halfmanticorebrothers · 6 months
continued from @winloseorcharmed
“That's exactly my point, we don't have the means for either.” Kieran took a breath to calm down, reminding himself that she didn't have all of the information yet. He took a seat before looking up at her, deciding that figuring out what she knew would be easier then just tossing information at her with no clear direction.
The others hadn't wanted to give it to her right away, Kieran trusting that she was some version of the Melinda they'd lost had been convincing for them. But that didn't mean they trusted her right away like he felt he could, if she was insistent on trying to help them though? “How much do you know about Wyatt's past lives in your timeline? You knew about Sophie and Nick when we didn't, what do you know about Wyatt?”
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derschwarzeengel · 2 months
Damon: *initially registers Mels as an upper-level good witch*
Melinda: *blatantly uses her Whitelighter half’s powers in front of him*
Damon: “…Now that’s just cheating.”
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apocketfullofmuses · 6 months
@winloseorcharmed | Felicity & Mels during the blip
She had been walking around the compound like a ghost for weeks, only leaving her room for food when she had to; like so many others there Felicity was grieving. She'd seen the love of her life turn to dust in front of her eyes, taking what she'd thought her future would be with him. She'd tried to carry on living in Matt's apartment afterwards, but it hurt too much, and Pepper had worried about her safety being in the middle of Hell's Kitchen alone; moving into the Avengers compound had made sense. Now, though, she wished she could just be alone again.
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FRIDAY had run the medical diagnostic on her ten minutes ago, confirming what Felicity had been fearing herself - positive for pregnancy. Of course, she'd known the AI would have to inform the medical staff, it was just protocol, after all - so she wasn't surprised when FRIDAY told her she had a visitor. "Come in Mels," the blonde mumbled, her voice muffled slightly by the way her forehead rested against her knees that were pulled up to her chest.
"If you're here to congratulate me, I don't know if I wanna hear that yet - or at all."
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halliwellauto · 6 months
@winloseorcharmed sent FOG . (time for tired sisters to rise again)
Aiden was trying her best to stay awake as Melinda and her were researching their supernatural creature. it seemed that the Halliwell siblings always paired up in fighting demons and the like. She loved working with Melinda on things like this. It helped her learn more about magic and hang out with her older sister. They thought they had every monster figured out. But there were still moments that they stumbled on to something new.
Hence why they were staying up late to figure this creature out. She let out a yawn as she looked over at Melinda. "Sis, are you sure mom and our aunts haven't faced this creature before? The book must know something. It seems odd that we happen to run into something that they haven't faced before. Do you think the demons are getting smarter?"
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shireentheunburnt · 2 years
A Mother’s Rescue
Despite the overwhelming strength of the pair of men, of soldiers, seizing her off her feet, Shireen struggled with all her might all the same. She was a Baratheon, after all, and, though young, she still embodied their fury. Writhing, twisting, kicking her legs, she fought a battle she knew to be a losing one for her freedom. Her only true hope now was that her father was unaware of this, was that he would answer her calls once they reached his ears, and come to her aid.
A part of her, though, already knew the terrible truth of this even as the rest of her tried desperately to deny it.
Ser Davos had been sent away on an errand that, now the girl thought of it, didn’t align with her father’s nature. The red woman was smiling; in fact, was all but smirking at her. Melisandre’s confidence spoke even louder than her gloating words that this was something she had permission- no, had been explicitly ordered- to do. Her father’s visit and his disappearance immediately afterwards, how he had been speaking to her before he left her alone, all pointed towards him being fully aware of this...
Even as she caught sight of her parents standing at the back of the crowd as though hoping to avoid her gaze, and called out to them, begging for help and mercy, that resigned part of herself had already acknowledged the hopelessness of it. Stannis knew and he wasn’t coming. He wanted to watch her burn.
Why? Because of snow? Because the red woman wanted it?
Didn’t he love her? Wasn’t she is only heir?
Hadn’t he fought for her once against all the odds despite the recommendations of his advisors? 
Had things changed so much that he was willing to see her die screaming now?
Tears streamed freely down her cheeks as she pulled against the ropes, uncaring of the way they bit into her. It was a pain that would be nothing at all shortly if she did not somehow escape this. Trying to drown out Melisandre’s voice with her own, seeking to appeal to someone, anyone, to stop this, the child was surprised to see her mother hitting her father and running the length of the camp towards her...
The soldiers would stop the older woman from interfering, Shireen saw her father’s gesture commanding them to do so, but still... her mother had tried. Her mother did love her after all; if the way she had raced across the snow hadn’t confirmed that, her cries and struggles against the men restraining her certainly did.
Thank you.
As the fire touched the kindling at her feet, Shireen knew it was over, though she kept up her calls. She would not allow death to take her silently, without making an effort at maintaining the short life she had lived thus far...
Fate, however, appeared then to finally turn in the princess’ favour. The fire made short work of the wood despite the snow battering at it, and, while it began to char and blacken the cloth of her dress, no harm was done to her skin. There was no pain.
And a saviour, a second mother, appeared through the smoke in the child’s line of sight.      
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mikaelsoncupid · 2 years
Halliwell Cousins Group Chat
Payton Drunk at 4AM: Why do women use the term 'sisters before misters' when they can use the term 'chicks before dicks'
Mel: No wait, she makes a good point.
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timelxrd-victorious · 2 years
(For shits and giggles) Teine & Mels
Send me a ship || Accepting
Whether I ship it or not: As a crack queerplatonic ship? hell yes
Why I ship it or not: Mels really has a thing for non-humans with a very off sense of morality, huh (see: her thing with the King of the Fair Folk)
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): Well, Charmed (1998) has been off-air since 2006 and as such there’s never been an official crossover, so. Though one could argue that since Ten & Rose once appeared in the season 8 Buffy the Vampire Slayer comics and Buffy & Charmed possibly share a universe...
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): Dude, this is rarepair hell. There is zero fanon interpretation/fandom around this ship, lmfao.
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aidanwaynealghul · 1 year
|| CLOSED || Jazz & ??? ||
@winloseorcharmed​ Tagged Mel but tbh whoever you feel like using
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"Your new in town aren’t you? Well, general rule is that if you hear someone yelling about a ghost run away from them. My parents are more likely to get you caught u[p in the crossfire than actually take care of a ghost problem themselves. If you see a kid with white hair and a black and white outfit your probably pretty safe. He’s a lot more competent against ghosts.”
She was forgetting something wasn’t she? “-Oh! Don’t park on the road within a 3 block radius of Fenton Works, your car will get crushed or at least lose a mirror. Dad’s a menace behind the wheel.”
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spideystark · 2 years
Spotify Wrapped Starter - Somebody by Grace Davies
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“I was too broken, too much of a burden.” He didn't want to be having this conversation right now, explaining why he'd left without a word all that time ago. But he needed to.
He'd always felt guilty for doing that to her with no explanation, he'd almost tracked her down more than once to talk about it. Now here she was having shown up in another galaxy and he couldn't avoid her if he wanted to, not that he did.
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winloseorcharmed · 2 months
Current Muses
@winloseorcharmed - Melinda Halliwell
@tempusmedicus - Assortment of Doctor Who characters
@noonesherald - OC Herald of Andraste, 15 years old
@redhairedtimeandspace - Doctor Who OC
@oceanbluezeffyr - Doctor Who OC
@dontcallmeelsa - Charmed OC
@semeletfuturum - AU Wyatt Halliwell
@cordibusstellae - AU Mitchell Twins
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trxplehelix · 5 months
Coming in to see a flood of excellent content courtesy of @winloseorcharmed and I am once again reminded of just how much I love these siblings.
On a related note, @powerof3in1 is over there singing my praises and making me CRY on my way to WORK
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|| CLOSED || DT!Kieran & GT!Melinda ||
Kieran had one arm hooked under Lily's armpit with his hand pressing her head in his his shoulder and neck so that she couldn't see the danger around them, an energy ball in his other hand that he aimed directly at a demons head. He'd already tried shimmering them away, they had just followed. He turned as a fire ball was thrown towards them, they were to surrounded for him to really dodge even with his super speed so he planned to just take the brunt of the hit. His free hand came up to Lily's upper back to press her against him a bit more securely as he braced himself, eyes squeezing shut.
He felt a wave of calm overcome him though and a light feeling surround him, suddenly without the sounds of the battle around them he could here quiet cries coming from Lily and as he opened his eyes he noticed they were in...what appeared to be an empty shop. Through the window he could see it was still before sunrise and that the city was much more intact than it had been.
“Sh, Lily it's okay.” He said rubbing his hand up and down her back before spinning around when he realized he could hear someone behind them. When he did he froze, he wasn't entirely sure what he had been expecting-but seeing Melinda wasn't it. “Charlotte...?”
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derschwarzeengel · 29 days
Damon and @winloseorcharmed Melinda’s relationship is so funny (and great), because here’s the thing:
He’s a Darklighter. She’s not only a Whitelighter-witch, but the daughter of a Charmed One.
By all rights, they are (Im)Mortal Enemies By Default. Those with Whitelighter blood in the Warren line of witches are suspicious as hell when Melinda introduces Damon to them.
But instead…
They actually get along quite well, hook up fairly regularly for sex after being set up for a one-night stand by their respective siblings (Dagmar for Damon, Peter for Mels) who are already in a relationship.
Damon ends up fathering several of Melinda’s kids, and he is very protective of her. Will murder any of her asshole exes or any demon/warlock who goes after her, no questions asked.
But they’re not in romantic love with each other at all.
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apocketfullofmuses · 2 years
@winloseorcharmed​ | continued X
"Why wouldn't I be happy now?   What's on your mind."  She shifted their son in her arms careful to keep him nice and warm.
There were a lot of things on the God’s mind, but Melinda and their son were always first and foremost in their.  Something was changing in the Underworld; Hades had been able to feel it for a while, but he hadn’t taken much notice of it until the baby was born.  Not many things could scare Hades, but something about this feeling did - it was strange to say the least.  While pondering his answer, the God gazed down at the sleeping child in his wife’s arms; a soft tuft a blue hair peeked out from under the blanket he was snuggled in.
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“I just wonder, my little witch, if bringing you here was the right decision; maybe the Underworld isn’t the best place for this little prince to grow up.”  Hades didn’t regret finding Melinda again, and certainly not marrying her - but that strange feeling was almost like an enemy he wanted to protect her from.
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halliwellauto · 1 month
@winloseorcharmed sent: maybe we're too much alike.
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Aiden looked up from the Book of Shadows, giving her older sister a look. "I mean, we are sisters. We were raised by the same parents, have the same siblings and pretty much deal with demon attacks on a constant basis." She shrugged her shoulders. "I mean, I think its far for us to be too much alike. We literally grew up together. Unless you think its a bad thing. Which I personally don't think it is."
Though she can see how they were also different. Aiden grew up admiring their father and promising herself to be like him one day. it was why she picked up the repair trade on not only houses but cars too.
"What has brought this on?"
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thatbitchkayla30 · 1 year
Realizing I have 3.5 modes for RPing rn:
Any Bat fam things I can manage to get on Danny (@aidanwaynealghul )
Replying to things for Noodle.
Replying to Fyr(@cleverestofclevermen ) & Phalon(@winloseorcharmed ) on the rare occasion I get a reply from them.
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