sqeedledob 11 months
Hii I'm @writeblr-of-my-own! For the ask game:
17. What's the best character dynamic between two or more characters in your wip?
The friends to lovers slowburn between two of the MCs has my heart and soul right now. Anytime the big sad鈩笍 hits they are all I am brain rotting about 馃槶
Thank you for sending the ask!!!
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sqeedledob 10 months
which character of yours would be most likely to eat something inedible on a dare/for fun?
I initially wanted to say Neo as he's my feral little man but I think for him it would depend on the texture. He's pretty sensitive to mouth textures and if it's something textured like Lentils he'll probably throw up everything in his stomach before he can get it down
His sister, on the other hand, and surprisingly Aki are more down for that kind of tomfoolery. Maizie 100% has the "I won't do it" "yeah you wont" "OH BET???" Attitude and eating odd things like bugs and such wasn't so uncommon where Aki comes from! So it depends on what you mean by inedible!
Maizie has canonically swallowed a screw before to prove a point so... yeah she's a little creechur lmao
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sqeedledob 11 months
recent fluff ask game: oh you KNOOOW i gotta ask about lullaby. need me the caretaking and the comfort
POV I shared this not even realizing none of my WIPS have fluff??? Tragedy! I am a fool!!! Here's a prompt fill instead LOL
His head pounded with his heart beat. Every muscle in his body ached, moving seemed to be an impossibility. The world around him felt... soupy. He tried to move his hands to his temples.
Why was only one hand there? Where was-
Tears welled up in his eyes, colors swirling behind his eyelids as he squeezed them shut. Slowly the sounds around him no longer sounded so faded, and he could hear a girl's voice.
"Baba! He's waking up!"
Lily? No... They got rid of Lily a few months ago...
But it sounded so much like her.
"Don't worry," She told him, and he felt her hold his hand. Her other hand gently moved his hair out of his face. She sounded emotional, scared? No. Scared wasn't the word... concerned.
That's why she sounded like Lily. Lily always worried about him.
The hand combing through his hair cupped his face, "You don't have to be scared," She told him, "Can you try to open your eyes? You've been sleeping for a long time."
He struggled, his small hand gripping her larger one, and with effort his red eyes opened, staring back into her golden. "Who are you?" Jaxon croaked.
She smiled, pressing her forehead to his in their people's greeting, "I'm Antonia." she smiled, relief flooding her features, as she closed her eyes, "I'm going to be your new big sister. And you can't say no!"
"Antonia," A deeper voice called, and a man put a hand on the girl's shoulder, pulling her away a bit, "Don't overwhelm him." She looked back up at the man, "Yes Baba," She pulled away from the younger boy, not letting go of his hand.
The girl's... Antonia's father looked down at the young boy, a small smile on his face. Jax only looked at him with eyes as big as Apae's moons, a little scared, but comforted by the other young girl holding his hand. "Where am I?" he asked.
"You're in The Underground." The man answered, "I meant to get to you sooner, Jaxon, I'm so sorry." he looked remorseful, "I had no idea the Outter Rings had become so violent."
"How do you-"
The man shook his head, cutting Jaxon off, "Don't speak for now, my boy. You need your energy." He told him, "We need to have a few tests run to make sure you're healthy. Are you ok with a few more people coming into the room?"
Jaxon looked at Antonia uncertainly, and in return she gave him a reassuring smile. He looked back at the man and nodded hesitantly.
x Time Skip X Jax and Antonia were sitting in the mouth of one of the many caves that opened up into The Wilds, enjoying the fresh air before they had to go back into the depths of their Volcanic home. Reminiscing before they were scheduled to meet with the Elders for Jaxon's first set of orders.
"Do you remember when you guys first dragged my happy ass here?" He asked, "You were so excited to have a little brother." He chuckled.
Antonia only looked down at the forest below them thoughtfully, a sad smile graced her features.
Jax noticed her silence, "Hey... you know I'm not trying to make fun of you right? I thought it was cute."
She sat there for a few moments, deep in thought. Jax was used to this, Antonia tended to be very particular about her words.
"A few years before Baba found you," she told him, "We'd lost my mom while she was giving birth... And not long after, my little brother died due to the complications with the birth." She looked him in the eyes, crying.
"Antonia, I-"
She cut him off, "When Baba told me he was adopting you, I was so excited," she told him, her voice hoarse, "because I'd dreamed of being an older sibling for so long... You were exactly what I'd been praying for."
He laughed, crying with her, "Minus an arm though."
She chuckled back, "Yeah we may have gotten the discount deal but it's enough."
She grabbed him, pulling him into a hug, "I love you. And I'm so proud of you." She said, squeezing him.
"I love you too."
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sqeedledob 11 months
also what aspect of worldbuilding are you working on right now 馃憖/what are you brainrotting about story-wise?
KBVJHGBKNBHJVGCF NHBjkenfkebrgkejbgrekrgjb so many things ughhh
Right now the brainrot is entirely on the history and timeline of events that happens prior to the main cast doing their things. Everything from short stories, legends and myths, canon religious events vs events that were skewed as time went on and books were rewritten. Like I have the world I want in my head, but I have to figure out how it got there for so many things to make sense.
The idea behind this one, and this takes a lot of inspiration from WH 40k and The Wheel of Time, is that this civilization is incredibly advanced in tech. Like for crying out loud: limbs/bionic upgrades that can actually feel, cures/implants for certain types of blindness/deafness, flying cars, underwater civilization capabilities, etc. This world is super duper sci fi.
Magic-wise though? They're weak as shit. And some writing suggests maybe at one point the Magic in the world was strong enough to even overpower their modern day inventions. That is something the main cast is going to get absolutely OBLITERATED by
So my main brainrot has been entirely focused on setting the stage so when these guys go out into the world there's some solid history I can pull from
This is ALSO because I'm running this setting in a DnD campaign and background info for players to discover is super important Imo!!! That's why I've been reading so many war stories and such, its been pretty good inspiration for how to write the events for Broken Kingdom
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sqeedledob 11 months
favorite thing to draw/write?
Tumblr media
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sqeedledob 11 months
who's your favorite oc thats not cypress? (as much as well all claim to not have favorite ocs... we all do. i'm exposing you).
I'm going feral how dare u not let me name him
MAIZIE HAHAHA (slash jay)
Probably Aki, she was inspired by a few friends and out of all the characters in the line up, she's the most positive/is very hopeful. I project a lot of my wishes for a better world onto her
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