#wip: ivy & jean
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inscrutable-shadow · 1 year ago
69 votes haha nice
thought i might as well tell you which one is which, eh? reverse sorted for the lulz, bonus some sneeps
Beach Feelings Time Part 2 - a second chapter of take my hand on the shore of my suffering in which thanatos actually talks about his trauma for once. the lack of interest will not stop me from writing it most likely
There's a Harpy in my Garage (And She's Hot) - Ivy & Jean, wlw urban fantasy romance that remains stubbornly unpublished and mostly unwritten. will i finish it? maybe. probably not. ivy doesn't talk to me the way she used to but i still love her <3
Therapist Somehow Still Manages to have an Attitude After Weeks of Starvation - Trials of Thanatos. my plans for chapter 3 fell through so i just kinda have to figure out where i'm going again. i've been really wanting to write it lately so we'll see
Arranged Marriage Fiance Actually Kinda Hot - prized possession au, in particular Chosen to be His Trinket? My Life as the Prince's Prized Possession which is unpublished. i write this when i feel like it and lately anchors has been taking up a lot of space but i've been vibing with it again the last couple of days. have a thingy.
His father was silent for a while before he spoke again. "It's a request for your hand in marriage." "Oh." Thanatos was nineteen now, and the other lords smelled blood in the water. It was well known that the son of House Iuventae was a bookish, timid lad only barely fit to rule, and he'd already had offers, usually accompanied by visits and gifts, from many with ambitious daughters ready to rule through him. He didn't begrudge the practice. If anything, he hoped that his sister Della would find a husband like that, she had much more of a head for politics than he. It was just that the idea of marriage filled him with such concentrated, unadulterated dread he thought he might dissolve into a pool of bituminous slime.
If You Feed a Vamp Your Magic - the next segment in the anchors series, we've a lot of starving faithful. it is. nsfw. than has a monumental, delusional crush and doesn't know what to do about it. there is blood drinking. there is oral. it's got it all. idk what to tell you.
It wasn't as if he'd really been getting any in the latter part of the war when being recognized had been a death sentence. Months when he touched nothing but door handles and dirty floors, years when the only skin contact he got left bruises. Spending nights crammed into coat closets, holding his own face in his hands just for some fleeting facsimile of comfort, how pathetic. It was no wonder that the instant he was treated with some semblance of human decency that his hormones and neurotransmitters went wild. It meant nothing. It would all go away in time.
Death Game? What Could Go Wrong? - An Umbral Arena, upcoming scifi vampire bloodsports novel. currently stalled due to plot issues though i do have over 30k worth of manuscript for it. will probably post sometime this year but i should stop making promises
“Really? You don’t think it improper?” “Of course not. You’re my sire. Sure, we’re basically peers now, but it’s not unprecedented for me to want to protect you with my body, especially given the stakes of the mission. Just come here, will you?” I settle myself against her body, and she wraps her arm around my chest. “Comfy, yeah?” It is. I feel incredibly safe, probably the effects of an arch-class aura in such close proximity. Fatigue crashes down on me now that it’s not being held at bay by anxiety, and my eyes flutter. Avrae laughs again. Her laugh is like a warm river over rocks. “Good night, Bea.” “Good night, Avrae.”
Turns Out Sleep Deprivation is Bad for My Latent Mental Illness - Is It You or Is It Me? a three-chapter whumptober fill I have in progress for the doc. they have a nasty habit of staying up for 60+ hours and expecting not to have manic episodes or psychosis. there's also an old febuwhump fill with vaguely the same premise that i might also finish some day
"What is it?" she asked as she prepared the dosage. The Doctor knew they didn't have time for this. "Amnestic agent. Should take care of the last hour and the next two. Will you hand me the suction, at least? This bleeding will not resolve itself." "The post-traumatic stress—" "Will be less unpleasant than death! I informed you at the outset that my intention was to commit medical malpractice. If you had wanted to recuse yourself, the ideal time to do it would have been then. Now either administer the dosage or give me the damn suction! All you are at this moment is an obstruction, and if they die on the table this really will all have been for naught."
Hitting on a God is Somehow Working - In the Hall of Reality, Thanatos and the Archfey's love at first sight story. thought this one was gonna win for a bit lol. i will probably finish this. someday. a bit of chapter three for you
He stretched languorously and pushed himself to a sitting position. "Pleasure to have been of service. I've had an amazing night myself, but I suppose I ought to be going." Sorting out his clothes from the floor was going to be a chore. "No." "No?" "I still have need of you. You have more knowledge of this sexual pleasure, do you not? I sense I have barely scratched the surface. You shall not depart until you have exhausted your knowledge on the subject." 
and, last but not least (you guys really liked this one lol)
I Think BDSM Would Fix Me - command me to be well, another installment in the anchors series. the archfey returns from aer long absence, but thanatos doesn't feel worthy of aer anymore. they... change their dynamic a bit to compensate.
"What is it, child? Make your supplication." There. That was what he needed. A cold shiver ran through him at the authority in the Divine Reality's voice. "I want to be yours." "You are mine." "I want to serve you. Need to- be useful to you, I can't just take without giving. I've taken so much and given nothing back I can't- Divine Reality, I beseech you. Use me. Command your most faithful servant, I'll fulfill any-" "Oh?" The cold wind that swept through the room wasn't his imagination. He heard the various latches, fastenings, and shutters on the doors and windows slam into place, creating a private sanctum and plunging the room into darkness save for the flickering candlelight and Reality's internal glow. Ae didn't move from in front of him, and yet he felt a presence behind him, ghosting over his shoulders, murmuring in his ear. "You are a creature of contracts, vampire, I am sure you understand the severity of the pact you propose to forge now." Magic crackled in the air behind him, but he didn't dare to turn around.
i hope people like these they took a long time to pick out and even longer to write XD yes ao3 links and not tumblr links cause it's just so hard to find things on my own damn blog
if you want to hear about my work or add requests to my slush pile send me an ask!
Badly Summarized WIPs Poll!
i am. incredibly late aha
tagged by @crash-bump-bring-the-whump, a significant percentage of these are from anchors so i hope you're happy XD no clue what i'm doing fr let's gooooooo
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they’d be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
i feel like this vastly overestimates the amount of porn i write. or maybe it doesn't. you decide.
tagging... fuck it uh... @speculative-scintillation, @albatris (idr if you've done it already???) @liminalpsych, @noveldivergence, anddddd @coffeewritesfiction no pressure just trying to remember who's active on my dash and who's done this already XD
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suzukiblu · 10 months ago
WIP excerpt for tabetharasa behind the cut; alpha Jazz, a dark alley, and a very pretty omega. ( + non-chrono link for mobile users )
Jazz has no idea why Red Hood thinks he smells anything but delicious, but there’s a very reckless and dubiously-ethical part of her that would be willing to prove it to him. Not that she would, obviously, because that would be, again, incredibly unethical and highly inappropriate and also a total dick move. 
She just could, that’s all. Just if it came up or whatever. 
“Well, it’s not,” she says, mildly put out by whatever’s going on here, and Red Hood growls. His scent blockers continue to be useless. Just–absolutely useless, yes. 
Ancients, he smells so good. What is she even supposed to do about how good this omega smells? 
Maybe offer to walk him home, or at least offer him her jacket so he has enough alpha scent on him that no one bothers him on his way back to his den. Although he’s a crime lord–or a vigilante? one or the other, whatever–who’s built like a truck, so that probably isn’t really a concern, she supposes. 
Then again, some people seriously do have no sense of decorum. 
Or survival instincts. 
“Shut the fuck up!” Red Hood snaps. Jazz frowns. That seems like a disproportionate amount of anger in his tone. Maybe he's sensitive about his pheromones. Well, if people have been telling him he smells like death . . . 
Though “death” doesn't necessarily smell bad, in Jazz's opinion. 
Admittedly, that's a liminal's opinion and besides the point anyway. But still. 
“Alright,” she says. “But can you get to your den safely? Or . . . somewhere you can den down, anyway, I don't know. I assume you have a headquarters or a safehouse or two, something like that. Or at least can afford a heat hotel or know a decent clinic.” 
Red Hood hisses at her. It crackles through his modulator, but the sound of it still makes her jeans a little . . . uncomfortable, she'll just say. Sue her, she likes omegas with a bite to them. Johnny 13 definitely didn't win her over by being the sweet and polite type; he won her over by being a blunt asshole in a leather jacket who'd convinced her that he was a sincere and straight-up person. 
She wonders how “sincere” the average Gotham crime boss really is, but it’s a little difficult to concentrate on that question with the scent of old books and burning cedar filling up her nose. And also that note of lilac. That note of lilac is a problem. 
A serious problem. 
“I realize heat drop is probably imminent and you must be uncomfortable, but it’s a valid concern on my part, given your condition,” she says, which normally she’d make sound politely disapproving but really can’t make sound any kind of disapproving right now. Again: the lilac. “So can you?” 
“Fuck makes you think I'd let you anywhere near my den?” Red Hood snarls. Jazz blinks; tilts her head. 
“Nothing,” she says. “What makes you think I was asking to go anywhere near it?” 
Red Hood–stalls, briefly. Jazz tries to be polite about how incredibly obvious a tell that statement was. 
Flattering, but incredibly obvious. 
“I mean, I'd be happy to escort you if you’d like,” she says. “Or lend you my scent, if you need it. But I'm not trying to presume anything.” 
“Fuck off,” Red Hood snarls. “Nobody escorts an omega like me.” 
“Do you think maybe you have some self-esteem issues?” Jazz asks. Heat is almost definitely making him a bit more volatile and emotional than normal, considering the kinds of things he’s been saying to her, but it still seems like a valid question. Being on their cycle doesn’t make people different people; just makes it a bit harder for them to censor and control themselves. 
Or a lot harder, sometimes. 
Judging by how strong Red Hood’s pheromones smell right now . . . 
Well, he might be having a harder time than he’s used to having, so far as “controlling himself” goes. 
Jazz certainly is, all inappropriate knotheaded puns aside. 
Do Poison Ivy’s pollens make cycles hit harder, actually? Or does the suddenness of the effect disorient or throw people off, maybe? 
Well, that’s a worrying thought, since Red Hood seems to be out here alone. 
“‘Self-esteem issues’?” Red Hood repeats incredulously, his pheromones briefly sparking with bewilderment. Jazz decides not to press it, since he might be feeling a little vulnerable right now. 
“Yes,” she says. “Is there someone you can call, if you don’t want an escort or to borrow my scent? I could wait with you until they show. No offense, just Park Row’s not a very nice neighborhood.” 
Red Hood laughs. 
“No fucking shit!” he says, spreading his arms. “It’s Crime Alley!” 
“I know, sorry, I just keep accidentally calling it ‘Park Row’ in my head. Still new in town,” Jazz apologizes. She assumes a crime lord would prefer his territory be correctly referred to, anyway. Seems like a thing. She knows standard humans don’t actually have haunts–even most liminal ones don’t, including her–but sometimes she does . . . well, not forget, exactly, but just . . . expect them to anyway, she supposes? 
She spent way too long in Amity, yes. 
Even without Crime Alley being Red Hood’s actual haunt, though, it’s still disrespectful to call it the wrong name. It’s still his territory either way, and she imagines someone on their cycle especially wouldn’t appreciate the mistake. 
“What is your damage?” Red Hood snarls, his voice modulator crackling threateningly as he visibly bristles, and Jazz catches notes of that electric and unexpected edge in his pheromones again. Still vaguely familiar, but still not quite what it seems like it should be. Just . . . 
Really, if she didn’t know better . . . well, she’d think he was liminal. But that seems like a very unlikely coincidence for her first week in Gotham, so . . . 
Then again, her life is her life. 
It’s not really the time to be asking Red Hood about his levels of ecto exposure, though, and she’s pretty sure they’ve both got more important priorities right now. 
“We don’t really have time to unpack all that, to be honest. You really do need to get home,” she says. “Or at least call someone to pick you up. If you go into heat drop alone in Crime Alley, I can’t imagine it’s going to end well.” 
Red Hood hisses. That might’ve sounded like a threat, Jazz realizes belatedly. 
“I didn’t mean it like that,” she says, apologetic again. “But it’s not safe, is it?” 
“If anyone I don’t want near my ass tries to touch me, I’ll put a bullet up theirs,” Red Hood growls, low and crackling. 
“That seems like a lot of trouble when you’re on your cycle, though,” Jazz says. He’d have a body to deal with, and maybe someone would call the cops–well, she supposes it is Crime Alley, so maybe not . . .? But it’d be self-defense anyway, and if he is a crime lord, maybe he has people for that. 
She really needs to get familiar with this area as soon as possible, yeah. And just Gotham in general, really. Every city has its own idiosyncrasies, but Gotham is its idiosyncrasies. 
Well, so is Amity Park, of course. 
“I think you belong in Arkham, lady,” Red Hood says. Jazz feels like a Gothamite should be more understanding of someone taking supervillain attack side effects and hostile heated-up crime lords in stride, but apparently not. 
“Technically, you’re not wrong,” she says with a wry smile. She’d offer him a handshake, but that’s not really appropriate for an alpha to offer to an omega in heat. Especially not an unmated alpha, which Jazz very definitely is. “I start Monday. Jazz Fenton, psychiatric intern. At your service.”
Red Hood manages to very clearly stare at her without actually taking off the helmet. It's actually an impressive amount of expressiveness to get across, under the circumstances. 
Or there could be a touch of liminal empathy happening, admittedly. That's possible too. Especially with another liminal involved. 
Jazz briefly considers what knotting a liminal omega might actually be like if an empathy loop got established somewhere in the process, which is a lie, because what she’s actually imagining is picking up this liminal omega and showing him exactly how delicious she thinks he smells. 
Definitely inappropriate. 
“They will literally eat you alive,” Red Hood says. 
“I mean, there’s a risk of it,” Jazz allows, because nothing is a perfect guarantee. It’s just not a very large risk. Comparatively, she means. 
“You applied to Arkham on purpose, lady?” Red Hood says disbelievingly. 
“Oh, no,” Jazz says, shaking her head. “They made me an offer. Somebody read my thesis and liked it, apparently.” 
Well . . . “thought we should interview you for either a position or to have your file established for whenever the convictions start rolling in”, whichever. The interviewing psychiatrists had a range of reactions during her interview, she supposes is the best way to put it. 
Jazz really doesn’t think it’s fair to classify her parents as actual supervillains, but an increasingly long list of professionals has, admittedly, not agreed with that assessment. 
She can’t imagine what they would’ve thought if she’d told them about Danny, considering. 
Well, it’s not her problem if someone else is going to be close-minded about things like that. 
“I’m sorry, I’m really not trying to be pushy here, but are you sure you don’t want to call anyone? Or want my scent. Or . . . literally anything,” she says, gesturing a little awkwardly with her shopping bags. “I do get told my pheromones are pretty discouraging to unwanted attention, if that helps?” 
“Sure they are,” Red Hood snorts. Jazz tries not to look disapproving, given his compromised state. That kind of thing can bother omegas in heat, she knows. 
“That’s what people tell me,” is all she says. Obviously it’s not just the default parts of her scent that make it a strong deterrent, but as for the force of the emotions and claim she can put into it . . . 
Well. She just hears it’s “discouraging” to other alphas pretty regularly, that’s all. And also some betas, depending on their sexuality. And, um . . . well, a little closer to “catnip”, for omegas, but . . . 
“I’ll believe it when I smell it, knothead,” Red Hood snorts again. “Prove it.” 
Jazz isn’t sure that’s a good idea, considering–again–his compromised state, but, well . . . he’s clearly a strong omega himself, and maybe she’s a little miffed by him just assuming she’s lying about something like that, that’s all. She knows plenty of alphas do lie about their pheromones or even lay on fake ones, but . . . well, it’s hard not to wonder if he just thinks she’s a lesser alpha because she’s female, or because of how she’s dressed or looks or speaks, or just because. 
Her inner alpha doesn’t love the experience of one of the most gorgeous-smelling omegas she’s ever scented sneering at her worth as an alpha without even giving her a shot to prove it, either way. 
“Are you sure?” she asks.
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billdenbrough · 7 months ago
WIP Game
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
thank you @naturecalls111 @moondal514 & @merceyca for the tags!!
fyi, i am using the titles they have in my trello board just bc using docs would mean we’d have literally six things titled Untitled document. which isn’t a problem except for the fact i will absolutely not remember which one is which. lmfao. also ftr these are not all aftg (there's at least two other fandoms in there) but also i do have more non-aftg wips they're just not on my trello board yet
kevaaron old man shrug emoji
fem kvar
kvar 3+1 hand mouth behaviour
kevaaron kirby
kevaaron reunion / bang fic
kevaaron road trip
jean gets a sex toy
kvar breakup/makeup (this was 5 separate ones bc it is 5 separate parts—1. golden hours; 2. dissolution; 3. aaron + andreil; 4. kevin in california; 5. reconciliation—but five listed items looked so egregious lol)
aaron & neil - hospital overnight
andreil oranges
kevaaron(jean) timeloop
kevin vs aaron dating men
nsfw foxboy kevin kvar
andreil cat divorce rom-com college au
achy kvar can i bite your tongue like a bad habit
omigiri atskg fake wedding date au
kvar goose fic. unbelievable
professor kevin: the rom-com, aka aaron minyard has gay sex for the first time and is unreasonably endeared despite all the reasons (mostly supplied by neil) he shouldn’t be
kevaaron diner collab
kevaaron stock photo celeb au
kevaaron aaron damaged foot
kevaaron dream-walking (apov)
kvar aaron teasing/testing/tempting
four times aaron’s awful friends and relatives objectified his hot asshole roommate, and one time aaron could no longer claim immunity to kevin day
idr who all has been tagged and i suspect some of y'all have by now, but i tag again in case you haven't posted yours yet so that you tag me also when you post and i get to see your list hehehe. anyway i am allergic to tagging 25 people i am too shy (i culled a bit and was gonna cull this wip list down further to be a normal # but mina was like no wtf post it as is) but i will tag some & also if u wanna play, please do!!
tagging @seasy33 @decaflondonfog @awildtei @poetic-ivy @ereana @emdashingly @cubistemoji @xandersfishfloatie @snowandfires @zukkacore
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huramuna · 10 months ago
Thanks for the tag lovey @emilykaldwen !!
1. How many works do you have on ao3(or masterlist)? - 15!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? - 150,150
3. What fandoms do you write for? - House of the Dragon!
4. Top five fics by kudos - a maid's folly, banshee's lament, wine red, tears gold, blue dove, growing on you
5. Do you respond to comments? - i try to respond to all of them but sometimes my brain gets in the way 😭
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - flowers for my lover
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? -  a maid's folly or wine red, tears gold
8. Do you get hate on fics? - not yet, i fear the day (':
9. Do you write smut? - yes!
10. Craziest crossover? - maybe world of warcraft x hotd!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? - as far as i know, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? - no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? - nauur.
14. All time favorite ship? - besides Shera x Aemond, probablyyyy Ivy x Harley or
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - aemond x oc modern au (in the 70's). it's a horror/thriller taking place in the backwoods of florida with cult vibes and aemond in bell bottom jeans. i don't have a strong enough plot for it but the vibes are immaculate.
16. What are your writing strengths? - Detailing emotions and describing subtle emotions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? - Rushing things, I need to take my time. My pacing is off usually, I feel.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? - as long as there's translation for my stupey ass.
19. First fandom you wrote in? - Warrior cats (loool)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? - banshee's lament
tagging: @thenn @weirwitch @randomdragonfires @inthedayswhenlandswerefew
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decaflondonfog · 2 years ago
10(-ish) First Lines Tag Game 🌙
i was tagged by the lovely @mintawasalreadytaken (see her brilliant first lines here!!!) over on my main but i'm doing this here bc i have no hp wips 🤷 the original rules of the tag game are to share the first lines of your ten most recent finished/posted works, but i love not following the rules so i'm going with the wip version and you're getting twelve because that's the amount of wips i actually have started writing for (wtf. twelve?? what's wrong with me) anyway HERE WE GOOOOO
in order of most likely to be finished to most likely to be eventually abandoned:
In the beginning, everything that can possibly go wrong goes wrong.
The first picture in Neil and Andrew’s wedding album isn’t one taken by the photographer they hired.
When Andrew gets home, eyes bloodshot, and hair pointing in at least seven different directions, Neil’s stomach is already fluttering pleasantly, setting him up for nothing but disappointment.
Andrew isn’t small.
It’s too hot in bed.
In the morning of his eighteenth birthday, Eric Bittle woke up too early, with a headache pounding behind his eyes, and promptly dry-heaved for a good fifteen minutes before he realised what had happened.
Kevin immediately regrets spotting her. 
In the end, Adam isn’t sure who’s more surprised about the decision — himself or Ronan — but they go into it like they have so many other things before: with a vicious argument and a reluctant apology.
Renee dodges a punch to the ribs and takes several steps backward, panting, just as Andrew asks, “And you thought having sex with her would be a good way to deal with your feelings?”
When news of Mary Hatford’s death, the arrest of The Butcher of Baltimore and the fall of the Moriyama empire reach Rome, Father Neil Josten is twenty-seven years old and already four years out of the seminary, three post-ordainment. 
Kayleigh doesn’t mean to make a habit of going home with random people every night, but at this point, even a rug and a blanket seem better than trying to fall asleep on the bus to the sound of Tetsugi’s snoring.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, Neil can’t bring herself to care about the fact that Riko is probably going to kill her and make Jean watch.
tagging some darling, talented folks here: @slytherco @fluxweeed @skeptiquewrites @mostlymaudlin @starwarned @poetic-ivy (no pressure and i'll let you decide if you want to do first lines from already published stuff or if you want to go with the teasing option like me lmao do whatever you want, who cares)
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anonover · 2 years ago
wip wesnesday
izuku doesn't know it but tonight is the night his life changes. for better or worse, is really a matter of view but then again, thats how most people feel about parenting.
izuku had dressed up for this occasion, as much as his broke college student savings would allow.
he put on his tightest pair of jeans, the type that are too tight for regular use so they lay in the back of your closet until you find them again when you're looking for your clubbing outfit. his ass looks phenomenal in it.  he's wearing a fancy green blouse, embroidered with ivy and flowers. the sleeves are sheer with delicate vines trailing up and the top has a deep cut with vibrant flowers sewn onto the collar, calling attention to the pale skin of his chest. izuku has done his full hair routine today, curls fully coiled and bouncy, not frazzled and tied up in a bun.
he leans over the sink, brushing gold glitter onto the green eyeshadow lining his eyes and nose. it's like one huge green bruise marring his face, different colors of shiny highlighter reflecting the light. it doesn't make his eyes pop but he thinks it really sells the look.
hoshiko knocks on the door, peeping in. "all ready to go?" "yep," izuku shoots her a bright, wobbly smile. "how do i look?" "like a paintbomb went off!" she grins, "really sells the forest spirit look though!"
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bouncyballcitadel · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
I have been perceived pt. 2
Out of the Blue (by the wonderful @vahnyawrites​):
Eli: I could see Eli having a fun time with Max just because Eli’s also a huge flirt, but I think they’d eventually settle down with Richard. Eli needs someone who’s able to be the voice of reason, while Richard would probably appreciate Eli’s spontaneity. They’d be the kind of couple where you’d think “how did that ever work out” and then you get to know them better and you realize that they complement each other perfectly lol
Davy: I can actually see Davy and William working well together...but definitely not at first. It’d probably start out with mutual hatred, evolving to grudging respect, evolving to “damn I’m actually starting to feel some kind of way about you.” I think there’s a kind of compassion and tenderness to William that Davy would be drawn to, and I think William would be surprised that the public! Davy is very much different from the private! Davy.
Jean: As much as I want to see Jean and Isobel together, unfortunately Jean is really a “first impressions matter a lot” kind of person, so if Isobel was very standoffish towards them from the get-go they probably wouldn’t put much effort into getting to know her better. However, if Isobel apologized for getting off on the wrong foot with Jean (like the Citadel MC can do with Jean in Chapter 6) and the two of them spent more time together, I think they would do really well together. Both Isobel and Jean rose from humble circumstances to where they are now, and I think Isobel (who strikes me as cynical) would admire Jean’s innate belief in the world and its people. 
Vic: For DLC Vic, I’d pick Max just because Vic would have more of the emotional bandwidth to be the “rock” in the relationship (and they’d be more inclined towards a chaotic partner). For main story Vic, definitely William because Vic is a hot mess and needs someone to be that anchor. 
Dr. Grey: I think he and Richard would have a solid marriage...if they were both good at communicating with each other. As long as the two of them understood that just because they didn’t spend as much time together due to their respective careers that didn’t mean they loved each other any less, I think the two of them could make it work. 
Dr. Sloan: Isobel, without question. 
Sorry Clara--maybe you and Quinn from Scandal can get together? 
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lesbiansayaishii · 3 years ago
Carmen Sandiego
Favorite character
Julia Argent! or maybe agent Zari or Paper Star... I love them a little too much
Least Favorite character
of the main cast I'm going to have to say Jean Paul... dude is so snotty
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon)
carulia, papertiger, carmivy, cleobellum, the mechanic/coach brunt
Character I find most attractive
Carmen Sandiego <3 (I mean have you seen her?)
Character I would marry
hmhmhm my brain is leading me to Ivy on this one
Character I would be best friends with
Julia or Ivy!
a random thought
I really have to finish all those cs wips I started before I make my move and turn all my attentions to a new fandom😭
An unpopular opinion
there's been some SERIOUS discourse in this fandom while the show was running so if you're thinking about getting into the show and what's left of the fandom I'm glad it's not and not before. there were some serious toxic people that I saw... although that's not to say that they're not still here (I just haven't seen them.)
My Canon OTP
jeantonio is the only one that's confirmed canon, but I mean carulia has been as good as confirmed too. I ship both so think what you will of this!
My Non-canon OTP
papertiger <3 (or chazari or carulia or carmivy or-)
Most Badass Character
oh definitely dark!Carmen
Most Epic Villain
dark!Carmen ofc, the rest of them are very... mediocre villains lmao
Pairing I am not a fan of
Chase and Julia? although I'm not the biggest fan I'll say I can see it more though after the events of season 4
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another)
Julia when they took her away from her university job and plopped her back in ACME🙄🙄
Favourite Friendship
team Red!! I love them so much
Character I most identify with
Julia lol. the quiet bookworm type is very me... (my wattpad and my early tumblr urls were based off of this!)
Character I wish I could be
Julia again <3 I'd love to meet a hot antihero and be conflicted about our opposite positions of the law while she flirts with me tbh
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inscrutable-shadow · 3 years ago
Last Line Tag
I was tagged by @neshamahs like months ago omg
Jean began laughing, attempting to suppress it at first but escalating to complete hysterics. Ivy laughed nervously in response, still seeming unsure if she had overstepped.
From the Untitled Bird Lesbian WIP (yes this is during a make-out scene)
god i hate the new tumblr post editor
tagging @joyful-soul-collector, @if-all-i-have-are-words, @mischiefiswritten, @inkovert, @quilloftheclouds
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wyverningx · 7 months ago
HAHA OH NO I AM TERRIBLE AT NAMING DOCS. thank you for the tag though, sorry they are so cringe. for once i actually don't have a million WIPs:
i gently place vampire jean into the garbage disposal and flick the on switch (self-explanatory, obviously. pretty sure this is just going to be angsty kevjean)
back at it again at the krispy kreme (placeholder title for continuation of we carry our own weight, wherein jeremy gets to see jean's reaction to ravens vs foxes finals)
eli and i are actually going to finish a fic this time (ok this is the very tender beginnings of what i can only describe as a like. kingdom-hearts-esque story of jean falling in love and dying over and over again across countless universes. the google doc is actually only us screaming about various stories/timelines and me trying to hold us accountable so we can actually write it)
atla ch6 (finally something normal. also self-explanatory. sometimes i think about my languishing multichaps, i swear)
uhhhh i tag @poetic-ivy and @adverbialstarlight
WIP Game
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
Thank you for tagging me @merceyca 💖💖
Revolving in Reverse (Andreil Magic AU)
Fencing AU (AFTG Andrew POV)
Interesting (AFTG Olympics Andrew POV)
Foul Play (AFTG Neil as Nathaniel)
Have at it if you’re comfortable!! I’m gonna tag: @you-know-i-get-itt @mauvemischief @sunriseabram @themundanemudperson
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interact-if · 4 years ago
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Day 7 of A/PI Heritage Month featured authors interview is here! Bouncy, take the stage!
Bouncy, author of Citadel
A/PI Heritage Month Featured Author
Play as a first-year surgery intern at Citadel Health. Will you become the star intern and curry the favor of the chief? Or will you uncover Citadel Health’s secrets and break a story or two? This will be the best and worst year of your life. Don’t forget to save lives and break some hearts along the way.
Q1: First of all, introduce us to your project! What is it about?
Citadel is a Choicescript WIP where the reader can play as a surgical intern at Citadel Health! Thanks to Citadel Health’s NINO technique, once incurable diseases are now completely manageable. However, like any good medical drama, there’s secrets and scandal abound…
Also, like any good medical drama, the reader can romance 6 ROs, including: 1) Eli Sanford, the best friend who’s not-so-secretly in love with you 2) Davy Jackson, the “oh-no-they’re-hot” surgery intern 3) Jean Liu, the medicine intern who radiates sunshine 4) Victor/Victoria Uytterhoeven, the chief surgery resident who’s soft only for you 5) Dr. Peter Grey, your very own McDreamy and 6) Dr. Ivy Sloan, your very own Dr. House.
Q2: If it’s not too spoilery, what are you most excited about your project?
There’s a party sequence in Case 2 that I’m particularly excited to code! You’ll be able to mingle with the intern/resident ROs as well as hang out with other members of the cast. I’m also particularly excited to code Case 3, where it gets…um, for lack of better words, particularly real.
Q3: What inspired the current project you’re working on?
As a medical student, I’ve always wanted to see a medical choice game. I just didn’t feel like I had enough medical experience to code one until I finished a year of rotations in the hospital!
Q4: Do you pull from your own identity for inspiration? How has that been reflected in your work?
I think a lot of what happens in Citadel is pulled from my own experiences in medicine. This isn’t just the “action” sequences like the surgery scenes, but also the little choices, too (for example, what the best snack to buy from the vending machine is). I really want Citadel to showcase both the drama and the mundanity of medicine!
Q5: What’s been your experience so far? With writing, with the if community...
Writing has been a lot of fun! One thing I like about choice games is just how many ways a scene can change based on your choices. For example, I’m a huge fan of making interpersonal dynamics really matter: i.e., whether you choose to be a rival to your fellow intern or choose to be their friend can have meaningful consequences later that might even affect your own performance.
The IF community has also been super great to be a part of! I’m a little shy online, so I’m glad I’ve found a community that’s so supportive. Shoutout to the people on the Citadel Discord, especially!
Q6: Do you have any future projects in the works?
As of right now, I’m focused on Citadel (my goal is to get it finished before I start residency in a year). I’ve also had an IF project floating in my mind based on my quarantine experience with my partner and his two roommates, but that’s more wishful thinking right now!
Q7: Finally, what piece of advice would you give to fellow authors?
I think at the end of the day, it’s really important to write for yourself and not for others. As long as you enjoy what you’re putting on the page, that’s what really matters!
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amapofyourstars · 3 years ago
character aesthetic tag
Tagged By: @varkolak thank you! 
Rules: Pick a character and bold the aesthetics that apply
I Tag: @pluttskutt, @did-i-do-this-write, @erin-writes-stuff, @sleepyowlwrites, & anyone else who wants to do it!
I’ll be doing this with Ivy Finch from my WIP Midsummer Records.
colors ;
red / orange / yellow / green / blue / purple / pink / brown / black / white / grey / silver / gold / bronze / metallic / matte / royal blue / forest green / blood red / navy blue / cream / mint green / neons / pastels / jewel tones
elements ;
fire / ice / water / air / earth / rain / snow / wind / moon / stars / sun / hot / cold / steam / mist / frost / thunder / lightning / sunlight / moonlight / dawn / dusk / twilight / midnight / sunrise / sunset / dewdrops
body ;
claws / long fingers / fangs / teeth / wings / tails / lips / bare feet / freckles / bruises / scars / scratches / wounds / burns / spikes / feathers / webs / fur / eyes / hands / heart / blood / sweat / tears / animalistic / thin / lithe / chubby / curvy / short / tall / average height / muscular / piercings / tattoos / body modifications
weapons ;
fists / sword / dagger / knives / spear / bow / crossbow / hammer / shield / poison / gun / axe / throwing weapons / whip / pepper spray / tasers / canon / catapult / slingshot / explosives / nunchaku / mace / staff / shadows / wand / magic / magical item / non-magical powers / stone / teeth / nails / fear
materials ;
gold / silver / platinum / titanium / diamonds / pearls / rubies / sapphires / emeralds / amethyst / iron / rust / steel / pyrite / glass / wood / porcelain / paper / wool / fur / lace / leather / silk / velvet / denim / linen / cotton / charcoal / clay / stone / asphalt / brick / marble / dust / glitter / blood / dirt / mud / smoke / ash / shadow / rubber / synthetics
nature ;
grass / leaves / trees / bark / flowers / roses / daisies / tulips / lilies / lavender / poppies / petals / thorns / seeds / hay / sand / stone / sky / clouds / meadow / forest / swamp / desert / tundra / savanna / rain forest / mountains / cave / canyon / river / lake / ocean / coral reef / beach / space
animals ;
lions / wolves / eagles / owls / bears / boars / falcons / hawks / swans / snakes / turtles / ducks / bugs / spiders / crickets / sparrows / whales / dolphins / fish / sharks / horses / cats / dogs / rabbits / mantises / crows / ravens / mice / rats / lizards / foxes / peacocks / livestock / werewolves / unicorns / pegasi / dragons / gryphons
food & drink ;
sugar / salt / candy / bubblegum / wine / champagne / hard liquor / beer / coffee / tea / milk / spices / herbs / apples / oranges / lemons / cherries / strawberries / watermelons / berries / bread / vegetables / meats / fish / ambrosia / pies / cakes / desserts / vanilla / chocolate / honey / cream / caramel / nuts / cinnamon / hamburgers / burritos / pizza / french fries
hobbies ;
music / art / theater / gardening / woodworking / smithing / sculpting / painting / sketching / fighting / riding / reading / writing / composing / cooking / sewing / training / dancing / acting / singing / martial arts / self-defense / sports / technology / cameras / video games / movies / comics / cds / vinyls / cassettes / piano / strings / guitar / harmonica / harp / woodwinds / brass / percussion / gambling / chess / biking / climbing / running / exploring / hunting / caregiving
style ;
lingerie / leotard / cape / dress / tunic / vest / dress shirt / sweater / boots / heels / leggings / trousers / jeans / skirt / earrings / necklace / choker / bracelet / ring / pendant / hat / crown / circlet / helmet / scarf / brocade / cloaks / corsets / doublet / armor / bracers / belt / sash / fur coat / leather jacket / duster / trench coat / hood / gloves / socks / stockings / mask / cowls / braces / wristwatch / pocket-watch / glasses / sunglasses / contacts / makeup / blindfold / eye-patch / uniform
misc ;
balloons / bubbles / cityscape / light / dark / candles / war / peace / greed / wealth / power / clocks / photographs / mirrors / pets / journals / madness / sanity / sadness / happiness / optimism / pessimism / nihilism / kindness / loneliness / family / friends / allies / followers / enemies / smoking / drugs / love / revenge / living / dead / undead / immortal / heartless
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nightwingshero · 4 years ago
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @goodboiboomer-fc5 thank you darling!!!
Tagging: @shallow-gravy @proudspires @strafethesesinners @spicevalleys @xbaebsae @simonxriley @fadedjacket @chuckhansen @red-nightskies @tomexraider @smithandrogers @dieguzguz @amistrio @cobb-vanthss @adelaidedrubman
I’m just working on a few canon things. This is part of Whit’s arc in New Dawn that I’ve been writing.
“Home is where the heart is, Ivy. My home is with my children.” The silence finally evolved, the tension swelling as she glanced at Mel, but our baby sister had no words. Not since she had said her piece over her nephew’s grave. I could hear Jane murmur to Randy, even from where I knelt, and I willed them to leave. Jane with her daughter, John with their own, my sisters with their misplaced need to be the ones to build me back up. Mel’s accusations, Ivy’s persuasions. I had enough. “Leave.”
“Whit.” It was Mel that spoke this time, her low voice holding a huskiness that seemed to always cling to her. It’s almost amusing, watching her fight against me these last few years when she had been so neutral while the whole county was at war.
“Leave. All of you.”
There’s a moment, a beat of silence as they waited, watching, to see if I would say something else—to change my mind and reach to them on my very knees. Like a beggar, desperate for their console, desperate for their comfort and their presence. But I remain silent, my eyes only focusing on my hand in the dirt and the makeshift cross John and Randy had constructed. Then they walked, the leaves crunching beneath them as they did as I asked.
All but her.
I sniffed, my shoulders back and head high, my hand drug over the grave. Finally, he was at peace. Finally…we were able to bury him. Instead of letting him rot in a dark, deserted part of the bunker, just wasting away. He had returned to the earth.
His body becoming one with the nature he so longed to see.
“Is it true?” It’s a whisper, but it feels as if I yelled at her, the way it carries. Or perhaps that’s the rage boiling in my chest, below the cross just above my breast. Rising and falling quickly, and suddenly she was with me yet again—or perhaps I had joined her, across the seas—, and her green eyes casting down, wise and all-knowing. Yes…I was seeing things more clearly.
“Which part?”
I swallow, because I know. I know who she is, who she had become, or who she had always been. I know that if I dare ask, I would dare to receive. How long had I lived in the dark, believing I was his light, only to be treated as an object merely put in an attic to collect dust. A sort of comfort, it seemed, and I had allowed that. I had allowed myself to be placed where he needed, because of love, and the need to be loved. If I dare ask, I would dare to receive a hard truth, nothing but honesty ever spilled from the once painted burgundy lips of the Judge. She used to not hate enough to lie, now she cared not enough to even try.
“You know which part.” I glanced up at her, our eyes meeting. She wore one of her old black button ups with dark worn jeans. The leather jacket still as trusty on her shoulders with her boots. Another transformation for her, or perhaps her final stage of evolution. The Judge, Deputy, and Dark Siren finally coming into one, finally pieced together and creating someone that maybe felt she had found her place at last. Maybe.
“You’ve read the Book of Joseph.”
“And he spoke things to you that he never dared to tell me.” I shot back. Jealousy rearing its ugly head, because had I not experienced this before? Was she not younger? Yet her hair was lighter, humming and dancing gracefully like an angelic fairy in a white dress. It was misplaced, but the knowing look in Wren’s eyes tells me that perhaps its not, that perhaps that was what he had done. He had punished her for it. He punished Wren for what happened to her. “Would he?”
“He killed one before, Whitney.” Wren answered lowly, her gaze unwavering. “Perhaps Emily is to make up for the daughter he had lost all those years ago.”
“And Emmett?”
“Well…he already has a son, doesn’t he?”
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astoryinred · 4 years ago
4, 5, and 11 for the Deep Dive asks?
4. Is there anything in the story that is implied, but not directly stated? Will this become more relevant later on? How perceptive would a reader have to be to pick up on this?
- It is implied that Thenardier has broken off his engagement to Mlle Gillenormand owing to the pre nup issue, but that he was also spirited away by an employer who can keep him in style. It is implied that this employer is a new face, and up to no good. This is very relevant later when untangling the whole mess of diplomatic and not so diplomatic shenangians. Readers have to be a little perceptive to figure it out. 
5. Which character has the most intricate backstory? Is this backstory common knowledge from the start, or is it revealed later on? How does this backstory affect the narrative?
- Of the original cast, it still has to be Jean Valjean and everyone knows it. If we are to narrow it down to those still alive, then it is Eponine. She has had a very wacky and improbable life as former street girl, prostitute, common thief turned to feminist leader, translator, writer, as well as a friend, sister, wife and mother. Everyone knows this. And enemies readily use her past to try to get under her skin. It doesn’t affect the narrative a lot since she is well established, but it does make for some heated debates. 
Of my OCs, it is Victoria Hastings. Daughter of an admiral, turned spy, turned society matron, turned refugee and asset to the French diplomats. It affects the narrative since this puts her in a position to investigate leads that are slipping out of people’s hands. She also becomes guardian to Ariadne, who is also shaping up to be quite complex on her own. 
11. What is something from your WIP that you just really want to ramble about? (Go on, do it.)
- The language of flowers is still such a thing in this story. Eponine is always a rose owing to her red hair but roses symbolize true love and fidelity. Azelma is always associated with violets or violet flowers that also symbolize true love but can signify royalty (her being the ruling lady of the Parisian theater circle), dreams and mysticism. Cosette is always linked to white flowers such as lilies, symbolizing her purity. We also get that very insolent bouquet that Theodule sends to Eponine with red camellia, white clovers and gardenias, meaning he is declaring his passion and asking her to think of him secretly. Eponine of course throws out this missive. Most lately there is that gold brooch that Neville has given to Ariadne, which is fashioned to be a circle of ivy. It is definitely a sort of engagement ring, as ivy can symbolize marriage. 
We will get more of flowers later. Black roses. 
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sapphosimss · 5 years ago
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FEB. FINDS! // HAIR, CLOTHES, SHOES // 60+ Maxis Match CC links
Watch here: https://youtu.be/k8y8HtM7g6I
CC Links:
1 https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/189217216186/leah-hair-based-on-your-favourite-sculptor-from
2 Mercedes hair https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release
3 Brooklyn hair https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/188520988266/simblreen-2019
4 https://candysims4.tumblr.com/post/190533160430/candysims4-emotional-hair-a-curly-long-hair
5 https://luumiasims.com/post/158167706494/have-this-little-90s-inspired-mini-hair-pack-i
6 https://emmibouquet.tumblr.com/post/177688739237/continuing-to-recolor-some-of-my-favourite-hairs
7 https://emmibouquet.tumblr.com/post/177202753302/orchid-hair-by-butterscotchsims-recolor-naturals?is_related_post=1
8 https://butterscotchsims.tumblr.com/post/159868992946/orchid-hair-hey-so-im-about-to-hit-a-pretty-big
9 Unnaturals https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/185565688486/almond-this-hair-was-originally-requested-by
10 https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/185565688486/almond-this-hair-was-originally-requested-by
11 https://litttlecakes.tumblr.com/post/166991508525/part-one-of-my-simblreen-gifts-included-in
12 https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/190795989406/flora-hair-these-bangs-took-me-so-long-to-make-i
13 https://marsosims.tumblr.com/post/190179513146/kaya-hair-hey-i-lost-all-of-wips-so-i-didnt
14 https://marsosims.tumblr.com/post/190549441246/araw-hair-contrary-to-popular-opinion-i-really
15 https://marsosims.tumblr.com/post/190716285256/manika-hair-this-hair-came-second-in-the-wip-poll
16 https://marsosims.tumblr.com/post/190596801196/hita-hair-we-needed-more-witchy-or-hippy-hairs
17 https://marsosims.tumblr.com/post/189899612036/usok-hair-you-know-what-i-dont-have-a-story-for
1 https://tamosim.blogspot.com/2017/07/cropped-no-bow-redux.html
2 https://renorasims.tumblr.com/post/186259867713/sulani-swimwear-collection-pfiewww-after-some
3 Kori top (two tone) https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release
4 Cindy bodysuit https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/188520988266/simblreen-2019
5 Chloe top (two tone) https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/188520988266/simblreen-2019
6 Chloe top https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/188520988266/simblreen-2019
7 https://foreversimmers.tumblr.com/post/187201698745/chloe-top-recolor-hi-friends-im-back-with
8 Kori top https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release
9 Couronne bodysuit https://citrontart.tumblr.com/post/159728250879/%C3%A9toiles-collection-a-collaboration-between
10 https://thesimsresource.com/members/belal19972/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-female-teenadultelder-everyday/title/belaloallure_mariah-top/id/1472997/
11 Elise bodysuit https://www.patreon.com/posts/rushed-lovers-cc-33275895
12 Teresa blouse https://www.patreon.com/posts/rushed-lovers-cc-33275895
13 https://kchansims.tumblr.com/post/187373861336/hunny-a-small-collection-tbh-i-really-just
1 https://its-adrienpastel.tumblr.com/post/185745614176/phoebe-shorts-ea-mesh-edit-base-game
2 https://sondescent.tumblr.com/post/169864802665/rainbow-runners-sooo-two-pieces-of-cc-in-two
3 https://renorasims.tumblr.com/post/186259867713/sulani-swimwear-collection-pfiewww-after-some
4 https://renorasims.tumblr.com/post/186259867713/sulani-swimwear-collection-pfiewww-after-some
5 https://tajsiwel.tumblr.com/post/157017994295/sam-16-swatches-custom-thumbnail-disallowed-for
6 https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-female-teenadultelder-everyday/title/trillyke--puzzle-pants/id/1426644/
7 https://savvysweet.tumblr.com/post/187251375353/clothes-dump-hey-yall-i-decided-to-make-some
8 PHÉNIX jeans https://citrontart.tumblr.com/post/159728250879/%C3%A9toiles-collection-a-collaboration-between
9 https://emmibouquet.tumblr.com/post/186212027867/summer-time-shorts-i-have-seen-many-versions-of
10 Verseau skirt https://citrontart.tumblr.com/post/159728250879/%C3%A9toiles-collection-a-collaboration-between
11 https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-female-teenadultelder-everyday/title/trillyke--love-shot-jeans/id/1446432/
12 Emily shorts (denim) https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release
13 Piper shorts https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/188520988266/simblreen-2019
14 Emily shorts (solids) https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release
15 Celeste skirt https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release
16 Emily shorts (Pattern) https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release
17 https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/190610736481/old-jeans-am-i-ever-going-to-stop-making-jeans
18 https://kchansims.tumblr.com/post/187373861336/hunny-a-small-collection-tbh-i-really-just
19 Ava trousers (suspenders) https://www.patreon.com/posts/rushed-lovers-cc-33275895
20 Freya skirt https://www.patreon.com/posts/rushed-lovers-cc-33275895
21 Ava trousers https://www.patreon.com/posts/rushed-lovers-cc-33275895
22 https://cakenoodles.tumblr.com/post/169776537404/listen-these-were-kinda-a-mistake-kinda-not-i
23 https://kchansims.tumblr.com/post/187373861336/hunny-a-small-collection-tbh-i-really-just
Full body
1 https://ridgeport.tumblr.com/post/190871286692/latte-outfit-finally-not-a-dress-but-an-outfit
2 https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-female-teenadultelder-everyday/title/bianca-dress/id/1467465/
3 https://ridgeport.tumblr.com/post/190781490757/ipanema-dress-my-cc-niche-is-very-quickly
4 https://www.patreon.com/posts/33981161
1 https://simtone.tumblr.com/post/185497037610/ivy-heels-22-swatches-base-game-compatible
2 https://theslyd.tumblr.com/post/164293365546/vetements-x-manolo-blahnik-kitten-heels-download
3 https://renorasims.tumblr.com/post/177867330803/hiya-everyone-another-day-another-seasons-age
4 Evelyn boots https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/188520988266/simblreen-2019
50 notes · View notes
snarkandsarcasmftw · 4 years ago
Omg, yay! Thank you for sending a rose, darling Doe!! And since it’s you and I love you.. I’m gonna actually just.. throw an excerpt out there.. This is something in my drafts for the 12 Days. It’s actually finished, buuut.. Anyway, yeah. Here you go, sweet Doe! I put it under a cut bc I got carried away, lmao.
[ send a rose emoji for a sentence from a current wip]
His hand lingered at my waist. An old habit. One I really missed. I swallowed hard, my eyes drifting up, meeting his as I did my best to put on my best friendly and neutral smile, despite the plethora of emotions that were fighting to the surface.
,, you’re not in the right place right now, Ivy. Not at all.” my brain weighed in on the situation at hand. I pushed any and all thought or emotion I may have been feeling out of my head for the moment. We stepped into the living room of the cabin and Adam let out a low, approving whistle at the Christmas tree tucked in the spot by the window and near the fireplace.
Just like Grams always did every single year.
“How’d you get that tree in here, hon?” Adam’s voice shattered through my thoughts and I glanced up from the box of ornaments I’d been hovering over because I’d seen an envelope sitting towards one side.
I straightened, wiping my hands on my favorite pair of jeans and shrugged. “Dragged it, mostly. It wasn’t that heavy.”
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