#why you should always draw character faces using references exhibit b
sketchitings · 5 months
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So this probably isn’t the exact shirt but since the earliest ones I could find were from 2003, I decided on this one. Based on the dialogue, it seems to be implied that the name of the band isn’t obvious at first glance so the scene could go something like:
Alfonso: (holds shirt with back facing upwards) Oh, the band? They’re called… (flips it over to the front) Fall Out Boy.
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Supernatural 13x15 thoughts
This is my own whatever about 13x15. Anybody who haven’t seen the episode should avoid this post it is full on spoilers!
The episode touches almost everything we miss for a while! And it is gold!
So it begins with stealing of skull. Knocking over the sister in a beautifully designed some kind of exhibit and the remorse of thief instantly drawing attention to the episode.
Then we are in bunker kitchen. Dean masterly summarizes their impossible situation I mean this dude really summarizes like a champ. Nice touch on current situation in Syria by the way. What is the last item we will never get ? 😂 Dean you know better than know by now internet is more than just porn!
Next, we met Ms. Astor. It must be one of the characters I hated instantly which is great work SPN! But Sammy flirting his way through the b*tch was so fun to watch! Nice to see your mooveeess moose! still got it! I melted a little. Who can deny something very very important to Sam, really? 😊
Dean drolling over the donut the fat guy eating was another gold! Nice touch Jensen! And seriously Dean knows about the mob? Howww in the world he does is one thing, fact that he knows it actually awesome! “I have faith” resurfacing line of the episode I’ll come to that later.
“This is not a perfect world we are trying to save okay? If I am not perfect trying to save it so be it!” Quote of the year!
Another touch on Dean hitting the girl! God missed this thanks! Unlike other times this time coffee shop. Boys are getting old and getting healthy I suppose. Girl reading supernatural book another classic supernatural touch which elevated my spirits. But remember once Dean was full on getting sick once the books are even mentioned? Now he has a calm resolution about it and gives the girl credit for it! Way to grow up Dean! The only sad thing about this was it cut short by Sam.
Dean making fun of grandpa fake cop was also amazing. The bored look on Dean’s face when gun on his temple was screaming how they were been there done that sorta thing, so as sammy’s scout boy shanigan.😂 Miss bitch jerk moments that should have been during the unlocking the handcuffs scene. Love them some bickering!
The murderous glare Dean gives while handing over the keys of baby was perfect!
Right after Hello Godfather reference! They couldn’t pick better actor for the role! 😊 Dean’s look on the word whacked and sam’s retaliation! Dean doesn’t give a DAMN about the mob though knowing they are dangerous but mr IveSeenEverything perfect mock face! Rightfully? Look 😂😂
He can feel it! Sammy!! 😂 One thing though, why didn’t they flash their badges instead of running the fire alarm?
Annnddd Sammy gets hit in the head, again. Seriously there us about 3 neurons guy had in his brain! Aaaannnddd the writers HEARD the screams of fans about this so nice reference by Dean. “You have been taking a lot of shots in the head lately.” 😂 I paused and laughed my ass off.
BUT I will never get used to Deans worry finding Sam unconscious probably dead all he knows and instant relief when he realizes he is at least alive. Cutting deep even now. I keep thinking every time he remembers Cold Oak.
Padre really talk way too much but he is awesome! Boys always need some therapy! End scene Dean saying “I have faith” GENUINELY well congrats padre nobody could reach this boy on that level for 13 years of show. I even thought something is off about Dean. We haven’t seen him this optimistic for... I dunno? Ever??!!
When boys try to do good thing well finally they received worlds biggest return in bumping in the most holy man? They already gave away importance of the padre by focusing on him a lot still didn’t expect that twist! Their luck turn out nice. Almost holy intervention to RESTORE their faith? Seemed restored to push them forward didn’t it? He really reminded why they are doing what they do. They are tired they needed it.
What about the impala was stolen? Sammy, don’t hit below the belt? Don’t you know, don’t mess with Sammy, don’t mess with Baby?! Dean’s reaction “murder” I missed this!! He completely lost it. 😂 when we saw Seattle I think this is the first above look of the big city? I momentarily thought I was watching Grey’s Anatomy and lost it for a sec there. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂
But fat joke? I don’t know I smiled.
Way to go with that praying Padre! I legitimately scared and got high on the intensity of the scene. I feel like we are gonna see the padre later. He is cool guy! Creating a distraction 😂😂
No monster of the week but only humans! Nice gun fight at the end combined with the padres most holy prayers! Scene was awesome! Including that song, that song only.
That being said, I did not like the soundtrack of this episode but I don’t watch mob movies much probably they worked them just right but I don’t get it. I still feel like everything I hear on supernatural must be classic rock or it is a mistake. But hell, that is me.
I think we glanced to Winchester’s endgame. Freeing the world off all the monsters. I think they will finally accomplish and cease to exist. Maybe one or both will sacrifice themselves on the greater good for good this time. And it kinda worth it. (Holy speculation). Sammy don’t you dare shedding those tears my heart aches!
From top to bottom episode was GREAT! I never cease to be amazed how good show still is, 13 years... Thank you..
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