#why'd she get attacked you may ask?
crisalidaseason · 8 months
obsessed with your kenuri universe and would love to see some kenny/kuchel fluffy sibling time (why'd have to kill heeeer jk)
You ask and I shall deliver. This took me longer than I wanted (I should have posted it in December but I was very depressed). Also, sorry for having to K my sweet Kuchel, but she is very much alive in this!
Family chaos on Christmas - the prequel
Summary: Kenny is miserably working on the holiday season, Kuchel is very pregnant and Uri is worming his way into Kenny's heart.
Content warning: within my family chaos universe, modern au, a prequel of sorts, some angst, mentions of pregnancy and labor, Kenny is a good brother, Kenny is tired and anxious, mentions of anxiety, slight descriptions of anxiety attacks, fluff, some domestic vibes, sibling bond, pining (Kenny/Uri)
Kenny waited five seconds after she left to immediately switch the door sign from open to closed.
“Happy holidays, mister Ackerman” the old woman waved as she finally left the shop.
“Happy holidays, ma’am” 
“Fucking finally”
The young man wanted nothing more than to end that shift. He thought it should be a crime to work on December 24th.
“Who fucking needs repair tools on Christmas?? You know, if people were less stupid and more organized all shops could close on holidays”
He had complained while getting ready for work that morning. Kuchel - the little shit that she was - just laughed at his annoyance.
“At least the owner let you close earlier, Ken. It could have been worse”
He huffed while recalling the short conversation. It was easy for Kuchel to not relate to his misery, she never worked on holidays even before she went on maternity leave. For him, working six instead of eight hours on Christmas made no difference in the end, since traffic would probably take the rest of his sanity away. 
“Fuck off” he screamed loudly as he hit yet another traffic jam. It took 30 extra minutes for him to finally arrive at the apartment complex. He groaned while parking, Kuchel’s car was almost giving up - that old thing would die on them any day, Kenny was dreading it. He managed to park and almost cried in relief. Finally home!
Well. He may have rid himself of work, but home was another rollercoaster to get through. 
“Kenny!” the woman greeted him from the living room/kitchen couch “took you long enough”
The older ackerman was sitting comfortably on the couch, reading a book, a heavy blanket covering her round middle section and many pillows stacked around her. 
“Have you eaten?” the man asked “I thought about take out, but traffic was impossible to go through”
“I snacked a little, it’s fine” she assured him, but her face said otherwise. 
She finally reached the ninth month - or, according to her, the 39th week - of her pregnancy. Kuchel was huge and feeling as uncomfortable as her appearance suggested. The last few weeks were filled with low mobility and badly assembled snacks. 
“What about some chicken salad?” he suggested “I pre-made some seasoned shredded chicken”
The woman’s eyes beamed at him.
“Kenny, you’re a lovely lovely brother, you know that?”
He groaned.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever” 
Despite his initial stress and tiredness, there was a calming property in cooking a tasty chicken salad. He was far from a good student in school, but the ‘chemistry’ and ‘physics’ of food always fascinated him, he wished life could subside enough for him to spend more time experimenting with cooking. The satisfaction of eating a good meal was a recent comfort he was thankful for everyday. 
“Here” he handed his sister the plate with plenty of the chicken salad “beverage?”
She motioned the half full bottle of guava juice on the kitchen table, silently denying his question. The Ackerman man sat down on the ground, with his own plate on his lap, leaving a groan of relief at the first bite. He turned the television on, looking for something interesting to watch but only finding Christmas movies or news. 
“Go back!” Kuchel’s voice almost startled him.
“What? The stupid christmas movie?”
She nodded fervently while still chewing. Kenny shook his head and went back to the channel playing a movie - what seemed to be one of those holiday rom coms.
“I thought you hated romcoms,” Kenny commented.
“I do”
Kenny had learned early on that pregnancy made Kuchel even weirder. From the moment she found out the unexpected demon spawn in her uterus, she had weird cravings (not only for food, there were a few weeks she could only sleep by watching animal documentaries). He learned to not question after a while, it kept things easy to handle. 
“Do you think family Christmas dinners are always like that?” she pointed her fork at the tv “It seems so inaccurate”
Kenny shrugged. Still focused on his plate. 
“Well, it doesn’t snow here in december so safe to say it might not be so accurate” his sister concluded on her own. 
They kept eating in silence and the movie proved to be just as stupid as it promised, though he heard sniffling behind him. Now, if there is something Kenny learned ever since he and his sister finally left the foster system to live together was that you don’t question her feelings - especially pregnant. He almost considered patting her on the shoulders in comfort but remembered she still had a good aim and her flip flops were right there, ready to be thrown. 
“What a stupid movie” she mumbled.
He stood up, taking Kuchel’s plate and finally building courage to do the dishes despite his exhaustion. He heard his sister turn off the television and certain sounds indicated she was leaving her cocoon of blankets and pillows, grunting during the entire process. 
“You okay there?” he asked while hanging the dishes to dry.
It was safe to say Kenny panicked a bit too often with Kuchel’s every display of discomfort - the nervousness of her due date always on the back of his mind. The young man was not feeling prepared at all for the big day even with his sister’s advice and thorough explanations of the process - although Kuchel herself was very new to this and also terrified despite not admitting.
“Yes Kenny, the boy isn’t coming out until next week. Relax…Uh!” she let out a shriek. 
He hated her so much. Kenny ran to the living room, trying to see any signs of wetness indicating that the antichrist wanted out, instead he found his sister peering down at his phone - which was silently vibrating with a call. 
“It’s your loverboy” she smiled at him like the little shit that she was “pick it up or I will”
“He isn’t-” he sighed, giving up this fruitless conversation they always had and picking up the phone. 
“Hello” Kenny answered.
“Good evening, Kenny, is it bad timing?”
“No, not at all!” He dried his hands on his beat up jeans, Kuchel waving crazily in front of him.
“Great! I just wanted to call because I thought a message felt a bit too distant. I know you said you don’t celebrate Christmas, but I just wanted to wish you and Kuchel a special good night’s rest.”
The noises on the background indicated Uri, his neighbor, was probably at a family gathering at his family home, Kenny could hear loud voices and holiday music playing softly. 
“Thank you Uri, we appreciate it” 
Kuchel was staring at Kenny so intensely he felt a hole on his forehead, her insistent mouthing of “Can I talk to him?” “Let me talk to him!!”, distracting the man. 
“In fact, she is right here dying to talk to you” 
Uri laughed - a pretty sound that was - and asked to talk to Kuchel.
“Hey Uri! I haven’t seen you today but I wish you a wonderful christmas” His sister beamed at the cellphone.
She talked shortly to the other man, thanking Uri for the well wishes. Kenny was grateful his sister did not try to embarrass him this time - he had enough of her hinting to Uri that Kenny had a slight (giant) crush on the Reiss man.
“Your sister is a lovely woman. I’ll bring some food for you two when I head home”
“Nah, It’s okay, Uri. No need”
“No, I insist Kenny. We have plenty of food here anyway and I know you’ve been working a lot lately. At least we keep Kuchel with a sustainable meal to eat when you’re not home tomorrow”
“You convinced me, but don’t come crying to me when she forces you to have dinner with us and show you the same ultrasound pictures again” Kenny said, chuckling.
To that Kuchel raised her middle finger, mouthing a “fuck you, Kenny”
“Nothing more wonderful than spending the evening with Ackermans” Uri chuckled - what a pretty sound “I have to go, Frieda is looking at me like I am committing a crime, but I see the two of you soon” 
They said their goodbyes and the call went off, Kenny’s heart was doing strange jumps on his ribcage - he was down bad for that man. Kuchel was sitting on the couch, smiling like a mad woman and clapping her hands.
“Not a word” he warned her.
“For the love of god, Kenny, ask that man on a date!”
He ignored her while heading for a shower, if he let Kuchel speak about Uri he would probably end up dealing with feeling he was too tired to process. Kenny preferred to like Uri from a distance - just being neighbors that got along well. His sister constantly telling him the Reiss man was into him did not help at all. 
“Not only is he clearly interested, but he is so kind and patient, Ken! Give the poor man a little chance” she would say.
Kenny tried not to think about it, failing miserably though. He had many opportunities to meet Uri on a more romantic level, the man had invited him for coffee so many times and Kenny always refused politely. He was afraid, Uri did not know the mess he was in the head. And the worst part: Uri was really patient and understanding and respectful and observant…Kenny had a problem. 
“I’m gonna sleep” Kenny knocked on his sister’s room “need anything else?”
“No! Everything okay. You should sleep, Ken”
He wished her a good night and flopped into his bed, slumber quickly taking him. 
He never had dreams, only nightmares or an empty sleep. That night though, he dreamed about him and Kuchel sitting on a huge table full of food. His sister had a nice elegant red dress, contrasting with her long dark hair. Kenny himself looked down to see a nice set of pants and button up shirt. The decorations screamed Christmas - there was even snow outside!- but what surprised him was seeing Uri beside him, equally well dressed…with a baby in his arms. The small little human seemed to be pushing one year old, almost pink in color, pouty face, dark hair, looking at Kenny with light colored eyes.
“You want your uncle, little one?” Uri said, bouncing the child slightly.
As if he had no control, Kenny felt his arms reach out to the baby, his voice coming out in equal involuntary action.
“I know, I’m your favorite” his voice sounded…happy. Not that he was against having a nephew, he just struggled to have a connection with someone he had never met. But in that moment, looking at light blue eyes, he wondered if he could measure how dear that boy was. 
“Typical of Levi to prefer the one who calls him demon spawn” Kuchel said.
The dream faded slowly, with the last scenes of a baby on his lap while they celebrated Christmas just like that stupid movie they were watching. He woke up feeling a strange sense of missing something. Of sadness. He stayed in bed for longer than usual, wondering why he dreamed of that. His only family was Kuchel for as long as he remembers, everything different than that seemed terrifying.
The boy seemed so real. What about Uri? Could he ever be anything more than a friendly neighbor?
Deciding that he can’t afford having an existential crisis, the man finally decided to start his routine, but early morning finally came to test Kenny's bowels. As soon as he saw Kuchel enter the kitchen, seemingly uncomfortable and walking weirdly, he panicked once again. 
“Are you sure it’s okay?” Kenny asked again - to his own demise.
“Kenny!” His sister warned him.
“I’m just worried, you seem to be hurting quite a lot”
Kuchel looked at him unimpressed, not answering. She had woken up that morning complaining of a few contractions. 
“It’s probably false alarm, Kenny, but it still sucks” 
Kenny was in a full pit of anxiety at that point. Everytime she had a false alarm he panicked anyway, a single sneeze and that spawn would pop out of her. He didn't think she would make it to an entire week. 
“I’m gonna try and call your doctor again”
Kenny tried once again the number, without success. 
“We should go to the hospital, Kuch” he tried again to convince her.
“No! They’re just going to send us home again, let’s see if it progresses and then we go”
Kenny was honestly tired, and scared, but he nodded. It took several minutes for Kuchel to finally convince him to go to work for at least the morning shift, but he was not able to concentrate well. He checked her text messages constantly, alongside Uri’s.
Uri Reiss Neighbor: I’m with her, if anything happens I’ll rush her to the hospital
You: Thanks Uri, I promise I’ll be back by 2pm since it’s Xmas day
Uri Reiss Neighbor: No need to thank me, see you soon. I’m making lunch if that’s okay.
That man was a fucking saint. Kenny was down bad. He had to concentrate while trying not to fall in love with that man or dying of worry for his sister. Work was haphazardly done, Kenny practically breaking traffic laws to go home, practically climbing the stairs to his apartment floor, thinking he would have to immediately rush her to a hospital for the antichrist to be born…just to find Uri and Kuchel sitting quietly on the dinner table, tea in front of them and a deck of cards.
“Good afternoon, Kenny” Reiss greeted him.
“Hi, Ken” 
Kenny looked at his sister with confusion. She seemed composed and calm. Uri - as always - was well dressed, smelling like a hundred yards of soft flowers, calmly playing with Kuchel. 
“The contraction stopped as soon as you left” she said, pointing to her huge stomach “maybe he doesn’t like you”
Kenny groaned, sitting on the couch to catch his breath. 
“Demon spawn” he mumbled, smiling discreetly. 
Kuchel turned, burning him with her eyes. 
“He is a perfect little angel”
That was another bickering Kenny did not want to continue so he just surrendered. But he was a demon child! Anything born from an Ackerman was demonic - Kenny was an absolute nightmare as a kid and he was already dreading that baby. 
“Hungry?” Uri asked “There is a plate for you in the microwave”
His noisy stomach answered for him, guiding his already tired self to the kitchen. The food was probably from the family dinner Uri went to last night, good quality meat and tasty sauce. He wondered if he could reproduce that recipe one day and maybe make a special dinner after the baby was born. He ate on the table while watching his sister and Uri play with the cards, attentively listening to Kuchel's gossip of the apartment complex group chat. She was bored to death most days, watching people from the balcony and stalking the chat seemed to be the entertainment of the century.
“It’s okay, Uri, now that Kenny is here he can keep an eye on me” his sister said once Uri hesitated to return to his family’s home. 
“I’ll return tomorrow morning. My mother really insisted that I return to the church’s dinner tonight but if anything happens you can call me” he assured the Ackerman siblings before reluctantly leaving. 
“He is such a nice man” Kuchel quietly said once Kenny had closed the door “I know I bother you with it, but I really think he would be a good match”
Kenny smiled a little, sitting beside his sister on the couch and softly shoving her with his shoulder.
“I know, but I really don’t feel ready right now” 
Love was not something he thought was possible. Not for him, much like it wasn't for his sister. He felt her hand on his forearm, rubbing him softly. 
“I know, take your time” she said in a hushed tone “like I said, he is a very patient man”
Her calm features soon contorted into painful ones. She let a long breath out.
“Another contraction?” he asked.
She nodded, breathing in and out in a slow rhythm.
“It never really stopped, but I did not want to alarm any of you until I was sure it was constant” 
“Kuchel! What the actual fuck-”
“Shhhhh” she said “don’t scold me! I am counting them and I can’t do this if both of you keep hovering over me”
Kenny groaned, visualizing himself shaving her hair bald as revenge for the rollercoaster of worry he felt.
“Do you think it’s for real?” he asked her.
Kuchel nodded, holding his forearm strongly.
“I’m scared” she whispered “I don’t know if I can do this, Ken”
Despite his anxiety, he tried to comfort her by holding her shoulders in a strange side hug - typical of a touch terrified Kenny. She rested her head on his shoulder. 
“I’ll be with you, Kuch”
And he did. When her contractions became too unbearable and close timing, they left for the hospital in the midst of a starting rain. The streets were calm since it was late at night, everyone most likely at the churches celebrating the holiday. 
“Ma’am, my sister is giving birth” he had told the woman at the front desk.
“No father, I’m the one taking care of her” he told the social worker registering the appointment.
“Can you call another doctor then?” he almost yelled when they informed her doctor was MIA.
“Can anyone please check on her for god’s sake?!” he tried to stay calm when nobody would check on his sister when her water broke.
It was a turbulent three hours, time bringing a raging storm that occasionally painted the sky with lightning and thunder. When Kuchel was finally checked on, she was fully ready to push. Kenny was a strong man, but he wanted to die with every scream coming out of his sister’s throat. His hand was still, only because of the iron grip she had on it, otherwise he would be trembling. When the cry of a baby finally broke the room’s chaos, Kenny thought he had lost his hearing. Everything had gone muffled and fuzzy. He did not know, but later the nurses told him that he was almost hyperventilating, still holding Kuchel’s hand despite his eyes losing focus. 
“Look at him, Kenny” Kuchel was crying “he is so small”
The baby laying on her chest was nothing like the grown infant of his dream, in fact, that newborn was multiple shades of red and purple, scrunched face and tiny feet, limbs so thin they could be compared to the girth of Kenny’s fingers. 
“Sir, breathe in and out, you’ll be fine” said a nurse nearby. 
He kept his eyes on the small being, then at his sister. She was sweaty, exhausted and crying profusely. He wanted her cries to be only of happiness, but he knew she was just as terrified of this as he was. They were just two adults with a fucked up story, having to care for a non planned baby. He was barely 25 and had an entire human to watch out for - because he sure would not leave Kuchel to deal with this on her own. 
“Welcome, spawn. I’m your uncle” he managed to choke out. 
Kuchel laughed, more because of the drugs than actually finding the nickname funny. He spent the entire night watching over a sleeping sister and the baby in the bassinet. He admired as the storm raged in the first hours of the morning, the darkness still outside. His cellphone would occasionally ring with notifications.
Uri Reiss neighbor: I got stuck because of the rain, the streets are flooded. I’ll get there, I promise, but it might take a while. Tell me what I can bring to you or Kuchel.
He smiled at the phone, sending Uri his gratitude. Despite the chaos outside, he felt a strange sense of peace. Maybe it was the medication the nurses administered due to his mini anxiety attack, but he liked to think it was a sign that everything would be alright. 
“How are you feeling?” said the slurred voice of Kuchel.
“I should be asking this”
“Well, I'm a bit high” she smiled “and you seem too”
He chuckled, pinching the bridge of his nose. Kuchel looked at the bassinet, warmth in her tired eyes. 
“He is out…”
“On a holiday!” Kenny complemented “spawn made sure to be born at the same day of Jesus”
“Fuck you” she laughed “I think he came to force us to celebrate christmas day in a way or another”
Kenny nodded, not doubting for a moment that whatever ruled this world had a strange sense of humor. 
“He was almost born on the 26th for just a few minutes” he said “he was determined”
The Ackerman siblings kept the comfortable silence, Kuchel not taking her eyes off the sleeping baby nearby. 
He looked at her tired eyes, Kenny realizing they were so similar to the baby of his dream.
“I don’t have a name for him” 
“You were never satisfied with the thousand names you picked” he replied.
“Maybe something with a ‘K’? To match us” she said.
“That’s horrendous, Kuchel!” he protested “Me and you having a name with a ‘K’ is already atrocious enough”
“You’re right…” she said “I want something that doesn’t come from parents we barely knew”
Kenny deliberated if he should tell her about the name of his dream. Levi…he remembered something about that name in bible study he was forced into by the orphanage. It meant something specific, meant-
Kuchel eyed him as if he had lost his mind.
“Kenny, if this is your suggestion-”
“No, woman, listen!” he interrupted “I mean that he is connected to us only. Your kid, my nephew, nothing else”
“Well, that’s true” 
“And Levi means connected, joined” He finally said it. 
Kuchel pondered for a moment, analyzing the name by looking at the child’s sleeping shape. 
“A biblical name, right? I remember it from church” Kuchel said.
“It’s just a suggestion-”
“I like it” she interrupted this time “Levi. It sounds firm, strong”
She smiled, as if contemplating calling him that for the rest of his life. Kenny thought she would put up a fight - for being the one to carry for months and not choosing the name. 
“Levi it is” she concluded.
Kenny nodded, happy that she liked it. He did not know if his dream was prophetic or just an amalgamation of anxiety and nine months of constantly thinking about this other being in their lives. 
“Can I ask you something really important?”
He nodded.
“He was born on Christmas” she began “I know we never really liked this day because of all the family bullshit, but now…”
He understood. They were bitter people, but that kid had nothing to do with it. 
“We’re gonna give him the Christmas we never had, right Kenny?” 
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cornucopiawrites · 8 months
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(Image Source: https://x.com/Asaki_illust/status/1746331831774130671?s=20)
You've been going to this other coffee house ever since your usual spot got shut down. There was a devil attack — Bat Devil, allegedly — that blew through the place, tearing massive holes in opposite walls, completely messing up the kitchen. It was shut down for repairs, and never went back in business. Thing is: you knew the owner. And they were getting up-there in age, so more than likely they managed to swindle the insurance money and call it a career. Not a bad ending for them, but you were forced to find a new spot. And this one just wasn't the same. It wasn't just the pastries and drinks you missed. Weird as it sounds, you missed the waiting. In line. At the counter. With others. The coffee house crowd. It was the same people every day, getting their morning coffee and snack. Much like you, sure, but with their own lives. You never knew them, obviously — you all just talked about the weather, latest headlines, the seasonal flu, and other benign things. The familiarity ran so deep, you knew several of their every-day orders by heart. Not a single one of you ever exchanged names, business cards, or anything. And at this new spot, you found yourself deeply regretting your time at the old spot. You vividly remember so many faces, and they may as well be dead now. Well, lately, there's been a new lady at the new spot. She's got pasty skin, is dressed in a suit, and basically looks like everyone else. You just know her because you're so often beside her, for roughly seven minutes each day. You deduce your commutes are somehow in-sync, since you always wind up adjacent to one-another in line. Occasionally — occasionally — you wind up a person or two apart. Or one of you doesn't show. Oh, there are a few things you noticed about her: her hair's usually in this braided ponytail kind of thing, she likes to wear bulky suit coats, she tends to miss a spot of dog hair on the back of those coats, and she never gets coffee, just tea. It's usually one of the shop's herbal blends. Oh, and you couldn't help but notice her eyes. Bright, yellow, unusual. Hard to get a decent look — you don't want to get caught staring. Again, you're standing beside one another. Walking together as the queue moves, but obviously separate. She senses you glancing at her, but doesn't look. You sense her side-eye, but pretend not to notice at all. You shuffle forward. Then again. Finally, you've had enough. "What're you going to get?" You see her flinch, as though you yelled in her ear. Frankly, you have no idea why you asked that anyway. You already know what she gets. Everyday. It's the same thing: tea and—
"Sorry, were you talking to me?"
"Yeah." It worked in your school days, at lunch. Why wouldn't it work today? "I said: what're you going to get?"
The lady blinks. "Me? What am I going to get?"
"Yeah." And after an odd pause: "I get a coffee, with espresso and lots of cream. And a bagel with jam." You need the big caffeine hit, and the calories to offset the shakes you'd get.
"Oh," she says, "um, green tea and a raspberry scone?"
(Why'd she phrase it like a question?)
"Tea? No coffee for you?"
She shakes her head and offers a smile. "My stomach doesn't like it. Too much caffeine, maybe."
You're not sure what to say next. And neither is she, but she really hopes you do. Her eyes are kinda freaky, looking at you with such attention. Like she's eagerly waiting for something. It's like — anticipation, but tired?
Damn, you're almost at the counter.
"I'm Jun." (You're not Jun.)
"And I am Izumi." (And she is not Izumi. You can tell because she had to think about it.)
"Izumi" takes her order. She gestures for you to come forward. But—
"Oh, no. You don't need to do that for me."
"Maybe," she offers, "you can get mine next time?"
That's fair. And it makes you smile. And she's smiling.
Now what?
"Have you been coming here long?"
Oh, she's taken the lead! You're not complaining.
"About a month, maybe two. I notice you've started becoming a regular here."
She nods, looking outside. "The place I always went to was destroyed." Back at you. "It was a devil attack. I think it was on the news."
From the counter, you both hear, "Izumi? Jun?"
You're both heading outside now. She's looking down at the sidewalk. You say, "that's a coincidence."
"What is?"
"The place I went to was also taken down by a devil."
She nearly sighs. "That's not a very big coincidence these days, though. Is it?"
You shrug and gloomily admit, "that's true. That's true."
It would be a bummer if your first conversation with "Izumi" ended on this note, so you quickly ask, "are the scones any good?"
"I like them, yes. Raspberry's my favorite."
She takes a bite of the fresh pastry, and takes a sip from her disposable cup. Lifting her finger off the cup sleeve, she points to your breakfast.
"You know, I don't think I have had any of their bagels yet."
"Really? They're alright."
The two of you look at one another, then at the other's food, then at your own food. You tear half your bagel off. She does the same to her scone. You take one another's offerings. And you both have a stupid smile on your faces.
"I'll let you know what I think, Jun," Izumi promises, turning to walk away. "I have to get going now."
"I'll see you tomorrow," you answer, "right, Izumi?"
For whatever reason, you don't look to see her nod. She's a fleeting thought, quickly replaced by matters of the day ahead. And you know that for her, you're no different.
The raspberry scone is alright. Not as filling as the bagel.
Yet you're aware that, later this evening, as you're readying yourself for bed, you'll feel that tempered eagerness about the following morning.
It might even keep you up, for just a bit.
Maybe — it'll keep her up, too?
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rose-lizzzy · 1 year
Shrub doesn't question that she ended up back in the Undergrove, although she figured the demon had done something. She returns to some scattered chores she had to do.
She may only be here as a host for Xornoth and to assist him in his mission, but she's not going to let this place look ugly.
In the midst of her chores, while she was knee deep in mud and mushrooms, a purple glint catches her eye and then Gem appears near where she was working.
"Hi Shrub!" The wizard greets her cheerfully, as if she hadn't just been tormented by a resident of the gnomes body.
"Oh! Hey! What's up?" She asks with an oblivious tone, as if she didn't have an idea what she was here for. Well, the wizard had sent a note asking if they could meet and talk about "corruption", but she was pretty sure there was more to it then that.
"You said you wanted to talk about corruption?" She adds on. She wanted to seem oblivious but not too oblivious, or else the wizard might get suspicious. She seemed to be one of the smarter ones around this place. Definitely one to be careful around.
"Yeah! Do you know about the stuff? Dark red, spreads, really annoying, ruins a good build."
Shrub sighs. She just doesn't see the beauty and purpose in it. "Yeah, it's been around here quite a bit."
"I see.." She opens a book and scribbles in it before looking up. "Can I ask you some questions?"
"Sure! Wanna come in and sit? I can get you some mushroom stew too!"
Gem ponders before agreeing "I wouldn't mind a place to sit while we talk. I'm good on the stew though, I have food with me."
She nods and heads to her little house "Alright!" They settle into her home in the hill, the tree growing through it. "So what do you wanna ask me?"
"Well first, what do you know about the corruption?" She asks, pen ready and book open to write down whatever she says next. She would need to be careful with her words, if the wizard is going to write them down she can't say something wrong and contradict herself later, Gem would definitely catch her.
"Well......I guess...I know what it looks like obviously. It spreads pretty fast, it's squishy...." What else could she say that isn't helpful without obviously trying to keep info from her? "It can...sometimes....get on people too...and spread.." No! Why'd she say that?? That was too much!
"Really?! How do you know that? Scratch that question, I'll come back to it. Xornoth said you might know about the stuff? Why is that? Have you dealt with it before?"
She grumbled internally. First for some reason her mouth spit out too much and let her know people can be affected, and now she's getting thrown under the bus by her own partner?
Well....partner was stretching it a lot... He was more like her master...a puppet master controlling her but she refuses to admit that to herself. She's her own person. She's not corrupted! Definitely not...
Gem clears her throat "Uh...Shrub? You there?"
Oh right. Her. She's still waiting for an answer. "Where I come from....it was attacked by the stuff...all of my people are gone, taken because of it. It took over them. I tried to run I -" she cuts herself off, shaking her head. She didn't try. She did. To them she did run. "It followed me. I ..managed to escape through a portal before it got to me but it must of come through behind me." There. That was right. She escaped, it didn't get her, the demon only followed her. It didn't use her at all. No way.
"Oh Shrub...." Gem replies softly, rubbing her shoulder with one hand and wiping the gnomes face with the other. Why was she...? Shrub reaches up and touches her cheek, only to come up with a wet hand. She was...crying?
No...the corruption had been good. It was good. It's her purpose now. Why was she crying? Maybe just subconsciously she was really trying to sell the story to the wizard, trying to push her innocence.
Yeah that's it.
They exchanged a few more words, but she wasn't fully paying attention. She only came back when Gem gave her a hug out of nowhere.
"Alright, well...maybe I can come back another time. Take care, Shrub." And she was off, leaving the gnome speechless and confused.
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wrestlersownmyheart · 5 months
“Chances Are” Ch. 11 (Book 2 In the “Chances” Series) Finn Bálor X OC
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Pairing: Finn Bálor X Female OC Summary: After a traumatic childhood and a murder attempt that left her with a heart condition, Miracle Seanoa wants nothing more than to find some peace and fulfillment in her life. Working as a writer for WWE, she's shocked when Stephanie McMahon takes a gamble on her skills and assigns her to a new RAW roster member. None other than Finn Bálor—the man who'd long ago saved her life and captured her heart.
Finn Bálor left his career as a police officer behind in order to chase his true dream of becoming a professional wrestler. Working incredibly hard within NXT, he soon finds himself drafted to Monday Night RAW. He's shocked to see Miracle again, but even more shocked is he to see what a stunning woman she's become.
However, someone else has had his eye on Miracle for a long while. With his infatuation turning to a deep, dark obsession, he's not going to give up on her easily. Finn will have to resort to his past skills as a cop, to protect the woman he loves.
Because if her weakening heart doesn't kill her, her stalker just might... Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: Stalkery behavior
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Chapter 11
Brooklyn, New York
Barclay's Center
Gerald Collins stalked through the hallways of Barclay's Center, in search of Miracle. He'd already been by the cluster of writers' offices, but with no luck. Finally, he went to the other correspondents and asked them of Miracle's whereabouts.
Their answer didn't make him happy.
In the least.
"Miracle is taking some time off," Renee told him.
"Rumor has it that she might not come back either," Kayla Braxton added. "And I hate it too. She was so good at her job and easy to work with. Fun to be around."
"Why wouldn't she come back," Gerald asked, his temper igniting.
"Well, I heard that there is some sort of love triangle between her and Finn and Becky Lynch," Kayla said.
"Kayla," Renee scolded. "Quit spreading the rumors. That's how they get out of hand!"
"Sorry, it's just what I've heard," Kayla said, a slight flush creeping up her face. "Like I said, they're just rumors, Gerald. There may not be any truth to them."
He nodded dejectedly. "I see. Thanks for the info. I'll see you ladies around."
He walked away, seething. Why wouldn't she have told me about leaving? About taking time off?
He stalked down the winding hallways till he came to Finn's dressing room. He knocked.
There was no answer, so he turned and headed for catering, the only other place he could think of to check.
Once he reached catering he pushed past the swinging double doors and entered the makeshift cafeteria. He quickly spotted Finn sitting across the room with AJ Styles and Seth Rollins. He instantly marched over and jerked Finn around by the shoulder.
Immediately on his guard, Finn surged to his feet and got into a fighting stance. "What's your problem," he asked, his voice rising. His stance relaxed a bit when he saw that it was only Gerald.
"Why'd you go and run Miracle off," Gerald demanded. "She was happy here."
"Whatever happened between me and Miracle is none of your business," Finn started calmly. "She's not your girlfriend, lad."
"She's not yours either," Gerald retorted. "Otherwise she'd be here with you."
"She will be with me," Finn remarked. "Mark my words. If she wanted you, she'd have been with you long before now. If she wasn't interested in me, she wouldn't let me kiss her, that's for sure."
With a growl, Gerald lunged at Finn and tackled him to the floor, landing a punch. But that was as far as he got. Finn threw a punch at his face and landed it right on his nose. Blood began gushing from both nostrils.
"You son of a-" Gerald moved to attack Finn again but was stopped by Stephanie McMahon's authoritative voice ringing out, "Whoa! Gerald, my office. Now."
With that, Gerald reluctantly stood to his feet and followed Stephanie out of catering, pinching his nose with his fingers.
"What was d'at all about," Finn asked, sitting up on the floor. He stood to his feet and took his seat next to AJ and Seth who were too stunned to move at that moment.
"I knew I didn't like that guy for a reason," Finn said, looking over at his friends. "He's a bit too possessive of Miracle where he doesn't have the right to be."
"I've noticed that for the past couple of years," Seth agreed. "When she first started working here and gave him some of her meds to have on hand, he was possessive of her ever since."
"Well, it's going to stop now," Finn said. "Because I can also be pretty possessive of what's mine."
"She's not yours, yet, brother," AJ replied.
"Oh, yes she is," Finn retorted. "She just doesn't know it yet."
"Bye, Daddy. Bye, Mom. I love you guys. Tell Nathan goodbye for me." After her parents said goodbye over the phone, Miracle hung up and slid her cell phone into the back pocket of her jeans.
She made a quick scan of her apartment to make sure all lights and electricity were off. Feeling a twinge of sadness, she turned to head for the door when there was a loud knock.
Groaning and feeling sure it was Finn stopping by to make one last ditch effort to change her mind about leaving, she finished her trek to the door and answered it.
A delivery man stood on the threshold and offered her a bouquet of scarlet-colored roses.
"Ms. Seanoa?"
"Yes, that's me."
"Flowers for you." He handed them over and then turned around and left.
"Oh, Finn," she thought out loud, closing the door and taking the flowers to the kitchen. She giggled. "You're gonna go broke, buying me flowers at this rate." She laid the bouquet on the island and began looking for another vase for the second round of flowers.
But then she noticed the note tucked into the roses.
Curious as to what FInn had said to her, she pulled the card out. She quickly scanned the single line of text, and gasped.
I told you I'd be back for you.
Her hands shaking, she dropped the note on the island beside the roses. Her breath shuddered in and out of her chest. The roses aren't from Finn, her mind finally computed. They're from him. He's coming for me. I have to get out of here. He knows where I live.
It occurred to her then that she could possibly find out who the culprit was. She dug her cell phone out of her pocket and quickly dialed the flower shop's number on the back of the card. It rang a couple times before someone answered the phone.
"Orlando Flower Delivery. How can I help you?"
"Yes, I had a bouquet of roses delivered to me a few minutes ago and wanted to find out who sent them to me."
"Is the order number on the envelope?"
"Yes. It's MS53049."
"One moment."
Miracle waited as the worker checked the order.
"Oh, yes, I took this order. He paid extra to remain anonymous and to have the delivery made today. Paid with cash. Didn't leave a name or anything."
"I see. Can you describe him?"
"Not really. He was average height and wore a baseball cap over his hair. He just looked like some generic guy."
"Thank you," Miracle said softly, disappointed that she'd learned nothing. "Goodbye."
She hung up the phone and then scrambled for her suitcase at the door. She grabbed it by the handle and rolled it out of her apartment. Quickly, she locked the door and checked it to make sure it wouldn't budge. Then she was heading out to her car and loading the last of the luggage.
Seconds later, she was in the driver's seat and driving toward the highway that would lead her to her Uncle Jeff's cabin.
"Where do you think she went," Finn asked, dying to know where he could find Miracle.
"No idea," AJ said. "Probably some random place."
"Maybe she's hiding in plain sight," Seth suggested. "Maybe the whole time she's been planning to stay at her apartment."
"I doubt it," Finn sighed. "But I will check and see as soon as I get the chance." He puffed out a sigh again. "I get that it's my fault she left but I just don't know how I'll function without knowing where she is."
"We all have that problem," AJ told him. "I imagine it's the worst for Joe and Ella.
Seth and Finn nodded their agreement.
"I just don't like her being out on her own by herself and that weasel, Gerald running around asking questions about her. What if he's the one that attacked Miracle?" Finn asked suddenly. "What if he finds her before one of us can?"
"Don't panic," AJ said softly. "She's not advertising where she went, so he won't find her, I'm sure." Although his tone indicated that he was now worried as well.
"I've got to find 'er and warn her," Finn said, slamming his fist on the table before them. "It wasn't safe for her to run off like this."
"Well if you find her let Joe and Ella know where she is. They deserve to know before anyone else," AJ replied, taking a sip of his water. "I didn't like this going off on her own either. Not one bit."
"I'm calling her," Finn said, standing up and pulling out his cellphone. "I need to hear her voice." WIth that he dialed her number and then headed out to the hallway to have a bit of privacy.
"Hi, this is Miracle. Leave your message at the beep."
"Miracle, it's Finn. Listen, I really need you to tell me where you are. Gerald is asking about you, and pretty aggressively at that. Don't let him know where you are, love. I have this…" He swallowed hard. "I have this bad feeling that he may have been the one to attack you. Call me as soon as you get this, okay? I love you, Miracle. Bye."
He hung up feeling even more hopeless than before he called her.
Meanwhile in Tennessee…
Miracle stopped her car in the large circular drive way of the Jarrett's mansion and killed it. She'd decided to stop for a visit with her aunt and uncle before she went to the cabin.
Hurrying from the car, she went to the front door and knocked.
The door opened and Jeff immediately pulled her into his arms, "Hi, darlin'. So great to see you!"
"Hi, Uncle Jeff! It's great to see you too," Miracle returned, hugging him close. "How are y'all doing?"
"Doing wonderful," Jeff said, his blue eyes lighting up. "Couldn't be better."
"I'm glad."
"Well, let's get you inside. Stay for dinner? Kayla and Jennifer will be here in a bit. I know they'd love to see you."
"I'd love to stay," Miracle answered. "It'd be great to see them as well." She paused for a moment and spoke softly. "Thank you again for letting me use the cabin, I really appreciate it. I got a spooky bouquet of flowers right before I left, so I'm glad to have somewhere to go and hide."
Jeff led her inside and closed and locked the front door. "What do you mean, spooky flowers," he asked. He showed her into the living room and they sat down on the sofa together.
"Well, the attack I had? The guy told me he'd be back for me. Well, the note in these roses I got said "I said I'd come back for you." She pulled the note out of her purse. "I actually have it right here."
Jeff scanned the note and almost paled. "Are you sure it's a good idea to have not at least told your parents where you are?"
"I've considered telling just them," she replied. "But no one else."
"Baby, you need to," he said. "It's really not safe to not let anyone know."
"You're right. I'll call Daddy tonight and let him know."
At that moment, Kayla and Jennifer walked in from outside. "Hi, Daddy! Hi, Mom!" They called out. And then their eyes fell on Miracle and they nearly squealed.
"Miracle! It's so awesome to see you!" Kayla hurried over to Miracle and leaned down giving her a hug. "It's been so long!"
Jennifer leaned down and gave Miracle a hug of her own. "Can't believe how long," she added. "How old are you now?"
"I'm 20 soon to be 21. What about y'all?" Miracle asked.
"28," Jennifer replied, while Kayla answered with "32."
"How is Ella and Uncle Joe doing," Jennifer asked. "Uncle AJ?"
"AJ isn't really our uncle you know," Kayla said with a gentle swat at her sister.
"Neither is Joe but we still call him Uncle Joe. It's because you've had a crush on AJ since forever, isn't it?"
"Oh, hush," Kayla said with a roll of her eyes. "And so what? He's a good looking guy," she chuckled.
"Dinner everyone," came Nina's voice from the kitchen. She walked into the living room and saw Miracle. "Oh, my goodness! I didn't hear you come in! Oh sweetheart, it's wonderful to see you."
"I'm happy to see you too," MIracle said, rising from the sofa to greet her aunt.
"How are you doing," Nina asked, returning Miracle's hug.
"I"m doing pretty good," Miracle reported.
"What happened to your finger, and your head," Nina asked, gently touching her hand and forehead.
"Well, I'm sure that Uncle Jeff told you about the attack I had a few days ago. These are just a couple of my injuries is all."
"That's all," Nina parroted with a horrified look on her face. "Who would want to hurt you in the first place? Are you okay now?"
Miracle nodded, "Yes, I'm okay now. Just a little banged up."
Sensing the young woman didn't wish to talk anymore about it, she led Miracle to the dining room, "Well come on. Let's get some food in you. You're much too thin."
"Oh, Mom cut it out. You think all of us women are too thin," Jennifer quipped.
"Well excuse me for not wanting my girls to deprive themselves."
"Oh Mom," the women groaned in unison. Miracle burst out laughing.
This is what I needed, she thought, feeling at home. Some time to relax and recharge.
Later that evening, she drove down the road to the cabin and got herself settled in. Then she turned her phone on and put a call through to her father.
"Daddy," She greeted when he answered. "I decided to let you know where I'm staying, but please don't tell anyone. Especially Finn, okay?"
"Okay, baby," Joe agreed over the phone. "Where are you?"
"I'm staying at Uncle Jeff's cabin. You know the one out in the woods?"
"Well, I have to say that I'm relieved you're close to a relative at least. Be safe, okay?"
"I will, Daddy. I love you."
"Love you too. I've got to get warmed up now. I'll talk to you soon. Bye."
MIracle hung up and then checked her voice mail. She had only one.
It was from Finn.
"Miracle, it's Finn. Listen, I really need you to tell me where you are. Gerald is asking about you, and pretty aggressively at that. Don't let him know where you are, love. I have this… I have this bad feeling that he may have been the one to attack you. Call me as soon as you get this, okay? I love you, Miracle. Bye."
"Gerald," she thought out loud. "Could he have been the one?"
She decided to hold off on calling Finn. At least for now. She needed some rest.
Little did she know that almost a thousand miles away, someone was watching Joe put his phone away, a triumphant smirk on his face.
Bingo, he thought. Her uncle's place.
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Ok this is the last one I promise Gabby: I hate taking off my glasses, because without them, my vision goes from Full HD all the way down to buffering at 240p and I just can't handle that. Hiraya, talking to Dave on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to? Dave: You bet! Hiraya: At what temperature? Dave: 535. Hiraya: That's the clock. Dave: Hiraya: Dave: 536. Hiraya: *inhales* Dave: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something. Marcus: Dave, listen.. you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're an idiot. Raven: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. Marcus: You're like 16 years old.. Raven: I MIGHT DIE IN MY 30s!
Dr Janet: Okay, truth or dare? Todd: Okay..? Truth Dr Janet: How many hours have you slept this week? Todd: Todd: ...Dare Dr Janet: Go to bed. Todd: I don’t like this game.
Gabby: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them. Marcus: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Dr Janet: We call that a traumatic event Dr Janet, turning to Todd: Not a "bruh moment" Dr Janet, turning to Raven: Not a "major L" Dr Janet, turning to Gabby: And definitely not an "OOF lmao"
Dave: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me. Todd: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you? Dave: Yes! Marcus: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Hiraya to Karens: If karma doesn't hit you, I f##king will. You may be walking on thin ice but my patience is getting more thinner.
Hiraya, looking at her watch: It has been 2 hours and sixteen minutes since I’ve been insulted by my co-workers at the supermarket. Hiraya: It’s been about 5 seconds since I’ve been assaulted by a customer, but let’s not talk about that.
Dr Janet: All of your existences are confusing. Human Allies and the botbots: How so? Dr Janet: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
Dr Janet: *speaking Japanese* Gabby: I know, I know. Hiraya: You speak Japanese? Gabby: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Dr Janet speaks
Dave: *running towards Dr Janet with open arms* Dr Janet: *moves out of the way* Dave: Hey, why'd you move?! Dr Janet: I thought you were going to attack me. Dave: I was going to hug you! Dr Janet: Why would you hug me? Dave: WHY WOULD I ATTACK YOU!?
Todd: Look, Dave, it's the third time this week you had a mental breakdown and its Monday.
Raven: Thanks for not telling Marcus what happened. Dave, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
Raven: Rules were made to be broken. Dr Janet: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Todd: Uh, piñatas. Dave: Glow sticks. Gabby: Karate boards. Hiraya: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Raven: Rules. Dr Janet:
Todd: But what about Dave? Marcus: Don't worry about him. Marcus: I once watched him fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating his hotdog like nothing happened. Dr Janet: He what?
Raven: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?? Gabby: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔 Dave: Why were you microwaving a lemon??? Gabby: I read boiling lemons helps cover up up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots. Hiraya: Did you burn an orange too? How??? Gabby: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Marcus: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare. Hiraya: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great. Marcus: Not when you’re playing with Dr Janet, it’s not. She puts words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
Dave & Raven: *accidentally set the kitchen on fire* Dave: We need an adult! Raven: Dave, you are an adult! Dave: We need an adultier adult! Get Dr Janet!
Todd: I lost Raven. Marcus: How did you LOSE Raven?! Todd: To be fair, she's very small.
Raven: *walking around disappointed after visiting an aquarium* Marcus: Raven, what did you think a tiger shark was?
Marcus: Stressed. Todd: Depressed. Hiraya: Repressed. Gabby: Possessed. Raven: Obsessed. Dr Janet: Unimpressed. Dave: Chicken breast. Everyone: ...What? Dave: I just wanted to join in.
Eh, that's all
LoL I've been laughing a lot while reading this! 🤣😂
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thefirelookout · 9 months
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A portal opened up in the kitchen, really. It's not a very promising portal, quite the opposite, it's a hope-killer. It's a direct kitchen-to-bathroom connection, it's gross, it's necessary. The mold has to go, the drywall has to come off so that the moisture dries. It also means that we have to leave this house by May.
We've started watching Beef. It's always something. We nod when they say that. Yup, that checks out. It's always fucking something.
We don't have a bathroom basin anymore. It's just a gaping hole. The cabinet and the mirror are still right where they should be though, so I take my skincare thingies out, balance them on the shelf, take the dropper out, try my best not to feel the absence of a basin while putting the serums and creams on my face. We brush our teeth at the kitchen sink now, which is gross, but we quickly adjusted to it. Rohu says that I'm really embodying my research, living it. Being resilient, being grateful (Allah ja koren bhalor jonnei...), and trying to produce work in the midst of it all. This is fieldwork, this is archival research, this is lived experience. Doesn't matter if I fucked off to my mind palace (which was under seige, by the way) last summer, doesn't matter what happend end of last year, just gotta carry on. Yet, there is domestic sweetness. In the middle of work, when I really, really want to see Rohu, I tippy toe my way into the kitchen where she's doing the dishes. Looking cute the best I can, I ask her something completely unexpected, something like, "Why'd the Titans attack?" "You're asking me that right now?" "Yeah, right now. Why'd the Titans attack at all?" "Well, because..." a free, live video-essay follows. I get a full explanation: Ymir, Historia, Eren, Levi, all the Titans, which Titans are sentient and which are not. The neurodivergent urge to just talk about your very niche interest. "So this is an Israel-Palestine analogy?" "Yes, but a poorly done one." "But it's still an Israel-Palestine analogy though." "Yeah. Removing the humanity of the Titans. I can see that yes." I satisfy myself with that and tippy toe back to my desk. Another time I remember asking, "Accha Rohu, if I tell you to stop texting me, like, altogether, what will you do?" "Then I'll stop texting you Mustu." "No questions asked? Ki bolo!" "None whatsoever. You decided that it's good for you, so I'll oblige." "I'm finding that very hard to believe..." "Mustu, I'll stop texting you because I love you. Precisely because I love you. I'll understand that me texting you is hurting you, destroying you, I know how you are in these situations. So I'll love you all the same, but I'll stop texting." I give her my version. "If you tell me to stop texting you..." "Hmm?" "Then I'll try really hard. I'll try at least one last time. Can we meet in person, can we have a phone conversation? Anything. I just want to hear what I've done wrong, and how I can remedy that. I want to try and breathe life into us once more. Is it even love if you don't try? At least once? At least ek bar?" "Looks like you found the loophole." I stare. "You told me to stop texting you, but did you tell me to not email you, or call you, or show up at your door?" "No I guess!" "There you go. I didn't say I'll disappear!" Lots of crying after that, for something that didn't even happen. A "would you love me if I became a worm" situation.
I was accused of trying to fill a void. Where is the void? Is it in the bathroom? Is it in the kitchen? I don't see it. I was accused of being bored, confused. Boredom? Not with on-demand video essays. Confusion? "I'm not confused at all, are you confused?" "I'm not either. Does a white man now decide whether we are confused or not? Does he sit in his ivory tower and psychopathologize?"
"So yeah, not confused. We're solid." Rohu says that we should get ourselves a Void though. A black cat. Now that will be a void worth nurturing. With Nimki already in the house, it becomes a Halloween kitten combo.
"There you go, that'll be the void in our relationship."
0 notes
sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour Day 279
There’s Something About Mary/Oxygen
“There’s Something About Mary”
Plot Description: Sam and Dean race to locate Mary after realizing an ongoing rash of hunter deaths across the country is no accident
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I figured that the opening death would be a hunter, so I’m totally good. Pissed of that it seems to have been Eileen…even more pissed off that the BMoL seem to have themselves their own hellhound. Crowley, get your shit in order, man
Ohhhh, oh, Sam. He really did like Eileen. They were cute and a little flirty and she was a damn good hunter ☹️
Oh hey, Crowley. You should probably get better demons. These ones just aren’t doin their job
I’m not convinced this is actually Mary…shapeshifter?? Maybe? Nope, brainwashing. It was Mary. Probably
There was no GOOD way to break it to Mary all the hell John put their boys through, but this was probably the worst way to find out. Fuck you, BMoL lady
CROWLEY!! YOU GAVE KETCH THE HELLHOUND?!?! I’m so mad about that
He cuddles with the hellhounds?? You’re right, Luci, it strikes me as odd as well
I'd say I can't believe the head of the BMoL is pitting Ketch and Bevel (lady from the start of the season) against each other, but I actually totally can
Eileen sent them a letter, scared that she was being watched by the BMoL and asking to bunk with themmmmmmm. I'm even sadder that she's gone
Mannnn, things are not looking good for my man Crowley. I'm as fickle as any demon on this show. My loyalty to a king of hell relies on who's being the most fun and cunty at the moment
They're insufferable. I hope they both die (Ketch and Bevel).
I hope this is a trick on Mary's part and not that the brainwashing is working. Attack that man, Mary. You did it before.
"you certainly don't know me. you wouldn't want to" yeah, no shit. I've been bored with you for a WHILE.
The shock of her pulling the gun, momentarily pointing it at Ketch but then pointing it at herself...hated that so much. should have just kept it at Ketch. Mary, no. I get it. You're in a really bad situation and actually shooting him would not make anything better (and would probably make it worse), but NO
you don't get to make promises to her, you foul wretch of a man
I don't like guns, I'm typically a fan of evil women, but seeing Sam pull a gun on Bevel (even though he didn't shoot) had me cheering in a way that surprised me. I just fucking hate the BMoL.
omg. Crowley didn't even realize he was being controlled...
Does he have one more trick up his sleeve? Crowley...nah. you transferred your soul somewhere else. I know you did. I know you're not dead. There was literally no fun lighting when you died.
I want her to be playing the BMoL again...Please, shoot them. No...
Yeah. I knew the rat was important.
So, to wrap up. Sam, Dean, and Bevel are all locked in the bunker that doesn't have water and is quickly losing oxygen. Mary is still with Ketch (which I fucking hate). Crowley is seemingly dead, but I'm pretty sure he's possessing the rat that was right by him before Lucifer stabbed him. Lucifer is free and out looking for his soon to be born son. And I miss Castiel.
Plot Description: The Doctor, Bill, and Nardole discover that their spacesuits are trying to kill them!
Nooooo, she was so in love with her crewmate, why'd they all have to die??
What does the Doctor ACTUALLY teach at this university??
Oh, Nardole. He hasn't figured out the Doctor always lies yet. Of course he can go to space whenever he wants no matter what he tells you the TARDIS may need to get there
No, Bill, you're right. You SHOULD be floating if you're in space.
Ohhhhhhhh, I've figured out why I actually do like Nardole, now. He fits right in with my current favorite genre of Disney characters. I went through my princess phase, not sure I'll ever fully leave my villain phase, but my current favorite is the crotchety sidekick: zazu, cogsworth, sebastian...the ones who don't want the main characters to have any fun or be in any danger ever, no matter what.
Uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh I hate capitalism in space (also on earth, but I get so annoyed when it's in space too.) First sometime tries to maximize work time by decreasing the amount of time we sleep and now they're literally charging for every breath you take. Someone is. I don't know who, but I hate them
I don't trust this disembodied voice the gang is trusting. I trust him only marginally more than I trust the AI for the suits
Did they run out of plots at the end of Moffat's run? Because this is giving the two parter under the lake with the ghosts. But that one at least had some fun time travel fuckery
I hate that Bill's suit is acting up more than anyone else's. I know she'll be okay and she has more episodes, but no. no. no. no. no...do not give me a Bill almost-death. Illegal.
The things the Doctor will give up for the people he loves.
Is Bill only still alive because she can't pay to literally die?? Is that what the Doctor is getting at here? I don't like this episode. I didn't want to watch Bill nearly die twice
I do like that Twelve is more receptive to hugs though.
Oh. Interesting. I mean, I am with Nardole here that what the Doctor did was too risky, especially now knowing he's still blind and that will upset WHAT/WHOEVER THE FUCK IT IS THAT'S IN THE VAULT. But that is very much just on top of almost getting Bill killed twice, for me.
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If u think cats are evil bc they're mean to u and attack u maybe u should take a step back and ask urself why the cat is acting like that?
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knowbodytoldmethat · 2 years
Child of The Dreaming pt. 2
Part 1: Child of The Dreaming
Request from @fangirlmary: "Reader is a child who died in their sleep so Morpheus decides to adopt them as his child rather than have them just be a dream or nightmare. (Can be a one-shot or headcanon list)."
Trigger warning: Mentioned death
Platonic Paring: Morpheus x child!reader (Father-child relationship)
I changed basically everything about this after seeing the bonus episode
Sorry to everyone who wanted to be on a tag list for this update. I haven't figured out how to do that yet.
Morpheus stood in front of the youngest of the Nine Muses as she stared out the window,
"You came," The disbelief and relief were evident in her voice when she turned to face him as he stepped out of the shadows,
"You called,"
"There you are!" Lucienne let out a sigh of relief when she found the child hiding among the stacks of books in the library, "I've been looking for you everywhere! You almost gave me a heart attack, Little One!" The child kept quiet and just pressed themselves further into the shelf they'd wedged themselves into.
Lucienne sighed. She knew the child was missing their father. Lord Morpheus may deny that he was and continually insist he just watched over them, but Lucienne knew better. He saw them as his own child like they saw him as their father.
The librarian sat outside the small barrier that had been made to separate them from the rest of The Dreaming and looked at the child,
"I know you miss him. I can promise you, he misses you just as much," They curled up tighter and pressed their head to their knees before asking a muffled question,
"Then why'd he go?" Lucienne sighed again.
The child was young, would forever be young, and hadn't fully grasped the duties that were placed upon their father's shoulders. And they had no inkling about his past. They'd felt their father's love since the first day they'd arrived in The Dreaming and Lord Morpheus had done everything he could to shield them from the darkness that rested in every corner of the universe. His past was no different,
"He was called by, an old friend of his, who is in desperate need of his help," She said, "He is the only one who can help," The child sniffed before nodding then slowly crawled out of their fortress and grabbed Lucienne's offered hand,
"Alright then," The librarian said while smoothing out (y/n)'s clothes, "We've got to get going. Cain and Abel are expecting us,"
"What about Goldie?" She smiled down at the child,
"Yes, Goldie is expecting us too,"
"You've changed, Oneiros," Calliope said as they walked away from the house she'd been held captive in for the last few years, "The one I was married to would've left Madoc to suffer through his punishment despite my wishes," The Muse glanced over at Dream.
Her former husband was silent for a long time before answering her unasked question,
"Many things were different when I returned from my capture. One of them has taken a large part of my time alongside my other duties, and it was something I never thought I'd experience again," Oneiros paused slightly which prompted Calliope to ask,
"And what would that be?"
Oneiros stopped walking, forcing the muse to pause her gait and turn to him. He was visibly hesitant to answer but eventually said,
"A child died while in my realm. Murdered by their own father. I've been watching over them since," Calliope was silent as she processed the information, which Dream saw as her being angry, thinking that he was replacing their son with the Little One, "I will not apologize for taking care of them-" "I would not expect you too, Oneiros," Calliope said,
"If anything, I would expect nothing less from you. You were a wonderful father to Orpheus, and you are no doubt a wonderful father to this child," She said, "Though you try to hide it for fear of being seen as weak, you have much love to give. You gave it to me all those years ago, and you gave it to our son. A child who wandered into your real would have been no different," Morpheus was still silent when they began walking again.
In the House of Secrets, Cain, Abel, and Lucienne were sitting around the table while Goldie, who had grown to be about the same size as the child, was curled around the Little One as the two dozed in front of the fireplace. There was a gentle knock on the door that cut off the quiet conversation and Abel jumped up to answer it,
"Lord Morpheus!" He exclaimed, getting shushed by his brother and Lucienne while stepping back to allow the King of Dreams into his house, "Sorry! Sorry!"
"They've fallen asleep, my lord," Lucienne said while pointing toward the fireplace. Dream felt a smile creep across his face at the site and decided that it wouldn't hurt to let his Little Star sleep a while longer and sat at the table while the three caught him up with all that he missed.
In the middle of the conversation, Morpheus felt a gentle tugging on his cloak and looked down. His Little Star was awake, though still on the brink of sleep, and was trying to climb up into his lap. Dream carefully picked them up and let them curl into his chest.
Their fist gripped the edge of his coat as they fell back asleep and Morpheus kissed the top of their head while cradling them to his chest.
Calliope's first visit to The Dreaming was in a few weeks, and while Morpheus was glad that the two of them were going to attempt to heal and grieve what they lost, he was also nervous. Lucienne had told him it would be best if he told the Little One why he and his former wife were meeting.
Which was why he was currently sitting in the meadow with his Little Star, watching them twist flowers into a small wreath. They were determined to make one that would fit Matthew,
"Did you eat a lemon?" Morpheus glanced sharply at the child who was staring up at him, "Your face is squished and it looks like you ate a lemon," They drew their face into a pinched expression and pursed their lips, no doubt mimicking the expression on Morpheus' face,
"No. I did not eat any lemons,"
"Then why is your face like that?" The King of Dreams sighed,
"I'm thinking,"
"'bout what?" They asked while leaning toward him,
"Do you remember when I had to leave The Dreaming?" A frown landed on their face,
"Are you leaving again?"
"No. But the person I had left to help is coming here," They looked up at him, "Her name is Calliope, she and I were close a long time ago. There are some things the two of us need to talk about,"
"Like what?"
Morpheus thickly swallowed, "We had a son. And we lost him,"
The Little One paused their diligent work on the wreath and quietly asked,
"Like how I lost my mom?" Morpheus nodded,
"Yes, Little Star. Like your mother," He sighed while pulling them into his lap, "Calliope and I felt anger toward our loss, and we turned that anger on each other. But when I left The Dreaming, we spoke. Our anger has been put aside, and we've agreed to have a chance to grieve properly for the son we lost," He felt the child nod while they hugged his arm,
"You're not mad anymore?"
"There is still anger that will always be there," The child tensed so he quickly continued, "But we are determined to not let that cloud our judgment anymore. That is why Calliope will be in The Dreaming, so that we may grieve Orpheus without that anger," Morpheus waited with baited breath.
His Little Star wriggled so that they were looking up at Morpheus before wrapping their arms around his torso and burying their face into his chest. He hugged them back and held onto them tightly before they pulled away and clumsily patted Morpheus' cheek before settling back against him.
The father and child sat quietly in the meadow, watching the butterflies wander by in the breeze.
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seineroses · 2 years
(𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐮, 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮𝐮) 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖺 𝗁𝗂𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝖺 𝖽𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖽𝗒𝗂𝗇g 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝖺𝗋𝗆𝗌 </3
𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 @obsesxxsed
𝗖𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝗼𝗿𝘆; 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁
𝒄𝒘; 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 </3
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𝗜𝗧 wasn't supposed to end like this..? You two were supposed to retire live a peaceful life away from the sacred demons
If 𝗳𝗮𝘁𝗲 hadn't been so cruel, you would be happily jumping in her arms smiling under the shining sunlight
Here you are..your body cold, eyes dull, not showing the ethereal smile that adorned onto your face, easily showing true happy emotions she couldn't display
She needed to think of happy memories of you, but all she could think about was seeing you jump into battle, pushing her aside
As they all say, ❝your actions have consequences❞ getting cut onto your stomach, her eyes widening in horror. 𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬..? 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠?
She doesn't want to go through it again, no.. No!! You weren't supposed to die-- she was.. supposed to live happily now
Who's gonna comfort her? Make her laugh when angers rises? You of course! No one else can ever replace the feeling of contentment she had by your side
So why? Why are you in her arms bloodied? This wasn't what she asked for.. Maybe she'll see you again
𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗳𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗲.
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"𝐍𝐚𝐢-𝐤𝐮𝐧!" Yelling from the distance running as fast as you could towards the serpent pillar, also known as your boyfriend
"(Name)-?" Getting cut off, jumping straight into his arms making you both land on the ground
Laughing happily on what just happened, 𝘀𝗼 𝘄𝗵𝘆? Why are you here crying in his arms, blood seeping out of your mouth?
"Y-you idiot! Why'd you jump in?!" Tears falling down his eyes, wetting your uniform "You could've died..Nai-kun"
"It would've been better if you didnt-! Please don't leave me..!" Wailing againts your chest as the Kakushi could only watch in sadness
" 'm sorry..don't want you to die.." Muttering the only words that left your mouth as your eyes threatened to close
"N-no! don't close your eyes! You're going to be j-just fine..!" Tears landing on your cheek as you gave him one last smile
"𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿.."
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"Tomioka-kun were on a mission together isn't that nice?!" Showing your natural bubbly aura that filled the room with such happiness
"Im delighted to see you ecstatic as always (Name)-san.." Patting your head softly, nodding at his words before walking to the destination
"Wahh-so scary im getting chills! What about you Tomioka-kun?" Clinging on to his arms, as he turns flustered at the sudden affection
"Mhm.." Hearing a faint rustle as the natural bubbly self disappears, furrowing your brows
Holding your katana tightly, as Giyuu grits his teeth, not long before hearing a loud scream, widening his eyes staring at you,
Or the so called illusion, as the demon quickly attacks him in his state, not thinking about what may happen you quickly jump into him getting your body sliced in half
"(NAME)?!" He saw red, gripping his katana tightly as he killed the demon in the most brutal way possible
"No-please..!" Holding your frail body as he wails in agony, he already lost everyone he loved.. But why you?
"I-i should've been more cautious.. Letting my guard down so easily stupid..-stupid!" Yelling on the top of his lungs
"Why..?" Maybe if he were a better Hashira this would've never happened,
𝗠𝗮𝘆𝗯𝗲 𝗶𝗳 𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗮 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻..
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𝗺𝘆 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗯𝘂'𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗯𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂? <3
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nothing-hurts-here · 2 years
My favorite generated quotes- Fruity Four Edition 5 🍓🍉🍎🍒
Eddie: Breathe, Sweetheart. Just breathe.
Steve: I’ve done nothing with my life! I’m a failure!
Robin: But that never bothered you before?
*Nancy is telling a story*
Robin: Wow, Nancy, this story has everything! Action! Adventure! Romance!
Steve: Romance?
Robin: I have a crush on her.
Eddie: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?
Steve: wHat?
Eddie: I want to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved.
Steve: Can we go back to the part when you said "when I get murdered"?
Steve: You are irrationally angry 365 days a year.
Nancy: Well, that’s just your personal opinion, I don’t have anger issues. Do you guys think I have anger issues?
Robin: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.
Robin & Eddie: *accidentally set the kitchen on fire*
Robin: We need an adult!
Eddie: Robin, we are adults!
Robin: We need an adultier adult! Get Nancy!
Robin: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box.
Steve: Did Nancy say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'?
Eddie: Hey, can I get a sip of that water?
Robin: It’s not water.
Eddie: Vodka! I like your sty-
Robin: It’s vinegar.
Eddie: …What?
Robin: It's vinegar, PUSSY.
Eddie: Do you cook?
Steve, trying to impress him: I made a cake once.
Robin: Yeah, it was good.
Steve: Really?
Robin: Don’t make me lie for you twice, Steve.
Eddie: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Steve a little bit.
Nancy, holding Eddie's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Eddie: No, that's our joint tombstone.
Nancy: My mistake.
Robin, to Nancy: If you see Steve, give him this message *makes a neutral face*
Robin: He'll know what it means.
Nancy: Oh, and Robin said to give you a message.
Nancy: *makes a neutral face*
Steve: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
Robin: Hello all, it is I, your favorite person.
Eddie: Actually, Steve is my favourite.
Robin: Okay then, it is I, that bitch.
Nancy: *sharpens knife* We've got ways of making people talk.
Nancy: *cuts piece of cake*
Steve: ...Can I have some?
Nancy: Cake is for talkers.
Eddie: *pitches an idea*
Robin, impressed: Huh, there might be something here!
Nancy, under her breath: Yeah, a lawsuit.
Steve: *running towards Robin with open arms*
Robin: *moves out of the way*
Steve: Hey, why'd you move?!
Robin: I thought you were going to attack me.
Steve: I was going to hug you!
Robin: Why would you hug me?
Robin: Hold on! I’m having one of those things... A headache with pictures!
Steve: What the fuck?
Eddie, understanding: She's having an idea.
Nancy: Ask me anything. Go ahead.
Eddie: Why are we so fucking awesome?
Nancy: That's the best fucking question anybody's ever asked.
Eddie: Hey, Nancy you're smart, tell me what would happen if I chugged 3 gallons of chloroform.
Nancy: Have you ever been to a mortuary?
Eddie: Yea, my grandma lives there.
Steve: That is the worst response to that question.
Steve: How long do you think it'll take?
Eddie: I don’t know, three or four.
Steve: Three or four what? Days? Weeks? Months?
Eddie: Yeah, maybe five.
Steve: FIVE WHAT?!
Kidnapper: I have your wife.
Steve: What? I don't have a wife, I have a husband...
Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face?
Steve: Oh my god, you have Robin.
*Steve and Robin playing DnD with the Party*
Steve: I am your king, long may I reign!
Robin: Well I didn’t vote for you!
Steve: You don’t vote for kings.
Robin: Well how’d you become king then?
Steve: Eddie of the Lake, their arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Steve, was to carry Excalibur. That is why I am your king.
Robin: Listen. Strange people lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Robin: When Nancy was born, the gods said, "She's too perfect for this world."
Eddie: Please. When she was born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
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Okay I know this might be kinda unpopular to post on here but Lily Mayflower should not be forgiven for what she did.
(That's no an attack on the actresses that played her, I don't know anything about them so I can't fairly judge any of that. They played the character well and did what they were hired to do.)
(R/pe mention warning under cut)
She gave Johnny drugs (to be fair if I remember correctly, he consented to the drugs. The rest is what I have a problem with.)
She fucked him while he was on drugs, knowing very well that he was in a relationship and that you can't truly consent when on drugs.
She called his girlfriend without him knowing and made her watch as she raped Johnny
After all that happened, Lily doesn't get any punishment or repercussions for what she did. Sure, she left the band, but she was never held accountable for her actions. Nothing was said, she got profits from the merch, I think she made them change the band name which really hurts marketing and overall popularity
Then there's the lyrics to Cruel Game. On the offical album recording, she sings her own parts of the song, and I wanna focus on some of the lyrics.
"Was this mess all your creation?
Or did I just embrace temptation?
Some things just cannot be undone
Tell me now are you happy with what you've become?"
Yeah...What the fuck. She is the rapist in this situation, those lyrics are creepy as fuck in that context. That's not mentioning she also says the "Why'd you let me under your blouse" line. That is majorly fucked up
I think if you watch the show it makes a lot more sense, they're both hurting, but they kinda pin the blame entirely on Johnny for this. Consider the fact that the BOTH sing;
"You can crucify me with blame, but only if you share in the pain"
Lily is in pain, but is getting absolutely no blame. She cannot say that line. It makes a lot more sense for Johnny to say that line because he is the one that really is taking blame and deals with the pain of it all.
Idk why I decided to make this rant, other than to just ask people to stop celebrating Lily so much. She may have gone through something similar (In the movie she explained she was raped by her ex boyfriend.) But that doesn't really make it okay for her to make someone else deal with that pain, does it? (Again gotta mention that in that situation, Johnny and the rest of the band (besides Lily) burned him alive. If a male rapist gets that punishment for what happened, why is Lily getting special treatment? It just doesn't make sense.)
Also thank you to @elsewhereandback for listening to my ramblings about this, everyone go follow them, they're amazing and post really good content!!
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one-desperate-duros · 2 years
*Of all the asinine things, Bane not having a bacta tank in his line of work is downright ignorant. He had asked @techno-service-droid more so to garner the location, but to be told there simply wasn't one frustrates Shriv, though he keeps it to himself.
His forehead constricts as his brow crinkles in a silent show of angry acceptance. He'll have to make-do with what he has, then, which @a-big-hat's hand and face he's not so much worried for, it's his throat, and possibly the ability to breathe. *
It would be, wouldn't it. *Shriv nearly hisses out the words, addressing the fact it should be on Bane's list of things to buy with all that money he has hidden away somewhere.
Shriv nearly jumps at the raspy "No." that comes from Bane at Todo's question. He hadn't expected him to try to talk, at the same time being so forceful about it when he was in no position to speak. The droid looks confused, and maybe Shriv is too, but he keeps his mouth shut about that as well. It's the intensity with which Bane is now watching him that starts to grate on him.
He tries to ignore his offhanded comment, pulling out a small bottle from the medkit with a nozzle at one end. It's disinfectant spray, which he lays Bane's palm flat against his own, Cad's fingers stretched out and straight against Shriv's as he inspects the damage once again.
He whispers, mostly to himself.* Oh, Killer... Your hand.
*Bane needs those. His hands are his ... tools of the trade? Meal ticket? He sighs, watching as the liquid bubbles to kill any germs. He lets it sit as he sprays down another fresh cloth with the stuff. He doesn't want to spray too close to Cad's face and get him in the eye with it, so he plans to dab it against his rostrum gingerly. That's when the other Duros leans forward and presses his forehead against his.
Shriv breaks down. He starts crying again. His shoulders are shaking as he pulls away, bringing the saturated cloth up to wipe across Bane's injury even as he speaks, his voice quavering and full of emotion.*
I'm so sorry! I should have tried to break up the fight sooner than I did! I was scared! I didn't think I even could. I feel like this is all my fault! Why'd you have to go and do that?! Cad, if you would have ... if Hondo had ... I don't - I don't know ...
*Shriv takes a breath, near to having a panic attack as he tries to continue, placing the dirtied rag on the floor as his fingers practically vibrate. Shriv is doing his best to open a fresh canister of spray-bandage for Bane's knuckles before he takes Bane's injured hand up again, gently toying with the underside of his fingers in a gesture of affection against his own.*
You left me. I was so distraught. I went to Maz's thinking maybe you'd go there, or that maybe someone would have seen you. I was at a loss. I got drunk. Ohnaka showed up, and ... We just talked.
M-maybe we got kind of stupid. I did touch his frills. They're kinda fascinating, ya know? I stupidly wanted to see what they were like. I swear I had no idea that they--
That Chiss woman. She was eyeing me from across the room. I remember that much. Hondo just said she had the hots for me. I wasn't even going to talk to her. I didn't want to. He pushed me into it, but I don't think -- I don't think he ... knew what...
*Shriv's body turns. He clasps Bane around both of his legs, crying into his pants.*
Don't do things like this!!! I -- c-care about you ... and while I may not ever be as close to you as that ... other hunter was, it's true all the same!
*He shuts up before he digs himself into a deeper hole, returning to his work. He finally gets the package open though he sits there for a moment, staring at Bane's boots with a somber look.*
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witchofthescions · 2 years
Fray had been waiting a long time for her.
"I had a feeling you'd come by today, Ernastral," Fray said as she approached. "And sure enough, there you are, eager to pick up where we left off. Let's start with a question, then. You must be burning with several after that last affair."
"What happened to the old woman and her granddaughter?" Erna asked first.
"Oh, for the love of─" Fray let out an irritated huff. "They're fine, both of them. You solved all of their problems. Happy?"
Erna nodded, satisfied with that answer. "What about you? Why'd the inquisition nab you in the first place?"
Fray's golden eyes glared at her from the dark depths of her helmet. "Why do you think I was detained by zealous Temple Knights who see heretics around every corner?"
Well, when Fray put it like that...
"There was a girl. An innocent. They wanted her, and I objected." Fray folded her arms over her chest. "Now then, are you ready to stop dancing around the real question and just ask?"
"...What was that voice I heard?" Erna finally asked.
"Ah, yes, the voice. The one you heard when you first touched the crystal. An excellent question, but a difficult one to answer." Erna made a disgruntled face. "Some say it is a beacon, guiding the dark knight to her true calling."
"Yeah, but whose is it?"
"Only you can discover that, for each knight must hearken to a different voice. As you grow more accustomed to drawing upon your darkside, you will come to hear it more clearly." Of course it couldn't be simple or easy. "Communion will hasten this process─but we dare not conduct the rites here, under the watchful eye of the Holy See. We will make for southern Thanalan. For Little Ala Mhigo."
It was a simple teleport away. After paying the gil toll, she glanced around for any sign of Fray. She found the armor-clad knight standing between the front entrance to the settlement and the entrance to the, for lack of a better term, residential area. It was really more of a very large cavern that people had set up tents and beds in.
"Punctual as ever, I see," Fray remarked. "Communion, lest you worry, is rather simple. It is a ritual in which one nurtures the darkness within so that she may channel it more effectively in battle."
Sounded simple enough.
"Do not, however, presume the risks to be any less than before. Should you partake of it in excess, you will die. Or worse."
Erna raised an eyebrow. "Or worse?" How could it possibly get worse? But Fray seemed uninterested in dwelling on that particular point.
"So before we begin, I want you to do me a favor. I want you to kill something for me. Something feral, something fearsome which will push you to your limits. I want to see you thrive in that moment. That way, I will know you are ready."
Ernastral nodded. A simple enough request. And honestly, she had been getting tired of aimlessly pacing around the streets of Ishgard. The warmer climes of Thanalan agreed with her more, especially given her... rather revealing choice of attire at the moment.
"Ask Gundobald─he should know of a suitable creature."
Gundobald, she knew, was the leader of this little settlement. An older Ala Mhigan man, with graying hair and a rather impressive-looking mustache. She'd had dealings with him in the past, and she'd like to think they were on fairly friendly terms. He certainly seemed rather pleased to see her as she approached, though he didn't seem to notice Fray walking beside her.
"A pleasure to see you again, Ernastral," he said. "Do you require assistance?"
"I'm here to do some trainin', if you know of any beasties what are good for sparring."
"Training?" Gundobald repeated. "Well, if you seek dangerous beasts for that purpose, then..." He thought for a moment. "The Red Labyrinth is home to peistes notorious for their size and vigor. Our trappers take great pains to avoid their nests, and those who do not bear scars for their folly."
"These peistes sound promising. Tell me more."
Gundobald hesitated for only a moment. "They've attacked caravans loaded with aldgoat carcasses before. The smell drives them into a frenzy." 
Gundobald made his way over to some of their food stores and retrieved a chunk of what Erna immediately recognized as aldgoat meat. He handed it to her. "This should serve to draw them out of hiding."
"Thank you, Gundobald!" Erna said as she stored it away in her pack.
Gundobald watched her silently for a moment. Catching her eye, he offered her a smile. "Ernastral, I'll always be grateful for what you did. Those young ones were on the verge of making a terrible mistake, so consumed with anger were they. I hesitated to act, even though I saw it burning within them—" His smile dropped, concern creeping into his features. "As I see it burning within you now."
"I'm seekin' to harness my inner darkness,'' Erna explained, with almost the same level of cheeriness as one might use when talking about picking up a new hobby. Gundobald, understandably, raised an eyebrow.
"You... you seek the darkness within?" Erna nodded. Gundobald studied her a moment longer, before letting out a soft sigh and shaking his head. "I will not claim to understand your meaning... but I wish you well in your training."
Erna thanked him one more time, before heading out of Little Ala Mhigo and making her way towards the Red Labyrinth.
"Show me who you are, Ernastral," Fray told her when she arrived at the designated spot. "Show me what you can do. I'm waiting."
A single peiste was no match for her, even as it tried to burn her with belched flames. Even with her awkward movements she ran circles around the beast. It may have gotten in a few good swipes before going down, but it was fine. Nothing she hadn't dealt with before. Fray, at least, seemed pleased with her display. "That wasn't so hard, now was it? To mete out justice─to protect the weak from the strong and so forth─you yourself must be strong. Strength is pain. Strength is suffering. Strength is sacrifice." Erna absentmindedly fiddled with the hilt of her sword.
"We must prepare for communion, but not here. Come, before more peistes are drawn by the smell."
Fray waited for her back at Broken Water, at the ancient set of stairs leading to the bridge. It was out in the open, where anyone could potentially walk by and see them, but not so well traveled that that was a likely outcome. Ernastral approached the knight, River standing nearby watching things unfold with her usual birdy curiosity.
"You look ready. Good. Now listen well. Close your eyes and hold out your hand towards me."
Ernastral obliged, shutting her eyes and holding out her hand.
"Breathe deep through your nose─let the air fill your lungs, then let it pass from your lips." A meditation exercise. She'd done it before when she studied conjury. "Slower, slower... Listen to my voice. Listen to your heartbeat. Listen for the other..."
With every breath, she felt herself grow lighter and slip further into the abyss.
One foot... in front of the other... over and over again...
To the ends of the world... and back again...
And if time has no end... still forward and onward... over and over again...
When Ernastral came to, she found Fray standing in the same position. River, meanwhile, was letting out some very alarmed chirps as she gently nudged her fluffy bird face in Ernastral's not so fluffy, not bird face. Erna reached up and scratched her bird's neck to let her know she was alright.
"So. What did you hear?"
Erna shook her head as she tried to remember, before repeating the words back to Fray.
"Interesting... but not terribly informative. But do not lose heart. That you were able to hear it once more is progress enough. I believe you will come to understand its words, and its will, in due time."
Erna nodded and got to her feet, taking a brief moment to stretch while River continued to fuss over her.
"I should mention that, in some instances, the voice is said to be that of another─one whom the dark knight is fated to seek out. If that is the case, you may have a long journey ahead of you..."
Erna grinned. "Bring it on!"
"Heh, so you would welcome such a journey? There is something to be said for it─and for travel, for that matter. To roam free and help those in need..." Fray fell quiet for the briefest of moments. "Yet no good deed goes unpunished, does it?"
Fray turned away from Erna, looking vaguely out over the desert. "...I knew a woman once. Wanted to be a hero, do great things. And so she did. The songs always end there. But life doesn't, does it?"
Erna's gaze drifted to the ground as she absentmindedly scratched River's neck. Fray turned back to her, voice taking on more of a chiding tone.
"There are temptations more deadly than the darkside, Ernastral. You should've learned this by now, but you haven't." Fray's eyes met hers. "You will."
Erna felt a chill go down her spine.
"The communion is ended, and with it, our time together. But we shall meet again, as we did before."
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onlyyyariii · 2 years
My Alpha
Liana’s point of view
I know Ethan said that he'd tell them but, maybe it would sound better coming from me. Maybe it would seem like I'm okay with this whole thing.
"So I wanted to talk to you guys." I say, taking a bite of my salad.
They're all eating steak but I told them I was a vegan.
"You're a part of the family now dear, you can tell us anything."
I smile, "I'm a bit nervous. This whole mating thing is stressing me out and-"
"Oh sweetie," Lisa smiles and then looks to her husband, "when Sean and I met, we didn't like each other very much. We knew we were mates but he was a bit on the tougher side. I never expected to fall in love with him but, here we are. He gave me my beautiful son. I know it's different with you because you're a human but if you don't already, you'll grow to love Ethan."
I look over at Ethan and smile. I already do, I won't tell him that but I figured it wouldn't be a problem if you guys knew. It's not like you could tell him.
"So I've been a bit worried lately."
"What for dear? We already love you."
"What if Ethan's wolf rejects me," I hide my face from Ethan, "what if he doesn't recognize me and attacks me? I wouldn't be able to go home to my mom like that."
"I can assure you my wolf would never hurt you. Hey look at me," he grabs my chin and meets my eyes, "he loves you already. He would never harm a hair on your head."
"I've just- heard stories."
Ethan looks to his father. They exchange looks before Sean turns towards me.
"Whose been telling you these stories?"
"Mira. I wanted to understand what was going on here. So she explained in great detail. She said that three hundred years ago the Alpha of this pack ended up killing his beloved human mate because he didn't recognize her. He searched frantically for her for days but to no avail. When he switched back the pack had told him he killed her. He broke down and eventually ended up taking his own life. He didn't eat or sleep for days at a time. I don't-" I hold back the tears that spring to my eyes, "I don't want that to happen to Ethan."
"Father, you must talk with Mira as soon as possible. She has told Liana much more than she needs to know."
"How do you mean much more?" Sean asks looking at me.
"She told me about how to care for the pack and our children when I have them. She told me about Cameron-"
Sean breathes in a deep breath and stands, "I will go talk to her now. Would you like to accompany me son?" He sends Ethan a pointed look.
"Yes father."
They stand and leave together. Nothing would stop them from going after her now.
"Are they going to hurt her?" I ask Lisa.
"I hope not. Mira has been with us for years. She's been the pack Oracle since she was 9. She's 20 now. She's like family. They wouldn't harm her."
Lisa and I wait as hours pass. It's dark outside when they finally come back. Once they enter the door I immediately wrap my arms around Ethan. He hugs me back and presses multiple kisses to my forehead.
"Where were you guys?" I ask Ethan, pulling away from the hug.
He looks over at his parents who seem to be engaged in a serious conversation. I watch as Lisa glances at me before walking out of the room with her husband. I look back towards Ethan to find him already looking at me.
"What happened E?"
"We kicked Mira out of the pack."
"You what!?," I rage as I punch his shoulder, "you kicked her out for telling me about Cameron! I deserved to know. It may have scared me but I'm a big girl I could deal with it. Why'd you-"
He holds my face in his hands. I close my mouth and meet his eyes.
"That's not why we kicked her out."
I look at him confused, "Why then?"
"She was a spy for Cameron. She infiltrated our pack and worked her way in. Cameron knows you're here, and he's coming to get you."
A look of horror makes its way to my face. The amount of time I spent alone with her. Telling her my secrets, just knowing that Cameron now knows what my vulnerabilities are, is scary. He could hurt Ethan, or worse he could hurt me and I won't be able to give Ethan children. Or-
"Liana hey hey look at me," he wipes away that tears that had fallen down my cheeks, "we won't let him hurt you. I promise you he won't lay a hand on you. I promise you."
He leans down and connects our lips. I kiss him back just as hard. I can't imagine being separated from him. I- I love him. We end the kiss and he snuggles into my neck breathing me in. He places a few kisses there as well.
"He won't hurt you, because if he does," he pulls back to look into my eyes, "I'll kill him."
No more completed chapters as of right now, I will be working on them as much as I can!
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laidbare-a · 3 years
Incorrect Quotes Generator || Accepting!
Sanctus: Zero, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean? Zero: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later. Sanctus: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask Newton. Zero: Wait- Sanctus, no-
Peter: Change is inedible. Zero: Don’t you mean inevitable? Peter, spitting out a bunch of pennies: No, I really didn’t.
Zero: You spent all your money on THIS?? Peter, putting tiny raincoats on duckletts: They live outside. They need this.
Peter: Why's it called an oven when you of in the cold food and you of out hot eat the food? Zero: ... What???
Sanctus: "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield." Zero: Opposite over hypotenuse. Zero: Dipshit.
Zero: I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back. Sanctus: Why are you telling me this, I don't care. Sanctus, right after Zero leaves the room: I miss him already.
Zero, very tired and exasperated: Can I sleep in my bed? Sanctus, half asleep: Zero, this is a queen-sized bed. That means it’s for *gestures vaguely to himself* the Queen.
Sanctus: *running towards Zero with open arms* Zero: *moves out of the way* Sanctus: Hey, why'd you move?! Zero: I thought you were going to attack me. Sanctus: I was going to hug you! Zero: Why would you hug me? Sanctus: WHY WOULD I ATTACK YOU!?
Sanctus: I saw you fall, saw the sinners lay on your corpses... Zero: Hey, what’s up with Sanctus? Sanctus: I created you, made the pieces perfect, others marveled at your beauty… their gazes may have held envy, though, for none are perfect but you. I was only looking away for a moment, but you were gone. I had failed you. And I fell into despair. The only way to save myself was to create, but I knew… this time I knew I was only making you to die. And I apologize. For I will undoubtedly fail you again. For a short time, there will be peace and beauty, but none in the face of us shall lay undisturbed. The greatest have fallen, and will continue to fall, and I weep for you for being born unto this place, where brother eats brother, and the undeserving rise to fame. Those that have gone against you know they’ve wronged you, and they will stand before the creator, knowing they have sinned. Do not worry, little ones, you will be avenged. Peter: ...She made some rock towers and went somewhere else for twenty minutes and when she came back the rock towers were destroyed and people were sitting where the towers once were, so she was sad and made more rock towers.
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