theinternetangels · 1 year
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da-riya · 3 months
My dad's insistance on using the old windows 7 PC is really a pain now that it's having bootup issues and we can't find the CD to reinstall it
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tom2tec · 5 months
WaveCat ~ Combines Multiple WAV Files
Joins one or more WAV files together. If you rip a five CD book on tape, you’ll have a cluttered mess of about sixty audio files. WaveCat can turn your sixty files into one convenient large wav file. Suggestion: CDex –> WaveCat –> WinLame –> Single MP3 file. Feature Concatenates multiple Wav files into one large file. sourceforge.net/projects/wavecat
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avkamfher · 6 months
Managing a win 7 desktop from a win 7 laptop with the remote tool feels silly.
However it is what I am doing.
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diemquynhhn9x · 1 year
Hướng dẫn sửa lỗi không kết nối được Wifi cho laptop
Trong thời đại công nghệ ngày nay, việc sử dụng máy tính trở nên phổ biến hơn bao giờ hết. Tuy nhiên, không phải lúc nào cũng may mắn khi các thiết bị của chúng ta hoạt động đúng như mong đợi. Một trong những vấn đề phổ biến mà nhiều người dùng laptop gặp phải là lỗi kết nối Wifi. Đặc biệt, khi sử dụng hệ điều hành Windows 7, lỗi này có thể gây ra nhiều phiền toái và ảnh hưởng đến quá trình làm việc của bạn.
Trong bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau tìm hiểu những nguyên nhân thường gặp khi laptop không kết nối được wifi win 7 và cách khắc phục để giúp bạn có thể sử dụng máy tính một cách suôn sẻ hơn.
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iterkini · 2 years
Wah mantap jugak
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wacky-wonders · 30 days
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edgar in mspaint :]
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supersoftly · 20 days
Kinda fucked up how Google's photo app instead of retaining the original date the photo was taken, it just keeps the date of when the photo was last moved, so in essence, organizing photos into their proper albums actually fucks it all up chronologically. One job you dumb machine, I hate you so much, I wish you a very much die.
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kidfur · 4 months
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does anyone know what kind of design this is called?? the soft bubbly colorful but not too shiny skeuomorphs found in winxp and 3d jumpstart games. its probably in other places too but this is where i see it most. ik a lot of people love very shiny skeuomorphs and aero and thats why those tend to be more popular but i really wish i had a word to look for design like This bc it scratches my brain so good
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amadeusgame · 5 months
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Thanks to my own tendency to hoard hardware, and a little help from some friends, I have confirmed that the Amadeus: A Riddle for Thee demo runs smoothly on:
A Win7 Dell laptop from 2011 with 4GB RAM
Win10 Desktop PC with dedicated GPU that was a really solid build in 2016 and is still quite serviceable for most needs
MacOS Mojave on a MacBook Pro Intel 2015
MacOS Big Sur on a MacBook Air M1 2020
every other MacOS/Windows computer people have tested on so far
I'm currently working on a Linux build to have another friend test that, but from that Win7 laptop alone I think it's pretty safe to say that this should run on just about anything. The application window is fully resizeable for any screen size, and the game will always render the 4:3 gameplay correctly with black bars on the side as needed. It can also be expanded to fullscreen.
I'm very excited about this. I love the thought of people playing this game on the same old computers that have been used to play the early-mid 2000s VN's that inspired it!
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 month
hmm... if i were to end up buying a laptop with win11 (beloathed) could i like... backtrack it to win10?
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animehaircolorquiz · 1 month
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OS-tan Wallpapers
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anna-neko · 2 months
hey can someone test if HADES 2 can technically run on below win10?
....no reason.... just curious.... (i dun wanna wait for maybe Switch port in like 4 years. Unless a kind soul wants to drop a new gaming Win10-equipped laptop at my door)
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tom2tec · 5 months
Windows Vista / 7 VU Meters
Windows VU Meter is a standalone application that mimics an old stereo’s VU or audio level meters. Designed for Microsoft® Windows Vista® and up (even tested on Windows 7®), the program has no intervening toolbars or window frames to allow the program to allow a clean interface and make it easy to overlay on top of a program you’re using. Features of the program include: For Microsoft ® Windows…
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black-plumbob · 5 months
I've confirmed that I still don't like Sims 3, so I'm not even going to try playing anymore lol. Anyway, I've just gotten things set up on my win7, so I'm about to test it out. If things go well, I'm going to create some additional users so I can separate my CC folders easier (I want to make a user for my Victorian saves, then I may venture into a medieval save).
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simcardiac-arrested · 6 months
OHHHHH MY GOD COMING OFF ANON BECAUSE !??!?!? SCPSL MENTIOn!!?!??!? you are the ONLY person i've EVER seen that mentioned that game in being similar to lethal company ohhhh my god oh my god i used to be so crazy autism over that game Okay. okay. oh my godddd I LOVE(D) SCPSL SO MUCH and it makes me so so so happy to see a game like it get so popular!!! i love lethal company!!! and i love the creatures and the randomly generated facilities and the PROXIMITY chat and the lore (sigurd adn desmond<3) and i love that ALL MY FRIENDS CAN AND DO PLAY ITTT ^__^ its like 14 year old me got blessed by the autism fairy joy and beauty to the world
i don’t know how to say this in a way that wont make me sound like i shouldnt be allowed in public spaces so i’ll just go ahead and say it. I have 200 hours in scpsl
#i havent played it in like 2 or 3 years because one day#it just stopped working on win7. But i got win10 now so theoretically i could play it again. but do i want to#it’s not that it’s a bad game! like i said i’ve had a lot of fun with it. just like lethal company it has some truly#hilarious and truly scary moments#however i can remember a few times where it was just not fun ….. maybe it was the players or the unfair balance or wjatever. But well#i did love it. i love scp and getting to play an scp game for free was life changing to me. IT WAS SO FUN!!#AND I HAD THE MOST BLISSFUL GAMING EXPERIENCE BECAUSE I HAD A BUG WITH MY GAME WHERE I COULDNT HEAR ANYONE AND NO ONE COULD HEAR ME#Probably pissed off my teammates numerous times but well . At least got to exclusively vc with my friends on discord#i think the thing with lethal company (and by extension amogus which is also smth i associate lc with) is that you can play it exclusively#with your buddies. you dont have to join some random ass lobby with random ass people just because the game needs 20 players. U can just#have actual fun. because yes proxy vc is a fun feature for a game but i am seriously grateful that scpsl was bugged for me#i’ve played a lot of ‘shooter’ games (or just games similar to genre) and like Sure im used to people being jerks in game chat or something#but there’s a difference between game chat and straigjt up vc ….. so yeah. i know that it’s barely scpsl’s fault but i just felt like sayin#all that. Blinks#where am i . what am i talking about#sorry for the weird not quite rant about scpsl BUT YES i do think lethal company is quite similar to it. And like if that game was fun again#not to mention the creatures!!! like. coilhead? 173 but well it’s a common trope. eyeless dog? literally 939. A MASK THAT POSSESSES YOU?#DUDE . THIS IS 035 . BRACKEN? okay that’s like 096 but a little to the left#all they need to do now is add a 049 adjacent creature Or perhaps an evil ai computer that locks you in the building or makes landmines#explode on their own. i dont even know. zeekeers hire me#and yeah i love the rng of it all because it makes for a uniquely hilarious/terrifying experience each time. Something it sucks so bad and#you get a facility with like 1 door which is locked. but that too is funny. to me lc isnt about winning it’s about dying in the funniest way#sigmund and desmond lore is also rly good <3 i hope it gets expanded upon. Would love to see some more worldbuilding stuff like WHATHAPPENED#cramswering#anyway. it has been years since i played scpsl and i know tjat they did a bunch of updates and added a bunch of scps . So i dont know if the#game is better or worse now. and i dont know if i want to find out…. what if my game becomes unbugged and i hear people#now THAT’S real horror game material if you ask me
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