laetationis · 11 years
Although Alibaba forgot to mention to Elsa that he can also manipulate an element and that is flames.
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winter-s-elsa started following you
The fanalis looked at the blond haired woman in the beautiful white dress. "Are you lost miss?" she asked the other
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laetationis · 11 years
" It was your first time seeing snow , then? " *curious elsa
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"It was everyone’s first time actually.Here it never snows nor rains.The only thing close to cold is the chilly nights we get but that’s about it."
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laetationis · 11 years
*passes by, leaving a trace of snow along...*
He was fascinated by such ability but feeling a chill run down his spine his arms automatically wrapped themselves around him to keep warm.The only time he felt them was during night not daytime in this country.
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