#with a lance being the thing that connects them still 🥺
hythlodaes · 3 months
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junelezen day ten - shrine
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
Today I come to you with: A lot of questions (you probably won't answer but still need to put them out there). Without further ado:
Can I just say that I called it? It's so much different when we finally get to see the way people in the Other Timeline lived. So much pain, and the death of one person can prevent that from happening, and David Max Rafael Alec and Magnus haven't seen it, so they don't know. David probably wouldn't care(or would he hesitate a little? I'm not sure). But a trip to the future would be enough for the others to change their tune I think. Or maybe not?
I have a feeling Magnus/Other Magnus trying to choke each other is a misunderstanding. Like Magnus tries to reach out but because it's from a different time line Magnus feels like getting chocked so he fight back and Other Magnus is surprised that he would get attacked because he doesn't know he's initiating it. I have a feeling if Magnus stops fighting that they'll be able to communicate?
I also have a feeling that Magnus seeing Older Max helps him connect some dots that somehow make it that he is the one who changed the timeline
Will Older Max try to figure out who changed the canon event and will the person responsible try to hide it or come out with it to Older Max?
So Arthur doesn't have to die in every world or does he die at a different age?
Lance was supposed to die after Arthur but Arthur saw him in France so he could see the future where they changed a canon event like Lucifer. So if Arthur saw it Lucifer does too which means he knew they would end up changing a canon event- it wasn't news to him and there wasn't a way to stop it right? From the moment Older Max starred visiting, things would go that way?
In the Other Timeline Blackbane didn't meet, so they're not a canon event?
Older Max (because now that I saw how hurt he was by being called Other Max I don't like using it) changed a lot of things in the other timeline. Did anyone in the Academy run the possibility of Lance not fullfiling the prophecy after having made connections in Idris? (Closer to Rafe and Cami, in love with Theia, knowing Arthur loved Kincaid etc?). Like Lance didn't get to destroy Idris in the current timeline, are they sure that he would've?
If they knew that Lucifer was the one that killed Arthur in the Other Timeline, it's impossible for Lucifer to manipulate Lance into doing his bidding/blaming Idris. But I always felt like it would be incredibly difficult for Lucifer to manipulate Lance in any scenario- that boy is very shrewd and would've seen right through it. So how did he end up doing what Lucifer wanted? What exactly went down? Nobody knows what went down in the pandenium or Idris right? Will we find out or is it unimportant?
I love Max more than anything, that boy gets tortured everywhere and he doesn't deserve it. And what's worse people don't recognize it as much as they should or as much as they do David's trauma because he hides it better? Someone give that boy a hug and a break in all the universes and timelines, he deserves it!🥺 (They all deserve that, I want to make that clear, but I think this is Max's week with everything we've read, so let's focus on him right now)
Dots are starting to connect finally and I'm so excited to see how things will go down! But I feel like Older Max keeping Mavid in New York and not severing themselves from the shadoworld is super important, because it didn't allow the family to be so separated so now they have the chance to fight united, whereas in the First Timeline, Mavid was so secluded it would've been super hard for all of them to stand together. Of all the changes, that seems the most beneficial. And Kincaid of course.
PS: When I tell you I'm ready to go full Sherlock Holmes and explore the David/ Madeleine dymamic, the way they both acted after the deaths of their loved ones, from our reactions as readers to why I believe they have different triggers and it may have been different if the same things had happened in another world, I'm being deadly serious. It will be an essay so be prepared.
Thank you for an amazing chapter that blew our minds. Allergies suck and not being able to use your body as you want is very annoying. But you still gave us a huge chapter to obsess over and you deserve a huge round of applause. Again, thank you 🌼💛
I was wondering why you kept saying Older Max and then I read your reasoning and NOW I AM EMO.
It's always easy to judge someone when we don't know their story. So, of course. But it's hard to judge who will sympathize with him EVEN if they see the Other World. Magnus probably? Alec for sure. David is extremely unlikely, I think. That bitch will watch the world burn.
We gotta wait and see on this one. It's messy.
He's definitely gonna connect dots (Especially since Hermes told him some stuff too)
We'll find out before this season ends hehe
If your death is a canon event, you die at the same age. So, ONLY because his death/canon event was changed did he actually live past 15 in IALS. So, no, he won't die (prematurely) in any universe.
Lucifer def knew these hoes were going to a change a canon event.
That's not how it works. Lance and Theia are a canon event - which means they will end up with each other and not someone else. But it doesn't mean they will end up together against ALL odds. Like, if Lance died prematurely, it won't happen. But if he had lived, he would have eventually ended up with her (Even if he was removed from the shadow world in that timeline)
No. Their math (lol) told them two things: one, arthur is DEF gonna die. and two, when he does, Lance will be triggered. Nothing and no one else has anything to do with it. The issue here was that arthur's death was a canon event and it couldn't be changed in any way (OR SO WE THOUGHT?)
Several things here. We'll never know what went down in the pandemonium in the other timeline. We knows bits and pieces of what happened in Idris (Lance didn't kill anyone - he basically died/burst kind of - and the "door" between the demon world and human world was destroyed so it both converged - killing people). As for Lucifer, I wouldn't underestimate him. With him, it doesn't matter smart you are or brave you are. He knows how to get to you. And he doesn't fuck around with his methods. Very straightforward guy hehe.
I will await your David/Madeleine essay! There is a scene between them in the coming chapters that i can't wait to write!!!
Thank you for the love and yes i've been sick since yesterday and i hateeee it. hopefully i will recover soon x
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Everytime you write something knew I think this is my favorite thing that you've ever written.
I did not expect Selena to do what she did. But I love her so much for it. One of the things that I loved the most is the way she thought about her body and how she was so aware of it. There a lot of days when I hate myself and my body and reading something like this soothed me in a way I cannot explain.
Also I liked that we got to see Gabriel being so vulnerable because they were scared for their partner. The only other time we've seen them fall apart is when Selena was taken by Mallory.
One of my favorite things was the fact that Selena still adores Magnus so much. Their relationship is kinda underrated but it makes me so so happy. I love the way Magnus did not tell her what to do. I'm sure he was concerned about her health too. But I love that he just reminded her that she'd have to face the consequences of her choices. I love the way they both respect eachother. Thankyou for writing them the way you have. They have a bond that is just based on love and admiration and understanding. It was truly beautiful.
“There is someone, isn’t it?” the woman chuckled, looking smug about it. “It’s not your fault. It’s in your nature. The nephilim nature. You people don’t feel powerful unless you have someone to look down on. A monster for you to hunt.”
This was so so interesting. I know shadowhunters are predators but I've never thought about them this way. It made me look back on a lot of people and it's so incredibly sad. I think a really good example of this is Annabel Blackthorn. I mean I know it's not the same but the way she was treated was horrible.
Baby Lance was fudging adorable. And Gwen is his demon friend! That's so cute. I cannot wait to see him interact with baby Arthur.
I don't know what exactly happened during Selena's birth but I was pacing very fast while reading it. It was almost like... Arthur was immune to magic? Is that what it was? Also the whole dream thing was very creepy. Does Selena know about the Crimson King?
Another think that I found very interesting was the way people perceive Lance. It was very hurtful to see the hesitance Gabriel and Lexi showed with letting their kids be alone with Lance. It's weird how even the best people cannot forego their biases when it comes down to themselves and their family. I'm very curious about how the kids will interact with eachother when they're older.
Thankyou for this beautiful chapter Dani. Every single word was so amazing to me.
Love, Yana
Oh, Yana, this made me very emo 😭
I don't think anyone other than Selena would've done something like that. She is one of a kind.
I adoooooore her relationship with Magnus and I'm also soft about the idea of Magnus looking out for generations of Fairchilds - starting from Matthew 🥺
Shadowhunters are predators by nature indeed. I mean...they are hunters after all. We will explore this a little more and learn our nephilim history further - especially about Mikkel Knightstorm, our infamous witch hunter from the middle ages (I've been reading the codex and the info on witch trials is very fascinating/scary)
A reminder that shadowhunters (or the Clave rather) once killed the wife of Tobias Herondale because they couldn't 'find' him. The Clave has always been fucked up and I don't think it would ever not be (i find it unrealistic if it finally becomes 'good')
I made the pacing fast intentionally for the birthing scene because i didn't want to get too detailed hehe but also Selena kept losing focus and consciousness during the whole thing. She does know about the Crimson King (but she hasn't seen the mural herself - because it's hidden as we know) so she hasn't made the connection yet. She will soon.
Thank you for all the love 💙
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Damn I feel like it's been forever for some reason lmao. Last week's hell is finally over and I get to relax this week! I'm going out with some friends on Friday and I've also cleared my phone and organized my notes!!! It feels so good😭 Now I have some thoughts about last chapter BECAUSE WOW
First of all fuck Mallory, I hate her and I will never get tired of saying this and I am now divided between wanting to read the next chapter so bad and dreading it with my whole being 🙂
My heart broke into a million pieces with the first part!!! Rafael's fear for Max is shown so damn well and Max's thoughts are messy and all over the place and the way you can see him moving in and out of reality is overwhelming!!
I kinda guessed the "why isn't he smiling?" part but fuck if it ripped my heart 😭😭
"Tears of grief" Max loving him so much he literally recognizes his tears and knows these ones too.... And saying he looks as if he is grieving something that was his everything, not knowing David was grieving him. Grieving them. The life they had built. Gone.
"I wanna see daddy" WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS SCREAMING INTERNALLY ON MY FLOOR!! When we first saw on the first chapters I was so confused and now that the dots connected I am in pain 😭. And you wrote that scene so beautifully, their pain and horror and how you see Max slowly losing himself because it's just too much. The pain is too much. Losing David, Lance's pain, his job, his home...
And the scene with Magnus!!! GOING TO MY FAVE COLLECTION 🥺. Also him giving the band to AJ later, because Magnus said he could give it to someone else when it hurt just a little bit less HOLY SHIT😭😭
I can go on a three hour analysis so Imma stop jdhdjdjkd. BUT THE PRESENT TOO JFC
Max's growth. That ends me everytime. Seeing how much he has changed and how he survived through all of this. Thinking of the was Alec told him how proud he is of Max because he made it. Not the way he planned. But he did it. He got so far, and that took so much strength but he still survived. Same Alec, same🥹
But also the fucking parallel:
"He was careful now (...) Just in case. Just in case he'll get his heart broken all over again."
Not without an explanation. Not without getting his heart broken into a million pieces one last time.
Then, just like everything else in life, things slowly got better. This whole fic is a prove of it and I can't even-
You once said that tlnd was was about acceptance and healing, but IALS is about forgiveness, about learning to forgive the people we love, but mostly about learning to forgive ourselves (I have the receipts don't @ me) and this scene portrayed that so well. Even though Max knows it wasn't his fault he still blames himself. Because knowing is not the same as accepting it. As Max said, shit is hard to internalize.
Tell me how to love you as you want to be loved and I'll do it to give you the comfort and safety you deserve is something I'll never get tired of😭😭 istg I could go on a whole speech about this part because it's so true. Sometimes parents don't love us the way we want to be loved, but that doesn't mean there's no love there. It's just different of what we expect. And sometimes people go their whole lives not knowing of that love and that's just sad.
That is one unproblematic child,” Max noted. “Really doesn’t fit into this clusterfuck of a family.”
“I’m waiting for him to set Hollywood on fire,” Lance informed. “Don’t lose hope yet.”
I have so many feeling about that apartment and Harry and them but I will not unpack them bc this shit is already long enough 🙂
Their conversation. The way they've both changed so much. Talking about how they wished they were there for Lance and for each other. I was in TEARS
Everything of the last scene was *screams internally* David fucking pushing Max to the wall, stronger than hate. "He's scared of something". Fucking Mon ange, *what did Mallory do to you?"
I just want you to know I will combust into confetti or tears in the next chapter. Probably both...
Anyway this turned long and I better go. Take care and drink lots of tea!!!!
This made me so 😇😇😇😇 and gave me some motivation to write the next chapter 😭😭😭😭 Thank you 💚💚💚
This is Lance sleeping in Arthur’s room 🥰🥰🥰
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