#wip: aool
First Line Tag
I was tagged by @the-inkwell-variable and I'm gonna tag @pleasestaywithmedarling and @writingmoth if you want to do it :)
Not doing the very first line of this WIP, because I don't like it. The WIP is closing in on 60k words and I won't start editing before I am done, so first line of the current chapter is the next best thing I can offer.
In the fading light of a day that had passed unnoticed, Irina watched Ross sleep. She couldn’t remember the last time he had gone this long without being woken up by a spasm, if he hadn’t been unable to fall asleep because of the pain in the first place.
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bangtan-madi · 3 years
WIP Folder Tag, tagged by @dreamcatcherjiah 💕
— rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. then let people send asks with the title that most intrigues/interests them and you’ll post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
I'm kinda sad to report that I don't have a ton in my WIPs right now. Haven't been motivated to write lately 🙈 Here's what I do have, including outlines...
over again
546DWY -- Thirteen: Day 499
YOTR -- Outro
AOOL -- Nine:
violent delights
Overture for Nagoya
twenty-seven | jungkook
Two are original projects and the rest are bts. Guess which is which 😌
Tagging @kooala @taetaespeaches @joonni @hobicomeholla29 @softlyjiminie @chemicalpink @moon-write @seok-jinnies @cultleaderyoongi @minloop (I know some of you are on writing hiatus, so absolutely no pressure 💕)
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9 Lines, *looks at smudged writing on hand* some People Tag
I was tagged by @sarandipitywrites <3
Obligatory enby rep just dropped for All of our Lives:
Just when he wanted to knock a third time, the door was ripped open with so much vigor, it slammed against the wall and a few fibers of dried moss fluttered down from the roof. Ross flinched, clutching the crutch to keep himself upright as his left leg spasmed. A figure filled the doorway, a head and a half taller than him, with thin, pale green hair and wrinkly, sun-tanned skin. They wore a robe of indeterminable shape and color, like dirt and grass and rotting leaves made clothing. A strand of ivy wrapped around their neck and dangled down their front, and they waved a fossilized toad on a stick around as they called out in a booming voice. “Toad eyes and wasp wings and worm— Ross? Is that you?” The toad-on-a-stick was lowered. “Hello, Lichen.”
I barely know a single person to tag anymore, let alone 9, so I'm just gonna tag a third of that :p If you feel like doing it @the-inkwell-variable @winterandwords and @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
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Tumblr media
August isn't over yet, and I just reached my third (and last) word count goal for this month. As I had hoped, the characters have been a bit more forthcoming and the scenes have been a bit easier to write.
I would love to say I'm halfway there, but honestly? The outline went up in flames 10 chapters ago. I don't know exactly where I am going now. All I know is there will be blood 🥰
The thing is, this is the first time I have not been rereading what I wrote. Except for when I needed a detail (now where did I cut her? 🤔) I have not looked back once I finished a chapter. It's one of the reasons* I don't want to do tag games with this WIP yet.
I have no doubt that the early chapters will need a bit more editing to get in line with how the characters turned out, but I might just see this through to the end and not look back until the first draft is done. I hope this will be the case by the end of the year.
In other news, I decided that at 50k, if I still like the idea I had a few weeks back, i would give it a (temporary?) title, so here it is:
All of our Lives
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 3 months
WIP Questionnaire Tag
Snatching it from @tildeathiwillwrite and since that was an open tag, I'll just leave it an open tag.
1. What’s the first part of your WIP that you created? 2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be? 3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why? 4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share? 5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP? 6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them! 7. How do your characters travel/get around? 8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now? 9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in? 10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
Under the cut for my currently still untitled project:
1. What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
As always, the first line of the first chapter :D I don't consider the brainstorming/planning phase a part of the WIP or I would have an intimidating amount of WIPs.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I don't go there, but my personal current theme song is
Calum Scott, Leona Lewis - You Are The Reason (Duet Version)
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
I can never pick between the two leads. As always, they both have aspects I love very much, and they don't work without the other. Bonded stray cats characters, you know.
I'm really early on still, and I hope to see more of their personalities unfold when they're not uh. Currently dying.
So far, there are no (planned) side characters I like. What happens, happens.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
I really don't know. When I try to think of any kind of published media that hits the same way, I come up empty. And when I try to compare my stuff to something, all I can see are the differences. And not in a "look how unique I am" way, but in a "this is obviously not what they want" one.
Perhaps I should take a look at Anna's favorite books list to answer that 😂
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
The chapter I finished last night. It has, let's say, graphical content of a nature I have not written before 😬 Took me over a week or more to get the whole scene down. I hope now things will get easier.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Nope. Probably a few that end up in a cooking pot, though I don't think either of the two is as good at trapping as Eilis is 😅
7. How do your characters travel/get around?
Exclusively by foot!
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I think I'm about to be done with the first part of the story, and we're soon moving on to "escaping from the torture dungeon" :D
I did a very rough outline that would put those 20k words as 1/4 but we all know it won't stay at 80k total, don't we.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Graphic depictions of violence.
Since I don't make anything off it, advertising isn't exactly my main job, but I seem to be rather unable to pull new readers in, no matter how many fancy posts and images I make with quotes and tropes and whatnot. So, in the end, I think most readers will read it because I wrote it and they liked other things I wrote - and I love them for it 💜 🥺
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
Think of a fucking title. Finish it by the end of the year. Afford 2-4 pieces of custom artwork. Find some readers? 🥺
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 3 months
For the Summertime Writers' ask game:
🦋 tell us about your current wip
🐥 here's some writing motivation!
I have two current WIPs:
One is an idea I had ages ago, but whipped into shape for (hopefully) that one August whump prompt event. Riordan really deserves to be fucked up a bit, so we're gonna strand him in the wilderness \:D/
I am 5 chapters into the preparations (as in, they're not prompt fills yet) with one more to go before we get to the prompts outline. Should be 12 chapters in total, to be posted in July and August (fingers crossed.)
The title for now is Fancy Boots vs Wild, and honestly, it's only for tumblr, might stay that way xD
The second on is, uhh 👉👈 This is the first time in ages that I do not even have a temporary title. Usually I at least have a dumb idea I save the document as (that sometimes stays), but this time, it's literally Untitled Dungeon Project.
I'm basically throwing a lot of things that have come across my dash as "we need more of this!!" into a pot, pour a bit of blood, despair and violence over it, and stir it until it becomes a happy end.
Some good old lady whump
A ⭐dungeon⭐ (it's been a while, ok)
Unhinged revenge murder spree
Disabled "caretaker"
I'm not sure that's morally gray anymore
Platonic relationship between the protagonists
At the moment, it's early in the blood, despair and violence phase.
It's a long phase.
*turns the writing motivation into a knife* Hey [character] where are you.
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 2 months
Sending hugs always!
⚘️ - Give me a snippet!
Please and thank you!
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
Whoops. Where did that week go. 10k later than anticipated, we're out of the torture dungeon! \o/
Under the cut for a very disgusting dead body that's very much not fresh.
The cause for her scream was unmistakably the dead body nestled in the layer of ivy on the ground. A body that, by the looks of it, had been dead for a while. The discolored fabric of his clothes was stretched tightly over his swollen torso, and scavengers had taken the eyes and torn off bits of skin, leaving chunks of exposed flesh crawling with maggots. 
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🃏 - wildcard! whoever sent you this gives you free rein to answer whichever prompt you want
Hehe this is a fun one I couldn’t resist
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
Haha, I feel like dragging Ross into this.
👪 - does your character have a good relationship with their family?
Current scene, basically:
Ross: Please tell me that's my sister's blood.
Irina, covered in said blood, nods.
Ross: Good.
So uh. Splendid 👍
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