#with a slight focus on dukeceit i suppose
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arteacactus · 5 years ago
Can we get a sick fic Janus hiding in his room until someone else breaks down the door? Cause he thought no one would care
this is so out of nowhere bc i like never get fic requests here anymore it’s like always on my sideblog hissceit ,, but it’s 10000% welcome and appreciated JDFJFD thank u .. also i apologize for how needlessly wordy this is HAHA i strayed from the prompt like .. a lot
warnings for sickness , the coughs , vomiting, sore throat , etc , the whole shebang-- and some cursing 
It’s not that Janus had never been sick before, it’s just that...
Well, he’d never been sick before.
He wasn’t positive why (which irked him; he hated being in the dark about things, especially things concerning himself), but he had some theories- the most plausible one thus far simply being that while Thomas had always viewed the Light Sides as human, to some extent, he saw Janus as a two-faced snake; a monster kept hidden away in the shadows under his bed. And monsters didn’t get touched by things like disease. So while the others got touched with sickness occasionally, Janus never did.
But if Janus was getting sick now..
That implied that after he told them his name, Thomas started seeing him as somewhat human, too, with vulnerabilities like the rest.
He wasn’t sure just how he felt about that, but he didn’t love it (he liked being untouchable, okay?).
Ah, well, Janus supposed the why didn’t matter much at the moment. He could ponder that after the fact.
Right now was the time to think about how to end it, because it was pure torture.
He was too hot and too cold all at once, his head throbbed and his body ached in places he never knew could ache, his eyes were sore and oozing and his nose wasn’t faring much better. His throat was raw as if he’d spent hours and hours screaming at nothing, and even after trudging his way into the Dark Side’s kitchen for a cup of tea (though it was more like a cup of honey and lemon with a hint of green tea), it felt absolutely no better; in fact, he just felt worse, because he had to leave bed, go downstairs, spend twenty minutes standing around to make the tea, and then go back up the stairs to his room again.
He’d been fidgeting with his blankets for the past three hours; having them on made him too hot, having them off made him too cold, and so he settled for having one leg covered and nothing else (oddly enough, this was actually a good compromise). The air in his room was hot and stuffy which certainly didn’t help- nor did it help his sinuses any, as it made his headache pound worse and his airways were thoroughly blocked off. He dreaded drinking or swallowing anything as it sent the most uncomfortably painful sensation down his throat and rendered him to a groaning, pained mess.
He clutched his pillow weakly, pressing his head into the hot surface. He hated this. Usually, he thrived in the heat, as his room was typically colder than a jail cell, but this time he wanted it gone. He wished it was winter, just so he could full-body launch himself into a mound of snow and sleep for eternity. 
He felt a slight tug, the distinct feeling of someone requesting his presence, and promptly shooed it away. Not only was he just wearing pants, but he was sick, and he’d rather die than show that level of weakness to anybody.
Three days before, when he’d first felt his symptoms come on, he’d briefly considered going to someone for help; perhaps Remus, because he was his best friend, or Logan, because surely he’d know how to handle diseases and how to cure them, or maybe even Patton, because he was a father figure and might have even made him soup- but he had quickly banished the thought. Sure, maybe they knew his name now, but they still really didn’t like him and had absolutely no reason to help him and not laugh at his predicament.
Well. Remus liked him well enough, but he would have just taken his morning star and bashed Janus across the head with it and called it good, so Janus had to pass on that.
Another tug came, a little more forcefully this time, and Janus dismissed it, just as forcefully. For a little precaution, he took a deep breath and waved his hand, locking up his room so no one could rise up/appear in it, nor could they come through his door. The strain it put on him to maintain that lock was almost enough to make him pass out, but he didn’t dare remove it; he couldn’t risk anybody seeing him in this state. 
He forced his body to roll over to the side, pressing his face into his pillow and sighing in relief as his nose unplugged just enough to take a deep breath in. He found himself actually wishing he’d sneeze, just for the temporary relief it brought. 
He pointedly ignored the next few tugs that hit him, though they weren’t as forceful and harsh as the past couple were. He could only assume the only reason they actually wanted him up there was to lecture him, because him being incapacitated like this surely was affecting Thomas in some way that they didn’t like.
Well, sucks to be them, Janus thought in mild frustration, I’m staying right here until this all goes away and I don’t want to die anymore.
Eventually, the incessant tugging slowed to a stop, and then they finally left him alone.
Letting out a relieved sigh, Janus curled his body into a tight ball, cringing at the sticky feeling of his sweaty skin against his silk sheets, and tried to fall asleep.
Thankfully, sleep claimed him easily, and he drifted off.
However easily it came, though, it certainly wasn’t very forgiving. 
He didn't wake up randomly, but he kept getting thrown so many vivid nightmares and odd, fever-induced dreams that he almost wished he was waking up every few minutes, if only to get away from whatever things his mind kept throwing at him.
He wasn’t awake, but he was aware of his own constant tossing and turning, his bed creaking in protest every time he thrashed and threw his body around the mattress, and when he finally did open his eyes (his throbbing head wasn’t very appreciative of it), he realized he’d somehow twisted himself so his head was at the foot of his bead and his blankets had been fully tossed onto the floor. His pillows weren’t faring much better; only two of his usual six remained in place, and they were mangled to death, the rest on the floor with his blankets.
Janus truly couldn’t bring himself to give a damn- instead, he weakly pushed his body upright, trying not to topple over as his head swam, and fell right back down in the proper position. Thankfully, though, his head not touching the pillows in a while meant they were delightfully chilled, and he moaned aloud at the lovely sensation it brought him. Absently he wondered if he should gather the strength to get himself an ice pack or run an ice bath, but thought better of it. After all, he was still part snake; he’d rather not throw himself into a self-induced comatose state from the cold. 
He blindly reached out and grabbed ahold of his bedside clock, a little antique thing he designed himself to fit his aesthetic despite being very poor at reading Roman numerals, and squinted as he tried to decipher how long he’d been asleep for.
He nearly dropped the thing upon realizing he’d slept for eleven straight hours.
He slid it back onto his nightstand and groaned loudly, though it quickly turned into a pained, chest-wracking cough. He couldn’t avoid it; he had to get up and eat something, or drink something, or get literally anything in his body, because whether he liked it or not, that was the only way he was going to get over this thing quicker. 
He managed to move just enough to get up and off the bed (nevermind the fact he nearly fell straight on the floor the second he stood), and took a couple shaky steps towards the door. The moment he reached out to turn the knob, though, the knocking started.
He froze, looking like a deer caught in headlights as he stared wide-eyed at the piece of wood in front of him, the only thing separating him from them.
There was a call of ‘Janus?’ that was so soft, Janus didn’t actually know who it came from; but that didn’t matter now, because the doorknob was turning and fuck, when did he let go of his lock?
Janus snapped his fingers, and managed to summon all but his hat when the door opened and revealed- much to his surprise- Virgil.
Janus and Virgil blinked at each other for a moment, dumbfounded, but thankfully, Virgil didn’t seem to see anything off about him, and just lowered his gaze and shrunk into his hoodie, refusing to meet Janus’ eyes.
“We- uh, they were trying to call you earlier today, you know.” Virgil’s voice was low and gruff, and Janus could honestly say this was the best possible Side to come see him. Remus was loud and shrill, Patton was too cheery and Roman was boisterous- Logan probably wouldn’t have been awful, but with his insistence to look everyone in the eye as he spoke to them, Janus was sure he’d have deciphered what was going on in a second.
“I’m aware,” Janus replied, internally cringing at his rough tone. He cleared his throat, which was screaming in protest at speaking. 
Virgil didn't seem to notice- or if he did, he didn’t care. “Well. You made them worry, and they sent me to come collect you.”
“Worr- Collect?” Janus echoed in confusion, taken off guard by everything Virgil said.
“Yeah, uh, you worried them so now they won’t take no for an answer. You’re gonna have to come with me.” Virgil, at least, seemed a little sheepish saying this, but he also has a particularly determined and frustrated look to him. Clearly, he wasn’t happy being the one picked to come ‘collect’ Janus, and he wasn’t going to take no from him as an answer, either.
“Wh-” Janus was cut off as Virgil gripped his arm, and any protests he could have made died on his tongue as they started moving. Dizziness attacked him with such ferocity that he was honestly astounded that he hadn’t immediately fallen over, and his stomach lurched at the speed they were moving. Of course, he didn’t bring this up, just took a deep breath and pushed through. After all, Virgil was the last person he wanted to know about his current state.
Once Virgil brought them across the line that separated the Dark Sides from the Light Sides, the immediate bright artificial light from the lamps and ceiling lights making his head pound in a way that was even worse than what the red light of the heat lamps in the snake terrariums in his room caused. 
The air here, though, was clear and fresh, and he basked in the coolness of it as it surrounded him. If it wasn’t for the lights, he’d almost be tempted ask to stay for a while.
Once they made it to the living room, Virgil released him from his grasp, and slunk over into his own corner in the stairwell- and Janus found himself standing right next to Logan.
Unfortunately, they were all staring at him.
Time to put your acting skills to work, Janus, he thought to himself as he heaved an internal sigh, and plastered a toothy grin on his face that bared his sharp canines just enough to make them flinch away.
“So. I was summoned?” His throat protested speech, but thankfully his voice came out smooth and silky, not one bit of it hinting towards his predicament.
“Yeah, and you never answered..?” Thomas seemed more concerned than anything, but Janus definitely saw some suspicion on Roman’s expression (he couldn’t blame him, after how his name reveal went), and Patton was more fidgety than usual. Logan, bless him, didn’t seem to be acting any different, and Virgil looked just as bored as he usually was.
Remus, however...
Well, Remus was looking at Janus with a suspicious gaze similar to Roman’s but far more scrutinizing. Janus briefly felt a flare of panic. If there was anyone here to notice he was off, it would be his best friend, who he lived with and saw every day.
“I was resting, Thomas, would you blame your personification of self-preservation for taking a day off for self-care?” Janus’ tone was exasperated. He wasn’t lying, not really; he was resting, and he was taking a day off for self-care.
Just.. more than one day.
“Respectfully, I have to.. what is the term, ‘call bullshit’?” Came Logan’s voice next to him, and he hoped to God that Logan didn’t notice Janus’ feverish tremors. “You’ve been MIA for the past few days, and it’s escalated to the point where Thomas is beginning to react to it. There is something else going on, and we’d like to know what’s going on.”
Ah, yes, for the good of Thomas, Janus couldn’t help but think a little bitterly, Really, I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s not like they’d worry about my wellbeing. “I’m afraid I wasn’t bullshitting you, Logan,” Janus replied coolly, “It was the truth.”
“Then how come your room looked trashier than Remus’?” Virgil’s voice, where earlier it was comfortingly gruff, was now an offputting growl. Despite his words, though, Janus could tell he was trying to act like he didn’t actually care. He took note of that, because Virgil caring about him was odd.
“Rearranging,” Janus replied simply, and hoped they took that alone as an acceptable answer.
Of course, they didn’t.
“You never rearrange,” Virgil’s tone turned accusatory, and then Patton cut in. 
“Well, maybe then that’s why he’s doing it now? For something fresh?” He sounded hopeful, as if he couldn’t wait for this entire conversation to be over. Janus felt similarly.
“I’ve lived with him, Patton, I know him, and it’s not something that happens.” Virgil argued, but this seemed to set off Remus as he cut in with, “And you left, so who are you to claim you ‘know him’?”
This sparked an argument amongst themselves, as they fought over the sudden new topic that thankfully centered around Virgil more than anything, and with Logan, Roman, and Thomas trying to mediate, there was no attention put on him anymore.
Janus took this momentary distraction to let out a sigh of relief, the mix of loud voices and trying to act like nothing was up was doing absolutely no good for his headache and exhaustion. He mourned the loss of his hat, because he could have used that to hide his face away from the lights that were bearing down on him and making his skin feel uncomfortably hot.
Though perhaps that was from all the layers of his outfit.
Unfortunately, though, as the seconds passed, the voices seemed to get louder, the lights got brighter, the clothes got hotter and his stomach was churning, his hands were sweating, his head was pounding his legs were getting shaky oh god his ears were ringing oh fuck fuck stop the noise please turn off the lights please stop please stop-
Distantly, he felt his throat start hurting intensely and he realized he was speaking out loud, stammering out pleads that were growing muffled as everything swamped him. His hands raised to cover his ears, trying to drown out the noise around him, and his legs gave out beneath him. He collapsed, feeling something warm and wet trickle down his face- tears? Was he crying? No, surely he was just imagining the feeling- but before he hit the hard floor, he felt something grab a hold of him, long, spider-like fingers gripping the undersides of his arms like a lifeline. He felt sharp nails and soft ruffles and realized Remus had caught him, he must have run from his spot to catch him before he fell, and Janus felt the stinging gaze of everybody on him. He felt like a mouse that was dropped into a snake’s cage for feeding, cowering beneath the penetrating gaze of the predator before him. The roles were reversed, and he hated it.
He managed to pry open his own eyes- when had he shut them?- and the moment he saw the horrified gazes trained on him, he fled.
He forced himself from Remus’ arms and he vanished, retreating back to his room, where the lights were off and the curtains were shut and the only thing he had to deal with was the light of his snakes’ heat lamps.
The hot, stuffy air attacked him with a vengeance, though, but he couldn’t really bring himself to care. He stripped himself of his clothes again, his skin glistening, heat radiating off of his person. 
He hurriedly locked up his room again, and fell to his knees beside his bed, and retched.
Thankfully, he’d managed to grab his trashcan, but it didn’t make him feel any less humiliated.
He thought he was doing himself a favor, hiding his state from all of them, but from not going to just one of them when he could, he had ended up breaking down in front of all of them. 
Body trembling and chest heaving, Janus collapsed onto the hard floor beneath him, unable to pull himself onto his bed, and curled up into a tight ball.
He wanted this to end.
Janus was so caught up in his misery that he didn’t even notice pounding on his door, all of his senses wrapped up in himself, in his throbbing head and hot skin and burning throat and sore stomach and the sound of his blood pumping in his ears, until there was a deafening ‘crash’ and splinters of wood came flying into his room.
He flinched at the noise and forced himself to sit up, but the sudden movement made him gag, and he found himself panting like a dog trying to cool himself off and calm down his raging nausea. 
There was a barrage of voices at first, but they were quickly hushed- from what, he didn’t know- and then a delightfully cold hand clutched his bicep, and he couldn’t hold back the relieved moan he let out in response.
“I’m gonna put you in bed, okay, Janus?” Came a soft voice- Remus- and Janus didn’t protest as he was gently lifted up by the Creative twin. Admittedly, he didn’t even know Remus could be that gentle, but he was grateful for it nonetheless.
There was some quiet shuffling and the sound of a dull ‘smack’ and then someone cursing softly, but soon enough Janus was set down on a set of smooth cotton sheets, clean and cool, and an absolute blessing.
“Jan-Jan, why didn’t you tell us you were sick?” Remus’ tone was scolding, like a parent to a young child (ironic, considering Janus was the one who raised Remus), and Janus opened his eyes just enough to see Remus’ face swathed in the shadows of his room. 
“Weak,” Janus croaked in reply, his voice wrecked, “Di’n.. wan’ see.”
“Your pride is going to be the death of you,” Remus sighed, and Janus heard some other voices pipe in.
“We would have helped you, Janus,” Thomas sounded sad, almost regretful. For what, Janus would never know.
“Indeed,” Logan’s voice was a comfort, Janus was willing to admit. “In fact, I will begin researching how to best care for this as soon as possible, so you are in utmost comfort while you recover.”
“I’ll make some soup,” Came Patton’s quiet promise, “And water, and tea.”
“I changed your bedsheets,” Roman seemed shy, “If you need me to, I can try and make a set that keeps you cooled down.”
Janus almost moaned aloud at the thought, and Roman must have seen it in his expression because he perked up right away. 
“Sorry for, uh, dragging you away so forcefully,” Virgil muttered, and Janus just managed to flap his hand dismissively. 
“You didn’ know.” He mumbled weakly, and he felt Remus’ cool touch brush away hair that clung to his sweaty forehead. 
“And now we do. So we’re going to take care of you, because we care about you.” He promised in a tone with no room for argument, with the others murmuring in agreement behind him.
And for once, Janus believed him, and let himself be taken care of.
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deceitfullyanxioussss · 5 years ago
Intruloceit: It/Its pronouns
Gift for @mostlikelytokillyouwithaspoon !!!!!!!!
Logan uses it/it’s pronouns
Warnings: Minor sexual themes (hip grabbing), Sympathetic Deceit/Remus, Unsympathetic Patton.
If I need to add anything else, let me know!
Ship: Established Demus/Dukeceit, Intruloceit (focus on Loceit)
Part 2
Logan adjusted it's tie for the billionth time that morning. It's tie had to be as straight as a line to maintain it's serious reputation.
Although... something told Logan that it would be viewed as anything but today.
What for? It's pronouns.
Logan was an it.
No, it wasn't transphobic. It wasn't dehumanization. Logan was an it.
Giving itself he/him pronouns felt wrong. She/her or they/them didn't do much of anything either. It's tried out neopronouns as well, but just... nothing.
It wasn't a human, and gender felt wrong to it. It didn't feel right being gendered like that. It was an it.
It smiled warmly to itself through the full-body mirror. It liked it.
It frowned though, letting it's shoulders sag. Patton won't like it, it just knew.
It took a deep breath as it tried to convince itself that today was going to be ok. With a firm nod towards itself in the mirror, it exited it's room.
"Hey, Logan." Virgil gave a brief nod in it's direction, his bangs bouncing with the motion. It nodded back much more definedly.
"Hello, Virgil." It turned to the other's. "How was everyone's sleep?" It asked. It was of utmost importance for the sides to maintain the best sleep possible for Thomas's optimal productivity.
Virgil shrugged, Patton replied with a simple "good", and Roman beamed at it while ranting about his grand dreams.
Logan nodded once Roman had finished his spew. "Thank you, Roman, that was interesting."
Patton spoke, "Hey, I've noticed something with Thomas lately."
Everyone turned to the fatherly figure.
“What is it, padre?” Roman asked.
"Recently, Thomas has seemed to take an interest in transgenderism, specifically it/it’s pronouns.” Patton stated. “I was wondering if anyone had anything to share.” Patton suggested, resting a smirk on his face.
Logan sighed. There was no way to turn back now. “Yes, actually.” It levelled itself with Patton, maintaining a monotone voice.
Patton rested his gaze onto it. “Oh, are you trans then?” He smiled.
Logan nodded. “Yes. I believe I am non-binary, Patton.”
Logan’s eyes surveyed the room. Patton smiled at it, Roman looked pleasantly surprised, and Virgil didn’t really show too much of a reaction.
“Awe, Logan, why didn’t you tell us before. Do you use they/them or neopronouns?” Patton cooed.
Logan would never in a million years outwardly admit it, but it was beginning to feel slightly nervous. It knew there was no reason to, however. It knew that Patton wasn’t going to accept it’s pronouns, and it knew that Patton wasn’t going to hurt it, so why was it nervous? Being nervous wasn’t going to change the outcome.
Logan pushed the nervousness to the back of its mind, choosing to ignore Virgil’s curious gaze from the corner of its eyes.
“I use it/it’s pronouns actually. That would probably be a good reason why Thomas has recently gained a curiosity. You see, I have been experimenting with my pronouns for the past three and a half months, and so far, it/it’s feels the most right to me at the moment.” Logan explained.
Patton’s smile seemed to fade. “Pardon?” he asked, voice uncharacteristically serious. Logan visibly tensed.
“I, uh, use it/it’s pronouns.” Logan simplified, a slight quiver to its voice.
Patton let out a chuckle. “That’s ridiculous. No, you don’t Logan.”
Logan cleared it’s throat. “Yes, I do.”
Patton’s face went stone-cold. “Listen, if you use they/them pronouns, I’m all for that. But it/it’s pronouns are transphobic! You can’t just dehumanize someone like that!”
Logan suppressed a groan and it’s urge to defend it and it’s pronouns. Instead, it spared a glance towards Virgil and Roman, catching sight of their conflicted expressions, before sinking out. It knew that if it stayed any longer, it would get frustrated and lash out and that wouldn’t be fun for anybody.
So it opted to leave and come back to the issue later.
Logan rose back in it’s room with a sigh. It immediately walked over to it’s mirror and gazed at itself, frowning.
Maybe I’m not actually an it. Logan wondered with a sadness. I suppose it doesn’t really make sense anyway. Thomas is cisgender, so I shoud be too, right?
Logan heaved another sigh and adjusted it’s tie unnecessarily.
Final answer then, I’m not an it.
Just then, yellow was seen out of the corner of its eyes, standing out clearly against the dark blue theme of its room. “Deceit?” it questioned, turning around to look at the scaled side, who was staring at it with an unamused expression. “What are you doing here?” it asked the other, looking away and back at the mirror, trying to distract itself by smoothing out some extra ruffles on it’s suit.
Logan watched through the mirror as Deceit’s image stepped closer to it.
Logan’s actions stopped in their tracks when Deceit rested his hands on its shoulders from behind.
“Ssssssomeone,” he began, the hiss quietly murmured directly into its ear, sending the smallest shiver down it’s back. “is lying.” Deceit said. “I’m here to know what about.”
Logan completely stilled, it’s pupils had dilated and it’s breath had caught in its throat as Deceit hands left its shoulders and moved down to it’s hips. "I-” it stuttered, a faint pink travelling to it’s cheeks.
Deceit took a step back from it, removing his hands from their comfortable place on it’s hips upon seeing the others uncomfortable reaction. 
Logan waited a few moments for its heart to calm down and cleared it’s throat, forming the reply, “I-I was just t-telling myself that I use he/him pronouns before you c-came in.” Logan informed. It could see Deceit nod from the mirror.
“And… what are your pronouns, Logan?” he asked, voice filled with genuine curiosity.
Logan shook its head and looked to the floorboards. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Clearly, it does, Logan. I can’t have you lying. That’s my job.”
Logan turned to look at the other directly. “I- I believe I use it/it’s pronouns.” It confessed, feeling shame coarse through its body. If Deceit had a reaction, his expression was neutral, leaving the reaction internalized.
Silence wafted between the two bodies, causing Logan to become tenser by the second. Eventually, Deceit took a step forward. Logan immediately took a step back, unaware of the action until it was committed. Deceit stopped his movements and quirked a brow. "Logan, are you ok?"
Logan nodded, stuttering, "Y-Yeah, s-sorry, I just-"
Deceit interrupted. "Lie."
Logan was drawn a blank. How was it supposed to respond?
Once again, silence encased them.
It finally figured that Deceit should know the recent events.
"Patton, he, uh… called me transphobic for my preferred pronouns. He said that it was 'dehumanizing'. I didn't get opinions from either Virgil or Roman, I sunk out before they said anything." Logan explained, fingers going to play with the end of its tie out of nervousness.
Deceit nodded and cautiously took an experimental step forward. Logan stayed put this time, its warm brown eyes firmly locked with Deceit's mismatched ones. Deceit slowly made his way over to where Logan stood, his hands calmly reclaiming their position on its hips.
"Logan, dear, pay no mind to Patton. It/its are a perfect set of pronouns." He murmured reassuringly, a subconscious blush making yet another appearance on its face.
It swallowed. "D-Dear?" It parroted questioningly.
Deceit hummed. "Logan, if you will, I'd love to have you as my datemate." He said, the warmest, yet most crooked smile gracing his features. Logan couldn't help but be enraptured, the dim light of it's room catching the other's scales so beautifully, the gorgeous way his mouth curved into a crooked smile. Logan didn't think its blush could get darker but it did. Logan was almost too eager to say yes, but a thought reached it and it hesitated.
"I thought… you and Remus were a thing though." Logan said, voice dripping with disappointment.
Deceit nodded. "Well, yes, we are. Thing is, we both have developed romantic feelings for you and were hoping you would enter a polyamorous relationship with us."
Logan took in Deceit's words carefully. It wasn't really the best with emotions, everyone knew that, but it could recognize when it felt different about something. An image of Remus filled its head. Logan had felt something odd towards the strange man during their last encounter, but it wasn't sure if it could label it love yet. It wasn't exactly opposed to the idea of being in love with him though.
Deceit, was certainly a different case however. Logan wasn't too pulled towards Deceit in their first encounter. Their next meeting, while it had been Deceit's fault it wasn't as involved in the courtroom scenario as it should have been, there was something undeniably attractive about the snake's impressive debating skills, knowledge on philosophy, and that damn suit that clung to his perfect chest so well. Unmistakably, it had fallen for the yellow side.
It shyly wrapped its arms around Deceit's shoulders and cleared its throat. "I suppose that would be satisfactory. Yes, I will happily date the two of you."
Deceit grinned at it, eyes shining with excitement. "I'm sure Remus would be glad to hear." He spoke, one of his extra arms showing themselves and gently caressing Logan's cheek. "I'm sure he wouldn't be so glad to know that I get to kiss you first though." He chuckled and slowly brought their bodies closer, studying its face for any signs of objection, finding non. Their lips finally met in an explosion of fireworks that made Logan's heart flutter. It closed its eyes and simply melted into Deceit's three arms.
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