#with bianca it's just like girl stand up!!!! and then she stood up
winepresswrath · 6 months
on this, my second attempt at diving deeper into the iwtv series i've conclude that armand and bianca need to take a lesson from pandora, who has at least some of it figured out.
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prazinos · 2 years
Love At First..Sight?
Summary ~ You’ve been pining over Ajax Petropolus for what feels like forever. But there’s no way he could reciprocate your feelings, right? You would actually be surprised
WARNINGS ! ~ Minors DNI | Sexual Innuendos | Fluff
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You always liked the young gorgan boy with his sweet smile and lovely sense of humour. You’ve had a tiny crush on him for a while but you’d never act on your feelings of course, but your friends were getting sick of you pining over him
‘Oh my god Y/N just go and talk to him, he won’t bite!’ Bianca groaned, you ignored her attempts at trying to get you to fess up ‘the worst he can do is say no!’ She continued.
‘What’re we talking about?’ Enid asked walking over to the table you, Bianca, Wednesday and Xavier were sitting at. Bianca groaned rubbing her eyes with her hands
‘I believe they’re talking about Ajax, Cara Mia’ Wednesday said, not looking up from her book. You watched as Enid’s eyes lit up from the nickname, and you wished Ajax would call you something like that. Enid sat down next to Wednesday resting her head on Wednesdays shoulder grimacing at what Wednesday was reading.
‘Okay listen, Y/N, you are gorgeous, funny, kind, smart, what’s there not to like?’ Bianca asked
‘I don’t know, I just don’t think he reciprocates my feelings’ you respond gloomily.
You walked next to Bianca in the large, long hallway. Thinking about Ajax once again, what can you say? He was gorgeous and you’ve always seen glimpses of his snakes when one of them comes out from under his beanie but you wondered what he would look like without the beanie. Granted, you would be stoned but you think being stone for a few hours is worth seeing his ‘hair’.
You and Bianca finally arrived to Serial Studies and watched as Bianca ran to sit next to Xavier, which confused you. While yes they’re on good terms and are friends after they broke up, she’s never rushing to sit next to him.
You look around the room for a free seat and notice there’s only one. Next to Ajax. You glared at Bianca and Xavier who both just snickered.
As you sat down Ajax gave you a tight lipped smile before writing down some notes.
You finally heard the sweet melodic sounds of Nocturne in A minor. Signalling that class was over, you quickly walked out of the classroom not being able to control the blush on your neck and face. You practically ran back to your dorm slamming it shut with your telekinesis and had a pillow to fly towards you before screaming into it, what if Ajax realised you had a crush on him? What if he thought you were weird? What if-
You heard knocks on your door and you groaned, walking over to it before swinging it open
‘Enid we’re not supposed to hang out until seven’
You cut yourself off when you noticed that there wasn’t a bubbly multi colour haired girl standing in front of you, instead a tall lanky snake haired boy stood before you. Your eyes widened before he spoke
‘Hey uh-sorry I didn’t mean to intrude I just noticed that you kinda dropped something and I’m here to, you know give it back’ Ajax said awkwardly, you looked at his outstretched hand taking the piece of paper that was being held.
You unfolded it to realise it was a drawing that Xavier had done for you, it was of yourself and Ajax sitting on a windowsill drinking from plastic cups, talking. Well you were laughing. Something that had actually happened at a party, Xavier had drawn it for you for your birthday and you had kept it in your notebook because you love looking at it.
Ajax must’ve noticed your flushed face and he stepped inside, and closed the door
‘Look um Y/N I was never gonna say anything but I um-I think you’re really pretty and cool and smart and god you always make me laugh and sometimes when im lying in bed thinking about you I wonder if your thinking about me and it sounds crazy I know but-‘
You cut him off by shoving him against the closed door with your telekinesis and grabbing him to pull him down by his collar before kissing him,
He froze at first before relaxing into the kiss and moving one of his hands to your jaw, then your cheek. You smiled into the kiss as did he. You don’t think anything could feel better than this.
After what felt like forever you finally pulled back feeling lightheaded after kissing for so long. You opened your eyes only to jump back in fear
Ajax looked mortified as he heard hissing and looked down to see his beanie on the floor. What he didn’t understand was how you weren’t stoned
After your initial shock and after calming down realising you weren’t stoned nor were going to get stoned, the snakes looked at you in almost admiration,
Ajax was still frozen still, did you think his snakes were weird? Terrifying?
‘They’re so cute oh my god’ you said reaching out to his head, the snakes allowed you to lightly pat them with the tip of your finger and Ajax relaxed ‘i don’t even know how I’m not stoned’ you continued.
Ajax smiled as his leaned down to kiss you again. You giggled into the kiss as you felt the snakes tickling the sides of your face, Ajax broke away laughing as well and he hugged you.
‘panemorfi’ he whispers into your hair
‘Gorgeous’ he smiles down at you. You smile back a warmth covering you from head to toe, you always thought it was cute how Wednesday called Enid Cara Mia but being called panemorfi by Ajax it was something else, the way it rolled off his tongue sent shivers down your spine.
You glanced at the clock before glancing back down at the boy who was asleep, his head resting on your stomach. You smiled as you stroked his snakes carefully and lightly. But the sweet moment was cut short as Bianca, Xavier, Wednesday and Enid burst through the door.
You were quick to pull the blanket over Ajax as you didn’t know if he would still stone them while asleep.
‘We’re supposed to be hanging out Y/N, what do you think you’re doing?’ Bianca asked
‘I-um nothing I guess I just fell asleep’ you answered hoping to be convincing
‘You’re a terrible liar Y/N’ Xavier sighed.
All of their eyes widened as they noticed your blanket move that couldn’t have been you. Then they heard yawning
‘What? Why am I-‘
You cut Ajax off by grabbing the beanie you had next to your pillow and shoving it over his face
‘Woah what were you guys doing?’ Bianca asked smiling wickedly
‘I believe the term is cunnilingu-‘
Wednesday attempted to answer before a hand was slapped over her mouth by Enid
You pulled the blanket down revealing Ajax and everyone gasped, Ajax smiled sleepily at them yawning again
‘He wasn’t doing anything I swear he was just asleep on my stomach and he had his snakes out and I didn’t know if they still work when he’s asleep’ you answered.
‘What that’s not possible just say that he was getting a taste of your-‘ Xavier groaned as Enid elbowed him in the stomach.
‘Actually it is possible, some have the ability to not be stoned if the gorgan is in love with them’ Bianca said casually.
You looked down at Ajax with wide eyes as he looked up at you, he looked so cute like this, he looked like a puppy and you smiled at him before tapping his side telling him to get up. He rolled off you before you went to your closet, quickly changing (out of sight) and back towards your friends.
‘You’re welcome to join us Ajax’ Xavier said smiling
Ajax nodded, adjusting his beanie before jogging over to you guys.
As you walked down the hall you, Wednesday, Enid, and Bianca walked in a line and behind you the boys were talking. Faintly thought you all heard a disturbing conversation.
‘So dude do you have like snakes for pubes?’
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A/N ~ Wow two in like a few hours although this one isn’t smut ! Also please know I did use google translate </3
I also will be doing requests as soon as I do a post about boundaries and stuff <3
Thank you whoever said Cara Mia was Italian not Spanish oh my god I’m an idiot 😭
Please let me know if you enjoyed this by Liking, Reblogging, Commenting, or following!
Cara Mia ~ My Beloved {Italian}
Penamorfi ~ Gorgeous {Greek}
Thank you my loves <3
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hushedlover · 2 years
Screaming and Fighting
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader
Summary: You and Xavier were always best friends. And like all best friends you fought. But this fight was different.
A/n: Part 2 may or may not be already in progress but I want to see if you guys like this first.
Edit: Part 2 Here
Requests are open! Send anything in!
Xavier Thorpe is a lot of things. He’s high-strung, talented, smart, cocky, annoyingly handsome, charismatic, charming, and an asshole. But above all, Xavier Thorpe was your best friend. You had been friends for a long time, your families both being wealthy and high class. You grew up together and had originally hated each other. But as you were forced into spending more time together you grew closer. Your hatred bloomed into friendship and then, for you at least, bloomed into a crush. You found your cheeks growing warm whenever you would hug him or when he would share his food with you. As you got older that crush blossomed into something even more. You didn’t want to admit it was love, because that meant admitting he had power over your heart and you couldn’t have that. So you pushed it away and you continued as things were. That meant bullying the hell out of each other like best friends do, which led to a lot of arguments. Especially as you got older, both of you attended Nevermore.
It had been a normal Friday, you were walking back to the school together having spent the afternoon in his art shed. It started off as idle conversation, and then had turned towards the new student who had joined your class. And somehow that exploded into an argument. This fight had been about some decisions of his that you didn’t exactly agree with. You have always supported Xavier. No matter what he did. Of course, you’d give him shit if the choice he made wasn’t great, but you always supported him.
But when he talked about his huge crush on the new girl, Wednesday Addams, something in you snapped. It wasn’t that you didn’t like her. You really did. You admired the way she carried herself, not caring about what anyone thought. That was something you struggled with greatly. But you also didn’t like the idea of her with Xavier. The thought made your gut twist and turn, and your throat burn. So when Xavier mentioned maybe wanting to take her to the Rave’n you did not hesitate to tell him what you thought.
“With her? Really, Xavier? I would hope you would have more dignity than that,” you scoffed, lightly kicking a stone.
He whipped around to look at you, bewildered and offended. “What the hell does that mean?”
You only shook your head.
“No! Y/n tell me what you mean.”
“I just mean… C'mon Xavier. She has this thing going on with Tyler or so I've heard, but honestly, I get vibes that she plays for the other team. What I'm trying to say is she obviously doesn’t like you! You look like a fool running after her like a love-sick puppy.”
Xavier stared at you, his mouth opening and closing like he couldn’t find the words to say to you. But what he said next made it obvious that that wasn’t the case.
“God you are such a bitch! You can’t for one moment be happy for me,” He yelled and pulled at his hair. “First Bianca and now Wednesday! Any girl I like isn’t good enough for me. And you say I look like a fool? You’re constantly trailing me. You're just jealous and clingy and awful! I can’t stand it anymore Y/n! I can’t do it.”
You stood in shock at his words. He had never hurled such hurtful things at you, never. Not even when you fought about his parents, one of the worst fights you had ever had. You could feel the tear well in your eyes and your heart started to burn. You couldn’t, no you wouldn’t let him see you cry. Calling out a “Fuck you, Thorne” you turned and left.
Now here you were walking through the forest trying to clear your thoughts. You had stopped trying to keep the tears at bay long ago. Your cheeks were wet, salty drops rolling down them silently. You weren’t angry. Not anymore. Or at least not at the moment. You were just numb like your body was protecting you from the hurt. You didn’t feel anything. You had picked up the bad habit of shutting down when hurting emotionally from the toxicity that was your family when fighting.
You didn’t know where your feet were carrying you. You didn’t care. Anywhere but where he was. You looked up from the forest floor when you heard voices ahead of you. You glanced up and realized where you were. Fuck. In the distance ahead of you, you saw Xavier’s painting shack. Your legs automatically carried you where you usually went when you were upset. But now that was the very thing upsetting you. Glancing around for who the voices were coming from; you found the people but you wished you never did. There, standing in front of the shack, were Wednesday and Xavier. Even though you knew you shouldn’t, you carefully crept closer and hid behind a tree to listen to their conversation. You were far enough away that they wouldn’t see you but that you could still hear them clearly.
“Are you really going to make me ask?”
“Oh absolutely,” You could hear the smirk in Xavier’s voice, and it made your heart clench.
Ask what? You thought.
“Would you… “ An awkward moment of silence. You furrowed your brows. “Would you possibly consider going to the raven dance with a certain- Would you go to the dance with me?”
You didn’t wait to hear his answer. You knew what it would be. You turned and bolted back into the forest. Who cares if they heard or saw you? Everything hurt. Shame and embarrassment, along with jealousy and agony squeezed your heart. It burned everywhere in your body. It was all too much. Everything around you was blurred. You had no idea where you were going. You didn’t care. The only thought going through your head was to get as far away from them as possible. You were so angry and humiliated. It made your blood boil. Literally. It felt like your blood was boiling. It felt like you were going to explode with all the feelings inside of you. You felt like screaming and punching something as hard as you could. So you did.
The poor victim of your anger ended up being the tree closest to you. And the karma for attacking the innocent part of nature was instant. Pain bloomed across your knuckles and the skin split, and a burning sensation radiated up your wrist to your elbow. You screamed out in pain. And then you screamed again and again and again until all the anger was gone and you were just tired and numb.
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j-ensenackles · 1 year
baby, i'm jealous
pairing: la knight x fem!reader
summary: jealous of the way la knight flirts with other girls, you decide to give him a taste of his own medicine.
word count: 1.9k
warnings: cursing, some sexual tension
a/n: my first fic! i'm really excited about this one, especially since there are like no la knight fics out there. gotta do my boy some justice! i hope you guys like it, and if you do let me know -- i love feedback!
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You weren’t sure what had gotten into you.
Well, that wasn’t totally true. You had an inkling that your actions were spurred by jealousy. At least, that’s what your friends Bianca and Liv attributed your change in attitude to.
“He’s making you crazy, girl,” Bianca began.
You followed her and Liv to an empty table in the catering hall, sitting and setting your plate down.
“Who?” You asked innocently.
Bianca didn’t deign that with a reply, simply giving you a look.
“Look,” you sighed, “I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m just having a little fun.”
“Sure, but don’t you think there’s a better way to get his attention than flirting with other people?” Liv asked, “I mean, you had Jey Uso blushing like a schoolgirl last week. Jey Uso, of all people. Poor guy probably thinks you really do have a thing for him.”
You chuckled at the memory of you walking away from Jey, leaving him red and stuttering. That was an image you’d treasure for a while.
“It’s just for fun. Also,” you pointed your fork at Liv, “I’m not doing it for LA Knight’s attention, if that’s who you’re implying.”
“That’s exactly who I’m implying and you know it.”
“If he gets to flirt with the entire roster, why can’t I?” You asked.
Bianca and Liv exchanged looks.
“You know he’s doing the same thing you are, right? He just flirts with people to get your attention. I think he likes seeing you flustered,” Bianca added.
It was your turn to give her a look.
“I think you’re reading too much into it, B. He barely notices me,” you shrugged, playing indifference.
“I love you, but you’re delusional,” Bianca said, Liv nodding along in agreement.
“Y/N, he’s clearly into you. If you’d pay attention, you’d realize he doesn’t spend half as much time flirting with other girls than he does staring at you,” Liv spoke.
You sighed, poking at your food. Why was it that your feelings for LA Knight were so complicated? You had been into him ever since he came up on the roster from NXT to Smackdown, and you thought he felt the same. That was, until you realized he flirted with everyone else and not just you.
You hated seeing his charming smile directed toward someone else, and the past few weeks had your jealousy bubbling up past restraint. So, you decided to take a page from his own book. Anyone you came across, you flirted with. What was the harm? You were having fun and it didn’t mean anything. Maybe, you rationalized, it would get him to actually pay attention to you.
And yeah, Bianca and Liv had a point. It probably wasn’t fair to your unsuspecting victims – Jey Uso came to mind – but you never went past any boundaries, and your friendships with everyone remained intact.
You watched the object of your conversation now, just over Liv’s shoulder. He was sitting with Bayley, a casual arm draped across her shoulders as she laughed at something he said.
Bianca turned, following your eyes across the room, “Girl, smoke is practically coming out of your ears. Just go after him already.”
Your eyes drifted further across the room, and an idea popped into your head. A (probably) bad one.
“Y/N, no,” Bianca started, again following your gaze, “Cool it with the games.”
Liv’s head whipped around, frantically searching for the object of Bianca’s disapproval.
“What? What is she gonna do?”
You ignored Liv and shrugged, “Why? Knight doesn’t care. Why should I?”
You didn’t wait for a reply. Liv’s continuing questions followed you as you stood and made your way over to Austin Theory, sitting by himself.
“Hey,” you greeted him, standing in front of his table, “Mind if I sit?”
You had to give him credit – Theory shrugged off his confusion with ease.
“Sure,” he nodded.
You smiled, opting to sit next to him instead of across. Theory’s eyebrows shot up, but he scooched over to give you room.
“You looked great in your match earlier,” you began.
You leaned your elbow on the table, angling your body towards his. You made sure to make eye contact, secretly pleased with the way his pupils dilated almost immediately.
“You think so?” Theory grinned eagerly before his cockiness overcame him, “Well, of course I did. Lashley’s a chump.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Knight’s eyes on you instead of whatever Bayley was saying. You smirked. Point Y/N.
“I wouldn’t say Lashley’s a chump. Any guy on the roster would be scared shitless to face him. But you did it. I say that’s impressive,” you leaned a little closer, twirling a piece of hair around your finger.
Theory matched your body language, inching closer.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you let your eyes flicker to his lips for a split second.
That was all it took. Theory grinned like a kid in a candy store. Poor kid was too easy. You felt a little bad, baiting him like this. But Knight’s stare burning into your skin made you pay no mind to the potential wrongness of your actions.
To up the ante, you let your knee graze Theory’s.
“You wanna know something?” you asked.
“What?” Theory’s gaze drifted down to your lips.
“I think…” you feigned shyness, eyes dropping from his and shaking your head, “No, it’s too embarrassing.”
“Nah, it’s alright. What were you gonna say, babe?”
You tried not to physically recoil at the pet name Theory gave you.
You looked up and leaned in, lips to Theory’s ear. Your eyes met Knight’s over Theory’s shoulder – his gaze electric with something you couldn’t place. You noticed his arm was at his side, dropped from Bayley’s shoulder. His jaw ticked, his eyes following your every move. Electricity zinged up your spine at his fervent attention. Checkmate.
“I think you’re by far the hottest United States Champion in history,” your smirk ghosted the shell of Theory’s ear, and you felt the shiver that went down his spine.
“Well, baby, let me show you just how impressive the hottest United States Champion really is,” Theory purred.
“You’re not gonna show her anything, punk,” LA Knight’s voice broke the bubble surrounding you and Theory.
It was your turn to shiver. The authority in Knight’s voice almost had you melting, if not for the annoyance that overtook your initial lust. Your eyes snapped to Knight. He wasn’t looking at you, too busy staring daggers at Theory. Theory turned to him, chest puffing up in an expression of what he probably thought was masculinity. He opened his mouth to reply but you beat him to the punch.
“Excuse me?” You spit out.
“He’s not showin’ you anything,” Knight repeated, eyes never leaving Theory.
“Well, I don’t think that’s for you to decide,” you snapped.
That got his attention. His icy eyes met yours. His jaw ticked as he reached out and grabbed your arm.
"What are you doing?"
“You’re coming with me,” he spoke, pulling you up from your seat and out of the room.
His grip was firm, but not enough to hurt. If you wanted, you could’ve pulled free. But you wanted to follow him, to see what was about to happen. And you suspected Knight knew that, too. Knew how much you were enjoying his attention, his jealousy.
He guided you into an empty room, releasing your arm as the door snicked shut. He turned to you, crossing his arms over his broad chest. The muscles in his arms shifted as he stood, his whole body tense.
“What the hell are you doing?” You huffed, crossing your arms and matching his stance.
“What the hell are you doing? Theory? Really? You could do a lot better than that, doll,” Knight spit out, pinning you with his stare.
You tried to ignore the thumping of your heart at his proximity, his words. Doll. Fuck.
“Why do you care? You seemed to be having a great time with Bayley,” you spat.
He scoffed, “That was – that was nothing.”
“Yeah, okay. It’s not like she was drooling over you or anything,” you rolled your eyes.
The energy in the room shifted as Knight suddenly laughed. Laughed. He was laughing.
You went rigid, arms falling into fists at your sides.
 “What the fuck are you laughing at?”
“I can’t believe it. Wow,” his rich laugh filled the room as he bowled over, holding his stomach.
“What?” You exclaimed, exasperated.
“You’re jealous!”
“What? No! That’s ridiculous,” your voice lacked conviction and you knew it.
Knight’s laughter died, but his smile remained.
“C’mon, doll. I know you are. Why else would you care who I’m talkin’ to?”
Your anger reared its ugly head, and words spilled out before you could stop yourself.
“Why do you care who I flirt with when you flirt with the whole roster? Every single day, Knight, it’s someone new. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of seeing girls drool over you. I’m sick of you not giving me the time of day. I’m sick of you flashing that fucking smile for someone else. Everyone else,” you breathing was labored as you ranted.
Knight’s smile faded, “Do you even know what you’re saying?”
Your cheeks heated, your words catching up to your brain. What did you just do? What did you just admit? If this was a game between you and him, you were losing.
Knight held up a hand, stopping you.
“Hold on. I’m not – that’s not… God, Y/N. Do you know what you do to me? Why do you think I act that way, huh? You ever notice that it's only when you’re in the room? You ever think I just do it ‘cause I’m trying to get your attention?”
You blinked, all anger and embarrassment draining from your system just as quickly as it appeared.
“Wait, what?” You answered dumbly.
Knight scoffed, “Y/N, I do it to get you riled up. I guess I just wanted you to do somethin’ about it.”
“Well, I did.”
“I didn’t mean like that. Not by flirting with Theory,” he spat the name with disgust.
“Jesus, Knight, I thought you were interested in the entire female population but me.”
“No, doll. I’m not interested in anyone but you,” he moved closer, a smile blooming on his face.
Usually, his smile was dangerous. Charming. Sizzling with heat. There were a million adjectives for LA Knight’s smile. This one, however, was sweet. Tentative. Soft. It made your heart ache.
He took a few steps closer, eyes searching yours for something like permission. You stood up straight, back meeting the door. He met you there, hips pinning yours. A million sparks ignited in you, pooling to where your bodies made contact. Your face heated, and you squirmed against the intensity in his eyes that was reserved just for you.
His thick fingers found your belt loops, pulling you impossibly closer. Your hands found his chest, smoothing the material of his t-shirt over hard muscles. His eyes studied your face, gradually dropping to your parted lips. Your gaze dragged over the planes of his cheekbones, the light freckles dotting his tan skin. You refused to look into his eyes, knowing you’d come undone if you did. You swallowed, throat suddenly dry.
“I’m still pissed at you, you know,” your voice was weak, the bite in your words nonexistent.
“Oh, yeah? What can I do to make it up to you, sugar?” His smirk had you weak in the knees.
You were pretty sure if his body wasn’t practically holding yours up, you’d collapse. A rush of adrenaline crashed through you as your gaze flickered from his eyes to his lips and back again.
“I have a few ideas.”
You had never been so glad to be jealous.
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mochinek0 · 9 months
Daminette December 2023: 26-Sparkles
Marinette had moved to Gotham. She had opened up a small shop that had a house in the second story. She would be a seamstress, while making her own comissions on the side. The newest addition to her move, was a puppy. He was still in training. She had heard how dangerous Gotham was and decided to get a guard dog. She had named him Damian.
"Damian!" she cried out, "Damian! Damian, where are you?"
Damian Wayne was annoyed. He was in the park with Titus and somoene kept calling out his name. Titus was starting to bark in response, likely calling attention to him. Damian stood up and decided it was better to confront the person causing a scene.
Damian opened his mouth to shout at them to stop calling his name when an Akita ran up to the girl. She kneel down and hugged it.
"Damian, you're back!" She smiled.
Damian blushed, watched the girl rub the dog's fluffy mane. Her smile shone brightly. Her eyes sparkled with happiness. Most of the time, he saw people with animals, but they're eyes seemed bored. Their pet had become a chore to them. The girl, in front of him, seemed to really care about him. The girl extended her hand, holding out a treat. Damian cleared his throat, drawing her attention.
"You shouldn't give him a treat after." he spoke.
Marinette turned to see a guy standing a few steps away from her. She looked at him confused.
'Was he talking to me?'
"He ran away?" He asked, "Correct?"
Mari nodded, closing the her fingers over the treat, before her dog could get it.
"Giving him a treat will teach him it is okay to run away from you." the boy declared.
"Oh." She replied, frowning, "Sorry. I'm still learning. It's my first time having a pet and I thought I was making progress training him."
'I need to read those training books more when the store gets slow.'
Mari noticed her dog, jumping excitedly, wagging his tail, waiting for his treat. Standing next to the boy was a black dog, remaining still.
'I guess he knows what he's talking about.'
"What exactly are you training him for?" he asked.
"Guard dog." she answered.
"Why?" he questioned.
"Let's just say.....people don't really like me." Marinette spoke, "They will, at first, then they all turn on me. Damian will be my protector."
"So Damian the Dog is-" he began.
"It's just Damian." Mari replied, glaring at him.
He chuckled, "So am I. I thought someone was calling my name, earlier."
"Oh!" she replied, shocked, "I'm so sorry."
"It is quite alright." He stated, "I named my cat after my grandfather. He is called Alfred the Cat. I suppose correcting you was a habit." making her giggle.
"I trained my own dog." Damian declared, "Perhaps I may be of some service."
"Really?" She smiled, "I'd like that a lot. Thank you, Damian the Human."
Marinette turned to her dog, Damian, hiding her blush.
'He's so cute. Why do I keep falling for guys with green eyes that sparkle? Damn, this weakness!'
"Let us exchange numbers." Damian the Human called out, "We need to set a schedule to meet up."
They exchanged numbers. Marinette listed him as Damian the Human.
"Marinette." he poke.
She looked up at him.
"Just testing it out." he smirked, walking away.
Mari flushed and made sure her dog's leash was properly attached before leading him away.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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fleetingvow · 2 years
Hello, I really loved your writing for Wednesday and was wondering if I could request something.
Reader was hurt badly on the final fight and Wednesday gets worried about her, gets emotional just as she did with Thing. She doesn't leave reader's side until she wakes up and when she does she can't help but hold her because she thought that was it for a moment, and maybe confesses her feelings? You can elaborate it as much as you'd like, I'd just like for that to be the general idea, love some hurt/comfort.
Much love. <3
Wednesday Addams x Female Reader.
SYNOPSIS. wednesday addams never cried for anyone, not until she held you fighting for your life, desperately trying to stay alive to return the whispered confession. ( 4.15k words )
NAVIGATION. part one - part two. masterlist.
WARNINGS. major angst. character death ( reader’s ). unproofread. english not being the author’s first language.
NOTE. written in second person’s point of view. another love by tom odell being the angsty essential to produce this fic.
REQUESTED BY. anonymous. thank you for your lovely words, and for trusting my writing to create a perfectly stomach churning plot! do enjoy this work.
LISTEN TO WHILE READING. optional. another love by tom odell.
TAGS. @ryver19 @danysflames
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𝗜𝗙 𝗪𝗘𝗗𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗗𝗔𝗬 wasn’t worried about braving the ancient face of Crackstone before, she definitely was now. Not because she was scared of him. It’s because you were the most idiotic person she knew. What were you doing in a battle that you shouldn’t be in? Were you even aware of what you were getting yourself into? She wanted to know what was going through your mind when you marched in the courtyard without a weapon or anything to protect yourself with. Just a glare that wouldn’t do anything.
The fire burning so fierce dancing with the breeze turned slow. Everything seemed too leisure for her liking when she spotted you standing there. It was as if the world had stopped spinning, but it couldn’t possibly now, could it? Xavier was mad enough to try and help, and now you? What were you going to do? Why were you even here?
You weren’t glaring at the pilgrim. You were glaring at her. The blade that was in her possession had shattered and her attention was turned to you. That was the last thing you needed. You hated Wednesday for being the centre of everything because you knew it meant sacrificing so much, even herself.
She used to love seeing you angry and defeated, but not like this. Not this way when you were getting defeated by the monster that stood before her and not her. Not when your hair moved with the wind so slowly as she met your gaze while watching the fire burn in your eyes in the middle of danger. She felt weaker.
You were a vulnerability. A phenomenon in which she, herself, couldn’t even explain.
Paying attention to the movement in your peripheral view, your eyes darted to the figure, slowly coming to the revelation that it was Bianca, in all her grace, standing not so far away from the distracted pilgrim.
You heard a victorious crackle emit from the old man’s mouth, and that’s when you knew. You quickly turned to Wednesday who was trying her best to suppress her noises of struggle. It just made you angrier. Your heart skipped faster in your chest as your mind ran circles in your head, putting it all into shambles that made it difficult for you to think. This anger had neer been felt by you before. It was suffocating, restricting, and it tightened your chest to the point that you almost gasped for air. That’s when you recalled what you came there for.
To help Wednesday put Crackstone back to where he belongs.
You shut your eyes and found yourself a moment before opening them again. When the young Addams thought you had nothing as a weapon, she was wrong. Locking eyes with the siren, you nodded and lifted a hand to reveal the lustrous object from your back. Using your ability, you passed the dagger to the girl who took the blade, understanding the task that she now shouldered.
However, that didn’t provide you much comfort. Wednesday was looking at death straight in the face and your trembling body didn’t stop to just stand around and watch. Your feet dragged you hastily a few feet away from Bianca.
This caught Crackstone’s attention as he slowly turned his head to you, grinning like he faced the Devil in front of him and made a sacrifice for a deal. You couldn’t even describe the disgust and fear you felt as you saw his face fresh from the dead.
“Those who intrude shall join the abomination in the depths of hell!”
You stared at him, narrowing your eyes as you swallowed your spit cautiously to watch his every little move that could be used against you.
What were you doing? You looked stupid! Wednesday’s furrowed eyebrows already said it all. Her heart pounding in her chest almost ripped her open when she saw Crackstone raising the sceptre in his hand, about to conjure such a damage on you. She hated that she couldn’t do anything but look at you, mentally telling you not to do what it is that you’re going to do and run to safety.
You lifted your arm slightly and tried your best to pull the sceptre away, but all it did was drain your energy and create a tension that you couldn’t even control, yourself. You were pulling his source of power, but it seemed as though your telekinetic ability wasn’t enough to do anything. Crackstone was far more powerful. You didn’t stand a chance.
You raised your other hand and conjured an object to hit him in an attempt to distract his attention from the focus he had on his sceptre. He didn’t budge and destroyed it to pieces.
“Enough!” He shouted and with a move of the mace, you were thrown across the courtyard, your back hitting the stone pillars causing you to descend to the ground with an aching body and a sharp grunt.
“Y/N!” It was unrecognisable as to who yelled for your name, but you were tired.
You were shaking extremely now. The statics ringing in your ears became deafening to the point that you didn’t hear what the next thing was. Your vision got blurry, and dark spots started to patch up your vision. You closed your eyelids shut numerously in an attempt to recover, and as you did so, you caught the bits and pieces of what was occurring right in front of you.
Bianca groaned as she toppled on the ground just the same as her. Crackstone looked unfazed as he stood with a stab, the fiery blaze of fire appearing on his back to his lower chest. He turned and soon, it was your turn as you stood. He took the blade to make use of it, but you weren’t having it. Not to Bianca. Not to anyone in that courtyard, except him.
You swiftly got on your feet, ignoring the statics and the migraine that had formed once you stood up. Your limping feet dragged you in front of the siren as you stopped right there with the dagger whipping past the air at lightning speed.
You were getting sick of lifting your hand, but it was needed this time or anyone in this courtyard is dead. You tried to stop the blade from rushing towards you, and for a second, you thought you did.
That was when you caught the smirk on Crackstone’s face. You knew it wasn’t good. So did Bianca. Your eyes widened in fear, but you didn’t have much time to react.
When with that, the blade pierced through your flesh with the sound of the metal cutting through your skin and burying deep in your body as you let out a shortened gasp. With pursed lips, you looked down and saw the dagger on your lower abdomen. The blood was quickly seeping through your clothes, shining under the joined light provided by the moon, the stars, and the fire that Wednesday thought used to burn in your eyes.
Before you completely succumbed to the dizziness was the sight of Crackstone turning to Wednesday. Then, it blurred. All your eyes could gather was the fire getting fiercer in the form of Crackstone’s figure. Was it fire? You didn’t know, but you heard the low monstrous scream that almost made you let out a victorious cry.
But once the final disappearance of his body started in the blaze, it burst into a powerful surge of what his power once was, causing a strong wave that wiped the fire off the courtyard.
You looked at Wednesday who returned the gesture as she glared at you with her sharp narrowed eyes. You plummeted to the ground shortly after with Bianca rushing over.
Wednesday marched forward and pushed the siren aside in haste as she kneeled down next to you. Your breaths were hitching, your hand laid on the dagger, stained with the red hue of your metallic blood. Beads of sweat started forming on your forehead which felt odd to you as you began to feel colder each minute.
“Don’t you dare pull out the knife,” Wednesday’s command made you groan. You could feel the metal in you, and it was the most discomforting sensation.
Wednesday didn’t know how to act or feel. She didn’t even know what to think, but the fact that you laid there on the ground, bleeding out as you trembled made her lose her mind. She couldn’t have that or else she’d lose her composure.
“I’ll call for help,” Bianca proclaimed before running out of the courtyard.
But that wasn’t the end of it all when you and Wednesday’s ears perked up at the sound of a gun cocking in the distance. And lo and behold was Thornhill with a gun in her hand, aimed at the girl who slowly stood up to confront Laurel.
“You brought a gun to a sword fight. It’s probably the first smart decision you’ve made today.”
“I might not get to kill all the outcasts, but at least I get to kill you, Wednesday.”
You groaned and shut your eyes from the stinging pain, your eyes getting tired to keep wide open as yet another fight occurred. Laurel had her gun pointed straight on Wednesday, but it was as if you didn’t feel the pain when a bee appeared followed by Eugene with his bright smile that seemed to crack the tension into two, replacing the delight of the moon to the shine of the sun.
You could’ve exceeded the amount of the stars of thanking him for saving Wednesday, but your breaths were getting shorter, and you knew there and then that this was probably the last time you’ll ever feel your heart beating in your chest.
You swallowed the lump on your throat. No, you can’t cry. Not now. Not here on the ground.
“Eugene, search the school for an emergency medical kit. Make it quick before I dig a grave.”
Wednesday turned to you, not wasting another minute to rush next to you again. She put her hand on your chest to feel the pound of your hope inside. You didn’t like this weak profile of you in front of the girl you so badly wanted to defeat just because you saw a bit of yourself in her.
( Cue the start of the music )
You always hated your reflection, hence why when she attended Nevermore, she had become nothing but a walking mirror yet also an ironic form of what you despised.
She despised you equally. You always gave her that stare she didn’t like. Wednesday found you to be a scuff on the floor she’d walk past on, but you became addicting to defeat that even winning against Bianca had become pointless when she spotted you in the crowd and challenged you in the archery field.
“It hurts,” you mumbled shakily as you tried your best to hold a noise down your throat.
She hated that. She hated that it affected her. Wednesday shouldn’t care for you, not after all the pent up anger she felt when you were around. Not the anger that made her want to stick around you more in order to rub it in your face that she was so much better than you tried to prove yourself to be.
A noise escaped your lips.
That made her close her eyes. She never did that. She wanted to remove the sight of you in front of her, and she thought it was just because you looked so human — weak. Or was it because of the hurt that she felt in her stomach? She has had enough. She wanted cotton to block her ears from your noise. You had been suppressing the noises, but God, this noise was different now. You were suffering, and it made her stomach churn once she noticed that she knew that.
Why would she know that about you?
“Wednesday,” you called, your voice being something she couldn’t get herself to listen to but still tried.
She opened her eyes and clenched her jaw.
“You’re about to cry.” Wednesday remarked dryly, hiding the fact that it made her want to stab her eyes for noticing such a detail. “It’s unnecessary.”
Who was she kidding? She had an arrow that pierced through the flesh of her shoulder and it already stung. What more a stab that she knew what felt like? Especially twisted. It was an electrocution with tenfold the increased voltage on the maimed part of the body. It wasn’t just that. There was more to it than she saw from you now.
You chuckled. “Yeah, I thought that too.”
You didn’t want things to end like this. Wednesday wasn’t a mirror. She was a similarity that you had an opportunity to know and relate to. You had a chance for her to be your friend, but instead of taking that chance, you looked at her like a competition just because you hated the aspect of yourself that you tried to link with her.
Wednesday tensed up when your bloody hand found hers on the dirty ground. Your fingers touching hers making her head spin faster than the Earth on its axis. There was a sensation there. On the spot that your cold hands inflicted upon the place of contact. A slight feeling that caused her to look down at it, her eyes going from anger to something gentle and unexplainable. You were holding her hand. She wanted to process that in her head.
You were holding her hand.
Wednesday wanted to kill after the contact, because the look you had on your face mirrored hers. She knew it wasn’t a good sign.
“Can we pretend like we didn’t try to kill each other for the whole term?” Your voice was barely a voice. The question had become a whisper that only she could hear.
No, no. You weren’t doing this. She didn’t want it. She didn’t need it. The young Addams never asked for it but why were you doing it? God, you were stubborn. She hated you so much!
But you were you. There was nothing she could do about it. You were your own person, and that’s perhaps . . . Wednesday looked at your joined hands once again. It made her feel.
You made her feel.
Every aspect of you made her feel alive.
She thought she’d known thrill and the concept of romance all her life, but she was sure that every bit and piece of what she knew about it could be matched with this — this fluttery feeling in her stomach. The spark crackling on her skin that you were in contact with. Your eyes sending shivers down her spine. This state of you that angered her so much. Her knees shaking from fear of having no one in Nevermore to compete with once again.
Why did she feel this way?
She was supposed to despise you. Wednesday pursed her lips. She looked down at yours. There was a night that she pondered over why the first thing she kept seeing was your lips when she saw you. Then, after that one thought came the billions in her head when she lied still on her cold bed in the middle of the night that would sometimes even last until the light of dawn. She thought it was just because she hated you.
She thought it was just because you provoked such an emotion in her that was far too complicated for her to comprehend. Now, Wednesday wanted to test a theory, but was there even a theory to be tested, or was it the truth?
“I never hated you.”
She heard laughter from you. Was it funny that she said that? Was that statement pointless to you? Did it mean nothing? Wednesday’s eyes narrowed, her eyelashes doing that thing you usually found amusing.
You looked away and focused on the blanket of stars glinting so brightly above you. You let out a breath, “Huh.”
Should you tell her the truth? “Since I’m dying, I think you deserve the truth.”
That made her look up at you again, tearing her gaze away from your hand again. you almost laughed at her if you weren’t so badly injured now.
“I think I never hated you too, Wednesday.”
If an instrument was checking the pounding of her heartbeat, the machine would have gone crazy as the lines came in shambles. It was the same for you, but how would you know? You — why was she staring at you like that?
Why were her eyes the ones glossy now?
“You’re about to cry.” You commented, ignoring the sharp pain that started to become worse now that you thought was like the one before. You didn’t think much of it. Yes, it was painful, but why would you? “It’s unnecessary.”
You gasped at yet another pain. Your hands clutched hers, making her shift in her spot, her fingers squeezing you back.
That didn’t help your already dying heartbeat. There was more to what you said before, but you had to refrain yourself drom embarrassing yourself in front of her just in case this was the last.
And you were sure this was your last.
You vowed never to fall for the traps of love, most especially its romantic form. You saw and experienced many things that you never wanted to look back on ever again. However, you hated how your wall slowly crumbled down for Wednesday who almost shared the same perspective as you, although hers was more glum and grim. Yours was about the matter of love. Hers was about life.
Maybe this similarity was the reason you managed to be close to her. Not that close. Just this close. Just this in which you’d share the peace in front of the quiet lake without saying another word. Just holding each other’s gazes on occasions and looking away, with you clearing your throat and her bumping your shoulder to the point that it would ache later on for no reason. Just stealing glances at certain times while the other was accompanied by another at the Rave’N. Just fighting most of the time. Just acting like nothing happened the next. Just ignoring each other’s presence while looking back when walking past each other in the corridors of Nevermore.
You gasped, “I can’t — ” You panted for air again, “Breathe.”
“Don’t speak.” Her trembling hand removed its grip from yours as she stood up, frantic yet graceful when she spotted and obtained the blade she banished Crackstone with on the ground. The girl cut the edge of her long skirt and proceeded to take a long piece, careful not to make her own shorter than it should be.
She then proceeded to kneel down next to you. No, you weren’t leaving her hanging like this. Your truth was barely the truth, and she wnated to hear from you. She badly wanted to hear your voice again in full volume, in that pitch that she always knew.
Wednesday cried for Thing, but God, you? She knew she’d fill an ocean. This couldn’t be happening to her again.
She hated you now. She hated how scared you were making her feel in that moment. Were you even aware of what you were doing to her? She was supposed to be in her best composure, handling this in a graceful way that wouldn’t require her to shake so much, to curse in her head just because you were struggling.
Why did she care?! She cared so much it was too unnecessary, and her eyes were starting to water from this sight of you.
The girl wrapped the cloth around the knife that she couldn’t pull out. She put pressure on the spot but her heart dropped to her stomach the most when a tear escaped your eye.
Wednesday’s eyes widened. She quickly took you by the shoulders and laid your head on her lap in a hurry. Now was the time that she didn’t know what to do the most.
You couldn’t leave her like this.
She couldn’t bear it. She wouldn’t.
She wanted to spend another moment alone in the quiet in front of the lake, staring at your reflections and stealing glances over the water.
She wanted to ponder about you at night, questioning why it was your lips first that she captured when she looked back at you when you passed by each other in the hallways.
She wanted — no, demanded to see your annoying face that kept popping up in her nightmares and daydreams to show up beaming at her, laughing at some stupid joke someone told.
Your life story can’t just end like this.
What was she to do without you? Wednesday could imagine a world where it was just you and her living off the taunts of each other, competing to wind, but enjoying each other’s company.
She envisioned you laying your head on her shoulder after a long exhausting day, ranting to her about how your day went. She could envision herself just nodding, being the same old her that people often thought did not care enough.
Did you care enough?
Because she did. Enough to hold you in her arms, to embarrass herself in front of you.
How the mighty have fallen for the graces of someone like you? You thought.
“If you die on me, I will make history repeat itself just to bring you back and I'll stab you again myself.”
You used what bit of your energy was left to quirk your lips up to form a curve. You liked Wednesday.
It was clearer than the water you occasionally stared at for hours in her company.
“Out of all the people in the world, the ones I share the same blood with, used to tell my secrets to,” you quietly gasped for air to continue, “This, Wednesday Addams . . .”
Your clutch on her arm was starting to loosen as your eyelids started to slowly drop down to meet the darkness.
“This is the only time I feel given a damn about.”
Wednesday’s eyes didn’t know which to focus on. They darted on the dagger, the blood, the cloth, your eyes, your parted lips — “Y/N?” That was the first time her call for someone had a frantic frightened tone.
Your hand on the ground without another sign of movement was a touch of something that amde her feel as if someone had poured acid in her stomach. Her hand made its way to your cheek, not caring whether the blood on her hand got on your face.
Why weren’t you waking up? Why weren’t you opening her eyes and shooting up from the ground to tell her that you were just joking? She didn’t care if it was a fucked up prank, as long as she knew you were still there.
But no, God no, you weren’t.
“Wake up, Y/N.”
She shook you, but there was nothing. She placed two fingers on the side of your neck to check your pulse but she couldn’t get any sign of it.
A tear fell.
Wednesday halted. The girl touched her cheek, wiping the drop of what she vowed never to do again and leisurely examined her finger that shone with the wet surface because of the tear.
There she knew.
Wednesday wished she had realised it before, but no, it took you reaching the end of your own life story before she could even understand.
She knew a bit about you.
She knew you were Y/N and that you used to live in a small home in a small town in Romania where you had a family that pushed you around just because you were an outcast. That you had a gift that none of them could accept, for it was deemed to be witchcraft or that it made them insecure to use as a reason to make you feel small.
She knew you used to have friends who spilled all your secrets that made you fall from your grace. From being at the top down to the six foot level underground.
She knew you had a fling. She knew it didn’t end well. She knew your family put you in Nevermore to get rid of you and find yourself.
She knew that you cried yourself to sleep, knew that you believed that no one cared.
She knew what was going on in the back of your mind when you wiped away your tears in front of the lake.
Wednesday just wished she never looked away when she saw who you were. She wished she never resisted what it was that she felt.
Because what you went through? She knew it was that much of a cut and the stab that Crackstone had done to you was the thousandth.
Or maybe it was the words that were left unsaid?
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AUTHOR’S NOTE. part two will be coming up soon! this will be edited tomorrow since it’s so late already and i have to wake up in about four hours again. if you want to get tagged for the next part, just leave a comment. thank you!
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smizzy · 2 years
no words
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i been doin that brazilian dance on tiktok hmu if you wanna battle ive been practicing
You know dating Wednesday Addams comes with more lows than highs but you don't seem to be picking a fight, although she doesn't show emotion -generally speaking- but you can tell by the neutral comments she makes, or the loving -cold- stares, letting you copy her homework when you don't feel in the slightest mood to put your brain to work, maybe on a good morning she'd greet you with a kiss and leave you with a kiss at the end of the day.
But now, during this time you wouldn't say you and Addams aren't on speaking terms from a heated disagreement that left you both even Thing in disturbing silence. You were sitting on her bed while she was doing her daily 1-hour writing but since the argument it would be a 10-hour writing or maybe until one of you apologize you were thinking so many thoughts you didn't notice Thing silently move towards you signing that 'it felt weird, maybe you should talk to her' You're thinking about it for a quick minute but if you remember very vividly she was the one who popped off on you, said majority of the words being said, didn't acknowledge your presence before and still doesn't now.
You shook your head to Thing and put on an annoyed face and mouthing a "she started it. So she should." Crossing your arms over your chest seeing Thing go back, sorry's from Wednesday Addams were only said if it was needed and you knew a sorry wasn't what you were gonna get. You kept thinking of what to do around Nevermore knowing Enid, Yoko, and Bianca were out doing whatever and Weems has the whole school on lock down.
An idea popped up in your head saying you were gonna leave and even though you didn't have no where else to go except your own dorm it would be better than staying in a tormenting dorm room, You already felt annoyed from the silence. Motioned to Thing to moved to your side of the bed and told him your idea he looked like he didn't wanna get punished by Wednesday but was still willing to go along.
Picking up your shoes from the side of her bed and grabbing your sweater from a coat rack all the way in the webbed corner of her side and if you looked back a little faster you'd see the Addams girl looking at you up and down not wanting to say anything but she definitely didn't want you leaving and instead looked at Thing to which he shrugged back.
"Where are you going." "Out?" "It's past curfew." "mmmkay?" "It's a lockdown tonight so you should wait." "Since when do you care about those"
She stood up now so you two were both standing facing each other, as she looked up right into your eyes trying to find an answer you already had the urge to kiss her lips, wondering lovingly if those colored lips would smudge yours but kept it together because you still felt annoyed that now she wants to speak to you.
"Since when do you wish to leave the room so badly." "I'm not going to argue with you on this right now, if you need time to sort stuff ou-" You didn't even know she grabbed your uniform collar making you lean forward til you felt a pair of lips meeting yours, a soft kiss that lasted a little bit more than a 'peck' And you knew she purposefully made it longer than it should've but you weren't even complaining in the slightest, feeling like an hour already she finally let go of your purple striped uniform and pulled away already looking back into your eyes again.
"You still want to go?" "mm yes! actually as a matter of fact" You were joking of course because now you were intrigued with those kisses. She could not believe what she was hearing right now so she devised her final plan: to hug/trap you in her room at least until Enid came back which you both didn't know when she would return. Opening her arms in a swift motion and wrapped them around your waist while she was listening very closely into your beating heart, confused clearly you just missed the whole thing. "Don't go" "Please" You didn't want to fold into the hug but once you heard that last word coming out of her muffled mouth you couldn't help but bringing your arms out and embracing her, though it sounded more of an order than a question you'd rather be happily in love with your girlfriend who wants you 25/8 but would never admit it but that's okay because you know she knows that you know now....yea
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lemoncrushh · 4 months
That Sunday, That Summer
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Summary: Kelly's roommate Bianca talks her into participating in a celebrity charity scavenger hunt that Harry Styles surprisingly attends.
Warnings: None! This is pure fluff!
Word Count: 6.1k+
A/N: Inspired by the Nat King Cole song. Harry x OC, written in first person. Originally posted in 2020 (I was not writing reader fics then).
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If I had to choose just one day...
I hadn't planned on going. Sundays were usually reserved for me time. And this particular week had been grueling; I needed the day to chill and unwind. Besides, the new novel I'd decided to pick up on my way home on Tuesday was calling my name.
But Bianca had insisted I join her.
"It's for a good cause," she whined that Saturday evening after dinner as I loaded the dishwasher. "You'd be helping people, and isn't that what you're all about?"
I chewed on the inner side of my cheek. My roommate knew my weaknesses and soft spots.
"I hear a few celebrities are even joining in," Bianca added, wiggling her eyebrows.
I chuckled. "Celebrities are interested in spending their Sunday going on a scavenger hunt?"
"If it's for charity, yeah. Besides, we have an odd number of people who've signed up. If the teams aren't even, it won't be fair!"
Turning to look at her, I put my hand on my hip. "And what if I show up and so does someone else, and it's still uneven?"
Bianca rolled her eyes and groaned. "Pleeease Kel! You'd be doing me a huge favor if you go!"
"Why's that exactly?" I questioned.
"Because...I sort of already signed you up."
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So that Sunday morning in early June, I reluctantly got out of bed way before the time I normally would, and by nine a.m., I was standing in an empty parking lot next to Bianca as we waited for instructions. The sun was still behind a cluster of clouds, allowing for a mild morning, but I knew within a couple hours I would be sweating through my t-shirt.
"So...when do we get this show on the road?" I asked Bianca impatiently.
"I think we're still waiting...on some people..." she muttered, looking around at the group that had gathered before gesturing toward the tall woman wearing a headset and holding a tablet. "Then Marla will divide us into teams."
"Great," I sighed.
"C'mon girl, it's gonna be fun," Bianca smiled, looping her arm through mine.
Holding back a yawn, I watched as Marla turned suddenly, and a string of people exited the building behind her.
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, recognizing the familiar faces.
"I told you!" Bianca giggled, squeezing my arm.
"Yeah but...I didn't think..."
It wasn't completely unheard of to come across a celebrity now and then. Not in Los Angeles. I'd seen a few since moving there. But they'd usually been out of reach, just a glimpse for a millisecond before I had time to digest who it was, and they were out of sight.
I caught the blush in Marla's cheeks as she turned toward the crowd again, and the line of famous faces took their places on either side of her.
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming!" she announced into her microphone. "For this very special event, for a worthy cause, we've had the overwhelming pleasure of recruiting these six very kind, and very generous people to join us. Please give a warm welcome to..."
My mind was in a fog. I heard Marla announce the names, each celebrity nodding and waving, but it sounded far away, like at the end of a tunnel in some celestial world in a dream. This couldn't be real.
But yet, here they were. Right in front of me. Swallowing hard, I finally made my own connections in my brain as to whom they were: a mix of actors, musicians and other personalities. But it was the man who stood on the far right that I was most in awe over. Dimples displayed on his cheeks as he smiled, dark stubble adorning his handsome face, curls all a mess around his head resembling a disheveled halo, he looked like an angel.
"Can you believe Harry fucking Styles is here?" I suddenly heard Bianca squeal in my ear, like the pop of a balloon.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I exhaled through my teeth.
"I actually didn't know for sure. There were rumors, but I didn't wanna get my hopes up."
The two of us listened to Marla as she explained how the game was played, and what the ultimate goal was. Though it was a competition, we had to remember it was for charity, and to have fun.
"We will now divide into six teams," she said before addressing the celebrities again. "If the team captains wouldn't mind calling out the names on your lists."
The first actor took the mic, calling out his team. Neither Bianca nor I were called. I felt her arm slip from mine as she took my hand instead, threading our fingers. Three more celebrities created their teams, leaving just two, with Bianca and I yet to have made a team.
"I think I'm gonna be sick," I muttered, trying to take in a deep breath.
"I feel ya girl," whispered Bianca. "But hey, even if we don't get Harry, it's okay, right?"
"Of course," I chuckled, though it was a feeble attempt.
When the woman standing next to Harry read off her list of names, and Bianca and I were not on it, I felt like I could pass out.
"Please tell me you had something to do with this, B!"
"I swear, I didn't!" she promised with wide eyes. "I helped with the scheduling and all, but I didn't have anything to do with the teams or the celebrities. I'm not that lucky."
"I guess that means the rest of you lot are mine," I heard Harry say with a giggle.
Bianca and I eyed each other, letting out giggles of our own. Calling out the final names, I heard Harry say ours, his sweet accent making mine sound better than I'd ever heard it spoken before.
In a momentary daze, I'd forgotten what to do next until I felt Bianca jabbing me in the side to get me to move. Following the other members of our team, we gathered near Harry as he began to greet everyone individually. Mentally shaking off some nerves, I psyched myself into believing he was just another person, like anyone else.
"Hi, I'm Kelly," I said when it was my turn, holding out my hand.
"Hello Kelly, I'm Harry."
I shouldn't have looked at his face then, because his eyes were blinding. Like magnets, they seemed to pull me in until I felt as though I was melting down a precipice of oozing syrup and honey. Nope, definitely not like anyone else. Help.
Whether I'd muttered the word aloud or not, I'll never know, but Bianca came to my rescue as she introduced herself as my friend as well as a member of the charity organization. Releasing my hand, Harry smiled and shook hers, declaring he was happy to meet us all and have us on his team. After Marla made her final announcements, Harry turned to his group, cutting the tension by making a joke and causing us all to laugh.
"Let's have fun, alright?" he suggested, lifting the papers in his hand and handing them out. "Looks like there's some pretty easy things on this list, others not so much. But we'll do our best."
"I already have something on this list," announced another woman on our team, reaching into her purse. Producing a Dum Dum, she beamed. "Lollipop!"
"Good job, Trisha," grinned Harry. "Hold onto that, and we can check that off our list."
Trisha's face went red as she dropped the candy back into her bag and drew an X on her paper. I smiled to myself, knowing that not only was she proud of her finding, but that Harry had remembered her name so quickly.
"Now, shall we venture out?" Harry asked, turning for the sidewalk.
With unanimous nods, the five of us followed Harry, stopping at the corner.
"Are we supposed to stay as a group?" asked one of the men, whose name I'd learned was Donte.
"I don't think we have to," replied Bianca.
"No, that's up to you," Harry turned to face us. "We just don't wanna double up on anything. That would be a waste of time. So if you wanna split, we'd have to divide up the list."
"I think we should stay together," I piped up. "At least...for now."
"Me too," added Trisha.
"Alright," Harry grinned, our eyes locking again. "Let's see how it goes together for the first hour or so. Then if we need to split up, we will."
Nodding, I bit my lip. I could tell Donte was not happy with my decision, but we'd only just started. I didn't want to risk being separated from Harry already. This was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me.
As we walked, we all chatted a bit, though it wasn't that easy with six people. The sixth man who made up our group I finally learned was Trisha's fiance, Brian. He was pretty quiet, and I assumed he'd only tagged along for Trisha's sake.
"So it looks like the only rules are that we can't purchase anything," I heard Harry say from the front of the line. "If we find anything we can't take with us, we can take a picture of it."
"Oh good, 'cause look!" I exclaimed, pointing to a chalkboard sign that stood outside of a restaurant. "Ice cream!"
Harry and the rest of the team looked at the sign, noticing the big multi-colored chalk drawing of an ice cream cone. Then turning his head back to me, his green eyes sparking, he smiled, making me melt once again.
"Good one," Harry nodded. "Very clever."
"Thanks!" I beamed, standing up straight with pride.
"Mind taking a picture of that, Kelly?" he asked me.
"Oh, sure," I fumbled with my crossbody bag, digging inside for my phone as the sound of my name from his pillowy lips made me weak in the knees. Finally, retrieving my cell, I snapped a couple of pics from different angles for good measure. As I zipped up my bag again, lifting my head, I saw Harry marking off his list, the rest of the team walking ahead. Looking up at me, his lips stretched into another winning smile.
"Hey guys," I suddenly heard Bianca call. "There's a boutique here. We could probably get one of the shopping bags."
"Oh yeah," I muttered, grabbing my list. We needed three different shopping bags.
"Come with me," she ordered, a slight smirk on her face.
Bianca quickly took me by the hand and led me inside the store, leaving Harry and the others outside.
"Go girl!" she cheered in a loud whisper.
"He's into you!"
I rolled my eyes incredulously. "Oh, give me a break."
"I'm serious! After you found the chalkboard, he couldn't stop looking at you. He was still checking you out when I turned around just now."
"He was not checking me out," I scoffed.
"Whatever girl, be in denial." Traipsing off to the register, Bianca asked the cashier for a shopping bag. I pretended to be interested in a display of scarves until she reached the door and gestured for me.
When we stepped outside, however, the crowd seemed to have multiplied. Glancing around in confusion, I quickly learned why. Harry had been spotted. Watching the handful of people getting their photos taken with him, the rest of us waited by the curb.
"Is this gonna happen all day?" inquired Donte.
"He's famous, dude, what do you expect?" said Brian, surprising us all. "It was only a matter of time."
"Yeah, but our time is limited. And if we have to keep stopping..."
Harry strode up to us then, his tall frame casting a shadow on the sidewalk. "Sorry about that. I was trying to hurry it along. Sometimes they get a bit chatty."
"No worries," I smiled.
"I have an idea," Bianca offered. "I say we go ahead and try to mark off all the things on the list that we know we have to do as a group. Like all the group photos and stuff. We can probably get the other two shopping bags as well. Then we can split into pairs."
"Pairs?" I whispered, earning me a wink from her.
"Sounds good to me," Trisha shrugged.
"Me too," Donte echoed.
"I say we head across the street," Bianca pointed. "We can probably get the rest of the shopping bags, and maybe someone can take our picture with someone in uniform."
Waiting for the light to change, I saw the sun come out from behind the clouds for the first time that morning. I sighed, half wishing it would have stayed cool and overcast, but as we crossed the street, I caught Harry putting on his sunglasses, and I changed my mind.
We found the other shopping bags quickly, and as luck would have it, I spotted a woman in Army fatigues coming out of a coffee shop. She was taken aback when we asked her for a photo until we explained what we were doing. With a hesitant smile (and a hug from Harry), she agreed, so we all lined up on either side of her and asked a passerby to take our group picture (who also got one with Harry).
Within the rest of the hour, we were able to find a fast food menu, a napkin from a restaurant, a sale flyer, a photo of someone getting into an Uber, and a picture of a capital V.
"Um...how are we supposed to take a picture of everyone in one bathroom stall?" Trisha asked timidly.
Harry's laugh rang out like a songbird, and had I not been watching where I was going, I might've run into a parking meter. Removing his sunglasses, Harry's green eyes sparkled like diamonds in the sunshine, and the corners crinkled as he chuckled with glee.
"I actually have an idea for that," he began, pointing further down the block. "There's a restaurant down that way that makes amazing tacos. I happen to know the owner, and I also happen to know the men's toilet is very clean and has two stalls. I suggest we break for lunch - my treat, of course - and take our selfie while we're there."
I couldn't stop the smile from spreading on my face, not just from his generosity and cleverness, but the adorable way he pronounced "tacos".
"Aw man, I know that place," said Donte. "And you're right, they got some bad ass tacos."
"Then what are we waiting for?" asked Bianca. "I'm starved!"
Making a beeline for the crosswalk, Bianca and Donte led the group, followed by Trisha and Brian, leaving Harry and me to bring up the rear.
"Having fun so far, Kelly?" Harry inquired as we walked side by side. His close proximity sent electricity to my skin, and I found myself rubbing my right arm, though I was far from cold.
"Very much," I nodded, once again trying to psych myself out. So what if he'd smiled at me? He smiles at everybody. And he's...got a great smile...for heaven's sake! "This is very nice of you."
"Oh, it's my pleasure. I was beginning to think Donte didn't like me very much."
With a giggle, I looked up at him, noticing he'd placed his shades on his head, serving as a headband for his curls.
"I was thinking he wasn't too fond of any of us, to be honest," I commented. "But he seems to have mellowed in the last hour."
"Oh, so you didn't know him already?"
I shook my head. "No. Only Bianca. She's my roommate."
"I see," remarked Harry. "I was under the impression she was with him."
"Who, Donte?" I laughed. "No, they'd never met either."
Tilting his head, Harry seemed to study the pair far ahead of us, then looked back at me. "They seem to be getting along pretty well now."
Watching my friend, I noticed the way she was chatting with Donte, laughing at something he'd said before touching his bicep. If I knew Bianca - and I was sure I did - that was a signature flirting move.
"Yes, they certainly do," I agreed.
Just then, I heard the faint sounds of sneakers pounding on the concrete before I turned to see two young girls running toward us, their chests heaving.
"Oh my God, it's him, it's really him!" one of them screamed.
"Harry, look out!" I warned, afraid they were going to come right at him and knock him over.
"It's alright, love," I heard him say softly before he turned around, his hands out like he was ready to catch someone if need be. "Slow down, please."
"Oh my God, I'm sorry!" the first poor girl choked, already in tears.
"It's really you!" breathed the other one.
"It's me," Harry chuckled low, his kindness turned up a notch. "Hello. How are you?"
"Great, we love you so much!"
"So much! Your album is the best!"
"Thank you, I love you too. Please catch your breath," said Harry. "I don't want anyone to pass out."
"Sorry!" the first girl squeaked, still trying to get her bearings.
"Don't apologize. What's your name?"
"Chloe," added girl number two.
"Alicia and Chloe, it's lovely to meet you both," Harry said sincerely. "Now, I have something important I'm working on, and I have to get going. Did you want a picture?"
"Yes, please. If you don't mind." Chloe clutched her sparkly phone case in her hand as I stepped up to her.
"I'll take it for you," I offered, holding out my hand. "So you can both be in it."
"Oh, thank you so much!"
With a nod, I took her phone as the three lined up for the photo, Harry putting his arms around each of the girls. Snapping several shots in a row so Chloe had a few to choose from, I then zoomed in a bit and took a few more.
"Here you go," I smiled, giving Chloe her phone back.
"That's so nice of you, thank you!" she said again.
"Of course, no problem," I declared just as I looked down and spotted the girl's shoes. "Harry, look!"
"Ah, you've done it, again!" cheered Harry, nudging my arm.
Alicia and Chloe both looked at us perplexed as I asked, "Mind if I take a picture of your shoes? I'm playing a game, and I need something with a zebra print."
"Um...sure?" Chloe replied hesitantly.
After snapping the photo, we thanked the girls who then thanked Harry again before waving goodbye. Resuming our trek up the sidewalk, Harry spoke.
"That was very nice of you, by the way."
"Oh, it was nothing. Those girls are just like me. I'm a fan too."
"Of mine?" Harry raised a brow.
"Oh heck no, Bradley Cooper!" I chaffed, side-eyeing him to see his reaction before letting out a snicker.
Despite the shake of his head, Harry's dimples were on full display as he laughed at my jab.
"You're funny," he remarked.
I threw my head back, calling out to the sky. "Oh thank God, someone thinks I'm funny! I'm the only person who laughs at my jokes."
With another chuckle, Harry placed his hand on the small of my back. "C'mon, Funny Girl, let's go. The rest of the team is probably already at the restaurant."
While I didn't consider myself a comedian, or even particularly funny, the fact that I'd gotten Harry Styles to laugh was the highlight of my day - perhaps of my life. And though his hand slipped from my waist as quickly as he'd touched it, the tiny gesture was tender and left a feeling of warmth on my skin, even through my t-shirt.
When we reached the restaurant, Harry held the door for me, and just as suspected, the group was already gathered at a table, munching on chips and salsa.
"Where were you slow pokes?" Bianca asked with an unspoken accusation.
Rolling my eyes, I explained about the fans just as Harry arrived at the table with a plump latino man in an apron.
"This is Frederico," he announced in a semi-believable Spanish accent, patting the man on the back. "He makes the best tacos in all of California. And he says we're welcome to as many as we like."
Frederico laughed and nodded in agreement, handing out menus to the table.
"A friend of Harry's is a friend of mine," he declared, making us all cheer.
Our team of six devoured more than two dozen tacos while we shared good conversation. Everyone was glad to hear any story Harry had to share, but he was good at shifting the topic to someone else, wanting to learn more about each of us. Just within that half hour or so, I decided I liked him. Not that I hadn't liked him before. I was a fan after all, despite my joke earlier. But now I was getting to know him a little bit personally, and the vibes he gave off were very pleasant and right up my alley.
"So after this, we break off into pairs, right?" asked Donte.
I took notice of the look he gave Bianca. I almost smirked until Harry's voice answered his query.
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. That is...if Kelly doesn't mind being my partner."
My eyes wide, I bit my lip as I felt Bianca kick me under the table. Facing Harry, I thought I might melt down my chair like the queso we'd been eating. Though his expression looked nonchalant, not even a twitch of a smile on his lips as he rested his chin in his hand, his eyes seemed to dance with joviality underneath the fluorescent lights.
"Um...sure," I said casually, reaching for my soda. "I don't mind."
I caught a glimpse of his left dimple, pushed back by the tiniest of smirks just before he lifted his glass to his lips. I wondered to myself how long I could possibly continue to stare at him if no one else was at the table. But alas, we were not alone, and I could already feel the blood rushing to my neck as Brian reminded us we still needed to take that group selfie.
Rising from the table, I dropped my paper napkin onto my plate as I watched everyone else walk single file to the restrooms. Suddenly recalling my phobia of confined spaces, I worried I might not be able to include myself in the group photo. Wringing my hands, I grasped at the extra stack of napkins, already feeling myself sweating.
"You coming, Kelly?" I heard a voice ask.
I knew it was Harry's, but I didn't look up at him just yet. Instead, I merely nodded as I dropped the wad of napkins onto the table, slowly making my way around it. Inhaling slowly, I blinked and exhaled in the same fashion.
"Hey. You alright, love?"
"Huh?" This time I lifted my head, Harry's calm face coming into view as I tried to focus. His arm was reaching out for me as I hoped to God the tacos I'd just eaten weren't planning an unfortunate encore.
"Yeah, I'm...fine," I gulped. "I'm just...oh God, how embarrassing..."
"What's wrong, Kelly, are you sick?"
Shaking my head, I wiped at my brow. "No. Just...claustrophobic."
"Shit. We probably shouldn't do this then."
"No, I'll be fine," I argued. "I can do it. For the team."
Harry chuckled as he rubbed my arm. "It's just a game, love. It's one photo. We don't have to take it."
"Come on, guys!" Donte called from the men's room, holding the door open. "The stall is huge! We can definitely all fit in here."
Though Donte's affirmation was reassuring, it was Harry's hand that caressed my forearm from my elbow to my wrist that had the most calming effect. Taking another deep breath as I watched his ringed fingers travel up and down my skin, I nodded.
"Yes, we do have to do this," I told Harry. "I can't let down my team."
Beaming at me like a child at Christmas, Harry pulled me close, squeezing my body against his in a one-armed hug as he placed a sweet kiss on the top of my head.
"Such a trooper, you are," he murmured. "I've got you if anything happens. Stand in front of me, okay?"
Releasing myself from his hold, I gazed up at him and nodded with a smile. Then following Donte into the bathroom, I giggled when I saw the rest of the group already inside the stall. Taking a gander at its size, I felt dumb or ever being nervous. Still, I did as Harry had said, and stood in front of him, facing the stall door. Then because he was the tallest, only by an inch maybe, Brian was the one who lifted his phone and snapped the selfie, all of us looking up and giving our cheesiest grins.
Nobody needed to know, not even Bianca, though she was my friend, and it was probably undetectable in the photo anyway, but Harry had looped his arm around my waist right before Brian snapped the picture. He'd held it there as he'd lifted his other hand to make a peace sign, and continued to keep it there long after he'd dropped that other hand to push my hair from my neck to whisper in my ear, his breath tickling my flesh and sending my heart into orbit.
"You okay?" he asked, his lips practically kissing the back of my ear.
"Yeah," I whispered back.
Oh, yeah. I was more than okay.
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"You mentioned you work at a law firm?" Harry inquired after we'd split into pairs and divided up the remainder of the list.
We were walking in a more residential area, and I was hopeful we might be able to find a few domestic items as well as plants or flowers.
"Yeah," I replied, "I'm a paralegal at a medical malpractice firm."
"And you enjoy it?"
I shrugged. "Can't complain. I never really set out to do it or anything, like it wasn't my life's goal. But I started as a receptionist and eventually took some courses and...it's a good job."
"How long have you been there?"
"Seven years." Stopping in my tracks, I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear as I gazed straight ahead. "Jeez, has it been that long?"
Harry chuckled, as I shrugged.
"Anyway," I continued, my feet taking me ahead as well, "like I said, it's a good job. I like the idea of helping people, so it's much better than say, working for a criminal lawyer or something. I'm not sure I could do it knowing the defendant is guilty of a crime."
"But if they weren't, you'd still be helping them," Harry commented.
"I suppose so," I tilted my head. "Some of these families though...they lost loved ones; they're grieving. We're able to give them just a little bit of peace...and that makes me happy."
"You're a good soul, Kelly."
Looking up at him, I smiled. "Thanks. So are you. That's why we're here, right? Or at least you are. I'll admit, Bianca dragged me here. But she knows my weakness."
"Scavenger hunts?" Harry snorted.
"No, silly," I cackled, unable to stop myself from lightly slapping his arm. He didn't seem to mind as his infectious smile remained on his gorgeous face. "Helping people."
"Ohhh, right," he giggled, lifting his finger to scratch his nose. That was when I noticed the adorable way the tip of his nose wiggled when he tried to talk through his laugh. I found myself itching with the desire to kiss it.
"And here I thought maybe you were here because of me," he remarked.
"You? I didn't even know you were coming," I confessed. "That was just...a pleasant surprise."
I caught a miniscule of a blush on his cheeks before he looked down and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Well, I mean...I'm no Bradley Cooper, but..."
Throwing my head back, I laughed heartily. "Oh my God, you're a dork!"
Before I could rebuttal, something caught my eye to the left, so I wandered to a nearby gate where it looked as though the home owners had a garden. When I stepped closer, I saw them, my breath catching.
"Look, Harry!"
I felt his body standing behind mine as his hands wound around the iron bars of the gate. We stared in silence for a few moments, watching the bed of daffodils sway in the breeze.
"Wow, you're good," I finally heard him say.
"Thanks. They're my favorite..." I turned to face him, suddenly realizing how close he was, "...flower."
I could barely see the irises of his green eyes as he looked down at me, his focus on my mouth. I knew it was, because mine was on his. His body was pressed to the front of mine, my back against the gate. If I'd even dared to move, I wouldn't have been able to. His fists remained on either side of me, holding onto the gate as he seemed to lean closer, or perhaps it was wishful thinking. I wondered if he was going to kiss me. I wanted him to, and yet a voice seemed to sing inside my head, telling me to go on and kiss him. Suddenly, his eyelids blinked and his gaze traveled up my face to look me in the eye.
"Um..." he swallowed, "let's...take a picture...of the flowers, I mean."
Releasing his grip on the bars, he stepped back from me. I'd never felt such a cold chill as I cleared my throat and reached for my phone in my bag.
Harry and I continued on our quest after I took the photo, and though we still made small talk, it felt awkward. Or maybe it was just me.
After taking a photo of a lovely lavender wreath on someone's door, I decided to say something that had been on my mind since before the daffodils.
"Harry," I said, in front of the neighbor's hedgerow.
"Yes?" Turning to look at me, he noticed I had stopped. Then walking closer, his mouth turned down with a look of concern on his face. "Something wrong?"
"I just want you to know," I declared sincerely, "that I think you're way better than Bradley Cooper."
His beautiful eyes squinted a mere second before the gorgeous smile grew on his lips. His laugh was delicate, a mix of a chuckle and a giggle, more like a titter...a teehee? A sniggle? Is that even a word? Whatever it was, I adored it, and I was glad I'd caused it.
I dared to step closer to him just as he held a hand out and grabbed mine, pulling me to him.
"You're great, you know that?" he said to me, not really waiting for a response, though I gave one anyway.
"I am?"
With a nod, he brushed my cheek with the back of his hand before tucking my hair behind my ear.
"I'm really glad you came, Kelly," he conceded.
"Me too." And there went the melting all over again, the oozing of his words like maple syrup running down to my toes.
Harry held my hand for the rest of the afternoon, at least until we got back on a main road, where no doubt he could be spotted again. We'd managed to check off several more things from our list, leaving only a couple before calling it a day.
Meeting the rest of the team again at the restaurant, we headed back to the parking lot with our complete list. Donte and Bianca had had a lucky streak, finding all of their items. Brian and Trisha had only missed one.
Trudging as a team to our final destination, I felt fatigued, much like I did after leaving a concert at the end of the evening. I felt a bit melancholy for the ending, but still exhilarated from the experience. And my declaration to Harry hadn't been a lie. I was definitely glad I'd come. Just sad that it was over.
Even more sad that I might not ever see him again.
Turning our lists into Marla, she smiled and thanked us all for coming. Unfortunately, another team had won, managing to check off every single item and leaving an hour earlier. Though a bit of a disappointment, we knew what really mattered.
"Kelly," I heard in a raspy voice behind me as Bianca and I said goodbye to Trish and Brian, wishing them luck on their wedding.
Harry's eyes seemed to glow in the twilight as I turned to face him. Wordlessly, he took my hand, pulling me to the side and around a dimming streetlamp. I had a feeling he wanted to say our goodbyes in private.
"Harry, I had the best time with you today," I blurted first.
"I was gonna say that," he pouted.
"Sorry. I just..."
"Just what?" he asked, holding both of my hands.
"I just didn't wanna hear a but afterwards," I admitted.
"Who says there's a but?"
I stared at him, still waiting for the word, but it never came. I searched his eyes, as much as I could manage in the darkness. But all I saw was sincerity, like he was thinking the same thing I was. Lifting his right hand, he grazed my cheek just like he had before.
Go on, kiss him...go on and kiss him...
The seconds seemed to simultaneously freeze and speed up as I watched him lean closer, his other hand slipping under my jaw. His skin was warm against mine, the cool of his rings adding a tiny chill, enough to make me hum as I closed my eyes, just before our lips met.
Even though just moments ago various things had been going through my mind such as how my t-shirt and shorts were clinging to me and I needed a shower, or how I wondered how much money the charity had raised, or how I wondered if Bianca really was into Donte...none of that was remotely relevant as Harry's pillowy lips caressed mine, fitting with them like perfect puzzle pieces. Nothing else mattered as his hand slipped behind my neck and his fingers tangled in my hair while his mouth opened slightly to invite my tongue. And no other single notion in the world could have even compared to the way his chest rose and fell beneath my hand while my other one found the curls at the base of his neck as he groaned hungrily against my kiss.
"Mmm," I sounded when our mouths threatened to separate, still teasing the other.
"Kelly..." Harry breathed against my lips.
Standing straight, he looked into my eyes. "Would you like to go out sometime?"
I blinked rapidly, knowing I'd heard him right, but still incredulous. "Like...a date?"
"Yeah," he nodded, his voice an octave lower. "I really like you and...I'd like to see you again. Spend more time with you, get to know you. Would you like that?"
"More than anything in the world."
The smile I knew to be his but that had come to be just for me that day tickled his lips.
"How's...Friday? Or wait, Saturday..." Harry reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. "I'm so sorry, love, this is so formal. But I have to check my schedule."
"No worries," I giggled.
"Ah, seems I have Friday and Saturday free. Which is better for you?"
"Friday," I answered hastily. "It's sooner."
His handsome face beamed at me as he clipped my chin with his finger and placed another quick kiss on my lips. "It is indeed."
We exchanged numbers, agreeing to text later to work out the details. I giggled when I noticed he put a taco emoji next to my name in his contacts.
"I look forward to it," he grinned before giving me one last kiss, this one soft, slow and sweet. "Goodnight, Kelly. I had a wonderful day."
"Me too. Goodnight, Harry."
I watched him walk toward the building where Marla still stood, stopping once to turn and wave. I blew him a kiss, perhaps a bit cheesy, but I didn't care. I figured he was into cheese. He gave me his dimpled smile before blowing one back, then disappeared inside the office building.
"Well, look at you, Miss I-Didn't-Wanna-Come!"
I scoffed playfully at my roommate as she walked towards me.
"It's amazing what one little Sunday can do, huh?" Bianca added.
Looping my arm through hers, I walked with her to her car.
"Thanks for signing me up, B," I said with a bounce in my step, despite my fatigue. "It wasn't so bad after all."
Darling, it would be when you smiled at me...that way...that Sunday, that summer...
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Hope you enjoyed! Please like, comment, reblog or send me a msg!
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k9iriz · 2 years
𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘺𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘴...𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵. 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵.
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“who-who is it??....its...rhea ripley!” they announced as rhea unmasked herself...new hair color, new attitude, new everything.
you sat and watched it all unfold. people stared at you, knowing you’d have something to say...but you honestly didn’t.
would this mean she would start acting different towards me?
who knew? you played with the promise ring on your finger as you sat by the gorilla, waiting for your next...match. 
you sighed as you knew this time you’d be soaking in ice water, in a tub.
after rhea joined, she rained havoc on the women’s division, with the judgement day with along the man who let her join, edge. 
constantly getting put in squash matches since she turned on you, causing her to act totally different.
l she watched you get beat up by the girls every week and watched, even laughed at you for being so...weak.
“she might’ve been in character but...that’s her actual girlfriend, she should be ashamed of herself.” bianca sighed, watching rhea laugh and walk past alexa, auska and you, just eyeing you down, like you weren’t there.
that group gave her a bigger head than she should have.
but you were a face and she was a heel. so it wouldn’t make sense for her to help you.
“oh hi.” rhea walked up to me, making me mentally roll my eyes, with the judgement day.
i was personally sick of them, but something ticked inside of me to put my character on.
“what do you want ripley?” you rolled your eyes, fixing your jacket, turning towards her as you were met with four unpleased humans, laughing at you.
“wow? i thought my name was demi?” rhea faked gasped, making me look at her.
“anyways, we have a match tonight. and seeing you getting beat over the weeks made us think...why can’t you...let us, teach you a thing or two about setting your place here in the division.” rhea offered, mentally smirking at the mind games she was starting to play.
“you seem like a good additon for us, you got it all. you need to set your place and stop getting ragged around all the time...i mean. that’s if you got the strength too..ever since i dropped you.” rhea bragged, laughing at the last part.
that hurt. bad.
“look. i don’t wanna hear it rhea. im not joining your group at all, and for the millionth time, you don’t have to keep bringing that up.” you whispered the last part, you came out of character at this point. her words got personal.
before rhea could argue, rey and edge stood behind me as if they were gonna make a move, making me feel better. 
i joined them for redemption against rhea because we al had scores to settle with the judgement day.
rhea chuckled. “how about this. if i win, you’d have to join the judgement day, if you lose...you can stay with whoever your siding with. but ill win for sure.” rhea said.
you took her up on her offer.
“deal. now get out there. you talk too much.” you hushed rhea, making rey & edge follow behind.
she even played a part into me being terrorized.
pent up anger & betrayal flashed your head, and the neglect you got outside of work was ringing in your head like crazy as you walked out.
the match began as rhea stood across the ring, ready to claim her win tonight. with the judgement day on her side.
you had no advantage.
which irked you. 
rhea tossed me recklessly around the ring, yelling hurtful words as i played defense against her, getting my higher ups, but following her soonly hurting my ankle.
it was in so much pain as she attacked that spot every chance she got, making it physically impossible for me to stand on it...
but i fought through the pain.
i caught rhea yelling at the ref about the count, running over at her before hitting my finishing move, rolling her up as i got the three count, the audience was so pleased.
i felt like i actually accomplished something, not only beating my girlfriend, but the men started fighting on the outside as me and rhea rolled out, causing me to sneak as grab a kendo stick, rhea running in to low-blow edge, as they stood tall after they attacked rey and edge sucessfully.
forgetting about me.
i stood behind rhea as i had that...snap of rage inside.
staring at her with the fuel behind my eyes..i just wanted to hurt her the way she’d hurt me...
i hit rhea hard in the back, making her fall onto the ground, her back welted with the kendo stick...making me...smile.
at the pain i had caused on her.
the thoughts came back. i blacked out. i hit her so recklessly with the kendo stick...with that betrayal, anger and hurt that she had caused on me.
the judgement day didn’t even stop me. they just watched...
then i stopped, staring at the three men that stared at rhea’s aching, struggling body as they smiled.
before damian could speak, i snatched the mic from him, before towering over my now...ex-girlfriends body.
“even if i didn’t lose...you were getting replaced anyways.” you shrugged, with the most sadistic smile on your face.
“we don’t need you anymore.” i dropped the mic before throwing it.
you did it. you turned on her. you didn’t even unite with the men. you were too far hurt to see fit.
the tables had turned and you had given her that same pain she gave to you.
but it was more personal than a tv heel turn.
you sat in the locker room, you felt happy for getting revenge but...it still didn’t feel right.
you sat with your ankle, icing it, hissing before i sobbed sliently.
your head wasn’t on straight. you felt like it wasn’t enough. rhea was mean, rude, and careless and spent time with others instead of you & it broke your heart.
you acted on revenge and wanted her to feel the pain you did...even though it was half personal between you two.
your head sunk into your lap, struggling to stand up, as the door creeked, hearing it close, and seeing someone sit next to you.
it was rhea.
“you’re so lucky i can’t move.” you mumbled, rolling your eyes before she wiped your tears that ran down your face.
she felt so bad.
it took for you to turn heel for her to understand...it was karma biting her back.
all the things she said, how she treated you so bad, you felt alone, even at work. a place where you two wanted to be together & promised it.
you felt that promise ring was a walking joke.
“even if you did, you wouldn’t hit me.” rhea chuckled lightly, as she grabbed your ankle, slowly helping you ice it.
the silence took over as i blushed lightly, feeling bad about what happened, btu seeing her actually doing something made her smile.
“i hate seeing you like this.” rhea muttered.
“im sorry. it still wouldn’t fix how i let things get to my head. i can’t blame anything but myself for letting you feel like you were alone.”
“even if i fucked up the one promise...was to marry you. i don’t blame you for wanting to throw it at me.” rhea shrugged, sniffling some tears away, all i did was listen to her. and i finally got what i wanted.
was to see her mistake. and to fix it. but with a taste of her own medicine.
“god i hate this shit.” rhea shook her head, sitting your ankle on the chair before putting the ice pack back on it as she let her thoughts take over.
“come back. im listening love.” i looked at her, as your face softened for her, as you frowned, seeing her cry.
she wasn’t the best at expressing herself, but letting the guilt over the months eat her up once again.
she had to realize it wasn’t about her.
“you don’t wanna speak to me right now, and i sure as hell can’t see you hurt. it-its painful.” rhea silently choked out, you couldn’t do anything but hug her, limping of course.
“you don’t need to explain. i listened to you. i forgive you.”
                                                            - words of betrayal.
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gooseloverfiction · 11 months
Lars Lindstrom x f!reader
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Wordcount: 1,775
Summary: Lars working on his theory about touch, less than more.
A/N: A humble contribution to the wonderful RG B-day! And to lovely Lars fandom.
Content Warnings: none, just some fluff
It was late summer, you had just moved to your grandparents' house to help them. The town's community was wonderfully welcoming, but even you needed a moment of respite. You chose to walk by the lake that day.
Lars sat on a gentle slope leading to the water. From afar, he heard noise. A girl in a yellow dress and knee-high rubbers approached, Walkman headphones on her ears. Her high, sometimes squeaky voice carried far. It seemed she was too engrossed in music and gazing at the sky to notice where she was going. Straight into the reeds where shore abruptly ended, straight into water. Lars stood up, heading toward the girl, seeing her eyes being closed. He shouted, trying to get her attention. Too late.
One step, and you were already waist-deep in the water, quickly losing balance. Swiftly, you emerged onto the shore, glancing at the man standing nearby, nervously smoothing his dirty blond hair. His slightly reddened lips under the mustache puffed as if he had been holding his breath until now.
"Oi! Why didn't you shout earlier?" your voice, though loud, broke into suppressed laughter.
Seeing your dress covered in duckweed, you quickly reached for your belt. Attached to it, the Walkman was full of water.
You took off your rubbers and poured out the water.
“Well, at least I won’t have to shower today…” you joked and with the boots under your arm, you extended your hand to the man who nervously fidgeted, perhaps deciding whether to leave the lunatic who fell into the lake of her own accord. You wouldn't blame him for that. You introduced yourself, and he, with some reservation, extended his hand, hidden under a long sleeve, exchanging a handshake with fabric between your skins.
He pointed in some unspecified direction and finally spoke.
"My brother's house is nearby, you can ask for a towel. Karin will surely lend you something to wear."
For a moment, you hesitate. You should go back home, but now, soaked to the bone in dripping clothes, it feels so far away. And suddenly, it stopped being warm and sunny.
In the house Lars brought you to, his sister-in-law Karin and an enthusiastic one-year-old awaited. The hostess seemed deeply shocked upon seeing her brother-in-law with you at the doorstep. She let you in quickly and wordlessly rushed for a towel. Lars started talking to the child, introducing you both. He looked adorable with the little one in his arms, the kid tracing the outline of his mustache with a tiny finger. Before Karin could return, calling something from the depths of the house, Lars putted down his nephew and took the player from your hands, promising to fix it and return it to you when he was in town and managed to stop by the café where you started working. He vanished before his sister-in-law returned.
Lars didn't bring back your Walkman a week later, but he came to apologize for not having fixed it yet. Weeks passed this way. The man would drop by once a week, and you used his visits as an opportunity to take a break and talk with him. You heard various things about him from your colleagues. Everyone spoke warmly of him, even if some comments expressed surprise at his aversion to touch or any close bond with another person. Then there was that one story about Bianca, a doll-sized human-like figure, Lars's ex-girlfriend. At first, you thought they were making it up, trying to play a joke on you. But one day, as you were closing the café and wiping down the table under a wall covered in various photos, you noticed one that hadn't caught your attention before. A woman in a wheelchair, not entirely resembling a real woman. Bianca...
You pondered that story for a while. You observed that Lars was talking to you in a more open manner, sharing details about work, his nephew, and Margo's new boyfriend. About Karin's ideas for renovating their house. When he wanted to share, Lars conveyed enthusiasm. Any thought about Bianca, which had been lingering in your mind for the past few days, quickly gave way to the growing affection for this lovely, usually quiet man.
Lars waited in the same place where you first encountered him…
Although winter was still a bit away, both of you were dressed in several layers. Well, Lars might have had three more of them, you weren’t sure. In his hands, hidden in gloves, he held your Walkman. In your pocket, there was a cassette with your favorite compilation of old songs.
Of course, Lars would never admit that your device had been fixed long ago. He buried himself in excuses more and more, noticing how easy it was for him to talk to you. And even though you didn't know him well, after the first time your arms brushed and he admitted he wasn't a fan of physical contact, you respected that without a hint of surprise. And even when, under the influence of emotions, your hand shot toward him, it quickly returned to your side. He liked you for that even more. You weren’t throwing yourself at him.
But lately, Lars had been wondering if maybe it would be different with you. Perhaps your touch wouldn't burn him? After nearly two weeks of pondering, he decided to test it. However, he needed special conditions for that. The only conceivable reason in his imagination for you to meet without anyone around was your Walkman.
"Hey!" Your smile immediately felt like a beacon that warmed his face.
"Hi" he knew his voice was probably too quiet, but he still wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing. "Would you like to go somewhere?" he asked, simultaneously handing you a single flower, which he pulled out of the bouquet intended for the hospital. Of course, with Mrs. Gruner's permission.
"Oh, thank you. Sure, Lars," you smiled, putting your nose into the petals. You tucked the player into your coat pocket.
You tried to keep a bit of distance from Lars, but every now and then, he took a step closer to you, eventually walking just a few inches away.
After some time, you found yourselves in the woods, near a small treehouse. Or rather, what was left of it. A platform around a tree, a hanging rope on one side, and a few ladder steps nailed to the trunk. Lars smiled seeing your enthusiasm, even if you didn't know that this house used to look much better.
"Can I?" you asked, reaching for the first step. Lars nodded, biting his lip. It was about to happen. He would test his theory on you.
At the top, he took off his jacket and laid it down so you could sit comfortably, but you grabbed it and pushed it back into his hands.
"You'll freeze!"
Lars just smiled and pointed to his sweater and the collar sticking out from underneath.
"It's not that cold, and besides, I've got layers, remember?"
You looked at him, contemplating his words for a moment, and nodded, watching as he spread the jacket on the planks. You lay on your back, legs resting on the trunk, shaking off mud and snow from your shoes before you did it. Lars smiled and did the same, your boots touching. He moved close enough that he almost touched your shoulder. You took the Walkman from your pocket, inserted the cassette, and rewound it to the first song. You placed the headphones on your shoulders and set the volume as loud as it could go, pressing "PLAY."
L is for the way you look at me,
O is for the only one I see,
V is very, very extraordinary,
E is even more than anyone that you adore...
You knew your voice wasn't suitable for singing, but nothing could stop you from harmonizing with your grandparents' favorite song. After a while, you felt that your left foot wasn't hitting the heavy boot of Lars. You opened your eyes. The headphones barely clung to your shoulder, and Lars now sat with his arms wrapped around his knees. You stopped the song and sat down. At the last moment, your hand froze over his shoulder as he wiped his eye.
"Lars, what happened?"
"N-nothing. It's just... that was our song, mine and Bianca's." Lars took a deep breath and exhaled, looking up. Over a year had passed, yet he still felt the sorrow. Quickly, you stowed the player away, uncertain if you should leave him alone. Especially since all you could think about now was how much you wanted to hug him.
"Sorry, I didn't know..." you started, slowly pulling away to stand or maybe sit.
Lars grabbed your hand before your mind chose any option. Looking into his blue, sad eyes, still slightly moist, you stopped thinking rationally. You reached with your hand to his cheek, wanting to wipe away the wet trace. You hesitated at the last moment, but Lars grabbed your glove and slid it off your hand.
"Could you maybe... try this? Or can I..." you weren't sure what he wanted, but you nodded. He took your hand in his and guided it to his cheek covered in a few days' stubble. He mentally prepared for the burning pain. But when your skin connected, he only felt tingling. The tingling of a warm hand on his cold face. And something else, but pleasant. It was much easier when he had control over someone's touch. There was one more thing to check. Lars let go of your other hand, which he subconsciously held the whole time.
"You can do it yourself," he tried to convince himself rather, you thought. You smiled cautiously and with your other hand, joined the first, on the other side of his face. Through the material of your glove, blissful warmth seeped. Holding your breath, you moved the first hand, tracing the curve of his nose, his eyebrows, and forehead. Lars kept looking into your eyes all the time, trying to remember to breathe.
"Are you okay, Lars?" you asked, trying not to get closer than necessary. "Should I stop?"
"No, please," you felt his shoulders drop with another breath, and his whole body finally relaxed.
"You're beautiful," you mumbled, and Lars giggled, his eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks. You wanted to kiss his eyelids. His sweet nose. And his lips, which he now bit and licked. Maybe someday you would be able to.
You walked towards the Lindstroms' house. Lars insisted on driving you home.
His hand was warm in yours.
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caitlynskitten · 6 months
When Yoko comes over sometimes Enid will breastfeed cause she’s the only person other than Wednesday that she’s comfortable seeing that. At first, Wednesday would offer the same death glare to Yoko. But after a few times, Wednesday notices two things.
1. Yoko isn’t fazed in the slightest by either Wednesday’s glare nor by Enid breastfeeding in front of her. She just goes on as if nothing is happening. And..
2. Enid appears to be more relaxed than she ever is while breastfeeding. It’s as if Yoko is able to flip some switch in the werewolf, and Enid doesn’t even register the fact that she’s breastfeeding in front of people.
And that’s when Wednesday realizes. Yoko offers something to Enid that no one else can. Something that she’s offered for years, ever since they first met. She offers freedom. Specifically, freedom from the ideals that her mother pushed onto her. The notion that women should maintain a certain standard of femininity and decorum. The idea that women serve a purpose only to further a bloodline. The false narrative that Enid needs to shove her true self down in order to impress some male mate.
Yoko has, and still does, stand directly in contrast to all these ideals. And throughout their friendship together, Yoko has stood as a role model of sorts for Enid. In some way, unintentionally, Yoko by merely existing and expressing herself truly, has given Enid permission to break free from all the conditioning she suffered from her mother.
And that, Wednesday realizes, is why Enid always seems so much more comfortable with herself while Yoko is around. She has been Enid’s safe place throughout her life. And Wednesday, she’s grateful. Through this knowledge, Wednesday finds a new sort of appreciation for the vampire. Before Wednesday came along and helped give the werewolf the confidence she needed to tell Esther to fuck off, Yoko was the one who cared for and protected Enid. Yoko was the first to show Enid true compassion.
Oops, I got carried away lmaoooo
Oh my god this so so beautiful 😭😭😭 I have no idea what to add and I’m like tearing up at the idea of Wednesday finding more appreciation for Yoko. Yoko and Wednesday never saw eye to eye but they’d always be neutral with each other around Enid. Of course being the girlfriend and the best friend.
Wednesday knew that Yoko and Enid had a thing long before they even met. And while Enid might’ve thought it was just a fling with the vampire, Yoko had cherished her relationship with Enid the whole time. She just didn’t realize how much she’d miss her and care for her after the break up. And seeing her happier with the short raven made her jealous.
Yoko thought it would’ve only been a fling too. But years later they’re married and have a child together. Jillian! It took a while for Yoko to accept it but she did. Though it still hurts to see the love of her life with the love of her life. And even going out with Divina and even Bianca at one point couldn’t fill that void. She had something special with Enid and she can’t get that back. Not with them or any other girl.
When Wednesday found out about her past love with her wife she realized why she and her were always at each others throats. She just thought Yoko didn’t like her because she was going out with her best friend. Once she realized she had to take a step back and talk it out with Yoko. While they still don’t see eye to eye they’re neutral with each other. And they trust each other a lot.
Wait this wasn’t the whole point of the post ask was it-
Bonus: Wednesday and Yoko slow danced with each other at the Nevermore prom to this song in particular.
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buckysdolls · 1 year
One Night
Damian Priest One Shot
TW: Swearing, mentions of the female anatomy (lol)
Summary: Six months on from a stale and toxic relationship Y/N is living her best life. One night and one person in particular takes Y/N by surprise.
AN: Thanks to @thealliasylum for giving me to prompt: “I’ve tried to forgive you… I really have. But I’ll never forgive you for what you did. I hate you!” It was much appreciated!
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It was your favourite day of the week, the day where all you had to do was chill out, go to the gym, grab coffee and catch up on all the binge worthy tv programmes. You, Rhea, Bianca and Liv planned to spend the day together doing all those things you enjoyed doing on your rare day off. 
“What number does that take him up too?” Bianca wiggled her eyebrows at you curiously after looking over your shoulder at your phone as you stood at the counter waiting for your coffee. 
“Too many…” Your response was abrupt, not in a harsh way to Bianca more in annoyance at your ex, Waller who had rang you for the fifth time today and it was only 10am. You smiled politely at the barista who handed you your coffee before thanking her and walking over to the table where Rhea and Liv were sitting. Liv noticed the annoyed expression on your face as you sat down, it was like she could sense your whole body had tensed up.
“How did you know?” You sighed heavily
“We’ve become accustomed to the “Grayson Waller look” on your face” Liv used inverted commas as she spoke.
“How long has it been now?” Rhea asked in a tone of voice that suggested it was probably time for Waller to move on.
“Six months… six.. long… months. Six months of me not actually giving a shit anymore.” You breathed deeply in an attempt to remain calm. 
You wouldn't say Waller was the love of your life, he just happened to be the one you spent two years on and off with and this time after finding out about his affair with Tiffany you were finally cutting all ties. Except he wasn’t ready to cut ties. In the six months you’d spent apart everyone always wanted to point out to you how much happier you seemed having dropped him, and they were right, you were happier. You thought usually after ending it with someone you were meant to feel all depressed and shit but you felt free and like a whole weight had been lifted from your shoulders. You’d been able to do so much you weren’t able to do with Waller, like wrestle with other males on the roster, purely to improve. He had hated you practising with the likes of Gable and Ziggler, technically sound wrestlers who could easily help you progress, instead you had to train with him or females. You were able to annoy the girls by talking about how much you fancied Priest, how much you wanted him to fuck you and how the gruff in his deep voice made you heart flutter like a billion buzzing butterflies. Although the girls didn't find it annoying, they found it bearable… but happily bearable because they were happy to see you happy. They were overjoyed to see you so full of life, it was refreshing to see you act that way compared to the miserable and downright depressing fake act of making yourself appear happy. 
“Get in my story please” You ushered the girls with a wave of your hand to move into the frame of your camera, the four of you smiled, throwing up peace signs. Just as you took a second photo his name popped up, ringing you again. You heard the mumbles and saw the eyerolls from the girls
“I’m just going to step outside, won't be long” You pushed your chair back ready to stand up and answer the call.
“You're really going to answer?” Liv asked.
“If I don’t he won't stop, and then I won't have an enjoyable day.” You smiled sarcastically.
“Fairs” Was all you heard Liv say before walking outside the coffee shop and standing on the street.
“ Oh, good morning Grayson, How are you? I’m fine thanks Y/N. How are you?” Waller responded to your ‘what’ in his usually dickish attitude.
“Go fuck yourself.” You simply replied, if only he could see the smile on your face when you said it to realise how much of a shit you did not give.
“Charming as always. Look we need to talk about things”
“What the hell would I want to talk about with you?” Your attention was swiftly captured by the bellows of familiar laughter making its way down the street towards you, it was Priest, Ford, Balor and Ziggler. Priest instantly saw you and bestowed upon you his undeniably beautiful goofy smile and though you wanted to smile... you couldn't. With no response from you he could only sense the tension you were omitting which he did not like. Each one of the guys gave you a high five as they entered the coffee shop except Priest who stood outside with you, slinging an arm over your shoulder, he brought you into him which you obliged by giving him a hug. He didn’t want to be too forward with you like he usually would be with someone who he’s waited around for because he knew that you’d just gotten out of rocky waters with Waller and he didn’t want to mess up any changes that he had with you. For him... he finally thought he’d found who he was meant to be with, around you he could be goofy which you would entertain by laughing. He could be sarcastic, which you would give back to him ten times worse. You were perfect to him, that’s why it was essential to play his cards right.
“Who is it?” he mouthed down to you, causing you to widen your eyes and mouth “Waller.” You felt his chest rise heavily as if he himself was frustrated with Waller, which he was. 
“Want me to speak to him?” Priest this time didn’t mouth, he spoke clear as day as if he wanted Waller to hear his voice. He stood there, hand out willing to accept the phone. You quickly and thankfully smiled but shook your head to decline. 
“Is that Priest?” Waller asked you as if challenging your decision on who you hung out with.
“Okay Waller, goodb-”
“No wait! You have to forgive me!” Waller interrupted you.
““I’ve tried to forgive you… I really have. But I’ll never forgive you for what you did. Waller, I pretty much hate you!” Hanging up on him, you looked up at Priest who was nodding his head as if to praise you.
“Strong finish” He praised you, doing the ‘okay’ emoji with his hands. 
The evening had rolled around quickly, and it was decided that some of the guys as well as the gals would chill at your apartment so you could all head down to the performance centre to train together tomorrow. That night had been filled with a delicious group dinner cooked by Bianca and Ford and an instagram live… which had a lot of fans questioning your’s and Priest chemistry. Whenever it came up you always blew it off by just saying how good friends you and Priest were, usually just calling him yout bodyguard. He would fold his arms and puff out his chest in front of you generating laughs from everyone showing he was happy to play along with your excuse for the obvious chemistry. The night was finished by watching a movie, Priest obviously sat next to you and you were happy to rest your head on his shoulder whilst watching the film, as his hand settled on your thigh. 
In dribs and drabs people headed off for the night leaving a sleeping you who had slid all the way down that your head was now resting on Damian’s chest with one leg slung over him. You began to fall asleep the moment he started lightly brushing his fingers up and down your arm, it was instantly soothing and calming. He was comfortable in letting you sleep on him and soaked in the pleasure it gave him to hug you whilst you slept. Damian and Finn were the sole survivors of finishing the film and once Balor had stood up Priest asked him to pass him a blanket to which Balor rolled one up into a ball launching it at him. 
“Cheers bro, sleep easy yeah?” Priest laid the blanket out on you which stirred you, lifting your leg up higher on him. It took every inch of Priest’s inner rockstar lifestyle to not explore your body with his hands as you pressed up against him, something you would happily let the man do to you all day, every day. You knew exactly what you were doing the moment you closed your eyes and the first time you put your leg over him. Each movement you made you put more pressure behind it pushing up against Damian so he could feel your breasts against him. He wanted it so badly but he wanted to do this the right way, not bang first then work on it. He wanted you to know you were worth every date, every compliment, every touch he gave you.
“Will do my friend, I'm sure you will too.” Balor smirked, gesturing his head to you, unbeknownst to them that you were wide awake underneath your shut eyes.
“Very funny” Priest sniggered, giving Balor the middle finger as banter.
“What! I’m serious! Enjoy having Y/N stretched out all over you yeah.” Balor emphasised the latter part of his sentence by elongating words.
“I am enjoying it. Doesn’t mean I have to do anything about it right now. She’s peaceful and as tempting as she is, I'm trying to do this the right way man.”
This conversation was about to get too Juicy for you to tell them you were awake...
Balor walked past Priest on the sofa and squeezed his shoulder as an act of reassurance which Priest gently tapped as a gesture of gratitude. Balor stopped by the sink to grab a glass of water before speaking up again.
“She’s a good gal and after everything... you two deserve each other. You look good together” Balor chugged on his water.
“Man, I’m fucking crazy for her. I just can’t rush it with her after Waller.”
The heat rose to your cheeks when you heard his words. You felt awful for being sneaky and listening to their conversation whilst sleeping but it just confirmed everything you wanted to know. 
“You’re doing the right thing. Stick with it.”
“I will do, night bro” Balor waved his hand from his forehead as if to salute goodbye. Priest himself adjusted his position so he was now laid flat on the sofa with both his arms wrapped around you and you were cuddled into him so both of you could squeeze onto the sofa. Closing his eyes, he gingerly pressed his lips onto your forehead.
“Crazy about me huh?” You spoke up faintly, biting your lip nervously wondering did you just do the right thing by speaking up? Priest swore he could feel the sweat pulsating in his pores, ready to break free as he heard those words leave your lips. Priest debated what to say, but the longer he thought about it the longer he was leaving your words hanging.
“How much of that conversation did you hear?”
“All of it.” You exhaled anxiously due to the really long previous silence. You were still wrapped up in Priest’s arms so your choice to speak up couldn't have been too bad right?
“Well fuck me” Priest whispered into you ear.
“I’d love to…” You whispered back to Priest into his ear, a small smug smile creeping onto your lips
“Not in that way” Priest laughed at your comment.
“I know, I’m just teasing.” Priest released one of his arms from you so he could shuffle himself to meet your eye level, you put your leg back over him as his free hand glided up the curves of your side then your chest until it finally settled on your cheek, his fingertips intertwined in the strands of your hair.
“It’s not polite to tease you know” you watched his lips move as he spoke, he had you hanging on to his every word as his husky voice had you internally moaning. You noticed his eyes had settled upon your lips as your gently ran your bottom lip though your teeth. A deep breath from him had you trying to push yourself up against him even more.
“No its not… but it is fun” Your smile grew bigger as did his. 
“I need to do this the right way…” Priest voice was still quiet.
“I appreciate it” You also spoke quietly and calmly. 
“So yeah, I’m crazy about you. And if I could take you on this sofa right here and now I fucking would, but I respect you way too much and I genuinely think you are it for me. I can’t fuck it up.”
“Thank you.” You placed your lips on Priest’s, instigating a kiss. A kiss that made you feel so cliche for thinking it but it felt like not just fireworks but cannons and bombs exploding.
That night was the happiest night of your life in the past two years.  
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brooooswriting · 2 years
Hello there ! I was wondering if I could request Wednesday & insecure!female!reader?
Like one day she just ask Wednesday why she couldn’t look as pretty as the other girls, why her hair wasn’t perfect every day, why she couldn’t be genuinely happy all the time and if Wednesday ever thought about it too?
Just some fluff and hurt/comfort❤️❤️
I hope you like this:)
All the pretty girls
Why do our brains always trick us into believing that we’re not enough? That was a question you often asked yourself, and the question why you actually weren’t enough. You haven’t felt like you’re enough since you could think and honestly, until Wednesday came along, nobody every gave you the feeling that you were.
You had a sister she’s has always been the beauty and the smart one while you were, well, what were you? The name ‘almost’ seems pretty fitting, you were almost as beautiful as your sister, you were almost able to go get the same grades as her and you were almost not fucked up. Since you could think your family told you stuff like “you aren’t that stupid” and “you know, your sister is so beautiful but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t. You’re just… different”.
These were things that “probably caused you to have body dysmorphia”, so principal Weems who often talked to you about your problems. You didn’t really talk about them with anyone else, Wednesday was uncomfortable when talking about emotions which is why you decided to leave her out of it. She already had to deal with someone like you as a girlfriend.
Your insecurities and dysmorphia had their up and downs, there were days where you almost seemed normal but then there were days where you could barely Stop crying when you saw yourself and you just couldn’t stop comparing yourself to others.
Just like today, your day already started terrible when you looked into the mirror to see four new pimples in your already ugly face and your hair didn’t want to be tamed today. And it got way worse when you saw Wednesday at Bianca with love in her eyes.
This was nothing against Bianca in general, it was more against how she looked and how smart she was. How could she be so awesome while you were just you? It didn’t seem fair to you, you fairly tried everything to get prettier but here you were still ugly. It all sucked and you were nearly having an attack.
You barely made it through your last two classes without a break down, but you did it now sitting on Wednesday’s bed while she pursued her writing hour. It wasn’t uncommon for you to sit there in silence while she wrote but right now you just wanted comfort. Unable to just lay still you decided to busy yourself with your phone, instagram to be exact.
And this was your downfall, you saw so many pretty girls that your mind went into a spiral. “Why do you like me?” You suddenly asked Wednesday pulling your knees up to your chest. “What?” The girl turned around her facing showing small signs of confusion. Sure, sometimes you were pretty random but this was new.
“Why do you like me huh? Why don’t you like Bianca or Yoko?! Or maybe you do like them and I’m just a toy for you to play with! Is that what I am? Just a thing to do when you’re bored? An experiment?!” By now you knew that you were talking bullshit but your mind made you believe it. You angrily stood up walking in front of the mirror, tears filling your eyes.
Wednesday hesitated for a second looking at Thing before standing up and walking behind you. She didn’t hug you, she just stood close to you looking into your eyes through the mirror.
“Be honest, you also think about it right?” You whispered looking down to avoid even more tears. “Think about what?” The Addams girl asked, her body tightly pressing against yours. “About why I’m so different to the other girls. Why isn’t my hair always perfect? And why I’m so ugly and why can’t I always be happy like the others? You thought about it too right?” You were rambling and it started to hurt wednesdays head. Not the rambling on it’s own, she was used to that from you and Enid, but the way you talked about yourself made her mad.
The dark girl always hated physical contact but in this moment she wanted nothing more than to hold you and keep you safe so she did. Her arms wrapped around your waist from behind and she pulled you into her even more. “The only things I ever thought about were why you’re so beautiful and how I can make you realize that” she whispered into your ear her voice softer than ever.
The older Addams sibling moved the two of you to her bed laying down cuddling. “Look cara Mia, I’ve noticed this behavior in you rather often and I also believe that you have body dysmorphia. You’re beautiful, your hair looks perfect daily and you’re the best thing that has happened to me and you talking about yourself like this is torture. And not the good kind” she comforted you, gently kissing your lips.
It was clear that she was a bit uncomfortable and stiff but she would do anything for you. “I’m sorry that I interrupted your writing time” you mumbled into her neck. “That’s alright, but do you think you could tell me what happened?” Her voice was back to her stoic one but you knew she cared nonetheless.
“I’ve never been good enough for anyone, my family always compared me to my oh so wonderful sister, and all her friends. I’ve never gotten a ‘you did good’ or ‘you’re enough’ while she was always so perfect. It hurt and Weems said it probably left scars on my self esteem. Today… today when you were talking to Bianca you seemed so intrigued into her beauty and it made me self conscious” you explained playing with her fingers, a habit when you were nervous.
“Cara Mia, we talked about you, that’s why I was so intrigued” she whispered caressing your back carefully. Your lips were pressed together in some soft pecks. “Thank you, my dark cloud” you mumbled before falling asleep.
The moment when Wednesday saw that you fell asleep she kissed your forehead promising to never let you feel like an ‘almost’ again.
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 2 years
Welcome Back Wednesday
Wednesday X Reader
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Part 2
Wednesday POV
During the break, I walked into our dorm to see a third bed added to our room pushed towards Enid's side.
My mother speaking quietly with the girl from earlier.
I cleared my throat raising an eyebrow as my mother turned to me.
"Girls this is your new roommate, Y/n Ramirez. Unfortunately some of the rooms are still under construction but I assure you, you couldn't get better roommates."
The girl turned to both Enid and myself, slightly pushing her glasses up her nose. She nodded to us. My mother left smiling as the girl began to unpack.
"So Y/n what do you do for fun?" I turned going to my typewriter slightly annoyed as Enid knew it was my writing time.
"Read." She muttered putting her suitcase under her bed before propping herself against some pillows and pulling her book out.
Enid sighed. "Great another chatterbox."
I felt the corner of my mouth quirk up just a bit before I turned my attention back to my writing. I heard the slight tapping of Thing walking over to the new girls bed. I glanced at Enid to see her smirking. Thing landed with a thump on the new girls book making her drop it.
"What the fuck?!" Enid laughed and I faltered in my writing. Thing began signing and before Enid or I could translate the girl spoke.
"I don't care what your name is, you made me lose my page."
Shocked Enid beckoned Thing over to her bed so they could gossip and do their manicures as the girl sighed picking her book back up and reading.
She was already becoming a more pleasant roommate than Enid and it hadn't even been an hour yet.
As time passed on Enid grew tired of the silence and went to meet up with Ajax.
As the door shut the room grew silent putting me at peace as well as Y/n based on her body language, the slight tension leaving her shoulders. I found myself staring for longer than I should've and went back to my novel.
My phone rang cutting through the silence.
Hey wanna hang out? 👀
I rolled my eyes.
A throat cleared.
"I-I'm sorry to bother you I just wanted to ask if you could show me where the cafeteria is?" I looked to see it was around lunch time and stood quickly.
Turning from the door to find the girl still standing by my desk.
"Are you coming?" She nodded shuffling towards me and tripping. I caught her before she fell and froze.
"Desgracia! You're no longer part of this family!"
"I never was! You made sure to remind me everyday!"
It was Y/n and a man screaming. Her in the same straight jacket behind bars only this time the material began melting as her body grew red.
"I knew I should've left you on the doorstep." Y/n flinched sinking to the floor. A burn on the opposite side of her neck appearing.
"I wish you did."
*End of Vision*
"Wednesday?" The girl asked tentatively leaning over me. My eyes scanning her features to find her eyes weren't as dark as I'd originally thought.
"You're eyes are lighter than I thought." I shook my head sitting up. "Let's go."
"Hey!" Xavier appeared next to me. "Thought you didn't want to hang out?"
I glanced to the girl next to me as she looked around.
"I don't but obviously the new girl didn't know where the cafeteria was."
He nodded looking over to the girl and catching her eye.
"Hey I'm Xavier, I met your brother earlier." She looked at his hand then him. He slowly lowered his hand. For some reason her lack of response amused me.
"Thanks." She dismissed him turning to me. "Did you want to eat anything? My treat."
I felt the corner of my mouth quirk slightly at Xavier's stunned face.
I shrugged following the girl and grabbing a tray. Xavier storming off to the table with Enid, Ajax, Bianca and apparently Y/N's brother.
After paying she went to go sit at a different table and because I had nothing better to do I followed.
"I'm surprised you didn't want to sit with your brother." She flinched shrugging.
"I like being alone." I nodded understanding the benefits of solitude but my last vision led me to believe her reasons were not by choice.
Eugene came to sit by us already introducing himself.
"I'm Eugene, Wednesday and I are Hummers." Y/n looked to me with a raised eyebrow.
"Bee keeping?" I narrowed my eyes back at her.
"Yes." She chuckled.
"Didn't think that would be your thing." I felt my eyebrows furrow as Eugene interrupted our stare down.
"Not everyone appreciates the beauty of poisonous creatures."
The girl nodded when her brother came up.
"Hey y/n you didn't wanna sit with me?" He spoke to her but kept looking only at me his hand clamped down hard on Y/N's shoulder. Up close you could see the two had no similarities whatsoever. If not for a shared last name one would assume they were nothing more than strangers to each other.
"I'm-" I cut her off.
"Not interested."
Xavier came up as Elijah went to open his mouth again.
"I'm into the goth thing, it's hot. If you're free maybe we can meet up."
His sister scoffed putting her hand on his. It began to glow a bright red and the boy yelled.
"What the fuck?"
"You're being a pig and last I checked you have a girlfriend." Her head tilted as she raised her eyebrow at the taller boy. He looked down glaring at her before turning to Xavier who was scowling at him.
"Oh my bad is this your girl?" He began to grow red at the question and thankfully the bell rang indicating our next class.
Y/n and I were walking to class silently, before she cleared her throat head hanging low as she slid her glasses further up.
"I'm sorry about-"
"It's obvious your brothers compensating.”
She bit her lip stifling a chuckle.
"Hey Wednesday come sit with me!" Enid grabbed the me by the arm dragging me to her desk. I glanced back at Y/n who took a seat at an empty desk before glaring down at Enid's hand.
"Sorry." She grinned. "But how great is it that we have this class together too?"
I looked around. "I take it the boyfriends not in this class."
The werewolf turned bright red. "No."
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ornii · 2 years
Bitterly Beautiful, Part 3
Part 3: “Do You See what I see?”
"Let's assess this situation, shall we? There's Bag over my head for, whatever reason. My wrists tied tight enough to cut off circulation, and no idea if I'm going to live or die. Wednesday is probably upset I somehow didn't see this coming, as Corny as that was."
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(Y/n) and Wednesday sit side by side in chairs, bound by rope and Bagged. Their bags are removed. They're still within the library, surrounded by masked and cloaked individuals.
"Hmmm, what's the best response, a cry for help? A plead for a deal? Perhaps I'll yell at them to let us go, oh! I have it!" He thinks and spoke up.
"Just a word of advice before you guys do another kidnapping, it's pretty offensive to put a bag over the head of a guy who can't see to begin with. Be better." He says, and one of the members steps up.
"Who dares breach our inner sanctum?" They say.
"You can take the mask off, Bianca." Wednesday said, and Bianca removes her mask.
"Ah, I knew that voice had a distinct bitchy tone."
"And just like that, my hopes were dashed against the rocks of bitter disappointment. My foe was no psychotic killer. More like a bunch of high school clowns." Wednesday thought. "Wait, I preferred you with it on."
"How did you get down here?"
"I tracked the watermark to the Poe statue." Wednesday said.
"Then I solved the riddle to get in here." (Y/n) chimes in.
"Wait, there's a riddle? I thought we just snapped twice." One member asks.
"Wow, this is probably the least threatening group of Kidnappers i have ever seen, it's not many I've seen but still."
"Well, aren't you the brightest in the bunch?"
"The Nightshades are an elite social club." Bianca said, and Xavier steps up, revealing he himself is also one with Ajax and others. "Emphasis on elite."
"We have roof parties, campouts, the occasional midnight skinny-dip."
"And Yoko's an amateur mixologist. She makes a killer virgin mojito. It can get pretty wild."
"Wow. Do you guys even have a bedtime?" Wednesday said. "Last I heard, the Nightshades had been disbanded."
"Yeah, the group kind of lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died." Xavier adds in.
"But we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves." Yoko said.
"Someone like Rowan?" Wednesday asked.
"We booted that loser last semester. Question is, what are we gonna do with them? Only members are allowed in this library." One asks, and Xavier steps up next to them.
"I say we invite them to pledge. They're both legacies, Especially (Y/n), son of King Buarainech, the last leader of the Fomorians."
"After the crap they pulled in the Poe Cup, there's no way in hell. We talk about not making waves? She's a tsunami and he's just a thunderstorm brewing."
"Just because I beat you at your own game? Let me save you the trouble. I'm not interested in joining." Wednesday said.
"You're seriously turning us down?" One asks.
"Can you believe it?" Wednesday responds coldly.
"Untie her."
"I freed myself five minutes ago." Wednesday stands up, showing her untied rope.
"It's amateurs like you who give kidnapping a bad name. Anyway when you're done with toying with the Bootleg Secret Society (Y/n), I'll be waiting." Wednesday left, they stood there, looking a bit dumb, only the silence to be halted off by laughing. (Y/n)'s subsequently.
"That girl.. she's a force of nature.." he says smiling, he sighs eventually and cracks his neck.
"As much as I'd enjoy the parties and Skinny dipping, I'd rather do that by myself than a bunch of rich elitism bearing assholes, so...Go dtuga gaotha Sídhe saor m'anam."
A gust hits his bindings and unties him, he stands up and dusts himself off. He heads upstairs, leaving the elite looking even more dumbfounded.
"There were so many threads to my investigation, I could weave a burial shroud. I still have no idea how Rowan mysteriously rose from the dead. Or why that monster is prowling the woods. But right now, nothing intrigues me more than this book. If I'm going to be responsible for Nevermore's demise, the question is, why am I sharing this apocalypse with a pilgrim?"
The Next Morning Rose Like an undead zombie , early and still. Students stand in the courtyard to gather for what Principal Weems has to say, (Y/n) arrives as Enid drags him along out of bed.
"All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10:00 a.m. sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1:00. As you know, this year Outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students." She begins, while (Y/n) and Enid catch up.
"So, what's the deets between you and Wednesday?" She asks, her interest in his relationships was, off putting a bit.
"I.. haven't a faintest clue what you mean." He says acting dumb
"You can't play dumb, your best asset is that you're insanely Smart and like, Super Hot. Like a tragic poet. But seriously everyone sees you prowling around with her." Enid says, and has a hint of jealousy in her voice. "We haven't been spending as much time together." She says and he lets out a soft sigh.
"I know, sorry about that, I'm just showing her the ropes and, admittedly she isn't as bad as i thought she would have been. She can be absolutely terrifying but I mean who can't? You can be pretty scary when the Kittys claws come out." He says, which is reassuring to Enid.
"Well, at least I know I'm not losing my Bestie." She says warmly and takes his hand. Wednesday tilts her attention towards it, watching.
"Of course not, we can hang out after Outreach day. I'll smooth everything over with Ajax for you too, he's not as, cloud minded as i thought." He says, they're approached by another school member and handed Pamphlets, Enid opens hers and squeaks a bit.
"Yes! Yes! I got Pilgrim World. I have natural people skills and a love of performing, so it's kind of the obvi choice." She says, he hands her his and she checks it. "You got it too! This is perfect! All we need is Wednesday—"
As if speaking the Devils name and she appears, Wednesday approaches them as she’s watching their very... friendly, interaction.
"Wednesday, What'd you get?" Enid asks.
"Uriah's Heap, whatever that is." She replies.
"Ew. It's this weird, creepy antique store." Enid explains, (Y/n) taps his cane on the ground.
"It actually had some pretty neat stuff, it's where I got my cane, You'll love it though." He said, they're shuttled to Jericho, they depart off the bus and to their respective locations, but Wednesday approaches Enid with an offer.
"Enid. Switch volunteer assignments."
"What? No. Uriah's Heap is definitely not my bag."
"It's an emergency. I need to check out Pilgrim World." Wednesday says, and Enid frowns at her.
"You know you can go a day without (Y/n), it's toxic to get so dependent on someone." Enid says, trying to help Wednesday, who was actually a bit stunned by that. Her jaw locks and she stiffens up a bit, keeping her emotions in check but internally boiling at the thought of her and (Y/n), Together? Perhaps it's anger, Perhaps it's embarrassment, perhaps it's wanting. Wednesday, as usual, shoves her emotions down deep and calms herself.
"(Y/n) and I work a professional relationship to investigate something, nothing more. Nothing less." Wednesday said through her gritting teeth. Enid just sighs.
"Denial is the first Symptom, of Love Struck-itis." Enid says, much to the annoyance of Wednesday
"Why would I agree to spend the entire day at some dumpy emporium of crapola?" She said, and Wednesday offers her a very enticing offer.
"Because Ajax is volunteering there. Thing sneaked a peek at his assignment. But if you're not interested..."
"No! Oh my God, thank you. You're the best!" Enid takes it and runs off, Wednesday heads to pilgrim World with an awaiting (Y/n) he turns to Wednesday, sending the dread approaching.
"Hey, want to take a Pilgrim group photo?" He Says Smiling, which Wednesday just stares daggers at him.
"Guess not." He says shrugging. They're interrupted by a woman dressed as such a pilgrim.
"Good morrow, my young Nevermore kin. I am Mistress Arlene. A real OC..." she begins, which confuses most. "Original colonist. Now prithee, put your cell phones on vibrate and make haste, for you are about to travel back in time to the year of our Lord 1625, to Jericho's first pilgrim settlement. Yonder. Behold, the meeting house. Inside is a collection of artifacts related to Jericho's most beloved and pious founder, Joseph Crackstone. And beyond is our privy, America's first gender-neutral restroom."
"I haveth a query." Wednesday chirps up from the ground, standing by the wayside with (Y/n), who feigned interest.
"Pray, be quick, child." She replies.
"In the meeting house, which of Joseph Crackstone's artifacts are on display?"
"It is truly a treasure trove, including original farm tools, tableware, even the Crackstone family chamber pot."
"Riveting" (Y/n) said sarcastically.
"I volunteer to work in there." Wednesday says.
"Pray, no. That exhibit is being renovated. Today, thou will all be working at the beating heart of Pilgrim World." She says and Leads them to a building, with a sign (Y/n) looks up towards.
"...So, what does it say?" He asks Wednesday.
"I'm not your personal eyes." She says with her cold classic demeanor.
"Please?" He asks, turning up his cuteness, which just makes Wednesday want to vomit. She scoffs.
"Only to make you stop making those faces, it says "Ye Olde Fudgery"..More like ye olde diabetes in a box."
"Volunteers, prick up thine ears. Fudge is the lifeblood of our humble community. And samples equal sales, so grab a uniform and a box and make our forefathers proud." The woman hands the two uniforms of that of ancient pilgrims. The two look at them and take them, reluctantly the two dress as pilgrims and prepare to serve the people, Wednesday, being as creepy as she usually is, prepares blocks of fudge and speaks in fluent German.
"Enjoy your "authentic" pilgrim fudge made with cacao beans procured by the oppressed indigenous people of the Amazon. All proceeds go to uphold this pathetic whitewashing of American history. Also, fudge wasn't invented for another 258 years. Any takers?" She says offering to the German tourists, who do not take it, she takes this opportunity to walk off, and find her partner in crime, which (Y/n) was using a knife to, with scary precision, cut blocks of Fudge into tiny squares, he halts as he sensed Wednesday. Her lack of Heartbeat and Cold aura was easily detectable.
"So, enjoying Tormenting Tourists?" He said and jams the knife into the table, she stands there.
"Come with me, there is something we need to investigate."
"Hm, I thought you were flying solo." He said, "You know, no friends and that." He said and Wednesday looks at him, no hesitation in her eyes.
"As Annoying, egotistical, overbearing and as much of a nuisance as you are, you're valuable to the investigation." She says, he smiles and walks over to her, and with no fear in his heart, pats her head, which causes her to scowl at him.
"Thanks Shortie... okay, lead away." He says, they sneak away as (Y/n) follows.
"So, besides you hating everything about me, why do you tag me along?"
"You remind me of my brother, sans the desire to strangle him every waking moment. Now follow me. I need to know more about this Crackstone. We have a meeting house to break into." she says and they get to a door, Wednesday, using a hairpin picks the lock and the door opens, they slowly open it and peer inside, they step in and close themselves in to investigate the old museum, which has glass displays of items back from that time, even a statue of Crackstone.
"My grandmother once told me secrets are like zombies... they never truly die. I'm not sure what secret Crackstone is hiding, but I have a strange feeling the answers to my future lie in the past." Wednesday says, the two look around, his hands slide across something, it's indented, he can make out words.
"The Old Meeting House, 1625. Wednesday.." he says, she walks over to see it.
"(Y/n), this is the girl I've seen . She's even holding the same book. That black one she had outside Crackstone's crypt." Wednesday says, they turn around and (Y/n) turns around to a display case. Wednesday peers into it.
"This is the book! Codex Umbrarum. That's Latin for "Book of Shadows." She says, she opens the case and picks it up, flipping through it, which the pages are blank.
"They're Blank, the pages."
"Hm.. sounds like my kind of book." (Y/n) said.
"It's a fake. I don't know who Etsy is, but I doubt she was an outcast settler." Wednesday said, (Y/n) folds his arms.
"Cheap Props then, where the real one?" He asks, before the door bursts open.
"Just what the fudge are you two doing in here?" She said, glaring at the two.
"Mistress Arlene. How now?" Wednesday said.
"How now, indeed. I proclaimed the meeting house is under repair. I know thoust heard me."
"mistress, We're simply dying to learn more about Crackstone." (Y/n) says trying to Wesel his way out of it,
"Yes, and this display case was already open."
"That book's a replica."
"You don't say." Wednesday said sarcastically.
"The original was stolen last month during the two o'clock witch trial."
"It was probably the only authentic thing you have in here, yet you still charge $29.95 a ticket?"
"Hold thy tongue. I'm reassigning you both. To fudge-churning duty." She said to them, (Y/n) shrugs.
"The original meeting house, the one in that painting, where is it?" Wednesday asks, and the Mistress finally drops her Gimmick.
"How the hell should I know? I only moved here from Scottsdale in April." She says, and sends them off to churning, which they easily escape from as well, changing attire, the two head off to the cafe.
"So, were leaving again?"
"I deserted it while my sanity was still intact." Wednesday said, "Okay, then what are we here for?" He asks.
"I'm actually here for Tyler."
"Tyler? You mean the Normie working there, why talk to him?" He asks, and Wednesday cuts him down.
"Who I speak to is my business." she says; they stop at the door and (Y/n) just scoffs, "Fine, do what you need to do then, I'll be waiting." He says, "Outside." He sits at a bench, not wanting to go in. Wednesday enters to find Tyler and Xavier.
"Want the usual?" Tyler asks approaching.
"And some help. You know the original pilgrim meeting house, the one from the 1600s? You know if it's still around?" Wednesday pulls out a map of Jericho and places it upon a table.
"What's left is out in Cobham Woods, but it's pretty much a ruin."
"Show me." She said, and he put his finger on the map.
"Uh... There, but, look, it's kind of sketchy. Squatters and meth heads use that place as a crash pad. My dad has it cleared out every couple weeks. What's this about?"
"You're becoming obsessed with this monster in the woods thing."
"Would you rather I develop an obsession with horses and boy bands? Thank you for the help."
"Hey, listen, the ruins are kind of tricky to find. I could take you this afternoon. My shift ends at 2:00." Tyler ask, Wednesday does consider it, "Principal Weems would hang, draw and quarter me if I miss the big statue dedication. And as enticing as that sounds, I'd prefer to keep a low profile. Besides, I know my way around the great outdoors."
"Don't tell me you were a Girl Scout."
"I could eat Girl Scouts for breakfast. I have an uncle who went to prison for that." She says before leaving, she exits the Cafe where (Y/n) continues to sit, listening to the wind rolls along the sky. He feels someone stand in front of him, but he ignores her.
"..." he began to ignore Thrace raven haired girl.
"You haven't gone deaf as well? You'd be useless at that point."
"No, I have not." He replies, Wednesday frowns slightly.
"You’d do your best to Cheer up, your smile is your only appeasing feature." She says, he scoffs at it but laughs.
"God aren't you just the charmer." He says before standing up.
"Okay, where to Short stuff." He asks, and (Y/n) and Wednesday leave, trudging through the forest, their journey comes to An end, finally entering a rundown burned down, building. Thing exits Wednesday backpack to assist searching.
"So, how do you know that you're going to destroy Nevermore exactly?" (Y/n) asks.
"A vision I had, from what I understand my, mother had them as well." Wednesday explains, but the two find nothing.
"Hm, empty..." he says.
"I was expecting more too."
Who "you talking to, little girl?" A man says. The two turn around to an obviously homeless man, long beard and disheveled look.
"Use "little" and "girl" to address me again and I can't guarantee your safety."
"This is my place. Get out!" The man yells, Wednesday turns left to (Y/n), "(Y/n), a hand here?" She says he sighs and walks over and picks up a leaf, he crushes the leaves into a dust.
"Go dtuga Do Bhrionglóidí Oíche Uafásach Ifrinn ar ceal." He says calmly and blows them in the man's face, he tries to swat it away, before all he sees is Fire, his arms; legs, hair all ablaze, he screams and runs out of the place. But to Wednesday, (Y/n) simply blew clumps of crushed leaves into his face and he ran away.
"What did you just do?" She asks.
"I put a hex on him, making him believe he's on fire. Good thing about being a Fomorian is you learn how to curse people at a young age."
"Curses? Hexes? You must Teach me that."
"I'm not teaching you how to curse people, if I did you'd just curse anyone that's a minor inconvenience to you to death." He says, "Anyway. Can't you just touch something and a vision occurs?"
"No, I can't just touch something. My visions seem to happen spontaneously." Wednesday says.
"Okay... why not ask your Mom? If she had visions before." (Y/n) says, and Thing agrees:
"I would rather dye my hair pink than ask my mother for advice."
"Sounds like you just don't want to try." He says, which raises the ire of Miss Addams.
"Oh, you want me to prove it to you?" She says and begins to touch things.
"No. Nothing. Ah, I bet this will give us some real insight." She holds up a Taco Bell bag and shakes it at (Y/n) who folds his arms.
"Well jokes on you, i can't read that anyway." He says smugly, Wednesdays scoffs at him and walks back to the gate.
"My visions are about as predictable as shark attacks." She says and touches the door; her body looks like it was struck by lightning, she stiffens like a corpse in Rigor Mortis. (Y/n) quickly rushes to her before she falls on the ground; and he holds her, like the Corpse of a Bride.
"Wednesday? Wednesday can you hear me? Thing! What's happening?!" He yells; Thing makes motions but (Y/n) shakes his head.
"I know I know!" He yells; and a storm begins to brew.
"We gotta get out of here, I hope you're okay Wednesday." He says as he walks with her in his arms, her vision was much more vivid; this time she was in a completely different place, watching a mob of pilgrims surround a woman.
"Burn her! Burn her!"
"Devil spawn! Devil spawn!"
"Beast! Witch! Repent! Begone! Witch!"
"Stand aside!" A voice bellows through the crowd, adorned with fire and pitchforks, they split like the Red Sea to the founding father, Joseph Crackstone.
"Goody Addams! You have been judged before God and found guilty. You are a witch, a sorceress, Lucifer's mistress herself. For your sins, you will burn this night, and suffer the flames of eternal hellfire." He says, and they cheer, Goody looks at him. As her resemblance to Wednesday was uncanny; besides the blonde hair, she was picture perfect.
"I am innocent. It is you, Joseph Crackstone, that should be tried. We were here before you, living in harmony with nature and the native folk. But you have stolen our land. You have slaughtered the innocent. You have robbed us of our peaceful spirit. You are the true monster. All of you!" she yells, and he laughs at her falsehoods.
"You are abominations in the Devil's grip! I will not stop till I have expunged this New World of every outcast. Godless creatures! Set it ablaze!" He yells, they drag Goody to a building and toss her inside and locks her within. Wednesday follows and sees Goody look around, and she sees someone, a man who looks eerily similar to (Y/n) she rushes to his side.
"Cianán! Cianán!" She says, his weary head looks up, but it was obvious from the dark rings around his eyes, something happened. She grasps his wrists.
"There's no time, my Love. Leave me. Save yourself. He's chained us all to the floor." He says, Goody sees the bindings upon his wrist. "Crackstone, he laid black tar upon my eyes, I cannot see any more." His heartbroken Irish accent whispered sadness into her ears.
"I shan't leave without you." Goody grasps him, holding him so desperately. Her hands raise and gently grasp the sides of his chin. Tears flow solemnly down her cheeks.
"I shall only be a burden, Please. My Sweet Goody, Run. Run as fast as you can. You are our only hope." He said, his hands rose and gently took her wrists, She leaned into his face and laid her lips upon his, a long kiss of farewells, he whispers gently into her ears.
"I mBás, beidh grá agam duit i gcóna��" 
And Goody leaves, escaping as flames dance along the building. Even now she's longing for the embrace of her love, Wednesday watches their kiss and departure, but smoke begins to fill her lungs, and she finds herself surrounded in the dark, mist swoons the ground and Goody runs up to her:
"He won't stop until he's killed us all! He's here." She runs, and Wednesday turns around to Crackstone staring her down.
"There will be no escape for you!" He yells and trips her up, she falls back and awakens from her vision, she lies on the ground, wet. She sits up to see herself not within the broken down building, but a small bear cave and a lit fire next to her body to attempt to warm her up, it was (Y/n) who was also wet.
"Back?" He asks, Wednesday stood up and looked around.
"Rainfall, had to drag my Corpse Bride to safely... that's you." He said, "Thing helped." He adds in, thing is sitting next to (Y/n) on the back of his palm. He can feel the slight shiver on her body and he tosses another piece of wood into the flames.
"You're shivering, Cmon sit." He says and Wednesday opens her mouth to speak.
"Look, before you say anything, just shut up and let me help you. It's not wrong to ask people for help, and if you think I'm somehow a threat then you're probably as blind as I am." He says, Wednesday stares at him, but then slowly obliges and sits next to him, warming herself in the flames.
"So, saw anything in your Vision?" He asks.
"The girl from my visions. Her name is Goody Addams, and I believe she's my ancestor from 400 years ago." she explains, the rain pours, but Wednesdays focus was on the shadow that rushes past the entrance. Wednesday gives chase and (Y/n) stands up.
"W-Wednesday? Wednesday!" He yells, he runs after her, barely able to keep up. He finally reaches her as she's kneeling down.
"What are you looking at?" He says. And She stands up and turns to him.
"The monster is human. Its tracks turned from monster prints to human ones." She explains, (Y/n) kneels down and feels only water.
"Hm.. that's just water to me. I can't smell anything the waters washed the scent away... your visions, When did they start?"
"About a year ago. When they happen, it feels like I'm touching live wire. I usually enjoy that sensation."
"Yeah, but you can't control it and that freaks you out, doesn't it?" He says, "What could you possibly know about me?" Wednesday said.
"You like to be in control of everything, your life, your feelings, so when something comes in that changes it, you push it away, out of the fear of something you can't control. You're a force of nature... it's terrifying and, at the same time, I can't keep my.. heh, eyes off of it." He says, tuning his attention to Wednesday, there was silence between them, a slight bloom of emotion came from Wednesday, but she quickly buried those feelings.
"Anyway, your visions seem, erratic, I don't think we can trust them."
"I saw Joseph Crackstone in front of me as clearly as I'm seeing you now. He gathered all the outcasts in the meeting house and burned them alive."
"It was 400 years ago, what does that have to do with you?"
"Rowan's drawing. Crackstone was standing in the quad."
" it sounds like You're creating a story in your head and using visions to back it up. They're telling you what you want to see.
"Are you mansplaining my power?"
"Is me saving you from a creepy old man "Man-Saving" or is that just me doing my job? All I'm saying is that you can't rely on things you can't always be sure of." He said.
"I believe Rowan was right. Something bad is going to happen, and I need to stop it. Starting with that monster. Whoever it is."
Wednesday and (Y/n) finally reach Nevermore and Wednesday poses a question.
"You Speak Gaelic." She says.
"Gaelic Irish, Yes."
"When I was having my vision, someone said something I want you to Translate: "I mBás, beidh grá agam duit i gcónaí" Wednesday Said, relaying the words Goodys lover one said to her, (Y/n) takes these words and seemingly processes them in his head, his hard ass demeanor slowly fades.
"If my translation is correct, and it usually is... the person said. "In Death, I will love you always." He says, meaning the final words Cianán said to his lover Goody, is that even in his death he will love her in the after life. Wednesday begins to consider things much, drastically. Could history be repeating itself? And could the Man talking to her end up dying for her? For his Love? Will She end up falling for him and watching him suffer a miserable death all the same?
"Hello? Earth to Wednesday?" He asks, she finally looks at him and he asks again.
"Who said it? The message." He asks, and Wednesday kept her deadpan expression.
"I don't know, I couldn't make out their face." She replies, (Y/n) shrugs and decides to trust he, as scary as that was, the end of the is slowly rolling in and students arrive at the heart of Jericho for the celebration, stufende gather and specifically for the music presentation. (Y/n) and Wednesday walk together towards the gather.
"I thought nothing scared me, but that was before I stared into the eyes of Joseph Crackstone. I don't believe in heaven or hell. But I do believe in revenge. I usually serve it warm with a side of pain, but I've never faced an adversary cast in bronze"
(Y/n) sits down, and Enid scoots over to be next to him, he smiles and they watch and or listen to the Mayor as he stands before a podium, a statue and outdoor fountain combination, made of striking bronze.
"Thank you. It is my honor to celebrate our town's history and Jericho's noble forefather, Joseph Crackstone. Now, he believed that with a happy heart and an open ear, there was nothing our town couldn't achieve. So together as one, our community and our friends at Nevermore Academy, we've built a monument to celebrate his memory. Now, may the spirit of Joseph Crackstone be memorialized for eternity." The Mayor Says, and the class begins to do a rendition of "Don't Stop" by Fleetwood Mac, A Water Like liquid begins move within it, splitting out like said fountain. (Y/n)'s nose crinkles up.
"Enid..do you smell that?"
"No, is it my breath?" She asks panicked, "I was really close to Ajax and I hope it didn't—"
"No, you're fine, it's odd it smells like—"
Before his nose could discover the origin of the scent, a flash of burning heat washed over him like a fuming blanket. He couldn't make it out perfectly but he could easily tell that the statue was burning. Students ran, teachers and adults struggled to understand what was going on. What cut though most of the screaming was music, (Y/n) tried to understand where it was coming from, and he eventually did as the harrowing strings of Vivaldi's "Winter" bellows from the side, he can only imagine that's it's coming from one person. Wednesday Addams, and it all slowly began to piece together who was behind this, while it couldn't be proven. (Y/n) wasn't the only person to figure this all out. Weems, who dragged Wednesday into her office was more than upset, she was enthralled with rage.
"That was a disaster. The mayor is furious! I've lost count of the angry phone calls, emails, and people in the town, alumni and parents. They want answers and so do I."
"I would lead the inquisition, but I left my thumbscrews and rack at home."
"Miss Addams... you're already on thin ice. Wafer-thin ice. I swear on my late scorpion's soul, my hands are clean." she said, which is only partly true. As the only "Hand" involved was Thing.
"I may not have hard evidence, but I see you. You're a trouble magnet." Weems glares at the child, who stands up, literally for herself.
LIf trouble means standing up to lies, decades of discrimination, centuries of treating outcasts like second-class citizens or worse..."
"What are you talking about?"
"Jericho. Why does this town even have an Outreach Day? Don't you know its real history with outcasts? The actual story of Joseph Crackstone?" Wednesdays asks, and Weems frowns, admittedly nodding.
"I do. To an extent."
"Then why be complicit in its cover up? Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
"That's where you and I differ. Where you see doom, I see opportunity. Maybe this is a chance to rewrite the wrongs, to start a new chapter in the normie-outcast relations."
"Nothing has changed since Crackstone. They still hate us. Only now they sugarcoat it with platitudes and smiles. If you're unwilling to fight for truth—"
"You don't think I want the truth? Of course I do. But the world isn't always black and white. There are shades of gray. Maybe for you.
"But it's either they write our story or we do. You can't have it both ways."
"...You're exhausting." Weems sighs, but Wednesday hasn't moved an inch.
"I know."
"..Goodnight, Miss Addams. But you should know... I don't tire easily." Weems says, before Wednesday is excused back to her room. Wednesday types on her vintage Typewriter, as on the other side of the room Enid was trying on clothes, as (Y/n) was sitting on her bed, helping her choose. Enid shows different styles one of a pot heirs of colors.
"Too much?" She asks.
"So glad I have my date with Ajax tonight. Get my mind off that trainwreck of an afternoon. I literally think I have PTSD. I didn't even get to do my dance routine."
"Wow, What a tragedy." (Y/n) says.
"What kind of twisted psycho would want to sabotage such a life-affirming event?" Enid asks, (Y/n) slyly smirks and shrugs.
"You're going to be late." (y/n) says as she gets dressed, Enid gives him a reassuring hug.
"Wish me luck."
"If he breaks your heart I'll curse him and his family for all eternity." He says and Enid leaves, (Y/n) and Wednesday are alone together. He lets out a sigh and turns to face her.
"So, gonna Just act like you didn't Blow the statue up?" He says as he approaches her, she continues to type. "Weems was pretty ticked off, angriest I've seen her in a while. So I have to ask, why?" He says. Wednesday continues to type, not paying attention to him.
"To Send a message, I don't believe in mandatory volunteer work, sugar-coated history, or happy endings, but most of all... I don't believe in coincidences. To paraphrase Agatha Christie, one coincidence is just a coincidence, two are a clue....and three are proof. Rowan's drawing of me and Crackstone happens sometime in the future. Goody Addams' warnings about Crackstone were in the past. And the monster is here in the present. Three coincidences that I know are connected. That monster could be anyone. The sheriff thinks they only exist behind the walls of this school. The truth is, there are monsters everywhere. And sometimes the monsters we least suspect are the most dangerous. They don't need teeth and claws to terrify. They hide in the shadows until no one is looking. And then they strike. But I'm looking now. And I won't stop until I find the truth." She says euch such intensity, she truly believes in herself and her words, and (Y/n) feels, confidence in that.
“I mean I get that you want to figure this all out, but you have to be more careful. And try and play nice with others.” He said.
"And if I don't?" Wednesday said, still working and tapping.
"Then I'll be forced to... Hmm. punish you." He said, and he could hear Wednesday scoff dryly.
"What could a blind warlock possible do to—" she says, before Wednesdays face freezes up like ice, her entire body stuff, and she just stares forward. She felt the warm arms and body of (Y/n) as he snuck up behind her for a soft hug. Wednesday had never been hugged, her intimidation was more than enough to keep most people away, but then again, (Y/n) really isn't "Most People".
“See? I know your weakness, Human interaction.” he laughed for a moment, before he can even say her name; Wednesday had him pinned down on the ground, full Mount with a pair of sharp pointed scissors aimed at him, she gripped them hard, and with her other hand she tightly grasped his shirt. Despite her petite form and body she was surprisingly well built and versatile.
"Tell me why, I shouldn't kill you.. Right now." Wednesday voice had no emotion, cold and for most to hear would be absolutely terrifying. But (Y/n) just laughed a bit, his focus was on her, even if he couldn't see.
"I told you I could get you, you know when we got captured by that Society, I told them that you.. Wednesday are a force of nature, and.. it's amazing. You're amazing.." He says, which somehow cools her boiling rage and for the first time in her life Wednesday Addams, is embarrassed; and the tiniest hint of red was on her pale skin, she stands up, getting off of him and tosses her scissors down near his neck.
"Leave, Now." She says, she turns around and he just stands up, Chuckling.
"Okay, okay, sorry for upsetting you... I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks. Hopeful.
"....I'll consider it." She replies and he smiles a bit wider.
"Well..be seeing you, Miss Addams." He said as he leaves the room, letting Wednesday have a shaky sigh. She looks at her hands, and clenches them, wondering one thing.
"What is this.. odd feeling in her heart?"
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zaeliaeve · 1 year
𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓶𝓮 [𝓚.𝓜] 𝟏𝟖+ Chapter 4
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WARNINGS:  Cum kink, unprotected sex, vaginal sex.
In life there are two reactions to most situations; fight or flight.
Bianca almost always responded with the latter. It was simply easier to pretend nothing was happening because the moment you do self-reflection you must change, and Bianca didn't want to change yet.
Life for the first time in a long time seemed colorful again. After the death of her father, she wasn't sure when she would feel like herself again but she doesn't even necessarily feel like her old self either. This was a whole new side of life.
Suddenly there was something to look forward to, somebody who always knew the right thing to say and knew how to please her in a way that would put her on a dopamine high that would last all day. Her feelings were only growing stronger with each interaction.
It was purely selfish, but she couldn't stop.
They had to be more careful now after Kylian slept over at her house. Camille has been all over Kylian lately, constantly showing up randomly and calling the office to speak with him. Luckily she hasn't found anything because Kylian made sure to scrub his phone clean.
Even somewhat hinting that Kylian leave Camille would feel too far, after all, he does have a daughter with her and Bianca wouldn't want to ruin the young girl's life; not to mention even hinting at a breakup it could send Kylian running for the hills.
Admittedly, it would be nice to know where Kylian stood on the situation but she could never tell. The Frenchman would never even give a clue on where he stood emotionally and despite her better judgment she was a little curious and wanted to poke around a bit to gauge where he stood, maybe just for the sake of knowing.
Bianca was trying to convince herself that she truly didn't care, that she was just curious; like a cat walking on the edge of a window seal.
What has curiosity ever done to a cat?
"Oi you're in my spot you know?" A deep accented voice says standing directly in front of Bianca's desk, arms crossed.
She snaps her head up from her notebook with pure confusion only to be more confused when she realizes it's someone she's never met before. The unknown man is tall, has smooth full lips, big friendly brown eyes, and a seemingly just-cut faded haircut. 
He is undoubtedly beautiful.
This man seemed young-  too young to work there given almost all staff are past thirty besides Kylian and herself. "I'm sorry are you at the wrong place? Would you like directions?" Bianca asked earnestly, shuffling to her computer and getting ready to pull up Google Maps.
"What you think I couldn't work here?" There's now a grin on his face and his teeth are just as nice as the rest of him.
Bianca scrambled with her words trying to explain herself, somewhat off guard from the fresh face. "Of course you could. I've just never seen you around and now you wanna sit in my seat."
He pointed over to the empty chair on the far right to her with the broken computer that hasn't been used the whole time she's been there. "Actually I wanna sit in that seat" He corrected her before making his way behind the desk.
She didn't stop him, only watching as he placed his leather bag next to the dusty keyboard. "But you said-"
"I was only messing with you."
Bianca blinked unsurely at what was happening.  "I'm sorry who are you?" She finally questioned, her body fully facing him.
The man stuck his hand out and now sat in the previously empty chair.  "I'm Jude. I filled your spot while you were away and Mr. Messi liked me so much that he wanted me to stay here."
Oh, this is the guy Kylian was talking about in the car the other day. He didn't seem boring at all. In fact, quite the opposite.
"I'm Bianca" Their hands linked together, shaking up and down a few times courteously before letting go.
Her eyebrows knitted together. "Wait, I thought you were his assistant?"
Jude rubbed his hands together before he shrugged confidently. "I am, but he said if I could fix up the computer I could have my own space" he explained now turning to face the dead computer in front of him.
This isn't your own space, this is my space.
A heads-up would have been nice for the new change but Bianca wasn't too bothered by it. Slightly irritated yes, but not actually angry about it. Maybe now she would be forced to do her job a bit better, less time to slack off with someone watching her.  Especially someone the CEO seemed to have grown fond of.
Bianca didn't say much else, just went back to her notebook trying to figure out one of the higher-up's appointment schedules so she could find an opening for another client.
There was a silence that lasted about an hour while Jude messed around with the computer trying to pick it apart while Bianca did her own work. They were simply coexisting in the same place.
Jude broke the silent streak first. "I can tell you aren't from around here either" he noted as his hands still tinkered at the machine.
She wasn't sure what he meant or how he meant it, but she decided to go the playful route. "What gave it away?" Her tone was light, glancing at him from the corner of her eye.
"Everyone I've met so far looks like they've seen hell with their own eyes. You look too innocent to be from here."
Bianca laughed to herself. If only he knew.
Jude didn't miss her reaction. "What's funny? Am I wrong?" His head looked left to her.
There was no right way to answer that, so it was probably best to slightly change the subject. "Where are you from?"
His eyes stayed glued to her.  "Stourbridge, England."
Bianca pouted her lower lip out and put a hand on her chest. "My condolences."
"You've been?"
"No, but it doesn't sound pleasant."
Jude's wide smile returned, and his eyes twinkled underneath the fluorescent lights. "What do they even have in your country? Coconuts?" He teased back.
She laughed hardily at that, completely forgetting about the work she was supposed to be doing. "I'll take that over your guys' food options. Beans on toast should be banned, there is no way people actually enjoy that."
Both of their chairs turned to face each other. "You know people do enjoy? Electricity. Your people wouldn't know about that I guess" Jude shot back, trying to hide his own laughter.
Bianca also tried to conceal her giggles. "Oh really? We do know about the dentist though, can you Englishmen say the same?"
Jude flashed his white teeth, wiping them with his tongue. "Don't even try to violate us like that again."
A loud ringing broke up their interaction, causing them both to jump. Bianca swiveled her chair back around and lifted the landline phone to her ear, immediately causing the annoying buzzing to stop. "JPR-Finance, this is Bianca speaking how may I assist you today?"
"It always makes me laugh when you use your customer service voice."
Bianca's heart fluttered in her chest the second she heard Kylian's voice, a warm feeling spreading in her stomach. She could feel Jude's eyes on her so she kept her composure calm and professional. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, sir. Is there anything you would like help with this afternoon?"
Kylian's eyebrows raised at her continued act. "Actually yes there is, Ms. Salazar. I've got half a pineapple pizza that I need you to come finish. Food waste is one of the world's greatest failures and it would be such a shame to contribute to it."
Bianca snickered internally. So corny but so cute.
She felt at ease when Jude went back to the computer, now able to act more like herself around Kylian. "I'll be happy to help you.
The phone was placed back into the holder before she slid out from her desk and headed to the elevators.
Bianca swallowed her food before speaking, eyes on his suit. "I have a question for you"
Kylian tapped his mouth with a napkin to wipe away the shiny residue from the pizza. He hummed shortly for her to continue speaking. "Is Camille your wife or your girlfriend?" The question caught him off guard and he coughed to regain composure.
"She's my girlfriend." He responded simply, fidgeting the napkin inside his palm.
A small wave of relief washed over her. At least they aren't married.
She accepted his answer and took another bite of the greasy bread before pressing again. "How long have you guys been together?"
Kylian breathed in slowly as he winded his shoulders, visibly uncomfortable. "I just turned 20 when we met so a little more than four years." He surprisingly seemed level-headed when answering even though out of his comfort zone.
Bianca cocked her head to the side. "But Ariella is four so Camille must have gotten pregnant quickly."
"She got pregnant only a month into our relationship. I hadn't really gotten to know her well at that point, I was just a kid. Young and dumb. I got Ari though, so I'm happy." Kylian shrugged it off, shutting the pizza box as his appetite dwindled.
She kept the conversation going, relieved to finally get some answers. "Where did you meet?"
Kylian paused in his place and looked at the ceiling trying to wrack his brain to remember the answer. "At a club, if I remember correctly. I was more wild in those days so all the memories kind of blended together. I don't like to think about it much."
Her lips pulled downwards. The entire situation seemed unfair with each new fact she discovered.
Bianca was walking on a tightrope with this conversation and she knew it, so pushing too much on the subject wasn't a smart idea but yet the nagging feeling of wanting to know more wouldn't leave.
The pizza grew cold as it stayed on the paper plate, now long forgotten. Bianca lifted her head up to look at him, adrenaline too strong to be afraid.
Against her better judgment, she asked the question that's been on her mind for some time now. "Do you really love her?"
Kylian's eyes softened and his shoulders slumped down. "Bianca," he breathed out as he stood up from his seat.
Bianca instantly regretted asking the question, cheeks burning with embarrassment and wanting to crawl into a hole to hide forever. Kylian bent down to meet her eye level in the chair before holding her face in his palms and gently kissing her.
His lips were warm and relaxed, contrasting sharply with hers who was careful and shaky as her mind swirled. After a few seconds of his touch, she eased into him and accepted when his tongue swiped across her lower lip.
Their saliva exchanged as their mouths opened for each other, salty and sweet like the food they just consumed. Kylian broke the kiss to press a few other ones to her cheeks before he wrapped his arms around her tightly.
Bianca was unsure of what answer she wanted to hear but as she sat smothered in his arms, this seemed like the perfect one.
Her hands pushed on his chest to get space only enough to find his mouth again this time with more heat. Kylian grabbed her thighs lifted her from the chair swiftly and placed her on his semi-empty desk.
"You're always on my mind," Kylian says breathlessly before sucking on her neck.
Bianca's mind is fuzzy, lost in the sensation of his tongue dragging across her flesh. Kylian is growing hard quickly, subconsciously grinding against her leg for friction. She rubs his bulge with one hand, the other cradling his head as he unbuttons her shirt and then unclasps her bra.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spots the large clock ticking mockingly at them. "You have a meeting in forty minutes so let's make this quick, mon beau." she reminds him before wincing at the cold air now exposed to her chest.
Kylian let out a low laugh as he pulls her skirt down. "Oui m'dame" he pecks at her lips.
Bianca hops off the desk and turns around so that she's fully bent over the desk. From behind, she hears him gasp at her straightforward action. Kylian takes time to caress her body, admiring her as if she was a sculpture; tracing over her curves with the pads of his fingertips.
His veiny hands grasp her ass, squeezing the fatty flesh before pressing his thumb over her clothed pussy. Kylian circled around the nerves through the thin cloth, smiling when he felt her warm juices spread around with his finger.
She pushed back onto his long digit, desperate for more contact as she held onto the wooden desk completely vulnerably.
Kylian found it amusing watching her squirm and wanted to drag it out for longer despite the time crunch. He yanked his hand away from her body to unzip his pants and push them down his thick thighs, tugging his boxers down next.
He could see in her body language that she felt excited at the sound of his pants falling and he almost felt bad for not instantly giving her what she wanted so badly. Kylian took his fully hard dick and dragged his across her ass, his sticky warm precum leaving small wet stains against the cotton of her underwear.
Bianca let out a whine and murmured his name incoherently, only enticing him further.
He lifted up the fabric so that his throbbing cock could slide between the skin and the material, the silhouette of his dick outlined in the cotton. He groaned at the feeling of her soft flesh rubbing against his foreskin and he shallowly thrusts.
"More Kylian" she cries, grinding her ass against him.
Kylian placed one hand on her waist and guides her while he bucks into her repeatedly, enjoying the view of her ass bouncing against him. He let out small grunts as he got lost in the moment and became focused on the enchanting sight before him, focused on his own pleasure. "Please baby" she gets out needily.
That broke him out of his trance, and Kylian having enough of his own game pulled down her underwear and eased himself into her dripping heat. "Fuck yes yes thank you" Bianca jumbled together, lust clouding her senses.
He slid into her body perfectly like a puzzle piece, sucking at the side of her neck and shuddering at how good her slippery walls felt clenching around him. "Always so tight and perfect for me," Kylian says into her ear as he picks up his pace.
Kylian pulls away to grab at her ass again, sweat forming as he pumps himself into her completely before pulling out again and repeating the steps. Bianca was a mess under him, drooling onto the surface below as his tip nudged against her most sensitive spot.  
He angled himself so he could repeatedly fuck into that spot, this time harder. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as a string of curses left her mouth incoherently. Kylian used one of his hands to fondle her breast before pulling her hair so her neck would be exposed to his lips.
Bianca was already close and he could feel it by the globs of clear liquid smearing onto his cock and her walls enclosing around him tightly. Kylian can feel his cock start to twitch at the wet warm feeling. "Merde, princess you're fucking soaking. Not gonna last long." 
Kylian lowered his hand to rub against her clit, starting off slowly and then matching his fast pace. "Ahh f-fuckkkk" she borderline screamed out, eyes screwing shut, dangerously close to her orgasm. 
" 's good. Want you to cum all over" Bianca slurred drunkenly, eyelids low.
Kylian let out a low whine. "You need my cum mon bébé?" 
She nodded quickly without a second thought.  "Yes! Want you to make a mess on me."
He was determined to make her come first, so he pounded into her and rubbed against that spot again, pushing her over the edge. Kylian almost cried at how good it felt when her sopping velvety walls spasmed around his raw cock, wanting to milk him for everything he had. Bianca chanted his name as she came, hot dribbles of her own juice running down her legs.
"Gonna paint you so pretty" he groaned out deeply, balls tight and full of his semen.
Kylian couldn't hold back any longer so he pulled out and drenched her smooth thighs in his white creamy cum, moaning as his cock spurted out an endless load. "Fuck yes! Take it all, ma chérie" He grunted out.
Bianca rubbed her thighs together to make a bigger mess, smearing the thick liquid all over her skin combined with her own juices. Kylian panted as he slowly came down, mind cloudy from how intense his orgasm was. 
Kylian turned her around on the desk so their lips could meet again, his hand rubbing against her drenched thighs so he could feel their own creation. "Beautiful," he says as he looks down.
Kylian and Bianca stood sweatily and out of breath as they came down from their highs, skin flushed and damp as proof of their actions. He pulled Bianca into his arms one last time to kiss her sloppily, she reciprocated happily but somewhat tired.
"I hate when I have to leave," Bianca says once their lips part.
Kylian brings her hand up to his mouth, leaving long kisses on each knuckle. "Don't leave then. Stay here forever with me." He sounded serious even though what he was saying was outlandish.
Oh, If only.
Bianca couldn't resist another kiss even if the time was running out before his meeting. As Kylian's fingers laced in her hair a loud knocking caused them to pull away abruptly.
The high-pitched voice made both of their stomachs drop. They froze in their places as the knocking got louder. "I know you're in there Kylian." She shrieked.
He zipped his pants up as Bianca rushed to find her underwear thrown somewhere across the room. "Camille I'm in a meeting," Kylian yelled at the door as he tried to straighten up the mess they had made.
The door handle started jiggling as Camille yanked at the metal but it was stopped by the lock. "Just let me in Kylian you're driving me crazy" Camille huffed, voice strong.
Bianca's eyes scanned around the room for places to hide but there weren't many options. Behind a plant seemed too cliche and seeing the girl face to face was definitely out of the question. It was obvious to anyone with a brain what they were doing and if anyone found out, the consequences would be disastrous.
Luckily, Kylian's grand wooden desk completely touched the floor so it was impossible to see what was on the other side unless you completely came around. Bianca set aside her dignity as she crawled on the floor and nustled herself into the dark space.
Going from letting another person inside of her to minutes later degrading herself to being someone's dirty secret as his cum dried on her skin was humiliating, to say the least; but it was completely deserved.
"Just stay quiet and we'll be fine" Kylian assured her in a whisper.
The knocking hadn't stopped, if anything only growing louder. Kylian quickly opened up a window to let out some of the humidity and sprayed old cologne from years ago that he doesn't even like anymore.
He rushed to the door and cracked it open, his body blocking her from being able to see inside. "Are you crazy? I'm in the middle of a meeting! Are you trying to get me fired?" Kylian lied easily to the upset girl.
Camille let out a shaky breath. "You make me crazy. I can't shake this gut feeling, Kylian. A woman's intuition is never wrong."
Bianca felt like she was going to throw up her head spinning and ears ringing yet she couldn't move a muscle.
"I don't have time for this Camille. You've come up here more times within the past week than you have in my whole career and all you do is cause a scene every time. I can't take it anymore" Kylian kept stern.
Camille let out an offended gasp. "I don't have any other choice. You come home smelling like a woman's perfume and you won't even look at me anymore. Every single time I talk to you, you barely respond. It's like your head is always somewhere else."
Bianca felt like she was watching a horrible car crash. An absolute wreck, but you can't look away- or in this case, stop listening.
"We can talk about it when we get home but I'm not doing this here. Leave Camille." Kylian wasn't even arguing back, seemingly just tired.
His girlfriend clearly wasn't satisfied with that answer, only fueling the fire more. "You don't even care about me! I'm sitting here pouring out my heart and you don't even give a fuck! What kind of example are you setting for Ariella? I will never let my child grow up with such a pathetic excuse of a father" Camille sobbed.
Kylian let out a sigh and softened his tone as he scratched the back of his neck. "Of course I care, I really do. I just have a lot of work that needs to get done. I promise the second I get home, we can talk about this. Go home, run a bath, and relax."
Bianca hears their clothes shift as Camille clings to his body for a hug. "I love you" she hears faintly from Camille.
"I love you too."
Suddenly it's all too much and Bianca covers her ears with her hands, hands shaking around her head as she does so. The door shuts and Kylian bends down to find Bianca with her knees to her chest and shaking from the adrenaline. "Are you okay?" He asks softly.
She doesn't say anything, only staring blankly at the floor. "Bianca" he calls to her.
Bianca's face remains the same, staring off into space.
Kylian doesn't know what to say or do so he crawls on the floor next to her and waits in silence in the dark small space, eyes carefully watching her. "I want to go home," Bianca says after some time.
"Whatever you want to do, I'll make happen. But please-" He pauses, hesitant to scare her away.
Please don't give up on me.
"-call me when you get home. I want to make sure you're okay."
Bianca stands up quietly, not saying anything else as she fixes her clothes and bolts for the door, leaving a distressed Kylian behind.
She stopped at her desk to grab her things, a preoccupied Jude looking up when he sees she came back. "You're leaving already?" He asks with surprise.
Bianca was in no mood to talk but still kept a polite tone. "Yeah, I'm not feeling well."
It wasn't a complete lie, at least.
Jude pouts his lip. "Shit, sorry to hear."
He turns his body around and scribbles down something in pen before ripping the paper and presenting it to her. "Here's my number. It gets lonely here, let's hang out sometime.."
Bianca takes the paper and shoves it deep into her pocket. "Definitely."
Hours pass as Bianca stayed nuzzled on her couch, wrapped under thick wool blankets. Her eyes are swollen from all the time spent crying, replaying the day over and over again in her head from every possible angle.
Everything was just so messy and confusing, she hated it.
Today forced her to come to the realization that even the people you dislike the most have feelings too. Is it justified in any way? Can I handle the emotional burden that comes with Kylian? Is it all worth it?
They could both lose everything, but for some reason, none of that mattered the moment she was in his presence. Everything felt so right with him. Bianca internally cursed at herself forever applying to the job in the first place. In any scenario, they would always be drawn to each other.
No matter how much she tried to fight against her feelings for him, she would always lose. Bianca imagines stepping into a time machine and stopping herself from ever leaving her country at all.
At the reminder of the silly conversation from earlier with Jude, she crawls off of the couch to find her sweater from earlier and dig out the pockets. In it was his sloppy note and she carried it with her before sitting back on the cushions and typing the numbers into her phone.
B: Hey, It's Bianca. Sorry for messaging so late, I was distracted all day. Hope you're sleeping well.
About ten minutes later her phone buzzes with a notification.
J: why would I be asleep? Sleep is for the weak yanno xx
She smiles for the first time in hours.
B: right, that's why I assumed you'd be asleep.
J: ur an actual hater
J: ur lucky ur pretty or else I'd block u rn ;P
𝔸/ℕ:  𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘!! 𝕀'𝕧𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕤𝕠 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕠 𝕀'𝕞 𝕘𝕝𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕖 𝕁𝕦𝕕𝕖. 𝔹𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕒 𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕒 𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕖-𝕦𝕡 𝕚𝕤𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕠 𝕀 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕓𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕚𝕥!  𝔹𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕒 𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖! 𝕀 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕒 𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕒𝕥 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖'𝕤 𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕚𝕥. ℕ𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕖𝕥 𝕦𝕡 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕠 𝕀'𝕞 𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕦𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕤𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕒𝕤𝕟'𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕥 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕦𝕘𝕙. 𝕊𝕠 𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕋ℍ𝔸ℕ𝕂 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝔸𝕃𝕃 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼 <𝟛𝟛𝟛𝟛!!!!! 𝕀 𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕡𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖! 𝕀𝕃𝕐𝕊𝕄!!
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