#wishing your brothers weren’t kidnapped but for completely different reasons
phibsies · 2 months
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he finally stopped fumbling but at what cost
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
That fenrys fic was divine 😭🔥 can I request something for him having a nightmare for the first time since he found his mate and she comforts him and reassure him ?a tiny bit of angst maybe 💔🤧
pairing: Fenrys x reader (throne of glass)
warnings: blood, violence, nightmares, character death (kinda), mainly fluff with a lil bit of angst
a/n: I completely stole the first half of this from a short story I wrote about Achilles lmao, also THANK YOU FENRYS IS AN ICON AND DESERVES ALL THE LOVE WHICH I AM HAPPY TO GIVE, hope u enjoy <3
(I did not proof read this because I am tired :))
Fenrys hands shook as they refrained from touching her, from pulling her in and wrapping himself around her, drowning in her hair, her skin, her clothes, her laugh, eyes, smile. She turned with a smirk and a cheeky eyebrow raise, beckoning him in. He lunged, grabbing her, ready to make true on his wish, staring in wonder as her solid form turned to mist in his hands as she moved further away. Her laugh drawing him in. And of course, he followed like the lost puppy he was, begging, and whining to return to comfort, home, safety. She was his home, and he would follow her to the ends of the world if it meant she stayed that way.
 She had moved again, this time into a series of winding corridors, the maze he called his heart, a maze she owned. He chased after her, but she was quick, twisting and turning through corridors and secret doors, the map laid bare for her to see as he stumbled blinding, led only be the light she left in her path and her infectious laughter. Finally, she reached a dead end, casually bracing herself against the cold walls, releasing an exhale of laughter through her nose. He slowed his pace to a walk as she smiled up at him through curling lashes, nothing but the faint smudge of rouge high on her cheeks concealing her natural face to him, which he proceeded to wipe with his thumb when he reached her, his build towering over hers.
 “Finished running, are you?” he mused quietly,
 “I knew you wouldn’t let me get too far,” she whispered back, lips tracing his jaw.
 “That’s because you hold my leash,” he allowed himself to concede, “always have, always will my darling.”
 She let out a sigh of agreement, before leaning to his ear, their bodies pressed so tightly together he could feel her heart beating in his own chest, as if they had swapped hearts giving the other all they were, all they could be.
 “There is no me without you.” She uttered the vows they had made that beautiful day, where she dressed as the angel he was sure she was. He leaned down to express his love, but she did not allow him to rest in her arms for long, pulling away with a giggle.
 “What?” he asked with a smirk, but she was already gone giggling behind him, the chase beginning again.
 But as he turned, blessed by the smile she gave him, all pearly white teeth and rosy cheeks, the warning shout he cried was not quick enough as a wash of deep red replaced the once pure and untainted white of her smile. Her mouth filling with blood, the sword protruding from her stomach like a handle. She stared at him questions not asked soon enough as she splutters up blood onto her previously fresh clothes, eyes full of fear, splitting his heart in half, the ground crumbling beneath his feet.
 He tried to run to her, hands grasping at air as he fell through the cracks in his own heart, a scream tearing from his throat as she was pulled from him, skin draining of colour and eyes turning black, full of hatred and contempt as she stared him down.
 His own scream woke him up, sweat and tears blending on his face like paint on a pallet, as he gripped her pillow and sobbed on their bed. He herded himself into the far corner of the bed, afraid when he realised she was not lying next to him, comforting words, and gentle hands ready to lull him back to sleep. Fear and sadness battled in his heart, the heart he had given her during the war, the heart she had held safely as she cut her way through armies to reach him again. The heart she had put back together with soft kisses and words of undying love. The heart she had tied to her own the day they wed and had kept pressed safely in her chest since.
 He looked now, tears blurring the image he was presented with, bookshelves filled with stories you promised you would read eventually, tubes of lipstick on the floor next to the frame of their mirror, tea left to go cold in mugs dotted around the room, sketches left to be forgotten on desks and ribbons tied haphazardly around bed posts.
 He saw all these signs of you, the clues you left him as he navigated your shared life. His eyes darted around the room, breath picking up when he couldn’t see you, pressing a hand to your side of the bed and finding it warm, his breathing only slowing a little.
 He stood, pulling on a pair of boxers, and grabbing two daggers he kept next to the bed as his mind filled with the worst possible scenarios. He slowly padded out the room, moving silently through the house and thinking of a million different ways to torture whoever had dared to touch you. The tears on his face had dried uncomfortably but it was the least of his worries as he stalked through his own home, fear clouding his judgement that argued you were probably safe.
 He heard movement in the kitchen and walked that way, footsteps light as he rounded to corner to a beautiful sight. His arms dropped as he took in the sight of you in nothing but his shirt, sipping from a glass of water, illuminated by the moons glow. You turned when he walked in, smiling at his but furrowing your eyebrows when you saw his facial expression and the knives in his hands.
 “Fenrys, what happened?” you asked, moving over to him as he threw his daggers down, arms encircling your waist as he breathed in your scent. “Fenrys please, you’re scaring me.”
 He pulled away from you and you reached up, stroking a hand down his face and looking up at him with nothing but concern in your eyes, eyes that were searching his for any clues of why he was acting this way.
“I though you were- I thought someone had,” he struggled to get the words out, pulling you even closer, one hand tangling itself in your hair as you furrowed your eyebrows at him, kissing his sharp jaw.
 “Slow down love, tell me what happened,” your soothing voice calmed him, his breath coming easier as you moved a hand to his shoulder, your loving grip grounding him.
 “I had a dream, then I woke up and you weren’t hear and I- I thought someone had taken you,” he whispered, eyes filling with tears as he pictured your lifeless eyes and limp body.
 “Oh my love, I’m sorry,” you pulled away from him, clasping his large hand in your smaller one and pulling him to your shared bedroom, “But you know I’m not easy to kidnap, I make too much noise.”  You joked, holding his hand to your mouth, and kissing it lightly as you walked over to your bed.
 He sat down first, and you stood between his legs, his arms wrapping tightly around you again. “Don’t joke about that,” he muttered into your stomach, but he couldn’t resist the smile forming.
 You pushed his head back and climbed into his lap, arms resting on his shoulders. “I mean honestly, if I ever got taken hostage I’m pretty sure I’d annoy them into letting me go, I’d just start explaining my top three reasons why every Jane Austen novel contains gay subtext.”
 “Or you could explain to them the tier list you and Aelin made of all the men you know.” Fenrys laughed as your eyes lit up.
 “I forgot about that!” you exclaimed and Fenrys laughed, lying down, and pulling you with him as he tickled your sides, revelling in your squeals as you batted your hands at him.
 When you calmed down, breathing quickly you rolled off Fenrys as he nestled himself between your breasts, holding you close.
 “Please never leave me,” he whispered into your chest as he listened to the steady beat of your heart as it created a song just for him. The vulnerability in his voice broke you and you moved a hand to his head, stroking lightly.
“Never.” You spoke with such surety that Fenrys let out the exhale he had been holding in. “I am never going to leave you, I’m always going to be by your side.”
“I love you so much, so much when I thought you were gone, I felt sick. I can’t do this without you.” He whispered into your skin. “Sometimes I’m scared that one day I’ll wake up and all this will have been a dream. And I’ll have to lie with Maeve again and kill for her and watch her hurt Conall and it will be so much worse, because I’ll remember this softness, I’ll remember you and maybe one day I’d find you and you wouldn’t recognise me, and for the rest of my life I’d think of you, of the woman I never got to love.”
“This is real.” You whispered, kissing his head, and ignoring the tears welling in your eyes, “I’m real, you’re real. We’re real Fenrys.”
He didn’t reply, just buried his face deeper into your chest, addicted to the feel of your heartbeat. The constant reminder that you were here, you were alive. After he lost his brother you noticed Fenrys had become clingier, you initially presumed it was just because he was in mourning and needed comfort but one night he had drunkenly confessed his biggest fear to you. The nightmares he would have where you left him, told him you hated him, and the worst of all, the nightmares in which he watched your life be cruelly ripped from you. He could live with you hating him and leaving him, knowing that somewhere in the world you were safe and breathing, but everyday he feared your death.
The mornings he would wake up and find you wincing, a hot water bottle pressed into your lower stomach, the thought of you in any form of pain ripping into him, making his heartbeat faster and his palms sweat. The powerful warrior brought to his knees for you, but you were always quick to reassure him with kisses and promises of staying in bed all day.
As he breathed in your scent now and listened to your heartbeat, happily surrounded by you and only you, he allowed himself to relax under you soft touch, his own heart slowing to beat with yours as the fear slowly melted from him.
He needn’t fear your death, as he knew that he would never let you die. No, instead he would always fall before you, sacrifice his own life, any life if it meant you survived. You were a Goddess sent to bless him and he would fall to worship before you, always.
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
So, with Kalmaar, he ofc immediately goes to his parents about his feeling, slightly placing his revenge on hold. They are...dubious about it, but Maya raises the point of how there has never been a human/merlopian hybrid before, and from what Ray has told them about having two EM parents it’s possible for Kai to have some water abilities himself, which could be what gave Kalmaar his feeling. So, they agree to look into it.
Moving on..... Uh. Kai doesn’t have a fun time in S6, as briefly as he’s there. You see, Nahdakahn knows exactly what buttons to press and is able to get Kai into a panicked state where he, on the verge of a panic attack and mental breakdown, just says “I wish that I could just be normal! I wish I could just go home! I wish I could be with dad and mom and father and Kal and Bentho and Nya!!!”
The “normal” comment comes from how they weren’t able to completely hide Kai’s heritage since yeah, there were other people on the boat who saw him. That and he also tried a lot less to keep it hidden. And because some humans are assholes, he has to deal with that.
So ofc, Nahdakahn interprets it in the worst ways and as two wishes. Kai is now a full human yes….but was also sent to where the fish fam currently were……which just so happened to be at the bottom of the ocean.
So yeah, double trauma for both groups. Kai got to experience what drowning felt like, and his fam was essentially forced to watch him die since there was nothing they could do. They were too far under to take him to the surface and too far from the palace to take him there.
But dw, it gets even worse.
You see, the whole reason Nahdakahn is being this malicious about Kai’s wishes is because he learned that Kai was the reason the Preeminent was destroyed, thereby destroying Djinjago.
Nahdakahn is then able to do a “oh? Is this not what you wanted? I thought you wished to be normal.” Which ofc sounds really bad since it’s in front of his family. “But, I understand. You grow tired of the stares in the street, how they whisper behind you back about what you are. Not human, not merlopian, not normal. Just a freak masquerading as one of them.”
This ofc supremely pisses off the fam. Like, weapons drawn ready to commit murder.
But then Nahdakahn stop them with a “ah ah ah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. After all, I am the only way your son has a chance at living. So go ahead. Make a wish.”
Trimaar ends up being the one to do it, and is smart enough to know this uh will twist it in anyway he can so says. “I wish for Kai to be sent safely to the surface without harm done upon him.”
Blah blah blah, your wish is yours to keep, Trimaar realizing “wait there’s a lot that could be interpreted” but too late BAM now Kai’s kinda stuck on the Misfortune’s Keep.
And he....generally has a pretty bad time. Think Jay but this time it’s personal.
However, Kai’s appearance had Trimaar get the Merlopian army and start heading to the surface. The remaining ninja have a brief moment of “are you kidding me two enemies at once” before learning that this is Kai’s lost family and they’re here to help.
So now the ninja have a whole ass fish army to help them, plus a very protective, very angry fish family.
But for the rest of canon, the only difference is that when they’re leaving Tiger Widow Island, Nya gets snatched along with Jay(who was taken because he hadn’t used his wish yet) and they aren’t stuck on the island, and then later that Kai gets sucked into the sword when the ninja launch their rescue mission.
But yeah, it gets all Un-Happened by Jay’s wish(which at seeing Kai physically hurt and being emotionally torn apart at his baby sister dying, wished that none of this ever happened and that Nahdakahn was never found), only like canon Nya and Jay still remember what happens.
Nya is now firmly on team Kai Is Alive and tells her parents everything about what happened and the wish Jay made, and more importantly where Kai is.
Unfortunately, they need to take some time and prepare. Trimaar and Maya have been doing their best over the years to open the populace possibly making bonds with the humans, but now it’s finally happening. They can’t just go up there out of no where, since from what Nya has told them 1) most humans don’t even know they exist and 2) in the past few years they have been subject of many attacks, mostly from non-humans, so they need to make sure the humans understand they don’t mean any harm.
So DotD happens, then the beginnings of S7 :)
Right out, Kai never liked the museum curator. Up to that point he’d only ever caught fleeting glimpse of him but something about him Kai just despised. As a result, he also visited the museum as scarcely as possible, and thus didn’t notice a very interesting painting containing a two very strange figures.
When he learns his name was Dr.Saunders.....things don’t go well.
It happened when Kai brought the helmet with his dad’s symbol on it. As much as he disliked the curator, he was the most likely to be able to recognize what kind of helmet it was.
Then in his anger he gets himself captured.
He’s taken to a special cell lined with vengestone and has guards around the clock, and Krux takes extra care to make sure Kai doesn’t know where Ray is.
ofc it’s around this time that the Merlopians arrive and express their wishes for a possible alliance between their two races. Unfortunately they showed up at literally the worst time, and double unfortunately the people in charge of diplomacy decide to bring some of the ninja in as an extra precaution because of the villains have been running around.
So the people who join the meeting are Lloyd and Jay from the ninja(they would’ve brought Kai but he hasn’t returned from his missions yet and isn’t answering their calls) as well as some police officers and from the Merlopians is the whole royal family plus a few guards.
Both Jay and Nya have a silent moment of staring at each other since “I know and I’m not sure you know but I think you know but I don’t want to say anything since you might not”
And just as they’re about to start, The Time Twins attack. Because why the hell not.
They’re actually able to hold them off for a while, but unfortunately there are too many Vermillion. Then Kalmaar whips out his Water Powers which causes him to get kidnapped since they need both Fire and Water masters for the blade.
While they’re recovering, Lloyd then gets a panicked call from Zane saying that he checked the museum footage and Kai has been captured. The gets overheard by the royal family, and then Lloyd asks why they looked so upset at which they learn(sans Jay since wish) that Kai is royalty. The eldest son actually, and thus first in line for the throne, as well as being presumed dead for the past five years.
So basically Krux has kidnapped the King and Queen’s husband, the crown prince, and the second in line prince(if anyone knows a more fancy term for this please let me know)
Maya, Trimaar, Nya and Benthomaar are not happy. Not with the Ninjagian people, no they’re fine, but they’re bout ready to murder Krux, and they don’t even know about Ray yet.
So they offer any help they can.
Zap back to how Kai and Kalmaar are doing.
Kalmaar is….kind feral tbh. Like, he’s biting, clawing, trying to strangle them with his tentacles, and before they got vengestone cuffs on him was trying very hard to drown anyone.
Ofc, this does little to the Vermillion and soon Kalmaar finds himself in the cell right next to Kai’s. He’s overjoyed to see his brother again, albeit upset that this is why.
They both reluctantly come to the conclusion that there isn’t much they can do at the moment, and there are many Vermillion guards right outside their cells, so they decide to start catching up.
And for pretty much the rest of the season canon is pretty much the same, just shuffle around the characters a bit and add a protective Fish Fam. 
Though their little trip back in time is quite sight for the Past EMs, especially because of how Kalmaar is using his powers, which leaves Kai mostly stuck in his Fish Form. This time they don’t even bother trying to explain, just give instructions on how to defeat the Vermillion and jumping into the battle. 
And I mean just imagine that from the EMs perspective. An enemy you thought you defeated just returned with a giant metal creature and an army of snake things that don’t look like any kind of Serpentine they’d ever seen. Then a shark person and squid person??? show up and not only do they know how to fight the snake things but they also seem to be Elemental Masters???? Despite the fact Ray is very much alive and they didn’t even know there was a Water EM. Then the two not only summon dragons but they also fuse their dragons into an even bigger one with two heads.
And then all of them disappear into the sky without a trace.
W i l d
But yeah, after that it calms down quite a bit. Kai spends the time skip before S8 reconnecting with his family and his dad, and through some tech courtesy of Borg they're able to bring Ray with them :D
And Kai actually goes to meet the Jade Royal Family since y’know. He’s the crown prince. He’s kinda important and legitimately forgot about it. Luckily Kalmaar is able to help coach Kai through it, but is also a bit smug about how he finally has something to teach to his older brother. Kai was actually the one who suggested asking the ninja for help protecting the mask.....but we know how that inevitably ends.
Bentho, Kal and Nya were actually on the ship for this particular adventure, and then Nya and Bentho were dragged along when they got sent to the First Realm. Bentho, despite being the youngest sibling and to the surprise of literally everyone, was actually really good with kids and spent the most time with Little Wu, right behind Cole.
But yeah S9......Nya and Bentho have a really bad time in the First Realm beause of the heat, but at least they don’t get captured. Kai on the other hand....
Yeah at some point he gets accidentally splashed with water and well.....it definitely doesn’t help with the Oni accusations. The Dragon Hunters decide to burn him along with the Wind Dragon, which moves up their Build Our Own Dragon time table.
After they escape Faith is actually pretty chill about the whole fish thing, but she does ask a lot of questions. 
And then S10..... kinda the same. They end up dropping off as many people as they can with the Merlopians since the smoke can’t reach them.
I might make a Part 3 for the rest of the seasons, but yeah. this is where we’re at.
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awkwards · 4 years
Kinktober Day 5. Aphrodisiac : Pleasurable Test | Overhaul
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Day 5: Aphrodisiac
Title: Pleasurable Test
Pairing: Overhaul x F!Reader
Count: 2.2k
Summary: You needed to make ends meet, and so you go to subject yourself to a testing center that will pay. Turns out, you’ve signed yourself up for way more than you expected. You should really read the fine print.
Warnings: Noncon, syringe, aphrodisiac, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, yandere, sadist overhaul
Note: It’s finals week and definitely starting to hit me. Also, thanks for all of the support! If you’d like to be tagged for my kinktober fics, dm me! My inbox is open~
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You snarled behind your gag at the man in the lab coat, who was currently coming at you with another needle. When he stepped close, you managed to kick the shot away.
“You can’t even handle one little girl. Pathetic.” A voice you haven’t heard before chides. A man wearing a plague mask and rather large coat with purple feathers stepped in. You could barely see him from where you’re restrained on the operating table. He snaps gloves onto his his, his eyes glaring at the subordinate. “And now that needle is filthy.”
“I’m so sorry sir!” you could see the sweat from the doctor, his face pailing. “She kicked me and it went flying!”
“Begone. I do not wish to hear your excuses.”
“Yes sir.” The guy practically runs from the room.
The man levels his gaze on you, judging.
You quirk an eyebrow at him, challengingly.
You’ve been here for a week. It was supposed to be one test, in which you got paid for. You took it because money was tight and you needed to pay rent. Little did you realize they would keep you kidnapped and subject to their devices because you were the “perfect candidate”.  Your fear has practically been pushed aside by your anger. For a week they’ve been sticking you with needles, running “tests”, keeping you on the edge of functioning. All you had left was your anger and attitude.
“What a nuisance.” The man sighs. His dark eyes scan your barely clothed body.
Quicker than you can move, the man has your legs pinned down, fastened in place just like your arms and neck are. A gasp of shock careens past your lips, silenced by the gag.
“That’s better.” He moves over to the counter where the equipment lays. He turns his back towards you. “Do you know who I am?”
“Well, I assume you’re the one in charge of these monkeys. Do you know who I am?” You bite at him.
“I am Kai Chisaki. You will address me as Overhaul.” He turns slowly, an intense look in his eyes that makes your skin crawl. “I know plenty about you. You are a quirkless individual. Your blood type is AB negative. You’re allergic to penicillin. You’ve lived in this city your whole life. I know you were adopted at the age 5. You had a kidney transplant at the age 12.”
“Your parents were brutally murdered when you were in high school by a villain attack. I know that the villain attack was actually a target for your father’s brother because he made some bad deals with the yakuza.” He grabs a needle and begins to mix a mystery pink liquid into it. You’re shaking by now. How does he know so much?  “You dropped out of high school quickly after, and less than two years later sold most of your adoptive parent’s belongings, and then the house.”
Overhaul takes deliberate and slow steps towards you, tapping the air bubbles out of the needle. “You moved into a seedy little apartment in the middle of town. You work at a small bar across from the noodle shop in the bad part of town because it was the only place that would hire you. This month you couldn’t make ends meet so you showed up here.”
A gloved hand drops onto your arm, thumb soothing over the prominent vein of yours. “And most importantly, I know your name isn’t actually Nakaya Kosuke. You, Miss (y/n), have quite the extensive history.”
You jerk hard at hearing your birth name. No one should know! Only your adoptive parents, who as he stated were dead, and the lawyer that erased your identity knew.
You try to speak through the gag, your words hushed.
An amused dark chuckle falls from him. “Oh, my apologies, did you want to speak?”
You nod your head.
His eyebrows raise, as if debating it. Finally, he unties the back of your gag. You spit it out, breathing in deeply. “Careful now, say something I don’t like and I’ll put it back on. Or I’ll remove your tongue.”
“Why am I here?”
He hums. “You are special. Did you know that your blood type is extremely rare?”
You clench your teeth, glaring at this cocky son-of-a-bitch. “I did.”
“Well, fortunately for us, your blood type was exactly what we’ve been looking for in our experiment. It’s extremely hard to come by a willing participant, too.”
“I’m not willing. I signed up for a test. One.”
His chuckle is light, and his eyes are wide with sadistic mirth. “No. You actually signed up until there was one successful test. So far, none of them have been such. It would appear someone didn’t read the fine print.”
Oh. Oh god. Did you really?
“No worries. You will be fully compensated. Well-” His eyes narrow. “If you live.”
Overhaul begins to prep the vein in your arm. “See, quirks are filthy. Those heroes parading around their quirks are but vermin on this earth. Pathetic. But you - no, you’re corrupted like those who roam the streets. Your blood is pure. Your genes are clean. You and I are far more similar than you might think, y/n.“
“What are you going to do to me?” Fear is fully controlling your mouth now. You shiver as he sanitizes the area he plans on injecting you.
“I have reason to believe that your blood will be the perfect capsule to carry my new invention. It’s a device that will remove the quirks of those who come in contact with it.” The look in his eyes turned wild, excited. You shiver. “My parents were ripped away from me, too. Those heroes did nothing to save them. Yet, they parade around the world as if we, the common folk, owe them. Not for long. Now, don’t make too much of a noise; I’d rather not have to remove your tongue.”
The prepped needle’s cap comes off, and the metal slides into your skin. You whimper, looking away as Overhaul begins to press its contents into your bloodstream. As quick as it began, it ended. He wipes away the lone blood drop before pressing a bandaid against you.
“Normally I would never dream of coming so close to an individual. But you are different from the filth filling this world.” Gloved hands grab your chin, turning you to look into his eyes. “You’re pure. Perfect. And I plan on taking full advantage of that, my sweet Y/N.”
Tears burn your eyes, your lip trembling. You finally let your body relax. This time you were truly fucked. He pulls his hand away, throwing away the needle tip of the syringe. You watch him walk away, back to the counter where he removes his gloves and washes his hands and arms.
A warmth began to fill your system. You shoot a concerned look at Overhaul. It was like your body was warming up from the inside out, your blood beginning to boil. A feverish sweat was spreading over every inch of you. “Something’s wrong.” You croak out.
Overhaul turns back to glance at you, sweaty and blushed. A mild look of intrigue covers his face. “Oh?”
“It’s burning me.” You whine.
Your body is completely uncomfortable now. The warmth feels … different. Wrong even.
“Explain to me what is happening.” He dries his hands leisurely, watching you from across the room before putting on a new, clean pair of rubber gloves.
“I’m hot. It feels like my blood is boiling. I -” you whimper as the slightest movement of your head increases the feeling tenfold. “Please make it stop.”
Overhaul takes his time as he walks back over to you. He runs a finger over your pulsepoint. The single touch sends a wave of pleasure crashing through you, a moan following. “How interesting.”
You’re mortified and confused. You wish you could rub your thighs together at the uncomfortable feeling between them.
“I see now. The molecular constructs of those two vials creates an aphrodisiac.”
You pinch your eyes shut as his single digit drags down your arm, over the hospital gown you have. The thin fabric is too much. It feels as if it’s weighing you down and making it that much harder to breathe.
“I suppose I should relieve you. It’ll be the only way to collect your blood at the right molecular compounds,” He muses to himself, talking out loud as if you’re not there.
Overhaul pulls off the glove on his left hand. “If I hadn’t reassembled you already, I would let you suffer until the side effects wear off. But, because of me, you really are clean. You should thank me.”
Not knowing what to say, you watch the man through your watery tears. He presses his bare hand on your stomach. If you weren’t being restrained, you would have arched into his hand, moaning loud as pleasure floods your core.
When he removes his hand, your whole body shivers as air nips your bare skin. How? “Wh-what?”
He chuckles. “My quirk.”
You watch as Overhaul steps around your pinned body, coming close to your wet sex.
“What a mess you’ve made. Disgusting.” Despite his words, he runs his gloved hand up your right leg, stopping at the stop below your belly button. You can feel your walls flutter.
A choked out “Please,” tumbles from your lips. You’re so turned on it hurts. Your brain can’t think straight anymore.
You moan loudly as a single finger strokes your dripping lips. You roll your hips as best as you can to get more friction. He lets out a proper laugh at your discomfort, sliding his single digit past your folds.
“So needy. What would you do without me? If I wasn’t here to relieve you?”
Your walls flutter around his digit as he runs his finger against your inside. The burning in your blood only seems to increase at the slight relief. “Please, Overhaul please!”
At your pitiful begging, he slides another finger in, stretching your walls. He works the two digits in a slow and methodical pace, scissoring you. You whine and cry, grinding your hips into his fingers. When he curls the two fingers and strokes the spongy spot inside you, a coil snaps, and you cum hard around him.
He doesn’t stop, continuing to pump his fingers inside you. You moan as you come down from your high.
The heat inside dims for the barest of moments before firing back up with a vengeance.
“Did that make you feel better?” He mocks, putting more force behind his motions.
You gasp as the coil of pleasure begins again. “It hurts! I need more, please!”
“Patience, little one. You’ll get your release. Soon, you’ll be begging me to stop.”
As if to prove his point, he uses his thumb to stroke your clit hard. Your walls flutter and drip around his gloved fingers as you feel yourself close to the crest again. “Oh - Oh, oh please!” You wail.
“Cum again, pet.”
You do. Your walls spasm as you tip over, shaking in your restraints as a sigh leaves you.
He doesn’t stop. The fire inside is rapidly dwindling, and you flinch at the touch.
“Oh, are you sensitive already?” He muses. “It won’t last long.”
True to your words, the fire picks up again. You sob as his touch hurts. It hurts yet is relieving you too. Tears stream down your face as you’re overstimulated, but the heat is still there.
“It's almost over. Hold on just a bit longer.”
Overhaul fingers you faster, making the coil of pleasure twist quicker and harder than the last two orgasms. You sob as you near the edge again.
“Last one. Give me one more. Cum over my fingers.”
“I can’t!” You cry out, rocking your hips into his fingers despite what you say.
“You can. And you will.” You can hear the squelching as his fingers target your g-spot, his thumb rolling your clit hard. “Cum again y/n.”
A scream rips from your throat as you’re forced over the edge of another orgasm. Your entire body tenses, and white fills your eyes. Overhaul drags his fingers out of you slowly, making you wince from the overstimulation. He tears the glove covered in cum off of his hand before sliding a new set on.
Panting hard, you come down again, body relaxing. Your blood no longer feels like you’re being boiled alive.
You flinch as a syringe is forced into your arm, and watch in sick curiosity as he draws blood from you. Even the touch of the needle makes you quiver, your entire body too sensitive for touch.
“Shh, it’ll be okay. You did so well.”
You moan, shaking as he places a bandage over your skin again. Your head swims as black dots at the edge of your vision.
You look up at him, and can tell even from behind his mask that he’s smiling. “I’ll be back tomorrow. Rest well, pet.”
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wandering-travesty · 3 years
Call Me By Your Name
    You weren’t sleezy. That was just a word idiots used to try and pull you down to their level. Yes, your hair was slicked back. Yes, your eyeshadow was dark as the night. Yes, your suit jacket barely covered your chest. Yes, your nails were painted black and sharp as daggers. But, no, you weren’t sleezy. You were dressed for your job. What was your job? Well, that was a bit more complicated….
 “I need you to get close to him.” Erwin said coolly, stubble covered chin resting on his strong hands.
 “I’m sorry?” You asked, genuinely hoping you had too much wax lodged in your ear canals.
 “You heard him.” You met the glare of the midget standing behind your boss.
 “Okay, smartass, I did. But you can’t be serious, boss! He’s beyond dangerous. Shouldn’t someone like,” you gestured in Levi’s direction, “one of the Ackermans take care of this? I’m not discounting myself or anything, but fucking with a Yeager is basically a suicide mission.” You were actually shocked Erwin asked you to do something so important. More so, dangerous. You weren’t exaggerating when you said it was a death sentence. You’d lost enough comrades to know that.
 “Listen, he’s the key to taking down the Marlian Syndicate.” You knew that, but still, this seemed out of left field. “The Ackermans are strong, yes, but they lack a certain…”
 “They’re not ready to whore themselves out. Just say that, Smith.” You understood now. The Ackermans were cold blooded killers ready to strike at any moment. However, they were awkward and completely inept at things like lust and heated and frankly revolting rendezvous. That was how he wanted you to get information for him.
 Erwin wanted you to fuck the leader of the Marlian Syndicate.
 “I wouldn’t use that wording exactly, but your assumption is correct.” Levi couldn’t seem to meet your gaze, but Erwin continued to stare straight into your soul. He was the leader of La Peste Eldienne (The Eldian Plague) for a reason. Strong, debonair, charming, and slightly insane. He could down a beer in one swig, sip a martini all night long, or abstain from alcohol completely. Whatever he needed to do, he did. He murdered, sent the idiotic young and the hopeless old to their deaths just the same, and could absolutely wine and dine a stranger until their clothes practically flew off their body if it was for the cause. You needed to be like that. Especially at a time like this.
 “I’ll do it. And I’ll do it well.” You assured your boss and his partner. Yeah, this would be easy. You could go low as the scum you were about to completely fuck over. You had been climbing up the ranks as of late, so this would be easy as pie.
Before going on your little date: you made a mental note of the main players you would have to deal with. The list you had went something like this:
Porco Galliard: Complete idiot. All brawn, no brain. Basically a bouncer with a fancier jacket and a higher salary. No worries about him doing anything funny.
Pieck Finger: The sweet little thing they kept around for good reason. Part of you wished you had to deal with her instead. She was witty and had a surprising amount of control over the shipments of cocaine and ammunition that went on about the city. Her pretty face and calm demeanor hid her true genius. She was one of the more concerning figures at tonight’s gig, but also one of the one’s more willing to hear you out before killing you.
Colt Grice: Basically a smarter but weaker version of Galliard. He was really only part of the Syndicate to learn from the best and become a great mafioso one day. You had high hopes for him, despite yourself.
Bertholdt Hoover: A freakishly tall mix of the last three members of the gang. So sweaty and shaky he wasn’t allowed to handle guns under any circumstance. That told you all you needed to know about his threat level.
Annie Leonhardt: Tiny, quiet ball of rage and skill. Could murder you in an instant, but would only do so if ordered. Not a concern unless someone else found you out, or you didn’t like being glared at all night.
Reiner Braun: His personality changed with the passing minutes. Could be calm and almost kind, or could snap your neck like a twig in his giant ass hand. He was a wildcard, and a dangerous one. Though he was obsessed with following orders and being the perfect little soldier boy, so you didn’t need to worry about him if no one told him to start shooting.
Yelena: Even more freakishly tall than Hoover. Also freakishly obsessed with the gang leader and his “master plan”, whatever the hell that was. Maybe you would find out tonight. Anyways, she would only do anything if you threatened the boss in any way. If you did your job right, that wouldn’t be an issue.
Eren Yeager: Easily the most brash and idiotic member of the gang. His problem was that he was trigger happy. In this business, trigger happy meant dozens of dead innocents piled up on the club floor in an instant. You had to be careful around him. Unlike most of the others, he would kill you without thinking.
And the top dog. The man of the hour. The man you had to seduce:
Zeke Yeager: Think Erwin but with more wit and charm. Not to mention more of a sadistic mindset. His favorite game was cat and mouse, seeing how long it took before he had a good excuse to have someone drawn and quartered. His expertise was slow torture that the victim didn’t even really know was happening before the barrel of the gun was already pointed to their temple. And you had to fuck him so stupid he leaked confidential information.
 The only other issue with Zeke was his habit of sleeping around. Yes, he was a tramp by most standards. A harlot with exotic tastes. You had heard stories of him seducing women and men alike, and god only knew what they did once he succeeded. What that meant for you was he would be hard to impress.
 So, you were here to beat him at his own game. And if you were found out, his younger brother would most likely shoot you on the spot. That was, if one of the others did it first. Or even worse, Zeke decided to be a tried and true asshole and torture you to death. The options were endless, and you hated them all.
 So there you sat, ass perched on a bar stool, sipping on a gin rickey and waiting for your opportunity. The room smelled strongly of tobacco, rum, and cinnamon. At least you would die surrounded by what you loved, you thought, laughing grimly to yourself. Men and women danced to slow songs you faintly recognized. The air buzzed with haughty laughter and upper class small talk. You barely had any idea how to interact with high society shitheads as high and mighty as the ones Yeager surrounded himself with. You weren’t often sent out to jobs like this. You were like Levi, born in the slums and never taught how to properly behave. You knew what you had to, much like your knowledge of the goings on of La Peste Eldienne. You knew your gang traded drugs, ammunition, and whatever else was a hot commodity at the time, but nothing other than that. You were actually quite glad to know nothing, since that made you a pretty unimportant person to rival gangs. Not as many death threats and kidnapping attempts came your way, unlike the ones Erwin, Hange, and Levi got every day. You were quickly pulled out of your thoughts on the gang hierarchy.
 “Excuse me, miss. The boss wants to chat with ya’ real quick.” A man with greasy hair and green, catlike eyes softly gripped your shoulder. Considering what you knew of Galliard, you figured that grip wouldn’t be soft for much longer if you didn’t do as he suggested.
 “Oh, alright. Did he happen to mention why?” You were genuinely curious. Porco didn’t offer you any solid answer, but there was a reasonable explanation.
 Zeke wanted to get his rocks off. Parties could be interesting, with the right people, of course. The right people hadn’t happened to show up that night. You, on the other hand, seemed interesting. To be frank, you were gorgeous. Even from a distance, he could tell there was something behind your eyes that spelled trouble. He loved people like you. Vicious, cunning, witty, all hidden behind an uninterested and bored demeanor. Those were the people he wanted around him. The best examples were Pieck, and surprisingly, Levi. They seemed to be completely different people than the ones hiding behind their eyes, and Zeke loved to see how long it took to break them down. Well, he was a bit kinder to Pieck, but you and Ackerman got the rough treatment.
 “Zeke, what the hell’re you doin’?” Eren pulled him out of his rather disgusting thoughts of…things better left unsaid.
 “I’m going to talk to a woman, Eren. What does it seem like I’m doing?” Zeke had a sharp tongue and quick wit, which he didn’t spare even his brother from.
 “I get that, but why that one? She seems…shady t’me. I wouldn’t let ‘er get too close, y’know?”
 “Eren, please be rational.” Zeke held a palm out in front of Eren, as if to physically stop his train of thought. “You and Yelena will shoot at the first sign of danger, so inviting this lovely woman to join us for a harmless chat isn’t a danger in the slightest.” Zeke reassured his brother, neglecting to tell him his true intentions. He was sure that would just make him more upset and skittish, which was dangerous for everyone there.
 “’Kay, boss. Got the dame ya’ asked for.” Porco trudged to the brothers’ secluded table with you in tow. He had kept one hand on your shoulder and the other right above your ass. The two main reasons being: one, he didn’t want someone so seemingly important to escape his grip, and two, you had a nice ass.
 “Ah, thank you Galliard…you can let her go now.” He gave Porco a knowing smirk. He let you go immediately and walked away, cheeks slightly reddened. Zeke didn’t want someone else touching his new toy.
 “I’m sorry if this comes off as rude, but did you need something from me? That man made me leave my gin at the bar and I would like to finish it at some point.” Oh, Zeke was going to love you. You weren’t flighty or scared in the slightest. He knew you had seen some serious shit. Not to mention how you cared more about your alcohol than a dangerous mafia boss and his younger brother ordering you over to their table. You were attractive and relatable. What a catch.
 “My apologies, Galliard tends to be a bit, how do you say, brutish. Feel free to order something new and sit down with us.” He gave you a smile that told you it wasn’t a suggestion. This guy was already just as bad as everyone had told you. He hailed a waiter over to the table. You knew that wasn’t some kind gesture, rather a show of how much power he had over everyone there. His long, thick fingers and suave smile also showed you how easily swayed you could be by dashing looks and raw power.
 He held himself like a king but talked like a philosopher. At the same time, he was down to earth yet still slightly condescending. You never knew where you stood with him, and he liked it that way. His flaxen hair was parted down the middle, and unlike most of the men there along with yourself with their hair hardened with pomade, it was fluffy and moved as he gestured wildly when he spoke. He tended to talk with his hands, once again drawing attention to just how attractive they were. His face was indescribably beautiful. His eyes were like stormy oceans cascading with passion and intrigue. His lips looked soft and plush with a wonderful roseate hue. His beard was well groomed and framed his sharp jaw perfectly. His gold rimmed glasses had a habit of hiding his eyes when thrown into direct light, which often happened with how he talked with his whole body. The way he constantly made direct eye contact with you had you lost in a daze of desire and fear. Was this all some sick ploy to get you to slip up and get everyone you loved killed along with yourself? Or was he seriously that interested in you?
 Eren was quiet most of the time, unless Zeke spoke to him. He didn’t like you. You were too similar to Zeke for his tastes.
 “Say, Eren, could you pass me a smoke?”
 “Oh, so you do have vices. See, you never ordered a drink for yourself, so I assumed you were a man above pleasures of the flesh.” You flashed a toothy grin at him, signaling that it was just playful banter. You two were both rather good at that.
 “My dear, the more you get to know me, the better you will understand just how enthralled with earthly pleasures I am.” He winked, and it sent you to the moon with want. How could a man be so gorgeous, charming, dangerous, and sadistic all at the same time? And why did you have to deal with it? You needed him out of his right mind, but it seemed like that could never happen. Whether it came from alcohol, drugs, or sex. You planned to use a mixture of all three. As you continued your playful jabs and taunts at each other, you found your opportunity to seal the deal. One sniff of the white stuff and he was putty in your hands.
 “Now you know, Mr. Yeager, gin isn’t my only vice.” You kept your usual sly tone.
 “Oh really? That is quite the interesting thing to say.” He matched your energy perfectly. This was too good.
 “Have you ever happened to try, well, what do they call it these days? Well, I tend to call it blow. Snow, stardust, snort, sugar, crack, whichever you prefer, I suppose.” Oh, how brave of you to mention your own trade to your top competitor.
 “Why, yes, I have indeed partook in snorting blow. Is there any reason as to why you’re asking me that right now, darling?” You wished he would stop with the pet names. Or rather, you wished you would stop loving them so much. It felt dirty to enjoy your enemy’s company to this extent.
 “Well, I was wondering if you might like to sneak off and try some of my personal mix.” You leaned in close, covering the side of you mouth with your hand. Eren wasn’t a bad kid or anything, but he’d mess with your plan, and you couldn’t have that. Especially not with his slippery ass trigger finger.
 “Your own personal mix, eh? Don’t tell me you’re involved in the trade, now.” He leaned in just shy of touching your lips. “That wouldn’t be very good for either of us, sweetheart.” That’s it, you were fucking this man if it was part of your plan or not. The entire thing could go south, and you’d still want this man’s dick in your mouth. You didn’t really care anymore. He was too hot to handle, and you were this close to cracking under the pressure. Zeke was right, you were fun to play with.
 “Not at all, I just happen to know the right people.” You grinned at him, knowing you technically weren’t lying. It was your own little inside joke, or so you thought.
 The next thing you knew you were in Zeke’s penthouse, smashed up against the wall with a hand around your neck. By all accounts, this is what you wanted, but it was also quite the opposite.
 “Dearest, I find it insulting that you think I would fall for that pitiful act.” He had you figured out from the moment you walked in. Zeke Yeager never forgot a pretty face. He’d wanted to have you naked in his bed for months, and here you were, all helpless and needy. You were adorable, thinking you could get whatever you wanted from him.
 “Smith was a fool to send anyone, let alone a little minx like you.” You hated how good being insulted by this bitch felt. How did he make it so that your panties got wetter every time he called you a different synonym for whore? It was so awful and so amazing.
 “I’m the slut, yet you’re the one actively trying to fuck me? Do I have that right?” You quipped the best you could from under the pressure of his strong hand.
 “Alright then, we’re both sluts. But the difference between us is that I admit it, yet you pretend to be this perfect little princess in order to fuck powerful men like me.” His grip on your neck tightened as if to add injury to insult.
 “Don’t insult me,” you had to catch your breath between each word, “I fuck men ten times more powerful than you.” But, god was it worth it. You figured he might slap you or otherwise reprimand you, but no, the bastard just smiled wide. What a fucking asshole.
 “Maybe to you.” He widened his cheshire grin. “Maybe you think Erwin’s more powerful. That he has a bigger cock and sucking it will get you further in life.” He pushed you further into the wall. “Or maybe letting Ackerman smack your ass will earn you some cash. Or having Zacharius sniff around your cunt instead of your neck will rise you up the ranks, hmm?” You just grimaced at him, knowing none of it was true. “Or maybe,” he let out a chuckle, “letting Zoe do whatever the hell they’re into will get you more coke and gin.” He was mocking you, ruthlessly, with no signs of stopping, and without letting you get a word in. You were starting to see black spots in your line of vision.
 “Well, fucking with me will get you much more, angel.” He finally let your neck go, letting you fall to the ground, left to look up at the devil in front of you.
 “You fucking suck.” You glared at him, not necessarily trying to hide how much you were enjoying this. As it happened, you weren’t some innocent angel. No, you weren’t a sadistic maniac like Zeke, but you knew what you wanted, and it wasn’t necessarily vanilla. As if reading your earlier thoughts, he bent down to your place on the floor.
 He slapped you, and it wasn’t gentle.
 “You’re a sloppy whore on your best days, now get up and strip.” Well if worst came to worst, you could say that you got him where you wanted him…just not exactly how you wanted him, or with a guarantee you would get what you wanted out of him. Honestly, you felt kind of flattered by his attention and apparent need to fuck you.
 “God, do I have to do everything for you, sweetheart?” Apparently you had been standing around catching your breath too long for his liking. He had made quick work of his own jacket, shirt, and dress pants, leaving him in a black pair of boxers. You hated admitting how magnificent he looked. He was muscular, but not in the same way someone like Reiner or Erwin was. Every single limb on him was lengthy and wiry, thus the bruise marks forming on your neck. While on the subject of length, from what you could see, it applied to his cock as much as it did his other appendages. If it looked that good through the black fabric, you couldn’t even dream of what it would look like out in the open, slapping against his defined v-line and abs.
 You hadn’t even noticed him getting closer to you, completely forgetting about his earlier demand turned complaint.
 “Not only are you a harlot, you’re a useless one, as well.” He came close enough for you to smell the hints of smoke, pine, and black tea that wafted off of him. He started playing with the collar of your shirt. “But damn if you aren’t a pretty one…” He said that more to himself than you, clearly not being comfortable complimenting you. He saw you as a toy, a pawn in his game of chess he was playing with the rest of the world.
 You decided that would be your last deep thought as he began to undress you. Nimbly moving his fingers down each button of your dress shirt, until it came completely undone and bore your chest to him. You were by no means flat, which seemed to entertain the man in front of you.
 “I knew you’d be the perfect slut for me.” He groped your breasts through your bra, hands greedy with the clear goal of making you yearn for him. “Perfect tits, soft skin, pretty face, nice ass, strong will. Yeah, you’ll be fun to break.” He gave you one of his signature smirks, making you want to crush his windpipe and deepthroat his dick at the same time.
 You shrugged your top off your shoulders and let him snake his arms around your chest to undo your bra and expose your tits to the cool air of the room. He didn’t waste time kissing your filthy mouth, and instead skipped straight to your sensitive neck. He slowly dragged his soft lips down your throat, kissing his way over to both sides and under your jaw. He licked and sucked at any area that made you gasp or let out some embarrassing little noise you tried to desperately to hide. He hated how you hid, he needed you to need him, to want him at a level beyond human comprehension. He wanted to destroy you, do break you down to your most animalistic and pitiful form. You were strong, that was for damn sure, but he wanted to fix that.
 He took all this into account as he began nipping at the tops of your breasts. He moved from one to the other with no clear pattern. He dragged his tongue down to your right nipple, only touching the tip of his tongue to it, making you shiver in anticipation and let out a small whine. Yes, that was the progress he wanted to see from you. He swirled his tongue around it, slowly making his way to the center, harshly sucking it into his mouth. He pulled his sinful mouth away from you, leaving a trail of saliva connecting him to you. He quickly made his way to your other nipple, doing the same and driving you just as wild.
 “You know, it wouldn’t hurt you to make more noise, darling.” He teased, sounding genuinely annoyed with you.
 “Well, maybe if you did a better job, I would be louder.” You had discovered your talent of keeping up with his smart mouth, and you used it to your advantage. You wanted to rile him up; to get a rise out of him. As previously stated, you didn’t want a vanilla little love making session, you wanted to fuck.
 “Alright then, if you’re so keen on keeping quiet,” he put his rough hands on your bare shoulders, pushing you back onto the ground, this time on your knees, “how about I stuff that mouth?” You hated how good he was at turning you on.
 He pulled his dick out right in front of your face, letting it lay on his toned abs, just as you had envisioned it. It was easily 10 inches long, 5 inches thick, with a slight upturn that could drive you insane if it hit the right spots, which it would. It was flushed pink and dripping pre-cum; it was pretty.
 “Well, are you just going to gawk at it or are you going to make yourself useful, slut?” The sweet pet names were out the window, swiftly replaced with the most debasing insults he could think of. To avoid any more of his smart ass remarks, you took his thick cock in your hands. You slowly stroked it, taking in exactly how big it was. You moved your plush lips closer, giving it a few small kitten licks to test the waters. You kissed the head and gave longer licks up the side, earning a grunt or two from the man above you. As you began to swirl your tongue around his tip, his strong hand came down and pushed on the back of your head. It wasn’t gentle, forcing you to take him down your throat. Considering his size, it was no shock that you choked on it at first, but he kept his hand on your hair, forcing you to stay on him.
 “That’s it, sweetheart, keep that dirty mouth on fat cock.” Tears starting pooling in your eyes as you struggled to breath around his length. “Aww, are you actually crying?” He cooed, taking sick pleasure in mocking you. “How pathetic of you, darling.” His words send shockwaves of shame and pleasure down to your core. You abhorred how badly you needed him inside of you. As he let out a low moan, he pulled you off his cock, tugging your hair just enough to make you even wetter.
 “Alright, angel. I’m not a big fan of blowjobs, so we’ll leave it at that.” You coughed a little as he bent down to your heaving form.
 “Really? That’s a shock.” That was your genuine reaction. You were far too fucked out to be a smart ass at this point.
 “Yeah, you’re not the first to make that observation.” Much to your surprise, he picked you up bridal style, barely breaking a sweat in the process of getting you to his bedroom. Though the lights were on, you couldn’t take in many details, your cock drunk state making it difficult to process anything other than the warm, bare skin of the monster you tried so hard to vanquish.
 “Now, lets get these cute little panties off, hmm?” You had forgotten him taking off your pants in the heat of the moment. His menacing figure loomed overtop of you, slowly sinking down to your thighs. He placed licks and kisses all over them, leaving a few bite marks along with them. You moaned louder than before, feeling too blissed out to care about your pride. You felt large, tepid fingers hooking themselves between your legs and into your panties. He pulled them to the side, wanting to really take you in. Despite his lust for power and dominance, he much preferred giving head to receiving it, especially when it came to women and their soft, tender pussies. You were no exception to this rule.
 “Goddamn you’re fucking wet.” You looked up at you, making you lean your head back to avoid his gaze. “You must like me more than you care to admit, sweetie.” Just after saying this, he ran one long finger up your dripping slit, coating his fingertip in your slick. He looked at it shimmering in the low light of the room, grinning before taking it into his mouth and tasting what your cunt had to offer.
 “You taste like heaven. Surprising, considering what a nasty girl you are.” Unlike you, he could keep that smartass act up for hours on end, no matter how lost in your sex he was. He landed a chaste kiss to your throbbing heat before flattening his tongue to lick a fat stripe up the middle. He began to devour you, making the lewdest noises you had ever heard in the process. You felt amazing, and disgusting, and just about every other emotion you had ever felt in your life. He was a god at eating your pussy, feeling no remorse in having his lips and beard dripping with your juices. To hell with the burn marks he left on your thighs and the burning sense of guilt you had for moaning so loud and creaming all over the face of your greatest enemy. Shame and guilt were for foolish children with no place in the world, Zeke wanted to enjoy every last second of destroying you.
 As he continued to lick and suck at your most sensitive spots, you began to feel your stomach tighten, signaling your closeness. Zeke noticed as well, taking note of your erupting moans and groans and tugs at his silky hair. He moaned on your clit, the vibrations sending you over the edge. You came all over his face, arching your back of the soft sheets and making you scream his name. He kept his lips attached to your clit as you came down from your high, keeping you ensnared in his trap of bliss.
 “God, you moan like a fucking whore, you know that?” The way he insulted you felt disgustingly good, especially coming from such a obnoxiously handsome man.
 “And you eat pussy like a god.” The veil of hatred came off in one foul swoop. You couldn’t hold back how you truly felt about Zeke Yeager. You were in love with the way he treated you, and spoke to you, and ate you, and soon enough, fucked you. He was so damn good, and you just hated to love and loved to hate him.
 “Oh, do I now?” He let out a low chuckle, taking pride in how helpless and stupid he had made you. “Does that make me your god, pet?” It wasn’t a real question. He knew the answer, and he loved that answer: yes.
 “Now, how about I partake in some earthly pleasures and fuck your brains out, sweetheart?” He questioned, moving his arms up to rest on both sides of your head. His face was right above yours, lips hovering over your breathless, panting ones.
 “Yes, please.” Your eyebrows scrunched together as you grew impatient and needy as all hell. Zeke had a sinister idea. God was a nice term, but he could think of a better one.
 “How about you beg daddy for it?” He was such a disgusting pervert, and he relished in it. You mustered all the strength you could in order to speak.
 “Please fuck my pussy, daddy.” That was all he needed to push himself inside your tight heat. Your walls clenched as he thrusted balls deep inside of you, not caring if you needed to adjust or not. Luckily, you didn’t, despite his size.
 “Fuck yes, angel. You’re so goddamn tight.” He thrusted into you with reckless abandon, using you more than making love to you, which is exactly what you both wanted. Your walls clenched and throbbed as he brought you to orgasm once again.
 “Cumming all over my cock, sweetheart? Such a dirty whore.” He teased, continuing his motions, hitting your g-spot over and over again without much issue. His dick was perfect, reaching every inch of you that made you scream out in pleasure and overstimulated bliss. All of this for a few bags of cocaine and bullets. You weren’t even thinking of that as he pounded into you, getting rougher and sloppier than before. He was getting close to his own high just as you were about to reach your third. No one had ever made you feel like this. You never wanted to let him go. Fuck everyone you cared about, this was too damn good to throw away.
 “Where do you want my cum, slut?” He asked seconds before climaxing.
 “Wherever you want it, daddy.” That was exactly what he wanted to hear. You had been molded into the perfect toy for him, even if it was just for the moment. He had debased and perverted you, like putty in his hands. You thought you could just waltz in there and take what you wanted from him. But no, instead you were writhing around on his bed with his fat cock filling up your pussy while you screamed for your daddy. You were filthy, slutty perfection. He quickly pulled out of you and shot his cum on your stomach and chest. Noticing you were still squirming around, he pushed his thumb to your clit and rubbed circles as two of his fingers entered you and hit your sweet spot.
 “Come on, slutty girl, cum for daddy.” This time felt different than the others. You were completely out of your mind with pleasure and lust, and he was hitting just the right spots. You came around his fingers, squirting your juices and ruining his sheets. As if he could sense it, he had moved his face down just in time for it to reach his mouth, coating yet another layer of your cum on his beard. He licked his lips, savoring you taste and the blissed out, fuck drunk look on your face. He wished he could keep you like this forever. No, he would make sure to keep you like this forever. You were going to be his for the rest of time, no matter what it took. Even if he had to play the long game and pretend you had a choice in the matter.
 “Well, sweetheart, I’m afraid you have to go home empty handed. I’m sure those tarts will just pat you on the head and congratulate you for trying your best. That’s why they’ll never surpass me, and that’s why you will come crawling back to me.” You couldn’t respond, too disappointed and drained to say a word.
 “I have a shower that I recommend you use.” He looked down at you, your eyes hazy and barely focused on him. You were completely exposed to him. You looked beautiful. “In an act of civility, I’ll let you sleep here tonight. On a different bed, of course, considering the damage you’ve done.” You laughed at that, and he followed suite.
 “You know Zeke, for a monster, you’re not too bad.” You looked at him, admiration clear in your eyes.
 “You’re not too unbearable either.”
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cinnamonest · 4 years
Alright, first things first. Since I was asked so kindly by that other anon the other day, I shall give some more Ragvindr/Alberich sibling content. This won’t be the only content I submit tonight, but I’ll number asks that go together separately.
So, first off, I would like to just put it out there that it’s no coincidence that this particular darling is so especially naive, stupid, innocent, and vulnerable to becoming the perfect prey for a yandere. Oh no. You were raised with that outcome in mind. That’s right, it’s due to the way daddy Crepus raised you when you were young, raised all his kids really. He looked at his sons, both bio and adopted and just knew they would grow into fine yanderes and trained and guided them as such, but you, you could never. From the minute he first held you (whether that be when you were born or when he first adopted you) he knew you were too sweet to be anything other than the perfect little darling. So he raised you to be oblivious and affectionate, to not know how to do much other than basic cooking and household chores, to not question things too much, to rely heavily on him and your brothers. It was all to prepare you for your future yandere (which he secretly hoped would be one of his sons, and thus he may or may not have planted some ideas into their heads about that before he died; reinforcing in them how sweet and innocent their little sib is, how they need to be protected from the world, for her own good, how any other man would simply corrupt them or be unable to care for them properly, the way they deserve to be cared for, how only they were worthy of having their sib’s perfection)
Now picture this, you are Diluc’s bio sib, but leave the Winery after Crepus dies. Maybe you go with Kaeya specifically, maybe you don’t, maybe you just didn’t want to be alone in the Winery while Diluc went on his years long quest for vengeance. Either way, you don’t live there anymore, and while it kills him that he abandoned you and thus ceded ground on winning you over to Kaeya, there’s not much he can do at this point. Meanwhile, even though you don’t live with Kaeya, (haven’t yet been kidnapped by him) you did indeed grow closer to him while Diluc was gone. Close enough that he feels completely comfortable asking you to come with him to some big party for some important holiday in Mondstadt which is being hosted in the Knights of Favonius HQ, as it’s the only building big enough. You’re so innocent you think he merely invited you as his sib rather than the date he truly intended it as but he’s willing to allow you the misconception for a little while longer. He knows that soon there will be no room for doubt, or refusal, of his intentions. Of course in your daily letter to Diluc (one of his many conditions for allowing you to continue living off of the winery grounds) you mention the party and Kaeya’s invitation. Jealousy burns within him when he reads that. He doesn’t know what exactly Kaeya’s planning, but he knows that traitorous bastard will ruin you. So even though he dislikes parties and loathes the knights, he resolves to go, to protect you. In the meantime he starts looking into things he can do to bring you back home with him where you belong.
Time-skip to the day of the party. You show up with Kaeya and you’re having a good time even though you’re hanging off his arm nearly the entire time because you don’t know most of these people. You apologize to him that you’re keeping him from enjoying the party, but like the good big brother he is, Kaeya replies that he doesn’t mind at all and in fact couldn’t fully enjoy himself if he didn’t know you were safe, and the only way he can confirm that is if you are right next to him at all times. “After all, you never know where danger could be lurking, can’t be too careful.” He says with a grin. Meanwhile, Diluc is in the corner of the room lurking, gritting his teeth as he watches this snake with his oblivious sib on his arm, unaware of the danger they’re in. You don’t realize Diluc is there, he never told you he would be and you know your brother hates parties so you had no reason to think he’d be there. Kaeya however knew the other was there from the moment that you two arrived and is absolutely loving the fury and jealousy he can see on his face. He dances with you, hugs you, wipes a bit of food off your face, all the while making sure to remain in clear view of Diluc so he can taunt the other with your closeness. But then someone comes up to Kaeya, telling him he’s needed for some urgent Knights business. He sighs but then guides you over to a corner (the one opposite from Diluc’s unbeknownst to you) and hands you a drink. Telling you to just sit here and drink that and don’t move, he’ll be right back.
(1/3) 💌 anon
From here we have 2 different routes. I’ll start with Diluc’s. Even though Kaeya told you to just sit and drink your beverage, you've already finished it and you’re bored. Surely exploring and mingling can’t be too bad so long as you stay within the party room right? So you put your now empty drink down and start to wander around the party. It doesn’t take you long to spot a very familiar shock of red hair and quickly go over to the other corner to greet Diluc. He smiles slightly as he sees you approach. He was about to go over to you himself, but it seems you’ve come to him willingly and saved him the trouble. ‘What a good sibling you are.’ he thinks to himself as you finally reach him and give him a bright smile, saying how pleasantly surprised you are to see him. You chatter to him about the party and how much fun you’re having, so distracted by your story telling that you don’t realize he’s subtly leading you away from the party hall and towards the back entrance of the Knights HQ. Right by the entrance he turns to you and says, “It’s awfully late. You’re normally in bed by this time aren’t you? I know this is way past the bedtime you used to keep back home.” You didn’t realize until he said it, but come to think of it, you are rather tired. “I’ll take you home then.” You start saying about how you don’t want to trouble him and how you should at least wait for Kaeya before leaving so he doesn’t wonder where you are, but you barely get through half your sentence before you fall into your brothers arms, fast asleep. When you come to, you're tucked into what you recognize to be Diluc’s bed back at the winery. He’s sitting at his desk a few feet away from you, and turns when he hears you wake. Your memory is a bit fuzzy, but Diluc tells you that you fell asleep while he was taking you home yesterday so he simply carried you the rest of the way back. You thank him but question why he didn’t simply take you back to your apartment in Mondstadt, when that was certainly closer than the winery. At this he gets up and comes to sit next to you on the bed, gathering your hands in his. “That’s not your home anymore. It never was. It was always here at the Dawn Winery. And it always will be.” He says gently. You’re about to question what he means by that when he continues. “I was looking through Father’s old papers the other day and found something interesting. I didn’t realize it at first, because this paper wasn’t filed with the rest of his will, but upon his death he left complete, total, indefinite custody of you, to me. Meaning, I have been entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of you, forever. And as your older brother, protector, and primary caretaker, I don’t think that it is a good idea for you to continue living in Mondstadt. You’ll be moving back into the Winery with me so I can watch over you, as Father wished.” You try to protest but he simply shushes you and kisses your forehead before getting up and walking to the door. “I know it is a sudden change but I promise you’ll soon come to see that it’s for your own good. Now, I have some important errands to run. You just stay here and rest and try to adjust, alright? If you’re good and don’t try to escape while I’m gone I’ll ask Adelinde to make your favorite for dinner.” And with that he exits the room, locking the door behind him. As he walks down the hall he thinks of all the things he has to do today. He needs to bring all of your things back from your apartment, buy you some new, more suitable clothes, start trying to get those anti-incest marriage laws repealed (a well placed donation or two to the right people should get the ball rolling on that front), and then thank Kaeya for drugging your drink last night. It really saved him a lot of trouble.
Now for Kaeya’s route. Obedient thing that you are, you don’t think to question or disobey your brother’s order. Yes you’re a bit bored, but just thinking about how worried Kaeya would be if he came back and you were missing has you staying in place, just watching the crowd and sipping your drink as asked. (Unbeknownst to you, Diluc attempts to approach you at this point but is mysteriously blocked by some of his business partners who desperately need to talk to him). As you sit though, you find yourself growing sleepier and sleepier. You close your eyes, only intending to rest them for a few moments, but when you open them again, you’re resting on a bed in a completely different room that you do not recognize. Suddenly the door opens and in walks Kaeya who smiles at finding you awake, before closing the door behind him. “Well good morning sunshine!” He teases before his expression changes slightly, gaze tinged with concern. “Do you remember what happened last night?” You try to recall, but doing so makes your head hurt, so you tell him no. He walks over to sit next to you on the bed and promptly wraps his arm around your shoulders, his free hand grabbing one of yours. “Well apparently you weren’t paying close enough attention to your drink sweetheart. An agent of the Fatui snuck into the party last night. They recognized you and drugged your drink when you weren’t looking, intent on kidnapping you to use as blackmail against Diluc and I. I came back to you barely conscious, about to be escorted out of the party by that shady agent. We of course arrested them, but we thought that it would be safer for you if we brought you to my apartment here in head quarters. It’s certainly better protected than your apartment and we didn’t want to risk them trying again.” You don’t remember any of the events described, but Kaeya has no reason to lie to you. You’re obviously horrified at what almost happened and begin simultaneously thanking your brother profusely for saving you and also apologizing for the trouble. He chuckles “Any amount of trouble is worth it if it means you’re here safe in my arms.”
But then his face drops into a minute frown. “I am a bit disappointed in you though. I thought you could be trusted to look after yourself for a little while, but clearly that is not the case.” The disappointment in his voice has you fidgeting and ready to start frantically apologizing again, but he cuts you off before you can. “I’m not mad. This happened partially because of my mistake. I should have known this would happen. You’re just not responsible enough to take care of yourself. You need a man to take care of you. That’s why Father left you in my care in the first place.” You ask him what he means by that and he sighs. “Well, in his will Father left not only full and indefinite custody and responsibility for you, but also your hand in marriage, to me. I wasn’t going to claim either of those things, as I thought you should be given a chance at independence. But as last night showed, clearly you aren’t capable of that, so I’m going to fix my mistake and do what I should have done years ago and take care of you properly.” You start trying to protest but Kaeya’s grip on your shoulder tightened and the increased intensity of his gaze shut you up. “Now now, are you really going to try and fight me on this? I gave you a chance at self-sufficiency. It’s not my fault that you couldn’t handle it, now is it? I know this is upsetting but I promise it’s for the best. You trust Father don’t you? And you trust Big Brother Kaeya? Then trust our judgement and just listen and obey me ok? I promise if you do that, everything will be alright.” He plants a kiss on your cheek, then gets up and heads to the door. “Now I have some things to take care of, so just sit tight. When I get back, we can start looking through some catalogues for wedding dress styles you like.” He says with a bright smile, before closing the door behind him. As soon as he knows for certain he’s out of earshot of the door, Kaeya laughs to himself. His plan went off without a hitch. He’ll have to go thank Albedo for that drug later and he can’t forget to visit Diluc. The expression of pure rage on his face when his older brother saw him taking their precious little sib to his room was absolutely delicious. ‘Wonder how spectacular it will be when he receives his wedding invitation?’ He thinks idly to himself as he exits his private wing of headquarters.
💌 anon (4/4) Last of the Ragvindr/alberich sib stuff for tonight but I promise there will be more of this stuff from me at a later date. And this isn't the last of the content from me for tonight either. God this was annoying to send. Hope that you got the whole thing (last few words of the last sentence of the previous ask should have been "safe in my arms")
Hey so uh I just wanna know what did I do to deserve this blessing anon???? This is so thought out and detailed and perfect I??? This is another one of those posts I have to just lay down and take in
PLEASE send in any content you want anon I am!!!! excite!!!
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Hello! Can I request hcs for your top 5 favorite characters when they find out their fem s/o vapes/smokes? Have a nice day~💕
I loved writing these ngl. Also I did six because I have no idea how to choose between these guys. 
Characters: Leona, Ruggie, Floyd, Kalim, Idia, Malleus
Warnings: smoking&vaping, overdramatic teenage boys (leona isn’t a teenager, does malleus count?)
He didn’t peg you to be that kind of person, but there was no doubt that you were vaping
He had smelled the weed on you a few times but didn’t comment. It was common for there to be clouds of vape in the bathrooms at school so he figured you had just walked through one
At first he wouldn’t comment, but he would watch you do it and keep track of how many times you took a hit and how frequently you pulled your pen out during the day
If he felt like there was nothing serious to worry about then he might let it fly a few times only commenting on how he hated the smell to try and persuade you to do it less often
If he was concerned about the amount of vaping you did, he would probably just steal all your stuff at first to see if you would stop
If that didn’t work then he would confront you about it asking why you started and how long you’ve been doing it
It’s unlikely that he’ll be super upset about it but he will ask you to stop and provide you with other solutions if needed
He prefers the you that isn’t higher than the clouds
After learning more about vaping and the fact that by inhaling toxic metals you could potentially die then he would put up more of a fight
If it got to the point where he was really concerned he might take you to a rehab center just so they could get you to stop (even if you weren’t addicted)
Wait what?! You smoke!!!
He stares in shock as you pull the cigarette away from your mouth and blow out a large puff of smoke
No no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!
Already running up to you and snatching the cigarette out of your hands
Absolutely not. He’s seen enough people in the slums turn to smoking or that might even be the reason they were in the slums to begin with. 
He knows the cost. He has seen people die, or get violently sick, or run out of money because they smoke
It is not something he’s gonna watch you go through
Probably gonna yell at you about how awful this is for you before finding all your cigarettes and soaking them before chopping them into little pieces and throwing them away
He’s got a great sense of smell so if he smells nicotine on you again he would get really upset
Ruggie cares about you a lot but would still most definitely threaten you to get you to stop
If he threatens to end your relationship to that means he’s certainly worried about your health
He doesn’t care how you started in the first place he justs wants you to stop
Would totally beg Leona to pay for rehab
Would also totally drag you there
Eh? What’s little shrimpy doing?
Has zero clue what a vape is or how it works, but it looks fun let him try it too
You’re probably hesitant cause he doesn’t know what it is and if Azul and Jade found out they might get mad
He’s gonna try it anyways
Literally has no idea how to use it and probably ends up inhaling his own spit instead
He wants to know how you make clouds with your breath though, and oh! You can make it into shapes!
Definitely gonna ask Azul and his big brother about it
They casually explain what vaping is and what it does. They also tell him that it’s bad for you and he shouldn’t try it
“Huh? But little shrimpy does it all the time?”
Que a further explanation and advice on how to help you stop
He’s gonna pest you about it all the time now
“You didn’t swallow any clouds again today did you?”
“No Floyd I didn’t swallow any clouds”
It’s very easy for him to get you to stop since he’ll just squeeze you everytime he catches you doing it
And when he finds your pen he will pick it up and throw it away
Has he seen your vape? Of course not. Why would Floyd know where your cloud machine went?
Every time you get sick he accuses you of vaping too much
“You wouldn’t be stuck in bed all day if you hadn’t swallowed so many clouds, shrimpy.”
Immediate panic
Literally Jamil does not have time for this
Tells him to calm down and just ask you about it
Ok yeah. Kalim can do that. He’s calm
He’s not calm
Forgets to ask you about it and instead asks if you wanna go for a ride
Legit takes you to a rehab center and cries at the front desk about you for like 40 min
The people ask you a few questions and determine that no you’re not addicted and tell Kalim that everything is gonna be fine
You are literally so confused right now
When you guys get home he can’t stop asking questions and telling you that it’s bad to smoke
Will bribe you to get you to stop
“I’ll buy you whatever you want just don’t do that”
Literally 100x more panicked than any other normal person
Doesn’t want to leave your side in case you do it again when he’s not looking
Jamil is 200% done with the dramatics
“Listen if you don’t stop I’ll actually poison your food. I have a hard enough time dealing with Kalim when he isn’t freaking out.”
Between the two of them it would just be easier to stop
Kalim will throw you a party for stopping
He’s so proud of you
“Baby you make me so proud!”
“Kalim she’s not your daughter *sigh*” - Jamil
Hold up since when did he decide that-
Never mind 
Kalim is just a big drama baby and you love him for it
Probably doesn’t really know what to think about it
On one hand you’re old enough to make your own decisions
On the other hand your decision making skills are obviously not great
Literally spend the next month trying to decide what to do about it
Makes a pros and cons visual board for confronting you about it
Also writes up a list of reactions to his confrontation
Probably also writes up like 17 different scripts all in a choose your own ending type format to include how to deal with every reaction
Ngl he panics a lot cause he knows that vaping is bad but after finding out you do it he can’t stop watching these really concerning youtube videos about how people’s lives turned into a total complete disaster because of vaping
He becomes a nervous wreck every time you smell like weed
Always has you count to ten when he sees you
Likely has visions of you in the hospital or homeless on the street wheezing about how you wished someone had stopped you 
Either you’re gonna catch on and ask him about it, initiating the conversation or he’s gonna have Ortho do it
He’s worried you will leave him for not being supportive
Literally asks you if you’re gonna leave him for this
Obviously you won’t so when you confirm that you’re staying he melts into a puddle and just cries
Highkey he looks more like one of those crazy people from the videos than you
“But Idia you’re addicted to video games and sugar. People say that’s as bad as cocaine”
Figures out that sugar releases the same chemical in your brain as cocaine
“What if you just ate a bunch of candy with me instead? We can be sugar addicts together.” (Idia I’d love to but no amount of candy is worth a break out)
Fine fine fine you’ll stop (but only cause he literally looks like he’s having withdrawals just from worrying about you) it’s ironic
Most dramatic by far
Ngl has zero clue what’s going on until Lilia points it out
“Huh doesn’t smoking kill humans?”
*blink* *blink*
Smoking does what to a human
Seriously thinks that your going to die any minute now
Que the mental breakdown
Calls all the best healers and puts you on bed rest
“Darling I know we’re gonna get through this. Just keep fighting”
Ummm… you have no idea what’s happening
He just kidnapped you from class and put you in a Diasomnia room and started weeping like you were dying
Lowkey he already started looking at ways to preserve your body as long as possible
Also looks at coffins and tombstones
Highkey plans to buy you a large plot of land that looks over the pretty stuff in the valley of thorns
Why? you ask.
Because obviously you deserve a whole cemetery to yourself
“Malleus I’m not gonna-”
“Shhh don’t speak. You’ll only make it harder to heal”
Lilia walks in and finds this
Probably thinks this is super sweet and totally wants to leave you guys like this
But doesn’t want Malleus to suffer and you to be held on house arrest for no reason
“She’s not dying Malleus”
What? Ooooooohhhh… oops
He gets embarrassed af
Has to call back all the people he hired to prepare for your death
“Um hi there. Turns out I don’t need that jewel encrusted coffin. No no the pyramid should still be built, humans have short life spans.”
He is so grateful you’re not dying
But would totally get pissed if you decided to smoke again
Guess that’s the end of that
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
If you feel up to it I'd love to see Indra with either prompt 10. “Tell me how much you love me.” or 31. “Just remember that I’m never going to leave you. That’s a promise.”
I was so worried what you would do after you finished the set with the Senjus and I’m happy you’re still with me!
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, paranoia, violence, Yandere hurting the s/o, kidnapping
Prompt 31: “Just remember that I’m never going to leave you. That’s a promise.”
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You were disappointed, angry, sad, but most of all you were devastated. You didn’t want to accept it. But you had seen how he had attacked the village and if it wouldn’t have been for Ashura he would have most likely killed everyone. His two friends had been found one day after the fight, both dead, killed by the man they had seen as their best friend. And for what reason?! Just so he could gain a more powerful Sharingan?!What had happened to him?! What had happened to the man you had once greatly admired?!
“Asura!” You heard a few gasps from the left and right from you. Today had been the day where Hagoromo would choose his successor and of course everyone had been excited for this. You had of course come as well, not wanting to miss this chance. Indra had also told you that he wanted you to be there. You stared at the ground, not looking up, not wanting to see Indra’s most likely angry and not understanding face. “What is Master Hagoromo thinking?! Indra’s much more fitting to be the successor of Ninshū!” One of Indra’s friends whisper yelled at you. The other one nodded energetically. “Yes! Asura might be a nice guy, but he’s lacking strength and power! Don’t you think so too (y/n)?” You pressed your lips tightly together and clenched your fist. You weren’t surprised that their father had chosen his younger son and you almost felt ashamed that you had hoped that he would choose Asura. Indra had been your friend from a very long time ago and you both had once shared a very close bond. But he had drastically changed and you had slowly seen the man you had once greatly respected turning into a monster. By now you had the feeling that the only reason Indra even had continued to respect you and not treat you like trash like he did with everyone else was because you were next to him the most powerful with ninjutsu. Both of you had at some point discovered that you were able to combine the elements you were able to create with your chakra together, creating something completely new. You were able to create crystals with your chakra. It was a very beautiful power, the shining green crystals were always able to awe you. But it seemed like no other was able to combine the elements they were able to control together and when you had asked Master Hagoromo about this he had explained to you that this might be a power that couldn’t be learned by just everyone, but the power to do this needed to be in the genes, similar to Indra’s sharingan. After that Indra had spent a good amount of time in helping you to strengthen your powers, always pushing you to your limits and even over. You were of course thankful to him that he had helped you to become that strong, but his way of seeing things was just not right!
In that moment your flow of thoughts was interrupted when Indra stood up, not being able to convince his father otherwise. His two friends quickly stood up, trailing behind him, but you didn’t. “(y/n)! Why are you just sitting there? Come on, we’re leaving!”, one of his friends called you, but you didn’t move. “(y/n)?”, you gulped when you heard Indra’s sharp voice and you slowly looked up. Indra was standing with his friends at the entrance and you knew that he was expecting you to follow him. You wished you could, but somehow your body refused to move, knowing that you deep down believed that this was the right choice. For a few moments silence fell over the temple, everyone was looking between you and Indra and you could see surprise on many faces, telling you that they had expected you to follow him given the fact how close the both of you were. “I see.”, Indra suddenly spoke and you didn’t know if you imagined the tiniest bit of hurt in his voice or not,”You never thought that my father would choose me as his next successor, did you?” You opened your mouth, wanting to tell him that this wasn’t true and that you had just been as surprised as he was, but your tongue suddenly felt like it weighed a ton. You couldn’t lie to him like this! You needed to stay loyal to your own opinions. “I-I’m sorry Indra...” You saw the shock on his friend’s faces, but you wished you could see the expression on Indra’s face. But since his back was facing you, you couldn’t. Indra waited for a few seconds longer as if hoping you would change your mind and follow him, but you reminded glued your your place. Without a word Indra left, leaving you with shame and guilt back. You had just let your best friend down.
“What is that thing?!”, you yelled shocked, looking at the huge purple flame that had just crushed into the village. But the next moment your question was answered when suddenly you saw a shadow walking out from within the purple flame. Your stomach turned upside down when you noticed who it was. “Indra?!” “Elder brother!?” Asura, Master Hagoromo and you immediately ran towards him. “Indra. Just what is the meaning of this?”, Hagoromo asked his son. You felt goosebumps rising all over your skin when you noticed the dark and hateful look in his eyes. “Tell me why? Why didn’t you choose me as your successor?!” The anger clearly audible in his voice. “It isn’t power that controls Ninshu, but it’s love. That’s what I’ve decided.”, his father told him and you agreed silently. But Indra’s reaction told you that he was clearly thinking differently. “It’s love?!” He had a shocked expression on his face, not believing what he had just heard. But in the next moment his face darkened up. “But there’s no need for love.” Your eyes widened shocked during his speech, telling the three of you from his experience during his journey and pointing out that he wasn’t weak like Asura who needed to rely on others. “But I’m different. I don’t need the help of the weak! I can use my own power to establish total order! I’ll create a world completely without conflict!” Your brain was in absolute denial, not wanting to accept what you had just heard. You had always noticed that he thought of himself higher than others and you had also always known how important rules were to him and how he had always harshly punished those who hadn’t followed them. But this... This was just pure madness!!
When his father started talking you deeply hoped that Indra would come back to his senses given the fact that he had always respected his father deeply. But your hopes got crushed when you saw the dangerous glint in his eyes. “Then I’ll just force them to obey!” For a few moments you went numb, not realizing what was going on around you. It was like you had gone deaf, everything became silent and the only thing that you were able to hear were your own thoughts which were screaming inside your head. “Asura, I am no longer that man. I can’t return to being him!” You gasped when you saw his eyes. They looked different from his usual Sharingan. What did that mean? How was he able to gain a new Sharingan? The next moment it hit you. His friends... Did he? You stumbled shocked back, realizing what could have happened to you if you would have went with him. No! He wouldn’t have killed you! Right? You felt shocked when you realized that you weren’t too sure about this anymore. “Please just stop this! I don’t wanna have to fight you elder brother!” “Oh! You’re going to fight me now? Well, you’ve become quite brave Asura. But do you really believe you can take me brother?!”
You didn’t quite get what happened the next few minutes. A lot happened what your brain couldn’t quite process, too shocked from seeing what Indra was now capable of. This...this... Whatever that thing was he had somehow created, it was huge! For a moment you felt stunned before the thing suddenly lifted his fist against Asura, letting it swing down to kill him. And that’s the moment where you witnessed something that you do far had only heard in stories. It was the moment where time seemed to slow down and a million thoughts were racing through your mind before you suddenly jumped into action. “Asura!” You sprinted towards him and pushed him away, sending him flying away far enough so that he wouldn’t get harmed. For the shortest millisecond you felt glad that you had safer him before realizing that there was no way you could safe yourself too. You turned quickly towards that thing, seeing it’s fist coming down at you with incredible force. You quickly closed your eyes, waiting for it to crush you, but it never came. Slightly confused you opened your eyes and your heart stopped beating for a short second when you noticed how close the fist was to you. If you would move even the slightest bit you would touch that thing. Why hadn’t Indra killed you like he did with his friends? You hadn’t time to think about that because Indra’s ‘puppet’ turned now towards Indra, ready to attack again. You shook your head, clearing your mind and clenching your fists. “This isn’t the Indra I used to know anymore. My only duty right now is to protect the village!”
There were no words to describe this fight that had just played in front of you. You did it! All of you did it! You’ve beaten Indra! But you still couldn’t help, but rush together with Asura towards Indra, who was kneeling in a huge crater created by Asura’s...wooden warrior? You didn’t know how to call it, but you couldn’t care less. “Elder brother!”, Asura yelled. “Stay away!” Both of you stopped in your tracks. “Asura...I will never acknowledge Ninshu or you!” “Indra! Snap out of it!! What has gotten into you?!?!” You couldn’t stop yourself from screaming this words at him. Indra’s head snapped into your direction, his eyes burning nearly wholes into you, making you regret your decision quickly. “(y/n)...why?” You were caught off guard when he asked you this, surprisingly many emotions audible in his voice, a few from them being sadness and disappointment. You didn’t know how to answer, but it wasn’t even necessary because Indra continued. “Why did you choose his side?!?! I was the one who trained you!!! I was the one who made you stronger!!! I am the one who helped you becoming who you are today and you still chose Asura’s side?!?! You’re way stronger than everyone in this village!! You don’t belong to those weaklings there!! Stay by my side and I’ll make you even stronger!! Come with me!!” You looked with a sad look in your eyes at Indra. What had the world made out of him? “I’m sorry Indra. But it appears that you and I think very differently about what true power is. You believe that you can reach everything can be reached with violence and think that there’s no need for love? I think the complete opposite. That’s the reason why I’ll never come with you and that’s the reason why it’s time that we break the bond we’ve once shared. You and I are too different.” For a very short moment you believed that there was hurt visible on his face, but it was quickly replaced by an angry twisted look. “So that’s the choice you make?”, he asked you. You didn’t answer, just stepping closer to Asura and giving him all the answers he needed. “You’ll regret that! You’ll regret betraying me like this!” With these words he disappeared. And that was the moment you broke down in tears, grieving over the loss of your once best friend.
End of Flashback
Time passed by rather quickly and before you even knew it two months had passed since the attack. The village had calmed down a bit and Asura had taken his father’s place as the next successor and he did a great job just as you had expected. And you? You had tried to move on and forget about Indra, but it was hard to erase memories. Especially if you had so many of them with him. Most of the time you just hated him, but on some nights when you were all alone you couldn’t help, but yearn for those good old days when Indra had been a good person. But you knew that this would never happen. Today was one of these nights where you felt very sentimental. You were sitting in a field and just watched the starry sky. The field was pretty far away from the village, but you couldn’t shake this habit off. You always used to go with Indra to such places when he wanted to train with you. You picked up a small flower and crystallized it in your hands. You lifted it up and looked closer at it, admiring how pretty it looked like. But suddenly you noticed a reflection from a person in it. A person who was standing directly behind you. In one swift movement you turned around and wanted to punch this person in it’s face, but you froze when you looked into familiar red eyes with black dots into them. “I-Indra?”
It all happened so fast that you couldn’t quite process it. You only knew that he suddenly grabbed both of your wrists and a cracking sound was heard. For a moment you didn’t realize what happened at first before suddenly immense pain started flowing through your nerves. He had just broken both of your wrists! You let a painful scream out. Why?! The next moment you understood. He hadn’t want you to be able to use your hands so you wouldn’t be able to form handsigns. “You possess such an amazing ability and that’s how you use it?”, he asked in a degrading voice and kicked the crystallized flower away. “Why are you here?!”, you hissed angrily at him and didn’t miss the displeased look on his face, clearly not liking the way you were speaking to him, but you didn’t care. “Are you here to kill your younger brother?! Well, too bad! Asura is way stronger than you will ever be because you’re-“ Indra suddenly grabbed you by your hair and you hissed painfully and tried to free yourself from his grip what proofed to be very difficult with two broken wrists. “Don’t you dare to speak in such a disrespectful way!! And don’t you dare to even mention my brother or the villagers when I’m with you!! Do you understand me?!?!” His Sharingan swirled dangerously in his eyes and the only thing you could do in that moment was nodding in fear. “By the way, I didn’t come to kill Asura. Not now at least. I came for you.”
“What?!”, you yelled shocked, but quickly shut up when you saw his glare. “Speak. More. Respectful. To. Me.” With each word he grabbed your hair tighter. “Now try it again.” “W-what do you mean by this Indra?”, you whimpered and his pull on your hair eased a bit. “There’s still some improvement needed, but that’ll have to do for now.” He pulled your face closer to his and started explaining:”For some reason I wasn’t able to get you out of my mind. It’s almost like you bewitched me. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get your image out of my head. And the thought of you living with those weaklings who don’t understand what true power is? It disgusts me. A talent like you shouldn’t be wasted. So I decided to take you with me.” In some aspects it sounded like a really twisted way of confessing to you. “You will obey my every word and you will come with me. Your place is with me, you were destinied for greater than this.” You couldn’t help, but let a sneer let your lips pass. “If I wouldn’t know it any better I would assume that you just admitted in some really strange way that you love me. But didn’t you say back then that love is unnecessary. Why the sudden change of mind?” You had expected him to hurt you again, but instead Indra moved his face closer to yours until your nose brushed against his and his warm breath hit your face. “What I feel for you isn’t love. It’s something much more darker.” Before this words could even scare you to the fullest he suddenly smashed his lips against you in a brutal way. You let a loud disapproving hum out, but Indra just ignored it. When he pulled away you couldn’t help, but gasp desperately for air. “What the hell?! That’s absolutely disgusting!!”, you yelled at him. He chuckled darkly and replied:”You really are very disrespectful, but I’ll make sure to fix that.” Judging from his undertone you knew that this didn’t mean anything good for you. “I’d rather die than submit to you!! Just leave me alone and go back to the whole you came from!!!”
This time he grabbed one of your wrists and squeezed it harshly, earning a painful howl of you. “With enough force and fear everyone will start at some point to obey, even you. And if I have to break you. I don’t care.” His dark voice sent chills down your whole body. “And for the part with leaving you alone, I’m afraid you have really bad luck.” He came even closer to you and whispered two sentences in your ear that would change your whole life and every life after that. A promise that binded you forever to him and would drag you with him for all eternity. “I’m never going to leave you. That’s a promise.”
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julieloveupstead · 3 years
"So Happy and So Grateful and in Love" - Part 2
Decription: The best day in their lifes.
Prov Hailey:
We decided to get married on the Greek island of Zakynthos because of my background. Jay is very interested in Greek history and even asks me to learn the language, which is sweet of him. This is one of the many reasons why I fell in love with him. The fact that he wanted to learn every little detail about me and now the place where I was born is amazing. Even just thinking about those tiny details in which pure love from his side spoke, tears come to my eyes. I closed my eyes for the hundredth time not to spoil the makeup that Stella put on me a few minutes ago and breathed in the fresh Mediterranean air. I was thankful that we weren't getting married in a church in Chicago with lots of guests, but with some of the closest people in our lives in Greece outside in front of such a beautiful view of the sea. I can't believe this is actually happening, that in a few minutes I will stand in front of the man who is my everything, my anchor, my rock, my peace and my soulmate and vow to love him to the grave.
- Are you all right Goldilocks? - I heard the question, so I opened my eyes and met the brown eyes of desk Serge
desk who has always been a role model for me for so many years and was like a mom to me. I owed so many things to Trudy Platt and I could not even imagine missing her on the most important day of my life. I gave her a sincere and grateful smile and she returned the favor which is something very special about her and something that doesn't happen very often which makes me feel even more special that I am one of the few who can see the other side of her.
- It's all right Serge - I wiped a tear that ran down my cheek. - Stella is going to murder me, this is the fourth time she has to fix my make up. - I joked and we both laughed.
- It's true - admitted Platt. We stood in silence for a moment, staring at the view in front of us. - Hailey, I know I'm not always nice and pleasant, and I'm not often complimentary, but I'm very proud of you as a beautiful, confident woman. I am happy to be a part of your transformation. - She looked at me with tear-stained eyes. Damn, this is the first time I've seen our sergeant like this. - Hailey you know I never had the chance to have a child, but I wish I had a daughter like you - unfortunately Kidd is going to kill me because I cried again, damn. I didn't know what to say to those words so I just decided to give a big hug to the woman who saved my life many years ago, who gave me purpose in life.
- Serge, you don't even know how much your words mean to me," my voice was breaking, but I kept talking. - I love my mother, but many events in the past have made my relationship with her far from a mother-daughter relationship and I have come to terms with that, but then you came along and you are not very patient - I prefer not to risk her anger even on my wedding day. - but I feel like I have a better relationship with you than I did with my birth mother. I am grateful to you for so many things. I wish my mother was like you, Trudy, and you don't know how much it means to me that you're here. Platt pulled me close, and I snuggled into her. I don't know how long we stood there, but we only pulled away when we heard a quiet grunt from somewhere on the side. I looked in that direction and saw Will standing there with a big smile and Vi standing to the side of him with a bouquet of flowers for me.
- Hailey remember that if you tell anyone about this I will deny everything - I looked at the Sergeant, who was deadly serious.
- Copy you - I nodded, and in a moment she was no longer with me.
- Are you ready? - asked Vi coming up to me together with Will. I nodded as a sign that I was ready. - Here - she handed me a bouquet of white and pale pink roses. I took it and leaned over to smell it.
- Well good, because I can hear the bells starting to ring already - Vanessa said with a smile, gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away leaving me with Jay's brother.
- Hailey
- Will
we said at the same time and burst out laughing.
- Speak first - he showed me to start.
- Okay, so I wanted to thank you for trusting me with Jay, I promise I'll never hurt him and thank you for accepting me into your family - I wanted to say something else but my voice started to break again. Damn this was supposed to be my happiest day ever and I wasn't supposed to cry and today I'm doing nothing but crying. Ehh.
- Oh Hailey it is my honor to have you become a member of our family of two. - He laughed confidently at the memory - For many years me and Jay didn't have a good relationship. We both did a lot of stupid things. Jay changed completely after his mom died, he and his dad got along badly, I left them both, and most of all what happened in Afghanistan, the thing with Erin and everything else caused Jay to come to darkness. I was afraid of losing him, another family member, my only family - I could see how much it was costing Will to revisit those bad memories. I didn't feel any better. Every time I recall the moment I meet his little brother. I realize how little we would have missed having Jay with us. - Ehh - Will wiped a quick tear running down his cheek. My eyes welled up with tears too, once again. Damn, how much can you cry? - And then you showed up and everything changed. My brother finally saw that there was something to fight for. I got my brother back. Smiling, full of life, and it's all because of you, Hailey. - I tried really hard to keep the tears from flowing, but I couldn't. All I could do was hug Will tightly. - We have to go now," I pulled away from him when I heard the wedding music play. I hurriedly wiped away the tears that were streaming down my cheeks and nodded because that was all I could say. Will gave me his arm, which I accepted, and we both walked slowly down the aisle.
As I walked I loved the smiling faces of not friends, but family. And never before have I been so grateful for them as I am now. Being here I realized how lucky I was and that after all the years of hell I had been through fate was finally smiling down on me and something inside me told me that this was just the beginning. When I stood next to Jay and looked into his eyes I saw glassy green eyes and in them was infinite love.
- Are you okay? - I read the question from his gaze and nodded in response. Even after six years, I can't get over how much he cares about my well-being, my opinion. I'm not exaggerating here to say that he treats me like a princess. How did I ever deserve this man?
- Well," began the priest, to whom I turned my attention. - We have come here to witness these two people in love pledging their love to each other until the grave. Looking at them, I don't need to know them personally to know that the feeling they have for each other is unique and unprecedented. You, since you are here, probably feel the same way, and since you know them better than I do, you will agree that they love each other very much, and today's ceremony is just the icing on the cake of their relationship. - He paused so the guests could nod their heads in agreement. - Now it was time for the bride and groom to take the floor. Hailey will you begin?
Oh my gosh, I can feel my throat tightening and now all the guests have gone quiet, even though the ceremony is outdoors, I can't hear anything but the sound of the sea behind me. I breathed deeply a few times to calm down my thoughts and to be able to form coherent sentences. I would like to say so much to him, to express how much I love him, but I am afraid that I will not find the words to express how much I love him and how much he means to me. I hope that what I say now will be enough.
- Where do I begin here? Ehh. When we first met in that bank we were at a completely different stage of life, but by some miracle we caught a connection. I immediately noticed that underneath the mask of a closed off, uncompromising, former wtereran, cold and withdrawn was hiding a kind-hearted, sparring and sensitive man who had lost his way a bit and was broken by demons from his past. It was hard to get through your barriers and get you to trust me, but when it finally happened I was overjoyed. There were times I was scared for you and then my heart would break into little pieces because for some reason you were already close to me then. I, on the other hand, was no better. I didn't tell you much of my demons, but I always knew that if I had to share my story with anyone it would be you and only you. Because there's no one I trust more than you. From the first day I met you. And maybe it took four years, two gunshots, a kidnapping and my move to New York for us to understand, for me to understand that you are more than a work partner to me, more than a friend. So that I would have the courage to be in tune with my feelings, because our job really, I don't know when it could be our last day. When you met me I was, in fact I tried to be tough, strong, withdrawn and above it all. Life has thwarted me many times, since I was a child I had to learn to hold my head high and fight, I was broken, I healed many wounds, some new ones appeared but in the end thanks to your help I got back on my feet, wounds heal, although I still have a lot of work to do to fully recover but with you all the stages, this war for myself is easier. For years I did not allow myself to think that I could fall in love, that I would be standing in a wedding dress in front of a man whom I love, with whom I want to live my life and the thought of starting a family will germinate in my head. And this prospect, which only 6 years ago scared me, now I look forward to what the future will bring with you. - I finished. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I had been holding in. I was so offered by my monologue that I forgot about the presence of those gathered. I wiped away the tears streaming down my cheeks and looked at Jay, who had a look of boundless love in his eyes, and the tears streaming down his cheeks were going into oblivion. I can't ever get over how much love this boy has for me. It's impossible to comprehend how special it makes me feel.
- Okay, now it's my turn," he grunted, his smile always reserved for me, full of love and something I couldn't name until now. - I've never been good at saying what I feel, but I'll try now - he joked - You came into my life unexpectedly, at the worst time of my life, when I didn't care about anything. I was falling into a black abyss, but every day I came out of it. At first I didn't know why your opinion mattered the most to me, why every thought was about you, why everything I did was with you in mind. I'm a veteran of the military for me jumping into the fire of bullets, entering into different dangerous situations was not a problem before, I did it with my eyes closed, but since the battle in that tunnel those 4 years ago after my death, when I saw your face, scared and broken, something changed in me. I wasn't so willing to risk anymore, in some strange way you made me want to be more careful, but then this thing with Angela came up and then I realized I had to fight just for you, I wanted so much to see your beautiful ocean blue eyes, a smile that is the most beautiful and wonderful I have ever seen and heard. You are the first thought and the last. I'm in love with you like crazy, I can't think, sleep, eat and function normally and only when you left for New York it came to me that I can't and don't want to lose you. Everyone but you. You don't even know how much it means to me and maybe it's selfish of me, but I'm overjoyed that you chose me, that you honored me with the chance to get close to you and I promise that you will never regret it. I will spend every hour, minute and second to bring a smile to your face, tears, but only those of happiness and I will do everything to make you happy, because only you matter to me. I love no one more in my life than I love you and our baby - his gaze fell on my belly. That's how I took the test yesterday and it turned out that under my heart is the fruit of our, my and Jay's love. He was by my side every step of the way from buying the test to the result. He was so happy and I was with him. Now we are going to be a real family. The three of us. - The two of you are my world and will be my world to the end of my life," he finished.
My heart stopped with love, I've never heard such beautiful words and every time I think I can't love him more it always turns out how wrong I was. Jay let go of my hand that he had been holding and used his thumb to gently wipe away the tears from my cheek. At this gesture I closed my eyes to completely surrender to the feel of his warm skin on my cheek.
- Now it's time for the bride and groom to exchange their wedding rings," said the priest, who I had forgotten about a few minutes before, just like the rest of the people in the church. - I'll ask the best man to give them to me. - Mouse took a small maroon square box from his jacket pocket and handed it to the clergyman, who took it. - Please - he opened the item and waited for us to take one each. I turned the ring over and noticed that they were engraved with "I'll folow you anywhere" our password in Jay's handwriting. I looked at Jay' who just smiled widely at me which I reciprocated. I shook Jay's hand, he caught it gently as if I was made of the most fragile piece of glass. Little gestures like that make me smile all the time.
- I'll folow you anywhere - he said, slipping the ring onto my ring finger.
- I'll folow you anywhere - I repeated after him.
- Now the bride and groom can kiss each other - and without any delay we both joined our lips in a kiss and even though we have exchanged these kisses from millions each one was special and so is this time.
- I love you Jay - I said as I pulled away from him.
- I love you Hailey - he said and kissed me again.
Nothing else mattered, just him, me, and this little life that was beginning to grow inside me. Whatever the future held for us it would always be me, him and our baby until the end of the world and one day more.
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thatbrownb1tch · 3 years
I have a post TWK prompt Jude meets her mother’s wealthy parents and they try to set her up for an arranged marriage, And Cardan rescues her
I definitely did not base everything off of Gilmore Girls.
“We have grandparents?” Anger fumed through me while Taryn stood in shock. “And you chose to keep this a secret for how long?”
“Jude, I didn’t tell you for many reasons but now that you seem to be, well nearing the end of your peak you must get some family if you’re not willing to settle down,” Madoc leaned back into his chair.
“What do you mean settle down? What? I’d marry some random monster like Locke? I’d rather die than ever marry anyone that I don’t care about,” I spoke the truth right now. Something I rarely did with Madoc.
“Taryn?” He moved off of me trying to figure out what his other daughter was feeling. It took a lot to get me to agree to meet with Madoc but it was even more difficult to get me to be in here with Taryn. I’m only doing it in case they try to kill Cardan or something but right now it doesn’t look like it.
“Where do they live?” Taryn finally spoke.
“Right outside Elfhame, in a large house by the country. They have many connections and you can easily go back and forth in case you’d like to form a connection which I’d rather you not do,” For someone so against us meeting them he’s telling us an awful lot about it. “Look, if you guys want you can see them, but you don’t need to, I was just doing my job,” He stood and began to make his way out of the room.
“You’re a little too late,” I called after him.
“At least he told us,” It’s typical of Taryn to do that. Agree with the one who caused us the most pain. This is exactly why she’s known as the optimist and why I’m the pessimist.
“Wow! It’s so great that he finally told us! Madoc is such a good person because he told us about our only biological family still alive that can possibly help up a decade after he kidnapped us!” Sarcasm erupted, it’s something I try not to do with her but right now she was really getting on my nerves.
“Jude,” She began, “I’m sorry. I understand why you’re so angry but please, let’s go see them.”
I narrowed my eyes, “you can go see them. But I’m not ruining their lives on top of what they already went through.”
“Excuse me?” Was she really this stupid?
“Don’t be so naive. They obviously had to go through the death of their daughter after she ran away. What do you think they went through after mom came here? And then after like 30 years we show up at their doorstep claiming to be their daughter’s kids? They probably haven’t even gotten over her death. Maybe you didn’t love our parents like me but I still mourn them,” I knew the last part wasn’t needed but sometimes she really made me feel like that. Taryn moved on so much faster. Vivi remembered them very vividly and had a good reason because of that but I never did. They just said I was being difficult for no reason when I was forced to live among monsters after I saw my own mother and father die by the hands of the man who’s been taking care of me.
“You really think that? I hope you know that I grieve them just like you and Vivi do. The only difference is I can hide it better unlike you two. Jude, deal with it. You’re not the only one with traumatic events who’s empathetic towards other people who lost their family. Don’t you think it’d make them feel better to know that they still have a piece of mom left?” How could she be so optimistic? If I was in their place I’d wish to forget everything, I’d wish to die in peace knowing that no one else would need to go through the pain I felt. Maybe something was just wrong with me.
“Fine, I’ll go but if everything goes wrong don’t blame me.”
She smiled sweetly, “Thank you.”
Vivi drove us to mom’s parent’s house. Well, technically our grandparents but I’m not sure if it’s okay to call them that yet. Vivi had called them earlier and made sure they knew we were coming, she said they’re sweet.
“Alright, we’re here,” Vivi didn’t leave the car, she didn’t follow us to the doorstep. She was related to them yet she didn’t come with us.
“Are you not coming?” I asked.
“Why? You guys deserve an actual family, I don’t want to see any more. They’ll just ruin my life again,” Every word she spoke made me feel more normal. I didn’t want more people to interfere when I was doing what I wanted. I was so close to getting a higher place on court.
“Alright then, Jude we better get going,” Taryn pushed us away from the car before I changed my mind. The house was gigantic, it was like a mansion, much bigger than a regular family-sized house. It was like Locke’s estate but more homely. It had a beautiful garden with a large driveway. It was in an ‘u’ shape. The house looked newer than the estates in Elfhame but it was still very grand and kept well for its age. I heard that most houses get very old here and start to crack but this one was taken care of.
“I don’t want to go,” I stated flatly as we reached the front doors. The door has a gold knob with a glass window but there were designs on it to keep people from outside to look inside. It was like a privacy barrier but it worked very well because I didn’t see the owners my grandparents walk up to the door and open it. I jumped a little, I wasn’t expecting that but Taryn was very ready with her gigantic smile.
“Hello girls!” The woman grinned widely while looking between the two of us. It was as if she was picking apart everything in our face and bodies, but we were identical so I’m not sure why her head went back and forth.
“Come in, please,” The man pushed his wife away a little and welcomed us inside. He was tall, and wore spectacles. They had a thin metal frame and were small for his face. They were circle shaped and he wore them a little done on his nose, it definitely made him look old. The woman had a short blackish Gray shirt and she wore a red pantsuit.
“Thank you,” Taryn was the first to speak between us and I could tell this was how most of the trip would end up going. They’d ask a question and Taryn would answer, and I’d just nod along. And like usual, I was completely right, an hour in and somehow the only thing I said was “thank you”. The man had introduced himself as Richard and the woman had said her name was Emily. They seemed like lovely people who wanted to get to know their grandchildren but we were all definitely uncomfortable and I was definitely a huge reason behind it.
“So, Jude, how are you?” Emily said it directly to me so Taryn couldn’t answer for me.
“I’m fine, how are you?” I would’ve used her name but I wasn’t sure if she’d like that.
“I’m great, so what are you two doing? School? I assume you’re around 17?”
“Uh, well I did go to school,” I started not sure how to explain to her that my foster father killed the prince during his coronation which made him a traitor and then the person who I thought cared about me actually loved my sister. Then, I made my enemy the king so that my little brother wouldn’t need to be on the throne and so that my foster father wouldn’t be given any power and now I’m the high king’s seneschal.
“We did but we graduated,” Taryn interrupts us so that I wouldn’t say anything stupid. That’s a great way to put it.
“That’s nice, so are you guys going to college?” Richard asked.
“Yes, well not exactly but we have jobs,” Another lie. Taryn is really going all out today with the lies.
“Is college even a thing there?” Emily looked at me.
“Where?” I wasn’t sure if they knew about Faerie but I couldn’t risk it.
“That place, the one which stole our daughter from us, the one which caused her death,” Emily said in such a sweet voice you wouldn’t be able to feel her rage unless you were looking directly at her eyes.
“Yes, we live there. College isn’t a thing and honestly the only thing we can do is either become a knight, a member of the court, or just get married,” I explained.
“So where are you two on the list? I’ve heard that girls get married around your age and we have a couple of boys that we’d love to set you two up with. They can also get you to very high places on the list, almost near the top with the king,” Richard jumped in.
“Well, you can’t help Taryn, she’s already found a place,” I felt their eyes on me and I had to get it off.
“Oh! Are you-?” Emily began.
“I’m betrothed,” Taryn finished with a glare that was shot in my direction.
“That’s great! Is he a good man? Will you be protected? Do you truly love him?” A ton of questions spilled out of Emily and all I could see in her face was grief. She missed mom and all of her questions gave away her intentions. She wanted to make sure we were safe, she wanted to make sure we weren’t going to make the same mistakes. I don’t think they’re that bad anymore. They’re trying to save me from Faerie. Something that only one other person has done and that’s Vivi.
“Yes, I really do. He makes me feel like I’m flying,” She gushed.
“Well that’s great, but please be careful, think it over before you say ‘I do’,” Richard looked at her sternly.
“I will, I promise,” Taryn said looking down at her hand where a small gold ring laid on her ring finger.
“What about you dear?” Emily’s attention turned back to me. Now, I really don’t have anymore saves.
“I’m not planning on marrying anyone there,” I heard a snort come from Taryn but moved on. I could tell she was thinking about my relationship with Cardan which was very simple. “I have a place in the court, I’m not sure for how long I can secure it but I’m happy with where I am,” I didn’t want to give too much away.
“Really? Are you a knight?” Richard leaned forward interested, to know how I got a place without a mans
“No,” I laughed, it was my dream but I was definitely not a knight and I’m not sure if I could be trusted to be a knight anymore. Cardan would choose me to be a part of his personal guard just to annoy me and I’d probably end up going to the tower of forgetting to kill him. “I’m actually connected to the high King,” I wasn’t sure how much I could say but my wording was really bad and I could tell the second they left my mouth. Richard looked surprised while Emily looked disgusted for a split second. She covered it up but it was there. “Oh! No, not like that! I am definitely not connected to him like that! I’m just his seneschal,” I scramble to get the words out.
“Oh, that’s a lot better,” Richard recovers a lot faster than Emily. “Alright, well it is time for me to get back to work but Emily, you’ll be here with the girls?”
“Yes, don’t worry I’ll still be here and if you guys do decide to leave, please do think of coming here,” Emily does seem very sweet and honestly it’d be a lot better to live here than in the tiny apartment with Vivi and Heather, oh and of course Oak.
“Yes, don’t worry if I ever do plan on leaving I know where I’m going,” I grinned hoping they know that I’m trying to accept them. Taryn doesn’t say a word, it’s obvious she doesn’t like them. You couldn’t tell at first but now she’s not being as friendly. Maybe because of the way they talked about her marriage but I’d say the exact same thing if we were still on better terms but now we barely even acknowledge each other.
“Now, Jude, I really do think we could set you up with someone. We could at least throw you a coming out party! Oh, please Jude! It was my favorite thing to do with your mother! Please?” She seemed so excited and I know I should’ve said no but what’s the worst that could happen? I’d just say I’m better off with no one and they of all people should understand that.
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
“What?” Taryn asked, not expecting that.
“Great! Alright I’ll get started on it and you two should sleep here for the night, tomorrow evening you will have the best party ever!” Emily stood up excitedly as a maid came in to show us to our rooms.
“Actually I have to go home. Locke is expecting me,” Taryn escaped, leaving me alone. Right before I was planning on going to sleep a short lady walked inside. She had a straight cut that went up to her chin and she had black cat-eye glasses on.
“Hello, stand up straight please,” There was a hint of Russian in her accent. She walked up to me and began to measure me. My waist, my hips, my bust, she measured every curve on my body. “That’ll be all, a dress will be ready for you tomorrow,”
“Thanks,” I didn’t understand exactly what happened but I think I have a dress now. It was a sleepless night, thoughts filled my head but it wasn’t the worst night of sleep due to the bed I had. I don’t even have anything to compare it to. Somehow I didn’t think about Cardan once throughout the trip. I was afraid of leaving for a day like this, I told him I may be out for up to a couple of days since I kind of wanted to stay with Vivi and Oak for a day but I didn’t realize that I would like Emily and Richard so much that I’d be okay with spending a night.
The party started out great, over time the garden was filled with men who all fought to get to know me. I didn’t enjoy the fact that I was actually missing Cardan right now. Usually right now he’d say something to give me something to overthink, laugh, or mostly panic about but right now I was stuck with a bunch of boys who all wanted my hand. As if they really expected me to choose and on top of it, Emily was very keen on me choosing. She had told me she had about 5 batches so I can have a party each night of the week. It wasn’t that I didn’t like her or anything but, I just could not deal with a room filled with rich people like this. I know I’m supposed to be happy that there’s a room full of people ready to marry me at any second but right now all I wanted to do was run all the way back to the palace. To bicker with Cardan and fight with Madoc at council meetings. I finally found an empty area , a couch in the corner of the garden, somehow no one was to be found. I sat as politely as I could incase anyone was watching but I ended up leaning back and closing my eyes trying to process every person who’s introduced themself. Within minutes later I felt a thud next to me on the couch, I tried my best not to groan and turned my head. I attempted to have a sweet smile but I’m pretty sure it was a glare from the moment I looked over.
“Why the face?” The boy had a sly grin on his face as my eyes widened.
“Cardan!” I hissed. “What are you doing here?” How did he even know about this party?
“Taryn told Locke and Locke told me about it,” He replied coolly while he took a bite
out of something he was holding.
“Who’s at the throne? Oh my god, is it Madoc? He’s going to kill everyone,” I started to panic thinking about what was happening in Elfhame with Cardan and I back here.
“Don’t worry Lo-“
I cut him off, “Locke! You put Locke in charge? He’s going to kill everyone and lock us out!” I almost stood up with even more panic spread throughout me. At least Madoc was logical, Locke thinks everything is a stupid game.
“Locke called for the court of shadows and now they’re doing whatever it is that you do,” Cardan finished.
I took a deep breath, “Oh thank God.”
“So, what did you do to get a party for yourself? I doubt you’re actually planning on choosing someone,” I could tell he didn’t like the idea of me marrying someone just for the sake of it.
“After Locke, I don’t think I’ll ever rush into love at all,” I forgot who I was talking to for a second, I let my guard down stupidly. I could tell Cardan didn’t like the fact that I said Locke but he let me continue before I stopped talking, “I’m just doing this because they miss my mother and Em- she pleaded. How could I refuse a stupid party that caused her more excitement than to know that she had a piece of her daughter left.”
He smirked, “Well, I know something that’d cause her even more excitement.”
“What?” I could already tell this would end with a dirty joke.
“Oh, don’t be like that. I was just going to say that if you chose me, you could pretend you’d live with me for a while,” His idea was great except for the fact that she’d freak out to know that I planned on running away with a boy that she doesn’t even know.
“I think she’d have a heart attack.”
He snorted, “Well, we won’t know until we do it.”
“Cardan!” I gasped.
“Also, who’s ‘she’?” I realized I never actually explained to him who my grandparents were.
“The woman who gave birth to my mom.”
“So ‘he’ is the dad who caused his wife pleasure and pain so that your mother would come out of ‘she’?” He could make even the stupidest things sexual.
“Yes Cardan, please talk about the way that my mom was conceived. Please, I’d love to know more,” sarcasm filled my voice.
“I’d love to but ‘she’, is coming down here’,” my heart stopped for a second. Was she going to recognize him? He did glamour himself so hopefully she wouldn’t, and she probably didn’t know how the new king looked anyway.
“I see you’ve made a friend,” Emily winked at me.
“Yes, I did, but I think it’s time w-“ I stop myself quickly, “I go back home.” I smile as naturally as I can but I can tell it looks too artificial.
“Yes, well I’d like to get to know him a bit before you go,” Emily looks at him. “Have we met before?” She’s catching on.
“I’m not sure, maybe you knew my father?” Cardan played along but maybe he wasn’t. He sounded serious, was he actually asking my mortal grandmother whether or not she knew the old high king?
“Where’s Richard?” I blurted, hoping that she doesn’t figure out who Cardan is.
“Yes, I’m not sure where he is, but Jude. If you ever do feel comfortable, I’d love for you to call me your grandmother. And the same goes for Richard,” This was it. The conversation I least wanted to have and on top of it we were doing it in front of the boy I hate.
“Well, I hope you wouldn’t be calling him grandmother,” His laugh echoed through my body.
“Oh Yes! My wording was not that great,” Emily began to laugh. I’m surprised she didn’t snap at him but again, I think I’m just one who has no filter when it comes to Cardan.
“Emily, dear. Oh, hello. Jude, did you find someone interesting?” Richard inquired as he walked up to the trio.
“Yes, I did, now I really must get going,” I just wanted to leave and Cardan was not helping at all. I glared at him hoping he’d catch the hint.
“Well, it was great meeting you two but, I too must get going and well, I would just love to give Jude a ride back to her house,” Cardan stood up.
“Jude, will have to go her own way,” Emily interrupted. I wasn’t sure whether or not these people knew I was from Faerie.
“Yes, I hope I can see you another time,” I knew if I didn’t go with him I’d be stuck here for at least another day. My eyes burned hoping he’d come up with something else, anything else.
“I don’t think you understand, I know of Jude’s home very well and am offering to take her with me. I’d love to see where she live as I live there too,” Cardan said again. His voice was commanding, just like how it is when he’s in the court.
“Y-yes, of course, you may definitely take her with you,” Richard stammered. He was definitely afraid but I’m not sure what he was afraid of. I looked over and Cardan looked like his normal glamoured self. Emily stood there, as if she was struck by lightning.
“Emily, you’ll walk them out?” Richard looked over to his frozen wife.
“Yes,” She began to walk next to me while Cardan was a step in front of me. Once we reached the front door I began to say goodbye. I hugged her first, I kissed her lightly on her cheek as I saw everyone else do. She did the same to me but lingered a little longer. She whispered into my ear, “You could’ve just said no. You did not need to drag him here to save yourself. The next time you come here, I expect you to leave him there.” Her words were stern and I could tell she wasn’t joking around. She was right, I could’ve just said no but I did not bring him here. He came himself but there was no point in arguing. I wasn’t sure if she knew he was king but I could tell they knew he wasn’t mortal.
“Good bye,” Emily said quietly as we began to step outside the door, “and farewell, your majesty.” The last part made me freeze for a second. Cardan kept moving but he grabbed my arm quickly. Emily definitely saw it, she knew she was right.
“What did you do?” I asked once we were out of sigh.
“Nothing, just unglamored myself for
a second so they saw my crown,” Cardan shrugged as we continued to move.
“You did what?” I froze.
“Well, what did you want me to do?” He grabbed my arm again and forced me to start walking again.
“Anything other than that!” I couldn’t believe him.
“Hey, you needed rescuing so I rescued you.” He brought me to the horse he came here on.
“Thank you,” I said as I threw myself over it.
“You’re welcome, just make sure the next time you plan on getting married,” I turned my head to look at him as he talked, “Make sure it’s to me.” And with that, we started. I didn’t say a word on the the ride back not sure whether or not he was joking. But even if he wasn’t, it didn’t matter because that’s not my priority. We reached Elfhame by dawn and I made a decision. That was the first and last time I’d ever go back to their house.
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
Chthonic Love Chapter 7
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Series Summary:  A Greek Mythology AU featuring Yoongi/Suga as Hades and reader as Persephone. Olympian ruler Namjoon has delivered you, Persephone, as a gift for his brother, lord of Death, Yoongi
Previous Chapter here
The hours passed quietly. You had sketched out both the garden and the shore. Occasionally you walked over to the window and looked out for reference.
You heard Yoongi scoot his chair back and you looked up. He was stretching his arms. His gravelly voice broke the silence, “You can stay here if you like. It's almost time for the next reaping.”
You found yourself yawning, “Actually, I think I'll go and find Lethe.” You said as you got up from your comfortable pile. “Thanks for the day.”
“Of course.” he said, looking down at your drawings as he walked over. “Those are really good.”
“Thanks.” you smiled, proud of your artwork. “Where should I put them?” you asked, picking the papers up.
“Here. For now...” he took the sketches from your hands and placed them in one of the chests.
“Great. Thank you.” you said. “Oh. Hold on.” You removed the cloak you were still wearing and fastened it around his neck. Yoongi momentarily forgot how to breathe. “There.” You looked up at him and smiled.
He felt a blush creep across his face. What the hell is this? he wondered while he reached to open the door for you.
You walked past him, keeping your own head down as you suddenly felt very shy. You immediately ran into Penthos. “Ahhh!” you shrieked out a bit. “Sorry, you surprised me.”
“I work here,” he said bluntly.
Behind you, you heard Yoongi clear his throat. “What was that Penthos?”
“Pardon me Lady Persephone. I was just coming to give Lord Yoongi a daily report.” You saw the barely noticeable eye twitch that occurred as he answered.
You tried your best to maintain your pleasant demeanor. Honorifics were never really your thing, but it seemed as though Penthos was usually all about them; just not with you.
“Well then, I shall leave you to it. Good evening gentleman.” you awkwardly maneuvered around Penthos and went down the stairs. Your mood was slightly soured by the interruption. You weren’t quite done saying goodnight to Yoongi. You pouted as you traveled through the great hall and kitchen looking for Lethe. You realized that you didn’t really know that much about the Obsidian Palace. You decided to ask Yoongi for a tour tomorrow. You looked in your room. No Lethe. Garden? Nope. You sigh. Was there anyone else around here?
You go back to the Great Hall and find one of the random servants dusting something. “Excuse me. Have you seen Lethe?”
The woman looked at you like you are the most terrifying thing ever. “Ok. Sorry I asked. I’ll just go.” you backed away slowly. Another servant came over, “Sorry milady, Aida is new here. She’s still adjusting to being dead.”
“Oh,” you put your hand over your mouth. “I’m so sorry I had no idea. This must be very hard for you Aida.” She nodded her head slowly and resumed her semi-dusting activity.
“Is there something I can help you with?” the other woman asked.
“Yes. I’m looking for Lethe.”
“I think she is in the laundry room. Let me fetch her for you.” she started to leave.
“Please take me with you. I would be very interested to see where the laundry room is.”
“You can’t be serious milady. It’s a laundry room.”
“Well you see I have never seen a laundry room before. Ever.”
The woman laughed, “Alright, come along then.”
You followed her through several hallways and arrived at a small door.
“Lethe?” she yelled as she opened it. “Lady Persephone is looking for you.”
“Alright I’ll be right there.��� you heard Lethe shout.
You walked through the door. “No need Lethe, I came to find you.”
“Did you need something?”
You turned to the woman who had brought you here, “Thank you so much.” She curtsied and left. “No. I’m just bored.” you admitted.
She laughed. “Well I suppose compared to the mortal realm there isn’t a lot to do here.” she stirred a large cauldron full of clothing.
“May I ask you something highly inappropriate?” you said, completely catching Lethe off guard causing her to stop stirring the clothing.
“Umm...I suppose but if it’s about Lord Yoongi I feel like I shouldn’t say anything given that he’s so powerful and in charge of my contract and…”
“It’s not about Yoongi.” you quickly cut her off.
“Oh. Ok. Then what? Is it about being dead?”
“No.” you took a deep breath, “Why doesn't Penthos like me?”
Lethe resumed stirring the clothes. “Who says he doesn’t like you?”
“Goddesses can tell when people are lying.” you bluffed. “One of our lesser known abilities.”
She sighed, “Penthos is one of the few people who chooses to be here. He's not just a dead human like most of us. He’s a demi-god who cares deeply for Lord Yoongi. He’s been here for centuries.”
You cocked your head to the side, “I still don't understand. I've been nothing but kind to Yoongi. I mean, I screamed a lot at first but I feel all things considered I’ve taken this kidnapping pretty well. “
“Maybe that's part of it. In a few days or weeks or months at the most, you'll be leaving here. Lord Yoongi will still be here. Forever. He can't even leave the underworld for more than a day or so or else there would be chaos in the mortal realm.”
“Pshh even when I leave I would still come back and visit if Yoongi wanted me to.” You said as you folded some random clothing.
Lethe raised her eyebrows in surprise, “You would? Stop doing that.” She scolded you.
“I can’t just stand here and do nothing.” you responded.
“Fine. Fine. I suppose I shouldn’t argue with you.” she finished stirring the laundry and started pulling the pieces out. “I don’t suppose you have any magic for lifting things or drying laundry?” she asked.
You created a flower in your hands, “Nope, life magic only.” You smiled. “It’s been useful at times, but there are definitely more practical abilities that the Pantheon possesses. What powers does Penthos have?”
Lethe paused and thought, “I’m not entirely sure. I know he has the ability to move objects without touching them. And he can combine solid matter, like the orb you arrived in and a large portion of the Obsidian Palace was crafted by him.”
“Interesting,” you mused. Demigods were always a question mark when it came to their abilities. Some were immensely powerful and others barely registered any abilities. Regardless, it was good information to have. You picked at your flower petals. “Soooo anything else interesting? Cursed rooms? Labyrinths? Secret mistresses?”
Lethe laughed, “Nope. The catacombs are a bit treacherous but Lord Yoongi keeps those locked up. Like I said, life here is quiet but boring. It’s one of the reasons we are sent here: quiet time to reflect on our poor choices.” She sighed sadly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring that up.” you quickly felt bad.
“Oh no, you didn’t. It’s just one of those thoughts that’s always on my mind. I can relate almost anything to it, to be honest. But let’s see. What’s something interesting…? Hmm...I mean seriously you are the first guest we’ve had in the fifty years here so there’s just not a lot to say.”
“Really? That’s sad.” You remade your flower again with a different color.
“Well, the trip is a little dangerous.” She said as she hung the clothing on a line in front of the fire.
“Not for Olympians. Please. That’s just an excuse. They travel to Olympus all the time for parties ands stupid stuff. It’s just rude.” you scoffed.
She paused thoughtfully, “Well milady, forgive me for pointing it out, but you never visited either until you were brought here.”
You mused for a minute, “I suppose that’s true. But I don’t go to Olympus either. I have a general distrust of other Gods. Clearly I was right seeing as how I was transferred like chattel. Anyways. I have visited the ocean realm because of the animals there. Are there any animals in the Underworld?”
Lethe shook her head, “Monsters. And some are nice, but most aren’t. It’s not really safe to leave the palace.”
You walked over and started hanging up clothes alongside her, “Ah that’s too bad. I was hoping there were secretly Stygian Sharks or something.”
Lethe had given up on scolding you for helping. “Can’t you create some?”
“No, I can sustain animal life and create plants. I could create an animal but it would die before it could live a real life, my powers are technically life magic, not creation magic; that’s Gaia.” you smiled, “I wish I could create some Stygian Sharks. I’d totally do it. And some Sorrow Scorpions for the desert. Moonlit foothill fainting goats.”
Lethe started to laugh, the kind of laugh that comes from the stomach and makes the sides hurt. This caused you to laugh even more, imagining your strange animal creations. It continued for a while with the two of you making up absurd animal creations. “I can’t remember the last time I laughed like that,” she said, wiping tears from her eyes.
“Me either, my throat hurts a little.” you said as you hung the last sock.
“Let’s get you some tea then.”
“I won’t argue with that,” you replied as the two of you left the laundry room.
“Sir have you received any word from Hoseok?” Penthos asked as he followed Yoongi down the stairs.
“No. But it’s only been a day. It takes time for things to reach the mortal realm.” he responded nonchalantly. “I need to go speak with Arachne before the reaping. Is there anything else for this evening?”
Penthos was taken aback slightly, “Sir, you just saw Arachne yesterday. Is everything alright in the catacombs? I can investigate if there’s been any trouble.”
“No. No trouble. Persephone needs a warmer cloak.” Yoongi said as though it was the most obvious thing ever.
Penthos tried to hide his confusion. “Will she be staying long enough to need one?”
Yoongi involuntarily flinched and stopped walking. He looked over at Penthos, truly assessing him for the first time in years. “I don’t care if she’s staying for one night or forever. I don’t want her to be cold while she’s here.” he said tightly.
“Yes sir.”
“Another thing?” Yoongi asked.
“Go check on the golems. Just make sure they’re in working order.”
Yoongi looked down and walked closer to Penthos, resuming eye contact once he was within inches of his face. “I’m getting tired of your questions this evening Penthos. I have indulged several based on our years together. Check the Golems.” he put his hands in his pockets and turned back towards the catacombs.
“Yes, sir.” NEXT CHAPTER
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Of Faes and Goblins
Fae! Aethelred+Changeling! Reader+Goblin! Ivar
(A/N): Happy birthday, Sophie, @maggiescarborough​!
So to celebrate your beautiful day and to show how much we support you and apprecciate all you do for this beautiful comunity, we thought of sharing with you a few creations to celebrate properly your lovely day!
My idea is basically an interactive story, as in: you’ll be faced with a few choices and you’ll decide the turn of events of the stories, so be sure to let me know what you prefer to happen and I’ll try my best to follow your choices.
For the rest, do enjoy the surprise and the idea!
Have a lovely birthday, beautiful! (with not too much heathen and your beloved sickly looking Saxons!).
SUMMARY: After your life turned out to be a complete lie, you find yourself faced with many choices and even more importantly with two annoying males.
WORDS: 9,8 K
WARNINGS: Mention of Violence, Kidnapping, Fighting (yeah this is very much taken from ‘The Dark Faerie Tales’ by Holly Black), Everybody is A Faerie.
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Changeling were extraordinary creatures.
And you had been lucky enough to be one of them.
You had discovered it once you had moved back to Ireland, having transferred to North America for a scholarship after high school, feeling like Ireland was too tight for your dreams.
A sensation only worsened by your mother’s horrible mental health…
… although with time you had discovered that she knew the truth, all along.
Since you had had memory, your mother had said you weren’t his child, gaining quite the judging of everyone around her, and right after she had started making such claims, doctors had dosed her with medical drugs to keep her tame.
Even more after she had even tried to leave you in the wood nearby your family’s manor, the one you stayed at with your grandma.
Your grandma was the only person that had constantly supported you and she was the woman who had raised you as your own mother laid in bed, either passed out for the drugs or trying to ignore you, since only seeing you would make her faint.
Eventually your grandma had been the one to push you away from Ireland, suggesting that you pursued your dream outside of the beautiful land that had been your sole home.
She had given you the strength to believe in yourself, although the first years in America had been passed adapting yourself at its big cities and its enormous crowd.
But now that you were back from them, you felt almost uneasy in the small village you had grown up with, everybody looking too changed and yet the same, looking at you with distrust and envy, although you hadn’t become a famous star or an important businesswoman.
But the fact that you had escaped that strict mentality was enough.
You had come back for the same person who didn’t want you there.
As of lately your mother’s heart had been thoroughly weakened by the drugs (medical and not) and she had already had an heartattack.
Your grandma had explained it to you in one last call that sadly your mother’s life was becoming thin, pleading with you to come back, although you weren’t sure that your mother wanted you back.
You weren’t her child, after all.
At first, as a child, the way she uttered those words had hurt you in ways that pierced your tiny skin, making you completely detached from the affection of that woman, soon starting to call her simply by her name and nothing else.
And even sooner you had erased her figure, pushing your grandma in her place.
But now even she was tired, and you could hear her ache in the tone of her voice.
Although your mother might not want her title, your grandma still remained her mother and she suffered for both of you her mistakes.
Eventually you had been convinced by your mother, herself, a secret call, at 3 a.m. in the morning telling you to come back, because the faeries had told her that if she gave you back, they’d make her see one last time her true child.
‘… my inion’ the way the name had sounded on the tip of her tongue made you uneasy, because you had never heard it, but you had reasoned with yourself that maybe in your mother’s delusional words there might be some kind of truth.
And there was.
Almost too much.
Back then you had simply thought that she had finally come to the conclusion that you were her daughter.
So, seeing you again would have allowed her to rationalize and finally accept you as her daughter, something for which you strived for, although you had for long years tried to convince yourself that her approval didn’t matter, in the slightest.
But any hope had disappeared when after a flight of twelve hours, your mother had refused to face you, much to your grandmother’s and your annoyance, although the older woman welcomed you in again as a warm mother, having cooked your favorite meal, something that brightened your mood.
You spent a nice few days back in Ireland, although your mother didn’t seem interested into acknowledging your presence and whenever you were together, she’d stare at you with mighty intensity in her eyes and once you had heard her mutter ‘when will they come for you, silly girl? I want my real child back’.
And in that moment, you had dreaded the thought that had come to your mind.
You had wished that she would have just died.
It was less embarrassing, and it would have been a trauma she could deal with, instead of being stuck in the eternal limbo of ‘will she ever love me? Or will I be for ever the faeries’ daughter?’.
But then that fateful night had happened, and you had been the one thinking that you had grown as crazy as her, as you heard a melodic song being sprung from nowhere.
Something ancient that couldn’t be found on Spotify for sure, although you loved it.
But it just wouldn’t let you sleep, and eventually you peaked outside of your house to check what was going on, although you wouldn’t be surprised to find your neighbor having a concert.
They were quite the musical people.
But it was none of that.
And once you had moved a step outside of your house, the music seemed to slowly lead your step.
And although you weren’t aware of it, soon your body was led through the wood around your manor.
The moon was the only source of light and as you looked up, the music interrupted itself suddenly.
And you were in the middle of nowhere, in simply your skimpy pajama of an awful color from too many washings, and a big print of a teddy bear on it, the writing next to it completely scraped off, nothing as luxurious as the dresses of the people around you.
You almost thought that your neighbor were having a Renaissance fair in the middle of woods, some kind of ‘Shakespeare in the park’ movie, although the dresses belonged to every period in history and not a peculiar one.
Women were dressed in round gowns, puff and big, and tight corsets, meanwhile men looked like they had come from the nearest BDSM club, all dressed in leather and open shirts.
And the jewels they wore, both males and females: silver and gold that shone so bright, absorbing almost the brightness of the moon, intensifying it with their colors and the gems shone of every color in the rainbow, sometime even all together.
And for a moment you were so lost in your rapture that you forgot to wonder what was truly happening here.
The only thing that could come up to your mind was the Hamelin’s flautist, driving the mice to their demise, something that made a sudden shiver fall down your spine, even more when you noticed that they were all somehow armed.
And that wherever the moon didn’t touch, their skin seemed anything but human, having some present slight deformation and animalistic traits, enough that you thought to have wandered in a fairy tale.
A dark one, such as the ones that the Grimm’s brothers wrote.
‘Lady (Y/N)’ somebody called out to you, but you couldn’t identify anyone speaking, almost as if the voice had its original place in your mind, calling out to you loudly, in a way that gripped tight your skull, keeping your eyes on the fable-like cortege ‘… we hoped to meet you again’.
‘… I don’t…’ your voice sounded silly and echoed in your empty head, suddenly cleared of anything else other than that voice and the images of that magic in front of you.
This must be a crazy nightmare.
Or a horrible joke.
‘…  she doesn’t know when to shut up’ this time it was a feminine voice, harsh and tight ‘… are you sure, my son, that she is the one you want to choose?’.
Her voice concealed an obvious disgust, almost as if it was painfully obvious that you were beneath her.
Then why had they come for you.
‘I don’t understand what is going on’ you breathed out, finally able to push the words out, although the woman’s words still echoing in your head ‘… I should be in bed… is this… is this a dream?’.
You almost wanted to mutter that ‘it must have been “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” ‘.
‘… no, it isn’t’ the male voice was low, almost comforting and the tightness in your skull was lightly relieved allowing you to feel more comfortable.
Suddenly you felt your breath quickening up, enough that you feared a panic attack.
‘… then if this is a joke, it isn’t funny!’ your voice spoke loudly ‘… you take the newcomer in city and give her the scare of her life! That’s what you fuckers do! If this is it, I won’t tell the cops, but you have to let me go!’.
‘It isn’t either a joke’ the male voice was different, evidently deeper, almost as if who spoke was more grown up ‘… and whatever human forces you want to conjure they won’t help you’.
This brought dread to your stomach and your breath quickened, enough that you felt choking yourself up deeply, and soon all the air in your lungs finished, and it didn’t take you much to see black.
You woke up in an unknown place, smelling heavenly, something that eased your senses, meanwhile whatever you wore was as delicate as a petal, comfortable enough that it brought you to shift in bed, till you realized that your pajama would have been quite less comfortable.
Hence somebody had had to change you in whatever you were now wearing.
For a few minutes you hoped unrealistically that it had been your grandmother, although you were aware of not owning such luxurious garments.
It would have been a nice dream, before you woke up to the reality.
That seemed more like the dream itself.
You were inside what seemed like a flower, the light barely flicking through the rosy walls of utter silk, meanwhile they closed and opened around you almost as a flower, and the smell was also delicious, lulling and clean.
But then your reason finally came back.
And you realized that you weren’t at home, no matter how reassuring the atmosphere was.
You had been kidnapped.
By some kind of weirdos in tight robes.
Gosh, could it have sounded more like a drugged-out dream?
Had you accidentally taken some medicine from your mother’s cabinet?
But then as you turned lightly your skin was scratched by something and you saw a rose being laid on the pillow next to you, its thorns lightly gracing your face, making you realize that if you were feeling pain… this wasn’t a dream.
And you had seriously fallen asleep inside a flower, like Thumbellina.
But what truly got a scream out of your throat as your senses came back was the purple-skinned girl next to your bed, checking on you, as she folded a ridiculously puffy dress, unlike the simple one she wore, matching her golden feline eyes.
Her legs were also animal-like, almost as the one of a tiger, slender and hairy, colored of a bright orange that clashed with much strength against her skin color, effectively taking your mind away from the thought of being in danger.
Till she screamed back at you.
And you jumped out of bed, grabbing the first thing that you could see in your line of sight, which was a lamp, made of wood, with a small spirit inside of it, shielded by glass, the small being protesting loudly, with its fists, something that almost made you lose your grip onto the delicate object, saved by the purple girl, half-tiger and half-human.
If she was human.
Although you hadn’t seen many blue humans.
But if she wasn’t human… this opened so much possibilities that tricked with your mind.
“… my lady…” she didn’t seem to be in slightest much more informed or calmer than you “… you should calm down”.
But you didn’t and moved to collect something else, to shield and protect yourself, eventually settling on a pillow full of daisy, the same one where you had laid your head till a few minutes before.
“… where the fuck am I?” your voice was low, but it broke lightly in the end with hysteria.
“My lady, you are safe” the purple being spoke, as she settled down the lamp on its rightful place, lightly brushing against you, as you pushed the pillow in front of your chest, accidentally making a few daisies fall down onto your feet “… nobody will hurt you”.
“… I was kidnapped! You have already hurt me!” you replied tightly, choking on the words, as you felt another attack coming onto you, and the woman gently held you up “… I should go back home! I need to go back home!”.
“You are home, my lady” you were honestly annoyed by the way she pronounced your title, almost as if it was the most normal thing ever.
As if you belonged there.
“… this isn’t my home! My grandma isn’t here brushing away my hair and there isn’t even that bitch of my mother… Gosh I am fucking missing her right now!” your outburst strangely excited the small fire being in the lamp and as you looked at it too closely, shielded from it by your pillow, meanwhile the tiger-lady moved away, clearly thinking you needed your space.
The small creature was male-like, naked and with flaming hair, changing colors as the intensity of the flame became stronger.
And it talked, although it whispered lowly, almost child-like, chanting what seemed a bawdy dirge and you cursed again, being mimicked by the small being.
“… perfect! Kidnapped and pushed to meet a fucking perv of a fire spirit” you commented, gently caressing your forehead “… this can’t be true! Magic doesn’t exist!”.
“It does” the voice was different from the one of the blue-skinned being and it was much louder than the fire spirit’s one, although it seemed quite young, and you remembered you had heard it in the clearing.
And when you raised your eyes from the pillow you found a charming young man, barely younger than you, with long flowy hair, coming to his shoulder in light waves at its end, of a dark color that highlighted his enchanting blue eyes.
He wore a complex robe, although it seemed much more relaxed than the one you had seen in the clearing, having shed any elegant and expensive detail, except for a few earrings that caught your attention, pushing itself onto the peculiar shape of his ears.
They were pointy.
Like faeries.
You knew that people sometimes would undergo surgery to obtain such a shape, and you had been blessed with slightly pointy ears, something that had made many Halloween costumes easy for you.
But the way his ears looked…
… it seemed natural.
Because it was.
“Niahm, can you please leave us alone?” he spoke, although again his lips didn’t open, and you wondered whether it was again only in your head or you were starting to go mad.
But also the tiger-lady seemed to have heard it, bowing her head to the beautiful man, as she  moved outside, leaving you alone with him and you quickly managed to grab again the lamp, moving into a defensive position.
“Don’t think of hurting me, bastard” you muttered between gritted teeth “… I’ll destroy this and set you on fire”.
A sad smile appeared on his face, almost as if he was amused, but understood your reasonings and something in you relaxed strangely, as the man moved to push himself onto the bed, putting a lengthy distance between you and him.
And then you ran.
Ran outside, but before you could do much more, as soon as you shifted the curtains that were the walls of the chamber you found yourself almost falling to your demise, since outside of the whatever you had waken up in, there was nothing.
And underneath it, the ground… many many meters under you.
“… what the hell” your voice was low, and you quickly turned behind, closing the curtain behind yourself, as the young man looked at you with a knowing smirk.
“Smart move” he commented “… you don’t have wings sadly. Pixie sometimes are lucky enough to have them, but you don’t seem to be the type”.
“… pixie?” you asked, as slowly you felt everything you knew crumbling to the ground, your own knees buckling up underneath you “… this can’t be true”.
“It is true” replied the young man, adjusting on the bed, although he seemed rather elegant, also with his legs crossed in a relaxed position, making you notice that although his legs were lithe, he certainly had the posture of a royal person.
Head straight and clear eyes.
“… faeries exist, exactly like magic, and deep down you know, (Y/N)” again that voice in your head and you stupidly went to close your ears to prevent yourself from listening onto him “… you know because you are one of us, truly”.
And slowly, almost as if a cover had been opened from one of the trunks of your memory, slow images appeared in your mind, of you seeing faeries everywhere.
Meanwhile you were lost in the woods, after your mother had left you, small dwarves leading you back home, as they gifted you a wreath of roses and thorns that didn’t bite your skin.
Meanwhile you collected flowers for your grandmother, a few small faeries helping you, as they played with your hair, taunting you with soft whispers.
Meanwhile you left Ireland, a small cohort of little magical creatures accompanying you as you left your home.
And all of this had been hidden in your mind since you had left Ireland.
You had known magic, indeed, because you were one of them.
You were a changeling.
As your mother had told you.
“… my life…” you felt yourself choking up on your own tears, as the man quickly moved closer to you, dropping on the floor in front of you, as you shifted your face away, not wanting to show weakness, although again your eyes were beginning to be quite clouded “… my life is a lie”.
“And my mother knew it all about it” blame shifted in your body, as you remembered how easily you had called her ‘crazy’ all this time, when she had known all the truth about it “… this isn’t right, still… aren’t… aren’t changelings supposed to live with the humans?”.
The young man retreated from you, almost as if your lips had mumbled a tight accusation against him.
“… you are to marry my brother”.
Hadn’t all of this been quite crazy already, you would have started crying.
But instead you giggled hysterically, before you realized that he wasn’t joking.
“I don’t even know you!” you screeched, and before he knew it, your hands had clawed at his shirt, but as your hands came in your full view, you noticed that if you had thought that the crazy tiger-lady looked weird in blue and orange, you were now a shade of mauve that almost made you think you weren’t in your body anymore.
But you were a faery, after all, now.
It shouldn’t have shocked you that much.
Although it was utter crazy.
“… well then I can solve that quickly!” replied the boy, almost as if you hadn’t broken down two times already “… I am Alfred, and you are marrying my brother, Aethelred!”.
“That doesn’t solve much” your voice was grim, but you were too tired to fight, already thinking about the fact that you had discovered that you were a faery for a minute and you already were in a crazy amount of troubles.
“I can’t marry him”.
“Not with that attitude!” commented another voice, deeper and definitely much more mainly and you turned to take a small peak at whoever had joined you, discovering that the man was quite the picture of Alfred.
Same light eyes and dark hair, but he had a more mainly appearance, with a fresh unshaven beard and tight muscles, definitely much more robust than Alfred, who lightly ducked his head low, at that appearance, some sense of uneasiness shining in his eyes.
Meanwhile the other man’s showed arrogance as they took you in.
And it didn’t take you a genius that you were looking at your future husband.
“… I don’t think that I am even remotely ready to marry someone” you spoke loudly, spurred on by that amused annoyance you saw in his eyes, meanwhile his lips moved in a smirk and you pushed yourself up, although it didn’t solve much since you were still much smaller than him.
“Who is every ready?”.
“Don’t you have something smarter to say than idiotic answers” you replied, hissing through his teeth, as you pushed him away lightly, feeling like you were trying to push away a wall of muscles.
“… I don’t want a stupid changeling as my bride” he uttered wickedly, his humor certainly reminding you more of the faeries you had read about, accompanied but the dangerously darkness that characterized them, although they might dress in pink tulle and ride white unicorns.
“… I don’t want whatever the fuck you are as my husband” you mimicked him, crossing your head over your chest, solely now noticing that you weren’t wearing anything more than a nightgown that was the same color of your skin, making you seem naked.
“Aethelred, don’t taunt her” Alfred’s voice suddenly seemed deeper, laced with a troubled annoyance, and he set himself between you both, almost thinking that there might have been some kind of fight from you two, and you just watched the haughty faerie in front of you with your best glare.
“Mother wouldn’t like it to see you talk like that to your future bride” continued on reprimanding him loudly Alfred, and this time the arrogant annoyance became a truly hateful feeling and you couldn’t deny that you wouldn’t have liked it either, if your younger brother treated you like that.
“Mother doesn’t fucking care. She just wants to continue on screwing her pathetic humab lover…” the comment scandalized Alfred, but before he could say anything, Aethelred’s attention turned to you “… you aren’t one of us, you’ll only taint my bloodline, with your dried up blood”.
“Don’t worry, I don’t have any intention to even come near your prick” you retorted loudly “… I do think that you probably find much more pleasure from whatever is showed up your fucking ass”.
This seemed to take him by surprised, as a strange mixture of admiration appeared in his eyes before turning in a devious smirk, his eyes shifting onto your body, as you shielded it, eventually turning around, wanting to grab your pillow and smother the arrogant asshole.
“… you shouldn’t have sent away the maid” now he talked with his brother like you didn’t exist anymore, but you were thankful they weren’t using the mind trick anymore “… you know that mother won’t appreciate it if she is either late or in a nightgown for the Promise”.
“What Promise?” you intervened, but the brothers now kept on talking between themselves, an embarrassed look on Alfred’s face “… somebody will fucking tell me what is going on? Or will I be also kidnapped for this fucking Promise?!”.
“Preferably not” sarcasm and sass was much better than nothing “… it is a ceremony before our marriage, where we promise that we won’t stab each other in the back”.
“… romantic” you muttered “… but believe me, even a swear won’t hold me back from stabbing you”.
“Faerie swears mean much more, although I do have to admit that you have the amazing ability to lie, having lived with humans for so long…” he commented “… that’s why you are here, our secret weapon”.
“What do you mean?”.
Why had these people all made this without even asking for your opinion.
“…call her maid” Aethelred simply sent you one last look before turning around.
And you never wanted to feel like that.
Alfred seemed almost halfway through doing that when your voice became a tight whisper.
‘… can you give me a minute?’.
A minute of privacy.
A minute with the only person who didn’t seem to know everything that had been going on.
A minute to understand what you’d truly have to do to escape all of this.
Because there was no way you’d get married to that prick.
In the end you had tried not to question too much your faerie origins.
You had a much more urgent problem in your hands.
A marriage you didn’t want to attend.
A marriage in which you were a bride.
It was still difficult for you to understand what they truly wanted from you, but you wouldn’t have stayed for the real ceremony, although you hadn’t yet figured out a way to run away and go back to civilization, since you were closed off in some kind of ancient tower that looked like a flower.
Stranded away in the middle of nowhere.
So, you would have played the nice girl, till you found out how to run away.
You might not have had wings, but faeries usually had some kind of magic, so maybe you would have been lucky enough to have the power to teleport you away from all of this shit, something that you had childishly tried when the faerie maid, Niahm, had left you in bath alone.
You hadn’t found any kind of sharp objects you could use as a weapon.
You had tried breaking some kind of smelly bottles, probably filled with perfume, but they had just bounced off the wall even when you had thrown them across the bathroom, making you feel even more at unease.
Because not only you felt at danger.
But you felt damnably useless.
And pitiful.
Almost a child being dressed up in elegant gown and long dresses.
A child who had been stolen away and brought up in the human world.
You almost expected some fairy to take your hand and push you by their side as they brought you down the wedding hall.
Which should be what had happened, had they thought that they could marry you off, easily.
You would have thrown a worse tantrum than a spoiled brat in front of an entire faerie court, for sure.
Because if there was one thing that you knew in your bones about the people that you had seen around you, those two brothers were royals, truly with the way they acted and how expensive their dresses seemed.
And you wouldn’t have been married off easily.
Because you were wanted for some talent of yours.
Your had something they wanted.
And that made you valuable cargo.
No matter how annoyed Aethelred was with you.
And if there was one thing you were looking forward more than simply running the hell away from here, it was pissing off that asshole.
You were soon ready and when you stepped out of the bathroom Niahm checked you further, adjusting your dress and pushing your washed hair up, meanwhile she smudged lightly some make-up on your eyes.
‘It’s the trend of the season in the court’ she spoke as she took you in ‘… you’ll be the prettiest’.
“I better” you mumbled, annoyedly “… I might be kidnapped but I refuse not to look anything but the bestest”.
She didn’t seem to understand what you truly meant, but she simply smiled and you almost felt pity for the horrible way you had treater her.
She obviously wanted to be there as much as you did, and you couldn’t put much blame on her, although she certainly wouldn’t have helped you.
“… sorry” you simply mumbled, as she turned to you with a small smile, her voice telling you ‘not to worry about’, purring out the ‘r’s, but her eyes shone of acceptance, and then she told you to wait a bit more.
And then suddenly the sun, seeping through the petals of your new home, became more orange, hitting low the petal that opened almost on his own and then lowered itself on the ground on some kind of slide
‘This isn’t even the weirdest thing I have seen today’ you thought as Niahm moved to you.
“Would you prefer that I go first, my lady?” she probably noticed your uneasiness, since you had never been one to do this kind of things “… it is safe as life, as you humans say”.
“That isn’t reassuring” you commented, but insisted that she went first, seeing her disappear quickly over the silky slide of the pinkish petal, onto which you moved, in your pinkish dress, a shade clearer that your skin right now.
You didn’t even have to push yourself, you moved down calmly, although the fastness of it made you ditzy and you weren’t comfortable till you were again on the ground, seeing that everyone you had seen last night was now looking at you, and at your disheveled state.
And you were glad to have Niahm come and collect you, almost as a doll in embellished clothes and thick blush over its cheeks, meanwhile Aethelred, you recognized him by the elegant clothes and the piercingly blue eyes, whispered something to a creature that looked like the elves you had read about when you were younger.
Slender and so light that she blinded you.
They spoke with an intimacy that showed that your soon-to-be-husband had much more experience than you thought in womanly business.
You wouldn’t have for sure stayed around enough to see if that was true or not.
Alfred came onto you, once Niahm was done with your set-up, guiding you through a court of creature that even in your wildest fantasies you wouldn’t have been able to conceive, although you recognized a few, asking yourself whether there were humans, since some seemed almost ‘normal’, but then a twinkle of their eyes would reveal much more.
And you felt a stranger.
A powerless stranger.
“Dear sister!” welcomed you Alfred, and although you weren’t sure to trust him or even like him, you were grateful for his help, since he had been the sole source of information you had met “… let me show you around! We have all been so eager to meet you!”.
And the court did seem eager.
But in a wicked away.
As if they expected nothing more than some kind of mistake from you.
One that would have sent you away from them, since they all looked positively plotting and you could only guess what they were thinking of you, although your shade of skin wasn’t human-like, but the way you moved… was clumsy.
Horridly clumsy, if confronted with theirs.
Alfred named ladies after lords as he guided you through them, and soon you were in front of two thrones, both pushed upward to distance them from the crowd below, as if they were stronger and you could only guess this meant they were the royal-est of the royals.
One seat, still, was left empty beside them, halfway through earth and sky.
But soon you had a bigger surprise waiting for you, as Alfred informed you that the older man and the younger woman sitting on the thrones were his relatives, making him the prince of the faeries.
Exactly like his brother.
The one you’d have to marry.
As if your situation hadn’t been already bad.
“My grandfather Ecberth, he is the one who organized your wedding” and he bowed lightly his head, making you a small sign to do the same, as the annoyed old man turned his attention on you suddenly.
The whispers all around you being immediately silenced.
And you felt judged.
“… lady (Y/N)” it was the woman who spoke, and had you been intimidated by the older man, the woman’s voice spoke of pure poison, something that made you extremely uneasy “… we are blessed to see your face and not hear your horrendous screams, this time”.
You honestly thought of a few comebacks but held back your tongue.
For now, you had to play the docile card.
You couldn’t make them worry when you were in their territory, if not for your own personal safety, to make your escape easier.
“… and this is my mother, queen Judith” exhaled softly Alfred and you had to push your eyes back onto your feet, because surprise shone in them.
Alfred hadn’t seriously inherited a single drop of that poisonous woman.
And now you did understand why Aethelred didn’t like her.
“… Judith!” reprimanded her quickly Ecberth, although something similar to amusement shone in his eyes as he said that name, before turning his full attention on you, something that made you almost feel like an ant being looked up by an enormous human foot “… excuse my lovely daughter-in-law, she knows nothing of our hospitality”.
“I am grateful for your hospitality” you spoke lowly, trying to keep your sarcasm contained, although you heard Aethelred laugh at your clumsy response, his snicker catching also Ecberth’s eye, who smirked back, but with harshness in the twinkle of his eye.
“… my eldest grandchild seems to have taken after his mother” and his eyes became harsh and heavy, and you almost felt bad for the public humiliation that befell on Aethelred “…do come forward, my foul boy”.
And Aethelred almost pushed by the same enchantment that had brought you in the woods, moved himself forward and marched with a harsh expression to you, till he was by your side.
“… isn’t your wife lovely?” he asked him, a tone of mockery in his words and soon purple coated Aethelred’s cheeks in a show of embarrassment that made you almost think that this wasn’t simply an advantageous wedding, although they had told you so.
This was a punishment for him.
“I don’t have to find my wife lovely” Aethelred shot back, hissing roughly through his teeth “… I just have to find her a liar”.
Again, that accent on your lying abilities.
What did it mean?
These people could enchant others, they could fly on their own wings and sprout fire, but they were suddenly interested in a girl that could lie.
“And can she lie?” the fact that he spoke like you weren’t there got on your nerve.
But you clutched your fists harder, raising your head immediately with a smile.
“I am very pleased to have this marriage with the lovely Aethelred” each word sounded fake, but the lie smeared itself on your mouth, making the man look at you as if you were some kind of strange animal.
One that pleased him greatly.
But could bite.
“… oh Gosh isn’t it marvelous?” he commented, laughing loudly as the entire court mirrored him as if they were one with him “… a blessing upon our house”.
Everybody agreed, even the scorned queen, although her eyes marveled with something that seemed almost envy, you held your head tighter, taking in your small victory, but it didn’t last much, because soon king Ecberth looked at you again and ordered to move onto the royal dinner.
‘… we’ll get something in our stomach and then raise our cups to the promise”.
And that would have made everything painfully real.
No matter the fact that you didn’t understand what this promise fully entailed, but the thought of food might have been helpful, since you honestly just started feeling the pain in your stomach due to the hunger.
Although you weren’t sure you should have eaten everything.
You had read too much Christina Rossetti to trust any fairy food.
And in a blink of an eye, tables appeared, almost blooming from the ground, and solely now you realized you weren’t in some magical land, but you were beneath the grass, as small as an ant, enough for to inhabit the small flower you had woken up into.
You wondered how the hell had it happened, even more when your captors had been your same height the previous night.
Had you become too small?
Or had the world grown too big around you?
They didn’t call them ‘Little People’ for anything, after all.
You almost shrieked as one chair came right behind your huge dress, the layers of fabric shielding you from unwanted attention, but you couldn’t hide your embarrassment at that sudden apparition, unused to such ordinary magic, as Alfred giggled innocently, meanwhile Aethelred smirked dangerously, but still sat next to you.
The food made you nervous so you simply played around with it, wondering whether you should have tasted the purplish substance in your glass, since your throat was suddenly aching for water, but you didn’t want to die or either worse be enchanted and driven mad.
You might have had their blood, but you weren’t used to their magic and their tricks.
“… it is safe to eat” commented Aethelred as he saw your hesitation “… people will be annoyed if they find out that I intend to starve my bride”.
“Will this make me dance like crazy around the table?” you muttered holding out the purplish liquid in the elegant glass.
“No” and he noticed that you didn’t look in the slightest convinced “… I can’t lie”.
“Is it true?” you retorted, but slightly dipped your lips in the liquid, your throat begging for a bit of relief.
“… I lo…” and his mouth pushed itself in various shapes till he renounced saying whatever he wanted and instead muttered darkly “… I hate all of this”.
“Don’t even start” you shot back, as you then moved to dip your mouth further in the glass, discovering that what you had thought was an horridly powerful potion turned out to be simple grape juice, not even alcoholic “… you weren’t kidnapped for this”.
“You know why my grandfather agreed to this?” he commented loudly, as if you were seriously interested in his own problems, not having already enough of your own “… because although you might be so special for your lying abilities, you are nothing more than a human girl”.
“My skin color would suggest otherwise” you muttered, showing off a naked arm, since your arms were exposed, through light sleets “… what the hell do I have to do to turn back to my original complexion?”.
“… get away from here” it was almost a suggestion “… changeling show their true nature only in Fae reigns. Run away and you’ll be a simple human again”.
“Oh, believe me, I’d love to do just that” a sugary sweet smile appeared on your face, matched by Aethelred, showing you that although he might not lie, he was completely able to fake “… just let me know which one is the emergency exit door and I’ll be far swiftly out of your hair”.
“You have such a way with words” he spoke loudly, a bright laugh escaping from his mouth, as he raised his cup towards his mother and grandfather “… keep your tongue tame or you won’t survive in here”.
“I have every intention of not even living in here” you replied, although the threat had gotten the hair on your skin to raise, as the goosebumps went all over your body, and you weren’t sure if it was for the veiled threat or the way Aethelred was so close to you.
He was as handsome as an amazing statue, a strong facial structure and a tight smile, and eyes that shone of much more interest than he led on.
“… what is this ‘promise’ thing? Seriously” you muttered, your voice a bit lower than it should have been, but Aethelred spared you any harsh remark, instead choosing to focus onto your question, although his eyes shifted onto what had been left in his plate.
He had eaten voraciously, almost as if he expected everything to be brought away from him.
“It is the first bonding ritual to link two faeries together” he explained with a dark and ancient voice, definitely tired “… we don’t swear upon chastity or faith since it is quite common to have lovers and such, in Fae realms…”.
“… that is reassuring” you commented darkly, unsure of why you’d be jealous of Aethelred, when the sole thought of sharing a bed with him, as handsome as he might be. put you at unease.
“… I am a prince” he replied, as if that was a justification enough “… sex is simply a mean to gain power, and you should know it as well”.
“That’s what men always say and then stone women as whores”.
Aethelred seemed surprised at your affirmation and something of almost reflective shone in his face.
“We wouldn’t stone you for cheating on me” he said, and then his voice had a tougher intonation, returning to the silk-veiled threats he had been launching at you since the start of it all “… we would kill you for betraying our family”.
“… that surely reassure me”.
“The promise will prove that and ensure it” he continued on explaining “… we swear of being loyal to our families, joining us under one, in order for us to forge an alliance that will never be broken if not in Death”.
“That shit seems serious” you muttered, as you also started eating the meal in your plate, knowing that if you truly wanted to escape, you’d have to be strong.
“… it is” he confirmed “… but the promise is the least show-like of our ceremonies, then there is ‘The Dressing’, ‘The Ceremony’, ‘The Undressing’…”.
“They all explain pretty well what they entail” you commented loudly, embarrassment written all over your cheeks in a show of uneasiness that made you a weak target for Aethelred’s laugh, although he kept the conversation between you two, as he promised.
“I’ll be gentle with you, little virgin”.
Your cheeks became even redder, and you dropped half the glass onto his expensive pants for revealing your embarrassing secret, as he smirked almost playfully.
He was like a big feline waiting for his prey to lower her guard.
The stain didn’t last even a sole minute on the pants, before it vanished in thin air.
“… don’t worry, I’ll wait” he grinned at you, before he leaned in, and you found yourself stuck on the chair “… there is no intention in me to take a fruit that isn’t offered, but either way I always seem to wait for the more mature ones, falling right in my hands”.
You were too hot.
And you almost thought about drenching yourself with grape juice, to relieve that.
But Aethelred quickly moved away from him, his entire playful attire disappearing as his eyes focused on the sight of Judith hand-feeding Alfred, although he shouldn’t have the need of it, but you didn’t miss Aethelred’s longing gaze, desperate for affection.
“… my mother, too, didn’t like me” you didn’t know why you blurted it out, but it just did.
“Mothers can feel when their children isn’t theirs, so I don’t blame her” he commented, and you were surprised he hadn’t said anything truly cruel “… my situation is worse, believe me. My mother hates me for the sake of my brother’s love”.
It was an heartfelt confession and you wondered whether you should have said something but you just stared at him, unable to stop yourself from doing literally anything, as your hand held out for his, but he just shifted it away, facing forward.
And although you had no intention or interest in comforting your captors, not wanting to develop Stockholm Syndrome, you couldn’t help but feel bitter at his rejection and when you were turning around to collect yourself in a private moment, you saw something, a thick creature, dark green and horridly scaly, almost like a snake.
But before you could scream more wretched creatures appeared, and from the scream that erupted, you knew that they weren’t invited.
Aethelred was quick, noticing the creature near you, as he pushed you back, almost getting you to bump into the ground and he exited the sword and pushed it right into the creature’s chest, horridly killing him as some kind of acidic blood was emitted by the horrifying nightmare, and you shielded yourself with the fabric of your dress.
“… grab my knife, soon-to-be wife” he commented loudly, as another creature screeched appearing onto the table with a warrior scream that made you immediately cover your ears, as Aethelred shook you to your feet “… the knife! Idiotic human girl!”.
And you did grab the knife he had stitched onto his thigh, getting it out of his sheath, as he sent you a little look to where a running mob was forming, before the creatures completely circled you, leaving you no escape.
“… run forward and never stop” he explained to you, as he easily fought off another attack and you shamelessly used him as a human shield “… there’ll be an arch… it’ll make you human again just by stepping over it”.
That was your way out, although chaos erupted around you and you screeched loudly making you heavy, but you nodded at what Aethelred had said and quickly moved towards where he had pointed, trampling over a furious crowd, as guards appeared shielding the royals, Alfred disappearing under the tight arm of an armed man.
And you ducked down, sure that nobody would notice you.
But hands came for you, both scaly and both faerie, and the knife in your hold moved on its own, pushing itself through flesh and coming out marred in blood, although you never wanted to hurt anyone.
But had you stopped they would have hurt you.
You tried not to do too much damage, simply stabbing at the hands, hoping that whatever happened they’d have some kind of healing magic you had never known, and just pushed forward, eventually leaving behind the small war, and for a bit you thought it was a trap.
Some kind of dangerous ploy to prove your loyalty.
No arch was in sight.
And you were losing hope, thinking that maybe it was all a game.
A game of chase that would have belonged to those savage people, but then your eyes caught a beautiful sight: an arch, right in front of your eyes.
And you were just moving to pass it, when something blunt hit the back of your head and you went down again, cursing yourself for having thought this would have ended up well.
You were getting annoyed at waking up like this.
Not in your room and with a burning headache.
This time you knew from the start that you hadn’t woken up for sure in your childhood home, since everywhere around you was cold and wet, almost as if you were being held under earth and when you opened your eyes, you saw that you hadn’t been wrong.
Around you everything was brown, barely lighted up by the dying flame of a candle.
You couldn’t help but feel buried inside a good amount of mud, all around you in a strange structure that was reinforced with metals and rocks, such as the things that blocked you from moving out.
No soft petals, but metal bars.
You were in prison.
Had they imprisoned you for having run away?
But at the same time, you couldn’t help but feel like you had shifted away completely by the cheery light of the faerie world and you were now closed off in mud and something that smelled much worse.
You moved closer to the small candle, as you cradled it closer to you, moving towards the bars to look outside to try to understand what was going on as you realized that your color of your skin hadn’t gone back to normal, showing you that you hadn’t passed the arc.
That you were still in faerieland.
Or whatever they called it.
But you weren’t anymore in any royal court, something that you dreaded to admit but you almost missed.
Even more when you noticed what was outside for you.
Or better in the bars in front of you.
Frightened creatures that you identified as similar faeries, backed up and scared, a few of them wounded and you couldn’t help but think that although the faeries seemed true savages, they wouldn’t have done this to their same people.
Had it been the creatures that had attacked you at the royal banquet?
But soon your thoughts were answered, as you heard heavy steps starting to sound, as the creatures shrieked away from the bars and towards the darkness of their cells and your heart started speeding up, as you finally realized that you were in deep shit.
You definitely missed your small private flower chamber.
But it wasn’t the creatures you had seen at the wedding that came face to face with you, although they resembled them in the color of their skin, a deep unhealthy yellowish green.
And it didn’t take you much to understand they were goblins.
Although they were quite more handsome than you thought.
But they had an almost aggressive beauty to them, something that made you uneasy as they inched closer to your bars, snickers coming from them, as they noticed your surprised face, and you took in how many they truly were.
Four men, all with long hair, braided elegantly, almost in warrior-like fashion, but two were bigger, although at least four of them were relatives for sure, meanwhile one stood out with his tattooed face and hair falling onto his face.
But they all shared their hungry smiles, and you almost crawled back in the back of the cell when they walked in the bar, opening it up to you.
“… don’t you smell the lovely perfume of a scared faerie?” commented the smaller one, his tongue wetting his lips, in a suggestive way that made you tremble “… they always taste sweeter when they cry”.
“Hvitserk!” called him back who looked like his brother, an elegant braid of brownish blond hair and pure blue eyes “… you aren’t allowed to touch her, don’t you remember?”.
… oh, that certainly put your mind at ease.
“… yeah yeah, I know… Ivar wants her alive” commented harshly the man backing up from you, as instead the tattooed man walked forward you, grabbing harshly your arm to push you to move alongside him, meanwhile the only man that had been silent, the older of the brothers, also blonde hair and damned blue eyes, looked at you.
You kept your back straight and pushed yourself to stand taller towards him, because showing that you feared them made you uneasy.
And it would have just brought you deeper.
You might play the compliant princess.
But you wouldn’t have played the scared one.
From what you had heard you weren’t to be touched, hence you were safe.
For now.
Although Hvitserk, or whatever that troll was called, kept his eyes for the entire time on your ass.
You tried to take in the road for where you were lead, up to a pair of stairs, although you couldn’t see any windows in sight, probably because if you remembered correctly the light of the sun turned goblins into stone.
But still you weren’t able to catch the passing of time, whether you had moved away from the bloody tint of the dawn you had experienced or if it was already the rosy-fingered dawn, coming for you.
The walls still became much more sturdy and stable, made of rocks than instead mud, almost as if you were slowly walking towards the true castle, meanwhile the prisoners were simply returned to the earth where they had all come from.
You hadn’t been wrong at thinking that you had been buried alive.
And then you walked in what looked like a dark hall, straight from your darkest fairytales, with black rocks everywhere and barely a fireplace shining through the darkness of the room, as you took in the elegant and cruel assemble.
And the man who sat on a chair in the middle of it.
He looked young, probably a few years younger than you, the color of the fire making his face shine with a more normal color, almost human.
But you were sure he was a goblin.
Hadn’t it been for his horrifying teeth, sharp and pushed forward, you would have thought he might have been quite the handsome lad.
But villains always looked wonderful in fairytales.
And from what you had seen and heard, he was one of them.
“… lady (Y/N)” he welcomed you, raising himself up, although you noticed that he was in a croaked position, making you wonder whether he had been wounded or was simply tired.
Or wanted to mock you.
“… welcome in my humble home” he commented with a devious light in his eyes, again  predator taunting his prey and you honestly couldn’t help but hate that behavior, rolling lightly your eyes as you were laid onto a chair that was propped in front of him “… I take it that your staying was well”.
“My hair got a bit dirtied due to the humidity” you commented, taking on the persona of the spoiled brat “… if I get split ends, I’ll forward you my hairdresser’s bill”.
You knew that you were toeing a thin line, but the beautiful goblin simply looked at you with a smirk, as his eyes shone of interest, probably not expecting of you reacting that way.
But he didn’t let it impress him.
“… we’ll pay, goblins certainly don’t miss riches” he said, as he then moved to turn around, showing you that on the wall in the barely-lighted up a trophy shown: a golden armor, encrusted with gems all over it, definitely expensive “… my uncle Floki, made it for me”.
“… seems heavy” you commented unimpressed.
And this time his eyes showed that he had taken offense at your comment.
“You aren’t one for pretty words, are you?” he questioned you, and you felt the aggressiveness that told you this wasn’t a curtesy call.
“I might look like a cupcake in this dress, but believe me, I am not” you shot back, and although he seemed quite confused by what you said, he seemed to get the gist of the discourse, for which you were thankful.
Since it meant he might have stopped treating you like an idiot.
“… I am Ivar, the king of goblins”.
Again, you were unimpressed, pushing your face to rest itself.
“… and I am (Y/N), princess of being kidnapped, it seems”.
“This is serious” he commented, and you felt the surprised being met with annoyance, something that got you to assume a more serious expression, as you straightened your position “… and it’ll be advantageous to both of us, if you accept my deal”.
“… will you allow me to go outside to poo? Because believe me… the faeries also offered me that”.
“I can offer you your freedom”.
And that got you to finally shut up.
And stop with the sass.
Because Ivar’s eyes seemed honest.
So, it was impossible.
“… I don’t believe you”.
“I belong to the Little People, I can’t lie” but something told you that he would run around the truth, and hence you couldn’t believe him and wouldn’t have.
Till you had proofs.
“Why would you offer me freedom?” you asked, knowing that this wouldn’t be free “…what do you want for yourself?”.
“A spy” that left you surprised truly “… not many faeries can be good spies, but somebody like you, linked to the royal family and able to lie at command, might come quite handy to me… and all you’d have to do is to be my little bird, chirping information on my shoulders”.
Which wasn’t what you wanted in the slightest.
“… if I accept… how will you give me my freedom?” you asked, as your eyes danced around the room, not wanting to let him see how much you were considering his proposal.
Some part of you told you that goblins had their own agenda and you would have been caught in something in between and any way to escape would have been ruined.
But still… you didn’t see many ways to escape this prison.
Goblins weren’t certainly as gentle as faerie, and certainly although Ivar had ordered not to touch you, it certainly wouldn’t have lasted much.
So, you should have accepted, but…
… but you just wanted a normal life.
“… easily, I’ll turn you back in the human you always believed yourself to be” it seemed easy said by his mouth and although you knew that he couldn’t lie, for a minute you felt like this had a second meaning and you should be careful for that.
Everytime the villain offered the easy solution out, it meant that the main characters had sold their soul out.
“… you make it seem easy, but I don’t trust easy things” you commented, as you readjusted on the chair, lightly focusing your attention on the dress, noticing how utterly tattered it look, completely ruined.
It represented perfectly how you felt inside.
“It isn’t an easy thing, but… it is possible” he replied “… many of our species ditch our skin to enchant elegant wives, a few of my brothers can confirm it”.
A choir of snickers made you aware that it was indeed true.
“… it’s an enchantment” he explained “… it’ll make you human again”.
“I am not telling you till you decide whether you accept my deal or not” his mouth turned in a devious smirk.
“You might trick me”.
“… I could force you into this” he commented loudly, and suddenly you were aware that although he hadn’t shown you that he was powerful, he was much stronger than he let on “… I could have you spying for me with worse methods”.
And he meant it from the bloodthirsty expression which appeared on his face.
“But I am feeling generous, and I know that satisfied employees are the best ones” he reached out to you, as he lightly staggered down from the throne, making you notice that he wore braces, metal braces onto his body, although you assumed they couldn’t be iron, but he looked quite strong, holding his body straight.
But your eyes shifted as he moved his hand forward to you and his hand lightly moved itself in your hair, before settling on your face and strangely his touch seemed ice-cold and wet, but it didn’t startle as his eyes shifted onto you.
“… will you be my spy, little one?”.
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amazingdriverfics · 4 years
Crowned by the devil - ch.2
Summary: Training week starts, someone makes your past come back to life
Warnings: language, past child abuse, violence
Previous Chapter  Following Chapter
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The rest of your cycle went pretty well, contradicting what you had imagined when you connected the dots and figured out that you were kidnaped. The reason for your happiness was the bath you had in that enormous bathtub in your room, it took you a couple of minutes to understand how to work with all of those buttons, but when you finally got the perfect water temperature and scent of bath bomb, you let your body sink into the water, allowing the stress and all the fear you had felt wash away. For a couple of minutes you forgot about your past, that you were there fighting to be the devil’s wife and the only sensation coursing through you was peace. Of course, eventually, the water became cold, even though you were pretty used to cold water since it was all that you had cleaned yourself with during your life, you got out of the tub and put on the comfiest clothes you found in the wardrobe. Finally, you left your quarters to go into the common room and have dinner, you hadn’t noticed that you were starving until that very moment. Entering the room you could see a gorgeous woman with dark skin and long, voluminous black hair, still dressed on the what you were previously using, eating in the sofa, the sight immediately made your stomach come to life making all kind of embarrassing sounds.
Her head turned to you quickly and your eyes met her brown eyes in a second. You didn’t really care of what any of the girls thought of you, you knew that you didn’t belong in there, you knew your place, but you also knew what you were capable of, you might not be a “lady”, but that didn’t make you any less than them. Surprising you, she gave you a sweet smile while pointing with her head to a tray of food. Something in her made a shy smile appear on your face while you walked to get your dinner. You weren’t going to eat there but you decided to introduce yourself.
“Pleasure to meet you, I’m y/n” you said in a whisper while you walked to your quarters, before your body completely entered it you hear her gentle voice “Aduke Aba”.
Just like ordered by your new boss at 0800 hours you were standing in front of the door that connected your quarters to the common room. While you waited, you decided to take a look around, Aduke was once again sitting on a couch, but this time with the clothes you were all forced to wear during training, a black tank top, with your name printed on it, and leggings with some leather combat boots. The other four girls were spreaded across the room, you could see a tall blonde girl with the greenest eyes you had ever seen talking to a shorter one with brown hair that even in a ponytail still made contact with her ass, looking at their tank tops you found out that their names were Antje and Heide respectively. Before you could continue your scan through the room, the General and the Knights of Ren entered, their sinister energy making every body hair you got stand. Straightening your posture, you watched the six large and tall man make their way to the center of the room standing right behind Hux. His voice, monotonous as ever, filled your ears.
“Great to see that you know how to be on time. In this cycle, you will get to know the Steadfast’s training center, where you will train with you designed knight. Please, follow me”. Without waiting for any kind of reply or acknowledgment from any of you, the red haired man walked passed the six knights and made his way out of the room, soon being followed by the sextet. Quickly, you started to walk, not looking forward to get on the General’s bad side. The ship looked the same everywhere, the hallways were a dark grey color with black floors and they all had an equal light pattern. You couldn’t distinguish any of those halls, you were completely lost. After walking for a couple of minutes the General and the masked men following him finally stopped in, yet another, grey room, this one had it’s differences however. It’s walls were covered in all kind of training weapons, the floor was covered in some kind of mat to soften falls. If you had thought that the common room was big, the training center was a monster, you could fit hundreds of your Tatooine’s home in there. Your thoughts were interrupted once again by Hux. 
“This is the training center the Supreme Leader has spared for your training for the next two weeks. Just like in this cycle, in the following ones we will meet in the common room and walk here, you will have a lunch break at 1200 hours and the training sessions will end at 1600 hours, when they are done you will be escorted back to the room and then you may all engage in whatever activity you find suitable. Are we clear?”. From the absence of sound in the room, you figured that just like you the others answered with a nod. Satisfied, the General made his way out of the center wishing us a nice cycle. 
Uncertain of what to do next, you kept yourself at the place you had initially stopped waiting for further instruction. It wasn’t long before one of the masked figures came near you causing you to instinctively take a step back, the scene apparently amused the man since a quick distorced laugh left his mask. “I’m Cardo, I’ll be the one training you. Let’s not waste time, shall we?” he said turning his back to you and making his way to the left corner of the room, where he stopped and faced you. Not wanting to make a fool of yourself, you quickly followed his lead. “We will train hand-to-hand combat, since from what I read in your file you are very good at it” he stated taking his mask off and carefully placing it on the floor, when he turned his face to you again, you almost forgot the questions running through your mind when he had told that there was a file about you. The fact that he was a humanoid shocked you, seeing his big and strong figure made you think he was a monster, now seeing his blue eyes staring at you, confusion invaded your brain. “Your thoughts are really loud” he said with a smirk. If you were the blushing type you would be totally red by now, but keeping your cold faced you just whispered “Whatever” and started to prepare yourself for the training. 
Stars, he was a tough opponent, nothing like you had ever faced before. He was like a kriffing mountain, nothing that you had done made him even flinch, his feets stayed on the same spot no matter what, and you had tried a lot. After two hours of this humiliating session, anger was burning on your insides and you started to perform low tricks, you had aimed for his crotch a couple of times and tried to hit his face as well, yet again, continuing to fail. Your body was sore from the amount of times he had thrown you on the mat, he hadn’t even attacked you, all Cardo had done was defend himself. The mocking smile in his face angered you even more and you were about to burst. 
“Fucking hell, when I finally find a way to hit you I’m gonna kick your fucking ass” you screamed, forgetting that you two weren’t the only ones in the room. Your statement made Cardo laugh so hard that you could see tears starting to appear on his eyes. That was it, you were going to kill him. Taking advantage of his distraction you charged on him, hate filling you up with strength as you kicked him very hard on the crotch. Instantly, he fell in the mat as a sensation of victory filled you up. Cardo’s hand was holding his sore balls and you had finally knocked him down. “Great w-work, y/n. Y-you should use your anger more often” the man said through gritted teeth making you smile. You tried to help him get up, but he didn’t allow you to. The two of you continued in a lighter training this time, Cardo started to teach you positions to pin your enemy to the ground, even if he was bigger and stronger than you. Time went super fast after that, lunch time had came and a droid delivered your food. While you enjoyed the meal, you sat with the knight and talked a little bit about the First Order. He explained his and his brothers - as he called the other knights - function in the organization. By the end of lunch you started to think of Cardo as a decent person. The remaining training went quickly and before you realized you were back at your quarters. After a quick shower and devouring your dinner you were in your soft bed resting your sore body. 
The rest of your cycles went smoothly, Cardo still triggered anger in you, but now you realized his motives, he had told you that anger was a synonym for power, it was going to make you stronger. It was true, when you bursted on him you were finally able to hit him, and even though he disguised it you could see that he was satisfied with your progress. The two of you would talk during breaks and the knight told you more about where you were, what was expected of you in the following weeks and sometimes he would even tell you about missions that he had went with his brothers. You enjoyed your time with him, even though you would deny it to anyone who asked. You were also closer to Aduke, she was everything that you weren’t, she was sweet, she devoted her life to saving others as a field doctor and she smile too often. You had decided that you wouldn’t kill any of the girls if not provoked, you didn’t want to marry Kylo Ren and you refused to entertain his sadistic ass. 
Your routine was suddenly changed by the blond girl named Antje. It was your seventh training cycle, and all of the “contestants” were reunited in a circle in the common room eating dinner, you weren’t going to participate, but Aduke had begged you to, and so there you were. You didn’t really engage in any conversation, you just kept your mouth filled with food and your eyes fixated on the floor. You had noticed that Antje wasn’t fond of you for a while, sometimes she would throw you nasty looks and shortly after give you a fake smile pretending that she had never given you any of em’. When she talked to you it should have rang a bell in your head telling you that something was wrong, but you were too tired to care. 
“So, y/n, where did you get all of your tattoos? They are really pretty, but I would never do it to myself, you know?”, you gave a small answer as you got up having enough of the interaction “I got them back on Tatooine, and I guess it’s a good thing that they mark my body not yours”, as you turned your back you hadn’t realized that your pants had fallen a little bit, letting your most hated scar show. It all happened too fast, you heard her voice mocking you “Stars, what is that on your back? A “K”, what are you? Obsessed with Kylo? Or are you his pet?”.
You had just finished cleaning Kreat’s house, his dinner was already at the set table and you were waiting for him to get home before you could get back to the basement and eat your tiny meal. Like any other day in the 15 years you had lived there, you watched the bald mid-sized man enter through the front door. Immediately, fear kept you still, your legs were still hurting from his last punishment and you didn’t want to upset him. Slowly, his blue eyes bored into yours, a smile painting his face. “Angel, you had no idea of the surprise I have for you tonight”. If you were scared before, now you were terrified, you didn’t expect anything good from him.
Skipping dinner, he guided you to the basement holding your hand, he lighted the fireplace and took a metal thing out of his coat, in the very end of it there was a metallic K. “You see, Angel. I have great plans for your future, you are going to gain us a lot of money” he said. “More than I do at the bar?” you asked - you had been dancing in a Hutt’s bar for money for two years now, since puberty hit you and your body started to develop, Kreat forced you to dance every weekend -. “Yes, angel. But I have to make sure that everyone knows that you are mine, you know?”, you nodded watching as he placed the K on the fire. “What I’m about to do it’s going to hurt just a tiny bit, but you’ll manage, ok angel?” once again you nodded. He instructed you to take your clothes and stand in front of him only with your underwear. Once you were done obeying his command, he took the metal off the fire, the ‘K’ once grey was now a vivid orange. Before you could even process what was happening he gripped you tight, forcing you to stay still, got on his knees and pressed the burning iron on your lower back. The pain that hit you was excruciating, you had genuinely thought you were going to die, but you weren’t so lucky. The scream that escaped your mouth was so loud that it had been heard from miles. Not being able to handle the pain, your brain shut down and it wasn’t long before everything went black. 
Before you knew it, you were on top of her, your legs keeping her in place as you pressed your hands to her throat, rage blinding you. You were never able to finish her, soon a stormtrooper was carrying you away from there. After that, everything happened so fast that you hadn’t thought about what you had done until you were standing in front of a very angry General Hux at his office. 
“Are you completely out of your mind? I knew that you were a savage, a damn animal, but this was way beyond my expectations. You are going to pay for what you did today, if it was up to me, you would pay with your life -” his barks were suddenly stopped by a deep voice. “That will be all, General. Leave us”.
“But, Supreme Leader” the red haired men guttered. “Remember your place, Hux, or I’ll do it myself” the man standing behind you spoke once again, causing the General to leave the room. When you turned to him you were surprised by what you saw, instead of the mask that you had seen back in Tatooine, your eyes met a handsome man, his eyes were brown, his dark hair at shoulder length framed his perfect face, he had a prominent beautiful nose, plushy red lips and freckles painting his white skin, but what really caught your attention was the thin scar running down the side of his face. His voice stopped your staring session. “What happened?”. Immediately, images from the incident went through your mind, you didn’t really regret what you had done, but you weren’t exactly yourself while doing it, it was like rage had possessed you. “I see” he stated, reminding you that he could see inside of your brain. “Let me see the scar”, you shook your head, noticing that your hand hadn’t stopped covering the insignia ever since you got to Hux’s office. His deep voice met your ears once again “Please”, your eyes met his and you saw a spark of vulnerability. Before you could stop yourself you turned your back to him letting the hand covering it fall to the sides of your body. 
Soon, his figured got near you making you shiver, your eyes were already glossy, he would be the third person to touch it despite you, and you didn’t really know why you were letting him do it. Then, you felt his fingers running through it, following the ‘K’ shape with a soft touch and you melt, the tears were finally running down your face. Taking his hand away from your scar, he turned you around gingerly, looking right into your eyes. “I’ll take care of this. Go back to your quarters”.
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minniewoos · 5 years
The Sun Will Rise Again ➣ Bang Chan
Genre: mafia au, action, romance
Pairing: chan x reader
Word Count: 6,767
Warnings: violence, swearing, death, idk
Summary: Only looking for a comfy night in, your apartment gets broken into and you’re suddenly dragged into the city’s resident mafia. Turns out the only thing saving your life was your long lost little brother and the small spot the mob boss seemed to have for you. How cliche. 
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There’s only so much a person could do on a winter night.
It’s 11 pm, sniffling, you pulled your comforter tighter around your body, trying to gather a little more warmth from the cool air. The lights in your bedroom were dim, so only the pale moon shone faintly through your apartment windows. A hot cup of tea was snug in the palms of your hands as the snow fell outside, landing softly in the soundless streets. You had your laptop pulled in front of you as you watched your latest Netflix obsession; despite the audio being low as to not disturb your neighbors through the paper walls, you were as immersed as you could be. It was a calm night in for you, and absolutely nothing could ruin it.
You took a sip from your mug and set it on your bedside table, eyes glued to your computer screen. Unfortunately, when pulling your hand back you bumped the cup of steaming liquid, spilling it all over your hand and floor. Cursing, you threw your comforter off and quietly rushed to your kitchen where you ran some cold water on your hand, hoping the burn is only minor. You sighed and rolled your eyes at yourself, but you weren’t going to let this ruin your night. You turned the faucet off, the silver handle creaked weakly. Quickly grabbing a few paper towels you returned to your bedroom to clean up the mess.
“Okay y/n, no more messes…” You threw the paper towels away after cleaning and smiled contently, ready to get back to your show, “Nope nope nope.”
Spoiler alert: things get messy
It’s 1 am, you’re caught up on Netflix and your eyelids were weighty. Your laptop was put away, you were ready for bed, and your pillow was the softest cloud on the planet. Content and tired, sleep was about to engulf you completely in your warm bed. Unfortunately, God had different plans for you.
Your eyes shoot open but you’re frozen in your bed, your blood running cold. That was the sound of somebody knocking–no, pounding on your door. And whoever it was was impatient as they kept on banging your door. You were scared they might break it down completely. Nervously you stepped out of bed, leaving the warmth and comfort it offered. You rushed to your front door and looked through the peephole; a disturbing, sinking feeling in your chest as you see three men. They were in all black clothing; no masks and you could see they were not happy.
“OPEN UP!!” One of them shouted and you felt the door jolt as he hit it once more. They would and could definitely break it down. This never happened in your area. Sure, it was a small and cheap place, but there was barely any crime around. You had no idea what to do in this state, causing your brain to go into instant panic mode.
Frightened and panicked, you grab the closest thing to you for protection: a lamp–not ideal but it would have to do…
Slowly you creep away from the door and hide, there was no way you were opening that door. It was like having a death wish and you didn’t exactly feel like dying tonight. Your chest felt like a giant snake enclosed itself around you, squeezing and constricting the breath out of you; it was terrifying. The feeling of total dread laid over you like a blanket as you hid in your kitchen, managing to fit yourself in a particularly empty cabinet. The out of place lamp and a few pots and pans kept you company.
You could hear what they were saying, as they didn’t bother keeping their voices hushed. It only made the suspense worse, and there wasn’t much room to breathe in your little hiding place and it was hard to think straight in this situation. You felt suffocated as if the small space was shrinking. Your blood was rushing upwards and you felt it pounding in your head, you couldn’t think.
“Fuck it, just break it down. That motherfucker definitely went in this one.”
The next thing you hear is a giant crack, a sort of whipping sound as your flimsy wooden door broke in two. You take in a constricted breath, your voice catching in the back of your throat. You clutch one of your metal pans as a scene from Tangled suddenly flashed through your head; you could only hope Disney did their research into frying pans.
Your eyes were clenched shut and your heartbeat was resounding in your head. You could hear the men trashing your apartment, flipping furniture over, slamming doors open, and knocking everything down. But when you heard them enter the kitchen you nearly stopped breathing. They were slamming your cabinets open one by one, and it was only a matter of time until they got to you. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t think.
When it was time they reached you, the pounding in your head suddenly ceased, and there was silence for a brief instant. Suddenly one of the men pulled the cabinet door open; and he saw you there, shaking, with your eyes wide with fear. He smiled and your stomach dropped. The man clutched your arm and roughly dragged you out of the tiny space. Letting out a huge sob you were limp as he shook you around, finally gasping for the breath you were holding in.
“Hey! I found this little bitch.” He called to his colleagues, then looked at you, ”Where is he!?”
You didn’t know how to answer his question, but you were positive you weren’t going to just sit there and take the abuse you were receiving. You were terrified and had no idea what was going on. So, with the frying pan in hand, knuckles white and shaking, you swung it as hard as you could at the man’s face.
Contact was made.
He was not happy.
He ripped the frying pan from your hands and slapped you, causing you to fall out of his grip but you were on the floor now with tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Immediately the other two men were in the kitchen as well.
“Where is he? Huh??” One asked, crouching down to your level. But you only looked at him, dazed and confused; you noticed they were all older men.
“She’d hiding something, she fucking slammed me with a pan.”
You shook your head, “N-no, I don’t know wh-”
You were slapped again then grabbed by the hair, forcing you to look up at them, “Where. Is. he.”
Before you could answer, there was a gunshot that echoed throughout the room. The man who pulled you by the hair quickly crumpled to the ground. You instantly backed up, your back against your wall and utterly horrified. Blood began to pool underneath the man’s body. The two others were visibly panicked and about to run, but they were cornered. Your tiny apartment was five stories up and there was no way out except for the fire escape, but they didn’t know about that.
“He had a gun on him, he had a fucking gun. You said he wasn’t armed.”
“I thought he wasn’t, I-I made sure of it-” another gunshot and the second goon dropped to the ground as well, motionless. The sound caused both you and the original intruder to flinch; the older man stumbled to the ground in fear of the figure now towering above you both.
You finally tore your eyes away from the limp bodies on the floor and up at the perpetrator. His gaze looked as if it wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger on the last man, and you were sure he would. But instead of killing him, he walked up to the last man, a confident stride that tells you he was more than used to these scenes. His eyes were directly on the last man, and he stopped a few inches from him to crouch to meet his eyes. You noticed an accent as he spoke lowly, “There will be no more dealings with whatever C-class group you came from. And tell your boss SKZ won’t tolerate another accident. Leave… Now.”
And with that command, the man ran. He ran for his life and didn’t hesitate to get as far away from this new guy as he could…
The new man looked at you, visibly angered; immediately your heart jumped to your throat and whatever thoughts racing through your head vanished as a realization occurred to you. You could die tonight. You slowly began to accept your fate as the man raised his gun, pointed straight at your forehead. Staring right at him, right into his eyes, you said nothing as all words were lost to you. You swallowed air and held your breath.
But he never pulled the trigger; instead, he held two fingers to his ear, he was listening to something. You noticed he had some earpiece in. A flurry of emotions crossed this man’s face; anger, confusion, surprise, then finally conflict. He lowered his gun and looked back at you, sternly but had no murderous intent as he had a few moments prior. A small wave of relief lifted off your shoulders and you could only wonder what he heard to spare your life.
“Stand up, follow me.” He ordered abruptly.
You raised your eyebrows, “Sorry?”
“I said, follow me.”
You didn’t have to be told twice as you shakily stood up as he walked out of the building with you behind him. He held his fingers to his ear again and you heard him speaking to someone on the other side
“Call the cleanup crew, it’s messy this time. Much more than it should have been. Did Seungmin jam the emergency calls? …Good, I’m coming back to the home base.” You listened in, and the only thought in your mind was what the hell had you gotten yourself into. This was clearly illegal activity and there was no reason for you to be involved. Maybe you were going to be kidnapped and sold soon, or taken hostage. Whatever it was you wanted no part of it, but at this point, you found it impossible to refuse. The man seemed like he was done talking, but he added one more comment before putting his hand down, “Tell Felix she’s safe.”
That name caught your attention and you stared keenly at the man, waiting for him to say more but he didn’t. Your thoughts began to wander again. Felix? Did he just say Felix? You gazed at the man’s back as you trailed a few steps behind him, eyes wide after hearing your brother’s name. You couldn’t think of many people with the name Felix in Korea, but one you could think of is your brother. Well, was your brother. He disappeared a few years back and nobody heard from him again, a lot of people assumed he died. And while you held onto hope that this guy, Felix, could be your Felix, you knew the idea was ridiculous. Felix was gone for years, and you could never see him doing stuff like this. But why would this Felix want you safe? Why would your life be spared? You held onto a tiny bit of hope for your brother despite the absurd idea.
When the man stopped walking, you realized he led you to a car. It was polished, all black, and unmistakably expensive. He opened the back door, looking at you expectantly. You only stared back for a moment before you realized he wanted you to get in. Your mouth opened slightly and he saw your hesitation in his request. He pursed his lips then sighed, “It’s safe, you’ll be protected and things will be explained later. But we need to leave quickly. Please get in.”
You furrowed your eyebrows; in any other situation, you would have vehemently denied ever getting into a stranger’s car like this. But considering everything you just witnessed, you were in no position to deny this man. You swallowed a lump in your throat before climbing into his backseat. He shut the door then got into the driver’s seat himself, he started the car but didn’t press on the gas as you expected. Instead, he pulled out a piece of cloth from the glove box, turned around and held it out to you.
“You’ll have to wear this on the way. You aren’t allowed to see where we’ll be going,” And very deliberately, he pulled out his gun and setting it on his dashboard for you to see, his message was clear. So, you took the blindfold from him and put it on securely. It was a couple minutes before you felt the car moving, but the silence was deafening and you were still scared shitless about where he was taking you. You didn’t want to talk and risk angering him, but there was still something you wanted to know.
“Just one thing, what’s your name?”
He didn’t answer right away, but when he did reply, his voice was calm and welcoming in a way. Much different from his stern and curt tone from earlier; you preferred it much more.
“My names Bang Chan, I wish we could have met on better terms, Lee y/n.”
It was a good thirty minutes before you heard Chan turn the car off and get out, shutting the door. You heard him speak to a couple other people before he opened your door and told you your blindfold could come off. When you took it off you blinked a couple times before gawking in awe at the absolutely giant house in front of you. Even in the dark, you could tell it was an extravagant mansion. It had a very clean and chic feel to it; it had tall off-white walls with balconies spread across the sides. The tall, angular windows along with the sleek design gave it a modern and classy look to it. Your small, cheap apartment paled in comparison to this enormous house.
You looked at Chan, and the couple other guys he was with. One was broad-shouldered with a strong set jaw, while the other was shorter but you could see he wasn’t little at all and could probably pack a good punch. You nodded politely at them both, despite the unnerving feeling you had.
“I don’t see the resemblance Hyung. Is he sure he got the right person…?” The shorter one stated, his arms crossed as he seemed to analyze you. You shifted your weight and promptly avoided eye contact.
“Well whoever she is, you know the protocol. There are absolutely no witnesses; so we either kill her or take her.” The one with the broader shoulders said easily. So casually it freaked you out, just how often did they do this??
He then looked straight at you and popped a polite smile; the sudden change in attitude nearly gave you whiplash, “I’m Woojin, this is Changbin.” He gestured to the shorter one, “And you’ve already met Chan.” Then Chan also gave you a warming smile; presenting a completely different version of him you witnessed only a half-hour prior.
You nodded, not sure what to say thus you stayed silent. It felt as if one wrong step would mean life or death, but these guys are out here smiling at you. It was a conflicting situation at best and a deadly one at worst.
“Come inside, but don’t touch anything.” Chan warned you, then lead the way into the mansion.
Once inside, you could tell it was just as grand as the outside. A crystal chandelier hung above the entrance, a red carpet greeted you, and a ceiling as tall as the heavens it seemed. The decor had a white with gold accents theme to it and felt like you were on a movie set, ready to go to a ball. But instead of a ball, you were in a very different situation; one where you could die any second surrounded by people you don’t know. You swallowed the lump in your throat and sighed as you tried to calm your nerves. Everything was fine.
Following the three guys, they lead you to a sort of dining room area; big, long oak table and all. Elaborately decorated oak chairs to match, there was even the ‘big boss chair’ at one end of the long table. You swallowed and looked at Chan, your face asking what happens next. He just gestured for you to sit down while he walked over to the big boss chair. You stared at him for a solid moment before unconsciously rolling your eyes, of course, he was the boss. He exuded confidence ever since you saw him (try to kill you). Changbin saw your little eye roll and looked at you questionably, you just sat up straighter and evaded his eyes. You had a feeling the people here didn’t like you, Changbin and Woojin were staring you down, probably trying to judge your character. Chan was looking to the right at the stairs. You just took a deep breath, Woojin and Changbin were getting intimidating, so you followed Chans gaze towards the stairs and saw a few more people walking down. Specifically, four more boys came down the stairs, all calm but it seemed you were the center of attention. You gulped and looked at each boy sitting down at the table, all looking at you as well, but a couple shortly lost interest.
Nobody said anything, so you crossed your hands on the table and stated calmly albeit a bit nervous, “Hello, I’m y/n… and I’d like to kno-”
“Not everyone is here yet, we’ll introduce ourselves once the other two get here.” One who just sat down said, he seemed stern. You just sat back and stayed quiet, slightly annoyed about the chastising you got, but you knew better than to protest.
You were nervous, to say the least. But you wanted this over with asap.
It was another few minutes of silence, very awkward silence. You settled for staring at your folded hands instead of looking around, some of the boys were still judging you while others couldn’t seem to care less. You were just hoping the rest could get here as soon as possible, so this inevitably uncomfortable meeting could start.
A few minutes passed, or maybe it was a few seconds. You couldn’t tell since your sense of time slipped your mind. But a door suddenly hurled open. It startled you, causing you to flinch in your seat and your head to snap up in the direction of the loud noise. Most other boys sitting at the table turned their attention but weren’t alarmed in the slightest as if they were expecting it. In the doorway, there stood two boys. One was out of breath and rushed, you perked up at the sight of him.
“Wh-where is she?? Is she safe?” One of the boys, the owner of the unmistakable freckles and sharp eyes, questioned urgently.
There was another boy behind him, looking exhausted and annoyed, “Calm down-Chan said she was safe so there’s no need to-”
Ignoring the other boy, he scanned the room but his eyes quickly landed on you, they lit up immediately, “y/n!”
You stood up suddenly, the chair was pushed back and cluttered to the ground behind you and your hands slammed flat onto the table. You leaned forward, eyes wide and you held your breath for a moment. Then your face broke out into a huge smile, toothy grin and all, “FELIX!!!”
You ran over to him as he returned the smile, that smile you could never forget. That wonderful, beautiful, hopeful smile you grew up with. You found Felix. You ran into his arms, and he hugged you tightly; he felt so familiar and warm in this cold place. You stayed like that for a while, you couldn’t tell how long but his comforting presence was needed during this wild night. Your face was hidden and tears began to prick your eyes, sternly you pulled away and punched his chest, “Lee Felix! You have a lot of explaining to do!”
You stared at him and for a moment he looked worried, then he pulled you back into a hug and stroked your hair comfortingly, “I know, I know, I will too. But first, we need to get this done with okay…? y/n?”
You reluctantly pulled away and nodded, lips pursed and walked back to your seat, which was picked up for you. Thankfully, Felix sat next to you, as a result, it wasn’t as nerve-wracking before. But as you looked at Felix, you could see the physical difference in him; he grew up a lot in a few years. He lost the baby fat in his face, he was paler, and he definitely lost the childhood innocence you last saw him with. Felix grew up, without you; and as his older sister that hurt deep. You frowned and pushed your feelings to the side for a while, turning your attention to the group in front of you. And especially towards the big boss in the big boss seat, Bang Chan. He stared at you intently, the friendly aura he had before was gone and everyone at this moment was serious.
“Aw, what a cute reunion.” One of the boys cooed, you noticed he had especially chubby cheeks, and you couldn’t tell if he was teasing or not. You were pretty sure he was.
You only kept your silence, not going to start anything, especially with probable dangerous people. You weren’t that dumb.
“No one cares Han.” Chan spoke up, dismissing this Hans teasing, but his comment wasn’t malicious in the way you thought it would be. Not friendly either, but like two old buddies’ banter.
Chan was solemn once again and he looked straight at you. Just his simple gaze caused your heart to move up to your throat and you unintentionally swallowed the lump, “Now, miss Lee y/n, we are well aware that your involvement in tonight’s business was…nondeliberate. But due to our regulations, no outsiders are allowed to witness our business with such detail and concern. We are a very underground and discreet organization. Any attempt or the possibility of our operations being exposed are taken care of. With such a big mess that was caused in your apartment, things had to be taken care of quickly. So, there should currently be a cleanup crew at your apartment at this moment and if I’m correct, we intercepted all calls to the authorities in that area. While there was a big mess, we have it all under control, and the only outlier was you, y/n. You understand?” Chan quickly explained to you; you could only nod quietly. He then continued explaining.
“To put it simply, we were going to kill you. But Felix, our top sniper, was stationed tonight at the building next to yours. He recognized you and requested your life to be spared. Due to his high position in our organization, I accepted his request. Felix is to thank for your life. And now, since you’re here, you are still an outsider; and we will decide what to do with you. Your best option, truthfully, would be to join us. The other options…are less than desirable.” Chan finished, his eyes glued to you the entire time, stern and intense. You nodded again.
“I… have one request before we move forward.” You tread carefully, watching the others’ expressions before continuing. They were listening to you; Chan made a gesture for you to continue with your request. “I would like to know all your names, I only know a few of you. And it would be nice to know who you all are if I’m going to stay here.” You lifted your chin up, trying to stay confident while simultaneously announcing your decision to join this mafia.
Felix perked up beside you, “You’re going to join SKZ? You’re sure.”
“I mean, do I really have a choice?” You stated confidently, despite your sweaty palms and goosebumps, “I either die, or some other…undesirable outcome, or I join you guys. Am I right? I would at least like to know the people here if I stay.”
“It’s not that easy, you have to prove yourself and it’s not easy. People don’t pass often.” Woojin said calmly.
You straightened your back, “Well I’ll try.” You saw Chan smirk from the side but promptly ignore it. You also decide to ignore the little thump-thump your heart did before you looked away from him.
“Well, now that that’s settled, I’m going to introduce myself again, per your request.” Chan announced with a smile and a charismatic hand gesture, “As you already know, I’m Bang Chan. Whatever you want to call me, mob boss, mafia boss, crime lord, SKZ leader, etc. I’m basically the head guy here.”
He did it again, he changed the way he presented himself and just made you feel…comfortable. You were usually wary of people like him, but without thinking, you smirk cheekily and just say, “What about the godfather?” Internally laughing at your own lame little joke. You then realized what you said and mentally curse yourself, what an idiot. You sighed deeply before looking at the table
But Chan didn’t seem to mind, he shrugged, “It’s an offer I can’t refuse.” He’s smirking again, and your heart is acting up again. Consequently, you nervously turn away, but he continues to talk, “And I’m sorry but everyone here has work to do, it’s a very busy day. So, everyone is dismissed.”
With that command everyone got up out of their seats to continue their work, a couple smiled at you and others walked off to ignore you completely. Felix stood up but stayed by your side and Chan got out of his chair. You were confused until Felix began talking.
“I can show her around, right? I’m not as busy as the others and I can introduce her to the others in the meantime.” Felix asked politely.
Chan nodded, “Of course, I was going to show her around but it may be more comfortable for her brother to do that. But try not to take up the others’ time too much. You guys can catch up as well.” He paused then offered a gentle smile, “I think you need it.”
You smiled back thankfully, if Chan had shown you around, you could’ve guessed your hands would’ve been clammy the entire time. You don’t like it, but the way you get nervous around him is inconvenient; besides, he was going to kill you just a little while ago. Your nerves are valid. Chan left the room and the little pressure on your chest left, you looked at Felix, a little smile on both your faces.
“So… during this tour, are you going to explain yourself?”
“Good, let’s go.” You pointed towards the staircase some of the other boys came down and walked in that direction.
“Those are the boys’ rooms.”
You swiveled around and held your arms out in any direction, “You lead the way.”
He chuckled and started walking and you followed closely behind.
“So, let’s start from the bottom, right.” Felix said, leading you into a hallway and down a set of stairs and down another hallway until we got to a set of oak doors, they weren’t huge or grand. But just a humble, plain set of doors, “This is Jeongin’s workspace.”
And with that, the tour began. You met all the members, some more gracious than others. But Felix seemed close to all of them and you were glad to spend the time with your brother. He explained what the other members were in charge of, their jobs, and their importance in the organization. During the tour is when you realized the complexities of this mafia and just how much goes into it. Felix explained as much as he could to you without going too deep into secrets that would probably get you killed if you knew, and you knew not to tread too deep right now.
You also learned there weren’t only nine people in SKZ, but each member had certain underlings who they trained or kept track of. Ensuring secrecy while also having more manpower.
You nodded at Felix, “I figured it would be weird if a mafia as powerful as SKZ only had nine people, SKZ basically rule the city from what you’ve told me. I mean you’re pretty great but I don’t think you’re superhuman.” You nudged him as you walked side by side.
“But I am superhuman. You ever seen me with a sniper rifle? I’m always on target.” He said proudly, albeit half-jokingly.
“Okay, but if you were superhuman that would not be your superpower.” You mused, “If anything it’d be…super strength. You always talked about getting bigger and working out.” And you can see since you last saw him, he did gain muscle. Only reminding you once again he’s not the same kid as before.
“Anyway.” you wondered, “Where do the underlings stay? You said before most people in SKZ are, well, stray kids.”
“They are, but SKZ sponsors boarding houses around the city and suburbs. We ensure they have a roof over their head and food on their plates.” Felix said as he gained a serious look on his face, “It’s hard for a lot of kids who have nowhere else to go. We take care of them as long as they give us loyalty back.”
It was an odd dynamic, crime lords in their twenties and teens; and they took care of other young adults. An organization of kids who constantly kept the law on its toes. It was kind of amusing to you.
Eventually, Felix lead you to a balcony, top floor of the building with a breathtaking view. As he opened the door for you, you stared at the scenery in wonder. A small golden ball rose in the distance while an ombre of oranges and pinks surrounded it. The skyline of the city SKZ owned was a shadow against the beautiful sunrise. The view was complemented by light snow flurries, but it was oddly warm out for the weather. Gentle snow, yet not frigid like it normally was, for the sun seemed to take some of the bite away from the chilly air. You stared at the lovely view until Felix caught your attention, leaning against the stone railing. You went to stand next to him and waited for him to speak.
“I thought this would be a good place to talk.” Felix frowned, he looked like he was dreading this moment. Like a child who knows he was caught and about to get scolded. He looked at you, and you frowned, furrowing your eyebrows.
“You don’t have to go into detail…but I just want to know why.” You saw it would be painful for him to recall his memories, bring up old scars in what was a hard point in his life, “We can talk more another day but, I really just want to know why…”
He let out a heavy sigh and licked his lips nervously, “I wasn’t going anywhere I wanted to in life. And I feel a lot freer than I would have if I stayed.” And there he gave you a look, and you knew that was all you would get out of him to be comfortable right now.
You only nodded, not tempted to push the subject despite the curiosity in the back of your mind. After that there was a thick silence hanging in the air, the two of you stood looking out at the city skyline as the sun rose and the day was beginning. You’d be lying if you said the atmosphere was comfortable.
You’ve been on edge all night, the highlight was finding Felix but despite that, your nerves were running wild the whole time. Your life was flipped upside down and you weren’t sure what you were going to do anymore. All you wanted to do was sleep but instead, your apartment got broken into, you almost got murdered, and now you’re joining the mafia. Even with Felix by your side, your beloved brother, you weren’t as happy as you would’ve thought. This whole night was overwhelming for you, and in spite of Felix’s best efforts to make you feel content, you were always on edge. Felix must’ve read the atmosphere and looked at you, noticing your frown he looked down and sighed.
“I can leave you for a little while, you look like you want some time.”
You shrugged, “Maybe just an hour? Then I’ll need some sleep…” you said reluctantly, you did just want to rest alone, despite Felix being the only familiar thing to you here.
Felix only nodded understandingly and headed towards the door, and before he shut it, he turned around and smiled, “I’ve missed you, a lot y/n.” And with that, he shut the door, leaving you by yourself there. The city ahead of you, the rising sun behind the city, and the tiny snowflakes floating around you; you noticed they melted as soon as they reached the ground. And you realized that as soon as Felix left, you didn’t want to be alone, it felt empty. You just wanted to feel safe again.
You stood there in silence for a while, your thoughts running from one place to another. Eventually, you just smiled to yourself as an odd laugh bubbled up from your throat; it was short, high pitched, and full of absolute disbelief. You pinched yourself a couple times, just to make sure this wasn’t some elaborate dream you were stuck in. After looking at the city once more, you rubbed your eyes with the incredulous smile still gracing your face. Only one thought crossed your mind, “What the fuck.”
“Mafia? Long lost brother? Hot and rich boss? What is this a drama?” You muttered to yourself, exhausted and confused. Leaning on the banister, you hung your head low with a sigh as you stared at the ground below you.
Then you snapped your head up, “I just called Bang Chan hot and rich…” you groaned and rubbed your face, “Just kill me.”
Then, you heard the sound of the balcony door shutting and you silently cursed yourself. Somebody just walked onto the balcony and surely heard you talking to yourself like a madman, ninety percent sure it was Felix. You weren’t in the mood to hear Felix teasing you about calling his boss hot, and he most definitely would do that.
You turned around with a frown, ready for a snarky comment to come your way. But you were met with dimples and a cheeky smile instead. Here you found yourself face to face with the man himself, Bang Chan.
An ‘oh god’ was uttered from your lips as the blood from your body gradually moved to your cheeks, the heat of your embarrassment was overwhelming. This was definitely a drama and you were the cringey main character. You were half expecting Chan to walk back out, but instead his grin just got wider.
“Rich? Yes. Hot? Now that’s objective.” He said, dimples on display with a small chuckle.
“You know what’s not objective, my embarrassment.” You leaned your back on the banister, fully facing Chan now. But your face was turned down and your arms were crossed, You were clearly flustered and apparently Chan seemed to find that amusing but he held his arms up as if in surrender.
“You didn’t hear anything, got it?” You warned with a pointer finger in his direction. Your cheeks were red and you were definitely not intimidating. But Chan played along anyway.
“Hear what?” The dimples were back and your heart might have done a somersault.
You smiled, “Nothing.”
Then you both laughed, soft and short laughs. His laugh sounded genuine, a small chuckle that showed a mutual amusement for the little interaction you shared. And despite the embarrassment still fresh on your mind, you seemed to have calmed down some.
You then looked back out to the city skyline, outlined by the orange sky. That’s when you heard the scraping on chairs behind you, you looked around and found that Chan had pulled up a couple of chairs next to the banister. He sat down comfortably and patted the seat next to him, motioning for you to sit down.
“Come on, you must be tired.”
Almost instantaneously you collapsed into the chair, the cushions were like heaven as you leaned back and closed your eyes. And as soon as you sat down, the exhaustion you barely felt before hit you like a wave. Your eyes became heavy and you yawned out, “Thank you.”
It was a long night, and you were grateful for his kindness.
“Listen, y/n,” He rested his hand over yours comfortingly, he got your attention, “I know it’s a lot to take in. The night was stressful and unfamiliar. You felt unsafe, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you still feel like that. I apologize for dragging you into all of this, it was distressing for you. But I will try to make it so you can feel comfortable and safe with Stray Kids. You will have time to adjust and learn the routines here, and of course finding your place with us. If you ever need help, you can come to me and I will try my best. And of course you have Felix, even the others in here. We will keep you safe, okay?” Chan looked at you intently, speaking with purpose and a genuine heart. It was the gentlest you’ve seen him and what he said had touched your heart. It was as if the dark cloud hovering over your heart cleared away a bit, the stress was lifted with his words. You looked into his eyes and you knew he stood by his words.
“Thank you, Chan,” you looked down at your lap, “truly, I mean it.”
“SKZ is a safe haven to a lot of people, and I want it to be one for you too.”
You nodded with a faint smile on your lips, then you looked up at the rising sun and the beautiful scene before you. It was like you couldn’t get enough of it, “It’s a beautiful view, isn’t it?”
Chan hummed in agreement and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence as you both watched the sunrise. Despite whatever happened previously, you felt oddly relaxed next to Chan. He wasn’t familiar like Felix, but he gave off a similar warmth as Felix did. Well, at least now he did, you had seen a lot of different sides of Chan in one night. But this one was the warmest one, and you were glad for the company and ease he provided.
Eventually, as the both of you sat in comforting silence, sleep caught up to you and you felt your heavy eyelids finally close. The songs of morning birds lulled you to drift off to sleep. After your crazy night, it didn’t take long for you to go into a deep sleep, your head suddenly falling to one side. You were out and weren’t waking up soon.
Chan, enjoying the moment, started to hear soft snores from you. He knew you were sleeping before he even looked over, and he didn’t realize it, but the corner of his lips turned up ever so slightly. Thinking your neck looked uncomfortable, he scooted his chair a bit closer to yours and moved your head so that you were leaning on his shoulder. Not even stirring as he moved you. He even wrapped his jacket around you, providing you with some more warmth. Later, he would bring you back inside and let you rest somewhere more snug and comfortable, but right now, he just wanted to enjoy the moment and let you relax.
Chan smiled as he looked at you, the worry that’s been present on your face all night was gone and you finally looked at peace. The stress and anxiety seemed to disappear with sleep. He thought you were beautiful. Very softly, Chan promised, “You are safe here, you won’t be harmed with us. I’ll make sure of it.”
a/n: I honestly think it’s still kinda rough, but I’m impulsive and couldn’t wait any longer to post it so tada~  Like I said before this is gonna be a series so every members gonna get a story. idk who’s next but look forward to it!
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Soulmate Shenanigans Five: The Order Of The Shenanigans
Hey! Guess who has returned? 
Just the March doing her prompt writing thing, as seen on previous episodes :)
Parts one, two, three, and four here!
Prompt #5
Any intense emotions your soulmate feels you will also experience
Warnings for kidnapping mention and gifted kid “potential” mention
Okay. Not going to lie, I kind of tweaked the concept, but I like how it turned out. The idea of the sides having sides in human AUs has been in my brain, and now it’s in yours!
World Building
At first, the symptoms of having a soulmate was seen as symptoms of witchcraft
It was a reasonable assumption to make, as seeing into someone’s head and emotions wasn’t really a thing that humans did. 
However, as the population grew and communication across the globe became a thing, the instances of people finding their soulmates grew as well, and not everyone could be a witch (or, if they were, being a witch was simply being human).
It took a while for the culture around soulmates to shift, but shift it did, and people eventually figured out “Oh, that person is my soulmate, not my eternal enemy that I need to destroy via my demonic powers, which I totally have”
But people’s minds are kind of a lot, and it’s hard to process it all.
So, in modern day, people have learned to separate the pieces of their soulmate’s personality that they get bombarded with into different pieces, or sides
The sides are Logic, Morality/Emotions, Creativity (with there sometimes being a divide between dark and light), Self-Preservation, and Anxiety.
Roman: Roman is looking forward to meeting his soulmate so much!
When he’s a famous writer and people know about him and he’s evened out his insecurities and he deserves them!
Being perfect for them is going to take work, but most people meet their soulmates over 30, so he’s got at least fifteen years to prepare.
Until then, he was working on his fantasy story and dreaming of the day he’d get published or get the lead in a school play.
The writing club had been his idea, so you could say that everything that happens in the story was his fault. He’d just wanted to be around people who liked the same things he liked!
Roman’s Sides, ranked in order of how much control they have:
Note: Names are hard. Aaaagh.
Magnus, his creativity, romance, passion, etcetera. Magnus is really the one who calls the shots around here. He’s just as goofy of a fifteen year old (if not more) as Roman, but he has the unenviable position of running a mind palace and being the ego of someone who hates himself.
This guy just wants to listen to Hamilton, but noooo, he had to have an evil reflection of himself and self-worth issues.
The Count, his self-preservation and pretty much Roman’s inner Roxie Hart/Velma Kelly. Randomly suggests poisoning their mortal enemies a lot (note: they don’t have mortal enemies). 
The most like canon Janus out of any of the self preservations, except instead of “we live in a society” it’s more “fuck it, we’re going to be *famous*!”
The other sides will pay him to stop saying, “that’s showbiz”
The Medic, his morality and emotions. Sort of has a medieval healer thing going on (which means herbs in a satchel, not plague doctor mask).
A lovely person on his own, but when he and The Guard team up, it’s ✨Guilt time!✨
He has the question of “Am I a terrible person?” on his hands, so...good luck to him. He’s trying to hold the five of them into a cohesive unit, but it’s hard!
The Guard, his fears and anxious thoughts. He has a shield and a spear, and is kind of dressed like a (dark and stormy) knight.
No one particularly likes him, but it’s his job to recognize The Shadow, so they all need him.
He hangs around on the outskirts of the mindscape, ever vigilant.
The Alchemist, his logic. No one listens to the voice of reason in this house. Al isn’t really a fan of this, and being Roman’s logic, he thinks that if he can find a way to prove himself it’ll turn out okay.
The Shadow, everything Magnus discarded. You could call him dark creativity, but he’s a lot more. 
They used to call him Rex, when they were kids.
Patton: Patton isn’t thrilled with having to move to a new school, but he’s keeping a positive attitude
The new town is creepy and making friends is harder than he thought, and he just wants to right a sappy love story about ghosts without feeling sad.
But if he keeps his chin up, he knows it’ll all be fine!
And hey, maybe he’ll find people who like him in this writing club thing!
Patton’s Sides, ranked in order of how much control they have: 
Patrick, his morality and emotions. Patrick feels all of the loneliness and desperation that Patton feels daily, but pretends he doesn’t feel it, since he has to be there for them!
Them meaning his family, meaning the rest of Patton’s mind, as well as Patton, since he’s kind of an older brother/role model to the guy.
Covering the full scope of human emotions isn’t great when the other half of your job is enforcing the sense of right and wrong (and the general consensus in Patton’s head is showing negative emotions = burden = wrong).
None of them can cook, but that won’t stop him from trying!
The Canary, his fears and anxious thoughts. Constantly popping up to remind everyone that they’re failing. It’s kind of his job.
Stress plays the piano when things get to be too much.
The Gardener, his creativity, romance, and passion. Conjures flowers a lot. Projects wishes for a soulmate into the sappy ghost love story, which he’s mostly in charge of writing.
Hasn’t split yet, but that’s mostly because nearly all of Patton’s negative impulses that would be considered “dark creativity” already come from The Miser.
Dr. Picani, his logical side. Knows everything about cartoons, and tries to be professional, but a complete sweetheart.
Secretly knows his name is Emile, but is waiting for the best moment to tell everyone.
The Miser, his self-preservation and deceitful side. No one’s a fan of him. Patrick is kind of his mortal nemesis (in the sense that Patrick claimed the title and he just kind of went along with it?)
Everyone else in the Pattonsphere refuses to curse, but he says many a “fuck” with ease
Trying to protect The Gardener from splitting by taking responsibility for most of the things a dark creativity would do.
Virgil: Virgil just didn’t want to join the yearbook committee. 
It was irrational, maybe, to have a deep rooted hatred of the yearbook committee. 
They were just trying to categorize things, design pages-it wasn’t malicious! 
And yet, being in that classroom and seeing Amelia’s dead eyes and smile near rang every alarm bell in his system, so he needed a way out this year.
His parents weren’t going to let him not choose an activity, so he flipped a coin and ended up in some writing club.
He came into the club determined to fake some pretentious poetry about death. Just because they say the club’s about expression or whatever doesn’t mean that they can know anything about his comics.
Virgil’s Sides, ranked in order of how much control they have: 
Dante, his fears and anxious thoughts. Dante has too many eyes. Dante is lowkey a cryptid, but he’s sadly a cryptid in charge of life decisions.
There’s no way to dance around it. Dante’s a spider-human hybrid.
Dante would prefer they never be perceived by anyone for anything. He does not want to be seen, he does not want to be heard, he does not want to be perceived. Period. 
But he’s a very conspicuous spider-human hybrid. 
The Competent One, The One Who Can Actually Do Math, Steve, whatever you want to call him, he’s Virgil’s logical side.
His theories are just....
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See that image? That kind of sums up his characterization.
Parker, his creativity, romance, and heroic side. He’s the one who got them obsessed with comic books, and is trying to write his own. If people don’t like the comics, he’ll probably just start screaming and never stop
He gets the purple eyeshadow!
Remy, his self-preservation. He mainly just wants Virgil to just...rest
Nap. Sleep. Take a self-care day. This is Remy’s goal.
Also to continue to have the most style out of anyone in the Virgilsphere
Remy has a talent for never being anywhere at the right time, and then popping up at the worst moments, caffeine in hand.
Tam, his morality and emotions. The most into the emo phase out of any of them, since he feels all angst!
Sometimes just hovers and screams. Everyone’s pretty used to this.
Logan: Logan was trying to ignore the things he’d seen
Logan was a scientific guy. He knew that magic wasn’t real, that the fae were just stories.
So, clearly, the nightmarish things he’d seen that night were just that: nightmares. Just nightmares caused by stress over his academic struggles.
That was the immediate problem at hand: academic struggles. Logan was always the top of his class his whole life, and words like “gifted” were thrown around. Lately, however, things have been harder to keep up with and pay attention to, and it’s a bit of a mess.
Logan joined the writing club because he thought it might help him with English class, and he did like speculative fiction.
But, more importantly, he joined it because he thought it would be a simple task he could easily ace, so he wouldn’t have to keep being told that he wasn’t trying.
Logan’s Sides, ranked in order of how much control they have:
Mimir, his logical side. Mimir is pushing himself to take care of all academic matters and keep Logan afloat.
Mimir is over his head, but doesn’t really have anyone to talk to (or so he thinks), so he’s just putting Warby Parkers over his panic and faking cold distance to make everyone think he’s doing okay.
Alastor, his moral side. Half of his job is repressing Logan’s emotions, which isn’t a great thing to be doing, but he think he’s doing it for a good reason.
Kinda strict and blaming Mimir for everything going wrong. He does care about the others, he’s just bad at showing it.
Cassandros, his fears and anxious thoughts. 
This dude-
He’s basically just [puts feet on coffee table] “Hey, did you know everyone hates us?? I made a PowerPoint that proves it!”
He’ll get character development, though.
The Chessmaster, his overdramatic self-preservation.
Tries to be clever, walks into walls.
The Detective, his creative and fanciful side. He wants to swashbuckle, but instead he’s restrained to geometry. 
But now he has a project in the writing club! He has something to do!
And The Mad Scientist is trying to ruin it!
The Mad Scientist, Logan’s dark creativity.
They never used to care about the creative side one way or another. There was no need to make a dark side when it was already looked down upon.
Now, however, there are things in Logan’s mind that he’s trying not to think about, and so the Mad Scientist has joined the fray.
The Actual Plot
This is going to be an actual fic that I write. So, I’m not going to fill out the entire plot here.
I can, however say a few of the plot lines
Plot One: Everyone’s sides are in a state of constant screaming and must learn to communicate.
They also need to let their main guys figure out they have soulmates, because they’re all repressing that information for their own reasons.
Plot Two: LAMP in a writing club, falling in love and being disturbed by first drafts!
Plot Three: The fae are kidnapping people.
And everyone needs to get them to Stop.
I guess you could call this a trailer??
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bamby0304 · 5 years
Her Saviours- Ch.30
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Series Masterlist
Summary: During an odd case, the Winchesters came across Y/N, a scared young Omega girl who had been used as a lure for a nest of vampires. After rescuing her from the monsters, John and his sons took her in knowing she was in no state to live among ordinary people. But three Alphas and one Omega is a mixture bound for disaster.
Warnings: Explicit language. ABO dynamics. Angst. Violence. Kidnapping. 
You sat on the hood of your truck… well… the truck you’d stole two days ago. It was about time to ditch it. Right now, however, you were focused on the flames in front of you. During the month you’d been on your own you’d managed to gank a total of three ghosts by yourself. Sure, it wasn’t like you were wrestling werewolves and wrangling wendigoes, but you felt pretty badass nonetheless.
This particular ghost had been a bitch to get down. He’d clawed you up like a damn cat. You’d barely had the strength to toss your lighter into his grave, which was located in the middle of the woods. His hands had been so tightly wrapped around your throat you knew for a fact there were already bruises forming.
Sam and Dean would kill you if they knew what you were doing.
You’d ditched your phone the second you’d ditched the Winchesters. Of course, you weren’t a complete fool. First you sent out a message to Bobby, letting him know you were safe but venturing off on your own. You knew he’d let the boys know as soon as they started pestering him for information.
Normally you went to him after a fight. Whenever you’d needed a break from either the brothers or John, you always ended up at Bobby’s. They knew that. It’s why they’d been bugging him last time you’d runoff. He might not have given away the details but they would have known, deep down, that you were there with him.
Not this time, though. No, you weren’t taking the risk. Having been gone for so long, Sam and Dean would have actually dragged their asses to Bobby’s to drag you back with them. Part of you kinda wished you could have seen the look on their faces.
With the flames dying down, you sighed and climbed off the truck. Slipping in behind the wheel, you turned her on, backed up, and decided to head south. You’d heard about a guy that had gone missing one state over, and how a kid who was witness to it was insisting he’d been taken by some kind of monster.
It wasn’t much, but it was something. If it turned out to be the kid’s wild imagination then you could always just move on to the next thing. Until then, you had nothing to lose, no reason not to go check this thing out.
Rolling through the town, you pulled out your disposable phone to check the time. It wasn’t late or anything, but you doubted the kid’s parents would appreciate you knocking on their door at this hour. So, instead of pursuing the case, you decided to stop by the local bar.
You left the car you’d picked up earlier that day on the side of the road a few blocks away from the bar. Carrying what little you had, you headed for the bar, hoping your suppressants would do their job and keep unwanted attention away from you.
So far you’d had some decent luck being out alone in society. An Omega your age would normally be with a mate or an Alpha or Beta carer. You were young and therefore presumably weak, timid, and… ripe for the taking.
With the way Dean, Sam and John stressed all the time, you had imagined you would’ve been harassed a million times over by now, but you’d barely had to shrug off a dozen Alphas during the month on your own.
You were really starting to believe things weren’t as bad as you’d feared.
The second you walked through the bar’s door all eyes turned to you. Perhaps I should rethink that theory…
Keeping your head held high, you made your way through the small crowd and headed for the first free table you spotted. Dumping your things on one of the free chairs at the table, you sat yourself down and focused on not paying anyone any attention as the gazes slowly drifted away from you.
“You okay, darlin’?”
Looking up, you smiled at the Omega waitress standing in front of you. She was pretty, red hair, a little bit of a tan that almost hid the littering of freckles all over her. She was tall for an Omega, and not as shapely as your kind normally were. She was different, charming looking but not in the typical sweet Omega way. No, she looked like she could handle herself.
Your eyes flickered to her neck, noticing the many scars on display. One sniff of her though and you could sense that those marks were all from the same Alpha. She was practically saturated in his scent.
“My man gets a little paranoid with me workin’ in a place like this. Doesn’t matter that I can kick his ass, he still frets over all these hungry animals.” She cracked a grin.
Lifting your gaze back up to hers, you smiled back at her. “I know a few Alphas like that, too.”
She nodded. “You’re pretty tiny, but I can tell you’d be able to knock a dog down a peg or two if you needed.”
It wasn’t the prettiest of compliments you’d heard but it made the Omega in you waggle with praise. You didn’t tend to feel that capable of yourself so for someone to suggest otherwise made you feel pretty amazing.
“Still, you okay honey? Young thing like you might be able to handle herself but that don’t mean you won’t stay outta trouble.”
“She’s not alone.”
Your back went rigid as all the hairs on your body stood on their end.
Their scents hit you then. You’d been so focussed on the Omega waitress, you hadn’t bothered keeping track of your surroundings. You didn’t think you’d need to with her watching your back in a way. But you could smell them now.
The unmistakable scent of ginger and musk, coffee and rosewood, with gunpowder and molasses.
Shifting in your seat, you looked over your shoulder at the two Alphas.
Dean was glaring at you with that disapproving look he’d perfected after having taken care of Sam as a kid. He was relieved- at least you hoped he was- he just wouldn’t show it until he was certain he’s made you feel guilty enough.
Sam, on the other hand, was filled with relief. Much like his brother, however, you knew he’d show more of his true feelings later. The younger brother was softer until you were alone with him. He could be scary if you didn’t find it so attractive.
“Darlin’, we got a problem here?” the waitress asked, eyeing the brothers. “I can get these two kicked outta here, all you gotta do is say the word.”
Chewing on your lip, you shook your head. “We’re fine. I know them.”
“Okay.” She relaxed a little, but with the way she was still eyeing the brothers, you knew she would stay true to her word and kick them out if you changed your mind. “Just wave me over when you’re ready to order.” Giving your arm a squeeze, she then headed off- not before giving the Winchesters one last warning glare.
Not caring about the death glare he and his brother were getting, Dean stepped up to you as Sam slid into the seat across from you. Your eyes were on the eldest of the two, though, as he continued to look at you with complete disapproval and disappointment.
“You have any idea how worried shitless we’ve been?”
“I can take a guess.” You shrugged, knowing your casual demeanour would only piss him off further.
His jaw clicked as he clenched it. “This isn’t funny, Y/N. You’ve been gone a month. We thought… we had no idea if you were even alive.”
It had been a thought that had plagued your mind with guilt during the time you’d been alone. Your adventure had not come easy. You knew everyone would be worried about you, and being an Omega meant you felt the need to fix that. You wanted to reassure everyone that you were safe and sound, but the only way to do that was to give in and give up.
Things just weren’t so black and white anymore. Hell, you were beginning to realise that they’d never been black and white. You were stuck between three Alphas who couldn’t or wouldn’t give you the commitment you needed. Without that commitment, you had other urges. You wanted to be your own self.
Being with the Winchesters had its restrictions. Dean and John had proven time and time again that you would always be held back. With Dean, it was only to a certain point, but it was still a point you didn’t like.
Leaving gave you space. You didn’t have to watch them flirt with anyone else. Dean was the worst, going from girl to girl. Sam was bound to join in eventually- and you hadn’t forgotten the year and a half he spent with Jess. John wasn’t around to be a problem but you could recall the countless times he’d picked to settle between someone else’s thighs rather than yours. Knowing they all had someone else to turn to, and chose to do so, etched away at your self-esteem and sanity.
You also got to escape the tension that had been growing between you and the brothers. Slapping Dean had been the last straw, but before then there’d been warning signs. Sam and Dean had been fighting and posturing over you for weeks. They’d been competing, both consciously and subconsciously, for a while and it had taken its toll on all of you. Running away meant running away from that.
“I needed a break. To be honest… I think we all did,” you countered.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t think I don’t remember what made me run away, Dean. I slapped you.”
His gaze softened then, as his thoughts went back to that day. “You didn’t mean it.”
“In the moment I did,” you argued. “And whether you meant what you said or not, you still said it. We both made mistakes. We were going to keep making them.” You gestured to Sam then. “And you two were going to keep trying to dominate the other. I had to go, for everyone’s sanity.”
“We went crazy looking for you,” Sam spoke. You looked over at him, seeing some of that earlier softness in his eyes fade. “If you were so worried about our sanity you should have said something. Running away only made things worse.”
Again, you shrugged. “Not for me.”
“Sure,” Dean scoffed. “Say that to the bruises on your neck.” Shaking his head, he finally took a seat. “What the hell happened? An Alpha get to you?”
Tugging on your jacket’s collar, you tried to hide the bruises as much as possible. “It was a ghost, actually.”
Dean clenched his jaw again.
“You’ve been hunting?” Sam asked.
“Yes,” you answered honestly and shortly. “And before you get your panties in a twist, they’ve all been salt and burn cases. Ghosts only. I’ve been playing it safe.”
“We can see your fucking neck, Y/N. Is that really what ‘playing it safe’ is supposed to look like?” Dean barked.
The two of you just glared at each other, neither one of you backing down. It was a rare moment where you refused to give in to your Omega instincts and let the Alpha win. Having been on your own, it seemed you’d grown a rebellious streak.
“Okay…” Sam interjected, sensing that the tension between you and hit brother was only going to keep growing until someone snapped. It would inevitably end you you two fighting or fucking- neither of which you could do in public. “The case.” He looked to you. “Are you here because of the missing guy?”
“Yeah.” Nodding, you begrudgingly tore your eyes away from Dean and turned to his brother. “Heard some kid was a witness and insists it was a monster.”
“He was watching horror movies at the time,” Dean noted.
“And local police have now ruled out foul play,” Sam added. “Apparently, there are worse signs of a struggle.” He gestured to the file he’d set on your table. “I’ve done some research.”
A smile tugged onto your lips. “Of course.”
Dean rolled his eyes, staying on track. “Well, they could be right, it could just be a kidnapping. Maybe this isn’t our kind of gig.”
“Yeah, maybe not. Except for this,” Sam pulled out John’s journal from his jacket. “Dad marked the area, Dean.” He turned to a page and showed you and Dean. “Possible hunting grounds of a phantom attacker.”
Taking his father’s journal, Dean frowned at what was written on the page Sam had turned to. “Why would he even do that?”
“Well, he found a lot of local folklore about a dark figure that comes out at night,” Sam noted. “Grabs people, then vanishes. He found this too.” He took the journal back and flipped a couple of pages. “This county has more missing persons per capita than anywhere else in the state.”
As Dean took the book once more, you didn’t care to look at what Sam was showing. You were too distracted by the sight of the leather-bound book. It was the most important object in John’s life. He loved and cared for that thing like it was a living being. You’d been taught to respect and trust it. Seeing it again, after having been gone from the Winchesters for so long, you felt a strong pang of guilt, regret, and loneliness hit you.
“That is weird.” Dean closed the journal and gave it back to his brother, drawing your attention back to reality. “Don’t phantom attackers usually snatch people from their beds? Jenkins was taken from a parking lot.”
“Well, there are all kinds. You know, Spring Heeled Jacks, phantom gassers. They take people anywhere, anytime.” Sam really had done some research.
It was then that you realised you would have been going in blind. If it wasn’t for the Winchesters showing up, you would have dived headfirst into this case and either left thinking it was nothing, or died because you knew very little on phantom attackers.
Maybe this hunting alone thing isn’t something I should be rushing in to...
Sam sighed, putting the journal away. “Look, Dean, I don’t know if this is our kind of gig either.”
Not needing his brother to say anymore, Dean nodded. “Yeah, you’re right, we should ask around more tomorrow.”
“Right.” Sam hesitated a moment before he turned to you. “I saw a motel about five miles back… you’re joining us right.”
“Whoa, whoa, easy.” Dean put his hand between you and his brother, waving until Sam turned to him. “We just got here.”
“You can stay, but… I wanna catch up with Y/N. And we should really get an early start,” Sam suggested as he rose from his seat.
“Catch up?” you asked, looking up at him.
“You’ve been gone for a month. I just wanna know how you’ve been,” he assured you with a kind smile.
You returned the smile and nodded. “Yeah. Okay. I think we can manage a simple chat.”
Looking between the two of you, Dean sighed and got up. “Fine, we’ll head over to the motel.” He shook his head at his brother. “You really know how to have fun, don’t you, Grandma?”
Sam grinned triumphantly, proud and happy that he managed to win the argument- if you could call it that.
Rolling his eyes, Dean look to you then. “I’ll meet you two outside. Gotta take a leak.” Turning to you, he leaned in to kiss your cheek. “Wait for me.”
He was insecure, unsure, uncertain. You’d left without saying goodbye once… you got the feeling he would be worrying for a while.
“Sam and I will wait for you,” you assured him.
Pulling back, he gave you a short nod and then headed for the bathrooms.
“Come on.” Sam reached under the table and grabbed your two bags you’d stashed under there earlier. “I’ll show you where the Impala is.”
You followed him as he led the way, walking out of the bar. Now that you were with Sam, you felt fewer gazes lingering on you as you left. Before, when you’d been alone, the looks had been more intense, hungry. Now, they were mostly curious. You’d forgotten just how different things were when you were with an Alpha. 
“So…” Sam looked over his shoulder at you as you both continued to walk through the parking lot.
“How have you been?”
You cracked a knowing smile. “You mean other than all the hunting and stuff?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Are you… are you okay?”
“Sam.” You came to a stop, looking up at him. “I’m tired. I’m stressed. I’m lonely. I don’t know where I stand. I’m an Omega with no direction. I want to have freedom, but to be honest, as great as this month has been, I’m not going to deny that it was lonely. I missed you and Dean like crazy.” You weren’t going to tell him that you cried yourself to sleep most nights. “Just like how I miss John. Maybe even more. I’ve never been on my own like that before. It was scary. But after a while… things got a little better. I really did think me leaving was for the best.”
“It wasn’t.”
He wasn’t arguing or accusing you. Looking up at Sam, you could see that he was just trying to explain his side of the situation.
“We got back to that motel room and you were gone. Dean… Dean went out of his mind. He and Cassie had talked and he’d explained everything to her. He ended things with her. Clean cut. She won’t be calling again unless it’s an emergency. You literally slapped some sense into him.”
At the mention of the slap, you flinched and looked away.
“He doesn’t care about it, you know. It was a shock, but… Dean forgave you the second he saw the guilt on your face. You regretted doing it right away, and hated yourself for it. I knew you were gonna punish yourself… I just didn't realise you were going to punish us in the process.”
“I wasn’t punishing you. Either of you. I just… I was tired of you two fighting over me. I was tired of not knowing where I stood with you. I was tired of having to compete for Dean’s attention. I was tired. I still am tired.”
“Running away isn’t the answer.”
“It sure did feel like one at the time.”
He watched you carefully. “Would you do it again?”
“If I got to go back in time? Yes.” You gave a short nod. “But am I planning on leaving again now? No.”
It was the truth. It didn’t mean you wouldn’t change your mind in the future, but for now you were certain you were going to stick with the brothers. The fact you’d randomly bumped into each other kinda made you think this is where you had to be. Plus, freedom was nice, but you missed the brothers. You were gonna make sure you had more say in your own life, but you missed having the Alpha presence.
A noise had you both tense and turn towards a nearby car. It had sounded like something had been pushed over.
Placing your bags on the ground, Sam pulled out a torch and got to the ground to take a peek under the car. He jumped as a cat hissed at him.
You laughed. “You alright there, Sammy? Did the kitty scare you?”
“Ha ha ha.” Turning off his torch, he got himself back to his feet, rolling his eyes at you.
“Come on, scaredy-cat. Show me where Baby is.” You grabbed one of your bags.
As Sam leaned down to grab the other someone jumped out from the side of the car. You opened your mouth to warn Sam, but before you could speak you felt something hard and heavy hit you in the head.
Falling to the ground with a heavy thump , you landed next to Sam as he was knocked out as well. You looked up at your grinning attackers, then everything went black.
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