#with bkdk and izuku being a teacher
hoarder-of-dragons · 2 days
Found out MHA recently ended from my friend, and I've always been an outsideresque fan. Never watched the anime or read the manga, but enough lore was dropped on me from my friend to read fanfics and ...HOLY SHIT THEY ENDED IT SO GOOD
Caution: Again I'm saying these stuff with no contact with the actual media itself. You can skip over this post if you want. This is just a fanfic reader's perspective on news shared by my friend. Ending is controversial for sure.
SPOILERS (its just me rambling lmao)
Okay so firstly Izuku becoming a teacher is like...? perfect??? Harry Potter should take notes istg. Him losing his powers but still teaching and training students is just 🤌✨✨
Literally proving you can be a hero with no quirk
Shinso being added to Class 1-A is just every fan's dream istg
Deku becomes Ironman?? Okay?? Awesome? (IT IS AWESOME)
Love unconfirmed ships. I'm sorry but this fuels writers to write more with all the ambiguity (Also isn't DekuOcha slightly canon or implied?? idk)
yeah i dont think i have much more to input, cause I don't know if I ever will read/watch the canon media, but these things make me happy and it's like a fanfic coming true...so yeah pls no hate towards me :))
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tawney · 1 month
PLEASE pile up on me your favorite Teacher Izuku fics. Ones with some depth and personalities to the students rather than just a one-shot, I'd love to see slice of life fics with Deku dadzawa-ing his students and his students being Deku's personal problem children and all the sweet casual fluff crap 😭 all these tropes and ideas I'm seeing on twitter and tumblr are making me long and I'm close to just starting an ao3 account and writing them myself.
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kimi-no-chikara · 1 month
I'm sorry, I've been trying so hard to accept Izuku becoming a UA teacher but I just can't. I love Horikoshi for the happiness he and his story have brought me over the years, but Izuku being a teacher is just bugging me so hard. I know he'd be an incredible teacher, I'm not arguing against that. But beyond the fact that I think Izuku himself would want to at least stay in the hero industry, I don't think there's any chance Katsuki would've let him give up on being a hero.
I think that's why Horikoshi at least made it a point in canon to emphasize that Katsuki especially was behind funding Izuku's hero suit. Because he of all people could not let Deku go. He needed him to be a hero. And I appreciate that we at least see that much in canon. But honestly I think Katsuki would've stepped in sooner than 8 years later and never would have let Izuku give up on being a hero in the first place.
I don't know at what point Izuku gave up on being a pro hero and started looking at other career options, but whenever it happened, I just know he must have spoken to Katsuki about it. Izuku, unreliable narrator that he is, probably fooled even himself into thinking that he's okay with it. That he's blessed to have lived his dream as long as he did. That his time is over. But Katsuki would've shut that shit right down.
Kacchan Bakugou did not watch Izuku spend 10+ years wanting nothing more than to be a hero, while quirkless, just to then watch him give up on being a hero because he lost his quirk. He would've called bullshit on that immediately.
Katsuki knows Izuku intimately. He knows how badly Izuku needs to be a hero. Being quirkless never stopped Izuku from wanting to be a hero before. There's no reason it should stop him now. And he'd say as much. Ain't no way he'd let Izuku give up on being a hero just because he lost OFA.
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flying-cat · 1 month
I haven't seen so much bkdk art on my Twitter tl since like 2022 BLESS
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dailybakudekusong · 12 days
Today's BakuDeku Song Is: Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
And true it may seem like a stretch But it's thoughts like this that catch My troubled head when you're away And when I am missing you to death
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marimeeko · 29 days
Thinking lately about Izuku(a civilian now) getting caught up in some Villain shenanigans(think like a random hostage situation or heist/robbery)(he is literally at the wrong place at the wrong time) and the possibilities of what could happen.
The possibilities of the civilians recognizing him and hoping for him to save them? Him doing his best to keep them all together and calm?
The possibilities of whether or not the villains recognize him or slowly start to figure it out? Do they know he's actually Quirkless now and try to take advantage of that? Or do they think he still has powers and immediately try to restrain and overpower him?
How Izuku either fights back or tries to thwart the villains? How he stays quiet at first, but is observing and analyzing the crap out of them and their Quirks?(while it's technically illegal for him to act as a hero, he also wouldn't stand down if the villains were threatening to harm any of the hostages)
If he has an actual altercation with them? And what if he gets injured? (I imagine he can hold his own reasonably well in a hand to hand fight! He still trains and is in shape, maybe even spars with Kacchan, and he has that extremely high pain tolerance! But he still gets clocked especially if he's trying to prevent them from doing harm)
And what happens when GEMG DynaMight gets to the scene. And does Katsuki know before hand that Izuku is involved of find out afterward when Izuku is released with the hostages? Or when he busts in to stop them and sees Izuku himself??
Or do the villains know enough about Izuku and Katsuki to make Izuku their primary hostage and hold Izuku hostage for some sort of ransom or deal with DynaMight?
And do they know enough to know that that's pretty much a death wish for them?
How about Izuku being just cool as a cucumber even though they're threatening DynaMight bc he knows enough about these suckers now to know that they are no match for Dynamight....much less when he is ANGRY.
Or how bout Izuku actually trying to talk them out of their dumb idea (full on teacher voice activated) because he knows they're petty criminals who are acting this way for a reason, but they shouldn't add kidnapping to their rapsheet.
DynaMight busting in and busting them, of course, and putting the fear of god into the villains whenever he is aware of Izuku being involved. He takes it personally, maybe hitting the guy holding down izuku a little harder than the others before arresting them.
What about when Katsuki gets Izuku out of there, he fusses endlessly over Izukus injuries and bloody face, and refuses to let Izuku go home by himself(he needs to be monitored for a concussion, that's all!)
If this is a fic already I really want to read it... Daniart already made an art to this theme and I saw it today, meanwhile I have definitely been pondering it for a day or two *bkdk brainmeld*
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lempeeartz · 1 month
Tell me - BKDK oneshot
(spoilers for recent manga stuff btw)
Izuku let out a weary sigh as the last of his students left the classroom, leaving him alone with his thoughts. It was finally the end of the day.
He stood behind the lectern, head now in his hands as he recalled a conversation from three days before.
“It hurts to stay and I'm sorry I couldn't be the one you wanted.”
“I'm really sorry—“
“Bye, Izuku.”
Izuku still felt so terrible for what happened. It was such a messy situation, and he felt so guilty. His partner had broken up with him and he hadn't been able to not think about it.
He hadn't really been sleeping either, and being a teacher now on top of everything was so stressful. He was always busy. Being tired wasn't an option, but he didn't have much of a choice.
Izuku was a horrible person.
What kind of guy gets into a relationship when he has feelings for someone else?
He's so stupid. Of course things would've ended up this way. And the thing keeping him up at night wasn't even the breakup. He didn't really care that his partner was gone. He just felt bad for being a dick, but he didn't miss them. Not really anyway.
Izuku stared around the empty classroom.
Ugh, he needed to focus on other things. He should probably be on his way home.
“You okay, nerd?”
The sudden voice made Izuku jump out of his skin. He caught some papers that almost hit the floor and gently placed them back on the lectern. “I hadn't, um, expected you!”
Katsuki raised his eyebrow, clearly now suspecting something. “I was in the neighborhood, figured I'd stop by.”
“Of course! Right..” Izuku watched the other in the doorway. Katsuki was in his hero costume, presumably because his shift was soon. Why was he here again??
Katsuki strolled into the room “What's got your panties in a twist? You're so skittish and weird. Or, you know what, that definitely sounds normal, nevermind.”
“Yes, how original, Kacchan.” Izuku deadpanned.
Rolling his eyes, Katsuki leaned against the lectern. “Spit it out. Something is obviously up with you.”
Katsuki waited for a few moments before Izuku reluctantly sighed.
“I kind of got.. broken up with.”
The blonde’s expression faded into a softer concern. “Oh.. Damn. Sorry to hear that.”
Izuku waved his hands around, “No, no, I'm fine. Really! Don't get all sappy on me, haha.”
“I ain't being sappy, I'm just saying that sucks. Being dumped and all. Been there.”
Katsuki had said it so nonchalantly but Izuku’s ears perked up instantly.
“Wait what?? YOU were dumped???”
“Shit, wait–”
“I didn't know you were dumped! How did it happen? When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me? Kacchan–”
“If you shut your trap, maybe I'll tell you.”
Izuku's voice immediately cut off as his eyes widened in suspense.
Sighing heavily, Katsuki gruffly said, “I had a small thing in our last year of UA. It was brief. That's why you didn't know about it. It was really nothing.” He crossed his arms, not really making eye contact.
“But it sounds like you got broken up with– did it hurt?”
“Nah, it wasn't really serious. I'm fine, though. It's been a while.”
Izuku didn't want to pry more, because it felt so insensitive but.. it was a while ago. “Um, who was it?”
“Nosy little fuck, aren't you?”
“It's been a few years! I figured it was fine to ask!”
Katsuki smiled amusingly, “Fine. It was mind freak.”
Izuku clasped a hand over his mouth, muffling his apology before whispering, “Shinso?? That's random, isn't it?”
“Eh,” Shrugging his shoulders, Katsuki added, “I kinda just wanted to see what it was like dating a guy. I guess I kinda used him. Not for anything physical, though, I ain't a fucking asshole.”
“I see..”
Izuku was surprised by who Katsuki picked. Shinso’s, like, the furthest thing from who he could've imagined. Maybe it kind of makes sense though.. huh. Wait–
“You're into guys?”
Tilting his head towards Izuku, Katsuki observed him carefully before responding. “Yeah. I am.”
Izuku looked away from Katsuki’s intense gaze, “Oh. Um, same.”
There were a few quiet moments before Katsuki broke the silence.
“Yeah, you look gay.”
“Alright, that's enough of that.” Izuku rolled his eyes and got his belongings together. “Shouldn't you be going on your shift now?”
“I have some time left.”
Izuku glanced up at Katsuki’s teasing smirk and felt his heart speed up. He quickly averted his gaze. “Uh, I should probably be on my way, though. Gotta catch the train, right?”
Making his way around Katsuki, Izuku began to walk towards the doorway, turning slightly to wave goodbye at him.
Before he could make it down the corridor, though, Izuku heard Katsuki call him from a few ways behind.
“Hold up!”
Pausing, Izuku turned, “Hm? Kacchan, what's up?”
Coming to a stop, Katsuki scratched the back of his neck, “I just wanted to ask if you've been eating. You know, since the break up and all that.”
“Oh! Uh, occasionally? I've been a bit too busy to really cook or anything..”
“Geez, why do you suck at even taking care of yourself? You're a mess.”
“Wow, thanks? Sorry we're not all perfect like you, Kacchan.”
“Seriously, don't skip meals. I get that you're ‘fine’ but that's insane.”
“Did you just come down here to lecture me? Honestly, when you act like this it makes me wonder why I even like–” Izuku stumbled over his words when he realized what he was about to say, “Um like, you know?”
Wow, nice save.
“Like what?”
Izuku could feel his face reddening with every second that passed. “Like? I didn't say like, I said… Mike.”
Narrowing his eyes, Katsuki clicked his tongue. “Mike. Really?”
Izuku scoffed, “Yes, really.”
Katsuki moved closer, closing the gap between them. “Bullshit. You're a terrible liar, Izuku.”
“K-Kacchan..” He gulped lamely, “You're a bit close.” Izuku could feel Katsuki’s breath against his face, he was way too close..
“Am I? Guess you'll have to tell me what you were really gonna say to get me to back off.”
Izuku’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates at this point. Holy shit was this really happening??
“I… might've said that I can't believe I like.. you. Like, like you. Like, I really, really like you. Like, I like like you. I should probably stop saying like now–”
Before Izuku knew it, he felt Katsuki’s lips pressed against his own, soft but firm. But just as quick as it happened, it was over.
“That was sort of to shut you up, not gonna lie.”
Izuku snorted, “Yeah I probably needed that..”
Katsuki smiled genuinely as he put his hand on Izuku’s face, feeling the flustered warmth, and then wiping at Izuku’s watery eyes, “Christ, I think I almost killed you.”
The two chuckled as Izuku sniffled, tears now streaming down his face. He'd been going through so many emotions recently that now it was just pouring out of him. His heart throbbed in guilt.
“I just feel so regretful that I didn't tell you sooner. If I had, I wouldn’t have gotten with my partner— ex— in the first place! Maybe I wouldn’t have hurt their feelings.” Izuku hiccuped tearfully.
“Hey, it's gonna be okay.” Katsuki kissed Izuku’s freckled nose. “It would’ve been worse if they stayed with you. They saved their own ass from even more pain. And yeah, you were kinda stupid. But you told me your feelings now, and that's really all that matters, right?.. Then again, I probably should've said something too. Maybe we're both stupid.”
Hugging Katsuki tightly, Izuku let out a watery laugh. He began to feel like maybe things would finally be okay now.
(Little did Izuku know, the next day Katsuki surprised him with his new hero suit and Izuku sobbed up an entire ocean once again)
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brewstersbru · 2 months
Short bkdk because I am SAD and katsuki is DEAD (for a little bit) 💚🧡
The hospital was miserable. Not just because it was chock full of grieving families and people balancing on the knife’s edge between life and death, but because—despite the fact that he survived—Katsuki was still being grieved.
He could see it in Best Jeanist’s eyes when he visited, dropping off some new, incredibly soft clothes for him to wear that weren’t open-backed hospital gowns. Guilt. Regret. Katsuki was alive, sitting right in front of him, and he still couldn’t quite see past the mirage of blood on his face.
Aizawa, too, had barely been able to look at him. Brought the three third years so he didn’t have to be alone with Katsuki. Face what he saw as one of his greatest failures as a teacher. A mentor. At least that’s what Katsuki thought.
The old man brought well wishes from the class. Some flowers. And the black smudges beneath his eyes. Katsuki wondered if he’d slept at all in the aftermath. If he’d ever sleep soundly again. Katsuki sure won’t.
The third years praised his speed, commenting on how dazzling his explosions were, until the very end. Mirio told him he knew he’d be a great hero one day, that he practically already was one. Nejire seconded that and asked if all of his sweat exploded, and if it was inconvenient because of that. He was so viscerally reminded of Izuku, in the moment, that he nearly started bawling.
Amajiki didn’t say much, but he left a small bento with a note: eat up and regain your strength. thank you. you were incredible.
And still, through their attempts at normalcy he could see the way they watched him. As if he were liable to keel over again at any minute. He was fine, goddamnit. He was healing. That didn’t make him weak.
The hag and his old man visited daily. Couldn’t stop touching his face and neck and tilting him every which way to reassure themselves that he really was alive. That was more the hag, but every so often his old man—who generally strayed away from getting physical with him—would cup his cheek and run his thumb over the new scar there, eyes pained. Katsuki always shook him off, told him not to look at him like that, but the memory lingers, as they all do. The hag wouldn’t even smack him anymore, even when he knew he was being a brat. Taking his anger at the world and his body out on them when they did nothing to deserve it.
All of her touches were light, ghosts of things that made him feel uncomfortably unreal. She asked if he wanted to stay at UA, after everything, and something about the tilt of her mouth told him she already knew the answer. Still, when he said yes, without hesitation, she had to excuse herself from the room, eyes shining.
It was maddening. A purgatory of what-ifs that everyone except him was experiencing. The only ‘what-if’ Katsuki was concerned with was whether or not—if he was just a little stronger, had been able to land even just one more hit— Izuku would’ve been able to keep his quirk. But that’s for him. He keeps it close and inside and it’s no one else’s problem.
Now that he’s out—lounging in his dorm room after a less harrowing round of greetings from all the others, who didn’t know the situation and thus couldn’t feel guilty or grieve about it—it’s louder, the way he likes it. Normal.
Kirishima and Kaminari are wrestling somewhere loud enough for him to hear them jeering at each other. Iida’s yelling at someone for leaving a mess in the kitchen. It loosens something that had scabbed over in Katsuki’s chest.
There’s a knock at his door.
Sero? Possibly, but he would’ve thought he was with Kirishima and Kaminari, filming or something ‘for posterity’. It’s not Todoroki, his self-proclaimed ‘best friend’, because he’s at the hospital visiting his brother.
Before he can stand and open the door, it creaks forward and a bright green eye stares at him through the crack.
Katsuki sighs and shakes his head.
“What was the point of knocking if you were just gonna come in anyway?”
He doesn’t say, ‘leave’ or ‘get out’ or ‘beat it, Deku!’. Izuku’s mouth quirks into a half-smile as he opens the door the rest of the way and steps inside.
“I thought you might be sleeping. I know it’s been a hard few weeks.”
Katsuki scoffs. And another one. Fucking- doubting him. Of course he's exhausted, sleeping is almost impossible right now and people haven’t stopped walking on eggshells around him. Doesn’t mean he’s going to be a pussy about it. He’s going to prove to them that he’s just as he’s always been, that he doesn’t need the goddamn kid gloves.
“Don’t start. I don’t need your fucking pity.”
“It’s not pity, Kacchan.” Izuku’s voice hardens. “I��m not here for you.”
And what a bewilderingly contradictory statement. He’s in Katsuki’s room. What else could he possibly be there for?
He doesn’t manage to voice his incredulity before Izuku is on top of him, clinging tight, but gingerly, around his sides and burying his face into his neck. Katsuki nearly flinches back into his pillow with the suddenness of it.
“Deku- what the hell-“
Izuku breathes deep and reaches blindly up to clamp a hand over Katsuki’s mouth.
“Shut up. Give me a minute. And call me Izuku, I know you can.”
Katsuki, too shocked with his words and actions to do otherwise, gives him a minute. Izuku simply lies there, curled over him, and breathes. He matches his inhales to Katsuki’s and taps out the slow thrum of his heart against his hip. Hypnotizing. It’s surprisingly peaceful, and before long Katsuki finds himself lulled into a hazy, half-awake state.
Finally, Izuku speaks, voice hushed.
“You don’t- I don’t think you get it, Kacchan. You didn’t have to see yourself.” He shivers, and Katsuki finds himself raising his own arms to pull him closer towards his own heat.
“Your eyes… Empty. Dull. Dead. It was your body, but I knew you weren’t in there anymore. Someone—Shigaraki—had torn you out.” Something wet splashes against Katsuki’s neck, startling him. Izuku is crying.
“But I’m fine, now. I’m back. Edgeshot saved me.” Katsuki says, haltingly. His voice struggles over the word ‘saved’ but it’s the truth. He had to be saved. Because he couldn’t hold his own.
Izuku shakes his head and presses impossibly closer.
“I know that. I just- I just need to make sure.”
And Katsuki understands. More than anyone, he thinks, he knows exactly what’s running through Izuku’s mind right now. The nauseating mix of helplessness and self hatred.
“Okay.” He says. Then, a crackling whisper, so quiet that it’s only because Izuku is so close that he’s able to hear it. “I’m sorry.”
Izuku’s arms tighten, for a fraction of a second, around him before he pushes himself up. Katsuki swears there’s lightning in his eyes when they look at each other.
“Don’t say that. Don’t ever say that. You literally died because of me-“ His voice cuts off into sobs. Katsuki watches, dismayed, as another wave of tears begins cresting down his cheeks. Ah, shit.
Katsuki raises his good hand to hover over Izuku’s teary cheeks. Callously, and without much tact, his thumb smears some of the wetness from beneath his eyes. It doesn’t really do anything, and he curses himself for trying.
“Izuku, look, I-“ He tries to pull his hand back but Izuku snatches it from the air and presses it back against his cheek. There’s a wobbly smile building on his lips. Katsuki can hardly bear to look at it.
“It wasn’t your fault. I should’ve-“
“No.” Izuku says, turning to press Katsuki’s pulse point against his face, where he can feel his heart beat. “If it isn’t my fault, then it isn’t yours.”
Katsuki can’t bring himself to agree, yet. Not verbally. But he wants, desperately, for Izuku to stop crying so he nods, once, very stiffly.
Izuku’s teeth glint as his mouth stretches into a real grinning laugh. It feels like staring directly at the sun. Katsuki can’t look away.
“Alright. I’ll take that.” Izuku settles back onto Katsuki’s chest, ear pressed to his shirt as his hands migrate back to cage Katsuki beneath him. Like a blanket, or armor, his weight is familiar to Katsuki, soothing.
“Don’t move.”
Now it’s Katsuki’s turn to chuckle. As if he could. Izuku cracks an eye open to watch him.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 6 days
basically this is when i go through my list of fic ideas and any that have been on the list for a while (read: years) that i no longer have any interest in, and i share them on the interwebz in hopes of maybe inspiring someone else to write! so lets start:
established bkdkbk, newly dating. kacchan finds "goodbye" letters for all his classmates and some of their teachers. he assumes they're suicide letters, confronts deku. misunderstandings, yada yada, they're "goodbye" letters in case he's killed while doing hero work.
bakugo submits an assignment, accidentally turns in a self insert bkdkbk smut fic.
Katsuki loses all his memories and falls in love with Izuku at first sight, except izuku has internalized homophobia. bkdkbk the idea for the title of this one was "The Eighth Cardinal Sin", so feel free to take that too lol
bkdkbk getting hit by a de-aged quirk, and shoji being in charge of babysitting them. basically just an outsider POV of bkdk's relationship as kids and also them seeing his scars and calling him a hero and stuff lol
platonic astrobomb (AKA katsuki + ochako) 5 + 1 crack fluff fic that is 5 times the press thought they were dating and 1 time they found out the truth (this could be implied bkdkbk or whatever other ship you want idc)
siren izuku and human HoH katsuki middle school bkdkbk au where izuku is known as being mute because he never talks, but the truth is he's terrified of his voice accidentally harming someone (cuz of the whole brainwashing thing) and kacchan helping him through that. and they kiss (in my head they were Newly established but this could totally be pre-slash. again idc lol not my fic idea anymore so not my problem LMFAO)
bkdkbk phoenix katsuki au where he is Crushing very hard on izuku except his Bird Instincts keep acting up so anytime he's around izuku he starts doing weird dances and giving him rocks and violently shaking his feathers. izuku is an oblivious fuck (ofc)
annnddddd thats all for this year!! there were a couple ideas on my list that were pretty close to getting adopted out, but im gonna hold onto them for a little bit longer. if anyone writes a fic/drabble/anything inspired by any of these SHOW IT TO ME PLEASEEEE I WANNA SEE THEMMMMMMMM
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ilovereadingandstuff · 2 months
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Izuku got to never have his corresponding break down, never had anyone to hug him, to witness him cry his heart out, to ask for him if he was okay for the war and all he went through, for his guilt for Tomura's decease... had to spend 8 years being a teacher because he...kinda lost his quirk??? AND JUST THEN, his """"childhood friend""" and father allowed them to become a hero again with technological support...
You're really pulling off in the last panel that Izuku got to be a hero after all?!?!?
Then, if anything could have been solved back at season 1 with a support item, WHY GO THROUGH ALL THAT?!?!
Katsuki asking for his hand to go meet him...LIKE THIS!?!?! NOT EVEN A FULL PAGE?!?!!? JUST THAT?!?! THAT'S THE SO FORESHADOWED '''HAND-HOLDING'''' OF THEIRS??!?!!?
'the river scene' MY ASS!!!
'hero partners' MY ASS!!!!!!
'All Might's legacy' FOR REAL?!?! LIKE THAT?!?!
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piniatafullofblood · 1 month
things I like about mha 430
Bakugo’s devotion to Izuku
Kota and Eri
bakudeku won. not cannonly but bkdk got better than any other ship did
ochacko’s quirk counseling
teacher deku and aizawa there to support him
izuku being the first quirkless hero and keeping the hero name deku which means useless bc that does something to my soft disabled heart and it’ll probably help a lot of quirkless kids
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p1xie-styx · 1 month
If i, theoretically, wrote a post war bkdk fic exploring izuku's life in the 10 years after the war ends before katsuki gives him the suit, being quirkless again, becoming a teacher, and dealing with the trauma he endured while still trying to survive. would anyone read it?
Potential tags would be: Bkdk, Izuku-centric, depictions of anxiety, anxiety attacks, depressive episodes, quirkless midoriya izuku, unhealthy coping mechanisms, teacher midoriya izuku, izuku & mei hatsume, slow burn (+ more once i flesh it out)
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
So.. I've seen a lot of people that saying Katsuki died while thinking of İzuku. I've even seen some people saying that Katsuki did not care what AFO said about he can never be more than İzuku. But when I read those chapters it seemed like he was thinking about how he can never surpass him like he always wanted to, rather than thinking about İzuku himself. When he realized he will die anyways, he desperately accepted the fact that he can never reach İzuku's level. And he accepted his admiration for him, knowing that he will always be superior than him, by his actions (thinking of how he made his movements and attacks etc.). So it felt like he STİLL puts his desire of 'becoming the best' above everything, it seemed like he died with that thoughts. I couldn't see any confirmation of him realizing some feelings for him.
Soo I would really like to know your oppinion about this. Do you have any counter evidence for this? I really wanna hear your thoughts ASAP. <3
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Hello everyone! In this meta, I'll explain why the feelings Katsuki realises are romantic in chapter 362 and how bakudeku's relationship arc is intertwined with Katsuki's character development and provide anon evidence that supports this.
Anon: I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, that you genuinely need answers... so yes! I have a lot of points to make which I will now present to you! I think the problem you're struggling with is not identifying that Katsuki's character development has always been tied to his relationship with (and feelings for) Izuku.
My writer friend introduced me to literary concepts like internal and external relationship arcs that develop alongside a character's growth. Internal arcs involve emotions and relationships between the characters, while external arcs are influences on their relationship by outside forces, pushing them together or pulling them apart.
While character development arcs are about personal conflicts, both internal and external. In BNHA, these conflicts shape a character's quirk progress, understanding of heroism, motivations for performing well, and provide external obstacles which hinder them.
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Katsuki's character arc is intrinsically tied to his relationship with Izuku. Overcoming his internal conflict of not recognizing "save to win" and addressing the source of this conflict, his lifelong issues with Izuku, were essential in his path to become a top hero. DvK2 served as both an outlet for Katsuki's negative emotions, and as an event that brought bkdk's relationship closer together by having Katsuki join in on their OFA secret. Their conversation with All Might also propels Katsuki's character development in the months after it.
So, anyway, as your ask suggests, Katsuki's "character arc" had always been about becoming the #1 top hero. Not being left in Izuku's, or ANYONE'S dust. Katsuki learning the qualities he was lacking to get to that point. Etc Etc.
However! As he thinks about Izuku's burdens, draws in closer to him, and they spend more time together, we see his character change into a more giving, caring person and he gradually overcomes his personal conflicts, with Izuku acting as his heart's north star.
An example of his change comes in chapter 358. Katsuki is thinking of his teacher and friends doing their part and that he now had to do his. Then he thinks of Izuku saving him from the slime villain and says something to sAFO that proves he is NOT the same character he was at the start of the manga: "Big disparities? Lack of understanding? Dread? I've long since been acquainted with all of this." I feel he is talking about his relationship with Izuku and his fear based emotions he has had (and still has) with him.
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It was made clear that Katsuki's need to "stay ahead" is another one of his internal conflicts that's DIRECTLY TIED to his relationship with Izuku in chapter 275, when we see his thoughts about how he can barely keep up with Izuku, and that he won't be left behind.
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He says he won't lose and he won't "let himself stay losing." Note that this isn't even about winning anymore. It's about not falling behind Izuku. The reason we know his desires to stay ahead were tied to his feelings for Izuku is because of the scene coupled together with it: his flash back of Izuku trailing behind him when they were kids.
The impression this left on me was that Katsuki had ALREADY swallowed his pride and selfish reasons to be his best self because his feelings towards Izuku had once again changed his priorities as a hero. In chapter 275, we see his ambitions had shifted from being ahead, to just being able to keep up enough to stay by Izuku's side. (and I'll talk more about this later.)
By linking their childhood memory to his feelings of "being left behind," Hori was telling us the only reason Katsuki ever wanted to stay ahead of Izuku to begin with, was so he would never have to see the day Izuku left him behind, leaving Katsuki ALONE. I don't know about you, but this seems like the setup of a romantic plot to me.
My feeling with this is that Katsuki has always loved Izuku and needed him in his life. But he buried those feelings deep inside himself and they hit him like a damn TRUCK after he realised how bad he had messed everything up that day in the river and everything he'd done to Izuku after it. That's why the volume 29 cover is what it is for the Katsuki Rising content. The image is full of love and acceptance, but also... regret.
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To someone who doesn't understand that Katsuki's internal relationship with Izuku is interwoven into his character arc, I understand his feelings presented at his death may seem self-centred and platonic to you. But it just isn't true. Katsuki's character development and relationship development with Izuku are ABSOLUTELY linked together and always have been.
At first Katsuki is angry at Izuku because of his misunderstandings and Izuku always having been the one person who didn't make him feel like he's the best. To Katsuki, who grew up in a quirk worshipping society, being a hero only meant possessing a strong quirk and the ability to defeat anyone and win. However, from an early age he recognised that Izuku had qualities that he didn't fully understand but knew he lacked. Izuku tries to save him, despite Katsuki being physically stronger than Izuku, and this just causes him to double down on his belief of winning at all costs. (Ironic that the event which made Katsuki feel hate towards Izuku, ultimately caused Izuku to love him even more.)
And as soon as he gets into U.A, his entire world view of himself is shattered as he suffers humiliating defeat after humiliating defeat; Losing his first proper fight against Izuku, not getting the fair battle with Todoroki he wanted so he could have a true victory against Izuku (because to Katsuki, beating the same Todoroki that beat Izuku equates to beating Izuku), being kidnapped, feeling responsible for ending AM's career, failing his provisional license exam... And as Katsuki watches Izuku get stronger and stronger, and further away from him, it makes him hate everything even more until the day he's had enough and grabs Izuku and lets it all explode out of him.
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Then after DvK2, he realises he's deeply misjudged Izuku and he starts to feel guilty for everything he has ever done to him, and for what? Because he couldn't see his own weaknesses. He is told by All Might to recognise Izuku's strengths. So that's what he does and what does he say when he finally learns the importance of saving people, taken straight from the heart of the person closest to him who exemplifies this quality? "Just keep your eyes on me, shitty Deku." But his guilt towards Izuku sets off his atonement arc, and his rising concern for Izuku's cursed fate brings them together.
After witnessing Izuku hurt himself multiple times throughout their first year of high school and long before by his own hands, Katsuki's guilt reaches its peak when they both confront Shigaraki. As he's watching how badly Izuku will hurt himself to win, he recalls Izuku's words about being the 'Deku who always tries his best,' and Katsuki realises that Izuku had been overcompensating for being quirkless his whole life.
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He understands that this may have been largely his fault and truly gets the impact of the horrible name he gave Izuku when they were kids. 'Deku' taken from 'deku no bou,' which is a doll without arms and legs and carries the meaning of "a useless person."
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He remembers his conversation with All Might, who told him "he would be able to talk about it with Izuku one day" and when he sees his history with Izuku flash before his eyes, he knew that one day was never gonna come unless he did something! So he did something. He had a quirk awakening and saved Izuku's life at a cost to himself, fully embracing what it means to be a true hero. But not just any hero, Izuku's hero.
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Then his character reaches a point of understanding and acceptance of his feelings. He can no longer put up resistance to his relationship with Izuku anymore, and Izuku's absence causes Katsuki to realise he needs Izuku in his life, to be closer, and by his side. He accepts Izuku for all of his weaknesses and embraces him. He's also accepted how important it is to rely on others, and also be there for them in turn and teaches these things again, back to Izuku, quietly asking Izuku to lean on him if he needs help. He wants to be there for him.
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So after his character arcs of hate, guilt, acceptance, all of which are tied to his feelings for Izuku, what naturally comes last for them?
Love, and Katsuki's acceptance of what is in his heart at his very end, in chapter 362. Because those are his feelings for Izuku now. A deep, powerful love that fills his heart completely.
And what I realised after talking about this with my friend, was that people who don't think bkdk will be romantic will only see what they want to see. That depending on their depth of understanding of their relationship, people are going to see Katsuki's actions and words as either part of his character arc to be #1, or as one massive leap in his relationship arc/feelings towards Izuku. Hori probably wrote it to be vague in this way, because the big bkdk reveal is not until the climax. He's a smart writer like this. Once Hori writes the context of these last moments for Katsuki being as intimate as they come, people will be like OH! oh.
In fact, anon, his desire to be good enough to keep up with Izuku is not lying in selfish thoughts/reasonings at all. It's quite the opposite. Katsuki wants to do his best so that he can stay by Izuku's side to help him. His ambitions to be the best hero might be a veil Hori placed here, but it's a very thin one, and we are able to read between the lines based on Katsuki's previous character development. He clearly wants to be stronger FOR Izuku's sake. His essence contains his love and acceptance for Izuku, need to stay by his side and help shoulder his responsibilities. We've long known that Katsuki doesn't want to leave Izuku alone to his burdensome fate.
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What started off as a "positive change" relationship turned into a positive steadfast relationship arc. This was used specifically during Katsuki's fight against sAFO. sAFO told Katsuki that Izuku was the reason he was going to die, and what does Katsuki do? He remains loyal to him, and his resolve to love Izuku strengthens further.
The only thing that truly bothered Katsuki of all the things that AFO said to him was that he would never be good enough to stay by Izuku’s side. But we know exactly why that bothers him! Because of his internal arc and need to be by Izuku’s side for reasons that seem to be beyond platonic at this stage. He's been treating Izuku like an equal, a best friend... and a supportive spouse.
Because Katsuki hadn’t actually left Izuku’s side since their embrace in 322. He gravitates to him, to ease his anxieties and let him know he’s there for him multiple times, and Izuku reciprocates this by also walking over to talk to him a few times as well like after his Mei visit. Because by demanding closeness with Izuku in the discarding of his "Deku" name and embracing him, Katsuki had become Izuku's comfort person - someone to share his inner worries with. Izuku needs and trusts Katsuki, as well.
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And Katsuki died with Izuku in his thoughts, brought about by things going on in his mind that we don't get to see, but can EASILY guess at: Izuku telling Katsuki he’s himself "because he never gives up until he wins" during their team-up against All Might.
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Katsuki's answer to his flash back of this moment with Izuku was: “I gotta win, right Izuku?” and Hori showing him saying this gave us A LOT of information.
We are being told that this memory had always stuck with Katsuki and for him it was an important interaction with Izuku and that he understands he is being loved for this trait by Izuku. And by Katsuki getting back up despite his many devastating injuries and impending death that he knew was coming, he is accepting that love and wanting to receive even more of it by acting in the way Izuku most loves about him. Izuku's love is what comforted him during all of the physical and emotional trauma sAFO put him through.
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Katsuki's character arc peaks at becoming a true hero, but it is stated by Hori in a way for people to know it is deeply tied into his feelings for Izuku. Katsuki got back up and told Best Jeanist to look after everyone, with the same amount of care Izuku has for others, and right after, Hori wrote "butsu butsu" (mutter mutter) next to Katsuki here, mimicking a trait of Izuku's he has always complained about. He displays Izuku's self sacrifice and even thinks of Izuku's pain. These things show the extent of which Katsuki's heart accepted and took all of Izuku into himself - thinking about Izuku grounded and comforted Katsuki in his final minutes. (+the All Might nerding at the end... yeah... their hearts are the same alright, thanks chapter 348. thanks Hori.)
And then finally Katsuki reaches out to Izuku and thinks “Hey Izuku, can I still catch up to you?” again a HUGE metaphor written for Bkdk's internal relationship arc. This can and should be read as “Hey Izuku, will my feelings ever reach you some day?” because Katsuki has always had a hard time communicating how he really feels and it’s only by facing certain death that he realised a lot of things about himself and Izuku, like the form his feelings of love take shape in.
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pain pain pain pain pain reading this in japanese is painful
And the fact Katsuki is reaching out to Izuku with his hand implies that sometime before he died, he probably thought of Izuku coming to his rescue and trying to help him up like he's always done. The motivating message for Katsuki to fight harder to come back to life that was made on the back of volume 37 by Edgeshot once he was inside Katsuki’s heart and suddenly knew it was filled with his love for Izuku supports this. “Don’t give up, Dynamight!! (the one) you’ve been waiting for, He will… Deku will surely come!!” This quote and Katsuki's delirium tells us that his last wish was just to see Izuku's face once again.
I think that’s why he cried… because Katsuki knew Izuku wasn’t coming, he wouldn't make it in time, and Katsuki would die and then be used to hurt Izuku, just like sAFO said he would.
So in his delirium right before death, he is thinking of Izuku with a calm face and reaches out to take Izuku’s hand. And there is just NO WAY to see any of this as platonic. This is as romantic as it gets!
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Woah this got LONG. Are you still with me anon? *sweats* If you are, I hope this could help you! And anyone else who read this <3 Also anon, you should check out my pinned post as it delves into their emotional feelings a bit as well.
BTW, read this chart I added below - it's freaking EYE OPENING thinking about how BkDK have hit ALL of these romantic beats so far. We are now up to Climax: Internal Relationship Arc. ❤️
I expect that to come at around chapter 398-400ish, when Katsuki appears from inside OFA (Because we theorise that AFO will set Izuku off one last time with what he did to Katsuki. Theories are quite often wrong, but I don't want to believe that those horrifying chapters of Katsuki being toyed with and humiliated until he died had no purpose other than to traumatise us Katsuki stans. Surely we were seeing it in place of Izuku, channelling how it would make him feel. After all, Izuku is the biggest Katsuki stan of all - he's gonna see it.)
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izums · 1 month
So MHA ended! Yes Ik it ended 2 days ago but yesterday was my birthday so this took a while to get written 😭 I wanted to talk about how ANNOYING the fandom has been about it. I love the MHA fandom but it seems illiterate at times 😓
First off everyone keeps complaining about Izuku not being a hero anymore. Did you all miss the end?? He IS a hero. He had a suit made and he became a hero with the rest of his class. PLEASE read.
Another thing is Izukus suit, yes Bakugo was the heart of the operation but he was not the only one to pay. The rest of the class did contribute and probably others Bakugou just did the most. (No hate to bkdk I do like the ship!!)
Why are all of you acting like Izukus friends js ditched him?? 😭🙏 They are pro heros and he's a teacher they are both VERY busy jobs. Yeah he may be lonely but they really can't help it and they probably do try to keep in touch it's just hard.
Shipping. I am SO glad Horikoshi didn't make any ships canon ‼️ as someone who does like rarepair it's SO amazing and I really hope it stays that way <3
In conclusion: the MHA fandom NEEDS to learn to read 😓💔
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 2 years
Somebody asked about my perspective on the bullying aspect of bkdk, so.
I want to talk for a minute about bullying in Japan. I mentioned in this post that Japanese people are generally socialized to avoid direct confrontation. This means people may not intervene in bullying or public mistreatment; there is also an element of social shame in being singled out. A teacher or concerned adult interfering with bullying may end up making things worse for the bullied child, because now, the child is a victim, separate from everyone else in the class, and they may end up being shunned by their peers (ostracization is also a common form of bullying).
Peers may also fear retribution for objecting. You see this in English-speaking countries as well, where a bullied child being defended makes them and any peer who objects a “weakling,” a “kiss-up,” “tattle-tale,” “teacher’s pet.” In fact, often a whole group gangs up on the victim and participates in bullying. We see this in the very first chapter of MHA, Katsuki mocks Izuku for wanting to take the U.A. entrance exam, and the entire classroom laughs and sneers at him.
Additionally, sometimes the non-confrontational approach and no-singling out incentive also mean that everyone in class just kind of pretends that the bullied child is “In on the joke,” and they laugh along or do not object. Onlookers may view the mistreatment as a private issue between the bully and the bullied that they must resolve on their own.
No culture has a solution for bullying. We all use our cultural context and our personal beliefs to discern how to respond, and this often manifests in unhealthy ways. In the US, a young boy protagonist being bullied in school and “learning to fight back” is an extremely common narrative. The lesson from American culture is that we must defend ourselves, even with violence—that learning to hurt other people is necessary and part of “becoming a man.” In Japan, a collectivist culture, the lesson might be closer to “don’t stand out and don’t bother others.”
I highly recommend everyone read this article about ijime in Japan.
Note the statistic that two thirds of all Japanese children report being bullied. Simultaneously, nearly half (46.9%) report having both been bullied and also bullying others. MHA takes place in a fictional Japan, but it is worth knowing that this is how things are in the real-world society MHA is published in. Suicides related to bullying are a prominent topic and the Japanese Ministry of Education has been trying to reduce bullying rates for years. Bullying is understood as a serious problem, but it is also known to be very common, something many people both experience and perpetuate.
Now, let’s talk about how Izuku personally feels about the way Katsuki treated him.
Izuku has an extremely strong sense of self. He is a determined, stubborn person, and we know this to be true even before he gets OFA: despite the entire world telling him he cannot be a Hero because he is Quirkless, he still plans to enroll in the Hero Course at U.A., even before he meets All Might. Since nearly all villains are going to have Quirks, this is… a horrifyingly dangerous path to walk, but Izuku does not care and is not dissuaded. Katsuki says that Izuku has always been self-sacrificing and not taken his own safety into account—this comment and the river memory suggest to me that this trait is unique to Izuku as a person and his own convictions, so I don’t think it is the result of Katsuki bullying him.
Izuku also sees Katsuki and his actions clearly. He doesn’t hesitate to describe Katsuki as an awful guy (嫌なやつ, iyana yatsu, you could even translate this as “asshole”); he notes Katsuki’s terrible qualities and his continued path down the road to being “bad.” In Japanese, he insults Katsuki several times with バカ野郎 (baka yarou, stupid jerk). Izuku has never been in denial about what Katsuki is like.
Izuku says during Deku vs. Kacchan 2 that normally, nobody would hang around a person who insults them all the time. He acknowledges all the bad parts of Katsuki, but then insists that Katsuki’s brilliance, his amazingness, is even stronger. Izuku sees all these incredible things about Katsuki more than he sees his terribleness.
Izuku has known Katsuki since they were little, since before Katsuki’s Quirk manifested. Katsuki was a cocky kid who liked to show-off, but he was not a bully until he manifested his Quirk and was suddenly exalted for his “incredible power,” while also developing his whole inferiority complex about Izuku being “better” than him. Izuku knows Katsuki has good inside him and that being an arrogant bully is not all there is to Katsuki, because he has seen it firsthand.
In my opinion, if Katsuki’s behavior is viewed by outsiders as a private issue between the two of them, then Izuku himself views it as Katsuki’s issue, not his own. “This is just how Kacchan acts.” Izuku is definitely hurt by Katsuki’s cruelty, but I do not believe that he internalizes this as a reflection on himself necessarily. I think Izuku has felt hurt and angered by Katsuki’s behavior because he hates that this special person he admires and cares about so much could stoop that low. We see this in chapter 62 when Izuku punches Katsuki for saying he’d rather lose than accept Izuku’s help—Izuku isn’t offended by the put-down, he is furious that his image of victory could be so petty that he would accept defeat.
Izuku had already forgiven Katsuki before chapter 322. I think Izuku never expected an apology, and in his own head, he didn’t really need one, because all he wants is to be able to stand next to Katsuki. Izuku wants to be the number one hero, so he does want to surpass his image of victory, but… he also just really wants to be with Katsuki. He wants to talk with him and spend time with him, he wants to fight by his side and see him be amazing up-close and personal. Because Izuku loves Katsuki. He just does. Whether you view it as platonic or romantic, it is pretty hard to say that the depth of emotion Izuku feels for Katsuki isn’t love.
For better or worse, as human beings we tend to forgive the people we love for things we would never accept from anyone else. We give the people we love second chances, and we see the best in them even when it is hard to, when no one else can. Izuku knows Katsuki has done unacceptable things, but he still sees Kacchan in there, and that matters more to him.
Both Horikoshi and Katsuki’s voice actor, Okamoto Nobuhiko, have repeatedly said that Katsuki was terrible and unlikable early in the series because of how he treated others, particularly Izuku, and that he is only became likable because of his humanity. Because he changes, matures, and tries to redeem himself. Horikoshi directly said that despite Katsuki’s character having improved, he still needs to apologize to Izuku, and in chapter 322, this is what we get.
That Izuku does not hold a grudge against Katsuki is precisely what makes Katsuki’s redemption so meaningful. The impetus behind Katsuki’s atonement is his own conscience. Sometimes, people forgive us even when they probably shouldn’t. They give us a second chance, even when we probably didn’t deserve one. Katsuki knows Izuku doesn’t resent him, but he wants to do right by Izuku, and that means being a better person, being there when Izuku needs him, protecting Izuku when no one else will. It means admitting what he has done and truly apologizing for it.
I wanted to talk about the severity and frequency of bullying in Japan not to downplay Katsuki’s actions, but to emphasize that this is both a societal issue and a personal one. If people believe that Katsuki can never atone for the cruel things he did as a little kid and a middle schooler, if you think he will never be anything but a bully, then… half of the population of Japan is also irredeemable. How are young people in Japan supposed to feel if the moral of Katsuki’s story is “once a bully, always a bully”?
If we can’t see value in the redemption of a fictional character from a story about prejudice and social inequality, how can we forgive real people for their mistakes? Nobody has to like Bakugou Katsuki as a character, but I do find the way his story is talked about pretty troubling.
MHA is fundamentally about discrimination and social strife: Who is a villain? Who is a hero? When the world treats us a certain way, are we to blame for how we react? Do you turn a blind eye to people who are inconvenient to you, who you think don’t belong in society, who seem irredeemable? How can we even begin to change a world like this?
Izuku says repeatedly that having done wrong does not mean you can never be good again. Atonement is not denial of wrongdoing; it is the resolve to make restitution and do right by others. This is why Katsuki’s story is important, and why his bond with Izuku is both well-written and genuinely beautiful.
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stupid-disco-man · 15 days
do I want bakugo to win the world poll just to have a movie where he has a proper villain fight sequence independant of izuku (which apparently only happened in movie 3) ? yes, yes I really do ; however do I think if we had a bakugo movie he'd probably be thinking about izuku 24/7 ? yes I think so cuz what is katsuki without izuku
however I would loveee an izuku centric movie because despite being the main charecter he's such an enigma outside his drive to save people , like for one his relationship to his father (if he exists ???) or a movie about his time being a teacher (called maybe My hero academia : 365 school days /assassination classroom reference ) , but AGAIN he'd probably go on a "kacchan 😍" spiel / montage that takes up 10 minutes (cuz what's izuku without kacchan)
either way if one character wins it’s a win for BOTH of them 😝🫶 bkdk movie here we comeeee
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