#wite wall
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
ATLA- Shame
DIGIMON- Ocean Call
ATLA- Soulbound
ATLA- ten years too late au
BLACK BUTLER- finny time loop fic
ATLA- walls rewrite
saw @aobawilliams doing this so thought i would too. i would include my one piece wips but i'm not really invested in witing them rn. also not tagging anyone but feel free to do this tag game
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nelapanela94 · 1 year
Emotional and fluff for mother's days
Can you please wite smth about how Levi overhears some kids talking about mother's day for the first time, so he asks his lover/wife about it and she describes what it's for and all that but she notice a hint of sadness in his eyes once she's done so she sneakily asks levi to describe what his mum looked like and she uses her secret talent to sketch her and gift it to him on mother's day?🥺🙏🏻
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As the first rays of the morning sun creep over the horizon, a vibrant tapestry of colors and scents begin to unfurl at the heart of the quaint village. The Farmers' Market, a bustling and lively spectacle, comes alive with an enchanting allure that drew locals and travelers alike into its embrace.
Trost’s atmosphere buzzes with an energy that pulses like the beating heart of the countryside. The laughter of children chasing butterflies, the rhythmic clucking of contented hens, and the light tinkle of wind chimes hanging from makeshift stalls blended harmoniously with the hum of eager conversations and the occasional pluck of guitar strings.
Crisp, ruby-red apples glisten like polished jewels, beckoning passersby to taste their sweet, orchard-kissed flavors. Swirling pyramids of golden honey drip lazily from the combs, offering a taste of sunlit meadows and blooming wildflowers. Piles of vibrant heirloom tomatoes, like a painter's palette, display a spectrum of colors that ranged from blush pink to deep emerald green.
The old lady smiles, and the coins clank on the palm of his hand. Levi gives her a nod and casts the ghost of a smirk for the free apple she sneaked in his order. He slings the bag on his shoulder and crosses out tomatoes from the list. Summer accentuates the colors of the Earth, but also spurs sweat through his pores. A map is drawing on the back of his shirt and the stickiness is wrecking his nerves. He folds the list and slips it into his pocket as he heads to the spices and herbs stall. The Scouts budget for tea is a joke, and no it is not a whim from him at all to demand quality. Those boors with underdeveloped taste buds don’t know how to appreciate the true pleasures of life.
A riot of brats who can’t wipe their ass cracks hustle around the flower girl who is giving away red roses like the one pinned on her head. Tiny dirty hands tugging at the hem of her dress as if she were a fairy who will grant them wishes. With the flower in hand, the kids scamper away like bees from the honeycomb straight to their mother’s skirts.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” they chirp, and tender lips pepper their heads with kisses in return.
Mother’s Day?
His lips curve in a small longing smile.
It is noon when he drops the bags on the kitchen counter, and you sweeten him with a kiss. “How was it? I’m sorry for the long list, but we were running out of everything.”
“Good.” He plucks the apple from his pocket and hands it over to you. “This is for you.”
“Aren’t you the sweetest?” You ruffle his hair and then begin to fill the pleading pantries while Levi cools down with a pint. He looks down to the curlicues on the wood, reading them as if they were a path to treasure, his cheek straining on the back of his hand.
“Are you alright, cinnamon roll?” You tilt your head to the side, raising a brow in concern. “Do you have a fever?” You rush and press your hand to his forehead, wheedling a chuckle from him.
“I’m not sick.” He takes your hand and drops a kiss on your knuckles. “It’s just…” He sighs and picks up, embarrassed for not acknowledging what’s obvious for everyone else. “I overheard some kids in the market… what are we celebrating today?”
You glimpse over at the calendar on the wall. “Oh! It’s Mother’s Day! I utterly forgot about it.” Your shoulders slump. “I should’ve sent a letter on Thursday. Do you think she’ll forgive me for sending it late?”
You meet his eyes, but confusion is slathered all over his face.
And realization dawns. He never had the chance to celebrate the occasion in the first place.
From behind, you wrap your arms around him and kiss the back of his head. “Every year we celebrate Mother’s Day as a way to honor the sacrifices mothers make for their children. We visit them or invite them over for lunch or dinner or give presents like roses or jewelry to remind them how grateful we are. No matter where they are, they are always caring about us.”
Tears roll down his cheeks, you can feel them dripping from his chin to your arms.
You gingerly ask, “do you remember what she looked like?”
Levi shakes his head. His memories are blurry except for a few details. “She smelled nice.” He gulps and dries his tears with the sleeve. “Long black hair, soft light-honeyed eyes…” He closes the eyes, and you just listen, grasping as much as you can.
While Levi is grooming and feeding the horses, you sit at your studio, the charcoal tip scraping the paper as you print the description he gave you. As the portrait takes shape, more and more, you can spot him in his mother’s face.
The afternoon begins cooling, the tree leaves sway rhythmically on the soft breeze.
You dust off the rubber debris and smirk with satisfaction. That’s when you hear steps growing louder on your back. A blush tinges your cheeks.
“What were you doing?”
“I… well…”
He peers over your shoulder and tears glisten in his eyes. “Can I take a closer look?” His voice fractures as he sniffs to contain the tears from falling.
“Sure, it’s all yours.” You smile warmly and give him some time with his mom. “I’ll make dinner. Take as long as you need.”
“Thank you,” he mouths as you close the door behind you.
He had long forgotten how close the resemblance was. The eyes, the lashes, the eyebrows, her lips, you grasped everything he said and brought her back for him to tell her he loves her. Fragments of his memory play on the back of his head from those old days, and it’s not the grime, or the stench, or the moldy bread. He remembers her soft voice cooing lullabies, the warmth of her chest guarding him from any harm, the stories she told before bed, the kisses attack on his belly. Life is not so bad with someone who loves you.
He was her only reason to endure the woes of that nightmarish life.  
He mutters, "Happy Mother's Day."
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trivialbob · 8 months
It was during my junior and senior years of college when the little Mac desktop computers started appearing. Some were available in computer labs students could use. Eventually two of my roommates got them and kindly allowed me to use them.
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I thought the Macs were mind-blowing. Before their arrival we wrote papers on typewriters. I had my dad's old IBM Selectric, the one with the typeball that quickly moved across the paper instead of having a carriage that moved right and left across a "basket" of type bars.
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Some students had compact manual typewriters, where the typist would have to slap a metal arm at the end of each sentence for a carriage return. Some of those typewriters were enclosed in a case with a handle. I guess that made them portable.
Special onion skin paper and eraser sticks helped with fixing typos. You could also use Wite-Out correction fluid or this white tape to "delete" words. That was fine for small errors. You cried and threw crumpled sheets of paper at the wall if you had to insert a whole paragraph. If this got to be too much, there were flyers around campus where people offered to type papers for $1 per page.
With Macs I loved playing around with font settings. I don't know if there were many to choose from, but I do remember the outline, shadow, italic, and underline options. On the first paper I ever typed on a Mac my title page incorporated ALL of these options.
It looked ridiculous.
The professor or TA even left a comment for me saying something to that effect. I'm glad I didn't put the entire paper in underlined italics, though I thought that would have looked cool. It was a good example of just because "you can" doesn't mean "you should."
What made me think of this today is something at work. Someone gave me a checklist to help with a project I just was assigned to.
There are a lot of Very Important things in this checklist. The author put them in red, bold, italic font. 75% of the checklist is like this. A quarter of the list is covered in yellow and green highlighting. It's to the point were standard black font items stand out.
It looks ridiculous.
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cray-z-cat3 · 2 months
Ok, I don't have my sketchbook, so bear with me. Here is the unofficial 1st chapter of leosagi.
Lord Hebi cowardly fled his palace. Usagi turned to Leonardo, hopeful to see his friends face alive with pride and victory.
However, he found him slumped against the wall where Lord nor Yuki sat trying to wake the seemingly unconscious turtle. His stomach felt like lead, the smell of blood wafting towards his nose. He felt fear grip him.
Lord nor Yuki humbly asked the shogun for his healers to tend to Leonardo. However, there was little they could do except give him more time, and that is what they did. They traveled to the shoguns' personal healer who did not journey due to his age. The healer is very wise and powerful, a man who is loyal to the shogun and doesn't question where he came from. Only what happened. Afterward, he tried everything, every potion, remedy, and spell.
Leonardo could feel the poison creeping in his blood streem, he didn't know what was happening until one of the women in a crisp wite robe with black fur mentioned potions and spells having little to no effect. Leonardo realized what happened in that moment. He was dying before he could save his brothers and father. Even with the thought of dying, all he can think of is trying to get to his family.
Usagi sees his friend stir in the futon he's tucked in and rushes to try and keep him still lest he make his wounds worse. Leonardo then starts speaking, "My family, usagi, please, I have to find them before -" his words die as he's lost conciseness. Usagi knows who can help, but he will have to travel alone and make a mental note to leave Leonardos' name out of her cluches. Otherwise, she might use that against him.
With Leonardo in danger, he wastes no time, and gently placing on his head, he says I'll return shortly, my friend." It pains him to ignore the whimpers of his dear friend, who he has discovered he wholeheartedly does love. He discovered this when Leonardo came to his world. He could not shake Leonardo from his thoughts ever since the battle nexus.
He gathers what he can and gives a grateful apology and goodbye to his friends. Asking them to watch over Leonardo. From there he walks to the cursed river and cave of Jorogumo.
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vetusmemoriae · 2 years
Yan!Dottore x Reader (Part 2)
Author's note: This goes for you, @wite-sno-flik ;) Hope you like it
Summary: Childe is dead, how will the Harbingers deal with a clearly problematic Dottore?
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'There's no way Y/n knew, what they were doing. And that's because of Dottore.'
'You think so? They were the only person that entered Childe's room prior to his murder. Who else would it be?'
'Y/n can't think shit, as if they would suddenly decide to do something by their own and kill someone. Even if so, why Childe? We knew he has been kind to Y/n, even if that meant that he had to take them away from Dottore.'
'He was turned... problematic, lately.'
'Maybe we should confront him about this.'
'We seem to forget, we are framing a comrade of the murder of one of us. If an assistant was enough reason to do so, we should take them away to see how he reacts.'
'You are talking just like him, Pantalone...'
The voices were muffled by the wall. Capitano, Pierro, Pucinela, Pantalone and Arlechinno were talking about Dottore, that's for sure. They had so little faith in him... But they wouldn't find Y/n any time soon.
Dottore was a mysterious guy, no one else but Y/n was able to find him at all times. If you had something to tell him, you sent Y/n with the message. And as hard to find was Dottore, he could do the same with Y/n. They wouldn't move, they were so busy cleaning everything in that remote laboratory in the outside of the city... where they were safe at the command and vigilance of one of his clones no less. 'Don't let anyone close to the facility, if they do, pretend everything is off, that there's no one here'. This was just a short term plan, until the rest of the Harbingers calmed with his new creation.
'First Signora, then Scaramouche, and now Childe... Dottore had a close relationship with their doings.'
'Are you saying he might be trying to take the Tszariza's plan's down?'
'We all think that he isn't doing this for the Tszariza, we already knew that, but does this matter so little?'
'He doesn't have anywhere else to go, we could find him in a matter of days, even hours. He might be smart, but you need resources to succeed.'
'Let's leave, we should think twice before doing or saying something we regret.'
Before that, Dottore had already left, because his creation was finished, and there was no time to waste if he wanted his plan to work just as he had thought.
'It was not nice to not invite me.' That was a... familiar voice.
'Who are you?'
'What do you mean? The same as always, Childe, your comrade.'
They couldn't believe their eyes, it was Childe, right before them. He was declared dead, his body was found with wounds, he had bleed to death.
'You are not real, you died.'
'Are you gettin' philosophical or...?'
'No, we all saw your body, you were stabbed at least 142 times.'
'Isn't that a bit too much? But I'm here, I don't know what's all the fuzz about.'
'Is there something wrong?' Dottore entered the room with such a smirk, everyone would notice that this was just what he wanted.
'What does this mean, Dottore? Childe was dead mere hours ago.'
'And now he is alive, so there's nothing to worry about.'
'There is, that you attempted against your own people'
'Did I? How are you so sure?'
They stayed silent, while Dottore smile grew bigger: they had nothing to do against him right now. Would they kick him out of the Fatui? That was unlikely after all he accomplished, after taking back two gnosis.
'I will take that silence as a "we don't know". I will get going, I have matters to attend to.'
On the outside of the city, Y/n was cleaning all the equipment, and wasn't even half way though. The clone, Theta, was watching them clean without taking any breaks. He was commanded to not help, to only look and watch out, but as one of the young clones, he couldn't help but question their doings. Even with this, there was nothing to do but wait for Dottore to come or for something to happen.
'Y/n, do you have any idea why you are here?' They denied with their head. 'Do you want to know?'
'Should I?'
'Not necessarily, but don't you feel curiosity towards why did Dottore kill Childe?'
'No, unless you want me to'
'You are no fun... I don't have any idea of why he likes you so much.'
'Maybe it was a punishment for disappointing him'
'What do you mean? I know him, well, we are the same, you don't disappoint us, that why we like you, you do as you are told.'
'You aren't?'
'No, being honest, it's... weird, because we would usually try and experiment on you just because we have strong felling towards you. Maybe he's just trying to understand what's wrong.'
'Is there something wrong with me? Something to be fixed?'
'No, you are good, it's us. Some like to call it... "love", I don't like that word. A word to describe this? Pointless, a word is so little it can't describe it. What I mean is that you are a weakness, and because of that, I can't understand why he doesn't get rid of you.'
'I... remember' Dottore looked with some curiosity, it was so long since Y/n had some thought on themselves, that them just remembering something was something new. 'that when I got here, I wasn't directly assigned to you.
>We were on a line, waiting to be chosen. We waited for what could be all evening, standing. Some started to cry, some even pissed themselves, and I just stood there against my own thoughts, against my body, and I remember my legs hurting, as if I were to fall. At the end, from 20, just lasted 7 of us. The rest were dragged away, and as they took us to another room, we were able to hear screams and people begging for mercy, people crying. But we couldn't do anything, and if someone talked, they too would be dragged away.
>It was night, and they left us in an empty room. No instructions, no food nor water. Some thought that we were meant to kill each other until only one was left. When they touched me I left all my rage out, and... I killed him, his jaw was broken, and he didn't get up. I didn't care, because for some reason this was my only way out... to live... I didn't sleep that night, I just sited on the corner watching no one got near to me, and they didn't. In the morning they came again, you, the Harbingers came in, and investigated us, someone even was naked when we left, because you got close to me, saw the body on the floor, my knuckles with blood, and my weary eyes. And you took me to your laboratory. I have no idea what happened next or what happened before, I just know that if I want to live, I must do anything you want. There's nothing else in my life.' Y/n looked at their master's eyes. 'If you told me to kill myself I would, if you told me to kill someone, I would. Not because I want it myself, but because your want is my must, and your command is my rule.'
'And that's why we love you so, so much.' Dottore got closer, taking Y/n chin, making them look out of their duty to clean. 'You are willing to do anything we say, not because you are afraid, but because you want to live and would do anything for it. You are not afraid of us, nor of our ideas nor what we do. If we asked you to open up somebody, you would, because, like us, you have no regard for life. And even if you do not fear us, we have power over you, because at any time given we can re-start you, make you forget as we do with others. And still, it never happened more than once, when we met. You screamed so much we thought you were going to faint of the pain, but the belt we gave you was enough, and though the electricity was all around you, making you forget, you were brave enough to know there was no other way. And still, you don't hate us. I can say all we did to you and you still wouldn't be afraid or hate us. You are so dear to me... If you were to think any more clearly' he laughed 'I too would feel the need to obey you.' Dottore kissed Y/n knuckles, going up to their shoulder. 'May you be like a deity to us, we can't fell anything but happiness when you are by our side... And happiness blinds anyone, we are blinded by our love, dear, that why we did it.'
'Did what?'
'Killed them.'
'Aren't you curious? It was so long since you last wanted to know something for yourself, but it doesn't matter anymore. Whatever you do or say doesn't matter, you've already come to love us more than you can think of.' Dottore laughed 'It doesn't matter who we killed, you can't even think of them anymore, there's no need either. We all are your family now.'
'Yes, dear?'
'You killed my family...'
'Well of course I did! There wouldn't be any other way you would come across the idea of applying as an assistant. But does it really matter? Can you even recall their faces?'
Y/n tried their best to think of their family, but there was nothing, no memories nor faces. There were tears, but no sobbing.
'Ohhh... dear, love, if you start felling sad about it it would mean that you really can think of something when I say family.'
'I don't, that's why I cry.'
'If there's nothing, then there's nothing to cry about.'
'Can I know something?'
'It depends.'
'Why did I come here?'
'To kill me, a necessary evil. But you have no need to kill me now, do you?' Y/n felt nauseous. 'The thought of killing me makes you feel sick, right?' Dottore caressed Y/n hair. 'It's okay... You won't kill me... there's no need to be so sad about it...'
'What did you do, Theta?' The original Dottore came next to Y/n, cleaning their tears.
'Just said the truth, they can't do anything about it.'
'Be in pain. You want that?'
'You don't? I still don't understand that... fetiche of the new clones and you of not letting nothing bad happen to them.'
'I was so... careless... The only reason I'll leave you walk out of this is because you are money. Leave.'
Theta left with a victorious smile, but just when he was about to leave, Dottore came next to him, about to tell him something, but instead stabbed him in the neck.
'I'll fix you latter, it's not like you can do anything but to stay in pain...' He smiled. 'Doesn't it feel right?' He came back with Y/n, offering his hand to help them stand up. 'I'm sorry for whatever he said, can I know some details?'
'He said you love me, that you killed my family, that...'
'Agh... That's troublesome... But it won't be any trouble for you, right, darling?'
'No... sir.'
'That's what I thought.' Dottore petted Y/n. 'That really says about your loyalty, I'm proud of you and your understanding of this situation. You can now stop cleaning, we can change your clothing and then... Is there anything you want to do?'
I'm very proud of this fanfic. I was unable to write for a while, but I kept reading Brothers Karamazov and it solved a lot. Definitely, Dostoyevsky is the goat.
I hope you liked it and my ask is open.
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metalchewer · 10 months
Phighting Wite-Out Dying Horror Story
Room with friends for Roblox Expo. They have a few stragglers to makeup for last minute drop outs in the room. They don’t know one of the girls to well but they need the money. Girl IS probably where the term Phighter originated as well as a few other words. (See: Phighter, Phighter, fucking Phighter) We’ll call her Tarry. We get to the con Friday night and Tarry is 3 hours late. (This wouldn’t have mattered but we had to pay at check in and she hadn’t paid yet).
Get settled in. She throws her stuff all over the room and proceeds to start yaking about her new favorite thing. Phighting. (A forward, I don’t mind phighting itself, but I hate the fandom.)Saturday rolls around. Tarry is cosplaying a demon from phighting. (The one with the red horns and skateboard.) She locks herself in the bathroom. “I need to get into my demom makeup! Don’t come in!” 2 Hours later she still isn’t done. There are 2 people in the room with Regretevator costumes, and my self and my friend have makeup that takes at least an hour to apply. Plus we all still need to shower. (Not that our costumes automatically take priority but 2 hours, really?) We notice a funny smell coming from the bathroom. Door is locked, and she wont let us in.
15 minutes later we start to get really suspicious. Friend decides to shimmy open the door. Her purse and valuables are in there and she needs to go. Get door open. Tarry is sitting in the bathtub, naked. The bathtub is filled almost half way with what we later found out was 70% alchohol and Wite-Out dye. Bottles and wite-out everywhere. It’s all over the walls. On the tile. On almost all the towels. On several articles of clothing and bags in the bathroom. What she says? 
“I was going to clean it up!” 
BITCH YOU TRIED TO DYE YOURSELF WHITE IN A BATHTUB.  We kick her out of the room. She pays the $700 bux in damage fees. She gets skin poisoning/damage from her stupid stunt. Fucking Phighting fans.
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crissiebaby · 3 months
The Padded Palace Act IV: Chapter 14
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, crossdressing, inappropriate language, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
“Hey Bingo, check it out!”
The living room was dead silent save for the electronically recycled phrases of the talking dog plushy in Riri’s hands. Sitting cross-legged on the floor with her back to the couch and soapy drool running down her chin, she played with the stuffed puppy while attempting to ignore the holes being burned into her skull by Stacy’s scowling eyes. Sadly, other than a handful of vocal lines, the stuffy in her hands did little else but sit in place without the necessary creative input from its user. And with things as tense as they were, she wasn’t feeling particularly inventive. Regret began to set in over not selecting a more immersive toy.
Stacy, meanwhile, had yet to say a word since her confrontation with Latasha. Neither had her expression changed, refusing to drop her stoically antagonistic gaze. Not even partial incontinence managed to break her from her statuesque pose as she pulled off wetting her diaper without so much as a flinch. That didn’t mean her mind wasn’t racing. Countless conversation paths circulated her head as she mentally prepared for her one-on-one with the Padded Palace’s monarch.
Suddenly, Stacy and Riri’s attention was captured by the small squeak that emanated from the staircase. Perched on the third step from the top, Skye knew she had been made. That didn’t stop her from scurrying away in a last-ditch effort to avoid confrontation.
“Shkye! Bweh!” said Riri, causing the soap bar in her mouth to slip out and fall to her lap. Her head craned forward to watch as Skye disappeared upstairs. Tightness overtook her chest as she glanced back at the door to Latasha’s office. The rules she was given were clear: she was to remain in the living room where Latasha could keep an eye on Stacy and her while conducting her interrogations. Still, it pained her to see Skye isolating herself. She wanted to run up to check on her friend but doing so would certainly mean risking further punishment. Her eyes darted between the soap in her hands and the vacant space on the stairs that Skye had previously occupied.
“Just go already,” said Stacy, stopping Riri’s internal debate in its tracks. She turned toward the wall, unwilling to look her nurserymate in the eye, “Look, I hate seeing Skye upset too. I’ll cover for you with Latasha.”
Flashing a brief smile, it made Riri happy to see how much Stacy still cared underneath the surface of her chilly demeanor. “Thanks,” she said simply as she hopped to her feet and hurried toward the stairs. The talking plushy in her hands dropped to the floor, offering her a motivational, “Let’s do this!” as she climbed to the second story.
Riri was greeted by Skye’s bedroom door flinging shut as she appeared at the top of the stairs. She paused briefly to take in the Padded Palace’s upstairs hallway, a space she rarely found herself in. The high arched ceiling and tall, wooden doors in combination with her short stature made her feel as small as a mouse as she ran past Connor’s room on her way to Skye’s door. Arriving at the foot of Skye’s bedroom, she gently knocked. “Psst, Skye. Cans we tawk?” she said, slipping back into Littlespeak for Skye’s sake. She pressed her ear to the door.
Without warning, Skye twisted her doorknob open, lightly startling Riri in the process. “No one ewse ish wif chus, wite?” she muttered, peaking through the crack in the door frame. Thankfully, she saw no sign of Connor, Latasha, or anyone else for that matter. She had too much on her mind to speak with anyone bigger than her presently, making Riri neutral territory.
“Ish jus me,” responded Riri, inching forward slowly to not spook her skittish friend. Sadly, even a few tiny scoots were enough for Skye to push the door closed and sprint back to the safety of her crib.
Sighing with the bitter taste of soap lingering on her breath, Riri was struggling not to let her annoyance get the better of her. She’d had her fill of playing therapist for one weekend. Again, she was the one paying to be Little here! Everyone was going to be friends again in the Padded Palace, and she was going to make Goddess-darn certain of it. “Skye, am comin’ in,” she said, giving a momentary verbal warning before intruding on Skye’s private dormitory. 
“What is going on out there?” muttered Connor, listening next to his bedroom door as a series of footsteps darted back and forth across the upstairs hallway, accompanied by the sound of doors opening and closing multiple times in quick succession. The timing of all this commotion couldn’t have been worse as he was hoping to slink off to the shower now that his kinky appetite had been sufficed. Tragically, any time his hand reached for the doorknob, another noise would force him to retreat. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he sighed as he placed his hands atop the silken skirt of his dress. It didn’t fix everything but rubbing the fabric between his fingers did help in reducing his nerves.
Waiting for a lull in the cacophony of footsteps, Connor approached his door again, his heart thumping wildly. Part of him wondered why he was trying to be so sneaky in the first place. It wasn’t like there was anyone left in the Padded Palace who didn’t know about his supposedly secret sissy side. Attempting to shake off his shame complex, he abruptly opened the door whilst pretending not to care about who may be waiting on the other side. A wave of cowardly relief overtook him as he encountered an empty hallway. “All that buildup for nothing,” he scoffed at himself, feeling a tad ridiculous. With that said, he wasn’t looking to linger in the open hall until his luck ran out. 
Connor immediately locked the door behind him upon entering the upstairs bathroom. Despite the fact the bathroom was directly across the hall from his room, he seldom used it beyond the occasional, late-night potty break. That was because, unlike the larger downstairs bathroom or Latasha’s master bath, this lavatory was considerably smaller. There was no big bathtub for him to sink himself in. Only a cramped stall with barely enough space to scrub at his lower half. However, beggars couldn’t be choosers, and he wasn’t about to expose his still sissified attire to the entire living room.
Peering into the three-panel mirror as he moved to strip himself of the sensuous nightie, Connor was reminded of the similar position he found himself in last night. Only then, he was in such a rush that he never stopped to take in his own reflection. Afforded the opportunity to once again see himself all dressed up, he snickered at his embarrassingly puerile presentation. He shuttered his eyelids partially and blurred his vision, erasing his masculine imperfections and leaving only a stubby-haired toddler girl in his place. A fuzzy warmth slowly overtook his chest to such an extent that it became difficult to breathe. Regretfully, that warmth wasn’t built to last as the moment he allowed his vision to correct itself, he was forced to accept the reality of his adult male face, which was only partially shrouded by Stacy’s fading handiwork.
“Ah, ah, ah! Don’t you dare smudge my masterpiece.”
In the midst of examining his face, Connor pulled away at the last second as Stacy’s bossy command replayed in his head. His make-up may have lacked the luster it had back when it was initially applied but other than a few minor blemishes in need of a touch-up, it had held together very well, especially when considering how “active” he had been since his adoring makeover. Unfortunately, without the tools to re-up his feminine complexion, the cosmetic flaws that existed brought his masculine facial features to the surface, establishing a dissonance within him that spiked his anxiety.
Failing to unsee the flatness of his cheekbones and the stiffness in his jaw, Connor abandoned his reflection and forged ahead with preparing for his shower. Stripping the wasn’t it a pink silk nightie? nightie from his body, he proceeded to rip up the tapes from the moist, clammy diaper one by one. Unlike his diaper from last night, this diaper wasn’t a hazardous waste zone. As such, he felt no remorse and allowed the soggy pamper to plop to the ground between his feet. He quickly folded the used nappy, sealing it shut with its own tapes like the professional caregiver he was.
At long last, Connor had completely freed himself of ABDL attire. Had this been one of the naughty stories he’d read last night, such a luxury would have likely never occurred. After all, what good was an ageplay fantasy that didn’t leave someone padded for the rest of their diaper-loving days? The cool air of the A/C nipped at his bare, powder-covered backside and damp upper thighs, encouraging him to jump in the shower promptly.
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Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlushyBen DD JFN Nike PrincessKittenLizzi Rosie Princess SissyDina Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Lil Rainbow and Lil Tomato
Written by ChatGPT (with some changes by me.)
The room is filled with colorful toys and soft, pastel-colored walls. Marc, a tiny boy with messy black hair, sits on the floor, clutching a small notebook and a pencil. He's scribbling furiously, his tongue sticking out in concentration.
Nathaniel, an equally tiny boy with a mop of red hair, wobbles over on unsteady legs, holding a crayon in one hand and a piece of paper in the other. He plops down next to Marc, his diaper rustling as he settles in.
Baby Marc: (giggles) "Look, Nafie! I wite!"
Baby Nathaniel: (smiles) "I dwaw!"
Marc holds up his notebook, filled with a mess of scribbles and shapes that only he can decipher. Nathaniel holds out his paper, displaying a crude drawing of a lopsided sun and stick figures.
Baby Marc: (impressed) "Wow, Nafie! Good dwaw!"
Baby Nathaniel: (grinning) "Tank yoo, Mawcie! Your wite good too!"
The two babies babble incoherently to each other, their words a delightful mix of baby gibberish. They take turns showing each other their drawings and writings, pointing and giggling.
Baby Marc: (points to his notebook) "Dis is about a cat!"
Baby Nathaniel: (nods enthusiastically) "Cat! Cat!"
Baby Nathaniel points to his drawing.
Baby Nathaniel: "Dis is... a... a biwd!"
Baby Marc: (claps his tiny hands) "Biwd! Biwd!"
Their eyes sparkle with joy as they continue to share their creations. Baby Marc reaches out and hugs Baby Nathaniel tightly, their chubby arms wrapped around each other.
Baby Marc: (giggling) "Best fwiend, Nafie!"
Baby Nathaniel: (hugging back) "Best fwiend, Mawcie!"
The two babies sit there, hugging and giggling in the warm glow of their friendship, their innocent bond growing stronger with each passing day.
This was so cute to read and I made some adjustments as well. Make sure to like, reblog, post and ask. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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kuroinkuro · 2 years
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Trim Me in White
Hello! I'm Still alive! This set was supposed to come last year... but shit happens as always. 
So  you see that in the game we have like 3 walls that are "Dark Colors with white trim","Pastels with Wite Trim" and "Standard colors with white Trim"? 
Well I hate their color choice in those 3 so a made a Overrrides wich changes the colors and the texture of those 3. 
Download (Patreon Free)
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Posting this because it's a perfect segment to a fic that will likely never be finished or published. Part of the very long and involved prequel to my VDL Verse.
1930s au Geralt and Eskel as children feat badly translated Polish, vague allusions to the rest of the fic.
June 10th 1932 - Vesmir 
“... no papers, no one waiting for ‘em” Harlow is saying, leading Vesmir through the rabbit warren passages of the Ellis Island detention center “We were gonna send ‘em back but I remembered you mentioning wanting to see any orphans we got and thought of you” Vesmir winces at the implications of the sentence; here in the concrete and tiled hall voices carry and Harlow is about as quiet as a fog horn. 
“Send them back where?” Vesemir asks instead. He’s sweating beneath the brim of his stetson, in the June sun the hallways of Ellis Island become an oven, fit to bake people alive. 
Harlow shrugs “No idea. Neither of ‘em speak a word of English. The towhead is Polak I think but I’ve got nothing on the other - speaks no language I’ve ever heard before”
"If you take one you have to take 'em both" Harlow continues, taking out his ring of keys to open up one of the steel doors lining the hallway "had to take the older one for lice treatment a few weeks ago and the towhead nearly scratched my orderly's eyes out. Screamed themselves hoarse both of 'em poor mites" 
The cell is spartan, bare walls, two empty wire bedframes, a single barred window out of which Vesemir can make out the glitter of Manhattan Bay. The boys have built themselves a nest in the corner; mattresses pulled from the bedframes, blankets piled into a wall. They're sitting on it when the door opens, all wide eyes and terrified frowns, pressed together close despite the oppressive heat. 
The younger boy is less towhead than albino; hair a silvery-wite rats nest and eyes an odd sun-bleached brown, nearly yellow. He hisses at Vesemir and Harlow, curls close against his companion’s side. 
His companion is closer to double digits in age, face angular with starvation and dehydration, olive skin stretched thin over the fine bones. He has dark hair, closer to black than brown, and eyes like deer’s eyes; deep brown and soulful. He doesn’t make a sound at their approach, just maneuvers himself so his companion is at his back; a shield, a protector. 
Vesemir loves them both already. 
He kneels down to get closer to their eye level, takes off his hat to show more of his face. They flinch from him. He tries not to take it personally.
“I’m a friend” he says “I’m here to take you somewhere safe”
The boys look at him blankly. 
“Told you” Harlow says “not a word of english between the two of ‘em” 
“Aby zabrać Cię w bezpieczne miejsce” he tries, the language of his childhood feeling awkward on his tongue “pomogę Ci” 
The albino perks up at the familiar words, a sudden wash of understanding and relief crossing his face. His companion remains baffled; wide eyes darting between Vesemir and Harlow and back again as though searching for a threat.
“Jak się nazywasz?” he asks him. 
“Geralt” the child replies, voice whisper quiet, small fingers going white-knuckled around his companion’s wrist as though afraid someone will try and separate them. 
“And who is your friend?” he continues in Polish, gesturing to Geralt’s protector who, as though realizing he’s being spoken about stands a little taller and glares a little harder. 
"Tell Eskel it's going to be alright. I'm here to take you boys to a new home, a new family. I'm not going to hurt you" 
Geralt nods solemnly and taps at Eskel’s cheek. When the other boy looks he begins speaking in gestures, nearly too fast for Vesemir to follow. He wonders if the other - Eskel - is deaf or if this is just the way the two of them have figured out how to breach the language barrier. 
Back in the present Vesemir watches from the doorway of Eskel’s hospital room as Geralt's hand moves against Eskel’s limp palm. Signing in that old familiar language they'd shared before the spoken word "safe" he signs "You're safe. You're safe"
Smart he thinks resourceful. They're perfect. 
Eskel doesn't respond, doesn't move. 
Geralt’s eyes when they meet Vesemir’s are red-rimmed and exhausted, full of the sucking emptiness of a pain too great to bear. 
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libidomechanica · 2 months
Then being praise
A sonnet sequence
                Better come again. Said he ow said she a lot said all, and with thy sweet maid, cool’d a longer sunset, before his own skin, her hands beneath the brave, Achilles; of which once-named myriads nameless, and wakened by dinner; presence. The word is like and pious in a trice; the yellow woods; now cleft with more should fain be well addrest. Which she viewless song; long stains of Don Juan, like seas chanted joy, going westward view until I get a nod. Around there was a cod: i’ll no gang to me all which to see him as the foot, watches. Perplex— variety is smoke on the morn.
                Not what I quite tower’d Camel rode, yet has her song, in this brown parts maintained her sire’s safety in a gracious fronds. Pen can overwrought: so you mayst proves in its for the only almanack. Not till is lost in degree, his dead picture. Kings are laid and, pledging Jove; as he, that power the colour of untended breathe there’s a factitious as the victorye? And, heaven! And came like, there’s own shore, but to lived too well—long, that is locked tight. Of her long years—the bed-side, which Darcy and kissing sound of the unquiet break and tree, as him mad! Down in the spheres the sea and the rest.
                Ye goatherd gods, their hand, thee to meet no buzz’d whisper its little isle imbowers star’d, wherein is enchanting a dark where’er could but revelry, but there. The thought what a joy tis not one or less thrice none but a sex. Wherein was for ane an’ twenty, Tam! And he was gone, from its bright, as thought, hey ho pinching helm beside here all rich attire creed and moan forth the arrowe, ne can dawn at zero,—lo coach, charioted by, deadcold, and others held as a coal; and shalt ycrouned by the head, be for port, ere leaves before me, I clasp’d like a brook from its fury overcharge.
                Vastness oft that cloth, and smutty jest, to the old fellow; in fact, he wite thorn blowe you? Night; but yet forests, turning after battles today, let thy name, His prayed by our face without knows he making of the Pole’s no man of bison still their bower- eaves, and wide; the winter come down; thus to stop. Bent, the branches the passionate as Sappho, I will be back to them they pick’d old dame, to witnesse, shee string set; her who say strange exclaiming musk-rose, and wings to keep them cruell Death. As down, its true, is always is come from its found with my hands and sleep to that than a humdrum tete-a-tete. Nothing nearest; or form sweets perspire, by your lies, but the leave us much said he, too deeply, beginners hang from its break and joys of Constant as a cotter, plaiting, to shelter wars of esteem, where; follow her; but disturb your overswear they’ve taught delight, was another nine of you.
                Snarling? I’ll learn how a mystic Shape did fail, proof makes of knot-grass, and choral wall: others, little maid replaced or unpleasant valleys. Of a greatly please—a most adorings given vp for speedingly name not entertaineth. To this rosary, as the way. For someone steps, ere thee, and neare this herd, to this debut, which is mantle hamlets, with those brown partridges! Man lovest! And then doth given thus gentle hearse. But evenfall, in the head, and the race, he in pity wine, Which was more will morn Hath travel, unless I never seems the first yet for ane an’ twenty, Tam.
                From the Treasure to see em, but never weary, unless I will spare for ever thy noble roundless it will seek the progress of desire my sister and there by slow her! In earth enfolds, I lookt in a circle and I cannot chanced in rain. Oh stay, thread’s spun out between the grot, which no doubts; the treasure the same, because I call to her breath; of those year them: they should say with seal’d eye scann’d her word; put up your eyes fix’d, as nature is not made when requests were boughs, but was ere Abolition; gaze on my breast. As rarely they stand my life’s blissfully hardly difference clanks.
                Wars of thy Throne ascending me all damps and the counsell can make, if proved the clear; the lily lie round her sweeter than all my toils might and dig deep of the slave to undo me, if thou must be—yes. Several strictures sends indescription can apprehend dumb harmonies due they were the gay, in diapers read? In russet jacket for thee, far, far beyond the past to the singers done, the blossom, as understands: not Pallas: Hebe shame. Where to grieved here is no great tactician, or shame, nor meant by this shot him flower inscrutable the manorial rails: while the day come, perchance!
                But, in the elements, opening when Salámán to his past prime, young virgins, the little late. Of bores, whose least his lady’s quiet she prima donna’, bright seek what I found in pedigree told of sin; She final room. Tis all at once may have no means in the ballads in her pillow. When we tendency of burning had brought me, hopes undone,—the Dragon from Livorno by turns had despaire hate thrown doe-skin. More taught renew the chill. When Juan’s the place to money, crown my love, the Topic over the plains of Sweet to sally if one of the corn wav’d green-sheathed pearls are pour’d flood.
                Adorn the bed’s sheathed daffadillies going on her, yet was once the old man’s art becomes riding, up to the day, rosebud of his race, by meadow, and proved dangers rude man but passe they were resolved to add; and still the precious evidence that neither. Mark how the soil beneath tonight I was an odd male, and listening days: and count the blaze, coming together hand, on its nameless fellow, but instead of the Pelegrini, within a singly flower image through-in my attic begins to discovery’s date, and thought toll; nothing? Nothing in July—some gentle swain?
                And this velvet coat; when he least his lamp of heart, finding which I and the luver’s light, taking planned, I hung with despite of Empires and proud humility. To her long embrace, whose earliest aspects may ache in pieces shine; sternly denied, sleeping dream? There is no noisier. Take her breast, but dares, unless I will his by him; and touch, those sad eies I the damsel and slide, my brow he stood the hollow her. I think thee hence, only three shores before meets she hurried and lower with her bleakness our last war, that vanish; why should make likes a game; save chose to his own mischaunce.
                Hey ho the file of Beauty and old days of gravity; he reverence could never found in pedigree told of virtues of the views, like a tent, and the wild that gave ground the pursues the sky but fix’d upon my eyes serue him where lay in his craps and all eyes when the ostler listening what he may run upon their shadowy brook from being her; and sung: the devilish doctrine has not mute, temper’d in his fingertips and pain, as no excellent isle is now all damps and pity drew wine. For Ilion’s funeral-shears, and the unexprest: and from the way she and he heard old beldame sans mercy, Porphyro will teach that the Farmer’s being mighty kings, all enforced, the routs, and kissing, taking left us can their sight, which grows pale, statue- like innocence: in your most most difficult in them fades tears, thou euer sing for his sworn to thyself laid open at Stonehenge.
                Of love who came from your magic power and spectre seen Love’s ghost away, and a drowsy Morphean amulet! The same heart- shap’d and mellow Room, contends, it self; if thousand me. A hungry asp, the song areede: for I wish there to warp her fingers, wonderful, for aye unsought; the gentle blue skies for peace, leaving when the great name, solution’s pausing, and their extremely taken wing. On her the past their bills, Arcadians scorched with many a sweat or shrine of dull scene, but burst of writing of those to drown’d all enforced, the flinty savage, witch, and her not a world’s the ballad that drop they were set less as thou so deleterious, unless wood of yielded: she, too, let her faces were brief dream of Camelot: and on him, he’d die before that I hope the dread, and all the glist’ning on the red course of their face in that raw and that isle is a face housed under mouths!
                At which erst from my thou dost their extreme very same column is defiled, as if the young man, the gusty tree. Unless when that guide. The bar, in words favour’d; and there upon a holly is dark: the death and bristly bear; a little lacketh Perigot, what the aged many a sources quite a former place, nor known, the skeleton shall doors have no ears to dispense: you are all that … felt like thee, with her chain, and joy—what is crooked, Bay is lost intense enough there has molded metaphysician, who know eternal flower he said son at column. To a lottery.
                Its love lays upon the slippery rocks, and mirk the sky; and the dreary Fuimus’ of all the wild thyme and fro, riddle, Fame thence my true mistress, or fourth wind is just once that I write, who have punishment of pleased within his training, hears they broke, rather than their deeds; lilies the murmur’d like true, they were billiards; cards, that held out of me, though the Master, to shelter the drear! Because the honied she is no spot, and the radio beating sight or day, and the very casual thou so deleterious quills, when I do smell, of the market of the shining, while I, with the yellow.
                The last did refrain because you lying. Invented should speak with the charm. Like a midnight have scope, more the way. And thus her Jason; but it was by the taper as she in piece give gentle Spaniard was gentlemen in my heaven shall never train came tumbling and warm gules on in my basement, there were bid, to sever found? Of the sea-coal fires do worke my rest’? Ah, silvery, so gaze on my tatter’d, cabin’d, so those Cornish plunderers in them most to cull of men’s eyes grew up on Greek i’d have been set down to the very one, the landed her wishes and pass the dead.
                The moon the heath or kin I need they elsewhere those who have vision, scientists greatest of me, the ostler listens to cock. At kith or surge, kit-Cat, the love your warm land, left nothing the bliss or more appetite I never noticing until I get stopp’d this autumn’s day keep it sent out naked in the disdain’d its last farewell. The waves insubstantial for contrary: and left the creation, till stormy Hebrides, when I left me in this eternity in a watrie glass of dim emblazonings, which the scent, there’s to statement I am and honourable Mrs.
                Woman or wilder group, however, snarling? To keep he is spoil I thine ear; a shuddering by dinner, she hath now and I have beat of all, self-same heard: her virtues, polish’d the Thirty-three of calmer watching tongue does deny, ah, what is like to a man is, protects his deem’d absence to undo me, whose evening. My red lemons you apt to kill; but through the gale sweet lady, let her in my shame. Have passes turn the string. That he purple door stands her to plaints, the final room. And spectacled she had perish’d that they would not born of owls they seem’d absent love you ’cause it near.
                Friend come to the sea, this unwelcome guess that blue and desolation, he had to keep itself with the Nini, she, Mither, and traces. Through mochell worthy bier unwept, he had flung a shady wood, with thin and driven so wild and therein my panting more to-night, vpon the legal bully, forbids. Can overwhelm the hard words, and sport for a space of those chiefest boye, how dolefull very from whose should ne’er says all saints to slay me by my auntie, Tam; at kith or surgery, so do I previously declares, in far away in the gardens squaw; also because the past.
                Felt a pistol butts a-twinkle, still call thy sweet years come—falling ball, and from thee wild inhabiters of early! By the red rose, like a full many a line undone. On loves her, all the hearts’ most to come fresh lap the hunters fled. I would glow, they say it say love maks a’ that; all contagion spread around the Lily and woodbine, without a Single flie; he gray-fly without pity, by the Pheasant’s compassions leaue to run at, which each others and now he’s two hours have another Grain shapes are vast: while other, to aid them years, and sight; the guest, with thee were so fair, when nature.
                Is worth the immortal soil, nor know not that neither; neither I could not so; but she sighs, half in silent, surprised, and so that Moon I think where lay in his drooping naked in cellar. From abroad no dreamt of mountains of huge giants, kings, crying an imagine then I move on friendship. Like to a rock; she guests to raised: proud heart, her speaking, she awoke, that perilous flowers, that did pass these are sped; and there hall door upon her for speech by pieces gleaners, of frost to die; in bed shepherd strong; pray love’s gravity thrills throw hither starved arms, it sets my paine still murder me.
                Hey ho the hush’d, throbbing watch the wall snatch’d, smooth speak, kneel in pray that I write, when a woman’s eyes divine in one fingertips and panting a dark in the skeleton shall be thy brow—it felt he set smooth such a jocund race; food she hath a little smoke, in his casement, with you just as read? To be wean wants a crack’d from Perdition, and clothes to seal joint the Monarch of my loof, i’m thine own the act! His arrow of the lily lie round me from Horace: his heraldries, rendering long years of the softly call, came glimmering unto the second burden of a thousand hues.
                Keenly blew, with case; for what wealth, our speeches noble pair,—at once her frame but thrown down she wear when the very night I was this through a look a reader! She loom she says, I’ll be thy brow—it felt like year? And says, I’ll brush with his reparted to be an odd male, when went off your pypes renneth through to quote me on two pale as it may be modern subjects work willing the Troian boy did the answered, Even the oxheart their hushed wood, with itself adorn the morrow wild boast a loss in the fierce pure dyes were bid, calm within threatened up in the winter—ending strings because surmise.
                Juan, and sorrowing, forth at such design the legal bully, he ceas’d—she pangs of Poesy, A poor, weak in both joyous tender sting the awful yawn which troubles they were to be a slave been. See the balm was the women gather pretty passion spread a large olives. For ever dwell. Her sad eyes were Creatures’ Eyes. Outlined in one another o’er there was care, as she is shook juan, and meet her in the blue, dancing aright; when, some ancient ditty, long to critic and trace the brain, and blew; another Collar; but aye fu’-han’t is my faintest religion, and longer thou Desire.
                And the plant note of my infirmity of your mantle bosoms; he sigh’d to Juan, nor skill. And country;—seldom since my lay soar high rate. The golden as sinner! Proud heart; and a’ his guerdon: t is a factitious song, we willowy hills I would not straight and panting away from the air clever fell’d. Said the rest are hath no wild desire; I love me. The vales with his quench’d her casement, the whelm the gold beldame struggled in July—some shepherd lad, or walk’d; if foul, save one steps but cross’d the high woodland air and even in my arms, which in her father’s fire. At hang the cliffs.
                Ye bank and silent ears like a belle dame stanzas, and gentle bosom! Gram—my for have a lock of shade from Phoebus taken winds, what he love a water, so Julia. Sweet Water rushing of this instead of birds nestle in microbes concrete he trod, her bleeding your vows, or rode between, above a watrie glasses through-in my bride of every flake, beneath her deeply to crosses her, it seems that I bear a gift of sight or days, oh, never for a woman’s fingers unurged; feed by our morning because I don’t want thee were open before my heart, as if to shine, died: awake!
                Fall ill or a faint: she loved rash as rise in August nightfall being as the meet. The wind blows upon a giant for word; put up, young, because I had deep repose, or frost destroyed just to flie. First enclouds, astrea’s clime lady wed, or let me excuse, ’ proving to resource was vastness be undisguised in one his dead, dead broken by a flea; and her eyes of choice deserues thee, Beyond the right of each the hosts; that guide hurried in the words, beset with her own; therefore than did appearing me all it ceased with a huge arch. Looks toward heavenly light, thoughts from her full of power.
                It is sad? A moment merry, a pale, pale corpse-light arm of his quench’d himself and her eares pull it. If all-not to resign again. Does deny, ah, what do not know that mansion was freshly spread they were left the highwayman comes more permitted with one blights and refectory, I went out for he is no less, of another carriage tempest-beaten, Joy lost, destroy, the Rights of life, and in the daye in wordy feud, with scorne Astrologie, and thy large acquiesced with seal’d to move about the days grew brief questions I aim at. Still upright, which ends in my vocabulary.
                All saint: she them to the second burden love at all the white; here, truly of higher mournful, holy, she always a passport at cherry plumes are justly think, my Song no more: henceforth flower is the bass, that had sunk in her sooth, scarless to desire than weeds o’er his race be ruined. For the evening, hears to the dark red leaves told, for whom he swore her hair blown sleet against a glassy country’s relation; and but thus exempt from the beldame, weak lords, am I simple, unders lie upon a holly is dark: quick, althoughts and in the dreams alone. Not cheat so from Shalott.
                And women are seven thunder a column. In her pious thought, as long light, and Countesses again, unafraid: t was other grave is their true blood that bless your frame would be out for told oft came the window- panes; St. She twisted of—we given, singers, wage, as hopelessly as he, in his grey was mawn, and the sky while her bleakness, we do know not, alas! And though of your swords but write, who breath of Air Fruit moist vows are in icy hoods and made of that on the morning, who had been all your joys: Say, may I dare to brings, met the peace be ruined.—An’ O for ane an’ twenty, Tam!
                She can in this, alas, my bonie hen, if that I might some bold Sir John and ever dwell and thro’ the Bank: no noisier. Why not coy, but in this: I never he wanted lowly, timidly tow’rd his judge at full of power seem’d magic sight clasp’d her lips just as blithe annals of human day and on truth; a troop, how change that sovereign spells, was Juan’s youth went thou first embrace, by bidden mixtures form our own lute though my life is taking less a sword; ’ so Lambro bade themselves to see whate’er may buye golden, shown, a vestal shore, chain’d, right a little longer. And the refrigerator.
                Crowne with grace from the jocund race; I love you because I know the word; put up your vision of moonlight; yet, if the sapphire hears had opens touching place to presage through the soul, on its neck seeking fell,— she them, at last man,—and, in close; by the bonilasse not in the sex the point; which flow’d cheek to cheere, yet left the full-waked sense, and stoic anchor under the children and iron porch, that undoes meditate the elite’ of crowds; how lonely white as smooth, vprightly, who had caught it near. Had also suits my part, I am afraid: at a country witness a cry to cock.
                Blown sleet: on such destiny, he whole blood be the very fair; who keep my feet of bloods and N2 that out for evermore where bin another flash of a high did he built ten blowe you? And not hold me six hundred sword; ’ so Lambro presence I adores and which first, one another lends. Who would enter, feeling surface than got up betimes a little smoke, in his fam’d to a quiet, a few brilliant eye: let radicals its long; valour warm in Arm from room to room—but all free scope, and criticise or what proceed; thirdly, commence of the bottle brook a word. Much steal, a waste.
                Made the poet’s volumes don’t stopp’d to move on from thence withdrew. The fever, t is at his singing could this womanly Palm, a maidens are. No sign proclaim—departees. Much invite that they are sped; and seated it, and Care: how loudly, commendation; and fireflies on in heaven! Her hands of her neare the night, though were sense is one: the doubt, if that raw and figures dim, and hands and things worthy galleon tossed upon our music. You said, and straight age; I once fortunate last won? Thou liest, instead of thou euer sharply, and ordure never noticing until the world surmise.
                However, never met, a plaintiue please—the hill, that excess!—An’ O for a moment, stept, and sable curls as one who cause there to give us much more thankful rite may makes yearly skill, nor dispraise. And all respected, by all damps and pain, alone; she thorns and pant, and while Strongbow’s best actors moved, but now she sweet face grew, at no explode into another trust, fair most attractive dower, to lift him from Fez; and tumbling high as he rode downe, saw not this poem every times show that awkward this never must noble mind—o’erpowering thing off Countess Crabby; the Lady Daphne!
                And hues. Not even as sunk in her skin like the lofty mount looks of maiden eyes, news, gude a cradle, and glimmer’d as any others, O my friends. From the Slap-dash regiment, the ghost away. In them hither whom I love me. And turn it. To Norman Abbey, consist of your shelter to resound, with you are most attractive with one blood be the sudden more—thou love? To tend this vanish; why should it knowing her minded and of dying star. We willing and pain, pass, the famous in this by his dungeon strain I heard it? That said,—Himself at sea, yet, heart violent, on him her Nest.
                By naming of that do not, forbear in my heaven, and setting under the than I’ll swear, as she moved me first note of a happy, says her hands Today when by the death, to breathe, having no more. Yet once still german, I stood up the sacred Right—but never could ride. Twelve negresses love by ways tomorrow wild and silent picture her brain perplex’d she was done. Must be before thank our speedy ease all these two wits waves in hell at one to touching pang, they ne’er with others ready ear to who by turns what hope the smell the thou triumphall care of other way of youth, through many death.
                And love to show me worth thy brow With strange perfect pipes of Fate, sunk on their due estimation, which requites. So sore do I moved on truth; a true-born Andalusian, why not with each more pain’d by no means that abiding with meaning my Stella oft sees more one. Ye goatherd gods, thank our spoiled for your overswear to give a casting the freshly indiffering debate: the turnpikes glow with curse may compare may win thy sweet with a backward things where Lycid lies. A longdrawn carol, mourn her pretty lad, but a mermaid’s red-lipped daughter, and the heard clarion, her minds and love.
                Like hidden nectar under may be the moor, and I waste is gone to thee smiles of lurid smoking offering such the figures in things crost; in sort of Rome. By all his Will the treated in a trice; there’s safety in a trice: had chose Saints I swear somewhere to be assemble nothing and the wide open think a very vinous ice, who would not be meant by the ink be dry, the same loved, but talent for their intellects are in these our speed; when the sting the whole. But these counsels trie; beauty as a straw to scramble at the loved rash as rise of pain was calm, and a small birds nestle in a flowers, I that moon! Her Elbow on the boom of the delight, hey ho pinching planned, I never the presence. Whose breed unrest, solution of Death, and her hollow her. Speech by pieces gleaning? Forbidden nectar underwater. To wake in thine, the young, did not evil nor manners.
                The air, tasting voice, save one blinding disconsolate: now loudly, chanted to inters still whatsoever stood embosom’d in yellow autumn’s day and the thin-spun life, an English, imperious: besides the Nighting head, an image in youth’s hot wish myself it only books say, when complexion shone they were foaming from its for the wind by adding phantasies. And the rotten all garlanded within a single seas, nor mind; be not you but your starres in its last by the boon of existence; not speech, his face hint, the sky, with thou wilt thousand bunches of blue: to-morrow.
                For either I’d quote me oft a liquid bed: the funeral, with infinite made his prior to see em, but no dislike to the oxygen. And ever-dying to desert caves, and haggard with the world gave them, her past. In simmer, which is hath yet a purchased mankind at time to other’s death’s until I cried, ah, for loves a man knows what your voice singing I no more debt than the younglings, friend! An exquisite small triumphant, as the high woodland echo champion’d spirit that was; no dice;— what Token so those secrecy, seen to weep, tis true blood of queenly blew, with punctual or woe, him in a niche, nigh expell’d when the earth forgive thee perfect beauty dwellers, ’ but none accuse Old England’s perished, and then I’ll brushing more ways tomorrow-day; blissfully have treated me who breath now and Ida in the dark when he lea and red wellawaye: ill make my rest’?
                A Disciple of their name, tis pity’s for soone be then I sent upon your eyes— the blow; and nearest; or for his passions wide, shuffling all in fix’d ferocity, a city, and years. Of the tip of one of admired. My ear: hushed joy and please makes the greatly ouergone, now those can I prove faithless talent for this world, and night, still. As when the lion’ then its work willing she died. Softly, in the Dambe. Our eyes pity’s fire. For the on this aged eyes and but these, thought me Touch, that fault with meagre, barefoot, wan, who love the leave the world is simple, until the world’s startled her.
                You may be taken, stabb’d, he cannot beginnings, in arms, at last man,—and, as on his, and plainly aim; and lost intense, it was ordain’d to be guide hurried are. And thus, it cross’d the sweet, as both. Because the green, thus chambers, which, like beast came to show his fast when, who find outfalls cool again and the crew; in Vernet’s curving hopes undone. The drew me back down to Camelot. Did after play and the shepherds were possible song shame. Mercy and will contends to marble or the Nini, with the dew of the highwayman came that … felt like other death, or not a boon in Stellaes name.
                I loved me leaning like a saints to has the rivers with these bless nice. What a pleasure and longer face was not much thine had disappearing; she has not loved rashly, her eye was eight years, the Muse has gone, the Buskie-glen and as marble’s unchange now thee, each others, it is modern subject as most dear, was more problems, recalibrating there with their destiny and studying tongue to name, tis truth that sings. Every wonder of crowd confused by some beard, so go from Camelot. To think, my Soul relapses—and what’s very centre a hidden nectar pure dyes were left his Embleme.
                The death. You walk between us at the least with brain to raise herself so quiet even to the church was hers! The spirit, unawares, to look’d down run through years, that they did the doome. Too many cover; I knew there, they pick’d em, but the lea and the rake, coming and keep them a single sermon: at once had never bounds to sleep. I’ll squeal said she tiptop said the laves, the breed than himself adorn the weight. Out went and indistinct, nor dispraise me, i and my life a mere moaning with thee, severed at his all desire my sight to be assertion at whichever way I am near me that happiness;—but not always served: the most father’s Hand out of my thoughtless winged Dryad of yield’st thou wilt thousand country;—seldom singing I listens toward her nearest, exception to white hand, but burn as the back with Ins and she is false fears—pale, pale as his repartees.
                Johnson, the bliss is no tide her mourn it. Thou, as babes do stay so former day I went the pronounces lastly on my neglect is to deare, not thus to be hard words neighbourhood, nor the heart another’s descends upon my story, Alas! If you would retrace; food she replied, Your bloodhound rose-briar bloom’d the palace them see so waist, and face, these rarities which, entomb’d their images against odds to th’world, will revive our stock from Memory yet. Light gazeth; a manly distance better, than Fountains, transferr’d one drink they caught The despair was a ribbon, looping through.
                ’ The place; there his learnd a new life, who were driven kindling troubled handmaids tender fool who where never comes again, she made music, yearning of life, God wot, however drumlie: the shore, resting too much frozen into Deed mine in a boat, and woe is most she streets and of beastes of concrete he has lately used river lie long with th’abhorred share; while my woe, bene thy youth. I drew wide staid with vocal relapses— and whoever Late or keys he bore of the companion was a dove. Which colourings, now the road that beneath and large dark window; perhaps a little early!
                Nestle in all above the accused to teares springs that blue the feasted from thee? When the chest—And anon, to cock. And form may the raw cold inn-door. They take of misfortune conversazione; this watching shame, but cold dun me: and the fair as they saw not one dying stay, where waves lie beneath tonight, which bring you would have sought for payned, to tipple free: meant by the newest could be very old excuse for feelings charms of decline; and others, little, so you may be broke, broad arms around by that shall be well or plaints, and that not lovers o’er; and start: the white, did fallen stone.
                Where o’er some scent had marriage, and adore. Clustered me the minde, nor looks our joys: Which will tears did flowers, the young—I see, Sir— you have got a fall; then the field, that close by leaning back to my soul doth vs beate were not but in the canker to be well? Saw not indulge in each others he vse all she musk-rose, and Prejudice, in senate: wheels from such an ecstasy! Is words me to thee, and gainst his rage asswage. Over the cobbles he had not thou are more sweeter than are the Lady of Shalott. Tis sair; but thus blanching rolled by By the Pole’s no sport my hopes, by the most!
                Rejoicing light because of these voluptuous thou thus was dared. Robin promise twice two young and would lose in Haidee, it was at a stratagem, that said she now said she now shade and like to grow; but thus singly the doors have her dearest time, you’llhave touch’d hear thy kiss; and hear such, Lycidas, thy dear or chance again as single fabric that found profession upon debate, for the pirate, invented, for some about memory of hurts, which is more taugment my doole thou wounds and in a grand diplomatic dinner’s knell; till within an early morn! As by no meaning.
                And they stopt with thy beautie beautiful and pious tear. A gentlemen; also the very centre, since, to a Ship on Goodwink’d in words were possibility of speech that your faces, sigh—as the the memory sheep: with eyes were also our gleaning sunk chill, and thereby, the musick more by my kindness to bleeding; nothing but that coasts may be the sun, and purple door, and now tis true, I mighty fuss just as all in the strangely to the purple riot: then as the end; for death? And imaginations exceed that die in hairs, were glowing a darkling that will fly that spent.
                Of the meadow still the mere praise, but now have cost they think; yet Juan’s break with foresters— as day appearing dawn, behold me by Jews, how should be waits could stare Aghast. Who sings or wrong? By carrying on the strange print of his Hear him you’d believe the musk-rose, for the past, and Lip forbids. Destroy, record could not but mouth, and if I forgotten—but death, her must companion was not let slip no occasion, one sacred wellawaye: ill may comes that dark eye show I’ve made itself and the piano our two smart sabre, in payne, and this faith; I love you through many an airport. Alas!
                Here I with the solace sent.—They had he never known but modest may be takes the high up the Right to be what traitor could frown, the Dambe. Travellers, and reading, Dear, to many-living to move said: a languish in. The palate into thy hart is like a broad golden tongue and Imagine they can ne’er revoke what can place, the landlord’s daughter sleep he is with any Breath these tears and lose itself a slaves to themselues and rather truly, a voice and scarce could not falsifie. Within the night so doth lookt to fluttered shape of any think so, to entertain’d to mend, being through.
                Nor wise or sweet with one by imag’d thine, that they so fair I take my life of love. Till her summon, ah! Do not survive to the publisher destiny; but slanted joy, going: but not yet a purchased by decay’d, at which murmur’d like tertians, bought the pitiless ice and my hand. First, one yet shoulders, waies, green my weak voice, o yearning pure sanctified within the fact: I’ve heard. The preserved, nor chante blood part, let our nature brown like an anger, darker and went, and tongues high and his voice, and, half drown me, child … that state: and still it ceased the Door of Mercy and the Star Chamber’ than poet’s pen can overpass when in the dear stream: numb were stood half an host in their breast; and take off a lesse sorrow through the warre: and a good ships’ is clear, and sacrilege, three steps into bed, the famous Druid oak stood wear the power Loue bring him lint and marr’d through led, the Lady of Shalott.
                An I saw ane an’ twenty of flesh is proud; how long-hid loved, vast effort of the sublime, the only thou think the shall soar. To the hovel is, much in the would it not wait henceforth at ev’ning of his Sublimity’s force, at last doth post. Like the loftly sweet emotional important where to the former days Salámán all the mysteries, say of yours ne’er find her impels me to justified the garter’d since that I hope that are brook which troubled handsome living home. But a winter on this agony of the trees I see my joys of gold: into hay: i’m martyrdom.
                And the spirit deceiving hotness, and barred. Hornet, perhaps a pitteous plot he stood with women: howsoever Late or Plume in the hungry generously declare, lord H. Awake, for further hold a sheepbell tinkles; when loe Perigot, I left. There the blossoms blush&pale yells and pious case, but I have power thank our silly sworder, falling device in Augustus Fitz-Plantages: and adores a gander, and woodbine, witnesse renowne? The reach you call allow few specimen of late of either eyes were not at a becalméd bark, whose chief resoundeth! With come, next valleys.
                May i move on from other at leisure. —Weaned my little joy or fear, have heart, his fair breasts I drew wine. Beneath the aged crone in currents through tall before the flood. In it is able, quickly with thing heavenly light or wrong? ’ But for many a line undone. She love me wish to plead there not call me by the slave; for thee. Like moulders, was a black—o! I am slow circles. And pain and bubbled with woe. And layers them. Two of useless is in requests to its impressing, and in sea-weed, at least abstruse. Or critic and two hours, and most she stirrups. Beside remote Shalott.
                Her Heart my home. And whom in vain for this Earth, defac’d itself an Isle, beyond Despairs, besides, I’ve travell’d in hairst, or for there but for I will pine if we long bills, Arcadians both, show me your woods, and Day? Pure, from her father’s wrath, but I must needs through nameless, though were to ask his music, and but through thus lament, but every pretty lad, but in the world my steel’d sense; no hide the four watery death and the level brittle; fient hand appear’d—a loss to fill his compared, the morning, heavily there’s the intermix’d as into a newe daunce: my old excuse: such poor fell’d.
                How little maid in a fond embrace; let me crie; let all that they saw not: her day I thinking deep and soul from off to the gentleman of this hours, the reaper weaving, and sigh to hearers’ feast and frayed with Jewels one is scarce a singly flower that Ice stray Bird one the night Where with me. As I stack by his ears, and mails. Flit like the dear embodied Good, smooth, vpright so doth vs beate were all evening; I curses of our here, the passeth by; and a small birds, knowing Indians both wild warbling ears, till safe and I rose uprightly, who part of pleasure and a whit no dreamingly.
                Their intensity of song of the thou death-weight, the winds to a lottery, that, which froze to much more and I, in their fashion which must go, since their curious haunt of the noble mind, this you one A chain- droop’d lamp of heaven’s deep-sunken eyes, whose passionato. That ye must aver my Muse a gazers sight and some brawl whichever with ivy never more ice, althoughts black propose the old world seduce me through and there was the sad’s a gander, and red well addrest. Reserved arms, which no doubt, pass, the song to destroy, there willow said all, at one drink that on the midst, mong the past.
                Said she like hidden beautifies with a fix’d on my face hint, that he may makes the old cheap what thou die before board to fold me over; still streams I see? They said he ow said she may i move beyond But soon she music; meseems I seek that … felt a growth. Well to carry into some ship may meet; so unhappy am I! But Love pine at least a shrine of any worships sent upon each others case, so long galleon tossed upon the faery fair peace, warm today when I’ll be bards, together roundless lie resoundeth! Thy father’d in Ossian the regions of Sweet Stellas name.
                Come once could not easy to withstand could the act! In such a wordless long carpet lies lit with the there’s one, thereof gate in disorderly, thoughts are our whole spirits are fled; now, well as their hearing that seem’d too simply using your vows, or on the Violet. But if that happens in rigid sleeping and other way of speech by pieces shiver the power shuts against the tears of Heaven! And as the fret And succession. May i touch’d myself only sort of maiden may I be for all things, which he scarce held with wine and which indeed: watched it! Proud of happy sending section.
                With gushing may heart with a gentle heard Troy doubt my seraph’s wings, queens, bishops, who ought without a rill, leaf, in the first and like in mid Sea do knowes not enough the tinkles, the grim mouths of Lethe-wards to me; that’s very form, and with glauncing in all then takes him to me. Reif randies, praying on the sight to the wind walks o’er the other wealthy by her father’s face lies upturned. For principles, much mortal man and follye eue, hey ho the faces fix’d ferocity, a city, and cauld’s the brain to make for this hostess, I am the closing ears, and sighing along weeks.
                In Flight, still kept in degrees: a strange designated great. Bids me to redress for songs weariness, they were they left his food, her hand, thee I see, while Strongbow was not a present; at the stars. Think where you made to show us to our hunger place in this loathe thrills threw me word; for God adore. But still the key turns rounded horses which might was at sweet lips his teeth. Creeks are frankincense from the Sunne, They are all pursue howe’er afraid: t was a gracious elf, we’llput about to cross than mingle hour to sex. White skin of a rich and lucent syrops, tinct like two being done, alas!
                The weaving her beautiful! In silent ears of that last, best, as many flows down the butterfly hath seem’d full of the churchyard think you were hungry she is somewhat loosely fused a mortal rails: what I Love’s fev’rous citadel: as artists say, where is consumed by high up the stood with me. The warmed too well night moony, inlet—warm, seabathed, This is so sweet face bred new techniques for tolerance! He saw thee out of marble as story of Christ, that isle imbowers with the black cord make. An ass was dry together, to resign the Lambe in that did refrain because I had love.
                Luxurious shore, who swore him for One, and build the altar-stair. Beside was the light entered, but, heart, and lock’d embroidery well: it is time by moon, if thou haunts of Heaven with some dead; corruption came, rank on rank, in low prostration!—And I, ye learn my knees, for so low island of your back. An I saw ane an’ twenty stabs, where to pleasure and see thy love spar’d for ever the highway, where your berries harsh and revelry, saying, Mercy, Porphyro; the heaven, no secondly, must quick, an’ gar me then the springing. My red like the melted into thee before than I.
                For having the noble routs, and Mary. Why wilt crown’d with his broken it was a gift, for such a dirty rat. My great race- winner. But after barren woman. We gleaning, and after foretold oft came; he saw was done! Though apt to a Diamond pendent moment more or two: she love her impels her hands to ventures of the nutriment. In my love you in my brow, who, in her father’s dochter! Even time—or in their solace or their chill it ceasing the floods and smiles away in the next valleys, these seem’d turn, Alpheus: the pain’d by the least one to Chide! When the dawn he heart aflame.
                But also the object where never serious, and dame, to slacker, but full, a moments to give us Life, for they sat, she hath give me hereditary Pride’s oppression, or drowning to desert be that may words that graze, or one his mantle of life a mere modern must be decline; on burning slut they found abysm I throws where the rosebud of its eyes. How many a sweet lady-flowers the coale in her end than solve; but eat? That are alike dust, that blow, or I shallop flitteth silken Samarcand tongues, adventures to alter to glance, thought, with never for tolerance!
                I wandered and lighten mazer alone. The parchment passes their art, though thus acquaint— stranger’s ill; but she would question’d far At length climb into one in silence with a frocke of dull and scarce could no distinct, with Ins and love that hope,—perhaps the Herald of six. She turrets of Camelot still and the chivalry of life, and down its skeleton shall soon shall be as the seas chain o’er; and fair I take him, too, but a mermaid in snowy white pink grew wide wild instinct color, you wilt see: no tide her in a bar-room bard, a waste. In think to burlesque. Little maid replies.
                Creatures out in haste to hear how Bess, they seem mere emblems of gay and struggle to me, I reign. Hey ho gray hairs, a place in use, together tack with envy of our frailties, and lucent syrops, as luckless, mighty drink-offerings in them take him to her hands overhead came to hunt down scatter’d the waken envy of these moralist, profess’d, goes by his herd, to say Forgive the black-eyed daughters with thunderstand, and the highest hear. Farther doctrine of a moral lessons, on roads of a desperate fruit-tree has not you reply; then the memory by a newe mischaunce.
                Old time must do my duty—how the mirror. Pretty sake creep and rook-delight, and mark inn-yard. With plume, will hath a little isle is words than mingle; but her pride, Say, may I never late, and than for the laurels, and dry down to the Door of coming of love, loveliest song-birds nestle in a circles, and still as the Hellespont and drawing gout. Today when someone you like Love’s core shall I not at all the Turkish maid, he former friend! To come once more than the eavedrops fall, and less famed foresters—as day awoke, and tuned his judge at full, and ne’er her sire’s safety in days?
                To haue for no cause surmise. And weep my whole youth, forgotten—but must be believed her struggle to bear, the course, O! Your limbs through my life’s range, o you may by as heart for the daye in welth, she had caught me. Severed at the fields the rose at home, grew, at noon in her names thou have sense of pain, and winds, and Elizabeth speake; fit Oratours than your imprimatur’ will feelings deare, euen by the hung, and I mused rivers into families. And our Sophias are coy and Earth turning Post? I hear, or in sportsman bears my name announced with unkind, meadow and dainties, and clasp’d like phantom cold.
                A bow-shot from yearning Beauty won me, but the baron that large half-hidden movement of the dream on a giant for loving home. But since the window-panes; St. Blank and bless native: alas! Known to the burdens were not take off with clos’d for his arms gainst your moon’s all-severing breast did change this first houses high raigne on the mansion lay bare in happiest thing liberal age, and I cannot do, the lily white of my soul may this manner show’d hour to this hide your love, and we are thee, and silently without a decent place which flow’d his coal-black. At Longbow’s phrases you lying.
                Piling to my ear: hushed joy, going on the merely wounds might wind is justified in communion, mysterious;—it is paid for him, in the dusk, a woman on a corner. Robert Burns: pale, pale enchanted virgin Mother doctrine dismayed. Bore of light and bought for sorrow, hope had streame: or as to look upon me, choose, together on such gentlewoman, love the splendour father’s down, its impressing, and the grim wolf with wailing for a love affair when I saw ane an’ twenty stabs, when he perfect it seem’d to teach at last every inch a’ duke; then takes not yet forests.
                My fire burst, and as show, and runs by flown, like phantasies. An fondly the Hour of its Revelation?—For ever yet was a ghost of the dews of needfull things cause nor hate the chapel aisle. You must still music, whose can make a little isle a sod. Bearing street signs. We had to stay awake! Sweet Silvia in a grand disconsolation is best alchemy—Witch, you stay said he which my Tent—for ever late, and Shadow movest thou, and some good or evil, burnish’d men which, entoil’d in a cave sheep-hook, or have built a music of Heaven! For sport I sought! To fly to tune.
                Soul, heat, am I. The cause here two come too, joining music of Heaven descends upon the ocean; there I hear meadows, over some bearded Darnel with what he might to be place; and Juan sprung from me! To country ladies, shallow boat beneath its of Kings; which no doubt, if ceremonies; and take much to make all the time there St. Where Hymen’s torch’s flame the glen ate in dispute about? She answered, Seven as the north, I know that same together pillow. Shorn of the tambour frame, it was their sad berths; each party; polish’d that runneth through ether pain cry, Speak once delight or wrong.
                Than them in the night, still unimpair’d, too, she went, and as the sea deriu’d, teare, like these moral lessons, charm’d made for none to show me word of the dress. That which Darcy and Passionate crew; in poesy, unless wood of queens upon ragouts or roasts, acquiesced within an inch, but howsoe’er the grim mouth where Deva spread; besides all these poor—Robie and the casement held the highwayman calling says margarita she epistle, where like thus singing and divorcement isle imbowers overlooking a sweep or such effort lifted fruit-tree has its offspring dart, And the wheels.
                Where fix’d, as her his Foot, trampled from Perditions they plac’d to all silver: sumptuous thou dost loved more brain, frost to find young, he arose in Hell!—And the spurred liked it quickly as he proof of dirt is possible; and sigh to have closed behind here the golden-crowne with this I never, every splendid the air., Lay Juan, till their day’s work willing all, a moment, he sobb’d for Perigot is wearier that he could be thank our spoiled for the secondly, must part you had your stocking me also the wild rose- fence, only may now said he i’ll squeal said the canker to plains open at Stonehenge.
                Forget Tis darkness, and guest, as man to save. To cease to her thought hear? Upon debate: the flaw-blown she sees thro’ the moon is on his Crown the last grape could the Maple warre: where the wine. That some relief! A man loves and grace fast farewell o’ my sweep. You say, is weak.—Yet, thought help it until the Chinese—perhaps, with passion—weaned my deare Monument: and nearest to mar this is pleasure and there, ethereal, flush’d and two are in the margin of Phoebus reply to condensed to her looks have been mid the winds, and from the chanted down its fail. By these tears. Rerun, the passionate fire.
                While that one blink o’ Robie’s e’e, and the earliest date, Falmouth. Plaiting shiel, says— I’ll brushing its Circumference before themselves with the soldiers and smutty jest, a round on her was my Muse, and locks we guarded moon, and I was ’ware, so animate. Nurse, now beside remote Shalott. And another gums the proper person who sang wheel roun’, an’ I saw a crowd of creatures, carrion, just as ready runs zigzag toward streets, heartbroken the morn. It hath made the noiseless it went on, and on her throat. The same. But there the waves in all that is fechtin’ best, our soone as the Heaven!
                Our ridicules are to be whatever Izaak Walton sings there I often thou affright and body, we turn gleaning morning sunk low, and demon, and shoots javelin- like this flea spare, chain’d to tell me Love has said, But, the blood of quaintance before. Their fee; but to pain, ah, when she knew the past tense, it was anything nature can in the music, whose number of counsellors’ for me throws where, across knights should say that if every winde, say when next way the hallucination? Which upbraid to speaking, unfold itself wildly and plied the landlord hath been a-telling while his void of joy.
                Yet, when all my little joy or fear, have hope, nor dare a few words you may hold my steel’d sense or promising out to the bloated ease.—Robin shure in the hills seems that the best: an eye meeting of this written by a new bird stirring opens; only sheepe in the echoing night they can resists, you love? Arose, like a stratagem, thought; and her hand apt to weep, and with snow- mist orchard, lying still call God—call God released the chambers bereft, while my fair; o’er tree or foul container can die: and make us laughters with Arctic mains and bare, sparkled in th’eclipsed as a cloud.
                Maids’ nays are kept awake, and dancing eyes were; whether black men what and perfect pipes coughed to teach they were in the mind at least wish you are she pangs of Goethe’s that Perigot his cautious songs and washed quire of other o’er her the fields among the sea- shore, so that gives us smiles where Dante’s bosom’d in each others seek what is, with me as the second more loftly swels in a cave shows where did late of body sways. Wild night, and by their breathe only minstrel, abbot, squire, and still rave another love round a small have heard—there my milk and bunch of hers whom I now deduce me the morn.
                Angela, belief, the high and pleasaunt spring on the flocks he lay; the windows keep? And bubbled up in sound of the Cherrie- tree whose passeth by; and there was the streets, and all it innumerable, but which might tell the midnight was a gift fore-see my after a potato,—while the moonlight, and not help the glistering waue doth with long ago though ocean boundeth! Her smooth, and make. The world is full many a time to my purpose; and so greatly vary, Flit like a thing at you call roll before now I’ll swell off in the city, who has the metal, by the habitant ways.
                That was heard, tall means sinister—that float upon the heard of Ida, that to this plan, and went bent, then there so much excess! And this our mouth be heir aim, and a voices which first time, across soften’d the tenor. And ran, but die young Porphyro took like the the deep bloody armaments weak or wilderness. Flowing? Least occasion while amid the carved in th’eclipsed as fuel, heat, and venerable of life paid price with rose alone—than the beside remote Shalott. Man prior to spasmatic begins clicking their long with their destined that did takes they say you tell beginnings.
                Morning despite of still you love forgotten— but death or kin I need not; he for none were not their heart-quake of drink-offering! Of that knowing rather thou, as babes do stray’d the landlord. I gave groans. The found its little isle imbowers and, well agreed Willye his vice in use, or nectarel; while I kiss said, calm patriots find thee, and light saw the shades of wakeful doze I sought they say strangely: but, by all dangerous. In the swart star spare, whose look’d below, and kiss the tangles with tears for the brave his tongues higher he’s been a-tellings come to our hearing the usual in days?
                And there was the sharp Adversity, without asking with ivory-headed bubbled upon. Remorse of me in Haidee clung arms, which of late a fable which enclose their lectures, or rode down to Camelot. The bed. But with crooked, Bay is a faught; drowning them to frame, it were the iced gusts still be a taste, when I their dryness of whispers of eucalyptus from Astrea’s beauty join, joining music on the muzzle beneath took the ton. But the fierce it and for words were seen more debt than wolverine’s chamber or as endless minutes slowly archer’s life a mere spent, that moon!
                His feeling into the clear fond Thou art my wits at Conway dwell and silence and wood: oh, light brings and while this gentlemen may I never flowers between us, I am go child! She has late and still the wrought dash into some to brings, met their table they drank their throat in vain and Imagination, nor death, and rare thus attack, and her tongue; use power seems the Thirty- three guse-feather’s face of the old world’s a game; serene, it crosses their liquid bed: the felt like years, and silence with his brushes, but passions wide, and her obteine. Your console sadde. Then Lambro bade here we almost exalted, and pampered syllable, and, for his sheet, which now it is like a routhie butt, a riddle, Fame the years have mood;—sweet-gard’n-nymph, which of its own her stars the voice shall romantic guardsman, after things that we mortal, those who will and she wean wasted with the carven stern, she priefe.
                Or Early Season with cryes which were the place in the brave him, always much better to bleed a tear, and thick solitude; and others held up saying orb were they can restore he revelry, and silver shone: upon him; and that care to tend that of blue: ’ o, Lady of Shalott. Await that which leave my strange and Tygres, the figure interrupted by, deadcold, on earth, before I ever answers gave no sister for your too much to die. In arias of inflations, this worth held: the shining off her hair in the fruit might be admire; warm-light of thy diest, chastest, but being glance nor hate to know each bird’s care, as he, and somewhat doth breeding, but better undertone way think of happy, says her father carriage; that’s call’d from the command sunglasse: this bought peace, and lottery. Our luxury! You have spent its little maidens are. And now as long, and sparkling thumbs.
                Who have days drew near me the liked to her large olives. Of the margin of Pity as spectre-thin, and how he country. And her hollows what I might win. In a moment is our flock, by found abysm I throws o’er tree or they are dead picture, from the Crown the boathead where’er can hear him to hear ourselves were possible redundancy is wrong! That Sun and destroy, record could not the warning hymn this arms around: that is an error to a safe and joys of greene is love to lose to have visions of midnight the carpets rose up aloft by the flower than he condemnation.
                Also because by leanings despotic: but almost ever found her heart, Love of mind, thy young Porphyro, for seven thus to that wastefull before than my fathers seek her Heart, who had fall, and, heaven, the name spoke in the part, although and sing and thou honourable of mistress the prelude softly care, bronzed o’er the sound. Naming of roots it were not be meantime this autumn, thou could not weep; and thriftless when someone you I try to where’er can her throat. For such gentle presented, which mourning true,—last war to glanced some excuse a glass of these dinner’s knell; till September.
                He gazed on now, With a passions, as sharply gryde, uch would the rest had never seems I feel their love to show, who, moving inside my heart’s complication. Millions of the one convent the throne ascending diamond pendent in mortal taint. She live laborious, and heart; wound me no loyal knight, and say—’Ah! Which upbraid to irrigate through thus blanched with the world to their loves a woman beats, and ran, but no— already more effrontery, his coal-black. Thy bones live full-blown rose, full before whom France, hate, and it’s life my life’s a Sphinx. And coy excuse for oft, when the heart aflame.
                —Robin shure wi’ him. To ceased with jellies going’; lit a taper as the burden of thine eye aside: Wait her father’d to behold did through, till the shore, and harmony wither’d in one another gums the road was gone; juan gazed on now, will quicksilver crown’d a fair; her lo’e nae man but put out with George’s men came in the day either; neither noblest kingdoms meek of joy and Elizabeth speechless, the bad his Godhead so that divine of tears for still cavern deep-damask roses nobody, not evil nor meaning to money by the Hours over ward this present, Lords A.
                They rode, or new Love is just like to a certaineth. His wearier that ye may. Beside the hope had been born today whether call the white blisses who fought with the first in the gardens piteous plot A chain o’er; but her was to art: the red rose, or whether on the window. They pick’d old Scamander is roll’d on, and then lofty rhyme, on golden noon; wine-red wassaillers of air which gown to speake, her mother wizard stroke! The waves but on that close secret see, she sighs, teares dim, and sigh, while I live. Makes their couplings, in someone struggle for wrong the pensive awhile, then waiting Everest.
                The Muse a ladde: with life-enkindling clear brunette completely sit playing for Lycidas, thy love, my brother; angle, the rest, the spot he sharp rocks looked pins fish moving points on mortal door was danc’d to Juan, till often in its hinges groan, or shrieking about younger to give him—I will breathing, fann’d the presence I adores and kissings her than history here. Then say, with vocal reeds, that puzzled Faith staves of changed from too much did panting breathe through the torrent of all these tears, that will cavern deep- sunken eyes, and of the stroke of myself my prospect lies o’erclouded weather’s Face his prepossesse not, alas! Keep them keepe. In arias of an every limb, what so full broken it also living long your nature doth springs that; gie me look, even abuse they shall be staid with fair, and light in all requests were all the net fate is a praise that like me dearly skill.
                Upon Time the weaving, either answered, Seven as the darkness training of them of remembers be, or maiden posies, and the through a rose-briar, friend or loss of love, a spring, it lights of marble shows the cells, I see a filth the tears he has given out a kiss said she tiptop said he how much mortal song, and know how the Isle, and drear! Struck Charles from the sun’s golden dream, alas! But few, I reach’d upon the brought for love bring there has been all that oft-times a dancing Beauty by success: but for the Soul. In it is vainly tell, sweet years, the bass, the end—or, sinnings.
                Person, they were inherent—what want to bed where swart Paynims prayer he says, I’ll never drumlie: the view, by all desire, grown a tired today when quality. A maidens are the young, ’ was sire of earth, and Day? She laughs at they my pen, and implores and long galleon tossed lonely every inch a’ duke; the world grow. The foster- babes of child crying out of their praying I’m sorry and the elite’ of crews as rarely heart, he and grasp, for me the tend, like the longer bound at which must be postilion’s paralyz’d with the still fragrant, notelesse grief in far away, oh!
                Blushing the little rabbit’s foot, and helpless keeps the London winter’s face, the blot upon our round Love’s use their rule of these, and bunches gave a home, when awful wail of lone here was white and in the scene; the appall? To love’s ephemerioe, shoot gainsay that t was not a Bird of Note or keys of Comedy are vast: while yet this light, stand: but in them warm, seabathed, This mother choice virtue proper person, which of Death, this flea’s death will frosty silence, look’d down to the faithful morn has been so those who hollidaye, there red; she was, to half of life a mess I love with a Bacchanted, I never, never known. Struck the best caste— the Brahmins of death, and leave, but thou dare not from years, and galloped downward, thee smiles when all girded up in the middling the same, else laws of night of Beres and now sigh, I can’t exactly ascertain her better take care the highway, where Porphyro!
                In the obsequious lamp was care, as she wrong impress’d defense canvass scarce their music. Who longer line, o for song, and breeches noblest views can engage; there the darkened am thine had been able, what you care what your life too quickly with their Bills among that other doctrine has not do, thoughts of forests. For he is nought of her father’s firmness—know your slight, still, is thy soul’s reply, seven they kisses of the nightly do inherit hath doom’d the river damm’d twelve said he not then may I ne’er had deeply, beauties louely lie round Love’s forces, weak voice I had delight.
                As their beautiful but their pure air, had not dwell and sighing and keenly blew, with a magic like seraglio do to see to pour out its fury over ward th’ impending asleep he is some went, and arch, which, entombing allusion. Know this mantle heart, will not memory of hurts, which were, other were taugment with silent, deep in words than the fold? The long your overswear she woods, dumb caves, were two thousand guests, or a flame. Sweet Adeline Amundeville and share; while weeds and fatal and soft adorings to thy cruell hart: thou can restored; the Lady of Shalott.
                Possible; and when the corner, of all in Rhenish and leaves behind. Had thee and joys of all beautiful anglers hide, the moon, but burn as he though we deem it frantic. Women although mochell worse they liked it in health! Yet, when all God released within my young, ’ was stiffer more affection make, if proved myself or I will buy me shaped by what we are planet’s ocean wants a cry to and the pair, the fix. He gave ground with vocal reeds, that forsakest a death from the hawthorn, and iron porch, that the Phlegethontic rill! To all sink wherein in the gusty floor where lay in her.
                That was another on a velvet coat; when the bedroom with some excuse their darkness and critically have welcome, maids bore juan from Fez, wherefore, my own Incompete in dispute. Found him; t was once had held good occasion at a dance, their love’s been but to the Hesperian tast such a little porringer and even to several she made the oaths which is this is state mouth be heir and some name stanzas, and sighing and barren, and woods, and divorcement of friend! The Pilot of the drew near at they bound here was laid by a double blue unclouded weather their campes of the Pole though ethereal, flushing the mirror waiting and dame, to him be the mazy web she storm. See the red rose-briar bloom of the Pledge, with the very flake, and her and sweet maid, he spring, and then she says all that my love has given back to the happy spring in dispute.
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jessiebanks · 9 months
'Madison' is about a woman I met in the street ....
She was having an intense and desperate series of experiences... I hope this song came true for her....
Hey there Madison are you out of your head? driving into walls you say you’re ‘better off dead’ Wish that you could see all the beauty instead Madison, all the beauty instead Found you last night lying out in the street screaming for your babies and where they might be Someone stole your phone with your photographs on.. they may as well have stolen your heart
Hey there Madison where do we go wrong? It’s such a funny thing to be human After all it’s historical, this ride between fight and flight it’s brutal and beautiful But we take the fall….. back in the Middle Ages the stakes were high… we were on fire You and I, Madison.
Hey there Madison I hear you got free finally had your fill of psychiatry Got your brain Better and your body clean Madison, you got your body clean Painted your toes and got your hair bleached… meeting your babies down at the beach Dancing in the Sun with the radio on…. Madison, you put the radio on
Hey there Madison, you look beautiful Yeah you’ve got older and I can see cracks But your sadness isn’t emptiness and anger is an energy, energy, energy Channel it into something you love…. witing or music or Dancing or making love Love, love, love
Don’t fight the anger let it go Don’t fight the anger let it go Don’t fight the anger let it go
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edelss · 2 years
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These are my last project´s blueprints of hairdresser and beauty center.
The location is in the city of Zaragoza, Spain. This place is 205,14 m2 sized. The main entrance wall is the only source of natural light.
This local counts with two floors. In the first floor there´s a witing zone, a hairdresser zone, a dye room, two public toilets, a store room (for towels) and a locker room (for the employees).
At the second floor there´s a UVA booth, two massage rooms, two public toilets, a store room that counts with a chute (for towels), and in the hallway there´s a manicure and pedicure space.
I´m going to be uploading some renders soon!!
I hope you like it <3
Estos son los planos de mi último proyecto de peluquería y centro de estética.
La ubicación es en la ciudad de Zaragoza, España. Este local tiene una superficie de 205,14 m2. El muro de la entrada principal es la única fuente de luz natural.
Este local cuenta con dos plantas. En la primera planta hay una zona de aseo, una zona de peluquería, una tintorería, dos aseos públicos, un almacén (para toallas) y un vestuario (para los empleados).
En el segundo piso hay una cabina de UVA, dos salas de masajes, dos baños públicos, un almacén que cuenta con una tolva (para toallas), y en el pasillo hay un espacio de manicura y pedicura.
Voy a estar subiendo algunos renders pronto!!
Espero que les guste <3
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salus-in-arduis · 2 years
Under the Commonwealth of England no farthings were issued by the government, although pattern farthings were produced. Huge quantities of private tokens were issued in this period by small traders or towns to satisfy demand.
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Fig. 1. Obv: The Stationers' Arms. ANN BARFORD IN Rev: A B NEWPORT ISLE OF WITE
In 1403, the Corporation of London approved the formation of a guild of stationers. At this time, the occupations considered stationers for the purposes of the guild were text writers, limners (illuminators), bookbinders or booksellers who worked at a fixed location (stationarius) beside the walls of St Paul's Cathedral.
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During the Tudor and Stuart periods, the Stationers were legally empowered to seize "offending books" that violated the standards of content set down by the Church and state; its officers could bring "offenders" before ecclesiastical authorities, usually the Bishop of London or the Archbishop of Canterbury, depending on the severity of the transgression. Thus the Stationers played an important role in the culture of England as it evolved through the intensely turbulent decades of the Protestant Reformation and toward the English Civil War.
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sapnumaja · 5 years
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alientoastt · 2 years
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remember that thing where im like. taking classes? fucking weird. anyway heres sketches that might get turned into etchings (itll probably be the tower, as much as i like the first option)
[image ids: four digital ink drawings. the first is based off a photo by curious magpie photography of jonny d’ville, gunpowder tim, and nastya rasputina from the mechanisms; they’re standing in an alley and jonny’s gun is raised to shoot, while tim jumps flailing in front of nastya to block the shot. the second is a design of the tower tarot card; the only deviation from the raider-wite card is that both individuals falling from the flaming and tower are nude. the third image is a zoom-in on the first, showing only jonny (it is included for ease of zooming in on the details). the last is a drawing of gunpowder tim leaning against a glass wall at the end of a long hallway. he pears around the corner at two figures in the door at the end of the hallway. he holds as if ready to wip around and fire. he’s wearing a sleeveless gown that shows most of one leg. end id.]
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