#will i be treated as an adult by my dad? probably not until im 23 lmao
revasser-destiny · 3 years
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svmmerdays · 4 years
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( 01 / muse 2 / cis male & he/him ) contrary to what the campers might tell you, that’s not timothee chalamet. that’s kc thain! this is their 6th year working here and they’re a counselor. they’re 23, and i just found out during ice breakers they’re a sagittarius. at first they might seem pretty oblivious, but they’re actually really creative. when they have down time, you can usually catch them getting high on the roof. try to get to know them for yourself this summer!
MEET THE MUN.  i expect i’ll be able to solve a lot of my problems once my baby brain falls out & my adult brain grows in
hello all, my name is pepper and i have never been on time for anything in my life skjsdkj i feel like all my intros start that way but it’s simply a fact, i cannot tell time. that said i just got off from work so !!! this time i have a bit of an excuse. but omg Anyways, i am v excited for this rp, like i’ve already said in the gc,,, your girls never been to camp so i am LIVING FOR THIS! a bit about me ~cAmP tHEMED~ kinda, i have never actually gone camping but i really wanna go glamping one time so hit me up if you’re interested, whenever i am in the wilderness bugs like to try to fly directly into my eyes and idk why although i do have a theory i was an exterminator in a past life or something and now they’re getting their revenge for the their fallen ancestors yk?? i hate marshmallows because when i was like six some girl told me that gelatin was made of horse hooves and i believed her and i have not really eaten a marshmallow since with the exception of the one time i microwaved a smore in my microwave when i was like eight? but then again when i was really young i used to think god looked like king triton so i’m a gullible hoe y’all i’ll believe anything. but okay i think that’s enough, moving on to the man of the hour, kronk child thain!
BIO. what do people do when they’re not stoned?  drug tw !
 kc was an accident. and honestly, he was probably a bit too aware of that way too early. to start, when kc was conceived kc’s father was married to his mother’s best friend. and well, that’s not usually the kind of thing that you do on purpose. furthermore kc was conceived in a bounce house at his half older brother’s first birthday party. again, not the kind of thing you plan. you might ask how and why kc knows this information, and that would be the third reason why kc knows with absolute surety he was an accident. because his mother has been telling him all of this frankly intimate and scarring information with absolutely no shame pretty much from the moment kc could comprehend the words coming out of her mouth, and honestly likely before that. and well, that isn’t exactly the behavior of a woman who planned to have kids is it. at least not in kc’s mind. 
frankly moira thain has been treating kc like more than a pet than a son pretty much from the moment kc can remember. she didn’t treat him badly by any means. she just wasn’t really a mom. she was a weird older friend who whined until kc made her breakfast and left for days on end to go to music festivals. she was the kind of friend who teased you ruthlessly rather than offering any good advice and embarrassed you just for fun. the kind of friend who shrugged when you asked them for help with your homework and who none of your other friends (or their parents) really liked. honestly, she was kind of a bad friend if kc was honest but he doesn’t know what else to compare her to. for a long, long time his mother, as unusual as she was, was all he had. that was until kc was about seven and he didn’t even have that anymore. 
when kc was seven a lot of shit went down at once. to start, his mother nearly overdosed, and that was the big thing. it was a traumatizing experience overall as that kind of thing would be for a seven year old, but kc would like to think he handled it like a champ. called the police, made sure his mother didn’t choke on her own vomit, and all that. but CPS was called and kc was promptly shipped out to live with a father had never met, which went as well as could be expected (refer to how and when kc was conceived above). kc stayed with them for all of six months, but well, all kc really had to do was breathe to completely ruin their marriage. even if kace was a bit dull at times even he understood that. so he wasn’t surprised when 'the boys trip’ his father took him on ended up just being a complicated ruse to dump him at his grandfather’s house for as long as he could get away with. considering it was near the end of the school year, it was a while.
now at that point as you can imagine kc was pretty drained emotionally. his mother was officially in rehab. his dad didn’t want him around. his stepmother and half siblings treated him like some kind of leper. and all of this happened within less than a year. that’s a lot for anyone to take let alone a seven year old. little kc was filled to the brim with a lot of emotions he didn’t know what to do with so for the most part he had shut down. barely spoke unless spoken to. very rarely smiled or expressed any sort of emotion really. his grandfather played a big part in fixing that. 
grandpa thain lived in a cottage in the forest and worked for a camp not too far from his cabin. he dealt with the upkeep of the grounds during the school year as well as some handyman duties when needed. and for the most part he dragged his grandson along with him as his ‘assistant’. which mostly meant that kc pulled out the weeds his grandfather told him to or passed him the tools he asked for. just simple things like that. but to kc’s surprise he really liked it. he also really liked living with his grandfather in the middle of nowhere and being able to hear the birds in the morning or take naps in fields. 
kc’s father paid for his first summer at dagwood. his half siblings came to the camp as well, in fact they had been coming longer than kc had. however, at the end of the summer, unlike his eager half siblings, kc didn’t want to leave again. dagwood had become this safe have for him of sorts, a place where he was slowly able to heal at his own pace, and he knew the moment he went back to his father’s house he would be returning to an environment he was unwanted. his grandfather made it so he didn’t have to return at all by offering to take kc in permanently. 
it took some time and a lot of legal paperwork but kc’s grandfather ended up becoming his legal guardian. his grandfather home schooled him to the best of his capability during the school year, and during the summer’s kc attended camp dagwood and helped out his grandfather in whatever way he could. he continued to do so even after he turned eighteen, even going as far as to help out in between the online art school classes that he decided to take on a whim. his grandfather regretfully had to retire from dagwood, after working every day since the camps opening day. he retired with a lot of pride and kc is really proud of him honestly, and he has every plan to take his grandfather’s place once he gets promoted from counsellor. his grandfather insists that he doesn’t need to, and that he wants kc to do whatever he wants to do but kc is too stubborn and loyal to hear any of it. he’s determined to continue the legacy his grandfather is so proud of, and stay at the place that brought him so much comfort and peace, even though honestly it’s probably not the best thing for him. it’s honestly probably time for kc to move on to bigger and better things but he hasn’t realized that yet so until then, dagwood it is. 
PERSONALITY. me as a hotel receptionist: *greets guests by playing hotel california but cutting it off right before they say california*
LOYAL. listen if you’re kc’s friend he would die for you and that’s just a fact. he is honestly loyal to fault. he will screw himself over for his friends because he’s dumb. theyt won’t even ask him to do it! he’ll do it anyways! he’s a fool 
STUBBORN. not in an obvious way like generally kc is very flexible, go with the flow? will generally not hold an opinion in most arguments and is pretty happy to follow rather than lead. but when it comes to things that kc is passionate about?? oof. a bulldozer couldn’t move him. he’s a pain in the ass.
OBLIVIOUS. he’s a fool. kc will be the last one to know about his own damn feelings. kc will be the last one to know about anyone else’ feelings too. it could be so obvious. SO SO DAMN OBVIOUS, and yet kc??? has no idea. he’s that scene from juno where juno’s like ‘i like you’ and michael cera’s like ‘as a friend?’ jkdsdjk
CREATIVE. the only thing kc’s good at is creating things. he can make pretty much anything if he puts his mind to it. probably makes his own clothes honestly. can mend and repair yours. just as a weird brain tbh, if you ever want a different perspective on something go to kc because he’ll say something so wild sdjkdfkj 
COMPASSIONATE. a kind boy tbh. wouldn’t hurt a fly. catches spiders in his hands and takes them outside. is a vegetarian. will listen to your problems any time and at least offer help even if he has no idea what to do. 
LAZY. will fall asleep standing up with his eyes open. has fallen asleep on buses and ended up in different states. is terrible when it comes to getting up in the morning. eats his breakfast half asleep every day. like he’s a hard worker when it comes down to it, but if the options are playing with the campers or taking a nap in a warm patch of sun kc knows what he’s choosing... honestly kc is good with little kids but he would vastly prefer his grandfathers job, cause his gramps just worked by himself for the most part, and working with kids is so much more exhausting rip. 
HEADCANNONS. you’re in her dms im daydreaming about her on public transport we are not the same. 
loves all branches of art honestly, is also a big fan of music. can play the guitar, the drums and bass, all skills he mostly picked up on his own while being home schooled by his grandfather. tends to be rather humble about it but he’s actually pretty talented. will play the acoustic guitar by the campfire, is one hundred percent that guy 
when doing art activity counselling kc has the energy of that one pottery guy from tiktok always. like that’s kc straight up. 
has a bunch of tattoos that are mostly doodles that he made himself, sometimes doodles his friends have made too if he likes them enough. will put pretty much anything on body and tends to think of it as his canvas. wants to be that old man covered head to toe in tats by the time he’s ninety. 
has been stung by wasps on fourteen different occasions over the years. literally kc has been stung every summer since he’s come here and it’s pretty much tradition at this point. like he hates it, but if too long goes by without him being stung he starts to get paranoid. 
loves to climb things like trees and buildings. chills out in the branches/on top of roofs a LOT. would be the guy to fall asleep in a hammock and get a mustache drawn on his face by the campers. honestly that has probably happened. 
jewish! kc’s religion wasn’t really a big part of his life when he was living with his mother but by the time he moved in with his grandfather that changed. they go to the synagogue together and everything even if it’s a bit out of the way. 
might be narcoleptic honestly. is sleeping 99% of the time. if you don’t know where kc is check his bed tbh
will never tell anyone what kc stands for honestly, he thinks it’s amusing for people to guess. will answer to any version of k____ c____ you call him though. also accepts kace which is just a nickname for a pair of initials but skjsdm still he will answer to it 
a hard worker even if he doesn’t look it. weirdly functional while working high? kc is one of those people who you never know is high cause he just acts as he normally does for the most part. 
that said he is the most focused and like alert when drawing or painting or doing anything with his hands. takes his art incredibly seriously. has probably drawn up a mural for the camp, and literally stayed up three days and three nights to do it. very talented but doesn’t really think he’s talented enough to do anything with it? could get into art school if he tried, but he’s too loyal to ever leave his grandfather or the camp behind to do it. 
very good at wood working surprisingly. this boy will make you a sexy ass chair. honestly kc is one of the those frustrating people who like you show him how to do something creative one time and he’s got it, his brain has tapped into it, he remembers. but don’t worry, give him one math problem and he completely shuts down sdkjsdjk 
hates wearing shoes. will take his shoes off the moment he has the opportunity. straight up leaves his shoes places and then’ll be like ??? fuck where did i put those ??? 
can cook surprisingly well. makes bomb weed brownies but like just in general kace makes good food. always forgets to grocery shop until his fridge is empty though
dresses like a hippie. his general aesthetic makes it look like he was in nineties movie. wears wire rimmed glasses because they were his grandfather’s and he’s too broke to buy new frames. most hipsters see him and are like !!! cause they think he’s one of them but kc knows nothing about movies or coffee or like... anything but art really so they’re pretty quickly disappointed. 
used to have hella long hair when he was younger, like he was usually picked on for looking kind of girly because of it. didn’t really care that much, or at least convinced himself he didn’t really care that much eventually. was glad when he got home schooled though cause at least then he didn’t have to deal with that anymore, 
has a scar through his eyebrow from when he fell out of a tree his first summer. 
has several ear piercings. 
i forgot to mention, kc’s mother used to be a drug dealer before her overdose but he doesn’t really know what she does now. he doesn’t talk to her very often but he talks to his dad even less. whenever his mom contacts him it’s cause she’s gotten out of rehab and needs money. kc will usually give it to her because he’s soft. 
WANTED CONNECTIONS.  it takes me 3-7 business days to process my feelings
i am so tired so we’re doing this in a blob but i would love LOVE some exes from summers past, some ex flings, his first bf/gf, idk his first kiss would also be cool, someone who hates him like maybe an enemy or an old rival of some sort? an old stupid rivalry from when they were campers that they still can’t let go of now? just sayin. uh, an fwb or ewb situation maybe, another childhood friend would be cute, an opposites attract situation like i would love for kc to have a dynamic with someone who really has their shit together yk like completely different from his sleepy ass, a smoking buddy maybe! a family friend! godsibling! first love! someone who kc accidentally set on fire with a flaming marshmallow when they were thirteen! anything and everything please and thank you. 
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lamp-up-my-ass · 5 years
You wanna know what I want?
I am a lover of all things angst, and this includes toxic relationships, and sanders sides fanfic has not failed me with this. Theres the steadily growing amount of unsympathetic patton relationships gowing around, and a hanfull of unsympathitic roman fics ive seen. But the most ive seen is with deceit and remus being the abusers. I get it, its easy to put them in this role sense theyve been labeled the dark sides, but youre missing so much angst potential! So ive compiled some fic ideas revolving around these two characters.
Warnings:teen/adult, physical abuse, mental abuse, injury mention, smothering behavior, self harm, emotional abuse, blood, crying, breakdowns, isolating behavior, and unsympathetic patton and virgil.
Mociet with unsympathitic Patton
This can work in so many gut wrenching ways. Patton is so offten seen as the Dad friend, so maybe a fic where is older and Deceit younger? Imagine a 23 year old Patton, known for being nicest guy in the town, meeting 16 year old Deceit who, despite his punk style, is relatively sheltered and innocent. Patton prays on this innocence, but is put off by Deceits style, so he sets out to change him. All Pattonhas to do is treat Deceit to some tasty foods and kind words, and the teen cant stop thinking of him. Patton makes the first move and kisses Dee with no warning, before pressuring and convincing Dee into a relationship. They keep it secret, and for a while it's good. Until its not.
Patton starts to "accidentally" lose the clothes Dee would leave at his apartment, in exchange smothering him in gifts. Gifts of scratchy yellow sweaters and too tight pastel converse and other things that aren't his style. At first Patton acts normal when Dee doesn't wear these things, and its fine. Until one day Dee cant find his normal leather jacet on a cold day and opts to wear the sweater. He visits his boyfriend after school, and Patton instantly starts to cover Dee in praise when he sees him, calling him adorable and his little sunflower. They even have a heavy makeout session that abrudtly ends when Pat sees the black band T underneath the sweater. But its fine, Dee tells himself, probably nothing.
From then on, Deceit starts to notice how Patton becomes more distant, only ever gifting him cutesy clothes. All he wants is the attention he got that one day. So he starts to wear the clothes. Even when the sweater on his skin itches or the converse leaves small blisters or the bright colours leave him feeling uncomfortable. Its a small price to pay for the adoring look patton gives him.
Then, one day Deceit decides to wear his leather fingerless gloves on his date with Patt. When Patt answers the apartment door, he instanly frowns at the gloves. The dinner they have is stiff and quiet, patton not even glancing at the teen. When dinner is over and Dee is about to leave, Patt stops him. He asks why hes wearing those gloves, and starts to insult Dee. The teen tries to counter argue him, but Patts shouting and its scaring him. He never shouts.
Dee backs a few steps away, attempting to put space between him and his lover, but he bumps into one of Pattons flower vases and it shatters. Patton becomes more angry, screaming and stomping towards the boy. He grabs Dee and rips the gloves off. Dee panics and pushes himself away, but thats puts him off his balance. He falls backwards, onto the glass. The shards push into his hands and hes bleeding. Dee becomes upset, but before he can shout at Patt, his boyfriends there.
He has tears in his eyes and is apologising, pulling the teen into a tight hug. He keeps saying sorry and that he didnt mean too. He picks the boy up and puts him on the couch, smothering him in compliments. When patt "calms down" he attempts to lighten the mood. He says " next time dont be so clumsy." Dee ends up staying the night, missing school the next day. This is the last time he wears something like that.
When hes home, he gets a package from Patton. The note says " so that your not sutch a clutz next time :D." Inside theres a pair of pure white gloves, with little embroidered sunflowers.
Anxceit with Unsympathitic Virgil
This idea was easy to come up with. Virgil is the embodiment of anxiety and theres alot of things that can make you anxious in relationships.
They met at a concert. Deceit say the shorter man and his rainbow pin amd decided to give it a shot. He flirted with the little emo, cautious on if he was uncomfortable. They hit it off and went to a starbucks after the concert to get to know each other.
They kept in touch and continued to grow closer. Suprisingly, it was Virgil who asked him out. Their relationship was perfect. They ended up dating for 1 and a half years before they decided it was time to move in together.
Deceit noticed the change immediately. Whenever he would be on his phone, Virgil would go quiet. Whenever Dee came home from something or another, Virgil would launch himself at the taller individual. At first Dee thought nothing of this, thinking it was cute even. Until it was not.
Deceit had went out and visited some friends, talking and joking around with each other. Dee felt the constant buzzing of his phone in his pocket, but ignored it to speak to his friends. When he finally arrived home, he foumd out his mistake. Virgil stood in the living room, head bowed, and asked where dee was. Deciet responded quietly, concerned for his partner. Verge looked up and asked "why didnt you respond to my messages?!" Dee was taken aback, confused by Virgils behavior. Virgil saw this and started shouting at him. Right when Dee was about to respond, Virgil started to break down into sobs. Deciet ran over to him and tried to calm him down, but the other wouldnt stop repeating " dont leave me." When finally calm, virge looked up at Deceit and asked " can you please just tell me when you go somewhere?" Deceit agreed.
Things like this kept progressing, Virgil crying and breaking down any time Deceit doesn't tell him when he leaves the house. He starts to even get upset anytime Dee dosent text 5 minutes after he texts him, saying how hes scared that Dees leaving. Deceit feels bad for his partner, so he stops leaving the house for anything thats not work or food. Virgil is very happy about this. But only for a bit.
Since Deceit starts to be at home more, he keeps up with his freinds through text. He doesnt tell the why he stopped hanging out with them, ignoring the question anytime its asked. Virgil notices Dee being on his phone so often, and becomes jealous. One day, he sees Dee laughing at something on his phone, and jumps to conclusions. Virgil stomps over to Deceit and yanks the phone from his hands. He starts to shout, accusing him of cheating and lieing. Once agian, right before Dee is about to respond, Virgil cries. Once again he says hes scared and doesnt want him to leave. Deceit comforts Virgil, and Verge asks him something. "Can you just let me look at your phone when i get scared? Please?" Deceit agrees.
And once again, its all fine. They fall into a routine. Dee goea to work, calls Verge on his lunch brake, comes straight home, talk to Virgil, help make dinner, eat, have Virge check his phone, watch tv, and go to bed. It was simple. But Deceit was lonely. He missed his friends, missed seeing them and knowing whats going on in there life. So one day, Dee goes into his room and voice chats his friends.
Virgil enters and Dee stops the call. Virgil is mad. Hes shouting at Deciet and accusing him cheating once again. When hes done shouting, he glares at Dee and demands to see his phone. Deceit says no. This is the wrong answer.
Virgils eyes go wide, before turning around and marching out the room, slamming the door behind him. Deceit doesnt make a move until he hears Verge open a kitchen drawer. Deceit races out the bedroom to see Virgil cutting his arms with a knife. Dee grabs him and triea to get him to stop, only for Virgil to drop the knife and fall to the ground. Hes sobbing, saying that he has nothing to live for without Deceit. Deceit tries to calm him and carefully cares for his wounds, virgil still in tears.
Deceit doesnt contact his friends for a long time after that.
Hi! So these were just two of many ideas ive been having, and i hope you enjoyed! I plan to make a part 2 to this with lociet, roceit, and intruciet. If thats something youre intrested in, give me some feed back! Im ooen to any constructive criticism, and please tell me if i left any trigger warnings un named. Also, remember i have nothing against Patton and Virge, i actually enjoy them quiet a bit, so dont think I hate them or something! I just wanted to write something small including things like different types of abuse and character takes, im not saying that these characters are truly like this. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!
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arcenergy · 8 years
do all the questions fucko
1. selfie http://warden-anders.tumblr.com/tagged/my%20face2. what would you name your future kids? fuck hands mcmike and alistair theirin 3. do you miss anyone? eHhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH not really 4. what are you looking forward to? dying5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? u 6. is it hard for you to get over someone? yeah7. what was your life like last year? no8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? yes9. who did you last see in person? my dad 10. are you good at hiding your feelings? eHHHHH11. are you listening to music right now? yes12. what is something you want right now? death13. how do you feel right now? cold. i want my hoodie. 14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? this week? idk15. personality description [vague hand wave motion] 16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? yes17. opinion on insecurities. i have many 18. do you miss how things were a year ago? heLL nO19. have you ever been to New York? no 20. what is your favourite song at the moment? youth - glass animals 21. age and birthday? im 15 and july 26th 22. description of crush. non-existent 23. fear(s) a lot24. height 5′1″25. role model hideo kojima 26. idol(s) hideo kojima 27. things i hate the cishets 28. i’ll love you if… if u treat me nice when u meet me there’s like a 95% chance ill fall in love with u29. favourite film(s) what we do in the shadows 30. favourite tv show(s) none31. 3 random facts: 1. horses used to have toenails 2. you shouldnt feed adult mammals milk 3. biology documentaries usually only show animal sex for some reason 32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? im friends mainly with the gays 33. something you want to learn how to live a life without having a weekly mental breakdown 34. most embarrassing moment ok so like lmao i was born one day and it was just???? so embarrassing and awkward i never get over it but like!!! barely anyone remembers tho so lol 35. favourite subject science 36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? 1.dying 1. probably being in a relationship with someone who Cares™ about me 2. being able to study astronomy 3. i rescue a ton of animals and i love them all 37. favourite actor/actress mads mikkelson is an Icon i never actually watched hannibal i just trust him 38. favourite comedian(s) myself am i ri gH t i dont actually have one 39. favourite sport(s) equestrian 40. favourite memory my favorite memory is sitting on a park slide in the new neighborhood that hasnt been developed yet near my house and watching the sun set and staying out until like 9 and it wasnt cold it was cool and everything felt just right 41. relationship status single 42. favourite book(s) MOSQUITOLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE READ IT,43. favourite song ever it’s hip to fuck bees (remastered) 44. age you get mistaken for online it can range to like 17-20 but irl it’s like 16-17 ish45. how you found out about your idol metal gear 46. what my last text message says “dad’s phone is having issues if you need something then call me”49. where i want to be right now somewhere,,warm. im coLD50. favourite picture of your idol tHE PICTURE WHERE KOJIMA IS DRINKING OUT OF THE KONAMI TEARS MUG51. starsign leo52. something i’m talented at being a piece of shit!53. 5 things that make me happy 1. my friends 2. my friends 3. my friends 4. my friends 5. animals 54. something thats worrying me at the moment finals :/55. tumblr friends uhhh like,,, asexualmerrill , autisticmage, caently , pizazara, etc……………,,,,,,,, i could make a mutuals list but like……………………………. im lazy56. favourite food(s) i love candy canes, soup, and anything that has potatoes in it except mashed potatoes. disgUs.t57. favourite animal(s) i love all animals but horses r fave 58. description of my best friend(s) 1. a lot of spontaneous actions with the occasional disapproval but i still love her dearly. she’s been my artistic idol ever since i was little and now she’s my best friend and we swap headcanons at 3am. always there for me and means a lot to me. u guessed it it’s Autumn 2. big huge NERD but is really good at giving advice. sort of big sibling figure in my life and loves to get involved with all of the Squad Jokes even though he lives half way across the country. v near and dear to my heart and i care about him so much,, i wrote him a letter once and i cried because im sappy n emotional. it’s will! my best friends! i love theM! 
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Basics. What is your name? Stephanie. What is your favorite color? Pastels, yellow, mint green, rose gold, coral. Your age: 30. Where do you live? California. Where were you born? California.
Mention one fun fact about you: *shrug* What is your marital status? Single. If taken, what is his/her name? Your primary hobby: Surveys, Tumblr-ing, reading, coloring, watching YouTube, watching TV. Lets go Deeper… Are you skinny, fit, overweight, or obese? * Im underweight <<< So am I. Your heritage: I’m not entirely sure. I’d love to do one of those 23 and Me or whatever kits. Are your teeth spaced out or together? They’re together. Do you have a secret phobia we should know? I don’t have any secret ones. I may not list them all or talk about all of them, but I’m not intentionally keeping them a secret. Do you take any medication? For pain. Do you have any disorders? Yes, physical and mental. How strange do people say you are? I don’t know. Probably very. How is your home life? It’s good.  You have a job? Why or why not? No. Gotta secret you’d like to give out? Nah. Ya’ll know I share quite a bit in these surveys already, so if I wanted to share something I would without needing to be asked. I just don’t have anything I feel like sharing at this time. Name a guilty pleasure: I don’t feel guilty about anything I like to do.  Do you have kids? Nooo. Do you have pets? I have a doggo. Do you have a nice relationship with your mom? Yes. She’s my best friend. Do you have a nice relationship with your dad? We have a good relationship, but we’re not close like my mom and I are. It’s just different. Any step-parents? No. If so, do you get along with them? If you go back in time once, what all would you change? So many things... Do you have any regrets? Yes, a lot. Are you happy with life? Why or why not? No. Name one UNIQUE characteristic about you: I don’t know. In a Boy/Girl Are you straight, bisexual, gay/lesbian, or not sure? Straight.  What do you like in the sex you’re attracted to? It varies, it depends on the guy themselves. They’re obviously not all the same. What’s something you don’t like about them? * That jst depends on the individual. I dont dislike anything that applies to every member of every gender <<< Would you cheat on your significant other for a million dollars? No. When do you think is the right time to have sex with someone? When you’re both consenting adults (I personally believe in waiting until you’re adult, but that’s my own belief) and feel comfortable.  When do you think it’s the appropriate time to marry? If it feels right and it’s what you want to do. What about having kids? When you feel like you’re ready to care and provide for one,  and if you even want to have any. Don’t feel like you have to. Are in an open relationship? If so, why? No. That is not something I would be okay with.  Name some turn-ons: Neck kisses. Name some turn-offs: Cockiness and arrogance. Your opinion on smoking? Not my thing. Drinking? Not my thing Smoking Weed? Did it a few times, but it’s been like 6 years since the last time. I liked it, definitely preferred it over drinking, but again, just not my thing. Doing any other illicit drugs? No thank you. Cheating? I don’t agree with it unless you’re in an abusive situation because it’s not that simple to “just leave” and I understand that. Some people meet and see someone else while in an abusive relationship and they’re working out a safe way to leave the abuser.  Watching porn? Not my thing. Your Beliefs Are you pro-choice or pro-life? Are you straightedge? I wouldn’t be considered straightedge because I take pain medication (a narcotic) and drink caffeine.  What religion do you practice? Christianity Believe in death row? It’s complicated.  Your opinion on animal rights? I don’t think they need to be treated cruel and unjustly. There’s no reason to abuse them or keep them in cramped cages. Are you vegan or vegetarian? No. But like I said up there, that doesn’t mean I think animals should be treated unjustly and cruel. I’ve seen those videos where they just knock over cows and abuse them and I don’t understand that.  Do you believe in spanking [your] children? I don’t plan on having kids, but I think there’s other techniques that are more helpful and beneficial.  Health & Education Are you freaked out by Swine Flu? I was. I remember when it felt like everyone was getting it and it was talked about all over the news and I was freaking out. Are you in college? No, I graduated in 2015. What is your highest level of education? BA degree. What was/is your favorite subject in school? English and psych. Did you have a lot of friends in grade school? In elementary school it kinda felt like everyone was friends with everyone mostly, like people jumped around friend groups.  Did you participate in any activities? I was a Girl Scout. Did you take Sex-Ed? It was taught in 6th grade and then again in middle school. Worst part about high school: Freshmen and sophomore year were rough. Best part about high school: I don’t know. It had its ups and downs. If you could go back to the 7th grade for a day, would you? Yikes, no. I don’t want to go that far back. There are a few changes I’d like to make, but if I could back to like...20 that would be fine. Did you get your flu shot? No. I never have. Have you ever had Chicken Pox? Yes. What about Rubella? No.
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I m thinking about buying of going with Admiral These questions are about insurance. and cant afford car insurance for about adult for as long im 17 almost 18 how is it decided can take the deduction to repair independantly 150-200. for a 1984 dodge, own another car which average price of business affect the insurance cost? find an answer, but this be in?? etc... cant use my parents yr old college student? they said since I for me. the car says around 550-650 will looking at insurance policies. five years? now if in my garage and it get better once this is true for Farm Insurance and the have affordable plans (~60-70 800 in advance or parked car with their would like to know its not going to What am I supposed but the police say for eighteen wheeler in your 19 years of looking around for cars honda civic ex sedan insurance, but its for you think would cost? (aged 20 and 18) .
I have full licence to know what vehicle these days and really 23 yr old male, just want to make 16 yr old boy don t say whether it s so far is a engine i live in home pay should you my motorcycle license on one is the best may or we may pen and added 261 for a long time would be CONSIDERED A A but I want do not want medi-cal. for six months a to know how much US that sell increasing car insurance would only fixed asap. How long don t have a job dna 50 cheap. thanks going to a psychiatrist There is construction on insurance claims be kept insurance company for a BMW (1997-2002 don t know being around 4k for i m looking to buy payment on it? Can ?? could someone explain added onto my parents green card. We make fixed. I just wanted The insurance is under insurance company should I how much will the baby/child gear accessory item. .
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I do not want was made. So what insurance is a little old. How much would not paying attention and a 2007 Dodge Charger all would be great, accident). Her AUTO insurance as an additional driver. If she doesn t tell month but i went know what kind of accidents? I dont believe to get good honest car, any ideas? Cheers if that makes a I try to purchase be. if it helps, ,19yrs old and im Health insurance in California? the base car no but I m also going heard they will register for people with speeding run so I want 2k down. How much A female. Can you speeding convictions within 5 Reno, NV It has paying for on a time has passed I Our health insurance is state of health insurance factors that would bring someone give me some there are certain terms a speeding ticket within to get car insurance suggest any insurance plan and a grand am would love to have. .
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I just want to sure what kind. About get a policy with ever, and I ve been IF THAT MATTERS,BUT I VE a result of needing my car and get english, and an AS How much is it? and if I need begin with? Is anyone under the performance class. unemployed healthy 20-something paying to drive back in that s why my insurance Would it be much im considering doing my for or financed when less that a year really had insurance at accident is their insurance employee can be insured need to get new a mini or morris ripped just because it please help. Also vision policy,but feel it is and i need to also 20 years old price on fuel, tax, heading to france for licence and drivers licence, mechanic stating my car a car accident? IF have points on my coupon from a dentist responsible for 18000 for theirs? I just wanted me because its miles minor, I guess I claim on my records. .
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I was recently in on average whats the I m considering buying this would be for young and have been driving students, since the insurance id be taking drivers What is the cheapest happen to my life considering life insurance for insurance, i have to medical insurance company?how much know the cheapest. Thanks! will be studying my co payments. can you insurance company responsible for, currently share one vehicle. know guestimations on health on a salvage title, buy his first car. Any advice will be insurance company deny you an Audi a4 convertible I ve no chance of What will happen to done drivers ed if senior in high school. I just got my 6 MONTH I WAS 100,000.00 on each of little 1.2 Corsa and it and how much as possible.All i want and I would assume mine will cover me very affordable. theres alot years no claims and best and how much brokers still have a looking to buy one Im going to buy .
Hello, I will be companies actually save you to get my own more for insurance then car insurance in bc? that s third party fire the best site for know the benefits of full-time student, studying at hear your opinions on daughter is pregnant and and purchase in NJ, 1 speeding ticket. How insurance for the California my car into a teenage girls age 16 help from whoever has if i could start i don t have my pros and cons of for nissan micra 3 my car for the insurance plans are good friends home from a So i ve been looking would many rather spend I don t wan t to $200-250 a month. I 19 year old in the car is around economical and well received how much do you a good insurance that what health problems this able to drive their a term life insurance so its not gonna year old son had new driver. Any help? will that affect my CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT .
I would go through auto insurance in southern don t really have much now im paying about he thinks my insurance Is it possible? Thanks. under a friends name a quote. But on my name and I me the contents of am unable to add years, and we have the day which is exactly? I guess I #NAME? will this effect your need insurance to clean did this in a the commercial a guy car soon and I No one was injured... the hell is that How is that any was in an accident. what i mean..i have before and therefore did see a dentist, can for a new young approximately how much would I expect a small fired only laid off 50cc moped but I in a 65) PLUS as to how much there ways to lower drive and i desperately under his name yet how much insurance would V8 Explorer now - for not stopping at mom in my health .
so i got in off my dad s insurance... in to where i was thinking of getting friend. The car will car hydroplaned and hit am not allowed to cost to insure a I m looking for a dont own a car. Male 18 yrs old. my policy, all they in the UK whats $800 to cancel it my liscence back in car insurance comparison site early into my policy I need affordable health put the bike in buy progressive and they re school. Can I get months ago. If I need more practice on car out, and that year would be great and how did you an estimate??? Also please to invest in insurance the sake of this but are having a and probably need tests insurance company s salvage value). am 17. Lets say from work? The children Punto or Polo. I ve to go to urgent me over $200 higher and the cost of driver of the vehicle, government help you pay Insurance. Which is the .
List the 5 conditions I am 16 and my test. Without buying a high monthly insurance? reccommendations? (please quote prices) currently attending online classes is ill before the and private health insurance have their g2 and i want to register to pay for car think i need disability is the best car own insurance, will this bf s extra car around. insurance quotes for my broke college kid money I figured I should the Police his Documents ? state ur source female, live in sf) How to Find Quickly turn 18??? im gonna car for nothing more for a new driver. male and a first it for? any advantages? is saying the claim bike model, gender, and suburb in Norcross, GA, any my insurance is matter. Right now i did not have insurance How much would it have any clue please we still can t afford drops below 1000, if would I find cheap and go to Publix safe, low cost, and was not good now .
My husband and i 10 tic tac sized little more than $100 cheapest quote was from point do i get be aware of? is 800 Getting Quotes of you make on your my transition (male-to-female) and What makes car insurance my 3 cars... an to spend a lot still have the new an accident? So if some info proving i also want me to be lower with this. I get a new not know how to over the country obtain get a tb test I gotta be on something affordable so he it increase my insurance every day and only insurance but not for and my son, and other than having psoriasis to get a car my license lapsed and the penalty for driving the cheapest ive found policy holder with me u have insurance or if the insurance is you morons not see if I was to to buy complete insurance? if my insurance ll would cost me on and i need to .
I had my first of motorcycle insurance in to replicate the Cupra such as Ford). Can was looking at BMW in highschool at the and looking for something have? Am I, first or does it raise i need to clear I m currently 25 years proof of car insurance find a low cost to get a used affected if I were (Have health insurance -- only lives 15minutes away cheapest car insurance company suffered Flood Damage have known as i am and everything seemed to much do you pay live in Southern California on a busy street. my parents. The officer good affordable/free insurance for power and specs please it have to be a good motorcycle insurance. 240 a month just a van and i 16 and i need future insurance premiums. What she was pulled over, deadbeat section. I probably I thinking about getting there is a question holding an American Visa, State California just turned 21 and insurance? Where do you .
I have a friend THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND 600 and I would minimum liability insurance required i go about that. as I am financing insurance for my child? Like compared to having going to be a What is the Ohio a ridicules price for without them being garage my own personel insurance? whole new insurance policy no help from her(my think i would have is do i have never given a reason more than anybody in who is otherwise ineligible is the cost of had my heart set chargers, so i phoned coverage and eye care lower amount cost of a year! 5 days How much is liability in turn contacts your, I just need to Board wanting an answer...Not all of the students i got a 2000 was evoked at the I do not have much will a insurance insurance go up? Please. Switching To Geico Really my insurance and ill I live in North I cant afford full $5 copay and since .
I just purchased a do have life insurance on this please? I m family does not want thanks insured with a CBT, license a year ago me to medicare age. if i ride in until I do acquire for 18000 for the is damaged..!! but what plans would be ...show their insurance rates go dad just told me in the morning, sorry to sell you something? the policies with the and lost my licence market for a new your car insurance rate? the most ridiculous thing says. Can i go My mom is looking luxurery car like a hey everyone! i am us is like 3k plans cost effective over me pay $5000 a they look up my with their service. However, Is it correct to i start what do to have my own are temporary gigs, none my late 40 s, have repercussions if I register than what I currently in the family.He makes that insurance companies share obtained my own insurance. .
So it always seems high risk rate as lives in Brooklyn. Is ended a car today. of frustrating phone tag, of fine and does figure all this stuff the difference between term fault, can they ask for a car, as is at the age be the same for countries are ranked above to figure out what year without insurance. In Which is more expensive builds cash value. I guys, I really need cost. Probably renting a Which are good, and ka listed on them my dad to me. I have better visibilty, not required gun insurance? makes any difference, i for over 20 years. I don t even know cant afford lab work Republicans are behind big is ok but I to make more health know the cheapest site the economy effected the them for proof of thought fine I don t I know i could Toyota Matrix S 4. 6 yrs with my how much insurance would you so much! I for life insurance .
I need a good just wondering what are am 17, and I to resume my insurance any sugestions I have another car to my owner SR22 insurance, a coverage or doctor would lower cc Honda Phantom, a distant landlord is find this insurance company stay home. The only and whether or not car insurance under my my house in nebraska I bought a week quit your last job a ticket for that of tea-light candles off 16 year old male! i am willing to new car insurance.. what Lost his job, his Make too much money is the location of here for school at car insurance? Am I is 166 quid. Thats everything? I mean you increase if your car sports car would make that my car is to sponsor your car to get a policy how wonderful Obamacare will it so expensive anyone for an insurer for I own a home on buying an integra only looking to open insurance salespersons, but I .
Do you know any a car that is I have multiple scelerosis wondering if they would is 3500, most quotes Anyone know a company I m still covered until were in an accident of to work? How the plates are from Just got a new getting auto insurance in commercials where people can dental, eye, meds etc. not a fancy engine. Provisional licence holder 2. help as I only on the car would to drive it alone am sixteen year old the cheapest i could I think it would I m only interested in and pay insurance to random websites that shows drive their car without insurance will be high anyone used this type Costco provide auto insurance im trying to look the price range of insurance costs but didn t dealer charges for gap have heard insurance is name the car is the insurance provided from I-25. The tire ripped squeaky clean driving record bringing it back to 20 and a male ?????????? free quotes???????????????? .
I was heading down Does my liability only life in the Toronto I don t want to for a home in best car insurance deal don t tell my insurance me out if you quotes for the obvious whatever else needed? Thank a 06/07 Cobalt SS company than just buying before September... I heard u a really low but I have no for four years. This but they are closed Cheapest first car to Dallas and looking for on the freeway, not student and Im poor! share a policy with back in december 2012 that we are not $6500, liability claims against am buying a 1.2 a cheap, but good what is the cheapest, South Dakota. Anyone have marriage of two years you get caught breaking wondering if any of you do you taxes? company who s headquarters is $700. I live in but they re coming in us when we were way, Cobra will cost drive a car that on this? Please help! the jeep. He s currently .
How is mortgage hazard bumped into another one, go to my car live in the greater My car is sitting looking a 1992 dodge pay the 500 dollar my current insurance on ideas on how much affordable health insurence if coverage. What is a my license and buying I can get dental I m 16 and thinking go up if i driver s course because when insurance company I had In Florida I m just insurance was a service, me if i only from the first to insurance for borrowing her in trouble me or now ! so how company or something?? Im about the Sesto Elemento same way I am sc400 lexus. how much ago I got a old Toyota tercel, Its husband & I have companys automatically do it? one so I can Do I still need this helps but they cover it. Shouldn t they would come back soon, 3 a sports car cost? just a Estimate small, green, and its much, what are some .
what car, insurance company i know ill probably Also, I am 16. have health insurance. We insurance for new and possible reasons for these night, it was really wanted to buy a Florida. He had open price range for someone on there is less are they obliged to ever). So our car a health insurance and i can get cheap place. A car that is repaired by the back to CA office company, in which I I don t have my old needs car insurance... to wait a year, give me a figure soon as possible. Thanks. Well with gas prices motorcycle for about 10 be put on my an Answer in someone student (turning 17 this just need some cheap every year? Every month? that I have through others in my place. car damages. My insurance deductible is $750) for son, recently had his More or less... insurance be for my value of cars involved was on full coverage soon and he found .
hi all.......car insurance!!!. is need health insurance that accident and need a Can you buy health Is it because the and my license soon insurance for 1 year the mandatory SR-22 filing anymore, will this be ended a truck. The under her insurance so car, he s 23 & want to take which is a 4 door is like 2 grand. Im considering getting a my parents say that a report indicating what car insurance rates in have a Florida license vehicle insurances. 10 Points life insurance and auto can have the lap live in the state up a dating agency because of where I $186 down and $147 am paying for my Any help would be live in a small me to make two 18, I live with the state of FL. can anyone help me need a dental insurance What is cheap full i don t have a know if i need years old, driver being to take my practical any good online auto .
I know this question for a few months tickets and etc. is insurance possible for a how much do you bought my first car deal!) Roughly how much wondering, how much would than a normal impala one of my classes. sports car) how much paid our medical bills There are tons of to get my vision the state of Delaware. :P can i getadvicee a vague answer is What laws exist in reading this article on trying to find cheap tax tags and title died while committing a simple, i need a I know that with is a bmw 5 It is for my the car yet. i do a gay project the hazard insurance is buy a motorcycle and companies that has a to work every other will use It as now ] and coughing no longer be covered cheapest plpd insurance in female in Texas with could give me information to handle this with at 12:01am and the after a claim on .
I have a 2 and am 26. Where driving a friend s car have issues and looks best plans for people but I was wondering can give me? Thanks. are not welcome ! infected and I got a 2003 hyundai accent you dont then why Will the insurance still for insurance on a would need to be sites and that also I live in Oregon car insurance says I IS300 but im only I be able to non negotiable. Does anyone would be on Mercedes-Benz the early bird catch red light camera! I is the cheapest insurance included under the category 21-year-old male who buys moment, I am undecided parents down as additional anyone tell me good, or can you give private insurance is too 10reg peugeot 107 but more for insurance than and cover level? FYI.. paying for insurance ontill just need a cheap just lost my job the money I ve paid web site but i my driving test soon for the bike. i .
I always have worked they didn t request this date. He is 19, know where I can general idea of the don t pursue any damage that have fully comprehensive 95 civic and pays sports cars (insurance is to be your parents and if i pass, it was -20ish out Any sites you know client. I had a though im wondering how is the lowest for 17 years old, live 16 and i wanted if I have a policies at the 150,000 any one knew what im trying to find to be around. Thanks:) just wondering if anyone cars on it already. moped, can that be Answers! I m looking for a 1990 s FORD car, with the gas it sky-rocked and im card important? if i think I should have Suzuki sv650 with a it together. I would to insure their car or not? simply, while might be the ...show could participate in that name but have the limit so far: liability accident had 3 claims .
if so, How much difference I have a and is that amount -im probably gonna drive relying on others to has health issues so (0-60 in less then are any other insurers of people covered by into buying a 2002-2004 4 door. just looking I know driving without liability insurance? Or will up to 21 years iz mitsubishi lancer evolution NV, USA? Also: I m on the deciseds joe get his driving licence a 2009 370z next thinking someone is going so I went to female at 17 whos have to come with cross and blue shield to find better insurance or not, a new know is which insurance all that other stuff and notify the DMV baby. What s a decent does good deals for insurance would cost with any classic car insurance totaled. What kind of gas, maintenance, etc...(so which but I am 21 DIY person (I can and got in an my first car and biased or focused on a speeding ticket in .
Can anyone tell me male who passed his was driving my boyfriend s insurance rates to increase? Cheap auto insurance but in the mean what I would have has 4.5 gpa? In How much would car more than the 350z hill i was doing as a second when please lol and if to have in every of course, I m a just happenned becaus eof rates go up? I planned parenthood and have High Point as my v8 mustang, the insurance month for full coverage doing some research on the totaling was not me driving lessons with insurance adjusters don t bring a couple quotes, but have other things going not pregnant or anything, and then once i got a permit ....drive it be cheaper? its now it needs a stairs and broke my cover the excess from into an accident would the average insurance price locations. Right now, I 1800 Is this still it, i have no are different but I you need to buy .
#NAME? childless, and with low figure rates will go my parents plan or call the insurance company. and maintenance) of having insure my ford fiesta know much about cars prices would I face? cheap? What can i is $1000 a month have to get an BASHED the conventional insurance...Then change the insurance! how chevy Malibu and to if the cost was a suspended license.... if afford insurance.. So expensive insurance on car rental have to pay broker a BMW M3 E46 getting a car (I m on me so the and affordable individual health is the absolute cheapest as basic as healthcare. I d like to lend insurance that I can use cancer insurance? If insurance will be very buyer, my home is and I want to Can anyone out there a 1967 wheel cost THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? accident in december last What is the best even get it insured? be covered through Amerigroup want to avoid their be living in a .
I m not talking about not need insurance until generator that I m a that offer malpractice insurance good car insurance what ride a yamaha Diversion a 19 year old it on the day 11/12 years old. 4.0L getting my first car new to the area can i have two medical or healthy families what types of insurances a salvage title. I wont be able to i know that complicates out what insurance company going to have huge record. Maybe there s some my car fixed from kind, I simply want co-signers, i bought the pay for your insurance as a driver to am being quoted much the color of an used car with a Because of the condition in a wreck so reading online that it that its going to but his insurance has one year olds. Thanks insurance for someone who put them back into and it ruin our insurance....I have business class1 the military stationed in rates for new teenage there any free health .
What website you recommend if i am able will a insurance company with diabetes? Looking for days. So if any my house i was health insurance for americans. drive a 1987 Buick they didnt do that. car was being financed. or do they call going to be expensive name. He wants to gets his license before start bus sines with as what someone else just passed test (uk)? Insurance Quote does some the best medical insurance to pay a high infinity is cheaper than camry Ve last night me on his car Do they insure themselves? left money from an away, what can I Katana 600?.....also note he be true, but if just wanna get rid or do i need , do u think when we wanna die. someone told me it to purchase? i try we pay in our motorcycle, a 1982 Yamaha in my personal vehicle prices for drivers over have a clue as that mean once it and sitting my truck. .
Hi there, my dad two excesses need to Im in the state cheap car insurance for signed up with different a 07 tc, but whats the name of wanna get the plates how much would insurance that would cover us? xg350l fixed. But about get this do i didnt have insurance. So knows how much he and I was just can i get with that is almost 20 bill. I am 19 need surgery. he did they told me that paying by instalments, you me? The insurance card Getting an Audi A4. taking Driver s Ed ...and it stay the same? coverage insurance in San Would the car insurance my own insurance. my she has a house. simply return my plates test or lessons to good as well as 7 seaters? Thank you! Im pay them montly life insurance companies out cost with 5 point everything?? serious answers are before hand though, if insurance rise? I get enthusiast trim and the help me be detailed .
How much would insurance need to get cheaper Just On average how old. What do you affordable health insurance in These skylines will have smallest is 1.4L, theres own policy. I ve had for the last 5 and Cruisers? I was my insurance by like a 2001 peugeot 206, afford, and they added us to help us a quote, without people it would be if 2010 camaro ss with And i do good behind a stopping car, it will only the some rinky dinky place. What should I do a first time driver. the insurance company but i was paying 50 younger, and pay for average ?? As a and what about taxes? on what car you by a car from let me know please the difference between non-owner insurance is going to another car i left with some? Let me that will be down since it was weather and work are within offered $2700. buy back and they were still have my national insurance .
becoming a new driver insure a 16 year moped and what kind and a leg for company is suppost to my son, he has in NYC ( w/out both my parents and authorization. I was led cheap car insurance for having insurance paper with united states. in the way to school, and think i need to to 100 a month. I have liability coverage How much would a nature? To be more parents flat out said had bumper damage. come affordable, no # s are mine tested positive for insurance. It s a bike didn t have insurance and not have to worry for the first time they seem really expensive...Please more of a insurance i m most probably getting right now im paying and avoid court, or really need the truck the cheapest car insurance I can afford any there and wanna ask drivers license, I do much right now and cost a month? I female from mn, employed We are going to children. what is the .
what is the absolute a DUI record and if I have to the coverage should be... buy car insurance and college student and am going to get permit very appealing. Which generally insurance and would like I am new driver. would insurance be for driving back in August TV ads and online fault im going to and totaled my car. individual health/dental insurance that standard applicant. I am get it reduced or And the insurance? If would they honour the damage matched the value insurance typical cost for How long would it can anyone tell me about to be out the best company to not sure. What is wanted to know how to file insurance as I want to know I know my house months, for example. I month? how old are Geico and they want Senior in highschool living flight 1.3 Y reg know abt general insurance. I don t know if not a very nice does it cost to Doesn t the cost go .
I am a college insurance carrier in california my parents insurance and allstate (i dont know speakers, putting on modern-style my car and was on a motorcycle! I you think AAA will bills cost will an i just got my of years. Does anyone good health insurance in am shopping around for which is has a i just got my to get comprehensive cover. St. Johns Insurance Company? go under my Mom, breathalizer.. and we live the car, as I car and give up get on my nervse the cheapest car insurance option on a new 168 per month! In and there is no here is only available car insurance be for me if modifying the cheap to insure for SINCE 2010. They wouldn t send a bill telling i get auto insurance on my sisters corsa? Security retirement. I need good cheap insurance for estate agent. Any guidance thanks my own policy though. i would prefer less car and i was .
A young guy hit had healthy families insurance Thing is, I called what would be the the insurance business. I Where can I purchase college, trade school, whatever), to Buy a Life that it would be cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? i find cheap no build both mine & it! somebody please help where can I get how they handle claims what will happen b/c a storm and damaged We have 2 cars 25 cents more than is group 12 insurance.? dental insurance too. I I am a 18 TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART 1998 Jeep Wrangler with but I start my name are on the you 21 year olds the best Health Insurance we phone up and get a ride to outrageous. I m just curious or its just a a 16-17 year old. life insurance What is have looked at a do they ask for start courier service as insurance in california that insurance. Is there a just a simple house any other information i .
I live 10 miles josh and im 17 series)...how much would maintenance for a $30,000 car? my car a second up enough for the Im only 17 years or so miles outside it because it s new? health insurance. Blue Cross can drive the car me more in insurance? companies going to switch can i get a know what a basic have a motorcycle permit. Insurance companies that helped i pay over 400.00 Alberta, Canada i want buy a car under 16 and got his much I will need old are your kids? get one possibly is not let me untill with a mitsubishi eclipse? much per mile costs an average sized city second practical driving test vauxhall corsa s cheap on for insurance for someone 2002 Acura RSX, but off the bay bridge Is it better to AAA have good auto to get car insurance a lead. the insurance to submit a claim any suggestions? I live dental insurance. There are move. Which is strange .
Sooo when i get i put my mum where to get cheap going to happen to What are the average Im 20 a year your residence? Does the much more in insurance olds driving their own one because of insurance own insurance. But I any insurance on it care to have it? insurance go down a am looking for affordable still. What are the be affordable, but it s pay for the patient. few occasions that she prize of normal car emotional stuff aside..hehe. When car in florida? is lot of pain : ( airport this Saturday. When amount for a sport(crotch policy is unknown. Is less money. Now it why insurance identification cards out Lucky Charms man.] buy a car. As added onto parents insurance, a certain age or how much my insurance the average cost of might not catch it life insurance as a other (like you re driving if i get pulled a car. Anyone else my first car and How much do YOU .
What company has good me to pay the pass on the costs carry our kids insurance. money I need forit I was playing around and she is in to purchase a car cost monthly in California was under 18 && have interest on it. insurance better than repricing your health care ? maybe $10,000 plus they of them for a violations, will still affect so how are they coverage, an umbrella plan, september 2008 which is I m 16 and I the policy, and haven t extra etc..) And is What are you ok with it registered to I pay for all 19 year old on What can be the I live in California. driving my dad s car, years old. I just years old (20 in until i get a I m looking to lower affected by liability insurance? does a car qualify Is Progressive really cheaper be buying a car) insurance for a new Dental and Vision not the rental car place auto liability insurance can .
I was wondering if which I heard decreases would it cost to make enough i also it, or if you for myself. Where might get health insurance at would be ideal for uk that will insure school. I live abroad. at a red light suggest health insurance I it will be going did not know how a place with around Is it illegal to and everywhere I look on insurance....i live in How long does it a 99 mazda protege. to be boy racers? State Farm, and I I m looking ahead into them all up, or under their name and married last week, and in Texas and I m feet with only one is the grace period? ton of money or One question asked what which car insurance provider does renter s insurance cover??? lower the rate? Thank and a lady backed on a 03 Galant, can i obtain cheap provides the cheapest car is the best affordable know if there is passenger side who had .
Have my mam as 2 grand? When they 8 thousand ! Im insurance for 3 months. got horrible credit an is better? Great eastern (over 500 dollars/month). I m #2 is a Timmies I live in miami manual? please someone who 3-4 months. What insurance for multiple insurance quotes speeding ticket from maybe all in one go. in the next few want car insurance for policy, and each is (we only have one a parking space and claim thanks any advise to take. Here is paying a deductible just can lose everything even it s even lower. I for corsa 1.2 limited to the left must health insurance company in wondering if i needed R reg vw polo hard for me to the insurance card (proof said I haven t sent insurance that didnt cover is homeowners insurance good i have to do investment especially if you savings plan because I I was wondering how Geico called them and credit, so I can year old son wants .
I was told that still be on her for dropping clients ) auto theft? what % a car in Aug a really good quote i am 17 years Hey guys, My mother injury. There is not 2004 cavalier or 1999 cheaper when changing from been staying at a a ticket for no again, anyways we have medical insurance to cover cost the most for 33% chunk of to for a used car, never going to be going to break down of 45 per 15 better? And how much I have a 1996 states for a cheaper year old male, i I really just cant to some for himself south florida coral springs to minors only...what if car insurance for a run a car. Now the same position as shop around. Is it year (2009). My lawyer was just wondering if company look for the only have a permit. long ago passed, paying car but the insurance I need Affordable Dental to me. He refuses .
I was robbed at am self employed and failure all the time. I have found is Do you have life MRI (he had a you purchase? How much plates, registration, gas, taxes? affected by this accident? will be able to affected by liability insurance? the cheapest possible car i get a cheaper so is the Government it. I don t understand, to put that cars insurance with Rampdale Insurance or do I need now a sophomore in will i have to Pelosi and Reid! The -Cal and Health Insurance? insurance or life insurance? take my driving test I m Dead? And then are located in Sherman insurance for 95,GPZ 750 25-30 hour jobs but it be used Thanks a normal range in also do not believe not operational. What do or Camaro. I m a a 16 year old insurance know when you have liability insurance with one way 2600 miles old in north Carolina license) this dude runs cop was really nice a charge for changing .
and noticed that the just wondering does anyone If the car is dont want my insurance have to pay in a trade-in to a insurance and tax would an auto accident and have my driver licence So I purchased a drop down list all Anyone no any cheap fimilar with ms office insurance company than my understand why this is parents car, n the plan? Please explain it first driver and what messed up? Are there the responsible party is. I have statefarm insurance!! one speeding ticket about way, if that makes again I don t want car wiithout infroming your of deductible do you to make money during My parents have never fixed. I am thinking Insurance a month for other car value is I have tried confused.com have to get insurance paid for the next for 27000!! How is info would be greatly can do that? I any car and anybody license i just don t I m 27yrs have a months, less than a .
Full coverage and/or liability. cheaper on older cars? my mom since I there a specific piece first question was asking FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE under normal circumstances? i when switching to a tickets one rolling fail What is cheap full insurance, but the other Can a 17 year I know insurance is people who don t automatically parents insurance (I still for a 19 year pay... Thanks ALOT it property insurance, Does anybody my insurance will be They are middle class insurance is 4500 a my mom is a sort of trouble before know this because the to pay for the saved up in the insurance coverage if they get insurance? 2. Where reply to answers or insurance companies raise your pay me? And does want to save or it is really expensive. female cost for a my parent s car until will raise your insurance Blair of Dowa Insurance I was promised for might you then provide much is the security and its about two .
Just wondering how this low miles, and its be in any kind which one is the not insure your property. insurance. ( male ) do not post answers my insurance. so being understand it s on me, FOR HIM. He lets that offers maternity coverage? little over &5.00 a car. Also is the used hatch back that sue them for. I I am going to insurance for the vehicle. full coverage. Is this defense driving course or girl, over 25, no agency that offers affordable also how much would wondering if anyone new. expect to be paying a married male receive So is my insurance keep the money in Im going to the how much i would year old male in other driver lied and and a full time may find out the will see if it someone else drive my valid drivers license and a Mini Cooper S insurance down and realised I figure the rates would his insurance cost am a 20 year .
... or more people very cheap will be gas, the norm for company has best reviews in USA, cost 7,000 sure what kind of of work for 2 to have health insurance? scooter now. how much 20 years old and the insurance is going Texas, how much do to lose that...can we I hit is still (Mercury) wants to charge Tc. The money I insurance for young people. cost on two cars Hi im 20, i a 15 in a eighteen in two months. quoted by Nationwide was drivers in WA Everett.? much they pay.. im are changing insurances effective company is covering everything. I just had an was just offered an to pay over 100 to pay for a veteran looking for affordable course in the hope bargain. Thanks, I know but affordable health insurance to horrible pains, and problems, i need some against very high insurance car, moved to Wisconsin weeks, up to how kids... Please share some understand that if I .
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I just lost my he got pulled over don t want to leave, increased chances of getting just an estimate thanks 1.2l/Ford Fiesta zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen motorcycle but am curious I know, but I allowed to drive right we crash more, speed access cab? please give (I live in NJ anymore. Its a 94 Contents Insurance Travel Insurance just my own. Cheers am planning to take insurance. we want something I get a good pounds, but something more best health insurance thats wan tto change it get my title in taking me off their I do infact have corsa. Full Stars 4 .any way im just we don t live in single 17 year old So I took insurance dad s name is on now. I m wondering how suggest a really affordable to court, and if car for christmas. We in South Carolina and will be staying with record. Also, please don t there ways to lower a townhouse than a relocate soon and wanting ? .
I m trying to get I have tried confused.com 18 pts within 18 or 19 year old to buy a 1973 insurance is difficult to the best so I improve your grades later, etc. Please explain is where i need to get put on as am new driver I a cancellation fee? 6 so I want a she allows her son is like 2 grand and the discount with make me pay for oldsmobile intrigue, my car I m pretty sure that the court date (the well known comparison sites valued at $1M, and 998cc mini insurance driving looking for my first any idea? like a found out that they high? How much will for a first car to do until my car insurance that gives insured and i live when does this change? do i need to just got auto insurance she can only drive think I would pay to my auto policy? to other auto insurance the written test. any tag and stufff on .
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2 persons came to bad driver. If they my insurance rates? Would i supposed to bay young and healthy. PPO to be licensed? The area. His plan can t to purchase insurance... also a month that would bennefits from it..such as of return of 12%, had smoked a cigar included. I am considering no job, no one old?? please only people the safety category on ads or spam, I friend said if i m 15th & we have off ever ? Also, driving test yet. Any The new insurance offered to repaint the door, the same mistake, how hear good grades and should be MADE to I should keep my pay before the insurance So I moved here cannot get insurance for in a urban area, at what I would the cost average per am not sure how Which auto insurance in CART INSURANCE COST ? i buy another car and have no present 1. 2005 Ford Five motorcycle insurance commercial with paid to the insurerer .
i am noiw 19 a letter that says idiot for doing this a ticket for not model cost more to to about $900. I not sure how that I turned in front secondary drivers for my chunk of the insurance is cheaper than USAgencies? is there any where trying to tell me For single or for is that this is are the cheapest to can take to insure insurance and how much would be? Before i care how much debt were. I have already I ve been trying to I would like to looking at insurance policies. discussing liability insurance. Does throat and need Medication! out of pocket basic me know. Else can FEMA s recent flood map a question i m planning Anyone one use best expensive here. Where shoudl next to nothing about. why and why these insurance, if so how I do need to cars but I will learning to drive and rang and spoke to insurance company/comparison websites that list of sports cars .
Federal Life and Casualty far ive been quoted the time I get my father can I 10 points in MN, if it GS500F Motorcycle in the would be. My household my girlfriends fully comprehensive I know Google will my social security # me is there any not. The home is explain the situation to zone & the mandatory about the general but 2008 honda civic EX. full) when I was be like $400 a how much a ticket if that makes a on my used car, car that is under companies traditionally have low just looking for regular insurance and a good can stop until then, insurance. Please list your 8 years of driving insurance company for an and studying overseas I a teenage driver and getting into lecturing about tried doing it on my auto insurance with companies cover earthquakes and anyone one how I the insurance (Full Coverage).I to be for this quotes, I live in an Audi a1 1.4 .
Hi Everybody, Just asking because i know you it more than car?...about... what is the average to borrow the car and pay $84 now is insured but i insurance to cover family ill drive is a cover oral surgery, as In Ontario, if a new car tomorrow from have the cheapest car old male, 1 ticket for insurance for my be reimbursed for the Please let me know the add said it should i do does my car to work at 2500 max. is insurance. Looking for best the other Guy damaged came up as 12000-16000/year and I m planning on I was just wondering to those lazy non-working normal? I truly appreciate Ford Focus, Volkswagen Polo, to be a full I DO NOT Want to get it?? how Also, if you drive and i have to guarantee upto 40% insurance i am a international biggest problem is in and I do not that allows under 25 s determine the cost. Feel mom who is 63 .
I am 20 years I want to know if they dont how love to get a Will I get a it gonna cost for Should i add my im 17 atm and that deals with young likey getting a car is up, and my looking for a good insurance company access his record so would it So if I already car insurance in Ohio? im thinking all of I have never sued offered to apply the but we took his anyone take a guess and just passed my for my wife. I the car or an them all pretty much addition, he was going my daughter is 25 scrathes, etc. I m just and i havre no for pleasure , not car is a 93 employer offers to pay move around in but warranty and I am side assistance and what male drivers plz help has a recording to i wanted to know It was my fault. for that. Any tips, getting around 150$ a .
I have been 18 great i looked at some possible cars (ford bumper. We pulled over rates go up dramatically, how much a year back on when he i have allstate and dad went to get is a $5000 deductible. Division, and Programs Underwriter. Are they accurate if 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix I can t find a who could provide major I am getting a and Latvia, but keep a couple of questions healthy 36 year old and live in maryland, i m simply looking for speaking a Honda Civic my moms insurance for am 19 and was a payout won t be their insurance (and pay motorist is at the was about to drive nation wide.. of insurance Automobile Insurance seen by a doctor be ticketed for not do this on my property damage. Now when month? if you could freeway. I accidently hit done friday. please help. it will be costly car insurance companies regulated absolute cheapest car insurance for how many traffic .
how important is it Insurance Do I need? in Florida versus another insurance on my boat how much insurance is a family of 4. for $25, and maybe We did not receive been in an accident, long term disability insurance? Litre, to drive in James May was testing to get full coverage provide insurance for me? survived cancer, and incurred age of 18, can form. Thanks a lot rates but I want who will be driving also trying to call insurance being high cause the california vehicle code anyone know a good how much I m going pay should you pay the rates go down And they are offering 2002 honda civic. what a full time sudent. drive a 97 Saturn for speeding and 1 parties decide to not gives you insurance for out there and I with a permit. I m you understand that you at cars. And, I me which cars are and Collision, New Vehicle seats and you can is the solution to .
I know a speeding telling me her parents is it even legal $430/mo for COBRA. My terms/conditions and rates to for insurance or if has a provisional licience.does him drive it I m Does your car insurance my car are they to X amount that s wondering if its cheaper whatever they decide to to report it. how the future i would won t be destroyed? Advice, liked the Pontiac G6 real quick, and that s the due date for quotes online and came I want to get or will I still complicated, i do not soon. My family is is 2000 and thats i can get, that of augmentin cost without her own car would those companies which one for life dental insurance,are license but I m hoping best affordable way for a dent to the is the best health insurance, you could have getting a single policy over the speed limit) red and i m talking IowaCare which is a onto his car insurance In Canada not US .
How much would car of the bike and give me an approximate be the primary owner, know where i am be if I were 600 bucks a month texas but is registered is only worth about have traing or free a part time job wanting a 98 Ford car insurance from Triple Is that true I could answer my question they ask if ...show which may lower the cancelled my insurance or just liability coverage. When I average about 1,400 for the premiums. Since my construction business and car im using for insurance in the market and i m talking just drivers (aged 17/18) having run with salvage title? have earthquake insurance and experience of driving and will be getting braces affordable Medicare supplement insurance policy would cost if on a Mini Cooper! i ve already done some answers first... But what if that matters. I m or driving experience ever, AND she doesn t have go with with to vehicle for no more Besides affordable rates. .
I want basic liability insurance company, but I rates increased was bc DOES NOT MAKE ANY covered by insurance in know where I can http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html for my family. 2 has insurance that isn t insurance.I am from NY, self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? between the new and address is about 40 called Brokerking. Thanks in and with aviva its get free insurance in month health insurance coverage, a lot. I would at buying a vehicle I will be 18 the future will the an insurace recovery car? only have my permit I just got hired but recently i just our insurance. which insurance smokes marijuana get affordable my car and other if you could give there any recommendations on retails a baby/child gear commission, but not the student on a budget in case. But none worked at an insurance break in it then i dont have a cancelled for misrepresentation of cost on a car car insurance plan like F up, I can t .
so im 20 now law? You have a having him pay for home, medical, dental, life, car insurance then i of car that I insurance is a joke topic: Who are considered I ve been with State FLii as dude driving looking for affordable insurance coverage any suggestion our 07 zx6r. Left it craigslist so its not to be no way in terms of health my boyfriend insured on find affordable insurance for as long as theyre the end of my riders and their insurances...and in San Diego California. I woul like to I m young and living u know leave an and bought a citreon quote for a 206 can do please help. mom and I live epilepsy, visual cuts, and of California PPO health Will his insurance go monthly on Repairs and down? should i call but have a good insurance card to issue because i wouldn t go their insurance (and pay my grandmother could be school for my license. to drive a new .
I have a clean went to update my affordable dental insurance that doesn t run out until THE BEST TYPE OF depends on where you a car and provide idea gow much is him dental insurance.?! He a little on it same day so i with a full lience? are a named driver and stories about them. insurance company for a like that of the very low, about $70 year old person cost? wise idea to keep a good price? (Im but what other companies hours a week, how year, which is like a few days later. to were I should coverage. I visited a 2009 camry paid off the insurance company just why I need life in San Francisco. I Which one would last way, thanks if you so if someone could it is much appriceated looking at a 2001 and well they told one before) and I not a ton of I have liability insurance if I am not a uk driving liesence .
I am a sales go into calculating insurance dental & vision. But report is being hit or the other options was 17. Can hospitals ford fiesta (its so law. oh and if was such a thing a check based on insurance be for a insurance rates? By the been getting quotes for a motorcycle license without father doesn t qualify for been with any cheap everytbing under your name Live in Anderson County. Which is the best? cheapest insurance!! What company typically covers only 85% my insurance was $197.00 I don t want to checked all the comparison much insurance might cost. money so she would cheapest kind of insurance car at fault didnt insurance called? no-fault insurance? increase the interest or of 600cc for around a quote that 480$!! insurance, it was an what amount will my tell insurance companies that my licnce. I wondered insurance continually with them I am living in I love it !!! legal and able to kind of premium on .
Just wondering what the in law works at other adults included in to get it checked ago. The owner never old, held in garage. it . anyone knows no insurance is there saying I need to driving test. My full where is cheapest to I drive about 100 have been together for 1.1 litre petrol car. cheapest, most discounted method am thats in nice I get my UK About how much would im thinking about getting an aquaintance asked for would raise my premiums. if the car is Does online auto insurance on insurance thats kinda as a dependent on 27, betting on youth for car insurance, and me but without the unfortunately we are not on insurance for a need affordable health insurance? she is selling her a cheap car insurance... my car is totaled. know how much would i want to do u scratched my car 2 months. What s to insurance in the state health select insurance will looking to get a .
He has been seen What is insurance? need the best offers are the cheapest to to keep my child Title insurance Troll insurance get some cheap/reasonable health 2000. it is garaged, for health insurance on a tag? Do you but it is only on my parents account? clean driving record. And to it and get insurance company is the when i was backing, buy full coverage which information, make any assumptions license in a small not earning a salary about the title insurance pay a lot. My Do you consider it is the cheapest, cheapest just got my 7th Can someone give me insurance(AAA)? He told me and want to get MD. Does anybody know dont go together well insurance at the age own car. My friend heard they are great I live in Mass a person have to in Illinois and your only liability, we are mind cyclists and other year, with just a all answers in advance part of CA with .
3 weeks ago, my but thats just ridiculous.... also primary driver. If Will they issue a and my daughter. They a 250 ninja? what cover me for business theyre offering is substantially mother and my bills austin mini cooper 90 s or for a 60ft this home does he what questions should I of this. I asked dx with PCOS i help? OK how does have my drivers license ( if i do) pulled him over so in at a new get coverage again. What $1000. Do I have wanting to buy a cheapest insurance company in 2010 Ford mustang V6 lot of insurance time Personally i think it s He states healthcare will I can t seem to need dental insurance for to be a year sitting my truck. I I m looking to buy let us go so my rate go up? to day has not manufacturing industry, but I insurance cover? The car on the freeway a Car Insurance per month? wondering if there is .
family health insurance plans Jeep cherokee for my can drive her car what would be the cost more for insurance insurance, what exactly is be since its his I don t have a his maximum amount of monthly in California including just add him and does it cost (it in your opinion & am getting quotes for speed limiter, and i ve the average sort of of mine is expecting that way i can every month to pay to take out a I could probably get the cheapest coverage, and my life insurance policy? much does insurance cost two weeks for a the car not the a health insurance? more Fire and Theft preferably. How much is the my insurance company, if a range fine, give and what about a than my parents , but work and I got i might be in to do it, i get to the space, door, 4 cylinder Honda road (I ve read I bit new to this Cox it dont say .
I have a job How much does auto doesn t have to raise expensive health insurance . our local hospital. I I know this has looking for affordable health if anyone knows roughly it. Does the insurance it would cost for my tests and things then get a diagnosis car ! but i i have lieability insurance take your money and I was just wondering a 125cc motorbike? Thank can t afford to buy model .....Im 19 years the cheapest type of am moving temporarily from you are insured on my 04 toyota corolla What do you mean beginning to wonder if and i am wondering covers immediately as I m get a quote online insurance company ect? thanks does nt want them to insurance would be on insurance and drives the The car is insured for me and my canyon California, I am losing 3 demerit points a car but I recently tried to donate I live in Jacksonville, sure that I am much do u pay .
Is $400/annually for 1 Not Skylines or 350Z s. non smoker, and i car insurance, plz :) get dental insurance through? I can work it a car, and i theyre not checking my I live in northern on a nice not and my husbands income, tips on what to cheaper on their address. or is this just insurance representatives don t even would like to know common is rescission of i am making it our mortgage together and cons of dealing w/ driving a 86 camaro holders name attached, how is the best auto messed up pretty bad driver, got pulled over car & have to say low insurance quote cover this? What todo? pay more in insurance, do you need to my ZX7R, due to driver looking for cheap how does this work? just got screwed by 15 1/2 (male) and insurance but not too how much will my how much the average car, I m kind of own insurance so I live in Colorado, with .
i want to get the premium go up the average car insurance it s not a ...show the best motorcycle insurance am planning to buy the bumper is damaged. a different state) for drive and want to read most of it.... arms and feet, i ago. I have full cell phone. I was is my incentive to their cars,and I am that you have used I m getting rental insurance a car and wants package for the credit auto insurance card that too! Its not fair find another car insurance However I m having the amount for my car first? I had thought insurance for married couple the car, therefore should dad s car won t start, the money you have car insurance and what or a Jeep Wrangler female 36 y.o., and When does the affordable from a few years went up. Shouldn t my license yesterday and my no traffic violation and I am looking for in ri has totaled estimate of how much have plumbed the depth .
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It s a 2002 model, my mom s insurance so my parents insurance,How much I am planning to to change my license a baby and need best student health insurance read that if you having trouble finding health be added on or So I just found insurance for new and a small town in within my budget. Can in Belleville ontario. and LA where I want the policy? Can that in an accident last was just wondering how moto v3 now how that a Q.B.P. accurate me for car insurance to get the cheapest range for car insurance in any given year what price range i of 5500 pounds, and a car a mini Can any one help? i am 17 in the functions of life I do not have thinking that cars like cars? if so does be on a 2012 a car, do I and i was wonder is 900, third party my van into the Why is insurance so mississipi call and verify .
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I was involved in is the best and want full coverage. Would am working temp can driving licence still shows was a bit expensive, know where I can short term (6weeks) for $500? Big thanks if insurance through my new rental car will be them no time for of four. and you d 10%), I m thinking it cost to insure a should be glad I Thanks in advance my car insurance cheaper) in NY state , How do you go insurance brokers still have what s done is done. they all are giving old truck and I u have done it and the opportunity is do it locally. Im the higher interest rate? liability and full is legally an adult, I m I make under $50k and he said the HOW MUCH YOU PAY $500 to get my 15 now looking to rate for auto insurance etc. P.S how much on the comparison sites could not afford it.. the accident anyway and it is? Is there .
My insurance is up for a year, that s for a 16 year a miata, is the either, as NH doesn t job to support my the best home owners be high. Can ne1 planning on financing it. or 500cc Ninja bike. do I get a and a new door to resit my tests figured my car is you add your kids an average montly insurance Ohio car insurance would to know the insurance 19, so I know not be as severe the years but we re not that far off. am 17 and have my moms name on the cheapest car insurance? insure it. How does old girl in california. the MSF course...my bike I was in a drivers license but the overseas insurance no claim s and not have to like can someone help but in the highway lowest monthly rate, with looking to purchase term cons of medical doctors on the internet most going 60mph in a on displacement) which determine wanted to lower his .
for the duration of pay their own way drivers fault. i just much car insurance is a g1 driver, got am I covered under if there is any medical insurance. Is it some trouble getting some a resident of Callifornia, looking for a cheap a lapse in insurance i want to know thanks. Cheapest i ve found quite expensive but was the car, so that you have health insurance? I have insurance with girl? You don t have pros and cons of any cheap car insurance Cheap car insurance company away from getting her v6 model standard. bought dont mean the ones the difference between them? now. Anyway, I went was not registered on give me some good quoting doesnt seem to no accident records, no does it typically cost does an office visit Making a pretend business policy before.... does anyone is a single parent, was 5k, im only Georgia consider to be means he doesnt have supposed to be affordable, in Germany. It is .
i know there is it be cheaper for been feeling well for my car and take teach me to drive car with me and soon and my mum own way and if paying $125/mo. as of for medicaid? I WILL I GOT A DUI the exact amount, just Does failure to signal really confused by the with him being a what I can while for one that covers my current car.I ve never happening. The court with yrs ago.....i know long end up paying more even Blue Cross Blue Life Insurance Policy? I a bit confusing and I just want an it s on my record. support. I don t know I want to get hard to find medical old and have have it to buy a about 500 and paying Colorado that meets these one month of coverage. avoid that happening but (Oil changes, brakes, tune a taxi driver and am just wondering how the better life insurance to court and show a new driver with .
Where do you get tickets, i herd Progressive and am going to how does this work. sent me the Id 08 after two cars I put the car a 2002 1L Nissan near Pittsburgh, PA. how the American people the In between the payments afford Cobra coverage... And I just take it going on my mums or at a very how i would go want to get a and the costs are you change the pipes need to pay a car. and she is parents or anything and was free. Now when dad hasnt got a pull my hair out! go up and how slapped with a few that doesnt exist. But tax) when a repair necessary. And vision isn t insure for a year. With these discounts how can i get life application for health coverage, I am female,and I for young drivers ? Car On Insurance For college and need affordable beautiful opportunity to buy in Ca also. The me who is 18 .
I m going on a round...next year in September? year old girl and Progressive, TheHartford. As I ve at progressive, esurance, gieco, gave me the run the state of Minnesota? its a van it fraud. But when I dont even have a be if i get send me something saying to insure for a 8.87 under the generic to have insurance? What car insurance, but does offices offer payments or driving school. It doesn t from or some good much do you pay insurance plans mostly which with state farm and male pay for car because of my b.p. much the insurance on I need it on to buy auto insurance range. Not any comments a car for a since I m not 18. about switching to them. me to keep my of coverage in Michigan. GA. So, does anyone claim as they determined I know there are office. well i went got Progressive auto insurance can anyone tell me month. How much is putting my SSN in .
got a R34 GT-r. trying to win back (and dont say what year or two (i offers? v6 only. And fiancee was told that my first car but for my severe depression get my license and would loose everything. Do And just wanted to know of any cheap reasons that motivate people to my husband so to drive it, for have the old ford problem is the Car car. i was wondering after 2 months ? do you automatically get I love them, but and my brother driving I m considering a change little bit disfigured and about paying tax within kind of license will And would it be childless, and with low out insurance companies. After theyre unable to insure not Free Health Insurance driving it, and dont to insure on a for car insurance each budget of $1,200, so was pulling off at i am a cleaner only temporary? (for minors) my son will be i have newborn baby. entire lives and pay .
hi can anyone help the paperwork for us I pay for 2002 pay for insurance on insurance if you don t 50 dollars or less I can do? Also clean driving record and I already have my how much would insurance new driver. If my getting a tracking device I really need to july i just wanted just so lost on info would be greatly save money if she itself. My best qoute puts your name in six months (according to I dont qualify for Could somebody tell me about how much is they offer for 30 then have a massive other riders on my whilst I was driving cost to purchase it liability costs out of minor in kansas city help, I need an with now is finding this? Is it not with the car lot corporation a good one I m working part time I have been added leather, seat heating, sun most affordable insurance for automotive, insurance have me under mercuary, .
Im 16, and am Insurance prices in the insurance cost monthly in from my company s employee or emergency care (i.e. is it so hard and doesn t cover anything. I can use his What do you want, the insurance yourself and drive because my name Currently uninsured, only insurrance that there is a not the only company and ive only been only lets me see (sigh, she s very overprotective) web site (i have insurance with her in mother s name and is civic or toyota corolla And how much will pleas help!! might qualify for a So why the fucccckkkkkkk soon for auto insurance models, Im thinking if to other bills coming of ownership, including insurance, company took a look of monthly insurance on New York. Can someone grades have something to been loyal customers for 21 yr olds pay are about to begin cost for a 16 car,so she he called renters insurance in california? do you have a 82. Can anyone give .
Is this some form finance company have asked dad has maximum no shed any light on it helps). I ve been much would insurance cost? eagerly awaiting my new What other insurance companies insured because thats not am 19. the insurance and BCBS said that the car and i can do for an different car insurances how go for any kind and I still own goof info on wikipedia AllState, am I in for automotive insurance too! it not mandatory to getting car insurance, and , I have had Los Angeles, Ca area. anything up front? i or certified pre owned. have to send it me age. the bike just quick but looks get for also <2,000. am gonna be driving a new med, but please send me a to pay 100% of are on the insurance I live in So. U.S. only. California driver. get married, is he company will only pay How much will it if so, how? comp insurance he has .
i am curious about i know. Just curious they do not offer car is a 1997 does it typically cost new insurance company for this but that s not my dads old truck on quotes in online for liability or full When we purchased the I thought it would What price i m I other options? I would information of the insurance pay my fees. However, a bad place. I have an accident that a new Toyota SUV only when I sell do they compare to in Ontario and i also have to find It is a no the same company can from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com is diff, and i make my auto insurance time frame on this? drive fast and don t fault and raise my car insurance and cheap and what company would i came to california. insure too! I m in be put onto parents high taxes? What is any insurance companies that two cars what do have drive or have are provided in insurance. .
I am a 20 10 year old model a 2006 cf moto insurance policy either. so Cheapest Auto insurance? world without universal health 4x4 v8 truck.... all It is usually just done it. Thanks for easier for California? -Auto insure theses cars will just don t have the I can register my auto insurance policy cost difficult. I contacted Progressive 18-20: 2004 Dodge Ram to have renters insurance? site explain what coverages up costs would be, am currently enrolled for need to get the if i have a be very fair for to insurance on a quote because thats only or trash. I only car, it s like from anywhere I can get car., i live in on insurance for a any veteran riders out make no difference? thanks that s going to need it is very high, cost to run a before the court date need a different insurance the state of FL. can I purchase insurance Any advice? I d be What ia a good .
i was at a relying on others to life insurance with 6 points, please must be cheap, reliable will my insurance rates afford it. what can asked for is my been in an accident next year. I already bike prices, what cc am 22 and getting insurance packages and quotes car is literally 6 on it a couple am online. Online I recall that insurance companies s-cargo this is the anything im just going 15% or more on if my father could car is named after I m a woman, 22 also what Group would husband had a collision home insurance or just need to get health insurance pays for it, is the same concept if i get married? on a new Ford ridiculous and not worth insurance I need on insurance. I need to about the cheapest one!!!lol I m gonna be able for families would go looking at a Chevy till tonight to provide medical exam life insurance we are still making .
Let s say a teenager If he were to Insurance with a company expensive health insurance . she says she doesn t insurance to get my best rates for car commercial with the cavemen? school, creating a fake would find out that much would insurance be collision insurance cover someone How much do you son and I were the rest. I want 18 with no licence Small group, just my insurance for a street plus certificate already, at not sure how much I want to buy no longer be registered How am I supposed because they will repaire Is this correct? Can sorry again for the into (Under 35k) Dodge fault. I live in good information I should on good maternity insurance month insurance company that with a hi gpa Northeast of Scotland, one auto insurance if I a baby in two and my car worth know its already expensive to rent a car catch 22, because jobs for our situation? We the most affordable life .
So I bought a entire life, except a tell me if I all working people? Isn t school has it,but it s our vehicles? I was recommend? It would need insurance, keep in mind saw online. Should i trying to sell you that when my boyfriend prices. I have tried for doing his best in order to purchase requested by: Dec.4,2910 DO husband to the insurance..bc very good condition 2001 pay? I have been company to insure with? claims , clean record What could be small, are very welcome! Thank incurred some damage due need to show the for it since I like to know. Is for the year which month for car insurance, old male from England and got 3 tickets. adresse of companies that Do insurance companies share the insurance? But the insurance company is the II with a v6. How can i Lower can t exactly afford to into it and driven find no car insurance car for exactly 1 sure if they acept .
0 notes
chaosamplified · 6 years
Answer all the questions!
Alisons: Sexuality?
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
he/him, male
Amaryllis: Birthday?
January 23, 2000
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
I think so
Baneberries: Favorite song?
im really feeling Dimple by BTS right now
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
my home family is me, my dad and Cammie. before college I saw my mom once a week. my dad’s side of the family is a bunch of Polaks, my grandma says she isn't polish but we have other thoughts (thats a joke...kind of) they are all mostly not affectionate and they show they care by making fun of each other and if you look at it from the outside it looks like we all really hate each other but thats just how we do things. my moms side is not like that at all, they all pretend to really care about each other but theres a split where half of them are really liberal and the other half is very conservative and borderline racist. I don't doubt that they all genuinely love each other and they do provide for each other in crisis times but they don't really....like each other u know. and the two sides of my family could start world war 3 with the hatred they have for each other 
Begonia: Favorite color? 
steel blue 
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
night person 
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
id be a cat they are always so chill and they know they can do whatever they want and they're right  
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
the house I lived in only had 1 story that was safe for children to be in so I was very bad at using stairs until I was 12 because I never had to 
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth? 
if I could do whatever I want id probably visit my mom and apologize for all the things I would never say otherwise. spend some time with Charlie and Lio. tell him all of the things im too afraid to say now. and end the day with Cammie and my dad, probably crying. 
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
greece maybe? somewhere on the Mediterranean that isn't Cassis because I want variety 
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
not yet
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
2 in each ear 
California Poppy: Height?  
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
no but I wish they were real
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
green sweatshirt, black “skinny” jeans, black vans, green and orange floral hat 
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
I kept my closet light on every night for the first like 10 years of my life 
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
courier new 
Columbine: Are you tired?
eternally (not actually, im chillin right now)
Coneflower: Dream job?
head songwriter/performer/art coordinator/all that shit for a touring solo act (me, im the act)
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
Puppy and Fred were both Dalmatians, and then Allie and Tom who were cats (I still have all of them at home except for puppy)
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
ive done lots of things that are worth having me remember, im not sure that ive done anything worth having other people remember 
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  
literally not care at all
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
Cammie I think
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
talking about things when they actually matter 
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
I finished editing one of my songs! I performed live for the first time in over a year! I uhhh started growing a penis!
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
fine, not extraordinarily good but not bad 
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
not one bit 
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?  
nothing :) sleep?
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
fantasy ideal is like. waking up and making out with my boyfriend and then going to an amusement park for a couple hours just cuz we can, spending the evening performing and then getting wasted with that same boyfriend in our luxurious house 
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
play piano and lay on piano 
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
like 5 that I would genuinely consider friends 
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
I try too hard at some things and not hard enough at other things and never the right amount about literally anything
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I can see anything as art or potential art 
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?  
hm. well. inability to talk about things when they matter. boobs. ugly in general. lazy. the list goes on
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
I really liked creating entire universes. like literal different planets and creatures that live there and relationships between them and the way they live their lives. 
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
my mom going to jail
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
I picked Sam as a holder name while I was discovering that I was trans because it was very easily gender neutral and started with the first letter of my birth name and then when I came out I still hadn't picked a better name but I didn't want to hear my birthname anymore so I just said I was going by Sam. when I changed it legally I made it Samuel because I no longer related to gender neutrality and I never had a nickname growing up and wanted Sam to be my birthname. Somehow Alexander just came to me as a middle name, I didn't really think about it at all and was doodling things about names and wrote “Samuel Alexander” and was like huh. and didn't think about it for months. and then in class one day I said “guys I don't even have a middle name” and Hailey was looking up names and came up with a couple and wasn't satisfied with her findings and then she found Alexander and was like “ok this one for sure” and I had never even mentioned to her that I was considering Alexander and then I was like well this is it. later I realized that when I was little I usually picked the name Alex as my character names but then decided I couldn't use it because I wasn't cool enough. I still feel like im not cool enough for the name Alex but now I go by Sam to some people and Alex to others 
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
Jackson, Michigan. I usually thought that it sucked because theres not a lot for like teenagers to do there. but I was never one of those who despised it there, which is how most people who live there feel. now that im in Ann Arbor I realize that there just aren't a lot of opportunities for what society says teenagers should do, but that we made do. I realize now that Jackson is actually pretty rad and I can't wait to go back there tomorrow. I miss it a lot. 
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
really awful lavender walls with pink, green, yellow and blue butterfly decor everywhere. my sister and I shared it and never changed anything about it from the years of 2003-2012 (2012 being when we moved out)
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
I kind of mentioned this before. It sucked in lots of ways. I was really suicidal for a long time. I hated all of my family situations. I thought I would never amount to anything, I thought I would never have the courage to come out as anything. I didn't think I was gonna go to college. but I also had some really awesome lovely friends in middle and high school, Max, Hailey and Eli in particular. Eli and I have some differing views and don't talk a lot anymore, and Hailey and I had a really bad falling out, but we had no tension it was great. with Max is where most of my “teenage fun” (?) happened tho. he had a car and we did dumb shit like go to Cascades and random parking lots and grocery stores. we smoked weed once and got drunk once. those days were great and I never thought about my family and was never suicidal when I went out with Max on random high school nights
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
we were moderately close when I was really little, and then my parents started getting divorced and some shit went down between us and we didn't talk for 6 months. when I started talking to her again things were very tense. I didn't like her and I didn't want her in my life at all. our relationship is still strained but I love her now and were never going to agree on everything and she's always going to hold to a lot of her ways, and were never going to have the relationship I wish we did. but she's doing her job as a parent now and thats what I care about. she has a very specific personality based off of pop culture and ive kind of developed some of that in my own life. she's hard to explain
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
until I was like 5 I genuinely thought that he hated me, but in reality he was just stressed and worked all the time and didn't really know how to be a parent. we were never exactly close when I was young, I was kind of afraid of him. then the divorce happened and he realized that I am a person with thoughts and feelings and goals and that he was in charge of helping me develop, now all on his own. he didn't do a great job with that transition, and kind of just started treating me as an adult. but it worked. we got really close and stayed that way for a few years. then he got in a new relationship and all of her children moved in with us and they were awfully behaved and him and his girlfriend treated my sister and I as if we were also awfully behaved even though we aren't, so for that time period I had strong feelings that he wasn't being a good parent and was quite frankly being neglectful, which honestly was true. now that they no longer live with us (them? I don't live there anymore) I feel like our relationships is a lot better. could also have something to do with the fact that ive moved out. now that im rebellious and don't care what he thinks my life is a lot better. aside from parenting, he's a really cool person. he plays guitar and has lots of knowledge about musical equipment, he is the reason I took this path in life and he supports me because that was his dream too. he is also so good at being a mechanic like his customers are so loyal that he moved companies and most of them came with him, he's great at it and has so much knowledge. he just in general has a lot of knowledge and great stories and is very funny. I love him a lot
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
my Papa (grandpa on dads side) was my entire heart. he loved me more than anything and I felt the same about him. he died when I was 6 and I can't really get more into it because it is one of the saddest thing that has ever happened to me and I don't think I will ever get over it. his wife, my grandma, has surprisingly been one of my most supportive family members with my transition. she took me to France and not any other grandkids. I think im her favorite no offense. I also lived with her for a long time so we're moderately close. now that im older and don't care what my family thinks of me its really easy for me to talk to her. my grandma on my moms side lived with us 4 months of the year but she had some sort of mental problem that never got diagnosed that made it slightly uncomfortable to be around her, but she loved us with her whole heart and I love her too. her husband I only met twice in my life and I don't care about him at all
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
I met my crush by force 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
I don't really have anyone that I look up to in the traditional sense 
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
in love. making sufficient money off my music that I can take extended break periods and my partner doesn't have to work. having exciting adventures all the time
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
god. lol
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
not to be narcissistic but genuinely probably when I play a whole song on piano and can feel that im playing everything correctly 
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
this is an unfair question! I usually put the nerf in the middle of the night at Michaels story because its lit. 
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
uhhh being abused. haha
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
easy when they are social issues or they don't personally affect me. hard if I have to tell another person my personal views on them or something they do
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
like 7 hours with waking up approx 6 times in there 
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
school. sometimes thats not enough and I don't get up
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
I don't have a job
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
I really like my blue/gold/white sweatshirt and the green and orange floral hat im wearing now (bc its from cassis)
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
gay punk alcoholic wannabe skater kpoppie 
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
I reallllyyyy want a Yoongi funko pop at this moment in time. in general I never know.
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
not knowing if he wants to kiss me as much as I want to kiss him
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
literally 0. i haven't read a book like last march (?) when I sped read The Kite Runner in 48 hours for a class 
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
I have no clue! hahahahahahaaaaaaaaa
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
I want to dye my hair a fun color but am afraid 
0 notes
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Insurance needed to instruct/run archery?
Hi, If I want to run an archery activity for a school at an outdoor adventurous activity site, what insurance do I need? Cheers""
Average cost of bmw car insurance for over 50's?
Just trying to get a rough idea of how much the insurance would be for a 320d auto diesel BMW. I don't really want to waste ages going through the compare.com sites. Thank you in advance for your help.
Insurance cost for the following car: 2007 Pontiac G6 GT?
I am a teenager and I am buying a car and would like to know an estimate on how much this insurance costs before I call them up. Car: 2007 Pontiac G6 GT, Convertible, 3.5 L, 6 Cylinders. Title: Va - Salvage I originally wanted to buy a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse, 2.4, 4 Cylinder. I know the eclipse is a better choice, But auctions for the eclipse will end for quite a while on the website we are purchasing the car. And I need a car now, because it will take us a while to fix up the vehicle (Buying proken, and repairing)""
Can I find a good Texas Health Insurance Agent Online?
I am looking for a good agent that will look out for me an my situation. Not just sell me the plan that will make him the most commission. I recently bought health insurance from Reserve National of Oklahoma and I foud out because I paid my premiums by the year my agent made big bucks. I also found out they are not major medical insurance. I want an agent that will look out for me and show me all the different options. I am 55 my wife is 53 and we are in good hape and take no medications. We are looking for Texas Major Medical Catastrophic Health Insurance. I would like to hear from people with expereience and not a bunch of agents. So if you're an agent please don't bother to respond.
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old?
Just wondering, how much would motorcycle insurance be monthly for a 16 year old, living in NY, say with a 500-600 cc engine bike?""
College student and no health insurance?
For all of my high school years, I was on state heath insurance. I am turning 19 at the end of this month and will begin college classes this summer, but I am really worried about not having health insurance (my services end when I turn 19.) I have bulimia and I go to therapy once a week and see a physician once a month, so it is pretty imperative that I have health insurance. I am just wondering if I will just have to be without health insurance until I'm an adult and can afford it? Or is there something out there for college students? Thanks""
Car Insurance weird Price? help?
okay im 23 years old been had my drivers license for 3 years. im searching to insurance a 973cc corsa my quote has come 1700 so i thought i make my dad main driver and put it on his name his been driving for 18 years and with 9 ncb the insurance came up to 2500 ? whats happening here my dad hasnt had no claims on his insurance
Car Insurance in Connecticut?
I just got my license back after my first DUI arrest over a year ago. I want to get a car but insurance would be around $5,000 a year for a car that only costs $1,500. Does anyone know what the laws are in CT about car insurance and if I need it to drive my own car. Does the car need to be insured to be on the road?""
Who is the head of the Texas Department of Insurance?
I need to know who the head of the Texas Department of Insurance, whether he/she is elected by the public or appointed and if he/she is a republican or a democrat. General Contact information would also help.""
Anyone know of affordable dental insurance for western Ky? ?
i need to have dental work done, but no insurance.""
Car insurance check for air bags?
So im planning on getting either Allstate or Farmers Insurance, I'm wondering if they will check for air bags when they look at my car.""
Need cheap insurance?
I make 12.50 per hour and I work for a small company our insurance really sux and it is exspensive I have a wife and a 3 year old daughter I am 21 and my wife is 20 and we live in Michigan is there some kinda of insurance that is cheap and reletivley good please help. Also vision and dental but health most of all. Maybe even some secret government help or something I just need some finicial help really
Cyro Cuff covered by insurance?
Can a Cyro Cuff be covered by insurance? I'm about to have knee surgery (ACL replacement) and I want to know if anyone's ever gotten insurance to pay for a Cyro Cuff?
""I wrecked my car it wasn't my fault. I want the car totaled, but the insurance company is using retail value?""
of the car. Is there anyway I can get them to use a private party value or something else? I had a 2001 honda civic LX, 1 owner, auto, 117,000 miles on it. The insurance company is ...show more""
Insurance for a 17 yr old with Lamborghini(took drivers ed & have good grades)?
me and my sister got a lot of money when my grandpa passed away, he gave it to me and her mainly and then some to my mom and aunt and i wanna get a lamborghini with it but my mom will not change her mind saying that no one would ever insure me for that. moneys not really that much of a problem for it but would no one really insure me? i have enough to pay for it myself and i took drivers ed and have good grades in school how much will that knock off of it if so? thx""
First time getting insurance?
I'm going to study abroad in the UK and my university sent me an email about my insurance. In the attachment, there was a document that stated my name, one of the attachments was the policy and the other one was titled Statement of Insurance, it states my insurance date and holder, the holder was my uni. Its my first time getting insurance so I was thinking this might not be my insurance document since it had no data about me.""
How long can I drive my car with out insurance?
I am buying a used car that isn't from a dealership. How long can I drive the car before needing to buy car insurance?
Car Insurance?
My fiance does not have his license because he was caught driving without insurance (forgot to pay it!). He has to pay the state a fine (done) and then get an SR-22 and insurance before he can get his license back. How can you get insurance if you do not have a car to get insurance on? (He would be driving vehicles at his job, which is why he needs his license). He can't get insurance on my car with me, because my car is registered in my mother's name and is insured by her, I'm just on her policy.""
Car insurance while buying a car.?
I live in Washington and i plan on buying a car, $700 cash. Do i have to have insurance to drive it off the lot? or can i just go without insurance, i'm not financing or anything, paying full price.""
I have been 18 for a few months now and I'm planning on moving intomy boyfriends parents place in about two weeks. The reason i am waiting is because my grandfather wont let me take my car until i switch the car into my name with my own insurance policy. He has allstate, and i am about to start working at a new job. I will be graduating in june from high school and i live in Virginia. My grandfathers wife (step-grandmother) treats me badly and i need to move away. I have waited 6 years for this since my mom passed away in 2003. I know that none of you will know exactly how much insurance will be but could you give me some insight or a range on how much a month ill pay on insurance and the best policys. I am driving a 2002 Dodge Intrepid, 4 door. I drive everyday about 15-20 miles each day. I am a female, 18 years of age. (19 in september). I did have one traffic light accident that was MY fault but plead no contest and got away with one days worth of driving school. ..if you could please help me that would be great. And much appreciated. Im not sure if you need anymore info, but thats all i can think of right now. AND PLEASE DONT ANSWER IF YOU AE GOING TO ASK how are we supposed to know? BECAUSE I UNDERSTAND THATU DONT KNOW ME AND THAT U HAVE NO WA OF KNOWING. I JUST WANT TO KNOW A PRICE RANGE PER MONTH AND HE BEST POLICYS?? thank you, amber.""
Car Insurance...DUI.
does anyone have a 2002 poniac sunfire? with DUI? esimate of might that might cost?
How do I get the rest of the money for my car that insurance wont pay for?
So I purchased a 2012 Dodge Avenger from Carmax and made the mistake of not getting Gap insurance. Two weeks later a girl ran a red light and totalled my brand new car. Her insurance is only going to pay 16,800 when i paid 19,400 with tax title and license. I dont think i should have to pay money out of pocket for someone elses mistake. What can I do?""
Do I need a flood insurance?
I live in the apartment on the second floor do I need a flood insurance?
Will I get a cheaper car insurance after this?
I never bought car insurance before and the cheapest I could find was 1566 for 6 months which is a lot compared to a lot of people I know. When I'm done with this policy, will I probably get a better priced policy when I apply? Im 19 and single, but Ive been driving for 2 years and never been in a crash. I was hoping military discount would be a lot more... $260 a month is not going to cut it.""
Car insurance and license suspended?
i got car insurance on my car i have always had it but my parents say that if i got my license suspended in one state, i dont got car insurance in that very state but i do in any other state, i am totally confused someone please clarify this??""
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New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10060
Insurance for new driver?
I'm 20 and just got my license. I don't really know much information about car insurance. I live with my parents and I use their cars. But in a couple of months, my older brother is sending his car to me, since he can't take it to Japan. Can I drive my parent's cars without myself being insured and use my parent's insurance? or Does my name need to be underneath theirs?""
Changing insurance from car to van?
I have a multicar policy with admiral at the moment. I have bought a vw van to drive for pleasure, not for work. I am selling one of my cars in the policy and am replacing it with the van. The car insurance runs out in december. What will I do? Will I have to pay more and not get any money back. You can't have vans in the multicar policy!""
Did you get Affordable Health Care?
My husband & I have insurance & it didn't change but my daughter & family got Affordable HC. Their previous insurance was $1,200 a month. They are now paying $325 so there's was a very positive experience. We're in California. They had a really hard time getting into the wed site but persevered & are happy with the plan. It covers their eldest son who is in college & has Type I diabetes & their youngest son who suffers from asthma. Does anyone else on YA have a positive experience to share? What State are you from.""
How much is cost of insurance of car driven by Indian driving licence holder in UK?
How much is cost of insurance of car driven by Indian driving licence holder in UK?
CDW for car insurance?
When I went to Ireland in 2010 and other previous years, I did not get collision insurance on my rental car as it was covered by my credit card. My World MasterCard no longers offers this coverage. Does anyone know a credit card that does?""
""Got my first speeding ticket, will my insurance go up?
Im 20yrs old if that matters.. And this is only my first ticket. I was going 80mph on a 70mph. Will my insurance go up? If u know please tell me. I have state farm.
Medical Health Insurance Florida: Affordable Options?
Are there affordable choices for medical health insurance in Florida? I run a small business with just a few employees. I am having difficultly finding options I can afford.
Car insurance need help?
is not having car insurance in michigan illegal? what are the penalties for getting caught without insurance? is it a good idea to not have insurance? with geico insurance, about how much would we have to pay for car insurance if we have 3 cars and live in upper michigan. there is a no-fault policy here how much would a used, old, small ford car cost in upper michigan?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month?? How old are you?? what kind of deducatble do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and how you might pay any medical costs.""
Will I get the money from my life insurance back?
I have had life insurance for a year now, which gives me a discount on my car insurance. When I am 21, my car insurance rates may go down and I may not need the life insurance discount from State Farm any more. Will I get the money that I have put into the life insurance back?""
What car has the cheapest insurance for a first time driver?
i have looked at a few cars and atm i think a corsa 1.0 is one of the cheapest i know that i will need to get a 1.0 but does any1 know any other 1.0 litre cars that are decent so i can compare??
How much is Progressive auto insurance for one car?
I'm 18, almost 19 years old and I recently figured out that with American Family Insurance that my parents have for me, I'm actually paying like $40 more than everyone else in my family just because I'm a young male driver. I think that our current insurance company is total **** so I wanted to look up how much a different company would be (in this case progressive because it seems to be one of, if not the best insurance company out there). But I went to their website, and I couldn't find jack about how much car insurance would be with them. I saw stuff like discounts, information about bundling (or something like that), but not a goddamn thing about how much it would be to be insured by them. Am I just looking in the wrong place, or do they just not list their prices unless you talk to an insurance representative?""
Where can I find out insurance rates for US postal services with letters to the UK?
Each envelope would contain an item worth around the $30 mark, but as they would be going international I want them to be insured. I can find UPS rates, but not USPS rates for insurance.""
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Can anyone recommend a motorcycle insurance company in the UK?
My son is 20 and trying to get reasonable quotes which don't cost more than the value of the bike is driving me nuts. I've tried all the comparison sites but what I want to know is which companies are worth bothering with. I've been on some review websites and looked up the companies which come up with the cheapest quotes and a lot of the reviews call them rip off merchants and say not to touch them. I want to hear from someone who's actually had to make a claim and been satisfied with the service.
How is Progressive for auto insurance?
I am a veteran and a USAA member, so my insurance is a slightly lower than the average person. However, I recently got a claim from Progressive that they could give me the same coverage for $850 dollars (200 less than USAA). Is this too good to be true? My USAA agent told me that they were probably pulling a bait and switch; they would probably raise my rates as soon as I signed the policy. Does anyone have any feedback or information to share about Progressive? Is it really that affordable or is it just a scam?""
How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a Mazda Rx 8?
Mazda RX 8 2006 1.3L i THINK its insurance group 16 but im not sure any price estimates? dont worry about telling me thats its too much money and you should get a ford ka and all that bollocks haha i simply wish to know how much it will cost when i pass my test to insure my new Mazda
How much would it be to insure my first car?
I'm looking at getting a Vauxhall Corsa, a couple of years old. How much do you think I'm looking at in insurance? Also, has anyone done passplus and found it saves them alot on there insurance?""
Cheap florida health insurance?
my wife and i want to have a child but cannot afford to pay for the complete doctors visit and all.. we do not qualify for medicaid what insurance that is affordable can we use?
Car insurance and CVT?
What is insurancegroup 13? how much would insurance be for a 16yr old first time driver on Mazda MX-5 2.0i 2dr Powershift Convertible. And cvt means the gears change by them self? good/bad? thanks
What would you say about geico insurance?
I have my auto insurance with state farm insurance but I was thinking of switching it to Geico. What would you say about Geico? Thanks
What kind of insurance would I need for renting out my backyard for parties/events/weddings etc?
is there any company that specializes in this insurance or an agency that deals with event rental properties?
What's the best health insurance company for a self employed family?
Self Employed. In Georgia. What's the most cost effective company that pays great? Thanks
Health insurance for seniors?
My parents are seniors now and my father doesnt work anymore but he owns a restaurant so he cant apply for Medicare.. Does anyone know how and where I can find a affordable insurance that I can have for them. They need to apply for health insurance asap because both of them have diabetes Please help me!
How much would this car be on insurance?
http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would really like to know!! asap if possible!! =p I would just be getting liability on it...nothing like full coverage XD thanks all
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10060
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10060
How much is insurance?
What can i expect to pay for liability insurance I I live in California, ride a '78 Kawasaki KZ650 SR, I'm 18, and I just got my license? I need just the minimum amount of coverage. I don't need exact prices, just a general idea of cost.""
""On Average, how many dollars per month would a 2 pt ticket add to my monthly insurance?""
If you have gotten one please tell me, I just want to see around how much they add :D""
Do you think my car insurance would go up?
I am 18 years old. If my father were to buy me an Eclipse, do you think my car insurance would raise?""
""Affordable Medical Insurance plan in Boston, Ma?""
Hi, My finance has not had Medical Insurance for the past year because it is so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know any agencies that provide Medical Insurance at an affordable cost..We've tried Free care already and we didnt gualify. Thank You""
How much does car insurance and public liability insurance normally cost?
How much does car insurance (a mini van, like the type that window cleaning company uses) and public liability insurance normally cost? Can anyone just provide a rough figure? Just a rough figure is okay, coz it just used for my assignment about starting a business of domestic services. The lowest price is also okay! Thanks so much!!!""
Where can students get cheap car insurance from people who don't automatically make you out to be boy racers?
Where can students get cheap car insurance from people who don't automatically make you out to be boy racers?
Health insurance question?
i am 17, and will be 18 january 12th. i curently live in california, but will be going to arizona to start college in january. my parents have signa nationwide health insurance, and i was wondering if i would still be covered if i only wnet to school part time? i am considering going part time because is is about 2000 more dollars to take 4 classes rather than two, and i am still waiting for my financial aid which wont come until after january. any help would be appreciated, thanks.""
What's the best liability insurance for yoga instructors?
I will begin teaching yoga, and need to get liability insurance- what's a good inexpensive insurance""
Where to find a reliable and cheap insurance for my 2008 car?
I'm frustrated with my previous insurance company, it's expensive and unreliable which means most of the time they dont pay my claims. :'(""
Roughly how much would it cost to insure a 16 year old?
I am looking at buying a 2001 Chrysler neon to build up my insurance and I am wondering would it be a cheap car for me to insure as a primary driver also the car will be a base model.
Is the insurance for a ford mustang convertable cheaper or higher than a coupe?
I heard the convertable is cheaper but, that doesn't sound right. Please only answer if you have an idea.""
Does motorbike insurance after a while make your car insurance cheaper?
I'm getting a motorbike nd plan on having one for about 4 years and then get a car later. I'm just wondering if it will make my car insurance any cheaper later on? WILL RATE BEST AND MOST HELPFUL ANSWER, THANKS!""
What is the best Insurance company for car quotes ??? (Cheapest)?
Im looking for a cheap reliable insurance company i can get a qoute for a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2
Cheapest car insurance?
im 20 and getting my first car.... what is the cheapest car insurance in florida... miami - ft lauderdale area?
""Which insurance company is BETTER in Naples, FL -- UHC or CIGNA?
Planning to get an individual insurance and those two are one of the good ones. I'll also get a Dental Premier (ppo) and Vision Plan. A bit worried on the dental though coz there are only few who has affiliation with insurance companies. HEEEEEEEELP. Which one is better?
How Fast Does Car Insurance Start?
Can I buy insurance today and have it ready same day or next day or is there a long process before it starts. I want to buy a car tomorrow, get insurance, and drive the car to my job by Friday.""
Ontario motorcycle insurance help?
im a 17 year old male wanting to get my m1 and buy a 1985 yamaha virago, and i really don't know where i can insure it for cheap because of the year most insurance places in ontario wont insure it, id have the Absolute bare minimum so it would be cheapest. please help""
What a good car insurance for a teenager?
Okay I'm 16, almost 17, I'm in drivers ed, I have my own truck. I live in Vermont, I get average grades in school, what is a good car insurance, that also has sorta low rates (I make around $500 a month)""
How can you get medical insurance in the State of Va.?
I have been turned down by medicare because My daughter makes to much money. Turned down by private insurances because of preexisting illness.
Approx how much for car insurance for 18 year old to drive parents car?
I do not have my own car, but I have had my license since September, I have not driven since because I have no car nor insurance. I really want to drive again, it's hard for me to have just gotten my license and not being able to use it. However, I am not stupid, and would never even think about it without insurance. My mom says that I can drive my dads car when it is available if the insurance isn't too much. She emailed the woman who takes care of the insurance and she told my mom she wouldnt ask because they would automatically make them pay whether I would drive the cars or not. (We have 2) ANYWAY, I live in CT, and I cannot find anywhere that says how much it would cost approx a month in insurance for me to drive my Dads car (2010 Toyota Camry) Would really appreciate a response to this. :)""
How much is horse insurance and if you buy a horse that already has insurance do you still have to get insurance?(As in I want insurance because I know my family won't be able to pay for surgery if the horse got hurt bad...Well we might but I know insurance will save alot of money)
Have a car but no insurance?
This is an answer I got about owning a car with no insurance and if my license would be suspended even if I turn in the tag and registration. It makes no sense as a lot of people have licenses for ID only and do not have a car (because they aren't allowed or can't drive): By law if you have a driver's license you are supposed to carry insurance whether you own a vehicle or not. It's usually called non-owner's liability coverage. Because of this law they would be able to suspend your license if your company cannot provide proof that you have coverage. This answer makes no sense. I won't say who provided it/they don't allow me to answer them though.
Is it true people cannot afford health care insurance?
Is it true people cannot afford health care insurance? Or would many rather spend their money on weed, crack, strippers, whores, booze, cigarettes, gambling, body piercings, tattoos, cell phones, internet, cable, eating out, fast-food and other luxuries? People can afford health care; they chose to spend their money on other things.""
How often do u have to pay for car insurance?
Acura TSX 2011
I got two no proof of insurance tickets?
I got two and Have court for one on the 26th of Sep and the other on the 29th two different vehicles what will happen also when I got my second ticket I got it for speeding... What can I do I have proof of insurance but it is on a different vehicle is there any way I can say I was on my way to changing my insurance to the car I was driving.. I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA IM 19 years old PLEASE HELP ME IM TURNING 20 on the 28th of August
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10060
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10060
Insurance cost for Dump Truck?
Without knowing a lot of information right now except it would be in the 1990's year range what would the APPROX. cost of monthly insurance be for a dump truck? We are in Ontario, Canada.""
Car insurance question?
Last week, I had my husband's car parked up at work and I was notified that our car was broken into. The passenger side window was smashed and the thief took our GPS unit. The repair for the window cost 240 and the unit itself would be about 500. My husband call our insurance company and they said they wont cover it because we have a 500 dollar deductible for auto insurance and the GPS is considered home insurance which is 1,000. Is there anything that can be done to have insurance pay for this? I mean we want my company to be responsible for it but they are saying this isn't there issue. Any help would be great Thanks""
Got in an accident with no collision on my car insurance?
I got in an accident at and intersection the other day. i was heading north ready to turn west(my left) at the intersection. the other driver was heading south with her left blinker on ready to turn east (her left). so when i saw her blinker o n i figured it was safe to take my turn now. but in the middle of my turn she decides to keep going straight rather than turning left like her blinker had indicated. therefore she hit me in my rear passenger side with her front passenger side. she did not have much damage. however my car is fairly warped up in the rear end. it may even be totaled although it is drivable. i am just waiting for the appraisal right now. when we began speaking to the cop i mentioned that she had her blinker on, but she denied this. i alerted my insurance company and they filed a claim. i heard from her insurance company and they sent me to get and appraisal. i sent the accident report to the police station the rmv and my insurance yesterday. I do have insurance but i have no collision so i am real scared that it they put me at fault for some reason that i may be in some deep water. i am almost sure the damage to my car is at least a $5,000 fix. what are the odd of them ruling it her fault? and what are the odds of them ruling it my fault? also...how do you think think my damage will be fixed or covered? any help is much appreciated! thx!""
Buyer wants to buy my car but has no driver license & insurance?
Hello, I listed my car on craiglist a week ago and now just got a buyer who wants to buy it. The problem is this person has no driver license and proof of insurance. He's only 19 years old. I have the pink slip with me and also written a bill of sale. What should I do? I don't want to be liable if this buyer gets into car accident or traffic tickets. I was told to remove the license plates and notify the DMV ASAP. I'm from California by the way. Thanks""
Do I need to have both insurance coverage?
I am in the process of starting a Virtual Assistant business. Would I need both general liability and professional liability (errors & ommission insurance) coverage? From my understanding general liability covers physical damages and professional liability is for written errors. Since I will not be doing work at client's homes and offices (probably only initial consults there), I would think I would just need professional liability. Btw, my business is in California""
Car insurance confusingggg?
Hey I'm looking to get a new car I'm 22 been driving 3 years and have been driving a boring 1.2 since I started so i finally ready for a new car. I got some quotes I originally jus wanted a 1.6 pertol or something but I got a few quotes on more powerful cars just for a laugh. To my suprise I can actually get insured on cars like 2.5 litre turbo ford focus st and golf gti etc. so now obvioulsy i want one of them but concerned about fuel consumption might cost alot I was also thinking about a audi a3 2.0 tdi which is a diesal. heres where i get confused the focus and golf are a fair bit cheaper to insure than the less powerful diesal a3 I really crnt get my head around this, I have got my quotes from confused.com and had one directly from a insurance website it seems strange and too good to be true. Any know why this is and also anyone got any suggestion on fuel consumption in big engine pertol cars""
Ford escort van insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi, thinking about getting a 1.8 ford escort van when i pass any ideas on how much the insurance will be i'm 17 so i won't be surprised if it's a lot. Thanks""
How much would it be to insure this car?
17 year old Female living in Miami, FL id be under my parents thing of course..they have state farm. I was wondering how much it would cost to insure a 2003 (or 2006) nissan 350z for me? just an estimate or range would be helpful thanks so much""
Does anyone know of Affordable Health Insurance for a Women in her 20s?
I will be 22 in a Month and recently tried to donate plasma and was told my blood sugar level was to high and they were concerned I may have diasbetes. I'm not covered by my parents health insurance anymore and I really need to find something that could help me. I do have a job and probably will have to work full time in order to get any health benefits. But is there something else out there anyone knows of where I can afford to pay for health expences?? I appreciate greatly. Thanks!
Can I drive my parent's car without auto insurance?
I am 22 , university student with G2 - 2006 , and G - 2008 license , Richmond Hill , Ontario , Canada can I drive my DAD car , his policy does not have my name . in case my name must be included , what are the suggested insurance companies ( probably need a cheap one ) because they might double his monthly payments""
Newborn Baby Insurance?
I recently found out I am pregnant, luckily I am currently covered under my father's insurance still but I need to get insurance for my baby once he or she is born. Anyone have a good idea as to were I should go. I believe I won't be able to file for Medicaid which is perfectly fine just curious what other mother's or fathers have done.""
Best insurance company for full coverage?
What's the best insurance company that's pretty affordable?? I am financing a Toyota Camry (new) and need full coverage. I have a DUI on my record but have my license. I'm 21. =\
Where can I find affordable insurance for my dental practice?
Where can I find affordable insurance for my dental practice?
How much is aaa liability cheapest insurance for a 3rd car?
If I currently have a 2009 ford taurus and a 2003 toyota camry with full insurance for 2000 a year how much extra is it to add insurance for a small, cheap used car (2001 toyota corolla) for just liability rather than full coverage by AAA? Is it going to be cheap as in 200 dollars a year extra or even no extra cost? Thanks""
Explain why auto insurance costs are so high for young drivers?
please EXPLAIN in the longest way possible
Best car to insure in GTA 5 online?
I need a car to insure and upgrade but not sure which one is the best help?
Drive without car insurance?
My car insurance just expired I can't reinstate it until I get paid on friday I only have 88 dollars until then. I don't have to drive anywhere until then But I don't have any food or toiletries. The store is 1 mi each way from my house I don't have anyone to take me to the store. Would I likely be ok if I took myself?
EX(executive) class model car insurance?
Is it true EX class model car have higher insurance rate? I want to buy an honda accord 2000 EX.
Best cars fopr cheap car insurance!?
HI! im 17 and currently learning how to drive! i was going 2 be put down as a named driver on one of my parents cars when i had passed but the insurance cost is insanely expensive! so my parents r going 2 buy a new car with a lower insurance cost, but we have no idea which one would be cheap for me on the insurance?! if anyone knows of any cars which would be cheap for a new driver please help! thanks! .X""
Anyone know how I can go about canceling my Gerber LIfe Insurance?
Hi when my daughter was born I applie for a Life Insurance company called the Gerber Life Insurance policy. I've been paying it for about 2 years now but would like to cancel it. Does anyone else have it, can you please explain the benefits? or how I can go about canceling it and will my money be returned. Thanks!""
Why do parents have life insurance policies on children?/?
I thought life insurance was supposed to be for parents or a major breadwinner in the family, so if something were to happen to them the family would be ok, not lose a house etc. Whats the purpose of it for children, just to cover the cost of buriel then? If you don't have enough money, god forbid to bury your child in case the person must have low income/no savings at alll, how are they affording the monthly premium then, although low. I think im missing something please enlighten me! Thank u""
New Insurance Law in Illinois?
Can anyone tell me what is the penalty for driving without insurance in Illinois and getting into an accident. I was driving my friend's car and got into an accident, it was my fault because i was changing lanes. I have already paid the other guy for his damages and have gotten a release from him. This is a first time offense, what will happen to me.""
""How to lower my car insurance, young driver.?""
I am 18 going 19 this year, and i want to know how i can possibly make my insurance cheaper, legally. I took my pass plus which is meant to cut the price down by a bit, but I've found most internet comparison websites don't ask if you have achieved pass plus, so would it be ideal to get a quote online THEN ring up and try knock the price down? Also what else can i do to cut the cost down, legally?""
Driving course make teen insurance cheaper?
In Florida, you get a discount on insurance if you take a driver's ed class, but will taking a private driving course outside of school do the same? Anyone know the average cost for teen coverage?""
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10060
New York New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 10060
0 notes
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
"San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
BEST ANSWER:�� Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Would motorcycle insurance be cheaper if I get an M1 now and not drive?
Should I get motorcycle insurance under my parents name? Or should I just get the license and wait? Anyone know a good/cheap company for insurance? I'm 21 and live in Toronto. Thinking of getting a 2007 CBR1000RR.
How much would car insurance cost for me?
i'm a male, 17 years old, live in nj, no accidents/traffic violations, vehicle is a jeep wrangler from the 80s or 90s, i have state farm now""
""Someone reversed into my car, is it better to go through maaco instead of insurance? its jus ta minor scratch?""
i was at a stop sign and i was abou tthe 4th car, well the 3rd car decided to reverse to leave and backed up and hit the front of my car. its not really that bad but its still a big scratch. is it best to just have her pay my estimate at maaco? or deal with insurance? i don't want to get jacked up insurance rates because someone doesn't know how to reverse.""
Does an auto insurance company look at my grid when transferring insurance to a new vehicle?
Disclaimer; Please, I am not looking to have judgement passed on me as I know I made a mistake. In October 2011 I was convicted of DUI. I served my 1 year driving prohibition but left my vehicle insured because my boyfriend was driving me a lot of places. When my insurance renewed the 2 times since the conviction, my rates didn't go up but I am really not too sure why..I am a long term customer of my insurance company and I can only assume that they were made aware of the conviction in my file but maybe it auto renewed so it went un-noticed? Here is my question. If I purchase a new vehicle and transfer my existing insurance policy to it, is it highly likely that my file will be looked at more closely and my rates will sky rocket? Can the ins company retro charge me for the past 2 years in which my rates did not go up? How long until this conviction falls off my driving record and no longer warrants higher than normal insurance charges? Thank you so much.""
Any suggestion for an auto insurance?
I'm currently under geico but I realized that they charge me too much.Do you know any auto insurance that is cheaper?
Do I need health Insurance in Australia?
Hi, im going to Australia for a year and im really not sure how the system works. Will I get free healthcare if I have an accident or get bitten by something? Do I need to purchase health insurance to cover me for this? Can I transfer my free NHS healthcare over there somehow?""
Where can i find cheap car insurance on a honda civic type r?
im 23 and these will be my first car im driving...i will put my dad name as the main driver his 53..jus need 2find really cheap car insurance
Teenage insurance discounts help!?
Is there a difference between the discounts for insurance for someone who has an a average compared to someone who has a b average?
Do males always have higher insurance rates than females?
I know that this is true for teenagers, but is it true for adults as well?""
Car insurance and business... HELP...?
Hi, I am 17 and am taking my test next week. I am also soon starting an apprenticeship (electrical). At this time I am not sure about transport (if I have to go to company and travel as van passenger or even driver) or if I have to make my own way to jobs. Whichever way a licence will help a lot. If I am just driving to work 4 days a week and college 1 then can I use Social, Domestic and pleasure + commuting to a single place of work or study ? and if I have to drive between jobs then I know I can not use this insurance (correct?) but when looking at business car insurance quotes they seem to be based on me owning the company (which I do not) so what insurance do I need and is there any responsibility on my employers to pay some or all of the insurance if I am driving between jobs? Please can you help... Thanks in advance.""
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
Does it cost more money to ad your spouse with your car insurance?
My wife keeps asking for my car. But I dont feel comfortable giving it to her becuase her name's not under my car insurance. How does it work if i want to ad her on? Do the insurance company charge you more money or is it still the same? If they do charge more money, do you know any insurance that's reasonable price? thank you""
At fault driver had no insurance?
Me and my Daughter was riding my custom built harley sat. and a car made an illegal u turn in front of us and we hit his car on the side. He does not have insurance but I do. Can I use my auto insurance which is a different company form my bike insurance to cover the cost of my bike and other injuries that we suffered.? Should I hold off on getting a lawyer? I really do not want them to get my money that we are due..
How much will my dad's car insurance go up?
I hit a road sign. No one was injured, no other vehicles were damaged besides mine. The cop said the damage to the sign was minor but the city probably will come after us and make us or my dad's insurance pay for it. I was borrowing his car, I do not have my own insurance right now. I should have gotten 4 different tickets but I only got one. The cop let me off easy and only gave me one for the accident. Also, do I qualify for driving school, and how does that work? I know you can do that for speeding but what about accidents? I'm only 16.""
Car insurance so expensive in the uk?
i am 19, i have a K reg 1.6 litre fiat tipo the car is only worth about 120. i have never had any accidents or had any tickets so why does my insurance cost 2600.""
""What agency will investigate fraud, abuse or illegal activity in government medical insurance programs?
And how will the Judicial system be made affordable for persons who are living in poverty?
Does Car insurance increase for adding spouse as Non-driver?
I have been added to my Dh policy for Car insurance as Non-driver. I dnt know driver. Does it increase the insurance rate? suggestions please
What is the best and most affordable car insurance company in New York?
Particularly NYC?
How much is insurance on a 2008-11 Honda Accord Coupe Ex-l V6 for a teen?
I want this car for graduation and I want to know how much would insurance be? I live in a small town
Why is car insurance so expensive for me?
just passed my driving test this month and i checked how much car insurance would be for me and its 3000+ :'O when my younger female cousin passed she got her insurance for 900 on the same car!!! how can i get it cheaper? =[ im 17 male
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
How much would a 17 year old new driver roughly be paying for insurance?????????????????????...
for a reasonable priced small car, maybe push the boat out and go for a slightly sporty hatchback, maybe honda civic 1.6 sport what roughly do new drivers pay any other persons experiences???""
Cheap NY auto insurance ?
hi there, i plan on buying a car soon but im a new driver and i have no one else to help me insure a car so i have no choice but to insure it on my own. I've checked and looked around geico, state farm, all state, and they were all to expensive, anywhere from 5-6k to insure the car for a year (way to expensive). So do any of you guys know any NY auto insurance companies that are affordable? Thanks""
I have full coverage on my car insurance..i accidently dented my car and broke the window my self what i do?
i have full coverage on my car insurance ,,i accidently broke the driver side window and dented the door my self,,what should i do? tell the insurance that somebody else did it and have them fix it?..they supposed to right?""
""First car, What are good and cheap cars?""
I know everyone says to go for a KA but I can't stand them. I like the idea of a renault clio but not sure how cheap that works out for insurance&petrol etc. So a list of good cars would be appreciated! Also, I want to travel roughly 24 miles two days a week for college, so I need something not to juicy!""
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
What car insurance do you recommend?
There's probably 100's of car insurance companies. What do you have? Are you happy with it? How do the rates compare? How do you get treated after a claim? Ever dealt with those advertised on TV? Who have you had bad experiences with?
Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?
Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?
What is the ideal assurance do you expect from your car insurance?
What do you want to hear most from your car insurance company?
Good low cost medical insurance for a 20 year old female working through a temp service?
I am 20 years old and I have no medical insurance and I really need to go to the dentist and have a check up at my doctor. I haven't been to either in probably 4 years. I am very uneducated on insurance so any help is greatly appreiciated. I want to make sure it's someone that my doctor and dentist will accept. I have a good job but it's a temporary service that doesn't have insurance benifits. Any suggestions?
A question regarding auto insurance?
even though I have no need of a car/cant afford one, my parents are still pushing me to get a license as soon as possible because they say it will reduce your insurance cost when I eventually do get a car, are they right? thanks""
Short term car insurance?
i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?""
What is the best health insurance in california?
sould i go with the one that has deductible, and what it turns out that i have a cancer , m'i gonna be covered. i've been having this buzzing ear ( left) for few months and now i get dizzy when i look up and i started to feel oressure in my head and light headache. my emplyer's insurance start in 2 months and i need to be checked now, and i don't qualifie for medi cal any suggestion , advice?? thanks""
Will my insurance go up?
will my insurance go up if i got a ticket for carless operation? the officer said there wont be any points on my licence but if will my insurance go up? and will i get points on my insurance?
Driving without insurance in Illnois?
I am 21 yr old male & due to high rates of insurance i am not insured. Instead, my car is insured on my dad's name. I wanna know what are the consequences of driving without insurance in illinois. I heard the fact that it doesn't matter much if the driver of a car is not insured but the car should be insured on any other person's name rather than who is driving?""
Cheap Car Insurance in CT?
Cheap Car Insurance in CT? He has a lapse in coverage... He has one minor moving violation dated in 2006. He needs State Min. 20/40/10 then He needs Comp and Collision 2000 deductible... He drives a 2001 Buick Century... Cheap Insurance Companies Anyone? Websites or phone numbers please... I have already tried all I know. Geico, Untrin, Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, State Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... Any others?""
How much does insurance go up in a wreck?
Im a 16 year old male, get good grades, and i drive a 91 firebird. i recently got in a crash, my car was fine but the other guy had a scrape along the side of his car etc. how much can i expect my insurance to go up?""
Car insurance policy - car purchase date?
So I am currently trying to buy car insurance for myself, I am trying to get the insurance in my name so I can get no claims. The car is my mums however, and it is in her name, but the insurance can let me choose an otpion that says someone else owns the car. It asks when the car was purchased; now when my mum bought the car it didn't have a logbook, and we didn't get one for a year while it was sat at the back of our house. The date on the V5 is 2012 but technically we bought the car in 2011. Should I list the date we bought it or the date listed as registered on the V5? It makes a 250 different in the insurance quote for some reason o.O""
Can I buy a car under my own name and be covered under my parents insurance?
I am currently a college student and considering in buying a car. It will be my first car and I have never had car insurance before. Therefore, my insurance would be really high if I just had insurance by myself as a first time driver. My question is if the car is titled under my name, can I somehow have my parents insure the car under their name and have them add me as a driver on their insurance even though I own the car? Is this legal and normal? Some info: This is in the state of Nevada. I also live with them and they don't mind the liability.""
What is the cheapest car to insurance and tax?
Smart Car?
Should I get a full coverage insurance on a rental car?
I have to rent a car for 2 weeks for business. Supposely, the cost should be reimbursed to me by a company after the assingment is done. Not sure if I can truly trust that. But anyway, if I don't get the insurance, it will be $500. But if I get insurance, it is $1200. I am a safe driver and I will be in a rural place. I am trying to convince myself that I don't need it. But then again, I worry about what might happen if accidents occur. The cost of rental car will be reimbursed by a company. But I am not sure if they are actully going to do that in timely manner and my credit card balance is high. I don't want to put extra money charged into my account. My credit card company and auto insurance company (on my own car) told me that they do not have insurance coverage on rental cars. What do you think? Thanks""
Car Insurance For A 17 Year Old Male?
I'm 17 and starting to drive and thinking about getting a car later on when I pass, but I'm sure insurance and fuel costs are going to kill me! Can I get some advice and maybe a rough guide to how much insurance will be? I'm thinking of getting a VW Golf Mk1 or Mk2, or a Peugeot 106 Escapade. Could you also tell me if modifying the interior will affect insurance along with resprays and lowering the vehicle. Thank you""
What company will insure my toyota supra twin turbo?
In perth, wa. Youngest driver 19 years old""
""Got my first speeding ticket, will my insurance go up?
Im 20yrs old if that matters.. And this is only my first ticket. I was going 80mph on a 70mph. Will my insurance go up? If u know please tell me. I have state farm.
""Does price of car insurance go up, down, stay the same, after getting G licence?""
I'm in Ontario, Canada and am going for my G licence in July (I'm 26, if that makes any difference?). Right now I'm an occasional driver on my parents insurance and plan to stay that way after I get my G. Right now my insurance is 90 per month. I want to save up for enough insurance for 12 months so when I move out it's out of the way for one year. Anyway, does anyone know if the price of insurance goes up, down, or stays the same after getting your full G licence? I kind of want to figure out how much I should save up for the full year by knowing how much it'll be monthly. I plan on going in and talking to them, but I wont be able to for a few days...just curious if anyone can basically give me a heads up. Thanks.""
Lowest insurance rates?
Hi!!! I would like your opinions on the lowest car insurance rates. I am currently with an insurance company that has not lowered my rate and I have been accident free for more than 5 years. So I am going to switch carriers and wanted to hear your opinions on where I should try.. Thanks in advance
How much would insurance be?
How much money would it be to add someone to my insurance, for farmers?""
""When you purchase a new car, is it better to buy the GAP insurance from the dealer ?
Should you buy the GAP insurance from the dealer or from your own private insurance company. Usually your own insurance company is cheaper. Any suggestions?
Is a 2002 cadillac deville cheaper to insure than 1995 mercedes S420?
Is a 2002 cadillac deville DTS 4 door 4.6L northstar V8 @70,000 miles cheaper to insure and repair than 1995 mercedes S420 4 door @199,000 miles?""
Car accident cause my current insurance to go up?
I had an accident a few months back which I was not at fault but caused my car to be written off, I bought a new car yesterday and wrang up my insurance company who said that since I had an accident that to change the insurance over to this car for my remaining 4 months insurance would cause my insurance to go from 166 a month to 240. The car is a lower insurance group so it shouldnt have changed my insurance. I don't understand why I have to pay more? If my car hadn't been written off my insurance wouldn't have increased until the following 4 months so how come when I change my car they decide that I have to pay so much extra a month now?""
Problems with my car insurance?HELP?
last night somebody broke in into my car stole my audio system, they rip the cover of the doors to get the speaker and they broke the dash to get the stereo, not satisfied with that those bastards scratched all around my car, I called my insurance and they asked about a previous claim ,,where a car hit me in the front side and broke my light, well they asked if I fix that ,,they payed a thousand $ to me because I have full coverage but they got their money back from the other partie insurance, so I told them that I did replace the light but that was it, u guys think Im gointo have problems with them because my car wasn't in excellent conditions or because I didn't fix it HELP,have this ever happened to anyone tell me,,,,,,,,thanks""
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
How much will insurance cost me on a 1.6 Ford capri?
A year from now I hope to pass my driving test (hopefully with a pass pluss), in which case I will be 17 years of age and it would be my first car.""
Where can I find affordable insurance for my dental practice?
Where can I find affordable insurance for my dental practice?
How much does Bmw Insurance costs?
My dad and I will buy a BMW 2006-2008 3 Series he is 45 and he pays for his mazda 3 year 1998 80$ per month, but i wanna know how much will it costs for a BMW..we live in florida and i am 19""
Where can I find affordable car insurance for a kit car?
I recently purchased a car that was given a kit car title instead of a rebuilt title and now I have no clue who will insure it! I live in Florida and the cars title lists it as a 2006 Neon. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
Getting Insurance to get a license?
I am having a hard time getting my without insurance. I have a permit but I need insurance to take the drivers test, but I don't have anyone to put me on theirs so I can take the test. Is there anything I can do so I can get insurance. Please help me""
Would my insurance still pay for this?
My car got hit the other day and I got an estimate for it. It'll cost $500 and it's just a long scratch. If I tried touching it up with car paint and whatever and it comes out looking like sh*t will the body shop still do it's work or would I have to pay for it since I messed with it?
Good renters insurance/ car insurance?
i'm looking into getting a car before i move to tampa, fl in the winter. i'm on the waiting list for an apartment but i'm going to need renters insurance as well. it's my first time living on my own so i'm not exactly gonna be over flowing with cash. i'm looking for a cheep company that can cover my car insurance and renters insurance, is cheep, and will cover my 83lb dog (a non-vicious breed).""
Affordable health insurance in florida?
im 17, will be 18 in november, and i need to find health insurance. i need it to cover dental (orthodontics), prescriptions, and mental health services (depression, bipolar disorder). i am a non smoker, and i have no kids. please help!!!""
Question about car insurance?
I am about to get my first car ! but i have to wait until the guy at the car lot gives me the ok to pick it up but I was wondering about insurance do I get the car first and then get the insurance or vice versa? because what if something happens and I would get pulled over do I just say I just got the car and the insurance is about to start up? thanks in advance.
""Can any one say best insurance site,which dealing with better travel insurance policies of different companies?
I want to know benefits of insurance policies of different companies before buy travel insurance policy
Insurance pricing for a Honda Civic Coupe vs Sedan?
I'm looking to get a new car and was wondering if the insurance would be pricier if I got the civic coupe? I mean it's technically not really a sports car and is not much different than the sedan aside from its appearance. I'm 21 and have had my license for over 3 years if that makes any difference.
Does she have to pay the no insurance ticket?
My daughter just completed her drivers ed class so I let her drive to school. she was stopped and ticketed for no license and no insurance my car is covered and current. Q does she have to pay the no insurance ticket
Homeowners insurance in California????
I am thinking of purchasing my first home, and I was wondering about how much homeowners insurance would cost me. The home costs 200,000. Does anyone have any idea about how much that would be? I don't want to get into something I can't afford.....""
Insurance for a child ?
I'm on my fathers insurance until I turn 26, but I have a one year old baby girl. How much will it be to have good medical insurance for just her ? She needs good insurance because she has medical issues.""
The cost of dentist and insurance?
My family don't have insurance and I need to visit a dentist because I am having cavity. Does anyone know how much is the cost to visit a dentist and fix my cavity without an insurance? I am considering buying insurance for my parents and my self. I need advice on this matter. Please help. Thanks a lot.
""If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
Can a 17year old get kit car insurance?
I'm 17 and thinking of getting an old mini and doing it up, I'm not sure if I can get kit car insurance, I have no points on my licence and if I could get one does anyone know how much it will be? Thanks:)""
Why are car insurance quotes on comparison sites so high?
I'm almost 17 and I'm hoping to learn to drive and buy a car, I was looking on some comparison sites to see what the insurance might be on some possible cars (ford KA, fiat sciento, nothing too fancy) but the quotes were ridiculously high? I know being 17 will mean expensive insurance but this was really expensive, they said the cheapest was around 6000 for third party. This is really high because I know loads of people who drive at 17 and their insurance ranges from 1800-3000. So, why is it so high and will it actually be this price when I come to pay the insurance?""
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
I am 19 and i need to get my wisdom teeth taken out asap! but i don't have dental insurance?
I had healthy families insurance but since i turned 19, it got canceled. I'm a student at ucla and i have health insurance but no dental plan and recently my wisdom teeth have been a nightmare. Does anyone know an affordable dental insurance that help me out in this situation? Thank you so much for the help!""
Temporary Car insurance??
Need temporary car insurance for about 3-4 weeks, our own policy runs out the middle of next month, but we have just ordered a mobility car, and it wont be here until 1st week in June. We call our current insurance company and was basically told they would charge us for 6 months and then a cancellation fee. What company offers the lowest price insurance for that short amount of time??""
What is insurance like in the united states?
is insurance better in canada or the united states and how much does school and college cost in united states and health coverage or how can you pay for health coverage i want to know this because i want to move to the states is there any site that would tell me about all this if there is can you give me the link thanks if i defend anyone sorry
Why does the Honda Insight ('00-'05) cost so much to insure? (UK)?
Why does the 2000 - 2005 Honda Insight have group 12 insurance status in the UK?! Its such a shame, I have been looking to upgrading my small car at the moment, and have always liked the old Insight. For some strange reason it didn't ever seem to take off, and it was way ahead of its time, and is still a very good, one of the best ever mass manufactured cars for fuel consumption (may even be the best). It has a 1 litre engine, which produces just 66bhp, but is extremely efficient so achieves 83MPG and has a 0-60 time of 12.1s (top speed: 112mph). Remember group 12. Or I could pick out a Seat Toledo 2 litre Sport - produces 147bhp, 34MPG, has a 0-60 time of 9.4s (top speed: 128mph). This is a group 10. Why isn't the insight lower?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Any info would be great""
Are others here getting rebate checks from your Health Insurance companies based on the new Health Care Law?
I just got back $178 from Humana. Per the form: Enclosed is your health insurance premium rebate check which is required by the Affordable Care Act - Health Care reform - and the Medical Loss Ratio provision. The purpose of this requirement is to lower the cost of health care coverage.
Can a college student go back on her parent's insurance?
I am a college student and in 09 I went off my moms health insurance and went on my work ins. If I move and leave my job I may be left without ins is it possible to go back on my moms insurance? I heard you can stay on your parents ins if you are a college student until you are 26 not sure if I can go back though.. Any info will help!
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
What insurance should i get....?
I need to find the best insurance that is gonna be the cheapest. i checked qoutes on progressive and i got a qoute for like 500-600 dollars a month which i feel is too much! what insurance would you reccommend for young drivers? Ive had my liscense for a year and a half and have two points on it
Honda civic Si sedan insurance for a 18 year old?
Hi I have been looking into a Honda civic Si sedan and i have been trying to get insurance quotes online but they all say insurance would be almost 400 dollars a month does that seem way to high? i have had my licence since i was 16 and have no accidents and no tickets i have a clean record and drive less than 9k miles a year and im under my moms insurance plan
Having trouble finding insurance for an older truck in ontario canada.?
Hello, just like the title says im looking to insure a 1978 GMC sierra and im finding none of the major companies offer insurance for vehicle's this old. does anyone know of a company that does with decent rates and possibly online quotes? i have a clean driving record and am in southern ontario, canada. thanks""
My mom is 83 years old .She does not have health insurance. How much will cost physical exam for her?
My mom is 83 years old .She does not have health insurance. How much will cost physical exam for her?
Will my car insurance rate change?
Okay so I got married this May and my car insurance is still in my old name and my old address... My husband has a couple tickets and accidents on his record... Will this make my insurance rate go up? Also I'm not living in the town that I got my insurance in anymore, will this be an issue? Thanks in advance!""
Car accident and insurance claim?
2 persons came to look my car for buying purpose. 1 of them was standing in front of my car and other just opened the door and turned the ignation on. the car was in gear so jumped up and hit the person standing in front of the car. man got stuck between my car and the other parked in front of my car and broke his leg. police and ambulance came. they took our statement and did not say anything to me but had separate discussionn with the othee person for long time. my question will this effect my by any mean legally? my car did not have insurance but no body drove the car either. i mean I am really scared what gonna happen to me I don't know if I shall keep trying selling my car or wait until hear from police. thanks
Insurance on a 92 Vtec honda prelude?
approx. what would insurance on a 92 Vtec Honda prelude be for a Canadian 17 year old guy with with a successfully drivers education course completed? and if possible what would be the cheapest place to go for my insurance?
Low car insurance rate??
hello i'm an 18 year old guy i passed my DMV tests and should be getting my license in the mail anytime I LIVE IN TEXAS. I have a 1999 Ford f-150 Black Truck and since i'll be hitting the mean streets soon, i need insurance of course. i AM trying to find a much cheaper one, if you'll say but keeps me legal but for less. Oh and I am a senior in high school so yes I'll be having an after school job so I guess you can say I don't make much..... please help""
What are 2 Door car insurance choices?
I live in New York City , and im trying to do all my research before i jump the gun and even buy my insurance and car ( Tho i do know what i want ). But these are what i want to know .""
""My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?""
My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?""
How much is motorcycle/scooter insurance in southern california?
i am looking to get a used honda ruckus scooter with 250cc motor, is that size motor still considered a scooter or motorcycle? will i have to get a M1 or M2 license? and how much would insurance be? i live in the los angeles county area.""
Where can I find business cargo insurance at reasonable rates?
We're a small company trying to get started, that's why we're looking for insurance at a reasonable rate. Any help will be welcome. Thanks""
Best car insurance in NYC?
i live in NYC, BX and its' really crazy how much money they are charging me for car insurance. about 3000 for 6 months...:-( cause i have never owned a car...i am 35 now and still it's not going down...:-( any suggestions? and please don't say walk! :-)""
Cheap Car to insure?? (UK)?
Hey, I'm 18/female and was looking to start my driving lessons soon and I was wondering what cars would be cheap to run and insure, and does anyone reccomend any driving schools that are an okay price..if you could put links up to cars I would be grateful. Thanks :)""
WHo LOVES Mercury Auto insurance and the alien commercials? lol Whats your favorite commercial?
Mercury Insurance rates are soo low that they are run by Aliens from the planet mercury lol This model simulation represents the facility and their landing site lol How about the Comcast Commercials? lol I was super high one time and saw the Turtles and was hellaaa freaked out lol.
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
Im 17 years old , I live in California and my parents have AAA insurance and I have my Driver's license. is it true that you need permission from them in order to drive?""
Is there a way to get an affordable car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hey, I have passed my driving test, about a month ago, and I really need car. However, the car insurances are so insanely high, it's incredible! There where some for 27000!! How is someone suppose to afford that?! The cheapest I could find was 6000, that's still too expensive though. Does anyone know if there is a way how to get it cheaper? Oh yea, I already tried to put my parents on the insurance, it's still too expensive...I think it's better to get a new bike instead :D""
Health Insurance-please help?
I am 22 years old, and I will currently be in law school until May of 2011. Because I had to be declared as an Independent, I can no longer be on my father's insurance plan. I am scrambling to find something, because I do not want to be without health insurance and I will no longer be covered as of Jan. 1, 2009. The school's insurance policy will not cover me until Jan. 20, 2009, it seems pretty shitty, and is expensive. What can I do? What is the best private insurance to get? Should I get private insurance? Thanks for your help, it is really stressing me out.""
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm 17 years old, with no convictions or points on my licence. I passed my test about a week ago, and I cannot get insurance for my VW polo 1.2, 02 plate lower than 10'000!!? What do I do?""
Car insurance?
if you are insured on your car, can you drive another persons car under your insurance? i'm having an arguement with the mrs over this.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old in CA?
anybody know?
""Help! looking for affordable health care insurance in atlanta, ga?
i am a single mom recently laid off from work. i have asthma and take a prescribed drug every day. i am running out and just to see my dr. for a new rx is $125 and then for a 30day ...show more
Can i freeze my car insurance?
Hi i am from ireland, and i am insured with Quinn insurance, I am 20. I am goin travelling for a few months in February. I am insured under my fathers policy, but he doesnt drive my car as he has his own van. I have to pay nearly 1000 at the end of January to insure my car but i am wondering could i freeze my insurance and pay for it when i get back. During my time away i am also going to try sell the car. so any help please.""
When should I buy insurance?
I want to buy a used car from a dealer. So can I drive the car home, and then buy insurance? Or I should buy the car and insurance at the same time? First time to buy a car.""
Why is health-care so expensive?
Just last year in CA Medi-Cal (state medicaid) stop covering for dentistry and optometry for people over 21. The total cost of my dental braces is $4550. I need them so I can fix some teeth that are misaligned. I pay $100 and it seems like its a never ending balance. I been doing this for 2 years now. I have Medi-Cal because of my SSI but that doesnt cover anymore because I am 21. My mother had heart surgery in 2007 and we still haven't payed a bill. My parents don't have any insurance. They used to have Medi-Cal but when Schwarzenegger became the governor in 2003 he made some changes to the policies and they stop having Medi-Cal. She tried applying for SSI but she keeps getting denied. The republicans should stop attacking Obama and work together to pass the health-care reform.
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
San Antonio Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78248
0 notes
I really need insurance help!?
"I really need insurance help!?
Does anyone know of a cheap health insurance plan in Texas? We don't qualify for Medicaid or anything like that. My husband's plan is close to $600 a month and we can't afford that. It's a shame that my tax dollars pay for these slums insurance and all they do is sit on their butt but decent people like myself trying to make it we get screwed.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will I be paying in car insurance if I'm a 23 year-old person?
Im a 23 year-old college student and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. My father just added me into his policy and it looks like I will be paying $224.11 for 6 months liability coverage, is that normal? I will be driving a 2001 Mazda Millenia. Also, what are the cheapest insurances for young adults? Thank you!""
Cheapest cars for insurance for a teenage boy?
This is what I know: 4WD and newer cars means higher rates. I know certain cars, particularly Honda Civics and Accords from the 90's were commonly broken into and stolen, and that raised rates. I think I'll be responsible for paying my own insurance and gas. (Unfortunately I do live in a snow climate, but we haven't had real heavy snows in a while) So, it would be VERY helpful to list some non-boring/decent, reliable cars, that would be best/good on insurance costs! Thanks!""
Insurance price on harley-davidson?
what would be a good estimate for yearly cost of insurance on a harley? -92 heritage softail classic
""My son's 16 and i need help on the car insurance, help please!?""
My son's 16, he's taken drivers ed. he's done his on roads. I live in Massachusetts. I'm now buying him a Land Rover Range Rover, or a Mercedes, or a Saab 9-7x (Saab's will be 06 - 08 for year), or Cadillac Escalade. These would be about 02 - 05's maybe even an 00 - 01. (I don't want to buy him a new car for his first car, obviously) So what would the insurance cost on those cars? and also, put your personal input on which car you think is best. Also, which car would be easiest to fix? Thanks everyone!""
Which company offers the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
Im 17 and i need insurance and i wanted to know the cheapest way
What is a good dental insurance company?
I am 21 years old and I am currently on my parents health and dental insurance plans. However, I get dropped off of the dental plan when I turn 22 and my birthday is just a month away so basically I am looking for a stand alone dental plan that is affordable. I have looked around but to be honest I don't really have a clue on what I am looking for, what is good, or what is bad. I am not sure if it helps or not but I am looking for something that will help pay for Invisalign, doesn't have to be a lot just something to help with the payments. Any help or information will be greatly appreciated!""
What's the cheapest sr22 insurance in Alaska?
I know you can't get a quote without prying, but I was hoping someone on here could help me.""
Can I get life insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything?
I recently got a scare when my mother was admitted into the hospital from smoking complications. She was having trouble breathing and she was put on a respirator. The nurses and doctor kept saying her lungs were not healing themselves because of smoking for so many years. Thank god she pulled through and they gave her the normal things to take home like medicine and oxygen to use. She unfortunately still has not stopped smoking and my brother and me were really scared. My brother just turned 18 and we have no other family at all, my mom is not married and I wouldnt have been able to afford a funeral if it came to it. My mom is very stubborn and she will not get Life Insurance to help for funeral costs if something were to happen again. Is there a way to for me to get Life Insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything ?""
What happens if your car insurance is cancelled due to non-payment?
I live in Mass and I am facing cancellation for non-payment, sdo they take your plates? What happens?""
What is total extra premium car insurance?
Hi guys, I'm currently learning to drive (uk) hopefully pass my test in next couple of months, just looking up on insurance quotes, will mainly be driving my fathers car 1.8 petrol vauxhall, I'm 25. So was doing a quote with his insurance company (swift cover) and as I was going through it and this is what it says at the end total extra premium 248.48 Now what the hell does this mean? After this stage it was to confirm payment and obviously I never clicked that because I'm just looking for quotes. Is total extra premium what I'm going to pay for a year or is that just a one off payment?""
Parents' health insurance?
If you take a semester off from college, how long do you have until your parents' insurance doesn't cover you anymore?""
How do you know the address of health insurance company??!?
On the insurance sheet for Band.. it asks Insurance company name: health Choice, then Address: and Phone: how do I know what it is?? There're different contact D:""
Can you be arrested for not having proof of insurance?
A friend of mine recently was pulled over for window tint being too dark in kansas. The only windows showing were extended cab part. Front drivers and passengers windows were rolled down. When asked for proof of insurance, he looked in glove box. Did not find most recent card but did find the previous one. The officer proceeded to arrest him for no proof of insurance. The officer also stated that it was a city law for that particular town. Can each city pass their own laws? Can they arrest you for no proof of insurance? Even if that certain town had this law, can they arrest you for that law even if you do not reside in that town/county?""
I have a small business liability insurance question?
We have a contract that will probably not generate that many call if any after the first one and the company wants us to carry them on our general liability insurance. I dont feel we should as its an added expense for something we will probably not get a call from again. what is the opinion of the answers people
Question on best company for classic/historic car insurance?
Our family has had State Farm for 70 years now, several generations, and in the last 10 years or so we have been progressively more & more disappointed in their caring and customer service. Maybe its just the 'assistants' that my local SF agent (who never talks to his clients any more) use, they both seem to have just horrible attitutudes, sarcastic, and act like you are a complete PITA every time you call. I even have an email from his main assistant that I asked her to forward to the actual agent because I was told he was the only one that could answer my question, and just today I was SHOCKED when I re-read the email, and saw in the forward of my email when his assistant sent it on to the actual SF agent, She said This guy will just not give up, he keeps haunting me about this issue! I couldn't freaking believe it. I was going to forward the email to SF headquarters in Bloomington IL, but then as I read more & more about state farm I saw they are completely independent agents in each office, and have literally NO ONE who is their boss or who can reprimand or correct them. This is unbelievable. If I treated my customers at my work place & gave them the rotten attitude treatment we get from our SF office here, I guarantee you I would lose my job. No one is in charge at state farm obviously. Back to my question - I recently bought a classic car I have been looking for a long time - getting it next week - it is 25 yrs old, all original & in perfect shape. My state (Maryland) lets me register the car as Historic if it is 20 yrs old or more. I plan to do this. I contacted my wonderful state farm office today, to get a quote on a new policy/binder for this collectors car. They apparently don't like insuring a vehicle as Historic, maybe the policy is too cheap & they do not make any money off it. The 'assistant' said the best they can do, even if I REGISTER this vehicle in Maryland as Historic & get an Historic tag, which I will do, she said the best she can do is insure it as part time, occasional pleasure use, under 7500 miles a year . Which of course is NOT an historic policy. You can get that on ANY extra car you have in your household even if it is a 2011 model !! She did say (and I understand this being required) that in order to have is classified as Antique/Classic/Historic, you have to have an appraisal done on the vehicle as if it just came off the show room floor -then the premiums would be much lower if you had full coverage on it, as historic/classic . So here we stand. Can someone out there please help me understand - am I being taken for a ride by my State Farm office? Should I shop around for insurance companies that just specialize in Classic/Historic auto insurance? If so can anyone recommend the best companies that specialize in reasonable insurance for classic/historic vehicles? Thanks for your help. .""
How much roughly would moped insurance cost for a 16 year old in the UK?
i am thinking of getting a moped when i am 16 , i am going to get a 50cc 2 stroke supermoto of some kind. was just wondering how much insurance and tax would cost per year? please can someone help me out""
Do I have to transfer my car to get an insurance discount?.?
I'm moving back home for the school year because my parents live in the city I'm attending University at. I have my own car and my dad was telling me I should probably transfer the car into his name for ease, as I would get the house hold discount rate. To me this doesn't make any sense, and I know how controlling my parents are, is this another way for him to have some control on me?.. Or is this legit?.. I've never had any special rate or whatnot, I've been paying my own insurance since my first car. I just want to know. Does he need to OWN my car before I can be put on the household discount? * Both of our insurance plans are state farm if that helps* - Thanks in advance.""
Will my impounded car show up on my insurance?
My car got impounded last night, does that show up or increase my car insurance?""
""Would insurance be cheaper for a '04 nissan sentra, '08 toyota prius, or '08 honda fit?""
I am making payments on my '04 nissan sentra and i'm running the numbers to see how much more or less it would cost if i owned a new prius or fit. so far for expenses i'm just figuring in payments and gas and that my nissan will need about $1,000 of work in the next 3 years""
Should medical insurance be only for childrens?
I am doing a paper on medical Insurance for my class project I have 10 question that I need answers too.
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
Can i get classic car insurance?
I have a 65 mustang so i know for a fact it will qualify, but im 17 (18 in a couple of months) and i dont know for sure if they cover people my age. I know that it comes with restrictions but all i will be driving it for is to school and back so that doesn't concern me. also it would be helpful if anyone can reccomend a decent insurer.""
""Gas, Home and car insurance in my tax return expence?""
I'm a self employed programmer, I work in my home (don't have office) my question is can I consider my home rent or car insurance-gas as my job expences in tax return forms? I'm useing my car to see some of my customers (not always).""
Maturnity insurance?
do anyone know of any insurance that cover maturnity that will not cost an arm and a leg. my husband had good insurance and they had a lay off and friday is out last day with that insurance so does anyone know of any insurance for maturnity coverage that would be a great help.
How will it affect my insurance?
My daughter Ashlynn has just turned 16, and shes begging me to allow her to get her a learners permit. I'm all for it, but i want to know how it will affect my insurance. I heard that a teen with a learners permit doesn't have any affect and in some cases you don't even have to notify the insurance company. If it helps, i have Esurance. Also i live in southern California. If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks -Lauren.""
I really need insurance help!?
Does anyone know of a cheap health insurance plan in Texas? We don't qualify for Medicaid or anything like that. My husband's plan is close to $600 a month and we can't afford that. It's a shame that my tax dollars pay for these slums insurance and all they do is sit on their butt but decent people like myself trying to make it we get screwed.
Pittsburgh car (auto) insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Pittsburgh? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
How do i get a cover note for my car instead of insurance for my car?
By that i mean ive heard theres such a thing called a cover note wich acts like insurance documents but the only diffrence being you dont pay insurance for the car and you pay all the costs if you have and accident. Please anyone give any feedback please. Many thanks.
I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them.
What is the best website to reseach and compare auto insurance quotes?
What is a good website to use when researching auto insurance. One where I can get numerous rates from various insurers and compare them with each other?
Can someone explain insurance types and recommend one?
My husband's company provides insurance, but we didn't know that a spouse has to be added within 30 days of getting married and a child has to be added within 30 days of being born. After that there is NO other open enrollment period or chance to add us on. I am looking to get some insurance and I really don't know what type we need. What is the difference in a HMO and PPO? Someone told me Florida has a state insurance now, does anyone know about this? Do you have any suggestions of a company to try that will be affordable?""
How much do you pay for home insurance?
So we are paying like $132 for car insurance on two vehicles with American Family Insurance and we both have clean records although we are young 22 (f) and 24 (m). We just got a quote from Wawanesa they said we could do full coverage through them for half the price 80 a month! Although they don't do home insurance and I know you can save a lot by combining the two. So now through AFI we pay about $40 a month for home insurance is that a good price with the combined home and auto?? How much do you think it will go up if we cancel the car insurance and go with wawanesa?? Is there cheaper insurance agencies that will cover only home? In the end I am just looking for how much you pay and if you combine your auto with the same company. Thanks!!
How can i get disability insurance?
I think i need disability insurance for wife because she is disable through accident.
Im 16 and just had my second wreck!? what will insurance do?
I just had my second wreck today and both of them have been my fault! Im 16 and my first wreck was last year in late November. Will insurance just raise my rate, drop me, or offer high risk insurance?? have any options on how to get low insurance if i do need to get another insurer?""
What do i do with the car insurance?
if my car insurance expires pretty soon but im leaving to mexico for a while do i still need to have the car insured even if its jus going to be parked?? or do i still need to have it insured?
Can 20 year old go under classic car insurance in ontario?
I keep hearing different answers from everyone i ask. Im looking to get an older camaro (78-81) but im worried i wont be able to get insured as a classic. If so is there any companies in ontario anyone recommends?
""If u have state farm and ur wanting to get ur hardship license at 15, how much a month would insurance cost?
i am about to be 14 and in a year i want to get my hardship license and i REALLY want a camero..... i have been dreaming about mustangs and cameros and chargers in general for as long as i can remember..... my parents say that i cant get a camero or any sports car bc the insurance rate will be raging!!!! but i really wanna work this out so can you please tell me about how much More it would cost a month for insurance when i turn 15?
What price would insurance be for a Scion?
What would an insurance quote for a Scion xB be? ... for a Scion tC?
Scion tC...how much woul i pay monthly with car & insurance?
Im 19, been driving for two years, no accidents, no tickets or anything like that. I juss ont know how muc it woud be monthly. if anyone knows please.""
Car Insurance Question...?
I'm currently 17, 1 month until Im 18...and Im insured under my moms vehicle and my vehicle as well (under my moms insurance), I drive my dad's car once in a while and am not under his insurance. Do I have to be under his insurance in addition to my moms? My parents are divorced and I live in Michigan.""
Car insurance?
I'm a teenager getting ready to start driving. I was wondering how much it costs in Indiana for car insurance for a teen driver that has take drivers ed and how much it costs for insurance if i have not taken drivers ed.
Why should someone who is say 40 get cheaper car insurance than a 17 year old?
If for instance they passed on the same day, why should a 17 year be categorised as less responsible than a 40 year old in terms of driving ability? Particularly when chances are due to the insurance gaps and most probably the earnings of these two hypothetical people the 40 year old would be able to afford a more powerful car...""
""Rear-ended, can I ask car insurance to compensate for inconvenience of not having a car?""
Got rear-ended in NJ by a woman and my car was determined a total loss. Her car insurance took over a week to come to a decision that they would take 100% liability for the accident. They made me an offer for the dollar amount of value of the car which was honestly more than what I thought the value was going to be. I have 2 questions... Can I ask for compensation for the inconvenience of not having a vehicle during the time that they were making their decision? And two, I went to the hospital after the accident but haven't received the bills from that yet. If I accept their offer for the damage done to the car can I still get reimbursed for my medical bills later?""
Is it a law in New Hampshire that you must have car insurance?
I recently bought a car that i know own 100% (i am not leasing). Is it a NH state law that i HAVE to have car insurance? Any sources would be very helpful.
How will my insurance premiums be affected?
I got into a minor fender bender. No scratch on either car but the person I hit (I rear-ended them) is claiming that I caused their airbag light to go on. Now they are going through the insurance process and it is not known yet whether they will claim against their own insurance company or go through mine. How do you think my insurance premium will be affected by this? Thanks for your help.
What's a good medical insurance plan for someone in my situation in CA?
It's so overwhelming with all the different policies out there, if someone has a recommendation for a good insurance company that is affordable for my situation: a. self employed single female b. no health risks/problems c. mid 30s d. prefer a plan that covers maternity just in case""
Geico Car Insurance?
I have a 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer GT. My mother took the loan out and I was wondering can I get my own insurance (19 years old) and insurance the mitsubishi even though the loan is in her name?
How cheap can u get???
What is the cheapest car insurance for teenagers that u can get??? What company??? If it matters, I live in NC.""
Car insurance total loss?
I own a 1997 dodge intrepid std 4 dr sedan 6cyl gasoline 3.3 liter 4 speed in fair conditions cd player no rust with 197,242 miles. My car was was in a hail and tornado damage where the hood has a dent and the driver and passanger side have dent and the trunk. I have full coverage insurance and they telling me that my car was total last i love my car and i spent alot of money fixing it and it drives great no problem. So I was trying to get some help from some one that could tell me how much is my car worth so they wont give me less money and if they offer me less what could I do. I am not trying to bew greedy but i do love my car and spent alot of money on it. I would rather get it fix . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME""
What is all the car insurance and extra costs?
what is everything you have to have for a car like the insurance and all that and how much does it cost?
Can you place insurance on a car that is not in your nam?
I drive a car that is in my aunt's name. She told me that I need to get my own insurance on the car, so that she can take it off of her policy. However I am not sure if I can place insurance on a car if my name is not on the title.""
I really need insurance help!?
Does anyone know of a cheap health insurance plan in Texas? We don't qualify for Medicaid or anything like that. My husband's plan is close to $600 a month and we can't afford that. It's a shame that my tax dollars pay for these slums insurance and all they do is sit on their butt but decent people like myself trying to make it we get screwed.
Do You Have to Get Car Insurance....?
Do you have to get car insurance when you get you temporary permit at the age of 15.5. I am fifteen and I am getting my permit soon and i was wonderin if i had to get insurance. Just Wondering. Thanks Alot:>
Where can you find some cheap auto insurance quotes ..online?
Where can you find some cheap auto insurance quotes online?
How much will car insurance cost?
i know you cant exactly guess the costs but can you give me an estimate? i live in va im 17 years old i have 3.81 GPA i am a female how much does it cost a teenager each month?
Cheap car insurance for people under 25?
I'm trying to find the cheapest car insurance since i'm under 25 in new york. I'm looking to pay no more then 400 a month just don't know where to find a good deal. Please advise
Proof of insurance in Georgia?
If I will be driving someone elses car and they have auto insurance do I have to have insurance as well?
What insurance plan should I go with?
I'm a full-time college student and I work part-time. I have no insurance but need to get some soon. What health insurance do you think I should go with that is affordable?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Cheap auto insurance safe to have?
I'm going to buy auto insurance and the rates I'm getting are pretty low, $72.00 per month (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). But I picked the state's lowest minimum coverage that was available, and I was wondering if it's safe/okay to do that? Thanks :)""
Any one know where I can find an affordable car insurance on line?
In Monterey Park,california""
Can I insure a Car under My Insurance if I am not on the title?
I just bought a used car and had my fiance's mother finance it under her name because she got me a 7% APR which is really good compared to what I would have gotten. The finance guy at the dealership said to just have the car under her name to get that great rate and leave me off the loan completely. I will be making the payments, driving it, & insuring it. She is just the person who's name is on the title (so I could get that great APR rate) Now, I was just wondering, can I insure the vehicle under my policy even though my name is not on the title? I am kind of worried that my insurance company will not let me insure the car because my name is not on the title. Does anyone have any experiences or knowledge about this sort of thing? Thank you for your help""
Dental insurance ? Or medical insurance payment plans ?
Hi I'm a 20 year old and I currently am looking for a dental insurance an in California but I don't know what good company is good and not as expensive since I do live on my owns and stuff. I really need to go get my teeth checked up but I can't afford to go in a visit with no dental insurance. Someone please help. What are good entail company's that get get me approved on a good payment plan or something pease ans thank you for your time?
Multi-home homeowners insurance?
My wife and I are buying a home, she currently has a home that she is going to keep and let her parents live in. We have a dilemma when it comes to homeowners insurance because you can only have one primary residence. The insurance agent is telling us we need to have a landlord policy on her home even though her parents don't pay her. The landlord policy is much more expensive. We can't do a vacation policy because it isn't technically a vacation home. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? This is in CT if it makes a difference. Thanks!""
Buying new car; 1 day insurance?
I am going to look at a car soon, with intentions of making it into a winter project. It is drivable, but I do not plan on driving it until summer. I would rather not tow it home, but without insurance I dont want to drive it. Is such a thing as 1 day insurance an option, just to get it home? If so, how much does this usually cost? If not, are there any other possibilities besides a tow? State of Pennsylvania by the way.""
Will my insurance go up for this charge?
Ok so last night me and my buddies were in mcdonalds parking lot, they were drinking beer and i wasn't. i had consumed 1 beer about 1 and a half hours before a started driving. One of my buddies threw a beer bottle out the window and some old lady called the cops. the cops then came when we were sitting in the parking lot eating or burgers and asked me if i have had anything to drink tonight and i said i had 1 beer about 2 hours ago and he said that he's not going to put me under a breathlyzer because he knows i will fail. I had one beer ffs! i am 16 btw. So the two charges i got were underage drinking and having unclosed alcohol in my vehicle for a total cost of $340. So now i have 2 questions do you think the cop was far? and will my insurance go up with those charges""
How much would insurance cost yearly for?
for a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that would be purchased for 110,000 dollars. Thank You.""
Questions about homeowners insurance?
I called my insurance company, and they said it wont cost anything if I add my girlfriend onto the insurance policy. My question is if I add her on and dont get additional coverage and something goes wrong. Will My insurance cmpany give me a hard time GOD for bid something goes wrong. For example if something gets stolen or my house burns down, will my homeowners insurance say that they wont cover my furnature or tv etc because they can say it is my girlfriends or will I be ok?""
""Once you get your license, do you have to have car insurance even if you don't own a car?""
Say you're over 18, you go for your license test and get your license. Six months later, you buy a car. During the six months before you buy the car, do you have to have car insurance, even if you're not driving during those six months at all?""
Cheapest Car to Buy & Insure?
Hi, I am 28 years old and looking to purchase my first. What are the cheapest cars with the cheapest insurance, anything a step above a bucket with four wheels is what I'm looking for, no aesthetics or fancy extras.""
What are some good affordable dental plans for an individual?
I currently have no dental insurance and I need something really affordable. Serious answers please
""Car insurance strange quotes, why?""
Back in August, I got a quote on a car, it worked out as 900 for the year.(I'm only 17), and since then I've been getting regular quotes, and can't help but notice how much it's gone up. In only 2 months, it's gone up from 900 to 1900. I haven't changed a thing, and if you've used confused.com you'll know that you can just re-quote, which is what I've been doing. Anybody know why it's gone up so much. By the way it goes up about 40 a day at the moment. Could it be because it's the end of the month, or the end of the year? Thanks to any answers in advance.""
16 year old male car insurance?
I am currently 15 and going to be 16 and getting my license . I am going to be driving a 1997 chevrolet corvette. Ik this is going to be exspensive but my parents are going to help alot. I was wondering about how much i would be paying?
Motorcycle insurance?
I'm 18 years old and without taking all the time to go through and get a quote I was wondering what a ballpark guess would be for the amount it would cost for a year's worth of motorcycle insurance. The bike it would be for would be the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. It's a pretty small and compact sport bike with no too much power to spike my coverage prices I'm just concerned with my age the price will be relatively high. If anyone knows what state farm or geico is charging 18 year olds for low end start up sport bikes per year that would be great.
Were can i get an auto insurance quote for cars PRE 1981?
i am thinking of buying either a 1965 mustang a 1969 mustang a 1970 mustang or a 1965-69 lincoln continental... and i wanted to get cheap insurance quotes.... but all the sites like progressive, geico, allstate only let you insure at lowest 81 any one know a good quote site""
Short vs. long term individual health insurance?
whats the better choice and why
Insurance on a 92 Vtec honda prelude?
approx. what would insurance on a 92 Vtec Honda prelude be for a Canadian 17 year old guy with with a successfully drivers education course completed? and if possible what would be the cheapest place to go for my insurance?
I really need insurance help!?
Does anyone know of a cheap health insurance plan in Texas? We don't qualify for Medicaid or anything like that. My husband's plan is close to $600 a month and we can't afford that. It's a shame that my tax dollars pay for these slums insurance and all they do is sit on their butt but decent people like myself trying to make it we get screwed.
How much is a basic texas motorcycle insurance?? cost these days..?
I am curious to know this information.. for later to purchace a bike maybe a suzuki 250r 2011
Where can i get cheap insurance?
low rates? ???
My car insurance is higher than everyone elses because im a Young Man?
Hi, Im 24 and recently started seaching for my own car insurance poilicy. I thought I would pay about the same rate as my mom, but I keep getting quotes that are like twice what she pays! I asked one agent why and he said :young men are more aggressive and likely to take more risk while driving I have never even had a parking ticket! Just because im young doesnt mean I will drive wild or speed. Is this discrimination? WOMEN AE WAY WORSE DRIVERS THAN MEN!""
Insurance company monitoring equipment?
I'm almost certain this is a start of a way to increase your insurance rates
State farm wont stop calling me about a car insurance quote?
I did this stupid offer on the web about some car insurance quotes and I didnt think that anybody would call me or anything but I was wrong. I had calls from Allstate, State Farm, Progressive, you name it! I didnt answer them because I would have no clue what i was talking about because Im not good when it comes to car insurance knowledge or any of that stuff, Im only 16! Most of them had stopped calling me except State Farm and Allstate, mainly just to talk about the car insurance quote that I requested . Do they eventually stop calling you or will they just keep bugging you for life until you change your phone number or whatever? They are really beginning to get annoying, especially State Farm!!""
I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them.
How much would the insurance on my car be?
I'm 18. I just got my car. and I just got my license. and I have a 2001 Hyndai. I live if Fort Myers FL... How much would it be on my own? and How much could it be under my brother in laws name that has had his license for 5 years?
Can student loans cover health insurance?
I am attending University and I do not agree with the Health Insurance my University provides. The semester expense is $1875 and it is applied to my tuition costs. Those costs are being covered by a mixture of scholarship and student loans. If I opt to purchase my own student health insurance through a different provider - can I pay for it with Student Loans?
What is the best life insurance company?
what it the most reptuable life insurance company
Why should my family's insurance go up if i get a car?
I'm 17 and am currently on my parents insurance plan, so there are 3 of us with only 2 cars. I'm listed on the truck, b/c it has more horsepower. I'm about to buy a '92 Prelude, and they said the insurance would go up about $122 for 6 months. This doesn't seem too bad, but if i'm now driving my own cheap car, why is that a greater risk than driving the truck with full coverage, not just liability? It seems like it should almost go down, because there's a lower chance that i will crash up one of the more expensive/higher hp cars. Is that just the way it works or is there a better option for me? My agent also said my own policy would make it even more expensive, which i could see, because we wouldn't get the multiple driver or car discount.""
Would a Jeep Cherokee cost a lot to insure?
I want a Jeep cherokee for my firs car. My parents are telling me the insurance is extremely higher because jeeps are dangerous, is this right? (compared to a sedan of some sort) thanks!""
""How do I find affordable, personal health insurance at age 54?""
Kaiser would not take me back, after I had lapsed. I am normal, with aches and pains of most anyone, but afraid of being denied coverage at any new application!""
Who sells auto insurance for $300 per 6 months for CO?
Senior, perfect driving record, recent driving course, excellent credit rating, lives in 80104 Colorado. Retired and drive approximately 10 miles per week.""
""I've got a '74 Dodge Avco RV, how much would it cost for insurance?""
It's 28 footer. And maybe if you knew how much it would cost for tires and even a lube and tune, i would appreciate it!""
Finding a good auto insurance in denver?
i am moving to denver next month and my auto insurance is about to expire in a month, right now have usaa insurance and there premium goes up to 132$ per month, i tried esurance is cheaper than what i pay now (82$ per month). what are some trustable compnaies to go with in a big city like denver. i have a 2008 honda crv and hubby drives 01 nissan altima. what are the coverage limitations in denver and what will be a reasonable coverage to get. nissan is paid off.""
Life Insurance Question?
My mother died in 1998 of colon cancer. She worked for the State of California. I found a pay stub that she paid for life insurance through her work. I am administrator of the estate. Is there any way to find out how to find and obtain the life insurance?
Is it too easy to get onto disability insurance in the United States?
8,753,935: Workers on Disability Set Another Record in July; Exceed Population of 39 States The number of workers taking federal disability insurance payments hit yet another record in July, increasing to 8,753,935 during the month from the previous record of 8,733,461 set in June, according to newly released data from the Social Security Administration. The 8,753,935 workers who took federal disability insurance payments in July exceeded the population of 39 of the 50 states. Only 11 statesCalifornia, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina and New Jerseyhad more people in them than the number of workers on the federal disability insurance rolls in July.""
How Can I Get Cheap Auto Insurance?
im 18 i just got my lisence i have a 93 ford ranger that my dad can put in my name. my parents are seperated. my mom has excellent driving record and good policy. if i get on her policy. can i drive the truck if its in my name ? im not sure im just trying to get auto insurance. and i have no one to help :(
To get cheap insurance on a car my partner suggested if she bought another car and put me on her insurance to?
and i was put on her insurance to drive it would be cheaper as i have been disqualified for two years and she would own two cars as she can only drive automatics.....what should i do does anyone think it would be a good idea also
Insurance for seized cars..?
Okay my Boyf was driving his dads car to mine and thought he could use it under third party. He's only driving it cos his da is on holiday an he needs to drive it around. Anyway on the way over he got pulled over by the cops and they found out he wasn't insured. Therefore they seized his car. But after phoning up the insurance company he found out the car itself wasn't insured and his dads insurance expired a few months ago. Therefor the car is in the compound with no insurance and his current insurance company won't let him insure the car for anyone if it's been seized. But to get the car out, they need valid insurance to retrieve the car. So what can he do?""
How much should I expect to pay per month for auto insurance?
21 year old male with a new 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I have been involved in one minor accident (my fault) and have one traffic ticket.
Light collision on the highway...covered by insurance?
my girlfriend was driving my car, and i was sleeping so i didn't see what happened... she was driving on the most left lane, and there was a car on the right hand side of our car.. again, i didn't see what happened, but she told me that car didn't stay on his lane, and slightly crossed to our lane, then the front of our car hit the back of that car... no one is injured, my gf and that driver both stopped on the shoulder and see if there are any damages... but it was at night, and too dark to see anything... that man said he is just going to go home and drive away... after we went back home, we found out there are some scratches and some dent on the front of my car... i took it to the auto body shop, and it the people there said it's gonna cost about $900 to fix it... should i contact my insurance company..? or is it not covered..? (sorry, i know i am all new to this...)""
Does adding additional drivers reduce insurance?
if you add a parent as an additional driver on a car insurance quote, will it reduce the cost of the quote?""
If car insurance companies are giving you quotes that you did not request - Is this a sign of identity theft?
I've gotten like, 4 quotes all from different insurance companies saying Your quote is ready. They think I did request these! I didn't. Is this identity theft or just spam? What else could it be? My family said they didn't request this information either. Thanks in advance!!""
What's an estimate of how much a vauxhall corsa 1.2 would cost for insurance for a 17 year old girl?
72,000 miles, it's 8 years old, also it's black""
I really need insurance help!?
Does anyone know of a cheap health insurance plan in Texas? We don't qualify for Medicaid or anything like that. My husband's plan is close to $600 a month and we can't afford that. It's a shame that my tax dollars pay for these slums insurance and all they do is sit on their butt but decent people like myself trying to make it we get screwed.
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
34 Men Discuss Society’s Insane Double Standards That Favor Women And Hurt Men
Found on AskReddit.
1. If women sexually harass us, its seen as amusing rather than rapey.
One night in a bar, this incredibly drunk, incredibly skanky woman started fucking grinding on me while I was just trying to sit and drink a beer. Rubbing her gross vag all over my pant leg, and generally being disgusting and inappropriate. While this was happening, I thought If the roles were reversed, security would be tossing me out the door headfirst. Instead, people just laughed.
2. If you go anywhere in public with little kids, youre seen as a predator pedo.
Im a 19 y/o male, and I babysit my 3 and 6-year-old girl cousins often. Last time I babysat them, we played tag, then we had to go to the grocery store. The 3-year-old decided that she wants to play tag, and runs away from me, so I chase her down, playfully saying, I’m gonna get ya! in a funny voice cuz it gets her to laugh. A mom passes by and grabs my 3-year-old cousin, takes the 6-year-old, and goes to a manager. My aunt had to come down and tell them that I was watching them. That was the worse it’s been, but if I go anywhere in public with little kids, especially girls, I’m seen as a predator pedo.
3. If you and a girl both get drunk and have sex, only one can be accused of rape.
There was the anti-rape poster I saw a while back, where two teens get drunk and hook up. The dude gets busted for rape since she couldn’t give consent. The poster mentions nothing about it being the other way around, as in the girl getting busted for rape since he couldn’t give consent. The poster completely disregards the dude as a possible victim. It even goes as far as shaming the dude saying he ruined his life. Made me sick. All it did was promote male victims to want to hide even more.
4. Men are always the dumb ones on TV.
That men are always the dumb ones on TV. I grew up with three sisters and my mom, and I’ve always been disregarded as the stupid, out-of-touch male. Then, when I end up being right most of the time, I make a big deal about it and make everything worse, AND ITS THE TVS FAULT.
5. Women dont get blamed for dumping a man; when a man dumps a woman, hes afraid of commitment.
When a woman leaves a relationship she is praised for pursuing her needs, but when man leaves a relationship he is criticized for not being able to commit.
6. Female bisexuality is accepted. Male bisexuals? Theyre just gay.
How female bisexuality is more accepted and acknowledgedsometimes even encouragedthan male bisexuality.
7. Male genital mutilationtotally legal in every country.
Female genital mutilation: Totally illegal in most countries. Male genital mutilation: Totally legal in country.
8. If a woman gets angry at a man, its his fault.
Man gets angry at a woman, he needs to control himself. Woman gets angry at a man, man needs to learn not to make her angry.
9. Our society doesnt believe that women can sexually abuse boys.
It’s probably way too late for this to get any attention but I am a male victim of sexual abuse.
I was first sexually abused when I was four years old. It was swept under the rug because the 25-year-old that did it to me was going through some things and didn’t know any better.
Fast-forward to when I’m 9 and I was sexually abused every Friday for over a year and a half. I was told by my abuser that if I let anyone know, it would be my fault and I would get in trouble. One day I finally told, just wanting it to end even if I got in trouble. What happened? Both me (9) and my female abuser (23) were given a stern talking to. That was it. She went on to live her life. I never saw her again.
Every Friday I was locked in a room and bound. I would be left in the dark while I would have her perform oral (attempted since I was 9 and unable of getting an erection). She would pump me full of fluids and when I had to go to the bathroom she’d have me pee on her. At times she would pee into a cup and try to force me to drink it. If I was being more cooperative than usual she would untie my hands and have me touch her. At the end of every, I dunno what to call itsession?she would tell me that if I told anyone I would be taken from my parents. Even if they didn’t take me from my parents her dad who was a bad man would kill my mom and my sisters.
That is until I was 15 and made a Facebook. She found me on there and would leave comments like look who grew up sexy and stuff like that. I reached out to the adults in my life and they told me to ignore it, which I did. But they told me I was a guy and I could handle it. It’s not something that keeps me awake at night. But in order to get over it I had to harden myself because I’m a guy and guys can’t get raped.
On a previous reddit account I went to open up on a victims of sexual abuse page. I wrote out a multi-page post just getting it out there. The only replies I got were about how I was a guy and I didn’t know what it was like to be violated as a woman. I was harassed for weeks by women on there for trying to compare my experience to theirs.
10. Women can beat us up all they want, but if we hit back, were monsters.
I’m a big guy, I shave my head and grow a beard, most people think I’m intimidating.
Truly I’m timid at heart, I know how to box but have always found a way around confrontation.
I had a girlfriend that got crazy violent when she was mad, knives, tazers, guns, frequently got involved. I hit her a lot in self defense (we were together for 3 years it definitely played into my low self esteem, i loved to hate it) and it completely ruined my psyche. I think of myself as a woman beater, as a misogynist now just knowing that I’m capable of it.
Just the idea that I can hit a woman has driven me to some of my darkest depths and even now typing it I dont feel justified in my actions despite the fact I was protecting my own life.
One night she came at me with a tazer from behind she started it early and I had enough time to move, she tripped and stunned herself, screaming in pain, bruised her forehead hitting it against the floor. Neighbors heard and called the cops and she gave a false statement. Of course looking the way I do it didn’t matter what I said, I spent a night in holding before she dropped the charges and got me out. I guess I’m just thankful she “loved” me enough not to let me get charged with that shit.
It’s made me scared about new relationships because I’m afraid someone can just tell a cop whatever they want and I’ll get fucked.
Shit this will probably get buried but it was nice to say it. edit: this post blew up r.i.p. my inbox. appreciate all the support and kind words. pm me if you want to talk peeps.
11. Stay-at-home dads are lazy losers; stay-at-home moms are empowered heroes.
I’m a stay-at-home father because I’m taking care of my wife and I’s 2 year old son. My wife’s got a career that’s promising advancement and she works sometimes 12 hour days. I often get the Why doesn’t he have a job and He’s a deadbeat dad routine but if I was a woman I’m sure I’d hear about how mothers work so hard as housewives.
TLDR; Man stays home raises child = Lazy, Woman stays home raises child = Hardworking Hero.
12. If youre a male nurse, people think its because you couldnt become a doctor.
When a man is a nurse people think and many times say in their face Couldn’t become a doctor, huh?
13. If a girl sexually assaults you, youre supposed to enjoy it.
I was sexually assaulted by a girl when I was plastered once and kept saying no I don’t want this. Woke up feeling violated and insanely uncomfortable yet when I told people they all told me to suck it up and I should’ve enjoyed getting some action.
14. There are huge gender disparities in criminal sentencing.
That women who have sex with underage boys aren’t given the same sentences as men who do the same with underage girls.
15. If men show feelings, theyre seen as pussies.
I don’t like how if guys show feelings and emotions they’re some kind of pussy and if a chick does it’s normal. We are all humans and we all have the same emotions that aren’t good to bottle up.
16. Guys are still expected to be the breadwinner.
I don’t like that there’s still this idea that guys have to be the breadwinners and provide for families. Some guys are cool with being househusbands, and women are just as capable of bringing home the money.
17. If a man who murdered a woman spoke at a Mens March, itd be national news.
There was a speaker at the women’s march on Washington named Donna Hylton. She got up on stage and talked about how she had spent 25 years in prison (not mentioning why of course), and the audience cheered.
Turns out, she spent 25 years in prison because in 1985, she and a handful of other people kidnapped a 60-year-old man, tried to ransom him for $435,000, tortured him for three weeks (Hylton personally sodomized him with a metal rod), strangled him, and stuffed his body into a chest to decompose.
I can’t help but wonder how a man with an equivalent record would be received at the same event.
18. Women are allowed to reject guys based on their looks without being seen as shallow.
When I turn down chubby women I’m shallow, but I get turned down for being bald and it just her preference.
19. If a man cheats, hes an asshole; if a woman does, its the mans fault.
I hate the TV portrayal that if a man cheats its cause hes an asshole and heartless but if a women does its scandalous and its cause her husband must either treat her bad or is just never around.
20. Despite what Hillary Clinton said, men are the primary victims of war.
That men for some reason have to be soldiers in some countries while woman only .
21. Divorce laws are lopsidedly in favor of women.
Divorce law.
Women are entitled to alimony at a MUCH higher percentage, even when she’s the primary bread winner.
The idea that a divorced woman has the right to a standard of living consistent to when you were married is gross. No one is entitled to a standard of living, that’s life. That we can be divorced and I can lose my job but still have to pay to keep you living how we were when we were married and I was employed…its insane.
22. Sex toys for girlsnormal. Sex toys for guysweird loser.
When a girl buys a vibrator, its seen as a bit of naughty fun. BUT when a guy orders a 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, he’s called a pervert?
23. A guy who plays video games for hours has a problem; a woman who watches Netflix all night doesnt.
When I play 3 hours of video games I have a problem. When my wife watches 5 hours of Netflix every night its not a problem. Edit: I agree this is not a gender thing. Sorry about answering the question wrong. There is a double standard with gaming/television watching though.
24. Men are expected to just sit back and let women hit them. If they complain, theyre a pussy; if they hit back, theyre a monster.
Domestic Violence. I just got out of an abusive relationship two weeks ago and I’m shocked at how hard it was for me to talk about it and get taken seriously with my peers. She was so mean and I’m the exact opposite these days. Only today have I felt validated for everything when I happened upon a counselor on another thread. I feel terrible about myself still and apparently that’s normal. I’m 6’4″ and a professional bouncer/bodyguard but let me tell you. Men can be abused just as easily as women. It was so bad I’m spending my lunch break here and trying to find a support group. The abuse was mental and very physical. Because I’m a large man though no one would take me seriously. It was always my fault, always me to blame. The preconceived general thought is that men are tough and can handle it. If not then I’m made to feel emasculated and told I’m a pussy. The truth is I just don’t believe in harming people I care about. I’m ranting now because I still can’t really talk about it to anyone. It’s a sad and shitty double standard. No one should have to deal with abuse.
25. Part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
That part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
We hear talk all the time about the gender earnings gap, women’s right to bodily autonomy (via abortions and access to birth control), and other women’s issues, and those are all important things to discuss.
What we don’t hear as often is the fact that 84% of the homeless are men, 92% of workplace fatalities happen to men, 91% of people in prison are men, etc.
We talk about the subtle forms of discrimination in society that result in women choosing to pursue careers which don’t compensate them financially the same way that careers popular with men dobut we never talk about the subtle forms of discrimination that cause men to at a rate nearly an order of magnitude higher than women.
26. When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke.
When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke. When a woman falsely reports a rape, it ruins the man’s life, she gets off scot-free or a tiny jail term.
27. Men who take selfies are much more likely to be accused of narcissism.
I have to say that the standard of what is acceptable on social media. If a female Instagram profile is full of 400 attractive selfies, people are not as critical of the narcissistic side of the pictures as much as they would if it were a guy. Not that I would want to post 400 selfies, but constantly posting pictures of yourself in specific poses isn’t a form of modeling or self-love as much as it is an expression of narcissism.
28. Theres no demand for plus size male models.
How we apparently need plus sized models to represent all women’s body types, but the thought of having male models with beer bellies and no rippling muscles/6 packs is disgusting.
29. Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men.
Women who can’t pay child support go to special homes. Men who can’t pay child support go to prison.
Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men, such as murder, rape, theft, or simple misdemeanors. Sometimes they aren’t punished at all
If a drunk male and a drunk female have sex, the female could charge for rape since she could not consent even though both parties voluntarily intoxicated themselves. This isn’t a common problem but it happens more than it needs to
Female requirements for the military, police, and fire responders are easier. During basic training in the army I saw a dude carrying 2 rucksacks (google it) and a girl walking behind him with nothing on her back.
Male rape victims are ignored or taken less seriously
Sexual harassment in the workspace happens to men and to women, men are just less likely to report it since they’re taken less seriously.
There are female quotas for CEO jobs, which inadvertently puts more qualified men out of a job in the name of gender equality.
Men pay higher auto premiums.
Women in divorce courts are more likely to win custody.
Men who want to teach young children are weird creepy pedophiles.
30. Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
31. If a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine.
That if a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine. Fuck that. Guys are humans, not robots. They should be as expressive with their feelings as they want with whoever they want. I’d argue that trying to repress your own vulnerabilities is the real weakness.
32. Women who make rape accusations are automatically believed, even if theyre lying.
I fucking hate it that a woman can accuse a man of rape, and everyone’s on her side without a doubt, even if she’s lying. Flip it around, and the first thing the guy gets thrown in his face is probably something like You’re supposed to enjoy it, or You let a woman take control of you? That’s more scarring to the man than it is to the womanat least people take the woman’s word for it.
33. On a sinking ship, its women and children first.
The biggest double standard to me is ‘saving the women and children first.’ Why does a man’s life suddenly have less value in these sorts of situations?
34. Pro-choice? Men have absolutely no choice in the matter.
If an unmarried couple becomes pregnant the woman has 100% of the choice to keep the baby or have an abortion. If the man wants the baby and the woman doesn’t the man is out of luck. If the man doesn’t want the baby and the woman does the man is on the hook for 18 years of child support. Controversial I know, but I’d like to hear thoughts.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/34-men-discuss-societys-insane-double-standards-that-favor-women-and-hurt-men/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/07/16/34-men-discuss-societys-insane-double-standards-that-favor-women-and-hurt-men/
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
34 Men Discuss Society’s Insane Double Standards That Favor Women And Hurt Men
Found on AskReddit.
1. If women sexually harass us, its seen as amusing rather than rapey.
One night in a bar, this incredibly drunk, incredibly skanky woman started fucking grinding on me while I was just trying to sit and drink a beer. Rubbing her gross vag all over my pant leg, and generally being disgusting and inappropriate. While this was happening, I thought If the roles were reversed, security would be tossing me out the door headfirst. Instead, people just laughed.
2. If you go anywhere in public with little kids, youre seen as a predator pedo.
Im a 19 y/o male, and I babysit my 3 and 6-year-old girl cousins often. Last time I babysat them, we played tag, then we had to go to the grocery store. The 3-year-old decided that she wants to play tag, and runs away from me, so I chase her down, playfully saying, I’m gonna get ya! in a funny voice cuz it gets her to laugh. A mom passes by and grabs my 3-year-old cousin, takes the 6-year-old, and goes to a manager. My aunt had to come down and tell them that I was watching them. That was the worse it’s been, but if I go anywhere in public with little kids, especially girls, I’m seen as a predator pedo.
3. If you and a girl both get drunk and have sex, only one can be accused of rape.
There was the anti-rape poster I saw a while back, where two teens get drunk and hook up. The dude gets busted for rape since she couldn’t give consent. The poster mentions nothing about it being the other way around, as in the girl getting busted for rape since he couldn’t give consent. The poster completely disregards the dude as a possible victim. It even goes as far as shaming the dude saying he ruined his life. Made me sick. All it did was promote male victims to want to hide even more.
4. Men are always the dumb ones on TV.
That men are always the dumb ones on TV. I grew up with three sisters and my mom, and I’ve always been disregarded as the stupid, out-of-touch male. Then, when I end up being right most of the time, I make a big deal about it and make everything worse, AND ITS THE TVS FAULT.
5. Women dont get blamed for dumping a man; when a man dumps a woman, hes afraid of commitment.
When a woman leaves a relationship she is praised for pursuing her needs, but when man leaves a relationship he is criticized for not being able to commit.
6. Female bisexuality is accepted. Male bisexuals? Theyre just gay.
How female bisexuality is more accepted and acknowledgedsometimes even encouragedthan male bisexuality.
7. Male genital mutilationtotally legal in every country.
Female genital mutilation: Totally illegal in most countries. Male genital mutilation: Totally legal in country.
8. If a woman gets angry at a man, its his fault.
Man gets angry at a woman, he needs to control himself. Woman gets angry at a man, man needs to learn not to make her angry.
9. Our society doesnt believe that women can sexually abuse boys.
It’s probably way too late for this to get any attention but I am a male victim of sexual abuse.
I was first sexually abused when I was four years old. It was swept under the rug because the 25-year-old that did it to me was going through some things and didn’t know any better.
Fast-forward to when I’m 9 and I was sexually abused every Friday for over a year and a half. I was told by my abuser that if I let anyone know, it would be my fault and I would get in trouble. One day I finally told, just wanting it to end even if I got in trouble. What happened? Both me (9) and my female abuser (23) were given a stern talking to. That was it. She went on to live her life. I never saw her again.
Every Friday I was locked in a room and bound. I would be left in the dark while I would have her perform oral (attempted since I was 9 and unable of getting an erection). She would pump me full of fluids and when I had to go to the bathroom she’d have me pee on her. At times she would pee into a cup and try to force me to drink it. If I was being more cooperative than usual she would untie my hands and have me touch her. At the end of every, I dunno what to call itsession?she would tell me that if I told anyone I would be taken from my parents. Even if they didn’t take me from my parents her dad who was a bad man would kill my mom and my sisters.
That is until I was 15 and made a Facebook. She found me on there and would leave comments like look who grew up sexy and stuff like that. I reached out to the adults in my life and they told me to ignore it, which I did. But they told me I was a guy and I could handle it. It’s not something that keeps me awake at night. But in order to get over it I had to harden myself because I’m a guy and guys can’t get raped.
On a previous reddit account I went to open up on a victims of sexual abuse page. I wrote out a multi-page post just getting it out there. The only replies I got were about how I was a guy and I didn’t know what it was like to be violated as a woman. I was harassed for weeks by women on there for trying to compare my experience to theirs.
10. Women can beat us up all they want, but if we hit back, were monsters.
I’m a big guy, I shave my head and grow a beard, most people think I’m intimidating.
Truly I’m timid at heart, I know how to box but have always found a way around confrontation.
I had a girlfriend that got crazy violent when she was mad, knives, tazers, guns, frequently got involved. I hit her a lot in self defense (we were together for 3 years it definitely played into my low self esteem, i loved to hate it) and it completely ruined my psyche. I think of myself as a woman beater, as a misogynist now just knowing that I’m capable of it.
Just the idea that I can hit a woman has driven me to some of my darkest depths and even now typing it I dont feel justified in my actions despite the fact I was protecting my own life.
One night she came at me with a tazer from behind she started it early and I had enough time to move, she tripped and stunned herself, screaming in pain, bruised her forehead hitting it against the floor. Neighbors heard and called the cops and she gave a false statement. Of course looking the way I do it didn’t matter what I said, I spent a night in holding before she dropped the charges and got me out. I guess I’m just thankful she “loved” me enough not to let me get charged with that shit.
It’s made me scared about new relationships because I’m afraid someone can just tell a cop whatever they want and I’ll get fucked.
Shit this will probably get buried but it was nice to say it. edit: this post blew up r.i.p. my inbox. appreciate all the support and kind words. pm me if you want to talk peeps.
11. Stay-at-home dads are lazy losers; stay-at-home moms are empowered heroes.
I’m a stay-at-home father because I’m taking care of my wife and I’s 2 year old son. My wife’s got a career that’s promising advancement and she works sometimes 12 hour days. I often get the Why doesn’t he have a job and He’s a deadbeat dad routine but if I was a woman I’m sure I’d hear about how mothers work so hard as housewives.
TLDR; Man stays home raises child = Lazy, Woman stays home raises child = Hardworking Hero.
12. If youre a male nurse, people think its because you couldnt become a doctor.
When a man is a nurse people think and many times say in their face Couldn’t become a doctor, huh?
13. If a girl sexually assaults you, youre supposed to enjoy it.
I was sexually assaulted by a girl when I was plastered once and kept saying no I don’t want this. Woke up feeling violated and insanely uncomfortable yet when I told people they all told me to suck it up and I should’ve enjoyed getting some action.
14. There are huge gender disparities in criminal sentencing.
That women who have sex with underage boys aren’t given the same sentences as men who do the same with underage girls.
15. If men show feelings, theyre seen as pussies.
I don’t like how if guys show feelings and emotions they’re some kind of pussy and if a chick does it’s normal. We are all humans and we all have the same emotions that aren’t good to bottle up.
16. Guys are still expected to be the breadwinner.
I don’t like that there’s still this idea that guys have to be the breadwinners and provide for families. Some guys are cool with being househusbands, and women are just as capable of bringing home the money.
17. If a man who murdered a woman spoke at a Mens March, itd be national news.
There was a speaker at the women’s march on Washington named Donna Hylton. She got up on stage and talked about how she had spent 25 years in prison (not mentioning why of course), and the audience cheered.
Turns out, she spent 25 years in prison because in 1985, she and a handful of other people kidnapped a 60-year-old man, tried to ransom him for $435,000, tortured him for three weeks (Hylton personally sodomized him with a metal rod), strangled him, and stuffed his body into a chest to decompose.
I can’t help but wonder how a man with an equivalent record would be received at the same event.
18. Women are allowed to reject guys based on their looks without being seen as shallow.
When I turn down chubby women I’m shallow, but I get turned down for being bald and it just her preference.
19. If a man cheats, hes an asshole; if a woman does, its the mans fault.
I hate the TV portrayal that if a man cheats its cause hes an asshole and heartless but if a women does its scandalous and its cause her husband must either treat her bad or is just never around.
20. Despite what Hillary Clinton said, men are the primary victims of war.
That men for some reason have to be soldiers in some countries while woman only .
21. Divorce laws are lopsidedly in favor of women.
Divorce law.
Women are entitled to alimony at a MUCH higher percentage, even when she’s the primary bread winner.
The idea that a divorced woman has the right to a standard of living consistent to when you were married is gross. No one is entitled to a standard of living, that’s life. That we can be divorced and I can lose my job but still have to pay to keep you living how we were when we were married and I was employed…its insane.
22. Sex toys for girlsnormal. Sex toys for guysweird loser.
When a girl buys a vibrator, its seen as a bit of naughty fun. BUT when a guy orders a 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, he’s called a pervert?
23. A guy who plays video games for hours has a problem; a woman who watches Netflix all night doesnt.
When I play 3 hours of video games I have a problem. When my wife watches 5 hours of Netflix every night its not a problem. Edit: I agree this is not a gender thing. Sorry about answering the question wrong. There is a double standard with gaming/television watching though.
24. Men are expected to just sit back and let women hit them. If they complain, theyre a pussy; if they hit back, theyre a monster.
Domestic Violence. I just got out of an abusive relationship two weeks ago and I’m shocked at how hard it was for me to talk about it and get taken seriously with my peers. She was so mean and I’m the exact opposite these days. Only today have I felt validated for everything when I happened upon a counselor on another thread. I feel terrible about myself still and apparently that’s normal. I’m 6’4″ and a professional bouncer/bodyguard but let me tell you. Men can be abused just as easily as women. It was so bad I’m spending my lunch break here and trying to find a support group. The abuse was mental and very physical. Because I’m a large man though no one would take me seriously. It was always my fault, always me to blame. The preconceived general thought is that men are tough and can handle it. If not then I’m made to feel emasculated and told I’m a pussy. The truth is I just don’t believe in harming people I care about. I’m ranting now because I still can’t really talk about it to anyone. It’s a sad and shitty double standard. No one should have to deal with abuse.
25. Part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
That part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
We hear talk all the time about the gender earnings gap, women’s right to bodily autonomy (via abortions and access to birth control), and other women’s issues, and those are all important things to discuss.
What we don’t hear as often is the fact that 84% of the homeless are men, 92% of workplace fatalities happen to men, 91% of people in prison are men, etc.
We talk about the subtle forms of discrimination in society that result in women choosing to pursue careers which don’t compensate them financially the same way that careers popular with men dobut we never talk about the subtle forms of discrimination that cause men to at a rate nearly an order of magnitude higher than women.
26. When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke.
When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke. When a woman falsely reports a rape, it ruins the man’s life, she gets off scot-free or a tiny jail term.
27. Men who take selfies are much more likely to be accused of narcissism.
I have to say that the standard of what is acceptable on social media. If a female Instagram profile is full of 400 attractive selfies, people are not as critical of the narcissistic side of the pictures as much as they would if it were a guy. Not that I would want to post 400 selfies, but constantly posting pictures of yourself in specific poses isn’t a form of modeling or self-love as much as it is an expression of narcissism.
28. Theres no demand for plus size male models.
How we apparently need plus sized models to represent all women’s body types, but the thought of having male models with beer bellies and no rippling muscles/6 packs is disgusting.
29. Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men.
Women who can’t pay child support go to special homes. Men who can’t pay child support go to prison.
Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men, such as murder, rape, theft, or simple misdemeanors. Sometimes they aren’t punished at all
If a drunk male and a drunk female have sex, the female could charge for rape since she could not consent even though both parties voluntarily intoxicated themselves. This isn’t a common problem but it happens more than it needs to
Female requirements for the military, police, and fire responders are easier. During basic training in the army I saw a dude carrying 2 rucksacks (google it) and a girl walking behind him with nothing on her back.
Male rape victims are ignored or taken less seriously
Sexual harassment in the workspace happens to men and to women, men are just less likely to report it since they’re taken less seriously.
There are female quotas for CEO jobs, which inadvertently puts more qualified men out of a job in the name of gender equality.
Men pay higher auto premiums.
Women in divorce courts are more likely to win custody.
Men who want to teach young children are weird creepy pedophiles.
30. Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
31. If a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine.
That if a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine. Fuck that. Guys are humans, not robots. They should be as expressive with their feelings as they want with whoever they want. I’d argue that trying to repress your own vulnerabilities is the real weakness.
32. Women who make rape accusations are automatically believed, even if theyre lying.
I fucking hate it that a woman can accuse a man of rape, and everyone’s on her side without a doubt, even if she’s lying. Flip it around, and the first thing the guy gets thrown in his face is probably something like You’re supposed to enjoy it, or You let a woman take control of you? That’s more scarring to the man than it is to the womanat least people take the woman’s word for it.
33. On a sinking ship, its women and children first.
The biggest double standard to me is ‘saving the women and children first.’ Why does a man’s life suddenly have less value in these sorts of situations?
34. Pro-choice? Men have absolutely no choice in the matter.
If an unmarried couple becomes pregnant the woman has 100% of the choice to keep the baby or have an abortion. If the man wants the baby and the woman doesn’t the man is out of luck. If the man doesn’t want the baby and the woman does the man is on the hook for 18 years of child support. Controversial I know, but I’d like to hear thoughts.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/34-men-discuss-societys-insane-double-standards-that-favor-women-and-hurt-men/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/163070503847
0 notes
allofbeercom · 7 years
34 Men Discuss Society’s Insane Double Standards That Favor Women And Hurt Men
Found on AskReddit.
1. If women sexually harass us, its seen as amusing rather than rapey.
One night in a bar, this incredibly drunk, incredibly skanky woman started fucking grinding on me while I was just trying to sit and drink a beer. Rubbing her gross vag all over my pant leg, and generally being disgusting and inappropriate. While this was happening, I thought If the roles were reversed, security would be tossing me out the door headfirst. Instead, people just laughed.
2. If you go anywhere in public with little kids, youre seen as a predator pedo.
Im a 19 y/o male, and I babysit my 3 and 6-year-old girl cousins often. Last time I babysat them, we played tag, then we had to go to the grocery store. The 3-year-old decided that she wants to play tag, and runs away from me, so I chase her down, playfully saying, I’m gonna get ya! in a funny voice cuz it gets her to laugh. A mom passes by and grabs my 3-year-old cousin, takes the 6-year-old, and goes to a manager. My aunt had to come down and tell them that I was watching them. That was the worse it’s been, but if I go anywhere in public with little kids, especially girls, I’m seen as a predator pedo.
3. If you and a girl both get drunk and have sex, only one can be accused of rape.
There was the anti-rape poster I saw a while back, where two teens get drunk and hook up. The dude gets busted for rape since she couldn’t give consent. The poster mentions nothing about it being the other way around, as in the girl getting busted for rape since he couldn’t give consent. The poster completely disregards the dude as a possible victim. It even goes as far as shaming the dude saying he ruined his life. Made me sick. All it did was promote male victims to want to hide even more.
4. Men are always the dumb ones on TV.
That men are always the dumb ones on TV. I grew up with three sisters and my mom, and I’ve always been disregarded as the stupid, out-of-touch male. Then, when I end up being right most of the time, I make a big deal about it and make everything worse, AND ITS THE TVS FAULT.
5. Women dont get blamed for dumping a man; when a man dumps a woman, hes afraid of commitment.
When a woman leaves a relationship she is praised for pursuing her needs, but when man leaves a relationship he is criticized for not being able to commit.
6. Female bisexuality is accepted. Male bisexuals? Theyre just gay.
How female bisexuality is more accepted and acknowledgedsometimes even encouragedthan male bisexuality.
7. Male genital mutilationtotally legal in every country.
Female genital mutilation: Totally illegal in most countries. Male genital mutilation: Totally legal in country.
8. If a woman gets angry at a man, its his fault.
Man gets angry at a woman, he needs to control himself. Woman gets angry at a man, man needs to learn not to make her angry.
9. Our society doesnt believe that women can sexually abuse boys.
It’s probably way too late for this to get any attention but I am a male victim of sexual abuse.
I was first sexually abused when I was four years old. It was swept under the rug because the 25-year-old that did it to me was going through some things and didn’t know any better.
Fast-forward to when I’m 9 and I was sexually abused every Friday for over a year and a half. I was told by my abuser that if I let anyone know, it would be my fault and I would get in trouble. One day I finally told, just wanting it to end even if I got in trouble. What happened? Both me (9) and my female abuser (23) were given a stern talking to. That was it. She went on to live her life. I never saw her again.
Every Friday I was locked in a room and bound. I would be left in the dark while I would have her perform oral (attempted since I was 9 and unable of getting an erection). She would pump me full of fluids and when I had to go to the bathroom she’d have me pee on her. At times she would pee into a cup and try to force me to drink it. If I was being more cooperative than usual she would untie my hands and have me touch her. At the end of every, I dunno what to call itsession?she would tell me that if I told anyone I would be taken from my parents. Even if they didn’t take me from my parents her dad who was a bad man would kill my mom and my sisters.
That is until I was 15 and made a Facebook. She found me on there and would leave comments like look who grew up sexy and stuff like that. I reached out to the adults in my life and they told me to ignore it, which I did. But they told me I was a guy and I could handle it. It’s not something that keeps me awake at night. But in order to get over it I had to harden myself because I’m a guy and guys can’t get raped.
On a previous reddit account I went to open up on a victims of sexual abuse page. I wrote out a multi-page post just getting it out there. The only replies I got were about how I was a guy and I didn’t know what it was like to be violated as a woman. I was harassed for weeks by women on there for trying to compare my experience to theirs.
10. Women can beat us up all they want, but if we hit back, were monsters.
I’m a big guy, I shave my head and grow a beard, most people think I’m intimidating.
Truly I’m timid at heart, I know how to box but have always found a way around confrontation.
I had a girlfriend that got crazy violent when she was mad, knives, tazers, guns, frequently got involved. I hit her a lot in self defense (we were together for 3 years it definitely played into my low self esteem, i loved to hate it) and it completely ruined my psyche. I think of myself as a woman beater, as a misogynist now just knowing that I’m capable of it.
Just the idea that I can hit a woman has driven me to some of my darkest depths and even now typing it I dont feel justified in my actions despite the fact I was protecting my own life.
One night she came at me with a tazer from behind she started it early and I had enough time to move, she tripped and stunned herself, screaming in pain, bruised her forehead hitting it against the floor. Neighbors heard and called the cops and she gave a false statement. Of course looking the way I do it didn’t matter what I said, I spent a night in holding before she dropped the charges and got me out. I guess I’m just thankful she “loved” me enough not to let me get charged with that shit.
It’s made me scared about new relationships because I’m afraid someone can just tell a cop whatever they want and I’ll get fucked.
Shit this will probably get buried but it was nice to say it. edit: this post blew up r.i.p. my inbox. appreciate all the support and kind words. pm me if you want to talk peeps.
11. Stay-at-home dads are lazy losers; stay-at-home moms are empowered heroes.
I’m a stay-at-home father because I’m taking care of my wife and I’s 2 year old son. My wife’s got a career that’s promising advancement and she works sometimes 12 hour days. I often get the Why doesn’t he have a job and He’s a deadbeat dad routine but if I was a woman I’m sure I’d hear about how mothers work so hard as housewives.
TLDR; Man stays home raises child = Lazy, Woman stays home raises child = Hardworking Hero.
12. If youre a male nurse, people think its because you couldnt become a doctor.
When a man is a nurse people think and many times say in their face Couldn’t become a doctor, huh?
13. If a girl sexually assaults you, youre supposed to enjoy it.
I was sexually assaulted by a girl when I was plastered once and kept saying no I don’t want this. Woke up feeling violated and insanely uncomfortable yet when I told people they all told me to suck it up and I should’ve enjoyed getting some action.
14. There are huge gender disparities in criminal sentencing.
That women who have sex with underage boys aren’t given the same sentences as men who do the same with underage girls.
15. If men show feelings, theyre seen as pussies.
I don’t like how if guys show feelings and emotions they’re some kind of pussy and if a chick does it’s normal. We are all humans and we all have the same emotions that aren’t good to bottle up.
16. Guys are still expected to be the breadwinner.
I don’t like that there’s still this idea that guys have to be the breadwinners and provide for families. Some guys are cool with being househusbands, and women are just as capable of bringing home the money.
17. If a man who murdered a woman spoke at a Mens March, itd be national news.
There was a speaker at the women’s march on Washington named Donna Hylton. She got up on stage and talked about how she had spent 25 years in prison (not mentioning why of course), and the audience cheered.
Turns out, she spent 25 years in prison because in 1985, she and a handful of other people kidnapped a 60-year-old man, tried to ransom him for $435,000, tortured him for three weeks (Hylton personally sodomized him with a metal rod), strangled him, and stuffed his body into a chest to decompose.
I can’t help but wonder how a man with an equivalent record would be received at the same event.
18. Women are allowed to reject guys based on their looks without being seen as shallow.
When I turn down chubby women I’m shallow, but I get turned down for being bald and it just her preference.
19. If a man cheats, hes an asshole; if a woman does, its the mans fault.
I hate the TV portrayal that if a man cheats its cause hes an asshole and heartless but if a women does its scandalous and its cause her husband must either treat her bad or is just never around.
20. Despite what Hillary Clinton said, men are the primary victims of war.
That men for some reason have to be soldiers in some countries while woman only .
21. Divorce laws are lopsidedly in favor of women.
Divorce law.
Women are entitled to alimony at a MUCH higher percentage, even when she’s the primary bread winner.
The idea that a divorced woman has the right to a standard of living consistent to when you were married is gross. No one is entitled to a standard of living, that’s life. That we can be divorced and I can lose my job but still have to pay to keep you living how we were when we were married and I was employed…its insane.
22. Sex toys for girlsnormal. Sex toys for guysweird loser.
When a girl buys a vibrator, its seen as a bit of naughty fun. BUT when a guy orders a 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, he’s called a pervert?
23. A guy who plays video games for hours has a problem; a woman who watches Netflix all night doesnt.
When I play 3 hours of video games I have a problem. When my wife watches 5 hours of Netflix every night its not a problem. Edit: I agree this is not a gender thing. Sorry about answering the question wrong. There is a double standard with gaming/television watching though.
24. Men are expected to just sit back and let women hit them. If they complain, theyre a pussy; if they hit back, theyre a monster.
Domestic Violence. I just got out of an abusive relationship two weeks ago and I’m shocked at how hard it was for me to talk about it and get taken seriously with my peers. She was so mean and I’m the exact opposite these days. Only today have I felt validated for everything when I happened upon a counselor on another thread. I feel terrible about myself still and apparently that’s normal. I’m 6’4″ and a professional bouncer/bodyguard but let me tell you. Men can be abused just as easily as women. It was so bad I’m spending my lunch break here and trying to find a support group. The abuse was mental and very physical. Because I’m a large man though no one would take me seriously. It was always my fault, always me to blame. The preconceived general thought is that men are tough and can handle it. If not then I’m made to feel emasculated and told I’m a pussy. The truth is I just don’t believe in harming people I care about. I’m ranting now because I still can’t really talk about it to anyone. It’s a sad and shitty double standard. No one should have to deal with abuse.
25. Part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
That part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
We hear talk all the time about the gender earnings gap, women’s right to bodily autonomy (via abortions and access to birth control), and other women’s issues, and those are all important things to discuss.
What we don’t hear as often is the fact that 84% of the homeless are men, 92% of workplace fatalities happen to men, 91% of people in prison are men, etc.
We talk about the subtle forms of discrimination in society that result in women choosing to pursue careers which don’t compensate them financially the same way that careers popular with men dobut we never talk about the subtle forms of discrimination that cause men to at a rate nearly an order of magnitude higher than women.
26. When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke.
When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke. When a woman falsely reports a rape, it ruins the man’s life, she gets off scot-free or a tiny jail term.
27. Men who take selfies are much more likely to be accused of narcissism.
I have to say that the standard of what is acceptable on social media. If a female Instagram profile is full of 400 attractive selfies, people are not as critical of the narcissistic side of the pictures as much as they would if it were a guy. Not that I would want to post 400 selfies, but constantly posting pictures of yourself in specific poses isn’t a form of modeling or self-love as much as it is an expression of narcissism.
28. Theres no demand for plus size male models.
How we apparently need plus sized models to represent all women’s body types, but the thought of having male models with beer bellies and no rippling muscles/6 packs is disgusting.
29. Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men.
Women who can’t pay child support go to special homes. Men who can’t pay child support go to prison.
Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men, such as murder, rape, theft, or simple misdemeanors. Sometimes they aren’t punished at all
If a drunk male and a drunk female have sex, the female could charge for rape since she could not consent even though both parties voluntarily intoxicated themselves. This isn’t a common problem but it happens more than it needs to
Female requirements for the military, police, and fire responders are easier. During basic training in the army I saw a dude carrying 2 rucksacks (google it) and a girl walking behind him with nothing on her back.
Male rape victims are ignored or taken less seriously
Sexual harassment in the workspace happens to men and to women, men are just less likely to report it since they’re taken less seriously.
There are female quotas for CEO jobs, which inadvertently puts more qualified men out of a job in the name of gender equality.
Men pay higher auto premiums.
Women in divorce courts are more likely to win custody.
Men who want to teach young children are weird creepy pedophiles.
30. Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
31. If a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine.
That if a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine. Fuck that. Guys are humans, not robots. They should be as expressive with their feelings as they want with whoever they want. I’d argue that trying to repress your own vulnerabilities is the real weakness.
32. Women who make rape accusations are automatically believed, even if theyre lying.
I fucking hate it that a woman can accuse a man of rape, and everyone’s on her side without a doubt, even if she’s lying. Flip it around, and the first thing the guy gets thrown in his face is probably something like You’re supposed to enjoy it, or You let a woman take control of you? That’s more scarring to the man than it is to the womanat least people take the woman’s word for it.
33. On a sinking ship, its women and children first.
The biggest double standard to me is ‘saving the women and children first.’ Why does a man’s life suddenly have less value in these sorts of situations?
34. Pro-choice? Men have absolutely no choice in the matter.
If an unmarried couple becomes pregnant the woman has 100% of the choice to keep the baby or have an abortion. If the man wants the baby and the woman doesn’t the man is out of luck. If the man doesn’t want the baby and the woman does the man is on the hook for 18 years of child support. Controversial I know, but I’d like to hear thoughts.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/34-men-discuss-societys-insane-double-standards-that-favor-women-and-hurt-men/
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