#winx casual outfit
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annetsumi · 10 months ago
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years ago
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I love drawing these kids over and over because they are so fashion tm!! Maybe I’ll do their fairy designs later
Unfiltered colours under cut
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awkwaamo · 1 year ago
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tigerqueen767 · 2 years ago
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Bloom and Stella.
These are my favourite casual outfits from the show. It makes me want to do cosplay.
I might draw better fanart of them tomorrow.
Man, I can't draw shoes to save my life...
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sekaiichi-happy · 1 year ago
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Winx Club | S1 Trix Casual Outfits
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winxwiki · 10 months ago
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"Gladis" Aisha prototype design at Napoli Comicon, photos by Winx Club Forever Italia
Translation for the notes:
Pink camo and other "Sweet" (sic) colors Gladis is a sporty and practical girl, so she always wears "practical" and resistant dresses, shoes and accessories, which don't have just an aesthetic value. Everything can come back useful for her: the scarf she has in her pocket behind... (text is cut)
It seems the explorer outfit was initially going to be Aisha's main casual outfit and she was gonna wear Pink and other pastel colors!
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elsa-fogen · 4 months ago
What's your favorite Icy moment?
Episode 10 season 2, moment where they're solving the puzzle to get the codex
Well, it's more like favorite moment for all the Trix, i guess, but especially Icy because she says "i love you" to Darcy, then threatens to fucking kill her lmao, DODGES THE ATTACKS, KILLS SKY, and solves the damn puzzle like a queen.
This is what pops in my head when i think of a "favorite Icy moment"
Tho before I rewatched, i'd say that it's season 3 episode 1. Actually, this is still iconic Icy moment and I love it just as much (can't say the same about the rest of season 3...)
Like. First of all, who was that genius that said, hmm yes, let's send ICE witch in the ICE prison, sure nothing can go wrong! Second, Icy is SLAYING. Her line after she frees herself... It still echoes in my head in russian, because that's how i first heard this moment. Then
Just look at her and look at Darcy and Stormy. SHE'S SLAYING AND HAVING FUN.
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ALSO I LOVE (and hate) moment from season 2 where she freezes Tecna second before she transforms. I love it because like SLAY, as you SHOULD, BUT I HATE IT BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. Like the winx always have fucking plot armor, and when they don't - this happens.
I actually love every moment of her being unhinged, and every moment of her using too much power for something that doesn't need THIS much effort. Like in episode 2 she was trying to blast the winx and burry them under the snow and like, half of Magix could see the light from it. Girl they are just freshments, you don't need to be so extra. Or in the next episode where she creates the damn iceberg to freeze Bloom (AND SHE MISSED this is funny and not offensive to her character because Bloom just got lucky) OR WHEN SHE FREEZES THE LAKE AND CREATES PILLAR OF ICE AS TALL AS FREAKING CLOUD TOWER IN THE FIGHT WITH BLOOM. Like. Yes. She's so damn powerful and doesn't afraid to show it. (Like Darcy and Stormy were exhausted much faster and they didn't use nearly as much magic as Icy) (season 3 did her dirty and i hate it. >:\) (season 3 lobotomized the trix, fuck this season) WELL EVEN IN SEASON 3 I REMEMBER ONE MOMENT where she was trying to find pixie village and was just FREEZING THE WHOLE FOREST? And when she's like getting mad and her power thickens in the air, like, how FAR can it go??
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She's so extra.
The second film. Every second of her being on screen. God damn i love this film, let me fill this post with screenshots from it (PLEASE GIVE ME THIS DAMN MOVIE IN 4K 😭😭) (Also WHY DIDN'T THEY KEEP THIS STYLE IN 3D. IF THEY DID I WOULDN'T DROP SEASON 5, I'D EVEN WATCH THE THIRD MOVIE, WHY WHY WHY...) (In the perfect world winx reboot has this style and it slays.)
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BTW fun fact about this moment. In russian we have 2 versions of "you" - singular ("ты"), which is used for casual talks like with friends and people you know very well; and plural ("вы"), which can also be used as singular for people you respect or don't know too well (your boss, older people and like that). using "ты" talking to someone older than you or someone you don't know counts as disrespect. So the fact is, in this scene Icy uses "вы" talking to the king. Idk why, i just think it's funny detail. She'll threaten his life and demand something, but with respect ✨✨
Her casual outfit is kinda shiny lol
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This is how you transform with style ✨
Also they have shield around them in this moment, smart move (i'm sure it's a shield) even if winx are too slow to use this moment to attack them
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(btw, i love how Darcy from a nerd turns into... this. if they were real there's like 60-70% chance that i fr wouldn't recognize her)
She got hit in the back, and had quick enough thinking to grab stella and drop her too, QUEEN
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Icy being extra once again
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She literally NEVER does this in actual series and i'm ANGRY. I hope the reboot will give us some more cool fights like in this film. Please. Don't fuck this up i'm begging you...
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I kinda love how her cape just. hangs behind her. or wraps around her. like an actual piece of fabric with certain weight.
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And i also love how her hair move too (but sometimes i'm like no WAY her hair stay behind her back I DON'T BELIEVE!) (i was trying to make such tail for myself and my hair fall on my face after EVERY slight tilt of my head) (but also my hair like 3 times shorter than hers, BUT STILL)
she wishes that it was bloom instead
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TOUCH. They really almost never touch each other, so every time it happens something inside me explodes with joy and happiness.
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She's so cute with this smile, she's literally said :>
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Icy to Darcy: Are you scared? Eng dub: Icy sounds like she's teasing Darcy Rus dub: Icy sounds almost like it was genuine question and concern
Also english voice for Icy in this movie is kinda annoying ngl, her russian voice is way better. And them reading the spell sounds more intimidating. Even if you don't know the language, just check out ru dub, Icy sounds MUCH better there (can't say for the rest of the voices tho... be careful with Darcy's, she sounds really different)
UWU AHHH SHE'S SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Icy: So sorry, we have to reschedule 😅 *grabs Erendor like a bag and flies away*
This moment made me laugh so much when i saw it for the first time, like, she sounds SO SILLY.
Btw HOW STRONG IS SHE? She holds an adult ass overweight man with one hand! He must be at least 100 kilos i think? damn girl. This is kinda scary.
Dropped a man to his death infront of his son with this silly innocent smile. A true icon. I really should make a video counting every time Icy attempts to kill someone.
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Icy protects not only herself, but her sisters too 🥲����
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season 3 WISHES it was just as good. She's deflecting Bloom's attack with one hand and attacks someone else with the other!
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Also, side note, damn, musa and flora really love attacking Stormy together :\ (deleted screenshots (to add more Icy screenshots HJjHJGFDFJ) of their attack on her from 2 different moments, flora ties her with vines and musa blasts. UNFAIR!)
WHY SO CUTE (my poor baby girl is scared 😭) (damn i LOVE her blue eyes AHHH she's so gorgeous)
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also i really think they messed up Liliss (almost wrote Lilith LOL) and Beladonna's places all over the film LMAO.
also, speaking of Icy moments
psychologist: Icy with pyrokinesis doesn't exist she can't hurt you Icy with pyrokinesis:
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WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS? She never did this before, never does it again, like WHAT? This always confuses me so much. Like ???? is it the dragon fire they stole from Bloom?? They still have it?? So many questions about these 5 seconds.
shit i used exactly 30 pictures in this post. Damn.
i DON'T KNOW WHERE ELSE TO PUT IT IN THE POST, SO I'M SAYING IT HERE! On rewatch i noticed that Icy has the least amount of verbal spells from the main cast (winx+trix). At least it feels tike it. Like, in season 1 i think she literally used only 3 verbal spells in 3rd episode. She's so good that she doesn't need to say her spells out loud most of the time! I'm gonna rewatch everything again, just to count every verbal and non-verbal use of magic by all of them. And then find ratio of verbal to non-verbal spells for each of them.
also side note, i was looking for Icy's spells, but noticed something else. when Bloom transformed, in english Icy says
That's an awfully cute little fairy outfit
Sounds neutral and sarcastic. BUT IN RUSSIAN DUB IT'S SOMEHOW SOUNDS REALLY FUCKING GAY! i'll try to adapt it for you...
You have a very pretty fairy outfit
???????????????? WHY??????????????????
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alexfierroaf · 6 months ago
Guys I noticed a FANTASTIC detail that has me in high hope for the wind reboot
Look at Musa's casual outfit:
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It's subtle, but notice the area around her waist. See the skin showing between her leotard and her pants and how visually similar it is to the whale tail in her og look? It's such a clever homage to the flagship season of the show while still creating a new identity for itself. They had absolutely no obligation to reference such a small detail in her design, but the fact that they chose this design element in particular stands out to me because of what it represents for Winx Club and it's history.
When the series originally aired, a lot of parents were mad about the amount of skin the girls showed, and Musa's whale tail in particular caught a lot of flack because, well, it's visible underwear in a show intended for young people. Of course that kind of thing is going to be controversial. So intentionally recreating that style shows they're a) standing by what made the original seasons so great, b) showing us that they remember and value the culture surrounding the show at the time (literally 20 years ago) and are hopefully going to take that into account when deciding which direction they're going to take the reboot and c) taking criticisms of that original run to heart as an intended improvement on the source material. Taking something iconic, understanding it, and running with it.
And they kept her a tomboy too!!!! For those who haven't been following Winx in recent years, Musa and Tecna's fashion senses have both become much more feminine as a result of putting the girls in matching outfits all the time. It feels SO good to see Musa's personality showing through her clothes again -- and that's something I can say for all of them (especially Bloom in that animation test). I love her music-note-looking M on her shirt and her purple fishnet glove. Honestly, there are very few things about their new designs that I don't like. And there are so many fun details and choices and looks to gush over! I'm officially hopeful that this reboot is going to be great.
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daniwolf9005 · 1 year ago
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Sorry this came so late- but Merry Christmas @part-time-pixie !! I was your secret Santa for the @mlsecretsanta 2023 event! This piece went through a lot of complications because I was so unsure about a lot of things! Let me run down the process!
I knew it had to be your AU since that’s a lot more personal and I myself am a big fan of personalized stuff! So I actually never knew anything about Winx before this so I researched- about 6 episodes for context of the fairy and specialist relations- so that’s one reason why the startup was slow but then!! I needed to figure out a setting- originally I was going with Magix City- but the color palette was more green and I wanted a more warm palette- but for the life of me I couldn’t find a place that screamed romance- eventually I gave in and just looked up “date in Winx” or something like that- and boom!! This place showed up- so heavy inspiration of the setting from this screen shot (lots of details were forgotten waaah-)
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And then it was little things- from my research I realized they only transformed when battling so I needed a casual outfit (note for some reason I forgot to apply this logic to Luka’s fit I’m sorry 😭) for Adrien that wasn’t his powered up form for a casual setting- I ended up just asking- and I hope that didn’t clue you in but nonetheless I hope it was still somewhat a surprise! I’m so glad I did though because at that point I could finally finish the sketch- which was around the end of December so I was stuck on that for a while 😭
I finished the line art and coloring in a rush and man you can tell ;v; I went through a lot in coloring stage- I tried finishing this piece during a family outing and my markers (about 80+) fell out of their holders and went everywhere- also learned coloring over my white pen did not in fact keep it solid and the white began to get washed away from the marker on top, revealing the line art I messed up on beneath- one of the things that made me glad I was late is when you made this piece and I realized his gem clasp was teal- I was gonna make it yellow since that was the last red fountain specialist color not used and I assumed he’d just take it lmao! Though in short I went through all the stages of grief when doing the coloring ;v;
All to say though I hope despite all the flaws you still like it! I was really happy with this around the line art stage and even now- I’m just harsh on my own work but this is actually the biggest piece in my art book (I’ve been working on this book since Summer 2022!) so I suppose that is to say I’m glad I was able to try something new with this one!
(Also small note but I realized the quality turned out really fuzzy on here- if you want @part-time-pixie I can send a zip file to you in dms?)
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cyandreamz · 1 month ago
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✦Drawing my fave winx girls ✦
(close up pics under the cut)
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Over the past week I've been slowly getting back into drawing/making art, as I had to take a break due to life stuff and, a few days ago I really wanted to draw something that wasn't just an art study or rough oc sketches, so decided to do winx club fanart cuz it's been years since I've draw fanart for winx club!
I specifically drew my 3 fave girls (though Tecna is my top fave) and gave them all casual outfits heavily inspired by their styles in season 1-3 :D. I enjoyed drawing these characters a lot and, would like to draw more winx club fanart in the future, but idk when I will, especially since I also like to draw fanart for other things as well as non-fanart stuff :3 as well as enjoying other creative hobbies such as zine and kandi making (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
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teddyccino · 8 months ago
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winx girlies in their casual outfits, unfinished collection. someday I'll get to the others
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annetsumi · 9 months ago
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choco-bloop · 10 months ago
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This took way longer than I wanted to but the casual outfits for the other three Hermitgals for my hc Winx au are done :)
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bugbachelor · 2 months ago
I add that there is a very common mistake of believing that the Trix are gothic. The Trix are not gothic, there is nothing like that that says that.
extremely true actually, thanks for the addition! they just are nawt. whatsoever
they do all have a surprisingly well telegraphed style considering they only get one casual outfit for them
Darcy dresses pretty casual except that her look is ripped right from the late 60s-70s. Icy's look is very put together and preppy. and Stormy has that flowy party girl look going
honestly i wouldn't call the general witch fashion in the show very goth either. (i tend to call them wannabe goth sometimes for laughs but they really aren't. at least not in a general sense)
they're alternative. maybe some mild baby goth vibes here and there. ripping these pics straight from my last rb where i talked more about witch fashion:
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like yeah, there's definitely an alt tendency here. some actually looking more punk, some a bit goth. more prominent side characters like Lucy and Mirta also fit that bill really well, even bringing some actual blacks to the table which is very rare in the show
the thing is i'm not even sure i would even call the Trix all that alternative in their civilian style. they have super normal looks, not that different from the winx even. only really standing out by the three of them going with more monochrome colours (potentially a group decision). which makes something like Stella commenting on the Trix's appearance a bit hypocritical because they don't even dress that differently to the winx. Stella could easily pull some of their outfits off no problem (if she changed the colour, some of those do not work for her)
i think for the Trix it's really just the witch transformations that throw people off. where you get the super empathized dark eyeshadow and skin tight body suit look with arm warmers/gloves and boots. that's definitely the edgy look people have in their head when they think of the Trix
because the show doesn't care to elaborate much about witches we don't even know if witch transformations work similar to the fairies' or if they have any influence over the look. but the every day outfits where we know for a fact that Trix have to chose for themselves don't reflect that edgy vibe At All
you have much brighter colours, regular clothes, not even super adventurous or alt cuts, and a very moderate amount of makeup with very light eyeshadow and lipstick (super standard for the show, also what the winx do)
and we also know they don't just wear them to be more unassuming or something. they're still rocking their regular comfort style even when hiding out with Valtor and so on. that's just their actual preferred style
they just do not have that gothic look, barely even alt. not to say they don't have very cohesive personal styles. again, they do. they're just not as hardcore as they portray themselves personality wise. their bad girl persona just works so well they're even fooling the fandom into thinking they're dark and edgy when it comes to fashion
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winxwannabe · 10 months ago
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So Bloom's reboot outfits made me so mad I did mini fashion study on what I think a 2020's, California-raised, respectable denim queen Bloom Peters would wear, pulling from Y2K style and Winx Club itself. iPhone quality, sketches not cleaned up, etc. Further notes/ramblings under the cut!
Going left to right:
Denim Dress -> Heavy inspiration from Bloom's S4 Band outfit. Girl needs to wear black more. Cute little bow because she's being Formal, and bits of pink with the socks and the word 'love' on her shirt.
Denim Skirt -> How do you make leg warmers look good on Bloom? Step 1 is not making them out of denim. Step 2 is referencing Bloom's casual partywear from Season 1 and this Pacsun model photo. Other notes not drawn in detail: Bloom wearing some gold necklaces, including one with the classic winx wings, and her crewneck saying 'Gardenia California 2004' as a nod to the OG release.
Denim Pants -> We're stealing everything from Classic Bloom with subtle updates. Turning the classic white and blue striped sweater into a tee with thinner lines. Updated flare jeans and of course the return of the yellow platform sandals. Some may stand for their erasure, but I don't. Also some bracelets and a ponytail in reference to the Reboot leaks (!!) because there are good ideas there, they're just executed poorly.
Denim Shorts -> Bloom's cropped hoodie is a reference to comic #17 The Ghost of Balmoral, but with a heart because Pink and Heart Motif. Fun fact if you don't own a pair of worn denim shorts you can't live in California (that's why I had to leave).
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sekaiichi-happy · 1 year ago
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Winx Club | S1 Casual Outfits
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