#wish 2023 rewrite
cemetery-circus · 7 months
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Is this anything? Wish has potential and I just want that potential to be realized
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theplatinumcritter · 6 months
Wish Rewrite
A long time ago,people would make wishes to the stars. Those pure of hearts,those who wished with all their might,got their wish granted one way or another. The wishings stars were the brightest in the sky,their magic great and powerful,above all,pure.
Sadly one day,the wishing stars disappeared. People felt sad and distraught at the stars’ absence. It was then that someone stepped up,Magnífico. He showed he possessed magic,something that amazed those around him,he said he learned the magic of granting wishes,and thus helped the people.
It's been a century since wishing stars disappeared. But with King Magnífico and his wife Queen Amaya,the now Kingdom of Rosas flourishes and lives in peace,as once a year a lucky citizen shall be chosen to be granted one wish. Only one.
We start our story with Asha. Asha is a girl from Rosas,her beloved home (insert introductory song around here). She’s turning 18-years-old and ever since she was a little girl she knew exactly what she wanted to wish for,to learn the magic of wishes to help out her fellow townspeople. She’s excited as she has big dreams of all she could do once obtaining the magic King Magnifico and Queen Amaya possess,and she is very eager to learn. She’s been told to wish for something else,as she only has one wish,but she declines every time,determined to help out her town however she can.
As the Festival of Wishes starts,Asha watches in awe as the lucky citizen is chosen. A young man who wishes to be a knight,and he has it granted. While slightly disappointed she wasn’t chosen,Asha decides that maybe she could convince Magnifico to take her under his wing anyway. She’s declined,no matter how much she explains,she’s told no. Until,for a moment,the King snaps at her that only him and his wife have any right to use this magic. Asha looks in surprise and fear as she never thought the King could get this angry…
He quickly composes himself,apologizes,says it is simply a very ancient thing not everyone can learn… And asks her to leave. Queen Amaya herself escorts Asha out,echoing her husband’s explanation as she then waves Asha goodbye.
Of course,Asha feels something isn’t adding up. Late at night she walks outside of the kingdom,running towards a hill and climbing a tree all the way up (insert obligatory princess I Want song here) it is then that she sees a star brighter than the rest. Could it be? Is it what she's gotten described before? She’s never seen one though… Doesn’t hurt to give it a shot,right? Asha closes her eyes,and starts to hum (When You Wish Upon a Star) and then she makes her wish: “I want to help”
A golden light shoots from up in the sky,landing right where Asha is,startling her and confusing her. And this is how we meet Star. Star is ecstatic,not reading the room at all,talking to himself about how he can’t believe that after a whole century someone finally finally made a wish to a star again. He presents himself to Asha,saying that stars usually don’t do this kind of thing but he was way too excited to not meet the one person who made a wish after being ignored and feeling lonely for so long.
Asha is of course confused,and even a little scared. Star notices her discomfort and reassures her it is all fine,he is a wishing star after all,and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t grant her wish (insert wishing star’s theme song here) with a little magic show he explains how wishes work,Asha mentions in passing how she thought the stars were gone and that’s why the King and Queen learned the magic of wishes,Star laughs incredulous saying how humans only possess wishes as stars are the only beings with magic powerful enough to grant them,he mentions back how he’s the only star left as one day the other stars he knew pretty much vanished out of nowhere.
… The dots start to slowly connect.
Meanwhile the magic show and the whole coming down from the sky itself thing isn’t missed by Magnifico and Amaya. They know what it is,there’s a wishing star left… They cannot afford that. They must obtain that star and not let anyone know about it,or else what they’ve worked so hard to obtain will slip like sand right through their fingers. Turns out,the King and Queen are much older than people believe,having stolen the wishing stars from the sky and the first thing they did once they figured out how to obtain the magic was wish for eternal youth,since then they’ve been draining the magic from stars to have control over the wishes. With a star still out there,the whole plan is at risk.
Here we got various shenanigans. As Star doesn’t have much of an idea on how to act human,and Asha begins to worry as she can notice quickly Star is in danger. Among their shenanigans their relationship starts to build,and chemistry begins to form slowly but surely. Reaching the point of caring about one another genuinely,paralleled with the King and Queen growing desperate to aid each other to not lose their power. (insert both love song duet and villain song around here,maybe one after the other for impact).
In the end they get their hands on Asha,threatening her. Star offers himself in exchange of letting Asha go,something Magnifico and Amaya do since they believe Asha to be powerless once they have the last wishing star in their grasp. Possibly,just for extra dramatics,they drain his magic right in front of Asha just to hurt her,meanwhile Star tells her to please go away and forget about him.
Of course that can’t be all. She tells the townspeople what’s going on. She successfully convinces them to see the truth of what the King and Queen have been truly going,and so it starts a revolution to free the wishing stars (insert another song here of course). Details are slightly blurry,but the basics are that Asha reunites with a weakened,one could say almost dying,Star. The pureness of her heart as she kisses him returning his strength,and the genuine desire to help slowly revitalizing all the other trapped wishing stars,Magnifico and Amaya losing their power,and then inevitably receive consequences for their actions.
The stars go back to the sky,all minus one,Star. Asha tells him his place is up there,granting wishes to those who have earned it. He responds that he has a wish of his own,and that is to be with her,asking her if she’d grant it to him. Of course,Asha says yes.
We could say Asha is a princess as now she’s magical in a sense and well the Kingdom of Rosas needs a ruler I suppose.
And that is my Wish rewrite. It isn’t perfect I know,and you can tell how I have some details less figured out than others,but I feel like this concept really could’ve worked,especially what we’ve seen done in the artworks. I grew up with Disney and I simply believe their 100th Anniversary deserved so much better,and well,this rewrite will be all I have as I’ll imagine scenarios of my own with this movie. Especially Asha and Star as a couple,really can’t believe they refused to go back to the romance aspect at least once…
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annymation · 5 months
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rylxdreams · 2 months
Made fanart of @annymation's Kingdom of Wishes (with designs by @uva124)✨
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These three specific lines lived rent-free in my head, can you guess why lol
Anyways, go read their fic if you haven't yet! It's a really fun and emotional read!
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salmonpiffy · 4 months
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Disney's Wish poster redesign
The composition was referenced from Stardust (2007) poster because that movie is about the star character who falls from the sky and meet the main human character just like Wish's early concept.
Original poster below
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artist-issues · 4 months
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I repeat: I do think Wish should’ve had a Blue-Fairy-like wishing Star come go on the adventure with her. Just so that she could “get to know” the Wishing Star, learn that it does care about what happens to her and wants what’s best for her, and then through that personal relationship, come to believe the actual message of most Disney movies, which is:
“Have faith and even more than what you wish for will come true.”
But sure, if you want to go ahead with your crappy “The power to make your wishes come true is in you,” yeah, make the Star a voiceless faceless blob. You don’t need it anyway, right?
(Tap for higher quality 🫢 My art. Give me credit if you’re going to use it.)
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cerulean-crow · 5 months
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They mean so much to me <3
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hal0withazer0 · 4 months
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Couldnt resist drawing the starry-eyed... well Star from the original concepts!
I heard somewhere their name was Earendel, soooo Im going to roll with that and call them Earen for short :)
Backstory Idea
Earendel is a celestial being, born in the farthest parts of the galaxy. Even if they were surrounded by stars like them, they felt alone as they could not shine as bright as they did. However, they found solace by watching the humans live their lives.
They always had a fascination with humans, and grew evermore curious. This is where they learn about humans holding wishes in their hearts, and have the drive to make them come true without magic with their own faith and determination. They inspired them to take matters into their own hands. Then one day, even in the deepest, darkest parts of space, they heard an earnest wish sung to the stars awaiting for a reply.
A wish asking the heavens for something better than the reality created by the king and queen. More than willing to help, they raced down to earth to meet the girl who made this wish and help make it come true.
They thought in the bigger picture, they were just a tiny speck in the sky with no significance. Their wish was to leave their mark and make a difference, so they too can shine bright. By the end of the movie, their new wish is to stay with their new friends and true love, Asha.
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frie-ice · 6 months
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Although I haven't seen the film, I have heard about the path that Wish nearly took and how everyone else preferred that version over what we got. Its been a while since Disney gave us a good love story and with their resent run of bad luck it wouldn't hurt them to go back their roots. Everyone loves a good love story and who doesn't want to see one of a human woman catching the eye of a shapeshifting Star Boy. And the demo song that was writing for these two was so beautiful I can't stop myself from listening to it over and over again.
Yes human Star does look a bit like Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians and Nightlight from the Guardians of Childhood books, the character that Jack was originally inspired by before he himself got added to the book series. Part of me does understand why Disney turned away from their original idea to avoid placing themselves in trouble, with them being in the red of late, but didn't a evil DreamWorks mermaid deeply resemble a certain redheaded mermaid? Most stories now a days share some similarities to some already existing stories, the plots are different and only a few certain themes were similar.
After seeing everyone else's fanworks on the original plot that many well wished that Disney stuck with, I thought that I would show my support. Its noting fancy and I didn't want to use other people's artworks of Star Boy x Asha without their permission, as that would be stealing. Even if I did credit the artists, it would still be stealing without asking and then end up bagging for their forgiveness.
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something-in-the-seas · 7 months
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I will always think about what could've been.
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princess-ibri · 2 months
Some more Wish 2 Concepts!
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Really love the idea of Asha’s magic being able to manifest with more control once she starts channeling her art skills into it. Like she struggles before, but once she starts drawing (pun intended) on her natural she starts bringing all sorts of amazing things to life to help aid her. A living representative of the magic of animators.
For Star I would bring back the shapeshifter idea for him while they’re in the Land of Dreams, he can take the form of different dreams he interacts with, as Wishes and Dreams are so connected.
And of course I had to do a little doodle of the moment Magnifico and Maroula first both realize the other is here in the Dreamlands, and that they’re on opposite sides of the conflict.
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Magnifico in his quest for vengeance has unknowingly aligned himself with his estranged daughter’s greatest enemy, and Maroula’s first site of her father after almost 100 years is seeing him ruthlessly attack her new friends—and aiding the dream eating Lamia.
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It’s not a happy reunion by any means
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uva124 · 1 month
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hopeyarts · 2 months
Wish Animatic 🌟
A very short animatic! I made this in January and quit halfway through, and I’m sure you can tell where I decided to pick it back up. 😂 I found it and didn’t want the effort to go to waste so I finished a bit more of it. Hope ya’ll enjoyed!
Song: Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman
Just imagining the rest, haha.
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annymation · 5 months
Okay, but we gotta talk about these wild ideas that the concept artists had for how Star would look like
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Never let anyone tell you that the people working at Disney lack creativity because WOW these all are so interesting!
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rylxdreams · 3 months
I still can't get the unused concept art of Wish out of my head so I've been reading a lot of rewrites and looking at a lot of Wish redesigns...
So... I got inspired. I'm currently conceptualizing my own Wish "rewrite/redesigns", but with a twist. It's gonna be a spiritual "prequel", cuz idk I feel like being meta since we'll be using the original concepts before the final concepts/decisions made for the final movie XD
Many of my "prequel" characters will be stand-ins for the canon characters! So "Asha" will be renamed "Amala", "Magnifico" will be called "Mamoun", and so on. Think of Pokemon Legends: Arceus regarding the relations of these "OCs" with the canon characters.
Anyway, here are the designs I have so far! I only have the designs for Amala and the Star for now. Hopefully, I can get to draw the other characters soon, especially Mamoun and his wife.
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The story will be called "Once Upon a Wish"
Here's an overview of what I have so far... Some details may change if I feel like my other choices serve the story better. (Also, small disclaimer, this is just a veryyy self-indulgent AU made by yours truly, so some details may not be accurate with the canon lore present in Wish)
The story takes place on the same island of Rosas, but from many years ago. If my research is right, canon Wish takes place in the 1200s, so maybe my "prequel" can take place in around the 900s-1000s. Rosas definitely wasn't called Rosas back then, but I'm still figuring out what to call it so I'm just gonna refer to it as "an island".
Amala is a shy, meek, but hardworking apprentice of the island's head sorcerer Mamoun (hence, her color palette looks similar to Mickey's outfit from The Sorcerer's Apprentice). Despite all her hard work in her magic studies, she doesn't really excel at using magic, making a lot of accidents during training. If there's anything she really excels at, it's the act of storytelling (She can draw/animate, sing, and write stories like fairy tales).
Amala also has a little sister Ayah, who I can imagine is the Lilo/Anna to Amala's Nani/Elsa. Ayah is spunky and cheerful, but she has an illness that makes her disabled. The sisters are orphans, but they live under an old family friend they affectionately call Grandpa Dabir. Dabir is a retired bard turned doctor who was part of a troupe with 6 other former bards, all of whom he and the sisters still interact.
That's all I can share for now. Feel free to ask me any questions about stuff about this AU!
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eternalbananaz · 4 months
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"star light, star bright, first star i see tonight.." 💫
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