#wite designe
cherryskeletoncake · 1 year
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Drew my fist attempts at chayanne and telullah back in the beggining of may. Like everyone else, i’m emotionally attached to the eggs
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ebi-hime · 11 days
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Hi everyone! It's time for another rare and sporadic Tumblr post! I'm just witing a post to let yo know that I'm working on a cute free(!!!) yuri VN for this year's Spooktober Game Jam! Spooktober is a horror-themed jam where participants make a vaguely horror-y/Halloween-y VN in one month. I decided to make a chat/statsim called Shut-in Vampire where you play as a vampire girl with dreams of being an idol, Mayu. You have 2 weeks to earn money to pay your rent so your landlady doesn't kick you out, all while talking to and flirting with cute girls online to try and get a little bit of their blood. This VN is actually pretty simple and it's not too long (it's around 30k~ish but each playthrough is designed to be short and it's not possible to see all the content in one playthrough). Since most of the writing, art, and coding is already done, I'm hoping to release it at the end of next week! I hope you're looking forward to it!
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hamliet · 8 months
am I the only one who thinks death as a redemption distasteful?
I mean, no, you’re definitely not the only one!
Honestly, the trope is oversaturated now. Everyone and their mother wants to have Darth Vader while ignoring the specific context that made Vader’s redemptive sacrifice work. I wrote about when redemptive death works in the linked meta above.
See, I tend to think the problem isn’t the trope itself, but instead treating the trope as an easy way out, or as a moral necessity when really it should serve the character, the plot, and the themes. The genre also matters. But... yeah, how it's used in 99% of stories nowadays is lame and distasteful. It's giving up, not pushing through. It's bad witing.
Like, writing a story where someone fucks up in every aspect, where they are evil, but in the end have one lone thing they love and sacrifice everything for that love—that’s beautiful. And I don’t think it’s a miserable ending either; bittersweet, but it’s hopeful. It talks about the humanity in each of us that can’t be snuffed out no matter how we try. 
I dunno, man, I have loved ones who are so beyond messed up. I want to believe there is hope for them even if it’s an eleventh hour “wait, I love this one person.” Will that redeem them to the world? No. But is it enough to comfort their loved ones? Maybe. It’s not an easy answer. That’s why redemption via death can work masterfully in a story. It can give life and hope. But it’s so often misused that I also get why people hate this trope now and kinda hate it myself lol.
In stories, actions have consequences. They’re symbols, and so are the characters. If you skirt consequences for a character that’s how you get Marty Stus and such. If death is an established reality in your world, then it’s logical some characters may die. Death is a fair consequence, but consequence does NOT mean punishment. It just means that if something happens in a story there should be a reason it happens, not just “for the sads” or “because they were bad and I want to punish readers who see themselves in them.” If a character has done certain things, and the rules of the world make it clear death is likely, that’s not inherently bad writing. 
But for a lot of the oversaturation of "redemptive death," it’s, frankly, cheap. Because it’s not used as a genuine way to end a characters arc with thematic weight or to honor them. It’s done to give the audience a “there there, we made you care so we won’t kill them off as a baddie but we don’t want to take responsibility for making a complex character and actually use them to add meaning to our story.” And that’s been most of the redemptive deaths post Vader, let’s be real. 
But on the other hand, death is a reality people have been grappling with in stories since the beginning of time. I’m serious; the oldest stories in the world are about humans trying to understand how to live in the face of death.  But death is the only thing that humans are all equal in. The only thing. I wrote about that here.
So when you have people who refuse to acknowledge death at all, and act like killing a character including in redemptive death is a moral statement that they deserved to die when it really isn’t—it’s just a different side of the same coin as the cheap “death redemption” people. Both view it as a moral thing or as an easy way of wrapping up their writing instead of letting it fester so that audiences can continue to think on it, to ponder it, to wonder what if.
Not all stories are designed to preach or teach morality, and even fewer good stories are designed to do that. (Which is not the same thing as saying good stories are inherently amoral, either.)
If a character redeems themselves via a sacrifice that costs their life, then their sacrifice needs to matter. It needs to be dealt with, to bring life or criticism, rather than being an easy hand wave away so that the story can just continue like it didn’t matter. I
Redemptive death itself is not the problem. The problem is bad writing of characters and themes and plots that leads to an oversaturation of a trope in a pale attempt to imitate a good story rather than actually write one.
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mx-darling-1 · 1 year
Hello! Okay so I saw your dress scene! Reader hcs (and dude I ABSOLUTELY LOVE AND ADORE IT LIKE OMG)
So I was a bit curious if you’d be willing to do Wally x Gn! Reader that wears Classic lolita! (Of course if you do not mind at all!! And remember if you don’t feel comfortable with this like AT ALL whatsoever feel free to ignore it!!)
Now you have a lovely day, splendid evening, and a AWESOME night and a WONDERFUL MONTH!! (Despite its the last day of April😕)
Absolutly, I love this idea so much! I've dabbled in lolita fashion a bit, so I'll see what I can do!
Wally Darling x GN Reader Lolita fashion show
Julie has been begging you for weeks to hold a fashion show, dressing everyone up in your lolita clothing. You were definitely hesitant at first, but after some convincing, and help from Sally, you agreed. Sally helped you to make clothing for everyone, after all Howdy, Poppy, and Barnaby were far larger then the rest of the neighborhood, and your outfits could only possibly fit Wally, although they might even be a bit big on him. After a long week of sewing and getting ready, everyone had these beautiful lolita outfits.
Barnaby had on a large blue dress with white lace and a rainbow of flowers delicatly placed throught it. The sleeves were off his shoulders and he had a large blue bow to tie his eyes up, a small group of flowers at the base of it. Howdy had a green velvety dress with wite lace as the sleeves. He wore long black gloves on all four arms and black ribbon was laced across his horns. Poppy wore an orange and beige drapped coat that drapes across her back. She wears a bonnet that matches as well. Eddie and Frank are wearing matching outfits, the same fit and style, although Eddie wore a suit and pettie coat made with bright flowery colors and gray lace while Frank wore a gray suit and pettie coat with a bright flowery lace. Julie wore a light pink lolita dress that opens to a white skirt in the front. It is adorned in white lace with a large bow at the center of her chest. She wore a large pink hat with holes tp show her horns through the top, and her horns were adorened with a light pink lace. Sallys was extreamly extravigant, a light yellow dress with white lace and covered in bows. It was stunning and definitly fit her personality. You were most proud of Wallys outfit. A extravigant blue tailcoat with a white undershirt and white pants. This outfit was paird with white platform kneehigh boots that had blue hearts on the bottom.
You, embarrassingly, spent the most time on his because you were a bit excited to see him in similar clothing to you. Currently, you were in a dressing room back stage, your dress has been a suprise from Sally, so you were ecstatic to see what she came up with. After only a few moments, everyone else was dressed and Sally walked in with your outfit...it matched the outfit you made for Wally, it was made from all the same fabrics and the design was almost identical, except it was formated more like the classic lolita dress, instead of a tailcoat. You felt heat rise to your cheeks as Sally handed you the extravegant dress. "Here you go [Name]! You get to walk out with Wally, so hurry and get ready!" Sally winked at you before turning and closing the door behind her.
As you looked at the dress you couldnt help but feel nervous. Still, you promised to do this with everyone, and it isnt much different then what you wear daily. So...you could play it off! Once you got yourself calmed down, you put the dress on and looked at yourself in the mirror. You couldnt help but smile a bit, doing a small twirl. Once you built up the confidence, taking a breath you opened the dressing room door and stepped into the main area where Wally was waiting for you. All your friends were waiting to watch already, so all you would have to do is take Wallys arm and walk out. Yet, it seemed both of you were frozen. You were absolutely in awe at how Wally looked in the outfit you made for him. You knew he would look amazing, but not this amazing. Little did you know, Wally was thinking the exact same thing. He felt an emotion he wasnt familier with, flustered.
After a few moments Wally collected himself and walked over to you, holding his hand out "Well you look just stunning Neighbor." You could feel your cheeks heat up at the compliment as a dorky smile reached your face. "Oh! Thank you, you look amazing as well..Darling." You took his hand, glancing away from embarrassment, not even realizing Wallys face had a rising flush to it as well. Still confident as ever though, Wally guides you past the curtains and onto the long catwalk. All of your neighbors began cheering as you both strutted down in these new outfits. Once you both got down to the end, Wally took your hand and knelt down. Oh god your mind is racing and you can feel the heat rise to your cheeks. "U-um, Wally?"
Wally just looks up at you with a smile, your friends still cheering as Sally and Julie fist bumped without even looking away. "[Name], my dear neighbor, would you be my partner?" Your heart was pounding in your chest and suddenly the rest of the world was silent, everything seemed to fade away except for Wally in front of you. In only a few moments, you picked Wally up, him going limp in your velvety arms as you twirled him around. Your dress puffed out, his tailcoat floated out with the wind, and your words were clear as day. "Yes! I would love to be your partner Wally!" You're friends began to cheer louder as Wallys smile grew even bigger, a lovesick expression on his face.
I may have went overboard with just talking about their designs, but hopefully you liked the chapter! Have an amazing day!
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foxi-gi · 8 months
Heyyyy I haven't posted in quite some time haven't I? Well, I have been drawing a bit and writing a lot, I might also resume the Choose your own adventure series!
I finally drew my sona a bit, plus some small sketches I drew on paper! Enjoy! ^^
OZ [sona]
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"Good point, let me wite that down so I don't forget."
(They will still forget)
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Sketches on paper:
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(I am very sorry for my handwriting)
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"This seems like a problem for a serious person!"
"One second!"
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*changing glasses*
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"Nah, I still have no clue :/"
[I'll digitalise this one soon)
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*pats roof of william*
"This bad boy can fit so much Trauma!"
Ref sheet for some of my OCs will be done if have the motivation to!
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"Les buan!" (Pointing at my lesbian character who I still haven't figured the design of just yet)
(The word les buan was my phone auto correcting me misspelling "lesbian" and I thought it was kinda funny so I drew it)
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that-ari-blogger · 9 months
Writing Your Own Story, Together
Sense and Insensitivity is the single most terrifying episode in the Owl House. More than Hollow Mind, more than King's Tide, this episode is nightmare fuel. It's got all of the greatest hits, giant spiders, tight spaces, publishers. This episode should have been the Halloween episode.
But that is just me. If you don't get scared of these things, what is in this episode for you?
Well, this episode is about teamwork, it helps to nurture the friendship between King and Luz, and it shows that sisterly cooperation is possible between Eda and Lilith.
Let me explain.
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The main plot of Sense and Insensitivity is the collaboration on a book by King and Luz. It shows the differing opinions on what they want the story to be about, and it leads to argument.
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And I'm going to get on my soap box for a second here, because something needs to be said. Opinions about what is a good story do not contradict each other. If someone ever tells you a story "must" or "can't" include a specific element, they are objectively wrong, because a story can be whatever you like. I have seen a level of argument online about people going after others who like or dislike certain story elements, and I find that ridiculous for one key reason: If you don't like a thing, you don't have to read a book or watch a series with it in. For example, I have hemophobia (fear of blood), but instead of complaining that everybody writes gory books and telling people not to, I find media without blood in it, and I watch or read that. It's a simple solution.
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In the Owl House, this comes to a head when the two split paths to write their own stories, and my wording there is important. Because one of the main themes of the entire series is witing your own story. So, you would think that the split would be framed as a good thing, based off this, right?
But no, because this episode makes something clear about forging your own path. It doesn't mean that you have to travel everywhere alone.
That soapbox I mentioned earlier is important to understand, because people having different tastes is the whole point of humanity. We are a diverse species, physically, culturally, but also emotionally. If we all only liked the media I personally enjoy, the world would be stale. We need people with different tastes to make life interesting, but we also need them to guide us.
We need people who are different from us to help us along our journeys. Writing your own stories doesn't mean not taking inspiration. It means doing what you like, the way you like. You can certainly be inspired by others if you want.
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But writing your own story doesn't mean you are right in every decision you make. Watch Doctor Who: The Giggle to see why that is a bad idea. Sometimes you need people to keep you back from danger, or you might fall prey to people and things that want to exploit you.
Enter Piniet.
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Piniet's character design is funky, and I love it.
First up, there is the reptilian element. Reptiles have a reputation for being cold and emotionless, while this is a subject of debate (Dr. Gordon Burghardt is a co-author of a book titled The Secret Social Lives Of Reptiles which I highly recommend you check out), but the stereotype remains. When you think of a snake, you probably think of a trickster or a liar. When you think of a lizard, you probably think of the "lizard part of the brain", a concept of, once again, dubious accuracy. Psychology today has an article that discusses the concept.
The point I am making is that Piniet's appearance is evoking ideas of heartlessness. Using the stereotype, it is telling you that whatever this character says to King, none of it is genuine.
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But there is another little element that I quite like. That third eye. A few reptiles and amphibians have a third eye in real life. It is located on the top of their head and is called a Parietal Eye. Science Direct has a collection of sources on the subject. But Piniet's eye is different from the real world. Because it appears functional, but he keeps it hidden. Piniet has more eyes in play than those he talks to, he can see from more angles, and be aware of things others are not.
There is also the references to a third eye in specific real world cultures and religions. And without getting too far into still living cultures about which I am far from an expert, this is generally related to extra insight or foresight. (Source)
Once again, this links to my reading of Piniet as a character who can read people like books, and if you combine that with the reptile thing, you get someone who is intellectually empathetic, but not emotionally. In other words, Piniet is a manipulator.
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I'm not going to recount the plot beat for beat, but needless to say, it takes King and Luz being confined to the nightmare box to get some thinking done and actually work out their differences. And notably, to get out of it, they work together. Luz with the light spell and the plan, and King with that confidence and charisma that he has shown off in previous episodes. Teamwork. Forging their own path together.
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It is also notable that the agent is only satisfied by the entrance of Nina Noseworthy, who in this shot litterally eclipses King. The agent is chasing the next big thing, without any care for the art itself. That's just a neat little detail.
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Eda and Lilith also have that co-operation on display. And while their similarities have been shown already. When both feel powerful, they both act incredibly pompously. But here, we see a different side of Lilith.
When Eda and Lilith are stressed, they react in completely different ways. Eda laughs it off and gives a veneer of not caring, this isn't new, she's been doing this the entire series. But Lilith on the other hand, she gets scared. Lilith is a very different person to the sneering villain that she is shown to be elsewhere.
This is why I think the redemption later on works so well. They have already proven they can work together. But also, Lilith doesn't have to shift character to switch sides, she just has to drop the mask.
I will also mention that in the scene above, Eda, despite being a fugitive, is open and relaxed in body language, but Lilith is on edge and guarded. Lilith looks like she is hiding something from Eda and afraid her sister will find out. I wonder what that could be.
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Final Thoughts
I despise this episode on a personal level. I don't think it's bad at all. This is about average for season one, if not slightly above. My feelings around this episode are entirely centred around that shrinking box and the little cube people, because they are more terrifying than anything Bellos can do.
In all seriousness, this episode has a simple premise, teamwork, that is executed well. The animation is cool, the character designs are awesome. The humour is decent. This is a good Owl House episode.
Next week is Christmas, and I'll be taking a look at wild magic itself, as discussed in Adventures In The Elements, so stick around if that interests you.
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anadorablekiwi · 9 months
We are ignoring hands, Eli’s Face (her eyes fought me so many times i messed up the paper and wite-out tape didnt help), and my laziness regarding boots and clothing designs
But anyways, here’s the first four of my loz hero OCs and their respective heights!
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Oh! And Harp has knee braces on for support 💜
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petri808 · 1 year
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Day 4 @flufftober - “Cinderella moment” Bakudeku
Through her own stymied tears, she pulls her son Izuku into her lap to explain how daddy is not coming home anymore. At first, the three-year-old doesn’t say a word and only looks at her with his head tilted in confusion. Again, she tries.
“Izuku, papa is going away and won’t be coming back.”
“Papa weave? Why?” His eyes are wide and curious.
Is there even a right way to tell a child their parent won’t be coming home? “He, um… has something he thinks is important to do.”
“Oh,” Izuku pats his mom’s face reassuringly. Perhaps he’s too young to fully grasp the gravity of her statements or due to the man barely being around anyway, Izuku’s connection to him is simply too weak. “It’s oh-kay, momma, we be okay, wite?”
Inko Midoriya is like most mothers who’ll do anything for their children. It isn’t their fault that she picked the wrong man to have a child with and they never asked to be born. So, it didn’t matter how hard she’d have to work— anything to help her child succeed. She pulls her son into a hug, “yes, we’ll definitely be okay! I promise.” After leaning back and clasping his cheeks in her hands, “And when one day you find someone you love, it won’t be like you’re papa and I— they’ll love you and cherish you just like I do.”
“Ewww, mama, das gwose!”
That makes Inko snort a laugh, oh the wonders of a child’s mind and heart. She pulls his face closer and gives him a peck on his forehead. “You’re right,” since it’s nothing he needs to think about now, “leave it to mama, it’ll be my wish for you.”
Life isn’t always fair, and if anyone knows how true the adage is, Izuku Midoriya does. Growing up, it was just him and his mother Inko once his father had left them high and dry. He was too young at the time to remember the man, but his absence is certainly felt every time he looks at his single mother. Inko worked 1 or 2 jobs to support them, which often left Izuku to his own devices. He cooked his own meals and did house chores on top of his school work, but he never felt any ill will over it because he knew she is doing her best. When he turns 15, Izuku even offers to get a job to contribute, but his mother adamantly refuses because she knows the path to success lay in education. So, to honor her wishes, he studies hard to achieve good grades and rarely dips below the top 5 percentile of his class. Then all that hard work pays off when he is accepted into Waseda University with a full scholarship in data engineering.
After college, Izuku found a job working in the IT department of a large manufacturing company. There are different engineers that focus on different areas of the business such as sales performance or raw materials to labor hours by department, designing programs and systems to collect the data and turn them into understandable reports. It’s where he’s remained for ten years. During that time, he works his way up, and now his job is to maintain the overall operating system of the entire company. It’s his job to make sure all the systems are working together or to step in and help as needed. In a way, he’s one step lower than a supervisor, but he has no aspirations to take that position either.
It’s not a bad job or place to work at all. Their office is located on the fourth floor, divided with cubicles, and separated by speciality. Because of his role, Izuku’s cubicle is next to the supervisors office along with two other data engineer assistants who he assigns jobs to work on. Their supervisor, Toshinori Yagi, is a good boss, fair and firm in his decisions, and a brilliant engineer in his own right. He is much older than Izuku and sometimes acts more like a father figure than a supervisor. They often work closely on bigger projects, take lunch breaks together, and Izuku fills in from time to time when Yagi cannot make it to a meeting.
The only annoyance comes from his two assistants, who if they weren’t so good at their programming skills he would’ve let go by now. Neito Monoma has a very snobbish attitude and feels he should have Izuku’s position, while Seiji Shishikura is similar, but has no aspirations for management. Except for the occasional whispering or snarky comments, they’ve never come out and said anything to him. However, according to other employees, they make fun of him and say mean things like he’s not as good as he thinks he is or his personality is so bland no wonder he’s still single. Never mind that it took him almost ten years of working double time to gain the respect he has. His performance speaks for itself.
One of the company’s suppliers is holding a party to celebrate their 75th Anniversary, and on the day of the event, Yagi calls Izuku into his office.
“Is something wrong?” Izuku asks as he walks in, “a system go down?”
“No,” Yagi gestures for Izuku to sit on the chair across from him. “I have a big favor to ask.”
“Sure, whatever you need.”
“You know about the party at Dynaspark Industries tonight that I’m to attend?”
“Yeah…” Red flags are going up in Izuku’s mind.
“I need you to go in my stead because I have another meeting to go to.”
Izuku pops up from the chair. “WHAT?”
“I know you really don’t like large gatherings, but every supervisor is required to attend and since I cannot, as my assistant, we need you to go.”
“B-But Toshinori-San,” he waves his hands up and down, gesturing to his clothing. “I don’t even own a suit!”
“Don’t worry, I figured as much. That’s why I’ve already contacted a tailor to get you fitted for one— don’t worry about cost, it’s covered. I’m letting you leave now to go to the shop and get ready. A company car will pick you up from the tailors and take you to the party.” Yagi gets out of his chair and stands next to Izuku, then hands him a gift to take and gestures to the door. “So, get going.”
Holding the gift with both hands in front of him, Izuku is as stiff as a board like he’s just seen a ghost. “I-I’ll do my best, Toshinori-San.”
Yagi puts his hand on the man’s shoulder. “You’ll be fine. Just mingle a little, find their IT supervisor to chat with. A couple hours should be sufficient and the car will take you home from there.”
Two hours later finds Izuku standing on a stool in a tailors shop while the owner and assistants figure out a suit that will fit him in color and style. To the untrained eye, it’s just a regular looking business suit, but a puckered seam here or there or a tie tied incorrectly is extremely unsightly in the business world. The one they chose for him is a dark gray, almost black jacket and pants over a white button up, and finished with a deep reddish orange tie and matching handkerchief. It looks quite good on him, he must say, though he feels strange wearing it— Like is this what his father looks like in a suit? That’s not something he wants to envision.
After some finishing touches, the company car takes him to the main offices of Dynaspark Industries. A receptionist in the lobby directs him where to go, a large conference room on the sixteenth floor. When the doors of the elevator open, Izuku had’nt expected almost the whole floor to be an open space! It gave no time to prepare his nerves. There is one other couple in front of the reception table, so as he waits, Izuku tries to get a flow for the room. Where’s the food or drinks? Near the bank of windows that stretch the length of the right side of the room. Looks like there’s a bar too. Are there any tables or chairs set up? Yes, raised bar-types scattered around the room. Stage? No, but there’s a podium against the far back wall. Restroom signs? Yup, to the left. On the off-chance, does he recognize anyone? Nope. And what is the IT supervisors name again?
They’re given a clip-on name tag that provides the last name, company affiliation, and title. Well, that is certainly handy. So, Izuku hands the receptionist the gift while asking her to point out the IT supervisor for him, thanks her for the information, then heads in that direction. The man is standing about 10 feet from the bar holding a bottle of beer and talking to someone. The supervisor’s name is Eijiro Kirishima and he’s looks around the same age as Izuku. According to Yagi, he’s been the supervisor for only two years having replaced the previous one when that person retired. Eijiro must have seen him coming, because once he’s a few feet away, the man waves and calls out Midoriya-San!
“Hello, Kirishima-San,” Izuku bows and hands the man his business card. “Thank you for having me. I’m sorry that Toshinori-San couldn’t come instead.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I’ve wanted to meet you anyways.” After giving Izuku his business card, Eijiro turns to the other person he’s talking to and gestures at them. “Midoriya-San, this is Iida-San, he’s from the accounting department.”
“Hello, Iida-San, it’s nice to meet you.” Izuku bows and hands the man his business card who reciprocates with his own. The man is a foot taller and wears glasses. He notes Iida’s first name is Tenya.
“Nice to meet you as well,” Tenya bows, then readjusts his glasses. “Did Toshinori-San retire? Are you the new supervisor?”
“No, no,” Izuku waves his hands as if to erase such a statement from the air. “He has another meeting to attend, so he asked me to come instead.”
Eijiro bumps his shoulder against Izuku’s in a teasingly tone. “I hear Midoriya-San is the top IT person next to Toshinori. Nobody can program better than he can!”
“Eh!” Izuku’s cheeks flush redder than a ripe strawberry. “I-I wouldn’t say that!”
“Oh, don’t be modest,” Eijiro continues to tease, “maybe I should steal you from him,” he laughs.
“You shouldn’t tease so much,” Tenya scolds. “You’re making him embarrassed.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Eijiro apologizes in humorous tone. “I tend to go overboard. Anyway,” he holds up an empty bottle, “I need a refill— Midoriya, drink?” He motions with his head towards the bar.
The two men grab drinks and settle on some chairs near a few other employees. The conversations are going well as they discuss some of the types of programs they’re working on recently, or about a new virus that’s going around, what do they like to do on their days off, food or movie genres, etc. A couple of hours goes by and the beginning jitters Izuku felt have melted away thanks to the courage juice, rather he’s feeling pretty good now. Eijiro is a great host too, introducing Izuku to everyone they encounter. He’s gathered quite a lot of business cards from this party so far. Yagi will be surprised.
While Izuku is standing around just listening to the conversation going on between Eijiro and two other employees named Shouto Todoroki and Momo Yaoyorozu from the sales department, he’s oblivious to how close they are to another group. The conversation is something about another good restaurant that Shouto found recently to take clients to and what the food is like. Everything Shouto describes sounds delicious and Izuku makes a mental note to look up the restaurant later. Suddenly, someone bumps into Izuku’s back, not very hard, but enough to tense the front of his feet to tense up for support. He turns around at the same as the other person.
“Sorry for that,” the yellow-haired man apologizes, but then his expression abruptly changes from normal to surprised to happy almost instantly.
“Oh, it’s okay,” Izuku smiles wide. “I was too close as well.”
The man smiles with a light chuckle, “You’d say something like that.”
Confused, Izuku immediately moves to ask the man what he meant, but in the same moment, another man walks up and tells the yellow-haired man that he’s needed up front.
The man nods in acknowledgement, then quickly finishes addressing Izuku before leaving with the messenger. “Don’t leave, okay?”
Izuku is even more confused now, but there’s nothing he can do about it. “Okay…” He’s not sure what the man meant by don’t leave. Leave where? This spot or the party?
“And that is our big boss,” Eijiro can now cut in and introduce the man. “Bakugou-San is the son of the President and the current Vice President.”
“Wow, so young to be a vice president,” Izuku is captivated, “must be nice.”
Eijiro laughs, “Not having to worry about anything, I’d say so, but he’s not the type to flaunt his money. In fact I get the feeling it annoys him,” he shrugs. At least, that’s the impression Katsuki Bakugou gives off when women try to gain his attention. “Nothing we’ll ever understand.”
Izuku chuckles, “so, true.”
At about 9 pm, the president of the company gives a thank you speech for everyone who attended to celebrate their companies 75th Anniversary. This company was started by her father and in the near future her son will become the third generation owner. Izuku hadn’t known the president is a woman which is rare, but he can tell from all the employees around the room she is highly respected. It makes him think of his mom… women are so much stronger than society credits them for. At the end of the speech, they are asked to raise their glasses in a celebratory kanpai (toast) and wished safe travels when they return home.
With another hour left of the party, Izuku decides it’s time he should leave. He does work in the morning after all and it’s already 10pm. Having forgotten Katsuki’s request, Izuku goes around and says his goodbye’s to the new acquaintances he’s made, then heads for the restroom. The car ride will be at least 20 minutes and with the amount of alcohol in his system, well… let’s just say its a precaution.
Izuku pushes the restroom door open without thinking much of it when— a BANG! Followed immediately by cursing. Oh, no he hit someone! He quickly goes inside and sees a man hunching over the sink holding his nose. “I’m so, so sorry!” He rushes over to see the damage. “Oh, no you’re bleeding?!” Izuku pulls the handkerchief from his breast pocket. “Here,” he hands it to the man yet also guides it to his nose and presses it to the nostrils as he tips his head back. “Should I call 911?”
“No.” The man nasally mumbles. “Don’t think its broken.”
“B-Broken??” Izuku feels like he’s gonna faint. This evening has gone so well, and to end like this? Why him? “W-What should I do?”
“Just keep holdin’ it there.”
“O-Okay.” Izuku does as hes told, but continues to chatter nervously, apologizing over and over. Telling the man how he’s guest from a manufacturing company who is filling in last minute for someone else and how he hadn’t planned on staying this late, but he is having so much fun, but he thinks he drank too much, that’s why he wasn’t paying attention and ended up hitting him with the door and how he’ll make this up to him somehow, eventually rambling about his life and how it was tough growing up because they didn’t have much, but that his life turned out okay and hes happy for the most part…
After several minutes, the man finally speaks up. “Still rambling huh, but it’s amusing.”
The comment causes Izuku to blush. He doesn’t know how to respond, so he changes the topic. “I think it’s stopped bleeding.” he points out as he moves the handkerchief out of the way. “Looks like it’s stopped for now.”
The man too looks at the handkerchief and sees the drying blood. “Yeah, I’ll probably go to the doctor in the morning.”
When the man turns to look at Izuku, all the blood rushes from his cheeks. With the alcohol wearing off, it finally clicks— It’s the VP of the company! The president’s son that’ll take over one day. Of all the people he could’ve hit. “Well, then…” Izuku back peddles for the door as he continues to apologize. “Since it’s stopped, I should get going ‘cause the drivers waiting for me.”
Katsuki gestures for him to stop, but Izuku keeps going. He puts his hands together in a prayer pose. “Again, I am so so sorry!” Then leaves the restroom.
The second hes out the door Izuku beelines it for the elevator and thankfully it’s already waiting for more passengers. When he reaches the car, he realizes he forgot the handkerchief, but oh well, they can take it out of his pay cause hes not going back there. What a mess. By the time Izuku reaches his apartment his nerves are so wracked, with a quick shower he passes out with a prayer on his mind. There’s no way he’ll get out of this without at least some kind of punishment like a demotion or worst case, being fired. It’s the vice president, after all.
When Izuku wakes up the next morning he contemplates calling in sick. Is the fact he has no voice messages on his cell phone yet a good sign? Ugh, he hangs his head. No, he needs to go to work if at all to bring the suit back. Plus, he’s not someone who’d run from consequences if it’s his fault. So, he puts the suit into the garment bag it came with along with the shoes, grabs his back pack and heads to the train station.
Izuku takes a deep breath as he walks into their office and heads straight to his bosses office where he can see Yagi already in. It’s gonna be okay, he tells himself like a mantra. Whatever happens, he’ll deal with it. He knocks and walks in. “Good morning Toshinori-San.”
“Ah! Midoriya-San! Sit, sit," he gestures at the chair. "How was the party? Did you have fun?"
"Oh, yes, Kirishima-San was very nice and introduced me to a lot of people so I was able to make many new connections."
"That sounds wonderful! I figured it'd be okay since you two are closer in age." Yagi then gestures at the garment bag. "You can take a long lunch today and return the suit please."
"Sure! I can do that."
"Good, well we'll touch base again later about the sale project programming, but I need to get to a meeting soon."
Izuku stands up and bows. "Thank you, Toshinori-San."
At his cubicle, Izuku hangs the garment bag on the wall of the cubicle and flops into his seat. That went well. No one from Dynaspark has contacted Yagi or the company because Yagi would have also heard about it. Why not? It seems quite odd, but Izuku takes it as a tentative sign he's fine. He did apologize profusely and attended to the mans nose, so perhaps the VP holds no grudges over an accident. And if so, it makes Izuku respect him and his company even more. Still, he should send a formal apology gift, so after work that'll be the first thing he takes care of.
The first four hours goes by very quickly because shortly after starting, Izuku is called to help someone in accounting whose computer is freezing. At first they can't figure out why, but eventually they discover a virus has tagged onto a received email and started trying to shut the computer down. That takes him three hours because once he stopped the virus he still needed to go through each system to make sure everything is okay, as well as fix anything that was altered. Things have been going so well, he forgets all about the restroom incident and just does his job like normal. Finally, 11:30 am rolls around and he's free. So he grabs the garment bag and heads out after notifying the two assistants he'll be back late because of the extra stop.
Around 12:30 pm, there's a knock at the IT office door. Because of the potential trade secrets, only authorized individuals have key codes to access the door. An employee closest to the door answers and finds Katsuki wearing an expensive looking outfit who asks to see the supervisor. With Yagi and Izuku out of the office and assuming based on appearance this might be important, the woman takes Katsuki to one of Izuku's assistants.
When Katsuki walks up to the cubicle, Monoma stops what he's doing to stand and address him. "How may I help you?"
"My name is Bakugou from Dynaspark industries and I'm looking for Midoriya."
Monoma gives Shishikura a mischievous look before he answers. "Oh, I'm very sorry you came all this way, but he was fired this morning."
"Fired?" Katsuki questions, taken aback. "What for?"
"I’m sorry I don't know sir," Monoma shrugs, "but they didn't give us the details."
"I hope it wasn't—" Katsuki mumbles then stops. "Thank you for the information. I'll let myself out."
Stunned and troubled, Katsuki starts to leave and even contemplates going straight to the President to ask why they would fire such a valuable employee. But by the time he reaches the lobby on the first floor, he realizes it's not his business to question someone else's decisions. He’d waited too long before, and now he’s done it again. After walking about ten feet out the front doors onto the plaza fronting the building, Katsuki stops walking and pulls the handkerchief out of his pocket. He had so hoped to find it's owner. With a solemn sigh, he starts walking again, but as he looks up, he sees Izuku coming in his direction.
Katsuki perks up instantly and starts to wave and call for the man. "Midoriya!"
When he's within five feet, Izuku stops, completely surprised. Is he here to give him a bill? But he’s smiling... "B-Bakugou-San?? What are you doing here?"
"Your handkerchief," Katsuki holds it up. "You don't remember me, but I remember you from Waseda University." He smiles and his eyes drift up in reminiscence. "The sweet freckle-faced guy who was so focused in class. Quiet but friendly and cute. Sometimes I would stare at you the whole class and not pay attention." Chuckling, he quickly covers the distance to the stunned Izuku and takes his hand. "I was too afraid to say anything back then, but I've always loved the owner of this handkerchief, you, Midoriya, so how lucky am I that ten years later we meet again."
Izuku's eyes widen when a long held memory returns. His knees buckle and collapse him to the ground. "Y-You… H-How me? Cute? Impossible," he shakes his head. "I do remember seeing you now and also remember thinking how guys like you would never give me a second look, so I never gave it another thought. "I'm just a computer nerd and you… you're the vice president of a major company!"
Katsuki kneels and takes both of the trembling man's hands. "Yes, you and it is possible.” He lifts Izuku’s chin. “I despise people who only go for looks and everyone always just wants to date me because of my family. Which is why someone like you would make me happier. We were just simple college students when I fell in love and seeing how you haven't changed, it brought all those feelings rushing back last night." He places a hand on Izuku's cheek forcing him to look at him and affixes his amorous gaze. "Come with me, since they fired you, come be with me and I'll take care of you."
That gets Izuku’s attention. "Wait, what, fired? I was fired??"
"That's what those two guys in the IT department said.” Katsuki explains. “That you were fired this morning and since you weren't there it appeared true."
Izuku shakes his head. "I was returning the suit… Those guys… I'm so sorry they lied to you, they're jealous and don't like me."
"It doesn't matter to me," Katsuki thumbs Izuku's cheek. "Now that I've found you, I'm not letting you go. So, please say yes."
"But I can't just leave Toshinori-San…"
Katsuki shrugs, "I already got his blessing this morning."
"He didn't tell me anything!" Izuku is stunned.
"That's because I asked him not to, that I wanted to surprise you."
"Oh, wow…" Izuku's brain is short circuiting like a broken program.To think this cute guy from college wants him, loves him enough to track him down. There’s no way he’d imagine anything like this. Why not take the risk? His cheeks heat up a little at the idea of love and happiness, and the acceptance of his quirky personality and freckles. "I-I… Is this some kind of fairytale? Things like this never happen."
"Believe it," Katsuki shocks him with a kiss on the lips. "So say yes, so our fairytale’s ending is a happily ever after." He stays close with their foreheads touching, speaking softly. “Please say yes Izuku.”
At the intimacy of hearing his first name, moisture pools in Izuku’s eyes as he kisses Katsuki back and answers, “yes!”
Some wishes do come true…
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penpenpencil · 2 years
I literally love your design for Spirit Tracks Link so much i would like to know everything about him and the Poe lantern because I am genuinely so intrigued 👀
Oh, hi-!
I have a few ideas for the Poe lantern bit and a bit of lore and whatnot. (If you are willing to read)
The basic premise is that the people of New Hyrule, due to the land’s relationship with spirits, can separate their souls from their bodies under certain circumstances. Most people never experience this but there are stories and witenesses so most people just think of it as something that happens, although no one quite knows why.
For Zelda, her separation was involuntary and violent, leading her to wonder far afield (to the castle) before Link found her and helped guide her to her body. Once she was back, her soul was still kinda- not fully there? So she would separate at random intervals (until they noticed a pattern and adjusted accordingly)
For Link, his separation is a side effect from being both living, magically sensitive, and also not a demon/locomo while fighting Maladus and Chancellor Cole. He first thought it had something to do with his ability to see spirits that caused it but they are still unsure of the true reason and have only come up with those possibilities. The only ‘true’ facts of the matter are that they began after fighting Maladus, usually he separates while calm or spacing out, he can’t see the living (his body included), and they found that lanterns are a good way to guide spirits ‘home’.
Spirit keeps a lantern on his body in case he wonders too far away (since he can’t really see where ‘he’ is) and it is only lit when he separates. Since he spaces out a lot while on his train, he has a hook that he uses to hang the lantern so he can follow the tracks and find the lantern again. (They call them Poe Lanterns but only because of stories from the Great Sea and Old Hyrule mention them and it fit, they don’t actually come from Poes) Zelda also has a lantern but it’s smaller than Link’s since she is usually in one place most of the time she splits or she splits with Link and they follow Link’s lantern anyway.
People can see the lanterns and their green flames and sometimes Link and Zelda will just, carry their lanterns just because they think it’s funny that to the living there’s just floating lanterns walking around. (For their ghost forms, they have a copy of their lantern that others can see. There’s usually a chain that links the lanterns and their respective ghost together but if the ghost doesn’t have their lantern on their body, the chain is broken and they must find their way back on their own. Which is much more difficult.)
I have more (I think) but I haven’t really written the Poe Lantern stuff down yet- (like my other character sheets…maybe I should do that soon)
But yeah :D
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token-doodles · 1 year
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I made a Powerstone token. Then I was witing for my turn so I doodled a design for it. Then I made a second one because turns were taking long.
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rjalker · 2 years
I know I have more posts about Murderbot randomly being a fucking snob to other robots about how they communicate but idk where they all went. And FTR it is literally just bad writing. Lol.
The only way this'd be good writing was if A) Murderbot actually did genuienly think in that sort of computer code all the time. As its natural internal narration. But that would require actually putting thought into the writing and would by design make Murderbot less Universally Relatable™ as a funny sarcastic character so....instead of talking like a robot like it acts is is natural form of communication whenever it feels like being a snobby jackass to other robots, Murderbot instead just talks like a normal sarcastic human.
That's the "secret" of why all of you are so amazed at how relatable Murderbot is despite the fact that it's a robot. Because it's not written as a robot. It really is that simple.
And this would be perfectly fine, except that Martha Wells then wants credit for having this super scifi robot language.........that only gets used when Murderbot's talking to other robots and imposing its snobbery on them. As though it doesn't go around thinking and talking like a human literally 100% of the time.
or the other option for it being good witing would be B) Murderbot wanting to prove it's not like a human at all so aggressively overcompensating when talking to other bots in a desperate attempt to prove something. This would require the other bots to be like "uh hey can you fucking chill" or even just "no actually I prefer talking like this"
or even just the other bots being the ones to initiate the code language rather than Murderbot just being super fucking aggressive and patronizing about it.
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I cant believe I'm having kingdom hearts opinions but kh3 is like the societal tullpa of the subconscious formed and directed by Tetsuya Nomura.
Explination: kingdom hearts 3 is what people think kingdom hearts is like.
Okay proper explanation now: it sucks it just sucks. Not even the entire game it's just maybe two worlds (I'm death staring you down tangled and frozen world) and all the bureaucracy of the story and the rules that dictate how the universe of kh functions.
Like the character writing is either really good examples the toy story world and the monsters Inc. World or just really bad like characters really just saying shit like aqua in the midst of a fight saying 'I don't need a keyblade' like girl that's your primary weapon. You can fist fight someone with a gun and win but more times than not your going to get shot and die.
Like half of thr game is genuinely good, it still has that campy crazy plot and character witing, monsters design is still great, combat is still really fun. But the other half feels like a game that was supposed to come out on ps3 got delayed by over a decade and now is having an uncomfortable growth spurt in all the 'lore' and 'story' and every world having a vilian of the week with a new organization member fucking up sora with seemingly no through line between then other than that they all have a plan and fucking around with Sora is part of it so who cares.
A part of me sees where it all is coming from and another part of me thinks 'no this could absolutely be better' and I'm tied between saying it's fixable or that the good comes with the bad.
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imjustsillu · 2 months
Juuust my oc with her son
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The white boy name is Wite, creative? Very
I think I'll change his design later so he wouldn't look soo much like Knuckles from sonic...
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hibiscuspizza · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Disney by Lauren Conrad Vintage Sweater, Women's XL.
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fredalan · 7 months
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1991 Fred/Alan holiday party invitation. Illustrated and designed by Tom Godici.
The last Fred/Alan holiday party! 1991
As we’ve posted before, we never really understood the “standard” protocols of running a successful agency, wining and dining clients with expensive dinners, golfing outings (you’ve got to kidding!) and annual holiday gifts. Our version was killer holiday parties.
Things really hit a peak in 1987, when former Ed Levine, account executive and former music promoter/producer/now food writer, suggested we book Dr. John* for our soiree. Creative director Noel Frankel illustrated an amazing invitation (with Wite-Out®!), and we booked a belly dancing school studio on 8th Avenue. Sylvia’s catered the soul food, the doctor’s band came on their night off and blew the ceiling off the place. What a night!
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1987 Fred/Alan holiday party invitation. Illustrated and designed by Noel Frankel.
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1989 Fred/Alan-Chauncey Street holiday party invitation. Designed by Noel Frankel. 
Afterwards, we wondered if the parties could get any better, but from that year on we tried pretty hard to top ourselves. By our last party we just might have done it.
We didn’t know it was our last hurrah. We’d just moved into a new space that we’d designed for ourselves, we were celebrating. For the December 1991 party the entertainment booked was the Calypso Kind of the World, Mighty Sparrow, known to getting entire Caribbean stadiums on their feet to dance. By the end of his contracted second set in a downtown restaurant, Sparrow’s shirt had come off, the crowd was sweating as much as he was, and he assured us he wasn’t done yet and came back for another couple of hours!
For some reason, Art Director Tom Godici thought it would be worth his time to burn the edges of all 500 holiday  poster invitations by hand. We weren’t arguing, Tom always made sure his work was up to his personal creative standards. He lived them.
*Ed and Dr. John/MacRebennack had done a couple of wonderful records together, and Ed later suggested him for a fantastic campaign we did for TV Heaven.
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ramrodd · 11 months
McKinsey: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)C
This video provides the most important reason to re-elect Biden/Harris in 2024 and either Michael Steele or Kamala Harris in 2026. Tei difference between the Ivy League Socialism of McKinsey and the Democratic Socialism of the Declaration of Independence if the difference between the Fresh Water economics of the Conservatism of William F. Buckley's Sharon Statement and the Salt Water economics of Eisenhower's 1956 Presidential Platform, McKinney has been a major proponent of the Fress Water economics of William F. Buckley's Conservatism, which is a vehicle for the Nazification of America as a wite supremacist insurgency. Which is to say, McKinsey was created and operated on the basis of Steve Bannon's proposal to dismantle the administrative state of Democratic Socialism and replacing it with the authoritarian state Trump has been describing since he began his attempt to steal yet another election by the same order of voter fraud as the butterfly ballot of 2000 and violent political action like the Weather Underground of the Students for a Democratic Society.
The Fresh Water economics that defines Conservatism is the instrumental organization of McKinney, the University of Chicago, the Harvard MBA business model, GOPAC's political Strategy and Steve Bannon's nexus of American Nazification in the global Nazification that financed the Hamas political theater, Dilbert, and Maga Mike Johnson's version of Jesus in contrast in contrast to the Salt Water economics of Eisenhower's 1956 Platform, Adam Smith, Paul Krugman's Peddling Prosperity, the Nixon-Moynihan legislative design for Affirmative Action, Jack Kemp Republicans like Mitt Romney and Michael Steele and Biden's Build Back Better $7 Trillion cunt hair.
Here's the thing: the Taylor Swift generation will be running America before I die if I live to be as old as my mother, who died at 80. 13 years, in other world. They need to understand differently than they do now. The Oliver Stone version of Vietnam is based on the same Fresh Water premise as Maga Mike Johnson's version of Romans 13;1 - 7. Ken Burns' Vietnam is an example of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam.
I mean, the history is all true as an assembly of recorded points of time within the context of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction. and fits the same laws of scholarship that permits Bart Ehrman and the Jesus Seminar to propose that the Gospel of Mrk is a derivative of the theology of Paul.
I present a Salt Water version of Vietnam that begins with the connection of Clausewitz to the 2nd Amendment, which exposes the Fresh Water fraud of the NRA version of the 2nd Amendment. It's like MAGA Mike Johnson's version of Romans 13:1 -  7. We lost the battle of Vietnam, fair and square, and it is important for the Taylor Swift fan base to understand that Vietnam came down to a contest between Marxism and the Harvard MBA program and Marxism won.
McKinsey's business model is based on the same Fresh Water Finite Game of the Ivy League Socialism of Thomas Jefferson's assertion that his personal property rights were superior to Sally Hemings human rights, including her personal property rights.
Here's the thing for the moment: The McKinsey business model is the same Fresh Water business model of the Detroit 3 before the UAW strike and the Salt Water Quality Assurance business model of the UAW.
Here's the important take-away from the UAW strike is that the Quality Assurance business model assumes the principles of leadership contained in the dimensions of Men, Money and Motivation applies equally throughout the Theory W curve of any enterprise. The essential premise of the US Army Ranger School is that the leadership model of the infantry squad apply to the Army Chief of Staff in a bottom-up organic performance kind of way. That's what the "Be All You Can Be" military training is all about. The French has an axiom that the private soldier carries the Field Marshall's baton in his kit. That's the UAW business model and that's what these new contracts are based on. What the Detroit 3 stockholders will discover is that the Quality Assurance Model is wildly more profitable in terms of market value than the McKinsey Business model.
And when that happens, Wall Street will realize that being woke is better than being Dilbert.
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