#wil screams into the void
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crossnamara · 5 months ago
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moon-wolfie · 6 months ago
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his eyes man, his eyes... the way he can look at me..
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transgenderbuffoonery · 4 months ago
i’m actually going fucking insane right now
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cas-fandoms · 3 months ago
The Real Last Goodbye
The following is a fanfiction that me and my buddy currated. The possibilities of these characters ever meeting is low and most likely won't happen. The names unfamiliar to you will be Ocs. I'm ver happy with this, and I hope you will be too. If it is wanted, more lore on my Ocs will be provided. Thank you so much, enjoy ***
Damien could feel the power of the crystal surging through his veins as he lay his final punch, his final strike to end it all. It was like a butterfly softly landing onto a flower, the silent growing of a ripple.
It finally seemed as if Damien’s world was quiet again. Mark’s red-clothed body broke into shards, shooting out in every direction like an after shock, sparkling and fluttering in the darkness of the void. From below their fight afloat, Georgia watched, tears flowing down her face, her glasses lay shattered next to her as she sat on the voids dark ground, or so, one that had been manifested. Wilford stood beside her, pumping his fists in the air in joyous triumph. Chloe exclaimed victoriously, laughing, twirling in a circle. “Damn right, Damien! You got ‘em babe!”
Wilford turned back to look at Georgia, and found her crying, her face so full of astonishment and shock, he was sure that she wasn’t thinking at all or had millions of thoughts stirring in her head. He leapt to her, his voice jittery with excitement.
“L-Look Georgia! We-We saved you!” He exclaimed, bending over and grabbing her hands to pull her up, but she only greeted him with a distant gaze.
“Wilford…?” She said, staring at him as if she were blind.
“Hey, look! The awful man is all gone.” Wilford assured her, holding her face. “He won’t be hurting you again.”
“Wil, what’s happening…?” What was happening, indeed. Georgia held her hands out in front of her, watching as her fingers and arms started to flake and twirl away, fading into the dark air. She looked at Wilford with confused eyes, but when he saw more than just her arms fading away, he jumped to hold her, clinging to her. “Hey, Georgia, it’s okay, you’re not going anywhere, dear, you’re staying here! With me!” He said, seeming to say it to assure himself more than her.
Chloe watched as Wilford held her, watching Georgia fade away. She knew something was wrong, and she knew it was bad. ***
Terri looked around the Theater in horror, watching every chair, wall, and curtain turn to dust, floating like a satanic dance in the air. She reached up to her head and pulled her ball cap off, her eyes wide open, astonished.
“Illinois!” She watched as Dawn exclaimed Illinois’ name as ran to his arms, his very skin turning to the same ash that twisted around them. She watched as Noir held Laury close to him as the last bits of her body disappeared, comforting her to the end. “Don’t worry my darling, I’ve got you, I’m here.” She watched as everything was crumbling before her.
“Terri!” She heard Yancy call, and it was like she had been snapped out of a trance. “Yancy!!” She screamed, running in every which direction. “Terri!” She heard him yell from behind her. She turned around, taking in a terrified breath. Yancy was fading away too. Terri lost her mind.
“YANCY!!” She shrieked, launching herself at him, or, what was left of him. Terri felt Yancy’s strong arms wrapped around her, grabbing her hair, holding onto her clothes as she too, started to fade away. “It’s okay, baby girl, I’ve got youse. Everything is gon’ be okay,” Terri started to cry, fearful of the end. Illinois, Dawn, Noir and Laury were gone already, and she had no idea if Georgia was okay. She prayed that Wilford was keeping her safe.
Terri buried her face into Yancy’s chest as the feeling in her limbs left her, and soon the feeling of Yancy’s shirt on her cheek leaving her as well. The cop and the convict were gone. ***
Wilford fell to his knees, processing, still denying the fact of death’s existence. He stared, unsure if he wanted to cry, unsure if he had any reason.
The tap of Damien’s dress shoes echoed in the deep nothing as he walked to his friend. When Wil felt a hand on his shoulder, he dropped his face into his hands. “Sh-she’s not r-really gone…right Damien…?” Damien felt an ache in his chest ricochet. “…I… I don’t know I…” He didn’t know what else to say.
Chloe stood close behind Damien, feeling herself sadden to see their friend in pain. But she was also angry. This was all to save Georgia, to make sure that Mark couldn’t hurt anyone else, and now she was gone. Suddenly, it struck her: What was going on back at the Theater? Was everyone okay? She didn’t know, but she didn’t want to find out quite yet. They were stuck in the void for now, and she had a feeling they would be here for a while.
Chloe watched Wilford as he trembled, following Damien with her eyes as he stood up from Wil’s side. This was all so confusing, discerning. She didn’t know why this was the outcome, Georgia wasn’t supposed to have disappeared. Chloe came up closer to Damien, reaching up and resting a hand on his shoulder to grab his attention. “What the hell happened, I thought you just killed Mark?” Damien turned his head, an expression on his face e that Chloe had never, ever, seen before. He opened his mouth to speak, but he hesitated. “I don’t know.” He said, and those three words felt like the weight of the world was slammed onto their shoulders. “I thought it would just be him…”
In the silence of the void, echoed a dry chuckle, growing and growing to manic laughing to angered screaming. Wilford stood up and turned around with a snap. Within seconds, he was in Damien’s face, shouting, boiling tears running down his face. “What the hell did you do?!” He screamed. “You did this! We did all of this to protect Georgia and now she’s GONE!!” Wil grabbed the knot of Damien’s tie, dragging him down to his level, fuming and red-faced, the anger contagious. Damien’s eyes lit aflame, and he only matched Wil’s anger. “You think I did this?!” He shouted. “You think I planned on killing GeGe?! She was my FRIEND!! You really think that I would’ve done this in the first place IF NOT FOR HER?!” With every word, Damien’s voice became more distorted, his monochrome splitting further out on either side of him.
Chloe stood there in shock, removing her hand from his shoulder and stepping back. She hadn’t seen Damien like this for a while, and it truly worried her. She just watched as the two argued, saying things in the heat of the situation that they otherwise wouldn’t have said. She could tell that Damien’s anger was going to get to his head and he was going to do something he was going to regret if he wasn’t kept it check. “Damien-“
“Butt out, Chloe!” Wilford shouted, brows furrowed. “This doesn’t involve you.” With that, Damien’s shoulders tensed, “Don’t speak to her that way!” He shouted, his voice doubling and distorted to the point where Chloe thought that she might pass out from how dizzy it was making her. “Why?! Your little FIANCÉE can’t handle a little stern talk?”
“Well Georgia couldn’t!”
It was silent again.
Wilford’s angry expression faulted, and all that was left were tears. He turned his head down, and for the first time since the party all those years ago, he broke down. Wilford held his face in his hands, his frantic sobs reverberating through the void. Damien’s eyes flickered, and his monochrome retreated back to the sides of his body. His anger left him just as soon as it came. Damien’s shoulders dropped and he sighed, wrapping his arms around Wilford’s hunched over buddy, holding him. “I’m sorry old friend…This wasn’t supposed to happen…I never intended for her to get caught in the crossfire…” He told him softly, and the sight struck a chord in Chloe.
She stepped forward from where she stood and was quick to hold the two in her own embrace. This was hard, for the both of them, and she knew it. She knew it all to well. Chloe rubbed her hands down their backs, shushing them, which was the only way she knew of comforting someone. “It’s gonna be okay…” She murmured. “We’ll figure this out, we always do.” That was the last thing said for a while. The three basked in each other’s arms, trying to bear this weight together, but they would never know how this all came to be. And it would become infuriating in the near future.
From what the three could tell, this - losing Georgia - was the last goodbye…But what they would find when they left the void, that the crumbling worlds that surrounded them would be The REAL Last Goodbye.
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lonewolflupe · 4 months ago
20 Fic Writer Questions
Thank you for tagging me, @eternal-transcience and @returnofthepineapple (I loved reading your answers)! ❤️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
27 (since I joined AO3 in June 2024)!
2. What's your A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
For All One's Worth (TBB Echo x reader) - 23 kudos
Echo Of Your Mind (TBB Echo x reader) - 22 kudos
The Cavalry Has Arrived (TBB POV) - 20 kudos
Battle Scars (TBB Echo POV) - 19 kudos
On Vanilla And Caramel (Fox x reader) - 17 kudos
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably my longfic A Lupe Of Faith, but that's still unfinished (taking a midseason-break at a pretty angsty point in the story tho). For finished pieces, I think Before I Fall (Fives).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'd like to think Signs Of Affection (Fives x reader NSFW) haha
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't received any, thank the Maker!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes I do! It's pretty mild, because I'm still trying to get comfortable with writing it. I'd love to explore it more further tho!
10. Do you write cross overs? What's the craziest one you've written?
No I don't, not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No I haven't!
I did write a cracky holomail that is part of @aknightreaderr's Fives State Of Mind universe (and I'm planning on some more Fox-screaming-into-the-cracky-void for that same universe).
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Lupe (OC) x Fives sorry not sorry
Otherwise.. I absolutely love Foxiyo, Codywan and Blyla!
15. What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever wilI?
I still intend on finishing all my current WIPs, haha
I have two multi-chapter fics I'm working on, one with a new OC, one with Reader. But I won't start posting them until I've finished some more chapters (I should work on those again, where did the time go)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uhm.. I'm not really sure? I think I'm pretty okay with writing fluff and hurt/comfort. I'm still a starting writer so I'd leave this question open to my readers haha
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing in English (which isn't my first language)! I think I'm managing, but I feel like I can't express myself fully (I wish my English vocabulary was wider). It feels like I get repetitive sometimes, using the same words over and over again. (Thesaurus and the Cambridge Dictionary are livesavers and I always have them around whilst writing)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
"Ik hoop oprecht dat je een grap maakt als je zegt dat je een dialoog in mijn bitterballen-taal wil," Lupe said with a straight face, as she jabbed a stick into a cheese cube. She devoured the soft, luscious Gouda, before continuing with her mouth still full: "Laten we het bij kaas houden."
I'm just kidding here. I'm not super fond of my own language (Dutch), so I actually prefer writing in English (even when I'm restricted with it). I do use some Mando'a words from time to time, and I might have used some Huttese slang. But I don't master those languages enough to write whole sentences in it, so English it is.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Clone Wars / The Bad Batch! (This is my first time writing fanfic)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I hold my longfic A Lupe Of Faith very dear, but A Buir's Burden (Alpha-17 + Cadet Rex + Cadet Cody) is definitely one of my favourites (along a few I mentioned at question 4).
NPT: @aknightreaderr @eclec-tech @kotemf @ladylucksrogue @kybercrystals94 and whoever else has AO3 and wants to join this!
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anne-the-witch-ish · 8 months ago
i want to dance in my room out of joy, like i have so much happy energy that it's bursting throught the seams of my being.
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i wil explore some more, and then i will make a post about it here. SO EXCITED!
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Hi! Welcome To My Blog!
I post stuff that i find interesting, my own poems, my thoughts, and i might post art!
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System Info
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Lexx 🍄
Wil 🚬🧨
Lucid 🦜
Luna 💖
. . .
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The Wrong Body
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Please do not hate. If you think how i live my life is wrong, you can fuck off
I have emotions. Please treat me like it.
My pronouns are They/Them/It/Em
I am non-binary
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I am otherkin
I am a system
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#lexx is screaming is my tag for any of my posts that I’m the op for #lexx screams answers into the void is my tag for any asks that I’m answering #mutuals is the tag I use for posts where i @ my mutuals or reblog their posts #lexx writes poems is our poems
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keirawantstocry · 1 year ago
🐦‍⬛ *gets a megaphone*
Wilbur wasn’t quite sure how he had ended up in this specific position. This specific position meaning Las Nevadas. This specific position meaning in Quackity’s office. This specific position meaning leaning over said man with a hand curled around his throat being stared at with dark slitted eyes. He tightened his hand every so slightly around the man’s throat as blood thrummed in his veins, his heart beating nearly out of his chest. Those dark eyes widened, eyebrows shifting down as a gasp escaped his lips. 
“Wil,” he said in a choked voice. 
Don’t let go, his mind whispered to him. 
He wanted to keep this moment encased in glass. A lovely burnt pink flush sat on the height of Quackity's cheekbones and Wilbur wanted to commit its exact shade to memory. He could feel the blood currently coursing through Quackity's body from where his fingertips lay over his strong beating pulse. So alive. Quackity was the most alive person he had ever met. It was a wonderful fucking reminder of how good it felt to have his beating heart back inside of his chest after those damned thirteen years in his personal hell. 
“You're in your head,” Quackity said in a whisper. “Get out of there.” 
Wilbur managed to make eye contact with him but he couldn't do much more. Thoughts swirled around in every single crevice of his brain. His mouth refused to open and his thoughts refused to formulate into sentences. Everything felt fuzzy and strange. Part of him wondered if he had been dreaming and he hadn’t been revived. Was he dead? Wilbur's hand sagged against Quackity's neck, he couldn't keep that tight grip any longer. 
Battering away the loose hand, Quackity grabbed Wilbur's face. “Out of your head, man. Get out.” 
Even the physical contact didn’t help to snap him out of it. All he could do was stare at Quackity with desperate eyes and sink back into thinking about how the man in front of him was the most perfect, lively, angelic man he had ever known in his time on this godforsaken server. He was so so alive. 
Quackity sunk his teeth into Wilbur's neck. 
It was like a rush of cold water straight to his brain bringing himself completely back to a present mental state. It stung like hell as he felt his sharp teeth sink into him. His eyes widened in surprise and instead of a yelp a moan fell from his chapped lips. 
Laughter was stifled by Wilbur's neck as Quackity licked the bite he had just left, lapping up the bits of blood pricking up. Fuck he bit hard. And fuck was Wilbur into it. “You fucking freak,” Quackity said eyes bright as he pulled back. 
“You’ve let me drink some of your blood before, I think you're the freak darling.” 
“Says the man who begged for it.” 
Wilbur scoffed, regaining himself and lunged fast to get his hand around Quackity’s throat again. The man smiled at him with eyes that were alight with fire. “What are you here for, Wil? More of my blood? Or something else this time?” 
Those words lit something up in Wilbur’s brain that hadn’t been alive in years and years. Nearly embarrassing but he couldn’t quite care. “What are you suggesting?” 
“You know damn well,” Quackity said, his face settling into something more annoyed, more him. “Don’t play coy.” 
Wilbur kissed him and the world was on fire. Everything burned. Every point of contact that their bodies made together sparked flames in him. Quackity pushed their bodies together and he had no idea what he was doing to Wilbur. Remembering suddenly the position of his hand, Wilbur squeezed. Quackity gasped and Wilbur swallowed the noise. It was delicious. He licked into the other man’s mouth as he tried to truly clear his mind. Another gasp fell from his lips as they pressed harder together. They were being senseless but that was who they were. 
Pulling back, Wilbur took another moment to tighten the grip his hand had, addicted to the way Quackity’s eyes rolled back into his skull. 
“You’re gonna bruise my throat,” Quackity said in a slightly strangled voice. 
‘“Would you be so opposed to that?” Wilbur teased. 
“Hell no,” Quackity hissed before pulling him into another rough kiss, with clacking teeth and sharp tugs on each other’s lips. 
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crossnamara · 3 months ago
cant have a saturday without a fear of rejection filled meltdwon, i always say
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birbmonster · 2 years ago
Part 1 of screaming msm headcanons into the endless void of chaos and fandoms that is tumblr
Gonna have to explain this best as I can
Anyways, this one is about the basics of modern monster society
Firstly, all monsters are species, expect for Legendaries and Celestials. Wil touch more on those guys in a different one prob.
However, the epic variants of some species, like Kaynas, are so rare that there’s often only one existing at a time. Each species has anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand individuals, with the amounts of rares varying between species.
Like the monster handlers said that one time, the islands are waaaay bigger than they appear in-game. Most monsters on each island live in the castle, and inside it’s like a luxurious hotel/apartment building, with rooms of various sizes for everyone and various public spaces. However, a few might live outside the castle in other buildings, usually when there’s no room left for them.
They don’t sing all the time. They actually only do the song once or twice a day depending on the island, and also depending on the island is the time they do it. For example, Cold Island prefers to do it the moment the sun sets, Plant Island in the middle of the day when it’s warm and sunny, ect, just whatever time fits the vibe of the song.
Monsterlings do go to school. They learn the usual stuff, math, writing, history, but there’s also a lot of emphasis put on learning about as many species as possible.
There’s no defined ‘ruler’ of any of the islands as of right now (expect tribal, wait a second). Desciscions are made as a community and when an island-specific tradition, social norm, or law pops up or can end up staying for hundreds of years completely unchanged, until everyone just forgets why it’s even there in the first place.
The only expection to this is Tribal Island, which always has a chief that’s usually voted on.
There were, however, relatively short periods on history where islands did have leaders. For example, Fire Haven was ruled by a Kayna named Dawn when it was first founded after the cataclysm, and Magical Sanctum might’ve had some sort of Enchantling ruler at one point.
The monster world is generally super peaceful, with far fewer historical records of things like wars happening.
There is an economy in existence. Round, gold coins are used as the main currency, while the Pocket Dimension Islands (Magical Sanctum and Ethereal Island) use Shards.
All monsters are able to speak to each other and are fully sentient. They age at about the same rate as humans, though actual lifespan may be anywhere from 60-100 years depending on the species.
There’s no such thing as having a biological sex. Monsterlings are simply referred to with they/them pronouns until they’re old enough to figure it out. But there’s sometimes… questionable… parents who try to decide for their kids. Not cool 😤
As for breeding, it works quite similar to how it does in-game, with inter species cross-breeding creating children of a new species with the right elements.
However, though it’s not shown in-game, sometimes the breeding structure may malfunction and create direct hybrids, which look like an actual blend of their parents species. But these are a VERY, and I mean VERY rare happening, so there’s no way a hybrid could go under the radar anywhere.
And lastly, a bit about etiquette: when your talking to someone, and you need to say their name, but don’t know it yet because you just met them, it’s best to just replace it with species name, and they’ll usually just tell you. It’s considered a bit rude to ask “what are you?” and similar enquiries about someone’s species.
That’s all for now, I need sleep
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inkribbon796 · 1 year ago
Egotober 2023 Day 26: Howling Mad
Summary: Silver’s doing a patrol and answers the wrong call.
Prompt: Werewolf
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
It was a weekend and Silver’s turn for a late night patrol. He was around Barnum park when he heard something. A low, deep howl that made Silver’s skin crawl.
In one moment he was outside the park, and then he saw something. Not physically in front of him but a flash of blue that happened the moment he blinked his eyes. When he opened his eyes he was in the park and there was a pair of glowing pink eyes in the darkness of the trees.
“Uh,” Silver said as he began to float off the ground but the thing in the shadows lunged at him.
At first Silver thought it was a bear, it was certainly big enough. But after dodging it, Silver realized it was more like a large wolf. It looked strong and big enough to rip a car apart.
And its fur was pink.
On either side of the werewolf were two smaller dogs. Silver could only call it a “werewolf” because it definitely wasn’t a wolf and what else was it supposed to be? The smaller dogs looked like golden labs taken over by shadow, red eyes and hackles raised.
Dark’s hellhounds.
“What do we have here?”
Silver turned to see Dark standing behind him. Effectively trapping Silver between himself and the pink werewolf.
Dark’s head tilted as he looked past Silver and at the werewolf. The pink werewolf’s tail began wagging in excitement.
A gleaming, moonlight-colored aura came over Dark. He looked a little alarmed before he disappeared suddenly standing in front of the wolf and Dark was different.
The demon had turned to look more feminine. A trailing smoky purple dress with what looked like fur along the v-neck of the dress. Her hair was short and jet black, with more red in her aura.
Dark looked down at her herself and rolled her eyes.
Her hand slowly moved up to the large canine-like face.
“Oh, Wil, if you wanted attention you knew where I was,” Dark smiled as she scratched under the werewolf’s chin.
Wilford made a deep chuffing-like noise as he leaned into her hand.
“You’re absolutely ridiculous sometimes,” Dark said but she had a half smile on her face and continued scratching his chin.
Silver slowly slowly tried to back up but Wilford growled and bared his teeth at Silver.
“Woah, woah,” Silver said as he held his hands up. “Obviously you two are in the middle of something, I can go.”
Dark whispered something to Wilford and the werewolf shot out after Silver. The pink werewolf was roaring and the two hellhounds followed after him.
The demon smiled as she waited for Wilford to either drag the hero back kicking and screaming, or come back on his own.
Silver would get away, being able to fly but not before Wilford snagged his cape with his teeth.
Silver’s cape quick-released and Silver shot off into the sky. Whatever was going on, the hero wasn’t sure he wanted anything to do with it. It seemed less illegal and more like a date night thing to him.
The hellhounds disappeared back into the Void and Wilford headed back to Dark, black and white cape in his teeth.
Dark scratched behind his ears. “Completely ridiculous.”
Wilford leaned into the touch.
Then Dark leaned up and kissed Wilford on the side of his head. Immediately turning him back into a human person.
”You’ve saved me, Darkling,” Wilford walked over to her and wrapped his arms around the demon.
“Where’d your clothes go?” Dark asked.
“The transformation took them,” Wilford smiled. “You’ve saved me.”
Dark opened up a portal. “Yes, let’s go dear. And stay out of my cursed books, you might not actually like the next one you come across.
Wilford chuckled as he followed her back into the Manor, staying close behind her.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years ago
dude now that i was thinking about stars again i decided to reread ch28 (feel free to not reply to this btw hahaha i just appreciate having a void to scream into :))) ) and oooohhhh my godddd
i thought i'd be okay since yknow it was rereading, but nope, i freaked out just the same KFJDSKJD
i even took out the pillow to scream into o77
ur writing is just SO good ughhh and the way you describe dream monologuing >>> that was the perfect villain speech
and don't even get me started on phil ohhhh my godddd, you capture the perfect balance of him being a fricken Terrifying Emperor, but also just him caring about Wilbur so so much :(( AND TECHNOOO techno in stars always makes me laugh i love him so much
i love the amount of reassuring tommy does for wilbur :(( reminding him that it's okay, he's okay, they're okay. it's okay if wilbur indulges himself, tommy has techno he doesn't need wilbur in that moment, wilbur's allowed to let himself be supported. i just-- ughhh i love them so much
i also love how phil gets to call wilbur wilbur and he Instantly just calls him "Wil" like ooohhhhfjwekf my heart i cannot handle this
i don't think i'll ever get over phil calling wilbur "little bird" they are just s o
scratch that, i dont think i'll ever get over *the whole fic*, duuuude this was just soooawjeoaiawef <333
anyways ty for indulging me, im gonna go sleep now and then go back to thinking about glass!crimeboys, glass crimeboys mean so much to me ooohhmygod, just that unexplainable trust they both have-- God. I'll go on a rant about those two later tho hehe
i've been digging back through my inbox tonight and this was so nice to read. so glad you enjoyed dream's evil villain speech, I actually had a lot of fun writing his dialogue for that one chapter lol
stars!crimeboys make me so mentally ill they are my BOYS
and stars!sandduo too ofc. god my heart. i love thinking back on that chapter because it was just the culmination of everything i'd been building up to the entire time. so so satisfying to write.
stars <33 ty for this :D
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baradesign · 10 months ago
Hi, I just binged As a Zora Would (Been wanting to do that for a while but life is a mess) and I just wanted to tell you I loved it so much, and I hope you will continue it someday... maybe? Please? No rush, of course. I just really, really liked all the dynamics and the way you portray the zoran culture. One of my favorite fics, no doubt. I've also seen you mention that you get inspiration from other media when you write, and one thing I've always struggle with is "stealing as an artist". If it's not too much trouble, could you tell us abou some scenes and what was the media you took inspiration from? Only if it's not a bother! 🤗
dsadsadsadsadsadsadsadssdssadsdasdadasdasdaadasd *screams into the void* You are so sweet ;w; I'm so happy that you've been liking it so much! Big praise, I swear... AND YOU ARE NOT A BOTHER AT ALL!!! Of course I can talk about that! SPOILERS AHEAD FOR THOSE WHO CARE!! I've already talked before about how this specific scene was inspired by Bluey's episode "onesies", but I don't think people realize just HOW MUCH. From the first time I saw that episode and the scene that ended up inspiring link's talk, I just knew that was exactly the tone I wanted to use on this specific tidbit of the story. It's actually very easy to see once you have both materials side to side!
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Other two examples of me referencing existing movies are when Link and Rivan fight for real. Most of that fight I wrote while watching Hector and Achilles' fight in Troy!
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And the scene where Link and Mipha emprace and sway in each other's arms while saying their farewells is based on Dumbo's scene where the little elefant goes see his mom and she cradled him.
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Of course, none of these scenes are perfect 1:1 matches, which I think is the final goal when you "steal like an artist". The final scenes ended up being their own thing, but getting inspired and referencing something that aready exists is a great way giving yourself that little push you might need to find your own path! Anyway thanks for comming to my TedTalk xD I hope I was able to shine some light for you! And don't wrry, because I am 10000% continuing the fic!... I've just been kind of busy .w.U BUT IT WIL HAPPEN SOON...ISH!
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rambels-blog · 2 years ago
It’s been awhile since I last wrote a post, even tho I have been thinking about writing a lot which is unusual for me because I I’m not really a writer. The funny thing is tho that tumbler is the only place where I feel comfortable writing, it feels like screaming in the void nobody wil see this and if they do they won’t really interact with it.
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lythecreatorart · 3 months ago
Glad we both insane about this :']
As c!Ren and Martyn have their time alone for rest, because dear primes, no one should deal with c!Tom energy 24/7- c!Tom just outright stole the cape at night but a day before Dogwarts got destroyed, c!Ren give him the cape as blanket bc of course he knows [sob noises and scream]
When the Dogwarts' banner got stole by Desert Duo, it was c!Tom who would go after them faster than c!Martyn for me. He do this before, this is not Dream, he will get it back. Object of sentimental? that's c!Tom home field. So does fighting in wars as well, c!Martyn might be older and have more experience when he was alone, c!Tom would be the one who ready for it. He do this too many time for his age [cry more about him being child solider]
gosh when c!Martyn pull the listen to surrounding of where Flower Husband's secret base where they put the pufferfish happen, I wonder if c!Tom have a little flashback to c!Dream from the first disc war of him listen to c!Tom footstep to put here the disc was hidden-
It will be even more funnier when at one point when c!Tom met Desert Duo and see c!Scar try to scam people-
once again, Game respect Game.
And c!Tom manage to scammed c!Scar in process because whatever happen to Scar's luck mostly happen bc of "it would be funny" logic. Even better if c!Tom go out and try to "spy on them", it just him and c!Scar talk random stuff and c!Grian in the back screaming to the void.
they would be on good term till c!Scar declare he will come after c!Ren when he's turn red. That's a dealbreaker of possible alliance for c!Scar and c!Tom, for c!Tom part at least. Especially part of c!Ren remind c!Tom of c!Tubbo and maybe some of c!Wil before the Red king happen, and we know how protective of c!Tom when it come to c!Tubbo relate.
After the deal breaker, c!Tom and Scar met again c!Scar: what’s going on over there? Haven't see you in a bit :DD C!Tom: w- YOU THREAT THE DOG YOU COME AFTER HIM AND IS HE SUPPOSED TO SIT THERE TILL YOU COME???
Bc the whole Scar threat and forget about it is the same energy of c!Techno threatening to come back to destroy Lmanburg to c!Tubbo and c!Quackity but bro “retired” and surprised when Butcher Army are at his doorstep-
Later on when Dogwarts kill pizza and c!Tom just look at them and be like C!Tom: dear Primes, we were in the right and you here pulling a SapNap- C!Martyn: a who??? C!Tom: my old server pet killer C!Ren: oh
Other than angst part, this will be incredibly hilarious-
Curse au concept for me and me only-
As I am an inniter first and Martyn lore enjoyer second
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Curse in as if c!Tom join third life and join Dogwarts kind of curse-
I don’t think c!Tubbo, c!Ranboo, or c!Techno will get their appear, but I just want to draw how much ridiculous of height difference is-
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wrenchwenches · 4 years ago
diversity win! the pirate-larp atheist cleric with a bad temper, abandonment issues, and a sick eyepatch is aroace
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