#will eventually have mp3s like this for all of the songs but it takes forever to go through my little videos trying to find all the songs
arecomicsevengood · 1 month
Two from Deadcrow
If you have seen the anthologies published by Floyd Tangeman and his crew Deadcrow, you likely had one of two reactions. Either you found the chaotic style, which showed no allegiance to alt-comics history as purveyed by Fantagraphics/D+Q and ran closer to a white graffiti take maybe vaguely alluding to manga, to be invigorating, or you took at as a “what the hell is this” proposition. “There’s no story here!” was absolutely a fair reaction. I tried to arrive at a more moderate position, of “hm, ok, let’s see what these people are doing, maybe one of them will make something closer to a traditional comic in the future.” Now, solo series are starting to emerge from this circle, some under the auspices of Deadcrow, some from Ashton Carless’ Bootleg Books. Your best bet to track them down is from Domino Books.
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Jade Mar has begun a series called Welcome To The Butterfly Effect. Her style here comes together into something that's readable and interesting, but it still feels different from most comics work. I would say most comics lay out a consistent visual style, as a way of setting up a set of rules that can then pull you along and enter the story. Here, it feels more like the story provides a framework to move you through the wild drawing. There's a nightclub in a missile silo in the desert, people wait to get in line, the bouncer asks questions, and then each person is sent to a different floor, where they maybe disappear forever. Jade Mar, in an introductory note, says this comic is based on a recurring dream that she is structuring "like a HBO show" to show the same story from the perspective of different characters. The girls are in the club, a detective is going undercover to find the club and investigate the disappearances that have been happening for decades. The story is cool, there’s a sense of humor to the dialogue, a sense of mystery to the proceedings. The drawings are able to depict the scenario of each individual moment, even though it is never going to emphasize a character design or recognizability. If the story is premised on mystery, why should the art explain itself to you, when it can convey the feeling of an individual moment? Still, you can tell by the approach to cover design that zero concession is going to be offered to an idea of acceptability, you gotta meet the comic on its own terms.
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Chaia Startz has likewise, I think, begun a series, although it’s also possible that SZNS is a self-contained story. This one is in full color, with each page giving us nine panels in a square, and a decent amount of negative space around that grid. Still, in terms of layout, this is as straightforward as it gets. Startz practices here this sort of soft and squishy approach to cartooning which feels specifically “classic,” reminiscent of an underground comic using a visual style learned from earlier twentieth-century cartooning. In many ways, this is one of my least favorite vibes for a comic to have: It always feels somewhat sickly and nauseating to me, but keeping it on a grid keeps the atmosphere tamped down and moving consistently forward rather than letting the reader sink into the hallucinogenic texture of it all. This offers a main character with a weird character design, that eventually it’s made clear is a snowman. He goes to work, he dates, he writes letters, he tries to maintain his dignity, but you know, it’s a weird old world when you’re made of snow. Inside back cover has a playlist which reminded me of an indie pop song I downloaded from a mp3 blog in my college years and hadn't thought of in over a decade, "Year Of The Waitress" by The Eames Era.
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Both of these comics I thought were charming and good, moving beyond the “shows promise” mild recommendation to actually do something I found compelling. Both Chaia and Jade have stories in issue 3 of the anthology Jaywalk, published by Domino, and while I know I read that comic I want to revisit it now that I feel I have a better idea of what each artist is approaching.
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3wisellamas · 3 years
Giant Sweet Cap’n Cakes Headcanon Masterpost!
(Fun fact, I thought most of these up while on one REALLY long hike.  ^^;  You can tell I fell for these three pretty hard.)
-I like the idea that, while the three all share a love of hip hop, glitch hop, electronic music in general, and a little lo-fi for chill times, they all have different tastes outside of those.  (Meaning if you pass them the aux cord, they WILL argue!)
-Sweet's actually the biggest audiophile of the group, with by far the most eclectic tastes; he will literally put together playlists that go from dubstep to heavy metal to classical to rap to vaporwave to even country.  The others don't really get it, but they're cool with whatever he puts on, and learn a lot of new music from him!
-He also owns an electric guitar, which he just plugs into himself to use as an amp and plays early in the morning to wake the others up if needed (he's the early riser and the other two are night owls...)
-Cap'n's definitely got a more narrow focus than the other two; he likes rap and also R&B, jazz, and even a little swing/electro swing.  He's also been caught more than once listening to cheesy romantic pop songs, claiming he's just into them for their potential madamoizel-attracting uses but really he's just a sappy romantic.
-He can also rap, very well in fact, and gets Sweet to beatbox while he freestyles. 
-Heck, he's just got a good singing voice in general, helped by having a built-in autotune, and dominates at karaoke!
-K_K also has a really broad range, but stays more towards the electronic end of the spectrum -- melodic dubstep, synthpop, disco, trance, chiptune, DnB, even occasionally puts on straight-up ambient spa music to chill out to (the only genre the other two will NOT tolerate.)
-K_K has also, in the past, set up entire mini-raves just by themselves, complete with glowsticks and everything, while Cap'n and Sweet were out doing whatever.  They were...not pleased, when they got back, mostly because they weren't invited.  All three got to have one together eventually though.  
-Physical media is king in their shop; if it's not on a CD, cassette tape, or a vinyl record (or an 8-track, though they have to dig out their old player for it), they will refuse to play it, and might even ask you to leave.  "MP3" is an extremely dirty word to them.
-(In fact, they don't get along too well with the MP3 player-headed robots elsewhere in the city.)
-They are indeed always listening to music on physical media as well -- K_K and Cap'n are their own CD players (though Cap'n's one of those models that's also got a built-in FM radio), while Sweet has a straight-up Walkman.    
-(He's also the group's cassette champion, claiming his media of choice is superior to CDs because you can record music on BOTH sides of the tape!  The other two just don't have the heart to point out that each side only holds half as much music as a CD, and you don't even have to rewind those...)
-Jury's still out on Hit Clips.  Cap'n and Sweet think they're just toys, but K_K genuinely collects and appreciates them and treats them like actual music (it helps that they are only around four seconds long!)
-Believe it or not, the headphones are only decoration, all three actually just...listen to their music entirely within their own heads, though they can also switch to playing it externally on their speakers as well.  Perks of being robots!  Though, sometimes K_K has his internal volume up too high, and misses things that other people say because of it.
-Sweet also has an input port, and connects himself to his turntable to act as the speakers!  The other two are WAY too embarrassed to ask if they can use it as well.
-Sweet can play almost any instrument you throw at him, as long as it's not a woodwind (Surprisingly, he can do brass, since those work on vibration rather than air!).  He prefers his guitar or violin when he isn't spinning records on his turntable.  Where the other two just enjoy music, he's the actual trained musician.
Voice headcanons:
-Sweet:  Kind of deep, bass-y, lots of reverb, a slight tinny audio distortion to it like a low-quality recording that becomes much more pronounced when he gets upset or starts shouting.  And since he's a speaker, you can literally feel the vibrations he makes when he's speaking!
-Cap'n:  Scout from TF2.  I am sorry, but I absolutely cannot get that out of my head for him.  XD  However, he's actually putting that voice on as an "accent" of sorts, his real voice is actually super autotune-y like K_K's, and it comes out whenever he gets flustered, his pitch only getting higher and higher as it gets worse...
-K_K:  Pure autotune, he can just do whatever the hell he wants with his voice -- pitch, tone, whatever, and while he tends to keep it a little higher he can and does change it to fit his mood!  He often has a completely different voice every day, but the others are used to it.  He also just straight-up vocalizes sound effects (like, the kind that make you go "How did you just make that sound with your mouth?!") and can mimic other people perfectly (though the slight mechanical distortion does give it away).  There are absolutely no rules when it comes to K_K's voice.
-They harmonize perfectly whenever they sing together! 
-I like to think Sweet's actually the brains of the group; like, not SMART, he just holds their one collective braincell most often.  He does any technical work when they're building stuff, like soldering circuits or the occasional programming, and even handles a lot of the actual business operations and pays the bills.  The other two also like to follow his lead when it comes to rebellion plans, even if he’s not the official leader.
-That said, though?  It's balanced out by him being rather hotheaded and having the shortest temper by a lot.  There are REASONS why he's not usually out selling bagels with the others -- he's unfortunately prone to some more "extreme" sales tactics, like hurling half their stock at random passersby until they finally agree to buy some.  On the plus side, he's always the first to step up to defend the gang from anything that dares to harm them, and is always on guard.
-He can also hold a heck of a grudge -- don't ever get on his bad side!  Cap'n and K_K are mostly immune to this though, if he gets upset with them he works through it by the end of the day.  It helps that they can all hug it out.
-He's a bit of a perfectionist, often working overtime to try and get everything they build exactly right.  He can get really frustrated when things don't work out the way he plans, or when he can't make sense of a problem, or when Cap'n and K_K are goofing off instead of doing their part, and needs to go blast some loud music and blow off steam.
-He does have a really tough time keeping his balance, since his head is a bit heavier than the rest of his body, but he takes tripping over his own feet constantly in stride.  The biggest problem he has is with dancing -- while he'll join in with the others on occasion, he can't match their more acrobatic moves and sticks more to actually PLAYING the music they're dancing to.
-He's also really, really unlucky, just in general.  He actually considers the other two his good luck charms, since they help him out whenever he trips or gets into a bad spot!
-He's the fashionista of the group, surprisingly.  It's difficult for him to find clothes that fit his body, so he tends to get a little creative with it and has a whole closet full of different stuff!  And since Cap'n is roughly the same size they'll occasionally swap jackets.
-Cap'n actually has managed to score a handful of dates with girls in the past!  However, NONE of them went well, and only one actually made it to the second date (only to break up right in the middle of it), so he always ends up returning home heartbroken and in tears.  Sweet and K_K, by this point just ready for it whenever they hear that he's going out that night, always dry him off before he shorts himself out, take him to bed and cuddle with him (platonically, I don't see them as brothers but I also don't see them as having that conversation until Cap'n's ready, which he clearly is NOT), remind him that it doesn't hurt forever and he isn't unlovable and that he'll find someone eventually, etc.
-They have sat him down multiple times to try and gently suggest to Cap'n that he might just not be into women?  And that he’s actually turning them off by trying so hard?  To which he's always just like "No, of course not.  I'm straight.  Love the ladies.  Totally.  Oh no they didn't catch me checkin' out that one dude earlier did they?  Is that what this is about?!"
-(Basically, Cap'n is just a hopeless romantic in love with the idea of being in love, but is absolutely clueless as to how it works or what he actually wants, and his best buds are always there to catch him when he falls.  ;v; )
-The glasses are prescription -- he's SUPER nearsighted, a hardware glitch he refuses to fix.  Sometimes when he's working on something close up he'll take them off, panicking when he can't find them afterwards, only to have the others point out that they're just on his head.  He’s also got non-tinted glasses, but you will not catch him DEAD wearing those unless it’s an absolute emergency.
-This dude is SUPREMELY insecure with himself.  Like, his rather questionable fixation on romance aside, he basically runs off of others' validation, the "cool" persona he's spent much of his life building up being how he hides the fact that he isn't really sure who he is, or what he wants to do with his life, or what he's even good for -- the others have learned to check on him now and then whenever he hides away in the back of the shop, since he can slip into some pretty dark places when left alone to sulk.  It took a long time for him to open up even to them to share his feelings, and sometimes still has doubts about whether they or anyone else really care about him as more than just The Smooth One...
-He's the only one of the three to actually enjoy the occasional silence, especially when he's trying to think, or whenever he's upset.  So, his headphones also serve a dual purpose -- they're noise-cancelling!
-He's the video guy, carrying around a small camcorder and constantly trying to record the group's activities, to put together into music videos!  He also just likes to record himself doing stupid stunts for posterity, though K_K just takes these and makes (affectionate) blooper reels.
-Cap'n is not his real name, similar to K_K.  However, unlike K_K, he refuses to say what it is, just that it's embarrassing.
-K_K has a bad habit of just completely zoning out when he gets into his music, getting completely lost in the groove and needing to be pulled back to reality.  It's not a bad thing during jam sessions, but at work, or in the middle of a battle...not so much.
-He kind of needs to have some kind of music going at all times -- silence drives him absolutely CRAZY!  Though, because he gets distracted by his own music, he then misses out on entire conversations, only tuning back in towards the end.  Sometimes the other two have to repeat or summarize what they just said for him.
-He knows sign language, and taught the others to use it.  They're able to communicate reasonably well no matter how loud their shop gets, or on days when K_K isn't able to form words properly (he's just shy, and even when he isn't he gets tongue-tied a LOT).
-He's easily the best dancer of the three, and uses his extendable body to get really creative with his moves!  He even knows a little ballroom, somehow, which he'll pull out sometimes to make the others laugh.
-(Seriously, K_K CANNOT stand to see Sweet or Cap'n not smiling.  He'll do anything to keep the group's spirits up, usually cracking jokes during a scrap project or doing little favors, and they appreciate all his efforts!)
-K_K has the WORST sleep cycle, ever.  If you let him, he will stay up all night working or partying, finally going to bed at 6AM, and will then sleep until 6PM if the others don't wake him up at some point.  If they know he was up really late they'll let him sleep in a little, but he's often pretty sleep-deprived and running solely on sugar and caffeine, which doesn't help his natural loopiness.  
-He is a VERY physical guy.  Seriously, he will just scoop up and hold Sweet or Cap'n like a cat every five minutes; at first they were just like "Oh.  Okay.  We're hugging now I guess," but after a while they got more used to it and even anticipate when K_K is going to do it.  And he also initiates tons of snuggles and gives piggyback rides whenever one of his bandmates (usually Sweet) requests.  
-K_K actually scrapbooks, collecting pictures and little mementos of places he and the others have gone and things they've done.  After the library fountain is sealed, he pulls them out to show everyone else from Cyber City and reminisce about home.
-It's very hard to make K_K angry, since he tends to stay super chill and brushes off almost everything.  But, on those very, very rare occasions when something does get under his metal outer casing, he'll go full-on silent treatment, not speaking to anyone for up to a week as he sulks and stomps around the junk shop, and even refuses to play any music!  And no amount of sweets or hugs or cheering up will bring him out of it, either; the other two have learned to just wait him out and let him have his space, letting him come to them when he's finally ready to talk about it.
-Though all three love everything sweet, K_K's the only one who really goes overboard with it, making whole meals out of candy.  Sweet, ironically enough, actually prefers more salty/savory snacks, while the less is said about Cap'n's hot sauce addiction, the better.
-Okay, actually, I will say more about it.  Cap'n loves spicy food in general, and literally drinks tabasco sauce right from the bottle.  However, he's got a bad habit of daring himself to eat hotter and hotter stuff, ESPECIALLY if someone is watching, and can easily get in WAY over his head before begging for milk.
-They also all totally drink battery acid like Queen.
-Heck, being both Darkners and robots, they can really eat literally anything.  Normal food, milk, oil, batteries, gallons of pure sugar, toothpaste, moss, glitter (NEVER let K_K get hold of any though, he gets lost in the sauce), broken glass, etc, and of course their own deep-fried CDs.  Only thing they can't do is water, since, you know, robots.
-With a lot of the aesthetics of Cyber City being close to turn-of-the millennium and early 2000s (CDs and boomboxes, popup ads, wired mice, Queen theorized to be one of those see-through iMacs, EVERYTHING about Spamton), I like the idea that the boys DO NOT have smartphones, and if you handed them one they'd have no clue how to use it or what to do with it.  But they do have cell phones:  Sweet's got an old flip phone covered in stickers (courtesy of K_K), Cap'n splurged for one of those that slide open and with a camera (he set his background to a tiny, grainy photo of the three of them!), and K_K has one of those indestructible Nokia bricks, that Sweet got him after he kept breaking all his other ones.  They can all text, but that's about as high-tech as they get.
-Same with tablets or newer computers in general, they might share one tiny netbook at most.  Cap’n never remembers to log out of his Dark World dating profile, so the others will snoop or post embarrassing things to it.
-They're really, really durable, even without milk -- they're made of 90s plastic and electronics, so it takes a LOT to take one of them down!  Plus, they regularly repair each other back at the shop (it took a LONG time for them to gain enough trust to physically open and work on each other), so as long as at least one's left to drag the other two to safety they'll be just fine.
-However, if they get splashed with water, caught in the rain, or worse, drowned, they will short out, or shut down on the spot to prevent damage.  Once they completely dry out, though, they'll start right back up, no worse for wear.  When only one of them gets waterlogged the other two will break out the hair dryers to dry them out faster, or even pop them into the oven in a pan of rice like an iPod that got dropped in the toilet...
Finally, backstory?
-Cap'n and K_K met first -- maybe both as new recruits to another, much less savory gang of music equipment robots, and bonded as a result of being put upon by the more established members (Cap'n probably even had to defend K_K more than once when his inattentiveness got him into trouble!)  But, they both had enough one day, and decided to break off and form their own thing, making music and selling CD bagels to support themselves.
-Sweet, meanwhile, has the complete opposite background, coming from a rich and important family of musicians in Cyber City who regularly entertained Queen in her mansion (hence why he always used to get sweets from her!)  But, he was kind of the black sheep, preferring his own style of music, and decided to strike out on his own as a street musician instead.
-They met when Cap'n and K_K accidentally set up to sell bagels on Sweet's usual corner, and he battled them to reclaim his turf.  But, they were evenly-matched (even two-to-one; Sweet's definitely the strongest of the trio!), and impressed each other with both their fighting and musical skills, so Sweet decided to join their tiny group, and thus Sweet Cap'n Cakes was formed.  
-After the whole situation with Queen is resolved, SCC turns their rebellion into an anti-DRM kind of thing?  Nobody can hold back the music, man!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Last thing you bought online? Did you like it? OMG OMG so I got Angela an Army Bomb!!!!!! for her birthday!!!! It was HELLLL looking for sealed ones that were already onhand, but fortunately I was able to find one from this really nice seller a few days ago and the shipping was quick as well. I’m just a little worried because the outbox has a little dent on it :( but it was the best onhand offer I could find so I got it before anybody could call dibs. I still hope she likes it! I got her batteries too so that she can try lighting it up as soon as she has it. :D
Could you date someone who didn’t drive (and didn’t show an interest in ever getting their license, either)?  I feel like this is such a petty thing to make a big deal about...if they knew how to commute or any other way to get to their destination, I don’t think this should be a problem. It would only be an issue to me if they refused to get a license in a very I-generally-lack-ambition kind of way.
How would you react if your artwork became famous?  I don’t have any to show off to begin with. I love appreciating art, but creating it was never a forte of mine.
Would you get your nipples pierced?  No, I don’t plan on getting any piercings. How many people know your birthday?  Outside of my family, my best friends. I think everyone else relies on Facebook to be reminded, which is fine with me.
Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?  No. Quite the contrary, really...I was sometimes informed about red flags taking place, which of course my stubborn ass ignored.
Have you ever watched a whole hour long infomercial?  Probably, as a kid. The channel from which I used to watch WWE aired these really long infomercials so I would watch those while waiting for like Raw or whatever show was going on after.
What is your current MySpace song?  I never hung out on Myspace. I had an account, but I was too young for it so it wasn’t long before I got bored.
What is your favorite kind of meat to put on your sandwich?  Pulled pork or fried chicken.
Which one of your exes do you feel like you have the most chemistry with?  I only have one ex.
How do you feel about people who make Facebook profiles for their pets? I find it really cute. But I personally wouldn’t put in as much effort lol.
Have you ever personally known a pair of conjoined twins?  Hmmmmmmmm I don’t think so.
What was the most disturbing thing you have ever heard your mother say? She threatened suicide in front of me and my dad in a very calm way when I was around 11, I think? Maybe 12, idk. I haven’t actually thought about that moment in an extremely long time until this question. I’ll move on now and shove the memory at the very very back of my head before I get sad.
Is there something in particular you like to look at photos of? What is it?  Aside from members of BTS (lol), interior design inspirations.
Chewy chocolate-chip cookies: like or dislike?  Ooh, love. When I bite into a cookie it hassssss to ooze chocolate, otherwise I would be underwhelmed.
If your boyfriend/girlfriend wanted to dress only in the opposite sex’s clothing, would you support that? If not, would you leave them?  Support.
Do you think your grandmother is/was beautiful?  They both are.
Which of your fields of interest are you a total expert on?  Anything that has to do with writing (except poems), I guess? I like being able to give people advice and tips when it comes to that.
When was the last time you got all dolled up?  Last July when we had a big PR media launch thingy and I couldn’t afford to look like shit on Zoom.
Do you ever name objects? (i.e. mp3 players, guitars, cars, etc.)  Never.
Do you have a criminal record?  Not criminal but it’s possibleeeee that I have some kind of record on my license from the time I got stopped by an officer in Alabang, lmao. It was a minor offense from a tiny part of the town so I don’t actually know if they filed it, but it’s possible.
Last person you took a nap with?  I don’t really nap with other people. I hate falling asleep in front of others to begin with.
Does seeing your mother cry automatically make you feel sad as well?  No.
Do you think someone likes the same person you like?  I don’t like anybody.
Do you want your life to stay the way it is right now forever?  No, I do not want to stay in a pandemic and not get to maximize my life the way it’s supposed to be enjoyed forever.
Have you ever been to craigslist.com?  I’ve never checked it out; idk if we have that here?
What about eBay?  I also dunno if they operate here so no, I’ve never bothered.
Have you ever used Nair?  Not Nair, but I’ve used Veet before.
Are you medicated?  Nope.
Do you shape/fill in your eyebrows?  I never do stuff to my eyebrows except shave them.
Have you ever stolen/borrowed clothes from an ex?  Several articles of clothing were left behind here, yeah. I never had the chance to give them back because I stupidly thought we were going to get back together eventually. By the time I moved on the timing was already off, so the clothes stayed with me untillll...just a few days ago, actually – when I finally cleaned up my room and got rid of a bunch of knickknacks that accumulated here over the years, including all her shirts and sweaters and stuff.
Could you make a statement about anything political?  The 2022 presidential election landscape looks like complete shit and I’m nearly at that point where I want to stop giving a fuck about this country’s future.
Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate?  No.
Do you get the feeling something good will happen in your life soon?  I think I’m already living in it, haha.
Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche?  Sure, but cliché is also hit and miss for me. I love Titanic and Love Actually, but I cannot stand movies like Me Before You and The Notebook. I guess it depends on certain executions, like the acting, screenplay, casting, etc.
Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month?  No, not inside. We did drive-thru within the last month, though.
Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house?  Not at Andi’s, but I have at Angela’s.
How often do you go bowling?  Extremely rarely. I can’t tell you the last time I went bowling.
Last time you were in an apartment?  Like 2007 when I visited my aunt back when she still lived in one. None of my friends have their own apartments.
Have you ever seen a live seahorse?  I don’t think so.
Would you like to have your own yacht? I mean I wouldn't say no if you offered it to me for free, but I'm not exactly interested in one. < Same.
Winnie the Pooh or Tigger?  Tigger always made me laugh as a kid.
What’s the unhealthiest thing you’ve eaten today?  Luncheon meat, I think? I didn’t go overboard with the junk food today.
Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink?  Hm, not that I can recall.
What is something you’d be happy to receive as a gift, that doesn’t cost a lot?  A bag of the salted egg chips that I really like costs like 30 bucks, or roughly 60 US cents.
What kind of music does your significant other/crush like to listen to?  I don’t have any irl crushes, can I use a celebrity crush instead? HAHA he’s heavily into jazz and whenever he gets asked for music recos he always gives jazz artists from like the 50s and 60s.
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were?  Gab. Dark brown.
Are there any themes from TV shows that you like to sing along to? The Big Bang Theory and Friends; and then I also liked humming to the themes of Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, and BoJack Horseman. The Phineas & Ferb theme was also a lot of fun to sing along to.
Do you eat dessert after dinner? No, I never do that. I’m usually already full after dinner, and we don’t always have sweets at home anyway.
Have you ever had too much to drink and felt embarrassed about your behavior the next day?  Sure.
When you go out drinking, what do you prefer to drink?  Cocktails. I very rarely go for hard drinks/shots, especially if I brought my own car.
What was the last animal that you saw?  Dog.
What was the last thing that you said to one of your siblings?  I just told my sister I was done using her laptop so she can have it back. My Memories of 2020 DVD turned out to be region-locked so I have to use her laptop every time I want to watch it :(
What is the most expensive thing that you’ve purchased that you paid for:  My Map of the Soul photobook cost me around 5k in total.
What is your favorite messaging program?  Messenger.
Do you eat fast food more than 5 times a week?  Wow no. Aside from being extremely unhealthy, that’s also a LOT of spending??
Have you ever almost drowned?  Yes.
Have you ever learned something shocking about someone through Facebook?  I mean I’ve had to learn about more than one family death through my Facebook feed, which sucks but is nothing I have control over. Otherwise the most shocking thing I’ve seen is probably classmates from high school having their own kids, but at this point I’m used to it already.
What’s the scariest living animal that you’ve petted?  I’m not really afraid of carrying/petting animals especially if there’s a guide or expert nearby, but the most daring one was probably the crocodile I volunteered to hold in Palawan.
Do you remember the first conversation you ever had with the person you currently have feelings for?  Not at all.
Do you dread certain days of the week? If yes, what day/s and why?  I hate Mondays for obvious reasons lol. I don’t know anyone who is actively cheery about reporting back to work.
If you eat oatmeal, do you have it plain or do you have certain toppings that you like to add to it?  I never eat oatmeal. I had that every single day for breakfast from like kindergarten to 4th grade and I vowed never to take a spoonful of it again.
What is the funniest or strangest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say in their sleep?  I dunno. I used to keep a log of the things my ex used to say in her sleep and a great deal of them were hilarious, but obviously I deleted that note a long time ago.
Choose one - Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers:  Butterfinger.
Do you use Mozilla Firefox? Nopes.
Who is your favorite person to hug? Angela and Laurice.
Have you ever had to have a mug shot?  Nope.
What was the last thing you carried to your room?  Kimi.
When was the last time you had a late night phone call?  WELL over a year ago.
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noodlerama · 4 years
When you listen to music and think about how Akko probably bugs Diana when she's spends all day in her study, wanting her to take a break but she insists that she MUST get this report done tonight. Akko however is having none of it and takes her mp3 out, starts playing some upbeat music and dancing like a dork in front of her. Diana does not look amused asking "must she do that here?" and Akko who keeps jiving to the music in a language Diana can only understand parts of stretches out her hand only wearing a goofy smile. Diana feigns annoyance which eventually gives way to a smile and a sigh of defeat saying she true is incorrigible before taking her hand and being led along to the beat.
She's never heard of this song of really knows what the singer is saying but it doesn't really matter when she's only focusing on the girl in front of her laughing and moving with her to the melody. It's a very clumsy and akward affair, clearly out of tune with the best of the song but all the stress Diana had accumulated seem to just melt away as the dance continued, her mirthful smile became laughter as the amusement of the situation with this silly girl finally caught up to her. Akko pulled her in close having her own giggle for, staring at the face of the laughing blonde that she wish would last forever merely stating "that's what I wanted to see"
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ivalice-tifalucis · 4 years
Suddenly in some random mood with this song again. This song is a prove I was meant to be a Take That fan and most importantly a Gary Barlow fan. I don’t think I have ever told you how important this song is so bear with me. I’m gonna swim deep into this, also telling how I found out about this song which later lead me to become a Take That fan.
This song is a piece from the “dark” days when Gary solely became a songwriter and producer. If you go back to this era, you might think of Blue or Westlife as these lucky people who got Gary (and Eliot Kennedy obvs) as their songwriters. But for me, Delta Goodrem is what always gonna be in my head. I don’t even like Delta Goodrem and “Not Me, Not I” is the only so that I know from her yet this song is one of my favorite song of all time.
“Not Me, Not I” was written in 2003 by our dear Captain and Eliot Kennedy with Kara DioGuardi, Jarrad Rogers, and ofc Delta Goodrem herself. Based from what I read on wikipedia, Delta Goodrem, who at that time was known for her piano ballad singles in Australia, was making her debut album. The whole concept of the album, “Innocent Eyes” was a piano-based pop and ballad. Therefore, she worked to make a good pop ballad songs with bunch of produsers and songwriters and yes two of them were Gary Barlow and Eliot Kennedy. Actually, after I know more about Gary’s discography, I can feel Gary’s presence in the piano ballad. No, he wouldn’t write that kind of lyric, but the piano sound, especially the intro part, it sounds like the reverse version of Forever Love. It’s reversed because instead of being lovey and poetic, this intro feels like sad, anger, and strife. Since then, everytime I listen to this song, I would imagine what Gary was like when he wrote this song and record the piano section for Delta. Tousled short hair, awful goatee, slightly chubby, looking gloomy, sitting with his keyboard in recording room.
Anyway, Gary and Eliot also wrote and produced couple of other songs on this album but only this one became a single, the third single to be exact. It was number one in Australia, all is good.
Cut to around 4 years later, in 2007 (I guess, because I forgot when exactly, could be 2008), Take That was back as TT4, Gary was no longer writing songs and producing them for other people because after more than 5 years, he can finally grace the public eye without being shamed, humiliated, and compared to Robbie Williams. He can write songs that he and his three other mates will sing and perform. All is good. However, at that time, I didn’t know Take That, yet. “Patience” probably played randomly on local radio but I wouldn’t care because I was in my manga/anime and Disney phase, with Queen and Guns N’ Roses and other hard rock bop as a weird mix in between. I rarely listen to radio even then, opting for mp3 mix that me or my dad made. But this is the time when I know this song. It was from my dad, he bought bootleg mp3 mix on mp3 stores (there were plenty back in the day before music streaming became a thing) and one of many songs inside that mp3 mix is this one. My first impression was that this song is a good pop ballad. I replayed this song during the car rides and then my dad ended up loving this too. I love this song so much that I made the cover out of it (and couple of years later I uploaded it to my soundcloud). One of the best song I’ve ever heard yet I had no idea who Delta Goodrem even was.
Cut to three years later, 2010. At this moment, I knew “Rule the World”. One afternoon during fasting month, I came home from school early and accidentally watch Stardust on HBO then came the credits and I love the credits song. Took me a while to find it but I finally found out it was “Rule the World” from IMDB. A song by a band named Take That. It also became one of my favorite song of all time. My brother and my dad also enjoyed it when I tune the song during car ride. My dad even once played “Rule the World” over and over again until I’m sick of it. If only I knew at that time Take That finally as TT5 with Robbie who completed the puzzle. They went to make the best album they ever made, Progress. Sadly, I was also on the brink of depression. New school, new environment, no friend to share, some bullying, betrayed by best friend. To cope with that, I was in youtube phase where I watched so many youtube videos and eventually also music covers. I couldn’t careless about some boyband consists of 5 middle age men. I also watched the “Rule the World” music video but you know that video. The quality is awful you can’t see anyone’s faces. I was also convinced at that time that Take That is a pop-rock band 😂 but Rule the World mv confused me tho. Why were all they singing? But why only the frontman is heard? 😂
Two years later, 2012, I watched them perform “Rule the World” in Olympic closing ceremony and that was when I realize Take That is actually a group band.
2013, I listened to “Impossible” by James Arthur thanks to the fact that it was played on supermarket many times. Later on, I found out this song is a cover and that he sang this as his winner song for The X Factor. I watched the video when he sang this and won and realized that one of The X Factor judge is that guy from Take That. So I googled that to confirm, yep it’s true. I didn’t remember his name tho. I just remember he’s handsome 😂
And then five years later, I got the news that Robbie Williams was filling in as World Cup 2018 opening ceremony performer. To this day I still think it’s weird why they invite Robbie instead of the World Cup song’s singer (should be Jason Derulo or Will Smith). I have known Robbie at this point because my dad sometimes would sing “Feel” or “Better Man” during karaoke. So I watched the ceremony on tv. It was good. So I decided to found out more about Robbie Williams beyond “Feel” or “Better Man” while ofc following the World Cup. By the end of World Cup, I knew so much more about Robbie Williams than I was for the last 23 years of my life. The big shock was when I found out he was in Take That!! What?? But he’s not in “Rule the World”??!! Oh but he left in the 90s, so Take That is originally a boyband in the 90s?? But wait, his most recent stint with Take That was in 2010??!!! They made a successful album??! Then I watched “The Flood” music video where Robbie Williams sang the main part and Take That frontman who also that handsome judge in The X Factor sang the second. It was epic!!!! Then I start to remember his name, Gary Barlow. That name would never be erased from my head as I read his wikipedia page to found out that he wrote “Not Me, Not I”. One of my most favorite song of all time. The song that I’ve been singing so many times. Turns out, he made that song. He made “Rule the World”. I was mindblown. No wonder I love these songs.
And that’s the beginning of the journey.
Anyway, this is the album version where you can hear (possibly) Gary’s piano playing. I put Delta’s 10th anniversary version from youtube at the top because I love her performance there. Such an underrated singer.
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breadoffoxy · 5 years
Changing Tides | 3
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Summary: At a young age you thought you had your life all figured out. You would marry your crush and become a world renown artist. It was perfect. That is until a childhood friend, your clumsy cousin, an intimidating rival, a nosy neighbor, an art prodigy, a beautiful dancer and a perfectionist workaholic destroyed those plans for better or for worse.
Pairing: some f. reader x Hoseok, f. reader x Jungkook, and f. reader x Jimin
Genre: Slice of Life, awkward teenage years to college au, eventual romance, angst, fluff
Word Count: 1,535
Warnings: Mentions of arguing parents and divorce
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“Hurry up slow-poke!”
“Shut up you stupid muscle bunny!” You grunt under the stain of your one box as you slowly trudge through the doorway. Ahead of you is said muscle bunny carrying two heavy boxes with ease towards the moving truck. His white shirt is wet with some sweat but that only makes the back muscles you pretend not to notice clearer.
“Here let me help.”
Hands reach towards the box in your hands. Even though the person is blocked from your vision you know that voice and clumsily try to dodge out of his way.
“No way Joon, this is a delicate box!”
A sigh of defeat is all you hear. Even he can’t deny his powers of destruction as he already destroyed a vase. It was ugly as hell but both of your parents argued over it. Good riddance you say.
“Why don’t you get the car playlist ready?” If there’s one thing you can trust your cousin with it’s that.
“On it.” Namjoon pulls out his bulky new mp3 player he spent forever saving up for as he heads for the shaded porch. He’s discussed to you the finer points of what he thinks of digital versus analog but the large portable music library has its plus.
The box you are carrying disappears and you see your childhood friend carefully organizing it into the back of the truck. “That should be it right?”
“Yeah, that should be it. I’m just going to double check my room really quick.”
The boy smiles at you, and all of a sudden it hits you. You won’t be able to see that smile nearly as much anymore. Just a few weekends here and there when you have to be swapped between your parents. You can feel your eyes getting watery as you try to commit the boy who turned into a young man in front of your eyes to memory. You made plans for how the two of you would rule your new high school but all of that is for naught now. From his sweet smile that coined his bunny nickname, to the glitter in his eyes, and even that small scar on his cheek, you want to remember it all.
The smile Jungkook wears slowly slides away and his gaze turns to one of concern. Oh god you promised yourself you wouldn’t cry. You quickly plaster a smile on your face.
“Why don’t you help Namjoon out with some music?” Jungkook glances between you and your cousin a couple of times. The concerned look is still there. You can tell he’s torn between hanging out with your cousin who he idolizes and figuring you out, which you know he can do too easily.
As if sensing your plight or just being completely oblivious to the air around you, Namjoon yells across the yard, “Hey Jungkook, have you heard the new Drake song?”
And that hits the nail on the head and Jungkook’s eyes sweep back to your cousin excitedly. You’re a little jealous how quickly the two bonded over music as it was yours and your cousin’s thing, but you’re happier that it helped the shy boy out of his shell a little. Namjoon wasn’t a bad role model as long as you didn’t sneak through his computer. Your eyes will never be the same after that.
“It’s so good I can’t believe it!” He jogs over to Namjoon and your smile turns real for a little bit as you watch him.
Quickly, you head inside and your face goes into a neutral expression as you pass the defeated form of your father in the entry way. He didn’t take the divorce well. You don’t blame him but you also don’t have much sympathy either. The whole process deteriorated your relationship as a side of him came out that was hostile and demeaning.
“Hey Kiddo.” You stop in your tracks and turn to look at him. He hugs your tense form barely for a second before stepping back. “Take care of yourself. Call me if you need anything.”
And that’s that. He walks away into the hallway leading to his office and doesn’t look back. The hurt that strikes you shocks you and you dash towards your room. The tears slowly come at first and once you’re in your room the tears come flooding down. Your hand comes up to your mouth to muffle the tiny sobs as you cry at the things that were. Fifteen years you have spent in this house with both of your parents, with this room as yours, and now it is devoid of what makes it you. Just your bed and a couple decorations remain. There’s no telling how long your dad will leave it as is and not refurnish it to his own purposes.
The tears eventually slow, and through your sniffles you spot something peeking behind your desk. Lethargically, you move across the room and kneel down to get a better look.
“Now how did you get down here?”
Wedged between the wall and your desk is one of your old sketchbooks. A few of the pages are bent at awkward angles. You stick your hand behind the desk but have a hard time reaching it. Determined to get it you crawl around trying to get into the best position and stretch your arm as far as it can go.
“Aha!” Your fingers finally grasp the edge of the book. The victory sound turns to a grumble as it barely moves when you pull it. And then something that feels like a hand slaps against your butt, which makes your head canter into the desk with a thunk.
“Hahaha…Oh my god I’m so sorry!” Jungkook’s laughter morphs into an apology after hearing your yell of pain. Your eyes are shut from the surprise of what just happened but you feel him kneel down next to you. His fingers probe at your head carefully.
“Can you just move the table back a little bit?”
Quickly he stands up and does as you ask. You pull the artbook out easily and scoot back until you reach the corner of your room. Curling into yourself slightly you finally open your eyes and glance at the once again concerned looking Jungkook hovering over you.  You pat the ground next to you and Jungkook sits with his knees just slightly bumping yours.
“Your spending too much time with Namjoon. Don’t go breaking me now.”
Glancing over to the boy, you find his gaze immediately. It’s too heavy and it feels like your drowning in his brown eyes. Emotions rise up which nearly trigger the water works again. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to try to get some control. You hate how much you will miss him.
A weight falls on your shoulder and you tense slightly before relaxing. You open your eyes back up to see Jungkook’s head resting there as he carefully takes the sketchbook from you. Slowly he flips through the pages and the nostalgia hits you. Along with the feeling every artist gets.
“Ahh these are worse than I remember. I was so bad.”
Jungkook continues to flip through the pages. “Yeah, you’re a lot better now, but for a kid these were pretty good.”
The pages stop turning as it comes to a familiar self portrait of yourself. With the lightest touch Jungkook traces a finger along the drawing of a smiling you with headphones.
“This one is still my favorite.”
“Haha and I say it’s still the worst.”
Before Jungkook could refute you, you snatch the notebook back.
“Hey, I’m not done- whoah no stop!”
Jungkook head rises quickly from your shoulder and tries to stop you from ripping the page out. He scrambles on all fours to try when you just turn to stop him but it’s too late. The boy freezes with his eyes wide and mouth open. What you did was just blasphemy.
“Take it since you like it so much.” You smile sadly as you hand it to your friend. He takes it as if you just handed him the most precious artifact and still looks as if he is in shock. “It can be my good-bye present, or I guess more like a see you later?”
Gently, Jungkook places the picture on the ground next to him and the next thing you know, strong arms are pulling you into him. You wrap your arms around him and the both of you can feel each other shaking. You can feel something wet drop on the crook of your neck where his head rests, and you know he can feel the same as well.
Namjoon awkwardly hovers at the door unsure of what to do. Sadly, he watches the scene in front of him. Outside your window he can see the forms of his mother and aunt waiting near the moving truck and car. His eyes shut to give the two of you a longer moment, but eventually he opens them and moves into the room.
“Sorry y/n, but it is time to go.”
Jungkook gives you a final tight squeeze and then slowly lets you go.
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sagamemes · 6 years
podiots sentence starters, part i.   contains 143 lines of dialogue collected from episodes one through three of the vidiots’ fortnightly podcast podiots. i’ve edited some lines to fit roleplay better, and randomised the order. contains two mentions of violence against nazis---last two sentences on the list, if don’t want to see it---feel free to change those into your muse’s in-universe equivalents, as well as edit anything else needed to fit your muse’s mouth or life better.
❝ after my dad showed me that, i never trusted him again. ❞
❝ that’s actually an explanation for a lot of ghost sightings, carbon monoxide poisoning. there are symptoms that cause like hallucinations and feelings of dread and fear. ❞
❝ i would be called chocolate thunder, and i’d wear a cape. ❞
❝ would you just get over it? i was a kid! ❞
❝ it was just this weird rag doll girl who happened to be in a bikini just falling, forever. ❞
❝ is there ever not a sexual element to it?! ❞
❝ well, you’ve clearly never met a salaried genie who’s on a retainer. ❞
❝ you’ve had your money taken. ❞
❝ i just want people to pay attention, for fuck’s sake. ❞
❝ you guys are really into your obscure shit. ❞
❝ it’s a bit like class tourism, isn’t it? ❞
❝ that’s what i was saying, this is---this is probably not legal. ❞
❝ you asked to bring weird things. ❞
❝ boy, do i hate facebook! ❞
❝ to be fair, her balloon animals are quite impressive. ❞
❝ jesus, why aren’t you on neopets yet? ❞
❝ you can’t always afford the homemade stuff. and typically, there’s less of it. and sometimes it’s not very good. and you’re paying a premium! ❞
❝ i’m so fucking over [thing]. to be fair, i ruined it for myself. ❞
❝ he’s just some time traveller, fucking with them with a fucking mp3 player. ❞
❝ what the fuck is a ‘num noms’? ❞
❝ so it’s a miracle that [name] didn’t asphyxiate himself as a child, and it’s amazing that i didn’t have some kind of cardiac issue almost immediately in my late teens. what do you bring to the table here? ❞
❝ i’m a big fan of weird gameboy stuff. ❞
❝ i’m like that rabbit from alice in wonderland. tiny, and late, and white. ❞
❝ it’ll make you terrified of ever going to a hotel again. ❞
❝ i like watching it but it’s not teaching me anything. ❞
❝ no, i don’t think there was any bubbles in it. ❞
❝ what do your mums think about what you’re doing? ❞
❝ gho-mophobic. that was a really difficult pun. ❞
❝ should we just start it? should we just go without him? ❞
❝ not that i could out-style you in any capacity. ❞
❝ i shouldn’t have asked for a horse. ❞
❝ our problem was nobody would take us seriously. ❞
❝ i’ve spent months trying to explain the job to her. my old job, she kind of got that, but now... ❞
❝ about halfway into the first [food] i went ‘oh... this is a lot of food’.---/i ate it all/, and then i felt sick for the rest of the sunday. ❞
❝ you were skirting around it, but if you ask me, directly, that’s what i’m going to say. ❞
❝ say a ghost laid a ghost poo on the floor, does it just stay there forever? ❞
❝ do you have an answer to this? because i’ve never given /any/ thought... ❞
❝ i’ve heard somewhere you can do that now. ❞
❝ my mum thinks you’re very funny, [name]. ❞
❝ no, that was all you. every penny, all you. ❞
❝ not the reason i was there, but it was a nice benefit. ❞
❝ stop. i mean---don’t stop. but /stop/. ❞
❝ [name] is the kind of man who’s so rich, he thinks a can of beans costs two thousand dollars. ❞
❝ just before going/coming in, my taxi driver said ‘oh, be careful, people get stabbed around here, bye!’ ❞
❝ be aware that this is /not/ a donation to a charitable cause. ❞
❝ i just do shots of olive oil. ❞
❝ no wonder he’s so fucking weird. ❞
❝ get a big old truck, for all that junk inside your trunk. ❞
❝ you’re not supposed to put cotton swabs in there, let alone a lit flame. ❞
❝ fuck you... [name]. i’m gonna... suck. your dick. ❞
❝ i’ve admittedly grown more bold with my culinary disgusts. ❞
❝ my chocolate shotgun, it’s a legally non-threatening weapon. ❞
❝ you did look very smart. very respectable. ❞
❝ everyone’s pulled the legs off a daddy longlegs, but that’s just like level one, that’s where you leave it. ❞
❝ see, that just sounds like batman. ❞
❝ i forgot that was the origin of this. ❞
❝ i feel like there’s something in the air. ❞
❝ there’s cosplaying and dressing up, and then there’s furries. ❞
❝ obviously, he--i mean i say obviously, like it’s /logical/, but... ❞
❝ if they did that, it’d be a lot more convenient for me. sometimes, it’s not the end of the world, is all i’m saying. ❞
❝ i am a freak. i have hands and feet, and if you’d saw me, you’d be petrified. ❞
❝ they have a meal deal which is like [£40/€45/$55]. and you get like a 25" square pizza, like seven garlic breads, and several ice creams. i could never make a dent in that, but the idea of it sounds very sexy. ❞
❝ well, he’ll be back soon! ❞
❝ you know, like a hammer throw---if i tied a string around it, i think i could throw a ps2 pretty far. properly like, swing it around, lean against it, do a spin. ❞
❝ day to day... i don’t eat breakfast. ❞
❝ we’re trying to be on everything, that’s our goal. ❞
❝ my finishing move would be called the ‘fuck you.’ ❞
❝ but i could never do that, i've got stuff to do! ❞
❝ i like dad rock. ❞
❝ if you’re having a party, i’m going to tell you what to do. ❞
❝ she looks far more normal than i expected. ❞
❝ i asked metaphorically, not physically. ❞
❝ i asked for some ___. we got about fifty. we only needed five. ❞
❝ there’s still time to save this american icon. ❞
❝ there were two [job title]s in there, who were like, super young and sexy men with really nice hair. ❞
❝ it’s read like it’s a documentary, not like ‘haha, and then he died!’ ❞
❝ i don’t want my lampshade looking at me! ❞
❝ give him something to do, he’ll be quiet, [name] and i can go to the shops and talk about where our marriage went wrong. ❞
❝ you don’t need to look at the front. usually, you’re behind ____. if he’s got a nice arse, that’s all that matters. ❞
❝ what’s your favourite cereal? ❞
❝ i’m just saying---sometimes local shops are shit. ❞
❝ i don’t think if you know this, [name]---i think you do, because you told me. ❞
❝ you take kids to a mcdonald’s, they’ll play at mcdonald’s. ❞
❝ you exist and then you don’t. ❞
❝ [name] is going through some financial issues, by which i mean, it’s fucked. ❞
❝ that’s a bit morbid. ❞
❝ i was thinking about ____ earlier. yeah, it crosses my mind at least like once an hour. ❞
❝ i had a great day, we went outside for lunch, i got gelato, it was great! ❞
❝ the tabloids loved the story. ❞
❝ you have to be really confused. ❞
❝ i really wanted to include h. h. holmes in this list because he’s my favourite murderer. ❞
❝ we’re not journalists, we’re just idiots on the internet. ❞
❝ it’s not the kind of name you gloss over. ❞
❝ ‘how did it get there?’ this is a /talking mongoose/ and you’re wondering how it got there? ❞
❝ is he a cat?! ❞
❝ i bought a replacement [name]. ❞
❝ i grew up in a village that didn’t even have a supermarket. ❞
❝ he was just---he was borderline abusive in my own house. ❞
❝ that’s gonna take you forever! ❞
❝ okay, well, i’m uncomfortable, what are we doing? ❞
❝ we’re not like... ‘i think i can make a joke about fighting your mother while playing a game’. we don’t know that well. ❞
❝ he’s like a genie, we only get one wish per day. ❞
❝ you take a drink and then you’re like ‘i don’t wanna drink too loud’ so you end up taking a tiny amount but then you don’t want to swallow too loud so you sort of inhale it a little bit and you’re like ‘i can’t cough, i can’t cough’... ❞
❝ now, [name] just heard that i wanted the attention and instantly decided he needed it instead. ❞
❝ we’re in dire need of new shelves. that money is going straight to shelves. ❞
❝ i never played ____. i kinda missed that train. ❞
❝ i could do the face for free. ❞
❝ it’s immediately feeling very warm in here. ❞
❝ presumably, this guy owns a lot of toys, so num noms is a thing. ❞
❝ i think that’s just a [region/state] thing. ❞
❝ let’s play a game called ‘how many people did they murder?’ ❞
❝ who is getting out of this room alive? ❞
❝ it’s like that song about the grandfather clock. ‘and it stopped, short, never to go again, when the ooold maaan died’. ❞
❝ [in the tune of new york] you’ll get punched in yoouur face. ❞
❝ don’t---don’t entertain his odd nonsense! ❞
❝ i don’t like people! i want my own space! ❞
❝ that’s something i always found really fascinating, like just wanting the username ‘batman’. how early would you have to be just to be ‘batman’? ❞
❝ you can’t complain about something disappearing if you’ve not been using it. ❞
❝ oh yeah, i always go to the dentist and get my brows done. ❞
❝ i loved [old place], and [this place] is also very lovely, it’s just a lot more expensive. ❞
❝ it’s a shame. just a couple of months longer and you would’ve had some employee rights. ❞
❝ there is a very good balloon elmo in this picture. ❞
❝ so, with all of this, what do you think the result is of this kind of upbringing and toxic relationship with your mother? ❞
❝ yeah, think about that. maybe we don’t like you. ❞
❝ they're’s so comfortable, i could almost fall asleep. ❞
❝ could you take this bottle of water, pour it in the sink, fill it again, and bring back to me? ❞
❝ it’s a sex number, i like it. ❞
❝ so what did the police do?---return him to [person]. ❞
❝ i wish /my/ mum thought i was funny. ❞
❝ okay, that’s gonna be interesting, having someone with a blade on my throat. ❞
❝ they can fire me if they want! they can fire me! ❞
❝ i don’t know why i said ‘basically’ like i’m about to explain how the internet works. ❞
❝ before, i had---there’s a shame element, isn’t it? you don’t want to do it because you’re afraid of judgement. ❞
❝ at one point, he had me squatting barefoot in my own bath. ❞
❝ eventually, we’re just gonna have to buy a storage locker for all this stuff. ❞
❝ i’ve got quite a sizeable list, i won’t talk about all of them. ❞
❝ how did we become the internet goblins we are today? ❞
❝ are you allergic to a.i.? ❞
❝ at least this is something you’re self-aware. if it was something other people had picked up on... ❞
❝ we have yellow and black, kind of a barry b. benson inspired look. ❞
❝ i was very disappointed at like eight when i found out they weren’t called ‘the food fighters’. ❞
❝ oh yeah, kicking hitler and shooting nazis is a lot of fun. ❞
❝ i’d love to throw a bop it extreme at hitler’s face, is what i’m saying, and i could do it from a long distance away. ❞
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readmylip-s · 6 years
thank u, next.
so here we are, a week left until we usher in the new year. 2018 is probably one of the more major roller coaster rides i’ve had for a while now. i’ve had quite a few accomplishments and fcos the usual emotional-down-turns. i’ve also had tons of blessings and a lot of lessons learnt through the year. i’ve always been told to count my blessings so thats exactly what i’ve been doing. 
if you know me you’d know i prefer keeping my social circle small, though it may not seem that way on socmed. but thats the thing, thats social media. i dont revolve my life around social media. i think i’ve said this way too many times - what you see is only what i choose to show. on a personal level, i rlly prefer the company of a small group of people, even if it means just hanging out with one or two friends. i think 2018 is also the year i’ve had one of the most me-time. i enjoy going to the movies alone, having the entire couple seat to myself, i love sitting at starbucks sipping on GT Cream or seasonal drinks and occasionally with a plate of beef pie. teehee.
i’ll prolly share some positive and not so positive highlights of my year, as well as all the blessings i’ve had through the year. 
this year, just like the past 2 years, i landed myself in the hospital. 
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pretty much because of the same old issues i’ve been having. was put on oxygen supply for quite a fair bit, had multiple needles poked through my skin, and multiple bags of glucose. it was a crazy period because it was during the fasting month and prior to the hospitalization, i was fasting. and even when i was in the a&e and eventually warded, i was still not allowed to have food. i was cranky, i was upset and best of all? i felt like i was gna faint. i was due for surgery, again, the next day so i couldnt eat. but i was a rebel. during the night, i secretly chewed on Mr Bean pancake that my brother got me when he accompanied me for a bit. so glad i didnt get caught hehe. fast forward, post surgery, i ate like a monster. the little brother was supposed to fly off the next morn for his school trip but he still came to visit me during the night. he even brought me bubble tea?! i was discharged after what seemed to be a torturous 3d2n staycation at NTFGH. 
2018 was the year i get to tick off certain things in my bucket list. i finally, finally did something i really wanted to do.
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i got myself a septum piercing. its a pretty unorthodox thing considering how i dress and all but hey, a girl can dream, and make her own dreams come true. it was on a very random sunday that i decided to get it. but i’m kinda glad i did. i guess all the needles from all my hospitalizations helped me coped with the needle that poked through my septum. pretty sure this is only gna be a phase so all you hateful people, shut your trap. hahahaha. :)
also this year, i finally got to climb a mountain again. 
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it was DFOALC’s first overseas staff expedition. (no, i wouldnt consider pulau ubin ‘overseas’, haha) it was the toughest climb i’ve had of all the 4 climbs i’ve done before. in summary - my injury acted up during the ascend and descend, and i also almost lost my life to Gunung Berembun. i survived, alhamdulillah. i just needed my cast when i got back to Singapore. phew. 
moving on to counting my blessings, i call them my constants. 
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its no surprise that AY is one of the greatest blessing i never knew i needed in my life. i never know where to begin when it comes to how beyond blessed i am for his presence in my life. its still so surreal how we were friends for the longest time and now we’re planning for a future together?! WHAT. hold on, time! 
it is rlly crazy how this whole love thing works. but whatever that is, it has brought so much joy in my life. and AY has made me the happiest kid ever since we began our journey in chasing NZ! thank you, AY. you’re so bloody amazing, and i can’t wait to spend forever and a day with you. dont know what i did to deserve you but i’m glad i did. x
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my bestfriend; nurul. we went through our poly days together, and even when we were separated in to different classes, we still made it a point to have lunch together atleast once or twice a week. clingsterzx much. we even applied for the same job together and among our group of friends who applied, only the two of us got it. is this fate or what?! thank you sissy for being there, always. and for always being the one with the sneaky pick me ups, and listening to all my sob stories. but please dont degil when i try to help you find a boyfriend??? but if you insist then i hope you find your oppa lah okay. we have had our differences and our bumpy ride but what doesnt kill us makes us stronger, yes? so much love for you, sissy! x
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my other bestfriend, zulh.jsmn. this photo is the exact representation of our bestfriendship. he annoys the living shit outta me but i have got no choice but to accept him the way he is. unlike nurul, this one is lowkey always asking me to find him a girlfriend. smh. your day will come soon, buddy. i’m grateful for all the times you made sure i was always in check. also for being my guitarist bcus i’m that much of a loser who cant play the guitar, and most importantly for the letter you wrote to me 5 years ago for me to look back to when i feel like the worst person on earth. oh and all the times you traveled down for me just to send food that you cooked so i’d have food to break my fast with during my internship?!?! you always have the most interesting gifts for me whether its for my birthday or just a random gift. the box of clouds from genting, i still have it! appearing in Chicago with SD and a guitar to sing me a birthday song at midnight for my 19th birthday. and the lantern we flew for my 20th birthday in Tennessee at midnight? i choose to believe its still flying somewhere in the sky! thank you, buddy for everything. smell ya in futura tomato saucin, buddiok! #OHOS #GBT #NZV lives! 
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my sister, SD. oh sisthur, the resemblance we have is uncanny. it is no wonder people automatically recognize us as sisters through photos. our taxi stand incident will always be etched at the back of my mind. it is one i would never forget bcus it is that one short incident that led us to how close we are up till today. though things cannot be exactly how i imagined it to be, i’m still glad i have you almost entirely. here’s to more sisthur hangz! sayang sawah! x
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and of course, my number one constant, my only older brother. you suck and you’re such an idiot but you care for me in ways no other human would. no one, and i rlly mean no one, can ever take your place in my life, for blood is thicker than water. i promise, to always make you proud of me. and i too promise that when the day comes that you shed your tears for me, i’d cheer you up and promise to always be the same baby sister you grew up with. thank you, for calling me your bestfriend, and for loving me with all your life. growing up together hasnt been an easy feat but i’m glad our rivalry only lasted through the times we wore the same sneakers, shared the same room and have the same mp3 player. you rlly suck sometimes but i love you every other day. x 
/wow so much of a summary and a wrap up, nurfa./
but yep, these pretty much sums up my 2018. fcos there were pockets of crazy shit that happened through the year; from suffering cuts and bruises bcus of anxiety attacks, to losing my sanity, to falling out of a relationship, to my injury and to losing friends i thought who would be around a little longer. 
some other things i ticked off my bucket list was meeting Haqim Mokhtar and watch him perform live, singing on stage (i got to sing with sufian suhaimi!), being present for TLV gigs, and fcos, completing my desired Nike Collection hehehehe.
i am very much thankful to God for allowing me to unlearn and relearn whatever i needed to. i dont really do resolutions but in 2018, my goal was just to seek happiness. i’m glad to say that i have achieved my goal of being happy. and in 2019, i pray for constant happiness with the people i love most, and for inner peace. may 2019 be the year i break the chain of having to be hospitalized, and may 2019 also be the year of recovery. 
x, nvrfa 
1623 | 23rd December 2018
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The End Has No End: The Modern Age EP and Future Present Past
The Modern Age EP
In 1998, the Strokes as a band officially finalized their roster with the addition of Albert Hammond Jr. For the next two years, the group would rehearse and perform all over New York City. Most times, they would practice at the spacious Music Building in Midtown Manhattan with its 69 studios. Their first performance would take place in September 1999 at a venue called the Spiral. Soon after, they would play at various rock clubs in the city including the Luna Lounge and the Hifi Bar on the Lower East Side . Eventually, the Strokes began playing at the Mercury Lounge in Manhattan, where they met the venue’s booker, Ryan Gentles. He would soon quit his job there to become their full-time manager. They began to perform a 14 song set list that included many tracks that appeared on Is This It, but it must be noted that those original performances contained different lyrics. In 2000, the band met producer Gordon Raphael after a show at the Luna Lounge, who then agreed to produce a demo for them. They would go into his studio to record The Modern Age EP. The tracks on the demo included “The Modern Age,” “Last Nite,” and “Barely Legal.” They began shopping the EP to various record labels, which ultimately landed with Rough Trade Records in England. A week ahead of the release of the EP, New Musical Express offered a free MP3 download of one track from the recording, “Last Nite.” With their demo attracting attention in the UK, numerous record labels began a bidding war for the Strokes. Such a thing had not occurred for any rock band in a number of years. The group would not even be featured on a cover of any music publication until Fader in August 2001. The amount of hype and the speed in which the band was signed did irritate some people thinking that the group had not worked very hard to earn the contract. Some looked upon lead singer Julian Casablancas as having his father use his connections to secure the deal. The importance of this release cannot be understated because it introduced the world to the band, as well as their signature hit “Last Nite.” The success of it led to new interest in other garage rock acts like the Hives and the White Stripes. The reason for the tremendous amount of buzz that the band attracted that summer of 2001 stemmed primarily from the fact that rock listeners seemed somewhat bored. All the new music at the time, most specifically the nu metal of groups like Limp Bizkit, had run its course with many fans. As for the music itself on the release, “Last Nite” is the only one that sounds just like the version on Is This It. All of the tracks would be re-recorded for with a different tempo, different lyrics, and modified song structures. A physical copy of the EP still attracts attention today due to its value as a piece of New York City rock history.
Future Present Past
In May 2016, Julian Casablancas premiered a new track from the band entitled “OBLIVIUS” during the debut of his Sirius XMU show, Culture Void. Drag Queen" premiered on Zane Lowe's Beats 1 show, while "Threat of Joy" did so on Annie Mac's BBC Radio 1 show. At the same time, Julian’s label Cult Records would announce that they would be releasing a four track EP of new music. The release announcement also coincided with the news that the Strokes had officially signed with the label. They had been without one since fulfilling their five record deal with RCA records in 2013. The EP consisted of “OBLIVIUS,” “Drag Queen,” “Threat of Joy,” and a remix of “OBLIVIUS” by Fab Moretti. Future Present Past would be released in early June at the same time of their performance at the music festival Governors Ball in New York City. The release had been recorded in New York City and Austin, Texas with producer Gus Oberg. This recording would be the first one since their inaugural release of The Modern Age EP. Each track seemed to represent a different type of sound from the group. Critics would compare the song “Drag Queen” to Joy Division or New Order, which seemed far and away from the garage rock sound of their early days. In contrast, they made a specific to offer the song “Threat of Joy” as a way to go back to a sound similar to Is This It. “OBLIVIUS” tried to provide a much more upbeat rhythm when compared with the more serious “Drag Queen.” Many writers would make the comment that the sound on the EP coincided perfectly with the title. The record would receive a positive response for the most part with the major criticism being it was too short. Consequence of Sound would say, “Mystery has forever shaped the mythology behind the Strokes, and they're rarely so forthcoming. Which is why Casablancas' peculiar transparency is one of the more alluring accomplishments." New Musical Express wrote, “Perhaps the highest compliment you could pay this EP is that if you didn't know who it was and had no preconceived notions about what it should—or shouldn't—sound like, you'd think you had stumbled across something very special indeed."
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Life Story Part 64
Jumping between living at my father's and my mother's was a challenge. My father had this false sense of promise to get me on track, but what he really seemed more interested in was using my vulnerable and helpless situation to make me feel like a mooch. This isn't to say that he was not charitable in most regards. I never was made to feel like I had to pay for anything I used, water or food. My father liked/likes feeling needed – it gave him some kind of control over me. I didn't have a social security card so I couldn't work. I didn't have a license or the knowledge of how to drive, so I couldn't leave myself to go get those things. I was becoming more and more reclusive. I think all in all, he actually wanted me there forever. It just came to him occasionally that he felt that something was wrong with me being there. Rather than see his own involvement, he would blame me.
I think I read the driver's ed manual about ten times. My father promised he would teach me to drive, and then I would go get the permit and he would never take me out to drive at all. So I would go back, reread the damn manual, go take the test only to let it sit and expire again. It never went anywhere. I soon realized it never would go anywhere, and I gave up. Sometimes, when I woke up in the morning, my father would just start yelling at me about how I needed to grow the fuck up and get a job. I tried to explain that I needed things to go get a job I needed a license to leave Kendrick, I needed the SS Card, a Birth Certificate. Those things had been lost. He would rant about how I didn't seem like I a was living in the real world. I wasn't enough like him I guess. He was in this strange unstable place between being proud and angered by my interest in philosophy and my novels. I seemed very malleable on the surface. I tried to give every indication of believing and accepting what people said. My thoughts about everything where very complicated, but I instinctively tried to play myself off as being painfully simple. It angered him on some personal level because he had now worked at ATK for almost thirty years. He had given up his dreams to become a factory worker. He suffered repeated disappointments with women online. He went from being in love to high levels of resentment. He was aging. He hadn't dealt with any of the bad things that had happened. He was becoming more and more unstable. He knew me well enough to know that I was actually looking for a reason to live. And he had forsaken that a long time ago.
Of course I would have attempted to find work in Kendrick, but people in the town thought I was a heroin addict and I still needed the identity stuff to get a job anywhere. There really was no more than about four or five places to work anyway. Then, Carol, Sarah's mom – who must have felt some need to look out for me found an opening for me to make some money. The bike path that had replaced the old railroad tracks that Rachelle and I used to play on as kids had trees growing besides the trail. The city had decided to appoint some of the city council to a subdivision called the Tree Committee. Carol was part of the city council in some fashion, or was at least politically active in the town, for whatever that was worth, and she was given the role of mulching trees, and keeping the trail and areas around the crick clean. She was busy painting or remodeling someone's home up in the hills, so she instead offered me the job. It would pay 10 dollars an hour, and they had a set number of hours they wanted me to work over the course of the next two months. That was how much their budget would allow. It was warming up again – around March. I stood to earn about 1200 dollars by doing this work. What's more, I could set my own hours, though it seemed kind of necessary to get up early and go down.
I would often go down there, wielding my pruning sheers, my gloves, a small shovel and a hoe. The sky was always elegant in the morning, the temperature was perfect. Birds and trees were shaded differently, and the landscape looked surreal. It was very peaceful work. The job required me to do various tasks. I had to learn from scratch how to build these sort of rock domes that would shade these little trees that had been planted that year. The seeds were sourced from some great trees from Vermont, from what I remember. In fifty more years, I am sure they will be lovely. I grew protective and proud of the little guys. I made sure no weeds built up around them or choked them out. Generally I would do this in the morning before the sun took over. I tried to be done by one in the afternoon, since it eventually became too hot. I would watch the school buses and sometimes my own former classmates, going on to complete their last year of senior year.
Once, Samantha and her new boyfriend, Kyle's little brother Daryl, who was three years younger than us (I thought this coupling bizarre) went down to the bike path area where I was working in order to have a smoke. Sam saw me out there hands deep in dirt. I must have looked a bit ragged. Honestly, though, I didn't feel all that badly. I loved being away from people outside in the morning. I hated waking up of course, but I really did love being out in nature. I enjoyed seeing bear tracks and sometimes even seeing a beaver out there by the water. I felt like I was the free one when I watched all these people I used to recognize or know heading off to the school. There was nothing shameful about what I was doing. I was making money for once. Samantha saw me, and she seemed to look down on me and my work. Later, she talked to Sarah-Mae and told her that she had seen me in a pitiful state working on the bike path, and she had felt bad for me. I laughed. It was such an arrogant assumption to make. It was so basic to judge me for working, or thinking that dirty work was somehow bad.
Mostly out there I would zone out and listen to music in my head. I didn't have an MP3 at the time of course. I think they existed by that time, but it was rather expensive ( especially for me) and I probably didn't even fully understand that MP3 players existed. So I just learned to really internalize music in my mind. I listened to a lot of Billy Bragg. I only knew about three or four songs and I would listen to them intently in my head each morning I went out to work. That, and David Bowie's early album Space Oddity. It really was a nice little summer job overall. Once or twice, I had to go to the city hall and sit through boring discussions on budgeting for city maintenance in the evening. They were god awful boring. Carol seemed to share my sentiments.
I saved up all the money I made, and put it away. I planned to visit with Sarah in Texas with it. Though I didn't quite know when. Then, Sarah told me about how she and Alex had saved up enough to buy tickets to go to the Austin City Limits Festival in Texas in September. The 2007 lineup included The White Stripes and Bob Dylan. I had missed my opportunity to see the White Stripes a few years before, and seeing Bob Dylan obviously would be a dream come true for me. I had to see this guy who's music and thoughts were so integral to my own existence. It was hard for me to even fully believe he was just a person at the time. So I didn't spend a dime of that money. I had just enough to live on for three weeks in Texas, and I planned on visiting in the late summer. Sarah decided she would come visit Idaho for a week and we would take the plane together back to Texas. It was something I could look forward to. I needed to be around someone who actually cared about me as a human being.
There was one day, out working a little later in the evening than I had wanted to (I had taken too many days off), where I ended up getting into somewhat of an accident. Besides keeping the little trees along the path growing happy, I also had a job of cutting dead branches from some of the bigger trees and bushes by the crick, and seeing to it that areas where people liked to make trails to the water itself were kept safe. It was a way to avoid accidents from people who might trip or get hurt. I was having troubles getting to this one tree, so I had to get past these boulders that sloped down into the other side of that tree near the water (kind of hard to explain). I started down the slope, and one of the rocks let loose, and I ended up falling down the hill a ways. I stopped at one point, only to fall again. For the most part it ended up that I was okay. My head was okay, there were no broken bones. But my pinky finger really hurt, and I looked down and realized that there was blood gushing from the side of it. The blood was rolling down my arm and dripping off my elbow. I laid there in shock for a moment, and then realized that there was a snake about a foot away from me. I turned around and there was another one, and another and another. I counted about eighteen snakes all around me. Some of them looked like rattlers. I somehow had managed not to scare them away. For that moment there was a very strange aura of awareness. Snake awareness is very alien to me. They have a strange vibe about them. I mean, I like snakes, but I will never understand them at all. I was worried about getting bit. Many of these snakes were sizable. Thankfully they let me pass and get back on the bike path. I ran home and wrapped my finger, calling it good for the day.
I poured all of my psychological emotion into getting to Texas. It was something to live for, and something to look forward to. I missed Sarah so much. As I worked, I thought a lot of about classism. It was beginning to dawn on me more clearly that not everything about how my life went was freely controlled by the consequences of my own actions. I mean this not to shuttle the blame or my own personal faults away from myself. Obviously the way I reacted to life was part of my own personal set up exclusionary from what came within. But a great deal of the consequences of my life seemed more set by those who had power. Not intentionally. I didn't believe there was anyone who was actively trying to destroy me (save my parents perhaps). What I mean is that there were opportunities and attitudes I had grown accustomed to based on the fact that I was part of the lower working class. And since I didn't really meld well with the lower class, I felt at odds with what was in front of me. Most people from my sort of background would be drinking and getting ready to have a family, more or less.
People who came from the same wealth bracket as myself didn't like me. And then rich people didn't seem to like me either. I was some kind of oddball alienated from the culture I was supposed to have acclimated to. But in other ways, I reacted just the way I was expected to. That was why teachers hadn't wanted me to be an artist. Art is for rich kids. It was never spelled out to me that way. I was supposed to want what I could realistically achieve. I believe ultimately, that was why I had felt so attacked in high school. But the teachers never had enough self knowledge to realize what they were trying to stop me from doing. In their minds, they were trying to prevent me from ruining my own life. Mike saw potential for me in college. But he didn't want me to expect greatness. He wanted me to maybe have a fighting chance of getting out okay. He had shot down a lot of my ideas, but compared to most of the adults I knew, he was an idealist. Both my parents seemed really stuck in their jobs. They were conditioned to not expect more from life or their relationships, and if you tried to talk about meaningful stuff, I noticed they had these subtle cues and their minds would shut down and if you press further they will get aggravated. I have seen this a lot. It's not that poor people are stupid. They just don't have that hope in them anymore that would give them the notion to question themselves the way they would have to to out-think the conditioning. Their parents kill it, and the school system kills it. I think for the most part, those micro knives that kill the inner idealist and artist are well meant by people who lost their dreams so long ago they don't even remember. It is beaten down, and then there is nothing left.
I probably held onto some wild sense of idealism from early childhood because I am a little bit delusional. I can jump pretty deeply into my own imagination. Plus, my parents were never consistent. I found ways to hide from being truly beaten down. I don't know if being an avoidant delusional is really all that beneficial in the long run, or that I would necessarily suggest it. But it did give me a vantage point of being able to contrast my own world view with those around me. People in various social classes, genders, ethnicity and religions are all conditioned to a certain extent to shut down when they get to their limit of what they think about, what makes them functioning.  And there is a precedent for them to resent one another, consciously or not. Men vs. women, white vs. black. Blaming Mexicans for the economy. It goes on and on. I'm not a crazy George Carlin fan, but I really like how he talked about how they want people just smart enough to run the machines, but not smart enough to question why. In every Truly, I realized that there was something very political about asking questions.  Being that I was from a certain social class, a good deal of the backlash I had received throughout my entire life was due to the fact that I had refused to fit into the place I was supposed to.
Living in a class system like I was seemed wrong to me, but if you studied the corporatist -capitalist system you could definitely tell how and why this system existed. I of course understand that we human beings have some natural tendencies to become clannish. Racism for instance, would still exist under any system of government or economics, as would sexism. I felt like both political parties in a sense, betrayed people, by not opening or asking the right kinds of questions. I thought too about how the richer kids at the high school looked down on me for working outdoors getting my hands dirty as they drove by. I couldn't really be mad at them in a sense. They were small minded and conditioned to think a certain way. Of course, this prejudice stupidity is also probably the worst thing about us as humans and we very well might destroy ourselves with it.
Sarah arrived in July. We were ecstatic to see one another again. Sarah had a tan from working outside so often. She looked great. I had gained ten pounds since the previous year. I had sort of lost my sense of style. What worked and matched my personality didn't work or fit me at eighteen anymore. Most of my clothes were old and ratty, and didn't feel like they suited me. My hair looked frizzy and bad. My eyes hurt all the time, and were beginning to water. I kept one of them clenched shut constantly and just looked out of my left eye. I was even worse at making eye contact. Most of Sarah's week in Idaho she spent with her mother and her grandparents, who really were getting on in their years. But there was this one memorable night that I remember she came down to my house. We were talking and having a good time, but Sarah was getting tired. I always do everything in my power to make my friends stay up late with me. It's just this weird thing I do – I know it's probably selfish to deny a tired friend of their sleep – but I can't really help it. I guess I like steering people in the wrong direction – it's a character flaw I guess. I just don't want good things to end. Anyway, she kept talking to me as she fell asleep on my couch, but I sat besides her and tried to talk to her to make her stay awake. After awhile, she started talking nonsense. She started talking about things that didn't quite make sense. I had somehow accidentally hypnotized her.
It didn't really come to much, I was just extremely amused that I had hypnotized her. Similar to how I used to have conversations with my younger sister Allison when she was three as she slept. I couldn't get Sarah to talk about much of what I wanted to talk about. I mostly just asked her to elaborate on what she was talking about. She was flying in her dream into her mother's shop and was explaining how she was flying into this piece of jewelry that was shaped like a triangle and had a rainbow inside. I didn't have any deep dark questions. Eventually, after talking to her about various things she was seeing, I snapped her out of it. She woke up out of the daze. She had no recollection of having discussed anything with me. She had thought she had been asleep the entire time.
We rode the plane back to Texas. We didn't get a window seat. I was frustrated because there is literally nothing I love more than the window seat of an airplane. Almost nothing. It's definitely in the top 5. In the Denver airport I had the tastiest chocolate chip cookie and Thanksgiving Sandwich I had ever eaten in my entire life. It was so amazing to be out of Idaho. It was so nice to be going somewhere with someone who actually liked me and wanted to know what I had to say. As we waited for a few hours for our flight to board, we looked out the window below us in the flat area outside Denver, and watched the airport flaggers and baggage handlers and airplane technicians working and having serious presumably work related conversations. We did voice overs of what they were saying, and though I don't know what we made them say, I remember feeling it was hysterically fun. I continuously tried to read Notes From the Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and continuously failed. It was occurring me that I never had any fun anymore. Honestly, I hadn't had fun in years. It's hard to explain what that is like. I often found things I found meaningful and enjoyable. But never was there a time when the rug being pulled out from under me was actually any fun at all. I generally just slipped and fell into new lows. I constantly had to watch my back and guess what people's egos were going to make them do. It became exhausting and mind numbingly soul-crushing business for me all the time. Dare I say, it was beginning to wear me down psychologically.
Texas air was thick and muggy. I had not expected that. I thought Texas would be dry for some reason. Alex picked us up and drove us back from the airport to his place. Texas was mostly dry and flat. New Braunfels actually had a hill in it, and it was sort of a big deal in that area since hills were hard to come by. We drove through this big park, and up into the hill area, where there where the houses were mostly very nice. There were these whacky miniature deer that lived in people's yards in herds. I guess Texas people think they are pests, but they seem to have little fear of people and simply graze among suburban neighborhoods. I had never seen such a thing. I was told that one such deer ran into Sarah and Alex's car and dented it. The insurance company had deemed it an act of God.
We stopped into one of these houses. They parked and we went inside. Sarah was excited her home. Inside their portion of the house, they had their own small fridge, a big area where they had a drumset set up, and a fine keyboard. Alex's computer area was in the corner. Their bedroom was painted dark blue. They had a bathroom and Sarah had a small art table to do her arts and crafts. The floor was made out of fake wood, which I was told was cheap, but I actually think was rather classy compared to the raggedy flooring I was accustomed to. They had a pet turtle that some man had randomly given them. Her name was Ruby. She was cute, but her life must have been painfully empty. She just swam in a very small area. I would think that turtle would want to live somewhere like a pond. I was a little bit afraid of Ruby honestly. We existed on entirely different vibrations.
They had this exercise room, and the first thing I noticed upon entering was Alex's step dad, a strange little man I always felt looked like he belonged in Whoville. He was peddling this exercise bike in this nerdy way that almost reminded me of some kind of comedy skit from Saturday Night Live or something. It took everything I had not to start laughing upon seeing him. The only reason I didn't laugh is because I had been warned in advance that whatever I thought when I first saw him it would give me the strong urge to laugh, and I couldn't. He didn't have much of a sense of humor.
The rest of the house was even larger. Their kitchen was big. They had a sun room, a living room, a study, a dining room and a large bedroom. It was a opulent. Alex's mother Rebecca was a small round blonde lady with a strong southern accent and a certain endearing honesty about her. She was a genuine sweetheart. Alex's mother had met Robert (his stepdad) in some kind of radio contest dating thing. She had gone on one date with him – weighed out her options and happily jumped on board. Robert was incredibly rich. He worked for a university. He had very unique skills in mathematics and had a masters degree. He brought home a lot of money.
The room I was to stay in for three weeks was simple, but nice. Plus, I had my own big bathroom. The bathtub was actually more of a Jacuzzi. It was admittedly, much nicer than what I was used to. I almost didn't know what to do with it. I was so happy to be out of the environment I was used to. I was far away from my parents, or the lonely need that my younger brother and sister seemed to have for me. They had both grown to be quite emotionally dependent on me. When you get away from negativity from your surroundings that is slowly killing you from within and without, it can almost be shocking to step into something where nothing is out to get you and nobody wants to hurt you. I had dyed my hair rainbow (temporarily). I planned on having fun and being myself for awhile. I only read one book in those three weeks – John Steinbeck's 'East of Eden'.
I feel like it was a little boring there sometimes, though I never was bored (I actually don't get bored and don't really know what that feels like – I can always generate something to do). Sarah and Alex laid in bed a lot. Of course, I stayed up all night using Sarah's super old laptop (it was probably a 98) to surf the web and at least attempt to check my MySpace. Sarah and Alex didn't have very much money. While it was true they didn't have to pay the rent or anything, at least after they had rescued Alex's parents fish when their giant aquarium had randomly burst (this endeared them to make the rent free for some reason), they were only making five dollars an hour and working twenty-five hours a week tops, which was terrible money even in 2007. The only thing they could really afford to do was eat and sleep and watch Futurama reruns. I often times would sit at their bedside and try to get Sarah and Alex's energy up. I tried to be humorous and entertaining and engaging. I tried to get them excited about stuff. I think they liked my company, but ultimately I could never get them to do very much.
Texas itself definitely wasn't my style. Texas gets HOT for one. It was oddly rainy that year in that part of Texas, and that helped, but when it was hot outside, I felt like I was walking around on Mercury. I didn't see any rhinestone cowboys as I had hoped. I was told that those types resided in the other parts of Texas, though I am sure they were stuffed here and there and I just never had a good chance to see them. I sometimes played Sarah's drum. I knew little to nothing about drumming. Alex taught me where you were supposed to put your feet and how you were supposed to play the drums, but I disregarded the rules of drumming in favor of making up songs. I mostly came up with made up theatrical military songs about British imperialism for some reason. I played the role of a stuffy egomaniac British officer singing to the beat of the drums about his conquests.
Alex's parents were gone for most of the entire time I was there. They left the day after I arrived. Robert I think had early stage prostate cancer, and he had to go get his final tests and such done to make sure it was gone (it was). This gave us a somewhat freer reign of the house in a way we might not have had if they had been home. I got to know Alex a whole lot better. He liked reading and writing quite a bit – so we did have that in common. I think mostly, he found me entertaining. At one point during those three weeks, we challenged one another to a chocolate chip cookie eating contest at some point. Basically, we spent thirty dollars on Albertson's brand chocolate chip cookies that come in the purple bags that they often sell sometimes at the front. I managed to eat like, twenty-five. It was sooo disgusting after awhile. I eventually started to gag and had to stop. I felt sick to my stomach for the next eight hours. Alex won. Alex and I were officially friends. We were both very competitive and well read. It's hard for me to make friends sometimes, because I when I feel comfortable around people (which is pretty damn rare) I joke hard. I joust with people psychologically and that can be kind of rough for some folks. A great deal of the time people don't know that I am not trying to hurt them, and they back down. Which I don't know why because I am not really that great at comebacks and I generally dig my own grave in my attempt to get one up on the other person. Alex didn't have a problem with that at all. I hadn't really liked Alex all that much before. He was okay. We had got along okay before, but I thought he was pretty pretentious for how he had confronted my sister and his overall nonchalant attitude towards people. Sarah ate half of a cookie and was good.
There were nights when we swam in the pool out back. Water made/makes Sarah a little bit crazy. Her eyes go all black and she gets sadistically hyper. It was great. We sometimes sat around listening to old school rap and play card games till two in the morning. I cannot explain the birds that flew out of my heart sitting there at that table. I had bottled so much of myself up. I had to, but now I was around friends who liked me. And yet I would have to go back to Idaho sooner rather than later.
Not everything was perfect all the time. Much of the time, Sarah and Alex cooped themselves in their bedroom to watch television and I would wander the house. I read bits of William Faulkner books in Robert''s study. I started paying attention to articles online, generally about ghosts and UFO's and mysterious disappearances on list sites like Listverse. There was a night I remember vaguely  where Alex had some kind of change of heart. He told Sarah he wanted to go to college. I guess they had some kind of pact between them where they thought college was pointless and dumb. I was sitting in the dining room reading, and Sarah came in in her pajamas and told me that Alex wanted to go to college rather than work. She felt it was very dumb and she was confused and baffled why anyone would want to go to college. He later recanted the whole college thing. And then there was an evening I faintly remember, where Sarah came in to talk to me. I don't remember what she was saying to me, other than she sounded really confused. I think she might have been trying to tell me she didn't love Alex, but I can't be sure. She said she didn't feel like he knew who she was. She didn't know who she was. She wanted me to be mad at her – like the old days. She wanted to feel something. She started insulting herself and saying I should be furious at her. She said that Alex couldn't see through her at all like I could. I knew what she meant, but I knew myself better than to go down that path. I was never going to cross those boundaries ever again. I loved/love Sarah to death, but I wasn't going to try and fix her anymore. I wasn't going to map out an identity for her anymore. She would have to figure it out for herself. Sarah, deep down, had both resented how harsh I was on her, and appreciated  how deeply I looked into her. In the end, she broke down crying on the floor. I listened intently. I tried to be supportive, but I was also quite reserved and quiet. I wanted  her to know through my silent listening that we weren't going to fight. I wasn't going to try to squeeze emotion out of her anymore. She was on her own.
I think what majorly helped with my boundaries in my friendship with Sarah was that I read a lot of introductory Buddhist and Taoist stuff. I am by no means some great expert in eastern religion mind you. But I felt like I was finally beginning to get what people were deep down, at least sort of. I had thought I understood how people operated when I was younger. Somehow, I had been pretty wrong about just about everything. I understood that part of Sarah's growth was me letting her make her own mistakes. And part of me growing as a person was not taking charge of anyone but myself. We had forged a friendship on codependency. And it had mostly been me who initiated that codependency. Sarah had been a crutch for me, and when I got mad at her – I hadn't truly seen her for the person she really was. Sarah was more just lost and emotionally immature. In a very real way, Sarah moving had saved our friendship. I am pretty damn certain of that actually. I am by nature, a codependent person. Many times throughout my life, I have had to take a step back and witness myself being codependent and make the step-by-step decision not to do or say certain things. It's hard, and it never gets better since I am a bit broken. But I knew now to some degree that in order to get or not get what I wanted, whatever that want was, it wasn't to delve deeply into my fears and ego.
We all three took a very strange and gross adventure to a nearby town called Seguin. I guess, there had been this very weird fifty-something year old man that had washed buses for awhile at the Schlitterbahn when it was open. Alex and Sarah, probably to be nice, had promised to go over to his place to have BBQ chicken for some reason. They made plans to go over to his house, and they brought me along. Seguin was kind of a dump. I was watching television years later, and I think there was some kind of serial killer there at some point – the claim to fame of the town. We drove up to a set of apartments, and we knocked on his door. This pudgy strange babbling man with slicked black hair came out. He kept addressing himself as both Dwayne, and Dwight. Sarah and Alex didn't even know his name. They just called him Dwayne Dwight. He invited us into the apartment. The apartment was gross. All over the walls he had corny nudes he had gotten from dirty magazines. There were nude men as well, but he kept telling us that his brother had put those up – not him, which of course he was lying. The place smelled of masturbation in the worst way. The couch was broken. He had a sticky old computer that I am sure was full of viruses. He didn't seem to understand that going to random porn sites caused viruses, and he wanted Alex to fix it. His fridge had moldy food in it. He said he had a gun because he thought there were people after him because his brother owed people money. This story of his involvement with bad people in organized crime never made any sense. He basically kept saying that people were after him for essentially no reason – which couldn't possibly be true. He probably owed money to people. He struck  me as a gambler and someone who frequently paid for sex. He said inappropriate things to all of us both sexually and none. I had no idea why we were even there. It was so horrific that I was sort of fascinated. But my stomach also gurgled and I was extremely uncomfortable.
By the time we got to cooking the chicken, I wasn't even hungry anymore. We were out in the yard, and the Texas sun was baking us all.  We all wanted to leave, but it was too late to back out now. Looking at the raw meat on the grill, outside the house with Dwayne Dwight contradicting himself left and right, I just wanted to  leave. I watched intently, the flies landing on the meat that was cooked. It was moments like this where I wondered if I even really liked meat. I mean, this is creepy and all, but there is this weird power thing about meat. Like, it's a demonstration of dominance and power, and there is something sort of psychologically addictive about the idea that an animal died and you are eating it's body. This sounds insane coming from a vegan, I realize. It's because I realize this dynamic that I don't eat meat, but it was also the reason that I ever liked to eat meat to begin with. There is some weird euphoria I still get when I think about eating animals. It's not a good feeling, but it's real. And it's not for the taste. Vegan food is pretty fantastic. The euphoria is truly because I am completely split down the middle on the kind of person I am. I like the idea of eating dead animals. And at the same rate, I am revolted by it and find it (in principle – not always in practice [people eat meat for a lot of reasons, some of which they cannot help]) morally wrong and psychologically absurd. I dream about eating meat still. When I wake up, I feel intensely ashamed. Sometimes though, meat is simply disgusting – and these powerful moments have never left me. Some bird's lived a painful life and died a tragic death in a factory farm so that I could sit outside of Dwayne Dwight's disgusting apartment and cook up a massive bowl of fly ridden bits of it's flesh from the bone, coated in a sugary substance. It would have been a lot better had we not.
Eventually we left, and I never saw Dwayne Dwight again, and Sarah and Alex never contacted him again. I guess years later, somewhat recently, Dwayne Dwight was found murdered in his vehicle. He probably borrowed money from someone he should not have. But seriously, looking at this guy for three seconds, he was the stereotype of a man you should never lend money to. I can't imagine how dumb you would have to be to give this guy ten dollars, let alone something in the four or more digits.
PART 63 - https://tinyurl.com/ybosu235
PART 62 - https://tinyurl.com/ybjrvccn
PART 61 - https://tinyurl.com/ybm99k8o
My Life Story in Chapters, PARTS 1-60 (this link below will lead you to a list of all the chapters i have written thus far). 
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indelibledaniel · 4 years
Odave ft Emmanuella Dey Alright (Mp3 + Lyrics)
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Odave ft Emmanuella Dey Alright (Mp3 + Lyrics)
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Odave ft Emmanuella Dey Alright (Mp3 + Lyrics) One of the Fast rising gospel music artiste and inspirational singer, O’dave releases a brand new song titled “Dey Alright” featuring Emmanuella In O’dave’s words: “To have hope is to want an outcome that makes your life better in some way. It not only can help make a tough present situation more bearable but also can eventually improve our lives because envisioning a better future motivates you to take the steps to make it happen.” The song ‘Dey Alright’ lays emphasis on the need to keep hope alive amidst the current happenings and beyond, knowing it’s all gonna work out for good. Kindly Sit back, click on the play button to listen to the song and enjoy or you click the download button to get the song.
Download Odave ft Emmanuella Dey Alright Mp3
http://www.gospellife.com.ng/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Odave_ft_Emmanuella_-_Dey_Alright_gospellife.com.ng.mp3   DOWNLOAD MP3   Lyrics for Dey Alright By Odave Ft. Emmanuella In this present world that we live in, At such a time and a season, Where different things are happening all round , (Echo- all around)… It’s so easy to lose hope, To give up and stop believing, When Your whole life seems to be falling all apart but, Don’t let it weigh You down, Don’t let it weigh You down, Don’t let the situations now, Put Your back to the ground, So You don’t have to worry, You don’t have to worry, What tomorrow holds, For everything is working, Everything is working out for Your good, You go dey alright, By God’s grace, God’s grace (Grace) You go dey alright, Weeping may endure for the night, And nothing seems to be working, With no one to turn to, No one to call on, No one to run to, But never forget that joy surely comes in the morning, So hold on to Your faith, never let it go oh oh, Odave ft Emmanuella Dey Alright Don’t let it weigh You down, Don’t let it weigh You down, Don’t let the situations now, Put Your back to the ground, So You don’t have to worry, You don’t have to worry, What tomorrow holds, For everything is working, Everything is working out for Your good, You go dey alright, By God’s grace, God’s grace(Grace) You go dey alright. Life happens, sometimes things don’t go the way we plan it, Something’s we can’t control, somethings we can’t determine how it goes, So no matter what comes You’ve gotta keep Your head up, No matter how hard You fall – Stand up, My guy keep on pressing on even though You no be iron, In the face of defeat, roar like a lion, Life is not all rosy, ò lé béré lòwo rose 🌹, No matter what comes, all You’ve gotta keep alive is hope, You might not know what tomorrow holds, But if You know who owns Your tomorrow, That gives You confidence, that makes You bold, So hold on to his promises, never let it go, Victory is certain, I just think that I should let You know, Cos hard times You see truly don’t last forever, So focus on God, keep looking unto no other, Holding on a little longer, Things are getting better, Regardless of the darkness, His light is shining brighter, You go dey alright, Yezurrrr!!! Odave ft Emmanuella Dey Alright You go dey alright, By God’s grace, God’s grace(Grace) You go dey alright.. Even if na garri You dey soak oh oh, Or if You no get money and You broke oh oh oh, Don’t give up, there’s still hope oh, hope oh, hope oh Just put Your trust in God, And believe in Yourself, E go better oh, My brother, my sister, You go dey alright, By God’s grace, God’s grace You go dey alright, Fade You go dey, You go dey, You go dey alright Odave ft Emmanuella Dey Alright   GET MORE GOSPEL SONGS CLICK HERE   PLEASE CLICK THE ICON BELLOW TO FOLLOW US
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Tags: nigeria gospel songs, free audio Odave ft Emmanuella Dey Alright,   When the world fails, music never do, it always keeps us going, GOSPEL is the answer and GOSPELLIFE is the platform Hope you enjoyed the song by Odave ft Emmanuella Dey Alright (Mp3 + Lyrics) Please make use of the share button. Read the full article
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a-andd-a · 7 years
The Evolution of Music and Streaming Services
The Evolution of Music Consumption: How We Got Here
-by Dann Albright
This article talks about the evolution of music consumption. Albright starts off by talking about “the rise of the iPod, the music-playing mobile phone, and [the] number of streaming media platforms.” He doesn’t go in depth right away because he questions “how we got here” in the first place. He begins talking about the early days. The evolution began with the invention of the phonograph by Thomas Edison. Albright admits that music consumption has existed since prehistoric times, but the phonograph revolutionized and increased the consumption. It wasn’t until the 1890s when we transitioned from the cylinders to flat-discs. He says that even “the transition to vinyl also coincided with the [music] industry” consumption. He continues by transitioning to music taking the radio. “Although radio technology had been around since the early 20th century, it wasn’t until later that music started to hit the airwaves.” Albright claims that the radio did not become popular right away because many people believed the radio was only meant to be a device for two-way communication. He says that in a way, popular music attributed to the radio. It wasn’t until 1958 that RCA tapes changed the music consumption. The tapes allowed one to listen to them in their cars with no ads. Eventually, people could use tapes everywhere they went because of the creation of the Walkman. “In 1983, cassettes outsold vinyl for the first time.” Albright then continues to talk about the Digital age. He admits that digital recording existed since the 1960s, but “it wasn’t until the early 1980s that the first commercial compact discs (CDs) appeared.” CDs exploded in popularity by the end of the 80s. Albright also covers a bit of the history of the MP3. The idea of the MP3 began in the early 80s. It was not until the ends of the 90s that MP3 files began to be shared online. He briefly talks about Napster and how it was around only for two years. He points out that “this free distribution of music couldn’t last long before it was attacked by the music industry.” Although Napster quickly died off, from there other file-sharing services sprung like LimeWire. The transition then goes the MP3 players and the creation of the iPod. He also points out that “over the next 14 years… the iPod has gone through large number of iterations.” When the iPod was invented so was iTunes. He says that “iTunes has been the single largest distributer of music in the United States since 2008, and the largest in the world since 2010.” He then shifts to the streaming revolution. He talks about Pandora first because it is the “biggest early music streaming service.” By April 2013, Pandora had about 200 million users. Later on, Spotify was created. He claims that the way Spotify gained exposure was through Taylor Swift’s very public act of pulling her music from their app. The last transition Albright makes is about the future of music consumption. He talks about Paul Lamere, who is looking into “zero-UI” music players. In which “these players would ideally require no interaction from the listener whatsoever.” The idea is that they will pull demographic information from your social media and generate a playlist of your taste. He concludes by saying that music will live with us forever.
The New Economics of the Music Industry
-by Steve Knopper
This article basically follows what Albright talking about over the streaming revolution. Knopper, the author of this article, starts off by claiming that “the old days” were simple times. Especially for artist because they were getting more money for their music. He asks a scenario-type of question: “So you’re Adele… how much would you get paid?” This introduces his first topic about streaming services. He gives a “quick calculation, [in which] according to one band manager: If a song gets streamed 60 times, the songwriter receives 9.1 cents in mechanical royalty payments. And the performing artist gets 38 cents.” He also acknowledges that not everyone knows a quick formula that calculates how much an artist makes, so he generally speaks and says that “songwriters make about 10.5 percent of Spotify or MOG revenue.” Even then he admits that not every streaming service has the same formula. He then continues on to his second topic, which is iTunes. He brings back the scenario of Adele, in which demonstrates the distribution of money, when one song is sold on iTunes. Because she is an artist signed by a Label company, he explains how the distribution of money would work. However, he points out that now and days, an artist does not need a record label and can just pay a service, like TuneCore, to be included in the iTunes Store. Then he transitions onto his third topic: YouTube and VEVO. “Over the past couple of years, YouTube has grown into a lucrative machine for record labels.” He points out that YouTube shares their revenue with the copyright holders. Just like in iTunes, if the artist has a label company, they have to share their revenue with them. There is also the independent artist that makes more money. He then shifts to talking about the internet radio. He talks about “the broad formula,” in which “pure play” companies like Pandora pay either 25 percent of their total revenue per year or a little over $0.01 per song. The rest of the percent made goes to the agency, copyright owner and the artist. Lastly, he talks about CDs. He quickly states that “CDs were intensely profitable for artists and record labels.” In all, he concludes how as more music streaming devices increase, the less an artist makes.
           The second article is a more in debt version of the first. In the second one, we see the effects of the evolution consumption, while in the first it talks about the transitions the music industry has gone through. They both have in common that CDs were very much consumed, but has eventually decreased with the new technology that has emerged. Both of these articles I found very interesting because one is the view point as people see and it and the other is how the artist sees it. Although artists do not make as much money as they used to, both the people and the artist can agree that music will always exist.
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simonsoys · 8 years
What kind of music do u hc the undertale characters listen to?
I feel like it’s hard to say since I think anyone can like any kind of music. I know I’ve been surprised by a lot of people’s tastes.
But I’ll give it a shot!
Neutral, generally likes everything. [Insert your own musical preferences here]
Maybe owns a radio?? On the surface someone gets her an mp3 player and she only put like 20 songs on it. 11 of them are the Frozen soundtrack.
Historically likes gentle songs. Likes contemporary classical music. Guitars. Cellos. Piano.
Since arriving on the surface, likes girl power pop music. Stuff like Roar and Fight Song and Mr. Know-It-All. Alphys and Frisk help her use the iTunes.
(A part of me also feels like she might have a passing interest in pop-country music? Summer nights and trucks and daisy dukes SOUND nostalgic and relatable, even though she’s never experienced those things.)
Classic rock and experimental stuff from the 70s. Out of everyone I feel like he’s the most likely to have a secret bitchin’ record collection. –I say records, but I also think he’s the sort of person who keeps a cassette walkman in his pocket on sentry duty. Between both bros, this is the format most frequently picked out of the dump. 
Appreciates jazz too, but not for any reason related to the trombone. He literally only learned how to play the three notes required to do WOMP WOMP WAAAA and nothing else.
Also found a Dr. Demento mixtape once and has cherished it forever.
80s and 90s hip hop? He tries really hard to rap along with the words. He’s gotten very good at enunciating! Had a brief period of his youth where he wanted to be a professional rapper spitting sick rhymes, probably.
Also Janet Jackson for some reason?? And similar pop ladies from that era. I want you to visualize Pap singing and dancing along to Paula Abdul.
Has not learned how you can get the tape back in a cassette. He thinks Sans has a special device for fixing them in his workshop. Technically he does, it’s called a pencil.
Metal. All kinds of metal. #1 Underground headbanging champ, 201X.
Piano! Has a surprising softer side that is appreciative of the classical arts. Actually does some in depth music theory studies.
Also likes the high energy theme songs from Alphys’ anime and wants one for herself.
She prefers her music live. It’s better when it’s fresh.
Alphys upgraded her phone to hold music too now! She’s secretly an analog purist, but appreciates the gesture! Alphys claims the difference between a digital file and a live performance is negligible. In relationships though we have to overlook some of our partners’ flaws.
Likes to take in lots of different stuff. Appreciates virtuosity. Not committed to any one genre.
They love electronic music the most though, and it’s what they write the most of themselves. Also likes to do remixes. They’ll remix their own songs, or other people’s. They’d love to collaborate more, if they weren’t so shy…
Despite sharing a dedication to music with Undyne, they’re like, polar opposites on the digital v. analog debate. Blooky thinks digital is the way of the future. Has a Soundcloud account and wants their music to be free to the widest audience possible.
Downloads a lot of illegal music. Like, has terabytes of the stuff on hard drives in their house. You feel your sins crawling at 56kbps.
Weeaboo trash. Her music collection looks roughly the same as mine did in 2007.
Also follows KPop religiously. Knows every band member’s name. Knows the all labels they work under. Oh, so like Gangnam Style, asks Undyne. Alphys sucks on her teeth and says sure. In relationships we have to overlook some of our partners’ flaws.
Tends to like upbeat pop stuff more than anything else. She just likes catchy music and fun dance routines.
Listens to everything digital. Any CDs are ripped immediately.
Lots of showtunes. Likes songs that require over-singing and belting out long notes. Fascinated by Broadway and performance art, but feels like humans don’t push it far enough.
Feels like disco was the right direction for music to go in, and he doesn’t understand why it was abandoned. 
Dislikes the aimless electronica that Blooky creates (not that he’d ever say it), and likes music better when it’s got a bumping beat and fun vocals.
Actually shares Alphys’ love of Asian pop groups. He’s all about style and presentation, and baby, they’ve got it!
Is in a constant state of borrowing other people’s music. Doesn’t really have a personal library– he just points at the nearest person and is like “find me something I can dance to!” …That usually works, actually.
Failing that, he’s more of an internet radio kind of guy. Since becoming famous on the surface, fans have been making fan playlists for him and his show. He tries to listen to all of them and leave a personal comment and like. Eventually it gets to be too much to handle, but he still always has a fanmix on in the background when he’s doing other things.
Would actually prefer some peace and quiet, tbh.
He’s never really gotten into the newer music (newer meaning, created in the last 1000 years). He misses the chants people had in the Dark Ages. They just don’t make them like they used to.
All the same, he likes to attend concerts. Especially chorus concerts. He probably cries when the voices are really great. He never misses a single kids’ concert at Toriel’s school.
Undyne found a nature sounds disc when they were still Underground and gave it to him. It makes him sad, but he cherishes it and has thoroughly worn it out. He liked to share it with other people when they asked him what the surface was like. It is the only recorded album he owns.
Liked upbeat songs that were popular at the time. He was a wiggly kid that danced to everything (really badly). He looked like a goof, but he never realized that about himself and had a lot of fun.
As Flowey, he claims to hate everything. And it’s true that music doesn’t move him the same way it did. Sources say they saw a flower bobbing to the beat in the crowd during MTT’s fight with the human though.
Since coming to the surface, it’s become a dream of his to crowd surf at least once in his life.
Likes sad songs. Likes to listen and stare at the ceiling and think about life. Asriel doesn’t understand how listening to something that makes you feel bad… could make you feel good?
They find it calming and it brings them to another place. It’s nice to just… detach for awhile.
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mothric · 8 years
"unusual questions". answer the prime numbers, and numbers for what time it is when you answer this ask. whatever you do, do NOT answer question #1, because I literally can't tell the difference between those platforms and the only good answer to that question is "keep all of your music offline and store it on your phone/mp3 player instead of handing your music to some fuckin weirdos that could revoke your music rights at any momemt"
actually never mind what I said about #1, soundcloud is okay for discovering new artists, and it’s where siivagunner-styled humor first came about, largely as a result of the so-called “soundclown” “community”
I’m actually kinda surprised because I find Spotify, Soundcloud, and Pandora to be very different from one another (Soundcloud especially)! they all serve unique purposes. I am going to break them all down below even though you just told me not to, because it’s my turn to info-dump (:
features: enter a band name or a few songs, and Pandora will give you music that sounds similar. it will continue to recommend music endlessly, attempting to branch out and refine its recs based on what you like/dislike along the way.
pros: can help you find artists within a genre you like while taking the research and rabbit-holing out of your hands; good for mood music (if you want a smooth jazz station it’s unlikely to ever deviate from that genre) 
cons: no active say in what you listen to apart from blocking songs you don’t like; can’t look up specific songs or create your own playlists; 90% of all stations you create will eventually deviate from what you first intended until you’re annoyed with it; ads ads ads
my rating: 4/10. I come back to it every four months and use it for about a week before remembering why I stopped in the first place
features: Spotify is to Pandora what free will is to pre-destination. look up basically any song or album by any artist (except Taylor Swift or the Beatles) and listen to it in high quality for free. custom-make your own playlists and listen to them whenever you darn well feel like. this is of course if you’re on PC, if you’re using the mobile app haha screw you, you can only shuffle-play everything til you pay for premium. there is also a Pandora-like station feature but I never use it
pros: extremely customizable; no listen limits; relatively rare to not find a song or album you want; layout is aesthetically similar to iTunes (I appreciate organized lists); for every artist you can find a whole list of similar artists and do your own rabbit-holing if that suits your fancy; I also like finding friends and rifling through their playlists to see what they like
cons: much less freedom on mobile; often impossible to use on public wi-fi as the streaming is too much; ads; can’t listen to Taylor Swift or the Beatles
rating: 7.5/10. I have so many playlists I’m drowning. for some reason it takes forever to load on my computer so I only bother to open it if I know I’m gonna be getting comfy.
features: music streaming meets social media; anyone who wants can upload their own works to share and receive feedback from others; layout is functionally similar to Tumblr- you have a ‘feed’ comprised of your own uploads and anyone’s songs you’ve reposted, and a ‘dashboard’ of everyone you follow; may find some mainstream artists/labels here (Deadmau5, Caravan Palace), but not too many
pros: clean aesthetic; customizable; no listen limits; interactive commenting system; sometimes free downloads; good for finding actually new artists who are only on Soundcloud (maybe also YT or Bandcamp); unique kind of humour to be found in some circles; NO ADS except on mobile where you might get an ad once every third moon
cons: I get a spam message maybe once a month.
my rating: 9.5/10, serves its intended purpose. every day brings something new. I use it more to find new music rather than to just listen or play in the background (too many memes for that. but tbh that’s my own fault).
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dower · 7 years
“Out of the blue”: Forty years of musical influence
Musical youth
I think it's fair to say that the generation you were born in generally dicatates your musical tastes. Of course there are exceptions to this, some individuals seem to be born too late and some variations of music are truly timeless.
But. for most folks the musical taste is formed in their youth and then develops or dies depending on how engaged they remain during the ups and downs of life.
This is my journey, my life so far in sounds.
The summer of '77
I turned 12 in August 1977, and my Dad bought a good quality radio and a cassette tape recorder. No more listening to Radio Luxembourg on a tinny transistor radio late into the night in bed. I had found music. Real music.
And the journey starts
Coincidentally, it was the year NASA launched the Voyager mission on its Grand Tour across the solar system, and it carried a golden record embossed with the sounds and music from our earth. Amongst all the classical crap, Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry stood out as an excellent “message in a bottle” to toss out into the cosmic ocean. It said something very hopeful about our future. My future.
It was the start of my second year at “big” school, and I recall recording ELOs “Turn to stone�� from “Out of the Blue” ... directly from AM radio onto a cassette tape using a proper AUX connection, cables and everything. While not entirely replicating the creation of the golden disc carried on Voyager 1, recording my first music was the start of my journey across the cosmos of music - kickstarting a lifelong deep connection to music. My music.
I was too young to understand punk, which had started a year before, and I quickly developed a love of heavy music: Status Quo were still anti-establishment, AC/DC was “just a racket”, and “Motörhead can’t sing”. I loved them all, plus a side-order of Queen and Meatloaf. It was fast, rocky and it spoke to me with heavy guitar riffs and ballad-style lyrics.
Sadly, the late seventies popular music scene was dominated by Radio 1 playlists; ABBA, Showwaddywaddy, The Wurzels, and The Bay City Rollers - and quite a lot of disco. It was mostly terrible. If we had the internet back then, or I had the money to buy independent label stuff then I’d be spending my time with the Stranglers, The Damned and Ducks Deluxe.
It took until 1979, and my parents splitting, to get a proper record player and the freedom to buy vinyl. My first single was Lucky Numbers by Lene Lovich. A poppy-post-punk track that, till this day, I have no idea why I bought it.
The Eighties
The end of the seventies saw the end of punk, fragmenting into New Wave (think Blondie, Talking Heads, The Cars, and The Police) and Post-Punk (Joy Division, Magazine, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Public Image). Peer and “sheep” thinking meant following one, and I went New Wave until that quickly went soft-in-the-head and became mainstream New Romantic (think Duran Duran, Ultravox, Culture Club, and everything else that came out of Rusty Egan’s Blitz Club).
I’d deepened my love of Heavy Metal, getting into Whitesnake and Deep Purple. It was my “style” if you could call it that. I wore jeans, long hair, cut-off jackets and was a “metal head” from 12 through 16 years old, up to 1982 when I moved into the sixth form and peer-grouped with post-punks and moved to a more affluent area.
It’s also when I properly discovered girls, so I smartened how I looked, got into the disruptive intelligentsia punk scene. But fuck knows why - but it was better than dressing like the gender-confused New Romantics.
With no money, my record collection centred around birthday presents, occasional trades and purchases. But I taped everything on the radio and bootlegged albums from friends on “borrowed” C90 tapes. I had been given a second-hand music centre and became my mums worst late-night-loud-music-nightmare.
I was still a kid, I hadn’t developed my own musical identity and very much led by school-related peer groups. I started to break free from the norms, but that was more of a reaction to the rise of manufactured new romance and the cultural backwater that living in rural East Yorkshire meant.
Last train to London
This would all change in 1984 when as a still-wet teenager I moved to London after landing a “cool job” in the city. I was rich, sort of (£7,500 a year), so bought a wicked stereo and went on a bender buying vinyl. Commuting from my flat in Kilburn to Farringdon every day meant recording “best of” tapes to play on my Walkman clone. I was as cool as a cucumber.
At the same time, I discovered the London club scene; I was a regular visitor to the clubs and bars of Londons West End; the Hippodrome in Charing Cross Road and Samantha’s off Regent Street were my regular haunts. Club music at the time was high-energy, so Frankie Goes to Hollywood and Hazel Dean - it wasn’t, to be honest, great music but played so very loud it went through you, you felt it.
I would get home at 3 am and create my club sound by winding the little stereo up until it could take no more. My neighbours, who I mostly never saw, hated my late-nights music blasts.
All grown up
It would stay that way until the release in 1986 (I was now 21) of Dire Strait’s Brother in Arms on CD. Overnight my collection of 300 vinyl records just seemed antiquated. CD quality was mind-bending to hear for the first time. I went mad and spent over £1,000 on a brand new stereo component system (which I mostly still possess) .
Mostly, my musical taste had gone mainstream, but the late 80’s saw the underground rise of House and Acid. By this time I had a car, with a sound system that included CD, so bass-laden house music was where I was at until the early 90s. But, like most folks, my first influences in music stayed with me - and have remained to this day.
The grim 1990s
By 1990, the Voyager 1 probe was now 4,000,000,000 miles away having flown past all the outer planets; it’s mission over. There was nothing new to record, much like my musical taste - not very much new stuff, not really. And then, for no scientific reason, Voyager flipped around and took the famous “pale blue dot” picture - a selfie of planet earth before slipping off into the featureless, quiet outer solar system.
By 1995 I didn’t play vinyl anymore - my decade-old deck got consigned to deep storage and would not see the light of day for another a decade - and vinyl wouldn’t re-appear back in my lounge until 2016. New music had become a little dull and formulaic, yes, The Strokes, Oasis, Blur and Pulp saved the world from totalitarian purgatory but nothing new was firing me up.
I discovered Jamiroquai and Faithless must be listened to at mental volumes, and when high on dope. More free money meant more music, louder rigs, a flirtation with MiniDisc and eventually a massive (at the time) CD jukebox for 300 CDs. I reached “peak sound” in the late 90s, with a pair of fridge-sized Cerwin Vega speakers powered by a massively powerful domestic rig. It would rattle windows and keep several postcodes awake late into the evening.
The iPod revolution
In early 2002 I visited New York and brought back a new invention called the iPod. It held a thousand songs, lasted for hours on a single charge and fitted in your pocket. It was almost unbelievable at the time. Overnight (again) my music collection was out of date - I spent weeks converting my existing CDs into MP3 and illegally acquiring a whole load more music.
Suddenly every track that ever existed was available free of charge, forever. When YouTube appeared, I now had every music video ever filmed available, too. I now had too much music, and with easy skipping, I had, in fact, reduced the range of music I was listening to.
Too much choice is not always a good thing, and when music moved onto my iPhone in 2008, I started to fall out of love with music. I had no stereo in my lounge anymore, and phone battery life was not conducive to mixing calls and music during a typical working day.
Streaming eveything
A year later in 2009 Spotify launched in the U.K. and I was pretty much straight in. My previous collection of music was made redundant for the third time - I probably had 10,000 MP3 tracks stored when I switched over to using a streaming service.
But I still didn’t listen to music at home, not really. I had a small sound dock for events, summer listening outside and occasional dinners but mostly music only existed on my iPhone.
But, on the road, on the train, on the tube, on planes I was back in love with music. And with Spotify I went back and re-explored my early choices and this time I discovered, for the first time, post-punk. Spotify had most of the smaller labels from day one, while big bands such as AC/DC stayed off the streaming platforms.
Hello again
And then randomly in 2015, I decided to fix my vinyl urge. I had lost most of my LPs over the years, but my wife had quite a few records, and we’d occasionally had a vinyl session on a Heath Robinson setup since 2008, but now I wanted to bring vinyl back into the lounge. I bought a modern turntable deck and a retro-looking Marshall speaker. Oh, and an original 1980s graphic equaliser for that authentic look.
I went on to purchase a few Amazon Echo devices, all attached to various music outlets around the house so now it’s just a case of “Alexa, play Ceremony by New Order”. Simple, and brought music into every room of the house. Nor does it require any technical knowledge ... anyone can ask for anything. Perfect.
My technology habits have gone full cycle and more; tranny->tape->vinyl->CD->Minidisc->MP3->Streaming->Vinyl. I still listen to the music from my formative years - 1978 thru to about 1987. In the last few years, I’ve also picked-up the live music bug again, nicely timed as punk turned 40 and all the old bands came out of the woodwork. But mostly my real musical taste is frozen in time, and space.
And Voyager’s Grand Tour of the solar system is complete, travelling at 10 miles per second, it is now over 13,000,000,000 miles away in interstellar space. Long after we’re dead, long after our sun dies, Voyager 1 will still be trucking along - still carrying Johnny B. Goode. I can relate to that; Voyager still carries the music of its formative years.
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iowamusicshowcase · 7 years
"Nikki, Adam, & Dan are exploring dark, moody, angry, revolutional, good time, fuzzed out, skitzoprenic, no rules rock and roll! You get it or you dont. Do you?" - from their Twitter page "Iowa City trio Raw Mojo are yet another rising band from the Midwest, the trio fusing a gritty and powerful blend of rock, blues, punk, and garage rock into a quick listen of infectious riffage and charged basement rock." - from a review by Tom Haugen on the Daily Vault website "I really don’t know where to place Raw Mojo as simply, their style encompasses so many different styles and approaches that it would be unfair to put them in one particular category or genre." - from Dave Nichols on the Loud Stuff website “Raw Mojo riff like their lives depend on it” - from Kent Williams on the Little Village website "Raw Mojo is a rock band, full stop. Not to be reductive about what Raw Mojo does, but there’s something really basic and elemental about what they do. Hard hitting drums, loud fuzz guitars fused tightly to a deep bass into 10 strings of fury. Lyrics that don’t try very hard for profundity. To go looking for precursors try the 1970s; there’s a Grand Funk, Joan Jett, Spirit, Jo Jo Gunne and an insouciant soupçon of Black Sabbath. - from a review by Kent Williams in Little Village Magazine "Raw Mojo is a 3 piece rock band you may have seen at shows around Iowa City. Their M.O. is to deliver short, concise stabs of pure rock and roll, without frills, pretension or irony... each song comprises the same ingredients — raw-throated singing, overdriven guitar, bass, and heavy drumming... And yet the songs don’t all run together — perhaps relentless brevity pays off. And besides, Angus Young of AC/DC has never done anything but plug a Gibson SG into a Marshall Stack, so there’s a strong precedent for Raw Mojo’s willingness to pick a formula and stick to it. "As for the songwriting, well here’s the curious thing. I like the songs fine, but there’s nothing stellar about them in and of themselves. The personality, attitude, and execution is the thing with Raw Mojo; it’s as though they don’t want to waste time on song-writing that could be spent on rocking. And on the whole it works... Nikki fully commits to the persona of Rock&Roll Mama, and has the pipes to back it up. "I’ve only got MP3s of the album so it’s hard to comment definitively on the production, but the choices Raw Mojo made during recording seems to be stripped down and, err, raw. I can hear Miss Nikki’s bass and the kick drum, but the sound is almost all midrange, which emphasizes the sharp edges of their live sound. There’s so little studio trickery on this CD that the few songs on which the vocals get treated with a wet reverb it stands out as a surprising texture. What comes through most of all is how tight the band is, as though they’ve been practicing these songs in their basement forever. And that’s Raw Mojo’s secret: they’ve focused on the pure joy of playing rock music so completely that virtuosity or ‘originality’ or sophisticated song writing would be an unnecessary distraction." - from another review by Kent Williams for Little Village Magazine "Independently rocking through your veins since 2006. Sometimes hard n' heavy, sometimes dark and scary, at times slow and heartfelt, always fun. You either 'get' Raw Mojo or you don't... "Imagine what happens when you mix elements of rock, blues, punk, grunge, and a touch of shoegaze together in a meat grinder. What you end up with is Raw Mojo. Sure, it sounds tasty...but wait until you hear it! "Hailing from the Midwest, Raw Mojo's music comes straight from their gut - or as they like to call it, 'the basement.' Unlike some bands, Raw Mojo is never afraid to embrace and flaunt their influences. The weird thing is that the band probably shouldn't work when you take each member's individual traits, tastes, and influences. But yet somehow, everything falls into place to create much more than just a sum of its parts. This is a group that writes and plays what they feel: no guidelines, no certain genres need to be met, just pure music. With Raw Mojo it's always music first, bullshit second. "Raw Mojo is like a family. They stick tight together and support their fans as much as their fans support them. What this family of Mojomongers provides is music for the young at heart (though probably not your grandparents' music). Mainly, the band has a 'take what you will from us' punk like attitude as well as that 'let's leave the stage in burning embers' feeling once they have rawked it. It's this kind of attitude that has many listeners saying, 'I want to hear that again!' song after song. If the band has one bad habit, it’s to leave the stage leaving the audience wanting more... "There is only ONE band around that brings that genuine, no-bullshit, genre-bending music experience that strives to rock your face! And that band is RAW MOJO!!" - from their Facebook page "Mojo is defined as many things. The one definition that I thought fit this piece was one I found on Urban Dictionary. Their definition of Mojo is 'The word originally means a charm or a spell. But now it’s more commonly said meaning sex appeal or talent.' That definition is exactly how I would describe the band Raw Mojo. Their music is charming, full of sex appeal and talent... "'Adam (drums) and I have been friends since 5th grade and playing music on and off together since 95. We worked together at a small town fast food joint that year and he was always beating the tables in rhythm so I did what I could to convince him to buy a drum kit and the day he bought them we set up in his bedroom and started an original band with 2 other guys we knew. Flash forward to 2006 after we both had been in several bands, we got together on a recording project I had going with a local songwriter. We did a whole album and started to tour when out of nowhere our bass player met someone online and decided to move to be with her. The project was falling apart but Adam and I were determined to play these songs after putting half a years work into them. One song we had was called “Goosetown” and it just so happened to be the Myspace handle of a woman who came up on our page looking to play bass. This is where we met Nikki Lee. By the time she officially joined the band the old project had fizzled out and we encouraged Nikki to step up and be the musician she wanted. At this point it was clear we were an entirely new band, it felt very back to the garage raw and there was a feeling of magic about playing music again, hence the name Raw Mojo.'... "'The writing can happen in a number of ways. Sometimes Nikki will have a words and melody she is humming and we figure out what sounds good behind that. There are times we just need to break the repetition of rehearsal so we start jamming on riffs and if it strikes us as fun or interesting we explore what we can do with that. Other times one of us will flat out write something and show it to the band and they "mojoize” it. In the end it has to pass for good by all 3 members or we lose interest and eventually we never come back to it. It’s a good way to filter out what works and what doesn’t.'" - from the article, "Raw Mojo - Brickbat Theory", by Chris Axe on the Word Krapht website Lineup: Nikki Lee - Vocals/Bass Dan Bee - Vocals/Guitar Adam Calyton - Drums
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