altuniver · 6 years
Homestuck Bandcamp (humanstuck)
Karkat: Color Gaurd spinning a rifle. Would have done drum major but he didn't want to take band anyway. Constantly giving a big "fuck you" to the fine art credit requirements.
Kankri: Clarinet, a simple instrument designed to efficiently produce a delightful sound. Banned from owning a whistle in the band room. Has a group for destressing after trying to herd everyone around him.
Aradia: She can play all the instruments but prefers mellophone. Tries to inspire others to pay more attention.
Damara: Sneaks out of her cabin at night to smoke, some of the guys follow her. Can kind of play flute but skips practice anyway.
Tavros: Trombone, is stuck in a wheelchair, and has to play from the sides thanks to Vriska.
Rufioh: Busy talking to all the girls, shows off with his oboe but he's pretty mediocre. Plays trumpet in marching band, ALWAYS off step. Complains about the heat.
Sollux: Drum Line. Hates it. Constantly switches to Tuba for God only knows why.
Mituna: Drum Line. Loves it.
Nepeta: Virtually the ONLY person excited to march. Plays trombone. Is she even a real person?!?!
Meulin: Plays the saxaphone. Plays the same song over and over. Vapes with Kurloz on the daily.
Kanaya: Clarinet, sits by Rose and spends too much time cleaning her instrument.
Porrim: Saxophone. Everyone thinks she's hot. Also part of that popular group. Knows all the dirt. All of it.
Terezi: The newest Color Guard Member. Better than Karkat even though she can't see.
Latula: Trumpet. She's cool in band but always leaves the door opened in the winter causing everyone to freeze their ass off.
Vriska: Flute, going for first chair. Even if it means not playing by the rules. "YOU'RE ON THE WRONG FOOT!!"
Aranea: Flute, though she's constantly talking about literally anything and everything. Supports Kankri's cause. Maybe a small crush.(Seriously why don't they just date) Bullies Cronus and Eridan.
Equius: French Horn in winter and tuba when marching. Accidentally breaking his instrument every other day. "Can we have a water break?"
Horuss: Tuba. Has made so many customizations to his instrument that one wonders if it truly even can be called a tuba anymore.
Gamzee: Always forgets his music, is in the drum line, and has the tendency to run into people with his drum.
Kurloz: Also drum line, which helps being his mouth is sore from stitching it, rendering him unable to play anything. Likes the cymbols. Freaks everyone out but Meulin.
Eridan: A mellophone, bitches about being bullied without realizing his unfortunate place in the Band Food Chain. Mellophones are always bullied, but he will never understand. "I can't see the Drum Major!!!"
Cronus: Color Guard, thinks he's the best but he's not. At all. Flaunts his original music to everyone.
Feferi: Flag. Part of that popular group everyone knows about.
Meenah: Bullies everyone. First chair for Trumpet. The one that tells everyone's secrets and makes everyone hate each other.
John: Lowbrass. Always joking around and not taking the class seriously because it's band class. Wishing the food at camp wasn't terrible and missing his Dad's baking. Always accidently leaves his instrument on the ground.
Jane: Amazing with the trombone but never recognized for first chair. Has meltdowns in the bathroom.
Rose: Clarinet. Writing all her steps down accordingly. Never misses practice.
Roxy: Laughs when Jake is trying to talk. Can play a bunch of instruments but usually plays in the drum line. Calls the clarinets "lame"
Dave: Rifle Core, weilding his shitty katanas like a total boss. Has Only hit four band members by accident. Otherwise part of the lowbrass with John, or lingering around the drum line.
Dirk: Was once in Color Guard but has since graduated, and is here to help as a volunteer. His UNBREAKABLE katanas were the shit years prior.
Jade: Electric Guitar for the bass. And she rocks at it.
Jake: Drum Major! He gets incredibly antsy when performing and forgets just about everything. The first mellophone in HISTORY to make Drum Major.
Calliope: Bullied out by her brother, still cheers everyone on though. Was once a trombone.
Claiborne: Does he even go here? Lowbrass. He has to endure John's pranks. The guy no one likes because he's really fucking loud and obnoxious.
Hussie: Runs the joint and has given up on the "No Vaping" policy. Water Breaks are for the WEAK. Just wants to get the competitions over with.
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