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Magi ↳ Aladdin
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last year sketches. Oh gad i love this anime so much  _(:3
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» icebreaker meme
Put a sentence in my ask to see how my muse responds. Feel free to add some to the list!
❝ Hello! ❞
❝ Oh! Sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you! ❞
❝ Hey, uh, do you happen to know where a diner is? I’m lost and hungry. ❞
❝ You new in town? You have that ‘lost puppy’ look. ❞
❝ How are you doing today? ❞
❝ Whoa, that’s a really cool jacket/dress/shirt! Where’d you get it? ❞
❝ So, my friend and I can’t choose who wins. I need your opinion. Who would win in a fight, cavemen or astronauts? ❞
❝ I like your beard. ❞
❝ So… about Madonna… how old is too old? ❞
❝ Is the line always this long at this coffee shop? ❞
❝ Did you know… -insert random fact your muse would say here- ❞
❝ Do you know where the nearest coffee house is? I’m in desperate need of a pick me up. ❞
❝ On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely would me landing a date with you be… ❞
❝ Can I buy you a drink? ❞
❝ Mind if I join you? ❞
❝ I know it’s super weird to approach strangers, but I think I’d disappoint myself if I didn’t at least say hello while I had the chance. ❞
❝ You know that look indoor cats get when they finally escape the house, then immediately regret it? That look is written all over you face right now… You okay? ❞
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injured memes
“ oh my god what happened? ”
“ you’re bleeding! why are you bleeding? ”
“ who did this to you? ”
“ that’s… a lot of blood ”
“ i think… it’s broken ”
“ can you move? does it hurt? ”
“ we need to get you to a hospital ”
“ what are you talking about? this is not just a scratch ”
“ it’s just a scratch ”
“ it’s nothing, i’m totally fine ”
“ that’s not supposed to bend that way ”
“ what the hell did you do? ”
“ don’t you pass out on me ”
“ i’m just so tired ”
“ hey, whoa, you alright there? ”
“ i just need to sit down for a minute ”
“ let me carry you ”
“ it won’t stop bleeding! ”
“ you’re gonna be just fine, i promise ”
“ hey! i said stay awake! ”
“ tell me what hurts ”
“ does it hurt when i do this? ”
“ ow! that hurts! ”
“ i’m fine, i can walk, just give me a minute ”
“ it was an accident ”
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♥ Beautiful Fanalis ♥ | Morgiana | Happy Birthday to my wonderful Olivia! ♥  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*
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Female Awesome Meme: [3/5] Female Characters From Shounen ↳ Morgiana (Magi)
“My legs… my body… more than anyone else… more than anything else. They’re faster, sharper and stronger! I’m a Fanalis. Conquerors of the Dark Continent, the most powerful warrior tribe of all.”
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Reblog if your inbox is always open for plotting new RPs!
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Originally posted by koastudio
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Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic ⇨ Morgiana
Happy Birthday Olivia!
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Send “⁉️” to start a tickle fight with my muse.
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Why don't you wear shoes Morg? o3o
“Well... I honestly like walking on bare feet better... shoes seem... uncomfertable”
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Happy Birthday Olivia ♡
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Sorta back from the dead I guess? :’D
I missed everyone, how are you all doing?
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Ohtaka’s Backstage vol.212:
“The picture is the cover of volume 21 that will be out on April.
I hope you enjoy reading Magi this week. This week from the latter half of the chapter we’ll be briefly entering the Alma Toran story for real. Just as planned, Magi will be reaching a turning point and before long, I must start preparing for how the story is going to end. As the story progresses, some of the existing characters are probably going to die and it will pain me to draw that. Until the end, I’ll do my best.”
Back when Koumei was shot and Yamato bragged about how his ability was an instant kill, I thought Koumei’s picture that came along with this backstage was a foreshadowing. Thankfully, he made it out alive.
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もう、俺の後ろを歩く必要は無いんだよ by 常に体調不良 on pixiv
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Hey guys, it has been a while, since I've last posted something but I have an annoucement!
I am holding a contest on Deviantart (Da) for 2 months now, but I'd like to see what Tumblr has to offer for me.
So hereby hope those who have Da come and see my contest and enter, because there are some good prices to win.
Such as: Full body drawings, half body and chibi’s depending on which place you will end (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
The contest is about this mun’s fancharacter Yasmin. And is a design contest.I would like you guys to think of a fancy design for Yasmin. The idea is you design her in an Alma Toran outfit that is tribal inspired, also think of a new staff for her that fits the setting of Alma Toran. Try and make it fancy and grand like Sheba at some point.
I am extending the contest by a month, if you have time or like to do contest for fun please come and join thee contest~
See you all soon~  
From your dear YasminMor mun
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