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simplysportswear-blog · 4 years ago
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Ocean Pollution Facts ▫️It's estimated that by the year 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish 🐟 ▫️Fish and other marine life can't tell the difference between plastic and food. If the animal eats plastic they can't digest it. The plastic fills their stomachs, and they starve to death 🦈 ▫️Every year, about 1.5 million tons of nitrogen pollution flow into the Golf of Mexico from the Mississippi River 🌊 ▫️China and Indonesia are the world's biggest contributors of plastic pollution in the ocean, approximately one third of total ocean pollution 🥤 ▫️Plastic makes its way to the depths of the ocean. Crustaceans in the Mariana's Trench have ingested plastic 🦐 Photo by @pok_rie #simply #wildenature #naturr #hqnature #livenature #panature #native #bwnature #natureprotect #natureproduct #ecofriendly #cleanenvironment #sociallyconcious #sustainable #sustainability https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZYIGnnCFO/?igshid=1ui4d90qymr8c
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fellshish · 3 years ago
We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at misha collins
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limpwristedean · 4 years ago
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charmides — oscar wilde
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scurtiteam · 5 years ago
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Quella speciale modulazione lirica ed esistenziale che permette di contemplare il proprio dramma come dal di fuori e dissolverlo in malinconia e ironia. (Italo Calvino) Io e il mio Ariete 🐏 L'autoironia aiuta a vivere #wildenature #animali #natura #foto #fotodelgiorno #famiglia #loveislove #family #tantebellecose #emozioni (presso Assling) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzpy88GixCA/?igshid=7fxfpzst4tph
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mariabarkova · 7 years ago
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Buongiorno 🐎🖤 всем желаю прекрасной и продуктивной недели 🤗#baikal #байкал #дикиекони #ольхон #horse #wildenature #photographer #barkovaphoto #vsco #canon (at Tyumen)
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fotomacherthomas · 8 years ago
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Ein Bachflohkrebs ( Gammarus fossarum) fotografiert mit meiner neuen selbstgebauten Makrolinse. #bachflohkrebse #bachflohkrebs #Macro #topmacro #macrophotography #makrofotografie #Insektenfoto #wildelifephotography #proffesionalphotography #microscopy #extremmacro #wildenature #krebs #krebse #beeindruckend #beautiful #interressant
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katia-coco80 · 5 years ago
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Come bosco la terra dei limoni in fiore,dove le arance d'oro splendono tra le foglie scure,dal cielo azzurro spira un motel vento,quieto sta il mirto e l'alloro è eccelso,la conosci forse? (J.W.von Goethe) Like a forest, the land of lemons in bloom, where golden oranges shine among the dark leaves, a motel blows wind from the blue sky, the myrtle is quiet and the laurel is excellent, do you know it perhaps? (J.W.von Goethe) . . . #landscape_capture #followback #ig_europe #topfoto #landscape #ig_worldclub #wonderfulplaces #follow4follow #natgeo #nature_perfection #worldtravelpics #igphoto #igersoftheday #igersworldwide #ig_capture #igs_photo #ig_daily #worldbestgram #splendid_shotz #katia_coco80 #wildenature #natura (presso Chiavari) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_PGSKygxrC/?igshid=1xn5yi6iodr9z
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vivamundoreisen · 7 years ago
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Und weiter geht es mit großartigen Landschaften. Unsere Gäste Petra und Wolfgang sind auf den Azoren unterwegs und absolut begeistert. Inselhopping und Mietwagen, auf den Azoren die perfekte Mischung #azoren #azorenreise #azorentrip #azorenerleben #azorenentdecken #wildenatur #naturerleben #naturliebhaber #naturelovers #naturephotography #azorenhoch #azoreninsel #azorenliebe #azorenportugal #portugal #azorenurlaub #azoren #azorenmietwagenreise #inselhopping (hier: Azores)
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simplysportswear-blog · 4 years ago
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Ocean Pollution Facts ▫️Carbon emissions harm the oceans as well as the air. If our behavior continues as is, the surface water of the ocean could be 150% more acidic than it is now. 🌊 ▫️Not all sewage that enters the ocean is treated. 80% of sewage that flows into the Mediterranean sea is untreated, which can lead to diseases. 🤢 ▫️Oil spills only contribute to 12% of the oil in the ocean. 36% of the oil comes from runoff sources from cities and companies. 🛢️ ▫️Ocean noise pollution is an issue, too. Ships, tankers, and shipping containers emit sounds like high intensity sonar and air guns. This noise pollution injuries fish and disrupts their habitats. 🐟🚢 ▫️Over one third of the Atlantic Ocean that shellfish live in is negatively impacted by pollution. 🦀🦐 Photo by @pixelcop #simply #wildenature #naturr #hqnature #livenature #panature #native #bwnature #natureprotect #natureproduct #ecofriendly #cleanenvironment #sociallyconcious #sustainable #sustainability (em Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJhKSNHa91/?igshid=pfvpq9kebuos
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alhenadibosco · 10 years ago
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Abandoned House
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fotomacherthomas · 8 years ago
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Meine neuen Fische sind eingezogen 😊🐟... #maylandialombardoi #Bundbarsch #Fish #Fisch #Fische #Fishes #Aquarium #Aquaristik #wildelifephotography #wildenature #wildenatur #naturfotografie #naturelovers #naturfotografie #aquarienfotografie #aquariumfish #aquariumfishes #zierfisch #zierfische
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fotomacherthomas · 8 years ago
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Es ist einfach sich auszuziehen und Sex zu haben. Menschen mach es ständig Aber eine Seele gegenüber jemandem zu öffnen, sie in deinen Geist, deine Gedanken deine Ängste, deine Zukunft deine Hoffnungen, deine Träume zu lassen... das ist nackt sein. #beautifuleyes #beautiful #wunderschöneaugen #Wunderschön #Schön #Kalt #Kälte #Eis #Elbe #laubegasterufer #elbufer #Elbe #Eis #Ice #eiskalt #Liebe #Love #truelove #Wahreliebe #ILY #ILD #oelngatikameie #ichliebedich #iloveyou #natur #Nature #wildenature #naturelovers #photography #Portrait #Portraitphotography (hier: Laubegaster Ufer)
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katia-coco80 · 5 years ago
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Guarda gli alberi,guarda gli uccelli,guarda le nuvole,le stelle...e se hai occhi potrai vedere che l'esistenza intera è rocoa di gioia.Ogni cosa è felicità pura.Gli alberi sono felici senza alcun motivo;non diventeranno primi ministri o presidenti e non diventeranno ricchi-non hanno nemmeno un conto in banca!Guarda i fiori.È incredibile come siano felici i fiori-e senza alcuna ragione. (Osho) . . . . . #landscape_capture #followback #ig_europe #topfoto #landscape #ig_worldclub #wonderfulplaces #follow4follow #natgeo #nature_perfection #worldtravelpics #igphoto #igersoftheday #igersworldwide #ig_capture #igs_photo #ig_daily #worldbestgram #splendid_shotz #katia_coco80 #wildenature #natura #quarantena #covid #coronavirus #italia (presso Liguria, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-hk0JqAtCm/?igshid=7vp6lqna1axc
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fotomacherthomas · 8 years ago
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Einen Wunderschönen guten "Morgen" wünsche ich euch :D #eiskristalle #laubegast #laubegasterufer #Sonnenuntergang #sunrise #icecrystal #icecrystals #eiskristalle #eiskalt #wunderschön #natur #nature #naturelovers #naturliebhaber #naturfotografie #naturephotography #TQ #wildenature #wildlifephotography #wintertime #winter #tetrahydracannabinol (hier: Laubegaster Ufer)
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fotomacherthomas · 8 years ago
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Schneebeere (Symphoricarpos albus) #TQ #Schneebeere #symphoricarposalbus #cityatnight #natur #nature #naturfotografie #naturephotography #wildenature #wildenatur #straßenlaterne #straßenlichter #Streets #Streetlights #cityphotography (hier: Laubegaster Ufer)
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