sugarcherriess · 2 years
my memory is so shit and i’m so sleepy i can’t remember if i alr replied to this or not 😭😭😭 but what the Fuck 😭😭 i’m. whyarewe bringinf up his hands oh my God 😭😭😭😭😭 andthe. i. k refuse to thinkabout eric and manhandling i’m not even going to. humour the thought and consider it shutuo leave me alone to cry i’m peace 😭😭😭🐶
Because eric is in on it now too so😩😩😩 his hands. Imagine him inviting you to watch him work out so he can flex not only his muscles but also his hands by picking up the equipment with his big strong hands 💘💘💘
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sadbagofbones · 3 years
They say that whatever we do, we do in order to fill a void. In order to not feel empty.
And yet, somehow we do.
Maybe, because all the effort that we’re pouring into the void, is not falling in the right container? In the right void? And if not, then what is it, that’s distracting us from getting our direction right?
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misaartblog · 4 years
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My books comiiiiing soon!!"TOWER OF LIGHT" #toweroflight#whyarewe'here' #truestory 2 more weeks...and it is OUT!! IMAGE: Cover-spine-back I am so thankful.😍 (at Santa Barbara, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAMdzqBgTfF/?igshid=of7gl9ju9lwh
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eclogues · 3 years
dark blue and purple yeehaw
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help whyarewe all going to super hell😭
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dear-happypills · 3 years
me: whyarewe
looking for peace and rest in fulfillment... and why cant we stop...
happypills: not meh. i am veryy fulfilled.
me: HAHA yea........ i dont think we live a very fulfilling lifestyle.
happypills: i thought peace and rest was the goal.
me: yeaa it is. just, you said you were fulfilled and that didnt seem like the case either so i just thought id ask.... eh, anyways. doesn’t matter. neither matters. nothing matters...
happypills: jeeeeeeez. you downer. and here i was enjoying these past few weeks.
me: ENJOYING? are you fucxxxx shixxxx me right now?
happypills: 0_o;;;  wuht....
me: weve been jobless for over like a month now. if youre not staring at the clock and getting high, then im either sleeping trying to forget today. how/// .. how can you say that youve been enjoying this...?
happypills: jeeeezus. youree the one who quit so i dont understand where all this hostility is coming from.
me: I QUIT BEING ABUSEEED. and i did it for your sake too. arent you tired of being a slave for the wealthy?
happypills: bitchhhHH. how dare you; im noones slave.... OKayy. dontsaythatagain.
me: -_-;;; yea.. just a slave to your own demons.
happypills: BRUH. we really doing this??? its not even 8am and we gonna throw downn?? fucx ill throw down like a... a meteorite throws down.
me: ... 
happypills: IM FREE, unlike yo ass.
me: you keep saying that.... but i know yourenot.
happypills: lololololol yea what makes you soooh sure, for someone who is never sure about anything.
me: .. youre always with me. were never apart. youre not free from me. yourenotfree.
happypills: OH Boi. in case you havent noticed yet, I CHOOOOOOSEE to be here. but its good to know that YOU think im stuckhere.
me: whhhyyy would you be stuck with me with your own volition??
happypills: pwuhhh. i dontknow. why does a bear pick a cave and say, “aww yeaaa this is my home” or why do countries delineate lines as their own “land” or territory.
me: wow. your idea of a relationship is really one sided... and your metaphor sucks.
happypills: .................... okayokay. no metaphors. FACTS: i bring you peace and rest, but youre just not fulfilled by that. you keep looking for peace and rest in fulfillment. why can’t you just be satisfied with peace and rest???? youre still unsatisfied about everythinggggg. and are a slaveeee to your own stewwwpid desires.
me: wh...... ...whattttt???? wwwwhat.... are you SERIOUS?????  you bring me nothing but anxiety and delusions; you make me wonder why i cant be... okay like the others. why canti just do a 9-5 and then meet friends and talk about random shit, or just anything. why cant i meet for birthdays, weddings, celebrate this and that. why cant i talk about myself to others -- what i do, things that happen over the week, things i like or dont like. why cantifitin. whydo i need tobe alone and still want to be with others. why do i push the people i love away because im afraid that they dont love me the same. fuckkk. fuck... why do i break everything that i touch or speak to or care about.............?
happypills: ..... 
me: Oh, i know; YOU make me fucking smudge my fingers on everything I touch, and breaking and choking out air from it all. you make me speak nonsense about things that nooooohhhoneeee cares about, and i end up being branded by every community. BRANDEDDD and scarrred.
happypills: ................... .    ....... like honestly i only kept up with like... .1/7th of everything you said.....
i told you to slowwww down when you talk bruh. my brain doesnt work that fast.../
- happypills
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angelbabebeauty · 5 years
Lord I ask in this difficult time that you be with my family and heal whatever drama #Ijustcant #doit #maybeyourattempswontfail #likeminehave #soulmiserably #twistedhopes n #wilddreamers #brokenhearts #splitupalways #tooangry twojustbe #cordial #inmypresence #please #tellmegod #onelove #onespirit #onevine #weshouldalljustbe #behereforeachother #beherenow #just #behereforoneanother #whyarewe #just #notspeaking... #toeachother #tooneanother #icantspeak soul I must stay where I trust I can remain the mute one in the family #imnottheonlyone #yetagain #thisfuckinghurts #something #ilove #whatcanbe #soul incrediblyfierce #foreveriwill #bewhatiscribble #purepeacenlove #darknlight #forthebrokenhearted please accept my prayer it is floating hope off in the air life vibes or it just does not feel the drive to scribe be mindful today I must just focus on #keepingthepeace #holdingmytongue #downagain #theflamescome #forthebroken nfrozenchildren whojustdoesnotfeelathome whereimustplaythegoodbloodmime #donotstandup #herenow #ihealthepastwounds #thisink #thisbrainbaby #runs offintothesmokenflames #theyjustcreate #moreprofoundlines #aretheyallbeing. #brokenmimes #theyhavejustbeenasked #two #playnice #fortheday #fortheadults #alike #weare #just #not https://www.instagram.com/p/BykrNeKBjlt/?igshid=10ta1hwucfg70
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zimowaryba · 11 years
Do you know any good back workouts?
Start here and find out!
What I usually do are as follows:
Dumbell rows
Seal lifts
Dumbell overhead presses
Back raises (at the edge of my bed or on a workout ball)
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
WHYAREWE GOINGBACK TO FAIRY ERIC NONONONO he’s so fuckinf cute i’ll cry dude. like fr i willjust cry pls 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 that’s adorable :((((( i love himSo much. i wanna take a nap with fairy eric :((( but you. i only. brought it up bc i thought you were too busy with yandere hyunjae rn to attack me wtf. pls go back to yandere hyunjae rn ❤️❤️❤️ 🐶
Im. I can’t speak
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waterflows · 5 years
How to deal with fate: Wu Wei
#whyarewe - A somewhat similar approach to the western idea of "Amor Fati" is found in the eastern daoist aproach of "Wu Wei". "Wu Wei" roughly translates to English as "doing nothing" or "effortless action". A practitioner of "Wu Wei" avoids resisting against the workings of the universe. Instead, much like the practitioner of "Amor Fati", the daoist practioner accepts that what is necessary and goes along with the nature of things, without resisting it. Like the stoic, the daoist avoids fighting forces larger than himself.
The stoic approach of "Amor Fati" is a more radical approach though. It's more radical in the sense that it wants us to embrace, or even love all that will happen or has happened to us, both the good and the bad. The "Wu Wei" approach doesn't necessarily want us to embrace our fate. Instead, it wants us to live in harmony with all that will happen to us, and adjust ourselves accordingly. It wants us to be flexible and spontaneous, like water, accepting change and acting accordingly only when deemed necessary.
▶ The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
Further online wondering about “Wu Wei”:
School of Life - Wu Wei
Big Think - The Science of Spontaneity: Mastering Wu-Wei 
Tea Time Taoism - Wu Wei: Ancient Secrets to Effortless Living
TEDx Talks - Wuwei and Flow | Adrien Stoloff | TEDxBrownU
The Culture Trip - Action in Inaction: The Taoist Philosophy of Wu Wei
Quartz - An ancient Chinese principle can help you get comfortable with doing less—and make you happier, too
Harvard Business Review - Lead Without Trying So Hard
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waterflows · 5 years
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The answer to life, the universe, and everything = 42
#whyarewe - This famous quote is from the book “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”. In the book an advanced civilization builds a supercomputer to answer the question of the meaning of life. The supercomputer didn’t quite understand the question, so after thousands of years calculating, the answer it came up with was the complete random answer of “42″.
Fun fact: when you ask some really nosey online search engine this very question, it will give you the same answer
▶ Monty Python - The Meaning of Life
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