fenixcommerce · 1 year
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Worried about WISMO calls from missed delivery dates? Fear not! Timely communication is key—inform customers about delays with proactive SMS/email alerts, and they'll forgive slight delays. FenixCommerce tracks shipments in real-time and sends automatic updates to customers, ultimately delivering a superior post-purchase experience that reduces WISMO by 75%, builds trust, and keeps customers happy. Learn more about our tracking solution: https://rb.gy/q2f34
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999moreyears · 1 year
im like the joker if he was waiting. the waiter
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secercah-harapan · 11 months
Mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi Kembangkan Teknologi Pembuatan Pupuk Cair Secara Otomatis Menggunakan Panel Surya
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Tim Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa UGM berhasil kembangkan alat pembuatan pupuk cair berupa komposter otomatis yang terintegrasi dengan sistem kontrol. Selain itu inovasi ini menggunakan sinar matahari sebagai sumber listrik, sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya pembuatan pupuk cair.  
"Alat ini kami buat sebagai bentuk kepedulian terhadap lingkungan sekitar kampus, terlebih kota Yogyakarta, karena akhir-akhir ini sampah menumpuk di pinggiran jalan dan tempat wisata. Hal ini terjadi pasca penutupan TPA Piyungan"  terang Ketua Tim, Rizki Andriansyah , Senin (16/10) di Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi UGM ini menjelaskan pengembangan alat ini berawal dari keprihatinan jumlah sampah di Yogyakarta yang semakin meningkat seiring dengan padatnya penduduk di Yogyakarta. Rizki juga menjelaskan bahwa sampah yang menumpuk juga dikarenakan ditutupnya TPA Piyungan yang menyebabkan masyarakat bingung untuk membuang kemana lagi.
"Selain itu, kami ingin memberikan solusi kepada masyarakat berupa produk pupuk cair dari bahan organik yang tentunya lebih baik penggunaannya dibandingkan pupuk yang berbahan kimia" tambahnya.
Dari keresahan tersebut Rizki bersama dengan keempat rekannya yaitu Albarra Ammara Hadi (Teknik Pengelolaan dam Perawatan Alat Berat), Fabio Khrisna Mukti (Teknik Pengelolaan dan Perawatan Alat Berat), Farras M. Yusa (Ilmu Tanah) dan Yunus Alif Nur Rahman (Teknologi Rekayasa Instrumentasi dan Kontrol) berusaha mencari solusi dengan membuat alat komposter pupuk cair untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut. Alat tersebut dikembangkan dibawah bimbingan Ir. Felixtianus Eko Wismo Winarto, M.Sc., Ph.D. melalui pendanaan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Karya Inovatif Kemendikbudristek tahun 2023.
Inovasi ini memiliki karakteristik dan struktur yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan komposter pada umumnya, karena dilengkapi dengan komponen pendukung untuk membantu proses pengomposan.
"Betul, tentunya sebuah inovasi perlu adanya perubahan ke sisi yang lebih baik, seperti komposter yang kami buat ini. Komposter ini dilengkapi dengan pengaduk yang tersambung dengan motor secara langsung untuk membantu proses pengomposan" jelas, Ketua Tim.
Rizki mengungkapkan dalam pembuatan alat ini tidak mengalami kendala apapun.
"Alhamdulillah lancar aja, tidak ada suatu hal yang menghambat, karena ini juga memakai bahan yang mudah didapatkan juga seperti besi, triplek yang dilapisi vinyl, dan alat elektronis lainnya" jawabnya.
Yunus menambahkan bahwasannya prinsip kerja komposter ini sama seperti komposter pada umumnya, namun yang membedakan adalah proses pengomposannya dibantu oleh blade pengaduk dan water bubble.
"untuk cara kerjanya mirip dengan komposter lainnya, cuman disini kita pakai blade pengaduk dari besi untuk membantu menggemburkan bahan-bahan organik di dalam drum, sehingga cepat gembur" jawab teknisi Tim PKM Automatic Composter.
"Selain itu, kita juga menggunakan pompa udara untuk menguplai oksigen ke dalam drum, hal itu dilakukan untuk tumbuh kembangnya mikroorganisme yang digunakan untuk proses pengomposan", tambahnya saat itu.
Tak hanya itu, Yusa turut menambahkan keunggulan alat komposter ini dapat menghasilkan cairan pupuk sejumlah 1 liter dalam waktu kurang 2 hari.
"Dengan memanfaatkan blade pengaduk tadi, bahan organik akan cepat gembur dan berair, sehingga volume pupuk yang dihasilkan dalam besaran tertentu lebih cepat dibandingkan komposter pada umumnya" terang Yusa.
Dengan mengutamakan aspek keselamatan, keindahan dan kenyaman diharapkan alat ini dapat menjadi kontribusi nyata kepada lingkungan dan masyarakat, terlebih Yogyakarta dalam mengurangi populasi sampah organik.
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topikberitaco · 9 days
Kedapatan Berduaan, Suami Laporkan ASN dan PPPK ke Pj Walikota Prabumulih
PRABUMULIH, TOPIKBERITA.CO — Theo Wismo P,angarsyah, warga Kelurahan Mangga Besar Kecamatan Prabumulih Timur melaporkan dugaan perselingkuhan istrinya berinisial VP (32) yang berstatus PNS bersama seorang pria IM (34) berstatus PPPK ke Inspektorat Prabumulih, Selasa (17/09/2024). Ia mengaku terpaksa harus melaporkan istrinya sendiri karena diduga terjadinya perselingkuhan antara sesama rekan…
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quickreplyai123 · 2 years
Send Order Status Updates with Shopify Whatsapp Chat
Reduce post-purchase anxiety and WISMO calls by sending automated order status updates on WhatsApp. Confirm COD orders, send confirmations, shipment alerts and delivery updates to keep customers engaged.
Visit us:-https://www.quickreply.ai/whatsapp-chatbot-for-shopify
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reportstore · 2 years
The digital retail trends transforming the customer experience
Conveyance experience site Sorted CEO David Grimes tells Retail channel market choices trends Insight Network a portion of the computerized retail trends that the industry is probably going to see a greater amount of all through the coming year.
The Covid-19 Covid pandemic carried strife to the retail industry with consumers having to find better approaches to shop, leading to increased notoriety of previously existing retail trends and a sharp development in the online business area as retailers introduce innovative ways of retaining a consumer base.
While retailers with some sort of computerized presence might not have gotten through the pandemic totally sound, they will have had a vastly improved chance of weathering the choppiness than those with obsolete or non-existent online offerings.
Conveyance experience site Sorted CEO David Grimes tells Retail Insight Network a portion of the computerized retail trends that the industry is probably going to see a greater amount of all through the coming year.
Dominance of personalisation According to a survey by marketing company Epsilon, 80% of clients presently want personalisation - demonstrating a flood in client assumptions.
To slice through the clamor, retailers are using personalisation strategies to tailor the experience around what the client wants, giving them more decision and suggestions.
By creating a personalized client experience that stretches out to the checkout and even post-buy, clients are bound to feel sincerely invested, drew in and better-served by the brand.
For retailers, effective personalisation can likewise drive up that main concern by boosting crate change and client dependability. That is the reason retailers, for example, Amazon have expanded their endeavors by means of personalizing the checkout experience to give clients more conveyance choices and accommodation.
Offering dynamic conveyance choices, in view of exact functional and transporter abilities guarantees the client commitment can constantly be kept.
For instance, assuming clients want following day or a picked date that is helpful to them, the retailer can give various choices they're ready to convey for the client or tweak these around their stockroom tasks.
This can assist with saving on time and expenses as brands can decrease WISMOs and stay away from expected hiccups by not making unreasonable conveyance guarantees.
Retailers are taking it above and beyond to draw in and keep clients with personalized, proactive tracking correspondences to guarantee clients are seeing the right and relevant information brilliantly.
Ascend in multi-channel servicing A distant memory are the times of offering a thing less expensive and faster to prevent the client from going somewhere else. That is not generally enough when clients currently anticipate a completely associated insight.
With the pandemic effectively shifting the shopping experience online, clients want to have the option to flawlessly move with it, from versatile to-portable application to work area, taking their bushel with them however they see fit.
To make this impeccable excursion, in 2021 there will be a continued drive to fabricate vivid online encounters cross-stage and multi-channel while giving clients ideal updates any place they want to be served.
Computerization development As retailers continue to turn around the difficulties brought about by the pandemic, the increased limitations mean less staff on the ground, and to a greater degree an emphasis on robotization.
Chatbots, advanced shopping assistants and self-serve technology are taking the focal point of the audience to assist with empowering clients and decrease client contacts for CS groups. With the conclusion of insignificant stores, many retailers are looking to fabricate a superior computerized association with their clients.
By using AI apparatuses, brands can be any place their clients are, and they can serve them nonstop.
While mechanization and self-serve tech are helping retailers to reduce expenses, it's likewise ready to answer complex enquiries without the requirement for up close and personal interaction, and frequently on an all day, every day plan.
In January 2021, online retail deals developed 74%, the most noteworthy pace of development since the primary lockdown. With this pattern liable to continue, implementing self-serve tracking can assist with reducing the inevitable flood of final mile conveyance enquiries.
Indeed, the capacity to ease the heat off of client care groups while giving consumers a feeling of independence in their buys is maybe why the quantity of brands using chatbots has soar by 62% since 2018.
Pandemic silver lining For all the interruption 2020 brought us, there is a silver lining. Clients are continuing to turn out to be much more carefully educated, so there are significantly more clients online for retailers to draw in and retain.
Albeit this constrained retailers to speed up their plans for innovation practically short-term, they're getting more imaginative to arrive at their clients in new ways.
By forming new organizations and experimenting with new technology - it's helping to streamline their tasks, convey a more associated client experience and they're making it simpler for their clients to shop.
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bintangempat · 3 years
Babak Baru kasus CV Alka , sidang perdata siap digelar
Babak Baru kasus CV Alka , sidang perdata siap digelar
Caption: Dwi wismo Wardoyo, SH MH saat diwawancarai usai mediasi. Bintangempat.com – Terkait gugatan Anang Bayu Haryono warga Lumajang di Pengadilan Negeri Lumajang, yang ditujukan kepada CV Alka Tambang, tampaknya bakal seru, pasalnya Jamal Abdullah Al Katiri Direktur CV Alka, menganggap data jumlah SKAB yang diporporasi oleh Badan Pajak restribusi daerah atau disingkat BPRD Lumajang yang…
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fenixcommerce · 2 years
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Visitors who intend to purchase will likely abandon your eCommerce store if you don't communicate when exactly their order will arrive. For 89% of customers, seeing a definitive delivery date estimate for their order induces them to complete the purchase. The best way to meet that customer expectation is to start providing accurate estimated delivery dates (EDD) on the PDP, cart, and checkout using FenixCommerce. See how Fenix EDD's induce more customers to buy in this case study of apparel brand, GruntStyle using Fenix to help reduce cart abandonment by 6.5%, drive 20% conversion lift, and power up shipping upgrades by 89%. https://fenixcommerce.com/clients/grunt-style-case-study/
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deyzalee · 4 years
Dear God,
Thankful and blessed today. I woke up late and I heard Justin “tita gising na, bangon na tita”. I skipped again my breakfast, had my brunch and I ate ube cake and sabaw sa baboy. I introduced to Jako and Amy the wismo game, which I played with my classmates during my elementary days. Since Amy is not too familiar with the things I guided her to answer. Jako also keeps on asking me sometimes the spelling and etc. I slept in the afternoon and it was a good sleep. Sir Faizan contacted me again because he needs to sign in on my UAE pass account. I also had a little chit chats again with my mom. I give Amy a medicine for parasitic worm, and its a good benefit for her health. Mom is very cautious in terms of that. I am sorry God because I stalked again to Melhan and his girlfriend. It pains me a lot and I really don’t know until when will I suffer from emotional pain. Mabuti pa sila happy tapos ako dito malungkot. I really hope that you will answer my prayers Oh God most especially to Melhan. I really love him so much God. Anyways, still thankful for todays experiences in life. Thank you and I love you always God.
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opticien2-0 · 4 years
UK retailers losing face through poor delivery and returns process
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Online reviews are where consumers are venting
Problems with receiving and returning products are having a major impact on customer perceptions of UK retailers, according to a new report from post-purchase technology platform HelloDone.
  The research, which analysed 3,000 one-star Trustpilot reviews across 150 major UK retailers, showed that more than half (55%) of customer complaints were attributed to issues with the post-purchase experience, that is from the moment a customer has ‘clicked’ the buy button through to the item arriving at their front door.
  Nearly 40% of one-star reviews were attributed to issues with delivery, while a further 15% mentioned the returns process as a contributing factor to a negative experience with a retailer.
  The research also found that orders not arriving was the most commonly cited problem with deliveries, accounting for nearly half (48%) of all reviews that mentioned delivery, with late delivery (17%) the second most common complaint.
  Post-purchase problems were most common amongst retailers in the fashion (68%), sports & leisure (51%), and specialist (49%) categories, with fashion (28%) and sports & leisure (17%) also having the most mentions of returns in their reviews.
  Dissatisfaction with customer service response times appeared in more than 1 in 4 reviews (27%) and was most prevalent in the electricals category, appearing in half of reviews (51%).
  HelloDone CEO Ed Hodges explains: “Our research shows that some of the main sources of frustration for shoppers are the parts of the customer experience that retailers currently have the least control over. Each one-star review represents a customer who may now be lost forever. But with investment in the right processes and technology, we see a huge opportunity for retailers to turn the post-purchase experience into a source of commercial and competitive advantage.”
  He adds” “In an ideal world, every delivery would arrive in mint condition, to the right location and at the precise time expected. But logistics is an extremely complex business and sometimes things will go wrong. We know from our work with our customers that effective, proactive communication through the digital channels they use most has a crucial role to play in managing expectations and leaving consumers with a good impression when there are issues to resolve.”
  3 steps to better post-purchase communication
Don’t just leave it to your logistics partners. Your customer should continue to receive updates from you directly after they receive their order confirmation rather than rely on the SMS or web portal of the carrier. This is even more important in the current circumstances, with many people receiving multiple orders on the same day.
Be proactive. A delivery time is a promise – customers will be more forgiving if you alert them to any changes to their order or arrival time so there are no unwelcome surprises and allow them to re-arrange timings to make their lives easier.
Use automation to support post-purchase problem solving. Many common issues, particularly around WISMOs (where is my order?), can be resolved without the need for customer service centers and manual input. Automating more customer conversations frees up customer service teams to focus on the most complex and sensitive tickets.
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kamkamvn · 5 years
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bánh que kem Wismo giá chỉ 8.000Đ/ly. Xem: https://kam.vn/p418985-banh-que-kem-wismo-gia-chi-8-000d-ly.html
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AFM Factions Breaks Truce, Continues Warrying
AFM Factions Breaks Truce, Continues Warrying
Hopes to build bridges between warring camps in one of the biggest churches in Zimbabwe — the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) — have been dashed as the factions continue counter-plotting against each other despite international mediation to break the stalemate.
With over 2 million members countrywide, the AFM has been teetering on the brink of a nasty split after a faction led by Reverend Amon…
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hanissintia-blog · 7 years
Pepet dan Rampas Handphone Wanita di Karang Wismo, Pasangan Suami Istri Diciduk Polisi
Hanis Sintia Pepet dan Rampas Handphone Wanita di Karang Wismo, Pasangan Suami Istri Diciduk Polisi Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Pepet dan Rampas Handphone Wanita di Karang Wismo, Pasangan Suami Istri Diciduk Polisi Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Pepet dan Rampas Handphone Wanita di Karang Wismo, Pasangan Suami Istri Diciduk Polisi Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Pepet dan Rampas Handphone Wanita di Karang Wismo, Pasangan Suami Istri Diciduk Polisi M Ridwal (21) dan Cintia Helena (20) kompak tertunduk saat dipamerkan ke awak media pada Senin (27/11/2017)... http://www.unikbaca.com
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fenixcommerce · 2 years
Overcome the fear of breaking your delivery promise With FenixCommerce
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Are you holding back on providing date-certain estimated delivery timelines because you fear an increase in WISMO calls if you miss the promised date? Not to worry! So long as you proactively communicate via email or sms notifications any delays before the consumer realizes their shipment is actually late, your customers are willing to forgive slight delays. Thankfully, FenixCommerce enables you to provide a superior post-purchase experience by tracking every customer shipment in real-time and automatically sending out order status SMS or emails proactively to keep customers updated. Learn more about our post-purchase tracking solution: https://fenixcommerce.com/post-purchase/
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aktivsoftware · 4 years
ERP- Ecommerce Integration: The Perfect Match for your Business
Smooth Account Management:The Bottom Line:
Have you ever thought of integrating ERP with your E-commerce store?
If you haven’t yet, then maybe you should continue reading this blog to find out why ERP and Ecommerce are better together for your business. 
Talking about E-commerce, it has always been the best way to connect the customers with your products/offerings digitally. It has changed the way to communicate with customers; be it getting food delivered to your door to availing medical services on the go, almost every industry has trailed their way towards the e-commerce platform.
However, we all know a vivacious cycle of problems comes on your way while maintaining an online storefront. It could become a huge and stressful task for retailers to manage the inventory and warehouse operations if it isn’t integrated with a proper ERP system.
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Usually, many business owners tend to overlook the need for integrating their e-commerce storefront with a well-managed ERP system. And this happens because they fear to encounter interruptions caused by having to modify their current set up. 
Let’s understand the efficiency of ERP- Ecommerce Integration:
Inventory Management Made Easy:
Many e-commerce stores are struggling to achieve real-time information about their products and data flow. Integrating with a well-organized ERP system will help your business fetch data of every transaction made at your online-offline warehouse.
In simple words, ERP-Ecommerce integration is like creating co-ordination between storefront functionalities and back-end operations. 
Not only the data flow becomes easier, but you could also easily keep track of product performance, business analysis, and customer likeability. When you run your business on such an integrated system, you no longer have to manage the batch processes or single orders. Not only that, you could avail a real-time scenario of how much product quantity is present on each location/warehouse. 
In a nutshell, ERP integration gives your business real-time visibility into various inventory levels.
Hassle-free Order Tracking:
A research conducted by ZenDesk shows that 66% of B2B and 52% B2C customers have dropped the idea of buying from companies following bad service interaction due to unavailability of order tracking facility, out-of-stock information, time-consuming delivery, etc.
Integrating ERP and E-commerce means your commerce platform will get complete access to comprehensive ERP information. It is like a window to knowing what’s happening with orders, customers’ behavior, and sales. 
E.g., If your customer tried to purchase an out-of-stock product, then you can send that customer a reminder once as soon as your ERP system notifies you that it is back in stock.
Not only that, but you could also help your customers track their orders with shipping and delivery status information if your ERP is connected with the e-commerce platform. Possibly, you and your customers both will be able to avail information about shipments at each stage, and you could get rid of WISMO (Where is my order) calls.  
Be it customers' transaction history, invoices, payment terms, or purchasing trends, having such accountable information helps you understand your customers' buying patterns and purchasing behavior. If your account representatives are given easy access to this information, they would be able to spend more time in driving more sales rather than just collecting information manually in bits and pieces.
As B2B is dependent on the supply chain, you would be able to update special tax rates and special exemptions for particular customers with the help of an ERP system.
For e.g., When an order is placed on e-commerce site, the data is scanned for a particular state, a business rule is grabbed from the ERP tax engine, accordingly, an amount will be updated for that order, and this is how customers get correct amount as per the state tax or other value-added taxes.
It's high time that we stop asking the question, "Why should I integrate my e-commerce store with ERP system?” and start grabbing the benefits of ERP-E-commerce integration for your business. Delaying it will make it harder and expensive for your business in the future. Not forgetting the fact that it stills your growth.
We at Aktiv Software provide customized solutions for ERP as well as E-commerce. Contact us now for a free consultation and discover how will ERP system fulfill your business requirements.
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ibadahmimpi · 5 years
Suara tumpahan air yang menghempas batu dari ketinggian 87 meter menjadi suara alam yang menemani kami menuruni anak tangga yang jumlahnya ratusan ini. Beberapa ada yang mengatakan 500 buah anak tangga, beberapa lagi mengatakan sampai 1000 anak tangga. Entahlah siapa yang benar. Yang pasti kami tak kepikiran lagi untuk menghitung berapa sebenarnya jumlah anak tangga sepanjang 500 meter dengan kemiringan 45 derjat itu. Dalam pikiran kami hanya ada kata menurun dan terus menurun. Sebuah pesona alam yang luar biasa telah menanti kami di bawah sana. Sebuah muara jatuhnya air dari ketinggian Curug Cimahi.
Curug adalah air terjun dalam bahasa Sunda. Nama Cimahi berasal dari nama sungai yang mengalir di atasnya, Sungai Cimahi yang berhulu di Situ (danau) Lembang dan mengalir ke Kota Cimahi. Curug ini berjarak ±10 kilometer dari Kota Cimahi ke arah Lembang atau 20 kilometer dari Kota Bandung. Curug Cimahi lebih tepatnya berada di Jalan Kolonel Masturi, Desa Kertawangi, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
Mungkin karena berada di ketinggian 1050 mdpl membuat suasana di sekitar curug cukup sejuk dengan suhu yang berkisar antara 18-22 derajat Celcius. Perjalanan kami tidak begitu terasa melelahkan. Kondisi di sekitar curug yang dikelilingi oleh hutan yang cukup lebat, membuat ketersediaan oksigen menjadi banyak dan udara cukup dingin. Dari penuturan seorang Bapak yang baik, curug ini juga sering dijadikan tempat penelitian vegetasi, mungkin karena hutan ini cukup lebat yang didominasi oleh pohon Flamboyan (Delorix Regia), Beringin (Ficus Benjamina), Karet Benggol dan Rasamala (Althingia Excelsia).
Di sepanjang penurunan, kami juga ditemani beberapa kawanan monyet ekor panjang yang menertawai primata berkaki dua yang menuruni anak tangga ini. Tipikal monyet tempat wisata, mereka sudah pandai berakting untuk meminta sedekah dari pengelana. Tak peduli wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara, para monyet ini tak segan untuk mendekat dan melakukan pekerjaan mereka, meminta makanan.
Tak lengkap rasanya jika kita membicarakan curug tanpa sejarahnya. Tak ada catatan resmi kapan curug ini ditemukan, namun menurut cerita yang dituturkan warga sekitar bahwa 31 tahun yang silam beberapa warga kampung Cisarua yang berjumlah 3 orang yang bernama Jajang, Engkos dan Dani yang merintis pembukaan dan pembangunan curug ini. Mereka awalnya dibantu beberapa warga membuat jalan berundak yang menuju lokasi air terjun. Mitospun berkembang dari telinga ke telinga, konon apabila ada pasangan datang ke Curug Cimahi berduaan maka dapat dipastikan bahwa hubungan mereka akan segera berakhir saling meninggalkan. Entah mitos itu benar atau tidaknya, tapi yang jelas bukankah mitos dibuat untuk melanggengkan nama sebuah tempat wisata?
Tak ada yang bisa terlepas dari yang namanya modernisasi. Bahkan sebuah air terjunpun kini telah tersentuh alat-alat modern selayaknya Curug Cimahi ini. Dalam kurun waktu dari tahun 2010 sampai 2014, curug ini mendapatkan renovasi dan rehabilitasi. Wismo Tri Kuncoro, seorang ADM Perhutani KPH Bandung Utara memberikan gagasan untuk menancapkan lampu yang disetting untuk dapat berubah warna di belakang curug ini. Sebuah ide dan konsep yang terinspirasi dari Seven Falls, salah satu wisata air terjun yang ada di negara bagian Colorado-Amerika dimana sebuah air terjun dapat memancarkan cahaya ketika malam menerpa. Maka ketika malam hari, Curug Cimahi melahirkan Curug Pelangi atau nama kerennya, The Rainbaw Waterfall. Sebuah curug yang dapat memancarkan warna-warna yang memanja mata. Entah ini baik atau buruk, kami tak sempat untuk menyaksikan secara langsung bagaimana sebuah curug yang memancarkan cahaya.
30 menit berlalu, kami akhirnya sampai dan disambut oleh butiran air yang menghempaskan bebatuan. Suasana begitu sejuk. Beberapa saat kami hanya terdiam menyaksikan sebuah keindahan yang mempesona mata. Sebuah pertanyaan tiba-tiba merasuk ke dalam otak, seberapa indahkan Indonesia ini?
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Have a nice day! Stay tuned for more of our adventures. Happy travel and leave no trash!
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CURUG CIMAHI DAN KEINDAHAN YANG MEMPESONA Suara tumpahan air yang menghempas batu dari ketinggian 87 meter menjadi suara alam yang menemani kami menuruni anak tangga yang jumlahnya ratusan ini.
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