#wip: meet me at center rink
justyourtypicalwriter · 6 months
Can you just imagine you’re a skater and you travel down to South Park for a competition but when you walk into the rink you see:
-The captain of the hockey team pulling every risky stunt he can, almost getting himself killed multiple times
-Some blond kid in dirty ass clothing wrestling with some some brunette and just as you think they’re gonna hurt each other, they start making out
-Two blond kids hanging at the edge of the rink and for the most part they seem normal but then one of them starts shaking so much it looks like he’s vibrating and going to combust any second now and the other is yelling curses and slurs
-Some British kid is going apeshit on some French guy over French people existing
-This demonic looking guy setting shit on fire just by looking at it
-Another blond guy who looks normal enough but the second he says something about being Mormon to the group they all start screaming
-This fat fuck calling someone a “faggy little princess figure skater” over call then getting screamed at he was speaking with on the phone
-This rich looking guy and some weird dude who won’t speak staring at everyone with their arms crossed and a look that’s screams: “you’re father and I are very disappointed in you.”
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fallinallincurls · 4 years
Puck Drops & Big Questions
sooo this has been a wip for literal MONTHS now and playoff hockey has finally gotten me to finish it! the idea originally started with this video that i sent to @lights-on-mendes​ and i ended up combining two of my favorite aus to get this super soft fic and probably a new favorite of mine. plus hockey!shawn just does something to me so here we are.
hope you enjoy! feedback is always appreciated xx
word count: 3.3k+
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The last game of his senior year. You never thought four years ago when the star hockey player asked you out that you would be standing where you are right now.
At a packed arena wearing your boyfriend’s away jersey as the two teams competing for the championship title warm up on the ice. The atmosphere is electric, fans screaming and clapping even though there’s no action happening yet. Students, faculty and families sit in the crowded stands waiting for the pick to drop, signaling the start of the game.
The puck you’re dropping tonight.
You don’t know how it happened or the exact reason. Shawn claimed he had nothing to do with it and the athletic department wanted a high achieving student who is due to graduate in the spring to drop the puck for the ceremonial aspect. But when you found out you were chosen, you knew Shawn had to have something to do with it.
But that’s why you’re standing opposite of the stands, between the two team benches in the press box. Dressed for the occasion like you would be for any of Shawn’s game in his jersey, gloves and a cute beanie to stay warm in the cold rink, you suddenly feel self conscious.
This is the last game of the hockey season and the last one of Shawn’s entire college career.  All eyes would be on you in the matter of minutes as you drop the familiar black puck onto the ice to pose for a picture with the captain from each team, Shawn being one of them.
Suddenly, a loud hit against the separating glass boards snaps you out of your thoughts and you turn to find Shawn banging his fist against the glass in order to get your attention. A smile immediately tugs at the corners of your lips at the sight of him.
His messy curls are already slightly matted to his forehead with sweat beneath his helmet, but his beautiful hazel eyes are glistening with happiness and a beaming smile is on display across his face. With rosy cheeks and pure happiness radiating off his body, you can’t help but fall more in love with him. Over the last four years, he’s never failed to amaze you and seeing him like this, so in his element and determined on the ice, is like nothing else.
“Good luck out there, baby! Can’t wait to see you drop that puck perfectly!” Shawn cheers with a grin and a giggle slips past your lips.
“I should be the one telling you good luck!” You yell back, stepping closer to the dividing boards to stand directly in front of him. “You’ve got this, bubs. Championship game, this is it. Everything has led up to right now. I know you’re going to get out there and give it your all, but good luck. I love you.”
Shawn chuckles sweetly, making you blush. He leans his head on the glass board and meets your gaze.
“Don’t need any luck because you’re here, sweetheart. But thank you. I love you too, so much.” Shawn replies adoringly, each word full of emotion. “You always give me the best pep talks. Always have.” He teases and you roll your eyes before blowing him a kiss. He closes his gloved hand around the air to signify that he caught it and placed the kiss to his lips.
Your heart soars at the loving action and you desperately try to remember every detail of this exact moment. For some reason, you know tonight is going to be a night you don’t want to ever forget.
Before you can respond to Shawn, he’s waving and sitting on the bench with his teammates. The lights in the area dim, leaving the brightest ones focused on the blue carpet that’s laid out from the press box to center ice.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we’d like to thank you very much for attending tonight’s championship game. Please join me in welcoming a Class of 2021 senior who is near  and dear to the hockey program’s heart, y/n y/l/n!” The sports commentator announces and the area bursts into applause. You wave a hand to the crowd and flash a sweet smile, feeling overwhelmed for more reasons than one.
It was no secret Shawn and you were together and deeply in love. In fact the moment he asked you to be his girlfriend, the whole team somehow knew within minutes. You weren���t a stranger to any of his friends or coaches and tagged along to a lot of practices if you could and never missed a game of his. Over the last four years, this rink became a second home on campus and you didn’t realize until right now how much you’re going to miss it in a few months.
Countless unforgettable moments, happy smiles and tight hugs took place in this building. Shawn made the rink feel like it was yours too and the rest was history. The memories will forever be in your heart along with the love Shawn continuously gives you.
Carefully, you step out onto the carpet and walk towards center ice with full confidence. The heavy black puck stays in one hand as you wave with the other, feeling your cheeks heat up with blush at the sudden attention you’re receiving. Without you noticing, two players are waiting in the middle of the ice, both a captain of each team. When his eyes meet yours, Shawn offers you the softest smile and the instant feeling of reassurance rushes through your veins.
“Hey baby,” He mouths silently, a look of pure adoration crossing his face. Your smile grows wider and Shawn takes that as his answer before whispering a rushed “I love you”.
Finally reaching the end of the carpet, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. The puck is still firmly in your hands and the two players skate closer to where you’re standing. Shawn shoots a playful wink at you, which makes you laugh, before each of their sticks go down on the ice.
Hundreds of cameras and phones are thrust into the air, ready to capture the iconic moment of the championship game. You still can’t believe you’re the one dropping the puck when just a few years ago you were watching someone else do the same exact thing. Now, you stood next to the school’s star hockey player and your longtime boyfriend while sporting the biggest smile on your face which is both genuine and for the cameras.
Glancing away from the eager crowd and countless cameras recording your every move, your eyes catch Shawn’s for a split second, but long enough for his gaze to convey the endless love he has for you. A gentle smile appears on your lips for a moment as a silent response to him before you turn back to the crowd and stretch your hand outward.
Delicately holding the puck over the ice, you look up just in time for all the bright flashes of cameras. Your grin somehow grows infinitely bigger as you pose with the two star hockey players of each team. The moment seems surreal in so many ways. When you first came to a game on campus four years ago, you never would’ve thought you would be standing at center ice for the ceremonial puck drop with your boyfriend at your side at the biggest game in school history.
Then suddenly, you hear Shawn’s voice under the crowd’s noises which breaks you out the dreamy thoughts consuming your mind.
“Love, you gotta drop the puck now.”
“Oh!” You exclaim, glancing from the puck clutched in your hand to Shawn’s beautiful eyes and encouraging smile and then out to the crowd full of anticipation. “Sorry,” The single word is a mumble under your breath, but Shawn hears it and gently taps your foot with his stick, one of his silent reminders of his never ending love.
Giving a soft but quick smile to your boyfriend, you turn your attention back to the crowd and pause for one last moment before slowly dropping the puck. Time seems to slow down as each second ticks by impossibly longer than the last until the black puck hits the ice. Instantaneously, the crowd cheers enthusiastically while waving homemade signs in the air, clapping and celebrating the official start of the game with their friends. An inevitable and joyful grin spreads across your lips and the trance breaks, reminding you this is real life.
You’re just about to step backwards to turn around and head back to your designated spot on the bench when Shawn shakes the other captain’s hand again before leaning in and saying something which makes them both laugh which is no doubt the usual banter before a game. But he glances at you and then at the puck that was on the ice only seconds ago, but is now in the ref’s hands.
“Hey ref, could I see the puck for a second?” Shawn asks suddenly, nodding towards the referee standing at your side.
“Sure, kid. Just don’t take too long. There is a championship game going on, ya know.” He shrugs, replying in a teasing tone that makes Shawn’s cheeks turn a deep pink color with blush. Making it look effortless, he slips off his two large gloves and drops them to the ice before carefully taking the puck from the ref’s outstretched hand with a smile and hazel eyes dancing with an emotion you can’t quite place.
The confusion already clouding your mind only strengthens as Shawn skates over and stops right in front of you. With a million questions sitting on the tip of your tongue and brows furrowed as you try to figure out what’s going on, Shawn can’t help but chuckle at your expression. None of this was included in the detailed rundown of the puck drop, but here you are with the love of your life and not a single clue as to what’s currently happening.
“Hi sweetheart,” Shawn says gently, his voice somehow carrying over the excited noise of the crowd. The smile that melts your heart pulls at the corners of his lips and his gaze is full of the purest form of adoration.
“Hey bubs, what are you doing? The game’s about to start and I know-”
Your words are cut off when Shawn presses his lips to yours in a warm, soft kiss. The rest of the world falls away for a few seconds as you pull him closer and get lost in the feeling of kissing him and the love rushing through your veins.
As soon as you slip a hand into his curls, Shawn breaks away and unfortunately ends the moment which you already wish lasted longer. But when you become aware of the crowd again and how close you’re standing to the school’s biggest hockey star who just happens to be your  boyfriend, your cheeks become hot with a twinge of embarrassment as you realize you basically made out with him in front of the biggest crowd for a game.
“Just something I’ve been waiting to do since the day I met you. And I couldn’t think of a more perfect time than right now.” Shawn admits cheekily, a beautiful grin spreading across his face as he speaks and presses another sweet peck to your lips.
Before you can ask anything else to understand the confusing, but intriguing thoughts swirling around your mind, Shawn slowly skates backwards and stops only a couple of feet from you. Your eyes flick between the adorable expression full of love on his face and the puck that’s still held tightly in his hands.
“Do you remember the day we met?” Shawn asks and the memory instantly starts replaying in your mind while a smile blooms on your lips. You remember every detail, moment, exchange and second of that day and always will because it was the start of your love story with Shawn. You nod in response, an elated feeling filling your veins.
“The day we met, I had this undeniable feeling about you. Like scoring the game winning goal in overtime but a million times better.” Shawn starts, his gorgeous eyes full of love as a tone of nervousness seeps into his words. “When I thought about going to college, I expected to have the time of my life playing hockey and working hard in classes to get what I wanted in the future, but I never thought I would meet my soulmate just a few weeks after getting to campus.”
Tears well up in your eyes hearing his sweet confession. Even though you still have no idea what’s going on and the lingering gazes of hundreds of fans continue to watch the moment unfolding between their beloved hockey captain and his girlfriend, the world seems to fall away, only leaving you standing in front of Shawn. You focus on him, the beauty of the boy you love so much from his rosy cheeks to the way his soft smile lights up his whole face.
“When I saw you sitting in the stands, during that first game I invited you to, with a cup of hot chocolate in your hands and the number 8 written on your cheek,” Shawn let out a breath and shook his head in complete awe, “It stunned me. Because I knew right then, that you’re the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with. And even though the guys teased me relentlessly for even admitting that, they’ve all seen that it’s true. Through all the ups and downs, whether it be celebrating after the draft or helping me through the inescapable lows of life, you have always been at my side.”
“Shawn,” You start again, trying to understand the meaning of his heartfelt rambling in the middle of the rink before the biggest game he’s going to play in his college career.
“I’m almost done, hold on!” He giggles, sending your heart into wild flutters at the beautiful sound. “You’re the reason I believe in myself, find the beauty in simply being alive everyday and I didn’t think a love like yours even existed before I found you. But my love, you have quite literally changed my life and I can’t imagine living without you now.”
“So I hope you’re okay with sharing many more hot chocolates together, tagging along to all eighty two professional hockey games each season and continuing to build this incredible life we have among so much more.” The grin plastered on your face grows even wider as Shawn speaks, his words full of admiration. But you’re still confused about his sudden outburst of emotion especially in front of a crowd. Ever so gently, you lean in to press a warm kiss to his cheek as a silent “I love you” and only seconds later, Shawn is down on one knee, skates and all, on the ice.
“All of those moments, every single one from that first day to right now, has led to this.” He whispers for only you to hear as he returns a flicker of his attention to the puck in his hands. And to your amazement, Shawn carefully opens the puck like a ring box. There isn’t time for questions though because when your eyes break away from Shawn’s tender gaze, you find a beautiful, glimmering ring staring back at you.
And your breath is entirely stolen away at the same time the crowd gasps.
But Shawn focuses on one thing and one thing only, you. The center of his universe and the light of his life.
“I promise to love you forever because, my love, my heart was made only for you. Spending the rest of our lives together would make me the happiest person alive. Will you marry me?” Shawn questions, his eyes shimming under the bright lights of the rink and you swear your heart almost bursts with the amount of love that overwhelms you.
You can’t find the words to immediately respond as your hands fly up to your face and tears immediately begin falling. This is not what you were expecting to happen today, but you couldn’t be happier this moment is finally unfolding.
Taking in the breathtaking sight of your boyfriend, soon to be fiancé when you say the word, a joyous sob breaks free of your lips just as you find your voice.
“Yes, Shawn, yes. A million times over.” The words tumble off your lips through soft cries and you notice the happy tears rolling down Shawn’s cheeks as well. A beautiful smile blossoms across his face upon hearing your answer and he doesn’t hesitate a second to place the stunning ring on your finger with slightly shaky hands.
You can’t help but giggle as he rises to his full height again and wastes no time to cup your cheeks in his hands before kissing you so tenderly, but deeply, that you forget about all the eyes watching both of you. Loud, excited cheers of congratulations erupt from the crowd and you feel Shawn smile against your lips. Despite the cold air of the ice, Shawn’s warmth and the fuzzy feeling of love surround you which only makes the moment even more perfect.
When the kiss finally breaks what feels like hours later, but in reality is a few short seconds, Shawn gently rests his forehead against yours and flashes that signature beaming grin of his. You practically melt against him as you hold each other tightly still in the middle of the rink, neither of you caring about delaying the game even further.
“I love you so much and can’t wait to do life with you. You’re making all my dreams come true which is all I could ever ask for.” Shawn whispers, breath fanning over your face while his soft gaze remains on yours.
“I love you endlessly, bubs. You really surprised me with this, but I cannot begin to explain how happy I am to spend forever with you.” You murmur, still sniffling and running a hand through his curls. Shawn only responds by kissing you again before bringing your left hand to his lips to kiss the newly placed ring.
“Forever and always, baby.”
“Hey! Mendes! I know you’re having a moment but we do have a game to play in case you forgot.” One of Shawn’s teammates yells out from the bench, making everyone chuckle and you shake your head. “You have all the time in the world now, so can we play?”
“I love you,” Shawn says again, voice full of pure adoration while delicately caressing your rosy cheek.
“Go play the best game of your life and win that championship, baby.” You respond with excitement and a sense of pride before kissing his cheek and playfully pushing him away. Gravity slowly pulls him across the ice, his skates cutting new grooves into the smooth surface, but his eyes never leave yours almost as if he couldn’t believe what had happened.
Honestly, you still couldn’t either. The ring on your finger is the greatest reminder of so many amazing things. This is beyond a dream come true, had been all you wanted since the moment you met Shawn.
“We would like to wish a warm congratulations to none other than our very own Shawn Mendes and his new fianceé, Y/N!” The sports announcer exclaims over the speaker while the two of you head back to the bench together. Enthusiastic claps and screams fill the air once again and you try to commit every bit of this to memory because it’s all truly incredible.
Breaking you out of your thoughts, Shawn kisses your forehead and repeats the special three words to you before quickly putting the rest of his equipment back on and skating out to the ice to join his team for the start of the game.
And your heart swells when he settles into his usual spot at center ice for the faceoff and shoots you a wink like always.
Your future husband. The love of your life.
You really couldn’t have gotten any luckier.
taglist: @imaginashawnns​ @ellalynnrose​ @sunflower6why​ @shawnwyr​ @serendipitousshawn​ @shawnmndes​ @profmcgonagall​ @particularstrings​ @tastebaldwin​ @vinylmendes​ @mendesficsxbombay​ @lovewithanattitude​ @lights-on-mendes​ @enchantingbrowneyedgirl​ @daisyangei​ @shawnieeboyy​ @adelaidestreets​ @kerwritesthings​ @itrocksmysocks​ @fallinfortom​ @lanallaa​
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melwritez · 5 years
Ice Skating with Todoroki
Finally finished one of my many wips for once lmao. Critiques are welcome! and I hope you enjoy!!! <3 
Also you and Todoroki are already dating during this event :p
White Christmas lights were decorated around the ice rink, while a large tree was set in the center of the rink. Looking around you notice a few benches placed in the corners with some white cotton around the ground; acting as fake snow. 
“They really went all out for the holidays this time around!” you muse. 
Todoroki nods, “it looks amazing.” 
“Well come on! Let’s get on the ice!” you were so excited to finally skate again after a whole year you couldn't wait for Todoroki, and immediately stepped onto the rink. You began to skate a bit before coming back to the entrance where Todoroki still stood. “Are you coming?” You ask.
Todoroki nods before he grips onto the side of the door and slowly step onto the ice, his whole body was trembling so badly it wasn’t hard to tell he was having a hard time gaining balance. 
“Aww, you look like a newborn deer learning how to walk for the first time!” Flashing Todoroki a teasing smile; gushing at how adorable he looked. 
Giggling you start to skate closer to him and soon your face to face, “I didn’t know you couldn’t ice skate.” 
“It’s actually my first time.” 
“For real?!” 
“Yeah,” he sighs, “I mostly only trained my quirk when I was a child so I didn’t have much time for any recreational activities like this.” 
You’re silent for a few seconds before giving him a bright smile, “Well there’s no time like the present!” you grab both of his hands slowly leading him towards the center of the rink, “I can teach you how to skate! Afterall I am a professional!” you let go of his hands and skate around him to showcase your skills. 
Todoroki cracks a smile at your mediocre display, “Yes, I’m honoured to be learning from one of the best.” 
You both share a laugh, before you stop in front of him and you raise both of your arms. “Okay, Todoroki the first thing you must master is arm raising, like this!” Todoroki mimics your stance. “Next you put your feet together and point your toes outward, as such!” You demonstrate. “And finally, this is the fun part!” You push yourself off the ice with one foot followed by the next and soon your skating, “now it’s your turn!” 
Todoroki watches as you skate around the rink before trying himself, he starts out wobbly at first but quickly gets the hang of it. 
“You did it! You’re a pretty fast learner!” 
“All thanks to you, sensei.”
You snort, “haha very funny,” giggling you latch onto his arm and the both of you begin to skate together around the ice rink. Soon your feet grow tired. “Let’s go sit on the bench for a bit.” Once you sit down a wave of relief travels throughout your body, “My feet are so numb!” 
“Mine too.” 
You both sit in a comfortable silence, watching the other skaters on the rink. “I had a lot of fun today, y/n.” He turns towards you, “thanks for inviting me. I’m glad I got the chance to meet someone as special as you.” Before you know it his lips are on yours. It felt cold to the touch, but soon that coldness melted away into something warmer; you pulled your arms over his shoulder deepening the kiss as your lips molded together. His arms wrapped around your torso pulling you closer, as he rubbed comforting circles on your hip. Fighting the need for oxygen, you both pull apart all too soon. Your gaze lingered on his lips as you touch your own in awe. His eyes were filled with warmth as a soft smile graced his pink lips. 
“I love you.”
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dramioneasks · 6 years
Good evening !!! I was looking for fics were Hermione and Draco met in another city they escape the magic world for differents reasons and not they met again do you know the most real fic with this plot ? I’ve read some but nothing impressed me that much ... please if you can ? And thank you
Sanctuary by Beckleses - M, WIP - Draco Malfoy has been missing since he left Azkaban 6 years ago. Hermione, needing a break from the wizarding world and all it means to be a war heroine, moves to a remote village near the English coast. While she’s settling in she quickly finds that she’s not the only person who thought the beautiful village would make a wonderful sanctuary from the past.
Mr. Bartender by name_is_arbitrary - not rated, WIP - 5 years post-war. No secret or hidden love all these years. Imperfect protagonists. Magic-stripped and exiled, Draco Malfoy is a bartender in Oslo. Hermione Granger is on a solo-backpacking trip to find herself after quitting her job at the Ministry and breaking off her engagement to Ron. Both are struggling to define themselves after the War as habits and trauma get in the way. They meet disastrously, leaving Hermione unconscious and Draco bleeding. What the fuck comes next for these old enemies in unexpected reunion?
A Year in Australia By: bourbonrain - M, WIP - When Draco runs away to Australia to escape society's wrath after the war, he encounters none other than lauded war hero, Hermione Granger, seducing a client at a high-end bar. He helps himself to what she's offering. Rating is for language, sexual content, and some dubious consent.
Hawaiian Veela by Speiredonia Obscura - M, WIP - After Azkaban, Draco is exiled to the muggle realm where he became a reputable brigadier of the New York russian mafia. Motivated by a small act of kindness from Hermione years ago, he fakes his death in order to live a quiet life as a philantrophist, small business owner, and casual surfer. However, an unexpected reunion with Granger threatens to change his new way of living.
Something Old, Something New By: Kate Dessi - M, 37 Chapters - For Hermione Granger, it had always been about career. Finally realizing that there are more important things in life, she leaves the city to reassess her life. In a small wizarding town in Cornwall called Little Dunwoodie, she instead found herself intrigued by her landlord who reminded her of someone she used to despise.
Scarves - 89JadedPictures - T, one-shot - Draco is on business in New York. Hermione now works for MACUSA. They spend an evening skating at The Rink at Rockefeller Center. (One-Shot)
More under tags > themes > travel, look for the posts tagged meet again.
- Lisa
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userlando · 7 years
masterlist (updated 28.01.18)
here’s my masterlist! x
Sebastian Stan x Reader:
Sugar, Sugar - In which the reader hates when Sebastian shaves, so she hides the razors and hopes for the best.
Testing You - Being friends with benefits don’t always work out the way you planned. It usually ends up with complications and feelings.
Play Pretend - What’s more humiliating than bumping into an old frenemy from the past at a grocery store, looking your worst? Luckily, someone comes to your rescue.
Frozen - Sebastian is terrified of ice-skating so you make it your mission to get him out on the ice rink of Rockefeller Center.
Suit and Tie - You help Sebastian get ready for the I, Tonya premiere.
Assumptions - You’re vacationing with your friends in Romania and whilst clubbing, you meet a guy who you assume only speaks Romanian. Turns out, you’re completely wrong.
Tom Hiddleston x Reader:
Confessions - After a night out, Tom ends up in your apartment, slightly intoxicated and ready to confess.
Fit Like A Glove (NSFW) - You’re a high-end fashion designer and Tom needs a new suit for the Thor: Ragnarok premiere. So he hires you to dress him and well, take his measurements.
Tom Holland x Reader:
The Poolside (Peter Parker) - “It’s called thinking. Go with it.” - “Damn, you’re strong for a little thing.”
Dolan twins:
Ask blurbs Grayson Dolan x Reader
♡ Damsel in Distress
♡ Sigma Chi Boy /// PART 2
♡ Waltz Into My Life
♡ First Sight
♡ Couples Tag
♡ Blooming Love
♡ Hawaii Loving
♡ Promise
♡ You Look Happier (songfic)
♡ Some Day Maybe
♡ Five Days
♡ Forgotten
♡ Instant Crush
♡ Surfer Boy
♡ A Little Help
♡ Crazy Beautiful (songfic)
♡ Tracing
♡ Bad Gone Good
♡ Early Bird (NSFW)
♡ Taste The Sweet (Coachella fic, NSFW)
♡ Weight On My Shoulders (Coachella fic)
♡ Drown Me In Your Love (NSFW)
♡ Detecting Lies
♡ Hate To See You Go
♡ Teenage Fever (NSFW)
♡ Bad For Me (Rated M)
♡ Endlessly (songfic)  
Ethan Dolan x Reader ♡ The Day After
♡ Camped Out
♡ Doped Up
♡ Mine
♡ Sweater Weather
♡ Say You Won’t Let Go (songfic)
♡ Baby Please
♡ My Type Of Gal
♡ Thankful
♡ Hazy Glow
♡ The Quarterback
♡ Edge Of Seventeen
♡ Mr & Mrs Dolan (NSFW)
♡ Feverish
♡ Dear Ethan
♡ Come Undone (Coachella fic)
♡ Keep My Hands Clean
♡ Saviour
♡ What It Means
♡ Paralyzed
♡ Warmth (Blurb)
♡ Spell On Me
♡ Suck It Up (Smut)
♡ Morning Dew
  Mini Series:
♡ Faking It (Grayson mini series) COMPLETED.
Summary: Your bestfriend Grayson is attending a relative’s wedding and he needs you to act as his girlfriend. Cue lots of pining from both your sides, looks from Ethan and their family pressuring you into marriage and babies.
♡ The Rogue (Grayson mini series) WIP.
Summary: Being the little sister of a cartel leader is hard. Your skills are put to the test when you’re forced to go undercover and destroy one of the country’s most dangerous cartels, The Rogue. What you weren’t planning on, was to get involved with their leader.
Summary: It’s summer in Aruba and you’ve just landed a job at the most swanky hotel on the island, Riu Palace. It seems to be shaping up to be a pretty good summer with surfing, parties, bonfires and midnight swims. You were, however, not prepared for a certain brunette boy to show you the ways of living life.
♡ Royal Crush (Prince!Ethan mini series) PAUSED.
Summary: You are engaged to be married to the Crown Prince, Ethan Grant Dolan. It’s hard enough when it’s against your will and now you have to get along with the Prince who’s made it his mission to be spiteful and difficult.
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gerdavonrinnlingen · 3 years
@sleepswithvillains tagged me despite that I have neglected Quinn for Gingerrose in the past - shame on me ;)
I wanted to take a break from writing but... well, there are still three WIPs that lured me back ^^
Abstracts below the cut.
I'm tagging @tishinada, @phelfromgrace, @crownedsparrow and anybody who wants to do this ^^
Ryloth: The Return of the Sith (m!SW/Vette/Quinn) Iresso saluted Badesh when they arrived at the meeting point. Quinn nodded politely towards him while Vette winked at him with a grin.
Felix called the squad and ordered them to stand at attention.
“At ease,” said Badesh. “we have been understaffed for quite some time. As of now Specialists Quinn and Ce’na are joining us. They both served in the Imperial Navy. Quinn is a combat medic, a tactician and a marksman. Ce’na – Vette – is an expert slicer, a deadly shot and proficient with explosives. That is all – dismissed.”
The soldiers saluted and turned to their preparations for the next mission. Iresso saluted Quinn and Vette, Quinn bowed Imperial style while Vette gave a sloppy salute.
“Specialists Quinn and Ce’na – welcome to Thesh squad. I’m Lieutenant Felix Iresso.”
“Well met, Lieutenant,” Quinn stiffly said. “I’m looking forward working with you.”
“Don’t let his demeanour fool you, Lieutenant,” said Vette, “he actually means what he says.”
The Order of Things (Dark Gingerrose) “Prisoners, this is Warden Hux speaking. As you have been aware of there has been a murder in the tunnels. The First Order stands for justice and order and so we will of course carry out an investigation.”
Rose furrowed her brows. What in the galaxy was he going on about? She gritted her teeth. He was setting up a mock trial!
Hux continued to drone on about the great achievement of the Order. Finally he returned to the most pressing matter. “We have already determined the prime suspect, we found the victim’s blood on Commander Poe Dameron and he’s currently held in isolation. We will proceed according to Section 372 of the First Order penal code.”
Rose’s eyes went wide and in her mind she could almost hear a female voice going on about Section 372. ‘In case of a capital offense as defined under subsection 3 the commanding officer of the facility is in charge of investigating the case, appointing a defense attorney among the offenders peers and/or fill out the role themself.’
“Commander Dameron has the right to be represented by one of his peers. Please step forward to volunteer for this role.”
Deafening silence stretched out. Rose almost huffed, of course nobody would volunteer to do anything around here. It was downright dangerous to even attempt to do anything. They had learned in the past 18 months to keep silent and to keep for themselves.
If they hadn’t known before one of their own had been called out for helping out a fellow inmate, they certainly knew after having witnessed him being thrown into solitary confinement for three months.
The seconds ticked on, nobody moved, nobody spoke. Hux let his gaze wander over the prisoners, without doubt he was enjoying every moment of it. How thrilling it must be for him to see Poe left alone.
Where was Zorii? Rose frantically thought. Why didn’t she say something?
Hux pursed his lips. “Well then, seeing as Commander Dameron doesn’t enjoy your support I assume this will be a short trial indeed. In lack of a peer, I’m appointing—”
Rose brushed past the prisoners in front of her and said loudly. “I’ll do it!”
Hux snapped his head around and squinted. “You.”
Rose’s heart was hammering against her chest. “Yes, me.”
For the first time since Hux started to talk the crowd started to murmur. She lifted her chin and took another step. Her palms became sweaty. It seemed she still had enough fight left in her for one last battle before she perished half-mad in some isolation cell.
Hux nodded towards the Stormtroopers and they cleared a way out of the dining hall. “Shall we?” he asked with a crooked eyebrow and gestured towards the exit.
Ice and Fire (working Title - Gingerrose AU) “I agree,” said Hux and joined her on the ice. He made some warm-up stretches on his own until she had finished and returned to him. Only now he registered how athletic she was, she wasn’t slender but had muscular arms. Hm, how would they look if they skated together? He was quite bony despite his best efforts. Well, first things first.
“Backwards and then up,” he said, tugging at his black training gloves.
“Okay.” She rubbed over her leggins. “Go.”
He accelerated before he turned in a fluid, elegant move. She was already behind him, close enough for him to grab her by her waist. “One, two, three, up,” he said and she jumped at his command.
She was heavier than she looked but her timing was good, so was the tension in her muscles, he held her for a few seconds before letting her down again. They stopped and he nodded. “Good. How about a few Rittberger?”
She laughed. “What’s that?”
He blinked. “You don’t know what a Rittberger is?”
“Where did you learn the craft?” he asked with an edge to his voice. “You’re from Minneapolis, right? MK Ice?”
Rose shrugged. “I was born and raised in Chicago. I was at our community center there, it had an ice rink for the kids and the hockey team.I don’t think it had a proper name.”
Hux stared at her. “Community center?”
She beamed at him. “How about you show me what you mean and I’ll follow your lead?”
Hux scoffed. This is what he was reduced to? A partner who didn’t even know what a Rittberger was? “I hope you understand that I have certain… standards.”
Rose’s smile faded a bit. “Okay?”
Without another word Hux accelerated and did a flawless Rittberger before halting abruptly and crossing his arms. So much for first impressions, what a waste of his time this woman was.
She rolled her shoulders back and started to skate, she bent her knees slightly and did a powerful Rittberger, her spin was slightly too fast but she landed it and stopped in front of Hux. “Why didn’t you just say that you wanted a loop jump?”
“The term is imprecise, it’s a Rittberger, named after Werner Rittberger,” he crooked an eyebrow. “I assume you heard about him in your… community center?”
She laughed and put her hands on her hips. “So, this is how you want to play it, Hux? Sneer at me for not knowing alternative names for jumps?” She lifted her chin. “Fine.” With that she skated off and did a few Rittbergers more before returning to Coach Lando.
Hux followed her, leaning against the fence. “That is not an alternative name, it’s called a Rittberger.”
Lando sighed. “It’s called a Rittberger in Europe, Armitage. In the US it’s called a loop jump.”
“As I already said, it’s imprecise,” mumbled Hux.
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justyourtypicalwriter · 6 months
Gang I’m actually at a hockey game rn and it’s fueling my hockey au😀
Stanny boy better watch his fucking back :D
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justyourtypicalwriter · 6 months
Shit dude I’m thinking about Colorado’s golden boy again-
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justyourtypicalwriter · 7 months
Oh yeah if you were wondering, Kenny and Clyde 100% start as fuck buddies. Me and my friend had a discussion on this during our gym period today
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justyourtypicalwriter · 5 months
I hope you know that this is the funniest fucking post I've seen in a while. And the best part is that even if you remove the Figure Skating AU part of this, it's still just a Normal Day in South Park. Bravo. I would love to see someone draw this
AHHHH IM SO GLAD PEOPLE LIKE THE AU!!!! I spent my whole childhood at rinks and only recently picked up figure skating. Obviously Ihad to project on my favorite silly little blorbos! And yeah the team is chaotic af whether it’s in the au or out<3
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justyourtypicalwriter · 5 months
Currently writing a script for creative writing, yes it’s another South Park fanfic in disguise. And Tweek is just standing there like “can y’all please do your gay little makeup elsewhere. I have twenty minutes left on my shift and already have to deal with you fuckers at practice-“
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