#william going to shirou was surprising and appreciated
coe-lilium · 7 years
*Let’s start ep#24 and be done with it asap*
- Shimabara, fucking finally, you should’ve been in ep 13 but better late than never i guess.
- dark haired/light skinned living Shirou is always good, no matter what other shit is going on. *Pls let his other self be like this if we get him in GO*
- HS vs living/past conversation, yes, good, excellent.
And then…
- fucking homunculus out of nowhere.
Are you, like… reading my mind and doing this precisely to spite me Higashide? Are you? Because damn if it does looks so.  
And of course Jeanne doesn’t snap out of her shock by herself or with Leaticia help but with a single shouted “Ruler” by Sieg. I’m not even mad at this because who wasn’t expecting it at this point?
Can I, like… have back the Fate route writing please? I’ll take “you’re a girl, you shouldn’t fight” repeated over and over and its awkwardness back in a heartbeat as long as said girl is allowed a personal arc, fights and resolution outside of giving the male protagonist more fuel/reason to fight.   
The most infuriating thing? Gilles working with Jeanne again was genuinely heartwarming and damn if it did work for me, even if just in raw.                          La Pucelle vs Xanadu was, and I say this without any hint of sarcasm, freaking awesome. It could’ve been the equivalent of Avalon vs Ea. The ingredients were all here. 
Except that, instead of the culmination of Jeanne overcoming her nemesis as it was for Arturia, she fail to successfully destroy the Grail and -quite literally- burn her life away for nothing except a cool scene and some manpain. Lovely. Who doesn’t love seeing a warrior (hello) virgin (hello!) saint being fridged for manpain, right? 
After all, had she won, how could’ve Higashige justified his protagonist saving the day?  
God, give me back Fate Nasu. 
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