#wilson main for life btw
mxboxlocks · 4 days
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there's nothing scarier than a man with nothin left to lose.....
my friends and i killed 5 or 6 spider queens in the span of like ten minutes. i was wilson
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Rewatching Teen Titians Go! To The Movies again (i watched it 3 days ago) and this is literally DC’s Deadpool and Wolverine (and it came out first) so I’m gonna compare them while spoiling Deadpool and Wolverine the least amount possible
The “obscure” character references:
•Challengers of the Unknown
•The Atom
•“That is where the Animaniacs live” (not DC but still Warner Brothers sort of like Marvel and Disney)
•Literally almost everyone in the background of the movie theater scenes
Poking fun at their old movies:
“There was a Green Lantern movie, but we don’t talk about that one”
“My mommy’s name is Martha too”
“Shooting a baby into space what kind of people are you?” “You are the terrible parents!” (referring to superman’s biofamily) + Krypton being saved with EDM
“Golly thanks for taking me to the movies in this dangerous neighborhood, Dad” (Batman’s parents died in crime alley)
The themes of found family
•It’s repeated several times that without Robin, Beastboy would live in a dumpster, Starfire would have to fight in alien gladiator battles, Raven would have to enslave entire planets with her dad and Cyborg would have to play professional football (which he dislikes)
Referring to their characters as characters from the Marvel
“He should be saying he’s not me, I came out like way before him.” “Nah, I’m pretty sure you’re Deadpool.” (this is a whole scene btw and Slade’s intro)
Breaking the fourth wall:
•”Look into the camera and say something inappropriate” (again when calling Deathstroke Deadpool)
•”The prefect plot device”
•Stan Lee’s cameos
The Meta dancing/songs
•”You need a Upbeat Inspirational Song About Life”
•My Superhero Movie
•Previously mentioned EDM music
The meta narratives are the main similarity however, in Deadpool and Wolverine the whole “anchor being” thing is just a joke about how Fox’s media company literally died because Hugh Jackman was no longer there to bring them in the big bucks. In Teen Titans Go! To The Movies the narrative is all about the Teen Titians (Go!) characters being too unserious to get a movie, a real complaint people have had since the inception of their show.
Plus Robin and Deadpool both have abandonment issues and low self worth, Robin has a weird Lion King dream where Batman drops him off a building after other superhero’s disapprove of Robin. Deadpool secretly worries that Vanessa doesn’t love him or something???
Also both have the two main villains turn out to be in cahoots in some way, in Deadpool it’s revealed that she works for the TVA, and in Teen Titians Go! To The Movies Slade and Jade Wilson are the same person
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uncannyoceanz · 6 months
Some basic things about my Creepypasta au!
Ask me or the creepypastas anything! PLEASSEEE I NEED SOMETHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE 😭💀
Jeff the killer x Eyeless Jack
Candy Pop x Jason the Toymaker
Jane the Killer x Mary Vaughn
Bloody Painter x Puppeteer
Nathan the Nobody x Ciara
Suicide Sadie x Roadwalker
Clockwork x Nina the killer
Nurse Ann x Dr. smiley
Pinkamena x Rainbow factory
lulu x the skroll
Homicidal liu x Hannah the killer?
Ben drowned x Lost silver
Luring Lyra x Kate the chaser
Candy Cane x April fools?
Masky x hoodie?
Weeping Forest x Ally SlenderDoll
I don’t know a lot about marble hornets btw so…. :’)
Pasta groups:
circus pastas: Papa Grande, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop, Candy Cane, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, Puppeteer, Nathan the nobody.
The killerz: Jeff the killer, Homicidal Liu, Asylum Nancy, Nina the killer, Clockwork
The girls: Jane the killer, Nina the killer, Clockwork, Sally, Suicide Sadie
These people idk what to call them: puppeteer, Bloody painter, Zero, Nurse Ann, Judge Angel
Slender family: slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman, Offenderman, Surrender, Slendrina.
The monochrome crew: Zero, Laughing Jack, Puppeteer, Kagekao, Hobo heart.
The doctors: Nurse Ann, Doctor smiley, Doctor pain, EJ.
The dumbass trio: Jeff the killer, Ticci-Toby, Ben drowned.
Slendrina is Slenderman’s daughter. Lazari lives with Sadiya and Puppeteer.
Puppeteer doesn’t really work for slenderman nor Zalgo. He’s just there honestly lol
Homicidal liu lives by himself in a cabin in the woods.
Jane and Mary live together
Slender’s main proxies:
Masky, Hoodie, Ticci-Toby, Weeping Forest, Kate the chaser, Ally SlenderDoll, Rogue.
Zalgo’s main proxies:
Sonic.exe, Dr. locklear, Mr. Wide mouth, Stripes, Dark link, The Skroll, glitchy red, Jane Arkensaw
Jeff the killer (Jeffery Woods)
Ben drowned (Benjamin Lawman)
ticci-Toby (Tobias Rodgers)
masky (Tim Wright)
hoodie (Brian Thomas)
eyeless jack (Jack Nyras)
laughing jack
Lost silver (Gold)
Papa grande
Homicidal Liu (Liu Woods)
hobo heart
Jason the toymaker (Jason Meyers)
Vine the dollmaker
julius the dressmaker
Candy Pop / Night terrors
X-virus (Cody)
Smile dog
Nathan the nobody (Nathan Lux)
Puppeteer (Jonathan Blake)
Bloody Painter (Helen Otis)
Wilson the Basher
Jane the killer (Jane Richardson)
Sally Williams (Sally Maryam Williams)
Nina the killer (Nina Hopkins)
Judge Angels (Dina Angela Clark)
Lulu (Lucile Tiffany gracefield)
Nurse Ann (Ann Lusen Mia)
Clockwork (Natalie Ouellette)
Laughing Jill
Candy Cane
Zero (Alice Marie Jackson)
Suicide Sadie (Sadie Marie Bennett
Roadwalker (Zayner Nanook)
Jane Arkensaw
Mary Vaughn
Ally the Slenderdoll (Adeline Abendroth)
Weeping forest (Jennifer Ryhnes)
Rouge (Heather Marshall)
Lilly the Jester
Ms. P (Ms. Pencilneck)
Stripes (Eloise Sarah Bellarose)
Lazari (Lazari Natalie Swann)
Lifeless Lucy (Lucy Jones)
Lily Kennett
Ellison Burns (Ellison Wright)
Rose (Rose Fairen)
Elizabeth Vazquez
Anna (Anna Schurks)
Kate the chaser (Kate Milens/Hayes)
April Fools
I feel fantastic / Tara
Sadako (Samara Morgan)
Beings of the forest… (That hold a lot of power)
Candy Pop (Mostly Night Terrors)
Zalgo’s Family:
Cynthia Ezelle (My oc)
Realms (Within the slender forest and such)
The Slender Forest Itself
The slendermansion
Homicidal Liu’s Cabin (In the slenderforest)
Granny’s house
Slendrina’s Mansion
Zalgo’s territory and base.
Roadwalker’s clearing
Sadiya’s house (Puppeteer, Sadiya, and Lazari)
The old abandoned Hospital
Jason the toymaker’s realm
The Abyss (Candy Pop’s realm)
The Mindscape
The lake
Cynthia Ezelle’s house
The old abandoned treehouse (Slender proxy Base)
The Circus Realm
Please dear god ask me something😭 I’m too lonely and bored man 💀💀💀
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I've seen a couple of anons ask about RCDart, and since it's now internet history, let me put my hyperfixation to use. Sorry for the long post.
BTW, you guys can still check their blogs using Wayback Machine if you want to get an opinion about the whole thing just by looking at what RCDart themselves used to post, rather than being stuck with the memes. One is rcdart, and their NSFW one was rtitties.
Anyways, they used to be really famous and beloved on Tumblr, especially in the Marvel fandom. Their art was quite good, very late 2010s style, but that's what was considered cool on this hellhole back then.
Then, all throughout 2016, their style worsened significantly, but there was no critique that stuck because Rory (RCDart's name) would just get pissed and use the fact that they were going to Cal Arts to call others stupid for not liking it. All their drawings became very stereotyped, and not in a good way either.
The main critiques they were receiving regarded how they depicted Mexican women and trans men:
Rory depicted Maria from The Book Of Life as a woman with a lot of thick body hair, as well as having a mustache. People complained that it was a representation of bad stereotypes regarding Mexican women, but Rory didn't listen and said that they were adopted from Mexico, so they could do whatever they wanted.
Their most infamous character was trans!Steve Rogers, which a lot of trans men complained about, both in call out posts and to Rory personally. The issue was that Rory would draw Steve with very big breasts and a super tiny waist, put him in feminine clothes and lingerie, and would write posts about how they wanted him to have the biggest breast size that exists, called him stuff like bimbo, slut, etc, talk about how he didn't mind saying he had a pussy. Trans guys came forward and told them that their obsession for Steve's genitalia was borderline fetishistic and causing them to experience dysphoria. Rory's responses to this were always non-apologies.
If I remember correctly, there were also people bringing up the fact that they would draw Sam Wilson as a minstrel show character, but I don't think this was brought up until much later.
After this, it's a bit difficult to say what happened. They posted one last time in December 2016, and that was about it. I initially thought that what drove Rory out of Tumblr were the callout posts, but they all seem to have been written way before December. My best guess is that people began meme-ing that drawing of Steve and Tony holding hands, and Rory didn't want to deal with it.
They still used Twitter, it's where they posted the infamous Jim Crow drawing of Star Wars Finn and the equally infamous drawing of Kylo Ren, and there people didn't really stand for that drawing of Finn. Rory posted an apology, but people were aware of how they'd do things (apologize publicly and resume doing what they were sorry for as soon as things quieted down) and didn't take it seriously, so their Twitter was gone in a couple of months too (this was early 2018, so they probably deleted everything at once).
This is pretty much it. If you're still on the fence about the "is it transphobic, is not not" question, I advise you use Wayback Machine to see for yourself and make your own opinion.
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samtheacesheep · 1 year
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
10. Has a piece of writing ever \"haunted\" you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?: 
There’s a few examples of this for me. The first fandom I was ever in was the MLP fandom- more specifically, mlp equestria girls. And there is one specific fic I read, probably one of the FIRST fanfiction I EVER read, that has probably affected my own writing- both fic and original- in hundreds of ways. It was an angst fic about Sunset Shimmer, who was my favourite character. I don’t even remember if it was good, I was like 13 so my taste wasn’t exactly discerning, but I remember how much it affected me. I reread it over and over again, and I’d say that it really affected how I write, and the subjects I choose to write about.
Even earlier, my favourite author as a child was Jaqueline Wilson. Her specialty was The Kids Are Not Ok, essentially- the main characters in her books were always going through a lot. So I can see how her books also affected how I write. Also, her autobiography made me want to be an author, so there’s that. Thanks JW for the life’s purpose :) 
With both of those examples, I mean haunting in that I can see how they affected me in how I write, in what I write- they’re both there in my stories. 
There’s other pieces of writing that have haunted me more in a “god I can’t stop thinking about this” way- I read Sleep Over recently, brilliant horror book that really affected me. The Locked Tomb series, obviously. Definitely some fanfics I’ve read that I couldn’t stop thinking about for ages- I lie awake at night thinking about them. 
As for my own writing, generally when I get really into an idea I can’t stop thinking about it. I start relating everything to it. 
that got longer than I was planning, oops 
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
1: My plan for the dwampyverse fantasy au is… ambitious, and would be 5 longfics if I wrote all of them the way I want to (obviously the existing mml fantasy au fic is one, so 4 to write). Genie, please let me keep my ambition and motivation to finish them all? Please? I’m so passionate about this project don’t let me lose interest don't let me-
2: Motivation to write an original novel would be good
3: More time to write lol
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?: 
I do all of those things. (although I don’t do it to nice hardcovers, and obviously not to borrowed books or library books). I don’t mind my paperback books being a bit well loved, and I kinda prefer the way they look AFTER they’ve been read- battered and dog eared. 
So obviously I have literally no room to judge anyone doing anything to their books, and I don’t mind someone dog earing my books if I lend them out. However if someone damages a library book I will kill and bite and stab
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch: 
I’d love a true love and all that… but im gonna have to go with the wip. I’ve always wanted to be a published author and write an epic fantasy series
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0clu · 2 years
slipknot x splatoon because i feel the need to combine my interests all the time
originally i was gonna have all 12 here but i decided to keep it as the original 9 we all know and love since i hardly even know the new members.. i would have loved to have them under here tho
so basically these guys arent really an actual team (yet) but they do have scrimages with eachother. like all the time. everyone has basically the same traits and personalities as their irl human counterparts.
i went off of vibes i get from them btw
#0 Sid Wilson
• he has the rat/ray tail
• most annoying skirmisher..
• inkbrush main all day
• sucks at zipcaster and corey berates him for it
• A rank isnt treating him well but he doesnt care. hes just having fun (joyful little guy he is)
• loves qr ssu and ninja squid
• you know he has the record player in his locker
• dj
#1 Joey Jordison
• reliable frontline slayer
• if the dapple dualies has only 1 fan on earth its him.
• also plays jr and sploosh 7
• could get top 500 if he wanted to but he doesnt care much abt it
• prefers nouveau to vanilla despite its special
• still pops reefslider like its splashdown
• plays in a band
#2 Paul Gray
• midline
• average mini splat/nautilus main
• misses the zink variant from years ago (the old bubbler)
• just your basic S ranker, good but not the best
• comes up with the wackiest comp ideas
• "what if we all used weapons with splash wall as the sub... or quad big bubbler on tc"
#4 Jim/James Root
• anchor
• heavy splatling, ballpoint
• came from greater inkopolis (is that what they call it?)
• him moving made his rank reset from S back down to B- so now hes scared to touch ranked
• "im a backline, man... what if my teammates are fucking braindead?" ion know
• new to the group so doesnt really know these guys
• got in from a tryout session
#3 Chris Fehn
• midline slayer
• used to be insane with the sting ray special before it got banned
• shotpro main and jet dick rider for life
• never thought abt gear building until like a year ago, its amazing how he even got to X rank running opening gambit on jet.
• pinocchio mask in his locker he sometimes wears to turf war
#5 Craig "133" Jones
• slayer
• wiper. lives and dies by the sword
• he just kinda popped up one day
• ...
• him talking is like a big foot sighting
• really good. like... super good... almost mick level
• everyone wonders what the hell he mained before splatanas were a thing
• well decorated locker. nice color theory
#6 Shawn Crahan
• anchor but can be mid for faster comps
• explo is his babby. slosher is nice too
• 'they dont know i served in the octarian army'
• was basically the groups leader 24/7 until corey came
• his strongest feat is making strategic decisions and pop up plans for the team
• has been S+/X rank for yearsss
• probably responsible for some of the map callouts you hear today (ex. skipper pavilion, blackbelly skatepark)
• his locker has a dried squid corpse playing a miniature drum set inside
#7 Mick Thomson
• as anchor as it gets
• "do you ever play anything other than 5k??" "...5k scope"
• frequent top 500 in tc and rm
• wants the original eliter 4k to make a comeback
• evil charger main #666
• will talk you to death about chargers and their history
• his locker just has a singular eliter in it
• "come into MY house, suck MY dick, call ME gay?!?" incarnate
#8 Corey Motherfuckibg Taylor
• the most "splatlands born and raised 💀" guy ever
• aggro midline
• 💞flingza💞, stamper
• hates big swig it feels like a knock off flingza to him
• S rank isnt treating him well and he does care. bro is suffering
• some know him as "the great big mouth"
• no ass unfortunately
• shawn saw him in turf war once and immediately went and got him to join his team afterwards
• was found as a soggy flingza main but gradually learned to have great team spirit and become a good leader :D
• just kinda puts shit in his locker.
• joey says he has frontman energy
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lucasbarr · 3 years
Ok @charlie-bradbury has me thinking about the wayward sisters in this chilis tonight! btw I love your tag for me! Ok so like here’s my ideal line up up for the wayward sisters!
So we have the main crew:
- Krissy (because I stand by my headcanon that they should have started that storyline with Jody healing earlier!) who hunts but is also the receptionist at the Sheriff’s office.
- Josephine who finishes high school and starts hunting full time (though Jody wants her to go college) with Claire!
- Aidan who didn’t finish high school and works in construction. Is conflicted about hunting after the whole thing with Victor.
- Alex who doesn’t hunt! And works as a nurse as in canon!
- Claire is the same (though I can’t remember if she finished college or not???)
- Patience is obvi in college but as for what idk? I think it would be neat tho if she went to Standford tho. Maybe she could even be “pre-law” or Poli-sci because she wants to be like the president or an congresswoman? Idk yet
- MAGDA because she deserved better! I think she’s finish high school and not really he sure what to do. I think she’d take a gap year and figure out her life but I don’t think she’d hunt.
- Tina (from about a girl) because a reborn teenager in the late 2010s wouldn’t be able to move about the world. Would not hunt but will drive Claire to random locations at night because she doesn’t want her to get hurt. Al bark and no bite (will learn to fight and will kick ass). The begrudgingly responsible one (with Alex)!
- Alicia and Max Banes (because if canon gonna kill their mom then they deserve to have a second family in Jody).
- Kaia AND Dark!Kaia because they both deserved better!
- Ben because you know that boy would have his memories back by now! And then he and Claire could he chaotic siblings!
- KEVIN! idk how by this boy get the peaceful life he deserved. Maybe he’s resurrected and on the run ? Idk but he needs to be there :)
Now go the adults:
Jody and Donna obviously but like Missouri SHOULD have lived and in the good SPN in my head she does! So too should Alicia and Max’s mom! Also our Charlie! And maybe they could have brought back like Bela as the Crowley???
Or like that baby from S4 Rose Holt who would be a teenager and bring back Ava Wilson as like a Princess of Hell? Or a powerful demon intent on using her to start another apoclypse? And maybe like one of the waywards on the case is a special kid? Bonus points if it’s Magda!
Linda needs to be there because we can always use more Linda Tran!
You could reuse the eve plot line because I think it’s neat and then you bring Purgatory back into play. And you know who’s in Purgatory. Benny EMMA! AMY!
Or the Antichrist plotline because Jesse deserves to have a peaceful resolution! And I low-key ship him and maga 😂 sue me! Also we need more good monsters like Leonore! And we should get to see Amy’s son again! More plot resolution and deconstruction of monsters as the other because they’re shown to be as human as regular people!!!!!
Idk I have a lot of thoughts about the good Wayward Sisters that lives in my head!
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murieltheawful · 2 years
Hi! For the fic ask game, hit me with 1, 2, 7, 9 and 11! 😀 (or however many you want if it's too much)
Oh hi!
I will try to reply to them all)
1. What part of the writing process is the most enjoyable?
I think it's writing when I hit the flow. It's just so great when the things just happen in your mind, and you need to type them down as quick as possible. I also like to make a final re-read and feel that yes, this is great, I did well. And I can't wait to post it on Ao3.
2. Talk about a favorite comment you received.
There were a lot of great comments in my life as a ficwriter. I have been blessed 💕
But what I cherish are the series of comments from two people who went through my works and commented on every chapter using quotes. It made me feel acknowledged and appreciated. I am friends with both now, btw.
I also love thoughtful comments, the ones that make me go, "Oh, yes, you get it! YOU GET IT YES, it's exactly what I meant".
I have a recent example of what a lovely comment might look. It goes, "You incredible maniac of a writer I am caught hook line and sinker for this masterpiece of dark themes wrapped in comedy and crack" 🥰🐭
Seriously, this shit is addictive.
7. What do you love most about being a fic writer for your fandom?
A question that made me stop and stare in the distance. It's not simple!
I am currently active in the Hockey RPF fandom. I am a part of Hockeyblr. But I don't write Hockey RPF fics myself. One exclusion: I wrote a short lil thing about my favourite hockey player, with fantasy elements that was gen and had no shipping in it. I got encouraging comments, people found it cute and funny, just as I hoped.
I want to say that I like being a part of Hockeyblr on the whole. People have been exceedingly nice and helpful, always ready to answer my rookie questions and talk about my boys.
The last fandom I wrote for was Hades game, I guess. The comments were nice, but there were not many of them. Which is a pity, I want more comments, hehe. So, nothing much to say about it.
9. What inspired you to write your first fic?
Honestly? Horniness.
If I go into detail, I was reading a lot of doujinshis (fan-made manga about any media, often of the horny type) and fics about the Haikyuu anime. I also searched for fanarts, obviously. I had two favourite characters, and I shipped them. One night, my head offered me a plot where one of these characters cheats on the other with a person from another pairing. And it was angsty. The next day, I decided I should write it down. Which I did. It didn't go according to my fantasy and ended up being a poly-ship with four participants set in an angel-demon world. 🐭
Oh, no, wait! It was my second fic. The first one was about that same favourite couple, and I had them kidnapped 🤗 and abused ❣️ I was horny, and the fanarts were my fuel 🥰
Actually, thanks to fanfiction I got back into writing after years of doing nothing. I had this one original work that I was working on for years, and I could neither finish it nor shove it aside. And I didn't allow myself to write anything else while that work was still not over with. Until fanfiction happened.
Writing fics took the pressure off, and I was able to practice and get better (and return to writing original works, too).
11. Who is your favorite character(s) to write about and why?
Uhm. They change? From fandom to fandom?
I loved writing Kuroo Tetsurou from Haikyuu (I loved hurting him in all the ways 🥰). I loved writing Keith from Voltron Legendary Defender (with him, it was hurt/comfort all the way). While I write, I like writing my main character the most.
Right now, I also have a Spideypool fic in progress. To make it clear, I am a fan of neither, but my friend wrote an amazing fic about them that I loved (there were dragons!! And smut! And forced marriage! And smut! And did I mention dragons???") and inspired me to write a very specific AU about Wade Wilson.
Turned out, I LOVE writing Deadpool. I didn't enjoy the films about him but I usually enjoyed reading fics about him. Actually, his craziness and generally chaotic logic are so right for me! The more chaotic, the better. There's so much to Wade in the original series, that you can spin him a myriad of ways. So much artistic freedom! 🐭
That would be it! It was fun to talk about my fandom history and present.
Thanks for asking 🤗
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kristencsummerlin · 3 years
More uniforms for my Nicktoons High School. More SpongeBob Characters because I'm still on that show for the list.
Want more characters. Here are links: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/kristencsummerlin/675834883286990848?source=share
Larry the Lobster: Orange and Red
Larry and off again on again friend and or bully for SpongeBob. He’s a lobster-otherkin. He’s fit and about weights. He has a more workout theme.
Squidina Star: Purple and Blue
Patrick’s adopted sister. She’s a main character in the Patrick spinoff. But showed up a couple of times in the main show. She’s a squid-otherkin. Unlike Squidward whose an octopus.
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Sandy Evil Cheeks: Black and Orange
Fun fact SpongeBob has a comic book series and the cover art for them are cooler than there needed to be. There was a whole thing about Bob going through the multiverse. And an evil version of Sandy showed up. A common gag will be the evil version of the characters will go with the proper version of the name. So Sandra instead instead of Sandy. She’s also a rocker biker chick so continued. She’s also a squirrel-otherkin
Abrasive Side SpongeBob: Orange and Green
RudeBob or Robert. Not really a villain. But he is the closest to the evil version. Doodlebob would be the second closest to him. Like Bob he’s a sea-sponge-otherkin. If your wondering what the circles on his jacket are. They are cent signs. The school is named Nickolas and the mascot is a Nickel named Philip.
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Plankrabs: Blue and Neon Green
The shit you discover. Plankton decided to pull a Lex Luther and make a clone child of him and his arch nemeses Mr. Krabs. Because than he can cheat and say he can have the Krabby Patty Formula because Pearl knows the recipe. However the child is an asshole. I’m including him because it’s weird on a level that I think it’s funny. Not much of a uniform mostly because I’m still working on how he falls into the world
Flats the Flounder: Greenish Yellow and Orange
You remember the guy who wanted revenge for being kidnapped as if he was an alien by SpongeBob when he ran into him again during the first day of school. I love his design. Fun fact he’s voiced by Thomas F. Wilson. The bully in Back to the Future. Tom voices a shit ton of characters in the show. And now knowing this I recognize him every time!
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Brain Flounder: Greenish Yellow and Slime Green
Going off the wiki but Flats is said to have a younger brother. Named Brain. He’s never had a physical appearance. So I’m taking creative liberties with him. Among other characters. He’s a bit nerdy compared to his punk brother.
Octavius Rex: Blue and Grey
Long, tan, and handsome himself. The dreamiest man in Pearl’s life. Wait until she meets some of the land boys. BTW Oct is married to Gale. The insanity that is the background characters drama is soap opera worthy. Every bodies is marrying, devoicing, and having kids. It’s insane.
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swamplatibule · 3 years
starwritten society “season one” summary in bullet points
The Starwritten Society is a secret organization dedicated to rescuing children with paranormal abilities from those who would manipulate or weaponize those abilities. They also specialize in training those children to control their powers, if need be.
But forget about that let’s get to the cool stuff
fox exists
everyone is either kinda in love with him or fucking hates him
or both *coughwilsoncough*
also he’s a bastard
and he looks like pedro pascal but that’s whatever just focus
he gets back from a mission
and is immediately called into Iara’s office
they’re the head of the Society btw
he thinks he’s in trouble but NOPE
turns out he’s a mentor now! yayyy!
wait no he doesn’t want to be a mentor oops
especially not to this... sassy child
who by the way seems WAY too young to be an agent
and he knows that you need a recommendation from a higher ranking agent to be a mentor and so he asks who recommended him
turns out it was wilson
who’s the head of the high risk rescue division
and also the character that almost the entire made-up fandom ships with fox but they don’t expect it to actually happen because the amount of queerbaiting in tv is RIDICULOUS
but jokes on them everyone in this goddamn show is gay as fuck lol
anyway he confronts wilson bc he doesn’t want a trainee wtf dude
and wilson goes
”I thought having another life to worry about might make you a little less reckless.”
yeah they have a very passive-aggressive rivalry as of yet
and so fox is stuck with a trainee
her name is hollister btw, aidan hollister, she’s the paraself
anywho hollister n fox do NOT get along at first
fox makes it very clear that he doesn’t think hollister is cut out for this kinda shit
like even though she was able to hack into the society's security systems which is basically impossible
she doesn’t know how to hold a gun or fight a bitch
AND she’s like 14, most agents don’t start training until they’re like 17
so shes too young for this shit
and hollister is pissed because she earned her right to be here and this motherfucker is just fuckn UGH
also she has a hidden complex about not being good enough or “worthy” but shhhh that’s a secret
but they‘re stuck with each other though so
then we meet Kennedy, she runs the tech devision and was very impressed Hollister managed to hack the system (that she made! Kennedy made the system! She’s by far the most vital person in the Society and don’t you ever forget it)
Kennedy and Fox are also really good friends they’ve known each other since they were trainees
kennedy immediately takes a liking to hollister
she slowly grows on Fox too but he won’t show it
well he has to adopt train this kid so there’s like a solid three episodes that’s just them going missions and him teaching her how to do agenty stuff
then we meet The Bad Guy
Her name is Eleanor Sylvidas
which is the same name as the first bad guy Fox ever faced bc she‘s that lady’s daughter and has the same name
turns out her mom raised her to continue the family business
if you know what I mean
so Eleanor is giving the Society a lot of shit to deal with
fox and hollister’s mission is to get any sort of information on her, try to find her location but DO NOT GET INTO A FIGHT WITH HER bc they won’t let hollister get into fights yet
anyway turns out eleanor is in the building at the same time as them
they get split up
hollister gets into a fight with her
of course
because shes Like That
hollister loses but fox saves her and they get the hell out of there
the bad news is that Eleanor is now targeting these two specifically
she recognized fox as the guy who got her mom arrested and since hollister’s his trainee she’s roped into the mess too
so a few episode pass that i haven’t fully daydreamed yet
just a few training things and dangerous shit and fox teaching Hollister how to steal a car
and we have a backstory episode duh
every good show has some backstory exposition
long story short fox‘s parents died in a murder-su•c•de and also his sister got kidnapped and he spent a year in foster care before running away and joining the circus and eventually the Society
hollister never met her parents and has spent her entire life in the foster care system
and tragic villain backstory! That’s the heroes don’t know!
Eleanor’s mom basically made her feel worthless or like she wouldn't be good for anything if she couldn’t carry on with the plan thing.
And she doesn’t actually want to be doing any of this! She just acts like she does and wears this sadistic twisted mask to hide any doubt
but enough sad shit get ready for...
there’s one in each season, where the characters have to sneak into a very rich-people black-tie event
and also sneak in as many weapons as they can fit on their person
so they go to this party
and they split up in order to find eleanor
and fox SPECIFICALLY tells Hollister “if you see her don’t engage, just let me take care of it”
hollister sees Eleanor and tries to get Fox’s attention but eleanor is going somewhere and she doesn’t have time and-
so she just follows Eleanor without Fox’s help
and then they get into another fight
and it’s a pretty even fight bc hollister’s a quick learner and stuff
and so she’s gotten pretty good at fighting
but then fox finds them and hollister’s distracted and eleanor gets away
and so they’re back where they started
there‘s a long scene of him arguing with her because she put herself in danger and could‘ve gotten herself killed
and her arguing that she had it, she could’ve just ended the whole thing right there and they wouldn’t have to deal with this lady anymore
but NO because fox had to interrupt
it ends with hollister storming out of the room and Fox just sighing and leaning against the wall
and then realizing suddenly that
well shit
maybe he does care about this kid
thats not good
but of course he’s not gonna say it out loud bc he doesn‘t want to admit that attachment
in the end it’s after a long talk with Kennedy that he admits it
partially because she locks him in her office because she KNOWS something‘s wrong and she also knows that he’ll bottle it up land deal with it silently unless someone makes him talk about it
Kennedy is absolutely not gonna have that shit because that’s not ✨healthy✨
she’s a good friend like that and also just a badass in general
anyway so fox admits that mayyybe yeah he cares about the kid and possibly hypothetically sees her as a daughter and such
Kennedy seems satisfied so she tells him to go find Hollister
wherever she went
And it turns out!!!
she just straight up left the building and went for a walk to clear her head
which is dangerous, dumbass, what are you thinking someone’s trying to kill you
Hollister is a reflection of myself so it makes sense that she’s an idiot tbh
but anyway a few people who work for Eleanor attacked her and captured her and such
fox doesnt know that yet so he’s walking around looking for her
and after a while he starts getting worried
because where the hell is she? where the fuck is his kid dammit
and then
he gets a text
from hollister's phone
with a series of coordinates
and so being the impulsive dumbass he is he just goes to those coordinates as fast as he can without any sort of backup
and it turns out!
Eleanor was trying to get both of them in the same place, yknow
two birds with one stone n shit
hollister is still alive don’t worry!
she gets plot armor because I like her
so there’s a fight, there’s blood and grit and also there’s...
✨eleanor having a mental breakdown✨
and so she’s talking about how she HAS to do this and she’s losing her composed cool persona and just going wild
and fox tries to calm her down but it doesn’t work, she just wants to kill them both right now and she’s not gonna stop until either they’re dead or she is
and so they fight, although the main two don’t really have a choice in it
Kennedy shows up with backup bc shes a bad bitch like that
and eventually, after a long fight, Hollister and Fox take down Eleanor
They don’t kill her, obviously, but they are Getting This Bitch Therapy
I think she might be important later in like
season 4 or something
that’s the one I just started daydreaming
but forget about that there’s sappy stuff happening! :D
they’re both on the floor, hollister’s kinda hugging herself and she looks like she‘s about to cry
”I thought you didn’t want me around. I thought I wasn’t good enough.”
and then fox just hugs her
and now they’re both crying
and the viewers are crying
and the sky is also crying
because it’s raining when they get outside
and they’ve become this lil family duo
and BOOM there you go season one in bullet points
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
quindo quindo quindo quindo quindo (look I know they're the main ship but this is where I have laid my affections)
Alright, Operation: Bite-Sized Kiersey Valentines is a go! Yes, I made up that name on the spot just now. No, I won’t apologize for it, even though it’s terrible. ICYMI, I’m taking submissions to my ask box for Kiersey ships (either romance or friendships) to see in little Valentine’s Day snippets. I’ll take these from now until when I go to bed (around 9 PM EST), and I’m doing them in order of how they came in!
So first up: Rachel. First of all, you loving Quindo brings me joy, since they’re also my favorites. I guess it’s kind of obvious that they’re my favorites, since I’m the creator and I’m the one who decided they’d be the main couple, but whatever. The point is, bless you for this request. I’ll never say no to some good old-fashioned Quindo.
BTW, to anyone who’s reading this, I’ll take duplicates of these— in other words, if I get more than one request for the same ship, I’ll just show you two (or three or however many) different Valentine’s Days.
Anyway. On to the soft.
february 14th | freshman year
Quinn has never had a Valentine, before this year.
For that reason, he thinks, he’s never truly seen the appeal of this holiday. The February fourteenths of years past have been little more to him that opportunities to lament his own singleness, and daydream after the boyfriend who, until earlier this school year, only existed in his imagination. They’ve come and gone like any other winter day.
And then Sebastián came along. And Quinn’s love life has, honestly, felt a bit like a daydream all its own ever since.
Today, Valentine’s Day starts early. To be more specific, it starts the moment he wakes up, since Sebastián spent the night in his room last night. Bunking up together in Quinn’s single has become the norm, especially since the start of spring semester, and Quinn is not complaining even in the slightest. He gets a snuggly bout of kisses in the dark hours of the morning, then sees Sebastián off to morning practice. When he wakes properly, he finds a handwritten card left on his nightstand, and enters a soft state that lasts him the entire day.
Spring musical rehearsal goes a bit late, tonight, thanks to some blocking issues, plus a case of harmonic discord in the “Disappear” ensemble parts that their music director was really bent on ironing out. Quinn truly wouldn’t mind this, on any normal Thursday, but the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day— and for the first time in his life, he’s excited about it— sort of jogs at his impatience on this particular evening. When Dr. C finally, mercifully calls rehearsal, just after 7:30, Quinn packs up and zips out into the Beckett Center lobby like a bat out of hell. Truly, he can’t get back to Wilson Hall fast enough. He’s ready to spend the evening in with his boyfriend. Homework be damned, even.
But when he actually reaches the lobby, he stops clean in his tracks. On a bench by the entrance, campus’ cutest boy is already waiting for him. They haven’t planned this particular meeting, but it wouldn’t be the first time Sebastián has picked him up at the end of rehearsal.
“Hey, baby!” In a lovely Kiersey blue sweatshirt and joggers that fit him nicely, Sebastián is all smiles. “How was rehearsal?”
Quinn cannot help it. He smiles like a lovestruck fool. It’s all he’s been, today, and he’s completely content in that fact. “It was quite long, but just fine, thank you,” he replies, and crosses to the bench to close the distance between them. “And hello, honey,” he adds, as Sebastián rises from his seat. “It’s nice to see you here.
“It’s nice to see you, too,” Sebastián laughs. The moment he stands, Quinn realizes that he’s come bearing gifts. On the bench by where he was sitting sits a bag that looks distinctly as if it holds Bluegrass Café take-out, and in his hands... Sebastián is holding a bouquet of flowers. White tulips, to be specific. They’re wrapped in paper and twine.
He must note that Quinn is looking at them, because he holds them forward, with that handsome smile ever still. “Here,” he says, and presses them into Quinn’s entirely undeserving hands. “These are for you.”
“Oh, my goodness, honey,” Quinn murmurs, and takes a moment to smell them. Clean, fresh, and beautiful, they’re perfect— and he thinks he may melt, right here in this lobby, at the sheer softness this boy brings into his life. He looks up to meet his eyes, and Sebastián looks just a bit bashful, with both hands held behind his back. “These are beautiful,” he tells him, and puts a hand to his heart. “Thank you so much.”
Sebastián laughs again, then takes him by the shoulders, and kisses his forehead gently. “You’re welcome, baby,” he hums. “Happy Valentine’s.”
“And to you as well,” Quinn replies, and then wraps himself up in his arms for a good, long hug. He holds the flowers close to his face ever still, and takes care not to crush them in the embrace.
He is so lucky. Goodness. He still has trouble believing this boy is actually real.
He draws back just a bit, enough to rise on tiptoe and give him a kiss. “Can we still spend tonight in?” he asks, after he’s succeeded in that mission. “I have some things for you back at my room.”
“We can definitely do that,” Sebastián replies, with this little twinkle in his eyes, and Quinn thrills a bit at the thought of getting round two to the lovely little kissing session they had this morning. “And also,” Sebastián adds, “that’s food.” He tips his head back toward the bag on the bench. “Like, dinner. In case you were wondering. I also have some candy?”
Quinn laughs into his chest. “Oh, my goodness, my dear, you are outdoing yourself.”
“Naaaah,” Sebastián says, as if all of this is no big deal, as if it’s obvious. “Only the best for you, baby.”
Quinn swats him, just gently. “Sebastián. You are such a flirt.”
Sebastián winks at him. “I can’t flirt with my valentine?”
Quinn thinks he may be melting again, but then— from behind, an interruption halts their moment in its tracks. “Hey, no jocks in the lobby!”
Quinn whirls around, and shoots daggers at Maggie, who’s just emerged from the stage door, the next cast member to leave rehearsal. With her bag over one shoulder and her script in her free hand, she’s effortlessly glamorous, as always. “Magdalena,” he says, “I will kill you.”
“No, you won’t.” She blows a kiss, then waves her script in the air. “Hey, Sebastián!”
“Hey, Maggie.” Sebastián is infinitely less homicidal than Quinn is. “How was rehearsal?”
“Oh, it was good.” Maggie flashes a smirk, as she goes to slide her script into one of the pockets of her bag. “Quinn was bursting at the seams to get out of there, and now I guess I know why.”
“I beg your pardon,” Quinn cries, in a likely useless effort to defend his own honor. “I didn’t even know he’d be meeting me here.”
Maggie’s smirk widens. “Wow, what a fun coincidence for you.”
Sebastián laughs. Quinn sniffs his flowers again, and hopes that Maggie is watching. It isn’t as if she’d be jealous. She received flowers from five separate boys today, which is what she deserves.
“Have a good night, lovebirds,” she sings, as she nears the exit. Over her shoulder, as a parting gesture, she calls, “Use protection!”
Quinn hides his face in Sebastián’s sweatshirt, so he won’t see just how much that particular comment makes him blush. “I hate her,” he mumbles. “I hate her so much.”
Sebastián is still laughing. He eases him up to his eye level, then gives him a gentle kiss. It’s a bit easier for the embarrassment to wear off, after that.
“What do you say?” Sebastián asks, with one big, steady hand resting at the small of his back. “Back to your room for us?”
A few butterflies surface in Quinn’s stomach. He nods. “That sounds lovely,” he replies, and proceeds to spend the night exactly as he intended to.
Sebastián is truly the greatest valentine a boy could ever ask for.
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kithtaehyung · 4 years
interview tag 💌
tagged by danni herself like wtf @bangtantaegi you light up my life, you don’t even know. and my main is @edwarddelrics so if i’m following you, it’s from that one. :D 
rules: answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better wanting to know better but are too scared to msg pfft
name/nickname: ryen, but rhi is also fine! 
gender: f! 
star sign: virgo, but i’m an adopted libra according to my libra friend bc we are essentially the same person
height: 5′2″ lmfao 
time currently: 12pm
when is your birthday: aug 30th! 
favourite bands: bts, svt, the marias, skz, the japanese house, itzy, run the jewels, queen, everglow, ateez, (g)i-dle, superm, lucy, and i’m sure i missed a shit ton 
favourite solo artists: oh geez here we go. joji, lorde, kali uchis, j cole, nancy wilson, anytime bts does solo projects, kai technically MMMH MMMH, rihanna, frank ocean, porter robinson, petit biscuit, halsey, edith piaf, rina sawayama
song stuck in your head: inception by ateez  
last movie you watched: pride & prejudice (2005) and wow how have i not watched that movie before?? i am obsessed.
last show you binged: the queen’s gambit
when you created your blog: i’ve been on tumblr since 2014, i think? but i literally just made this bts blog a month ago
last thing you googled: modeling terms (for the fic i’m currently writing)
other blogs: for the ones you all may be interested in, @brandisher is my aesthetic blog and @fyrya is my anime scenery blog
do you get asks: i do, surprisingly! everyone in my inbox is incredibly sweet.
why i chose my url: taehyung in the kith outfit is top-tier 
how many people are you following: across all blogs, 1,087!
how many followers do you have: across all blogs, 145k (my studyblr is the biggest reason) but this new one has 71 (thank you all for following this blog btw🥺 i’m super new to this side of tumblr)
average hours of sleep: 5-6
lucky numbers: 3 and 12!
instruments: violin and cello. i really wanna learn how to play piano and guitar, tho
what i’m currently wearing: a really big light pink sweater and shorts
dream job: museum curator or jimin’s mf stylist 
dream trip: japannnn pls!! 
favourite food: dim sum dim sum dim sum
nationality: filipino! :D 
favourite song: ONE?? you’re gonna make me choose ONE? ugh. black swan by bts.
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: harry potter, avatar: tla, pokemon omg
anyone can do this if you want to - consider yourself tagged! i’m tagging the people i’ve been wanting to message lately but kept chickening out (0% pressure to do this, ofc!): @bratkook, @sketchguk, @kinktae, @bloomsuga, @wwilloww, @floralseokjin, @gukyi, @jamaisjoons
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thefandomlesbian · 4 years
I think you’d like the tv show Gentleman Jack, it’s created by a woman and based on a real life lesbian. The main character is a gender non-conforming lesbian, it’s positive representation and it has a happy ending. And some more if you or the person who asked you before haven’t watched these: But I’m a cheerleader, The Handmaiden, the episode of Black Mirror “San Junipero”, Yes or No (one of the main characters is a butch lesbian), Saving Face, Fucking Amal, Hearts Beat Loud, Nina’s Heavenly Delights, D.E.B.S, Booksmart, Thelma. All of these have happy endings so they’re good for anyone tired of watching lesbians dying, not ending up together or just having sad endings. Some others that are not necessarily positive but still good are Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Elisa & Marcela, Tell it to the Bees, Pariah (GNC black lesbian) oh and the tv show The Haunting of Bly Manor was really good but sad. Also Tipping the Velvet is a miniseries adaptation of Sarah Waters book, it’s good and has a positive happy ending but has a lot of not positive things throughout the series. And The Half of It is a nice positive movie with a lesbian main character but the plot is more about friendship than anything. And books: Ammonite by Nicola Griffith, On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden (graphic novel), When women were warriors by Catherine M. Wilson, The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon, Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour, This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El Mohtar, Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst and The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie. Oh btw if you liked Jenny’s Wedding you’d probably like Happiest Season, it feels very similar. Sorry for the long ask lol, I consume lots of lesbian media
Posting this for reference for anyone who would like to see it!
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for-bucks-sake · 5 years
Old News.
Pairing: Steve x Reader Word count: 5.5K. Warnings: Angst, a lot of smut!! (Unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), just a tiny bit of choking and cockwarming.) some fluff. Summary: Sometimes, even being Captain America isn’t enough.  A/N: This one was requested by the lovely (and very patient) @fandomslut666, I like to think it’s somewhere between the area of catws and aou.  Your comments and reblogs are so appreciated you don’t even know. Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoy! Btw, requests are open!
Gif’s not mine.
Tumblr media
“Captain Rogers! Captain Rogers!” His name was thrown at him from every possible direction, repeated again and again like a mantra. Countless of eager eyes seeking his gaze, desperately enough to convince him they would do anything for just a moment of his undivided attention.
Steve wasn’t a regular at press conferences. Usually, it was more of a Stark territory, but once in a while he was forced to go; it’s good for PR, they said, the people love seeing their captain.
He only went because of her anyway.
In all honesty, Steve would rather fight on his own twice as many journalists than answer their questions. A man with a striped tie and a combed hair nearly pushed a microphone to his chest. Also, he thought, make them be ninjas.
“Please, everyone, let’s all stay calm and in time, The Captain will answer each and every one of your questions.” A woman with a neat hair pulled back smiled, adjusting her grey pantsuit when she spoke. The buzzing in the room gradually died down.
Steve knew who she was. Penelope was one of The Avengers representatives in the news and the media. She was very stern but not any less kind because of it. He assumed she was very good at her job.
His eyes bore into the crowd, his guts twisted in disappointment when he couldn’t locate her.
“Captain Rogers will only answer question regarding the body formerly known as SHIELD, as well as the latest mission of The Avengers and the new aiding initiative for helping PTSD suffering veterans recover.” Penelope glanced at Steve as he nodded, confirming what she said.
He was already debriefed an hour ago, but the woman knew who she was dealing with, and after the scandal of last time…he needed to be reminded he can’t be saying exactly what’s on his mind.
“Captain Rogers will not answer any further questions referencing political views nor personal life.” Penelope smiled, “use your time wisely. Thank you.”
In a brief second suited arms were raised as high as they could, it was like the were in a competition of who can speak louder and raise his hand higher. Steve adjusted in his seat, his suit widely uncomfortable and restricting;
“It makes you look professional.” Natasha said,
“Handsome.” Clint added,
“As long as it’s not your stealth suit or those god awful grey sweatpants…” Tony huffed and physically pushed his broad shoulders out the door, sending him to the jungle.
“Carl, go ahead.”
A man from the back row stood up and cleared his throat, smoothing down the wrinkles of his pants.
“Captain Rogers, it’s an honor to meet you again.” Steve nodded, not even the faintest smile on his lips, “what is your stance regarding the conflict in the middle east? Will you explain-“
“Let me stop your right there.” Penelope talked straight to the black microphone, “Really, Carl? I thought we were very clear with our instructions. He will not answer that. Next!” She announced, already scanning for a different journalist with her eyes. They fell on a young woman, so contrasted in that view of tired dark suits, her confidence refreshing and covering everything she lacks in experience.
“The LA Times, y/n.”
Steve’s eyes lit up when he saw her thin golden bracelet sliding down her wrist as she raised her hand up.
Despite the scuffs that filled the room, a satisfied grin decorated her features when her name was pronounced ceremonially, her stance straight and impressive.
“Captain Rogers.” Y/n smiled, not missing the way Steve’s eyes roamed over her body, he swallowed the gulp in his throat and smiled back.
“Will the initiative Mr. Wilson and you have come up with only be relevant to the citizens of New York? Or should we expect to see more branches soon?”
Her skirt was hugging her curves perfectly, light purple that ended just above the knees, enhancing her body’s already sinful shape, even when she was fully clothed.
Steve swallowed again, registering her question only by some miracle; “Sam Willson is the mind operating behind this incredible innovation,” he began. 
Y/n exhaled, her mind already forming the words that soon will be written on her laptop; Captain Rogers, looking authoritative in a navy suit, humble as always, credits his fellow Avenger and good friend Sam Wilson for their conjoint hard work on the anticipated “VetsForVets.” project that will debut in two weeks.
On a second thought, maybe she should scratch that comment about the suit. He does look authoritative though, and if she may add, fucking hot.
He was uncomfortable, she could see that, the way he was fidgeting with his white collar even though he didn’t have a tie, his overly tensed back, the strain in his voice when he spoke, but mostly, because he told her.
“Apart from New York, we expect to open addition stations in Washington D.C. and Boston in the next three months.” The tight fabric of her white t-shirt clung to her breasts, showing just enough cleavage to drive him crazy but still be considered appropriate. How he managed to form a coherent answer, he didn’t know.
“We aim to expand to the midwest as well, and hopefully, in six months, we’d reach the west coast. Our main goal is to be where we’re needed. Anywhere that might be.”
“Thank you, Captain.” Y/n licked her lips and looked straight at his darkening eyes. The both of them knew exactly where they needed to be.
“Fuck, Steve.” Y/n whimpered, back crushed against the bathroom stall in full force, bones hitting the plastic in motions coordinated with the rapid slams of their hips.
He shushed her gently, bringing his fingers to her mouth in a gesture so delicate it clashed with his violent thrusts, “we don’t want to be heard, do we?”
She threw her head back, hitting the stall, eyes shut in pleasure. Accepting his fingers and sucking on them in a desperate attempt to be quiet.
Steve pulled his hips almost completely out, she opened her eyes just in time to see his lower abdomen contracted, sculpted abs shrinking and a devilish smirk on his lips before he pounded into her again, forcefully pressing his way into her pussy as she squeezed her eyes shut, mouth closing tighter around his digits and filling with her own salty flavor that lingered to his skin, evidence of her previous orgasm.
“Good girl.” He rasped when she only squeaked, visibly preventing herself from making any louder sound.
They still were in a building full of journalists, after all, and damn good ones. It would be too easy for them to connect the dots if they heard anything at all. And then, all hell breaks loose.
“Shit, you feel so good baby.” He groaned into the crock of her neck, adjusting his grip on her ass and squeezing her between his thighs. When he was sure he had her secure in place he lifted his palm from her body,
“FUCK!” She moaned when he spanked her, left hand hits back hard and unforgiving on her cheeks. The place when he landed his hand heated up, skin prickling and burning in an already red spot.
Steve renewed his grasp on her skin and lifted her body against his, his cock still inside her, its stretch more defined than always when he raised her up, easily finding a comfortable position to support her in the air just in the right angle, even with one arm only.
“Steve.” Y/n cried, tears forming in her eyes as her shoulders hit the stall again and Steve picked the pace of his thrusts. His hipbones brushed against the inside of her thighs, smoothly sliding in and out as shiny sleek leaked from her hole down to her ass. She was at his mercy again; one wrong move and she could meet the hard stone floor. If it was anyone else she might’ve been worried, but not with Steve.
His free hand slowly sank down to her throat, dragging over her red lips and her chin, leaving a wet trail of saliva. The grip was loose around her neck, heavy and felt on her hot skin.
Steve bit his already swollen lips and tightened his hold, using it to bring her mouth closer; He couldn’t help it. She looked so wrecked. And delicious.
To think that less than an hour ago she was still in her fancy little skirt, strutting around with a smirk on her flawless makeup covered face. So collected and pretty- now look at her;
Melting like jelly between his arms, so begging and desperate and even more beautiful than before, needy for his cock even when it was already inside her. The thought alone made him smirk just before he crushed their lips together, taking advantage of y/n’s gasp of surprise and sliding his tongue past her lips, stroking slowly the inside of her cheeks and her own tongue- moving against each other in a sloppy rhythm.
The heat in her lower belly ignited, threatening to combust as she felt it raise to her flushed cheeks, painting them in what he thought was the most beautiful shade of pink.
She moaned into his mouth, trembling so much he had to bring down his other hand, nearly covering her asscheeks with his palms, squeezing hard but holding her in place.
“Hold tight, doll.” Steve warned, picking up the speed of his movements, slamming into her boneless body in a vicious pace.
Her grip on his biceps tightened, breast moving up and down to her ragged breaths, muffled curses leaving pulp lips and getting lost in her own pleasure.
He jerked his hips, making her produce an utterly sinful sound, dripping erotism and lust; the fire in her stomach finally consuming all of her as she burst. Fingers clawing hard into Steve’s muscles, mouth open and thrown back along with her head, legs shaking so violently she thanked god she wasn’t standing on her feet.
Steve buried his face in the crook of her neck again, leaving an uneven trail of sloppy kisses as he rode his high with her, her walls clenching around him and milking every bit of his pleasure when he marked them with his cum.
“Ugh shit, the mess we’ve made.” Y/n stared in terror at the mix of juices leaking lazily down her thigh. She grabbed a handful of toilet paper and gathered the liquids in a somewhat awkward position.
“Do you need help?” Steve didn’t even bother to button his dress shirt. He laid on the closed toilet in blissful obliviousness, the expensive suit Tony got him was in a puddle on the floor. Oh wouldn’t he be furious if he ever found out.
He reached his hand and placed it on her hip, caressing the skin under her thin panties and smiling at her, she returned the smile but slowly zipped up her skirt, forcing Steve to remove his palm. He thought it would be the perfect time to ask her.
“Hey y-“
“I gotta go.” Y/n picked her phone from her purse before he could say anything, seemingly unaware of his attempt to speak. She had too many messages, and the governor of Georgia tweeted something completely scandalous again, she needed to see if someone has written about it…
“Already?” He was disappointed, voice higher than usual and sobered up from his post orgasm euphoria.
“Yeah, uh…sorry Steve.” She didn’t look up from her phone, blindly searching for her tight t-shirt, “next time, ok?”
Steve nodded but he wasn’t sure she could tell. He located the white fabric that was thrown near her legs and passed it to her. She mumbled a distracted thank you and kept typing, only stopping once when her head was stuck inside the collar.
Steve chuckled lightly when he watched her while buttoning his shirt, slowly, without any real effort. He thought that he can make time last forever by staying in there, in the last stall of the VIP rest room, and she would stay with him.
She slipped into her Louboutins swiftly, (they were her only pair, she wore them when she had to leave an impression, she once told him in a vulnerable moment of truth) waved goodbye, and just like that - she was gone.
Steve didn’t like how empty he felt, the feeling of bliss already out the door just like her, grounding him with sheer force and striping him of his joy.
He should really get used to that by now, he thought as he picked up the blue suit, the void in the pit of his stomach getting terrifyingly deep.
Steve held his fitted blazer above his shoulder and pushed the door open with a sigh, meeting his own face in the mirror. He couldn’t ignore the fragments of past expression that masked his features before it faded away.
The creases were rooted on his forehead, curved lines and loose corner of mouth, blue dim inside his orbs.
Something downed on him then. He looked sad.
Y/n waved her magnetic card in front of the small machine, waiting for the familiar beep to arrive. The glass doors opened automatically, letting her in the elegant looking lobby. She sent a hurried kiss in the air to Daniella, not even having the time to chat with her dear receptionist friend as she walked to the elevators with determination, nodding when Dani held her phone, and pantomimed texting, as to let her know she won’t get off that easily.
From there the way to her cubicle was short. It was small and unimpressive but for her it meant everything; at her young age she managed to score her position in the LA Times’ branch in New York. She was ambitious and persistent and unforgiving- people her age could only dream of what she does. Most of them are stuck as an underpaid interns, their names written on coffee cups instead of being on top of articles. She, on the other hand, just returned from interviewing Captain America.
Y/n didn’t need a fancy office with see through walls to know she was damn good at her job, she only had to look at what tasks she was given.
So yes, a shower would be incredible right now, but also meeting her deadline that was pretty much today.
“Y/n! The boss wants you in her office.” Ruth’s assistant lightly touched her back, bringing her attention to him as she was too concentrated into typing.
“What? Right now?” It wasn’t unusual her boss required a report after a big press conference, normally she would just mail it to her, though. Speaking to her directly was only reserved to special news. Or perhaps, a slap on the wrist. Or something way worse.
What if she somehow found out she was sleeping with Steve? This could be a disaster. Everything she previously wrote about him or with relations to him would be considered unreliable. All her work for nothing and she will never be worked with again. Unethical and stupid and-
“You coming?”
Y/n nodded slowly and got up in terror, steps heavy in her suddenly very uncomfortable heels.
Jamie the assistant opened the door for her and she thanked him weakly, shrinking when she stepped forward and met with the proud back of the stern woman.
“Do you have a dress?” The grey woman ask nonchalantly after what felt like an hour of silence.
“I’m sorry?” Y/n asked, confused, trying to hide her baffled face when Ruth turned around, patting one of her famous black pantsuits .
“Did the press con go well? Have you started your report and article yet?” The tall woman seem to ignore her own question, confusing washing over y/n even further.
“It went better than expected, got enough material for a great piece about Rogers and Wilson’s project. Both the article and the report will be at your desk by the end of the day, ma’am.”
“Very well.” Ruth nodded, “now do you have a dress? I have an invitation to the Gala Stark hosts in two weeks. I already confirmed going, but unfortunately something came up and I can’t go. Since we cannot afford missing it- every single paper in the city is going to be there- and you are already familiar with the story, I thought you were fit for the job. That brings me to my question- do you have a dress?”
Steve loved watching her falling apart beneath him. Her trembling thighs secure between his arms, face buried deep between her folds and her pleasure to him mercy.
It was so intimate, sometimes. How she would whisper his name like some kind of a secret, a soft hidden truth that was only known to them.
Y/n dug her nails into his scull, weaving her fingers through his hair and pulling him impossibly closer, tongue debouching her heat, his lips applying more pressure to her core.
His cock twitched in his pants when he looked up, just for a moment. He had to watch;
She looked like a work of art, his name leaving her nearly bloody lips again and again, thick lashes fluttering on her cheeks, hair spread on the pillow in a mess that almost seemed artificial.
“Fuck!” She yelped when Steve buried his head again, grazing his teeth against her clit and biting it gently, her body squirming as he pressed a kiss to it right afterwards.
Steve bucked his hips into the matters, his crotch desperate for some friction, the delicious noises she made and being surrounded by her sweet smell were almost too much.
Content it would last forever, he felt the desperate grind of y/n’s hips against his face, and the thrill of watching her cum overpowered the pleasure of prolonging the dwelling of her flavor on his lips.
Steve groaned into her center, flicking his tongue and squeezing her thigh hard, holding in place a handful of her body as he consumed her passionately.
Ignoring the shaking of her legs he continued, back arched above the sheets as bids of sweat formed on her temple, shutting and opening her eyes in hopelessness when she chased her high, feeling the warm liquid finding its way out of her hole and right into the Steve’s waiting tongue. The sensation of him licking every last drop astonishingly erotic, arousing all over again her sensitive clit.
Y/n exhaled and looked down, exhausted.
His satisfied grin was utterly unholy, jaw coated with her juices, the sensual licks of his tongue on his lips can’t cloak that cocky expression he didn’t dare to steer. Intense stare fixated on her swollen bit lips, as if he could actually devour her whole with his eyes only.
Y/n never shied away from him, not even once- but something in the way Steve watched her from between her legs, so focused and fascinated at the same time - raised her blush higher on her cheeks, the urge to close her thigh almost overpowering her.
He kissed her left inner thigh for the last time, sending shivers down her already shook spine. He cupped her sides, bringing himself up. One corner of his lips curved his smirk even wider as he captured y/n in a kiss, smearing her up with her own release and biting on her bottom lip before he pulled away.
The pout her mouth shaped into gave him the last drop of courage he needed to gather, her still erratic breath hot on his skin when he formed the words in his mind into a question.
“I was thinking…” He began, choosing his words carefully, the growing boner in his boxer doing nothing to clear his mind, “there’s this event next week. Tony…Tony Stark is hosting it. It’s for “VetsForVets”, and I thought,” he inhaled, for some reason her breaths not as close as before, “I thought that I would love it if you went with me. I mean…That I want you to come with me. I mean, only if you want to, because I want you. To come with me, I mean.” He kept stumbling over his words, making it even more of mess than it was. Steve knew it would be awkward, but this lame attempt had him fighting the burning desire to punch himself.
Y/n flinched back, moving backward and pressing herself against the headboard of her bed, her pout turning into a frown.
“I’m sorry if I, I just assumed-“ He found it difficult to create the sentence even more than before, “it’s a thing for the press, actually, I thought you’d wanna go, since you may know some people, uh, there.”
He watched her eyes losing any trace of previous lust when she spoke, “I’m going.”
“You’re going? With…with me?”
“No, I mean,” y/n said reluctantly, “I’m already going. I got an invitation from work.”
“Oh…” Steve said, visibly confused as to why she said it like it was a bad thing, “we can still go together, it would be even easier since you already got the clearance to-“
“I’m going alone.”
Steve exhaled sharply, his mind filling with silver fog he couldn’t find the source of, eyes closing and then opening wide again.
“You…Don’t want go with me?”
People seemed to forget who he was, once. Just a skinny kid from Brooklyn that was too short to reach any girl’s eyes and couldn’t throw a punch to save his life.
People seemed to forget, but he remembered. He remembered every woman that looked down on him, dismissing him over his looks. Every foot he stepped on, limbs too awkward to dance. He remembered, and he never blamed anyone but himself.
So when y/n’s gaze met his, apologetic and with a hint of pity, he remembered.
“Steve I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.” He was on his feet in no time, already pulling his shirt back up, feet searching for his boots.
She got up after him, her sex still bare with a small trace of her wetness that was there before.
“It’s okay, really.” And everything about him screamed it wasn’t, “I asked. You said no. What’s the big deal?” His t-shirt was half up, fabric too tight for his muscles, he already had one shoe on.
“Because, I don’t want you to be upset! It’s nothing about you. I just…can’t show up as your date. It’s unprofessional.” She tried to explain, laying a comforting hand on his forearm. She could feel the clenched muscle under it, flexing harder than it should.
His brain was beat, irrational with that screen of black smoke that made him even angrier, “I’m just a job to you, then?”
Steve spat his words at her, flinching away from him once again as he shook his shoulder to get her hand off.
“You’re not just- what are you even talking about? Steve, I really didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“It sure don’t seem like it.”
“God,” she moaned in despair, “I can’t be seen with you. It can ruin my career, did you know that? I would definitely lose my job at the Times. Which I fucking love, by the way.” Steve opened his mouth to react, but she beat him to it.
“Everything I have ever wrote about you, which you should know, is a lot, would be considered biased. Invalid. Fake. Do you know what happens to journalists who publish fake new?”
“But it’s not fake.” He whispered.
“Yeah, well, they don’t know that.” Her throat was sore, her head was hammering with the pain of a sharp needle that was permanently stuck inside her temple. Her vision was blurry and kept losing its focus.
“Then tell them.” He knew the fight was already lost, “I’ll tell ‘em.”
“And you really think they’ll listen?”
Steve took one last look at her and fixed his laces, eyes stinging with tears he barely managed to blink away.
She was right. Of course she was. And he couldn’t afford being angry, but he was. He told himself it was at the situation and not at her, and it felt like a lie.
“See you around, I guess.” Steve adjusted his jeans, the uncomfortable stretch still there but not as irritating as before.
“Yeah,” y/n said, watching him leaving her room on his own, talking more to herself than to him, “see you around.”
Y/n didn’t stop throwing up all morning. The terrifying thought of pregnancy dug its way to her brain but it wasn’t it. She checked.
Might be because today is the day of the Gala. Biggest event she’s ever been to all alone. Must be performance issues. Excitement, maybe.
She didn’t even think about the fact Steve will be there. Who even Steve was, anyway?
It’s been almost two weeks since what was their impromptu breakup, separation, termination of relationship, Whatever that was. And when her temper cooled down, a couple of days after, y/n realized something.
She realized she missed him. She missed him so much.
Calling in sick wasn’t an option. She will not fuck up the first time she’s given that kind of opportunity, not even for a man. Not even for a man like Steve.
Her red dress was hung outside her closet, she could see it from the narrow space left open between the bathroom door and the wall.
Sharp pains hit her stomach again, nausea and disgust pulsing through as she emptied what was left in her into the toilet. She can go.
She is going.
Even Steve didn’t see anything quite as extravagant, and he’s known Tony for years. The ballroom was decorated with the colors of the American Flag; massive sheets of red velvet and silk descended from the artificially tampered ceiling, a technology Steve didn’t fully understand made it seem like they were looking at a sky colored with changing shades of blue. The marble floor was different as well, now indigo instead of stoney beige. As for the white- it was in everything else.
The chairs and the tables, even the bar. The walls and the donation and information stations, the odd one out being the small stage that looked like a hill raised from the floor, covered in a velvety royal blue fabric. Tony was pulling all the stops to promote “VetsForVets” even though it wasn’t his.
He didn’t seem to mind though, given Steve didn’t let him donate the entire amount they needed for all the branches in plan and even more, Tony wanted to help as much as Steve allowed him, and he did an amazing job at it.
Steve searched with his eyes for anyone familiar, catching Sam and Tony standing near the stage. He approached them quickly, press hasn’t arrived yet.
“Tony!” He called, “this is incredible, I don’t know how to thank you.”
Sam patted him back with a smack and nodded, “I tried it man,” Sam smiled, “he won’t accept any thank you but a thank you.”
“Enough about me now,” Tony adjusted his glasses, “it’s your night.” He motioned to the two of them and put his hands on their shoulders, furthering them from each other and creating a space to walk through between the two.
Sam chuckled and shook his head, nodding to the entrance as a new wave of people streamed past the door, cameras and microphones in hand.
The knots at the bottom of his stomach twisted, mouth dry as he hastily searched for the inevitable.
That’s when he saw her.
Her wine colored dress fit right in the background, like she was just another mesmerizing decoration. The silk hugged her body perfectly, embracing it down until the fabric reached her mid thigh, ending with a wrap.
His gaze followed her up, moving through her bare arms, modest cleavage, the thin straps that highlighted her collarbone, until they reached her face- lips painted outrageously red, rosy blush high on her cheeks that couldn’t obscure something was off. He wanted to approach, ask her what’s wrong, before he could move she locked eyes with him, watching him watching her. Y/n retreated back to the crowded area behind her, blending in with everyone else.
- She vowed not to drink, her stomach still not recovered from the rough morning it’s been through and the last thing she needed was to make a fool of herself in front of some of the most important people in the world. And him.
Yet for some reason, the combination of an open bar with the most exquisite cocktails she’s ever seen and the overwhelmingly good looks of one super soldier, made her reconsider her decision.
Now she was pleasantly tipsy, talking to a handsome stranger and circling her sparkly straw in her nearly empty glass, even between unnecessarily loud laughs and drawn out touches she was too aware of the side glances she was getting from a particular person across the room.
They kept calling them the men of the hour, then why did he feel like he was the smallest person in this room?
Steve muttered a distracted apology as he moved past the donors they were talking with, Sam looked at him questionably but Steve dismissed his worry, smiling wide and congratulating all of them a with a good night. Sam was charming them way better anyway.
Determined, he walked to the bar and ordered himself a useless whiskey. Once he got his order he turned around to lean on the high counter, sipping slowly from the amber liquid. He glimpsed quickly at the man y/n was speaking with, getting closer an inch with the wish to be noticed.
Steve downed his drink in one go, longing for how carefree it used to make him.
“Oh, excuse me just a minute.” Jacob cut her flow of words to look above her head, his eyes lighting up when Steve nodded at him.
Jacob ducked down abruptly, “this is Captain America!” He whispered loudly, sending unpleasant breaths in her direction.
Y/n jumped in her place, breath hitched in her throat. “Fuck me.”
“I’m sorry?”
She heard Steve’s breathy chuckle too close to her neck.
“You are Captain America, right?” The man that slowly revealed himself to be more and more disappointing asked.
“Steve Rogers.” He stuck his hand for a shake, smile lopsided, “nice to meet you. Y/n.” He acknowledged her by nodding to her direction.
“Oh, you two met?” Jacob’s eyes seemed like they’ve never shone brighter.
“Briefly.” Y/n answered sternly. The cosmopolitan she drank already on its way up.
“Oh, great. I’m Jacob. A big fan, Cap. Captain America. Can I call you Cap?”
Y/n rolled her eyes and kicked Steve’s foot not very subtly. His amused grin didn’t leave his face even then.
“Steve is fine, Jacob. Thanks for coming here today. It means a lot.” He managed to say through his smile, just before Jacob’s phone vibrated loudly.
“I gotta take this.” He mouthed and pointed to his phone, strolling away objectively to find a quieter spot.
Steve leaned against the white bar again, crossing his legs and watching a general spot in the distance, a satisfied smirk on his face. “Jacob. Really?”
“Shut up.”
“What? He seems like a nice guy.”
“We literally just met ten minutes ago. And even if he is - that’s none of your business.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
The music filled the silence between them, ceiling somehow capturing the blue of Steve’s eyes the exact moment y/n looked up.
“I’m sorry. About the other day. I overreacted.” She said finally, breaking the static noise.
Steve place his empty glass on top of the counter and scratched his jaw, “no you didn’t. You don’t need to apologize. I’m the one who needs to-“
“I’ve missed you.”
He raised his gaze to meet hers, eyes sincere, her mouth slightly open. Like it was inviting him to come in.
“I’ve missed you too.”
When Jacob finally returned from his call, they were no longer there.
Steve steadily moved up her body, his weight held by his forearms to her sides. It was slow, paced. So different than any sex they’ve had before.
Sensual and incredibly frustrating. Desperate pulls of fabric and skin seeking impossible proximity, wets sound of him sliding in and out, the smell of sweat and alcohol intoxicating in their noses.
Y/n walls squeezed Steve’s cock tight inside her, clenching and releasing and pulling him deeper inside. He let his fingers down to her clit, adding to her arousal as he circled it lazily, not breaking eye contact even once.
Steve came first. Having her in his arm more profound than the act itself.
She was a close second, waves of pleasure hitting her one after the other to the voice of Steve encouraging her to cum between his throaty groans, moaning loudly as he shot warm strips of cum inside her.
“Shit.” Y/n exhaled. He was still on top of her, his cock buried deep inside. She didn’t know what about that moment changed her mind. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe Steve is worth losing some things so she could win new ones. Better ones.
“They’re probably looking for you.” She giggled breathily.
“Mmm, ‘think we can afford five more minutes. Can’t we? Unless you…unless you have to go?”
She thought about every time she left hastily after they finished. Grabbing her phone first thing and everything else next. Leaving him alone.
“Don’t worry.” She whispered, “I’m not going anywhere.”
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lowkey-lokis-bitch · 5 years
our chosen family - dad!steve.rogers
request - can i request for steve rogers x teen!reader? they have a father daughter relationship ever since he recruited her for team cap. they see each other again back @ the avengers facility after a long time. reader got affected by the snap (they shared a moment before turning to dust like peter & tony in titan) her last words: “i love you dad” and she’s the last one who’ll turn into dust. steve cries, vowing to avenge her and the others. reader has strength, speed, heat vision and flight. thank u!! - @barnes-parker – i’m so sorry it’s taken so long aha but i got so invested in this story and couldn’t stop ahaha <<33
word count - 7679
pairing - dad-figure!steve rogers x teen!reader, uncle!bucky barnes, uncle!sam wilson (btw the uncle figures are so much fun to write i love it omg), pretty much team cap family
a/n - hi! this became a long one and I’m kind of really proud of it so I hope you enjoy!! please let me know if this is the sort of thing you would like to read more!! also this kinda jumps between timelines so the lil ‘—-’ are the same scene just jumps, but the proper ‘——’ are different scenes :::))))))
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Stars lit up the sky as you floated above the metropolitan horizon of New York. Your mask covered the bottom half of your face, but you could see your breath cloud as the evening became cold. Landing on a rooftop, you squatted and scanned the area for any disturbances. Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw a group of bodies, all crowding around a young woman. The heat signatures they gave off were crazy, deep reds and bright oranges almost hurting your eyes. You jumped across a gap to the next building, trying to get a closer look. Then the woman screamed.
You leapt down from the building, landing in a crouch as the bodies turned to look at you. You stood up quickly, taking in the gasps from the men as they realised who you were. The first man sprinted towards you, throwing a punch at your face. You blocked it with your forearm and jammed your fist into his stomach, doubling him over in pain. You drew your knee up to hit him in the face and jumped over his falling body. Throwing yourself onto the floor, you swung your leg in front of you and tripped up two of the remaining five bodies. As they fell you grabbed their heads, banging them together just hard enough to knock them out for a few hours.
A knife flew by your face, missing you by only a few centimeters. You turned quickly, sprinting towards the attacker and buried your elbow in his face, taking out his legs with your foot. As he fell to the ground, you grabbed his body and threw it against the remaining men, taking them out like bowling pins. Walking towards the young woman, you helped her up and checked her over.
“Thank you,” she stuttered, tears falling on her cheeks. You gave her a smile, hidden by the mask, before sending her on her way. You began lining the bodies up against a wall, ready for the police, when the sounds of footsteps approached you from behind. You spun, holding your hands up in a defensive measure.
“Hello (Y/N),” a man in basic black and purple armor spoke, a quiver strapped across his back. You were taken aback by his use of your name; you had never told anyone of your true identity.
“How do you know my name?” your voice was tense, as were your fists. “Who are you?”
“I’m Clint, this isn’t my normal way of introducing myself,” the man laughed to himself, rubbing a hand against his forehead. “I’m just gonna cut to the chase, we need your help.”
Days later you found yourself in Europe with Captain America, having been recruited for his fight against Tony Stark. The two of you had clicked instantly, him taking the fatherly role that had been missing from your life. You trained together, Wanda helping you with controlling your powers and Steve taking responsibility for your hand-to-hand combat. The progress you saw within yourself in just a few days was outstanding and you found yourself imagining a life with the team, training and becoming friends. But that was a dangerous fantasy.
“Take the new guy, he seems about your age,” Steve didn’t look at you as he spoke, his eyes still focused on Tony as he ran across the airfield. “Save Buck and Sam.”
“Ah, my boys always need me,” you laughed despite your anxieties. Sprinting towards the glass building, you flew into the air and crashed through one of the walls. You landed in a traditional “superhero” pose, looking up to assess the situation. Bucky and Sam lay on the floor, tangled up in some kind of web, as Spiderman crouched against a tall pillar.
“Woah, you can fly?!” the kid spoke, his voice revealing his youth. As you considered, he probably wasn’t much younger than you, a year or two at most. How could Tony bring in someone this young?
“Hey kid, haven’t you got homework or something to be doing?” you cocked him a brow, a smirk hidden beneath your mask. Spiderman’s eyes flicked up to you, widening in shock. You threw yourself towards him, arms outstretched to tackle him to the ground. Landing with a thud, you launched Peter across the room where he hit and slid down the wall. You bolted towards Bucky and Sam, ripping apart the webs that bound them. “What would you boys do without me?”
“Probably not have all of my food stolen,” Sam muttered, standing quickly and bringing his hand to his goggles. You sent him a glare before standing alongside Bucky. Glass shattered behind you, and you turned to see Spiderman caught by one of Sam’s drones, pulled outside.
“That works,” you shrugged your shoulders, leading the pair of men towards the building’s exit. “I can’t believe you got your asses handed to you by a kid.”
Deep breaths echoed, bouncing off of the prison cell walls. You sat by the bars, your arms wrapped around them and your hands intertwined. Your head rested against the cold metal, your eyes barely open as exhaustion took over your entire body. You had barely eaten, you couldn’t remember the last time they had given you water and you were sure the fatigue was obvious on your face. A sigh escaped your lips as you forced your head up to look across at Clint in his cell. He was sat on his bed, his head in his hands - as had become his usual position.
The opening of the main door caused you to look up; you half expected Tony to be back to gloat about his victory, to try and weasel any secrets out of you, but the silhouette in the doorway was taller, broader. As he stepped into the light, you heart broke and your lower lip quivered. Steve’s face was rugged, a hint of a beard tickled his jaw as he walked towards Sam’s cell. The two had a brief conversation, Steve glancing around the room at several points. You assumed Sam was explaining what had been going on. Steve reached into his pocket, pulling out a tablet that had hacked into the Raft’s mainframe. With a click of the screen, the cell bars lifted and you lifted yourself from the ground slowly. Your head spun and your legs shook beneath you as you stumbled your way to Wanda’s cell.
Wanda was the weakest of the group, she had been wrapped up in a straitjacket with an electric collar around her neck. Her eyes were sunken, deep bags hanging beneath them. She dragged her eyes up from the wall to look at you. A tear landed on your cheek as you knelt down before her, looking for some way to remove her restraints. Your breathing sped up as you began to panic, unable to find a solution. A hand touched your back, throwing you off balance as you spun around quickly, falling as your head went fuzzy. Large arms wrapped around you as your consciousness began to fade. You forced your eyes open just long enough to see Steve’s face, smiling down at you as you drifted off to sleep.
“She needs to be here, where I- we can look after her.”
“She’s old enough to make this decision herself.”
The steady beeping of medical equipment steadied your breathing as you began to regain consciousness. You tried to lift your hand, but it felt like dead weight. Your fingertips twitched and you let out a soft groan, attempting to communicate with anyone who was in the room.
“Hey kiddo,” Steve’s voice calmed your racing heartbeat as he stepped towards your bed.
“Where are we?” your throat felt as though you had swallowed broken glass and the taste in your mouth was foul.
Steve looked towards the other man in the room, who you could now see was Sam. He sighed, his head hanging before looking back up at you, “A safe house in Sweden, the whole team’s here.”
“How did you- what happened?” your eyebrows furrowed as you coughed, your chest aching with each exhale.
“Well, I couldn’t leave my best girl,” Steve smiled up at you, but his eyes showed his true sadness. “Can’t be part of a team if the rest of the team isn’t there.”
“So, everyone’s staying here? What about Tony?” Steve flinched as you mentioned the name, taking a deep breath before speaking.
“We have to stay under the radar, according to everyone we’re criminals now. Tony isn’t going to try and change that. Nat, Sam and I are going to go underground and Wanda’s gonna be with us most of the time. What you do is up to you,” Steve looked up at you once again, his eyes pleading for you to stay.
“I-I don’t know.” “I don’t want to interrupt a lovely moment,” Sam stepped forward, his hands in the pockets of his jacket. “But you’re young. You can’t be giving up your life before you’ve even had one.”
“Whatever you do,” Steve started, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. “We’re always here for you, whatever it is, I’m here.”
In the time after Germany, your physical and mental health took a hit. It took you days to be able to walk again, and weeks beyond that to start training. Natasha and Clint would often find you pottering around the safe house at 3am, a dazed look in your eyes and various weapons in your hands. Not to mention the nightmares, they woke not just you, but Steve who would race through from his room - adjacent to yours - when you began screaming, your lungs crying out for oxygen. It was decided that you would go with Wanda, she was the only one who could fully comprehend what was going on in your head, and you would return when you had fully recovered. Whenever that was.
“I’ll come visit as soon as Wanda thinks it’s okay, kid,” the tears in Steve’s eyes threatened to spill as he held you close to his chest. Your cheeks were already damp with salty tears as you had said your goodbyes to the rest of the team. Your arms were tight around Steve’s waist, and you didn’t want to let go. He pulled back to push loose hairs away from your face and to look into your eyes one last time. “I love you.”
“I love you, and thank you,” you hesitated. “Dad.”
You kicked your leg out as you leapt into the air, thrusting your foot into the chest of an Outrider and slicing another in half with your blade. As you returned to the ground you drove your foot into the fallen Outrider’s face, leaving the Wakandan dirt splattered with black blood. You wiped your face with the back of your hand, a grimace painted across your expression, before looking up to see Steve struggling against a pack of creatures. You launched yourself into the air before hurtling into the group, sending Outriders flying in all directions.
“Thanks kid,” Steve breathed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to regain his momentum.
“You know, maybe you’re getting too old for this,” you joked with a quick salute. Steve simply raised an eyebrow at you in response and the two of you sprinted in seperate directions. You grabbed a pistol from the holster at your thigh and sent bullets flying towards two Outriders, dark gore showering the dusty ground beneath you. You increased your speed as you lifted off the ground, taking an aerial view of the battle. From your viewpoint, you saw Wanda fighting against one of Thanos’ children, and she wasn’t exactly winning. You bolted towards her, your hair flying behind you as you landed on the ground, sending dirt flying from under your feet.
“She’s not alone,” Natasha spoke as Okoye readied her blade. You stood next to the assassin, fists out in a fighting position. Proxima Midnight looked between the three of you before lunging towards Okoye, blades prepared to strike. She dove, striking at Okoye’s chest as you plunged your foot into her lower back, tripping her onto her back. She rolled up easily, landing in a crouch as she kicked out at Natasha’s feet. Wanda, now up from the ground, lifted Proxima into the air and sent her flying into one of Thanos’ large tanks.
“Anyone got eyes on Vision?” Sam’s voice came through your comms and you spun quickly to see Vision fighting another of Thanos’ children. You gave Wanda a quick nod before she used her power to give you a boost into the air. You hurtled through the air to the forest, your landing ruined by the dense trees. You dropped through branches before arriving at the floor, the air sucked out of your lungs. You wheezed, your eyes closed as pain surged through your entire body. Your adrenaline was starting to wear out, and you weren’t unscathed from the fight. Looking down at your body, blood and dirt was caking your armor, skin exposed to show deep wounds. You lifted yourself onto your knees, looking up to see Vision stabbed by Corvus Glaive. You stood quickly, grabbing a dagger from your belt and lunged towards the creature, sinking the blade into his side.
Suddenly, Corvus was tackled to the ground and you whipped around to see Steve getting to his feet, yelling across at you and Vision. Vision was visibly injured and struggling to move. He nodded at you and the message was clear. You sprinted towards Steve and Glaive, landing a punch on Glaive’s cheek and kicking your shin into the back of his knee. As he fell, he grabbed your arm and threw you into a tree, your spine curving around the trunk. You cried out in pain as you landed against the ground. Steve blocked Glaive’s blade with his shield, landing a punch and grabbing the blade and throwing it in the opposite direction. Glaive grabbed Steve by the neck, throwing him onto a fallen tree where Steve rolled, grimacing in pain. Corvus walked towards the tree where you were still shaking with agony, and wrapped his hand around your neck. You gasped for breath, your eyes beginning to go hazy.
As you sucked in a shallow breath, Glaive’s eyes went wide. His body lifted as a blade protruded from his chest, revealing Vision holding the staff behind him. Letting go of the stave, Vision fell to the ground. You gasped for oxygen as Steve sprinted over, blood trickling down his face from a cut on his forehead. You crawled towards the pair as Vision’s eyes began to droop, Steve holding his head.
“Hey, you’re good,” you spoke slowly, breathlessly. “We’ve got to get you out of here, okay? I can take you-”
“There’s no way you’re doing anything,” Steve’s voice was stern. “You’re injured, we can’t risk you any further.” “Steve, we need to get him out of-”
“I know, but-”
Wanda arrived on the scene, her face painted with worry as her eyes landed on Vision.
“Don’t cut me off!” your voice was raised, filled with urgency. “I can fly him up, get him back into the building. I’ll take out all of the Outriders, I can do it.”
“It’s too danger-”
Steve stopped speaking as dark clouds appeared between the trees, an ominous noise wiping out all cries from the battle field. A large figure stepped through them, a familiar golden glove decorating his left hand. He tensed and flexed his fingers, the stones making beautiful sounds as he glanced around, assessing the area. You looked towards Steve, his eyebrows furrowed as he stood.
“He’s here.”
early 2018 - remote europe
The bed creaked beneath you as you sat, the old wooden bed frame groaning at your presence. You pulled the medical kit out from your drawers, opening it to grab the antiseptic and cotton wool, before pulling up your shirt. A grimace crossed your face as you pressed the ointment to your skin, the stinging sensation dancing across your stomach. Grabbing a bandage from the box, you unwound it and wrapped it around your torso, ensuring it was tight enough to stop any bleeding. Then you moved on to the multiple wounds across your arms.
“Got yourself in kind of a bad state, kid,” you turned slowly to see the familiar face of Sam Wilson. “Need a hand?”
An aggravated sigh left your lips as you stood from the bed, “How did you find me?”
“Well, the deal was you were with Wanda. But that’s obviously not how it played out,” Sam gave you a serious look. “She told us the last place you said you were going and we took it from there.”
You rolled up the leg of your suit, cursing under your breath as you saw the bruising that had begun to appear. “Are you alone?” The uneasy tone of your voice didn’t go unnoticed. Sam looked across at you, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he considered the team.
“We didn’t want to undo anything Wanda might have-” Sam struggled for his next word, thinking carefully of his next word.
“Fixed?” you finished the sentence for him, looking up and giving him a breathy laugh. “Well, don’t worry. I can take care of myself.”
“You don’t have to.”
The words stopped you in your tracks.  You took a deep breath, turning to face the man before you.
“You’ve heard about the Infinity Stones?” Sam crossed his arms over his chest.
“Wanda and Vision mentioned them a few times, told me a bit about them. Why?” “Some big, scary guy is trying to get them all. They went for the Mind Stone, but we got to Vision first.”
“Is he okay?” you spoke, your voice raising slightly with concern.
“He’s fine, he’s back at the compound with Steve and Nat,” Sam stepped towards you. “We need you, (Y/N).”
“Now, where have I heard that before?” you joked with a sigh, rubbing your forehead with your palms.
“He needs you.”
You looked up, pained eyes searing into Sam’s.
“What’s the mission?”
The quinjet landed beside the Avengers facility and your heart jumped the second you reached the floor. You were instantly aware of how you looked, the weight of your backpack, the noises your jacket made as you stepped off of the jet. Sam moved to stand beside you, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
“You ready, kid?”
You gave a quick nod in response, your eyes fixed on the main doors directly in front of you.
“You’ll be fine,” Sam began to walk, his large strides putting distance between the two of you. Gritting your teeth, you forced one foot in front of the other, counting down the seconds until you were inside. The training hall was the exact same as when you had left. A sense of comfort washed over you, releasing the tightness in your chest as you looked around. A small smile broke onto your face as memories flooded back: training with Bucky, long nights talking with Wanda, Natasha trying to teach you new moves, leading to you on the floor, the breath stolen from your lungs.
Footsteps alerted you to a presence behind you and you spun around to meet Wanda’s kind eyes.
“Hey,” you breathed, a wobble in your voice.
“I’m sorry, I know you wanted to be by yourself bu-” Wanda began to walk towards you, taking your hands in hers.
“It’s okay,” you reassured her, pulling her into a hug. “I understand. Plus, everyone was probably missing me tons. You know, I don’t know how they survived without me.” You feigned a confident front, but you weren’t sure that Wanda was fooled.
She laughed nervously, taking your arm in hers and leading you towards one of the main rooms. You stopped before the door, looking across at your friend. She gave you a comforting smile before opening the doors and walking in. Your body felt like lead as you stepped through the doorway, seeing the same people you had left two years ago.
Nat’s eyes met yours and she rushed over, wrapping you in her arms. Although she rarely showed it, Natasha was one of the most caring people you had ever met. It was an extreme contrast to the act she maintained, but you knew her in a way no-one else did. She pulled back, her hands on your shoulders as she studied your face. You could see the relief on her face as you took in her appearance.
“I like the hair,” you let out a laugh. “You know, it’s hard for a redhead to pull off blonde.”
“Good thing I have the attitude for it,” she smirked, hugging you once again before returning to the large screen in the centre of the room.
You spotted Vision at the other side of the room, talking with Wanda, and gave him a quick wave. He responded with a smile, still growing accustomed to human greetings.
“Where’s Steve?” you spoke softly, to no-one in particular.
Natasha turned to look at you, “He’s in his room. Something about not wanting to make you uncomfortable or nervous.”
“I’m gonna-” you trailed off, leaving the room.
The corridors were hauntingly familiar, the same lights flickering as your shoes moved quietly along the wooden floor. 84. It was still 84 steps from the stairs to your room. Your heart rate increased as your hand stroked the door handle, pressing it lightly to reveal your room. Nothing had been moved, it looked as though you had been there only yesterday. The light streamed in from the closed window, thin, white curtains sitting perfectly still. You walked slowly towards the centre of the room, dropping your backpack onto your bed. It was a weird sensation, being back in a place that held so many mixed emotions.
You were snapped out of your memories as footsteps quickly approached from behind. You spun around and saw Steve standing in the door frame, an apologetic look on his face.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you were back already,” Steve diverted his eyes, avoiding meeting yours. “I thought someone was-”
He stopped talking as you walked towards him. Once you were within touching distance, your lower lip began to quiver and you wrapped your arms around him quickly, sobs escaping your lips. He sighed in relief and hugged you back.
“I’m sorry,” you spluttered, pulling away to look up at him. “I shouldn’t have gone off on my own, it was stupid and-”
“Hey, no,” Steve pulled you back into his chest. “I just-, I got scared. But that’s my fault, not yours.”
You stayed in the same position for a few minutes, just taking comfort in his familiar heartbeat. When you pulled away, he wiped the tears from your face before walking you back through to the meeting room. Natasha was now joined by Rhodey and they were deep in discussion, frequently referencing to various sheets of paper that were strewn across the table. They looked up when you entered, Rhodey folding his arms across his chest.
“Welcome back,” you hadn’t met Rhodey before, only briefly encountered him at the airport battle, but you could tell you were going to get along with him pretty well. “You heard of Thanos?”
“What did you do?” Thor bellowed. The gauntlet was fried, burned into Thanos’ skin. The titan looked around, a smile growing across his face, before summoning a portal and falling through. You looked across at Bucky, who was standing from where he had been thrown. A sense of unease settled across Wakanda and glancing around, it was obvious that everyone felt the same. You launched yourself into the air, trying to see the battlefield, to see if the same dread could be felt across the nation. And that’s where you saw it. Soldiers floating away in the wind, nothing but ashes. Your heart dropped as your mouth opened, your breathing staggering. You crashed back into the forest, looking around at your fellow Avengers.
“Something’s not right, people are-are-” you stuttered, your heart racing faster than it ever had. Steve looked across at you, concerned.
“Steve,” Bucky’s voice came from behind you as you turned. A pile of dust was on the floor, where Bucky’s body would have fallen. Your breath hitched as tears pricked your eyes. Steve staggered over, his heart breaking in his chest. Kneeling down, he ran his fingers through the remains of his best friend, his face obvious with distress. He looked up between you and Thor, the three of you sharing a thought. What the hell is going on?
Something inside of you felt off. Your stomach lurched as you looked up at Steve, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks. He stood quickly, racing over to hold you in his arms.
“Steve, I-I don’t know-” you spluttered, tears staining his armor.
“It’s okay, it’s going to be okay,” Steve’s voice cracked, his facade of strength dissolving before your very eyes. Natasha burst through the trees, her breathing heavy and her face panicked. You had never seen her this way before, the unshakable assassin, shaken. You fell to the floor as your knees gave out, Steve going with you. He held you in his lap, his hands running through your hair.
“What’s going to happen?” your voice wavered as you looked up at your mentor, your face tacky with salty tears.
“I-I don’t know,” Steve could barely look at you, feeling sick to his stomach. “But it’s going to be okay, I’m gonna figure it out, okay?” He nodded, trying to convince himself most of all.
Your legs went numb and you tilted your head to look down, but Steve placed his hand under your chin, lifting your eyes back to his. Your breathing sped up, panic settling in your stomach as you felt like you were going to throw up.
“I love you, Dad.”
Steve fell forward as your body dissolved before him. A tear fell from his eyes onto the ashes on his arms. Natasha walked towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder as she chewed on her bottom lip, her anxieties getting the best of her. Steve looked at the floor, his body heating with despair and anger.
“This isn’t over. I will get them back, and I will kill Thanos.”
Your eyelids were heavy as light beamed through the thin layer of skin. Squinting, you lifted a hand to cover your face and sat up slowly. Steve was gone. Looking around you could see Bucky standing up, Sam on the floor and the tree guy next to a log. But no Steve, no Natasha, no Rhodey. You made eye contact with Bucky, and confusion was plastered across his face, as you were sure it was across yours.
“Where’s Steve?” you stuttered, your legs shaking beneath you. Stumbling over to Sam, you took his hand and he gave it a quick squeeze. “Where’s anyone?” “I don’t know,” Bucky spoke slowly, moving to join the pair of you as T’Challa and Wanda emerged from seperate parts of the forest. You lowered yourself to the ground slowly, your body exhausted from whatever had just happened. Sam rubbed his forehead, desperately trying to hold it together and figure out an answer to the thousands of questions running through his head.
Your breathing was speeding up, your heart pounding in your chest; it felt as though your ribs were about to explode from the pressure. Your worried eyes met Bucky’s and he knelt down beside you, taking your hand in his larger, calloused grip. He gave you a soft smile, exaggerating his breathing to encourage you to fall in sync with his. Due to his past, Bucky was no stranger to anxiety and thus he was the one you always went to when your body started to act against you. He was more than happy to help, seeing you like a little sister and wanting nothing more than to protect you from the big, bad world. Your lip quivered before you took it between your teeth, hard enough to draw blood. Your eyes darted between Bucky and Sam, but as you looked at them you saw them looking in an entirely different direction.
A man stood before a glowing, amber circle, his red cape floating behind him as he strided towards you.
“My name is Doctor Stephen Strange. I was with Tony Stark as we fought Thanos, and I’m assuming you lost as we did,” Stephen’s eyes danced across the group, trying to devise the leader.
Sam stepped forward, “Nah, this is our victory party. You don’t see the balloons?” Despite his jokes, his voice was dark, serious.
“It’s been 5 years since our defeat,” your eyebrows furrowed at Strange’s statement. “And the Avengers need us.”
“Avengers, assemble.”
Roars broke out from all around you, an army running and fighting as one. Steve was at the forefront, his shield in one hand and Mjolnir in the other. You could see the grime and dried blood that coated his face from your position, despite being fairly far away. You sprinted forward, a cry escaping your lips in anticipation of the extreme battle that quickly approached. Holding your arms out before you, you launched yourself into the air and thrust your fist into an oncoming Leviathan. The punch reverberated through its entire being and it began to fall as a white horse came flying through the air, the Valkyrie atop it slicing the beast’s spine. You sent her a quick smile before turning to observe the ongoing battle. You bolted into a large group of Outriders, a shockwave exploding beneath your feet and sending creatures flying into the air, where they were quickly taken out by Tony and Pepper. You were moving at an incredible pace, legs and arms flying as you obliterated any Outriders that dared to threaten you.
“What do I do with this thing?” Clint’s voice was familiar over comms, and instantly you knew the object he was referring to. The gauntlet.
“Get it as far away from here as possible,” the sound of Steve’s voice made your heart skip a beat. A smile broke onto your face as you realised, this could be it. This could be the end of Thanos, the end of constantly looking over your shoulder for trouble. You could have a life after this. Your eyes roamed the battlefield, searching for a glimpse of the red glove. Amongst the hoards of creatures, you spotted Clint diving and dodging oncoming attacks and bulleted towards him, your feet leaving the ground and your body becoming streamlined.
“Hey kid, not really an ideal time,” Clint spoke, his breathing heavy as he dodged under a blade that flew towards him.
“Gimme that thing,” you nodded towards the gauntlet.
“Hell no, I’ve already fallen for that once today,” he continued to run, the glove tucked underneath his arm.
“Clint,” you looked at him, your eyes stern. “I can fly. They can’t get it up there.”
The man hesitated a moment, before holding the gauntlet out to you, “Touché.”
With the gauntlet secured in your grip, you bolted into the air, your hair flying out behind you. The roars of battle echoed from below, but your focus remained on getting the glove away from Thanos. A searing pain shot through your abdomen as you were thrown to the ground. Looking down, you saw the hilt of a knife sticking out of your side. You gasped, blood trickling down your side as you brought yourself to stand again, gripping the knife and pulling it out of you. Gritting your teeth, your eyes roaming for the perpetrator as you began to run. Your feet were heavy beneath you, swinging back and forth across the uneven battlefield. Shots rang out around you, but you didn’t flinch. Once again, you jumped into the air, throwing your head back to look at the ships above you.
Bullets flew past you, bolts of energy and weapons you couldn’t recognise skimming your armor. Leather could only hold off so much, and little cuts and digs were becoming bigger and more painful. You could feel your power draining as your body began to give out, failing under the increasing pressure of losing oxygen and blood. Your eyes struggled to remain open as the air became thinner and you felt your grip on the gauntlet loosening. In a panic, you scrambled to hug the glove to your chest and you began to fall. The ground was closing in as you squeezed your eyes shut to prepare for impact.
“Hi, I’ve got you!” a familiar voice rang out as you felt arms catching you. You forced your eyes open and saw the familiar mask of Spiderman. A breathy chuckle escaped your lips as Peter raised an eyebrow, a cheeky smile across his face. “I thought you said you could fly.”
You simply nudged him in response, trying to maintain any kind of energy that was left in your exhausted body. “You have spider-legs now?”
“Oh these things?” Peter glanced at his suit as you reached the ground, him letting you down gently. “That’s not even the best bit.” He reached out for the glove, and you gave it to him gladly. You smiled at him before he swung off, gauntlet in hand. You allowed yourself a few moments to catch your breath, glancing around at the battlefield and trying to find your teammates. You spotted Rhodey in the air, thrusters lit up as he attacked a Leviathan, with Sam on his tail, shots firing out at a rapid speed.
Blood rushed through your body as you gathered your strength to stand, muscled legs holding you up. A herd of Outriders watched you rise and sprinted towards you, teeth scratching and drool flying as they ran. You gritted your teeth as your rubbed your hands together, readying your familiar fighting stance. Your fists acted upon muscle memory, driving into chests and faces, legs flying and stomping on fallen creatures. Your armor became covered in Outrider gore, staining your skin with a deep blue tint. You fought until an entire group of monster corpses lay at your feet, your breathing was heavy and sweat droplets coated your forehead. With a quick swipe of your hand, your face was almost cleared of Outrider blood and your eyes focused once again as you looked towards the surrounding creatures.
“I am inevitable,” Thanos’ voice rang out over the battlefield and you spun to see the heavy gauntlet on his hand. Your breath caught in your throat as his fingers touched, the sharp snap cutting through the dense air. A confused look appeared across the titan’s face as he turned his hand, revealing the lack of infinity stones. You gasped as your eyes roamed to Tony, who was kneeling with the stones implanting on his suit.
“I. Am. Iron Man.”
A sharp, metallic tone shattered the air. Pain was instantly shown on Tony’s face as his body crumpled to the ground. The hoards of creatures that had begun to charge towards you stopped, all seeming to share a thought. These monsters that you had previously thought incapable of emotion were scared. A quick look around the battlefield showed that their entire race was reacting the same way. The area was almost silent, only heavy breathing could be heard over your comms.
Your feet began to move slowly beneath you, carrying your body towards the familiar presence of Wanda, who was stood near to you. Without turning to look at you, she took your hand in hers, her eyes still glued to the titan knelt in the centre of the fight. Around you, ships fell from the sky, exploding as they met the ground. Fire burst out in the perimeter of the battlefield, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the monster stood before you. His breathing slowed as his eyes dropped to the ground, his elbows resting on his knees. He remained there for a few seconds before looking up towards Tony, and dissolving away with the wind. Your breath hitched in your throat as he turned to ash. You tilted your head up to look at Wanda as a single tear rolled down her face. She dragged her eyes towards you and a relieved smile broke onto her face as she looked at you. You pulled her into a tight hug, sobs escaping both of you as you felt her arms around you.
You pulled away after a few moments, your tearstained face smiling up at her with a mix of relief and heartbreak. You couldn’t imagine the cacophony of emotions whirring through her body. Your heartbeat was steadily increasing as you looked around the battlefield, looking for one person. Steve. Your comms were alight with conversation and celebration, making it impossible to identify individual voices. And then, from across the battlefield, your eyes locked with his. A breathy sob escaped your lips as you began to sprint towards him, your injured legs stumbling as you crossed the uneven terrain.
His arms were around you within an instant, your face pressed into his chest. Tears spilled from both of you, neither in belief of what had actually happened. Steve pulled away to look at your face, and despite being in his old uniform, you could see the weathered effect the past 5 years had had on him. His eyes were swimming as he assessed your face, barely an hour older than when you had disappeared before him. Your mind raced with questions but you couldn’t bring yourself to speak.
“Hey kid,” Steve’s voice cracked as he looked down at you, his hands on your shoulders.
“Hey,” you stuttered, your voice shaking. “So, it’s not weird that I called you dad right?”
Steve laughed, shaking his head, “It would be an honor.”
He pulled you into him once again, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You spent a few moments just relishing in the familiarity of your family. Wanda had approached the pair of you, alongside Bucky and Sam. Steve took Bucky into his arms, patting his back as he pressed his face into Bucky’s soft shoulder. Sam jokingly wrapped his arm around the pair, encasing them in a group hug. You smiled at the action, taking Wanda’s hand once again. Once the group of boys had separated, Steve gave Wanda a quick hug, smiling at his friend. You situated yourself between Steve and Bucky, an arm around each as you settled into the comfort of your family.
Peering around the group, you noticed an empty space, “Where’s Nat?”
Steve’s face dropped as he looked around the group, “She -uh, she didn’t make it.”
Your eyes clouded over as your eyes fell to the ground. The group shared a few minutes of silence, grieving for your fallen sister. You reached to take Steve’s hand in your own, giving it a squeeze and looking up at him through clouded eyes. “She knows we won, and we won for her.”
Tony’s lakeside cabin was beautiful during the summer, the rays of sun beaming through the windows. You could have sat out by the lake for hours, not a single thought crossing your mind. It was peaceful, and you felt the most peace in knowing that Tony and Natasha were at peace as well. The funeral had been deeply emotional; you hadn’t known Tony too well yourself, but seeing the effect he had had on people’s lives proved to you how important your job was. You sat on the porch, watching Tony’s young daughter as she played by the lakeshore. An absent-minded smile danced across your face, the cool breeze tickling your face.
“Hey kid,” Steve approached you, his hands in his pockets as he sat next to you. You lifted your eyes to meet his, noticing the nerves he was trying to hide. Your eyebrows furrowed, but you shifted to give him some space.
“Hey,” your voice was soft. “How is everyone?”
Steve took a deep breath, surveying the horizon before you, “As good as they can be, I guess. Bruce is setting everything up, should be ready to go pretty soon. Best to just get it all fixed now.” You nodded up at him, leaning your head on his shoulder. He responded by wrapping his arm around your shoulder, hugging you into his side. “Can we talk?”
“What else were we doing?” you turned to face him, your entire body shifting as you crossed your legs beneath you.
“I mean, a serious talk.”
“Of course, what’s up?” nerves rumbled in your stomach as he looked down at you, his well known “serious face” on display.
“I think I’m going to stay there,” Steve’s eyes dropped to the floor, as though he was trying to look at anything other than you. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Where? What are you-” you stopped yourself as realisation vibrated through your body. “As in-?”
Steve nodded, his eyes clouding with tears.
“With Peggy?” Your voice cracked as you felt your throat thicken. Tears threatened to spill, but you focused all of your efforts into staying strong, for him.
“I- I can’t stay here when I could be living the life I truly want.”
You ducked to meet Steve’s eyeline, drawing it back to you. Giving him a reassuring smile, you took a deep breath and composed yourself. “I understand, and I love you. No matter what.”
Steve pulled you towards him, tears falling from his eyes onto your hair. He pressed a kiss to the crown of your head then placed his cheek on top. He could feel your chest rising and falling unevenly as quiet sobs escaped your lips. Your face was pressed into his shirt, taking comfort in being able to hear his heartbeat.
“Say hi to Peggy for me,” you smiled, your lower lip quivering as a tear dropped onto your cheek. Steve pulled away from you, taking your face in his hands. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, his eyes alight with emotion as he looked down at you.
“Do you want to come out, stand with Sam and Buck?” You nodded in response, taking his hand gently in yours. “I’ve spoken to Bucky, but we’re not gonna tell Sam. I don’t think he would take it too well.”
“Judging by some of his previous reactions, I would say you’re correct,” you laughed slightly as the two of you left the lodge. The brief walk through the forest was a daze, you barely felt as though your feet were touching the floor. You tried your hardest to take in every moment, knowing it would be some of your last with Steve, but your uncertainty took hold of your consciousness.
You reached the clearing where Bucky and Sam were deep in conversation with Bruce. The pair turned as they heart your footsteps, Bucky giving you a knowing smile as his eyes met yours. Sam jogged over, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“You okay, kid?” he looked down at you.
You wiped your face quickly, having forgotten about the tears. “Yeah, just allergies.”
“I keep telling you to go outside, instead of stuck in your room all day,” Sam’s eyebrows raised in an “I-told-you-so” manner.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you shoved his chest jokingly, making a beeline towards Bruce. You watched as he pulled a small briefcase out from beneath the table. Steve stepped towards you, unclasping the buckles to ensure that all of the Infinity Stones were counted for.
“Remember, the exact second they were taken, then-”
“Then back, yep. Got it,” you were surprised at how Steve sounded, confident. He closed the case, taking it in one hand and Mjolnir in the other. It still shocked you to see the magnificent hammer in his grip. He climbed the stairs, not looking back at the group of friends behind him. You found yourself moving towards Bucky, wrapping your arm around his.
“Okay, and 3, 2, 1,” Bruce pressed a button on the machine and Steve was gone. You breath faltered and Bucky reached to take your hand, his eyes still fixated on the spot where his best friend had just stood. You remained silent, not wanting to bring Sam’s attention to you, not wanting to let him know anything that was happening.
“And back in 3, 2, 1.”
You turned your head into Bucky’s shoulder, trying to steady your breathing as you began to accept that he was gone.
“Where is he?!” Sam’s voice boomed through the bare clearing as he glared across at Bruce, who was panicking and rushing around his equipment.
Bucky nudged you with his shoulder, causing you to look up and across at the bench by the lake. A small silhouette was outlined in light, white hair sitting atop of a frail, old body.
“Sam,” Bucky’s voice pulled Sam out of his confusion as he turned, following Bucky’s gaze towards the old man. “You go ahead.”
Sam walked over slowly, his hands in his pockets as he looked out to the water. You watched the conversation, too far away to hear any of the words spoken. Bucky remained in silence, your hand still in his. He pulled his eyes from the scene before him and looked down at you, trying to gauge your feelings towards the situation. “You wanna go speak to him?”
You considered for a moment before shaking your head. “We said our goodbyes, I’m okay.” Bucky gave you a soft smile before turning his attention back towards his friends. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before spinning on your heels, your gaze fixed on the cabin through the woods. A tear fell to your cheek as you left, leaving behind the comfort of your father. Thoughts spun through your head as you walked, but you brushed them to the side.
The future is bright, so full of opportunity and possibility. And you have to take it. For Natasha, for Tony, for Steve.
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aenslem · 5 years
finished house... honestly, don’t know what was s8, the first half of it i was like what the hell, everything gonna be the same except some faces? like that easy? and the second half it was super boring and i did not even watch some scenes, but pretending to be dead?? what? wilson dying... i did not feel what i had to feel, considering i kind of liked his character. house stayed the same, he does something stupid and gets nothing for it. and they just drive off into the sunset and what’s after that? i feel like it would be much better to show wilson dying on screen and house learning something. or idk killing house because if doesn’t learn anything and doesn’t change maybe the death is the only option for such a character... idk im kinda disappointed in it. wilson should do something FOR house, not for himself? even that driving off into the sunset and the fun they gonna have feels more like something FOR house and not for wilson. 
i loved cameron, but as i said she got a family in the end, but it happened off screen, she spent 6 years with chase and still could not work on her own problems, but somehow without chase and house she did it :/ anyway, she was really nice to watch in the beginning. at least Chase finally grew up and left oh wait.. no, he came back after house’ so called death and became the head of the department. good for him i guess.
what was the entire park/chase thing or house forcing chase and damn, entire season and i can’t remember what was that girl’s name lmao
everything felt off or forced and i lost interest, that’s why ending was so boring for me. yeah, i am sorry for wilson, but if they tell me someone’s gonna die at least make it meaningful, why main character fucks up his entire life, now for sure, but gets out of everything so he can be with his dying friend but what after? atm he did not change, he is still the same shit he was in the beginning and while i do like hugh laurie and his performance, i expected some progress or something. or maybe i don’t see it... 
also that was ending for cuddy and house? it was such a big thing and after “what the hell is that” that was ending of s7 they just went back to normal? not even mentioning what happened? in any other case old characters coming back and telling main hero something would make me feel something but here? nope, nothing. 
it’s not a review and later i might change my mind, when i finally sleep, im still at work btw. but right now, after finishing s8 it’s what i feel...i think there were too many seasons, they could end it sooner.
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