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#Repost @whywomendontleave (@get_repost) ・・・ Seriously... I am done. If you haven't grown up by now and have nothing better to do with your life than try to mess with mine that is your problem not mine. I am not going to waste my time dealing with your issues​ any longer. Sorry I have other things to do, more important things to do, like raise our children and survive. #survive#movingon#notmyproblem#overyou#busy#dvsurvivor #wasteofmytime#wastedenergy#whywomenleave
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#Repost @whywomendontleave (@get_repost) ・・・ Seriously... What is it you want from me? Oh wait. I know. You want to destroy me. It's not going to happen. So move on already. I am tired of your games. I was tired of them when I left your sorry ass. #moveon#leavemealone#whywomenleave #stopbotheringme#domesticabuse#narcissisticabuse
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