#wip: come on barbie let's go party
suzukiblu · 4 months
New WIP start behind the cut, based off a request from @itty-bitty-fun: “I'd definitely love to see your take on micro/macro”.  . . . you know that thing when a kink is not really your kink and you’re like neutral on its existence, but then, like . . . someone asks you to actually consider it, and then you get way too invested in the process? no reason. asking for a friend.
“This is mortifying,” Kon mutters into his hands, trying not to die of said mortification. 
“Kinda reminds me of my Barbie phase, honestly,” Cassie says with a smirk, offering him the set of doll clothes she just got back from digging up. He glowers disgruntledly up at her, but it’s technically an improvement on the spare ace bandages from Tim’s utility belt that he’s currently wrapped up in. Kon is not actually a self-conscious guy and wouldn’t normally care about anyone seeing him naked, but normally he is two hundred and fifty pounds of half-Kryptonian muscle and not the size of a goddamn Barbie doll, as Cassie has so helpfully and mercilessly seen fit to point out. 
Actually, probably a Barbie doll would be bigger. Like, Kon did not have a “playing with dolls” phase for several very obvious reasons, but he’s pretty sure they’re bigger than he is right now. He’s more, like, action figure-sized. Which, obviously he’d rather be an action figure than a fucking Barbie, given the option, but also Barbies are bigger than action figures, and–and–
Stupid magic.
“You’re really small, wow,” Bart observes as Kon snatches the doll clothes and eyes them sourly. “I bet we could fit you in Tim’s coffee cup. Or maybe even his utility belt. Or maybe–” 
“Shut up, Bart!” Kon snaps, because he really doesn’t like how this feels, actually, and it’s actually kind of freaking him out, and he probably is small enough to fit in Tim’s stupid coffee cup and that’s just not something he really wants to be a thing right now! At all! Or ever! 
Also, the doll clothes are big and shapeless and awkward and came off a stupid cheesy “legally distinct” knockoff Troia doll, which means they’re also sparkly and kind of itch, it turns out, while also being stupidly flimsy and so paper-thin they're practically see-through. He feels like an idiot in them, and doesn’t even wanna think about how stupid he must look. 
Fuck his stupid fucking life. 
Look, Kon’s a big guy, okay? He’s used to being a big guy. Used to being the meat shield and the tank and the one who gets between everybody and the problem. Like this . . . 
What the fuck use is he, like this? 
The spell’s temporary. It’s not permanent or dangerous or anything like that. It’ll be gone by this time tomorrow, if not sooner. 
But it’s not gone yet, and Kon’s no use to anybody like this. 
“Could put you in a dollhouse for the night,” Cassie hums, giving him an amused smile. “Tuck you into bed like a baby doll.” 
“I actually hate you,” he informs her, and she laughs, because she’s the worst. 
“Actually I really like that idea,” Bart says musingly, tapping his mouth. “You grifin’ never let us take care of you.” 
“I still have TTK,” Kon reminds him threateningly, and Bart just cocks his head, looking him over speculatively. 
“So you’re not as strong, but you're still pretty invulnerable?” he asks. 
“Who fucking cares?!” Kon snaps in frustration. He’s still no use right now either way. 
“I just wanna know if we could fuck you like this and not have to worry about hurting you,” Bart replies reasonably, reaching out to stroke a fingertip down his chest. Kon–sputters, kind of, and reflexively recoils from it. 
And also, like. Burns alive, kind of. 
“I–like this?” he sputters. “I'm like, fucking doll-sized, Bart!” 
“Yeah, I know,” Bart agrees. “Like the perfect size to pick up and play with.” 
“Burning alive” is actually not a strong enough phrase for what Kon is doing right now. 
“You already let us dress you up,” Bart points out, poking at the strap of his borrowed clothes. Kon metaphorically vaporizes into atoms and literally dodges away from the poking. 
“I dressed myself,” he says defensively, mortified by the idea of–what exactly does Bart even have in mind? He's not big enough to do anything for any of them. His dick is definitely not big enough to do anything for any of them. Like–how would that even–how would they even–? 
“Hmmm,” Cassie says, and then just puts both her hands around him and picks him up, because she is again the worst, and–well, and then she flips him around, unzips the front of her shirt, and sits him down to recline right on top of her bare cleavage, his head resting back against her breastbone, which is . . . fine, alright. Like–he’ll live with that. Getting snuggled up to a pair of tits big enough to sleep on is not the worst imposition of his life, especially when said tits belong to the most Wonder-ful member of their whole weird nebulously-defined team situationship thing. 
But also, it’s embarrassing, because what the fuck is he supposed to do for her like this? 
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ceslatoil · 2 months
Hey everyone! I’m still working on a lot of stuff at once this month (play rehearsals, work projects, reading through Cuckoo by Gretchen Folker-Martin, etc.) but I have a quick preview of my next chapter for my Gravity Falls x Locked Tomb fanfic! Come check it out!
“Woah, who are they?”
Mabel pointed to three figures who just arrived at the party, two young women and a girl around Mabel’s age. The girl wore a neat purple outfit and a snooty expression. She likely would have been the most stylish person at the party if she wasn’t trailing after two of the prettiest girls Mabel had ever seen.
The flashiest one was a woman with huge… hair: golden curls that railed all the way down her back. Her dress was made of a clingy gold fabric that flattered her curves, but Mabel suspected she would be stunning in even the ugliest t shirt from the Mystery Shack gift shop.
Mabel looked on, awestruck at this exceptionally glamorous woman, and felt a warm flush glow around her cheeks. She shook the feeling off. I’ll unpack that later, Mabel thought.
She had almost missed the third person, a woman who must have been the other’s twin, but she couldn’t have looked more different. She was gaunt where her sister was curvy, pallid where hee sister was bronzed, and her hair was a limp, frayed sheet of milk colored hair that looked like it had been chewed on. She wore a silk jumpsuit the color of a half healed bruise. She wasn’t ugly by any means, but her beauty was uncanny, like that of an undead supermodel, an embalmed Barbie doll.
“That’s Pacifica Northwest, the richest girl in town,” said Candy, pointing to the younger girl. “And those two are her cousins, Coronabeth and Ianthe Northwest!”
“Nobody’s heard of them before,” added Grenda, “they just showed up one day and started living at Northwest Manor. It’s all so mysterious!”
“Well let’s go find out more about our new guests, ladies!” Mabel approached the group fearlessly.
“Hiya, I’m Mabel! Welcome to the party!”
“Oh, aren’t you precious,” said the larger twin, Coronabeth.
“That sounds like a fat, old lady’s name,” mumbled Pacifica.
Ianthe turned a look down at her cousin. “That’s an odd comment to make to our host,” she drawled, “particularly from someone with a low grade pun for a name.”
Pacifica’s face turned red as her cousins cruelly laughed at her.
“Don’t mind her,” said Coronabeth to Mabel. “She’s just cranky because her roots are showing— I’ve been hogging the bathroom lately with deep conditioning all this.” Coronabeth tossed he curls back and winked at Mabel. Mabel couldn’t help but feel bad for Pacifica. The girl looked hurt, upset at the digging comments made by her cousins.
“That’s okay,” said Mabel sweetly. “I take that as a compliment!” She smiled at Pacifica, and Mabel swore she could see the other girl almost smile back.
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stevebckley · 1 year
About me!
Hello, I’m Iri!
If you have come here from my Stranger Things twitter or my AO3, welcome.
I’ve been around fandom for a long time and on tumblr for longer but I wanted to start fresh here.
I’m a multishipper to my core. I love Steddie in my grubby little rat heart but I’ll ship anyone with Steve, Eddie or many combinations of my little barbie doll characters. 
I have no tolerance for any hate. I’m into a lot of Dead Dove concepts, A/B/O and I refuse to tolerate ship or character slander.
I’ll be accepting prompts and headcanons as I love interacting with people and bouncing ideas around.
I love to write and I’ve been trying to push myself to write more so I’d really love to be pushed out of my comfort zone to write! I have no preferences really on dynamics or top/bottom so if you’re interested we can bounce ideas around!
My AO3
My Twitter
Links to my current works!
Choking Loneliness to Hope : (Complete) A study of Steve Harrington through the years and his fascination with the hands of everyone around him
Make Me an Offer (I Cannot Refuse You): (OneShot) Steve just needs weed for this party and Tommy sends him instead. When Eddie tries to overcharge him for it, he figures the can work something out but he ends up getting a bit more than he bargained for when he makes too much of an open ended offer.
It's Crazy What You'll Do (For a Friend): (WIP) A season 4 that we could have had if they'd just let Gareth be dragged into everything along with Eddie because he would've smacked Eddie upside his self sacrificing head, I just know it
I Don't Like Anticipating my Face in a Red Flush: (Complete) The five times Eddie Munson kissed Steve on the cheek and the one time he didn’t
The Bat of it All: (OneShot) Kas survives the upside down and becomes the leader of the bats but there's a catch when his friends stumble back into the upside down
Love Comes Hand in Hand: Ongoing Series
I Want You (like you want me too): (Pt 1) Chrissy Cunningham and Steve Harrington are a cheerleading power couple but they have a secret life that no one knows about. When Chrissy looks a little closer at how her boyfriend looks at Eddie Munson, she devises her own plan to make them all happy.
In Good Hands: (Pt 2) A sequel to I Want You (like you want me too) from Wayne's point of view when he comes home in the morning
Raccoons, Cheese and Other Surprises: (Pt 3) Eddie finally got the boy AND the girl. No one told him he was dating a pair of Disney princesses though, complete with the wild animals that come with them.
You Can Leave Your Manners (at the door): (OneShot) Eddie just wants to take a shower before going home but Steve has other ideas for him.
The Adventures at Hawkins Park: (OneShot) Stobin Month - A chance meeting in the park
A Needle to the Nose: (OneShot) Stobin Month - Steve gets dragged with Robin to get her nose pierced but a chance jewelry spotting means there's a change of plans
the reason comes (on the common tongue): (Oneshot) Eddie keeps Steve from succumbing to isolation syndrome after the fight with Billy and Steve offers to pay him back in a very creative way. (Omegaverse)
i will grow bold (in a barren and desolate land): (Oneshot) Tommy walks in on a scene he never expected in his own parents bedroom, luckily he's invited to stay
Something New (for me, for you): (Oneshot) Eddie knows that Steve Harrington has a penchant for helping people lose their virginities and he’s finally feeling brave enough to anonymously throw his own hat in the ring. Unbeknownst to him, Steve has plenty of plans of his own.
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
From this post 🤍 💌 🧿
hey baby💗
🤍 - what’s one fic of yours, you think people didn’t “get”? I don’t know if there is one? but if you didn’t get one, please let me know!
💌 - share something with us about an up-and-coming work (wip) that has you excited. okay! I have a lot of wips that I’m really excited about! so as you’ve properly noticed, I have already posted 2 of my wips (a whores fairytale and the strawberry shack!) which I’m excited to get to! I also have a horror/slasher and monster masterlist that I’m excited for! I have a zombie au that I’m extremely excited about, but I don’t know if anyone will like it as it’ll be a lot weirder than you’ve seen… a different kind of “kink” that some may find disturbing! oh and the dilf diaries! which is inspired by the request I got where Steve tries to cockblock his ex wife with their son and she is already seeing someone else (Ari)! and another I thought of broken family! where it goes into the life of Ari and his ex wife and their son, where he treats her badly, and you slowly see her breaking when her son no longer wants to spend time with her.
I have many wips fics as well! a best friends older brother sebastian stan, bestfriend/roommate jake jensen, a cute sebastian stan fic, an angsty c/e fic, dads best friend sebastian stan, an evil fic with lee, brothers best friend and dads best friend with jake jensen and ari levinson, best friends brother ari levinson, a pity party inspired fic, an angsty christmas fic, pornstar ari levinson, fairy reader stuck with werebear ari levinson, ken and barbie with steve rogers, stepdad ari levinson with dads best friend bucky barnes (silverfox) and older rockstar sebastian stan/bucky barnes.
sorry… that was probably too much…
🧿 - what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn’t do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn’t going how you’d like it to? hmm the steps I take… they usually go from wondering why the universe hates me and what am I doing wrong for people not to like me or my work, to the next step of suddenly not caring and just loving the people who are here supporting me and doing what I love to do. it does suck sometimes when I’m really excited about an idea, yet no one else is or they simply don’t care— example, i see from others blogs that people constantly ask them questions and that about the characters in their fics and people seem to bring them to life.. it sucks, but I guess it’s life?
thank you for asking💗
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bigmeandragonlady · 1 year
Tumblr media
💕come on barbie lets go party 💕 (more af wips)
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coepiteamare · 3 years
catch up tag games
i love tag games, but i haven’t been around, so things have piled up. in a frantic attempt to do everything AND not spam the dash, i’ve (once again) compiled. 
tagging (if you haven’t done it and if you want to): everyone tagged below + @monvante @cutechim @augustbutwinter @propinqxity @hansolmates @zibermuda
10 questions
Tagged by @triviafics
rules: answer 10 questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
relationship status: single. painfully single 
favorite color: pink and blue!
three favorite foods: tacos, creme brulee, honey lavender ice cream
song stuck in my head: levitating by dua lipa (yes i’m late to the party)
last song I listened to: it’s okay if you forget me by astrid s
last thing I googled: ...barbie movie with the weasel
time: 8:46pm
dream trip: visiting all my friends (irl and online), south korea at one point
anything I really want: for my loved ones to be okay. to be happy. 
tagged by: @bratkook @joonscore @triviafics @dinamitae @underthejoon @jinpanman​
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. then let people send asks with the title that most intrigues/interests them and you’ll post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
1) favourite crime - jk x oc
2) dreamwalkers - jk x dreamwalker!oc
3) maybe the sea calls you (the way you call me) - jk x mermaid!oc
4) the day the world stood still - taehyung x oc
5) the dictionary of lovers - jk x oc
6) untitled, (things you didn’t say at all) - namjoon x acrobat!oc
7) welcome to wonderland (we’re all mad here) - yoongi & jungkook x alice!oc
8) turn back (look how far we’ve come) - jk x oc
the “butter” song challenge!
tagged by @triviafics @opaljm
choose five songs that spell out the word BUTTER and link them, then tag 5 mutuals or the last 5 people in your notifications.
B - brutal by olivia rodrigo
U - urs by niki
T - true crime by epik high
T - the same by ashe
E - ex by kiana lede
R - rain by bts
Zodiac This or That ✨
clean ones here!
tagged by: @triviafics
Sagittarius (sun): Teal or Purple. Topaz or Turquoise. Dandelion or Daffodil. Ginseng or Cilantro. Horse or Stag/Buck. Plane ride or Road trip. Learn Hindi or Learn Japanese. Ginger or Wasabi. Climbing or Snowboarding. Teleportation or Super Speed. Carnival or Circus. Sake or Tequila. Duffel Bags or Suitcases. Time Manipulation or Basic Precognition. Tambourine or Triangle. Backpacking or Whitewater rafting. Aquarius or Libra.
Virgo (moon): Navy Blue or Olive Green. Peridot or Sardonyx. Peony or Sweet Pea. Hops or Rosemary. Chess or Checkers. Carrot Cake or Fig Bar/Cakes/Cookies. Knitting or Crocheting. Grammar Checking/Quality Assurance or Critiquing a piece of work. Golf or Tennis. Buttercups or Morning Glory. Herbs magic or Earth and plant bending. Mice or Bees. Cabernet Frank or Micro-brews. Enchanted Garden or Magic that can perfect skills. Bunnies or Deer. Cancer or Scorpio.
Leo (rising): Gold or Orange. Cat’s Eye or Ruby. Sunflower or Marigold. Aniseed or Elderflower. Oranges or Peaches. Dance or Theater. Cosplay or Creating Fan Fiction. Sunbathing or Hot Stone Massage. Light Magic or Magical Statues/Monuments. Saxophone or Trumpet. Chardonnay or Gin. Super Strength or a Power like Occlumency. Lions or Tigers. Being a Queen/King or Having Immortality. Being the hero or Being the headliner. Tickle or Pillowfight. Libra or Gemini.
This or That
tagged by: @triviafics (lol i love you isi)
love at first sight or slowly growing fond of someone? love letters or mixtapes? hand kisses or kisses on the cheeks? understanding each other without words or finishing each others sentences? gazing into each other’s eyes or looking away blushing? longing to be with someone again or spending every second together? laughing together or crying together? someone run their fingers through your hair or gently playing with your hand? surprise kisses or long tight hugs?
check-in tag!
tagged by: @yeojaa
1. why did you choose your url?
coepi te amare means i have begun to love you in latin. i first heard it from a rixythewraith ff with double b and i’ve used it in a lot of things ever since. 
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them
estbellumsacrum - my personal. there’s just a lot of art and things that are too sad to be here. 
3. how long have you’ve been on tumblr?
uhm i had my first tumblr in 2014? in 10th grade. but this one, i made in January 2020. 
4. do you have a queue tag?
yup! exqueue you
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i started writing fanfics in highschool, but stopped. i wanted a way to keep myself writing and accountable and motivated, so i started this!
6. why did you choose your icon?
because i love jungkook. hehe
7. why did you choose your header?
because i love him. but also, it looks kind of whimsical and magical. 
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
uhm probably “you have (1) new voicemail”
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i have no idea tbh
10. how many followers do you have?
300 something!
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
uhm not on here, but yes. yes i have
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
uhhh i used to be on it consistently. now a days, maybe once or twice a day?
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
not to my knowledge!
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i feel a lot. i’m not just going to reblog things for the sake of reblogging, especially when i’m not educated on the topic and could be spreading false information. when i think it’s important, i’m going to do my research and educate myself. i do understand the importance of signal boosting, so i can understand where the “you NEED to reblog” part comes from, but at the end of the day, social media is also (especially tumblr) a form of escape. let people have whatever blogs they want, as long as they’re not hurting or harming anyone. 
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
yes yes yes
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
uhhhh tbh, everyone? all of my mutuals are really talented, and i think all of them deserve the world. but uhm...i asked my friend who doesn’t have a writing blog on tumblr and she knows @underthejoon and @bratkook
19. do i have a crush on a mutual?
don’t we all? (but in all honesty, she inspired “love letters i cannot send”)
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suzukiblu · 18 days
WIP excerpt behind the cut: Core Four micro/macro. tw for Kon having some unhealthy thoughts about his personal relationship with "usefulness" and consent. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Kon?” Cassie asks, and he remembers–right. She asked him–she asked him if it was “better”, or . . . or whatever. 
“Uh, yeah,” he says, clearing his throat awkwardly. “Like–it’s fine, yeah. Um . . . so, uh, what do you wanna, uh . . . what do you want me to do?” 
“Nothing,” Bart says. “Like, very literally nothing.” 
“All you have to do is just let us play with you,” Cassie agrees, stroking up his thighs again, and Kon’s skin feels hot.
“Uh–right,” he says, swallowing awkwardly. “Just, you know–I mean–” 
He cuts himself off before he can say just don’t you want me to do something USEFUL?, because he knows they’ll just tell him he doesn’t need to be useful, which isn’t even–which isn’t– 
He just should be doing something useful. Or at least interesting. Or at least . . . 
Just something. That’s all. 
“Can you do that for us?” Cassie asks, and Kon–hesitates. He doesn’t really . . . get that, exactly. Like, as a thing. 
“Uh, sure,” he tries, because if it’s really what they want . . . he can do it, if it’s really what they want. Obviously. He’ll do anything they want, it’s–he’s the one who’s always up for anything, who never says no, who’s always willing to go another round or try something new or–
So he can do it. That’s–yeah. Obviously he can.
He tries to make himself settle under Cassie’s hands again, but it’s harder than it should be. He feels like he should at least, like–try to pose or something, maybe. Try to look . . . he doesn’t even know. Just–good, somehow. Though he doesn’t know how he could pull off “hot” while he looks like this and he is literally not even capable of “cute”, no matter what weird ideas Bart’s gotten into his head this time, but–but he should be trying to look good, at least. Except also Cassie’s hands are half-covering him anyway, so like . . . he doesn’t know, just . . . 
“It is only fair we get to play with you sometimes,” Tim muses, looking him over speculatively, and Kon feels immediately restless and weird. Usually when Tim uses that tone of voice it’s promising, but right now . . . he’s not really sure, right now. “You really never do let us focus on you all that much.” 
“That’s, like–boring,” Kon says, and tries not to think about how easily Cassie could just–pin him, or whatever. How she could just . . . make him. Make him . . . “play” whatever they all wanted to. 
And it’s not like–he already said he’d let them play with him. And he never says no to anything anyway. And . . . 
It doesn’t matter, if she could make him. He’d do it anyway, if that was what they wanted, so–it doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t. 
“I don’t think it’d be boring,” Tim says, still looking at him speculatively. Kon resists a stupid urge to squirm. 
“I definitely don’t,” Bart agrees, staring intently at him too. Cassie just strokes her fingertips back down his thighs, and then rubs along them gently. 
“You can’t really say it would be if you haven’t even let us try, right?” she points out. 
“I’m letting you,” Kon mutters, feeling stupid and looking away, rubbing a hand up his arm and then feeling–stupider, all things considered. Cassie curls her fingers around his stomach and sort of hugs him with them, almost, and then he just feels embarrassed. He’s not–he doesn’t need–
Bart vibrates in place, just for a moment, and Tim tilts his head, and Kon resists the urge to hide his face. It’s not like–he wants to do what they want, but if they don’t want him to do anything . . . 
He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to do that. How to be what they want, or . . . like, how he’s supposed to even . . . 
He just–he wants them to have a good time. That’s all. He wants to be what they want.
He just doesn’t know how to do that when he’s like this.
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suzukiblu · 3 months
The brainrot is real and it is your fault /lh (you got me started on core 4 and now I'm hooked, they are tragically underrated!!)
“. . . you are the biggest freak alive, man,” Kon says, just staring at him in disbelief. Tim shrugs, setting his tablet down on the table. 
“I mean, it’s not just about you distracting us from doing things for you,” he says. “I just keep statistics about every time we’ve all had sex together.” 
“That’s not better!” Kon sputters. “That’s worse! How do you not understand how that’s worse?!” 
“It helps me self-assess and improve my performance,” Tim says reasonably, and Kon just buries his face in his hands. These are his best friends. These are his three literal favorite people alive. Just–how and why are they like this?
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suzukiblu · 3 months
The day I don't ask for more Tim/Kon/Bart/Cassie, please assume I'm dead. 💚 Core four for WIP not-Wednesday please!
“Definitely you,” Bart says firmly. “You’re a super-brat. You always distract us whenever we try to do anything just for you.” 
“I do not!” Kon protests, bristling reflexively.
“You really do,” Tim says. “I’ve been tracking it on a spreadsheet.”
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suzukiblu · 5 days
WIP excerpt: come on barbie let's go party. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“There’s something I think might be interesting to try,” Tim says musingly, and Bart and Cassie glance towards him curiously, and Kon–hesitates, a little, and bites the inside of his cheek. 
“What’s ‘something’?” he asks, trying not to sound–weird or guarded or . . . whatever, he guesses. He could use some direction, personally, so–yeah. And Tim’s the plan guy, so–yeah. 
“We could play dress-up,” Tim replies casually, tapping the collar of his cape. Kon . . . blinks. 
“Ooo,” Bart says, and Cassie hums consideringly and strokes a finger across Kon’s chest. He–swallows, again. 
“Seriously?” he asks, trying to sound–normal, or whatever. “Dress-up? You already got me in the glittery one-piece, man, it’s not like there’s even anything else here to–” 
Bart blurs, and lightning crackles, and then he sharpens back into focus with his arms full of shopping bags and a bright, broad grin, looking so pleased with himself. 
“Got it!” he chirps, holding the bags up proudly. Kon stares at them. There is, very notably, a toy store logo on literally every single one. 
“. . . Bart,” he says slowly. “The fuck is in all those?” 
“Dress-up stuff and whatever,” Bart says reasonably, and then dumps basically all the bags onto the table into a friggin’ avalanche of assorted doll clothes and accessories. Kon puts his hands over his face and just . . . sighs. 
Of fucking course Bart would just go raid a fucking toy store for, like, supplies for whatever weird kinky thing Tim is thinking about right now. Like–obviously he would. But also–
“Bart,” Kon says in exasperation, gesturing pointedly at the pile. “Most of those are girl clothes.” 
“So?” Bart says. 
“So I’m not a girl!” Kon says. 
“You’re literally already wearing a girl’s clothes,” Bart says, wrinkling his nose at him like he thinks he’s the one being–what, weird or something, Kon doesn't know. “Also there were way more girl clothes and they were all way cuter too.”
“I’m not cute, Bart!” Kon says in exasperation, scowling back at him. 
“I didn’t actually say you were that time,” Bart points out, and Kon flushes.
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suzukiblu · 28 days
Core four please 🙏
Usually that’s not a thing. Usually it’s Tim who can only do that kind of thing by safewording, and sometimes maybe Bart, and maybe once or twice Cassie, depending, but . . . 
But never him, though. Not–it’s never been him, who couldn’t get away unless he used a safeword. He's got Kryptonian-level superstrength and superspeed and TTK, for fuck's sake. He's stronger than Bart and faster than Cassie and stronger and faster than Tim, and–and if he ever really wanted to get away from something–
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suzukiblu · 28 days
Core four!
She could just make him. She could just–she could just–Bart and Tim he’s probably still strong enough to get away from, but Cassie could make him. 
He doesn’t even know what his brain means by that. “Make” him do . . . what, exactly? 
He doesn’t even know how he feels about . . . that. 
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suzukiblu · 28 days
core four please!
He’s still gripping her knuckles, Kon realizes, and immediately feels embarrassed about it. He makes himself just–pull his hands back and all, and . . . and then he doesn’t really know what to do with them, is the issue, and he isn’t sure if . . . 
Cassie dips her head just enough to press a kiss against the top of his head, and Kon feels–feels fucking weird, still.
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suzukiblu · 28 days
Core Four
She’d stop if he said “red”, he reminds himself. He knows she’d stop if he said “red”. She slowed down when he said “yellow”, and she hasn’t gotten anywhere near his dick again yet. She’s just cradling him between her tits and petting him a little, while he . . . while he adjusts, or calms his stupid head down, or . . . 
He knows she’d stop. Of course she’d stop. 
But if she didn’t, he couldn’t stop her himself.
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suzukiblu · 28 days
Core four, please.
“Better?” Cassie says, and when she presses down lightly against the inside of his thighs again, he doesn’t try to resist the pressure of it; he lets her spread them even farther apart and keep stroking and rubbing up and down the length of them. Lets her just pin him down heavier between the curves of her breasts, which is not a place that he had ever previously associated with, like–intimidation, or anything. 
He couldn’t resist, probably. Not without saying “red”. But–but yeah.
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suzukiblu · 28 days
core fourrrrr
But it's not like that right now. 
Cassie could make him get this stupid fucking outfit dirty. She could make him do a lot of things, right now. She’s so much bigger than him and so much stronger than him and already has a grip on him and–and she could just–if she–if she wanted to, she could just . . .
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