#wiccan 101
fairy-magick · 3 months
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sovaghoul · 8 months
Wicca 101 Masterpost
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hiddenhearthwitch · 5 months
🌸All About The Pink Moon ~ April's Full Moon🌸
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Hi angels! With the Full Moon coming to fruition tomorrow I wrote an article to talk about it's meaning, history, and ways to celebrate it. ✨
Friendly reminder there are public posts and free trials to every witch that's curious!
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Weeks | Calender
Sunday: The sun- solar power, success, personal empowerment, material wealth, health, beginning anew. Monday: Moon- Lunar Power, Purity, Spiritual cleansing, astral work, divination, psychic ability. Tuesday: Mars- psychical power, passion, sexuality, drive, ambition, achievement, masculine power, activate protection talismans, reverse hexes and psychic attacks. Wednesday: Mercury- knowledge, money, communication, the arts, change, acceptance, adaptability. Thursday: Jupiter, luck, growth, fulfilment, worldly power, justice, authority, health and prosperity. (Mercury brings quick cash, but jupiter governs the long term accumulation and preservation of wealth) Friday: Venus, fertility, love, money, prosperity, healing, charm, goodness, blocking, glamour, self-care, Feminine power. Saturday: Saturn-Binding, banishing, stopping, ending, loss, renewing, transforming, protection. 
Spell timing:
Night time: Inventing. [HA hear that night owls! Midnight: Banishing Sunrise: New beginnings Day-Time: Expansion Midday: Power Sunset: Truth Finding
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 year
It is interesting that gaymede uses she/her pronouns; particularly if the character is meant to be the mythological Ganymede, I think I’d have expected he/him. Plenty of mythological marvel characters don’t necessarily adhere to the “canon” pronouns of their inspiration, like multiple externals and loki, but I feel like most of those are unique cases
It would be cool to get a character that radically subverts pronoun expectations (ie a woman using he/him or man using she/her outside of drag/magical transformation contexts etc) but I’m not getting my hopes up. I still feel like it was a big deal that x-23 deadly regenesis has a very masc (sympathetic) villain character exclusively using they/them
I don't know if I missed this detail, or if I just forgot, but, yeah, the preview for SW#6 uses she/her pronouns for Ganymede.
It's not unusual to depict gods and deities as having fluid genders, especially in settings where they might reincarnate or take on multiple forms. Ganymede isn't really a god, but you could consider him a deified mortal. In modern times, he has become an icon of gay desire and male beauty, and is sometimes framed as a patron of the gay community, but his origins and the development of his mythology are more complicated than that.
Ganymede's tale is widely considered to be a model for paiderastia, which is a very difficult subject, so I don't want to get into it here. The point is that this character has been used to reflect changing cultural viewpoints on homosexuality, specifically relationships between men, across the ages. You will find instances where his name and story are used in both empowering ways, and derogatory ways. It's worth noting, too, that the story itself is one of abduction, and in some tellings, sexual assault. I think it's important, when we revisit these myths, to do right the by the historically marginalized people whose abuse is being mythologized. I feel the same way, for instance, about how women are treated in retellings of, say, Persephone and Hades.
That's a very long-winded way of saying that any adaptation of the Ganymede myth should remember that this story is centered around the experiences and, in some cases, victimization, of young men in homosexual relationships, so the character should probably remain grounded in that identity. Obviously, I am very much open to representing gender expansiveness and non-conformity within the gay male community. Gender-fluidity is not a part of Ganymede's myth, but it is a vital element of gay life, and always has been. As a reminder, I, myself, identify as a genderfluid MLM who uses she/her pronouns, and just to drive the point home, here's a recent picture of me, next to a picture of Scarlet Witch's Ganymede.
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I think you can see the similarities, right? The character can look like this, and use she/her pronouns, and still be representative of the identity and experience that are essential to the Ganymede myth-- but it's definitely a big swing, and it's not what I would expect for a single-issue character. This might not even be the mythological character, but I do think it would be weird to use mythological names for an original character when the literal Greek gods are real people who exist in your universe. It does happen, but not that often, and not usually in books where those gods have already been featured.
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covenoftheopenmind · 11 months
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brookepricer · 2 years
Daily Spell: October 27th
Pendulum Divination Spell
You’ll Need:
A piece of paper and a pen
A pendulum
October is a great time for divination, and if you are facing a dilemma that requires a yes or no answer, a pendulum is a perfect way to figure out what's right. If you don't have the pendulum, you can easily make one by tying a ring another small weighted to a string or a necklace chain.
Start by drawing a horizontal line on the paper, and at the ends of the line, right the word YES. Next make a vertical line that crosses through the horizontal, with NO at the top and bottom. Place the paper in front of you, and hold your pendulum loosely over. Close your eyes, and think of the question or dilemma that you're facing. Said “Yes, no, maybe so, tell me what I need to know,” three times.
Open your eyes and note which way the pendulum is swinging. If it is moving along the horizontal line, the answer is YES. A vertical line swing means NO. The pendulum moving in circles usually indicates that the answer is not defined at this time, or that it's a MAYBE, so try again in a couple of days.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington 
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ardenti-luna · 2 years
so, @apollowritesstuff asked for some information on paganism and the like after i posted a graphic of pagan holidays/celebrations. this is a short introduction to paganism and druidism—keep in mind that paganism is super diverse, so people follow it in a lot of different ways, and this is just my 'take' on it.
when people describe themselves as pagan, they most likely follow a religion more accurately described as neopaganism or modern paganism. it stems from Celtic and Roman religions, but after the roman empire, it was often applied to anyone who wasn't Christian.
modern paganism is split into many different branches or ways of practicing paganism, and i'll talk about a few of the main ones below. however, in general, paganism focuses on the divineness of the earth, the universe, and nature. paganism doesn't necessarily worship a select divine being(s), and unlike most religions it doesn't follow a sacred text. modern paganism also draws possible inspiration from north African and Dharmic religions, although this is often left out of paganism and it's history. modern paganism is very confusing to explain, because not only are the different 'branches' of paganism wildly different, but within each branch the way individuals practice is very diverse as well.
personally, i consider myself a druid or a druid pagan. druidism focuses very closely on the physical aspects of the earth and nature. it focuses on worshipping the sanctity of the natural world, and in a modern setting it often leans towards environmentalism and a rejection of consumerism. some druid pagans are polytheistic, but i personally hold no belief in a divine being, but rather the divinity of nature and the universe.
people who are Wiccan are often the people you see practicing on tiktok and other social media apps. wicca is also called pagan witchcraft, and the term wiccan has derivations in the words witchcraft and witch. wiccans often worship some higher power(s), and there is a strong emphasis on the practice of magic as a kind of law of nature. wiccans view their magical practices as a force for good, such as healing and protection.
heathenism or (contemporary) germanic paganism is a branch of paganism that often worships multiple deities. in heathenism, rather than being seen as infallible, these gods are represented in a personified light, with strengths and weaknesses. these gods often come from Scandinavian and anglo-saxan sources. heathenism had a slightly darker past, with a rise in the early 1900's of people trying to keep heathenism to only ethnically and racially white people. it also seems to have been involved in the rise of the nazi party. however, nowadays, most people following heathenism place emphasis on strong ethics, including integrity and honor, and the religion is seen as much more open.
please correct me if i am wrong with any of my info, as i don't know a lot about other branches of paganism! there are also many, many more apart from the three i described, but i hope this post gives a good introduction.
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thecatsandthecrone · 1 year
Wheel of the year: Litha.
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Photo by Georgiana Avram on Unsplash  
☽🔮☾🕯🃏🌕🕸✨🍃🍄🧿🌙✩ 🪄📚
Litha. Midsummer. San Juán. Summer solstice. Every culture has a different denomination for this festivity, which is just as popular in countries of celtic or pagan tradition as in those that are christian. This festivity celebrates the solstice of Summer, the beginning of this season and it marks the longest day of the year. In the Northern hemisphere it is originally celebrated around the 20th to the 21st of June, but in some countries the celebrations are stretched just until the 26th. In the southern hemisphere, Litha happens around the 20th to 21st of December.
Litha comes right after Beltane and before Lammas.Supposedly, this festival is more closely tied to Anglosaxon traditions than to celtic or pagan religions, and it is therefore not really linked to any deities. The name of this festival supposedly comes from the old Anglosaxon name for June, albeit some historians believe it might come from old Anglosazon words for "summer", "gentle" or "navigable". It is unclear where this festival started, but what it celebrated and its associations are clear and evident.
Litha celebrates the first of Summer, the heat of the Sun at its peak, and the season where Spring dies down to bring forth a full, lush summer. Flowers begin to die down leaving their place to fruit, baby animals are now in their infancy, the weather is hot and nature is bountiful.
Litha is a celebration of life and abundance in every sense of the word. It is a time for joy and celebration, and for letting go of inhibitions. This is a good time to manifest abundance and wealth into your life. As it is to be expected Litha is also closely tied with elements such as the Sun and fire, as well as with certain tradititions related to abundance or fertility. This is also a good moment to rejoice in the joy of life, to reflect on the abundance and blessings that the Gods have cast upon us and to share love and abundance with your loved ones. Litha is a moment of excess, no holding back here: celebrate, feast and love to your heart's content! While this festivity is not closely associated with any deity in particular, it is fitting to celebrate those related to sensuality, sexuality, abundance or fertility here. Both very feminine and very masculine Gods are in honour here, as well as those relating to the Sun. In Wicca, this is the moment where the Maiden aspect of the Goddess becomes the mother, while for Romans the Gods to honour were Juno (goddess of motherhood and the household) or Apollo (God of the Sun). Other good deities to worshio might be Lugh, Sunna, Horus, Hestia, Minerva... as well as any God or Goddess related to masculine or feminine energy! Likewise, this festival honours lush, virile or yonic imagery as well. Sensual images would not be out of place for Litha, but anything vigorous works as well: the most common association is the sun, but fires and candles are also important. So are certain types of flowers (particularly those yellow or orange, said to mirror the sun's exhuberance), certain types of trees (the oak tree in particular), water (as a balancing force for the sun and the other element required to enliven nature)... and, of course, this festival has strong ties to the Fae Folk. There are plenty of traditions associated with Midsummer, all of them heavily dependant in the area where you live. In Spain the most common tradition is "las hogueras de San Juán", where people barbecue, lit fires and enjoy a wonderful time partaking in different traditions with their families (in the north of Spain, you must jump over the fire 7 times to make a wish, while in the south you must find certain flowers, soak them in well water and wash yourself with it 1st thing in the morning to stay young). In Sweden, they dance around a Maypole, drink schnapps and eat pickled herring with potatoes. In some areas of the UK, they sing and dance while waiting for the sunrise.
Of course not all of this traditions will be celebrated in your country: it's possible that they don't celebrate any at all! In any case, no matter if you are a solitary practicioner, part of a community, in the broom closet or out of it there are numerous traditions that you can partake in to celebrate Litha! -Feast: Like with most festivals, Litha is a good time to feast. However, Litha is particularly suited to it as it is a festival that celebrates wealth and abundance. Don't hold back today, and make sure to share with your community, the loved ones or the less fortunate. A barbeque on top of a fire would be a good option, but so would a picnic close to a nearby body of water. Read more for some foods that are particularly suited to a Litha festival. -Dance: Dance is not only associated to celebration, happiness and merrymaking but it is also associated with sensuality and fertility. Many midsummer traditions around the world include dancing, so this would be a good time to let loose and enjoy all your body has to offer. Make sure to pay attention to how your body feels, and how the music makes you feel for an extra-sensual experience! -Light a bonfire: Bonfires remind us of the power and strenght of the sun, and are often used to honour it. A lot of midsummer traditions include bonfires, lighting them, sitting by them, or jumping over and dancing around them. If in your country they light bonfires, find a local one and join the festivities; but you are welcome to make one in your backyard as long as it is allowed and you follow all the regulations required in your country. -Light candles: No luck with bonfires? Not a problem. Candles are a good, simple and discrete option if you cannot have a full-on fire. Consecrated or not, particularly fitting candles would be white, red, orange or yellow.
-Honour the sun: A good way to enjoy Litha would be to watch the sunrise or the sunset, and to truly appreciate all the beauty and good that the sun offers us. The sun is such an important force in our lives, dictating the rythm of nature, keeping us warm, feeding the plants... Enjoy a moment of sun and meditate on just how much it offers us. -Go be by the waterside: A counter force to the sun, water is also celebrated during Litha. Water is another important source of life, vigour and vitality and required to keep our crops healthy and alive just as much as the sun. If possible, spend your Litha next to the sea, a river, a lake or even a well. -Enjoy freshness: Litha is a time where plenty of fruits, berries, flowers and herbs mature and are at their most fragant and tasty. It would be particularly fitting to enjoy foods including this ingredients, or to enjoy them as is. Going out to pick some of this ingredients is also an excellent idea. -Decorate your altar: Just like with any other festival, decking your altar in the colours of Litha is a good option.Decorate by using colours, stones, flowers, herbs or anything associated to the festival. Consecrate it to any deities that relate to this festivity of you want. This are only some of the options that you have to enjoy this festival, but of course there are much more. Explore, enjoy yourself and let loose! Colours associated with Litha: White, red, orange, yellow, purple, gold Crystals associated with Litha: Amber, tiger's eye, jade, onyx, cinnabar, fire opal Food associated with Litha: Meat, fish, honey, fresh berries and herbs, seasonal fruit, honey, bread
I hope you have enjoyed this post. If you would like me to continue making posts like this please support me so I can continue making them: you can support me by donating here https://ko-fi.com/bunnymatchamochi or by visiting my Etsy store here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LovenestAtelier?ref=profile_header Reblogs and likes also help ! Thank you so much for reading me !  
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divi-witch · 2 years
Tarot reading prices
Yes or no sample: free
1 card sample: free
3 card reading: 5$
4 card spread: 7$
5 card spreads: 10$
Celtic cross: 25$
The samples are one time only.
I’ve been doing tarot reading since I was 14!
I’d love to share my wonderful witches tarot deck with everyone.
For the reading I’ll only need a name to call you (doesn’t necessarily need to be real, but it helps) and what you desire to be read. (No love readings.)
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sovaghoul · 8 months
🔮 This is the start of my Wicca 101 series of posts. They’re meant to be informational, and provide perhaps a middle-of-the-road perspective on Wicca; I don’t believe one must be Initiated into any Tradition to be considered and accepted as a Wiccan, but I do believe there are things that are and are not part of Wicca, just like any other religion. That being said though, my focus for these posts is on what is, rather than what isn’t; I’m not interested in throwing shade at anyone else for their practices, choices, or preferences.
🔮 I am an Initiated Wiccan (2nd Degree Gardnerian), and a hereditary Witch. I was taught Wicca from a young age (mid-1980s) by my parents, and actively pursued Initiation beginning at about 16 (I’m now over 40). As such, honestly, I haven’t read extensively on Wicca, as I already had what I considered to be more than the basics. So if you ask me what books are good, I won’t be of much help there. I do have a few recommendations, however.
🔮 Everything I will post is all solely my own opinion, coming from my own experiences, thoughts, and interactions. I do not speak for anyone but myself, not even other Wiccans. Additionally, I will be talking about Wicca in general, and not the specific Tradition I was Initiated into. Anything I seem to be stating as fact should be viewed as generally accepted, though keep in mind that opinions and practices will always vary depending on who you talk to. Some of this information assumes a general knowledge of Wicca and Paganism more broadly, but if anything is unclear or unknown to you, just ask. I welcome any questions and respectful discussion in the comments and reblogs.
🔮 I hope everything here is interesting and thought-provoking. Please do not hesitate to comment/DM/reblog and ask questions, I am happy to answer. If you want to Trac this series, I'll be tagging them all "wicca 101."
Next post: Definition
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walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years
Paganism Class 101: Kinds of Witches
    Note: I apologizes to any reader, if this list is incomplete: I have found 75 differents kinds of Witches, and probably there are more than I don't know; because I'm not a Witch, myself. (As far, as I know... Despite I have always said that all women are witches, 'cause we can changes the world around us; mostly for good, in creative and positive ways!) Also... I'm not good in dealing with negative energy, so... If you don't see a kind of witch, is because I can't research to those kinds myself; and you will have to search them online, in "Types of Witches"; and read through differents sites, to have an idea of the vast choices that exists: Thanks for your understanding, and... For reading my post!
   You feel more drawn to Magic or Witchcraft, than with Paganism; in general?!... Don't worry: You can be a Witch, and that doesn't make you less of a Pagan!
   Witches, were a very common part of Communities in Ancient Times; and were very well treated and respected in general, before The Christianizaction of The Ancient World.  Now... How you decides, "What Kind of Witch, Am I?!..."; is really simple: Just read the list that is given below, and; after reading the list, pick the kinds that you feel more drawn to: Investigate them first, and then starts to ask to someone; that is already that kind of Witch. (If you feel drawn to more of one type, don't worry: Many witches, rarely practices or works; with one type of witchcraft!)
     Good luck! And now... The List!
Air Witch: Works with anything related to The Air Element, and drawns energy from The Wind/Air; for their rituals and spells.
Ancestral Witch: Is the magic practicioner, that works and pays tribute only to their ancestors in general; instead of Deities
Animal Witch: Is one with a strong connection with Animals, specially living animals; and even, with spirits of animals. They drawns energy from any kind of animal.
Animist: Believes that all has an spirit, and drawns energy from living beings and inanimate objects in nature; like rocks, soil; and natural places.
Angelic Witch: Is a witch who works, worships; and drawns from the positive energy of Angels.
Art Witch: They are very creative, and puts magic behind any works of art.
Atheist Witch: Is the one that doesn't belong to any religion, and don't worships or believes in any Deities. (Most of them, are Secular Witches; too.)
Augury: Is a witch that interpretes omens and signs, to the person that consults her/him. She/Him, works as an translator of sacred or divine signs; for the Human World.
Baby Witch: Is what is called to a new witch, that is starting her/his path in witchcraft; no matter what is their real age.
Bruja: Is Spanish for witch, and uses a blend of witchcraft; from The Old and The New World: They buy all they need in an special shop called Botanica, and are common in Latin America; where there are many kinds of witchcraft, including; Haitian Vodou and Santeria. (The last one is the most popular, and practices in Hispanic Communities in The US and Canada; Central America, South America; and, in The Caribbbean. In The Dominican Republic, The Santeria is very unique; 'cause it blends elements of Spanish Catholicism, with African Deities and The Pantheon of Taino Gods.)
Candle Witch: Is a witch that uses candles for their purpose, depending of the candle's color.
Ceremonial Witch: This kind of witches, works mostly with rituals; and uses spirits to help them, during the same.
Chaos Witch: Drawns their power, from any kind of Chaos.
Closeted Witch: Is the one that sadly, has to practices in secret or makes witchcraft in subtle ways; for personal and familiar reasons; and/or for their own safety. (Reads my post of "Paganism Class 101: Kinds of Paganism", in the part of Witchcraft, so you can be careful in the Regions of The World; were is not a good idea to practices Witchcraft, openly; or... To say to anyone, than you are a Witch!)
Color Witch: They uses and drawns their power from Color, and... Wears them, for the same purpose.
Cosmic Witch: Called too, Celestial Witch; they drawn their power from all Celestials Bodies, and... The Cosmos, itself!
Country Witch: They practices hearth and earth-based magic, follows Deities related to The Country; and lives in the country. (Or... Dreams with living in that way, someday!)
Coven-Based Witch: Is the one that practices magic, with a group of other witches.
Crystal Witch: They drawns power from gems and crystals, and uses them in their magic.
Dark Witch: Is one that practices magic, with the intention of hurt; or manipulate others. (Is called, "Black Witch"; but, I prefer this term; 'cause the other term is racist, like calling to beneficial or positive magic; "White Magic...")
Death Witch: They works with the spirits of the dead, and communicates with them.
Desert Witch: They drawns energy from The Dessert, works with its energy; and with the natural elements found in it.
Dianic Witch: Is a witch that worships Diana, (Artemis, for The Romans) as her main deity; but follow other goddesses as well, and is a very exclusive coven: All the members, are women.
Divination Witch: Is the one that uses tools to see the future. (Tarot, Tasseomancy; Palmistry, Runes, Gazing on a Crystal Ball, etc.)
Draconian Witch: Are the ones that drawns energy from Dragons.
Dream Witch: Is a witch that uses magic in dreams, and drawns energy from The Moon, Darkness and The Night; in their sleep.
Druid: Is the one that worships Celtic Deities, works with beings from The Celtic Mythology; and practices Earth-Based Magic.
Earth Witch: They drawns their power and magic, from The Earth; works with earthly elements, and practices in nature. Their altar, has elements from The Earth.
Eclectic Witch: Is the one that uses differents kinds of Magic. Ex.: A witch that works with Colors and with Angels, or that works with Dragons; Dreams and with Art. (If you feel inclined with two or more kinds of witchcraft, then; you can be... An Eclectic Witch!)
Elemental Witch: Works and drawns energy from The Five Elements. (Commonly, a Elemental Witch works with only one element; most of the time.)
Faery Witch: They works and drawns energy from Nature and The Faeiries.
Fire Witch: Drawns power from Fire, and works with it. (If you are a minor, please... Wait to be of legal age, and be careful with; or around fire.)
Floral Witch: A witch that works with flowers, and knows their magical and medical uses. Usually... They have a little flowering garden, that is very well care.
Forest Witch: This kind of witch, drawns energies from all in a forest; from animals, plants and rocks; until from spirits of the forest, and practices their magic; there.
Garden Witch: A type of Green witch, that works in their gardens; and uses their herbs, flowers and plants for heal.
Green Witch: Drawns energy from Nature, and practice mostly Earth-Based magic.
Grey Witch: Are the ones that uses dark and white magic, in equal parts.
Healer: Is the witch that uses and focus mostly, in healing magic, and uses any kind of alternative medicine to heals anyone; including themselves.
Hearth Witch: Is the one who works magic in, or around the home. (They are called too, "Cottage Witch"; or "Home Witch".)
Hedge Witch: Is the one that walks or lives most of the time, in the limits of a town or city; and easily walks in and out, of the Spiritual World. They are mostly, solitary witches. (The Myth of "Th  Witch flying in a broomstick...", started with this kind of Witch.)
Hellenic Witch: Their magic, comes from following to the Ancient Greek Religion and Magic.
Herbal Witch: Is the one that uses herbs in spells, divination and rituals; likewise to create potions and medicinal remedies, for magic and healing.
Hereditary Witch: Which family, practices witchcraft for generations; and pass these unique practices and knowledge, to the next generation.
Kitchen Witch: Is the witch, that creates magic or healing; in the food or recipes they makes. They put love and positive energy, as the key ingredients in their practices.
Lunar Witch: Is a witch that works and drawns energy from The Moon and its phases, and is very sensible to its changes.
Mental Witch: They works with their mind, and they works only in the mental plane; where they drawns their magic.
Music Witch: A witch that uses magic through sounds, instruments; or even... Their voice! They enjoy many kinds of Music, and/or Dance.
Natural Witch: I know a person, that seems to be borned with magic inside; so... Is possible to be, a Natural Witch.
Nature Witch: They drawns their power from Nature, and from all that is in it: Rocks, the soil, animals and plants; and they are mostly, outdoors. (Forest, Mountains; Dessert, The Woods, near a River or Lake, Beaches and Coasts; etc.)
Nocturnal Witch: Is one that drawns their power from darkness and the night.
Norse Witch: Is one that follows Norse Tradition and Mythology. The kind of magic they practices, is called "Seiðr"; or, "Seidh."
Pagan Witch: Is the one that worships and works with Pagan Deities, in their spells and rituals. They drawns their power from The Gods, and from the faith they have in them.
Plant Witch: Is one that works and drawns power from all types of Plants, and their parts. (Root, trunk; branch, leaves, flowers and fruit.)
Pop Culture Witch: Is the one, which drawns inspiration from Pop Culture for their magic.
Psychic Witch: Is the one that blends magic with their psychic abilities.
Religious Witch: Is one that worships and works with a Deity or Deities, as part of their magical practices; and life.
Sand Witch: One that works and drawns energy from the Sand, don't matter where it comes from.
Sea Witch: Is the one that works and drawns energy from any body of water. They can feel the energy of the water, and their altar; have elements from The Sea.
Seasonal Witch: Is the one that drawns energy and works, with one of The Seasons of The Year.
Secular Witch: Is a very spiritual witch, but whose practices is devoid of religion; and its rules: They doesn't worship Deities, and they doesn't pray to any God.
Shamanic Witch: Is a witch, than helps by using alternative medicine; spirit work and magic.
Solar Witch: They drawns energy from The Sun, and its Light. They works in daylight.
Solitary Witch: Is the one than, or doesn't have found a coven yet; or... Decides to practices witchcraft, alone.
Spirit Worker: Is the one that works with spirits, in spells and in rituals; and with any kind of spirit, including spirits of nature; or ghosts. They are called too, "Spirit Witch."
Storm Witch: Is a witch that drawns energy from all kinds of Storms.
Swamp Witch: They works and drawns energy from the Swamp, and the elements in it.
Techno Witch: Is a kind of Witch, that combines Technology with Magic.
Traditional Witch: Is a witch that works with magic, than was teaches in their families for generations; or, within their local communities. They are called too, "Folk Witch."
Urban Witch: Is the one that drawns energy from The City, and probably blends Technology with magic; too.
Village Witch: Is a witch, that lives and helps to people in their village; with magic and alternative medicine.
Water Witch: Is the one that works mostly, with all that is related to the Element of Water in all its forms; and drawns energy from it.
Weather Witch: Is the one that works and drawns energy from the weather, and can manipulate it. (I know a person, that didn't know she was able to control weather; until she cause a horrible storm with heavy rain and lightning, for being angry by an injustice she suffered, the day before the storm came!)
Wiccan Witch: Is a witch, that belongs to The Religion of Wicca; and follows its rules at heart. There are 5 types of Wiccan Witch: Alexandrian Witch, Gardnerian Witch; Correllian, Celtic Witch and Seax Witch.
Witch: Is any person that practices magic. A witch, is too any person that uses divination tools; manifestations, makes potions or natural remedies, and uses their psychic powers; to the ends of predicts or create, an outcome. They are mostly benevolents, and works mostly for the wellbeing of others; of Nature, Plants, Animals, Communities... And The World, at large.
White Witch: Is a witch that uses magic for the betterment of the lifes of people, and dedicates their lifes in using their powers only for good. Most of the witches, belongs to this kind. (Sorry for using this term: I wished to uses "Witch of The Light", but... White Witch, is the term that generally is most known and use.)
    I know how very confusing is taking a path; once you realize you have found you true calling, but... Don't fall in despair: It took me years to realizes than Paganism was a valid choice for me, and this list; (like many of my other Class of Paganism for beginners... Are made for that purpose: To makes this process less confusing and painful, as it was for me!) This is a little notch to push you, to whatever kind of Magical Practices you wants to assumed; and once you already did your choice... Ask to any person than practices your choosen kind of magic you want to start to learn, what is the basics steps; memorizes the terms, do a least one thing related to it daily, follow the instructions, and take baby steps, because most of the Witches in History; start exactly like you: Asking a lot of questions, constant practice; studying and researching daily, and recieving guidance of the more experienced in their practice!
       And, this is all: I wish you, to embraces your inner Power; for now on... So Be It!
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calcifugous · 6 months
Things what I have learnt as a baby witch
As a baby witch who has recently became more spiritually connected and grown as a pagan, i want to give out advice what I have learnt over the 2 years of doing witchcraft.
1) Don’t jump straight into the deep end
Never jump into the deep end by doing spell’s straight away, witchcraft isn’t some aesthetic cutesy thing, it can be serious, jumping into spells without having no idea what you are doing can be extremely dangerous.
Ideally, you want to ease yourself into it, by doing research, yes the word research can be daunting but it will help you in the long run. Research on what witchcraft is, get an overall understanding what its about, find out the pagans holidays, pagans new year, and so much more!
If you have no idea where to start I highly recommend buying this book - ‘Wicca For Beginners’ by Frank Bawdoe
The book explains the introduction of the basic Wiccan religion including Wiccan beliefs, a brief history of Wiccan Religion, and their traditions. How to practice Wiccan Religion, the benefits of witchcraft and so much more.
2) Never buy your own tarot deck
this is very important so please take note and to remember! Never! buy your own tarot card decks, in witchcraft, it is extremely bad luck for you to buy your own tarot decks. So always either get a family member or a friend to buy it for you.
3) Connect with your spirit guide and your tarot decks!
Importantly, I personally believe its very useful and helpful to connect with your spirit guide, the more you connect with them, the more you’ll know a lot about them and who they are in general.
You can do this through connecting with your tarot decks first and getting a special bond with them, you do this by
- Keeping the tarot decks on your desk when your studying, or reading a book
- Shuffling through the decks every day, you don’t even need to do a reading or to use them, just shuffle them. This way you’re putting your energy into the cards.
- Place the tarot decks under your bed when sleeping.
- Ask your spirit guide questions, like what are the tarot cards intentions, am i being protected. Things like that.
- Doing Tarot readings
Doing these things will help you bond with your decks and your spirits guides.
4) Never touch someone else’s Tarot decks
I’m highlighting this in red because this is a massive 101 rule in witchcraft is to never touch someone else’s deck unless they have gave you consent and permission. By breaking this rule, you are also disrespecting and breaking the person who owns the deck boundaries. Everyone’s tarot deck is very personal for them, its their personal business and item, they are spiritually connected and bounded with that deck. If you touch it, not only are you putting yourself through harm. But you’re also pissing off the person’s spirit guide and disrespecting them too. So don’t do it.
5) Things don’t have to be expensive!
When people think of witchcraft and hearing about crystals, herbs and books, they think “oh god this is going to be a lot of money” but in reality you don’t have to go out your way to buy really expensive things! I’m from the UK so i buy most of my books from a store called WHSmiths or Work entertainment. Work entertainment is best for spell jars which only cost £1 or a simple crystal shop which sells those £1.50 crystals!
6) Learn how to do protection spells before doing anything!
If you feel like you are ready to do spells but don’t know where to start or what to do, practice doing protection spells, protection spells is pretty self explanatory but it will protect you from any negative energy or spirit
7) What to do if you got a negative spirit/energy
You’ll know when you have a negative energy or spirit around you as your mood and your health will change, if you feel like your mental health has been a bit down for a while and you’re constantly feeling drained and tired. That means something is draining your energy.
So what do you do?
Do an egg cleanse spell! This will help you detect if someone has set a curse, negative spell or if theres negative energy around you.
By doing so, grab a glass cup and fill it up half way with water, adding salt to it is optional but i recommend doing it as salt is really good at protection. Grab an egg, place the egg on your head, with your hand you would want to move the egg counter clock wise around your body, start from the head, and move the egg down to your arms and legs, back round to the other side of your body. Do not let the egg leave the body.
After you’re done crack the egg into the cup and wait 5 minutes, if its all clear then you’re okay! but if the egg whites starts forming like spider cobwebs with bubbles between it, it means someone has set negative energy around you or a curse. If you see a triangle base shape in the cobwebs and a bubble on top. It means you have been hex with the evil eye. If theres also red or brown spots in the yolk it also means a banishing spell or a curse spell.
So you do a return sender, if you got any spices, add a f*ck ton of it in the cup, the more spices the better as that will f*ck whoever sent you the hex up. Grab the cup and pour everything down the toilet, look away while you flush the toilet. Once its flushed look at the bubbles, less the bubbles less of the negative energy. Sometimes you have to do this more than once.
8) Your spirit guides will show you the answers in different ways
One thing I’ve learnt is your spirit guide will show you the answers in different ways, if you want to know if you are protected, there will be signs, for example I personally believe if a a white feather falls in front of you or by you or if you even see a white feather it means you’re being protected by a angel/your spirit guide. So if you see a white feather it means you are protected by them, or if you see your spirit animal or if you know a dead relatives spirit animal and it starts to show up.
Sometimes the signs will be right in front of your face, example for me is: My spirit guide warned me about people being back stabbers and to watch out. After seeing that in a reading, i had my mother who im very spiritually connected with, call me up saying she had a dream about me being stabbed and she feels like it represented me being back stabbed and warned me who i hang out with.
Then my closest friend used my tarot deck which broke my boundaries, pissed off my spirit guide so she started to get headaches, neck pains, back pains and it got to the point she had to leave. When she tried approaching me the day after that, a white feather fell right by me, seconds later, she started to feel unwell and went back inside. I suddenly felt the sense of relief and happiness, and when i said to my self everything is okay, another white feather fell and it landed on my leg. That made me personally feel that it was my spirit guide confirming me and saying yes everything will be okay.
That’s all the advice i can think of at the moment but hopefully this has helps a lot of you small baby witches! just remember, if you ever feel burnt out or you start to do witchcraft but dont have the passion or get into it but still want to, thats okay! it takes time!
9) Know what you are doing when doing spells!! And do it when you are ready!
Another thing, i know i said previously doing research is key! but please know what you are doing when doing spells especially jar spells! Don’t do what I did, I thought I was ready to do spells, I tried doing a protection spell and I ended up summoning a trickster spirit who is still attached to me and can be a little pissbaby sometimes by moving my things around. But overall he also does protect me when need be so he can be good when he wants to be.
Also if you’d like to know what books I have, i have these! (the pictures below) these have helped me over the past 2 years with my journey so I highly recommend checking them out!
Good luck and i wish you all positive energy!
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covenoftheopenmind · 2 years
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My hard copies just came! If you haven't already, grab a copy of my book now on Amazon!
Open Minded Wicca: A 101 Textbook https://a.co/d/7Efc3C7
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brookepricer · 2 years
Daily Spell: October 28th
A Needfire Spell
You’ll Need:
A large bonfire
An offering
In some parts of the ancient Celtic world, people believed that a special fire called the Needfire could bring about magical results. Only to be used in times of great need, the Needfire helped to protect families from the plague and pestilence, starvation and exposure, or even marauding tribes. Sometimes it was a place to make offerings - seeds to ensure abundant crop, or a bit of bone from livestock to make sure your herds were saved through the winter period your needs may not be quite this drastic, but you can still use the Needfire to request the things you require most. Whatever offering you should you make should be something that holds value to you, not just plucked at random. Home-cooked food or produce you grew yourself is always a good choice. Do this spell after the sun sets.
Stand before the fire, holding your offering, and say “My family needs [ITEM] to help us through this season. My family requires [ITEM] and no more and no less. I present this offering, consigning to it's to this fire, in hopes that our needs will be met.”
Drop your offering into the flames, and let the fire go out on its own. Repeat as needed for the next seven nights.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington 
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windvexer · 6 months
disappointment anon, i didnt actually know you could create spirit doors i thought i just had to hope that the spirits heard me after i called them to me because i dont have clairsenses or good divination.. LOL but thank you for that post that was extremely helpful :)
Hi! In Traditional Witchcraft and other related practices, I think I especially want to say Fairy Faith, the idea that the practitioner has the ability to find, capitalize on, or simply create portals, gateways, and roads into the spirit world is a dominant theme.
The only time I ever see this referenced in 101 stuff is casting a circle! The concept in Traditional Witchcraft is more or less the same as a Wiccan circle, but we call it a compass. If a lot of your education is coming from online sources, you may be unaware that a primary function of a magic circle is to "join the worlds" and, as Kelden puts it,
On a deeper level, though, and most central to Traditional Witchcraft, the compass is a liminal place, a doorway through which we can enter into the Otherworld.
On one hand, the word compass is synonymous with the word circle, but it also denotes the well-known navigational tool used in travel. This second meaning makes a lot of sense in the context that Traditional Witches use the compass round to navigate and traverse the different realms.
Kelden, The Crooked Path, 2020 (emphasis my own)
For a spirit-working witch, the skill of learning where to find spirits and how to reliably call them is a skill which I believe is separate from brokering deals. I also believe that working with these gateways is probably a fundamental skill of witchcraft.
The witch has many tools at their disposal for creating gateways into the spirit world and walking back and forth between this world and the next, with new knowledge, allies, and powers.
Some of these gateways are physical locations, each of which may lead to a different place in the otherworld, or make it easier or more difficult to access certain powers.
A small, secluded cave half-filled with water at the bottom of a steep riverbank may be the ideal location to enter the Underworld, or commune with chthonic powers.
A tiny thicket formed by the arch of a rosemary bush where it tangles with the branches of a thorny rose may be an excellent location to leave tiny gifts for the Greenwood and commune with the green folk.
Much more accessible for many of us is indeed just the concept of crossroads, either a 4-way X or a 3-way T. These locations are long famed for being the meeting places of spirits, or ideal locations to leave offerings or broker spirit deals. The Devil Himself is often said to be haunting just such remote crossroads.
But these gateways don't just have to be found. The witch has the power to create them.
Exhibit A - casting a circle (or more accurately to say, laying a compass).
Also, I believe the creation of a spellcasting altar, if properly magicked and tended to, begins to become liminal in and of itself - it literally becomes a doorway to the otherworlds.
Certain human-made locations, like gas stations and grocery stores, are often considered to be gateways and have been used by some practitioners to fulfill spellwork.
Various charms and talismans can assist with creating doorways navigating the liminal, most famously the Holey or Hag stone.
Robin Artisson details several methods of understanding, discovering, creating, and working with such doorways, I believe in Witching Way of Hollow Hill, but especially in An Carow Gwyn, in the section called The Breaching Charms: The Gateways into Sorcerous Experience.
Daniel Schulke, at least in Viridarium Umbris, provides several sigils and charms for obtaining entrance into the otherworld.
Roger J Horne, in A Broom at Midnight, details thirteen "gateways" to spirit flight. While these are specifically methods of entering astral travel, any student of the concept of gateways and doors within witchcraft I think would benefit from studying the rituals within.
Speaking of astral travel, many common methods espoused include imagining that a person is climbing down the roots of a tree, or inside of the trunk of a tree and floating down like an elevator; or going down a well. All of these things are analogous to (or, the same thing as) mentally seeking out a gateway to the otherworld, searching in mental constructs of places in nature where gateways are commonly found or believed to be found.
Indeed, the concept of roads, gates, thresholds, and doors, is (I think) a vital contemplation to the understanding of Witchcraft itself, and it is upon these bedrocks that a great deal of witchcraft has been built.
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