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newbornwhumperfly · 8 months ago
whumpmas in july day 20: character you wish was whumped
oh man, this is a relatable one!!! how often have we seen a character we wish was hurt more and never got the goods in canon? 😩😩😩 (oh well, that's what fanfiction is for, hehe).
gonna specifically drag my nostalgia out of the closet here for the question "is there a dead whump fandom you hope to be revived" and remind y'all of the national treasure series (aka my entire childhood). do you all remember this guy?
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riley poole, my beloved 😍💖😍💖😍💖
obsessed doesn't begin to cover how i felt about this little freak. god, i loved imagining him in Situations, reading about him in Situations, put 👏 that 👏 nerd 👏 in 👏 Situations!!! 👏
emotional whump cause he's routinely accidentally under appreciated? yes. physical whump cause he's small and ancillary and can be tormented for information? yes. threatened because the protagonists love him? yes. fellas, i was writing fanfiction about him before i owned an electronic device. he just compelled me so!! 💖😍
due to the adventure-comedy bent of the series, we never really got to see any blood but god, i wish our fanfiction could get more gritty with it, ya know? revive the national treasure fandom so I can put this guy in more situations with more people, is what i'm saying.
have a very merry @whumpmasinjuly everyone! 💖💖💖
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whumpsday · 8 months ago
Whumpmas in July #20
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What character do you wish to see whumped more in canon/fan-made media?
last year for the same prompt, i talked about wanting to see OC whumpers given some time to shine as a whumpee more. this time, i'll talk about non-OC stuff... focusing on Baldur's Gate 3, my fandom of choice.
i've been super into Baldur's Gate 3 lately, especially the vampire whumpee character of Astarion, as you can no doubt tell if you've been following me. while i adore all the Astarion whump (and the Astarion comfort!), i would love love love to see some Cazador whump, too.
for those unfamiliar, Cazador is Astarion's abuser in BG3, the vampire lord who turned Astarion and kept him a tortured slave for 200 years. it's directly stated that Cazador went through pretty much the same thing himself before he managed to murder his own master, his canonical torments including being impaled for 11 immortal years and watching his friend be slaughtered in front of him. in the lore of the Forgotten Realms, the setting in which BG3 takes place, vampire spawn essentially lose themselves when they become true vampires and inevitably turn evil: this happens with Astarion himself if the player puts him down that path. i would love to see some fan content of what Cazador may have been like as a helpless spawn (and in fact have a fic outlined that i may write about it at some point), or what his current self would be like reduced to that state.
in addition to my whumper-turned-whumpee fanaticism, i would love to see some more whump content of my VERY close second-favorite BG3 character, Wyll. there is a lot of fic about Wyll being Astarion's caretaker, and i love it to death!! but i'd also like to see some of the reverse, Astarion or other characters being Wyll's caretaker, an exploration of Wyll's trauma and fears. i'm romancing Wyll in my current BG3 run and have a lot of feelings about him...
and i can't forget the ladies! Dame Aylin is probably the only non-vampiric character who can rival Astarion in terms of how much shit she's been through, after 100 years of captivity and torment. we rarely get to see Aylin's strong, stoic face break in canon (though there are a few moments), and it's a great opportunity to explore it in fanfic.
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whumpinthepot · 8 months ago
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@whumpmasinjuly-archive 2024
Day 20. Character you wish was whumped
I wracked my brain for a few days on this and honestly all I can think about is my own ocs like always. I want to see more of my Ratts Race characters getting whumped. Ive been giving Clarence a lot of attention for this event but its all been psychological whump. I need more torture… Like to Ratty, or Allias, or August. That is always fun to write and draw.
Oh and @frogkingdom’s ocs of course I like borrowing them just to draw them in fucked up situations :)c
If anyone wants to learn more about my oc’s lmk I am itching to talk to people about them :’)
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wounds-seen-and-unseen · 8 months ago
Whumpmas in July: Day 20- Character you wished was whumped.
Without question, Jaime Lannister. The man has so many possibilities for whump!
In the canon story itself, he is in an abusive relationship (with his own sister, so there is that) since his teens at the least, he is reviled and vilified for saving half a million people, he loses his sword hand in a really humiliating way even though he was the best swordsman of his generation, and then he gets home to find that his sister finds him useless, his brother imprisoned. He frees his brother, tells him a dark secret, due to which his brother may want to kill him, and also goes on a war campaign that he abandons for reasons of honour, which may or may not be leading him to a vengeful undead woman who wants him dead.
In his past, he was anointed as a knight by the greatest knight of his age, but was taken into an elite order of knights (the royal guard) as a glorified hostage, he killed the King to make sure that the madman does not burn the whole city down, therefore resulting in all the hate for him in-universe. (And there is very little material, I feel, which explores all of this trauma, especially in fanfic)
All that is canon, imagine the fanon possibilites.
@whumpmasinjuly @whumpmasinjuly-archive
(On that note, I am probably behind for tomorrow’s prompt).
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serickswrites · 8 months ago
Whumpmas in July '24 Day 20
What character do you wish to see whumped more in canon/fan-made media?
This is a very, very good question. The easy answer is whatever character is in the show I'm watching or book I'm reading that I deem the most whumpable. That said, I am on a reading kick right now, so I have some characters that I would happily read about them being whumped. (Looking at you really, really hard Xaden Riorsen, Chaol, and Rhys).
I do have my go to characters that I will endlessly enjoy being whumped (Malcolm Bright, Sam/Dean Winchester, Castiel, Leon, Lucifer, and honestly like every character in the Executioner series).
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whumperofworlds · 8 months ago
Whumpmas in July Day 20: What Character I Wish To See Whumped More Often In Official/Fan Media
This guy (or gal!)
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Byleth from Fire Emblem Three Houses/Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Seriously. They checkmark everything as a good whumpee. Stoic, doesn't show emotions, badass, can handle in a fight. They need to be taken down a peg. I want them bound, gagged, and crying on the floor. I want them bleeding nearly to death. I want them in need of rescue by their wife (Edelgard).
Please. I need more Byleth whump ;_; I'm dying of starvation here for Byleth whump!!!
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whumpmasinjuly · 8 months ago
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Day 20: What character do you wish to see whumped more in canon/fan-made media?
Is there a dead whumpy fandom you hope to see a revival of someday? Do you have a favorite whumpee that simply doesn’t get enough love? Any characters you dream of seeing whumped that simply hasn’t yet? Share with us your desires (and perhaps you’ll find more people here who think as you do!) 
You can reblog this post with your introduction, or make your own post (there’s a banner available on our blog at #wijbanner if you’d like)! Make sure to use the tags #whumpmasinjuly2024 and #wij24day1 so that others can find your post, and be sure to check out the tags to see all the awesome works this month! Make sure to tag @whumpmasinjuly-archive so your works can be featured on our official archive blog!
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wollemi-whump · 8 months ago
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WIJ Day 20 - Character You'd Like Whumped More
I feel like most of the characters I like get whumped a pretty good amount. I would, of course, like more whump for all of them, but there isn't one that jumps out at me as needing more. I would like more physical whump for Ryan Wolfe from CSI: Miami. I love all the emotional whump he gets, especially with his s5 and s6 arc. But I would also love to see him stabbed. And beat up. And tossed around. And punched. Maybe some more torture. A bit of bodily injury. A broken bone or two <3
I really love the whole eye injury effects in s4. That was a nice mixture of "physical" and emotional. Well actually, let's be honest: I would love more emotional whump for him as well. I like to see him get pushed around, literally or metaphorically.
Off track, but I think one of my favorite scenes in the show is right when Horatio meets Ryan and asks him a bunch of questions, then asks to inspect his gun. It's such a great and subtly powerful scene for both the characters and the audience. It's not exactly a whumpy scene (at least not for Wolfe, moreso Horatio) but it's certainly impactful, and I still love it.
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