snakebites-and-ink · 3 months
Whumpmas in July Day 4: Post a Whump Prompt
Prompt: Brainwashed or mind-controlled character being made to subject a loved one or ally to the same brainwashing/control.
Optional additional inspo:
“Please don’t fight it.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“It’ll be better this way.”
“You don’t know what you’re doing!”
Giving in for the sake of their brainwashed loved one
Snapping out of it once someone besides themself is at risk
Aware of what they’re being made to do but powerless to stop it
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painonthebrain · 3 months
❄️ • Whumpmas in July Day 4 - Post a whump prompt • ❄️
Transformation has been on my brain recently so here, have some whumpy prompts involving it!
Whumpee gets into some kind of magical accident and winds up changed. Into what, how and why are up to you — but whatever they are, they’re now being hunted down for their elusive features.
Inhuman whumper being transformed into a normal human
Whumpee slowly turning into a monster, trying to hold on to their humanity
Whumpee undergoing a transformation in order to become stronger/acquire powers/etc. and help the people they care about, but it’s incredibly painful
Wings, horns, extra limbs/eyes/etc. bursting out from underneath the skin
Gory transformation
Caretaker desperately trying to change a transformed whumpee back to normal
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 months
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Day 1: (Re-)Introduce yourself and/or your creations
Blog introductions are a staple of the whump community! You can find new whumpers introducing themselves constantly in the #whumpintro and #whumpcommunity tags! If you haven’t formally introduced yourself yet, take today as an opportunity to do so! Tell us as much or as little about yourself as you want–who you are, what sorts of whump you love, what content we can expect to see on your blog, favorite color, etc.! If you’re stuck on what to write about yourself, feel free to use the template at the bottom of this post.
If you’ve been around a while and have already introduced yourself, feel free to re-introduce yourself for any new followers, give an update on how you’re doing and/or take a moment to give an overview of any whumpy projects you may be working on at the moment!
You can reblog this post with your introduction, or make your own post (there’s a banner available on our blog at #wijbanner if you’d like)! Make sure to use the tags #whumpmasinjuly2024 and #wij24day1 so that others can find your post, and be sure to check out the tags to see all the awesome works this month! Make sure to tag @whumpmasinjuly-archive so your works can be featured on our official archive blog!
❤️ Name: 
💚 Pronouns: 
🤍 Favorite season:
❤️ Average amount of sleep:
💚 Dream Job:
🤍 Blog established date:
❤️ Username/blog meaning:
💚 Hobbies:
🤍 What you love about whump:
❤️ Anything else to add:
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kim-poce · 2 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 1
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[id in alt text]
Hello! I'm doing it late but anyway. I'm Kim, I have way too many series going on and my brain doesn't stop coming up with more. (Masterlist)
This blog was born in 26/march/21 so it's only one year old, this was like, right after I found out about whump (I found it on Pinterest, I didn't even know what Tumblr was) :), hmmm a bit more about me is that I'm sadistic, I tend to ramble about random stuff at random times, I try to add id in images as much as I can, I like to think I'm a good writer, I also try to draw but I'm horrible at it, so focus on my fics please, hmmmm yeah that's it.
Most of my series have comfort as the end goal, but I put A LOT of against all the way there (also, there is a few hurt/no comfort so if that's an issue you can ask me before reading). I also post some (rare) nsfwhump, tagging #nsfwhump so be aware.
Some of my series has a plot and somewhere to go, some it's me just whump dumping on my blog.
My favorite whump tropes are:
Female whumper/male whumpee my beloved
captive whumpee, pet whump, and such
Cute little cinnamon rolls as whumpees <3
My old intro post said I didn't read lady whump but I do now, I have one series with pure lady whump and some other with lady whumpee (and a lot more going on)
Also, I love nsfwhump.
There is a lot more but that's what comes to me right now.
My current series are A LOT, but my fave ones are: "Alex and Neo", "Evie", "Full House" and "Kingdom's Sword" my fave oc in here is my beloved Evie.
I take commissions btw, I'm also open to asks, I love comments and like and this stuff.
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Whumpmas in July (Day 7): Brag about a creator or whump piece you think is underrated
I haven’t been consuming as much whump content as I wish I was lately. I am trying to interact with whump more but haven’t yet read up on a lot of people’s work, and the whump I’ve been watching in tv/film is already popular, so I’m going to just highlight some people in the whump community that I love to see and interact with.
Firstly, @straight-to-the-pain is always amazing. Whenever there’s any kind of discourse, S is giving really intelligent and input. Their perspective is always valuable and brings the conversation to the next level. They also fit in with some lesser-represented groups both personally and in the community, and not only do they authentically be themselves, but they’re always happy to share their experiences and help others learn. All around an amazing person.
This is probably biased, considering this is a Whumpmas in July post, but I hella respect @sableflynn . Their dedication to the community and this event warms my heart, and they’re overall a kind person. There’s been a number of times where me or someone else is unsure about whether or not something is “okay” and they’re always quick to validate it while still being respectful and reasonable to all. They’re like a water pail caring for the soil of the whump community, helping us flourish and grow.
Finally, as I’ve started to maneuver my way back into tumblr and be more active on Discord, someone who has always been supportive is @professional-idiocy . They always make me feel welcome, and little actions go such a long way. Thank you!
There’s so many more people I appreciate, but this is all I can think of for now. Additionally, I hope I can read and admire more of everyone’s work soon!
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my-whumpy-media · 3 years
Whumpmas In July: Day 2
How did you find the whump community?
I’m pretty sure, while I was attempting to find whumpy videos on youtube, I kept coming across youtube playlists that mentioned “whump”. However, I have no idea how I ended up on tumblr. I must have googled the word, and saw that it was a hashtag on tumblr, which I looked though and now the rest is history! Glad I finally did!
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
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How did you find the whump community?
I stumbled into it and then people began to find me.
I liked the idea of people shipped out in a box to someone really really bad for them and actually wrote something about it during the time I spent in buses, waiting for appointments, skipping classes, etc. It evolved and such but never had the guts to publish it due a very distressing experience within a discord server for showing some of my whumpy art. That I did apologize for making and posting without the proper warnings. And so, circa December of 2019, because of someone reblogging a fic, I found out about the bbu and basically got swallowed into it since then.
Most of the time I was just posting because it was fun to write about a concept I had secretly enjoyed for a long time but never seemed to find people who also liked it, so I often think I didn’t find the community but you found me. It sounds cheesy but I almost expected nobody to read my things and finding such a warm welcome was beyond my expectations.
Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me that people have found joy in engaging with my content.
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snakebites-and-ink · 2 months
Whumpmas in July Day 19: Create a list of some of your favorite whump blogs to share!
Ooh boy some favorite whump blogs...just gonna list them out without comments because I'm kind of putting this post together last minute. (Non-exhaustive list ofc because there are so many other awesome whump blogs on here I can't list all of them.)
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whumpmasinjuly · 1 month
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A surprise present to end your Whumpmas in July! 💗
Thank you again to everyone who participated in any way, and to those who left some valuable reviews and suggestions (please feel free to continue to do so)!
Here is a sneak peek at three of the days for next year's WIJ! We hope to bring you an entirely new set of prompts that are still balanced but present some fun new challenges.
See you in 2025! ✨
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 months
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Day 3: "____ deserved it."
It's time to hurt your favorite canon characters or OC's! Is it "I deserved it", "You deserved it", or even "They deserved it"? Stick a character's name in the blank and see where the conversation goes! It's time to enter a world of hurt, but does everyone agree on who deserved it?
You can reblog this post with your introduction, or make your own post (there’s a banner available on our blog at #wijbanner if you’d like)! Make sure to use the tags #whumpmasinjuly2024 and #wij24day1 so that others can find your post, and be sure to check out the tags to see all the awesome works this month! Make sure to tag @whumpmasinjuly-archive so your works can be featured on our official archive blog!
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snakebites-and-ink · 2 months
Whumpmas in July Day 16: Create a whump meme!
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whumpmasinjuly · 2 months
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Day 13: Share some of your favorite niche whump tags!
Share a tag or two (or even an entire list) of whump tags you really enjoy or would recommend to those new in the whump community! Feel free to include tags that are just a word or entire phrases, and those that pertain to specific fandoms. Are there any niche tags you found recently that have changed your whump game, or very specific tags you found years ago that have kept your whumperflies buzzing?
You can reblog this post with your introduction, or make your own post (there’s a banner available on our blog at #wijbanner if you’d like)! Make sure to use the tags #whumpmasinjuly2024 and #wij24day1 so that others can find your post, and be sure to check out the tags to see all the awesome works this month! Make sure to tag @whumpmasinjuly-archive so your works can be featured on our official archive blog!
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snakebites-and-ink · 2 months
Whumpmas in July Day 7: Post a link to your favorite whump fic of all time!
I cannot possibly choose just one. Here are several favorites! (off the top of my head)
Weapons Don’t Weep
Xerxes and Nor
Whumping the Whumpers
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 months
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Day 4: Post a whump prompt for someone else to fill on Day 28
Create a whump prompt for a fellow Whumpmas in July participant to fill for Day 28! You can use the prompt given below if you'd like, but feel free to expand on it or not use it at all! Keep in mind that whump prompts may be filled by any media type (art, writing, collage, etc), and your prompt can be as specific or as broad as you'd like! WHUMPMAS IN JULY DAY 4 PROMPT TEMPLATE
⛄Fandom or whumper/whumpee details: 🎁Type of whump/tropes desired: 🎄Setting/Situation:
You can reblog this post with your introduction, or make your own post (there’s a banner available on our blog at #wijbanner if you’d like)! Make sure to use the tags #whumpmasinjuly2024 and #wij24day1 so that others can find your post, and be sure to check out the tags to see all the awesome works this month! Make sure to tag @whumpmasinjuly-archive so your works can be featured on our official archive blog!
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painonthebrain · 3 months
❄️ • Whumpmas in July Day 1 - (Re)Introduce yourself! • ❄️
Hey there! I’m Electric and I create mainly oc whump! (But I make stuff for fandom too sometimes… I’m all over the place haha) I also run August of Whump, which is happening for the first time ever this year. (Can you tell that I’m excited?)
I’m both a writer and an artist and recently I’ve been posting a bunch of little snippets of writing unrelated to any series. However, I do want to make an actual, cohesive story one day! It’s a little hard for me though, I will admit.
I’m a lover of almost any whump tropes, but a few of my faves are pet whump, lab whump, nonhuman whump, role reversals (whumper-turned-whumpee my beloved), transformations, and
If you wanna get a taste of what I make or find my older intro, then my masterlist is right here!
❤️ Name: Electric (Elec for short)
💚 Pronouns: Any (including neos and it/its)
🤍 Favorite season: Fall 💞
❤️ Average amount of sleep: HAHAHAHA. Whatever keeps me going I guess
💚 Dream job: I’m not too sure! I’d love to have a job working creatively or maybe something like working in a library for fun. I’ve actually never had a job before though, so right now I’m mostly aspiring for good pay and a non-stressful work environment. (And also experience ig… that too)
🤍 Blog established: September 2023
❤️ Username/blog meaning: I’ve got pain on the brainnnn babey
💚 Hobbies: Many creative things, reading, talking with friends, roleplaying, watching ASMR and napping so soo much
🤍 What you love about whump: Oh there’s too much to cover but I’ll name a few reasons why — the way emotional depth and intimacy is handled, how experimental I can get with it and the community!! Also the pain… that too hehe
❤️ Anything else to add: I’ve decided to do this event on a whim so if I end up crashing and burning as the result of doing these prompts so late — well… I have nobody to blame but myself
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snakebites-and-ink · 2 months
Whumpmas in July Day 25: Share a sneak peek of something you're working on
Y'know what, screw it. I'm giving you a glimpse of the guys from my whumpy symbiote story even though it's probably not going to be ready to start posting anytime soon. Under the cut for possible spoilers and in case you want to avoid getting your interest piqued in something you might have to wait quite a while for.
CW: Aftermath of nonconsensual medical procedure, references to parasitism/possession, threat of lab whump
Very much subject to revision because this is basically just taken from my first draft then slightly polished to remove a couple gaps.
Ethan blearily came to consciousness on a bed that wasn't his own. He sleepily blinked his eyes open....He was in control of his own body. That was odd. Raoul usually took the driver's seat by default unless the two of them discussed otherwise. "Raoul?" Ethan said. There was no response. Worried, Ethan cast around in his mind to try to find Raoul. He couldn't feel him anywhere. "Raoul!" Ethan cried out more frantically. A doctor came over to him and assured, "It's alright. You're safe." "What's going on? Why can't I hear him?" Ethan asked. "We removed the parasite—" Ethan heard no more; the only word he needed was removed. "You took him out!!?" He shouted. No, no no, he didn't want to be without Raoul. He wanted his friend back—why would these people try to take him away against both their wills? "You've gotta put him back, please!" he begged. Then realized he didn't know where Raoul was if not with Ethan. He couldn't see him anywhere in the room. "Wait, where is he now?" "It's going to be taken to a lab that studies its species." "A LAB!?"
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