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Stripped of their bark by God…… (Overwhelming evidence to follow)…… “The sequence to the peak of perfection the PLAN is in effect // No one MAN is exempt // Attempt escape & catch the wreck // of REALITY crashing into you from the back & the sides // When the CHILDREN of the SKY RISE through NATURE’S COMPROMISE” -the Grouch // “Plan in Effect” #barklesstrees #nobarkonthetrees #deadwoodforest #deadwood #deadwoods #thewoods #forest #nature #GodsPleaToUsAsWeAreHUMANITY #andhereticsareINHUMANandareUNAPPREHENDABLEandalwaysresorttoINHUMANITYmeaningACTSOFVIOLENCEandDECEPTIONandliestoprotecttheirMORTALSINNINGtotemporarilyc (so God sets it up that by heretics disobeying him (by being here to destroy creation & following sATAN & the other heads of the dragon) that they always GET WORSE, thereby making their eternal punishment much more severe and with each act of heresy driving them selves further away from God (God set this up or Self-Protection & Preservation & to PROTECT ALL HIS GOOD CREATION INCLUDING US & ALL REALMS/MULTI-DIMENSIONS OF THE ETERNAL SPIRIT PLANES) that the heretics are destructive in order to fulfill bloodlust because they weren’t supposed to be here in the first place and because the burning in their souls is eternal they ALWAYS choose violence to protect their heresy and temporarily ease the burning 🔥 in their souls: even what seems like a heretic’s “best intention”/“well-meaning” ALWAYS has an evil intent behind it. Don’t be fooled! They are UNFORGIVABLE and CANNOT REPENT! REMEMBER: THE FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES THROUGH ATTEMPTING TO SPEAK TRUTH & SEND THE MESSAGE OF HOPE IS A GAME TO HERETICS, IT’S A “RUSH”FOR THEM TO SHOOT GOD’S MESSENGERS!!!!!!) DELIVER US GOD FROM EVERY EVIL! #theirisNoPLANetB #GodsPlanisPeaceonEarth #GodsWrath #SaveOurPlanet #trees SaveHumanity #ENDhESESy #InnocentmurdervictimsATPOSTSofHERETICS #skinned #skinnedalivelikethetreesinthewoods #itssymbolicGodiskillingtheforestoutofANGERfortheINJUSTICE #whycanticrossthisriver #outhereinthesewoods #stateproperty #notthepropertyofheretics #666acrejabberwocky #whathappenswhentheveilsfalloff #EvidenceofGodswrath #theendofVIOLENCE #THEENDOFsATAN #Planisineffect https://www.instagram.com/p/CkvnW1crfvb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Stripped of their bark by God…… (Overwhelming evidence to follow)…… “The sequence to the peak of perfection the PLAN is in effect // No one MAN is exempt // Attempt escape & catch the wreck // of REALITY crashing into you from the back & the sides // When the CHILDREN of the SKY RISE through NATURE’S COMPROMISE” -the Grouch // “Plan in Effect” #barklesstrees #nobarkonthetrees #deadwoodforest #deadwood #deadwoods #thewoods #forest #nature #GodsPleaToUsAsWeAreHUMANITY #andhereticsareINHUMANandareUNAPPREHENDABLEandalwaysresorttoINHUMANITYmeaningACTSOFVIOLENCEandDECEPTIONandliestoprotecttheirMORTALSINNINGtotemporarilycurbcravingsofBLOODLUSTduetotheyreDAMNEDandtheyarentsupposedtobeonOURDIMENSIONALPLANES (so God sets it up (for Self-Protection & Preservation & to PROTECT ALL HIS GOOD CREATION INCLUDING US & ALL REALMS/MULTI-DIMENSIONS OF THE ETERNAL SPIRIT PLANES) that the heretics are destructive in order to fulfill bloodlust because they weren’t supposed to be here in the first place and because the burning in their souls is eternal they ALWAYS choose violence to protect their heresy and temporarily ease the burning 🔥 in their souls: even what seems like a heretic’s “best intention”/“well-meaning” ALWAYS has an evil intent behind it. THE FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES THROUGH ATTEMPTING TO SPEAK TRUTH & SEND THE MESSAGE OF HOPE IS A GAME TO HERETICS, IT’S A “RUSH”FOR THEM TO SHOOT GOD’S MESSENGERS!!!!!!) #theirisNoPLANetB #GodsPlan #GodsWrath #SaveOurPlanet #trees SaveHumanity #ENDhESESy #InnocentmurdervictimsATPOSTSofHERETICS #skinned #skinnedalivelikethetreesinthewoods #itssymbolicGodiskillingtheforestoutofANGERfortheINJUSTICE #whycanticrossthisriver #outhereinthesewoods #stateproperty #notthepropertyofheretics #666acrejabberwocky #whathappenswhentheveilsfalloff #EvidenceofGodswrath #theendofVIOLENCE #THEENDOFsATAN #Planisineffect https://www.instagram.com/p/CkvbYazLQRH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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