#winterfes 2k24
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animasend · 3 months ago
"No, NJ, you can't be the star on top of the tree. "unless she had a tiny, ornament sized replica of herself, it just wouldn't work. even if the tree that was picked was quite large and full in size, she doubted that the thin tip would be able to withstand the other perched atop it. no, she's pretty sure it would bend over sadly, leaving the decorated tree with a noticable slouch to it and that wasn't the goal here.
but as she's untangling some silver-colored garland to wrap around the lower base, there's a shuffling of branches. glancing up, she spots NJ out on a limb (quite literally) that stretched out towards the top of the tree they were decorating.
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" If you get stuck up there, I am not helping you down." her floating and flight services don't come free.
@indomitableblackdragon -- TERRES-TREE-AL DECORATING
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forgottendevil · 1 month ago
" Had you mentioned that there'd be shaved ice I would have shown up sooner." not that the frozen treat was her favorite of all time, but she had a fondness for ice-cream and the like whenever winter was around. the same could be said for summertime and soups but that wasn't important right now.
despite her comment, Cecilia doesn't take any shaved ice for herself. instead, she continues to follow Django's lead, her arm wrapped loosely around his as he guides them deeper into the crystal funhouse. soon, the sound of chatter from the more occupied rooms falls to almost a whisper.
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" So, where are we going? You refused to tell me on the way over here but now that we're here, come on, spit it out."
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solspectre · 2 months ago
the sigh that comes from between clenched teeth is both annoyed and terse. eyes close as she brings a hand up to brush back messy bangs, eyes narrowing at the machine as Snow tries to offer some encouraging advice. it helps– a fraction, truthfully– and she exhales deeply and slowly, opting to tap her foot against the floor as her hands press the touch-screen once more.
" I could use these things to hang up as Halloween decorations." they would probably make some small little kid cry, too. Shepard just knows Wrex would be laughing his ass off if he was here, watching her fail again and again to design a cookie. she has a newfound respect for bakers who do this by hand�� if a machine can mess up this badly, then what a person could do must take considerable skill.
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" There's not many simple ways to turn aliens into cookie designs, Snow." another press of the screen and it scraps the work in progress, putting forth a fresh cookie to be decorated. simple, simple, simple.... " Okay, what about..." she murmurs the rest to herself, inputing the options and watching as the machine starts to decorate what was supposed to be Liara.
Snow would've much preferred to just shape and bake the cookies herself, still intimidated by the modern machinery in this city... But the machine in question was absolutely fascinating to watch if nothing else, once she had figured it out. " Oh dear- "
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The princess leaned over to peak at Shepard's discarded attempts. " Oh, I'm sure they're not- ... Hm. " She didn't want to lie and say they were good. Charming? Maybe, in their own way ! The good old ' if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing ' rang in her head like holiday bells... With pursed lips and hands clasped behind her back, Snow took a few steps the commander's way.
" Well that's certainly not going to get it working any better ! Maybe this one is just, finicky ? Perhaps you could try with something a little more simple ! "
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animasend · 3 months ago
" What do you mean it's too big?"
human festivities was something she hardly participated in, finding that the best way to avoid making a fool of herself to be to stay far away. but she couldn't avoid that forever and better to try than do nothing at all, for not even a god is immune to curiosity. out of everything, making a snowman seemed easiest enough.
.....well, on paper it did.
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diamond pupils narrow at Kratos before glancing at what was to be the base of snowman, which hovered a few feet off the ground (thanks to her). it didn't seem too big– surely the right proportions for a strong and sturdy base......for a giant statue, maybe.
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solspectre · 2 months ago
" Uh-huh. Sure, if you say so." it's obvious how she doesn't buy it for a second but with little to no evidence to go on– or even a proper clue– she has no choice but to let it go. it doesn't bother her in the slightest though. work oriented as she could be, shepard knows when to focus on simply having a good time.
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" So, is this some sort of game? Try to spot the ice-sculpture that looks like a rachni before the clock strikes twelve or something?" she snorts at her own joke as they walk along, glancing between the various sculptures that dot the crystal building past the snacks.
" hm. " finishing up his own, garrus ponders the empty cup for a moment; he can't help but wonder where humans got the idea to shave some ice and pour some flavoured syrup on top for consumption. he'd never thought of ice as particularly appetizing--- more of a tripping hazard, really.
still, no matter what he thought of it, it was worth the time and money it took to will away the headaches just to see her enjoy herself for once.
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" who, me? planning something? no idea what you're talking about. " he dismisses her suspicions with a sly lilt to his tone, disposing of their trash before returning to her side, " maybe i just like the company. "
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sanpatron · 1 month ago
" Oh? So you're one of those types, eh? " he says with a laugh. " I'm the same way, actually. Don't really care what season it is, you can't go wrong with something sweet and cold. " His mind begins to recall a memory from long ago; one where his friends gave him such a look of confusion as he happily ate an ice cream sandwich in 35 degree weather. Something which he would absolutely do right now if he wasn't so focused on taking Cecilia somewhere special.
Maybe he'll treat her out later on.
" Well, I guess now's a good a time as any to fess up. " Replacing the sound of people enjoying their time within the funhouse was the soft and sweet melody of chimes echoing throughout its halls. Django always found it a bit eerie given how they seemed to playing from thin air. But something deep inside—call it a gut feeling if you will—told him that it was all okay. They were simply a guiding hand.
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" I had such a good time at Ritsky's party that I thought, maybe it'd be nice to.. you know, dance again? " One would imagine that more people would have gone to make use of this ballroom. But it seems as if they had lucked out and found the place all to themselves, which suddenly made things a touch more intimate. Aw, look at him try to be romantic.
" Had you mentioned that there'd be shaved ice I would have shown up sooner." not that the frozen treat was her favorite of all time, but she had a fondness for ice-cream and the like whenever winter was around. the same could be said for summertime and soups but that wasn't important right now.
despite her comment, Cecilia doesn't take any shaved ice for herself. instead, she continues to follow Django's lead, her arm wrapped loosely around his as he guides them deeper into the crystal funhouse. soon, the sound of chatter from the more occupied rooms falls to almost a whisper.
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" So, where are we going? You refused to tell me on the way over here but now that we're here, come on, spit it out."
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