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foxydraws72-blog · 6 years ago
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Finally. FINALLY!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! . . . . . #foodfantasy #whysolate #notstudying #lol https://www.instagram.com/p/BxzzIi9nblo/?igshid=1l29xphkz8o7q
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i-bu-bu · 4 years ago
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@mes-me-rize @clayb7x @whysolate-blog @maumaukii @malerozan @centralbeatz @oneaones @insidedrumnbass @l155a @mali-kabel @ibubuworld @asmu-blog @myheartwillneverknowus @nimaimaasym-blog @whitewendy @blogoklove @mapi77 @infinitas-sensaciones @pandoragoesaway @zooeyguitarsandicecream @fuckingflexing-blog @a-yamamoto @quinn-can @cesariak @derpsmurf-blog-blog @electricgentleman-blog @depechemodeforever @le-ferret 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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christianityoriginal · 6 years ago
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*#timesofrestoration #whysolate #aimforheaven #thematrix* (http://ChristianityOriginal.com/Kingdom) Why is Christ's Kingdom taking so long to come? Hasn’t it been 2000 years since Jesus’ First Advent? *God permits the present evil age,* when Satan rules and prowls like a lion (1Peter 5:8) to serve *a dual purpose.* One of those is this: Today, there’s *a unique opportunity to aim for heaven!* Man was created to live on earth. And that's where the restored mankind is going to be. But if one accepts Jesus’ special calling to follow him and proclaim his good news today (Mark 8:34-35, Luke 9:60, Romans 10:9-10, Acts 10:42, 1Pet. 4:13-14), he/she will be tested now itself(when Satan rules)for the reward of going to heaven to rule mankind with Christ. The ongoing selection of these followers is why the Kingdom is delayed. Selection began with Jesus’ disciples and continues today. Once the selection of the elect is complete, Kingdom would begin (Matt 24:31, Rev 11:15). Read more: http://ChristianityOriginal.com/Kingdom https://www.facebook.com/ChristianityOriginal/photos/a.763724020337694/2464736163569796/?type=3
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girlfriendgoals · 8 years ago
Vancouver pride? #august #whysolate?
If youre going to Vancouver Pride like/reblog & make friends🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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whysol · 8 years ago
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my ******* Life
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i-bu-bu · 4 years ago
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@mein-holgi-boy @mes-me-rize @clayb7x @whysolate-blog @maumaukii @malerozan @centralbeatz @oneaones @insidedrumnbass @l155a @mali-kabel @ibubuworld @asmu-blog @myheartwillneverknowus @nimaimaasym-blog @whitewendy @blogoklove @mapi77 @infinitas-sensaciones @pandoragoesaway @zooeyguitarsandicecream @fuckingflexing-blog @a-yamamoto @quinn-can @cesariak @derpsmurf-blog-blog @electricgentleman-blog @depechemodeforever @le-ferret 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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christianityoriginal · 6 years ago
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*#timesofrestoration #whysolate #wewillremember #pirates #jacksparrow* (http://ChristianityOriginal.com/Kingdom) Why is Christ's Kingdom taking so long to come? Hasn’t it been 2000 years since Jesus’ First Advent? *God permits the present evil age,* when Satan rules and prowls like a lion (1Peter 5:8) to serve *a dual purpose*. And one of those is for all of Adam’s race to *learn the consequences of lives lived in disobedience* to their Creator. They *won’t forget the bad experience of this life when they come back alive.* It’ll help them make better choices then in the Kingdom. Read more: http://ChristianityOriginal.com/Kingdom https://www.facebook.com/ChristianityOriginal/photos/a.763724020337694/2462796590430420/?type=3
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whysol · 8 years ago
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지루함의 지루함이 지루하고 지루하게 지루해서 지루함을 불러온다.
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just-my-random-life · 12 years ago
I have a feeling I'm going to be at school for a long long time today trying to finish this video.
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christianityoriginal · 6 years ago
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*#timesofrestoration #whysolate #lifeaquatic #zissou #billmurray* (http://ChristianityOriginal.com/Kingdom) Why is Christ's Kingdom taking so long to come? Hasn’t it been 2000 years since Jesus’ First Advent? *God permits the present evil age,* when Satan rules and prowls like a lion (1Peter 5:8) to serve *a dual purpose* - 1. All of Adam’s race *learn the consequences of lives lived in disobedience* to their Creator. They *won’t forget when they come back alive.* It’ll help them make better choices then. 2. And today, there’s *a unique opportunity to aim for heaven!* Man was created to live on earth. And that's where the restored mankind is going to be. But if one accepts Jesus’ special calling to follow him and proclaim his good news today (Mark 8:34-35, Luke 9:60, Romans 10:9-10, Acts 10:42, 1Pet. 4:13-14), he/she will be tested now itself(when Satan rules)for the reward of going to heaven to rule mankind with Christ. The ongoing selection of these followers is why the Kingdom is delayed. Selection began with Jesus’ disciples and continues today. And in Satan’s present world, this true Church (the chosen elect) is always going to be a minority few (Matt 7:14, Mark 4:11-12, Matt 13:11-15) persecuted for Christ’s good news. Once the selection of the elect is complete, Kingdom would begin (Matt 24:31, Rev 11:15). Read more: http://ChristianityOriginal.com/Kingdom https://www.facebook.com/ChristianityOriginal/photos/a.763724020337694/2461196757257070/?type=3
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