#wild rover tours
hlupdate · 1 year
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hypebeastuk: Many know @louist91 as a Doncaster lad-turned-pop-icon and part of era-defining boyband, One-Direction. But despite his superstar status, the 31-year-old has never lost touch with his relaxed Northern soul. It’s been central to everything he puts his mind to, from music to football… and now, his new clothing brand, 28. 28 is Tomlinson’s tribute to his humble beginnings in music, fashion, and sport, representing his Doncaster Rovers squad number and his lifetime devotion to the football club. The brand idea came to him nearly a decade ago, taking a closer look at standard tour merchandise and finding missing pieces, feeling “a creative itch that I wanted to scratch.” While concert apparel caterers to the general public, 28 allows his artistic talents to run wild. “That’s why 28 excites me. It’s something that can be a little bit more tailored, a little bit more stylized. I suppose it’s similar to songwriting… seeing how deep your imagination can go when creating clothes.” Tomlinson sat down with Hypebeast to discuss all things @28clothing, his all-new streetwear label that embodies everything he has been, is, and will be.Read the interview in full at hypebeast.com ⚽️ Photo: 28
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louistomlinsoncouk · 1 year
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hypebeastuk Many know @louist91 as a Doncaster lad-turned-pop-icon and part of era-defining boyband, One-Direction. But despite his superstar status, the 31-year-old has never lost touch with his relaxed Northern soul. It’s been central to everything he puts his mind to, from music to football… and now, his new clothing brand, 28. 28 is Tomlinson’s tribute to his humble beginnings in music, fashion, and sport, representing his Doncaster Rovers squad number and his lifetime devotion to the football club. The brand idea came to him nearly a decade ago, taking a closer look at standard tour merchandise and finding missing pieces, feeling “a creative itch that I wanted to scratch.” While concert apparel caterers to the general public, 28 allows his artistic talents to run wild. “That’s why 28 excites me. It’s something that can be a little bit more tailored, a little bit more stylized. I suppose it’s similar to songwriting… seeing how deep your imagination can go when creating clothes.” Tomlinson sat down with Hypebeast to discuss all things @28clothing, his all-new streetwear label that embodies everything he has been, is, and will be. Read the interview in full at hypebeast.com ⚽️ Photo: 28
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louisupdates · 1 year
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hypebeastuk louist91 28clothing : Many know @louist91 as a Doncaster lad-turned-pop-icon and part of era-defining boyband, One-Direction. But despite his superstar status, the 31-year-old has never lost touch with his relaxed Northern soul. It’s been central to everything he puts his mind to, from music to football… and now, his new clothing brand, 28.
28 is Tomlinson’s tribute to his humble beginnings in music, fashion, and sport, representing his Doncaster Rovers squad number and his lifetime devotion to the football club.
The brand idea came to him nearly a decade ago, taking a closer look at standard tour merchandise and finding missing pieces, feeling “a creative itch that I wanted to scratch.”
While concert apparel caterers to the general public, 28 allows his artistic talents to run wild. “That’s why 28 excites me. It’s something that can be a little bit more tailored, a little bit more stylized. I suppose it’s similar to songwriting… seeing how deep your imagination can go when creating clothes.”
Tomlinson sat down with Hypebeast to discuss all things @28clothing, his all-new streetwear label that embodies everything he has been, is, and will be.
Read the interview in full at hypebeast.com ⚽️
Photo: 28
[Instagram 28.8.2023]
Louis’ article is the most popular trending article on Hypebeast right now.
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aleburton · 2 years
xii. what now?
Alex peered beyond the tinted glass of her Range Rover, once again appreciating the scale of Zach’s multi-million-dollar home. She’d been here almost every day since his departure from the hospital, keeping him under her close observation. Not too close, however. It had taken her only a little over an hour to overstep a boundary she created by crawling into the bed with him in the middle of the night. She pretended that they had wound back the hands of the clock, delivering them to a simpler time. When things were not so complicated, so dangerous. As she tip-toed out of his bedroom the following morning, she acknowledged how harmful it was. Neither she nor Zach were masters of self-control. They had demonstrated this helplessness time and time again – from the beginning of their relationship and to the very end. In their Las Vegas suite, the beach château, the coat closet. Two frightfully charged beings who could not help but to set fire to the other.
He asked for her to remain in his life, to not abandon him like others had. She demanded he refrain from using. In order for them to honor this pact, there could be no quarrels or dramatic spectacles. They needed to be platonic. It was the only way. As such, Alex returned to her apartment each night, hoping to use the distance between them as an instrument to their success. Her feelings were still ever present, and she didn’t trust herself not to act on them whether their display be big or small. It was far too risky. They never spoke about that night. She wondered if he even remembered; couldn’t even be sure if he was awake when she entered. Whatever the case, she couldn’t allow it to happen again. Within three weeks, Zach had reclaimed his strength and seemed to be well enough to consider acquiring new management. Alex helped to field phone calls between the record label and potential hires, as they were eager for him to return to his promotional tour. Millions of dollars had been spent and number of obligations remained unfulfilled. They agreed to allow him to ease back into his role, but he needed to move.  
This morning, they agreed to meet with Amanda Shaw. She came highly recommended, productively managing another well-known artist. Some considered him to be Zach’s musical rival. Amanda had been debriefed on the current situation, as well as his rather volatile history. Somehow, she didn’t bat a single eyelash. Had she heard worse? She had been forging a plan for his return, manufacturing stories of her own to combat the rumors that swirled following Peter’s betrayal. She considered suing him but realized out of all the non-disclosure agreements that had been signed for Zach’s protection, he was not one of them. Perhaps he knew this day would come and all of the wild exploits and behaviors would make for one hell of a tell-all. Alex climbed down the car, an iced coffee in hand and approached the front door. She could hear Amanda’s trademark laugh from the other side. That was a good sign. She entered the house, ambling quietly into the living room to join them. Her eyes promptly found Zach’s and her smile stretched from one diamond-adorned ear to the other, “Morning, Superstar.”
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Russell's Japan Tour Diary (Part Two) (Part one is here) Words: Russell Senior, Photographer: Richard Priest Taken from the New Musical Express, 24 February 1996
The tawdry entrance to the eating place is billowing steam into the cold night air. Inside it is about the size of a barn with 12 kitchen/bars each having bar stewards round them where people eat and drink. It's busy and people are milling about in the aisles between the kitchen/bars. It's rough and ready with the prices and names of each kitchen's specialities hanging from the ceiling on coloured strips of cloth and paper.
Unlike everything else in Japan, it's very cheap, it's a cross between Bladerunner, a pirate's den, a bookies and a cockfighting pit. No over-bowing, women are laughing, being brassy and not taking tiny steps. We're the only westerners but we're here with our host who is Japanese and Rover who has tattoos and stuff, so in this wild Eastern bar we kind of fit in.
Rover has fallen in love, he hasn't decided who it's with yet, but is winking and smiling at several contenders just to be on the safe side. A woman in silver hot-pants swaggers over to him, blowing smoke in his face. Strangely, our host has no problem with this at all and now seems to positively want US to talk to women... and it all becomes a bit clearer.
Our guide book says, "The industrious men of 17th-Century Japan liked to relax at the end of the day with hard liquor in the company of actresses and prostitutes". The Japanese guide to English etiquette no doubt says, 'The hard-working musicians of 20th Century England love nothing better at the end of the day than to snort cocaine from the pockmarked thighs of groupies"
Soooo... we weren't being protected from the fans in the bar - they (nice girls from good families) were being protected from the foreign devils. They needn't have bothered, but I'm glad they did because this place is ace. After midnight all the deference and daintiness goes out of the window and the drunken bonhomie so familiar to us arrives on a bullet train. Bang!
People are being chummy with us, offering us saké and amusing themselves at our gaucherie, like we'd laugh at one of them putting brown sauce on their cornflakes. Rover keeps asking for 'Tom Cat soup', which transpires to be tasty things on skewers not unlike our British shish kebabs. A woman comes over and it transpires she's offering to have sex with all of us. We make our excuses and leave, having convinced her that Rover has three penises. We leave him extending the hairy hand of international friendship.
In the morning, Rover appears at breakfast devoid of his black leather, wearing an all-white pyjama suit, his head completely shaven, muttering something about the seventh law of enlightenment. He later claims to have ended up in a bar with a scantily-clad schoolgirl kicking a giraffe.
The fans at the hotel in Tokyo think we're super cool but they think they are too - this is better. Don't be like us, oh no, be even more Japanese please. "You must be feeling tired," sympathises a fan who's been waiting up all night to see us. Well actually no, we always look dog rough, but you don't want to hear that, do you? You want us to be plastic fantastic, you've put your money in a vending machine and you get Pulp just how you want it.
Rover has just come in disappointed. Apparently there are vending machines in Tokyo where you can buy schoolgirls' underpants... used. Anyway, turns out he's bought some sixth-form boy's ones, which aren't quite what he had in mind.
Shopping! The toy shop is slightly disappointing. The real toy shop is called Electric Street, where you can buy a gadget for everything. I buy a Jacuzzi for sunglasses; it works, they come out clean and relaxed.
Early evening. We're taken out for a traditional Japanese meal. Shoes must be removed before sitting cross-legged at a low table. We choose a fish from a tank called a 'blow fish'. The sexual organs of this fish are deadly poisonous. Every year 40 people die from eating this fish, along with 40 chefs who must take the honourable way out. The fish is brought to the table with the organs removed and the edible strips of raw flesh arranged in a pattern at the side.
The fish, however, is far from dead, it leans its head upwards looking at us. "This fish has died for you and you must respect it," says our host's girlfriend, who is administering the food ceremony. I don't think anyone's very happy about this and Rover blurts out, "But it isn't dead and if you don't take it away and kill it, I'm going to get my knife out and kill it!"
The fish is taken away to be killed. It tastes like raw fish. The English are drinking saké while the Japanese drink lager. The English have also bought cool cameras in Electric Street and snap away furiously. 'Bloody tourists!' think the Japanese. You probably think it's really weak not to speak out more forcefully about some of the things we see, but we're guests here and must respect their customs. However distasteful it seems, it's probably less hypocritical than our own attitudes to eating animals. Vegetarians be warned: the concept is not understood here and saying, "I don't eat dead animals" often results in a live one being brought.
After the meal we go through a ritual humiliation, Japanese style. 'Karaoke Is Joysound!' says the sign. Hmmmm... Unlike in England, you get a private room with your mates, who choose a song for you to sing and you have to get up and do it. I get 'Trouble' by Shampoo, not something I would ordinarily be inclined to sing in company. Jarvis gets a very badly translated version of MC Hammer's 'Can't Touch This' in which "legit" comes out as "Leggit", etc, etc.
And for Rover, we choose 'Gimmie A Man After Midnight', which he isn't very happy about. On the way out, we see a bloke squatting in the middle of the road staring at traffic which stops in front of him. We are taking the piss a bit, which turns out to be a very bad idea because this is not a drunk, but a Yakuza hard man staking out his territory. Our host is concerned and runs on ahead to make sure there are no more. I recollect the fearsome knives and weaponry for sale in Electric Street and stop taking the piss. The Yakuza chop off their little finger as an initiation - you do not want them as your enemies.
The first concert in Tokyo goes very well. All the concerts sold out very quickly and there is anticipation amongst the stylish and supposedly reserved crowd. I've never seen so much energy without aggression. Everything's running like clockwork. Back in the hotel foyer, which is the size of a football pitch, we are greeted by gift-bearing fans. In the middle of the foyer is a bar area, demarcated by a complete ring of chrome about 2ft-high.
None of the fans dare enter this magic circle. We are joined by some of Steve's supermodel friends called Ginger, Manx, Feline, Persian and Pussy. They are impossibly thin and drape themselves around the bar, nibbling nuts. Rover approaches, his eyes roll around in their sockets like a fruit machine. "How long is it since you tasted some 100 per cent British beef?' he asks. Bingo!
Meanwhile, back in Blighty, we're being lampooned by Spitting Image along the lines of "I want to live like famous people"; fair enough, but what would you do, all my friends and brothers? The second concert in Tokyo we go on to Beethoven's Ninth. It's a flip chill winter bastard outside but inside all is horror show, there are even quite a number of mates in the audience. We fight through a few minor technical problems to cobble together an exciting show. Jarvis has to go off to replace a lost contact lens. To the Japanese, work equals style, times content. I guess you have to live some distance from Camden to appreciate this.
Battling through adversity in a cold climate is something our cultures share, it gives a certain edginess to the evening, which is a positive thing 'cos, as I'm sure you know, there's quite a lot of darkness under all this Pulp froth. Jarvis introduces all the songs in Japanese and this goes down very well. The Japanese seem to get this, they like a good present to be in a good box. The idea that style could possibly subtract from content would not make any sense to them.
Pulp had to get popular with the public before the feral scum-sucking tabloid British music press (Love you too - NME) took any real notice, and then it was in a cartoonised and, to my mind, rather humiliating way.
We awake with the rising sun like the people in the cornflakes advert you always aspire to. I've started rooting through my paltry belongings for presents to give back to fans. The best I can do is sunglasses, which are much appreciated. However, next time in the foyer, I see that half a dozen pairs of my former sunglasses are being worn and it's embarrassing, mainly because it's impersonal and a cheap con, like giving beads for land.
Many of the presents we receive are very thoughtful indeed, very personal and apt. We give the fans so little attention, don't even bother to learn their names and they give us so much. Why these kind, intelligent people do something, on the face of it, so uncool is beyond me, but I'm not complaining.
One of the many preconceptions was that we would be yammered away at about other bands, much as in the rest of the world, only more so and in a comical Japanese accent... "Ah Erastica, you know Bobby Girrespie? You know Brur?" This is definitely not the case; it almost seems impolite to mention another band when they're so focused on you. So that's another preconception, that they're impersonal.
Also going is a well-reasoned belief in the supremacy of European culture, see ya. Actually there is one exception. They do keep giving us pictures of Menswear and assuring us that they are, well, as if they are our long lost children. We've seen so many cheesy pictures of them grinning red-eyed, in Hawaiian shirts that severe loss of ace-faceness has occurred.
The last show in Tokyo is less frenetic, but very good; we play well and do a rare-for-us second encore. Jarvis has sustained a finger injury and is taken to the hospital where an already painful finger is subjected to squeezing, pricking, burning and electrocution.
The tour manager had only come into t'doctor's office to bring t'singer but they gave him t'stick and all! It was noticed that he had a cold and he had a man kneel on his back attaching crocodile clips to his nose, electrocuting him so he thrashed about like a pinhead, his neck pulsing alarmingly. Needless to say they both confessed. God knows what they'd do if you're really ill. No wonder everyone looks so healthy, they're scared shitless to be ill.
Our last meal in Japan, at our request, involves no live animals. We give a present to our host, who then proceeds to blub uncontrollably for the rest of the meal. Any preconceptions that these are cold people went way back. As the orders are being placed, one of the record company men pipes up, "I like Beetles!" Well almost. He stands up and starts to reel off his repertory of the Fab Four's songs which is quite extensive. We're used to this kind of excellently barking mad behaviour, so it's alright. Go buddy go!
We assemble early in the lobby for departure, Jarvis has gone on ahead dressed as a Hasidic Jew to avoid the crowds. Like many well-known celebrities, Jarvis employs a double. Jarvis' double (You may have seen him in the 'Mis-Shapes' video) has been up all night drinking in a dangerous club and staggers into the foyer not only refusing to sign autographs but swearing at anyone who comes near him before failing over a sofa and collapsing on the floor.
Safely checked in at the airport, we ascend an escalator waving gaily to the tearful fans. "Please come back to Japan soon," they plead. "We will, we will," we promise. It's a promise we are to keep because it is the wrong escalator and leads nowhere. After waiting round the corner for some time, the crowd at the bottom is still there so we have to descend the escalator, waving to the now laughing fans. "Welcome back to Japan," they say. Ah ha! Enough, enough, no more gratitude. Let's go somewhere where it's rude.
The record company, who must be ill, offer to pay our room service bill. Oh gullible company did ye ken, ye'd be picking up the tab for half a million yen?
Nietzsche would have aphorised the Pulp philosophy as: 'I have my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds, thus I grow taller.' There is, of course, a combustibility to this. We draw our inspiration from elevating ordinary life, therefore ordinary people relate to it, therefore we become famous, therefore we are no longer common people, therefore we lose the sap that pushes us to the clouds and it goes snap! This is exactly how it should be.
By example, Japan has injected a certain amount of crackle back into this fragile alliance. Perhaps we can last until the stroke of midnight New Year's Eve 1999. Pop!
Based on a true story.
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tuscanwalker · 2 years
Sept 28, 2022: La Storta to St. Peter’s Basilica Rome: 23.5 km; CUS - 1,900 ft
Live and Learn
The British tour group tracked in quite a while after us last night, soaked from the rain we avoided. They are still a cheerful group even now and it is a privilege to have them share the end of our camino. Dinner last night was a Sardinian seafood restaurant about a kilometre from the hotel. The meal was fine, but nothing exceptional. The white Sardinian wine was great: crisp, fresh and somewhat complex (still trying to identify some of the elements/notes).
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Today looked easy at the start as our accommodation was already 2 km further along the route from yesterdays end point. So only 17 km to go and only one steep climb of a couple of hundred meters plus some smaller ones. Easy, peasy!
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Then reality set in. We spent much of morning wandering through a park that was likely a flood plain. Saw lots of signs of Chingale (wild boar) including tracks, scat and rooting along the trail. Unlike my France trip, no actual wild boar were spotted. Some of the trail markings were not clear and we added a couple of km to the day. The height of the first climb was right, but it was brutally steep, we estimate 25% at least. In an Edmonton winter, no Range Rover would make it up. A cappuccino and a short break and we were off again.
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Once we reached the top of Monte Mario (my grandsons would have expected a short Italian with a red cap and bushy moustache to jump on their heads), there were beautiful views of the city and Michelangelo’s Dome atop St Peter’s. Unfortunately, the road down was an endless series of switchbacks on very rough cobblestones that chewed up the bottom of your feet and punished your joints. At the bottom, it was a straight shot to St Peter’s, past the ever vigilant Swiss Guards.
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The Vatican has long hired Swiss Mercenaries but they became a permanent fixture in 1527, when 147 of 189 guards and their commander died protecting Clement VII from the Holy Roman Emperor’s unpaid Spanish Mercenaries during the sack of Rome. They fought a rear guard action on the passageway between the Papal Apartments and Castle St Angelo (Hadrians Tomb) allowing the Pope to lock himself away out of reach. He eventually ransomed himself by making good on the Spaniards overdue pay. Unlike our first trip, the Pilgrims Office (Opera Romana Pelligrinaggi) no longer issues Testimoniums. You must first enter St. Peter’s through the endless lines of tourists waiting to be checked by security. Even then, we understand that packs are not permitted so we headed off to our hotel.
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Now things got nasty. Out hotel is 4.5 km due south of St Peter’s, well out of central Rome. It also involves a 500 ft+ climb and a 250 ft drop. By the time we got to our hotel an hour and a quarter later, we were tired and frustrated, only to find we had a room was a matrimonial rather than a twin. This was quickly fixed just in time to see the British tour group walk in about an hour after us. This is the advantage of having a guide. They apparently took a train from St Peter’s rather than walked. With a little research, I found that the train takes about 6 minutes, leaves every 9 minutes and only requires a few block walk at each end. It would have been nice if the tour company had provided us with this information. Oh well, live and learn. We will not make that mistake again.
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carcosapr · 2 months
CASTLE Wants You To Sacrifice Yourself to the Supernatural in New Video “100 Eyes”
High priests of sinister doom return with a hook-laden heavy metal thrill-ride into Nosferatu nights!
Bay Area occult doom trio CASTLE is proud to present the debut single and video, “100 Eyes,” taken from their upcoming sixth album Evil Remains, due out September 6 via Hammerheart Records.
“We’re excited to be making and sharing music again,” says the band’s frontwoman Liz Blackwell. “Our first release from the new album is a message and a reminder to eliminate the distractions that prevent oneself from being the master of your own mind. Our latest video pulled our artistic community together to film a visual representation of self-discovery and empowerment."
Back after a six year break with the black magick fully recharged, CASTLE has delivered a juggernaut of riffery in a hook-laden mix of doom and psychedelic-tinged classic metal. Adding to the atmosphere of majestic doom, Elizabeth Blackwell’s haunted, full-blooded vocals are electric witch hymns of death and madness; ‘Hear my warning, heed my call,’ indeed.
Recorded at Raincity Recorders in Vancouver B.C. by producer Jesse Gander (Anciients, 3 Inches of Blood, Brutus), Evil Remains sonically balances the warm and fuzzy with the bombastic power of an alternate universe stadium rock band. Bassist/vocalist Elizabeth Blackwell and guitarist/vocalist Mat Davis bring their unique female and male vocal attack and scorching, serpentine riffs to dizzying new heights. Rounded out by drummer Mike Cotton’s thunderous precision, Evil Remains delivers a metallic knock out punch from the first to the last note of its eight pummeling tracks.
Written over a five year period — beginning in CASTLE’s then-hometown of Joshua Tree, California, after a year-long tour for their previous album, Deal Thy Fate — the songwriting culminated this past year with pre-production sessions taking place in the band’s new twin home bases of San Francisco and Vancouver.
Since storming out of San Francisco with their 2011 debut In Witch Order, CASTLE has toured relentlessly, playing close to 700 shows on three continents. The live ritual resumes this September across Europe with North American dates to follow.
Evil Remains drops September 6 worldwide on digipak CD, various vinyl variants and all major streaming platforms via Hammerheart Records.
FFO: Cirith Ungol, Christian Mistress, Lucifer, Pentagram, Saint Vitus
PRE-ORDER: https://castlesf.lnk.to/evilremains
Liz Blackwell – bass, vocals
Mat Davis – guitar, vocals
Mike Cotton – drums
European Tour Dates 2024:
09/09 – Bamberg, DE – Live Club
10/09 – Karlsruhe, DE – Kohi
11/09 – Freiburg, DE – Slow Club
12/09 – Marburg, DE – Knubbel
13/09 – Weikersheim, DE – club W71
14/09 – Leipzig, DE – Black Label
15/09 – München, DE – Backstage
17/09 – Düsseldorf, DE – Pitcher
18/09 – Hamburg, DE – Logo
19/09 – Oslo, NO – Vaterland
20/09 – Gothenburg, SE – The Abyss
21/09 – Malmo, SE – Plan B
22/09 – Copenhagen, DK – Rahuset
23/09 – Berlin, DE – Reset
24/09 – Prague, CZ – Modrá Vopice
25/09 – Vienna, AT – Viper Room
26/09 – Ljubljana, SI – Channel Zero
28/09 – Basel, CH – Hirschenec
30/09 – Aachen, DE – Wild Rover
Social Links:
“…a beguiling mix of doom and psychedelic heavy metal…” — DEAF FOREVER
Evil Remains track listing:
1. Queen of Death
2. Nosferatu Nights
3. Deja Voodoo
4. Evil Remains
5. Black Spell
6. 100 Eyes
7. She
8. Cold Grave
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clairejozefa · 6 months
When you walk along the wilderness of Zambia, this presents something uniquely immersive that brings you near to the core of unspoiled nature's natural beauty. By taking a walking safari in Zambia, you can establish a unique, intimate relationship with nature that you might not experience when on a rover. Here you get to see nature in detail which you would not notice in a normal game drive.
Walking safari in Zambia gives one an experience guided by highly experienced safari guides. They are accompanied by knowledgeable National Parks rangers, meaning one has an adventure like no other. You will enjoy seeing the flora and fauna in a way you never have in your life, especially the noble elephants as well as the wild cats that are indigenous to Zambia.
Different from a normal experience, where you will be seen touring in a Land Rover, a walking safari is an opportunity to take it cool, enjoy the fresh air, and participate actively in the sights and sounds of nature. The soft hypnosis of leaves, the pretty song of birds, and the loud echo of a lion result in soothing music that follows you inside the bush.
Should you be craving a walking safari that doesn’t only exist inside your imagination, this adventure is for you, my friend. First, it takes you into close contact with nature thus you exceedingly appreciate and grow in wonder for the treeless expanse of the Zambian wilderness. So lace up your walking shoes, grab your binoculars, and get ready to embark on a journey of discovery through the captivating landscapes of Zambia.
Exploring the Enchanting Walking Safaris of Zambia
Embarking on a journey into the heart of Zambia's untamed wilderness unveils a tapestry of walking safari experiences that beckon the intrepid traveler. From the iconic South Luangwa National Park to the remote expanses of North Luangwa and the scenic wonders of Lower Zambezi, each destination offers a unique blend of adventure and immersion in nature's splendor.
1. South Luangwa National Park
Delving into the realm of walking safaris, South Luangwa National Park emerges as a beacon of exploration, steeped in the legacy of Norman Carr, the visionary pioneer of this captivating landscape. The park's narrative unfolds through the lens of photographic walking safaris, a tradition that Carr himself inaugurated. Nestled within this wilderness is the enduring Nsefu Camp, a testament to Carr's dedication to conservation and sustainable tourism. Under the custodianship of Robin Pope Safaris, guests traverse the park's diverse terrain, walking from one luxurious camp to another amidst a backdrop of lions, leopards, wild dogs, and an array of captivating wildlife.
Key Highlights of South Luangwa:
Known as Zambia's premier national park for walking safaris.
Unique 'sleep outs' offering a wilderness sleeping experience.
Renowned as 'the Valley of Leopards' due to its leopard population density.
Conveniently located near Malawi, allowing for a cross-border adventure.
2. North Luangwa National Park - Remoteness set in African Safaris
Exploring the unexplored in the wide open spaces of North Luangwa National Park with Remote Africa Safaris will give you a very different safari like no other nature experience. With two exclusive camps, Takwelela and Mwaleshi, guests abstained from traditional game drives and engaged in experiential walking safaris instead, led by well-versed guides. From confrontations of lions, leopards, and wild dogs to the opportunity of a black rhino sighting, the park’s untamed natural setting offers you a taste of nature’s uncharted territory.
Key Highlights of North Luangwa
Remote and unscathed wild forests.
It is possible to view the wary black rhinos.
Low-key and original safari experience.
The two campgrounds are situated in exclusive and uncrowded locations”.
Sanctuary to the biggest elephant population in Zambia.
3. Lower Zambezi National Park - Chiawa Safaris
Journeying to the southern reaches of Zambia leads to the breathtaking Lower Zambezi National Park, a haven of scenic beauty along the Zambezi River. Chiawa Safaris, renowned for their expertise in the region, offers a gateway to a diverse eco-system waiting to be explored. From the luxurious Chiawa Camp to the rustic charm of Old Mondoro, guests can traverse grasslands, woodlands, and riverine habitats, encountering lions, leopards, elephants, and an array of wildlife along the way.
Key Highlights of Lower Zambezi:
Luxurious lodges amidst scenic beauty.
Abundance of river-based activities like sunset cruises and canoe safaris.
Diverse and picturesque landscapes waiting to be explored.
Ideal combination with a visit to Victoria Falls for a complete African adventure.
Every step taken on a walking safari in Zambia makes you discover different wonders, from colorful birds fluttering through the trees to fascinating flowers on the ground in front of you. The feeling of on-foot wandering in landscapes allows us to view nature from other perspectives and comprehend that there is a delicate balance between the elements of nature and that everything in the ecosystem is connected.
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celtfather · 9 months
The Wild Rover from The Harr #643
The Haar share the story behind their version of “The Wild Rover” on Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #643.
Bonhomme Setter, Hanneke Cassel, Outbound Traveler, Juha Rossi, Joseph Carmichael, W. Ed Harris, Mic Clark, Seán Heely, The Haar, Strings & Things, Firinn, The Sternwheelers, Kathryn Tickell & The Darkening, Eimear Arkins
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Enjoy seven weekly news items for Celtic music and culture online. Subscribe now and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2024 episode. You have just three weeks to vote this year. Vote Now!
You can follow our playlist on Spotify to listen to those top voted tracks as they are added every 2 - 3 weeks. It also makes it easier for you to add these artists to your own playlists. You can also check out our Irish & Celtic Music Videos.
0:02 - Intro: Mike at Gen Con
0:09 - Bonhomme Setter "Fort Bay" from Colors of Time
2:29 - WELCOME
4:32 - Hanneke Cassel "Katrina McCoy's Jig / Sierra Fiddle Circle's Compliments to the Girls of Mudzini Kwetu" from Dot the Dragon's Eyes
8:21 - Outbound Traveler "Early Morning Rain" from Go On and Wander
11:57 - Juha Rossi "The Parting Glass" from Irish Tunes on Mandolin
14:10 - Joseph Carmichael "Sovay" from Single
19:36 - FEEDBACK
22:53 - W. Ed Harris "The Sligo Maid" from Cares of Tomorrow Can Wait
25:47 - Mic Clark "THE RIVER" from THE RIVER EP
29:26 - Seán Heely "View from the Quiraing" from Dramagical
35:16 - STORY: The Haar "Wild Rover" from Where Old Ghosts Meet
The Haar are going out on tour starting in February, all around the UK. You can also see their striking music video. I’ll add that to the featured video playlist on YouTube.
37:07 - The Haar "Wild Rover" from Where Old Ghosts Meet
41:37 - THANKS
44:47 - Strings & Things "Jigtime" from The Unsolicited Dance
48:36 - Firinn "Out of the Air, Organic Ross" from The Long Lunch
50:40 - The Sternwheelers "Don't Turn Around" from Single
53:16 - Kathryn Tickell & The Darkening "High Way To Hermitage" from Cloud Horizons
57:08 - CLOSING
58:18 - Eimear Arkins "Father Bernie's/Farewell to Miltown/Maudabawn Chapel" from What's Next?
1:02:57 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to follow the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
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Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn.
This podcast is here to build a diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. Musicians depend on your generosity to keep making music. So please find a way to support them. Buy a CD, Album Pin, Shirt, Digital Download, or join their communities on Patreon.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
If you are a Celtic musician or in a Celtic band, then please submit your band to be played on the podcast. You don’t have to send in music or an EPK. Email gift@bestcelticmusic
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We’re funding new merch for 2024. We’re a part of the Make 100/Kickstarter campaign. We’re funding 100 Celtic Pins, 100 Celtic CDs, and 100 Celtic Shirts as part of this new campaign.
You can sign up to our Kickstarter Pre - Launch page to be the first to support the podcast at http://marcgunn.com/kickstarter.
You are amazing. It is because of your generosity that you get to hear so much great Celtic music each and every week.
Your kindness pays for our engineer, graphic designer, Celtic Music Magazine editor, promotion of the podcast, and allows me to buy the music I play here. It also pays for my time creating the show each and every week.
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Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
#celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? Please email me. I’d love to see a  picture of what you're doing while listening or of a band that you saw recently.
Email me at celticpodcast@gmail.
Dave Ottalini emailed from Silver Spring, Maryland: "Just dropping a note to say thank you. Your podcasts are wonderful and I listen to them all the time  -  they bring joy at all times of the year."
Shawn Webster emailed a photo: "Greetings! Today I’m patching a concrete floor following a sewer line repair! The podcast makes this work much more tolerable. Thank you for another great episode."
Christopher Patrick of the band FitzBlarney emailed some Christmas photos from Salem, Massachusetts and wrote: "Hello, Mark! Wanted to share! For Christmas this year I FINALLY got my Bluetooth receiver for my car! This means I can now start my day listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast on my daily commute! My commute to work being only 20 to 30 minutes, I get to travel home listening to it too!
I have just finished listening to your Celtic - Christmas episode, and was very impressed with the tunes  -  especially the creative arrangements. These gave me so many ideas for future arrangements with my Celtic Music band, FitzBlarney.
We actually began as an ‘Acoustic - Celtic Christmas’ trio, (comprised of myself and my two sisters.) Since then, we have taken on my brother and brother - in - law, and also play non - Christmas, Irish/Celtic music.
In fact, this past December, we were asked to play at the Historic Salem ‘House Tour.”
In essence, people with historic houses open them up to the public to walk through and see their Christmas displays. Musicians, ( like ourselves, ) set - up and create some Christmassy background music. This year, we were playing in the chapel of St. Peter’s Church, (founded in 1733!)
We also did our “Acoustic Brunch,” at O’Neill’s Pub, also in Salem, MA. (I have attached a couple’ pictures for you!)
Thank you again for all you do! My commutes sound great now!"
Tim Hughes sent a photo: "while walking our tri - pawed dog, Kinder, on the bike path on a wintry morning in Madison, WI."
  Check out this episode!
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hillrovers · 10 months
Discovering Kaziranga: A Safari Tale in the Heart of Nature
Embark on a captivating Kaziranga Wildlife Tour, where the untamed beauty of nature unfolds. Witness the iconic one-horned rhinos grazing freely, majestic elephants strolling through lush landscapes, and a plethora of exotic wildlife thriving in their natural habitat. This safari promises an unforgettable adventure in the heart of Kaziranga's wild wonders.
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dubaivisasolutions · 2 years
15 Best Things To Do at Dubai Desert Safari
Dubai Desert Safari is one of the best ways to spend an eventful and memorable day amidst the great Arabian desert. It is a popular thing to do in Dubai which can't be missed. So, take your Dubai tourist visa and fly to explore the wildest sands in Dubai.
Catch The First Rays Of The Sun Over The Desert Dunes
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Of course, sunrise over the seas and beaches is beautiful, but have you ever wondered what it is like to witness morning in the great Arabian Desert? The sun shines the brightest and looks stunning near the horizon. The best thing to do on the morning desert safari Dubai.
Brave The Dune Bashing
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Hop on a 4x4 and experience the ultimate thrill of dune bashing. Dune bashing in Dubai is a popular desert sports activity ideal for adrenaline lovers, and you will feel the rush as the jeep blasts through the desert's highest dunes.
Go Skiing On The Sand
The endless stretch of Dubai offers the highest dunes for sand skiing, an exciting desert sport where you go sliding and gliding from the highest dunes as high as 200–300 meters. Feel the ultimate fun of the Dubai Desert Safari as you go down the rapids.
Ride The Desert Like A Pro
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If you are looking for an adrenaline rush, quad biking in Dubai is one of the best things to do in Dubai Desert Safari. Ride around the sand curves of the great desert and explore the wildness in your own way.
Feel On Top Of The World
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The evening desert safari Dubai allows you to explore the desert while on a hot air balloon. Get an amazing 360-degree view of the desert while you enjoy the striking sunset over the horizon.
Try out a fat tire bike ride
Exploring the desert in your own way is even better on two wheels. You can get on these bikes and explore the sands with an expert guide.
Take a Camel Safari
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It’s obvious to see camels in the Dubai Desert, so why not enjoy riding them? Camels are known as the ship of the desert, and you will get a perfect chance to sail along this desert ship and explore and experience your best Dubai Desert Safari.
Now try horse riding
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Yes, Dubai Desert Safari also offers horse riding across the desert. You can spend about 90 minutes exploring the desert with the guide guiding you. It is a relaxing and unique thing to do on the Dubai Desert Safari.
Discover the Hatta Heritage Village
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Exploring the Hatta Heritage Village is one of the most popular Desert Safari activities. Here, you will get to explore and learn about the Emirati lifestyle that existed centuries ago in mud and stone houses.
Know and enjoy the art of falconry
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Falconry is the highest form of art in Emirati culture. Watch the talented Falcons fly over 3500 feet, showcasing their astounding skills. For a better experience, board a hot air balloon and enjoy the falconry display with a gourmet breakfast.
Explore Wildlife at Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve
Join a professional desert safari guide on a range rover tour of the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve. Explore the thriving side of the pristine desert and eco-system.
Witness the calming sunset
A sunset over the desert in Dubai is equally stunning as the sunrise in the Dubai Desert. The golden, reddish-orange hues of the sky are worth capturing.
Indulge in a night of activities
Dubai Desert Safari offers various activities to indulge in, which include dancing on slits, swirling, exceptional belly dance, fire eating, and much more to entertain you.
Try the best Emirati cuisines
Emirati cuisine is known for its delicious flavours. Dubai Desert Safari features some of the best and most lip-smacking dishes, including hummus, kebabs, and an array of Iranian and Lebanese dishes.
Overnight Desert Safari Night dune bashing and stargazing
The nights in the desert are mostly cold and wild, making it a perfect time to board a range rover and explore the dark and thrilling sides of the desert or take up a romantic drive with your partner.
The experience of enjoying the wild side of Dubai is truly one of a kind. So don't pass it up.
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abdholidays · 2 years
Tour Packages in Uttarakhand
Exploring and traveling to distant places is always a relaxing experience. If an essence of adventure is added to your tour, it brings long-lasting memories that never fade away. Indeed, the tour packages in Uttarakhand from ABD holidays is the perfect option to plan an adventurous getaway. From river rafting to trekking, wildlife safaris, camping, and skiing, Uttarakhand tends to be a favorite hotspot for explorers. With various tour packages in Uttarakhand available to enjoy, you can select as per your choice.
Adventure - Tour Packages in Uttarakhand:
River Rafting:
Needless to say, river rafting is like a tug of war with the water and Rishikesh is one of the global preferences for adventure tour packages in uttarakhand. The city beholds the beauty of lush green mountains with Dhauliganga, Alaknanda, and Kali rovers acting as the prime spots for river rafting. As a part of the package, you will have to reach the starting point. Then, you will be assisted by experts who will guide you about the rafting route. Further, safety equipment is provided with a life jacket and wet suits. It is one of the prominent tour packages in uttarakhand that can be enjoyed almost throughout the year.
Trekking Tours:
With various trekking options available for tourists to enjoy as adventure tour packages in uttarakhand, you can select as per the availability of time. Chopta trek, Kedartal trek, Pindari Glacier trek, Nanda Devi base camp trek, Mayali Pass trek, Namik Glacier trek, Kalpeshwar to Rudranath trek, Brahmatal trek, and Sapt Kund trek are some of the excellent option to try. Of course, you are assisted by the trekking experts and provided safety gear as a part of tour packages in Uttarakhand to make your experience memorable. Obviously, trekking will unleash spectacular views of the mountains and rugged terrains.
Camping Tour:
Imagine yourself sitting a midst emerald green valleys and waking to the most scenic sights. This is what camping would offer as you tend to live in natural surroundings and feel close to mother nature. As a part of the trekking tour packages in uttarakhand, you will be offered a variety of camping gear and stay in tents. Certainly, camping tours might include adventure activities like zip lining, skywalks, or rock climbing that add spice to your vacation. All you have to do is select from an array of camping tour packages in uttarakhand and book as per your budget.
Wildlife Safari Tours:
How about meeting the most beautiful big cats in the world? Wildlife safari tour packages in uttarakhand will allow you to see tigers in their natural habitats. Definitely, seeing tigers closely is an adventure in itself. For this, Jim Corbett National Park and Rajaji National Park are the ultimate possibilities. With Jim Corbett topping the chart of National Parks in India for spotting wild cats, you can select from an open jeep safari to canter safari options. As a part of the tour packages in uttarakhand for a wildlife safari, tourists are required to reach the boarding point half hour before the actual time.
Winter Adventure Tours:
Enjoying adventure activities in the valleys covered with snow is something that an adventurer would not miss. Besides river rafting, trekking, and camping tour packages in uttarakhand, the town has a lot to offer in the winter season too. Much famed as the skiing resort, Uttarakhand offers excellent adventure to tourists. Apart from skiing, you can enjoy snowboarding which adds another moment of joy to your adventure tour packages in uttarakhand. Indeed, Auli in Uttarakhand is best known for skiing and snowboarding adventures.
Certainly, adventure tourism is famous for overcoming your hesitations and satiating the spirit of doing something exceptional in life. These adventure tour packages in uttarakhand are the best ways to enjoy fun-filled moments with your friends and family. Of course, such tour packages in uttarakhand require you to stay safe and act as per the experts’ guidelines.
Adventure Tour Packages Uttarakhand by ABD Holidays:
ABD Holidays is known for offering excellent and affordable tour packages in Uttarakhand . The reason is that they want every adventurer to take some time out from their stressful lifestyle and indulge in developing a close connection with nature.
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hotforharrysheart · 2 years
Spreading You Open Part 1
The Dublin show was incredible even though Harry had a hard time keeping his pants pulled up and at one point his microphone cord wrapped around his belt buckle mid song. And it’s doubtful you’ll ever forget the moment during As It Was when he smacked himself in the mouth with the mic. He said he thought for sure he broke a tooth, but that’s not the first time he’s hit his mouth on the mic. You couldn’t help but giggle and tell him with his wild dance moves he needed to insure his beautiful face. Overall, it was fantastic as usual.
You’d both gotten up early the next morning to head to the airport to fly to Cornwall. Truth be told you were looking forward to some quiet time at the pink cottage. You had a lot on your mind with the upcoming travelling leg of the tour. Between work and the constant travelling status you weren’t quite sure what to expect. You found yourself making endless lists in your head and on every electronic device you were using in hopes you didn’t forget something or forget to schedule what needed to be done to stay up to date on the cases you were looking into for the podcast. Needless to say, your laptop, phone and tablet had lists upon lists of things to do before the flight to Germany.
Harry was so happy and looking forward to being on the road. You hoped his fans realized just how much of himself he gave to perform for them, but, for Harry, it didn’t matter if they did, he loved what he did and if he had only a handful of fans he would still give as much of himself. He was, however, one of the most popular musicians on the planet at the moment and he viewed that as a responsibility he would uphold with humility, integrity and kindness. This was his life calling.
As you’re boarding the plane Harry receives a call from his tour manager.
“Yeah, everythin’ good ta go? Great, great… Oh, jus’ the usual… like we did las’ time,” he says through his earbuds.
“Gonna be great! Yeah, ’m s’glad she’s goin’ too,” Harry said pulling you in close to him.
You smile a small, forced smile up at him playing with his initials on your necklace. You were glad everything was “good to go” for him, but you were starting to feel the pressure. It’s old-hat, routine, been-there-done-that-got-the-touring-t-shirt of the band, the staff, the management and most of all to Harry, but this was a first for you. Living your life on the road felt like a daunting task, but you refused to be Debbie-Downer or a pest asking a ton of questions. You’d go with the flow and keep making your lists to ease the anxiety. You lay your head back on the seat and close your eyes, for now you’d will yourself to sleep, after all you were going to the cottage and there you could relax, fingers crossed.
Harry ends the call and looks down at your head on his shoulder. Your eyes are closed, but your brows are furrowed like you’re distressed. He hopes maybe you’re just tired from the early morning. “Nothing some cottage time can’ fix,” he whispers into the top of your head as he kisses you lightly. “I love ya, baby.”
The flight flew by and before you know it, you’re in Cornwall.
“Baby, s’time, we’re abou’ ta land, ya awake?” he says cupping your cheek and kissing your forehead.
“Mmmm…yup, ‘m wake,” you mumble sleepily. You guess you haven’t been sleeping as well as you thought with all the changes on your mind, but the lulling drone of a plane engine will do it every time.
“Ron left tha Rover fo’ us, s’we can go straight ta tha cottage, sound good?” He says combing his fingers through the hair on the side you were sleeping on.
You help him smooth your hair down and take a moment to pull out a compact to make sure you don’t have smudged make-up.
“Look beautiful, babe,” he says smiling at you.
“Thank you,” you say smiling softly.
“Ya ok, sweet’eart?”
“Oh, sure…I suppose I was just more tired than I thought,” you say, not about to pour water on his excitement by sharing your concerns and anxieties. You smile softly, “Be happy to be at the pink cottage with you…”
“Good, got’a surprise fo’ ya, but you’ll hafta wait,” he says brushing your nose with his just before laying a sweet kiss on your lips.
“You spoil me, H, more than you should.”
“No, I don’, love surprising ya!”
“Just know Harry, that you’re all the surprise I need and, God, what a surprise you’ve been,” you say kissing his lips, “a beautiful… amazing…surprise.”
“Love ya,” he says smiling proudly.
“Love you too.”
“Let’s go hibernate in our cottage for a couple of days, yeah?”
“Sounds divine,” you say groaning.
When you arrive the cottage is clean, the fridge is stocked with all your favorites and Helen has left a pan of warm peach cobbler, the scent of cinnamon and peaches filling the air. You stand at the sink and look out the window to the deck and across to the pond where the ducks are hovering at the edge. The ducklings born this spring aren’t quite as big at their parents, but they have grown so much since the last time you were here. “That reminds me,” you mumble to yourself pulling out your phone. Opening the task app you scroll through the twenty five or so lists you have of things to remember to do, find the one you were looking for and type in a reminder to contact the kids of the main detective you work with at the LAPD to let them know you won’t be able to attend their summer talent show because you’ll be out of town. You know they’ll understand, but you hate letting them down.
You feel Harry’s arms wrap around your waist as you’re closing the list back to the main app screen. “Whatcha doin’”
“Just making a reminder to myself,” you answer.
After he kisses your ear lobe he says, “Are all those lists reminders?”
“Yeah, got a lot to remember…,” you chuckle nervously.
“D’ya ‘member this…,” he says running his hands on your tummy under your shirt and up to your breasts. His thumbs rub back and forth across the silky material of the bra covering your nipples.
You gasp lightly and roll your head back to his shoulder. “Yeah, I could never forget that, H.”
“Mmmm…love tha feel of this bra,” he says running the palm of his hands around the cups.
“You have expensive taste, it’s silk,” you turn in his arms to give him a hug and a proper kiss.
Apparently, he had other things in mind, because he lifts you on to the counter and stands between your legs. “Been a while since I’ve had ya in the kitchen,” he says with a smug smile kissing down your neck.
That reminds you that you need to make sure that the food in the London fridge is disposed of before you leave. You know that the housekeeper will take care of it, but you have some berries you’d like to freeze to make smoothies with, so you don’t want her to trash those. “Won’t be making smoothies, though,” you whisper as Harry is unbuttoning your denim shorts. Luckily it seems that he didn’t hear you, not that it would matter, because you aren’t actually aware of the fact that you said that out loud.
“Up,” Harry says indicating it’s time for you to lift off your hips so he can pull down your shorts. You unconsciously raise up and he strips them off you.
“Mmmm…matching silk panties,” he says running his hands on the inside of your thighs.
You spread your legs as he steps in close for a deep kiss.
Silk? You better remember to pack up some Woolite so you can wash your spendy lingerie in the sink, or does laundry at hotels do that? Harry has worked his way to your core and has managed to get his hand down your panties. “Dry-cleaning?” you mumble wondering if you can send those out to be dry cleaned wherever you are…wait…who picks it up, you wouldn’t want to leave some of your expensive lingerie at a dry cleaner in a different country. Can you imagine if the tabloids got wind of that? For fuck’s sake, what have you gotten yourself into? How can this possibly work? He’s never had to drag along someone with him, this is going to be the death of him. He’s so accustomed to his routines on the road and you’re just going to hold him back. Jesus Christ, you should’ve thought this through better.
You pop out of your daze to see that Harry has stopped and is leaning on his hands on the counter on either side of your hips and is staring at you.
“Been rubbin’ ya clit fo’ a full minute now. And ya no’ wet, but tha’s no’ the least of it, somethin’s on ya mind, ya look sad,” he raises his hand to tuck your hair behind your ear.
Suddenly his phone rings, but he doesn’t move.
“Aren’t you gonna answer it?” you murmur holding your breath and crossing your arms nervously.
“Fuck tha phone right now. Talk ta me.”
The phone starts to ring again and this time its accompanied with dings of text messages.
“You really should answer, H.”
“Christ!” he places a smacking kiss on your mouth and turns to walk to the phone on the dining table.
You hop off the counter and quickly pull on your shorts before the damn breaks. You head to the back door grabbing your quilt from Helen and making your way to the swing, praying the call is long enough for you to get your emotions under control.
You snuggle up in the quilt and sit on the swing as a tear rolls down your cheek. You furiously wipe it away. You don’t want to upset him, but the unknowns are too much. Another tear slides down your cheek and you wipe it away with the back of your hand when you see Helen approaching. You make to get up, but she waves you back in the swing.
“Don’ get up, darlin’, I jus’ came by ya bring ya some fresh fruit. Didn’t thin’ you’d be here s’soon,” she says leaning down to kiss your cheeks. “Where’s Harry?”
You look over to the door. “He’s on the phone. We’re getting ready to leave for tour and…he had to take a call.” You sigh.
Helen can tell there’s something you’re not telling her. You look worried and unhappy which isn’t like you. “Mind if I have a seat?”
You smile sadly. “Of course not,” you say, scooching over so she can sit down.
“Wha’s botherin’ ya, love?”
You sigh, your eyes filling up with tears and spilling down your cheeks.
Helen wraps her arm around you and pulls you to her, your head on her shoulder. “Aww, sweetheart…shhhh, shhhh, tell me wha’s wrong?”
You sit up and wipe your tears away. “Nothing…everything.” You sigh. “We’re going away on tour, and I have all of these questions and I don’t know how things are gonna go. I don’t want to be in the way, and I don’t want to bug Harry with any of this. He’s so excited to get back on the road and I don’t want to bring him down with all my concerns,” you say, a fresh set of tears stream down your face.
“But ya haven’t talked ta Harry abou’ this?”
You shake your head.
“Why not?”
“I don’t want him to worry about me!”
Helen shakes her head. “Ya hafta talk to him, love. He loves ya. He’ll understand. I’m sure he’s no’ tryin’ ta hide things from ya. He jus’ doesn’t know wha’ ta tell ya because he’s used ta this life.”
Harry’s phone call ended a bit ago and he’s listening at the door. His hand grips his phone hard. He’s mad at himself for not going over things better but he’s frustrated that you’ve not been talking to him about this either. He’s told you a million times that you can talk to him about anything and all these months later you’re still holding out on him. Do you not trust him? He hangs his head and clenches his jaw, puffing out a breath. He looks back out the door and makes eye contact with Helen. She nods slightly.
He opens the sliding glass door and steps out. “Hiya Helen, nice to see ya. Keepin’ ma girl company while I take care of business, I see,” he says, leaning down to kiss her cheek.
“I am. I brought ya both some fresh fruit, bu’ now I’m goin’ back to the blue cottage so ya can spend some time together.”
Harry takes the basket and smiles. “Thank ya. Tha’s very sweet of ya.”
“You take care, sweet girl,” Helen says, hugging you. She kisses Harry again and then leaves you two alone.
He sits down next to you and puffs out a breath, hands gripping his thighs. “Do ya no’ trust me?”
You whip your head to look at him. “What? What’re you talking about?”
He runs his hand down his face and meets your eyes. “I should’ve done better preparin’ ya fo’ life on tha road, I get tha’ an’ ‘m sorry bu’ why didn’t ya tell me ya were worried?” He sighs. “I’ve tol’ ya over an’ over ya can tell me anythin’, an ya don’ an’ I…don’ know why.”
You start to cry again. “I trust you, I do. I just…you’re busy and I don’t want to be a bother.”
“Fuck’s sake,” he says, turning on the swing and putting his arm around you. “Ya no’ a bother. Ya never a bother. Ya have a problem, ya come ta me, understand? Please? I’m beggin’ ya. Ya hafta to trust me an’ open up ta me – not jus’ physically, bu’ emotionally too.”
Your shoulders slump realizing that he has a very good point, “I’m sorry, H. You’re right. I’m so used to holding things in. It’s not you…it’s me. Please forgive me.”
He pulls you to him. “Baby, I forgive ya. I’m sorry too. Love ya s’much.” He kisses your temple. “C’mon, let’s go inside, yeah? Wanna hear all your concerns, ‘kay?”
You nod and he grabs your hand to lead you inside.
Once inside the door, Harry turns and locks it, “Baby, think we need ta jus’ lock ourselves in fo’ a couple of days…” he says grinning, “Call it a business meeting, ya alrigh’ wi’ tha’?”
“Sure, sounds good to me,” you say softly as he stalks toward you.
“Let’s go ligh’ some candles, we’ll take up Helen’s fruit…we got water,” he says putting his arms around you, “Let’s go spend some time in our pink room,” he says accent thick, voice raspy his hands running up and down your back.
You look down, but can’t help the gentle smile as you nod yes.
He pulls your head up with a knuckle under your chin, “Please, give me ya words, love, s’time ya start talkin’ ta me, enough holdin’ back on me, yeah?”
“Yes, Harry.”
“Listen, I know ya worried, but I wan’ ya ta know tha’… I…I’m not, ‘m not worried…no’ abou’ us, we’re gon be jus’ fine…tagether…an’ the rest of it all will jus’ fall into place. Come on,” he grabs your hand and leads the way up to your bedroom carrying the basket of fruit with his other. He eyes you as you go into the master closet. “Can ya get it?”
“I think so,” you say as your reach in to pull the lever that pops the cabinet that hides the opening to the pink room.
You walk in and he takes a moment to put the fruit on the little buffet, “Wan’ a water?”
You nod your head and then straighten your shoulders, “Yes, please” you say using your words.
“Good girl.”
You’ll never get over the beautiful pictures of you both that line the walls. On the other side of the buffet is a silver wrapped clothing box with a big pink bow.
Harry sees you spot the gift, “Tha’s ya surprise, but it’s fo’ later.”
You grab the candle lighter and walk around lighting the candles around the room, the candle is a relaxing scent of lavender and chamomile.
As you light the last candle, Harry dims the lights and turns on some soft music. He walks to you, cups your cheeks and places a sweet kiss on your lips. Eyes meeting yours he takes both your hands in his, “Can ya jus’ lemme undress ya, wan’ you bare while we talk, wan’ ya ta understand tha’ ya can be bare in all ways wi’ me, ya not gonna be in tha way, ya not gonna be a pest,” he pulls both of your hands up to his mouth to kiss them lightly then reached down to strip you of your t-shirt. “I need ya, your happiness means ev’rythin’ ta me. ‘M s’sorry, I didn’t think abou’ ya tryin’ ta figure this all out on ya own. I…jus’ fucked tha’ up an’ ‘m sorry,” he says unhooking your bra and moving on to unbutton your shorts. “I love ya an’ there’s nothin’ fo’ ya ta be worried about, ya not disappointin’ me or bringin’ me down with ya worries,” he strips your shorts and panties off, “god, ya so fuckin’ beautiful, babe. Go turn the bed down for us, yeah?”
You turn and walk naked as the day you were born to the bed and pull the velvet duvet down and crawl up on the tall California-king. Just as you turn around situated on the pillow you see Harry pushing down his dark blue trousers; stark naked he walks over and grabs a peach and a banana before stalking toward you and the bed. His cock is semi-hard and it sways as he walks the strut that is his normal walk. He gets to the bed and puts the fruit down.
“Get us a towel for the peach?” you ask.
“Good thinkin’” He walks over an grabs a tea towel from the kitchenette, stops and turns back to go find something, when he comes back he has a clippy holding his hair back on top.
“Interesting business consultation, Mr. Styles…” you say ogling him as he walks toward you.
“Well, I’m very interested in makin’ sure ya feel welcomed ta tha team…” he smirks.
He crawls across the bed and places a kiss to your shoulder, “’M very, very interested in our partnership, but sounds like we hav’ a couple of logistics ta work out, otherwise I think this is the start of a very, very long very intense relationship…”
“Yeah? ya think?”
He nods his head.
“Ummm, Mr. Styles, I’m gonna need your words during this meeting.”
He smirks, “Uh, yeah, I do think…”
“A long relationship?”
This time his smile falls away and a very serious look replaces it as he intensely meets your stare, “Yeah,” he runs his finger down your cheek, “A really long relationship, forever.”
You relax your head to one side, “Oh, Harry, the things you say…I love you.”
His face emotional he smiles back, “Love ya too. So much.”
You shiver. He gets up and walks over to the chaise to grab the furry blanket, comes back and pulls it over your shoulders. He sits face to face with you on the bed than because he wants to see your face.
“So tell me abou’ some of these things ya worried abou’.”
You babble on about freezing berries and dry cleaning and finally flop your hands down in your lap, “And all this is silly isn’t it?” you say resigned to having overthought the situation as per usual.
“No s’not silly, ya just didn’t know how things work on tha road, ya hafta depend on a lot of people ta do things for ya, takes a lot of trust.”
“I mean, Harry, what if I run outta tampons…I don’t want some poor boy on your team to have to run to the store to buy feminine products. How embarrassing!”
He bursts out laughing. “Babe, have a band of girls, a tampon run s’not a big deal. Ya just plan the best ya can an’ the rest we take care of,” you open your mouth to interrupt, “an’ before ya mention it, ya expenses come from ma personal account ‘cause ya mine ta take care of, please don’ fight me on this.”
“Ok, I won’t fight ya on it.”
“Thank fuck!” he throws his head back. “D’ya feel better now?”
“Yeah, I do, thank you.” You pick up the peach and the towel. You spread the towel across your lap and take a bite of the juicy fruit. Juice drips down the flesh of the fruit and on to the towel. It’s running down your pinky finger and you twist your hand to slurp the sticky juice. You aren’t really paying much attention until you look up and he’s staring with his lips sucked in. Then it dawns on you how aroused he is watching you suck the drippy juice from the side of your hand and finger.
He lifts one side of his mouth and slowly shakes his head, “Ya don’t even know d’ya?”
Genuinely confused, “What?”
“Turn me inside out, make me hard as a rock…don’ even know how sexy ya are ta me.”
He leans forward and grabs your hand and licks your pinky finger. You close your eyes as his tongue moves over your skin. When you open your eyes, his green ones are searing into yours.
Still maintaining eye contact, he takes a bite of the peach.
You watch mesmerized as the juice clings to his mouth and drips down his chin.
“Lay back for me.” He takes another bite of the peach and presses the juicy fruit to your lips and trails it down your body to your mound. He eats it and licks back up your body following the juicy trail he left behind. “Mmmm…it’s almost as good as ya honey.”
“Mmmm…” You hold up the peach to him and he takes another bite; then pulls you up by your neck and kisses you, licking the juice off of your lips.
You sit up and pass the peach to him and grab the banana, peeling it very slowly and swirling your tongue around the tip of it.
He swallows and his mouth gapes open. “Fuck’s sake.”
You smirk and then take the banana as far back into your throat as you can as you maintaining eye contact. You bob your head up and down on the banana a couple of times and smirk as he squeezes his dick to relieve some pressure. “I’m being a bad girl and not even offering you any…and it’s your favorite” you say as you hold the fruit out to him.
He smirks and mimics your movements and now you’re the one gulping.
“Jesus H,” you say breathily and gasp as his lips close over the banana and he takes a bite.
You both smile silly smiles at each other as you finish up eating Helen’s delicious fruit.
He gets up and grabs a wet towel and cleans you up and then himself. You’re both pretty sticky. He throws the towel in the hamper and then picks up the box with the bow and places it on the bed in front of you.
You smile and pull the bow and lift off the lid. Nestled in the paper is a rhinestone lingerie bra and panty set. “Oh my god, Harry, it’s gorgeous!” You hold up the panties and you gulp as you see that the crotch and bum area is literally a string of rhinestones.
“Put it on fo’ me,” he says, voice low and raspy.
“Ok,” you say breathily, standing up and slipping into the panties latching them on the sides and then the bra. You hold up the ends of the closure and turn around. “Latch this for me?”
He puffs out a breath, as he latches the bra and stands up behind you. “Go look in the mirror.”
You walk to the full-length mirror in front of the bed and he comes up behind you, hands moving over your breasts, causing your nipples to poke out in between the stones.
“Ya s’beautiful, Jesus. Look at ya.”
You hardly recognize the girl staring back at you in the mirror.
“Turn around,” he says so you do and then he says, “look.”
You gasp as you see your nearly bare bum. You watch as his hands slide down your body and stop on your bum, the tips of his fingers slipping under the chain of rhinestones.
“Turn around.”
You turn around and meet his eyes in the mirror. “Ya look amazin’. Watch as I touch ya.” You watch his hand move to the waistband of the jeweled panties and his fingertips move back and forth. His hand slips down further and his fingers push the flimsy chain of rhinestones to the side and his fingers reach to your entrance to collect your wetness and then his fingers are circling your clit.
Your hands fly to his arm and grip him. “Mmmm… oh god.”
“Ya s’wet an’ swollen baby. So ready fo’ me.”
“Yes,” you breathe out.
His fingers keep moving on your clit and you’re close. You’re so, so close when he stops, and you whimper.
“Go lay on the bed,” he whispers into your ear.
As you walk over to the bed you get the sensation of being watched, so you look over your shoulder only to see him standing stock still staring at you with both lips sucked into his mouth. You smile to yourself, happy that he seems to be happy to look his fill, since he could have, literally, anyone he wants. Crawling up on the bed you can’t help but groan at the way the rhinestones move across your skin. In fact, you stop, perched on all fours to drop your head and take a breath because the chain has pulled between your pussy lips and is pressing cool and rough on your sensitive clit. “Whew…,” you blow out a deep breath trying to regain some control.
You feel Harry’s hand on your bum as he stands at the side of the bed leaning to one side to look into your eyes. “Ya ok, babe?”
You look back over to him as he’s rubbing your bum cheek, “Yeah, just sensitive.”
He smirks and runs his hand down to your clit and feels the chains and stones pressing in, “Here?”
He lets out a breathy laugh leans down and kisses your bum before saying, “Turn over, babe.”
You lay your body down and turn over onto your back. Your eyes flutter and you bite your bottom lip and let out a soft high-pitched moan.
Brows furrowed, “S’it hurt?” he asks concerned.
“Not really, just, it’s cold on my nipples and it’s kinda pinching them and it, Ahhh…Mmmm…,” you roll your head on the pillow, “It’s pulling them and…Ssssss,” you pull your head up to look down your body, “And it’s pulling my clit.”
“Doesn’ hurt though, righ’?”
“No, It’s tugging…every time I move,” you meet his eyes and suck in your lips, “so so good.”
“Jesus, love, can see ya tits pokin’ out from ‘ere… ya go’ goosebumps all over.”
You bring the back of your palm to your mouth and bite the skin there, as you roll your head to one side. “It’s so intense, H,” you mumble softly.
He reaches up and trails a single finger up your tummy to the chain between your breasts. “How’s this?” he asks tugging very slightly.
Your mouth opens in a silent O and your body bows at the sensation of both nipples being tugged at the same time.
“Fuckin’…,” he’s shaking his head, “Baby, ya drippin’ down this chain.”
“Harry!” you screech, “Can’t…can’t hold on…gonna cum…I just…it’s…Mmahh!” You are shocked when he calls your name sternly.
“Baby, breathe, breathe, breathe… don’t cum, don’t cum, please breathe, wanna take ya ta the edge for a while… just breathe wi’ me, in (inhale) out (exhale).”
You’re well and truly frustrated at this moment, and you’re whining, panting, and unable to match his breathing. “Harry, that was cruel, it hurts, it burns, wanna cum so bad!”
“’M sorry, love, but it’ll be so good just holdin’ on fo’ jus’ a lil bit, yeah? Remember how good it feels?” He crawls up on the bed and lays down next to you, propped on his elbow rubbing your tummy as you lie still trying to control your breathing. “Read abou’ this, babe, some people call it subspace, think we should call it lovespace, ‘cause, when ya innit, ya so soft an’ happy, so beau’iful wi’ love on ya face, jus’ hangin’ there on tha edge…hangin’ there wi’ me,” he says leaning over to kiss your lips. “Gon’ getcha there…in our lovespace right now…,” he says running his hand down your body reverently then back up to very gently finger your nipple as it’s poking through the rhinstones.
“Oh. My. God.” you cry out arching your back. The arch pulls the chain through your slit and against your clit.
“Tell me, babe, d’ya like when ya hangin’ on tha edge?”
You raise your knees and open your legs making your toes curl as the chain pulls between your bum cheeks. “Jesus, H! These panties…”
“Good?” he asks as he leans down to place a chaste kiss on your rigid nipple.
“Yeah,” your eyes flutter.
“Talk ta me, babe… tell me abou’ it. Turns me on ta hear naughty words come from this (kiss) sweet (kiss) mouth (kiss),” he mumbles against your lips.
You grab the clippy from his hair and toss it to the bedside table so you can run your hand in his hair, taking a moment to fist it tight.
“You really wanna hear this?” you say looking down your body feeling a little shy and shocked that your body is draped in nothing but rhinestones.
He pulls your chin over to meet his eyes then grinds his hard cock into your hip, “Yeah…really.”
“My nipples are hard and it’s like they’re stuck in these little holes,” you run your painted nail around the openings of the rhinestone bra, “and the bra is pulling on them like when you bite and pull them,” you bring that finger up to nibble on, “and I like it when you bite them, the little bit of pain shoots straight down..." you trail off.
"Down to where… say it…”
“Down to my cunt, it makes my pussy clench, like… I can feel the muscle squeeze…” you whisper.
“It’s my cunt, yanno… is it doin’ it now,” he pulls on the bra causing the rhinestones to pull on your nipple.
“Unhhh…hahhh…yes…,” you whine, breathily.
“I can feel the blood rushing to it, and I’m getting w-w-w…wetter,” you stumble over the words as the talk causes his eyes to get darker with arousal.
“It makes my tummy, my…my pelvis ache and kinda burn, especially if I’m empty…it just builds and builds when I’m empty…” you say searching his eyes.
“Kinda like a car in park wi’ tha engine revvin’, right?”
You nod your head, “Yes, just like that! The more you touch me, the more you press on the gas pedal…and then when you let off…I’m still warm and running fast, but it…” you roll your head on the pillow as he runs his hand down to where your clit is barely poking out, “it feels soooooo ready to drive.”
“An’ when ya cum fo’ me, especially when ya squirt ya honey, s’like spinning the tires before ya get traction, right, gotta cum so bad, ya body can’ keep up with the orgasm, right?”
You raise your head slightly to get a good look at him, “Yes!, Oh my god, Harry, yes! It’s as if so much has build up and I’ve been ready for so long without release that when I cum it’s everywhere, yes,” you sob out and cup his cheek, “Yes, oh god, you understand!”
He’s grinning and running his middle finger over your clit and his thumb along the low waist of the panties, “Well, baby, words are wha’ I do best, other than you. Words an’ you… are ma world,” he shrugs, “an’ I know ya like I know words.”
“Jesus, Harry!” you squirm as he runs his middle finger down past the chain to push inside you just to the first knuckle. He wiggles his finger just enough to have you clenching for more. One more wiggle of his finger and you slap your hand around his wrist, “Fuck…gonna cum!” then he stops, but leaves his finger there still. “Don’t cum, yet, ‘member, wan’ ya ta hang here in our space, eyes on me.”
Your fingers are clawing at the leather duvet below, the arousal caresses your skin like the goosebumps are alive with tingles of awareness and you’re panting out your breath. On the same token, it feels like you’re floating on a warm cloud, light, weightless and rolling with the sensation of being just about to orgasm. You can’t help the gasp of giggle that erupts from your throat.
“Tha’s it innit?” he asks smiling smugly. “Ya there, but…not quite. ‘S our space, right?”
“Yeah, babe, I’m there…just…don’t move,” you slur drunk with sex and a shiver, “I’m so so clo-close.”
He smiles with delight to watch you hang, thankful to experience this with you. “So fuckin’ beautiful,” he murmurs absentmindedly as he looks your body up and down from your face to your knees still bent, but trembling.
Your breathing evens out but you’re still floating, just the right move and your orgasm will either burst or disappear. The air around you is thick with love, safety and sex, you aren’t gonna lose this one.
“Lemme take this off ya, wan’ these tits to myself,” he says as he helps you lean forward to unclasp the chain of the bra behind you.
You grimace as the chain on the thong pulls through your slit and against your clit.
As soon as the rhinestone bra if off his lips find your nipples and he nips at them and places open-mouth sucking kisses on them.
“I love you, Harry, I love making love with you,” you say running your hand through his hair as he continues to worship your breasts.
He looks up to meet your eyes as his hand squeezes your breast and his tongue circles your nipple over and over.
You smile and sigh as you watch his tongue moving on your sensitive skin.
When his other hand trails down your side you giggle.
“Tickles,” you giggle out.
“Ya in our lovespace darling?”
You giggle. “Yes.”
His hand cups your center and gently tugs on the chain.
You gasp as the chain tugs at your clit. “Ohhhh…mmmm…so good.” You smile as he tugs the chain up and down. You can feel the tips of his fingers at the top of your slit and you shiver.
“Feel good?” He asks, looking down to where his hand is moving and tugging the chain a little bit harder.
Your mouth opens and your breath picks up. “Mmmm…Hahhhh, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you mumble, smiling.
“Wan’ ya ta cum like this fo’ me. Can ya do tha’?”
“Ohhhhh…fuck, yes! I’m soooo…so…ungh…CLOSE!” You shriek as he tugs that much harder. It’s all you need to let go. He watches as your back arches and you chant his name over and over as you cum.
“Fuck’s sake baby,” he says as his fingers gently move up and down your slit.
You’ve come hard for him and your body is still thrumming from your orgasm, fingers shaking on the leather underneath you.
“Gonna take this off, tha’ ok?”
You nod and he slides the panties down your legs and smirks at how wet they are.
He snuggles in next to you and pulls you close to him. “Ya ok?”
You kiss his neck over and over. “Mmmm…so good. God, you always make me feel so good.”
He smiles at you and kisses you quickly. “I like makin’ ya feel good. Love watchin’ ya cum fo’ me.”
You press your lips to his as your hand slides down his chest and between your bodies to his cock.
He groans as you circle his cock with your hand and slide your hand up and down.
“Wanna make you feel good, baby. Tell me how you want me.”
“Wan’ ya ta ride me. Wanna watch ya…ungh…watch ya ride me, fuck!”
You smirk and maintain eye contact as he rolls over and helps you straddle him. You groan as you settle over him. “Still so sensitive,” you say, as you move over his cock, coating him in your wetness, stimulating your clit on each pass. You move forward and lift up and position him at your entrance. “I’m so wet for you, baby. Bet you’re gonna just slide right in…right to the hilt, yeah?”
He groans. “Fuck’s sake. Please. Please put me in, darling.” He licks his lips. “Need ta be inside ya…please.”
You smile and sink down on him, gasping as he fills you up as his hands slide from your hips to your tits.
He looks up to the ceiling and sees you both in the mirror and he groans. “Fuck! Oh fuck,” he pants out as you begin to move back and forth on his dick, grinding down on him.
Your fingers dig into the skin of his chest as your clit is stimulated on every movement.
His hand slides up from your breast to your throat, his long fingers resting on your chin, and pushes your neck up, forcing you to look at the ceiling. “Look. Look at ya takin’ me s’well.”
You moan as you see the two of you moving together.
“Look s’good ridin’ my cock. Could watch this every day.”
You clench down on him you’re so turned on by seeing yourself fucking him.
“Fuck!!! Oh fuck, feels s’good!” he pants out underneath you. Squeezing his eyes shut tight to block out the sight, he knows he needs to say something, “Stop, stop, stop…”
You stop moving and look down at him, “What, honey, you ok?”
He gulps as he squeezes his eyes closed and then back open to meet your concerned stare.
“C’mere,” he reaches up to pull you down to give you a gentle kiss, “Baby, wha’ are ya thinkin’ right this minute?”
You pull back slightly searching his eyes, “Harry, I’m thinking about how badly I want us to cum together.”
“Do ya trust me ta get us there at jus’ the righ’ time?”
You nod saying, “Yes, Harry.”
He smiles proudly and pulls your forehead to meet his, “Good girl. Wan’ ya ta know tha’ when ya need ta talk abou’ somethin’ I’m here an’ I’ll do wha’ I can ta make it better,” he stops to thrust up into you causing you to groan, “Ya trust me so well wi’ ya body…wi’ our pleasure, now trust me the same way wi’ ya thoughts…yeah?”
“I will, I promise,” you tell him, placing a soft kiss on his lips. He thrusts gently and you deepen the kiss, tongue licking into his mouth.
You start to sit back up and he holds on to your face tighter, “Wait, babe, stay here… been holdin’ on s’good fo’ me,” he runs one hand down your back to your bum and pushes down urging you to take him deeper, “stay righ’ ‘ere an’ let’s cum tagether.” The longer he holds out the deeper, raspier and thicker his accented voice gets.
You stretch your arms out until you feel the headboard above his head, your tits smashed to his, lips almost touching, your thighs wide open on either side of his hips. He bends his knees and places flat feet on the mattress for leverage. He pulses up into you, slow and deep. You both groan with open mouths. You can feel his breath in your throat. His pulsing hips cause both of you to bump forward at the same time, your breathing synced.
“Feel good?” he asks one hand on your neck and the other still on your bum.
You suck in a breath and lick your bottom lip, “My god, H, you’re so deep inside me like this.”
“Can ya grind down on me? Move wi’ me, love.”
You spread your thighs that much further and grind your clit down on his pubic bone. You’re so sensitive from the previous orgasms and the rhinestones from earlier. “Jesssssuuusss…” you hiss against his lips.
“S’good, right?” he says smirking, never stopping the gentle pulsing of his hips.
You roll your hips and your eyes flutter shut.
“Tell me, sweet’eart, talk ta me…”
“Rubbing….Ahhh..R-r-right on the spot!”
He thrusts up even deeper and holds, “My spot…?”
“Uh-huh,” is all you can mutter once he starts a steady thrust again.
His fingers are threaded in your hair, your lips are touching and you’re taking in each other’s breath, “I. Love. You.”
“Harry…” you whimper on an exhale, “Love you so much, please don’t stop, please….”
“Fuckin’ ‘ell, come on, love, come on…let’s go…,” he pumps up deep holding still as you both quake.
Your mouth is open in a static O. Your thighs are tightening around him, knees digging in the mattress, knuckles white in the pillow under his head. You can feel his body shake stiffly below you.
He has one hand tight on your bum cheek, other hand fisted in your hair, his jaw clenched tight as he hisses his rapid breathing through his teeth. His orgasm spurts inside you as he pumps one last time.
You collapse your boneless body on him then try to roll over, but his arms are wound around you tight, holding you to his body in such a grasp that you struggle to breath.
“Don’ move, love…”
“But Harry, I’m gon’ hurt you…” you say squirming.
“Don’ move!” he says and tap your ass.
You gasp and whisper, “But H, I’m leaking our cum…you’ll be a mess…”
“Fuck!” he mumbles and you feel a twitch in his cock inside you. Suddenly he sits up with you and lays you over on your back holding your legs open,“Wanna see it,” he says in a rush, “Show me.”
You put your hand over your eyes, “Jesus Christ, H!” you stutter out shocked.
He’s holding your legs open and looking between them. “Baby,” he pulls your hand down and whispers, “Push it out.”
“Oh my god, Harry!” After a moment passes you flex your muscles and feel the cum drip from you.
“Fuck, tha’s sexy.”
You shiver and try to close your thighs. He holds onto one gently, kisses the your knee and rubs his hand up and down the inside of your thigh.
“Hold still an’ I’ll get ya cleaned up,” he says placing one last kiss to your leg and scooting off the bed to the bathroom. He returns with a warm cloth and cleans you up.
“Thank you,” you say shyly.
“Fo’ wha’?”
“For this,” you say nodding toward his hand between your legs, “For taking care of me…of us.”
He leans down and places a kiss on your knee smiling, “Love you.” He tosses the washcloth toward the hamper
“I lo(…ha ha ha…)ve you,” you say yawning mid-sentence, covering your mouth with your free hand.
“O-kay, know it’s still early, but it’s time fo’ a nap,” he picks you up and carries you to the master bedroom. Crawling in with you he pulls your back close to his front. “Doin’ ok?”
You stroke the hand he has resting just below your breast, “Yeah, I’m great, honey.”
“How abou’ after a nap we see if we can visit wi’ Ron an’ Helen an’ the pets?”
“That so(…ha ha ha…)unds great,” you say with a yawn. Your eyes flutter shut and your breathing evens out.
“…two…three,” he kisses your shoulder, “Annnd…she’s out.” He smiles softly, snuggling his head into your hair, happy and content.
***3 hours later***
Your eyes pop open after a restful sleep. You hadn’t realized just how tired you were. The nerves of travelling and the new goals set for your job had been keeping you up. Granted the incredible sex you had a few hours earlier, along with your confession, had relaxed your body, mind and soul, lulling you into a languid nap.
Amazing sex…that’s an understatement. God, you fit so well together, like a hand and glove, and for every adventurous lyric he’s ever written or sung about, he was equally as adventurous in your bedroom. Harry had a way with your body…he brought things out in you, you had no idea you enjoyed. You run your fingers over his resting on your tummy. The movement of your hand brushes your nipple and you notice just how deliciously sore your nipples are from those rhinestones. Moving your hips gently, you discover you’re actually sore all over. You blush just thinking about the rhinestone bra and thong; hardly recognized that wanton woman wearing it. You close your eyes and let out a muffled giggle.
Pulling you closer to him and kissing the side of your head, “Wha’s s’funny?”
“I just can’t believe some of the things we get up to…”
“Ya mean, thin’s we get off to,” he says playing with your fingers, stroking down each one with his forefinger, “does it bother ya?”
“Not in the least,” you say turning your head to meet his stare, “the things we do together are between us…it’s our time.”
He smiles and kisses your shoulder softly.
“D’ya sleep well?” you ask.
“Mmmm…so good,” he says running his foot up the inside of your leg and smirking, “You passed out quickly.”
“Well, you wore me out,” you say smugly.
He pulls your hair to the side so he can kiss your neck, “Ya ‘ave any mo’ worries abou’ travelling?”
“Not really, I just wonder about some things that are probably silly…”
“Wha’ is it, sweet’eart?”
“Well…like…wha’ about making love…are we gonna have time for sex? Aren’t ya gonna be too tired? I mean, I don’t have any expectations…I’m just curious about it,” you say rushing your words.
He chuckles. “Shhh…don’ have ta explain yaself…s’a good question, truthfully, gonna hav’ times when ‘m exhausted, but I promise I’ll make time fo’ sex,” he murmurs kissing below your ear. “‘M kinna obsessed with makin’ love wi’ my girlfriend…she (kiss) feels (kiss) so (kiss) good (kiss). Fuck her in every city…”
“H, ya gonna bring that magical black bag full of fun stuff?” you ask running your hand up his forearm.
“S’already packed in my trunk. My trunk travels wi’ me an’ is delivered ta ma room wherever we go. An’ now…you have a trunk fo’ your stuff too.”
“I have a trunk too?!”
“’Course ya do! Jus' like ya favorite snacks an' tha' gross vitamin water ya love s'much was added to ma requested services."
"You did that!?"
"Well, yeah, 'm not travellin' alone anymore, got precious cargo ta take care of now."
You turn over onto your back so you can face him, “Thank you for always looking after me, for making me a priority. I just really want you to be happy to have me there.”
“Oh baby…” he says cupping your cheeks, “need ya there…”
“Can’t believe this’ll be our last cottage visit for a while…I’ll miss it so much,”
“Me too, gon’ have some surprises installed in the pink room while we’re gone,” he says walking his fingers up your sternum.
“I love pink room surprises,” you say saucily just before gasping when he circles your nipple. You look at him and open your mouth to say something then close it and look away.
“Wha’s else’s on ya mind? Can tell ya wanna ask me so jus’ ask….”
“Yeah, I do have something I wanna ask you,” you say curiously. "I know you like watching me, but what's it take for you to just loosen up the reigns a bit."
"What're ya goin' on abou'?" he questions leaning forward to place a soft kiss on your lips.
"Well, we have the pink room, and I wanna know when you’re gonna show me what else you wanna do in there...," you turn toward him so you are both laying side by side. "What’s your wild side…like…do you feel different when you are in the room?”
“Jesus, babe…yeah, I mean… s’pose I do. Feels private an’…free. Really dinna have much privacy fo’ s’long, s’it’s like a place ta share wi’ ya where we can hide out tagether safely, like a secret…an’ we can be raw.”
“But you’re always busy pleasuring me, don’t you have times when you wanna take me and do things…with me…to me?”
This time he laughs out loud, and you frown. “What’s so funny?”
“Baby I do lotsa thin’s to ya in there…an’ I get off on gettin’ ya off, but, yeah, I do have other thin’s I wanna do wi’ ya.”
“Can you show me?"
He stops and smiles cheekily. “Kay…I will, bu’ I’ll surprise ya when I do…,” he says and kisses your nose, “when ya least expect it….” He leans forward to place a kiss on your lips. “Wanna go see Thomasina? ‘M gonna go toss a frisbee with Bennett, need ta talk to Ron too.”
You raise your eyebrows with excitement. “Yeah, I do wanna see them all so much! Let’s take them a bottle of wine from the cooler to thank them for the flowers at Wembley.”
“Sure, I, uh, also got ‘em some tickets and VIPs for the Bologna show…gonna fly ‘em out ta tha villa fo’ a few days an’ hav’em at the show. Ya think they’ll like tha’?”
You throw yourself at him and wrap your arms tight around his neck, “Oh, H, that’s so sweet and I think they will love that!
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wildrov-blog · 7 years
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Kilkenny, Ireland
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scotianostra · 2 years
John Cunningham, the renowned  musician, composer and record producer was born on August 27th 1957.
Before the likes of Runrig were bringing their own brand of Scottish folk mixed with rock music, we had Silly Wizard, with Johnny,  Gordon Jone, Bob Thomas, who toured as a trio before adding Andy M. Stewart and other members, including Johnnies brother Phil as the band chopped and changed line ups in the mid 70′s. 
Johnny Cunningham was born in Portobello, Eand  was raised as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but later became inactive.
Johnny started playing fiddle at school when he was six years old. Phil took up the accordion at an even earlier age, and the two established a musical rapport, and spectacular velocity, which never deserted them. Johnny was only 15 when he joined Gordon Jones and Bob Thomas in the first incarnation of Silly Wizard, a band that was to take traditional music by the scruff of the neck and hurl it on to a roller-coaster ride that would set the pace for so many others to follow.
Johnny was one of those questing, free-ranging Scots musicians that Hamish Henderson proudly saluted as "the wild rovers of the tradition". They didn’t come much wilder, in more senses than one, than Johnny Cunningham. He lived life, as they say, to the full. But there was a deeply serious side to him, as anyone hearing him play would quickly detect.
From being the fastest fiddle in the West during his teens, when he was the dynamic powerhouse in Silly Wizard, he became an acclaimed master of the slow air, that seemingly simple but in fact devilishly fragile form that invariably sorts out the musical men from the boys.
When brother Phil joined, the pace of both the group's instrumental repertoire and its career picked up even more momentum as they turned a new generation on to traditional music played with previously unimagined vim and vigour and given the added appeal of their onstage comic cuts.
Already popular in Scotland, Silly Wizard found audiences equally, if not more receptive in Europe and America and began to spend so much time touring the States that Johnny decided to settle there. The biggest attraction of life in America was, he maintained: ''Good hot water pressure. The first time I took a shower, I was sold. But I didn't mean to stay this long.'' Stay he did, though, continuing to tour and record with Silly Wizard into the late 1980s while establishing himself both as a solo artist, with the albums Thoughts From Another World and Fair Warning, and as a record producer for groups including Cherish the Ladies andSolas. 
He also continued to work with Phil for a time,first in recording their Against the Storm album in 1981 and then in joining with brother and sister Micheal O' Domhnaill and Triona Ni Dhomhnaill, of legendary Irish group the Bothy band, in Relativity.This quartet recorded two still much admired albums in REL Studios, Edinburgh,during the mid-1980s and later reformed to produce one of the highlights of the Celtic Connections festival's early years in 1995.By this time, Johnny had become as well known for his mastery of the expressive slow air form as for the speed freakery with which he established his name.
He played both because, he said, the fast ones cheered him up and the slow ones made him sad, so he'd have to play another fast one, and in many ways this two-speed gear reflected his life and personality.
He enjoyed living and working in America. But he could get fearsomely homesick, so much so that in his local bar in New Bedford they called him Mr Scotland - because he never stopped talking about his homeland. Other people might have remarked that Johnny simply never stopped talking. But he did - to laugh. And it was an infectious laugh.He found making a living from doing something he'd be doing in the pub anyway ''ridiculous'' and like brother Phil, he had a huge store of anecdotes about being on the road as well as childhood memories.With that familiar cheery cackle, he'd recall family holidays to Kinghorn, where they huddled on the beach with a flask of soup and looked back across the Forth towards their house in Portobello.
No wonder he became homesick in Boston, he remarked.Never afraid to try something different, he got into all sort of musical situations in the States.As well as touring with fellow fiddlers Kevin Burke and Christian LeMaitre in the popular Celtic Fiddle Festival, he played with Daryl Hall & John Oates, Bonnie Raitt, country band The Johnston Brothers and the jazz-influenced.
With the Boston-based hard rock band Raindogs he toured alongside Don Henley, Warren Zevon and Bob Dylan, even adding fiddle some nights on Dylan's own set. He later described this experience as ''brilliant - when I could understand what he was singing about''.
Like Phil, he also became involved in theatre work. He wrote the music and lyrics for an award-winning Broadway show based on JM Barrie's Peter Pan and had recently written a screenplay.
He had just completed his annual tour of his music, songs and poetry show, A Winter's Talisman, with Irish singer Susan McKeown when he was rushed to hospital on the `5th of December 2003  in New York and died in his long-time partner Tricia's arms.
Described as a  lovely, amiable guy. A massively influential bearer of the Celtic message. A restless, multi-talented artist. And, alas, a wild rover no more.
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tobe-sogolden · 2 years
Here you go anon: https://www.derbyshiretimes.co.uk/news/people/harry-styles-spotted-with-girlfriend-olivia-wilde-on-derbyshires-chatsworth-estate-3804092
They were seen multiple times together on Thursday August 11th (4 days ago!!) at a estate and a restaurant in Derbyshire, which is really close to Manchester. Is that recent enough for you? The fact that both of them were very MIA for 2 weeks after tour ended - did it cross your mind that they may be together on a little holiday somewhere? Spending time together privately before tour and movie promo starts? Hmmm, sounds like something a couple may do 🤔
Anon 2: There was an article about them being together in the countryside of the UK 3 days ago. Plus, she had the kids until today so that’s why she’s not in NY with Harry. I wouldn’t doubt her being in Toronto tomorrow.
Anon 3: They were spotted by a fan at the Chatsworth Kitchen on Thursday the 11th and it was reported in a small paper. They said Olivia was driving his Rover.
Grain of salt with these random articles ofc but seems like a very random thing to make up lol
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