ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
For @whumpmasinjuly, the people who have been making my whole day lately:
@silvercrystalwhump for giving Vince his happy ending and healthy, healing love
@eatyourdamnpears, who I communicate largely through screaming over TikTok with and who is responsible for a lot of Trash Cat and who loves Nova as much as I do
@burtlederp, @finder-of-rings, @astrobly, @endless-whump, and others who encouraged me so much early on as I was figuring Danny's story out as I went
@yet-another-heathen, @boxboysandotherwhump, and @whump-tr0pes for their enthusiasm and support over my angry masochist baby Jameson
Plus Theo for making some of my favorite whump art in the world
@albino-whumpee, whose art is inextricably linked with Whumpblr in my mind and whose drawings of Chris are literally my mental image of him
@whumptywhumpdump for having some of the best takes on Chris and Kauri ever seen and helping me so much with where Antoni's character has gone
@whumpfigure who is a light in my life and who is always up for geeking out over gymnastics with me
@straight-to-the-pain, @sableflynn, @pythagoreanwhump, @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow, @iaminamoodymoodtoday, @lektric-whump, @whump-it, and others who have made me feel so welcome as I branched out in the community in new ways this year and have met so many new people
@orchidscript who is one of my oldest whump friends and who seriously is too graceful and gorgeous for this world
@redwingedwhump, @evermetnotforgotten, @wildfaewhump, @comfy-whumpee, @robins-whump , @shameless-whumper,@friendlylocalwhumper, @whumpiary, and more who were my entrance into Whumpblr itself and were always happy to deal with my overenthusiastic fangirling
@card-games-and-pain who has been my fucking rock more than once and oh man, Avie, I am so sorry about that and damn it I forgot to send you that shirt and just realized it
@winedark-whump who has given me whole new thoughts on BBU world-building I never considered before, more than once...
Holy cow. I'm not even half done. SO MANY PEOPLE.
Just. Everyone who has ever liked, reblogged, sent an ask or prompt, or even existed in my periphery!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 31
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Day 31: Give a shout-out to someone who makes the community great for you!
If you're reading this, congratulations on a wonderful Whumpmas in July! Whether you did every day's prompt or this is your first time, we really appreciate everyone who joined in and made this event a blast. Thank you all!
For our last day, we want to give everyone an opportunity for one last message of love. Take today to shout out someone who makes this community what it is for you! It could be someone who always seems to have a nice word for others, or who always takes the time to answer questions, or who leaves the best gushing tag essays on reblogs. Or it could be someone who has supported you personally and helped you find your place in this big community. You can even do a shout-out to the community in general--tell us everything you love about the whump community!
Thanks again for joining in, and happy Whumpmas in July!
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vanne-whump · 3 years
WIJ Day Thirty One: Give a shout-out to someone who makes the community great for you! @whumpmasinjuly
@sableflynn @whumpymirages @no-whump-on-main @quirkykayleetam @greatandquestionablecontent @straight-to-the-pain <3
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