#willow i'm SO sorry it's a big ass thing
bakughosts · 11 months
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omg i have been traveling so it took me forever to respond to this because i wanted to be able to type out my Thoughts on the computer but WILLOW omg..... u spoil me by asking this. because i have so many and they constantly live in my brain ldfskjfslkdjf
i think what i love about bkg so much as a character is that he has desires but most of those desires take the form of achieving a goal. he has so many things he wants to be the best at and so many heights he wants to reach and yeah, part of this is because he's an ambitious person but part of it is because of his ego and his insecurity and the expectations placed upon him by the people around him/society at large. and i think bkg in any context has these things that he wants to achieve because his desire to reach his lofty goals is integral to his character.
and vampire bkg... think of all that time. what do you do when you've achieved everything you've ever wanted to achieve? what's left after that? for a century he has been achieving his goals, and now he has everything. money and power and even respect from locals in the villages near his castle (though that respect is tinged heavily with fear, because even if they don't know exactly what the handsome bachelor that lives inside the creepy but beautiful castle on the horizon is, they know he's something other... and not to mention he looks exactly like his father, and exactly like his father's father, and isn't it strange that none of us have ever seen their wives, have never seen these men at any point in their lives outside of their late twenties/early thirties?)
i don't think stagnation sits well with bkg. i don't think he's ever learned how to be still. despite having unlimited time, he had to accomplish everything as quick as possible, because he just wanted it all. he wanted to be the best so bad that it sung in his veins like adrenaline. and now, in the aftermath, he feels that same emptiness. adrenaline come and gone and only a hollow tiredness in its wake. now is when you feel the pain--nothing distracts you from it.
and one day... you, cat-curious, find your way to his castle. (this has gotten long lmao so im gonna put a read more)
maybe you're a traveler, or an adventurer, or simply someone in one of the nearby villages that doesn't believe the rumors. but no matter who you are and where you come from, you've heard the stories of his Otherness. though you don't know it yet, just like him, you thrive best with adrenaline thrumming through your veins--you thrive when you have something to want. and you want to know the secrets behind the Otherness that everyone else is so afraid of.
does that mean you're not afraid? god, no. of course you are. but you've reached his castle under an auspicious moon and you're sure this is a good omen.
here is why desire is such a dangerous thing: it is often insatiable. for a long, long time, bkg has survived from the blood of his livestock which he cares for, from game on his land. deer in spring, grouse in winter. to live like that for so long, and then to have something so much more tempting come directly to him, delivered to his doorstep--it's almost like a gift.
at the same time, i don't think bkg relishes the idea of drinking human blood, and certainly not killing a human. i think he could be a bloodthirsty vampire, but specifically when it comes to vengeance. he could hurt someone that wronged him, but not someone whose only crime is their curiosity.
you offer to work for him. to clean his castle, to tend his grounds, to care for his cattle. you know how to cook and how to bake (though you're unaware that this means little to him), and you have more fortitude than your appearance belies--his long-fallow farmland would thrive under your hands if he gave you the opportunity to work with it.
if it was years ago and he was still the same man, he might have said no. but it's hard to care when you feel empty. fine, he says. but don't expect fancy lodging or riches beyond measure.
you work, you investigate, you sleep. it's a cycle. and bkg watches you the whole time, though you're none the wiser. he's smart. he knows what you're doing. but you've broken up the monotony for him.
there's no food in his pantries, and you have to find him to ask for coin to go into town and buy groceries. he doesn't provide you the coin directly--a smart move, perhaps--but later that day, what you've requested has been stocked in the pantry shelves. and that's how you mainly interact with him for a while--weeks, maybe. you wake at dawn and clear the land and feed the cows and pigs and begin the monstrous task of cleaning a castle that has been left to rot and you go to the room you've chosen when the sun is long set, settle into your moth-eaten bed, and sleep harder than you've ever done in your life. if you need tools, feed for the cattle, groceries, supplies to clean, you relay this to him, often finding him in his study reading or in the greenhouse, pruning exotic plants. he never gives you more than nods and grunted words of acquiescence, but despite his temperament, he always provides what you ask for.
he's surprised by your tenacity. by your boldness, to ask for so much, even if it's not for your direct benefit. when you cook dinner each night, you make a serving for him as well. he can admit, begrudgingly, though you are in his space and disrupting his quiet, that he admires the way you chop vegetables so uniformly, that you're so careful with the way you measure out the spices he has filled his cabinets with for you.
and above all, for the first time in a long time, he feels something like desire.
he's never been intrigued by other people--he has friends, other vampires he has known for decades (kirishima and mina), but their friendship was foisted upon him until he gave in. he doesn't think he's intrigued by you. but your blood--
it has been a very long time since he has been tempted by something so sweet.
(i think there has to be so much context for this situation because i truly believe that the longer bkg is alone, the harder it is for him to let someone in. after a century of shutting himself away, it would be almost impossible for him to open himself back up in any significant way. it's the situation that allows for this desire to grow. the lack of anything else to hold his attention, the feeling of achieving everything you've ever wanted to achieve and having nothing left to strive for, the unobtrusive yet spellbinding nature of your presence. he remembers what it was like to want something. this, at first, is what draws him to you. nothing more.)
vampires are always hungry. even when sated, they know that hunger is going to return. there's nothing to stop it. it's the nature of their existence. so yes, at first, it's his hunger that draws him to you, though he wouldn't ever do anything about it.
he talks to you more. finds out things about you. your father was a drunkard and you never smile with teeth. you've worked on farms since late childhood and your right pinkie is crooked from a bad break. you read romance novels late at night and deny that you've been in his library when he asks you about it.
and after dinners spent together where he doesn't eat, after early evenings when he joins you outside to feed the cows, he tells himself this pull he feels is because of that hunger. because of that desire--not for you, but for the lifeblood that nearly intoxicates him just by scent if he gets too close to you.
(though you are aware of his Otherness, he is disarming to you. it's something about the earnestness in everything he does, despite his gruff exterior. he seems rusty at conversation, but his efforts are genuine. he doesn't eat your food, but he picks at it so as to not make you feel bad. you find this more endearing than you care to say aloud.)
and then kirishima and mina visit, and they meet you, his new human employee that lives in his castle and reads his books and touches his shoulder gently when he steadies a ladder for them so they can rehang one of the long-covered paintings in the drawing room, as if he has ever let anyone touch him, as if he has ever let anyone close enough to try--
and it's kirishima that finally asks what's going on, and when bkg says nothing, obviously, he asks again because he knows his best friend better than anyone else in the world--now, perhaps, better than anyone except you--and the truth is more simple than expected.
for so long, bkg had only ever experienced desire as hunger. hunger for blood, hunger for power, hunger for everything greater in the world. he was hungry to be the best. whatever that meant. because becoming the best meant that no one could question him. no one could doubt that he was powerful and all the things that came along with it. no one but himself. surely, he had thought, once he got to the top he would stop having those doubts because he would, unassailably, be the best.
just like hunger, doubt is something that can never be truly sated.
and for a long time he sat with that.
but then, to his own surprise, he was shown that desire can be something other than hunger. something softer, a smile with less teeth. desire can be vegetables chopped precisely, or dirt from the fields caked under fingernails, or a badly-healed little finger. desire can be a gentle hand on his shoulder, an act of trust: i know you'll be there to steady me.
he never knew he could want something without being hungry. never knew he could have his teeth to someone's throat without drawing blood. but now it's all he wants to do.
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tomurasghoul · 5 months
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summary: going on a date with hawks <3
A/N: sorry for not posting much, ive been a mix of busy, unmotivated and uninspired, but im back now :3
includes: fluff, mild swearing, innuendos.
When Keigo asked you out, you were over the moon. You've had a crush on him for a while now, and for him to want to take you out on a date, was like a dream come true.
I mean, how could you not have a crush on him? He's absolutely gorgeous, suave, funny and a true gentleman. You and him had been friends for a while, and now you were finally taking it to the next step.
He wanted to meet you at the park, so you put on something casual. Although, you still wanted to impress him, so you accessorized with some jewelry.
Then, it was finally time.
When you arrived at the park at exactly 23:00 like he asked, of course, nobody was there at that time of night, Keigo had specifically planned it that way, so the two of you could get some privacy without him being mobbed by fans.
You sat down on a nearby bench, waiting for your date to arrive.
A few minutes later, you spotted a pair of crimson wings flying towards you.
'Hey there, hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long.' He landed in front of you.
Luckily, he wasn't dressed up either. Just wearing an oversized white sweater and baggy jeans. For some reason, he also had a big backpack with him.
'Now, let's get to walking. I've got a nice spot for us to go to.'
While you were walking through the foresty part of the park, there was a comfortable silence. Both of you guys just looking around, taking in the beautiful view of the red and yellow fall leaves on the trees. The bright moonlight lit up the park, so it wasn't too dark to see.
At some point, you two were walking so close together, you noticed the backs of your hands touching. You were wondering if Keigo noticed it too, when he suddenly reached around and grabbed your hand. There was your answer.
'I'm sure you don't mind, right?'
'No, I don't.' You blushed and looked away.
He must've noticed your blushing, cause he had a cheeky grin on his face the rest of the way there.
You eventually arrived at the spot Keigo had meant to take you to. It was a gorgeous lookout with a view of the lake beneath you.
To your displeasure, he let go of your hand.
He opened the mysterious backpack he had with him and took out a red and white-checkered picnic blanket and snacks and laid them out under a willow tree.
'Did you think I'd let you sit on the ground?' He winked at you goofily.
'You didn't have to bring all this for me.' You said as you sat down next to him on the blanket.
'Only the best for you, birdie.'
You chuckled at the petname.
'Don't laugh at me!' He said, pretending to be offended. 'Now, eat up.' He fed you a strawberry to shut you up.
'Damn, you didn't have to force-feed me.' You punched his shoulder playfully.
'Shut your mouth before I force-feed you something else.' He punched you back a little bit harder.
'Why don't you make me shut up?' You provoked him.
'Don't try me. I'll kick your ass.'
The two of you started play-fighting. While you fought with all your strength, he was actually holding back, cause as a hero, he was much stronger than you. He wasn't letting you win, though.
'Wow. you really aren't gonna let your date win?' You feigned anger.
'You're such a brat.'
That's when he pinned you to the ground and kissed you. It was a short moment, but the feeling of his lips on yours took your breath away.
'That ought to shut you up.' He smirked as he released you wrists from his grip and sat back up.
And he was right, it did shut you up. You were silent for a while as you stared off into the distance.
'Hey, I didn't actually mean the thing about shutting you up.' Keigo spoke up after a little while. He was afraid he'd overstepped a boundary.
'I know, I'm just looking at the view. It's really beautiful.' You tried to distract him from the fact that the kiss flustered you.
'Yeah, it really is.' He said, looking at you instead of the view.
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thelonelyshore-if · 1 month
Hiiii, I hope you have a nice day today. I just read the second chapter and woahhh, it was a mountain of emotions. I love the way you write and how you describe the atmosphere in tense situations.
That moment between the trees I can still imagine it and it gives me the chills. Hahaha
And by the way, a bit of a spoiler ahead: the choices we have during our near death experience will be relevant later in some way? I got the impression that we'll somehow return to a similar situation, a lot.
So ok, hear me out, my theory is that maybe we might have some "magic" in us, maybe even our mere intuition is much sharper than normal, like Willow.
This town reminds me a lot of the "other side" in the Stranger Things series, although somehow this place was "cut" off the map.
It wouldn't be too weird to think that both sides are connected (the real world and this side).
Willow is over there, and knowing our brother, he must already know what happened to us and must be on cloud nine because all his theories and stories turned out to be true. Maybe even the reason he called us right to the cabin was to tell us about this town, the Lake, the Woods and the Mist, maybe he even had proof.
I have an idea that the lake lured us in with a vision of Willow drowning, so, when we enter the water we see Willow safely on the shore because that IS the real Willow.
This kinda way is how the lake and the forest probably catch more people.
In fact, all the missing people in town are people who have tried to leave and escape...our lead is that one surviving girl who has returned, we need to talk to her.
I think we might be able to make a connection with Willow back and forth, or he might make it first. Seeing as Willow hasn't left the scene yet, aaaaand he's the only one who knows what happened to us and how to help us.
Another thing, I'm going for the romance with Ravi, but I swear on my life, I really want to punch him so hard that he wipes that smile off his face. Hahaha 😂
God I just wanted to yell at him to go to hell or shut up. 😭🙄 Like yeah dude, I know you have your reasons and probably a very traumatic experience with this, but that's not an excuse to be an arrogant idiot with us.
Hopefully we can say some things to him when we get back and give him a good smack. 😌
Anyway, sorry for babbling so much, I had to get all this out of me. Hahaha great story, lots of cheers and creepy hugs. 💀
(sorry if I say something weird, english is not my first lenguaje).
Good morning!! I hope you're having a lovely day as well!
First off omg thank you so much, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Evoking strong emotions is a huge goal of mine so it makes me really happy to hear you enjoyed my writing and the atmosphere. The trees were definitely a scene I was super excited about, it was very vivid in my mind as I wrote it haha.
And I'm loving where your mind is at!! You're right in that the experience MC has during the crash won't be the last time it happens. Something inside the MC is already starting to change...
I loved reading the rest of your thoughts, thank you so so much for sharing. This ask brought a big smile to my face. In regards to Ravi... yeah, he can be a real ass lmao. I'm excited to write the scene where the MC can ask wtf his deal is. They've got a lot to work out already ^.^'
Thank you again <3
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borntoyearn · 2 years
It's loud, too loud for Simon's liking. He's here for you though, so he'll endure it. However, it would be a huge lie if he said he wasn't enjoying himself even a little bit. 
The fair is huge; parents, children, and couples bustle about. You and Simon add to the already massive crowd. He looks hilarious though– a redwood among little willows. 
It's what he feared at first. "I'll look out of place, love. It's not my kind of crowd." You frowned at this, but then had to recognize that pushing him to go to such a noisy and busy place was not a good idea.
Simon reconsiders. If he wants to be a good boyfriend, he has to try and do couple-y things with you. So fuck it, the fair it is.
You both agreed no rides, that would be pushing it. Maybe the ferris wheel would be an exception. Either way, you're so happy. It's night already, you and Simon sit on a bench away from the crowds. His mask is pulled down and he's going in on a churro. He offers you a bite and you take it. A tiny bit of cinnamon sugar blends with his stubble. Maybe it'll taste better on its own, so you kiss it off of his lips. 
It's such a cliché moment. You take in the crowd, the colorful lights, and the 2014 electronic song that sounds too familiar...you want to cry. So you do. 
Your lips quiver and your facial muscles betray you– a frown forms. Tears come streaming down. Happy tears, or nostalgic ones, you're not too sure. 
"What's wrong?" Simon snaps you out of whatever trance this was. He tucks a piece hair behind your ear.
"Nothing, just me being dramatic." He doesn't buy it. For a quick moment, Simon thinks you regret bringing up the idea for you both to come here. I mean he didn't (or couldn't) give you the full experience. A valid reason to cry, maybe even break up with him. The thought leaves as fast as it came when you give him a smile. He flinches a little. It's the same smile that made him fall hard for you. Still, he has to make sure. 
"You're crying though, how come?" He asks, concern written in his eyes. "Not sure," you reply, "I think I'm just really fucking happy right now." He breathes, relieved. The three special words are still a little hard for him to say. He wants to though, so fucking bad. Simon's way is taking your hand into his and kissing your fingers. He places your hand on his unmasked cheek and prays that you feel all the love he has for you. 
Fuck, you're crying again. 
You grab both sides of his face and kiss him. Deep. An action that tells him you feel the exact same way. It tells him that he can do normal things like this with you and it'll make him the happiest bloke on planet Earth. It tells him that no matter what he did in the past, he is allowed to feel love and to be loved. 
Your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. The walk back to the car is one you'll never forget. Simon Riley, Ghost, carrying a massive strawberry cow plush on his back. It's almost as big as he is. He fought for it too, so you guess you'll share the prize. 
You didn't want Simon to win it for you at first, but the balloon pop game was kicking your ass. He's down thirty bucks– five for each set of darts. Every time you miss, his eye twitches. You're determined, he'll give you that. 
By some miracle, you hit the five balloons. You had your eye on the cow since you got there, and now you're gonna have it. You're ecstatic and Simon no longer has to watch you fail miserably at this sketchy game.
You want to cry for an entirely different reason as the stoned worker hands you a poop plush. A fucking poop emoji plush. Simon guffaws. There's no fucking way. 
"Wait no, what about those plushes!" You furiously point at the cows. The teen rolls his eyes, "Sorry lady, you gotta pop fifteen in a row to get those." 
Oh there's no way in hell that Simon is going to stand here and wait until you do that. He snatches his wallet out for the umpteenth time and shoves a twenty-dollar bill into the workers hand. He grabs the darts and swiftly pops fifteen balloons back to back. 
"She'll have the pink one." 
You fucking love him. 
a/n: woahhhh feeling super emo at 2am, what else is new. its also raining so that doesnt help. 🥲 not sure if its a universal feeling but fairs make me soerrrr sad but happy?? i love them. oh if you're wondering, the song that was playing at the fair was 'stay the night' by zedd w hailey williams 😣 need to work on my pacing but literally could care less just eat this damn food pls!!
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It’s nice to see people view Lumity (and also the other writing stuff and plot points) in a more critical light, and not acting like everything about the show is “flawless, 1000/10 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥💯”.
This show can and it does have amazing writing, but it would be stupid to act as if it doesn’t have a few moments where it slightly trips or fumbles completely.
((Also another Lunter shipper, hi 🤧))
"But it's all Disney's fault they cancled the show!" I know and I also know it influenced things, I won't deny it didn't. But the main thing is the crew was well aware since early S2A that the show was going to get cut short, so they knew how much time they'd have to wrap things up! I can forgive things like the plotline of Luz helping BQ find who her previous owner was being dropped or the relationship between Matt and Steve being halfbrothers unexplored, those aren't important to the overal story. But they left out such big things, hate him or not there is no denying Belos had a big part in spearheadding some big plot events, hell his backstory is what kindled 99% of the plot to start with! The fact it was teased ever since Yesterday's lie, the fact we see Belos go dellusional and seeing ghosts of his past. Only for it to lead nowhere is infuriating to say the least. Dana didn't like writting Belos, cool. Then she could've just sucked it up or have someone else write him for her. I'm fully convinced that's why we got so much half assed nonesense in S3, Dana didn't want to write her villain properly so she just threw in whatever else she could to avoid writing him as much as possible. And as a writer that is bad practice, there were multiple ways for her to just write Belos off as being a one note villain from the get go but that didn't happen. His backstory was made WITH the cut in mind, people compliment Dana for subverting tropes but she's not that great at it in all honesty. Given this was her first time as show runner too I'll admit I'm not quite intrested what else she'll come up with. The crew isn't that great at writing romance if you ask me, they are great at writing friendships however, maybe that is why Willuz/Lunter feel more like a ship than any of the canon ships we've got. I loved seeing Gus and Hunter interact too as well as Willow and Gus, makes me think maybe TOH would've been better off if we had no romance in it maybe but it is what it is sorry for the long post nonnie!
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emeraldbabygirl · 23 days
hey Willow. I THINK I'm holding up okay after the news...
I'm a bit worried that what if all my faves are horrible criminals or something, but i think it's always best to assume someone is a good person at first and then be disappointed later if they do smth bad. otherwise, I'd stress myself the fuck out. I'm already a massive overthinker.
seriously though, this was shocking. i feel super bad for the victim and i hope they can get justice.
anyways, i also do have a few more light hearted topics i want to talk about. I've heard approximately 11 absolute bangers in the last 7 days. I've developed a massive crush on jay from onepact bc he's a really good singer and also hot af. i can't listen to regret by lee gikwang without sobbing. I started college, this assignment I'm doing isn't as hard as i thought it would be tbh. also i went to cheesecake factory for the first time since i was like 14? i think?
so what've you been up to?
Yeah I like to hope and think everyone is a good person and..yeah, just every time I hear something like this whether it’s a celeb or not it just shocks me like idk how anyone could do something like that.
ANYWHO COLLEGE BOOOOO I HATE SCHOOL I SUCK AT IT. But I’m glad you’re furthering your education! What’s the year gonna look like for you as far as classes an big projects and things? This is your second year tho right? I haven’t been listening to a lot of music, just one specific xg song on repeat lol, you sent me a few of the songs maybe I should check them out. I don’t listen to xixers? or onepact really even tho seungmin but I might try and give them another listen. I’ve mostly been avoiding boy groups for some reason. I love cheesecake and kinda want to go to a Cheesecake Factory but I don’t think there are any in my state
As far as me? had a lot of bad days :( mental health and period shit and feeling sick the past month and this job is starting to go downhill I feel because of something but my sis and I went almost halfsies on a car from our great aunt and it was a good deal and I hope I can start driving in it and become more comfortable with driving so I can get my license. I’m scared of driving but I’m so tired and frustrated that I can’t take myself to work or go anywhere so I hope this new plan will work. Glad to hear you’re doing well. I missed talking to you, I’m sorry if my messages felt half assed :( I wanted to respond but I wasn’t always feeling the best when I did
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rocksandmirrors · 2 years
Amity seeing the twins again. 10/10, made me tear up (where tf is Alador tho. i need to see my cringefail husband again)
Willow bottling everything up like girl same lol. i'm so happy to see more of her, but at xhat cost </3
SO MUCH MATTHOLOMULE CONTENT. so his name is Mat(t?) Tholomule?? Mattholomule Tholomule??? why does everything need to be so complicated wit this kid. i like the fact he's never corrected anyone either in the past like ajhsajhsf ALSO HE'S DOING ABOMINATION MAGIC?? I MAY BE DRUNK BUT I SWEAR I SAW HIM USE ABOMINATION MAGIC. AND GUS TEACHING HIM ILLUSIONS IS CANON. GUSTHOLOMULE NATION RISE UP, I WANT ALL YOUR BEST FANARTS ON MY DESK BY MONDAY
[edit: it was just Amity's in Matt's place. i may be dumb, but hey i could see him try abomination magic]
i'm so happy he gets so much screentime and so many interactions with Gus like!!! i've been FUCKING FED. still no palisman tho </3 (unless i've missed it?? i've blacked out a couple times i think)
also i can't believe his facial hair was actually drawn on, i guess i have to update the comic i'm working on ajhsfajsf SHIT. "Man-ttholomule" my ass. it's funny how the Matt fans instantly recognized that the weird faces the squad was pulling in one of the trailers was actually because of him, we know him so well <3
LUZ'S PALISMAN IS SO FREAKING CUTE!!!! i love how everyone thought this was gonna be a snake aaand close enough <3 lil shapeshifter friend. a lovely pal. can't wait to see more of them (i can't remember their name I'M SORRY-)
why is Kikimora always so extra. i swear this woman is going to be the death of me, like ma'am this is a school full of traumatized kids, get outta here
i actually cried at Camila talking to Luz right before her palisman hatched. i wish she was my mom and would kiss my dumb lil forehead
the Collector being manipulated by Belos ONCE AGAIN ASAJSF i swear he's going to be his therapist's most loyal patient </3 i was really expecting him to lose his powers and thus Belos being the true villain of the very last episode idk
also can you guys leave Raine alone for 2 minutes. my pal's been through enough, let them just kiss their monster wife in peace like 🙄
HUNTLOW SHIPPERS HOW ARE WE FEELING..... Hunter tackling Willow into a hug like he had 10 seconds left to live......... mgnhmmn
SPEAKING OF WHICH i knew Hunter gaining Flapjack's powers was a popula theory BUT I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED LIKE!!!! GO WHITE BOY GO
Boscha being Amity's bitter ex is so funny to me. it shouldn't be bc hey, Amity dropped her to hang out with a stranger that has been here for just a couple months, but it's still funny to me. stop white girl stop
also hot take but i'm really not a big fan of Lilith's new haurcut I'M SORRY </3 she's prettier with long hair imo. she's very cute as a ginger tho (no comments on Eda, she's as hot as ever)
i can't wait to see what(s gonna happen in the very last episode!!! i'm still convinced the Collector will lose his powers in some way and Belos will get his ass kicked
speaking of Belos i'm relieved he didn't get to use one of Caleb's bodies, could you imagine the trauma for Hunter to see this shit?? also the weird Caleb ghost following him around like. my man's haunted by the narrative etc
last but not least: this was Odalia's most huiliating episode. would recommend watching just for that tbh
in summary: 9/10 could use more Steve content tbh
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swervestomp · 4 months
think will win / want to win thunder rosa vs. deonna purrazzo - feud for the ages btw. deserved a spot on the main card but WHATEVER. i hope thunder rosa scalps her !! thank you !! gates of agony vs. the acclaimed - the acclaimed needa go i'm sorry !! pack it up and set anthony bowens loose orange cassidy vs. trent beretta - count ur days trent. thats all i gotta say jon moxley vs. konosuke takeshita - i love mox i Really do but like. takeshita winning this and getting a match at forbidden door is all i have on my mind i'm afraid. also he deserves some gold and i'm sick of him not having a SINGLE belt so. biased? yes! bang bang gang vs. death triangle (!!!) - i just realized bang bang gang's abbreviation is BBG. theyre babygirl confirmed? anyways. i want death triangle to win but !! they just got back i don't see it happening !! sucks. rematch on the horizon i feel it in my balls hook vs. shibata vs. j*richo - i feel like hook could go for Bigger or Greater shots !! he needs to drop the nepo baby act and get UP BRO !! shibata deserves the belt but this is like. jericho's first ppv title defense. sooo based on that alone, hes probably retaining ?? but shibata needs to beat the DOGSHIT out of him at least. i want guts in the ring ASAP BIG COPE vs. malakai "carrie white" black - i honestly don't care who wins this because both outcomes kinda smack ?? like adam in HoB would be WEIRD but it'd be FUN okay. i lowkey want adam to drop the belt to daniel garcia tho .. i just hope they both bleed ( ◡‿◡ )
roderick strong vs. will ospreay - no notes. rest in peace roderick strong. toni storm vs. serena deeb - serena deeb will pay for her crimes on ppv !!! i still can't get over how shes a great wrestler but shes so fucking irritating its not even funny ?? toni please beat her ass for ME !! the elite vs. team aew - okay this is a tricky prediction because What !! given the feud kinda just started its unpredictable to me but. yknow !! the elite aren't really heels theyre just guys. with money.. okay so evil. anyways. want the team aew win because i wanna see darby and bryan celebrate together ftr can jerk off backstage idgaf WILLOW MUTHAFUCKIN NIGHTINGALE vs. MERCEDES MUTHAFUCKIN MONÉ - another tricky one !!! mercedes deserves her debut win but willow is THEEEEE face of tbs. i just wouldn't go on twitter after this match cuz. phew !! okay !! if mercedes loses this match, a DEBUT match nonetheless, aew will never hear the end of it. i feel like it'll be a time limit situation .. i'm hoping to preserve my mental state
swerve strickland vs. christian cage - i am SOOO fucking hyped for this match okay i might be biased but at least i'm biased about the right thing !!! he's going to kill that old man rest in peace (again) christian cage. xoxo. no more notes
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lollytea · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Luz bringing the hexsquad to school for them to check it out? What would they enjoy, what would bamboozle them, would they absolutely have to sneak in like Luz had to Hexside?
Asgdhjkl Luz is only one person and Willow and Gus still got caught sneaking her in. Imagine Luz's efforts to discreetly smuggle in four kids, all of whom have a bad habit of being....peculiar by human standards. It would be hard not to arouse suspicion.
Leaving for school in the mornings is hard for Luz cuz they linger in the doorway with their big sad eyes. They miss her not being around.
I could see them longing to explore Luz's school. Their curiosity to see what she does all day is insatiable. It's only Gus that's shameless enough to beg. He'll wait at the door to ambush her. He'll spit out his pitch rapid-fire as to why Augustus Porter should attend human school for a day. He negotiates and he bargains his ass off until eventually he is on the floor, gripping Luz's ankles, pleading.
Hunter takes this moment to pop up and say "I don't recommend taking Gus to school with you. Who knows the kind of trouble he could get himself into."
"Exactly! Thank you, Hunter!" Luz exclaims trying to shake Gus off her leg. "It's too risky to just-"
"Unless!" Hunter powers on. "He was supervised. By somebody older. Somebody responsible. Somebody who knows how to handle him."
Luz is thoroughly unamused.
Hunter blushes "Somebody liiiike...."
"Me!" Declares Willow, scaring Hunter out of skin as she suddenly appears next to him. "Once Gus's hyperactivity contaminates Hunter's brain and you know it will, you'll need somebody to supervise both of them."
"You're not coming either, Willow. I'm sorry."
"Aw man..."
"Guys, you gotta stop bugging Luz about this. If she's gonna bring anyone to school with her, it's gonna be her girlfriend."
"We could hold hands in the hallway 🥺"
"Don't do this to me, sweet potato..."
See THIS is why they're all huddled around an ipad here
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They get restless when Camila and Luz are gone for the day so they give them a screen that mezmerises them until they get back so so they're not inclined to go stirring up a ruckus.
Anyway in the chance that they DO get to explore the school, I figure they'd be enthused but bewildered.
I'm kinda drawing a blank on the big things that would confuse them cuz for the most part Hexside is very similar to a regular human school. They have a bell, an intercom, lockers, clubs, ridiculous teen drama. So they're accustomed to a lot of stuff.
I think the biggest thing that the kids just cannot wrap their heads around is the lack of Boiling Isles flair.
"So you guys have a grom..."
"It's called prom actually."
"Right, right, but there's no monster to fight??"
"Then what's the fucking point???"
I don't think any of the kids can fathom that sports can exist without magic. They're fucking gobsmacked to learn about human sports. Like?? No chance of dying?? No annihilating the opposite team with offensive spells?? What do they even do then??
I think, despite the initial confusion, it would fascinate both Willow and Hunter and they would stick around to watch a football or basketball practise or whatever Luz's school's main sport is. I think Hunter would be interested in any activity that makes you look awesome and badass without needing magic, while Willow just thinks it's really cool and innovative how the game revolves entirely around your strength and speed and stamina. As somebody who loves working out, she can appreciate that.
I could see Amity being really intrigued by whatever business is going on in the science lab. Chemistry specifically. Being an abomination specialist, she'd be eager to mix some weird human shit around and see if she can bring something to life. Luz is pretty sure she can't do that so it's safe to just let her at it, but also keeps an eye on her just in case.
Gus just...Gus loves everything because of course he does. Goes apeshit over a GLOBE. Willow, Hunter fucking LOOK AT THIS!! THIS IS A DIORAMA OF THE WHOLE HUMAN REALM!!! AND IT SPINS!!!!
Sees a poster of the whole solar system and loses his entire goddamn mind.
Stumbles upon the library and gets kicked out after ten minutes for squealing and yelling from the overload of human culture everywhere but it was the greatest ten minutes of his life.
Gus discovers whiteboards and markers and learns that you can scribble all over the board and then wipe it off. He's amazed. He has his fun with it until the marker dries up.
Once he finally wanders back to the rest of the gang, he informs them that he has joined the chess club, the DnD club and the anime club. No, he does not know what any of these things are but he's enthusiastic.
Hunter, meanwhile, has been staring at an algebraic equation on a whiteboard for the last hour now. He doesn't understand what kind of code it is but he's determined to figure it out.
Luz is like "You really don't know math?"
"I can count. But what does math have to do with this?"
"Hunter...buddy...this is human math..."
"No way..."
"Yeah way."
"Why the fuck are there letters in it???"
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
My favorite character from the Owl House is Hunter because his character arc is so good and his relationship with Willow is adorable. (He literally fell for her at first sight)
And my favorite character from X Men is Kitty (I hate her relationship with Cyclops because she was a CHILD AND HE WAS A GROWN ASS MAN WHEN THEY MEET IN THE COMICS. Also can I just say that I hate that they make Bobby (the guy who does the ice thing) gay because that came out of nowhere and it only happened because an alternative version Jean Gray and her version of Bobby is gay so she decides that all versions of Bobby is gay and she needs to help them be their true self and Bobby who keep in mind has shown sexual and romantic interest in women up to this point 'realizes' he's gay and the rest of the comic is just him coming out to everyone one by one and hardly anything else happens. I wouldn't have minded so much if it wasn't for the fact that most media still treats sexuality like there's only two options gay or straight which completely erases Bisexual, Pansexual, Demisexual, Asexual, to name a few. It just grinds my gears you know anyway sorry for the rant. Kitty deserves a good love interest hopefully she gets one)
I feel like if reader had magic I feel like it would be similar to ether to Luz's or Eda's.
Hunter was so awesome, and he felt relatable, too. He and Willow are cute together, let them have plant and palisman babies!
I like Kitty, and I haven't read the comics (except a handful) so I didn't even know that relationship was thing. (Who the f*ck wrote that?!) I use my favorite X-Men medias as canon, along with head and heart canons, because let's face it: There are so many separate comics with different writers, different movies and timelines, even three (now going to be four) separate X-Men cartoons, whatever books and games they have for the various media, and even the anime and other Marvel shows where the characters show up from time to time. It is SO confusing. So, I just pick my favorite out of the bunch and roll with those (and usually it makes enough sense. Except the timeline changes in the movies. That STILL confuses me. Who is alive? Who is dead? Hopefully Deadpool fixes things).
And yeah, for Bobby, only one version of him was gay. It would have made more senses if they built that into a story arc, took it slowly, instead of being so abrupt. Let the guy be gay or bisexual, but at least make it make sense and not just be considered a quirk or passing fancy. Give it some development. Some thought. Make it mean something. Let it happen like how The Owl House portrays romance and self-discovery. (I myself am part of the asexual community, and that took awhile to figure out, and to this day I'm still finding out more about how I view relationships, platonic or romantic or otherwise. I'm not sure if I truly am interested in romance or not, but in the past I had a crush on a guy and girl, and later found out I just thought they were really great friends). This stuff can take time, it can get messy and feel gut-wrenching, but it doesn't make a person less for being bisexual or gay or lesbian or asexual or straight or trans. None are better than the others, and none are less than the others. It does help to realize all of this isn't back and white. It's a big, mixed canvas of grays in every shade of cloud and ash and silver and stone and eggshell and storm and smoke. (Point is, LGBTQA+ isn't back and white, neither is being straight, but these things are not just quirks. They shouldn't be treated that way, as those are valid beliefs and emotions that don't go away). (I hope I said this right, I'm not always great explaining my thoughts on this kind of thing).
Reader having a power similar to Luz or Eda would be so wild! Surprise, they have glyphs! Surprise, they're part owl beast! They have wild magic, they're blessed by the last Titans, they kicked an evil old emperor/hypocrite into dust! The series finale might have been a little rushed (thanks a LOT, Disney. You should have given them extra time! Extra episodes! A whole lot more episodes than just three for the third season!) but I thought it was still good for the constraints put on Dana and her team. They did good.
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 10 months
I know it's a bit late for a WIP Wednesday, but I was super busy yesterday. Better late than never though and I'm holding myself to it! We're going to do this, yeppers. Here we go with my incessant rambles.
So, for the first WIP Wednesday I couldn't quite decide on what AU to exactly show off or bring up for the occasion. Instead, I figured I'd give you all an idea that has been in the drafts but never got past 3.6k words. Why, might you ask? I'm not too sure. I think for what it was, it never had a foundational plot to where I knew what direction I wanted to have it be. Or what it even was going to be about. I didn't want to start another one of those fics where it had no direction. Even if it was a self-indulgent thing.
The entire AU is set in college (which is funny because I never went to college- but for some reason I like college aus more than high school aus), where Luz is super big into writing and Amity worked at the library on campus. This combined with a concept where they just keep running into one another despite not meaning to and annoying themselves out in the process.
I don't know why but when I first thought of this concept, I wanted to include this scene where Luz is just writing on this roof top garden area and its nighttime, but she's there because she cannot sleep and because she doesn't want to wake Willow up. And then there's Amity where SOMEHOW, she shows up and is like "Why are you here?"/"I was here first, the same could be said for you." and it's like a whole thing because Amity just wants to be alone but of course for plot reasons that just doesn't happen.
Another plot point I wanted to add was that Hunter and Amity being step siblings because I absolutely love the thought of their stepsibling dynamic. Where at first, they dislike one another because Hunter's just there and showed up in the family but overtime Amity grows to tolerate him. But in the fic, Luz doesn't know that him and Amity are step siblings- But it's her venting to Hunter about "this bitch is so mean, and I wish she'd stop showing up every time I want to just exist." Established Huntlow, but also despite the stepsibling thing, Amity isn't a part of the group due to just her being a loner and focused on her studies so much. WHICH BRINGS ME INTO THE NEXT THING.
An additional reason this was meant as a 'self-indulgent' thing was because I wanted to write about Odalia being an alcoholic, and how her and Amity's relationship is strained because of that. I don't want to like write about "flashbacks" or damaging shit because that is not the point of the fic. It's Amity moving on and navigating how she exists knowing that her relationship is strained with Odalia because of her substance usage, and how in that in the same breath; how her trauma exists long term. Mainly the one factor that people dismiss and downplay her anxiety as being irrelevant or overdramatic (In other words, "not being 'valid enough'")
Just like- having that conversation open up between Amity and Luz of like communicating emotions like that, and how in some situations when you have trauma you just get anxious and you don't want to be, but you just are. But the situation isn't like a "Oh I love you because you understand me so therefore my trauma now doesn't exist and we're dating" kind of thing, it's just two people that see each other for who they are and they're not the best at it, but they're communicating better than their parents ever did to them.
AND THAT. That is so real. I just wanted to write some kind of healing fic apparently, but I never got to the point past 3.6k words of set up. Am I self-projecting? Maybe... But it's okay because it's not like it couldn't work.
If you managed to read ALL OF THAT. I'm sorry lmaoooo. But when I get going with my aus I cannot stop talking about them. Here is what you've probably been looking for. Here is the WIP. It's messy and unedited but IT CAME FROM THE DRAFTS!
A RANDOM ASS SCENE FOR YOU (please ignore the cringe ugh)
“So, as I was saying Luz, the front spread has got to pop,” Gus stood in front of the table they and two other students held hostage in the library. The four with their own laptops and hasty jumbled drawings across notebooks. “And that’s pop with a capital P. None of that soda business.”  “What if we do it on the football team?” a member asked, but Gus quickly scrambled the idea aside with a blatant excuse that academics were more ‘in this year.’  “What about the art funding?” Luz asked, “we are more so an artistic school. We could interview the dean and give his take on how art is important in student’s fundamental development.”  Gus frowned, “I’m not interviewing Dr. Hootisfer.”  “Vice president Wittabane?” “He’s actively trying to cut artistic funding. We all know he just wants Hootisfer’s job.”  “Which is more reason why we should do a story on it,” Matt said, Gus's expression faltered for a moment as they caught one another’s gaze. He paused before he gave a nod.  “You know what?” Gus clarified, “that actually does seem like a good idea after all. Maybe you’re right about that,” he crossed around to the other side to stand between them both and used his body weight to lean into the table. Matt began to type an email for the rest of the team that included the professor whom housed their meets normally, while Luz doctored more adjustments into their meeting notes.  “Hey, you guys need to leave in twenty minutes, the library is going to close soon,” a girl came up and tapped the table. The plastic from one of her bracelets clattered with gingered force. Gus and Matt remained focused, but Luz's expression followed the girl.  More specifically on the cart full of books she forced along, and the hair that swept itself into a tight surf green ponytail--which Luz noted--helpfully exposed her undercut. She stopped at the next table and repeated the same action, but then disappeared from view in the nonfiction section seconds afterward.  “Luz?”   If Gus had explained something, Luz knew she didn’t have the fortitude to recite it back. He didn’t seem to be annoyed however from the way he resumed like nothing transpired. Matt sent the email, and they closed the meeting soon after by Gus's announcement that he needed story ideas by next Tuesday. The rest of their team would be held to the same regard when they met again. Luz fiddled with the zipper on her computer bag and pulled the strap over her neck. Matt and Gus followed suite as they paced one other out of the building. Many students did the same as it signified the libraries closure for the evening. The same girl Luz saw earlier now fixed herself behind the checkout counter they passed.   “You want to go get dinner? I’m starving,” said Gus. They weaved through the bustle of students to make their way outside. The night air seemed almost like electricity in the sense that it rejuvenated the crumpled hours prior. Her own stomach pulled at the mention of food.  “Maybe in a bit, I’d like to see what Willow and Hunter are doing first,” Luz commented and took out her phone to open the conversation with Willow. Her thumbs brushed across the screen with a fluid rhythm. “You should invite them too, the more the merrier,” Matt pushed her shoulder with a fist and Gus chuckled with agreement. “I’m going to go make a quick phone call then,” she nodded and went to an uncrowded spot. 
For the record though, this WIP isn't "dead" I could make it work, I just don't see how it could be all that cool. It's just a silly lil thing.
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holygroundscafe · 2 years
If you could be trap for hours in an elevator with any fictional character of your choice, who would you chose? (They wouldn't know it's your fault.)
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Oh my word... THAT is a heavy question. Just one choice? Impossible.
Luckily, I'm happy to fuck with the rules. And fuck with that elevator. SO HOWZABOUT FIVE? In no particular order, here we go...
Harry Potter, because I'm completely in love with him. Yes, let's keep the Daniel Radcliffe version of him because I'm also in love with him, too.
Willow Rosenberg. No explanation needed.
Steve Rogers, America's Ass. I want to talk to him about his experiences and then get him hot, bothered, and make him cum so hard, he actually screams out The Eff Word. Oh, Captain! Language!
Sorry, but Marvel is a big thing. Tom Holland's Spider-Twink. DO I REALLY NEED TO EXPLAIN?!?!?
This is maybe a little dumb, but I'm gonna end with MY own muse, Milo Hawkins. He's had a hard life, and he rarely gets a lot of love. I wanna sit with him, let him finally get out all the horror stories he keeps bottled up, and hold him tight while he cries out all the trauma. And then make incredible, blessed, and fully romantic forever-kinda love to him, because I love my little witchboy so much. He needs someone's unconditional love, and he'll find it in me.
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finsterhund · 1 year
Almost my birthday. And then almost the day I lost Cazza. Struggling unbelievably badly. I'm trying anything to hold it together. I have a healthy potato plant and I got a tiny little oak sapling and I have several little sprouts from apple seeds and I have my childhood willow tree cuttings starting to root. They are the only things keeping me alive at this point.
I keep thinking about how when my trees are bigger I can get nice big pots for them and I can top dress with those black and neon colored aquarium gravel I saw at the pet store. That's basically my only "able to think into the future" thing I've got.
I've been regressing. Really bad. In multiple different ways.
My body is also not doing too well. My jaw is so painfully tight and locking up from grinding/clenching/whatever and I have bites all over the inside of my mouth, immune system is practically useless and I'm both unable to sleep and unable to stop sleeping. No clue how to explain that but hopefully it comes across okay.
Somehow didn't shower for over a week. I finally did last night and I stayed in there for over five hours because I didn't want it to stop. My roommate forced me to have pizza. Not as in I didn't like pizza. I like pizza a lot. But as in I didn't feel able to eat it he had to manually steer my brain into getting pizza. I don't think I've had a proper meal other than the pizza in several days.
Otherwise I've been inside. Only inside. Except to walk Scott when nobody else is around. I'm trying to avoid interactions as much as possible because some of my more violent tendencies can get past my meds when I get this bad. I don't want to make somebody feel bad or upset or unsafe or some shit. It's harder to mask and hide how not okay I am and hide my developmental disorders and mental disabilities now. I realize I mask a whole fucking lot even though it's never enough.
Just been fucking crying and I suspect disassociating. The days are going by but I'm not conscious of things happening.
Sorry for no updates. Just want you to know I'm still here. In some capacity at least.
My first bean plant I think is dying. There's some sort of kink in the stem and even though I've given it a brace I don't know if it's going to pull through. At least in terms of growth beyond the spot. I'm really hoping it doesn't die around the same day Cazza did. I think I will actually fucking go postal.
I got a new to me daylight simulating reptile heat lamp for my plants and they seem to like it. More than the shitty pink grow light bulbs I had before from the dollar store. It's what my potato and apples exploded out under.
I want American chestnut saplings. I want my childhood cherry tree back. I managed to "unlock" an old memory of when people killed the tree I liked when I was very small. The one in the front yard with the scarf(?) tied to a lower branch. I have the image of the entire root they dug out being lifted out of the ground and the curling shape of that big ass taproot as they stole it from me.
I keep trying to Google to see if it's possible that if there's some level of roots of my cherry tree still left in the ground that they could potentially send up sprouts that I could maybe someday ask the new owner about. You know, like American chestnut stump sprouts? But all the internet has to say is how to kill those potential spouts. It's not helping me feel better that's for sure.
Fruit trees I know for a fact were killed from the front yard of the Spot house since I lived there too I remember also. I think there are still some there though.
My neighbor was bothered by me somehow a couple weeks ago but I have no clue what the fuck I did and they won't tell me. I try my fucking hardest to be palatable for people in real life and not be difficult or annoying and shit still fucking happens. I fucking ask and I'm not given an answer and it's just brushed off. It's probably my neurodivergentness being unsightly or some shit. They have irresponsibly soft views on dog husbandry and joke about me being no fun for not letting Scott run around off leash or not eating random shit off the ground on so maybe it's that??? But they did literally mention that they knew "something was wrong" with me when we first met. This isn't a new thing and I haven't seen them since I've gotten this bad right now but I still keep fucking thinking about it.
I don't belong anywhere. I don't have a home. I don't have a family. As real as things online are to me they aren't physically tangible and monkey brain want to feel and hold.
I'm aware right now at how I try to take up as little space as possible and it's still never enough. My roommate has stuff filling practically every area of our shared living space, stuff lining every wall, and he gets mad at me for having my computer chair in the living room or fixing something out on the floor. When he was having his mental health emergency I comforted him and let him lie on my bed and held him while he cried but as he got better the "getting short with me because I'm not immediately putting my tools and shit away" started up again. So now I'm keeping things I need to clean in a garbage bag in my room so it doesn't get grime on my stupid ass carpet I've been repeatedly vacuuming because if I put cups and pots and other shit I need to wash and soak on the kitchen counter by the sink he'll get after me and make me feel more upset.
There's a mold problem so I have to clean things more frequently. He says it might be in the plumbing. Knowing things I think this may be correct. I have no clue where the fuck that shit is coming from otherwise.
I like watching him play Zelda tears of the kingdom but I wish I could play. I've been unable to play games for idk how long. Same with reading, drawing, everything else. It looks like a good game at least. I like it. Reminds me of going over to my friend's house and play Ocarina of Time. Tulin feels a lot like Orion. Makes me wish I could actually accomplish something with my books. He's like if someone who wasn't a complete fuck up managed to make the character and put him in something that actually fucking got released.
I think once I've exhausted all the old vegetable seeds my neighbor gave me I'll stick to just my runner beans and trees from now on. A lot of them don't seem to be viable anymore so it's not gonna take too long but I feel bad. I hate having dirt I hate having dirt spill on the stupid fucking carpet. I want to just say fuck it and rip that shit out of my bedroom so fucking bad. I think at this point the only thing stopping me from doing that is how I'd have to take my furniture out to do it and my roommate getting mad at me. Theoretically due to how the landlords are a stupid corporation of brainless degenerate cunts if I kept the shit ass carpet all in one piece if I removed it when it was time to move out I could just nailgun the bitch back in and they'd be none the wiser. I'd probably do a better job than the stupid incompetent nepo baby they get to to maintenance in these cubicles regardless. Apparently they're under new management and fired that guy? Who fucking knows. I still don't trust whatever chud they send in to replace the shit plumbing job or rewire the faulty electrical. My roommate's light switch shocks him by the way. I'm sure that's totally normal. The hallway outlet started smoking years ago so we simply just don't use that. Probably just the wind.
I had to unclog the kitchen sink. It's gross. It's built in such a way that particles won't actually fully go down. As in they used the wrong shape pipe pieces. Simply stellar. I can't be assed to replace it yet though. The bathroom sink is slow draining too and roommate keeps reminding me to fix that as well but I don't fucking want to right now. Maybe I should because fixing things helps me feel better but I hate the yucky gross gross. I wish I could actually wear gloves but it is so damn hard to use my hands with gloves. My stupid fucking mental brain stupid and my stupid fucking impaired fine motor skills. Hands are basically just imprecise lumps of meat that twitch and shudder.
Somehow it's 4AM. Wow. Idk. How did this happen again.
I wish my seedlings would stop dampening off or whatever the fuck. It's probably the goddamn mold or some shit. I wish I understood how plants get nutrients with hydroponics because I'd do that but I'd be so fucking upset if they died.
Wish I had a parent who cared about me the way I care about my plants lol. Wish I had some level of security.
Also you know. Wish Cazza was back. It's gotten to the point where she feels like a theoretical supernatural entity now rather than my flesh and blood real life best friend who I used to be able to hold and touch and pet and smell and feel and hear and talk to and have close by always there for me.
Value village has been inexplicably closed for no reason for a month now and that was the one thing I could go and do and see new things. If it shuts down for good that will just be one more nail in the coffin.
Roommate says we can go to Home Depot for my birthday to get stuff for my plants but I'm scared I'm not going to want to or that I'm going to regret spending money. (Also very real possibility that he's going to get mad at me for spending money)
Maybe I should just buy an established tree. One that can with proper care thrive in a pot under grow lights. I wanted there to be a bond. Some sort of cosmic significance. Like the tree being related to one from my childhood or hand grown from seed by myself but I think I'd benefit from having someone that's already established enough that I don't have to worry too badly about pests and seedling conditions and shit. Something that doesn't feel too delicate for my stupid hands. I have to think how the hell I managed as a toddler but my tremors were probably much better. I don't remember having them until 12+ so it's probably the case. Maybe I'm also just not remembering my failures too. I don't know. I wish I wouldn't have planted my apple tree because mom would have kept it in its pot and someday I might have taken it back from her. But I have new baby apples and hopefully at least one will make it.
The Anakin quote about sand is so bitterly relatable to me now about just regular ass dirt. God fucking hate dirt. I need an adult who's respectable and wise and trustworthy to teach me about successfully growing healthy plants in soil-leas mediums. If there's horticulture or whatever the fuck school would I even be able to afford such a thing? Would it be accessible to my mental and physical shit?
Some pride though is that my mom told me I wouldn't be able to germinate store bought poppy seeds and I did. I fucking did. Take that. No clue if they'll grow past seedling stage with whatever the fuck is going on but I still fucking did it. No luck with pomegranates and mango seeds seem to be moldy before you even fucking eat the fruit but I specifically germinated the seeds I was told I couldn't.
Also fuck whoever told me that cuttings you're trying to root need darkness. You shitheels on the internet I swear to christ because I saw a guy on YouTube do an experiment and guess what!? Cuttings sprouted much better in a clear uncovered glass jar. Also despite algae they did better without water changing too.
I'm currently using hydrogen peroxide to fight the mold problems. It seems to be going away but I had to repot my green onions and cut them back significantly to hopefully save them.
One day I hope I have a house and some land. I want a solarium. I want a big glass room with lots of sunlight that's far away from other buildings or people or smoke or dust or other crap. There's a small orchard outside of the solarium that's surrounded by a windbreak of evergreens. So that it's only visible from the inside. When there's storms I can watch rain hit the glass and make a big waterfall across the roof and down the walls. You know, like the things in dairy queen dining rooms.
That's what's keeping me going. Eventually all the old super rich people will die and then disabled people (hell even a perfectly employable healthy guy in my generation at this point) will finally be able to own a house again.
Still hoping it'll be my grandparents farm though. I won't give up on that house even though everybody else has.
Nothing more to say that isn't repeating things or depraved rambling off into nothing so idk update over I guess.
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natolesims · 3 years
Same anon here, thank you!!! Do you have any specific worlbuilding in your story? Are you only playing with the disney princesses or do you have other disney characters mixed up? And I loved how you made this HUUUUGE plot twist with Cinderella! Are you doing the same with the next princesses? And about the side stories!! Are there more to come? I'm sorry if I'm being annoying, but I'm so loving all you do!!
My, these are important questions xD This is way too long to answer normally, so I'm writing all you want to know under the cut! I'm sorry, It is really long. I apologize in advance :')
If you have some spare time and are curious about this stuff of my legacy story, check this out. It my explain some things, hehe.
There is a "complex and connected" universe in this, yes, but I do not limit a story to the same sim world. I imagine certain game worlds as specific areas with their own social problems, forms of government and characteristic population. Still, I jump from world to world using specific lots or scenery places thay might complement the current chapters or, if I happen to need it, I'll rebuild the whole world again for upcoming generations if I'm already done with the previous ones.
For example:
In Snow White (the H.E.A. founder) the story developed in Windenburg and Windenburg only. Not even the whole world was used for the story, only three lots (The White Manor, Eis' cottage and the flower shop).
Cinderella and The Princess and The Frog develop in Willow Creek, but it's not the same Willow Creek. The only permanent lots are the royal palace and a couple of residential lots (the Tremaine and Bonfamille manors), but I redesigned the whole world for each arc. Ella's story took place in a more high-class victorian part of the kingdom, and Tiana's will be in a New Orlean-ish, humble zone with some vip spots. The townies are different and the social situation changes as well. I'll be also using specific locations from Windenburg, implying those scenes are still having place in some other unknown part of Willow Creek.
In some upcoming generations, I'm merging worlds into a whole area. In Rapunzel and The Beauty and The Beast, Glimmerbrook, Granite Falls and Henford-On-Bagley, as well as specific Windenburg areas, share the same territory.
This is a bit confusing, but it works for me :'D So far, this is how I've organized the story world in the save (mild spoilers):
Willow Creek + Magnolia Promenade: Kingdom ruled by a strong monarchy. Population: Humans and Hybrids** Connections with: Britechester, Newcrest.
Oasis Springs + Strangerville: Emirate and local mayoralties. Population: Humans, spellcasters, undercover aliens. No near connections.
Brindleton Bay: Mayoralty. Population: Humans and Hybrids. Connections with: Henford-On-Bagley, San Myshuno (not that close, but reachable).
Mt. Komorebi: Parlamentarism. Isolated area of the mountains. Population: Humans. Connections with: Granite Falls (veeeery lightly).
San Myshuno + Del Sol Valley: Presidency and Mayoralty. Population: Humans and undercover occults (Gods**, Spellcasters, Hybrids). Connections: Newcrest.
Windenburg: Parlamentarism. Population: Humans, Hybrids, Vampires. Connections with: Henford-On-Bagley, Glimmerbrook, Granite Falls.
Sulani: Principality and local chiefdoms. Population: Humans, Mermaids, Gods. No near connections.
Forgotten Hollow: Mayoralty. Population: Vampires and Spellcasters. No near connections.
Selvadorada: Republic. Population: Humans, Hybrids and Spellcasters. No near connections.
Evergreen Harbor: Mayoralty. Population: Humans, undercover aliens, cyborgs. Connections with: San Myshuno. If there is ever a future-like pack, it will be related to this area.
Britechester: Grand Duchy. Population: Humans. Connections with: Willow Creek, Windenburg.
I will mainly play with the "princesses", yes! I'm following these Disney Legacy Challenge rules as a main guideline, so the heirs are related to that. Even so, they won't always have the same looks or gender like the cartoon ones, nor the spouses. Since I'm a nerd, I try to surround the heirs with familiar characters from their stories, but they might be ooc or don't have the same role as they do in the movies. I just want to create the vibes, but give them my own twist!
I thought it would be fun to create a Disney movie themed save for this challenge, and I'm stil adding recreations of a lot of characters thay may fit in the world. Since I really enjoy rotational gameplay, I thought it would be fun to create mini challenges for certain households and play them aside from the main legacy to have a little change and relax. Buuuuuuuuut every single time I play this game a story pops up in my head, and yes, so far there is one side story with some of the minor characters. I'm afraid my save has turned into a graphic feverdream disney fanfiction, but here we are :'D It is important to say I also play with the EA premade townies, so this is a weeeeirddd mashup :')
Since I have the characters roaming around freely, they also interact with the main legacy and, in some cases, they even gain some importance. In Cinderella's case, I never planned Mr. La Bouff to become Ella's friend. My original plan was to have Tia and Lottie meet at university. Also! I created two fake occults: the Hybrids (think of were!Sims. Like Werecats, Werefishes, Werewolves, Werebirds... you get the idea... it'll be properly explained in the future. No, they don't turn into animals.) and the Gods (squish vampires, mermaids and spellcasters together. Now make them OP and immortal).
So far, I've included characters from:
The Aristocats, Finding Nemo, Peter Pan, 101 Dalmatians, Tarzan, Robin Hood, Alice in Wonderland, Coco, Pinocchio, Big Hero 6, Lilo & Stitch, Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Jungle Book, Toy Story, Cars, The Emperor's New Groove, Atlantis.
I had the intention of presenting them all and giving them out for download. I've been slowly makeovering them, so I hope I can manage to do so in the near future.
The plot twist was kind of a happy accident xD It wasn't planed at all! It's just I find it not-that-exciting to retell the same old story again and again. Cinderella is poor and mistreated, but then marries the prince and she's happy. We all know that, right? I don't intend to follow the same path... I need chaos to keep me entertained in my own game xD that's why I went like "welll.... what IF the prince is a bit of an ass?" I didn't see the whole load of drama that would come.
In the upcoming chapters, things are being similar. I don't say everything is going to be bittersweet, but I'll take elements from the main story and shape them differently. I'm taking a lot of creative liberties here!
Im so glad you like them!! I get attached to my characters as soon as I start playing with them and can't help myself from giving them a story, even a little one. It's like... they're in my save for a reason, right? Not only as townie fillers, even if that was the main purpose in the beginning. It's safe to say there is one WIP side story with the Tremaine descendants involving some of the characters I mentioned before. I have another one in mind, but since it is not related with the main legacy at all I'm still not sure how to include it... but I'm working on it.
You can bet I'll keep telling these silly little stories because I really can't help it, hehe.
Thank you so much for asking! I'm really sorry for writing a lot, I hope this is what you were looking for!! And I'm so glad to have you as a reader ^^
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dragynkeep · 3 years
You know what I STILL can't get over at all, and I know this topic has been beaten to death and I'm sorry for bringing it up again, ITS LITERALLY THAT WILLOW COULD HAVE GOTTEN UP OFF HER ASS ANYTIME IF SHE WANTED TO.
They established via whitley that willow had locked herself in her room, assumably because she was overwhelmed by the grimm invasion and was trying to drink reality away. Which is fine, okay, that's within her established character to do something like that, it's the same thing she did for years while her children were getting abused. Of course that makes her a shit mother but what else is new. But instead of keeping willow locked up in her room until she was forced to leave because whitley is in danger, they just? Introduce willow back into the show prematurely? with a joke about how even she's above drinking in the dark?
So basically what I'm saying is that what it takes to get willow to get off her ass and out of her room is the light going off, but not her son being alone during a literal grimm apocalypse? Really? And then she makes a tone-deaf joke about it?
I've been waiting for literally any schnee in show to actually address this, because holy fuck, but literally no one calls willow out on it- not even miss weiss "I read my mother to filth about how she is an enabler literally last volume" schnee.
It's literally like the writers just don't think about the implications of what they're writing- just how they can use the characters to get the plot from point A to B.
it really is incredible how her continued abuse of her children — away from the influence of jacques, might i add. we can't blame the other big, bad mean abuser anymore, he's been arrested, this is all willow — was made into a joke.
& i really, truly, do not have any faith in mkek handling the fact that willow is an abuser with any modicum of care or respect because i don't think they even acknowledge her as an abuser. just like they didn't acknowledge blake was an abuser in v4 & that was written off with such a nonapology it was infuriating. now that they've lost weiss, i completely expect willow's abuse & neglect of her children to absolutely be whitewashed because she didn't leave whitley behind to be snuffle's chewtoy & now has her arm gorilla glued to his chest like let him go you creep. now it'll be all about how they let down weiss & whitley will probably be made to feel bad & all the schnees will have to come together in honour of the memory of their golden girl who whined about her loneliness for a billion songs yet never had the decency to reflect on it in any meaningful way when it came to her brother who was still being abused.
it's just sad to see at this point. this show, where the writers & fans pride it on tactfully handing abuse storylines, has shown time & time again that it'll do anything but.
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rotten-dan-art · 5 years
ohhh i'm interested about WB and Willow being family, i also saw them more like mom-daughter relationship, but i want to now more about your headcanon!
OHFSDH AAHI see them like that too,  
I guess I just didn’t want to come strongly with the headcanon right away, I like to first explain them! HERE, A BIG ASS HEADCANON, sorry I write a lot!!
ok first things first, I think Willow didn’t even like her at first, her childhood abuser’s being both old ladies doesn’t sound like it would leave a good impression in her mind. Despite that she helps WB in a bad moment cuz it would be dumb to not help or team up with the only other human you’ve seen in this world and also cuz I like to think Willow, despite being feral, is a very kind person.
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It’s not until one day where Bernie’s eyes fall out and she has to go out to get materials to fix him up (refusing to ask for help), when she comes back…
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From then on she warms up to her, both of them realizing how cool they’re on their own things and helping each other out as a real team. 
Willow goes from calling her Old lady, to “Miss Wickerbottom”, then to granny in an affective way and suddenly one day she is like “Ok mom” and it feels so natural it takes them both a hot second to realize what just happened. dfhjsd i love em a lot ok
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