#wip: alpha!kon and his supermom
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suzukiblu · 6 months ago
WIP excerpt for @miri-tiazan; alpha!Kon and his supermom. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
Clara smooths Kon’s hair back out of his eyes; peers down at his face. He doesn't know why she's bothering. He's not doing anything. He's just . . . here, kind of. 
And he's not someone she should even notice anyway, some distant part of him thinks. For–some reason. For some reason, Clara shouldn't notice him. Shouldn't . . . 
Clara croons soothingly, a note of concern slipping into her scent. Kon doesn't know why. Then he realizes someone somewhere’s making these weird little hitched, distressed noises, though, so it must be because of . . . whoever's doing that. 
He should let Clara go deal with that. She's Superwoman, so–so he should let her go deal with that. Or . . . or something. 
He doesn't wanna let her go, though. He doesn't wanna go back to not having this yet. He doesn't wanna . . . 
But he has to, or he's not good enough for her anyway. Not a good enough pup successor, or ally, or . . . 
The distressed noises get louder, so–so Kon has to let her go, even though the idea of actually letting her go makes him feel nauseous and unsafe and like something fucking awful's gonna happen. He–he has to. 
He tries to pull back from her and the noises get even more upset, and Clara–Clara tightens her grip on him, for some reason? But–but she can't do that, because he's being bad if he lets her do that, because he's not good enough for her if he lets her do that, because–because–
“Is that Kon?” Lois asks, sounding concerned. 
“Yes,” Clara says, tightening her arms around him again and sounding stressed and worried, because Kon’s being bad and being a disappointment and making her stressed and worried and keeping her from doing her job just like Cadmus made him to and just like–just like–
Someone . . . else made him to do that, didn't they? Not just Cadmus. Someone else made him to . . . 
“Kon,” Clara says, her voice tight with concern and the grip of her arms perfectly safe and horribly awful and absolutely inescapable. “It's alright, pup, you’re–” 
Kon bursts into tears and buries his face against her collarbone and clings to her, and Clara grips him even tighter in response. She’s stronger than anybody in the world and he’s never been anywhere safer and he’s bad. He's bad, he's so bad, he's not a pup or a person and he doesn't deserve any name Clara ever gave him and he's so bad and he’s–and he’s– 
He's just what Cadmus made him to be. He's just what–just what– 
Someone made him to be bad, and he is. 
Kon cries harder than he’s ever cried before, harder than he’s even cried over dead people, and Clara tries to croon and purr at him and it only makes it worse. She’s trying to be so nice to him but he doesn’t deserve it, he’s . . . he’s bad. He’s a bad, bad thing and Clara should never, ever have given him her crest or “Superboy” or “Kon-El” and . . . and he’s the worst thing he could possibly be, and he was made that way. 
That’s all he is, is the bad thing he was made to be.
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suzukiblu · 7 months ago
!!! Oh! Supermom please!!
He doesn't wanna talk. He doesn't wanna . . . “come up”, he thinks. Not yet. 
He doesn't remember why. He just . . . doesn't wanna. 
Not yet. 
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suzukiblu · 8 months ago
Alpha!Kon and Supermom!
“Starting to come up yet, or still nonverbal?” Lois asks. 
“Still nonverbal,” Clara says with a bothered little frown. Kon wonders what's bothering her. Definitely not that he's not talking, he knows, because he only ever says stupid stuff anyway. But he's not sure what’s doing the bothering, either.
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suzukiblu · 8 months ago
If you don’t have too many asks this round, can I double dip for Supermom pretty please? I just think wlw!Clark needs more love, and I am obsessed with Clark momming it up with her awkward teenage surprise baby
Clara keeps petting his hair, and Kon feels all soft and warm and content and a lot of things he usually isn’t, or at least usually isn’t all at once. She smells really good, milk-sweet and strong and steady as the foundation of the earth, and he feels–safe. Feels . . . 
He doesn't know how to describe how he feels, but it's something he usually only gets the barest flashes of when someone saves his ass in a fight or whatever. Like–like they weren't gonna let anyone hurt him. Ever. 
Like they'd care if he got hurt.
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suzukiblu · 8 months ago
Requesting supermom for wip Wednesday please! :D
Clara croons quietly down at him and keeps stroking his hair, and she's eight inches shorter than and half as broad as him at best and he's the alpha here and all he's really even good for is getting hit so someone else won’t, but he feels like he could disappear completely behind her and be perfectly, perfectly safe there, no matter what was after him. 
And like she might even let him do that, maybe, if he ever earned it.
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suzukiblu · 10 months ago
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[ image description: A messy colored digital sketch of a female omega version of Clark Kent in full Superwoman costume standing in front of a sunny Metropolis skyline. ]
Sketch of “Supermom”, as suggested by @miri-tiazan. Basic idea of how I’ve been picturing Clara so far while writing, though I possibly got a little carried away with her curls, haha.
IS there such a thing as too many curls, though . . . ??
( chrono || non-chrono )
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
Blink! Or stutter
"Hmmm," Lois says. "Sounds like a pretty deep drop, then."
"I definitely wouldn't be talking about my maternal feelings for Kon while he was feral if I thought he was actually hearing any of them," Clara admits. "That seems . . . unwise. And unfair."
"Maybe," Lois says. "Pretty sure you're gonna have to talk to him about them after this, though. I wasn't kidding about Twitter. The thing where you just very publically dropped in out of nowhere on the cranky and destructively feral nineteen year-old in pre-rut that everyone knows was genetically programmed to be a compatible mate for you while in pre-heat and then just took him up to the nearest convenient rooftop to nurse him is very literally trending right now. It is several kinds of trending, in fact."
"Of course it is," Clara groans, shaking her head as she makes a face. "For god's sake, what, people think I'd rut the kid on a roof in broad daylight while surrounded by cameras with telescopic lenses? Really?"
"Possibly it's more that they're hoping you would," Lois says dryly.
"I'd at least take him to my nest, Jesus," Clara grumbles, clearly disgruntled. "Even if I were actually a horrible enough person to take advantage of his programming that way, I'd have that much decency about it."
"Well, at least most of Metropolis knows that, but the world at large unfortunately does not," Lois says. "So yeah, honey, you're going to have to talk to Kon about those maternal feelings you've been having and about what he wants you to say when every single person in the world asks you to define your relationship with the three year-old clone based on your own DNA who looks like he fell out of a Playgirl centerfold and landed face-first in your S-shield."
"I suppose so," Clara sighs. "I just don't want to upset or embarrass him with any of this. Has there been any talk about him chirping?"
"Chirping?" Lois sounds surprised. "I haven't seen anything about that, no. When did he do that?"
"The moment he scented me," Clara says. "He stopped right in the middle of smashing up the block and just immediately chirped at me and–well, then he flew up and hugged me, actually. Like he was excited to see me, it seemed like. And then he started nuzzling my chest and chirped some more, and, well . . ."
"Oh," Lois says. "Yeah, no damn wonder you got milked up for the kid, then. Especially with your heat coming on."
"Pretty sure it was unavoidable, yeah," Clara says. "You should've seen his face light up when he saw me, it was unbearably adorable. I think the only thing that could get me to get milked up more efficiently than this situation did would be Kon or Jon just outright asking me to."
"Arguably, this was Kon asking you to," Lois says. "Chirping for you, hugging you, and nuzzling your chest? That isn't all that subtle a request, coming from someone who's currently nonverbal."
". . . oh," Clara says, blinking slowly. "Huh. Do you think so?"
"Honey, you've known the kid basically his entire life," Lois says. "Has he ever checked you out or made any kind of a move or even just smelled like he wanted to mount you? Ever?"
"No," Clara says, her voice a little slow now too. "He hasn't."
"Not even today, when he saw you while in feral drop and pre-rut?" Lois asks. "Not even a little?"
"It didn't even occur to me, to be honest," Clara murmurs. "That he might've reacted that way, I mean."
"Of course it didn't, you're his mom," Lois replies reasonably. "So who knows, maybe he'll be disappointed if you don't seal the deal on this adoption too."
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
Ask game: maternal
Kon purrs in contentment, and Clara strokes his hair again.
"There you go, kid," she says.
Her milk tastes so good. Kon's never actually had omega milk before–Cadmus didn't even feed him any during the accelerated aging process, according to his file–but Clara's is very, very sweet and reminds him of honey or melted ice cream or almond milk or maybe just something he can't quite place but has been absolutely desperately craving.
Might've been craving all his life, some distracted and distant part of him thinks.
Suddenly all the random weirdly-timed sugar binges he's gone on after hanging out around Clara make a whole lot more sense.
So yeah. Her milk tastes so, so good, and Kon wants as much of it as she's willing to give him.
"Is he okay?" Kara asks as she floats up beside them. Kon ignores her, because she doesn't smell as good as Clara and also just isn't Clara. Like–she's cool, yeah, but she's not Clara.
"I'm not sure what's going on," Clara replies, back to petting through his hair. "He doesn't seem to be injured or upset, but he's in full feral drop and he was tearing up the whole block right up until he scented me and then he just started chirping for attention instead."
"Huh," Kara says, tilting her head. "I'd say maybe hypnosis or mind control but like . . . who the hell would mind-control him into chirping at you until you got milked up for him? Like it's distracting and all, sure, but it doesn't seem very . . . supervillain? And also like, kind of a big leap of logic that it'd even work to begin with, I didn't even know you felt that way about Kon."
"It always seemed . . . awkward to mention," Clara says, sounding a little uncomfortable. "Considering what he was bioengineered for and what Cadmus tried to teach him to want from me. I assumed bringing it up would just embarrass him. And he's always been, well . . . he was already sixteen anyway, and so independent, and how many sixteen year-olds actually want a mom?"
"I wanted a mom when I was sixteen," Kara says. "On account of mine being, you know. Dead. And Kon's never had a mom at all."
". . . fair point," Clara mutters as she pulls her fingers through Kon's hair, sounding bothered. "But Cadmus still tried to make him want a certain kind of relationship with me, and he always seems to pull back when I try to reach out too much, and I just . . . maybe I should've just talked to the kid about how I feel about him sooner, I don't know. Or . . . well, at all."
"Maybe," Kara says. "Though I'm still pretty sure that there isn't a supervillain plan that hinges on you nursing the guy that you have complicated maternal feelings towards on a random roof in the middle of downtown, so . . ."
"Probably not, but could you go make sure the city isn't about to be destroyed anyway, just in case?" Clara asks.
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for @miri-tiazan; alpha!Kon and his supermom.
"I . . . just because he isn't attracted to me doesn't mean he thinks of me as any kind of a dam or wants to be in our family pack," Clara says with another sigh. "Even wanting to nurse from me doesn't mean that. I've never seen him feral before. He might react this way to any older omega he feels safe with when he's like this. Hell, just any older omega he knows." 
"Didn't you say it seemed like he'd never nursed before, though?" Lois reminds her pointedly. 
"Well . . . yes, but . . ." Clara trails off. Curls her fingers against Kon's scalp again. 
It still feels nice. 
And she still smells better than anything. 
"I'm not saying it's a definite, obviously," Lois says. "But maybe don't stress too much about how he's gonna react to your feelings about him either." 
“Maybe,” Clara says softly, scritching lightly at Kon’s scalp. He rumbles contentedly and leans into the contact, and she makes a quiet little noise and then . . . croons. Just a little. 
He’s never heard her do that before, but it sounds so nice. Makes him feel . . . makes him feel . . . 
He’s not sure what it makes him feel. 
But it sounds so, so nice. 
“Kon,” Clara says, her voice still more a croon than anything else, and Kon feels warm and heavy and good. Clara strokes his hair back off his forehead and keeps crooning senseless, sweet little sounds, and he melts against her. She can take his weight. It’s Clara. She could take the whole world’s weight. 
And she’s already holding him, so . . . so that means she doesn’t mind, right? 
Her pheromones smell so good, and her crooning is so nice, and her milk tastes . . . 
Kon really, really loves her. He doesn’t know why he ever goes anywhere Clara’s not. Like–why he ever leaves Metropolis, he means. That’s her territory, after all, and he wants to always be in her territory. It’s just–that’s the best place to be. 
It always has been, he’s pretty sure. 
“Well, Twitter has transitioned into arguing with itself about the decency of public nursing, especially with an already-presented unconfirmed packmate,” Lois observes. “Which is a step up from WGBS, which seems to think you’re an exhibitionist and has made some very pointed and borderline slanderous comments about feral people’s reduced capacity to consent, especially when on their cycles. And also some bigoted crap about clones’ capacity to even think, fuck Morgan Edge and his bullshit excuse for an opinion very much.” 
“Assholes,” Clara mutters, stroking Kon’s hair again. He feels even better. The uncomfortable burn of his rut is a vague, distant thing, and it doesn’t matter at all next to Clara’s warm pheromones and sweet milk and crooning voice. Even when she’s muttering disparaging things about "yellow journalism", which is what she’s currently doing while Lois stifles laughter. 
Kon doesn’t actually know what yellow journalism is, but he could listen to Clara complain about it all day, he’s pretty sure. 
He really does love her. 
That’s . . . something he doesn’t think about, usually, he’s vaguely aware. He’s . . . supposed to not think about it, he means. Because if he thought about it, or said it, it’d be . . . bad, he thinks. Or . . . something. 
But he’s supposed to do what feels natural, and right now nothing feels more natural than how much he loves her. She's–she's not his mom, but . . .
But he feels like he thinks he would, if she were. If she actually . . .
He thinks this is what that would feel like, anyway. 
Is it? 
“I’m going to write an editorial about that man and his damn show. I’m going to write two editorials about that man,” Clara finishes in a grumble, and Kon nuzzles into her stroking hand. He thinks she’s out of milk now, mostly, but he feels warm and full and good and doesn’t really mind. Not as long as she’s going to keep petting his hair and holding him like this. 
He thinks he could fall asleep right here in her lap and never feel better in his whole stupid life. Which–admittedly he hasn’t had that long of a life to be collecting “better” experiences in, but . . . yeah. Still. 
He really loves her. 
He knows he’s not allowed to say that, but he kinda wishes he were. 
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
ask game: reveal
(also sorry if I’m sending too many of these lol)
For the record there is no such thing as "too many of these", lol, you have nooooothing to be sorry for, friend, send away. ❤️
Usually Kon just doesn't mention the whole "genetically designed to fuck Superwoman" thing, since a) it's personally embarrassing for him and b) he's personally embarrassed for Cadmus. They were trying to make the ideal mate for Superwoman and they made him? Really? He was their best design for that?
That is so far past embarrassing that it's coming back around the other way.
When Kon's sixteen and not even "Kon" yet, that fact's just a casual mortification that he occasionally feels when he gets inadvertently reminded of the "education" uploads that were supposed to make him consider Superwoman the hottest piece of ass on the planet and also make him want to "keep her in line", but otherwise it's irrelevant to his life. Because, like–he's sixteen, and she's Superwoman. Even if he did want to bang her, there is literally no way in this or any reality that it would ever happen. Like, ever. The chance is so far less than zero that it is literally in the negatives.
Also, if Kon did want to bang Superwoman, he cannot imagine that ever making him want to keep her in line. Given his dating history, in fact, he's pretty sure he would've been cheering her on in literally every altercation she ever got into and actively advocating for her to throat-punch any implication of the line into the stratosphere. Like, that seems much likelier an outcome there.
Look, Kon has a type, and that type is "can kick my fucking ass and make me fucking like it". He is not ashamed of that fact in any way whatsoever.
So Kon gets older. Fills out, gets stronger; develops more Kryptonian powers and stronger TTK and better control of both. Gets a whole lot bigger than Superwoman, after a few very uncomfortable growth spurts, but still continues not to want to fuck her even after Kalura Jor-El gives him a real name and even after he meets Clara Kent and her demurely pleated skirts and geeky glasses and even after his first time seeing her rip open her neat little button-up to reveal the bright and bold "S" stretched tight over Superwoman's aesthetically perfect tits.
Like, Kon can acknowledge that Clara's goddamn gorgeous, whether she's wearing the "S" or the geeky glasses or even just beat-up farmgirl flannel. He's not blind or oblivious. Just he just genuinely has no interest in fucking her and honestly? Thinking about the idea of it kinda grosses him out. Cadmus was way too detailed in those education uploads that frequently function more like intrusive thoughts, though, so he figures pretty much anybody with his style of rebellious nature would feel similarly.
Anyway, a Kama Sutra's worth of creative ways to get a female omega off is not the worst thing anyone ever put in Kon's head.
Possibly the creepiest, but not the worst.
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suzukiblu · 8 months ago
I see SuperMom Clark and her Alpha son and I need to ask for it~
He'll . . . he'll have to go back to not having it later, Kon is vaguely aware, though he doesn't really remember why. Just–he knows he'll have to. But right now Clara's letting him have it, and right now it feels natural, so right now it's okay. Right now he's allowed to have it. Allowed to be here like this and not have to pretend like he doesn't want to be. Pretend like she's not his . . . like he doesn't . . .
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suzukiblu · 8 months ago
alpha!Kon and his supermom , please!
Clara’s definitely out of milk now, but it just feels good to stay settled on his side in her arms and half in her lap like this, his head resting against her chest; feels warm, steady, safe. Feels . . . natural. 
Feels like exactly what he's always, always wanted and couldn't ever have.
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suzukiblu · 8 months ago
Alpha!Kon and his supermom please! 🙏🙏🙏
Which is–dumb. He's a tank and a bruiser and he's supposed to get hurt. That's like, his whole stupid job, that he's the one to get hurt. He gets on the front lines and he gets between everybody else and the bad guy and he takes the hit, every time. He . . .
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
Context: alpha!Kon's been mind-controlled into feral drop and is currently both nonverbal and a little out of it.
Clara goes back to petting Kon's hair. He rumbles his contentment, then whines in disappointment when she breaks his slightly clumsy latch by hooking her thumb into the corner of his mouth. She guides him right to her other breast, though, so the disappointment doesn't last.
"You're pretty hungry, huh," Clara muses quietly, then murmurs even quieter, "Is it bad that I like that it seems like you haven't nursed from another dam? That seems . . . bad."
Kon doesn't see why that's bad. Though it's definitely for the best that Clara's done this before, because it's working a lot better following her lead. But he can't really think of anyone else he would've wanted to nurse from like this anyway, so . . .
He kind of has been wanting to do this for a while, hasn't he, some distant and distracted part of him realizes.
Like–a while, actually.
Is that why Clara's always smelled so good to him?
. . . huh.
Well. That might explain some things.
And be really, really embarrassing for Cadmus, because there is absolutely no way that they wanted the genetically compatible "ideal male alpha" mate that they custom-designed for Superwoman to take one look at her and immediately think of her as his mom. At least, not in a not-kinky way. The kinky way they might've been okay with.
. . . and Kon does think of Clara that way, doesn't he. As his . . . mom.
He feels a little . . . weird, suddenly, and isn't quite . . .
Clara pets Kon's hair again, and he forgets the weird feeling. He's doing what feels natural, just like he's supposed to, and Clara's fine with it. Nothing else is important right now.
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
Superboy meets Superwoman when he's arguably sixteen and doesn't want to fuck her, which is quite literally the least important thing happening in his life at the time.
Female omegas are the weakest sex, according to some very stupid assholes at Cadmus–seriously, fuck you, Westfield–so when they'd cloned Kon, they'd used a male alpha for his human genetic donor and based his sex characteristics on said donor instead of Superwoman–again, fuck you, Westfield. Or fuck you, Luthor, as it'd turned out. But like, same theory.
Frankly, Kon's lucky he didn't end up with like fourteen different kinds of dysphoria. And so is Cadmus, because he would absolutely not have forgiven them for making him have to put up with that shit.
But yeah, so the absolutely brilliant assholes at Cadmus had decided to go out of their way to make a genetically compatible mate for Superwoman when they'd been making their Superman, because Superwoman was in fact unstoppable and superheroes couldn't be trusted to stay dead. According to Kon's file, the theory had been that if she ever came back, a male alpha Kryptonian would keep her in line.
Kon still seriously wonders if a single one of his creators has ever once spoken to an omega or a woman or just literally any other sentient being they hadn't personally cooked up in a test tube. Like . . . ever. Even once. 
Just once. 
Apparently not.
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
Kon just doesn't think about what Clara actually is to him too often, he guesses. He knows he doesn't want to fuck her and he knows he doesn't think "compatible mate" when he catches her scent or she smiles at him or tells him he's done a good job at something, and he very much appreciates the way she's always been cool about not holding Cadmus's creepy stud-related job-stealing intentions against her stupid kind-of teenage kind-of clone, but that's about as far as he's ever let himself get. He knows there's not a real place for him in her life either way, and he's gone out of his way to avoid trying to find one because he doesn't want anyone to get, like, weird ideas about what he actually wants said place to be.
It's just kind of hard to point at someone that you were genetically designed to nail and say "that's who I wanna be when I grow up", in Kon's experience.
Not that he's never done that, just people usually laugh at him for it. Apparently a male alpha who's built like a Mack truck with a gym addiction wanting to be anything like a female omega is the funniest shit ever to some people, even when said female omega is very literally capable of bench-pressing both them and the entire tectonic plate that they're currently standing on.
And also probably the entire planet that they're currently standing on.
Some people are assholes, Kon is intimately aware. But it's whatever, he figures. It doesn't really matter.
He does wish he could be closer to Clara without having to worry about people getting the wrong idea about why he wants to be closer to Clara, but . . .
But it's whatever, he figures.
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