#winston duke x amina jakande
lady-olive-oil · 6 years
Let’s Put it to a Vote
Should I revamp my Winston Duke x Amina Jakande story, Distraction??
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
Thinking of picking Distraction back up. After reading Bad! M’Baku from @muse-of-mbaku man I gotta get back in the game. Adulting is hard!
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
Ladies and Germs! I’m so sorry to keep you all waiting, on my writings. It’s been hectic lately with life and all that jazz. Currently I’m doing Kpop stuff and such but! I finally found Chapter 3 of Distraction and i forgot to link it in. so it’s here and updated. THANKS FOR STICKING WITH ME.
Tag Squad: [let me know if ya wanna be in the tag squad]
@gottafindyou54 | @cool-snowball-22-blog | @wakandaforeverwrites | @itsmegarabitch | @itsbrittbrattt | @champagnesugamama | @curbedcharybdis | @bae-kage
Winston Duke/M’Baku Reading List (update)
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
I have chapter 3 up for Distraction, I just never linked it. But chapter 4 is leaving me blank. Ever since my break up, I’ve lost creativity and my drive. Hopefully I can bring it back or just start over with a straight Black Panther story. Like T’Challa x OC story. I’m better at those. We’ll see how it goes tbh.
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
Alright!!!! Here are my girls for each story. Amina is Winston’s best friend, Nalah is Chadwick’s wife and Johari is Michael’s on again/off again girlfriend. Now with HBCU’s in mind, which soro do y’all see the girls being in? @thenapturalone (she wanted me to tag her real quick so she could help😂)
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lady-olive-oil · 7 years
Distraction Ch.1
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Chapter 1
A/N: AYE!!!!!! Here we go ya’ll, here we go! its a longer than i anticipated for the first chapter but it’s something. The title has been changed, mainly because i love Kehlani but still has the vibes of the last title I had. Each chapter will have a different picture, either both of them together or one of each for the characters in their point of view. I have a tag list squad, so if you’d like to be in it, let me know. Alright here we go!
Word count: 1,631
Words in Swahili: Kubeba [bear], Ni habari gani [whats the news?]
Song: Legend Has It by Run The Jewels
{Back to Winston Duke/M’Baku List}
Tag Squad: @itsmegarabitch || @curbedcharybdis [if i forgot your name let me know!!!
-Amina’s POV-
Another day, another dollar. No time for slacking, no time for errors. You can take the girl out of the fashion world, but you can’t take the fashion out of the girl. Being a fashion designer, there was never a dull moment. Just like being the owner of your own boutique. You heard that right, I own The Jungle Boutique, Manhattan. Not too far from where I live, which is Brooklyn. With fashion week being over, I managed to get some random sketches done for fun, whenever I have free time. I do have a little following going on, which isn’t too bad if I do say so myself. WiI had my black Beats headphones in my ears, shielding the world around me, as I sketched a few designs in my book. Bobbing my head to the music, getting a feel of the rhythm of the graphite strokes on the paper. The prismacolors molded against the intricate lines, shaping the garments effortlessly as i went on.
“Amina.” the faint noise of something or someone wasn’t very far.
“Hear what I say, we are the business today, Fuck shit is finished today RT & J, we the new PB & J We dropped a classic today. We did a tablet of acid today, Did joints with the masses and ashes away SKRRRT! We dash away, Donner and Dixon, the pistol is blastin’ away”
“Amina.” there voice spoke again, in the distance that spoke calmly and easily.
“Doctors of death, Curing our patients of breath. We oughta pay you the trust, Crooked at work Cookin’ up curses and slurs Smokin’ my brain into mush. I became famous for blamin’ you fucks Maimin’ my way through the brush. There is no training or taming of me and my bruh, Look like a man, but I’m animal raw”
“Amina!” The voice yelled this time as i kept on sketching, nodding my head to Legend Has It by Run The Jewels. That was until my right earbud was yanked out my ear, forcing me to draw my elbow back, and send an angry glare at the culprit at hand. Yet i was caught, looking up at a very amused Winston.
“Winston! You know damn well you can’t just yank someone’s headphones out!” My thick and heavy accent had shone through, like many times before when I was either tired or distraught. His laughter was something else. Laughing at my pain in the process, one of his hands rested on my shoulder while holding his stomach with the other.
“Oh come on Mimi. It was just a friendly little getsure, don’t take it to heart. Plus, your receptionist Janice, let me up before she left to switch with some guy named Jonah.” There goes that nickname. It never left the 4th grade. He tried to calm his laughter but it was to no avail, sadly enough. Janice and Jonah, my receptionists and old college friends, never ceased to amaze me. Lord knows i’ll have a fille day with them two asking me questions tomorrow.
With a roll of my sweet chocolate brown eyes, closing my book in the process and leaning back in my chair, I gave him a look. Why was he here exactly? Not that I didn’t mind at all, it was nice to see an old friend, especially him. He was the best friend anyone could possibly ask for in any crises. That’s why I called him bear, when we were kids. Now he’s this big star doing extraordinary things with his career, that makes me proud to be from Brooklyn. Making it seems like anything was possible, and that it can be done.
“OK, i have to ask. Why are you here kubeba? Shouldn’t you be at auditions?” I asked him curiously as i watched him pace around the room with excitement, something must be good.
“Well bunny, kind of. You ready for it?”
What was this boy up to? Whatever it was, it must’ve been a good thing to  make him so giddy.
“As I’ll ever be, oh great one. Release your good news upon the village people.” The look on his face was priceless when it was my turn to laugh. It was do deadpanned that even roadkill was jealous, yet he joined in. Doubling over this time, I clutched my stomach and caught my breath.
He was always a tough one to crack, when it came to jokes. I got him to laugh every time, regardless if it was bad or not. I’d like to see one of his little girlfriends do that, without being all up on him like a starfish. You could say I’m a little protective over the women he chooses to date. OK maybe not a little but you get my drift. None of them liked me anyway, because he’d always ask me to check them out for him, or help to get rid of them like that one movie What’s Your Number. Yeah it never ended well for him or I to be honest. They’d all think i was his girl in the end, and that was not the case by any means. Many a times I have thought about being with him, but then I’d think about our friendship in the end. In school I’d be the one getting picked on because of how darkly pigmented my skin was, different from my brothers. Being Afro-Latina in my way, was a gift as my mother would say. Yes i’ve grown into my head and my body curved itself out but what can you do? Plus, i grew my hair out more and it’s literally larger than life. Snapping back into reality, I grabbed his hand that was waving in my face.
“Earth to madame Jakande. You ok?” His concerned voice was soft and gentle, yet worried.
“Yeah. yeah I’m fine. Just uh, daydreaming again. So uh what’s this grandiose news you have for me, ye old one?” I had to get my mind back in the right state of mind, so i gathered my belongings and headed for the elevator for the day.
“I am older than you, yes, so respect your elders.” He poked my side and caused me to yelp, as he followed in tow.
“You’re only older than me by 10 days, ya goofball. Anyway, ni habari gani?” the anticipation was killing me as to what he had in store, as we both descended down the elevator down to the main floor. Manhattan was always busy, no matter what time of day it was. It was however, currently noon on a brisk Sunday afternoon.
“Well since you spoke in Swahili, it is one of the many languages my character in The Black Panther knows. In fact, I’m also the leader of a tribe.” He smiled brightly at me with soft chuckle. At that moment i stopped us both in front of my boutique store front window, giving him a shocked look with a huge grin.
I gave him a once over one good time before saying anything. He had told me that he had gotten a huge role in a movie that would break possible barriers but never told me what it was. I even looked all over the internet and found nothing despite my search. I grew up reading comic books at a young age, because of my parents and older brother, so i knew a little bit. Once he said Black Panther, I had to think for a bit and then I got it.
“Wait, wait. You’re a huge guy so I can only think of one character for you to be. The great M’Baku, leader of the Jabari tribe!” i squealed way too loud as I gave him a congratulatory hug on his huge accomplishment. His strong arms enveloped me in return, laughing himself.
“Someone knows their stuff! Look at you nzuri! Listen as great gesture for being my right hand girl, how about we do lunch? I pay, you pick the place” Releasing himself from our heart warming embrace, he looked at me with hopeful eyes. Damn him for being 6’4.
“Ugh, deal. You drive a hard bargain, oh great leader. I wonder how your girl, Ashanti is gonna take this.” with a sweet wink and a chuckle, we walked side by side towards Del Posto, to discuss his future.
“About her, we broke up actually. Because she got tired of me working more hours.” The look of defeat fell upon his chiseled features as he explained it, but a smile bounced back.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Winston. Listen, you need to stop serial dating and look for a woman to settle down with, you know? You’re in your early 30’s, I think it’s time.” He rolled his eyes at me this time and smiled graciously, as I let out a sweet laugh. If only he knew.
“Yeah, yeah. When the time is right, I will. Now let’s eat and discuss my wardrobe for this premier. You are styling me right?” He offered me his hand to do the Wakandan salute that I know from the trailers, and we both did it.
“Oh hell yeah. You know i am. What kind of friend would i be if i didn’t use skills for good instead of evil?” walking inside the restaurant, we were greeted by an aroma of multiple things and sat at our usual table by the window.
“To us. Two best friends, living their dreams in the city and conquering everything. But, not losing sight of themselves.” he made a little speech before we clinked our wine glasses together.
Oh yeah, this was going to be an interesting year for him, and also me as well.
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
Imagine Winston and Amina in college though. Like ugh😭
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
Ok so ladies and germs! In chapter 3 and 4 of Distraction, I want to know if it’s too early to have them do the dirty? I know want the moment to be special for them in its entirety. Maybe I can do a little something in 3, bring it up to speed in 4 and go for it in 5. Being creative here and such. I can also do it to where I can make Instagram and Twitter posts of them both, with the social dummy app, and give each other subtle hints. I’m very proud of this story so far and I love you all so much for being apart of this. Stay tuned!💋✌🏾❤️
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lady-olive-oil · 7 years
Winston Duke Imagine #1
Note: Amina is still his best friend here
Imagine Winston being upset about something and he’s in complete funk. There’s no way to get him out of this funk. It went from being stressed out over work; to over powering press junkets, yet he loves his job. But sometimes it can be overwhelming. So one day, Amina comes over and spends the day with him. Takes it upon herself to sit on his lap, covers his face in kisses and says “what troubles you great gorilla?” In her best Nigerian accent. The smile grows on his face as he hugs her close to him. “Nothing now, since you made it better.” This makes her happy because she loves his smile more than anything but can’t let him know that yet. “You know what I think about, every time when I know I’m feeling down?” She asks him as they head to the kitchen for her to make margaritas. “What’s that, sunflower?” It was her turn to smile and giggle. “That I’m fighting society standards of beauty, everyday. While making a difference in people’s lives. I’m making an impact for girls and boys like me.” Holding his hand, she smiled softly at her best friend. “Just like you.” And with that he kissed her hand, and all his troubles went away. Just by looking at her.
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lady-olive-oil · 7 years
Who wants to be tagged in my Winston Duke Story, Distraction?
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lady-olive-oil · 7 years
M’Baku Drabble/Imagine #1 (ish)
A/N: (Valkyrie voice) here we go
Curves. The one thing a hot blooded male like M’Baku couldn’t resist. His eyes traveled the sensual lines of her body in a way, that seemed like he was viewing an irreplaceable art piece if he had broke it. He loves the fact that her dark complexion shined with all the neutral colors around her, with the white snow. He thought the cold would mess with Amina, but she didn’t care. With all the extra body heat she had, she loved the cold. Embraced it. Even the snow looked elegant in her hair as she helped the people of the Jabari tribe in the mountains. Her afro matched her personality to a ‘T’.
Big, boisterous and full of life. When Amina had mentioned that her parents wanted to meet him, in Harlem, he was worried with how they’d perceive him. “What troubles you beloved?” Her soft voice took him out of his deep thoughts, turning towards her with a soft smile, that only she could put there. With a gentle tug, he placed her in his lap and graced her head with a kiss. “Nothing to worry about my queen. Just nerves I guess.” That got her thinking as well. He was never the type to be nervous, yet it worried her. “Is it because of my parents? Darling they love you. You have nothing to be nervous about ok? Especially my father. He’s never been so happy to see me with a strong, goal driven man like yourself. My mother loves you to death.”
Her reassurance put him at ease for once, as he looked out the balcony window at the stars of there hotel room in Harlem. The mini vacation was a much needed one at best. “Thank you, beloved. I needed your guidance to get me through.” “What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t keep the great M’Baku, leader of the Jabari tribe, at ease? If I couldn’t do it, someone might snatch you from me and take my job. And I can’t have that.” They both chuckled at her statement and sighed with relaxation, yet she had another idea. “I am gonna slip into something more comfortable, and I’ll call you back.” Sliding off his lap to head towards the bathroom, giving an extra sway in her hips, only to hear an animalistic growl escape from him. The moment made her giggle with ease.
“You’ll be the death of me woman.” He smirks a bit before reaching into his pocket. The Vibranium colored box he had, held a beautiful amythst ring in it. He has many thoughts about marrying Amina, given her fathers blessing in secret while on the trip. He just needed the right time. Hiding the ring back in his pocket, he heard something and turned back to see her. His breath was cut short as he took in her presence. “M’Baku~ come to me my king.” She spoke in a sultry tone, dressed in a short white silk nightie that barely covered her rounded ass that he loved. Beckoning him to come hiter with her fingers. He ran so fast and practically tackled her on the bed, causing a fit of giggles to escape her full lips. She was breath taking.
“You little one, are in for it.” He proceed to start a trail of kisses down her jaw, toward her neck and her full chest. Soft gasps disappeared into the night, as she arched her back in his massive hands that she craved. “Darling, we both know there’s nothing little about me.” With her strength, she flipped them over and mounted him like a lion of a gazelle. Sitting up together, holding her to his chest, he looked into her hazel brown eyes with such love and devotion.
Caressing her hips gently, as his forehead rested on hers in this intimate moment. “I love you more than anything in this world. You are my queen, my beloved. I am truly blessed.” “As am I to have you, my king, my beloved.” The kiss they shared was like the first time, over and over again. Fire and intensity never died between them. She held his face gently to deepen the kiss, his hands held her down on his lip as they both moaned in unison.
The surprise would have to wait till morning after all.
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lady-olive-oil · 7 years
M’Baku/Winston Duke Story
So I’ve been giving it some thought as to which guy I wanna do first in this series of stories. I wanna try this out with Winston. I don’t know if I should I do it as Winston x OC or M’Baku x OC, but the title is Do You Remember The Time. Little MJ focus of you will. Her name is Amina Jakande, and either way her family history is from a country in Africa. Which I gotta do more research on. But I do have the cover for it and imma edit it out and such. Do you guys want me to do this? If so, you can ask to be in the tag squad.
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
Hello my Stars
So what do you guys think of chapter 3?? I know it seemed a bit rushed but I’ve been stuck lately and I wanted to get something out. Rest assured, I do plan on going into more depth on the D9 frat and soro, that Winston and Amina have been apart of since college. I want you guys to get to know how their relationship works out. I’m gonna try to make the anticipation build up on how it should all work out, and then grow the sexual tension as it builds into later chapters. Thank you guys for everything and I’ll see you in the next chapter💋🤙🏾
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
New Note!
Chapter 3 of Distraction will be centered around Avengers Infinity War premier as well, because the live red carpet is showing and it’ll all be pulled in together.
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
Listening to Bambi by Jidenna makes me sad because, I think about what T’Challa/Chadwick, Erik/Michael and M’Baku/Winston would be like if their ladies left them or had a fight.
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