lucyferthecatx · 6 years
( ;; @winniethepoohx​ // bernadette bernard asked: “ do you ever mean the things you say ?? ” ) 
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“ of course i do. honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom after all, and i have no reasons to mask what i have to say. just because you might not understand me doesn’t mean that what i’m saying isn’t true. ” he tilted his head, grinning cheekily at the girl. “ and as much as i love a good questioning, i further enjoy a turning of tables. do you always mean what you say ?? ”
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facrytalcs-blog · 6 years
bonnie for blaze !
“bonnie is the better cousin. no offence to brandy. ...okay, a little offence to brandy, but she’d say the same about me, so i have no regrets. i don’t feel bad whatsoever. but yeah, bonnie’s always there, ready to make us feel better. she’s like a little cheerleader, which i appreciate so much. the amount of times i’ve been in a funk and she’s been the one to drag me out of it... you wouldn’t believe, i swear. she’s just this sunshine kid. sometimes she even makes me want to be an optimist.”
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facrytalcs-blog · 7 years
prim for madrigal !!
something they like about your muse. that she’s always there for him, even if he pretends he hates it.
something they hate about your muse. SHE’S SO EXTRA but so is he so
a reason they’re jealous of your muse. he feels that she’s more confident ?? he wants to be that confident tbh.
a secret they’re keeping from your muse. nothing really tbh. probably his massive crush on katzu, i can’t think of anything else rip
what they thought about your muse when first meeting. oUR MUMS ARE FRIENDS SO I GUESS WE’RE FRIENDS NOW TOO was pretty much it, they were so smol sdklfjsdklf
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facrytalcs-blog · 7 years
"primrose lee" for madrigal !!
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xxomalley · 7 years
bEEEP // doc & bernie!!
( 16 ) a helpful text.
[ text ]: hey bernie! it’s doc! davis de maldonia just in cASE[ text ]: is it too late to help around for the musical??[ text ]: also just in general like any help that you need[ text ]: cooking, cleaning, filing[ text ]: i’ve also gotten MUCH better at magic so!
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xxomalley · 7 years
@winniethepoohx;; draco & mal :: “ would you stop me if i said i’m going to start a fire? ”
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mal didn’t even look up from her phone, scrolling through old text messages and smiling at them, making sure to angle her screen away from draco. “mmmm...nah.”
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xxomalley · 7 years
( @winniethepoohx​– draco – said, “New Year’s is just another day to me.” )
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“but a better one, i hope,” she said, tilting her head at him. she dangled her legs off the edge of the rooftop they’d found, her wings open and rustling behind her. mal rolled her shoulders back, getting used to the feeling again. “how’s your rooming situation?” she said, with a sideways smile.
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lucyferthecatx · 7 years
( @winniethepoohx​ ) 
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“ EXCUSE ME PRETTY PLEASE !! ” ursa shouted as she tore through the hallways, chasing what she was fairly certain was a baby peryton. which didn’t make sense, because she was pretty sure they were supposed the live underwater. but a deer with wings and antlers in the school was bound to get her mystical creature harboring habits exposed, so she hoped he stopped soon. “ charlie !! charlie, please stop running !! don’t run at the lady, that’s --” her eyes widened as she recognized who the peryton, now dubbed charlie, was currently running towards. “ that’s my cousin !! dove, oh my goodness !! oh crackers, CHARLIE NO -- ”
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facrytalcs-blog · 7 years
( @winniethepoohx -- muffy -- mistletoe )
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it was a rare time that ryan wasn’t by olyssia’s side, and she’d wandered off to go talk to muffy, only to find a bit of mistletoe hanging about them. rather than kissing muffy’s cheek like she may have done any other christmas, he looked around in concern, just in case ryan was around.
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facrytalcs-blog · 7 years
( @winniethepoohx -- draco -- mistletoe )
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casper blinked at the small plant above him. he’d seen it before, of course. it was the only way his father could somewhat convince his mother to kiss him when he was grumpy. that wasn’t how it was supposed to go, though. in movies, people would share passionate kisses under the mistletoe with the snow falling all around them, and while this wasn’t anywhere near as beautiful as that, it was something.
still, he couldn’t do anything without draco. nobody else at the party seemed to be watching them ( though ivy-zinnia was sleeping in a corner with ketchup, but he doubted she’d wake up soon ), but he knew draco was probably more hesitant about things like this, so he just looked at him with wide eyes.
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facrytalcs-blog · 7 years
( @winniethepoohx -- west -- said, “y'know, new year’s sort of loses its punch when you stay up until 2am every night anyway…” )
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“aw, c’mon, don’t be like that!” harlow said, dancing away to the music as she spoke. “it’s a new year! a new beginning and all that, you know?! and we get to party! and it’s a holiday!”
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facrytalcs-blog · 7 years
( @winniethepoohx​ )
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casper hadn’t seen prim on the way to winter wondermouse, nor had he seen her while everything was being organised, so as soon as he’d dumped his stuff down, he’d rushed to track her down. it had been pure luck that made him bump into madrigal, who told him where to go. he raced into the room without a second thought, practically kicking down the door.
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