Glittering Globular Gloomy Glossy Glowing Gold Graceful Gray Green Grotesque Hazy Hollow Homely Huge Illuminated Immense Indistinct Ivory Knotty Lacy Lanky Large Lavender Lean Lithe Little Lofty Long Low Malnourished Maroon Massive Miniature Misshapen Misty Motionless Mottled Mountainous Muddy Murky Narrow Obtuse Olive Opaque Orange Oval Pale Peered Petite Pink Portly Pristine Prodigious Purple Quaint Radiant Rectangular Red Reddish Rippling Rotund Round Ruby Ruddy Rusty Sabotaged Shadowy Shallow Shapeless Sheer Shimmering Shiny Short Silver Skinny Small Smudged Soaring Sparkling Sparkly Spherical Spotless Spotted Square Steep Stormy Straight Strange Striped Sunny Swooping Tall Tapering Tarnished Teeny-tiny Tiny Towering Translucent Transparent Triangular Turquoise Twinkling Twisted Ugly Unsightly Unusual Vibrant Vivid Weird White Wide Wiry Wispy Wizened Wrinkled Wrinkly Yellow
  #2. Sound Sensory Words
Words related to hearing often describe the sound they make (known as onomatopoeia), but this isn’t always the case.
Examples of hearing words:
He had a big, booming voice.
The sound of screeching tires was soon followed by the deafening sound of a car horn.
As I peeked under the bed, the cackling laughter coming from the closet made the hairs on my arms stand up.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Sound Sensory Words.
Babble Bang Barking Bawled Bawling Bellow Blare Blaring Bleat Boom Booming Bray Buzz Buzzing Cackle Cackling Chatter Chattering Cheer Chiming Chirping Chuckle Clamor Clang Clanging Clap Clapping Clicking Clink Clinking Cooing Coughing Crackle Crackling Crashing Creak Croaking Crow Crunch Crunching Crunchy Cry Crying Deafening Distorted Dripping Ear-piercing Earsplitting Exploding Faint Fizzing Gagging Gasping Giggle Giggling Grate Grating Growl Grumble Grunt Grunting Guffaw Gurgle Gurgling Hanging Hiss Hissing Honking Howl Hubbub Hum Humming Hush Jabber Jangle Jangling Laughing Moaning Monotonous Mooing Muffled Mumble Mumbling Murmur Mutter Muttering Noisy Peeping Piercing Ping Pinging Plopping Pop Purring Quacking Quiet Rant Rapping Rasping Raucous Rave Ringing Roar Roaring Rumble Rumbling Rustle Rustling Scratching Scream Screaming Screech Screeching Serene Shout Shouting Shrieking Shrill Sigh Silent Sing Singing Sizzling Slam Slamming Snap Snappy Snoring Snort Splashing Squawking Squeaky Stammer Stomp Storm Stuttering Tearing Thudding Thump Thumping Thunder Thundering Ticking Tingling Tinkling Twitter Twittering Wail Warbling Wheezing Whimper Whimpering Whine Whining Whir Whisper Whispering Whistle Whooping Yell Yelp
  #3. Touch Sensory Words
Touch words describe the texture of how something feels. They can also describe emotional feelings.
Examples of touch words:
Two minutes into the interview, I knew his abrasive personality would be an issue if we hired him.
With a forced smile, I put on the itchy Christmas sweater my grandmother bought me.
The Hot Pocket was scalding on the outside, but ice-cold in the middle.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Touch Sensory Words.
Abrasive Balmy Biting Boiling Breezy Bristly Bubbly Bubby Bumpy Burning Bushy Chilled Chilly Clammy Coarse Cold Cool Cottony Crawly Creepy Cuddly Cushioned Damp Dank Dirty Downy Drenched Dry Elastic Feathery Feverish Fine Fleshy Fluff Fluffy Foamy Fragile Freezing Furry Glassy Gluey Gooey Grainy Greasy Gritty Gushy Hairy Heavy Hot Humid Ice-Cold Icy Itchy Knobbed Leathery Light Lightweight Limp Lukewarm Lumpy Matted Metallic Moist Mushy Numbing Oily Plastic Pointed Powdery Pulpy Rocky Rough Rubbery Sandy Scalding Scorching Scratchy Scummy Serrated Shaggy Sharp Shivering Shivery Silky Slimy Slippery Sloppy Smooth Smothering Soapy Soft Sopping Soupy Splintery Spongy Springy Sputter Squashy Squeal Squishy Steamy Steely Sticky Stifled Stifling Stinging Stony Stubby Tangled Tapered Tender Tepid Thick Thin Thorny Tickling Tough Unsanitary Velvety Warm Waxy Wet Woolly
  #4. Taste Sensory Words
Taste words are interesting. Though they can describe food, they’re often used in comparisons and metaphors.
Examples of taste words:
It’s a bittersweet situation.
Her zesty personality caught Karl’s eye.
The scrumptious jalapeno poppers comforted Karl after his bitter rejection.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Taste Sensory Words.
Acidic Appetizing Bitter Bittersweet Bland Buttery Charred Contaminated Creamy Crispy Delectable Delicious Doughy Earthy Fermented Flavorful Flavorless Floury Garlicky Gingery Gritty Hearty Juicy Luscious Medicinal Mellow Melted Nauseating Nutritious Nutty Palatable Peppery Pickled Piquant Raw Refreshing Rich Ripe Runt Savory Scrumptious Stale Sugary Syrupy Tangy Tart Tasteless Unripe Vinegary Yummy Zesty
  #5. Smell Sensory Words
Words related to smell describe — yes, you guessed it — how things smell. Often underutilized, sensory words connected with smell can be very effective.
Examples of smell words:
The pungent smell was unmistakable: someone in this elevator was wearing Axe Body Spray.
No matter the expiration date, it was clear from its rancid stench the milk had gone bad.
The flowery aroma was a welcome change after the elevator and milk incidents.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Smell Sensory Words.
Ambrosial Antiseptic Aroma Aromatic Briny Citrusy Decayed Decomposed Doggy Fetid Floral Flowery Foul-smelling Fragrant Gamy Gaseous Horrid Inodorous Malodorous Mephitic Musky Musty Odiferous Odor Odorless Old Perfumed Piney Polluted Pungent Putrid Rancid Rank Redolent Reeking Scent Scented Sickly Skunky Smell Smoky Stagnant Stench Stinky Sweaty Tempting
  Note on Taste and Smell:
Because they’re closely related, some sensory words can be used for both taste and smell. Examples: fruity, minty, and tantalizing.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Taste and Smell Sensory Words.
Acrid Burnt Fishy Fresh Fruity Lemony Minty Moldy Mouth-watering Rotten Salty Sour Spicy Spoiled Sweet Tantalizing
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Sensory Details: Examples in the Wild
Imagine the following headline came across your Twitter feed:
How to Avoid Using Boring Stock Photo Images in Your Content
Would you click it?
Better question…
Could you read the headline without falling asleep?
The answers are probably “no” and “heck no.”
Now imagine you saw this headline:
Much better, right?
The simple addition of the sensory word “cringeworthy” changes the tone of the entire headline. Instead of yawning, you’re thinking of an awkward or embarrassing moment you really don’t want to relive.
Let’s look at a few more modern-day examples of sharp people using sensory language to spruce up their content:
Using Sensory Words in Author Bios
I’ll pick on me for this one.
Here’s the author bio I used for one of my first-ever guest posts:
Kevin Duncan is the owner of Be A Better Blogger, where he helps people become the best bloggers they can be.
Now look at the author bio my friend Henneke wrote for Writer’s Block: 27 Techniques to Overcome It Forever:
Henneke Duistermaat is an irreverent copywriter and business writing coach. She’s on a mission to stamp out gobbledygook and to make boring business blogs sparkle.
My bio is devoid of sensory words (or any interesting words at all, if we’re being honest).
Henneke’s is chock full of them.
Her bio is interesting.
Mine is boring.
The lesson? Add at least one sensory word to your author bio.
Using Sensory Words in Social Media Profiles
Some people opt for brevity when writing their social media profiles, and that’s fine.
But if you want your Twitter profile (or Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media profile) to stand out from the crowd, sprinkle in a sensory word or two.
Like so:
Mel Wicks is a veteran copywriter who knows a thing or two about the effectiveness of descriptive words, so she uses them to spice up her Twitter profile.
Here’s an example from my badly-neglected Instagram account:
“Enchanting” and “adorably-jubilant” are wonderful sensory words — so wonderful, it’s a shame they’re wasted on a profile no one sees.
Look at your own profiles and see if there’s a place to add a sensory word or two. They’ll help your profile jump off the screen.
Heck, see if you can use enchanting and adorably-jubilant.
They deserve to be seen.
Using Sensory Words in Introductions
The opening lines of your content are so important.
If you’re a student, your opening sets the tone for your teacher (who we both know is dying to use his red pen).
If you’re an author, your opening can be the difference between someone buying your book or putting it back on the shelf in favor of one of those Twilight books (probably).
And if you’re a blogger, writer, content marketer, or business; your opening can hook the reader (increasing dwell time, which is great in Google’s eyes) or send them scurrying for the “back” button.
It’s why we put such an emphasis on introductions here at Smart Blogger.
Sometimes our openings hook you with a question.
Sometimes we strike a note of empathy or (like this post) focus on searcher intent.
And sometimes we give you a heaping helping of sensory words:
Imagine you’re sitting in a lounge chair on the beach, staring out over the glittering sea, the ocean breeze ruffling your hair, listening to the slow, steady rhythm of the waves.
In the above opening for How to Become a Freelance Writer and Get Paid $200 – $1K per Post, Jon Morrow uses sensory language to set a scene for the reader.
And it’s highly, highly effective.
Using Sensory Words in Email Subject Lines
Like you, your readers are flooded with emails.
And with open rates in a steady decline, people are trying anything and everything to make their email subject lines stand out:
Capitalized words;
All lowercase letters;
Two exclamation points;
Clickbait that would make even BuzzFeed go, “that’s too far, man.”
You name it, people are trying it.
Want a simpler, far-more-effective way to help your emails stand out from the crowd?
Add a sensory word.
Brian Dean loves to include words like “boom” in his subjects:
The folks at AppSumo and Sumo (formerly SumoMe) regularly feature descriptive words in their subjects and headlines.
Here’s one example:
And sensory language appears in most everything Henneke writes, including her subject lines.
In this one she also uses an emoji related to her sensory word. Very clever:
Now that we’ve covered several examples, let’s dig a bit deeper…
Let’s discuss some practical steps you can take that will make adding sensory language to your writing a breeze:
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How Descriptive Words Can Pack Your Writing With Sensory Language
If you’ve taken a good English or writing class, you’ve probably been told a time or two to “show, don’t tell.”
This means you should create an engaging experience for your audience; not just tell them what you want them to know.
You accomplish this by using descriptive language that conveys sensations and lets readers experience your words (rather than simply read them).
And how do you do that, exactly?
Ask yourself these five questions when you’re writing:
#1. What Do You See?
It isn’t enough to tell your readers there was a scary house in your neighborhood when you were a child. Describe the house to them in vivid detail.
What shade of gray was it?
Were the doors boarded up?
Precisely how many ghostly figures did you see staring at you from the upstairs bedroom windows, and how many are standing behind you right now?
Paint a mental picture for your readers.
#2. What Do You Hear?
We listen to uptempo songs to push us through cardio workouts. Many of us listen to rainfall when we’re trying to sleep. Some of us listen to Justin Bieber when we want to punish our neighbors.
Want to transplant readers into your literary world?
Talk about the drip, drip, drip of the faucet.
Mention the squeaking floors beneath your feet.
Describe the awful music coming from your next-door-neighbor’s house.
#3. How Does it Feel?
Touch sensory words can convey both tactile and emotional sensations.
Can you describe to the reader how something feels when touched? Is it smooth or rough? Round or flat? Is it covered in goo or is it goo-less?
Paint a picture for your reader so they can touch what you’re touching.
The same goes for emotions. Help the reader feel what you (or your character) are feeling. Draw them in.
#4. What Does it Taste Like?
Does the beach air taste salty? Is the roaring fire so intense you can taste the smoke? Is the smell of your roommate’s tuna fish sandwich so strong you can taste it from across the room?
Tell your audience.
Be descriptive.
Make them taste the fishiness.
#5. How Does it Smell?
It wasn’t a basement you walked into — it was a musty, moldy basement.
And you didn’t simply enjoy your Mom’s homemade lasagna. You inhaled the aromatic scents of sauce, cheese, and basil.
Evoking the sense of smell is possibly the most effective way to pull readers out of their world and into yours.
So when you sit down to write, ask yourself if it’s possible to describe how something smells. And if you can? Do it.
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The Massive Sensory Words List: 581 (and Counting) Descriptive Words to Supercharge Your Writing
Once you’ve asked and answered the five questions above, your writing will be packed with sensory details.
In time, you’ll build up your own massive list of sensory words you can reference and sprinkle throughout your work.
But in the meantime, here’s my list.
Bookmark them.
Print them.
Use them often:
Angular Babble Azure Bang Billowy Barking Black Bawled Bleary Bawling Bloated Bellow Blonde Blare Blue Blaring Blurred Bleat Blushing Boom Branching Booming Bright Bray Brilliant Buzz Broad Buzzing Brown Cackle Brunette Cackling Bulbous Chatter Bulky Chattering Camouflaged Cheer Chubby Chiming Circular Chirping Colorful Chuckle Colorless Clamor Colossal Clang Contoured Clanging Cosmic Clap Craggy Clapping Crimson Clicking Crinkled Clink Crooked Clinking Crowded Cooing Crystalline Coughing Curved Crackle Dark Crackling Dazzling Crashing Deep Creak Dim Croaking Dingy Crow Disheveled Crunch Distinct Crunching Drab Crunchy Dreary Cry Dull Crying Dusty Deafening Elegant Distorted Enchanting Dripping Engaging Ear-piercing Enormous Earsplitting Faded Exploding Fancy Faint Fat Fizzing Filthy Gagging Flashy Gasping Flat Giggle Flickering Giggling Foggy Grate Forked Grating Freckled Growl Fuzzy Grumble Gargantuan Grunt Gaudy Grunting Gigantic Guffaw Ginormous Gurgle Glamorous Gurgling Gleaming Hanging Glimpse Hiss Glistening Hissing Glitter Honking Glittering Howl Globular Hubbub Gloomy Hum Glossy Humming Glowing Hush Gold Jabber Graceful Jangle Gray Jangling Green Laughing Grotesque Moaning Hazy Monotonous Hollow Mooing Homely Muffled Huge Mumble Illuminated Mumbling Immense Murmur Indistinct Mutter Ivory Muttering Knotty Noisy Lacy Peeping Lanky Piercing Large Ping Lavender Pinging Lean Plopping Lithe Pop Little Purring Lofty Quacking Long Quiet Low Rant Malnourished Rapping Maroon Rasping Massive Raucous Miniature Rave Misshapen Ringing Misty Roar Motionless Roaring Mottled Rumble Mountainous Rumbling Muddy Rustle Murky Rustling Narrow Scratching Obtuse Scream Olive Screaming Opaque Screech Orange Screeching Oval Serene Pale Shout Peered Shouting Petite Shrieking Pink Shrill Portly Sigh Pristine Silent Prodigious Sing Purple Singing Quaint Sizzling Radiant Slam Rectangular Slamming Red Snap Reddish Snappy Rippling Snoring Rotund Snort Round Splashing Ruby Squawking Ruddy Squeaky Rusty Stammer Sabotaged Stomp Shadowy Storm Shallow Stuttering Shapeless Tearing Sheer Thudding Shimmering Thump Shiny Thumping Short Thunder Silver Thundering Skinny Ticking Small Tingling Smudged Tinkling Soaring Twitter Sparkling Twittering Sparkly Wail Spherical Warbling Spotless Wheezing Spotted Whimper Square Whimpering Steep Whine Stormy Whining Straight Whir Strange Whisper Striped Whispering Sunny Whistle Swooping Whooping Tall Yell Tapering Yelp Tarnished Teeny-tiny Tiny Towering Translucent Transparent Triangular Turquoise Twinkling Twisted Ugly Unsightly Unusual Vibrant Vivid Weird White Wide Wiry Wispy Wizened Wrinkled Wrinkly Yellow
Abrasive Acidic Balmy Appetizing Biting Bitter Boiling Bittersweet Breezy Bland Bristly Buttery Bubbly Charred Bubby Contaminated Bumpy Creamy Burning Crispy Bushy Delectable Chilled Delicious Chilly Doughy Clammy Earthy Coarse Fermented Cold Flavorful Cool Flavorless Cottony Floury Crawly Garlicky Creepy Gingery Cuddly Gritty Cushioned Hearty Damp Juicy Dank Luscious Dirty Medicinal Downy Mellow Drenched Melted Dry Nauseating Elastic Nutritious Feathery Nutty Feverish Palatable Fine Peppery Fleshy Pickled Fluff Piquant Fluffy Raw Foamy Refreshing Fragile Rich Freezing Ripe Furry Runt Glassy Savory Gluey Scrumptious Gooey Stale Grainy Sugary Greasy Syrupy Gritty Tangy Gushy Tart Hairy Tasteless Heavy Unripe Hot Vinegary Humid Yummy Ice-Cold Zesty Icy Itchy Knobbed Leathery Light Lightweight Limp Lukewarm Lumpy Matted Metallic Moist Mushy Numbing Oily Plastic Pointed Powdery Pulpy Rocky Rough Rubbery Sandy Scalding Scorching Scratchy Scummy Serrated Shaggy Sharp Shivering Shivery Silky Slimy Slippery Sloppy Smooth Smothering Soapy Soft Sopping Soupy Splintery Spongy Springy Sputter Squashy Squeal Squishy Steamy Steely Sticky Stifled Stifling Stinging Stony Stubby Tangled Tapered Tender Tepid Thick Thin Thorny Tickling Tough Unsanitary Velvety Warm Waxy Wet Woolly
Ambrosial Acrid Antiseptic Burnt Aroma Fishy Aromatic Fresh Briny Fruity Citrusy Lemony Decayed Minty Decomposed Moldy Doggy Mouth-watering Fetid Rotten Floral Salty Flowery Sour Foul-smelling Spicy Fragrant Spoiled Gamy Sweet Gaseous Tantalizing Horrid Inodorous Malodorous Mephitic Musky Musty Odiferous Odor Odorless Old Perfumed Piney Polluted Pungent Putrid Rancid Rank Redolent Reeking Scent Scented Sickly Skunky Smell Smoky Stagnant Stench Stinky Sweaty Tempting
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Are You Ready to Unleash the Power of Sensory Words?
It’s time to say goodbye.
Goodbye to lifeless words that sit on the page.
Goodbye to indifferent readers ready to move on to something, anything, else.
You now know why sensory details are so effective. You know how to sprinkle descriptive words throughout your content. And you now have a massive, ever-growing list of sensory words to bookmark and come back to again and again.
Variations of the following quote have been attributed to everyone from Carl W. Buehner to Maya Angelou, but regardless of who said it, and how they said it, it’s true:
“People may forget what you said, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.”
It’s time to make your readers feel.
Are you ready?
Then let’s do this thing.
About the Author: When he’s not busy telling waitresses, baristas, and anyone else who crosses his path that Jon Morrow once said he was in the top 1% of bloggers, Kevin J. Duncan is the Blog Editor and Social Media Manager for Smart Blogger.
The post 581 Sensory Words to Take Your Writing from Bland to Brilliant appeared first on Smart Blogger.
from Julia Garza Social Media Tips https://smartblogger.com/sensory-words/
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moffixxey · 5 years
581 Sensory Words to Take Your Writing from Bland to Brilliant
It’s almost too easy.
By using sensory words to evoke sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell; smart and attractive writers just like you are able to make their words burst to life in their readers’ minds.
In this post, you’ll learn:
The science behind sensory details (e.g. why sensory words are so persuasive);
The definition of sensory words (plus examples);
How answering five simple questions will help you write descriptive words that pack your content with sensory language;
500+ sensory words you can incorporate into your own writing (right now).
Let’s dive in.
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The Colossal Power of Sensory Details
Remember the final scene in Field of Dreams when Ray Kinsella has a catch with his dad?
You can smell the grass on the field.
You can hear the sound of the baseball hitting their gloves.
And you can feel Ray’s years of guilt melting away as he closes his eyes, smiles, and tosses the ball back to his dad.
(Be honest. You’re crying right now, aren’t you?)
Field of Dreams made you feel like you were in Ray’s shoes, on his field, playing catch with dad.
The scene creates such a vivid experience for many viewers that whenever they think of playing catch, this scene will come up alongside their own childhood memories.
Here’s why:
When you paint a strong scene in your audience’s mind, you make it easier for them to pull it back up from their memory. You’ve essentially bookmarked it for them so they can easily find it when something — a sight, a smell, a sound — reminds them of it.
That’s the power of content that incorporates sensory details.
And this power isn’t limited to cinema classics capable of making grown men cry. For centuries, literary giants have been packing their prose with powerful words that evoke the senses:
“Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war; That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men, groaning for burial” — William Shakespeare (circa 1599)
In addition to The Bard, authors like Maya Angelou, Edgar Allan Poe, and Charles Dickens excel at sensory language. So do literally every famous poet you learned about in school.
And that begs the obvious question…
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Why are Sensory Details so Effective?
Short answer:
Our brains handle sensory words differently than ordinary words.
In a 2011 study published in The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, experts found that our brains process “tangible” (i.e. sensory) words faster than other words.
And in a study published for Brain and Language in 2012, psychologists found that a certain part of our brain is “activated” when we read sensory words.
In other words:
So, we know why sensory details are powerful. And we know writers have been tapping into their power for a long, long time.
Now let’s define them and go over a few examples:
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What are Sensory Words?
Sensory words are descriptive words — using imagery, they describe how we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell the world around us.
Let’s break each one down:
#1. Sight Sensory Words
Words related to vision describe the appearance of something (its color, size, shape, and so on).
Examples of visual words:
Her golden hair looked disheveled thanks to the gust of wind.
He was a towering presence.
I ordered a large orange juice, but the waiter brought me a teeny-tiny glass the size of a thimble.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Sight Sensory Words.
Angular Azure Billowy Black Bleary Bloated Blonde Blue Blurred Blushing Branching Bright Brilliant Broad Brown Brunette Bulbous Bulky Camouflaged Chubby Circular Colorful Colorless Colossal Contoured Cosmic Craggy Crimson Crinkled Crooked Crowded Crystalline Curved Dark Dazzling Deep Dim Dingy Disheveled Distinct Drab Dreary Dull Dusty Elegant Enchanting Engaging Enormous Faded Fancy Fat Filthy Flashy Flat Flickering Foggy Forked Freckled Fuzzy Gargantuan Gaudy Gigantic Ginormous Glamorous Gleaming Glimpse Glistening Glitter Glittering Globular Gloomy Glossy Glowing Gold Graceful Gray Green Grotesque Hazy Hollow Homely Huge Illuminated Immense Indistinct Ivory Knotty Lacy Lanky Large Lavender Lean Lithe Little Lofty Long Low Malnourished Maroon Massive Miniature Misshapen Misty Motionless Mottled Mountainous Muddy Murky Narrow Obtuse Olive Opaque Orange Oval Pale Peered Petite Pink Portly Pristine Prodigious Purple Quaint Radiant Rectangular Red Reddish Rippling Rotund Round Ruby Ruddy Rusty Sabotaged Shadowy Shallow Shapeless Sheer Shimmering Shiny Short Silver Skinny Small Smudged Soaring Sparkling Sparkly Spherical Spotless Spotted Square Steep Stormy Straight Strange Striped Sunny Swooping Tall Tapering Tarnished Teeny-tiny Tiny Towering Translucent Transparent Triangular Turquoise Twinkling Twisted Ugly Unsightly Unusual Vibrant Vivid Weird White Wide Wiry Wispy Wizened Wrinkled Wrinkly Yellow
  #2. Sound Sensory Words
Words related to hearing often describe the sound they make (known as onomatopoeia), but this isn’t always the case.
Examples of hearing words:
He had a big, booming voice.
The sound of screeching tires was soon followed by the deafening sound of a car horn.
As I peeked under the bed, the cackling laughter coming from the closet made the hairs on my arms stand up.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Sound Sensory Words.
Babble Bang Barking Bawled Bawling Bellow Blare Blaring Bleat Boom Booming Bray Buzz Buzzing Cackle Cackling Chatter Chattering Cheer Chiming Chirping Chuckle Clamor Clang Clanging Clap Clapping Clicking Clink Clinking Cooing Coughing Crackle Crackling Crashing Creak Croaking Crow Crunch Crunching Crunchy Cry Crying Deafening Distorted Dripping Ear-piercing Earsplitting Exploding Faint Fizzing Gagging Gasping Giggle Giggling Grate Grating Growl Grumble Grunt Grunting Guffaw Gurgle Gurgling Hanging Hiss Hissing Honking Howl Hubbub Hum Humming Hush Jabber Jangle Jangling Laughing Moaning Monotonous Mooing Muffled Mumble Mumbling Murmur Mutter Muttering Noisy Peeping Piercing Ping Pinging Plopping Pop Purring Quacking Quiet Rant Rapping Rasping Raucous Rave Ringing Roar Roaring Rumble Rumbling Rustle Rustling Scratching Scream Screaming Screech Screeching Serene Shout Shouting Shrieking Shrill Sigh Silent Sing Singing Sizzling Slam Slamming Snap Snappy Snoring Snort Splashing Squawking Squeaky Stammer Stomp Storm Stuttering Tearing Thudding Thump Thumping Thunder Thundering Ticking Tingling Tinkling Twitter Twittering Wail Warbling Wheezing Whimper Whimpering Whine Whining Whir Whisper Whispering Whistle Whooping Yell Yelp
  #3. Touch Sensory Words
Touch words describe the texture of how something feels. They can also describe emotional feelings.
Examples of touch words:
Two minutes into the interview, I knew his abrasive personality would be an issue if we hired him.
With a forced smile, I put on the itchy Christmas sweater my grandmother bought me.
The Hot Pocket was scalding on the outside, but ice-cold in the middle.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Touch Sensory Words.
Abrasive Balmy Biting Boiling Breezy Bristly Bubbly Bubby Bumpy Burning Bushy Chilled Chilly Clammy Coarse Cold Cool Cottony Crawly Creepy Cuddly Cushioned Damp Dank Dirty Downy Drenched Dry Elastic Feathery Feverish Fine Fleshy Fluff Fluffy Foamy Fragile Freezing Furry Glassy Gluey Gooey Grainy Greasy Gritty Gushy Hairy Heavy Hot Humid Ice-Cold Icy Itchy Knobbed Leathery Light Lightweight Limp Lukewarm Lumpy Matted Metallic Moist Mushy Numbing Oily Plastic Pointed Powdery Pulpy Rocky Rough Rubbery Sandy Scalding Scorching Scratchy Scummy Serrated Shaggy Sharp Shivering Shivery Silky Slimy Slippery Sloppy Smooth Smothering Soapy Soft Sopping Soupy Splintery Spongy Springy Sputter Squashy Squeal Squishy Steamy Steely Sticky Stifled Stifling Stinging Stony Stubby Tangled Tapered Tender Tepid Thick Thin Thorny Tickling Tough Unsanitary Velvety Warm Waxy Wet Woolly
  #4. Taste Sensory Words
Taste words are interesting. Though they can describe food, they’re often used in comparisons and metaphors.
Examples of taste words:
It’s a bittersweet situation.
Her zesty personality caught Karl’s eye.
The scrumptious jalapeno poppers comforted Karl after his bitter rejection.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Taste Sensory Words.
Acidic Appetizing Bitter Bittersweet Bland Buttery Charred Contaminated Creamy Crispy Delectable Delicious Doughy Earthy Fermented Flavorful Flavorless Floury Garlicky Gingery Gritty Hearty Juicy Luscious Medicinal Mellow Melted Nauseating Nutritious Nutty Palatable Peppery Pickled Piquant Raw Refreshing Rich Ripe Runt Savory Scrumptious Stale Sugary Syrupy Tangy Tart Tasteless Unripe Vinegary Yummy Zesty
  #5. Smell Sensory Words
Words related to smell describe — yes, you guessed it — how things smell. Often underutilized, sensory words connected with smell can be very effective.
Examples of smell words:
The pungent smell was unmistakable: someone in this elevator was wearing Axe Body Spray.
No matter the expiration date, it was clear from its rancid stench the milk had gone bad.
The flowery aroma was a welcome change after the elevator and milk incidents.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Smell Sensory Words.
Ambrosial Antiseptic Aroma Aromatic Briny Citrusy Decayed Decomposed Doggy Fetid Floral Flowery Foul-smelling Fragrant Gamy Gaseous Horrid Inodorous Malodorous Mephitic Musky Musty Odiferous Odor Odorless Old Perfumed Piney Polluted Pungent Putrid Rancid Rank Redolent Reeking Scent Scented Sickly Skunky Smell Smoky Stagnant Stench Stinky Sweaty Tempting
  Note on Taste and Smell:
Because they’re closely related, some sensory words can be used for both taste and smell. Examples: fruity, minty, and tantalizing.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Taste and Smell Sensory Words.
Acrid Burnt Fishy Fresh Fruity Lemony Minty Moldy Mouth-watering Rotten Salty Sour Spicy Spoiled Sweet Tantalizing
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Sensory Details: Examples in the Wild
Imagine the following headline came across your Twitter feed:
How to Avoid Using Boring Stock Photo Images in Your Content
Would you click it?
Better question…
Could you read the headline without falling asleep?
The answers are probably “no” and “heck no.”
Now imagine you saw this headline:
Much better, right?
The simple addition of the sensory word “cringeworthy” changes the tone of the entire headline. Instead of yawning, you’re thinking of an awkward or embarrassing moment you really don’t want to relive.
Let’s look at a few more modern-day examples of sharp people using sensory language to spruce up their content:
Using Sensory Words in Author Bios
I’ll pick on me for this one.
Here’s the author bio I used for one of my first-ever guest posts:
Kevin Duncan is the owner of Be A Better Blogger, where he helps people become the best bloggers they can be.
Now look at the author bio my friend Henneke wrote for Writer’s Block: 27 Techniques to Overcome It Forever:
Henneke Duistermaat is an irreverent copywriter and business writing coach. She’s on a mission to stamp out gobbledygook and to make boring business blogs sparkle.
My bio is devoid of sensory words (or any interesting words at all, if we’re being honest).
Henneke’s is chock full of them.
Her bio is interesting.
Mine is boring.
The lesson? Add at least one sensory word to your author bio.
Using Sensory Words in Social Media Profiles
Some people opt for brevity when writing their social media profiles, and that’s fine.
But if you want your Twitter profile (or Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media profile) to stand out from the crowd, sprinkle in a sensory word or two.
Like so:
Mel Wicks is a veteran copywriter who knows a thing or two about the effectiveness of descriptive words, so she uses them to spice up her Twitter profile.
Here’s an example from my badly-neglected Instagram account:
“Enchanting” and “adorably-jubilant” are wonderful sensory words — so wonderful, it’s a shame they’re wasted on a profile no one sees.
Look at your own profiles and see if there’s a place to add a sensory word or two. They’ll help your profile jump off the screen.
Heck, see if you can use enchanting and adorably-jubilant.
They deserve to be seen.
Using Sensory Words in Introductions
The opening lines of your content are so important.
If you’re a student, your opening sets the tone for your teacher (who we both know is dying to use his red pen).
If you’re an author, your opening can be the difference between someone buying your book or putting it back on the shelf in favor of one of those Twilight books (probably).
And if you’re a blogger, writer, content marketer, or business; your opening can hook the reader (increasing dwell time, which is great in Google’s eyes) or send them scurrying for the “back” button.
It’s why we put such an emphasis on introductions here at Smart Blogger.
Sometimes our openings hook you with a question.
Sometimes we strike a note of empathy or (like this post) focus on searcher intent.
And sometimes we give you a heaping helping of sensory words:
Imagine you’re sitting in a lounge chair on the beach, staring out over the glittering sea, the ocean breeze ruffling your hair, listening to the slow, steady rhythm of the waves.
In the above opening for How to Become a Freelance Writer and Get Paid $200 – $1K per Post, Jon Morrow uses sensory language to set a scene for the reader.
And it’s highly, highly effective.
Using Sensory Words in Email Subject Lines
Like you, your readers are flooded with emails.
And with open rates in a steady decline, people are trying anything and everything to make their email subject lines stand out:
Capitalized words;
All lowercase letters;
Two exclamation points;
Clickbait that would make even BuzzFeed go, “that’s too far, man.”
You name it, people are trying it.
Want a simpler, far-more-effective way to help your emails stand out from the crowd?
Add a sensory word.
Brian Dean loves to include words like “boom” in his subjects:
The folks at AppSumo and Sumo (formerly SumoMe) regularly feature descriptive words in their subjects and headlines.
Here’s one example:
And sensory language appears in most everything Henneke writes, including her subject lines.
In this one she also uses an emoji related to her sensory word. Very clever:
Now that we’ve covered several examples, let’s dig a bit deeper…
Let’s discuss some practical steps you can take that will make adding sensory language to your writing a breeze:
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How Descriptive Words Can Pack Your Writing With Sensory Language
If you’ve taken a good English or writing class, you’ve probably been told a time or two to “show, don’t tell.”
This means you should create an engaging experience for your audience; not just tell them what you want them to know.
You accomplish this by using descriptive language that conveys sensations and lets readers experience your words (rather than simply read them).
And how do you do that, exactly?
Ask yourself these five questions when you’re writing:
#1. What Do You See?
It isn’t enough to tell your readers there was a scary house in your neighborhood when you were a child. Describe the house to them in vivid detail.
What shade of gray was it?
Were the doors boarded up?
Precisely how many ghostly figures did you see staring at you from the upstairs bedroom windows, and how many are standing behind you right now?
Paint a mental picture for your readers.
#2. What Do You Hear?
We listen to uptempo songs to push us through cardio workouts. Many of us listen to rainfall when we’re trying to sleep. Some of us listen to Justin Bieber when we want to punish our neighbors.
Want to transplant readers into your literary world?
Talk about the drip, drip, drip of the faucet.
Mention the squeaking floors beneath your feet.
Describe the awful music coming from your next-door-neighbor’s house.
#3. How Does it Feel?
Touch sensory words can convey both tactile and emotional sensations.
Can you describe to the reader how something feels when touched? Is it smooth or rough? Round or flat? Is it covered in goo or is it goo-less?
Paint a picture for your reader so they can touch what you’re touching.
The same goes for emotions. Help the reader feel what you (or your character) are feeling. Draw them in.
#4. What Does it Taste Like?
Does the beach air taste salty? Is the roaring fire so intense you can taste the smoke? Is the smell of your roommate’s tuna fish sandwich so strong you can taste it from across the room?
Tell your audience.
Be descriptive.
Make them taste the fishiness.
#5. How Does it Smell?
It wasn’t a basement you walked into — it was a musty, moldy basement.
And you didn’t simply enjoy your Mom’s homemade lasagna. You inhaled the aromatic scents of sauce, cheese, and basil.
Evoking the sense of smell is possibly the most effective way to pull readers out of their world and into yours.
So when you sit down to write, ask yourself if it’s possible to describe how something smells. And if you can? Do it.
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The Massive Sensory Words List: 581 (and Counting) Descriptive Words to Supercharge Your Writing
Once you’ve asked and answered the five questions above, your writing will be packed with sensory details.
In time, you’ll build up your own massive list of sensory words you can reference and sprinkle throughout your work.
But in the meantime, here’s my list.
Bookmark them.
Print them.
Use them often:
Angular Babble Azure Bang Billowy Barking Black Bawled Bleary Bawling Bloated Bellow Blonde Blare Blue Blaring Blurred Bleat Blushing Boom Branching Booming Bright Bray Brilliant Buzz Broad Buzzing Brown Cackle Brunette Cackling Bulbous Chatter Bulky Chattering Camouflaged Cheer Chubby Chiming Circular Chirping Colorful Chuckle Colorless Clamor Colossal Clang Contoured Clanging Cosmic Clap Craggy Clapping Crimson Clicking Crinkled Clink Crooked Clinking Crowded Cooing Crystalline Coughing Curved Crackle Dark Crackling Dazzling Crashing Deep Creak Dim Croaking Dingy Crow Disheveled Crunch Distinct Crunching Drab Crunchy Dreary Cry Dull Crying Dusty Deafening Elegant Distorted Enchanting Dripping Engaging Ear-piercing Enormous Earsplitting Faded Exploding Fancy Faint Fat Fizzing Filthy Gagging Flashy Gasping Flat Giggle Flickering Giggling Foggy Grate Forked Grating Freckled Growl Fuzzy Grumble Gargantuan Grunt Gaudy Grunting Gigantic Guffaw Ginormous Gurgle Glamorous Gurgling Gleaming Hanging Glimpse Hiss Glistening Hissing Glitter Honking Glittering Howl Globular Hubbub Gloomy Hum Glossy Humming Glowing Hush Gold Jabber Graceful Jangle Gray Jangling Green Laughing Grotesque Moaning Hazy Monotonous Hollow Mooing Homely Muffled Huge Mumble Illuminated Mumbling Immense Murmur Indistinct Mutter Ivory Muttering Knotty Noisy Lacy Peeping Lanky Piercing Large Ping Lavender Pinging Lean Plopping Lithe Pop Little Purring Lofty Quacking Long Quiet Low Rant Malnourished Rapping Maroon Rasping Massive Raucous Miniature Rave Misshapen Ringing Misty Roar Motionless Roaring Mottled Rumble Mountainous Rumbling Muddy Rustle Murky Rustling Narrow Scratching Obtuse Scream Olive Screaming Opaque Screech Orange Screeching Oval Serene Pale Shout Peered Shouting Petite Shrieking Pink Shrill Portly Sigh Pristine Silent Prodigious Sing Purple Singing Quaint Sizzling Radiant Slam Rectangular Slamming Red Snap Reddish Snappy Rippling Snoring Rotund Snort Round Splashing Ruby Squawking Ruddy Squeaky Rusty Stammer Sabotaged Stomp Shadowy Storm Shallow Stuttering Shapeless Tearing Sheer Thudding Shimmering Thump Shiny Thumping Short Thunder Silver Thundering Skinny Ticking Small Tingling Smudged Tinkling Soaring Twitter Sparkling Twittering Sparkly Wail Spherical Warbling Spotless Wheezing Spotted Whimper Square Whimpering Steep Whine Stormy Whining Straight Whir Strange Whisper Striped Whispering Sunny Whistle Swooping Whooping Tall Yell Tapering Yelp Tarnished Teeny-tiny Tiny Towering Translucent Transparent Triangular Turquoise Twinkling Twisted Ugly Unsightly Unusual Vibrant Vivid Weird White Wide Wiry Wispy Wizened Wrinkled Wrinkly Yellow
Abrasive Acidic Balmy Appetizing Biting Bitter Boiling Bittersweet Breezy Bland Bristly Buttery Bubbly Charred Bubby Contaminated Bumpy Creamy Burning Crispy Bushy Delectable Chilled Delicious Chilly Doughy Clammy Earthy Coarse Fermented Cold Flavorful Cool Flavorless Cottony Floury Crawly Garlicky Creepy Gingery Cuddly Gritty Cushioned Hearty Damp Juicy Dank Luscious Dirty Medicinal Downy Mellow Drenched Melted Dry Nauseating Elastic Nutritious Feathery Nutty Feverish Palatable Fine Peppery Fleshy Pickled Fluff Piquant Fluffy Raw Foamy Refreshing Fragile Rich Freezing Ripe Furry Runt Glassy Savory Gluey Scrumptious Gooey Stale Grainy Sugary Greasy Syrupy Gritty Tangy Gushy Tart Hairy Tasteless Heavy Unripe Hot Vinegary Humid Yummy Ice-Cold Zesty Icy Itchy Knobbed Leathery Light Lightweight Limp Lukewarm Lumpy Matted Metallic Moist Mushy Numbing Oily Plastic Pointed Powdery Pulpy Rocky Rough Rubbery Sandy Scalding Scorching Scratchy Scummy Serrated Shaggy Sharp Shivering Shivery Silky Slimy Slippery Sloppy Smooth Smothering Soapy Soft Sopping Soupy Splintery Spongy Springy Sputter Squashy Squeal Squishy Steamy Steely Sticky Stifled Stifling Stinging Stony Stubby Tangled Tapered Tender Tepid Thick Thin Thorny Tickling Tough Unsanitary Velvety Warm Waxy Wet Woolly
Ambrosial Acrid Antiseptic Burnt Aroma Fishy Aromatic Fresh Briny Fruity Citrusy Lemony Decayed Minty Decomposed Moldy Doggy Mouth-watering Fetid Rotten Floral Salty Flowery Sour Foul-smelling Spicy Fragrant Spoiled Gamy Sweet Gaseous Tantalizing Horrid Inodorous Malodorous Mephitic Musky Musty Odiferous Odor Odorless Old Perfumed Piney Polluted Pungent Putrid Rancid Rank Redolent Reeking Scent Scented Sickly Skunky Smell Smoky Stagnant Stench Stinky Sweaty Tempting
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Are You Ready to Unleash the Power of Sensory Words?
It’s time to say goodbye.
Goodbye to lifeless words that sit on the page.
Goodbye to indifferent readers ready to move on to something, anything, else.
You now know why sensory details are so effective. You know how to sprinkle descriptive words throughout your content. And you now have a massive, ever-growing list of sensory words to bookmark and come back to again and again.
Variations of the following quote have been attributed to everyone from Carl W. Buehner to Maya Angelou, but regardless of who said it, and how they said it, it’s true:
“People may forget what you said, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.”
It’s time to make your readers feel.
Are you ready?
Then let’s do this thing.
About the Author: When he’s not busy telling waitresses, baristas, and anyone else who crosses his path that Jon Morrow once said he was in the top 1% of bloggers, Kevin J. Duncan is the Blog Editor and Social Media Manager for Smart Blogger.
The post 581 Sensory Words to Take Your Writing from Bland to Brilliant appeared first on Smart Blogger.
from SEO and SM Tips https://smartblogger.com/sensory-words/
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javistg · 7 years
Delly’s Present. A bilingual Everlark Drabble.
This little experiment is the product of 2 different ideas. 
First. A few weeks ago, the awesome @jobanana7​ posted this sweet drabble with a Mexican version of Katniss and a Spanish speaking Peeta. 
Second. A couple of years ago, I met this guy who fits my personal head canon of Peeta to a T. I’m not kidding! I almost fell backwards when I met him. Anyway, he’s Danish and, for the most part, we speak in English, but I’ve heard him speak Spanish on occasion and he has the cutest accent. 
Sooo, I guess you know where I’m going with this.
Up ahead: Everlark fluff, mostly English with dialogues in Spanish. I’m hoping the context will provide enough information for those of you who don’t speak that much Spanish but, just in case, here’s a link to Google translate.
Hope you enjoy.
Peeta squared his shoulders and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing, he thought stepping into the tiny shop for the very first time.
 Rustic wood shelves laden with beeswax products lined the walls.  
 The soothing colors and the faint smell of honey which lingered in the air relaxed him as he looked around admiring the different types of candles on display.
 Slowly, he turned towards the register where a welcoming smile greeted him. "Buenos días," the owner of the smile, said.
 Peeta froze in place.
 He had been living in Mexico City and studying Spanish intensively for the past three months. He still couldn't handle big groups or long conversations, but he had been to enough markets and shops to know what he was supposed to say in this case.
 Still, the words stuck to his tongue, stubbornly refusing to leave his lips as he looked at the girl behind the counter.
 She was gorgeous; petite, with long, luscious black hair --which had been woven into a thick braid-- and olive skin that contrasted beautifully with her bright gray eyes.
 He had noticed her on his first day at the language school. She had been opening the shop at the time, absentmindedly humming to herself while she dealt with the heavy metal curtain covering the entrance.
 He had seen her every day since, but he had never been this close to her. He'd never really heard her voice before now.
 You can do this, he told himself. Enunciating as clearly as possible, he asked, "Quisiera una vela, por favor."
 "¿De qué tamaño?" the girl asked, pointing to the selection of candles behind her back.
 Peeta considered her question for a moment. He wasn't buying the candle for himself, it was a present for his sister-in-law, and he wasn't sure which size would be the best.
 "Mediana," he finally said. Anticipating the girl's next question, he added, "Cuadrada."
 With a quick nod, the girl turned around and pulled one of the medium-sized square candles form the shelf. Carefully, she placed the candle on the counter in front of Peeta. "¿La quieres para regalo?"
 "Si, es para mi herma--," With a shake of his head, Peeta corrected himself. "Mi cuñada."
 The girl hummed in acknowledgment. Moving to the side, she opened a spacious drawer full of crisp tissue paper. Peeta's eyes lit up at the colorful assortment on display.
��"¿Qué color te gusta?" she asked.
 The girl scowled. Pointing to a bright orange sheet, she asked, "¿Este?"
 Peeta chuckled. Pointing to the paler shade next to it, he replied, "No, el otro."
 With practiced ease, the girl pulled one sheet of the orange tissue paper Peeta wanted out of the drawer and placed it on the counter. Delicately, she set the candle on top.
 "¿El listón?" she asked, "¿De qué color lo quieres?"
 Repeating her own question back at her, Peeta answered, "¿Qué color te gusta?"
 The girl shrugged. "Mi favorito es el verde."
 "Okay, verde está bien."
 Reaching under the counter, the girl produced a small box. She placed it next to the candle, opened it, and rummaged inside until she found the ribbon she was looking for.
  Settle down, Katniss told herself. She could feel her hands trembling as she returned the box with the ribbons back to its place. You can do this. Just wrap the candle without tearing the paper and talk to him.
 Trying her best to keep a steady hand, Katniss began wrapping the candle. She was halfway through the process when her customer spoke again.
 "¿Tú las haces?"
 Katniss looked up. His ocean blue eyes locked with hers and, for an instant, she forgot how to breathe.
 She nodded. Then, realizing that her nod implied she made the candles, she sputtered, "Mi hermana. Ella las hace, yo sólo las vendo."
 The boy smiled in understanding, and Katniss turned back to look at the bundle in her hands. Trying to keep the conversation going, she asked, "¿Estás de visita?"
 "No, estoy estudiando," he answered.
 Katniss nodded. The truth was that she had known that already. She had seen him in the coffee shop across the street enough times to know he was studying at the language academy.
 He was handsome, with a chiseled jaw, a mop of blond wavy hair, and the bluest eyes she'd ever seen. But what she liked best about him was his smile, bright and sweet. She'd only caught glimpses of it, but it always made her heart race.
 She had never heard him speak, though, and she was surprised by how fluent he was already. Even his accent, unmistakable as it was, had a lovely cadence. She couldn't get enough of it.
 Sliding the green ribbon under the package, she asked, "¿En la academia?"
 "No. Hoy fue my úlitmo día. Tengo una beca para la Escuela Nacional de Arte."
 Katniss's head snapped up, and she gaped at him. "¿En serio, el ENA?" The boy nodded. Katniss noticed his cheeks were turning pink.  "¡Yo también!"
 The boy's eyes widened. "¿Qué departamento?"
 "Música," she said.
 The boy nodded. Suddenly, he narrowed his eyes, crossed his arms, and huffed.
 Katniss smiled kindly at him, she could almost see the words turning inside his mind as he struggled to come up with his next sentence.  
 She was about to speak, to tell him she came from a bilingual home and that her English was just as good as her Spanish, but the look of determination on his face stopped her.
 He was trying so hard, and he had been doing so well that switching languages at this point would probably feel like a defeat.
 It would crush him, Katniss thought. That was the last thing she wanted to do.
 With a resigned sigh, the boy finally asked, "¿Qué instrumento?"
 Happy to have waited, Katniss asked, "¿Qué instrumento toco?" carefully enunciating the verb at the end of the sentence.
 The boy closed his eyes. "Toco, tocas, toca, tocan," he repeated tapping his forehead with each version of the verb. "Siempre la olvido," he whispered.
 "La guitarra," Katniss answered, "pero muy mal. Estoy en el programa vocal."
 Looking back at her, the boy said, "Cantas."
 It wasn't a question, but she nodded all the same.  "¿Y tú?"
 The boy shook his head. "Acuarela."
 Katniss took one last look at her work. The balance between the dark green ribbon and the pale orange paper surprised her. He's got an artist's eye, she thought.
 Pushing the wrapped candle over to his side of the counter, she said, "Listo."
 "Gracias," the boy said. "¿Cuánto es?"
  With a smile, Katniss gave Peeta his credit card back. "Tu tarjeta."
 Taking it from her, he said, "Peeta."
 Her smile widened. "Peeta," she repeated, perfectly mimicking his pronunciation. It was a soft, sweet sound that settled in his chest and made his heart flutter.
 "¿Y tú?" he asked.
 "Katniss," she said.
 Katniss, he repeated to himself committing it to memory as he absently wondered if it was one of those old pre-Hispanic names his teacher had mentioned, like Citlali or Xochitl.
 "Katniss," he tried out loud. "¿Qué significa?"
 "Es un tipo de flor, pero no es de aquí."
 Peeta nodded. He didn't want to leave, but the transaction was over, and he didn't have an excuse to stay in the store any longer.  "Gracias, Katniss," he repeated, lifting his purchase off the counter.
 "De nada," she said, her voice suddenly sounding small.
 With a sigh, Peeta turned to leave. He had almost made it to the door when a new thought flashed through his mind. Before he had time to second-guess himself, he turned back to the counter and asked, "Hey, Katniss? La fiesta de bienvenida del ENA... ¿Vas a ir?"
 Katniss's face lit up. "¿El viernes?"
 "Si," Peeta confirmed.
 Katniss chewed on her lower lip as she considered Peeta's question. She had never been great with big crowds, and she didn't really know anyone at the new school. Yes, the rational side of her knew that was exactly what the welcome party was for, but she had been planning on skipping it all the same.
 But if Peeta was going to be there… "¿Piensas ir?" she asked.
 Peeta shrugged. "¿Por qué no?"
 Katniss laughed. Why not, indeed. Trying to keep her voice from shaking, she asked, "¿Nos vemos allí?"
 Peeta nodded. His eyes, bright and hopeful, found hers. "¿A las 8:00?"
 "A las 8:00," she repeated. “Nos vemos en la puerta.”
 "Okay," Peeta said. Without even thinking, he added, "I'll see you on Friday, Katniss."
 From her spot by the cash register, Katniss watched him leave. "See you Friday, Peeta," she whispered quietly to herself.
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williamlwolf89 · 4 years
583 Sensory Words to Take Your Writing from Bland to Brilliant
It’s almost too easy.
By using sensory words to evoke sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell; smart and attractive writers just like you are able to make their words burst to life in their readers’ minds.
In this post, you’ll learn:
The science behind sensory details (e.g. why sensory words are so persuasive);
The definition of sensory details (plus examples);
How answering five simple questions will help you write descriptive details that pack your content with sensory language;
500+ sensory words you can incorporate into your own writing (right now).
Let’s dive in.
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The Colossal Power of Sensory Details
Remember the final scene in Field of Dreams when Ray Kinsella has a catch with his dad?
You can smell the grass on the field.
You can hear the sound of the baseball hitting their gloves.
And you can feel Ray’s years of guilt melting away as he closes his eyes, smiles, and tosses the ball back to his dad.
(Be honest. You’re crying right now, aren’t you?)
Field of Dreams made you feel like you were in Ray’s shoes, on his field, playing catch with dad.
The scene creates such a vivid experience for many viewers that whenever they think of playing catch, this scene will come up alongside their own childhood memories.
Here’s why:
When you paint a strong scene in your audience’s mind, you make it easier for them to pull it back up from their memory. You’ve essentially bookmarked it for them so they can easily find it when something — a sight, a smell, a sound — reminds them of it.
That’s the power of content that incorporates sensory details.
And this power isn’t limited to cinema classics capable of making grown men cry. For centuries, literary giants have been packing their prose with powerful words that evoke the senses:
“Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war; That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men, groaning for burial” — William Shakespeare (circa 1599)
In addition to The Bard, authors like Maya Angelou, Edgar Allan Poe, and Charles Dickens excel at the use of sensory language. So do literally every famous poet you learned about in school.
And that begs the obvious question…
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Why are Sensory Details so Effective?
Short answer:
The brains of human beings handle sensory words differently than ordinary words.
In a 2011 study published in The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, experts found that our brains process “tangible” (i.e. sensory) words faster than other words.
And in a study published for Brain and Language in 2012, psychologists found that a certain part of our brain is “activated” when we read sensory words.
In other words:
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So, we know why sensory details are powerful. And we know writers have been tapping into their power for a long, long time.
Now let’s define them and go over a few examples:
What are Sensory Details?
Sensory details are descriptive words that appeal to the five senses — using imagery, they describe how we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell the world around us.
Let’s break each one down:
1. Sight Sensory Words
Words related to vision describe the appearance of something (its color, size, shape, and so on).
Examples of sight words:
Her golden hair looked disheveled thanks to the gust of wind.
He was a towering presence.
I ordered a large orange juice, but the waiter brought me a teeny-tiny glass the size of a thimble.
Click here to see all 185 sight sensory words
2. Sound Sensory Words
Words related to hearing often describe the sound they make (known as onomatopoeia), but this isn’t always the case.
Examples of hearing words:
He had a big, booming voice.
The sound of screeching tires was soon followed by the deafening sound of a car horn.
As I peeked under the bed, the cackling laughter coming from the closet made the hairs on my arms stand up.
Click here to see all 161 sound sensory words
3. Touch Sensory Words
Touch words describe the texture of how something feels. They can also describe emotional feelings.
Examples of touch words:
Two minutes into the interview, I knew his abrasive personality would be an issue if we hired him.
With a forced smile, I put on the itchy Christmas sweater my grandmother bought me.
The Hot Pocket was scalding on the outside, but ice-cold in the middle.
Click here to see all 123 touch sensory words
4. Taste Sensory Words
Taste words are interesting. Though they can describe food, they’re often used in comparisons and metaphors.
Examples of taste words:
It’s a bittersweet situation.
Her zesty personality caught Karl’s eye.
The scrumptious jalapeno poppers comforted Karl after his bitter rejection.
Click here to see all 51 taste sensory words
5. Smell Sensory Words
Words related to smell describe — yes, you guessed it — how things smell. Often underutilized, sensory words connected with smell can be very effective.
Examples of smell words:
The pungent smell was unmistakable: someone in this elevator was wearing Axe Body Spray.
No matter the expiration date, it was clear from its rancid stench the milk had gone bad.
The flowery aroma was a welcome change after the elevator and milk incidents.
Click here to see all 47 smell sensory words
Bonus: Taste and Smell Sensory Words
Because they’re closely related, some sensory words can be used for both taste and smell. Examples: fruity, minty, and tantalizing.
Click here to see all 16 taste & smell sensory words
Next, we’ll look at a few real-world examples of sensory details.
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Sensory Details: Examples in the Wild
Imagine the following headline came across your Twitter feed:
How to Avoid Using Boring Stock Photo Images in Your Content
Would you click it?
Better question…
Could you read the headline without falling asleep?
The answers are probably “no” and “heck no.”
Now imagine you saw this headline:
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Much better, right?
The simple addition of the sensory word “cringeworthy” changes the tone of the entire headline. Instead of yawning, you’re thinking of an awkward or embarrassing moment you really don’t want to relive.
Let’s look at a few more modern-day examples of sharp people using sensory language to spruce up their content:
Using Sensory Words in Author Bios
I’ll pick on me for this one.
Here’s one of my old author bios:
Kevin J. Duncan is the Editor of Smart Blogger, where he helps writers learn the skills they need to land writing gigs that pay.
Now look at the author bio my friend Henneke wrote for Writer’s Block: 27 Techniques to Overcome It Forever:
Henneke Duistermaat is an irreverent copywriter and business writing coach. She’s on a mission to stamp out gobbledygook and to make boring business blogs sparkle.
My bio is devoid of sensory words (or any interesting words at all, if we’re being honest).
Henneke’s is chock full of them.
Her bio is interesting.
Mine is boring.
The lesson? Add at least one sensory word to your author bio.
Using Sensory Words in Social Media Profiles
Some people opt for brevity when writing their social media profiles, and that’s fine.
But if you want your Twitter profile (or Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media profile) to stand out from the crowd, sprinkle in a sensory word or two.
Like so:
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Mel Wicks is a veteran copywriter who knows a thing or two about the effectiveness of descriptive details, so she uses them to spice up her Twitter profile.
Here’s an example from my badly-neglected Instagram account:
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“Enchanting” and “adorably-jubilant” are wonderful sensory words — so wonderful, it’s a shame they’re wasted on a profile no one sees.
Look at your own profiles and see if there’s a place to add a sensory word or two. They’ll help your profile jump off the screen.
Heck, see if you can use enchanting and adorably-jubilant.
They deserve to be seen.
Using Sensory Words in Introductions
The opening lines of your content are so important.
If you’re a student, your opening sets the tone for your teacher (who we both know is dying to use his red pen).
If you’re an author, your opening can be the difference between someone buying your book or putting it back on the shelf in favor of one of those Twilight books (probably).
And if you’re a blogger, writer, content marketer, or business; your opening can hook the reader (increasing dwell time, which is great in Google’s eyes) or send them scurrying for the “back” button.
It’s why we put such an emphasis on introductions here at Smart Blogger.
Sometimes our openings hook you with a question.
Sometimes we strike a note of empathy or (like this post) focus on searcher intent.
And sometimes we give you a heaping helping of sensory words:
Imagine you’re sitting in a lounge chair on the beach, staring out over the glittering sea, the ocean breeze ruffling your hair, listening to the slow, steady rhythm of the waves.
In the above opening for How to Become a Freelance Writer, Starting from Scratch, Jon Morrow uses sensory language to set a scene for the reader.
And it’s highly, highly effective.
Using Sensory Words in Email Subject Lines
Like you, your readers are flooded with emails.
And with open rates in a steady decline, people are trying anything and everything to make their email subject lines stand out:
Capitalized words;
All lowercase letters;
Two exclamation points;
Clickbait that would make even BuzzFeed go, “that’s too far, man.”
You name it, people are trying it.
Want a simpler, far-more-effective way to help your emails stand out from the crowd?
Add a sensory word.
Brian Dean loves to include words like “boom” in his subjects:
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The folks at AppSumo and Sumo (formerly SumoMe) regularly feature descriptive words in their subjects and headlines.
Here’s one example:
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And sensory language appears in most everything Henneke writes, including her subject lines.
In this one she also uses an emoji related to her sensory word. Very clever:
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Now that we’ve covered several examples, let’s dig a bit deeper…
Let’s discuss some practical steps you can take that will make adding figurative language to your own writing style a breeze:
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How Descriptive Details Can Pack Your Writing With Sensory Language
If you’ve taken a good English or creative writing class, you’ve probably been told a time or two to “show, don’t tell.”
This means you should create an engaging experience for your audience; not just tell them what you want them to know.
You accomplish this by using descriptive writing that conveys sensations and lets readers experience your words (rather than simply read them).
And how do you do that, exactly?
Ask yourself these five questions when you’re writing:
#1. What Do You See?
It isn’t enough to tell your readers there was a scary house in your neighborhood when you were a child. Describe the house to them in vivid detail.
What shade of gray was it?
Were the doors boarded up?
Precisely how many ghostly figures did you see staring at you from the upstairs bedroom windows, and how many are standing behind you right now?
Paint a mental picture for your readers.
#2. What Do You Hear?
We listen to uptempo songs to push us through cardio workouts. Many of us listen to rainfall when we’re trying to sleep. Some of us listen to Justin Bieber when we want to punish our neighbors.
Want to transplant readers into your literary world?
Talk about the drip, drip, drip of the faucet.
Mention the squeaking floors beneath your feet.
Describe the awful music coming from your next-door-neighbor’s house.
#3. How Does it Feel?
Touch sensory words can convey both tactile and emotional sensations.
Can you describe to the reader how something feels when touched? Is it smooth or rough? Round or flat? Is it covered in goo or is it goo-less?
Paint a picture for your reader so they can touch what you’re touching.
The same goes for emotions. Help the reader feel what you (or your character) are feeling. Draw them in.
#4. What Does it Taste Like?
Does the beach air taste salty? Is the roaring fire so intense you can taste the smoke? Is the smell of your roommate’s tuna fish sandwich so strong you can taste it from across the room?
Tell your audience.
Be descriptive.
Make them taste the fishiness.
#5. How Does it Smell?
It wasn’t a basement you walked into — it was a musty, moldy basement.
And you didn’t simply enjoy your Mom’s homemade lasagna. You inhaled the aromatic scents of sauce, cheese, and basil.
Evoking the sense of smell is possibly the most effective way to pull readers out of their world and into yours.
So when you sit down to write, ask yourself if it’s possible to describe how something smells. And if you can? Do it.
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The Massive Sensory Words List: 583 (and Counting) Descriptive Words to Supercharge Your Writing With Sensory Language
Once you’ve asked and answered the five questions above, your writing will be packed with sensory details.
In time, you’ll build up your own massive list of sensory words you can reference and sprinkle throughout your work (no thesaurus needed!).
But in the meantime, here’s my list.
Bookmark them.
Print them.
Use them often:
SIGHT WORDS SOUND WORDS Angular Babble Azure Bang Billowy Barking Black Bawled Bleary Bawling Bloated Bellow Blonde Blare Blue Blaring Blurred Bleat Blushing Boom Branching Booming Bright Bray Brilliant Buzz Broad Buzzing Brown Cackle Brunette Cackling Bulbous Chatter Bulky Chattering Camouflaged Cheer Chubby Chiming Circular Chirping Colorful Chuckle Colorless Clamor Colossal Clang Contoured Clanging Cosmic Clap Craggy Clapping Crimson Clicking Crinkled Clink Crooked Clinking Crowded Cooing Crystalline Coughing Curved Crackle Dark Crackling Dazzling Crashing Deep Creak Dim Croaking Dingy Crow Disheveled Crunch Distinct Crunching Drab Crunchy Dreary Cry Dull Crying Dusty Deafening Elegant Distorted Enchanting Dripping Engaging Ear-piercing Enormous Earsplitting Faded Exploding Fancy Faint Fat Fizzing Filthy Gagging Flashy Gasping Flat Giggle Flickering Giggling Foggy Grate Forked Grating Freckled Growl Fuzzy Grumble Gargantuan Grunt Gaudy Grunting Gigantic Guffaw Ginormous Gurgle Glamorous Gurgling Gleaming Hanging Glimpse Hiss Glistening Hissing Glitter Honking Glittering Howl Globular Hubbub Gloomy Hum Glossy Humming Glowing Hush Gold Jabber Graceful Jangle Gray Jangling Green Laughing Grotesque Moaning Hazy Monotonous Hollow Mooing Homely Muffled Huge Mumble Illuminated Mumbling Immense Murmur Indistinct Mutter Ivory Muttering Knotty Noisy Lacy Peeping Lanky Piercing Large Ping Lavender Pinging Lean Plopping Lithe Pop Little Purring Lofty Quacking Long Quiet Low Rant Malnourished Rapping Maroon Rasping Massive Raucous Miniature Rave Misshapen Ringing Misty Roar Motionless Roaring Mottled Rumble Mountainous Rumbling Muddy Rustle Murky Rustling Narrow Scratching Obtuse Scream Olive Screaming Opaque Screech Orange Screeching Oval Serene Pale Shout Peered Shouting Petite Shrieking Pink Shrill Portly Sigh Pristine Silent Prodigious Sing Purple Singing Quaint Sizzling Radiant Slam Rectangular Slamming Red Snap Reddish Snappy Rippling Snoring Rotund Snort Round Splashing Ruby Squawking Ruddy Squeaky Rusty Stammer Sabotaged Stomp Shadowy Storm Shallow Stuttering Shapeless Tearing Sheer Thudding Shimmering Thump Shiny Thumping Short Thunder Silver Thundering Skinny Ticking Small Tingling Smudged Tinkling Soaring Twitter Sparkling Twittering Sparkly Wail Spherical Warbling Spotless Wheezing Spotted Whimper Square Whimpering Steep Whine Stormy Whining Straight Whir Strange Whisper Striped Whispering Sunny Whistle Swooping Whooping Tall Yell Tapering Yelp Tarnished Teeny-tiny Tiny Towering Translucent Transparent Triangular Turquoise Twinkling Twisted Ugly Unsightly Unusual Vibrant Vivid Weird White Wide Wiry Wispy Wizened Wrinkled Wrinkly Yellow TOUCH WORDS TASTE WORDS Abrasive Acidic Balmy Appetizing Biting Bitter Boiling Bittersweet Breezy Bland Bristly Buttery Bubbly Charred Bubby Contaminated Bumpy Creamy Burning Crispy Bushy Delectable Chilled Delicious Chilly Doughy Clammy Earthy Coarse Fermented Cold Flavorful Cool Flavorless Cottony Floury Crawly Garlicky Creepy Gingery Cuddly Gritty Cushioned Hearty Damp Juicy Dank Luscious Dirty Medicinal Downy Mellow Drenched Melted Dry Nauseating Elastic Nutritious Feathery Nutty Feverish Palatable Fine Peppery Fleshy Pickled Fluff Piquant Fluffy Raw Foamy Refreshing Fragile Rich Freezing Ripe Furry Salty/Salted Glassy Savory Gluey Scrumptious Gooey Stale Grainy Sugary Greasy Syrupy Gritty Tangy Gushy Tart Hairy Tasteless Heavy Unripe Hot Vinegary Humid Yummy Ice-Cold Zesty Icy Itchy Knobbed Leathery Light Lightweight Limp Lukewarm Lumpy Matted Metallic Moist Mushy Numbing Oily Plastic Pointed Powdery Pulpy Rocky Rough Rubbery Sandy Scalding Scorching Scratchy Scummy Serrated Shaggy Sharp Shivering Shivery Silky Slimy Slippery Sloppy Smooth Smothering Soapy Soft Sopping Soupy Splintery Spongy Springy Sputter Squashy Squeal Squishy Steamy Steely Sticky Stifled Stifling Stinging Stony Stubby Tangled Tapered Tender Tepid Thick Thin Thorny Tickling Tough Unsanitary Velvety Warm Waxy Wet Woolly SMELL WORDS TASTE & SMELL WORDS Ambrosial Acrid Antiseptic Burnt Aroma Fishy Aromatic Fresh Briny Fruity Citrusy Lemony Decayed Minty Decomposed Moldy Doggy Mouth-watering Fetid Rotten Floral Salty Flowery Sour Foul-smelling Spicy Fragrant Spoiled Gamy Sweet Gaseous Tantalizing Horrid Inodorous Malodorous Mephitic Musky Musty Odiferous Odor Odorless Old Perfumed Piney Polluted Pungent Putrid Rancid Rank Redolent Reeking Scent Scented Sickly Skunky Smell Smoky Stagnant Stench Stinky Sweaty Tempting Whiff
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Are You Ready to Unleash the Power of Sensory Details?
It’s time to say goodbye.
Goodbye to lifeless words that sit on the page.
Goodbye to indifferent readers ready to move on to something, anything, else.
You now know why sensory details are so effective. You know how to sprinkle descriptive words throughout your content. And you now have a massive, ever-growing list of sensory words to bookmark and come back to again and again.
Variations of the following quote have been attributed to everyone from Carl W. Buehner to Maya Angelou, but regardless of who said it, and how they said it, it’s true:
“People may forget what you said, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.”
It’s time to make your readers feel.
Are you ready?
Then let’s do this thing.
The post 583 Sensory Words to Take Your Writing from Bland to Brilliant appeared first on Smart Blogger.
from SEO and SM Tips https://smartblogger.com/sensory-words/
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lullaandby · 5 years
sincerely yours. c text
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JIZZ for Jesus 1 minute 15 seconds/ short. 
My being single was a topic that has worried my 85 year old father.  
 a  treasure chest of  anxiety who had anointed himself my dating guru.
Every week he comes up with a new line of advice.
The first was that I should go to church and find a nice guy. 
Ah ok, but Church is centered around redemption themed activities.
What am I going to do- tell someone 
"hey. I ah just saw the way you placed your lips to that chalice- and it got something going down here
He thought about it some more and came back with-
["Hey Jo!  You know what?"
That's the way my dad always speaks, in a tenor most people reserve for an extreme emergency, like a school evacuation. 
"These guys are no good.
 Nah. Not like how they used to be. 
So you fuck 'em Jo. Take what you need and get outta there. Don't be a whore but just get what you need."
Okay dad. Very different types of advice but thank you.
So I figured out a way to combine the two bits of information. It's a little program I like to call Jizz For Jesus.
Just vats of cum in my face in the name of our lord and savior. 
Just trying to be a good daughter. ]
Then he goes " HEY Jo"
That tone means he doesn't want my mom to hear.
What Dad. 
"Are you a lesbian?"
No Dad.
"ok well I want you to know it's ok."
"well.... do you know what they do?"
"The LESBIANS!!! how do they do it"
 Dad. We're done here. 
Catholic interior design is amazingly bold. 
Where else would you be able to get away
With that focal point?
Imagine walking into the grocery store to get some ice cream
And you saw a statue of someone over the cereal aisle
life size
Just bleeding.
Then another one by the ice cream
Smiling while a gentle breeze rolls
Through his luscious locks
And sun illuminates down upon him.
And everyone else was like oh yeah.
That’s our good  buddy Ralph.
He helped to make this place.
No worries just keep hoping for a good life and
Get all your groceries into a cart.
Or just rolling up to your first soccer game
And over the goal net 
there’s a photo of your neighbor, 
Mr. Gershon who served in Vietnam
And passed away last year. 
Just bleeding profusely.
And everyone’s just like oh yeah.
He sacrificed for us.
No worries here’s an orange slice ad some high c fruit punch.
It’s just how you avoid hell.
Did you bring in money for team photo?
And how’s your fundraising going for the new jerseys. 
The whole concept of hell gets so left behind.
It becomes this thought in the back of your mind,
To Avoid the  fiery pit.
Really the church needs a revamp.
Instead of a fiery pit just start telling people
They will get zero likes on their posts 
If they don’t comply.
Watch pews fill up.
GOOD TO KNOW the Bible
Dad the only person who invited in Jehovahs they multiplied.
The he…
Years later they still came to visit him so we had to do what I like to call reverse bible chats.
It always starts with a lead in question
“Do you know…” and they insert a bible verse.
It’s a trap like when your friend asks you if you know someone else-
Either they talked shit about you or you are going to hear shit talked about them.
But when it’s bible rhetoric it’s so easy to just listen
And hit them with
Corninthians and just put in random numbers. 
Then conclude with your own opinion.
And they walk away. 
Just so odd
What other types of salvation?
Some like weird cheese 
Do it out 
Take a quiz to see what type of biblical hero you are
Mary Magdalene cuz she’s a hoe
How did they have hoes in the Bible?
I’d like to see a Moses parting the seas of peers who are holding back orgasms
And older ladies shaming for wearing too short skirts and saying well you asked for it,nder their breath
And he just bellows out 
“Let my whores go”
Then they walk to a land where
 they create amazing porn for ladies and general
healthcare that covers all forms of birthcontrol
More than the bible, The answer is porn
if there were as many categories on porn hub
As there were ideas  for world peace and conservation
We’d be all set. 
We need more categories for porn by ladies.
Just liven it up make it more representative.
Less filthy next door neighbor taking big dicks
Reading a book and getting your nips tweaked
Getting your ass eaten while watching cute animals lick their faces
Finishing a craft while on top - look how cute his eyes are, and then you just go to outer space
Eating lasagna while anything 
More outlets for female intelignece and for ladies to cum.
That combo creates a burtito cloud of peace with melted cheese around the female psyche.
This is essential. 
Ask any dude who is pissed off a crazy eyes girl. 
Who was just one two many break ups deep. 
There are absoultely crazy guys
But they more start a ned narrative that didn’t happen
Or if something was wrong they just avoid and deny. 
Pretty Much All Ladies will say-
Ok let me find your birth record,
Then trail onto you best friend from preschool
Take a flight to New Orleans- get a witch
Dig up a dead body and procure the two pinky fingers as payment
Rally up anyone else who hates you
Put their soul in a doll, send it to your house
Then around 10pm give you 3 hearts on insta to hide the evidence.
That’s day one. 
( How sexual repression makes you into a vengeful person)
Girls who are all about the revenge you generally can find zero social media presence on them
And they like to do control based things
The girl in your office 
Keep talking about going to sweet greens 
Or paint night
They are the mid level managers of the world who Marshall over every event and
When you go out to dinner make sure that everyone is paying the exact amount
I have no idea why people are obsessed with teenager Regina Georges
Because the real assholes are 
repressed, undersexed mothers with body image issues
Who feel as if their children have stolen their lives 
They begin to not even see it as revenge.
It’s just fairness. 
Because they have been taught to be nice and they are seething. 
We’ve come a long way sexuality from
Your aunt who has the solid Ronald mc Donald hair cut and a long short chino
With a polo shirt
[50k categories and several articles]
Repression  in females comes from mis placed  validation 
The validation that seems promised from being nice and doing the right thing.
Jessica simpson? 
Take most of the single males you know perhaps they are sad,
But they will general find a hobby, pussy, or both.
When the barrier to entry of pussy gets to expensive, psychotic, difficult or all three.
They will resort mc guyver like tendencies to find ingenuity.
Take most females who are single.
They will use the same ingenuity to gain validation from friends and family
Which includes carrier achievement and marriage.
When the Barriers to entry become challenging they become crazy.
If you have been single over twenty eight you have have 100 percent taken a turn
Into crazy town. Driven straight through then taken a right into county love town.
It looks so much more intense when it’s your friend doing it 
There rare two options for yourself and that friend,
A) you’ll make it by having a life and randomly crying to ColdPlay
B) you will spend all your time trying to find someone like a person who has lost
A puppy.
This is so insane. 
This starts with our parents,
you chose in your family but I like to blame my mother.
But my dad is to blame to b/c his standards are just wanting me minimally taken care of he’d be like
do you have a car?
A job?
Ok here’s 10k
Remember she likes cheese.
Bye baby remember to turn the lights off. 
Pretty soon moms will be fighting over how many likes their daughter gets.
(Play on how moms compete for girls getting career + marriage)
end on marriage 
The moms who are exactly the same as Kris Jenner
And there’s a lot
Kris is a narcissist who pairs her daughter up with dudes that aren’t great.
Or at the every least doesn’t encourage them to leave.
Lots of moms are like this- they loose their daughter and their daughters
“Wins” a happy marriage.
The only difference is these girls wear bikinis instead of a nice tailored slack. 
But who is the influencer of the influencers?
Do the equation and you will always come up Oprah. 
Just do it out. Oprah. 
And she doesn’t even have instagram.
And who is her influencer? Maya angelou?
So strong black women. Mostly BBW.
Maybe there’s  an age where repression just starts settling in
And people look at the people in their family 
Who came before them
As precious moments statues. 
Ummm just a quick refresh your moms
Vagina was once a  beatiuous place holder for jizz.
And grandma probably took a load 
And not just to the laundry
Why do you think she carries all those werthers?
Just our old friend science. 
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unfortunate-lore · 7 years
The first time Yuri's world turned around was when he was watching Victor Nikiforov ice-skate. He was just twelve years old and in the family room watching TV with his sister. An intense sensation rushed through his head almost knocking him out. His eyes burned and when he put his fingers to them he realized he was crying. His head hurt like a migraine straight from Hell. His mother knelt down next to him, brushing her fingertips through his hair. She was not condescending in the way she asked if he could see it. Not in the way he had heard other adults around the inn talk about it. She was curious. Worry entering her voice as she helped her son sit up. Yuri opened his eyes and could see his mother. She was beautiful. Her brown hair swooped around her tan face. Her eyes were bright and brown, youthful he had heard his father describe. Everything about her screamed warm and loving. Yuri turned back to the TV. Watching Victor waiting for his scores. Victor was an entirely different beautiful. His silver hair was long and elegant as he brushed stray strands back. Adorned on his head was the most vibrant color Yuri thought he would ever see. Blue roses tied into a crown was wrapped around his head. His radiant smile burst with confidence as he proudly displayed his country's colors on his jacket as the score was announce. Yuri had seen his soulmate. Turning to his mother again, he blinked. Eyes adjusting to the new vision. He smiled, "I want to skate competitively." xxx Victor laughed with Chris, taking a sip of champagne. He had almost everything he ever wanted. Friends to spend time with, free liquor, and what he could only take by ear to be another gold under his belt. Victor was a rare case. A man of almost thirty who could still not see in color. Chris would always describe to him in lavishing detail of the beauty the world becomes when he would meet his soulmate. But Victor was beginning to give up on hope. He was beginning to give up on a lot of things. Chris had made a joke and asked Victor if he wanted another drink. Victor smiled and nodded as his friend searched the room to find more champagne, or maybe something stronger. He continued to walk and say hi to his rink mates. Congratulating them and accepting their congratulations in return. It was all so formal, so stiff. He enjoyed the company, but after such a long competition he grew tired. He laughed to himself, the passing thought of his age coming into question. He looked around the room, seeing a small circle forming in one corner. Victor searched for Chris in the crowd. He heard someone cheer and thought it was odd. Curious, he walked to the circle excusing himself through. Reaching the front he was taken aback by the sight before him. Victor had taken many falls on his face in his youth, especially on the ice. None of them compared to the searing pain that attacked his eyes. He gripped his forehead to try to ease the pain. A hand pressed against his back and when he looked up he saw Chris, looking down at him. Victor could only stare up at him, his friend. His blond friend. Color stared down on him through worried green, Victor could almost swear they might even be brown eyes. He was beyond ecstatic. Victor grinned, wide. He knew tears were welling up in his eyes, and he forced them back down. Finally. Victor turned to where the audience held their attention. To the two Yuri's dancing together, and the Yuri from Japan who gave him this beautiful site. What Chris had described to him did not do it justice. Yuri Katsuki was heaven on Earth. His white shirt was unbuttoned and his black tie was loosened. He wore black pants and Victor could only wonder what happened to the matching suit that went with it. His brown hair was short and showed the most beautiful brown eyes. "Victor!" Yuri Katsuki from Japan called out to him. Victor did not know what to do. He stared down at the man who reached out to grip onto his wrists. Yuri smiled up at him, obviously a little drunk. His English was heavily accented, making it difficult for Victor to understand him. Yuri let out a laugh and Victor swore even that had colors to it, "Dance with me!" Victor couldn't say no to that. xxx Victor's fingertips rubbed circles against Yuri's side. He slipped them under Yuri's shirt. He had been awake much longer than Yuri, just enjoying the morning light coming through their windows. Even after all this time he still loved seeing the different colors that lit up his room. That lit up his life. The white walls decorated with brown picture frames. Artwork that was just colors splashed against a white canvas. Green cacti in orange pots on the windowsill that Yuri loved so much. Their bookshelves were littered with magazines Yuri collected that had interviews of Victor's in them next to Victor's favorite novels and movies. The light hit their silken red sheets in a way that made Victor's heart race. Yuri stirred awake and smiled at Victor. Yuri kissed him, eyes still blinking the sleep away. Victor kissed his forehead and pulled him closer. His brown hair smelled like sweat from being under the covers in the summer heat, but that did not stop Victor from kissing the top of his head. Yuri kissed his collarbone and mumbled against his skin. Victor hummed back, "I love you more." "I was twelve and you turned my world into this," Yuri's hand moved to Victor's cheek. Victor kissed the palm of his hand, "I loved you the moment I saw you." "I waited eleven years for you," Yuri scooted up to the pillow next to Victor. Victor's hand remained on Yuri's waist. His other found Yuri's hand and held it under the covers. Yuri pulled it up and kissed his knuckles, "Did you know that?" Victor shook his head. Yuri was always full of surprises. Victor loved that about Yuri. "That's a long time," Victor rolled onto his back, "I'd given up on soulmates." Yuri cuddled up to his side. They laid in silence. Victor knew what he was doing. Yuri was taking in the room around them. Appreciating what they weren't able to before. "I think we should paint the walls," Yuri said. Victor sat up, bringing Yuri with him, "Oh!" He cooed, "I was thinking a red or maybe even lavender." Victor looked around the room, "Something that matches the art or the shelves." Yuri sighed, "I've created a monster." Victor pulled him back down onto the bed in a tight embrace. Victor kissed him deep and full on the lips. He pulled away with a big gasp, "Luscious purple would look beautiful against my skin." "A monster," Yuri pulled him into another kiss.
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hopeishappinessff · 7 years
Chapter 7
Hours after we’d arrived at my house, Destani and I parted ways for a while to shower and get relaxed. Destani slipped off into the guest room where she kept a stash of clothes from the many nights she’d stayed over and I made my way to my own restroom for a quick shower. Eventually, we met up in the kitchen where we both rummaged for snacks to get us through our girl’s night in. “I swear Auntie be getting all the good shit. It’s like she knows exactly what a bitch like to eat!” Destani shrieked, snatching a bag of kettle corn from the pantry. I laughed as I tugged the fridge open and plucked two cans of orange soda for us “I’m sure she keeps you in mind every time she goes to the grocery store.” She turned to face me with both of her arms stocked with snacks and I wondered if she would be able to make it up the stairs without falling flat on her face “She does girl, I know she does. Look at this shit!”
A short while later, we were situated comfortably in my room. I loaded up Netflix and we settled on Paranormal Activity as our movie of choice. Reaching into the bowl that Destani had poured the popcorn into, I happily tossed a handful in my mouth. Within seconds I could feel my taste buds heating up from some unknown spice and I frowned. Swallowing the mulled kernels, I scooped up my drink from the nightstand and turned to Destani “Why is this popcorn so spicy?” “What?” She flinched at a scary scene in the movie and tossed a pillow over her face. Lifting my cell phone to switch on the flashlight app, I aimed it toward the bowl and stared in horror at the red splotches that covered the sweet and salty treat. “Destani, what is that?” I asked with a deeper scowl. From her safe haven behind the pillow, she peered over into the bowl and scoffed. “It’s hot sauce.” She answered, as if dowsing a bowl of sweet popcorn with a spicy sauce was a typical thing. My face morphed into a deep grimace as I stared, stunned by her disclosure “Who puts hot sauce on popcorn?”
“I do girl, it’s good huh?” The pillow never left her face as she peered over the top of it to tune back in to the movie. Deciding that the spicy, sweet, and salty snack wasn’t nearly as good as she claimed, I selected another treat from my nightstand then turned my attention to the television. The movie became entirely too scary and soon, we both nearly jumped right off the bed at the discreet sound of tapping against my bedroom window. “What the fuck is that?” Destani laid her body out halfway on the side of the bed and halfway on the floor as she stared horrifically at the window. With a hand pressed against my racing heart, it didn’t take long for me to piece together just who was creating the sound effects on the other side of the window. I quickly stood from the edge of the bed and moved toward the source of the noise. Reaching for the string connected to the blinds, I made a move to jerk it downward only to have my arm snatched back suddenly by a petrified Destani “Sy’Diyah, what the hell are you doing? You don’t know what that could be… are you trying to get us murdered?”
I smirked at her dramatics and proceeded to tug at the string, quickly revealing Chris perched on his signature spot on the big tree. Glancing at Destani, I snickered at the sight of her mouth hanging wide open as she stared at him. “You standin there like you trynna show me with that mouth do, girl. Better close them lips before I give you a reason to have ‘em open.” Chris chuckled once I slid the window open. “Nigga, what the fuck are you doing? I almost pissed my pants watching this scary ass movie, and you come knocking on the damn window in the middle of the night. You have clearly lost your damn mind!” Destani fussed as she moved back to my bed and crossed her arms over her chest with a pout. He laughed as he sprang into the window with ease then turned to close and secure it “That’s because you’re a pussy Dez. What are ya’ll watching?” “Paranormal Activity.” I spoke for Destani and myself, as I knew she wasn’t done pouting and she wouldn’t open her mouth to speak until she was. “This shit’s not even scary bro.” Chris exclaimed, rolling my computer chair from beneath the desk and turning it backwards to take a seat.
“Why are you here?” Destani griped, cutting her eyes at Chris. His face held a relaxed expression of amusement as he gazed at her with his head tilted “I got bored when I got home. So I figured, what the hell… let me go see what my best friends are up to!” With a strident roll of her eyes, she pushed her body back against the mound of pillows and zipped her lips for the duration of the movie. And for the next half an a half, we sat quietly watching the movie... with Destani of course tucked behind a pillow for most of it. Once the final credits rolled up the screen, and Destani pulled my comforter and pillow off her head, we agreed to get prepared for bed. “Well I’m about to get some beauty rest with every single light in the guest room on.” She declared, stretching her arms high above her head with a yawn. Standing a foot over her at his full height, Chris meshed a large hand into the wild mane of curls atop her head “Go ahead and get your hibernation Smokey, everybody knows you need to be alert while you workin to prevent those forest fires.”
Throwing a playful punch into his side, Destani scurried away from the weight of Chris’s hand. “Fuck you!” She exclaimed, placing a hand on her head and yanking the ponytail holder from the messy bun of luscious raven coils. She turned to face me as she swept her bountiful hair to one side “Goodnight Sy. Thanks for allowing me to scare myself shitless by watching that bullshit.” Giggling with a shake of my head, I stood from my spot on the corner of the bed and pulled back the blanket “Anytime Dez.” “And ya’ll keep it down in here. I’m not trynna hear headboard banging and all that nasty shit you be on Chris.” With a cunning smirk, she glanced from me to Chris. My composure nearly crumbled as my eyes bulged at her brashness. With a smirk and quick wink in my direction, Chris sighed and scratched at the back of his neck “I can’t promise you that Dez. The moment Sy allows me to take that ass down… it’s gonna be epic. And trust me the neighbors will certainly know my name.” Destani roared with laughter as she peered at my reddened face and slipped out of the room, shutting the door behind herself and barricading me inside with Chris.
Curling my toes into the plush rug beneath my feet, I stood stationed in the center of my bathroom as I coaxed myself to exit. I’d never struggled to sit content and unaccompanied in a room with Chris, but lately I’d begun to find it difficult to do such a simple task. I was noticing a change in him that I wasn’t sure if I was quite prepared for. On one hand, I was well aware of the feelings that I had for Chris and I felt them surge and grow stronger every single day. However, I also knew that I was completely content being his friend and tucking the feelings that I had for him away. I didn’t need him to ruin that by showing me that the feelings were indeed mutual. Flinching at the sound of a light knock against the wooden barrier, I stared at the back of it as if it would suddenly fly open. “Hope, are you okay? I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to go home to shower… can I come in?” Chris called from the other side of the door. “Yeah… yeah. Just a minute Chris.” My gaze shifted desperately around the space in search of anything to make it seem like I’d spent the last few minutes doing something productive. Zoning in on the toilet, I bolted for the silver valve on the side of it and quickly pressed my fingers against it. I stared into the swirling blue water, allowing it to calm me before I turned to face the door. Slowly prying it open, I glanced up into Chris’s smirking face and recoiled under his gaze.
“You alright?” He asked, leaning lazily against the frame of the door. Nodding forcefully as I slipped past him, I moved to my bed and plopped down then snatched up the remote. I could feel the burn of his gaze a few seconds longer and I released a withered breath once he turned to shut himself inside the bathroom. Nearly fifteen minutes later, I found myself bored and surfing through the channels of the television. My ears perked at the sound of the bathroom door swiftly opening. With my sight glued to the illuminated screen, I glanced from the corner of my eye as Chris ventured to the dresser that supported the TV. Over the span of many years, several of his belongings had found a way into my room and he utilized the top dresser drawer to store it all. It didn’t take long for me to reroute my gaze as he stood tall, blocking my view. Droplets of water cascaded down the glistening butterscotch skin of his back as it flexed with each movement of his arms. He seemed completely unbothered as he rummaged through the drawer dressed only in a white towel tied off at his hips. My eyes roved over each tattoo embellishing his arms and upper back and they seemed more prominent than ever from the layer of dampness covering them. Locating a white t-shirt, a pair of basketball shorts, and a fresh set of black ankle socks, he finally sauntered back over to the bathroom.
Emerging just a few minutes later, he clutched onto a bundle of clothes he’d previously worn and tossed them on the floor closest to his side of the bed. “What’re you watchin?” He asked, finally plopping down on the bed. “Nothing… you can find something to watch if you want.” I slid the remote across the bed to him. “Oh nah, I was just asking…” His words were quickly cut short by the sound of his cell phone vibrating against the surface of my nightstand. Stretching his arm to retrieve it, he quickly tapped the green button on the face of the phone and raised it to his ear. “Hello.” He greeted once he answered the call. “Hey mama, I… yeah ma I know but… ma… MA… alright ma damn… my bad mama, I’m sorry… okay… alright… bye.” I couldn’t help but listen as the tone of his voice dropped just before he ended the call.
Just as quick as he’d made himself comfortable, he slid to the edge of the bed and stood tall beside it. “I have to go Hope.” He stated with a defeated sigh. “What happened?” I asked. “Ms. Joyce is pissed because she hasn’t seen me at home all day and I didn’t call her after the game like she asked me to.” He muttered as he walked over to his Nike slides and slipped his feet inside. With a deep set frown masking his beautiful features, he turned to face me “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” With a single nod of my head, I peered on as he sauntered over to my window. He slid it open and began his journey through, climbing onto the same branch that always somehow sustained his weight. I teetered over to the window, watching as he successfully landed in his own bedroom. He smirked through the glass and tossed a hand up in my direction as I pushed the blinds down, blocking him completely from view.
My eyes formed into tiny slits as luminous rays of the sun poured into my room through the thick blinds. With an exaggerated yawn, I stretched my body against the lush pillows I’d nestled myself into. I debated whether I wanted to climb from the coziness of the bed, but my bladder didn't hesitate to make the decision for me and I quickly lifted myself onto unsteady feet. Crossing my room toward the restroom, I hurriedly relieved myself then moved on to the sink to wash my hands. I reached for my revitalizing facial wash and rubbed two pumps of the product into my pores then after drying my face, finished up by brushing my teeth. Once I’d moved back into my room, I recoiled away from the door just as it flew open and revealed an overly exuberant Destani. Batting her doughy jade eyes at me, she sauntered into my room and plopped herself comfortably on my bed. “Good Morning bff!”. “Good Morning Dez.” I giggled. “Auntie’s down there whipping up some breakfast and she told me to come up here and wake your lazy ass up.” She exclaimed, kicking her legs back and forth against the side of my bed like a defiant child.
“Oh alright. I’ll be down in a minute.” “Mmhm,” She muttered, roving her eyes around my room, “What happened with you and Mr. Brown last night?” “For your information, he left last night. His mom called and she seemed pretty upset with him.” I explained, placing my hands against my hips. Staring at me with a blank expression, she blinked slowly then suddenly furrowed her brows “So… that means ya’ll ain’t do anything before he left?” Rolling my eyes, I snatched up a pillow from my bed and smacked her in the head with it “Dez, you are so desperate aren’t you?” “What you mean I’m desperate?” She laughed as she attempted to dodge the blow. “You want something to happen between me and Chris so bad,” She stared at me with forged astonishment as I smirked, “Yes you do, don’t lie. I’m sorry to inform you, but nothing happened between us last night and as far as I’m concerned, nothing will ever happen.” Leaving her with confusion plastered all over her face, I trudged out into the hall and allowed my nose to guide me down the stairs to the kitchen. I found my aunt hovering over the stove stirring a wooden spoon rigorously in a pot with one hand and her phone pressed against her cheek with the other.
“Morning Auntie.” I whispered as I slipped past her, slowing down to place a tender kiss against her vacant cheek. “Hey baby,” She greeted, smiling in my direction, “Breakfast should be ready in a just a few minutes.” I nodded as I reached into the fridge to grab the carton of orange juice. Pushing the door shut, I spun around only to be stopped right in my tracks by Destani. “I can’t believe you just did that.” She muttered as she glared at me through squinted eyes. “What?” I grinned. Rolling her eyes, she pushed past me and moved on to the table, where she slouched deeply into her seat with her arms crossed over her chest. I smiled innocently at her antics and offered her a sip of my juice, gaining a scoff and a hearty roll of her eyes. And somewhere toward the end of my aunt’s conversation, I chimed in just as she bid the person on the other end of the line adieu “Who was that?” “Don’t worry Miss Nosy,” She laughed, “Breakfast is done now ladies!” Taking turns filling our plates, we joined together at the table for prayer then began to dig in.
“What do you two have planned for today?” My aunt asked. “We were going to this small gathering that one of Chris’s friends is having tonight.” Destani responded for the two of us. “A small gathering, huh? I know ya’ll lil fast ass, hormone driven teenagers are going to a full blown party… ya’ll don’t have to lie.” She laughed, taking a bite out of her delightful cheesy eggs. “For real Auntie, there won’t be that many people there… that’s what Chris said anyway.” Destani explain. Jerking her head back in surprise, my aunt nearly spit out a mouthful of the orange juice she’d just sipped “That’s what Chris said? Lord, I hope ya’ll don’t end up calling me from the Richmond County Jail. Anything that boy got ya’ll going to is bound to be some trouble.” We laughed and continued to converse over the delicious and hearty breakfast. Rising from our seats once we were done, Destani and I worked together to clean the kitchen before heading back upstairs to get prepared for the day.
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eris0330 · 7 years
♔ Fermata♔
Tumblr media
Pairing: JinxReader
Genre: Angst;Fluff
The sustaining of a note, chord, or rest for a duration longer than the indicated time value, with the length of the extension at the performer's discretion.
Prequel to ♔ Guide ♔
A/N: If there are any weird expressions in this story, I’m sorry. I wrote this in the middle of the night, and I honestly don’t know if anything makes sense (I hope it does).
Word count: 1.9k
The cold mist of darkness, biting at the naked parts of your ankles. A plastic white shopping bag, containing your futuristic dinner, for the fifth time this week. Your coat is too thin for this evening, feeling the minus degrees burn at your cheeks. Frozen fingers, threatening to turn blue. Remembering the way home, as the back of your own hand. A trip to the grocery store, buying your dinner because cooking food, seemed like a drag every time. It didn’t matter how many times you tried, nothing tasted like his. A huge modern building coming to view at the end of the street, feeling the familiar scent embrace, the moment you turned the key.
“I’m home” No response, as usual. The dark hallway leading to the parted living room, with only a kitchen counter separating a household from a college dorm. Cars, bikes and neighbours replacing the lonely corners. New days, new people, and the same apartment. Whenever Jin wasn’t home, you didn’t see the light he bought with him, all the time. The aura of comfort and love, that always went unnoticed.
Your hair untied from the high pony tail, your boss ordered you to have. The thin coat placed along the empty bar chair, and shoes scattered messily across the hallway. It didn’t matter anymore, of how neat everything had to be. Because, there wasn’t anyone to show. Jin have had extra schedules, practicing, studying and tours.
When you proposed a ‘yes’ to his undying confession, you knew what it bought. Lonely nights in front of the TV, to see his smile and wink flash across. Sometimes, you wished his significant hand-gestured-kiss, was only for your eyes. Your lips peppering him with courage and assurance, whenever you had the opportunity. Another beautiful idol, standing beside him like friends. Her beautiful orange-red hair, embracing her features and red lip stick. She was famous, for her confident and sexy image, and it only worried you, that this, is what guys wanted. Confidence. Something, you always have struggled with. The way your body was made, your hair, face, movements and mind. You were always this scared cat, that was afraid to leave the bubble of comfort. You never understood, how Jin began to develop feelings for you. The way his eyes shined with stars and dreams, compared to the many beautiful idols, that shares the same. Almost a year together, and the only thing that you could never give him, is your innocence and freedom. The way your hips rocked against his thigh, not getting enough courage to move further, letting you be stuck between the clothes of boundaries. Will you forever keep him waiting? It’s to no one’s surprise, that Jin’s needs is like anyone else’s. They have urges, that keeps them awake. Hearing him through the thin walls, touching himself under the shower, because he knows you aren’t ready. Your half-covered body, pressed against his limbs, pushing him further to despair. Jin, didn’t deserve this treatment. But your feelings of being hurt and the unthinkable, is what kept you from doing, what he needed. It was a moment of disclosure and fear, making your fingers shake against the phone screen. Imagining the sound of his voice breaking, when you tell him ‘I can’t do this’. The sting of depression, feeling your eyes dwell. You didn’t want to do this, but you had to.
“Hey babe, what’s up?” He was practicing, the sound of the other boy’s laughter, booming in the background. His airy exhausted breath, scratching against the microphone. Is this the right time?
“Hey, nothing much. Just wanted to hear your voice…” Unbelievable and insecure, like a frightened puppy. Your tears have already fallen down your heated cheeks, holding back, the words that could break everything in two.
“Is something wrong, Y/N? I can hear you crying” Jin isn’t the one to fool, when it came to you. The way he knew, something was out of place. Your distracted sight and occupied mind, whenever you had a distressing day at work, got the best of you. You wished, he didn’t know you this well. Doing this, was harder than you would have imagined. Part of you didn’t want to do this, but he deserves better.
“No… yes.. I-“ Time stopping. Only hearing the worried silence from the speaker, as you tried to speak. A dry throat, stopping the sentence to be complete. Your legs shaking against your chest, feeling every vein vibrate of disgust.
“I can’t do this anymore” No sound. Nothing. Everything became blurry, hearing nothing but silence. Your fingers keeping its strength, to hold the phone. Not wanting to hear his ‘okay’, but there was no resentment.
“What do you mean…?” Unsure, but still at heart. Did he need another assurance of your sudden decision, or is it just to make sure of his own answer? Your swollen lip, pained from your teeth’s strength of punishment. This was a mistake, a huge mistake. But this, is what can help him. Get him to find something better, getting his needs out. A free man.
“Goodbye Jin” Shutting down his abrupt words, trying to reach you. The black screen, turning to face the home screen, of a happy couple. The crinkles in the corner of his eyes, whenever he laughed. His straight white pearls of teeth, flashing harder than car blinks. Your heart sunken to the bottom, of an empty pit. A cold darkness, taking over your body as the sound of your cries were muffled. The flashbacks of his hands embracing the inline of your waist, while his face snuggled against the crook of your neck. His words of ‘I love you’, echoing through your mind. Your face, replaced with another. He deserves, to be happy.
Text messages popping and erupting the room, not daring to look at them. You needed to be gone, let him move on. Seconds, minutes passed. The same sound of your phone buzzing, with your lifeless red eyes staring at the TV. Unable, to feel your face from your paralyzed tears. Holding onto his favourite pink shirt, you couldn’t let go. The smell of his cologne, making your mind less clouded. Hearing him whisper, how much he loved seeing you in it. Now, there will be no one.
“Why aren’t you answering my messages, I kept calling” A deep and raspy voice coming close, turning your head to see a tall silhouette at entrance. His shoes casted away like always, before he dropped his jacket and bag to the empty space of the floor. Your throat, unable to form words at his sight. Standing up to meet him, you wanted to hug him. Tell him ‘welcome home’, but that’s unacceptable after your doing. His burning eyes, telling that he is the same place as you.
“You forgot I had a spare key, didn’t you?” An airy chuckle, forming a different atmosphere. That’s what he did, whenever he was unsure of something. The depressing feeling, fleeing whenever he spoke. Was this staged? Did you know he had the spare key, to come back?
“Jin, I told yo-“
“No, no.” His hands enchanted with yours, feeling his fingers press against the back of your hand. His smile fading, seeing your messed state being alone. Dragging you along the decorated room, to be seated in the dark-brown couch.
“Why? All of a sudden… You can’t do this anymore?” Dark and stable, feeling every inch of his voice, tucking at your heart. His brown eyes, that never left to read your face. Small and caring strokes, on the palm of your hand. Your eyes stinging, feeling the tears return.
“I think you deserve better… I can’t give you what you want… I’m only keeping you waiting, and that’s horrible of me.” Your voice shaking, feeling the first, second and third tear thrill. The sound of your shaking voice, feeling his fingers intertwine with yours. A tight tug, before drying away your tears into his black shirt. An assuring humming, like a lullaby, making your eyes close.
“Is this about your innocence…?” The way his breath became slow and worried, feeling your body vibrate against him. The fear, and exposure of what could seem like nothing, blow apart.
“It’s not only about my innocence. It’s about everything, that I’m too frightened to do. I understand you can wait, but I can’t make you wait forever. I’m just not the girl, who is bringing what you need.”  A tiny whisper, scared to tell him the truth. Scared he will let go, or push you away, at this moment. The way his strokes formed words onto your back, making your insecurities disappear one by one.
“You know what I need? You.” Your heated forehead, met with his. Eyes drawn together, before a sloppy long kiss is planted. Losing the resisting urge, to kiss him. His lips, so big and luscious.
“I don’t deserve better. I deserve you.” Another kiss. Your tears falling harder, hitting the back of your intertwining hands.
“You don’t understand, how scared I was when you told me, you couldn’t do this anymore” His warm and big hands, cupping your face. A thumb stroking your swollen and red skin, feeling his fingers shake before planting a slow kiss on your forehead.
“A relationship, isn’t only about intimacy. It’s about, how you make me feel.” His eyes glistering at the dim light, seeing his long lashes shade on his cheekbones. Your hands, forming around his own. To feel his muscles tense at the touch, before tangling them together, as they were made for.
“It’s about how you make feel complete” A kiss on your forehead, with the sound of your hearts syncing in beat.
“About how I feel the flowers bloom, when you laugh” A kiss on your temple, hearing his voice crack.
“How you make me feel strong, whenever you encourage me on stage” Another kiss, on your nose. His hidden tears, falling down his cheek.
“How my worries and fears gets destroyed, when I look at you” Your hand placed upon his chest, feeling his heart race at his words. His confession, of an undying love.
“How you make my heart beat beyond a racing horse, because of how much I love you.” Your eyes catching his, seeing them glow. The way his lips formed into a light smile, before placing a last passionate kiss. His arms tucking you in, letting his warmth grow against you.
“There is nothing you can’t do, because I’ll be there, always.” His last words, whispered against your ear. Feeling every syllable vibrate, making your chest feel warm and fuzzy.
“I love you, Jin. I always will.” Your face snuggled in the crook of his neck, letting the sound of your hearts beat together and TV boom with noises. His fingers drawing lines down your arm, sending chills to form at the delicate skin. Maybe you didn’t deserve him, but you can never change a man’s heart.
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disney storybit - mickeytaro
A quick sample of an (eventually) upcoming story, the Japanese tale of Momotaro - Mickey style. Donald and Daisy are saddened by the fact they can't have children, until one day they discover a tiny boy inside a peach and no bigger than a peach pit. While he's raised with love by his "mother", Donald refuses to accept that a boy who never grows could ever be his son. And so Mickey sets off on a quest to change his height, teaming up with Horace, Panchito, and Pluto the pup on the way. His solution may be the Lucky Hammer, a mystical item said to be able to grow and shrink anyone and anything! But the Demon King wants it too, and it may be up to the smallest warrior in the world to stop him!
... Buuut this Storybit is just some fun love at first sight silliness while giving the readers a taste of the story.
“You guys sure you'll be all right?” Mickey probably should have asked that before he started climbing the massive tree, but thinking ahead wasn't one of his strong points. He'd only made it up a few inches, and it was going to take some time before he made it all the way up and over the castle walls. Even if he wasn't the size of a peach pit, this would be a long, daunting task. But distracting guards could also be daunting, and there wasn't a hint of hesitation on any of his companion's faces.
“Just leave it to us!” Panchito saluted, with Pluto and Horace copying the motion. “We'll take all the time you need in order to convince the princess to give you the Lucky Hammer! Even if it takes all day and night!”
“Or at least until dinner.” Horace added, his salute now having a smidgen less enthusiasm to it.
“I've already got a plan!” Panchito continued on as if he hadn't heard his companion. “Horace and I shall pretend to be fighting over who Pluto belongs to! We'll cause a ruckus like the kingdom's never seen before! Now go forth, Mickey! And fulfill your destiny!” Eager to aide his friend and even more eager to cause some action, the energetic rooster was leaping heaps and bounds towards the castle entrance.
“Good luck, Mickey.” Horace said with a grin, giving a wave before he left with Pluto, leaving Mickey all on his own to climb the tree. As he watched them begin their bizarre performance, Mickey couldn't help but smile as he resumed his ascension. He felt very lucky to have some loyal and generous friends, and hoped someday he could return all of their kindness. He didn't know how he would, but surely that would come to mind one he was normal-sized. Yes, when he was no longer the size of a peach pit, everything would come easy to him and life would be grand.
It was this one goal that fought through exhaustion as he rose higher and higher on the tree, sweat pouring down his black fur. He wouldn't allow himself to rest, not even for a second, and in time he was rewarded with a view of the castle's interior gardens. Since the branches of the tree only dangled over wall, there was no way to climb down where he wanted. Luckily he spotted a small pond right beneath him, surrounded by grey rocks. Mickey held his breath and jumped – making the tiniest splash imaginable.
Several of the orange and red koi within the pond were greatly startled, unsure if this was a meal or an attacker. Their confusion allowed Mickey to swiftly swim to the surface and climb out, coughing beneath his hand. Now that he was on solid ground again, he was in another pickle – the grass was tall, so tall that he couldn't see where he was going! He'd have to guess which direction the castle was in. Not that he'd let a silly thing like getting lost stop him. Once he squeezed his robes, and his tail, dry he decided the best way forward was in fact going forward.
Fortune smiled upon him, as within seconds he heard two female voices.
“Did you hear that, Princess? I could've sworn I heard something in the pond.” An older woman who stretched out her vowels, a bell clanging every time she spoke.
“It was probably just the koi playing.” Smaller and more feminine, a dainty melody that was gently reprimanding her elder. “You're far too paranoid, Clarabelle. You just want me to go back inside. Can't I at least see my own garden once in a while?”
“Not while the Demon King is out and about! We don't know when or where he'll show up!”
The princess was only a few feet ahead! Maybe the gods were finally giving Mickey a break! He smoothed down his clothes, unsure how to exactly present himself in front of royalty. It wasn't something his mother had taught him, as no one in the family ever thought they'd meet someone so important. With his chest puffed out, he pushed aside the blades of grass ahead of him. The princess was sitting in a clearing where the grass was much shorter, allowing Mickey to get the full view of her.
And that's when Mickey's mind became absolute mush.
He had heard rumors of Princess Minnie's divine beauty, but they sure didn't hold a candle to the real deal! She was a petite figure, with endless black hair rolling at her sides, dark as the purest night, although an attempt at a pink-ribbon bow to control some of it had been made. Since she wasn't in the public eye, her face was free of make-up, though Mickey wouldn't have guessed it. How could such luscious red lips be natural? How could she simply be born with those soft pink cheeks? Then again if anyone took a look at those alluring eyes of hers they might not have any inclination to look at her face – after all, once you saw those stunning blue diamonds, how could possibly look at anything else?
Clothes weren't something of particular importance to Mickey, save for his own due to his height. Yet here he was, admiring the pink kimono with flowers that seemed to flutter with every sigh the princess gave. It was so long and intricate that he couldn't tell where her hands were right away until he spotted the green tea cup she was holding. She was sitting on her knees, a thick blanket spread out underneath her, and she was surrounded by sweets to go with her drink. Yet they lay untouched, her appetite spoiled by Clarabelle's constant worrying.
Not that he could hear the two of them lightly arguing. In fact the entire world had gone deaf in Mickey's ears, and he completely forgot about why he was in the garden in the first place. He probably could stayed in that same spot and watched this enchanting royal, with his mouth in a stupefied smile and his body hanging lopsided oblivious to the world around him. But despite his lovestruck stupor, the world continued to move around him, and Mickey only realized this when a shadow fell over him – Clarabelle's foot, unknowingly about to step on him.
“HEY HEY HEY! Watch it!” Mickey ran out into the clearing, managing to miss death by a millisecond. The females momentarily froze – before Clarabelle let out a scream.
“It's a bug! Ew, ew, ew!” The servant was wearing a yellow kimono of far less expense, a cowbell strung around her neck. She grabbed her robe, trying to avoid the touch of the “bug”.
“Either this bug knows his vocabulary,” Minnie said, placing her cup aside and leaning down to inspect the newcomer. “Or it's not a bug at all...Oh my goodness! It's a person! It's a very little person!”
So much for a grand entrance. Mickey cleared his throat, standing as tall as he could, daring to look Minnie right in the eyes – though given such lovely eyes she had, this was a difficult task. “I-I...I am Mickey, son of Donald and Daisy, and I am here for the Lucky Hammer!”
“A-ha!” Clarabelle got over her fright easily enough, now rolling up her sleeves in anger. “He's working for the Demon King! Don't you worry, princess, I'll get rid of him!”
Wow, this was going much worse than he'd planned – not that he had planned for much. “W-what?! No I'm not!” Indignant, he stomped his foot, demanding to be heard. “I just wanna get taller, that's all! Can you blame me?”
“You can't trust him, Princess! I bet it's a trick! I bet he's here to kidnap you and take you the Demon King!”
Minnie slowly turned her head to give Clarabelle a look of deep skepticism. “And how, exactly, would someone this small kidnap me?” This finally seemed to shut Clarabelle up, at least for the moment. As the cow mulled over what she thought Mickey's true goal was, Minnie faced Mickey again, a warm smile gracing her delicate features. “I apologize for my handmaiden. She tends to think the worst of everyone.” She bowed her head low in retribution, which made Clarabelle's fit even worse.
Mickey felt oddly humbled, and he toed his foot in the ground. “Aw, um, it's all right! Really! I bet everyone's kinda tense what with that Demon King stuff.” He pounded a fist to his chest, determined to convince them both of his somewhat noble intentions. “I swear on all my ancestors, he's no friend of mine! He's just a big bully, and bullies are the worst type of folks! Why, if I ever saw him, you know what'd I do?”
“I honestly have no idea.” Clarabelle muttered, rolling her eyes.
Mickey yanked out his trusty sword – made from a broken tack – and wielded it this way and that. “I might be small, but I don't let nobody get picked on! I'd give him what for! Show him a thing or two!”
Minnie giggled quietly, hiding her mouth behind one of her extra long sleeves. “It warms my heart to know that there are such brave people in my kingdom. I know that one day, because of people like you, he will definitely be defeated.” Once Mickey had returned the sword to his handmade scabbard, she placed her hands in front of him. “You said your name was Mickey? I am Princess Minnie, and this is my handmaiden Clarabelle. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir Mickey.” This came with another proper bow, and Clarabelle reluctantly did the same.
“Nice ta meetcha too.” Mickey chirped, feeling his anxiety lessen with every passing second. For a royal figure, this lady was rather nice. Combine that with her ravishing looks, and no wonder she was rumored to have a thousand suitors vying for her hand, the Demon King included. Once Mickey was of normal height, perhaps he could be one thousand and one. He cleared his throat to try and chase that thought away. “I've traveled far and wide, across mountains and oceans, all the way from my homeland to come and see you.” Wait. “Well, not you, particularly.” Dang it. “I mean, not that it wouldn't be nice to see you, it's very nice, nicest thing I've ever seen.” The anxiety came back in full swing. “...Can I start over?”
Another round of giggles came from the princess. “Here, let me see if I can help. I've always found it better when people can talk eye to eye.” She opened her hands, laying them flat with her palms up. Mickey hesitated, reluctant to dirty her hands with his muddy, wet sandals. He slowly walked onto her hands, and she felt him up to her face – wow, she even smelled nice. He was a goner. “Now then. How can I help you, dear sir Mickey?”
She called him dear – FOCUS. “Um! I, uh, that is...” Another hard shake of the head. “Ever since I was born, I haven't grown a single inch! Betcha it's not gunna take long for you to imagine how hard that makes my life. My own father won't acknowledge me as his son. But I heard tale of your family's most prized possession – the Lucky Hammer that can turn anyone and anything into any size at all! I just need to borrow it so I can be a real man.”
Clarabelle huffed and snorted throughout the story, trying to find a way to disprove it but coming up blank. As for the princess, her smile now turned into a sympathetic frown, her shoulders lowering. “I see...I am sorry for what tragedies may have befallen you, but I'm afraid I can't just hand over the Lucky Hammer.”
“W-well! I'm not sayin' you just gotta give it to me, I only gotta borrow it!” Mickey pleaded, his squeaky voice ringing with desperation.
Minnie sadly shook her head. “I made a promise to the King and Queen that I cannot disclose the location of the hammer nor let anyone use its power until the Demon King has been defeated. Please understand...if it felt into the wrong hands, he would use it to take over the kingdom. I can't break that promise.”
Mickey bit hard on his lower lip. He too knew the power of promises – after all, he'd promised not to return home until he was no longer the size of a peach pit. But to have the hammer so close and yet so far was unfair. No one knew when or if the Demon King would be defeated – no one even knew what he looked like. With each depressing fact, Mickey's body wilted more and more, and Minnie's guilt rose and rose. “Oh, Mickey...I really am sorry. Once the Demon King is defeated, I would be more than happy to help you! I'd hate for you to come all this way for nothing...” She gradually began to rise to her feet, making sure Mickey wouldn't fall over in her hands. “Why don't you stay in the castle tonight?”
“Absolutely not!” Clarabelle interjected with balled fists. “He's an intruder!”
“But it would be terribly rude to send him back after he's traveled so far!” Minnie whined, already turning to the castle doors. “Besides, if I welcome him, he's no longer an intruder. Now he's my honored guest.”
“Oooh – Princess, one of these days, your good intentions are going to get us all killed!”
She had spunk, Mickey had to admire her for that. And it's not like she was a bad person – she just had her own duties to fulfill. Mickey wanted to be mad at her, but honestly couldn't. “Well, your highness, long as you're offerin'...my pals traveled with me. Can they stay over too?”
“Of course!” But now that gave Minnie paused as she began to look around for any other small visitors.
Mickey stifled a laugh. “They're outside, and they're regular sized! There's my dog Pluto, most loyal pup you'll ever meet. Then there's Horace, smarter than ten men put together. And then you got Panchito Pistoles...his real name is longer than then men's put together! You couldn't ask for better friends.”
“Now you've got me eager to meet them, sir Mickey.” With a bemused smile, she lifted her hands to her left shoulder, allowing Mickey to sit there instead. “I've been cooped up in my castle for so long that I've become bored to tears. I would love to hear about all the grand adventures you and your traveling companions have been through.”
“Then you're in luck, 'cause we've got tons of 'em!”
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
30 Stunning Two-Tone Hair Colors You Need To Check Out
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/30-stunning-two-tone-hair-colors-you-need-to-check-out/
30 Stunning Two-Tone Hair Colors You Need To Check Out
Anjali Sayee April 29, 2019
Black and white. Blonde and brunette. These are powerful paired combinations.
All it takes is two wonderful shades of a color to change your look. Whether it is to blend with the season or stand out in a crowd, you’ll find two-tone hair colors worth your while. Wondering what I’m talking about? Scroll down to know more about this trend that has enamored us all!
What Is The Two-Tone Hair Color Trend?
Two-tone hair color is exactly what it sounds like. You use two colors to give your hair vibrance and life. A few people have even gone creative with this two-tone idea by using multiple shades of the same tone to create a dimensional look. The most common trend is to opt for a peekaboo two-tone hairstyle, where one tone is hidden. But if you want to go all out, opt for a blunt contrast.
Read on to find out how you can dye your hair in two tones at home.
How To Dye Your Hair Two-Tone: Peekaboo Two-Tone Coloring
First, pick the colors you want and make sure they are contrasting shades. You will need to consider your surface skin tone, undertone, hair color, usual makeup, and clothes when making this decision.
What You Need
Boxes of two hair colors
Old towel
Petroleum Jelly
Sectioning clips
Hair coloring brush
How To Do
Divide your hair horizontally (from ear to ear) and clip up the top section.
Apply one hair dye to the lower half of your hair.
Cover this section with a foil to prevent it from getting on the top section.
Apply the second color to the top section of your hair.
Wait for the required time. Keep checking every 5-10 minutes to see if it has reached the desired shade.
Wash off the color once it has reached your desired shade.
If you want to go for a very stark contrast, it’s better to get it done at a professional salon.
Now, let’s get to the best two-tone hair color styles that you need to check out right now!
30 Stunning Two-Tone Hair Color Styles
1. Pink Ends
One of the funnest hair color experiences is getting your hair tips colored. Color the ends of your hair a lovely pastel pink, keeping the top tone your natural shade. This lovely rose hair shade looks fantastic on warm skin tones and works with all other skin colors as well. Perfect to get heads turning!
2. Blonde And Bright Blue
While the two-tone hair trend might be cool, there are a lot of women who prefer a less dramatic look. In that case, you can opt for a more subtle two-tone look – like adding colored highlights to your natural locks. Highlights are the best way to beat the heat this summer. And what better way to do so than with some cool blue ones? Go for some electric blue highlights to make your two-tone hair experience all the more chill.
3. Deep Blue And Blonde
Deep like the ocean and cool as ice, this two-tone combo is spectacular. It is also a clear example of a classic two-tone hair look – the half and half. These days, a lot of young celebs are sporting this look with drastic color pairs.
4. Orange And Black
Another way to go drastic with two-tone hair is to go half and half from ear to ear. Who doesn’t love the thrill of mystery? That’s what this blend of colors is all about! Orange roots melt into black streams, giving your tresses a hint of intrigue. Once you stare at it, you can’t seem to stop!
5. Blue Tips
Blue and purple go hand in hand and look absolutely stunning! Why not incorporate that amazing combo into your hair? This two-tone trend also keeps up with the unicorn color craze that has taken over the world.
6. A Slice Of Pink
If you are new to the two-tone trend, start off with this hair color blend. Sometimes, just a dash of color can go a long way. This beautiful shade of blush pink is sure to liven up your life. It is warm in its tones and, hence, works well with warm tones. If you have hazel, green, gray, or blue eyes, this color is sure to enhance their beauty.
7. Pink And Purple
Purple and pink are those incredible shades that have always been paired together. Almost all women love these two colors. So, why not splurge them all over your hair?
8. Light Tone Ends
Trying out the two-tone look for the first time? Then, this is the way to go. Opt for a shade that is a few tones lighter than your natural hair color. If you like how it looks, you can always go for a more drastic look with it later.
9. Green And Pink
Mermaid color combinations are big nowadays. Colors that you would imagine on a mermaid, like sea green and light pink, are what you need to choose for this look.
10. Dark Roots
The dark roots trend has really been taking the world by storm. It helps frame your face and adds definition to your hair as well. Go for a bright color with dark roots to create a gorgeously contrasted look.
11. Blue Peekaboo Highlights
Peekaboo highlights look really stunning and are perfect for the two-tone trend. Go for electric blue peekaboo highlights under silver hair to create a winter frost look. So, what are you waiting for?
12. Pink And Blonde
Think about Avril Lavigne, and your mind immediately goes to her blonde hair with pink streaks. Take that look a step further with this stunning two-tone hair look.
13. Pink Hues
There are numerous shades of pink, and all of them can give your hair the dimension you want. Remember to pick hues that match your skin tone, though. Don’t pick a cool hair shade if your skin is warm-toned, and vice versa.
14. Red And Orange
Red and orange go well together and blend well too. If you’re looking for a less drastically contrasting two-tone look, this is it.
15. Brown And Auburn
Brown and auburn is another iconic mix-and-match combo. If you have darker hair, opt for this color combination. The auburn adds a subtle splash of color while the brown keeps things understated.
16. Black And Blonde
Michael Jackson sang it right: It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white! So, why not choose both? Monochromatic designs are ruling the world, and we love them! Black and white locks meet to create this bold color look that you absolutely need to try.
17. Gray And Pink
Pixies are mythical creatures that love dancing and having a good time. This blend of pink and gray sums up that pixie energy very well. The gray shade has a wild grunge feel to it that that contrasts with the feminine pink beautifully.
18. Brown And Purple
Women have a deep pull towards shades of purple like amethyst. Not only is it the color of royalty, but it also symbolizes feminine energy. Give your hair a royal do-over with this lovely shade.
19. Forest Green
Green is a bold and robust color. It’s no wonder The Hulk and the Statue of Liberty are green! Green hair is the best rebel-with-a-cause hair color trend. If you have black hair, you need to try this beautiful blend. It is definitely on my list.
20. Bubblegum Pink
Blend two feminine elements – roses and the color pink – and what do you get? This incredible hair color concoction. This deep rose hair blend exudes a fun vibe like no other hair color.
21. Frosty Blue
Did you know that the first interior decorator was also the first woman to sport blue hair? Lady Elsie De Wolfe Mendl dyed her hair blue in the year 1924. That’s right, blue hair has been around since that long, and it looks absolutely brilliant.
22. Red And Brown
Red velvet and chocolate make for a great dessert combo. Take that gooey richness to your hair as well. Chocolate hair with some red added to the mix will make your hair look luscious and thicker.
23. Blonde Dimensional
Imagine you are at the beach. You can hear the waves and feel the sand in your feet. Blonde is the perfect hair color for this scenario. Think dimensional this summer with multiple shades of blonde that look surreal in sunlight.
24. Blonde Tips
This is the answer to that unsolvable question – blonde or brunette? Get the best of both worlds with a high contrast bronde two-tone mix. The dark roots accentuate the blonde hair while framing your face.
25. Candy Two-Tone
Think feminine with a hint of sophistication. Candy pink and pastel blue are the colors that come to mind. This blue to pink ombre is styled in those perfect twirls of hair, making it a mesmerizing waterfall.
26. Blonde Waves
Dirty blonde hair gives off the perfect beachy vibe. If you have naturally dark hair, the best way to change your look is to go blonde. While it is a hair change that requires serious thought, it sure is a head-turner. Instead of opting for a full blonde change, just go for a two-tone look.
27. Purple And Black
Purple signifies feminine energy while wine makes for a good time. Combine them to create a fantastic hair look. The black here accentuates the light purple like a force of nature. Sublime!
28. Pink And Black
You will definitely find this color combo everywhere. It works best with cool-toned skin and gray eyes. It looks classy, sophisticated, chic, and utterly fashionable!
29. Denim Tones
Nothing describes navy denim better. It is a versatile and vibrant color that boasts sophistication. Take this versatility to your hair, and it won’t disappoint. Blue is the perfect hair color for that moody grunge style. If you have black, hazel, blue or gray eyes, this color is for you.
30. Brown And Blonde
If you are looking for a simple change, this is it. Blonde highlights are a great way to show off your natural dark locks. Having blonde highlights near the face helps in slimming it down, making it look lean and long.
Those were our top picks for two-tone hair. Hope this list inspires you to get in on the ultra cool two-tone hair color trend. Which one is your favorite pairing? Comment below and let us know!
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Anjali Sayee
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/two-tone-hair-color-styles/
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lindabodecom · 5 years
581 Sensory Words to Take Your Writing from Bland to Brilliant
It’s almost too easy.
By using sensory words to evoke sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell; smart and attractive writers just like you are able to make their words burst to life in their readers’ minds.
In this post, you’ll learn:
The science behind sensory details (e.g. why sensory words are so persuasive);
The definition of sensory words (plus examples);
How answering five simple questions will help you write descriptive words that pack your content with sensory language;
500+ sensory words you can incorporate into your own writing (right now).
Let’s dive in.
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The Colossal Power of Sensory Details
Remember the final scene in Field of Dreams when Ray Kinsella has a catch with his dad?
You can smell the grass on the field.
You can hear the sound of the baseball hitting their gloves.
And you can feel Ray’s years of guilt melting away as he closes his eyes, smiles, and tosses the ball back to his dad.
(Be honest. You’re crying right now, aren’t you?)
Field of Dreams made you feel like you were in Ray’s shoes, on his field, playing catch with dad.
The scene creates such a vivid experience for many viewers that whenever they think of playing catch, this scene will come up alongside their own childhood memories.
Here’s why:
When you paint a strong scene in your audience’s mind, you make it easier for them to pull it back up from their memory. You’ve essentially bookmarked it for them so they can easily find it when something — a sight, a smell, a sound — reminds them of it.
That’s the power of content that incorporates sensory details.
And this power isn’t limited to cinema classics capable of making grown men cry. For centuries, literary giants have been packing their prose with powerful words that evoke the senses:
“Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war; That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men, groaning for burial” — William Shakespeare (circa 1599)
In addition to The Bard, authors like Maya Angelou, Edgar Allan Poe, and Charles Dickens excel at sensory language. So do literally every famous poet you learned about in school.
And that begs the obvious question…
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Why are Sensory Details so Effective?
Short answer:
Our brains handle sensory words differently than ordinary words.
In a 2011 study published in The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, experts found that our brains process “tangible” (i.e. sensory) words faster than other words.
And in a study published for Brain and Language in 2012, psychologists found that a certain part of our brain is “activated” when we read sensory words.
In other words:
So, we know why sensory details are powerful. And we know writers have been tapping into their power for a long, long time.
Now let’s define them and go over a few examples:
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What are Sensory Words?
Sensory words are descriptive words — using imagery, they describe how we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell the world around us.
Let’s break each one down:
#1. Sight Sensory Words
Words related to vision describe the appearance of something (its color, size, shape, and so on).
Examples of visual words:
Her golden hair looked disheveled thanks to the gust of wind.
He was a towering presence.
I ordered a large orange juice, but the waiter brought me a teeny-tiny glass the size of a thimble.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Sight Sensory Words.
Angular Azure Billowy Black Bleary Bloated Blonde Blue Blurred Blushing Branching Bright Brilliant Broad Brown Brunette Bulbous Bulky Camouflaged Chubby Circular Colorful Colorless Colossal Contoured Cosmic Craggy Crimson Crinkled Crooked Crowded Crystalline Curved Dark Dazzling Deep Dim Dingy Disheveled Distinct Drab Dreary Dull Dusty Elegant Enchanting Engaging Enormous Faded Fancy Fat Filthy Flashy Flat Flickering Foggy Forked Freckled Fuzzy Gargantuan Gaudy Gigantic Ginormous Glamorous Gleaming Glimpse Glistening Glitter Glittering Globular Gloomy Glossy Glowing Gold Graceful Gray Green Grotesque Hazy Hollow Homely Huge Illuminated Immense Indistinct Ivory Knotty Lacy Lanky Large Lavender Lean Lithe Little Lofty Long Low Malnourished Maroon Massive Miniature Misshapen Misty Motionless Mottled Mountainous Muddy Murky Narrow Obtuse Olive Opaque Orange Oval Pale Peered Petite Pink Portly Pristine Prodigious Purple Quaint Radiant Rectangular Red Reddish Rippling Rotund Round Ruby Ruddy Rusty Sabotaged Shadowy Shallow Shapeless Sheer Shimmering Shiny Short Silver Skinny Small Smudged Soaring Sparkling Sparkly Spherical Spotless Spotted Square Steep Stormy Straight Strange Striped Sunny Swooping Tall Tapering Tarnished Teeny-tiny Tiny Towering Translucent Transparent Triangular Turquoise Twinkling Twisted Ugly Unsightly Unusual Vibrant Vivid Weird White Wide Wiry Wispy Wizened Wrinkled Wrinkly Yellow
  #2. Sound Sensory Words
Words related to hearing often describe the sound they make (known as onomatopoeia), but this isn’t always the case.
Examples of hearing words:
He had a big, booming voice.
The sound of screeching tires was soon followed by the deafening sound of a car horn.
As I peeked under the bed, the cackling laughter coming from the closet made the hairs on my arms stand up.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Sound Sensory Words.
Babble Bang Barking Bawled Bawling Bellow Blare Blaring Bleat Boom Booming Bray Buzz Buzzing Cackle Cackling Chatter Chattering Cheer Chiming Chirping Chuckle Clamor Clang Clanging Clap Clapping Clicking Clink Clinking Cooing Coughing Crackle Crackling Crashing Creak Croaking Crow Crunch Crunching Crunchy Cry Crying Deafening Distorted Dripping Ear-piercing Earsplitting Exploding Faint Fizzing Gagging Gasping Giggle Giggling Grate Grating Growl Grumble Grunt Grunting Guffaw Gurgle Gurgling Hanging Hiss Hissing Honking Howl Hubbub Hum Humming Hush Jabber Jangle Jangling Laughing Moaning Monotonous Mooing Muffled Mumble Mumbling Murmur Mutter Muttering Noisy Peeping Piercing Ping Pinging Plopping Pop Purring Quacking Quiet Rant Rapping Rasping Raucous Rave Ringing Roar Roaring Rumble Rumbling Rustle Rustling Scratching Scream Screaming Screech Screeching Serene Shout Shouting Shrieking Shrill Sigh Silent Sing Singing Sizzling Slam Slamming Snap Snappy Snoring Snort Splashing Squawking Squeaky Stammer Stomp Storm Stuttering Tearing Thudding Thump Thumping Thunder Thundering Ticking Tingling Tinkling Twitter Twittering Wail Warbling Wheezing Whimper Whimpering Whine Whining Whir Whisper Whispering Whistle Whooping Yell Yelp
  #3. Touch Sensory Words
Touch words describe the texture of how something feels. They can also describe emotional feelings.
Examples of touch words:
Two minutes into the interview, I knew his abrasive personality would be an issue if we hired him.
With a forced smile, I put on the itchy Christmas sweater my grandmother bought me.
The Hot Pocket was scalding on the outside, but ice-cold in the middle.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Touch Sensory Words.
Abrasive Balmy Biting Boiling Breezy Bristly Bubbly Bubby Bumpy Burning Bushy Chilled Chilly Clammy Coarse Cold Cool Cottony Crawly Creepy Cuddly Cushioned Damp Dank Dirty Downy Drenched Dry Elastic Feathery Feverish Fine Fleshy Fluff Fluffy Foamy Fragile Freezing Furry Glassy Gluey Gooey Grainy Greasy Gritty Gushy Hairy Heavy Hot Humid Ice-Cold Icy Itchy Knobbed Leathery Light Lightweight Limp Lukewarm Lumpy Matted Metallic Moist Mushy Numbing Oily Plastic Pointed Powdery Pulpy Rocky Rough Rubbery Sandy Scalding Scorching Scratchy Scummy Serrated Shaggy Sharp Shivering Shivery Silky Slimy Slippery Sloppy Smooth Smothering Soapy Soft Sopping Soupy Splintery Spongy Springy Sputter Squashy Squeal Squishy Steamy Steely Sticky Stifled Stifling Stinging Stony Stubby Tangled Tapered Tender Tepid Thick Thin Thorny Tickling Tough Unsanitary Velvety Warm Waxy Wet Woolly
  #4. Taste Sensory Words
Taste words are interesting. Though they can describe food, they’re often used in comparisons and metaphors.
Examples of taste words:
It’s a bittersweet situation.
Her zesty personality caught Karl’s eye.
The scrumptious jalapeno poppers comforted Karl after his bitter rejection.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Taste Sensory Words.
Acidic Appetizing Bitter Bittersweet Bland Buttery Charred Contaminated Creamy Crispy Delectable Delicious Doughy Earthy Fermented Flavorful Flavorless Floury Garlicky Gingery Gritty Hearty Juicy Luscious Medicinal Mellow Melted Nauseating Nutritious Nutty Palatable Peppery Pickled Piquant Raw Refreshing Rich Ripe Runt Savory Scrumptious Stale Sugary Syrupy Tangy Tart Tasteless Unripe Vinegary Yummy Zesty
  #5. Smell Sensory Words
Words related to smell describe — yes, you guessed it — how things smell. Often underutilized, sensory words connected with smell can be very effective.
Examples of smell words:
The pungent smell was unmistakable: someone in this elevator was wearing Axe Body Spray.
No matter the expiration date, it was clear from its rancid stench the milk had gone bad.
The flowery aroma was a welcome change after the elevator and milk incidents.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Smell Sensory Words.
Ambrosial Antiseptic Aroma Aromatic Briny Citrusy Decayed Decomposed Doggy Fetid Floral Flowery Foul-smelling Fragrant Gamy Gaseous Horrid Inodorous Malodorous Mephitic Musky Musty Odiferous Odor Odorless Old Perfumed Piney Polluted Pungent Putrid Rancid Rank Redolent Reeking Scent Scented Sickly Skunky Smell Smoky Stagnant Stench Stinky Sweaty Tempting
  Note on Taste and Smell:
Because they’re closely related, some sensory words can be used for both taste and smell. Examples: fruity, minty, and tantalizing.
→ Click here to unfold the full list of Taste and Smell Sensory Words.
Acrid Burnt Fishy Fresh Fruity Lemony Minty Moldy Mouth-watering Rotten Salty Sour Spicy Spoiled Sweet Tantalizing
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Sensory Details: Examples in the Wild
Imagine the following headline came across your Twitter feed:
How to Avoid Using Boring Stock Photo Images in Your Content
Would you click it?
Better question…
Could you read the headline without falling asleep?
The answers are probably “no” and “heck no.”
Now imagine you saw this headline:
Much better, right?
The simple addition of the sensory word “cringeworthy” changes the tone of the entire headline. Instead of yawning, you’re thinking of an awkward or embarrassing moment you really don’t want to relive.
Let’s look at a few more modern-day examples of sharp people using sensory language to spruce up their content:
Using Sensory Words in Author Bios
I’ll pick on me for this one.
Here’s the author bio I used for one of my first-ever guest posts:
Kevin Duncan is the owner of Be A Better Blogger, where he helps people become the best bloggers they can be.
Now look at the author bio my friend Henneke wrote for Writer’s Block: 27 Techniques to Overcome It Forever:
Henneke Duistermaat is an irreverent copywriter and business writing coach. She’s on a mission to stamp out gobbledygook and to make boring business blogs sparkle.
My bio is devoid of sensory words (or any interesting words at all, if we’re being honest).
Henneke’s is chock full of them.
Her bio is interesting.
Mine is boring.
The lesson? Add at least one sensory word to your author bio.
Using Sensory Words in Social Media Profiles
Some people opt for brevity when writing their social media profiles, and that’s fine.
But if you want your Twitter profile (or Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media profile) to stand out from the crowd, sprinkle in a sensory word or two.
Like so:
Mel Wicks is a veteran copywriter who knows a thing or two about the effectiveness of descriptive words, so she uses them to spice up her Twitter profile.
Here’s an example from my badly-neglected Instagram account:
“Enchanting” and “adorably-jubilant” are wonderful sensory words — so wonderful, it’s a shame they’re wasted on a profile no one sees.
Look at your own profiles and see if there’s a place to add a sensory word or two. They’ll help your profile jump off the screen.
Heck, see if you can use enchanting and adorably-jubilant.
They deserve to be seen.
Using Sensory Words in Introductions
The opening lines of your content are so important.
If you’re a student, your opening sets the tone for your teacher (who we both know is dying to use his red pen).
If you’re an author, your opening can be the difference between someone buying your book or putting it back on the shelf in favor of one of those Twilight books (probably).
And if you’re a blogger, writer, content marketer, or business; your opening can hook the reader (increasing dwell time, which is great in Google’s eyes) or send them scurrying for the “back” button.
It’s why we put such an emphasis on introductions here at Smart Blogger.
Sometimes our openings hook you with a question.
Sometimes we strike a note of empathy or (like this post) focus on searcher intent.
And sometimes we give you a heaping helping of sensory words:
Imagine you’re sitting in a lounge chair on the beach, staring out over the glittering sea, the ocean breeze ruffling your hair, listening to the slow, steady rhythm of the waves.
In the above opening for How to Become a Freelance Writer and Get Paid $200 – $1K per Post, Jon Morrow uses sensory language to set a scene for the reader.
And it’s highly, highly effective.
Using Sensory Words in Email Subject Lines
Like you, your readers are flooded with emails.
And with open rates in a steady decline, people are trying anything and everything to make their email subject lines stand out:
Capitalized words;
All lowercase letters;
Two exclamation points;
Clickbait that would make even BuzzFeed go, “that’s too far, man.”
You name it, people are trying it.
Want a simpler, far-more-effective way to help your emails stand out from the crowd?
Add a sensory word.
Brian Dean loves to include words like “boom” in his subjects:
The folks at AppSumo and Sumo (formerly SumoMe) regularly feature descriptive words in their subjects and headlines.
Here’s one example:
And sensory language appears in most everything Henneke writes, including her subject lines.
In this one she also uses an emoji related to her sensory word. Very clever:
Now that we’ve covered several examples, let’s dig a bit deeper…
Let’s discuss some practical steps you can take that will make adding sensory language to your writing a breeze:
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How Descriptive Words Can Pack Your Writing With Sensory Language
If you’ve taken a good English or writing class, you’ve probably been told a time or two to “show, don’t tell.”
This means you should create an engaging experience for your audience; not just tell them what you want them to know.
You accomplish this by using descriptive language that conveys sensations and lets readers experience your words (rather than simply read them).
And how do you do that, exactly?
Ask yourself these five questions when you’re writing:
#1. What Do You See?
It isn’t enough to tell your readers there was a scary house in your neighborhood when you were a child. Describe the house to them in vivid detail.
What shade of gray was it?
Were the doors boarded up?
Precisely how many ghostly figures did you see staring at you from the upstairs bedroom windows, and how many are standing behind you right now?
Paint a mental picture for your readers.
#2. What Do You Hear?
We listen to uptempo songs to push us through cardio workouts. Many of us listen to rainfall when we’re trying to sleep. Some of us listen to Justin Bieber when we want to punish our neighbors.
Want to transplant readers into your literary world?
Talk about the drip, drip, drip of the faucet.
Mention the squeaking floors beneath your feet.
Describe the awful music coming from your next-door-neighbor’s house.
#3. How Does it Feel?
Touch sensory words can convey both tactile and emotional sensations.
Can you describe to the reader how something feels when touched? Is it smooth or rough? Round or flat? Is it covered in goo or is it goo-less?
Paint a picture for your reader so they can touch what you’re touching.
The same goes for emotions. Help the reader feel what you (or your character) are feeling. Draw them in.
#4. What Does it Taste Like?
Does the beach air taste salty? Is the roaring fire so intense you can taste the smoke? Is the smell of your roommate’s tuna fish sandwich so strong you can taste it from across the room?
Tell your audience.
Be descriptive.
Make them taste the fishiness.
#5. How Does it Smell?
It wasn’t a basement you walked into — it was a musty, moldy basement.
And you didn’t simply enjoy your Mom’s homemade lasagna. You inhaled the aromatic scents of sauce, cheese, and basil.
Evoking the sense of smell is possibly the most effective way to pull readers out of their world and into yours.
So when you sit down to write, ask yourself if it’s possible to describe how something smells. And if you can? Do it.
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The Massive Sensory Words List: 581 (and Counting) Descriptive Words to Supercharge Your Writing
Once you’ve asked and answered the five questions above, your writing will be packed with sensory details.
In time, you’ll build up your own massive list of sensory words you can reference and sprinkle throughout your work.
But in the meantime, here’s my list.
Bookmark them.
Print them.
Use them often:
Angular Babble Azure Bang Billowy Barking Black Bawled Bleary Bawling Bloated Bellow Blonde Blare Blue Blaring Blurred Bleat Blushing Boom Branching Booming Bright Bray Brilliant Buzz Broad Buzzing Brown Cackle Brunette Cackling Bulbous Chatter Bulky Chattering Camouflaged Cheer Chubby Chiming Circular Chirping Colorful Chuckle Colorless Clamor Colossal Clang Contoured Clanging Cosmic Clap Craggy Clapping Crimson Clicking Crinkled Clink Crooked Clinking Crowded Cooing Crystalline Coughing Curved Crackle Dark Crackling Dazzling Crashing Deep Creak Dim Croaking Dingy Crow Disheveled Crunch Distinct Crunching Drab Crunchy Dreary Cry Dull Crying Dusty Deafening Elegant Distorted Enchanting Dripping Engaging Ear-piercing Enormous Earsplitting Faded Exploding Fancy Faint Fat Fizzing Filthy Gagging Flashy Gasping Flat Giggle Flickering Giggling Foggy Grate Forked Grating Freckled Growl Fuzzy Grumble Gargantuan Grunt Gaudy Grunting Gigantic Guffaw Ginormous Gurgle Glamorous Gurgling Gleaming Hanging Glimpse Hiss Glistening Hissing Glitter Honking Glittering Howl Globular Hubbub Gloomy Hum Glossy Humming Glowing Hush Gold Jabber Graceful Jangle Gray Jangling Green Laughing Grotesque Moaning Hazy Monotonous Hollow Mooing Homely Muffled Huge Mumble Illuminated Mumbling Immense Murmur Indistinct Mutter Ivory Muttering Knotty Noisy Lacy Peeping Lanky Piercing Large Ping Lavender Pinging Lean Plopping Lithe Pop Little Purring Lofty Quacking Long Quiet Low Rant Malnourished Rapping Maroon Rasping Massive Raucous Miniature Rave Misshapen Ringing Misty Roar Motionless Roaring Mottled Rumble Mountainous Rumbling Muddy Rustle Murky Rustling Narrow Scratching Obtuse Scream Olive Screaming Opaque Screech Orange Screeching Oval Serene Pale Shout Peered Shouting Petite Shrieking Pink Shrill Portly Sigh Pristine Silent Prodigious Sing Purple Singing Quaint Sizzling Radiant Slam Rectangular Slamming Red Snap Reddish Snappy Rippling Snoring Rotund Snort Round Splashing Ruby Squawking Ruddy Squeaky Rusty Stammer Sabotaged Stomp Shadowy Storm Shallow Stuttering Shapeless Tearing Sheer Thudding Shimmering Thump Shiny Thumping Short Thunder Silver Thundering Skinny Ticking Small Tingling Smudged Tinkling Soaring Twitter Sparkling Twittering Sparkly Wail Spherical Warbling Spotless Wheezing Spotted Whimper Square Whimpering Steep Whine Stormy Whining Straight Whir Strange Whisper Striped Whispering Sunny Whistle Swooping Whooping Tall Yell Tapering Yelp Tarnished Teeny-tiny Tiny Towering Translucent Transparent Triangular Turquoise Twinkling Twisted Ugly Unsightly Unusual Vibrant Vivid Weird White Wide Wiry Wispy Wizened Wrinkled Wrinkly Yellow
Abrasive Acidic Balmy Appetizing Biting Bitter Boiling Bittersweet Breezy Bland Bristly Buttery Bubbly Charred Bubby Contaminated Bumpy Creamy Burning Crispy Bushy Delectable Chilled Delicious Chilly Doughy Clammy Earthy Coarse Fermented Cold Flavorful Cool Flavorless Cottony Floury Crawly Garlicky Creepy Gingery Cuddly Gritty Cushioned Hearty Damp Juicy Dank Luscious Dirty Medicinal Downy Mellow Drenched Melted Dry Nauseating Elastic Nutritious Feathery Nutty Feverish Palatable Fine Peppery Fleshy Pickled Fluff Piquant Fluffy Raw Foamy Refreshing Fragile Rich Freezing Ripe Furry Runt Glassy Savory Gluey Scrumptious Gooey Stale Grainy Sugary Greasy Syrupy Gritty Tangy Gushy Tart Hairy Tasteless Heavy Unripe Hot Vinegary Humid Yummy Ice-Cold Zesty Icy Itchy Knobbed Leathery Light Lightweight Limp Lukewarm Lumpy Matted Metallic Moist Mushy Numbing Oily Plastic Pointed Powdery Pulpy Rocky Rough Rubbery Sandy Scalding Scorching Scratchy Scummy Serrated Shaggy Sharp Shivering Shivery Silky Slimy Slippery Sloppy Smooth Smothering Soapy Soft Sopping Soupy Splintery Spongy Springy Sputter Squashy Squeal Squishy Steamy Steely Sticky Stifled Stifling Stinging Stony Stubby Tangled Tapered Tender Tepid Thick Thin Thorny Tickling Tough Unsanitary Velvety Warm Waxy Wet Woolly
Ambrosial Acrid Antiseptic Burnt Aroma Fishy Aromatic Fresh Briny Fruity Citrusy Lemony Decayed Minty Decomposed Moldy Doggy Mouth-watering Fetid Rotten Floral Salty Flowery Sour Foul-smelling Spicy Fragrant Spoiled Gamy Sweet Gaseous Tantalizing Horrid Inodorous Malodorous Mephitic Musky Musty Odiferous Odor Odorless Old Perfumed Piney Polluted Pungent Putrid Rancid Rank Redolent Reeking Scent Scented Sickly Skunky Smell Smoky Stagnant Stench Stinky Sweaty Tempting
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Are You Ready to Unleash the Power of Sensory Words?
It’s time to say goodbye.
Goodbye to lifeless words that sit on the page.
Goodbye to indifferent readers ready to move on to something, anything, else.
You now know why sensory details are so effective. You know how to sprinkle descriptive words throughout your content. And you now have a massive, ever-growing list of sensory words to bookmark and come back to again and again.
Variations of the following quote have been attributed to everyone from Carl W. Buehner to Maya Angelou, but regardless of who said it, and how they said it, it’s true:
“People may forget what you said, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.”
It’s time to make your readers feel.
Are you ready?
Then let’s do this thing.
About the Author: When he’s not busy telling waitresses, baristas, and anyone else who crosses his path that Jon Morrow once said he was in the top 1% of bloggers, Kevin J. Duncan is the Blog Editor and Social Media Manager for Smart Blogger.
The post 581 Sensory Words to Take Your Writing from Bland to Brilliant appeared first on Smart Blogger.
source https://smartblogger.com/sensory-words/
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