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Daily Reading: Wiccan Oracle Cards Book of Shadows: You live a magical life but you won't remember well all that you See, sense and do if you don't write it down. Loss of knowledge is the bitter price of secrecy. Horned God: You have the support if you reach for it. Action is required for effect. Take it. The longer you wait the harder it is. Goddess: You have support, use it. Trust your intuition and let it guide your actions to the goals you desire. #wiccanoraclecards #bookofshadows #hornedgod #goddess #lorearchive (at Lore Archive)
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Daily Reading: Wiccan Oracle Cards Butterfly: Death and rebirth, utter change, complete rebuild and rebrand. Same ideals and principles. Cat: Timing is crucial, conserve your energy. You will need it in the times to come. Otherworld: Unlike many people your perception of the non-physical realms in which we dwell are vital to your life. Don't ignore signs from gifts just because they tell you things that you don't wish to see. #intuitivereader #oracleintuitive #wiccanoraclecards #butterfly #cat #otherworld #millbrook (at Lore Archive)
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Daily Reading: Wiccan Oracle Cards. Pond: Reflection on the past with an eye for tomorrow. A period of being still precedes a period of intense activity. Kettle: Focused activity to ensure a dynamic response. An action leads the way to another even when the chosen action is inaction. Chariot: Movement, action, travel. The journey continues albeit a little faster and less controlled than anticipated. #wiccanoraclecards #dailyreading #pond #kettle #chariot #intuitivereader #oracleintuitive #oraclecards #awitchalone (at Lore Archive)
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Daily Reading: Wiccan Oracle Cards. Cat: All goes as it should. Be at peace, rest and be ready to move as you need to. Otherworld: You are not resident in a monodimensional manner. Whether you comprehend or not the otherworlds influence every action and awareness whether you recognise them or not. Butterfly: Transformation. We all know that but consider the effort required to ensure that the change is valid. If you're not prepared to put the effort in then don't expect the results you say you want. #wiccanoraclecards #cat #otherworld #butterfly #intuitivereader #oracleintuitive #theoracleintuitivereader #millbrook #lorearchive #intuitivewisdom (at Lore Archive)
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Daily Reading: Wiccan Oracle Cards. Oak Tree: Strength and resilience comes from sense and self care. If you find yourself unwell and unable to do all you wish ask yourself if your sense and self care is sufficient. It's not so learn from this. Pentacle: A gift for giving, a fund for sharing. Set out your goals and begin the action required to ensure its success. Funds come as needed. Three Wise Ones: Good. You walk the optimum path albeit that it may not feel like it. Your choices and the suggested best path of the PTB aligns. Don't mess it up with doubts and self-sabotage. #dailyreading #wiccanoraclecards #oaktree #pentacle #threewiseones #theoracleintuitivereader #oracleintuitive #intuitivereader #millbrook (at Lore Archive)
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Daily Reading: Wiccan Oracle Cards. Three Wise Ones: Destiny calls, the process is enabled, time for action. Pond: Time Out to consider and reflect upon your actions and events ensuing and to utilise the clarity gained to ascertain the best path for the future. Oak Tree: Steadfast strength, always there. Ensure your own self maintenance to remain well, hale and hearty else suffer the consequences of inattention. #dailyreading #wiccanoraclecards #loscarabeo #threewiseones #pond #oaktree #millbrook #lorearchive #intuitivereader #oracleintuitive #millbrook #lorearchive (at Lore Archive)
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Daily Reading: Wiccan Oracle Cards. Pentacle: All elements combine to make the whole, the same can be said for life, all elements of our lives work best when combined and there is transparency for all. Our intelligence, passion, emotions and physical shell must work with the spirit of our soul in harmony in order to achieve all that we are capable of. Samhain: Changing times, wisdom from beyond the grave. There is far more to this world than the mundane. Be wise to the absences and presences within your world. Litha: At midsummer is one extreme with the longest day and shortest night but in time it balances at the equinoctial points before moving to the other extreme, so life balances resisting the movement in our lives is as effective as Canute's defence against the tide. Guide the movement, accept the changes and they will progress with greater ease and considerably greater smoothness. Change is the breath of life. #dailyreading #wiccanoraclecards #pentacle #samhain #litha #midsummer #intuitivereader #oracleintuitive #theoracleintuitivereader #millbrook #cheshire (at Lore Archive)
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Daily Reading: Wiccan Oracle Cards. Besom: A clean sweep, even into the corners you habitually ignore. Action is required to guarantee the end result, hence a besom not a vacuum cleaner. Because it's a besom it indicates that some of the 'cleaning' must be metaphysical as well as mundane. Yule: A celebration of survival, an indication that festivities are due and that this phase of your life will provide enlightenment and nourishment for the next phase. Ring: Commitment to a mutual goal bonds people together whether this be love, work, sport or alternative pursuits. Be sure others commitment matches yours before the bonds are met. #wiccanoraclecards #dailyreading #besom #yule #ring #intuitivereader #theoracleintuitivereader #oracleintuitive #millbrook (at Lore Archive)
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Daily Reading: Fox: Usually interpreted as a warning against sly and malicious individuals Fox, for today speaks of living in tune with nature, honouring that which aids in your survival. Samhain: End of a cycle, massive lifestyle changes, beginning afresh with lessons learned from the past, utilised by the present in order to create the best possible future. Pond: Reflection on plans, changing steps to suit circumstances, being quietly aware of that which occurs around you and adjusting your plans to match. #intuitivereader #oracleintuitive #theoracleintuitivereader #wiccanoraclecards #dailyreading #fox #samhain #pond (at Lore Archive)
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Butterfly: Transformation: Whole life change, painful to be so broken down and reforged. Do not pay heed to critics of the caterpillar you were for you're no longer that. Tree of Life: Shaped by the winds of fate, the storms of emotion and the nurturing of the light and the shadow, this is your life, grow, learn, change and develop as you will. Mandrake: Magical teaching and herbal know how are your goals today, let others fall away and allow nothing to occlude your goal. #wiccanoraclecards #oracleintuitive #theoracleintuitivereader #intuitivereader #dailyreading (at Lore Archive)
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Spiral: In its intricate manner life goes on, the pattern is evident in hindsight and even should you not see it, it progresses to ensure your maximum learning potential based upon your actions, not your words nor thoughts but what you do ... something to think about perchance. Horned God: Albeit better known for his affirmative action today the God talks of parenthood, looking after those who look to you for protection, love, and sometimes an arse kicking. Choose your actions wisely as the affect more than you know. Staff/ Stave/ Wand: The element of fire and the attribute of creativity are a potent significator, used wisely it fosters good will, actions, inspiration & increased aptitude. Choose carefully that to support. #wiccanoraclecards #spiral #hornedgod #staff #stave #wand #intuitivereader #oracleintuitive #theoracleintuitivereader #millbrook (at Lore Archive)
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Kettle: Under the watchful eye the kettle has finally come to boil, all the plans, goals & dreams can now be made real. Pond: Reflect upon the journeys steps that brought you to this crossroads, and helped you to become all that you have. Act upon that knowledge and intuition. Three Wise Ones: While the ancients guide our steps it is up to us to make our own decisions and to take action based upon our perceptive intuition. Never mistake their guidance for law. This is the blessing and the curse of free will. #wiccanoraclecards #solitarywitch #intuitivereader #kettle #pond #threewiseones #theoracleintuitivereader #oracleintuitive #millbrook (at Lore Archive)
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Mask: Habit to don the mask, habit to conceal what you truly feel, habit to believe your true emotions aren't worth shit. Time to break the habit and hang the mask up forever, shake loose your hair and become comfortable in being who and what you are. Tree of Life: Whichever route you take the meandering path that is life takes you past certain situations in your life that are not the most pleasant experiences. When confronted with them we often fear we can't deal with them. When we do it's important to remember that all the situations we've faced in the past we've dealt with and passed through. Same as any coming up. Kettle: Watched Kettle Syndrome. It's taken what feels like forever for this situation to reach boiling point. Frustration has abounded colouring all that has surrounded it. Well it's finally come to pass. Time to make something with the prepared water, while it's still hot. #wiccanoraclecards #mask #treeoflife #kettle #intuitivewisdom #oracleintuitive #theoracleintuitivereader #millbrook (at Lore Archive)
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Oestara: A time of reward for past kindnesses, a joyous time albeit a busy one. Horned God: Following the celebration comes more hard work and action to realise your goals. Three Wise Ones: As you know the steps you make are influenced by the PTB. This card serves as a reminder that the direction in which you're heading is the right one albeit a little rocky and hard to traverse this time. #intuitivereader #oraclecards #theoracleintuitivereader #wiccanoraclecards #oestara #hornedgod #threewiseones #millbrook (at Millbrook, Greater Manchester)
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Horned God: Keep your eyes on the prize and your mind on the target/ goal and it will manifest. Allow yourself to be distracted and coerced and it will not. No time for procrastination. Yule: A time for giving and receiving, for those whom you choose to have as family and for celebration. Cat: Hard though it can be now is not the time for rash endeavour, now it is the time to sit back and make the right things happen in order for the universe to act in your favour. #oraclecards #intuitivewisdom #wiccanoraclecards #hornedgod #yule #cat #millbrook (at Millbrook, Greater Manchester)
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Mabon: The Feast of Flesh: Assessing what is required to get through the next phase of life. 'Culling' what is surplus to requirements. Oak: While you will always endure there are times to rest and times for action. Bluntly put, if you don't rest I'll health will ensure you have no choice. Litha: Everything balances but said balance is NOT static and moves as needed. Trying to hold the balance in place is as effective as plaiting fog or collecting hens teeth. #dailyreading #wiccanoraclecards #mabon #autumnalequinox #oak#litha #midsummer #intuitivereader #oracleintuitive #theoracleintuitivereader (at Millbrook, Greater Manchester)
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