#wishverse emma swan × dark one emma swan
Ship: Swan Princess × Dark Swan.
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Moodboard: Wishverse! Emma Swan × Dark One! Emma Swan (or Swan Princess × Dark Swan)
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ljones41 · 1 year
Favorite "ONCE UPON A TIME" (2011-2018) Episodes
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Below are my favorite episodes from the ABC fantasy series, "ONCE UPON A TIME". Created by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, the series starred Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas and Robert Carlyle:
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1. (4.12) "Darkness on the Edge of Town" - Rumpelstiltskin aka Mr. Gold returns to Storybrooke with Ursula and Cruella De Vil in tow. Meanwhile, the Nolans (aka the "Charmings"), Regina Mills aka the Evil Queen and Killian Jones aka Captain Hook set about freeing the fairies from the Sorcerer's hat and deal with a threatening Chernabog demon, which had also freed.
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2. (1.18) "The Stable Boy" – This very interesting episode revealed the origins of the Evil Queen’s antipathy toward Snow White. In the present, Mary Margaret Blanchard (aka Snow White) faces prosecution for Kathryn Nolan’s alleged murder.
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3. (3.13) "Witch Hunt" - Following the return of Enchanted Forest characters to Storybrooke, Maine; Emma Swan works with Regina to find out who took everyone's memories from the past year. Flashbacks in the Enchanted Forest show the Evil Queen and Robin Hood attempt's to break into her castle, which had been overtaken by the Wicked Witch of the West.
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4. (4.16) "Best Laid Plans" - While Rumpelstiltskin and the Queens of Darkness continue their search for the "Author" of the town's Fairy Tale Book, Mary Margaret and David Nolan (aka Prince "Charming") try to stop them in order to keep their daughter Emma from discovering their past misdeed, which is finally revealed in flashbacks.
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5. (3.11) "Going Home" - In order to prevent Peter Pan aka Malcolm's plans to cast a new curse upon Storybrooke and create a new Neverland. Both Mr. Gold and Regina are forced to make big sacrifices.
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6. (7.20) "Is This Henry Mills?" - Regina aka Roni enlists the help of her adopted granddaughter Lucy Mills to wake her son Henry Mills from the recent Dark Curse created by Eloise Gardner aka Mother Gothel. Rumpelstilskin aka Detective Weaver and Wishverse Killian Jones aka Captain Hook aka Detective Rogers go to Margot West aka Robin Hood in hopes of getting through to his daughter and the latter's girlfriend, Alice aka Tilly.
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7. (3.09) "Saving Henry" - Emma, Mary Margaret and Regina struggle to prevent Peter Pan from absorbing a dying Henry Mills' heart into his body. Flashbacks reveal how Regina had ended up adopting Henry.
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8. (2.16) "The Miller's Daughter" - While Regina and her mother Cora Mills aka the Queen of Hearts hunt for Rumpelstiltskin's dagger in Storybrooke in this spine-tingling episode, Cora's back story as a poor miller's daughter, who becomes the wife of a prince, is revealed in flashbacks.
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9. (1.11) "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" – This episode reveals the back story of newspaper editor Sidney Glass’ life as a Genie in the Enchanted Forest, and how his relationship with the Evil Queen led him to become the Magic Mirror.
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10. (2.10) "The Cricket Game" - Following Cora and Captain Hook's arrival in Storybrooke, the former set about framing Regina for Archie Hooper's "murder" in an effort to emotionally break the former mayor. Snow White and Charming disagree over how to handle the captured Evil Queen in the Enchanted Forest flashbacks.
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Honorable Mention: (5.08) "Birth" - Hook risks everything to uncover the truth about what his lady love Emma, the new Dark One, did while they were all in Camelot.
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karlyfr13s · 3 years
Helping Destiny Along
A fluffy CS one-shot for the lovely @teamhook
Thank you @veryverynotgoodwrites for being one heck of a beta, and @the-darkdragonfly for your brainstorming powers!
Summary: Henry Mills has a theory: for each Captain Hook, there must be an Emma Swan. Well, he found Princess Emma Nolan at long last and is determined to bring her together with Killian Jones now that he's back in the Wishverse version of the Enchanted Forest.
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At nineteen, Princess Emma Nolan believed in True Love. After all, her parents had found each other, and everyone knew theirs was a legendary love worthy of poetry and song. She watched for a prince from the high windows of her tower bedroom, waiting for someone tall, dark, and handsome to sweep her off her feet. He would be bold, romantic, dashing, and kind-hearted—she just knew it.
At twenty-two, she concluded that such a love was rare and that her parents may be the only two people with a Capital-T, Capital-L True Love, so she started looking for the more run-of-the-mill variety. Instead of waiting for someone to ride up to the castle gate and court her, she took a more active approach and sought her love by traveling and meeting new people. When that didn’t work either, Princess Emma tried for mutual attraction, which was fun at twenty-four, but grew stale by twenty-five. So she resigned herself to loving her kingdom and her people.
At twenty-eight, a man knocked on the door and utterly transformed her life. To be clear, she did not love that particular man. Henry came from a faraway land and told her fantastic tales that seemed beyond the reach of even her magic, and while she did not love him, he told her somewhere out there in a world beyond her grasp there was an Emma Swan who was his mother, and who loved him ferociously. For days, she and her parents welcomed Henry to stay in their home and share meals at their table, and for days he regaled them with stories of his world and of other versions of each member of the Nolan family. They were spellbound by his narratives. He was a gifted storyteller, and as if he’d known this was too fantastic to be believed, he came with something called photographs that showed a still window into his world. She saw a version of her mother, Queen Snow, but much younger and with close-cropped dark hair instead of the silvery tresses she was accustomed to. Her father was another surprise--he looked barely older than Emma herself, sandy hair where now there was gray, and while she knew her father was still a strong and capable swordsman, this version of King David seemed able to challenge even the mightiest ogre.
Princess Emma Nolan even saw herself, but not herself. They looked identical, she and Henry’s mother, and while her style was different from this unknown twin’s, she couldn’t help but notice some similarities. Emma Swan was often pictured in a short red leather coat, while Princess Emma Nolan’s favorite doublet was a rich blue leather. When she commented, Henry told her they both wore them like armor, gesturing to the bruise on his shoulder from their earlier sparring session in the yard. Emma Swan liked to pull her hair back, wearing it high on her head much like Princess Emma Nolan when she wasn’t expected at court or in her regal finest. Henry even had a picture of his mother with a sword--is she trained as well? She’d asked, and Henry grinned at the question, answering with another tale of his mother besting a pirate in single combat!
“I’m pretty sure that fight was rigged though,” he admitted as they walked the castle gardens one afternoon. “And that’s part of why I’m here.” He stopped and faced her, saying he hoped she could believe one more outlandish story before he had to return to his world.
“You seem to come well-armed with evidence, Henry. I don’t see why I should doubt you at this point.”
“My mother, Emma Swan, is an incredible woman. It took her a long time, but she found her True Love, and I think you can find yours. When I learned there was a version of her--of you--here, I had to find out if you were with him too, and when you weren’t…” Henry trailed off, frowning at the ground. He was quiet for a long while, and Emma ran through his words over and over. Henry thought he knew who her True Love was? How? How could he know that his mother and whoever she was with were one another’s True Love?
“I know he’s here now--I’ve met him before, and back in my world--”
“What? Then how can he be my True Love if he’s from your world?” None of this was making sense, and for the first time she doubted Henry. It seemed he could see the uncertainty within her, and he steered them to a bench to sit and talk as he clarified this man was not from his world, but had been brought there by a curse. The same curse that separated Henry from his own family.
“I know you understand curses and magic,” he began and she nodded at his words. “So when I tell you he was swept up in a curse and brought back in time to my world, that should make sense, right?” She nodded again, wondering who could have cursed two men from different worlds at the same time. Someone powerful and dangerous. Henry sighed and continued. “His name is Killian Jones, and he’s the best man I know. He’s my father in every sense of the word, and while there’s a version of him who is my mother’s True Love, I know there is one who is also yours. He has to be.”
Henry told her a lengthy story about a witch who ensnared a group of people from this kingdom, trapping them in a place called Hyperion Heights. He spoke of a coven leader who cursed Killian Jones so he could never be in contact with his daughter—a child she had abandoned him with after tricking him into spending a night with her. “But you see, Emma, you can break that curse. Your love--yours and Killian’s will break that curse. You will have each other and Alice--hell, and Robin! I haven’t even told you about Robin,” he was lost in thought again after that. Emma waited and tried to make sense of all she had learned.
Is it possible? In some way, his tale made sense. If what he said about the curse was true, it would explain The Gap. Emma had never mentioned The Gap to Henry, though he may have learnt of it through other means. It was rarely spoken of, but everyone in the Enchanted Forest shared one simple truth: there was a block of time no one could account for. Whenever Emma or her parents tried to focus on that space, thinking back to her twenty-sixth birthday, there was a strange void where there should be at least some memory of the year. She could remember the celebratory ball and the night of her birthday, but every time she tried to focus on what came next it only earned her a persistent headache.
“Please don’t hate me, Emma,” Henry put a hand on her shoulder, bringing her back to the present. “I told him to meet me here three days after I arrived. That’s tonight. He’ll be here, and he knows what I believe about you two because he also knows my mother and her Killian. He’s, uh...not entirely convinced. He’s been through a lot, but…” He shrugged and gave her a lopsided smile.
“It’s his story to tell, so I won’t go into detail, just...go easy on the guy. He might be a little gun shy—uh, guarded,” he quickly clarified when he saw her blink in confusion. “I don’t think he’s seen anyone since that witch who duped him, led the coven, and tried to destroy Hyperion Heights. Think that might do a number on a guy.” He looked so sincere, so much like he did when telling all his other tales that Emma chose to believe. Henry hadn’t lied to her before, so what would the motivation be to do so now?
She chewed at her lip, fretting over what to do and how to greet someone who might be a part of her very soul--someone who had been through tricks and curses, and had suffered real loss. She couldn’t simply turn him out in the night, that was unthinkable, but what do you say to the other half of your heart? If that is what he is. This had to have been simpler for her mother. At least she’d simply caught her father in a net after robbing him. That seemed easier than calmly welcoming fate to dinner and introducing the man to your parents on day one.
“Well,” she got up and dusted off her breeches, “I suppose we’d best let my parents know we’re expecting another guest. And I may need to change as well. I think I’d rather not smell worse than the stables when I meet him.” Emma faltered on the last word, not knowing how to address Killian Jones. Henry smiled and followed her lead.
One thorough and contemplative bath later, Emma emerged in a blush pink gown that shimmered softly in the waning sunlight. It had taken her three other dresses before she settled on this one. It was simpler than what she wore to galas and State events: tea length and embroidered in sheer flowers. She knew it would glow softly under the lights of the candles and torches at dinner, and Princess Emma Nolan found herself hoping he would like it.
When he arrived, it was Henry who greeted Killian Jones first, clasping the man’s hand and giving Emma a moment to simply observe. His smile was warm, a bright white flash of teeth and Emma noticed the slight creases at his eyes as well. An authentic smile, she noted, enjoying the genuine moment between the two men. He was dashing there was no other word for it--dressed in black and rich crimson, rings and charms gleaming in the firelight, their glimmer echoed in the silver strands that threaded here and there through his otherwise coal-black hair. Where his left hand ought to be, Emma found instead a polished silver hook and she remembered whispered gossip of a pirate captain referred to only by the moniker Hook. Once a fearsome leader of a brutal band of thieves, he had all but vanished into lore years ago. She realized too late that she’d been staring, and cleared her throat softly before curtseying to cover the awkwardness. Henry took the moment to introduce them, “Captain Killian Jones, may I present Emma Nolan, Princess of Misthaven.”
She offered her hand and Killian took it up, placing a chaste kiss across her knuckles. His eyes met hers, their brilliant lapis blue making her breath catch in her throat. Regardless of the formality of their meeting and the fact Henry, her parents, and several serving staff looked on, she felt the pull immediately. From the moment her hand was in his, it felt right. She wanted to keep hold of him more than she’d wanted anything in her life, wanted to memorize the rough calluses formed by his years at sea, but she forced herself to maintain propriety and brought her hand back to her side. Emma reminded herself they did not know one another, to not get swept up in Henry’s notions without evaluating the truth of the situation. Though she saw in his gaze a strange flicker of recognition, a brief knitting of his brow that asked a silent question she could not interpret, she let the moment pass and returned to her expected duties.
Emma introduced him to her parents, watching her father’s scrutinizing gaze contrast with her mother’s brilliant smile. No doubt her father was riddling out Henry’s purpose in inviting this man to dinner, though she couldn’t fathom him guessing the truth. All through dinner, Emma could barely take her eyes off Killian. He shared a few stories from his days at sea, talking of far-off kingdoms and uninhabited islands, and Emma felt a longing take hold of her as he spun a tale of a snow-covered northern kingdom where they carved elaborate ice sculptures, held firelight festivals, and celebrated the beauty of winter rather than fearing its chill. His voice was low, its velvet warmth wrapping around her and pulling her from all sense of time. The evening passed quickly, and long before she was ready, Emma’s parents stood to signal the end of the affair.
“It’s far too late for you to make a return journey, Captain Jones,” Queen Snow spoke. “We welcome you to stay as a guest in our home. We will have a room made up for you at once and hope you will accompany us for breakfast in the morning.” At his thanks, the Queen turned to Emma, “Oh, and Emma, darling?”
“Yes, Mother?”
Emma approached and her mother drew her in for a close hug, whispering softly, “See to it that Captain Jones can find his way. Most of the staff have already retired and I’d hate for him to get lost in search of rest.” With that, the Queen turned and gently tugged her husband toward their own chambers, leaving Emma to escort their two guests.
She could hear her father grumbling about leaving Emma unchaperoned, but Snow’s voice echoed back, “David, she’s twenty-eight, not sixteen, she’ll be fine. Our daughter is perfectly capable--” Their voices were lost as they rounded a corner, and Emma suppressed a smile. It didn’t matter that she was a full grown woman, her father would always be protective of her.
When she turned around, Emma realized Henry had vanished. Someone seems to think himself a matchmaker, she mused and as her eyes fell upon the man who waited by the fireplace she could understand why Henry had made himself scarce. Deep breath, Emma. He’s simply a man like any other. If she tried very hard, she just might convince herself of that. Well, unless she stopped to listen to the way her heart raced when the corner of his mouth ticked up in a smile.
“Did you want--that is,” she faltered and tripped over her tongue, coming to stand near him where he leaned against the back of a chair by the hearth. “I don’t know how long a trip you made today, and so…” Why was this so hard?
“I’m quite alright, Princess. Would it be terribly inappropriate of me to ask you to keep me company and perhaps share a drink?” She smiled in response, slipping a large book from a shelf over the mantle after pointing out where her father kept a set of glasses on a shelf nearby.
“He thinks I don’t know about this,” she opened the volume to reveal a bottle. “Rum he had imported from the south--is that acceptable, Captain?”
“Aye, that will do nicely. Bit of a pirate in you isn’t there, Princess? Pinching a man’s rum while he’s fast asleep.” They shared a conspiratorial grin as she poured and each took up a chair near the fire. “To what shall we toast, love?”
She hummed in thought, considering the man before her. The pull was still there like some invisible thread entwining the two of them and she hoped it wasn’t only she who felt it. “To new beginnings,” she offered, holding her glass aloft. He echoed the sentiment and crystal clinked as their eyes met over the rims of their glasses before both looked away shyly and took a sip. The warmth and spice slid down her throat, settling in her stomach and making her shiver. They were quiet for a time, simply sharing the space while they glanced at one another, eyes never quite meeting, nor acknowledging they were both performing the same dance.
“I take it dear Henry shared his theory with you?” Killian broke the silence, addressing the weight that had settled in the room. She confirmed he had shared that along with several other stories, asking if it were true he’d been swept away to a land without magic. “Aye, and for some time I had no memory of myself or this place. When the truth finally came back to me it was...difficult to deal with. Did he...mention Alice?” He swirled the rum in his glass, eyes flicking up to meet hers.
“Yes, he also mentioned a curse is keeping you apart,” she reached across the small distance that separated them, hand resting on the brace that held his hook. “Killian—if I may call you Killian,” she felt herself flush at the informality and he nodded encouragingly. She said it once more, feeling the musical quality of it as she continued. “What kind of monster keeps a father from his daughter like that?”
His shoulders sagged as he said the story of Gothel was one for another day, that it was a story filled with dark shadows he dare not conjure without the sunlight to dispel them. “I only mention Alice because...well, given what Henry has told both of us I have been...” his brow furrowed as he searched for a word, and she leaned forward, absently running her hand over his sleeve and feeling where the firm leather of his brace ended and the warmth of his arm began. His gaze dropped to where her hand rested and she looked up, watching his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard. “Concerned,” he finished at last. “That is, I’d thought perhaps because I have a child with someone else, and because I am obviously older than you are, that you might feel...or not feel a certain…not that I think Henry is necessarily right…”
His words tapered off and she became very aware they were both leaning in now, the distance between them nearly closed. She could see the silver in his hair glinting in the firelight, the strands at his temples more greyed than the rest. Greedily, she took in all she could in this moment. The heat that radiated from where her hand still rested atop his arm, the scents of leather and petrichor that clung to him were so close she could nearly roll them on her tongue. When she searched his eyes she saw a lingering hurt, but behind that was what appeared to be cautious hope. Setting her glass aside, Emma brought her hand up, allowing herself to do what she’d been wanting to all evening and running her fingers through his hair. He held her gaze, eyes wide and uncertain and she realized his past hurts ran deep enough that he wouldn’t act on that hopeful glint she’d seen moments ago. She would have to be brave for both of them.
With a whisper of his name she closed what little distance remained between them. She’d intended a light brush of her lips, had simply wanted to know what may lie between them, but the moment their lips met Emma knew she would never be satisfied with so little. She poured herself into the moment, moving to grip the front of his shirt and pull him tightly to her. He followed her lead, their kiss deepening as he tilted his head, the two of them moving as though they had done this a hundred times before. She heard her pulse pounding away in her head, felt his breath ghosting over her lips as they breathed into one another for a moment before he captured her lips again. Something shifted then, like the single beat of a massive heart, a shockwave rippled outward, though neither could be bothered to break this moment. Finally, the two pulled back, eyes searching one another.
“Was that?” Emma asked, not knowing how to complete the thought. Her parents had told her their story several times: the kiss that broke the curse. The kiss that radiated out from them in a burst of force and light. The kiss that sounded an awful lot like what she had just shared with Captain Killian Jones.
Killian rested his forehead against hers, breathing out slowly before replying in a soft voice, “Aye love, I think it may have been.” She asked how that was possible, neither naming it yet and both quaffing their rum before leaning back in their chairs. “Years ago,” he began, “I ran into a fortune teller on the docks. He told me I would find my happiness though it was presently locked away in a tall tower. So, when the time came and I found myself facing a witch and finding a woman locked away in a tower I had thought my moment had come. Instead, I found Gothel and her tricks. I brought a daughter into this world only to have her freedom snatched away by the cold-hearted woman who bore her.”
Emma watched him closely, he seemed far away and lost in another time. “Tonight,” he continued after several beats, “when I saw the westward tower of this castle I had to stifle my hope that perhaps after so long--what is that tower to you?” He leaned toward her suddenly, his sapphire eyes searching hers as though he could read the truth within them.
“My bedroom,” she admitted. “My parents thought it would keep me safe. With only one known entrance and exit, it was easy to post guards and easy to know who sought my attention. Of course, there is another exit, but no one other than me knows of it. I devised it when I was sixteen and desperately wanted a way out without the entourage of guards.”
He fell silent, his forehead creased in thought as he tapped a finger against the bow of his lips. The mantle clock’s rhythmic ticking was nearly deafening as Emma waited through each drawn out second. Mesmerized by the path he now traced along his bottom lip, her mind drifted back to the soft press of his mouth against hers and she wished fervently to undo whatever had him so lost in his own thoughts. Come back to me, Killian, she sighed aloud and he snapped to attention. “My apologies, love. I believe I may be in need of rest.” His explanation rang hollow and she leveled a gaze at him, knowing this wasn’t the full truth.
“I swear to you, Princess, I will make my theories known. I do not intend to hide anything from you.” He stood then, stretching languidly before offering his arm and waiting for her to rise. She acquiesced if only for the chance to feel the warmth of him once more before she retired for the night. She tried to stifle her yawn behind her hand and heard him chuckle low in response. “It seems I may not be the only one in need of sleep. Lead the way, love.”
She led him to one of the guest rooms not far from Henry’s. As she bid him goodnight, Killian leaned down to brush a featherlight kiss across her lips, wishing her sweet dreams. Emma felt as though she floated on air the whole way up to her room, content to leave him to his musings tonight and trusting he would speak his mind soon enough.
----- The morning saw Emma waking earlier than usual, calling a chipper “Good morning” to her sleep-rumpled lady’s maid before dismissing her and attending to her own routine. Still abed at this hour? It seems dear Tink has been keeping late hours herself. She let herself ponder whose affections might be persuading the spunky blonde to be less than punctual, smiling at her reflection as she brushed out her golden tresses.
Once ready, Emma hummed to herself, making her way down the innumerable stairs in search of breakfast, her parents, and Killian--the thought made her grin. His sudden shift into contemplativeness notwithstanding, he had been the perfect gentleman last night. Thoughtful in their discussion at dinner, genuine and curious without overstepping, and then there was the kiss. She flushed, pausing before the dining room doors to gather her thoughts and put on what she hoped was a soft smile rather than the doe-eyed look she’d undoubtedly been wearing since she woke.
Her parents, Henry, and Killian were already seated when she entered--the latter both rising and inclining their heads in deference. “Good morning, Princess,” they intoned in unison. She laughed, insisting they sit and continue the conversation she had interrupted, taking her place at her father’s right hand and quietly thanking the servingman who filled her cup with coffee and cream.
“Killian, you were asking about the tower, yes?” Queen Snow offered an encouraging half-smile before sipping demurely at her tea. At this, Emma heard her father mutter under his breath about the Captain inquiring about his daughter’s bedroom.
“Yes. You see, Your Majesty, I can’t help but notice it is nearly identical--from the outside,” he clarified at her father’s rapidly reddening face, “to one I encountered years ago. That particular structure was the residence of a rather powerful witch.”
“Gothel,” her father spat, and all eyes shifted to him. Emma saw Killian’s jaw clench at the name and he gave a single, curt nod in affirmation.
With her mother’s hand resting on his shoulder, her father began the story she’d heard many times over the course of her life. The story of how Gothel heard the regents were expecting and deduced there would be a child born of the most powerful magic in all realms: True Love. That she knew as well that child would have light magic, and that even if it never manifested there would be power in their blood. It was the story of why Emma’s parent’s fortified their home so heavily once word of Gothel’s covetous wish reached them, and why they insisted she train with sword and bow.
“It’s why my little girl was taught to ride like a soldier and not a courtier. Hell, it’s why I gave into her frankly dangerous wishes and allowed her to learn to sail--in case she needed to escape quickly.”
“Does it help to know Gothel can’t harm anyone anymore?” Henry offered helpfully, trying to lighten the weight that had settled on the group. There was general agreement at the table that, yes, it did help. Quite a lot, in fact, and it felt as though the sun broke out from beneath the clouds as they returned to their breakfast.
“Is that what you were concerned about, Captain?” Emma caught herself in time and used his title, not yet ready to have that discussion with her parents.
“The thought had crossed my mind, Princess, but it seems your own construction must have inspired hers for some reason.” He dismissed the thought, though she could practically hear the gears of his mind grinding away. The conversation returned to banal pleasantries about the weather and what game was in season. Her father consulted Killian on the conditions at sea, and in general the rest of the meal was like any other. Like any other meal you share with your family, a new friend, and the man you just shared True Love’s Kiss with less than eight hours after meeting him. Perfectly normal. Emma put on her court smile and commented politely, waiting for her moment to pounce.
“Join me for a walk in the gardens, Captain?” The moment arrived after a lengthy debate about the benefits of traveling by horse in comparison to ship. Thank the gods for the momentary lull as her father’s cup was refilled yet again - Emma didn’t think there was enough coffee in the whole of Misthaven to keep her alert on this topic.
“Of course, Princess.” He smiled bashfully, running his hand through his hair and standing as she rose. “May I?” He offered his arm and she accepted, the two making a long overdue exit.
The grass was still damp as they walked the grounds, the morning sun hinting at a warm day to come despite the slight chill that had Emma leaning in close, basking in the warm line of contact with Killian. “So, what was it you held back up there?” She broke the silence and watched the arch of his brow as he glanced at her. “I’ve always known when people are dishonest, or not fully honest in this case,” she explained. “It’s a feeling, sort of like a rock settling into my stomach. I don’t know if it’s part of my magic or something else,” she shrugged at this and watched his expression shift from curiosity to contemplation. No doubt he was thinking up a way to explain whatever was plaguing his mind.
He remained in that state as they passed her mother’s bed of crimson roses and all the way through the lilies that always made her nose twitch, their heady scent overpowering. Spotting the bench she and Henry had sat on—was that only yesterday?—she took the lead, turning to face him as they sat.
“There are some strange coincidences,” he began. Their knees brushed and she leaned into the contact, hoping her touch might ground him in the present. His past included darkness, and here in the bright morning sun amongst the flowers she hoped to keep those grim memories at bay.
“The tower is the first of them, and I’ve no idea which came first. Given Gothel’s numerous deceits, I’m not inclined to believe any of her tales nor any of Belfry’s—the woman who claimed to be the missing princess, Rapunzel,” he clarified when he saw her puzzled look. “Did you know the witch?”
She shook her head, “Only what my parents told me: that she was interested in my magic and had a reputation for taking what she desired by force.” He expressed clear agreement, and when his focus became distant Emma took hold of both hand and hook. “Whatever it is, that doesn’t change who we are to one another, Killian.”
That must have heartened him, for it earned her a gentle smile. “Aye, love, I suppose you’re right. You see, the other strangeness was Gothel’s impersonation. I’ve never given it much thought, but why should she play at being a princess? I’d no notion who the woman was, yet she changed her appearance, her voice, her name. Why?” He hypothesized then that either Gothel bribed the fortune-teller, planting the man in Killian’s path with a bogus story about happiness in a tower, or that she somehow knew Emma would be important and hedged her bets by occupying her own tower and putting herself in Killian’s path.
“You see, I’ve considered the strangeness of these overlaps and in part I wonder if one of the gifts she or a fellow witch of her coven acquired was prophecy. She seemed to know far more than anyone ought to, and perhaps thought to entrap me and use me to get to you.
“If she knew we were, uh,” he gulped, and flushed a charming shade of pink all the way to his ears. “Destined for one another, then it would be well within her character to exploit that. To make me think she could lead me to my happiness, then snatch you away for her own nefarious purposes. As well, I’m starting to suspect the unaccounted year the townsfolk allude to may well have been a longer span of time than any of you realize.”
It made sense in a way, and while they couldn’t be certain of Gothel’s intentions, Emma was definitely grateful the woman was gone and could do them no further harm. As far as The Gap was concerned, she supposed there was no real way of knowing how much time had passed, only that it seemed like a year. Had she slept as Aurora once had? Every answer seemed to lead to more questions, but Emma resolved herself to focusing on what mattered most first: reuniting Killian with his Alice.
“Despite her purposes, Killian, whatever they may have been,” she reached up and cupped his cheek. His eyes were blue as the sea and she let herself fall into their depths as she brought him back to the present. “Last night, Killian, True Love’s Kiss is potent magic and I think—I’m almost certain, actually—that we broke your curse. We can find Alice, and you can finally hold your daughter in your arms again.”
“We?” He grinned at her, nuzzling against her hand before turning to kiss her palm. “Then you’ll accompany me, love?”
“Of course! I know we’ve only just met, but I think it’s more than obvious how I feel about you given the fact we broke a witch’s curse with our first kiss.” They shared a laugh, shifting so she could rest her head against his shoulder as he draped his arm around her.
“She’s a bit different, my Alice,” he cautioned.
“And we aren’t?” she challenged. “Tonight at dinner, let me handle my parents. We’ll tell them what happened and make plans to seek out Alice. Henry said she’s with someone called Robin—does that name mean anything to you?”
“Aye, that’s Alice’s love. I know where to find them.”
“Then that’s our next course. Reuniting you with your daughter is the first step toward, well, I guess…” she paused, pulling back to meet his gaze again. “I guess toward becoming a family, right? I mean, my parents will have questions and all things considered, I guess we have other planning we’ll need to do in the future, but—“ he cut off her monologue with a kiss. It was sweet and slow, like he was trying to memorize the feel of her lips on his. His tongue flirted with her bottom lip and she twined her fingers in his hair.
Pulling back to meet her eyes, Killian smiled. “I love you, Princess Emma Nolan,” he whispered.
She felt warm all the way to her toes, grinning as she replied, “I love you, Captain Killian Jones.” The two shared a lingering kiss, the spell suddenly broken by a loud whoop of excitement.
“I told you both!” Henry hollered, emerging from his hiding place behind a large oak tree and performing some bizarre dance Emma had never seen. The three laughed, Henry congratulating them on their newly blossoming relationship while Emma and Killian thanked him for the unlooked-for but welcome help.
“What can I say except: you’re welcome.” His smile was bright at the sun and he slung an arm over both their shoulders, walking between them as the three returned to the house and, for Emma and Killian, toward the start of a new life together.
Tagging the usual suspects: @kmomof4, @teamhook, @veryverynotgood, @caught-in-the-filter, @hollyethecurious, @laschatzi, @donteattheappleshook, @lonelyspectator12, @the-darkdragonfly, @zaharadessert, @winterbaby89, @jrob64, @wefoundloveunderthelight, @ultraluckycatnd, @stahlop, @alexa-fangirl-forever, @superchocovian, @monosalvatore16, @snowbellewells, @batana54
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peacehopeandrats · 5 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Wishverse Rumplestiltskin, Wishverse Emma Swan, Wishverse Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Wishverse Snow White, Wishverse Charming, Original Wishverse Characters, Wishverse Belle (Once Upon a Time) Series: Part 1 of Once There Was A Wish
Timing This series is going to cover the Wish Realm. No idea yet how far into the past I am going to go, but I intend to include everything that happens from the creation of the Realm and beyond.
Quick Summary This series is about the events and characters of the Wish Realm. It isn't going to include any of the people we know and love unless the show put them together. It is also going to skip what was filmed. Since I don't plan on having that in here directly, you will probably need to have seen the show, but I will try to make it so that watching isn't a requirement. My goal is to enhance what was done and make things make sense.
Chapter 1 (Prologue)
Once, there was a wish...
To the outside observer it was fairly ordinary as far as wishes go. Someone wanted their nemesis vanquished, so they simply wished their powers away. It seemed straightforward enough. Except that wishes are a special kind of magic that never quite work the way they are intended, and this particular wish was created from the wish of another. That made it unique. That made it real.
“I wish that Emma Swan's wish to have never been the Savior be granted.”
Most people are born into their world, covered in sticky fluid and screaming for all they are worth, but Rumplestiltskin came into existence surrounded by rock and bars as silence penetrated his very being. He remembered everything about his past, but the pieces picked at his brain like vultures at a carcass. As if stricken with a drunken deja vu, duplicate memories, though slightly altered, used the Dark One's power to push at him, nagging and unyielding in their determination.
“Funny,” he mumbled to himself as he stood and stretched. “I think I'm missing a birthday.”
Read More On AO3
[Chapter 1]  [Chapter 2]  [Chapter 3]  [Chapter 4]
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versacesq · 6 years
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read it on the AO3 
by: @destroying-your-happiness
The Evil Queen returns from the Wishverse with a baby, and she isn’t the only one. Dark Swan soon follows, and in the confusion of their arrival, Emma and Regina find themselves taking on more than just babysitting their darker halves, and the newborn they share. They must finally deal with the toughest thing they’ve ever had to face: their feelings for one another.
Words: 88951, Chapters:12/?, Language: English
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Relationship: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan
Characters: Regina Mills, Emma Swan, The Evil Queen, Dark Swan - Character, Snow White, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Henry Mills
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Smut, Fluff, Based on a gifset we made for Tumblr, Established pairing between the Evil Queen and Dark Swan, Slow build up for Emma and Regina, who are just so in denial, and can't believe their evil halves have procreated, Humor and good fun, But Also Some Angst, And dealing with things that season 6 didn't, adult themes and language
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swanqueen-fanfic · 6 years
Random Recommendations!
I just finished reading these two fics and am absolutely in love. I know I’m quite behind but if you haven’t read them, definitely check them out!
A Flicker of Light | Emma_Swan | In Progress
The Evil Queen returns from the Wishverse with a baby, and she isn’t the only one. Dark Swan soon follows, and in the confusion of their arrival, Emma and Regina find themselves taking on more than just babysitting their darker halves, and the newborn they share. They must finally deal with the toughest thing they’ve ever had to face: their feelings for one another.
Everything Changes | PerditusFic | In Progress
After a trip to reunite with Robin Hood ends with an unexpected surprise, Regina instead finds a potential new addition to her family. [Post 4A, SQ Semi Slow-Burn]
Send me any recs you have of stories you think I’d love! I’ll try to get to some questions this week as well. :) xo
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sieben9 · 6 years
“tougher than the rest” impressions
{Quick request to anyone reading: I’m watching OUaT for the first time, and I want to avoid spoilers. So, if you want to discuss something spoilery, I’d be grateful if you could start a new post for that. Thank you!}
Help, I am having an emotion!
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Several, actually.
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Too many, really. There was a lot going on, and I shall yell about it under the cut.
OK, first of all, August, we have to talk.
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also yay, August is here!
That is not how “The Ugly Duckling” goes. I went and checked. The poor little guy didn’t even know what a swan was (and, apparently, neither did anyone else) until the very end. I mean, the reader reaction can’t be wrong, as we know, but I think this tale can be much more easily interpreted as a story about the importance of finding a community you can be yourself in than a parable about “changing your fate by wishing hard enough”. But I see where you’re coming from, so I shouldn’t be too much of an ass about it, I guess.
And while I’m going off at people: take a goddamn nap, David. Poor Snow is missing all the action, and it’s not like you’d be the one who would tell her that Emma is gone. (Also, Regina is on the job. You should know she’s got this. Seriously, my guy. Sleep. It’s nice.)
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someone give this man some valerian tea
Speaking of Regina…
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…OK, maybe she hasn’t quite got this. Look, I do like the exploration of “what could have been” here, and the scene with the feather was really sweet. That said, bringing this guy along is so going to bite them in the ass later on. I’m not even wondering at this point, I just know. And I like this Robin! It’s not that I think he’s a terrible person, why can nobody see that? He’s just… trouble. Then again, at least he knows how to pick a lock. And am I the only one who’s wondering if Rumple actually wanted them to escape? Because that was awfully easy, I have to say. “Just let me leave you both in this cell that’s not locked with magic and then leave for an undetermined amount of time so you can sort out your emotional baggage and escape.” Yeah, something’s off there.
And speaking of wish!Rumple…
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somehow I cannot help but notice that this is NOT a complete human skeleton. what, pray tell, happened to the rest of her?
Dark, show! Please pick up a mirror, look yourself in the eye, and ask yourself, very seriously, “was this necessary?” I’ll wait.
You know, I assumed the “off to raze some fake villages” thing was an off-colour joke, but considering that this version of Rumplestiltskin has now lost both Belle and his son twice, I wouldn’t be surprised if he just went through with that.
And, really, nobody bothered to check the extremely obvious and very high tower in Regina’s castle? What happened to the other prisoners? Are there just a dozen people dead, not for any cause or crime, but simply because they were stuck in Regina’s dungeon and nobody bothered to free or feed them? Really, show? (I’m not even blaming Snowing for this, it’s just too ridiculous an idea.) Could at least have had Rumple say something about how the tower could only be accessed by magic, or something. I’m willing to accept a handwave here, but you have to actually wave the hand!
::deep breath:: OK. That’s out, now. Bye, bye, wish realm, and thank you for all the glorious fanfic.
Oh, before we go, have another picture of happy, well-groomed woodcarver!Pinnochio and happy pornwriter!August.
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I don’t know, I just have a soft spot for the guy.
Back in the real world…
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I am going to personally murder the Black Fairy! : D
And I was going to say “unless Rumple gets there first”, but honestly, the guy already had to kill one of his parents twice, so I’d say he deserves the break. Belle can have this one. The Gold family really got hit with the full dose of OUaT’s Bad Parenthood Shit, didn’t it? Parents separated from their child, child kidnapped, child returns a fully-grown adult with a terrible childhood… As hilarious as Gideon’s “I don’t need your help!”-tantrum was, the poor guy is clearly hurting badly, and… I don’t even know. Just let them be happy? Please? (Which is more than a little difficult, because those 28 years aren’t just going to go away. They never saw their son grow up, and instead of a loving home with two parents who adored him, Gideon had… whatever that shit in the flashbacks was. …did I mention that I am going to murder the Black Fairy? Because I will.)
Oh, and just as an afterthought... wanna see two people go through four out of five stages of grief in under a second? (Different stages on each face) Because this is what happened when Rumple asks “did she hurt you?” and Gideon answers “depends what you mean” (which means “yes”, obviously):
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I’m… not going to comment on the whole “if Emma dies, there will be a new Saviour” thing, because I was not aware that being the Saviour worked the same way as being the Slayer, and until I get more information, I’m not going to speculate too much. Current hypothesis: he’s lying for some reason or other.
Really, the only good thing to come of this is that Belle and Rumple almost automatically started working together again, because whatever their faults and differences, their main concern is their child.
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…and they seem pretty much completely alone in that. This scene was just baffling. I mean, I get it. David’s daughter is in danger, of course he’s going to put her wellbeing first. It’s a terrible choice to make, but I won’t blame him for choosing his daughter. That said, the complete lack of sympathy from both him and Hook was staggering. If they’d said “well, sucks to be you”, it couldn’t have been much colder. Like I said, not expecting either of them to lie to Belle, but some show of “oh no, that must be terrible, is there any way I can help?” would have been the decent thing to do. What the hell, Charming?
And while Belle was over at the loft getting absolutely no help and even less sympathy…
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Someone please tell me why I have this weakness for characters with a massive streak of self-loathing? Or, rather, don’t. I don’t think I’d like the explanation very much.
This scene was so good, though. And heartbreaking. Mostly heartbreaking. Because not only is this the first time Rumple is alone with his son, he’s also pretty clearly testing just how far “gone” Gideon is. Please don’t imagine the thought process that must have gone into “now let me check if my only living child is completely evil”, because it is not a happy picture. And just… everything about this. Rumple’s desperation. The “make me pay”/”hit me” that starts off taunting and ends up nearly begging, because of course he’s blaming himself for this. That’s how people react to tragedies, and in this case, it’s a whole mess of “if we’d only” and… guh. Pain. There is a lot of it.
And speaking of pain…
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“Please, he’s my son.”
For the record: yes, the sound of wailing in the distance was, in fact, me. I’d just heard this line of dialogue, and there’s… a lot going on there. Both on Rumple’s and on Emma’s part, I think.
I assume that when he says those words, it reminds Emma of that day in the woods, when, you know, the man she loved died in her arms and his father was helpless to do anything about it. And I think we can safely assume that Rumple remembers the exact same thing, because how could he not?
And as a “bonus”: Emma now has memories of her wishverse-self, who clearly had a loving and happy relationship with that Baelfire, however long it lasted. His portrait was displayed in a prominent place. She told her son about him. I can’t help but wonder how that played into her emotional landscape, here.
Whatever her thoughts on the matter, she did the Emma thing in the end and let him go, so… yeah. Big relief, there. Apart from “how about we don’t murder the kidnapping victim”, killing a child in front of their parents just seems… several shades darker than this show needs to go.
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behold: the most awkward parting in this show’s history
This moment was actually darkly hilarious to me. Because you could see them both going “oh, right… we’re not actually back together. we should… yeah. bye. laters.”
And I’m not complaining, because that led to the scene at the well, which… I died. I just dropped dead from my chair, and I only came back to life so I could see the rest of this arc.
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Look at my two idiots, not fucking up at a well, for once. …OK, it’s the second time, technically, but still. People on this show make a lot of bad decisions around this well.
@idesignedthefjords and I were joking that the only reasonable explanation here is that they were saving up all the good dialogue and character development in 6A for this scene here. They actually get to talk! About their fears, and insecurities, and how their good intentions paved the road to this hell. I can believe this dialogue, even when I don’t agree with all of it. Oh, and what Rumple said about being “so desperate that [you] reach for the cure, when in fact it’s more poison”? Yeah, he was totally talking about Gideon there. Sure he was. That’s what this whole bit of the conversation was about. (Pssst, he was talking about himself, mostly.)
They just were both so very, very tired, and it hurt to watch. Because this isn’t the end of their troubles by a long shot. Frankly, I’m still waiting for the Black Fairy to make a personal appearance, because I know what Murphy’s Law is, thank you very much.
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and we just had that fixed, too...
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A Flicker of Light The Evil Queen returns from the Wishverse with a baby, and she isn’t the only one. Dark Swan soon follows, and in the confusion of their arrival, Emma and Regina find themselves taking on more than just babysitting their darker halves, and the newborn they share. They must finally deal with the toughest thing they’ve ever had to face: their feelings for one another. Story preview below the cut. Also on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14258868?view_full_work=true
Snow came to the door with messy, sleep tossed hair, and did a double take as she took in the sight of a most unwelcome guest: the Evil Queen beamed at her and made a grand performance of stepping into the apartment.  
In her hand, the Queen tightly clutched an infant carrier. The occupant of the small seat slept soundly under a plush yellow blanket. “I thought you left,” Snow stuttered. “Henry used the author’s pen, and then you vanished—”
“Oh, I did, dear. But now I’m back. And I’ve brought you a gift,” the Queen crooned mischievously as she passed the carrier over to Snow. “Your second grand child. She doesn’t have a name yet. I considered naming her after you, but if we’re following the family tradition, then you’ll have to die first.” Dotingly, the Queen opened the fasteners on the carrier and lifted the baby into her arms.
Snow flinched, but she couldn’t help but gaze on in awe at the tenderness and care the Queen showed the child—even as it occurred to her that the Queen was bluffing. The Queen had never been pregnant, and even if she had, that wouldn’t make this infant Snow’s grandchild.
“Where did this baby come from?” Snow asked in an alarmed tone of voice, immediately assuming the queen must have stolen it. 
Only a month had passed since the Queen had left them, and that was not enough time to have a baby. Not to mention, Regina could never have children. But as Snow scrutinized the baby’s face, she noticed striking facial features that proved the truth of the Queen’s claim. That meant there was a drastic difference in the time scales of their respective universes. Stupefied, Snow could only wait for the Queen’s answer. “I gave you the talk about the birds and the bees, didn’t I? Only this time, there were two queen bees involved and no birds,” The Queen sneered and glanced around the apartment at all of the bird décor as if it offended her. “Emma is her other mother. I informed her earlier this morning.”
“That’s impossible,” Snow insisted, with a stubborn stomp of her foot and scrunch of her eyebrows. “Emma would never–”
“Maybe not your Emma - not the repressed savior, who would do whatever it takes to please you,” the Queen declared.
With a crackle of the air, Dark Swan appeared behind the Queen with a solemn look on her face. And at the exact same time, Emma burst through the door with her mouth agape.
“I knew it was you!” Emma sputtered. “I thought I was hallucinating earlier when I was at work and saw you through the window. What the hell are you doing here?” The Evil Queen grinned sinisterly and passed the baby off to Emma. “Congratulations,” she purred. “It’s a girl. And we need you to babysit tonight. If she cries, just call Regina.”
Dark Swan stood behind her, not blinking except when the Queen implied that Emma wouldn’t be able to handle the baby alone. “I think Emma can deal with changing a few dirty diapers, giving the kid a bottle, and putting her to bed on time. She doesn’t need anyone’s help –” “Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” Emma blinked, cringing at herself and then looking down at the baby in her arms. She glanced at her mother, who was on the verge of demanding an explanation. “Mom. Regina and I were looking for a spell. It must have backfired. I felt something. It has to explain the presence of my other Half--”
“And how does that account for the child?” Snow asked defensively, standing with her arms crossed. “Which apparently your Evil halves share –”
The Evil Queen straightened her spine and pretended to dust off her thick leather outfit.
“That’s a question I also want answers to--” Dark Swan pressed her lips together. It was a subtle show of displeasure over the Queen’s failure to clue her in about the baby. “I don’t even know our daughter’s name.”
The infant looked to be mere months old.
When the Evil Queen turned to peer down again at the child, she dropped her acerbic tone and over-the-top mannerisms. She gathered the little one back into her arms, rocking ever so gently as a whimper rose from the baby’s lips. “I still haven’t chosen a name for her,” she breathed, and then waved her hand at Dark Swan. “I wouldn’t do that without you.”
“Why not?” Dark Swan husked moodily. “You did everything else without me.”
“Well, not everything,” the Queen snickered. “There were some things we did together.”
Snow gazed on in horror, while Emma blushed furiously and the Queen stood triumphantly.
“Shall we go now?” The Queen asked, offering her arm to Dark Swan.
“We should be back no later than eleven,” Swan stated severely, and then they were gone.
“This can’t be happening!” Emma blurted to the dissipating cloud of magic. A quick onset panic attack had the tendons in Emma’s neck straining as she tried to breathe. The baby in her arms coiled a tiny fist around her pinky finger and gurgled happily. In turn, her own chin wobbled as a rush of emotion hit her.
“Emma…” Snow whispered, still stunned by the appearance of an old foe and the darkest parts of her daughter. “I think it’s safe to say it already has.” Her eyes lowered to the infant, and the confusion and alarm she felt melted slightly. “You have a girl,” she murmured, and despite the circumstances, Snow felt herself smiling even as her eyes watered. It didn’t last long as she remembered who with, and her tone betrayed how perplexed she felt as she admonished, “With The Evil Queen, apparently. Why her?” Emma couldn’t answer the question. All she could do was stare at the little bundle of wriggling limbs in her arms as her world shifted beneath her forever.
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strangesmallbard · 7 years
the dvd commentary ask, I curious about the swan queen fic Splinters you wrote, from the sentence “don't do that,” she says, scratchy and low. “we’re friends. you're with--” she clears her throat. “you should go back. " to - she drives off, and emma. wants. to sleep. thanks!
GFJHG this is so late, but thank you so much anon! here we go!
(ao3 link!)
“don't do that,” she says, scratchy and low. “we’re friends. you're with--” she clears her throat. “you should go back.”
“friends compliment each other,” emma says without convincing herself. “we can be friends again. that's what we keep learning, right? we couldn't destroy the darkness in us, but learned how to hold it. we’re holding it together.” fuck.
fucking fucking magnets.
regina twists her lips up and leans forward, across her crossed arms. “we are friends, emma. again, if you want to be. we are.”
“right!” she says, stands up too close to her with a desperate lurch. “and i'm not going back yet, because i want to hang out with my friend. who gets it. you know.”
soft, warm air grazes across her face. emma’s hands waiver by her shoulder. caress the ends of her hair. she needs to step away.
this fic is set in a hypothetical future where regina has rejoined with the evil queen in order to stop her from destroying the kingdom, and tried to make peace with her as best she could, and everyone has settled into something resembling peace. (too bad regina never joined with the eq in canon! sucks! well, at least the eq didn’t end up with wishverse robin! haha boy would that be dumb!) but it’s a peace born from like...wanting so badly for everything to be normal and happy after a lot of suffering. and enchanted forest–and even storybrooke, 2016–normal and happy is foremost, really heterosexual. and it’s the picket fence mentioned earlier in the fic, clean and bright and enfolding. 
this scene manifests entirely as a reaction to that current state of things. emma has the “happy ending,”  and regina has peace and safety she’s never really had before, but it’s still not enough. (and there’s an inference that henry also isn’t happy with the way things are?) emma and regina want more than anything to be the friends they became, but they’re also ass deep in love and both know it now, on a level they can’t entirely access or it’ll all fall apart. they also both intimately know this darkness that everyone around them likes to pretend is gone for good, and know why it manifests. and sometimes it feels like maybe the darkness has the answers after all, and is more right than enchanted forest (and irl!) gender politics says it is. so they’re meeting literally in the darkness, in the woods (hey, into the woods reference!), where nothing has to make perfect sense anymore, and where they can be themselves. and yet, they still can’t be. they’re caught in the middle.
the stream-of-consciousness style really allowed me to tap into that feeling of in-the-middle a lot more than conventional prose! although i still worry it’s a bit too esoteric. i got a really nasty review about that fghjfg. it took me a moment to remember why i included “fucking fucking magnets” (it’s a reference to how they can repel and attract) and i might take it out? i’ll think on it.
“right,” regina says and takes the hand by her hair, holds it. gentle grip. “we still have to go back soon. storybrooke won’t thank us for sleep deprivation.”
“to be honest? i think they need a break from us too.”
regina gives a punctuation laugh and looks down. shakes her head. emma leans forward, foreheads touching, waiting? touching. familiar breath at her lips, fingers at the back of her neck. they drop and emma wants them at her waist. wants them to hold her waist. hold on.
“i don't know why i asked you to come here,” regina says, sounding tired.
“you missed me,” emma offers. sometime in the word missed, they came up again to touch the short strands.
“your hands smell like paint,” regina says simply.
“yeah, i bet,” emma says. she doesn't kiss her.
ugh they’re so DUMB. here i’ll talk more about the writing and dialogue since i covered the content above! 
with dialogue i had a lot of fun with subtext–writing around what they’re thinking and revealing what they’re thinking in key places. like how storybrooke is referencing their responsibilities to their happy endings (storybrooke’s safety!). and you missed me (emma reaching out a hand) versus your hands smell like paint (regina rejecting the hand, gently). motifs! yeah! the picket fence! regina reminding emma that she’s dating hook and regina’s alone but has her son and everything is both bad and good! ahh! i went back and forth about whether they should kiss in this scene, and i settled on this almost something because it fit better. but they’ll get there.
they go back around four, laughter left behind. always something. they don’t talk during the drive, and emma’s head lulls by the windowpane. still, no stars.
regina drops her off and emma thinks about how she hugged the evil queen, one hand clutching the back of her neck. nothing gentle. all gentle. dark swan laughing inside with brimming dry ice hate and snatching words from her throat.
dark swan looking her in the eye, she thinks. what do you want. why am i dark. why do i need to be why am i here why the fuck did you get paint on your hands.
the fence is still standing. of course. there was simplicity there, but she could never get a firm grasp on how to wear the life inside it.
“regina,” emma says. her hands are back on the steering wheel, like they hadn't fucking deep talked in the dingy fairytale wood. “can i come over tomorrow?”
regina smiles, brightly aching. “i'll tell henry.”
she drives off, and emma. wants.
to sleep.
this is emma and regina at the end of the woods and rolling back into storybrooke, and all that implies. the way the words run together at the end of emma’s thoughts is emma trying to piece it all together before she has to walk back into that house and pretend like she doesn’t sometimes meet henry’s other mom in the woods for late night deeptalks. here is also finally dark swan–the darkness–asking emma for the truth. she conceptualizes dark swan as a mean, sardonic, angry, being and tries to disconnect from her, even though she slips through. and of course, she thinks of the evil queen, and how regina joined back with her instead of defeating her as was the plan in this version of things. thinking about it more, i think this is also an au where the dark swan arc was...literally just better. it was so bad. i am so mad. anyway, emma got to rage and rage and regina understood but they needed to stop her from hurting anyone else. IMAGINE. 
anyway! i think “the fence is still standing. of course. there was simplicity there, but she could never get a firm grasp on how to wear the life inside it.” is the moment where emma reaches the edges of deciding to change something about their lives. i went back and forth about whether to keep it because it so blatantly states all the pieces of what emma has been feeling this entire fic, this discontentment and almost restlessness, but i think that works, because moments later she reaches out to regina in a way that still firmly connects them with no complications (many complications!)–henry! and regina says, yes you can come over to dinner, we can be in each other’s lives in this way. and it’s good. neither, i think, are ready to admit stuff and be in love but they’re getting there and they do love each other and most of all, i hope this fic gives that impression of hope and contentment by the end.
and at the end, emma is EXHAUSTED because this wonderful lesbian decided to deeptalk in the woods for hours with her co-mom instead of sleeping, and just realized that stuff is worse than she thought but is maybe gonna be okay. absolutely valid. get some rest, lesbians.
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mrs-emma-swan-jones · 7 years
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In honor of Captain Swan’s final episode this coming Friday, I’m doing a week long Etsy sale!  From October 8th to October 13th, if you use the coupon code CAPTAINSWAN, you can get 20% off any Killian and/or Emma dolls.  I now ship both domestically and internationally (finally) so now those of you outside the US can purchase dolls from my shop.
Here's the full list of all the dolls included in this week’s sale:
Emma Swan
Red Savior Jacket
Red Ballgown (3x21)
Blue Princess Gown (3x14)
Camelot Ballgown w/ Flower Crown (5x02)
Camelot Dress w/ Cape (5A)
Wench Dress (3x21)
Date Dress (4x04)
AU Pirate Outfit (4x22)
Peasant Dress (3x22)
Wishverse Princess Dress (6x11)
Wedding Dress (6x20)
Killian Jones
Pirate Outfit
Modern Outfit
Deckhand Outfit (4x22)
Prince Charles Outfit (3x21/22)
Camelot Outfit (5A)
Dark One Outfit (5x11)
Lieutenant Uniform (3x05)
Wishverse Boozer Outfit (6x11)
Wedding Tux (6x20)
Again, the coupon code is CAPTAINSWAN, so make sure you enter it in when you check out to get your 20% off! 
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gingerchangeling · 8 years
A Darkness For The Light- Ch. 4
for @lenfaz cause she posted a great idea… so here is a Dark!Hook and Wishverse!Emma
on Ao3 and Fanfiction
When Regina somehow escapes her bonds, a young, innocent princess must seek out help from the one person she was told to never encounter. The Dark One-aboard his blood soaked ship, driven by the winds of revenge against the very world that created him. The only question that remains is will he help the frail child of light or allow his darkness to consume them both, and her kingdom along with them.
Chapter 4.
               "My name is Emma Swan, Crown Princess of Misthaven, and I am here to make a deal with you Dark One."
               She tried to keep the tremble out of her voice, but the reaction to his proximity was something she could not master. He seemed to be at odds with his very nature, for as his cold blue eyes widened, they seemed to match the shade of the most comforting of summer days, and his dark beauty seemed designed to shield the demon beneath. But the feature that brought the most terror to her was the gleam of curving silver, an item that possessed such a graceful composition. She had heard tales of the deeds it performed, and bleakly wondered how such smooth curves could cut such harsh lines as stories told.
               He continued to stare at her, not responding to her pronouncement, and fear began to get the better of her trembling limbs. Her breaths became shorter and her already hazy vision grew even more indistinct. And still he continued to remain silent, his face impassive and unreadable. He wasn't going to help her, she realized. This was all in vain. He was going to dismiss her and she would have nowhere left to turn. Her parents and Henry would died and her kingdom would be ravaged by The Evil Queen's cruelty.
               The thoughts that swirled in her head forced tears to start to roll down her cheeks, and she could no more stop them than the tides that pulled at the shore beside her. She only had enough wherewithal to keep herself upright, swaying slightly. Through blurry eyes, she watched his brows furrow momentarily and his throat work hard as his eyes gleamed with a curious light, lips tight in an expression she couldn't place.
               "What's wrong with you?" he barked out suddenly, his voice harsh and low. Another odd contradiction, for there was a gentle melody to the way his tongue caressed the words, but his tone bit them out, making them cruel and ragged.
               She startled, giving a small yip of fright at his direct question, trying to sort out the words through the fog of fear that clouded her mind. Trying to overcome the trembling enough to get the desperately needed words to be said.
               "I....My pare...My king- peop.....They.. We...-"
               "SPIT IT OUT LASS," he snarled. She instinctively stumbled back from his raised voice, thudding into the solid mass of horse flesh behind her.
               The horse let low a warning whicker, swinging his head around to rest next to his liege's sending a withering glare at the demon who had so coarsely raised his voice at the sweet child. The demon gave him a black look, and all the instincts of his forebears told him to take his lady and get as far from the creature who stood before them in a man's form as his legs would carry them. But his lady had come here for a reason, and until her goal had been reached, he would remain steadfast by her side.
               She felt the warmth of the beast behind her, so different from the cold that the man before her seemed to radiate. She could not find the courage to say what needed to be said, and as she realized this, her knees crumbled under her and she felt into a heap on the sand, sobbing as sheer hopelessness overwhelmed her.
               "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?"His sharp rebuke had her cowering further into the sand, afraid of what wrath he might unleash.
                "Oh for the love of all the gods," came an exasperated sigh, before she was suddenly being gripped by a hand with the strength of iron, being lifted bodily from the ground before being set on her feet roughly. She tried to shy away, sure that her heart was going to beat out of her chest in her terror, but the hand remained tight around her upper arm until she stilled, sobbing violently afresh at the latest terror.
               "Bloody woman..." she heard before the hand left her arm to reappear on her chin, forcing her face upward with a might that would not be refused, and before she could compose herself even marginally, she was staring into his red-rimmed blue eyes.
               She would have startled at his proximity but his eye froze her in place. He looked so weary, and behind the anger was an unquenchable sorrow. The look of a thing being torn apart by its own mind. But as swift as the observations came to her, they fled in the storm that she watched darken his brow.
               "You blood summoned me here princess, so bloody well spit it out before I get back on my damn ship and leave you here sobbing in the mud."
               "No," she whispers in horror, his words somehow calming her more than anything else could. She could not allow him to leave. He was her last hope. "No."
               She watched a black eyebrow crawl upward as he sneered, "The bloody well get on with it."
               She took a deep breath and stepped back, trying to ignore the tears still cascading down her face, for she knew there was no stopping them. With her movement, he allowed the hand that had been roughly grasping her chin to fall to his belt buckle, his hooked arm laying oh so neatly against the hilt of his sword, and he simply waited, a mocking expression on his face.
               "I need to save my kingdom," she managed in a whisper. The mocking sneer was suddenly gone, a stone cold expression taking its place. She took hope that it was a good sign and that he was listening .
               She continued, "The Ev-The Evil Queen has taken my parents and...." her voice faded as some small strength in her suddenly violently wished to withhold information about Henry from the creature. His eyes narrowed and she summoned up that small shred of strength that had so viscerally made itself known and continued. "And I need your help to get them back."
               His head tilted to the side as her regarded her concluding words. Her heart fluttered as quickly as a hummingbird's wing in her chest, hope in this final recourse rising and falling just as quickly, so that the moment seemed to stretch onward for far too long.
               The a slow smile crept upon his lips as his hand came up to playfully curl about the hair of his beard, sending a considering look upward, fingers dancing before a single ringed digit ended up tapping his chin and his eyes snapping back to hers, "Aye, and what can you offer?"
               A rush of relief overwhelmed her, in spite of the continued fear that his eyes instilled in her. She scrambled to reply, to lay everything at his feet so he would be willing to accept something.
               "Whatever you desire. I have the keys to the kingdom, any title you wish, any amount of gold, anything."
               But as she spoke she watched the smile fade into a look of disdain, "What the bloody hell would I want with any of that? "
               And her whole world froze. He wanted none of it. Nothing she offered had even tempted him into accepting. No, she had come too far, and this was all she had left, there had to be some-
               Her blood froze as her mind suddenly landed on the thing she possessed that was of greatest value to a man like him. Herself.
               "Me." It came out as a ghost of a whisper, but his eyes sharpened as his whole face transformed into a mask of steel yet again.
               "What did you say lass?"his voice was low, modulated, like he was sure he hadn't heard her right. His blue eyes seemed for a moment to shimmer with something and she felt a small glimmer of hope.
               "You can have me. Anything you want from me, so long as you save my family."
               His eyes blazed, "Who the bloody hell do you take me for?!" he snarled. His wrath was completely unexpected and she again jerked back in horror and fear, her foolish notion quickly erased. "I am not some bloody slaver, nor will I allow such a thing to be practiced. NO. Go find someone else to help you. I am finished with y-"
               She was still reeling in shock from his outburst when she was thrown yet again by his abrupt stop in speech, watching as he snapped around to glare at something in the same direction as his ship, which was creaking noisily in the wind. She watched as his hand tightened into a fist and suddenly the air around her seemed to vanish, making it impossible to breath, making her skin feel as if it had somehow become pulled away from the flesh beneath. The sensation continued to get more and more intense.
               Suddenly, one of the sails of his ship snapped violently and just as quickly the sensation vanished and his hand relaxed by his side as he turned back to face her. His eyes were empty. She had failed.
               "Aye, lass, for your willing soul, I'll save your family."
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ao3feed-swanqueen · 6 years
ArtWork from/ A flicker of Light.
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2AGodoa
by alwaysthevillain, Emma_Swan
The Evil Queen returns from the Wishverse with a baby, and she isn’t the only one. Dark Swan soon follows, and in the confusion of their arrival, Emma and Regina find themselves taking on more than just babysitting their darker halves, and the newborn they share. They must finally deal with the toughest thing they’ve ever had to face: their feelings for one another.
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Dark Swan - Character, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time)
Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Angst, adult themes and language, Humor and good fun, Fanart, Inspired by Fanfiction
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2AGodoa
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Be Careful What You Wish For... - 6x10 Divergence CS Fic (Chapter 2/?)
Rating: T (nothing all that suggestive YET)
Pairings: Captain Swan; Snowing
Summary: Emma Swan has everything she ever could have wished for. She has her parents, and the life of a princess in the Enchanted Forest, but when pirates crash a ball being held in her palace, Emma decides to hunt them down alone, unaware of what she’s gotten herself into... [Season 6x10 Canon Divergence; a VERY different take on Emma’s Wishverse; Enchanted Forest AU-ish...]
Find the other chapters: Chapter One
Also on: fanfiction.net (Chapters 1-6)
The bells rang throughout the castle, and were blended with Grumpy's cries of concern.
"The Curse! It's here!"
Snow lay on her bed, clutching her stomach. Charming stood at her side as she cried out in pain. She couldn't have this baby. She wouldn't have this baby. She needed to travel with it through the magic wardrobe to the new land.
"I can't…" she began. "…have this baby now."
"Doc, do something," she heard Charming mutter to the dwarf at her side. He turned his head back to her. "It's gonna be okay. The wardrobe's almost finished… just hold on."
The curse was approaching fast. Snow snuck a glance out the window within cries of pain to see the purple mist enveloping the mountains in the distance, and travelling quickly along the surface of the lake.
Charming continued to mutter things like "it's okay" and "everything will be fine", but Snow didn't believe it. She wished she could, but she couldn't see anyway that this would end happily.
Her cries of pain were non-stop, and she almost didn't hear Gepetto come in. "It's ready," he told them.
"It's too late," Doc told Charming as he began to lift Snow off the bed. "We can't move her."
They had no choice. The baby was coming, and Snow was now powerless to stop her daughter's birth. So, she did what Doc told her, and pushed.
Emma was a beautiful baby. Her sea green eyes reflected her parents' joy at the sight of her, to protect her, they wrapped her in the blanket they had woven specifically for her.
"The wardrobe," Snow said. "It only takes one."
There was a cry of pain from soldiers outside, and Charming took a moment before responding. "Then our plan has failed," he said upsettingly. "At least we're together."
Staring at this baby, Snow now knew that taking this baby with them wouldn't be giving Emma her best chance. She didn't want to. She didn't want to say goodbye, but their daughter would find them. She would always find them.
She opened her mouth to tell Charming to take the baby to the wardrobe, but was interrupted by a glittering shine on the balcony turning into an old friend.
"Blue?" Snow asked incredulously.
"Snow," Blue responded with a weak smile, approaching them.
"What are you doing here?"
"I believe we can stop the Evil Queen's curse."
Snow sat up in the bed, still cradling their daughter, and Charming stood up and approached her. "What?" he asked. "How?"
"With this," she said before holding her hand out and causing a strange object to appear in her hand in a cloud of blue mist.
Charming and Snow examined the object. At first, Snow thought it was a green wand of some kind, but realized it looked like a plant of some sort.
"What is that?" Charming asked.
"It's a sapling," Blue explained. "It was created by the first spark of a True Love." Snow and Charming shared a look of confusion. "As I'm sure you're both well aware, True Love can break any curse, and this might be just the thing we need to break this curse before it fully ravages the kingdom."
Snow and Charming stared in awe at Blue and turned their attention back towards the sapling. Blue nodded to it before bringing it over to Snow, and Charming came over with her. She suspended the sapling in the air and indicated for them to reach out and touch it. Ignoring another few battle cries from outside, Snow and Charming reached out and touched the sapling.
There was a burst of light from the sapling as memories began flashing before both Snow and Charming's eyes. Memories of their time together.
Follow me!
Aren't you a real Prince Charming?
You saved me.
I thought I'd lost you forever…
May the love between you always be strong and true and eternal.
If you need anything… I will always find you.
Do you promise?
I do.
Knowing you believe in me means I'm not alone.
The flashes stopped as they both took their hand off the sapling, which was now sparkling. They looked at each other with confusion and deep love in their eyes.
"You did it!" Blue cheered. "Now, let's stop this."
They didn't have much time to react before Blue walked to the balcony and somehow managed to plant the sapling on the hard floor of the balcony. Charming helped Snow out of the bed and over to the balcony.
Suddenly, the sapling began to pulse with a bright light, and it sent out a wave of magic that slowly began to envelop the land, similarly to when Charming had kissed Snow awake from her sleeping curse.
Once the burst of light connected with the dark cloud of the curse, it began to push it backwards, returning from whence it came. Snow, Charming, and Blue all stared marvellously at the dark cloud, which had disappeared behind the mountains that it enveloped moments ago.
Blue turned to them with a big smile on her face and opened her mouth to say something, but was stopped by Black Knights flinging the door to Snow's room open. Five of them piled in, and were followed closely by the Evil Queen, who had an evil grin on her face, clearly unaware of what had just happened.
Charming stood protectively in front of Snow, who held Emma as close to her chest as she possibly could.
"It's over, Regina," Snow called to her. "You've lost."
The Evil Queen laughed at that. "Oh, have I? Well, I believe my Dark Curse would agree to disagree."
"What Dark Curse?" Charming asked, unable to resist a smile of victory.
The Evil Queen's smile dropped as confusion filled her features.
"What…?" she asked slowly, stepping towards the balcony and peering outside. "No…"
"Sorry, Regina," Snow apologized sternly. "But you've lost… again. And, as much as I'd like to hope you have learned your lesson, I know you haven't."
It was then that Snow nodded to Blue, indicating for her to do something, though the Evil Queen was too wrapped up in her own shock of defeat to notice. Blue made a black leather clasp appear in her hand with the slight flick of her fingers, and placed it on the Evil Queen's wrist. Blue then threw a handful of fairydust towards the five guards, causing them to fall to floor unconscious.
The Evil Queen glanced down at her wrist, feeling all of her dark magic being absorbed by the clasp, containing it, nullifying it.
"Blue?" Snow asked. "Please take her somewhere far from here. Somewhere where she won't be able to hurt anyone again."
"Of course, Snow," Blue responded with a nod.
She grabbed the Evil Queen's wrist, but before she could transport the two of them out of there, the Evil Queen spoke words that Snow will never forget.
"I meant what I said, Snow," the Evil Queen spat venomously. "I shall destroy your happiness." She glanced at Emma. "In whatever form it may be." She looked back up at Charming. "No matter what it takes, even if is the last thing I do."
Blue scoffed and flicked her wrist, enveloping the two in a cloud of light blue mist.
Snow let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. She looked down at her daughter, who looked into her eyes with shining emeralds of eyes.
Snow let a tear fall from her eye as she whispered her daughter's name. "Emma."
His Emma loved the lake near their palace, Charming knew that much.
He'd take her there most days he could and let her wander around, provided she didn't go too far. Emma would usually spend time playing with the stones and staring at the water, which filled with swans every spring.
But today was different. Charming could tell. Emma was in a funny humour. Charming had read her the story of how he and Snow fell in love to her last night before bed, like he does every night. This had somehow led to Emma, despite being just four, ordering her father to wear the same outfit he wore when he proposed to Snow on this very beach.
"Okay," she instructed. "You stand there."
"Why?" Charming asked.
"Because I need practice. Now, stand there."
"I don't plan on letting you near any boys for another fifty years at least, Emma." Charming chuckled at her eye roll as he did as she told him, standing facing towards the forest. "Here?"
"Yes," Emma nodded. "Now get on one knee."
Charming continued to smile as he got to one knee and pulled the 'imaginary' box that Emma had told him to bring.
"My darling Emma," her father vowed dramatically as his daughter beamed at him. "Would you do me the great honor of giving me your hand in marriage?"
Emma giggled then, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly, squealing a little when he stood up with her still clinging to his neck.
"You can't ask your own daughter to marry you, daddy!" Emma scolded with a grin.
"No, I suppose not," Charming agreed, flinging her over his shoulder, earning him a little giggle from his blonde princess. "But, one day, in the far, far, far distant future, if I have anything to say about it, you'll have your own Prince Charming, Emma."
Emma smiled at his words. She was wise beyond her years. Her arms were hanging down alongside her hair from her perch over her father's shoulder. "Someday."
Princess Emma of Misthaven had everything she ever could have wished for.
She had her parents, Queen Snow and King David, and she loved them so much. She honestly didn't know what she would do without them. She had been told that she was meant to be a Saviour, destined to break the Evil Queen's curse and save the realm, but, luckily, that was all avoided.
She had more money than she knew what to do with. Due to their usurping of the throne from King George, her parents inherited all of the kingdom's wealth and riches, and used as much of it as they could to ensure that every single inhabitant of their kingdom was happy. Her mother had told her that her father (Emma's grandfather), King Leopold, also strove for the happiness of all in his kingdom.
She had magic. She couldn't control it very well, but she did have it. Her instructor, Mr. Gold, was quite awkward and cowardly, but had more magic than anyone she’d ever known. She was only at the stage where she could make an orange (there are no apples allowed in the castle, for obvious reasons) disappear, and reappear a few feet away. And this was despite the fact that she'd been learning for a whole year.
She had originally thought it would be great, learning how to do magic. But Emma soon learned that it's a lot of work and, between sword practice with her father and his knights and her mother holding a ball for her every chance she got, no matter the excuse, Emma hadn't much time for that kind of magic in her life. Besides, she had her parents. What more magic could she need?
So, when her mother arranged a ball to be held in a few weeks time in celebration of God knows what, Emma agreed to go, as she usually does, and quite enjoyed her mother's joyous squeal at her acceptance of the invitation (though her mother had already begun preparations and sent out invitations). However, little did the princess know that, on a ship hundreds of miles away, a pirate and his crew had just received word of this ball, and would end up making it a ball that Emma would never forget…
Author's Notes: Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you're all enjoying the story so far.
Just a quick note, to make things convenient, I decided to make Emma twenty-nine going on thirty because I couldn't find her definitive age online. I would assume she's close to that age on the actual show, but we've only seen her celebrate one of her birthdays (excluding the one in the Wishverse).
Also, just in case you weren't aware, the TWENTY-NINE YEARS AGO, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, etc. means that time before the day Emma was wished into this universe (i.e. the memories of the day Emma was born, and the memories of when Emma was four).
And, before you say it, yes, I don't trust the Blue Fairy at all in the show (I think she's shady af, actually), but I thought this would be a good way to tie her into the story. She's also meant to be a hero in this story, and I have plans for us to see her again.
I hope you guys are looking forward to the next chapter. We may be seeing a certain dashing rapscallion… maybe…
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ao3feed-rumbelle · 5 years
I am still here, remember ?
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IAtty6
by AngelicaR2
[ATHC series. Sequel to The wrong person] : Wishverse!Rumple comes back to make a deal with Wishverse!Henry. This time, he accepts. Henry-centric and Rumple-centric. Alexandra/Pinocchio evoked.
Words: 1542, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of All things have consequences
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Wishverse Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Wishverse Rumplestiltskin, Wishverse Baelfire | Neal Cassidy, Wishverse Emma Swan, Wishverse Prince Charming | David Nolan, Wishverse Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Wishverse Alexandra (Once Upon a Time), Wishverse Pinocchio | August Booth, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Wishverse Belle (Once Upon a Time)
Relationships: Wishverse Prince Charming | David Nolan/Wishverse Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Alexandra/Pinocchio | August Booth, Wishverse Alexandra/Wishverse Pinocchio | August Booth, Wishverse Belle/Wishverse Rumplestiltskin, Wishverse Henry Mills & Wishverse Rumplestiltskin, Wishverse Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Wishverse Emma Swan
Additional Tags: One Shot, Wishverse (Once Upon a Time), Past Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Emma Swan, Minor Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Minor Alexandra/Pinocchio | August Booth, Grief/Mourning, Teen Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time)-centric, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) is The Author, King Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Knight Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Dark Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Revenge, Deal with a Devil, Dark, Dark Magic, Past Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Season/Series 06, Canon Compliant
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IAtty6
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ao3feed-swanqueen · 6 years
Reflections of Us
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GMUiuA
by Aponi_Aquene
Emma Swan knew that leaving Regina and Henry behind and returning to Storybrooke with him was a huge mistake. She was reminded of this when she laid eyes on her new daughter for the first time. From her beautiful brown eyes to her lovely dark curls, Emma Swan's newborn daughter is an exact replica of Regina Mills. Well, it shouldn't have been such a big deal because children usually look like their parents but Emma is married to someone else and Regina is a world away on a fantastic adventure with their son. Well, there is only one thing left to do; it looks like it's time to cut the husband loose and take off to track down her true love and the mother of her child. Seems like a simple enough plan... Based on Season 7 with a Swan-Mills twist. Swan Queen - Magic Baby
Words: 12226, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Original Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan Child(ren), Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Robin | Margot, Alice | Tilly, Wishverse Captain Hook | Detective Rogers, Tiana | Sabine, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Neal Nolan, Drizella Tremaine | Ivy Belfrey, Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Gothel | Eloise Gardener, Cinderella | Jacinda Vidrio, Lucy, Maleficent (Once Upon a Time), Tinker Bell (Once Upon a Time), Lily | Lilith Page, Roni
Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Maleficent, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Henry Mills & Emma Swan, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan, Lily | Lilith Page & Maleficent, Alice | Tilly/Robin | Margot, Henry Mills & Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Henry Mills
Additional Tags: Swan Queen - Freeform, Eventual Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Implied Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Maleficent, The Enchanted Forest, Storybrooke, Alternate Canon, Cursed Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Cursed Emma Swan, Swan-Mills Family, Sexual Content, Roni's Bar (Once Upon a Time), Evil Queen | Regina Mills as Roni
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GMUiuA
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